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Game Music We Can’t Get Out of Our Heads | Firelink Podcast image

Game Music We Can’t Get Out of Our Heads | Firelink Podcast

E32 · Firelink
2.2k Plays7 months ago

This week on Firelink, Marty, KC, and Jesse discuss the video game music that they just can't seem to get out of their heads.

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Hosts' Banter and Personal Stories

Hello everyone, and welcome to Firelink Podcast, episode number 32 for Wednesday, August 7th, 2024. My name is Marty Sleep, and I'm joined by Casey Woesuit, Jesse Galina, and of course, producer Eric Jesse. When I was going to the Chicago airport, yeah I drove past a lot of Galina roads, so I don't know you if you secretly have some some land.
near O'Hara Airport, but if not, you should look into that. Maybe you got a lot of money you don't realize. I mean, he wouldn't tell you if he did. That's because it's the secret. I mean, I feel like he could tell me. He's like, I'm not going to do anything to it.
Like Barty, I have a lot of money. You'd be like, all right, cool. Cool. Yeah. It's on the airport in Chicago. I don't have a lot of money. And also those are not my roads. Those are not your roads. OK. OK. That's not how last names work. Welcome, everyone. Welcome to this week's episode of Firelink.

Main Topics Overview: Gaming Trends and Studio News

ah We have a wonderful show for you tonight. We have a very positive topic for our main topic, which is going to be all about ah video game music.
It's gonna be about the tunes we like, the artists we like, the games, soundtracks we like, like the things we keep thinking about, even outside of games, the music that really sticks with us. And then a couple news bits, including the more, more tidbits of the ah what I want to call the Fortnite-ification of games, which is a thing you like is in another thing you like. And how do we feel about that? And theyre also centers cross o verse and then some sad news about a ah but pretty yeah ah
I don't know if beloved, but I have a storied game studio ah being shuttered by Meta today, which was a bit of a bummer. So we'll talk about that as well. and Yeah. And I think we're we're dealing with a little, there's some, there's some weird sort of discord or internet hiccups. So let us know how it's going. I know Eric's doing all sorts of magic behind the scenes. I think we should be able to get it fixed. And if not, we'll just podcast to each other and no one will be able to hear it. and I think that's fine.

Technical Difficulties and Podcasting Jokes

I think they can't hear us at least, right? It's just a video that's stuttery, or is it also us talking? Who needs videos? No one needs videos. We just look like- The video is overrated. Actually, yeah, just the video. Tell me it's working fine. It's just the video. The audio is working fine, says Eric. Who needs videos? Except for us, who would literally run a video company. We're an entire video team, yes. Entire video. Let's just pivot. We'll be an audience. Let's just pivot. It's fine. How are you guys doing? Welcome.
Yeah, I'm, I'm doing okay. Kind of tired. Uh, like I, a lot, a lot of tasks that I need to get accomplished like in real world and in the virtual work world. And so just working through them has not left me a lot of time to sort of just chill.

Hosts' Routines and Relaxation Challenges

I mean, I'm in need of a good chill. I'll say that much. if You chill. Yeah. I try to case you chill.
ah is is not gonna ice cream especially does That could I've been are yeah are we good oh we are blip and We never we never left other regardless of what you might think and not be able to hear each other we never left No, yeah, I can't I can't do the the junk food chill, because that that's a really great point that I would just eat an entire tub of ice cream um because I've been going to the gym. So that is actually one of my real life tasks of me like trying to be healthy is just not eating like a straight goon. Do you feel chill at the gym, like a swole chill? Do you ever go into like the sauna and get a little shvitz? Like I've never done that. No, i think a wet on that seems real gnat. I'm not, I'm not a heat guy. Like I hate heat and feeling heat around me.
My mom tells me that I was born during ah ah a winter storm, so i've just I've taken it to heart and it's become like a part of my ah personality. Right, dead star. We had well one of the the heroes of Winterfell here. Winter and KC is coming. ah You'd be chill man if you were a mega man boss. Yes. Or chill penguin. Any, any variation of but of a cold

