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Stepping Back to Move Forward

S2 E34 · A Life By Design
53 Plays1 year ago

In stepping backwards and even going within I have had to really look at what my unique skill set, how I could use them to generate income to continue thriving… and that’s where I think the practice of stopping to assess and reconnect with our essence, knowing what we value and what our primary objective in business is, is really important.

I hope me sharing my journey through this process of transformation in today’s episode inspires you to allow yourself to take a step back in order to move forward more affectively and not fear the unknown so much, because out there could be opportunities that you could not have dreamed up yourself.


Lunar Cycle Gatherings - Online

La Lunar Living - Self Guided Workshop

Embodiment Coaching Service

Creators Nest Online Store





Intro & Outro Music: Shaman Dance by slavamusic


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Introduction to Marie Nicole and Her Philosophy

passion into income?
connect with other creative souls who also dance to the beat of their own drum. I'm Marie Nicole and I'm devoted to combining beauty, uniqueness and connection in everyday living experiences. As a creative professional and Dharma coach, I help people connect to the truth of who they are and facilitate them in embodying their uniqueness. It is my hope in this podcast that I inspire you to live your life on your terms and earn your income through being uniquely you.
After all, it's the unique thread that we each contribute to the collective tapestry that creates the whole.

Market Trading and Life's Backward Steps

This week I'm preparing to trade at a local market and to be honest this time last year I did not think I would be doing the market circuit again. So I found myself responding to an Instagram post sharing that I was trading at this local market this coming weekend
by saying sometimes we need to step back in order to move forward. And that comment sent me into a deep contemplation about all the steps backwards I have taken over the last 16 months as a part of this transition phase that I find myself in.
Trading at markets is not beneath me. That's not what my response was about. That's not what I was implying. It's more that going from traveling to trade for many years to having a bricks and mortar store and only choosing to do the occasional weekend trade at a festival, it just never really dawned on me that one day I may be doing that market circuit again.
My contemplation though was not just about that. It has been about many aspects of my life and business that have felt necessary to take a step back before moving forward and the value of that process. Stepping back is not a sign of failure.
It's an opportunity to reflect and assess and then make more discerning choices that align with where we're at in our life's journey and which direction we wish to take next. Or sometimes it's even about recognising the direction we're being nudged to take.
It can be easy to fall into the trap of sticking with what's familiar and not straying off that path, and in the end miss out on some magical experiences and growth opportunities that we never thought would even be available to us. An

Shift to Digital Advising for Rural Businesses

example of that is a new role that I'm taking on as a digital advisor, working with small businesses in rural and remote areas to help them digitise their business and create a digital action plan.
I will share more about that at another time as it's all very new to me and the program itself is very new. It's not yet been rolled out and this week we're in training sessions learning about the software we'll be operating within and how it all works. So business coaching has always been something I've wanted to offer and offered in more recent years and especially from the perspective of the holistic approach.
looking at our overall purpose and lifestyle, not just how to make money, but also how to create a life of harmony. And while I was working towards having someone look after the bricks and mortar store so I could fit in more coaching into my schedule, life led me down a slightly different path after the significant changes and shifts that took place in my personal life, which I've shared in previous episodes. So you can catch up on all of that by going back through and listening to those.
This significant change led me to closing my commercial space and moving my operation back to being a home-based business.

Transition to Home-Based Operations and Freelancing

Now seeking out ways to connect with clients and customers,
While still managing all of my commitments in life has led me to opportunities and outcomes that I did not even know were possible for me. Aside from the digital advisor role, I've also been freelancing for another business, helping them with their media and communication, setting up their systems for their mailing lists and newsletter processes. And the other day I was talking to someone who asked what I've been doing since I closed the store and I was telling them all about this and their response was,
That's very different from what you've been doing. But in truth it's not. In fact behind the scenes that's exactly what I've been doing for my own business. The person I was speaking to was also a retail store owner but for 20 plus years and that business did not have a very strong digital presence. It relied heavily on the passing trade.
My business offering, however, was not just about the retail store. The retail store sat firmly at the centre of that business and had other offerings that branched off that core component, which is why I found myself needing to take some steps backwards to reimagine how I would move forward with this business without that core component of the physical bricks and mortar store.
In stepping backwards and even going within, I really had to look at my unique skill set and how I would use it to generate income and continue to thrive.

Thriving Through Unique Skills and Core Essence

And that's where the practice of stopping to assess and reconnect with our essence, knowing what we value and our primary objective in business is really important.
In my lunar cycle practices over the years I have done that to an extent, month after month, but the experience of the last 16 months has really taken me into a deep wintering period stripping back everything, stripping it right back and going deeper within and connecting to my core so I could
step forward with an even greater sense of purpose than I had ever had before. It's been a scary process, a dark process, and it's certainly not been all love and light. But I can now feel the tremendous transformation that this process has been taking me through and how it's leading me to something even more magical than I could have dreamed up for myself.
It's the story of the dragonfly's journey. When I first heard about how a dragonfly spends its first three years of life underwater, and then one day suddenly decides to ascend out of the water and up into the air, and that once the sunlight hits it, it sheds its dull-looking outer layer to reveal the classic dragonfly body and wings that we know.
and see, and that they have been forming on the inside all that time, and then it gracefully flies off shimmering and glistening into the sunlight, having transformed into the most magical of creatures.

Dragonfly Metaphor and Transformation

That's how I feel about the process I have been going through these past 16 months.
And I'm sharing this with you now to offer a glimmer of hope for you if you feel like you're trapped in a cycle of eat, sleep, kick, ass, repeat. Or that you're not living the life that you truly desire. Or if you feel like the business that you have has become something so comfortable and familiar that it doesn't really ignite your fire anymore. It's never too late to change all that.
The irony is I actually really loved my commercial space and there were aspects that I found challenging of course but I could have very easily stuck with it for 20 plus years and not made many changes because it was a business I created based on my needs and the needs of those in my local community. But that said, now that I've let go of it I feel like I am probably going to be able to serve other people's needs even beyond my immediate community even more effectively.
now that I'm not tied to that commercial space.
And the new lifestyle that I am creating for myself is actually serving me better. Something that I've been told numerous times in recent months is how amazing I look considering what I have been going through. And I feel like people might be expecting me to look sad, lonely, abandoned or rejected. And while I've had moments of feeling those things, it's hard not to, after 25 plus years of living with the familiar and suddenly being thrust into the vastness of the unknown,
in almost all areas of life at once. But the reason I believe I look amazing considering, as people often put it, is because I focus on engaging in what I truly value in life and reconnecting to the essence of who I am and how I am here to serve the collective.
I'm also often referred to as a free spirit and for the first time in my adult life I actually truly feel like a free spirit because I have let go of living up to the expectations of others and am connecting to the truth of who I am and again how I am here to serve the collective.

Authentic Living and Lunar Cycle Gatherings

When we do that in both our personal lives and business, we are a lot more effective. Not only does it serve us better, but it serves others better too. As we're not so caught up in whether or not we fit the mould, and it's less exhausting being yourself rather than trying to be someone you think you should be.
and add to that the connection to nature and its cycles means living in a life of flow. So on that note I just want to remind you of my upcoming offering the eight week lunar cycle gatherings online.
In the last episode, I shared some foundational information on how you can prepare what you need to start your own practice. Even if you don't join me in the eight-week cycle gatherings, you can still find the foundational materials to start your own practice. In that episode, I also shared a promo clip of what is entailed in that eight-week offering. And so if you want to go back and listen to that, if you're curious about it and want to join me, that'd be great.
I also will include in this the show notes of this episode the website listing which will have all the information with dates and times etc included.

Embracing Transformation and Creators Nest

Now I hope that sharing my journey through this process of transformation in today's episode inspires you to allow yourself to take a step back in order to move forward more effectively and not fear the unknown so much.
because out there could be opportunities that you could not have dreamed up for yourself. Until next week, stay inspired to create a life of harmony and do business to the beat of your own drum too.
Thank you so much for your time. I know how valuable it is and I hope you got value out of listening to this podcast. If you are looking for a coach to support and guide you through your own unique journey of creating a life you love, then reach out for a connection call. And if you'd like to connect with other creative souls in person by joining us at a workshop or retreat or to book a unique shopping experience here at Creators Nest, I run those by appointment. So check out the website for more details. The link is in the show notes.
Oh, and please leave a review. I'd love to hear any insights or inspirations that were activated in you from this podcast. And I look forward to drumming, dancing or soaring alongside of you.