Podcast Dynamics and Humor

man, a still man. There's a lot of them. I'm pretty, I think every game might've had some ice variant man. what What's another, they were just like, go to thesaurus yeah like What do we, what do we call this man? ah Jesse, how are you doing? I'm also a little tired. Part of that's my fault ah because
I've been playing spoilers divinity to original sin to be on the steam deck in bed and like I should have a harder cutoff time of like I'm done playing this go to bed I don't and I end up staying lip later than I should do you we're gonna we're gonna get to I promise you we'll get to video games do you guys like when you're not tired Tell yourselves to go to bed because I cannot go to bed until my body is like, oh, you you need the bed. I can't just like lay in bed and it's like, well, time for bed and no not be tired. Yeah, i'm exactly. So that's why I have pills.
that go to sleep because that's not a thing that my body likes to do. I think I run on like a 42 hour day. And if I stayed up long enough doing stuff, then then I could go to sleep naturally. But no, this weird twenty out thing. No.
Like I can, I am so perpetually tired. I can sleep at like any time. Like, like if you, if you let me, I would just lean back in his chair and fall asleep on his body. I would kind of love an episode where we're like, Casey gets 30 minutes during a topic he doesn't care about and he could just take a little snooze and we'll wake him up and we'll all make a lot of noise when it's time for him to come back and we could talk about Sakurai or whatever. It'll be like restful sleep too. Like it will, it will matter to my body. That's great.
It's crazy. I know you're a father, but that's the daddest thing you've ever said. That's very extremely dead. So dead. Like ah deeply dead. Deeply dead. I can't help it. Yeah. I can't help it. Switch out. I can use it when I need it. Oh, shit. Sleep. Yeah. That's it. Seems useful, honestly, to be able to just toggle yourself into different modes. Yeah. um Yeah, and thank you. Welcome everyone in the chat. Everyone, if you're if you're listening to this on your podcast service of choice or watching the VODs, we appreciate you. And of course, everyone here live, we already see your super chats coming in. So I think a lot of people are going to be very excited about our our main topic. And we'll definitely get to those once we get to said ah main

Gaming Crossovers: Trends and Opinions

topic. But in terms of a couple of newsies we want to get over, ah one thing this is less a newsy and more of just like
Clearly this is a trend, but I kinda wanted to get your opinions on there because I mean, like Casey, you're you're clearly in the realm of a game that that does this thing. And Jesse, you love Dead by Daylight, so which is a game that does this. So I just wanted to talk about, but the the word I used was Fortnite-ification. of games. And that's like an oversimplification because this is a thing that's been happening for a very long time. But like Casey mentioned earlier, ah more and more, it just seems like cross ah crossovers are the norm, right? It's not like a wo once a year a game is doing a crossover. That's interesting. It seems like if your game is online and if your game is ongoing, then it's probably going to have a crossover of some sorts. Even if your game is offline, even if your game is single player, ah we just saw the Funko Fusion game, which is coming out, which is very much a...
Funko take on a LEGO game, which ah LEGO games obviously have been pulling from from famous IP for a very long time. ah they and One of the games or one of the worlds you're going to go to is Jordan Peele's nope. So there's just a level based on Jordan Peele's nope. And I think you fight Jean Jacket. And I don't know if this game has voices. like Is it going to pull like Jordan Peele's the VO of of them and and Kiki Palmer? like I don't know. um Just strange. Like, yeah no it's I don't get it. I think this, when you say the Fortnite-ification of games, like, and and I did bring up crossover to kind of like simplify it, but like there is a difference. And I think, I think like the Fortnite side of this is kind of what the Funko pop side of this is where it's sort of a,
a wanton usage of IP where like it doesn't seem like there's a rhyme or a reason. It's really just whatever they can get their hands on or whatever's most popular, whatever they can afford. it like it's just It's just this real scatter shot.
amalgamation of just things that people know, sure, just serves the purpose of letting an audience know that a thing is still alive, right? Like, and that that feels way different than like a proper crossover where like, Oh, for the first time, you get to see Mario and Sonic like duke it out in a video game or something. Yeah. Street Fighter cross second. Like, Oh my God, this world's gliding. Yeah. Um, yeah. Just the, the other recent examples, again, there's no like major news bomb, but it was just like, they're like modern warfare three, the call duty game. Uh, the most recent one, uh, is like, has a partnership with WWE and you could just be a bunch of wrestlers like Ray Mysterio and Ray Ripley and Cody. That sort of thing before, I think. Like fighting like games or hero shooter like siege has skins that Stuff right a couple years ago Was that siege or was that no that was call of duty They had the little people
as a few characters and then they had uh little people there's only big people there's normal people and big people who got scared oh just the yeah the normal dudes would think i don't think i've seen enough zip i'd like to know what the hell you're talking about right now yeah they the the people are the survivors and then they have i think the big colossus and the female colossus as skits for two killers And there was getting and Dead by Daylight was the other game because the Castlevania tie-in has has launched and then they announced a Five Nights at Freddy's Crossovers also coming which I mean Dead by Daylight has been built on this. It's kind of like I don't know if there's a narrative ah conceit for it, but it's Like just part of the game's DNA, right? I think that's a huge point for you ah
I wrote down a a short novel about my feelings about this. I'm not gonna hit all these points. But I feel like that's a really good point to why I think it works in something like Dead by Daylight, well where Dead by Daylight originally was an asymmetrical horror game with original characters. It was a game that should be fun first. They did that for a while, made a thing, eventually got a license for ah Mikey Myers,
got him and Laurie Strode in the game. And then that was like, whoa, that's cool. And then they kept doing original things and they got some other IPs. They got their freddys and their chainsaws and their pinheads and like, That's but like it's still the game. Like it's still what it is. And that's what makes it good. That's just some nice icing on top. And how they treat those things is massive. Like they're not just in there for funsies. They really develop a good character to play as. Would you say that every crossover character that has joined Dead by Daylight follows some internal rule?
because I think that's a very important thing that kind of helps keep it feeling honest versus like kind of cheap character buy-in. Like for Smash, which is probably one of the biggest versions of this. I'm just gonna bring that up, yeah. Like Sakurai's main rule was it could only be video game characters, like a character that originated from the world of video games. So it couldn't be Goku because he has video games, but like Goku's a manga character. So no one from movies, no one from TV, no one from anime. And I

Crossover Examples in Fighting Games

the core of Smash is this celebration of video games. Sakurai is a huge gamer, and so any video game IP that he was familiar with, loved, or just thought was a good fit, he would go study and then import the the the essence of that character into his fighting game, and like they would really look and feel like them just in Smash. And like that's what made, that's the heart of what made all of those reveals so freaking exciting, because it's like,
It's not a skin, it's not, you know, a mock-up over the top of some other character. You're gonna get to play that character you know and love in Smash. yeah So didn yeah, so I'm sorry, I got on a tangent here, but by daily I follow any sort of rule that kind of like keeps everything honest in that way. I don't know if they follow a rule of like, you know, oh, it has to meet this, but I do think but kind of for the same reason what you're talking about with Smash, it feels like there is a reason for it. I don't know what that reason is like with Smash being it has to be from video game, but every character that they have in the game
It has that sort of thing where it's like, oh, we've studied what they do. You were familiar with like their place in pop culture, their place in horror. This is what they do. How can we incorporate that as a unique thing for this character? um And then.
Also, just to back up my point with Smash, Smash also started as just a cool fighting game. Like, yeah, you know, it's only like characters or whatever, twelve with a lot of characters total like and they were all yeah very Nintendo characters. It was not like, oh, my gosh, they got cloud from PlayStation. Yeah, like they was they they made their own thing. And then they started to turn around with the guest stuff from outside. And thing and then that kind of became that kind of became like the highlight, right? Is like how many of these characters from video games can we stick in here? Yeah. So I don't know. I'm sorry, I want to bring up Mortal Kombat, how that has been doing that. But I feel like the rule they, like, I don't know for sure, but it feels like the rule that they follow is a character that is from something gritty and violent.
yeah sure Yeah, it has to be it has to be someone who it like it would make sense if they ripped out their opponent right like yeah fine Yeah, like and then stick it to that has made all their picks seem fitting. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah And fighting games, that's been a thing for a while, like Soul Calibur, I don't know if it was, but Marvel versus Captain Marvel and Soul Calibur bringing in like, Link and Yoda and Vader, and then, you know, Hihachi, Spawn, um that kind of stuff. And now it just feels like par for the course. Like, I don't know if Street Fighter VI did it, brought in any, they brought like, uh, they're doing it now. They're doing it now. Yeah. ter Like, Terry and Maya are coming.
Anyone from ARMS? In Street Fighter 6? No. Oh, dang it. Don't laugh after at that. People in Street Fighter 6 have ARMS. What if there was someone who was just all ARMS? Like the game ARMS. um I do think the... Dead by Daylight is... Not that they get a pass, but it does... I think i think you hit the nail on the head, ah Casey, about sort of giving it that um we are clearly fans of the thing. I'm imagining everyone who works on Dead by Daylight is a fan of horror.
And that is what they pull from. It's it's not like you are working on Call of Duty and all of a sudden, here's this random anime. Here are some wrestlers or you're working on ah Fortnite. It's like, here's LeBron James. And then we're also going to you're going to get the fucking the tim the the Tim Wise or whoever the the VP is. He's going to be in Fortnite. sp Tim Walls, I think his last name is. He's going to be within six months. He'll be in Fortnite.
or if i words I don't think they have any, I could be super wrong, but I don't think they have any politicians in Fortnite. I mean, they had that Martin Luther King like walkthrough. That's not a politician. And that was not like a video. That was more of like an experience. ah Right. yeah It was very, it was very tasteful. I'll give them that. And they did not add a Martin Luther King skin. No.
That would've been a bad call. If NBA Jam was brave enough to put Bill and Hillary Clinton in socks, the cat, and NBA Jam in the mid-90s, then I feel like these games should do that. um But yeah, Jesse, you feel you feel okay about it, I'm assuming, on ah on a case-by-case basis? so Yeah, because I like it, but I i think the main thing is the one thing to respect for what it is, and then the other thing is it has to be built on a thing that is just good without it. like
I I ah really enjoy the Freddy versus Jason movie. I think it's a delightful horror comedy. When I saw it, I had never seen a Friday the 13th or ah Nightmare on Elm Street film. And that didn't matter. It was a I knew some about these characters from cultural as Moses. Yeah. Yeah. But like.
I did not know much about them and it was still what a delightfully comedic weird movie. And like that's what mattered. And that's how I feel about things like Dead by Daylight and things like Smash ah that do it well.

Fortnite's Crossover Strategy

um And then why I get the about things like the fun Co fusion where it's like, I don't know what game this is. Like I looked at it. I don't even know what it says. Action adventure, which means literally nothing. Yeah. That's just video game. That's what that means. Yeah. Like, i I don't know what it is. And like, there's a lot of stuff like that. like
Fortnite, I feel like gets a bit of a pass because it's Fortnite. and It was a game first. yeah Yeah. Yeah. Like it had a loop first before everything else got into it. Yeah.
Before they held, uh, uh, Christopher Nolan by gunpoint to premiere the trailer for tenant inside of it. Remember they premiered a trailer for tenant inside of Fortnite and you know, he was dying on the inside when they died. I don't think he had anything to do with that. They, it was like COVID in the hood. What do we do? Put it in Fortnite and he's like fucking kill me.
but Was he? Was there a Chris Nolan skin in there? What does Chris Nolan look like? I don't even know. He becomes a hardcore. for player
Oh man. I get what you're saying um with the it being a game first, but I still think that can be diluted by all of the oversaturation of other IP. Like, absolutely. Like whatever Fortnite and Fortnite kind of did it to themselves themselves because in their, in their striving to kind of make all these IP crossovers like big events, they will add in mechanics that change everything about the game based on whatever new thing they've just threw in. So like Spider-Man will be the featured character and all of a sudden you can web swing.
But yeah like a limited time, right? Like, yeah, they put some sort of in the game like seasons or whatever, like the ability to Web Swing does stay in the game. Like, I don't know if you can use it whenever you want. Like, I think in some cases.
I've played like just bits and pieces of Fortnite. So I can't say with this with any certainty, but I think it might be like and it's used as an item. Like you would find something in the world and like that would allow you to web swing like Spider-Man. Yeah. You find ah Tom Holland severed hand. I do they i feel because I played during the Dragon Ball thing and you could get on like a Nimbus come out and fly around, which really fun. Right. I think they stop those once that promotion is done.
Like you can't find an imbus cloud now. I bet you could pay money for an imbus cloud. It's still in the game. Like I think you can like go into the creative modes and just pull all that stuff. okay So like you can still use it because all that stuff they leave in the game somewhere. But like, yeah, I wouldn't know if all of it just stays in like the live game because yeah, that would be a mess. But there must be a version of that game where they do let you do that because Fortnite kind of just lets you do anything.
If you write a piece of paper and you put enough zeros at the end of it and slide it across the table, the tin Sweeney, you can write any Nimbus you want.
to stop you. There you go. We solved we solved the conundrum of crossovers in games. No, we didn't. I think we mostly were just like, we like the ones we like and we don't like the ones we don't like. Maybe we gave you a reason. We gave you reasons for why. Right. And I think that's important. Look, it's got to be game, movie, book, whatever first, like in that that has to matter. And then.
If that works, then you can think about crossovers. Give me more book characters. Give me Tom DaVinci code. Put DaVinci code. Give me that rich dad and that poor dad. Let's see what they're up to. Give me all those John Grishambs. Get them in there. Let's see what's going on. I want those skins, but it's just a human shaped silhouette with the description of the person written in text on the silhouette. I would love that.
When you would look at them, all of a sudden you get like text to speech and they're telling you like it's in the author's voice. Give me Johnny Salem slot. I would love that. um There you go. that's That's the game we're going to make. It's not going to be a good game, but that's the game we're going to make.

Impact of Ready at Dawn Studio Closure

It'll be an awful game. It's going to be a really bad game. Before we get to our main topic, just a really quick bit, which which broke a couple hours ago in sad news. ah Meta, Facebook's obviously gaming, gaming wing, the VR wing, ah closed, announced today that they were closing Ready at Dawn Studio, ah which they had acquired four years ago. Ready at Dawn, if that name sounds familiar, it's because they kind of made their name doing a lot of the PSP versions of big first party Sony franchises. So they did the Daxter game for the PSP, as well as the God of War PSP games. ah They kind of had their big splash coming out party with the Order 1886.
which was an early PS4 tech showpiece that was short. It was in the weirdest widescreen ever, and it was like Victorian werewolves, which was a little bit like Bloodborne, but ah I don't know how good the game was, but it was like like gas. What is it called? Gas punk? Diesel punk. Diesel punk, okay.
icast um unleted fun fossil pump fossil bugg there you go And then over the past couple years they kind of pivoted obviously getting purchased by meta to a VR studio with the lone echo series Which of I've not played a lot of yeah VR games, but I played lone echo one I was really impressed by it in the early days of oculus and ah Yeah, it's just a bummer again And a year with so many so many layoffs and studio closures and seeing the news at places like Bungie and Sony at large and Xbox and smaller studios like this ah getting getting the axe, even though they have the funding of a company like Facebook slash Meta behind it, is it just is a bummer. It's a bummer that a company with like a really cool video game history um is is no longer able to make the cool shit they want to make.
What was their path to meta? Because i they used to be a Sony first party, or did they just handle ports? Were they always independent? I think they were always independent, but they were like a very close kind of second party thing. You know, all the early games were were Sony first party properties, and then the order was obviously a big PlayStation exclusive. I don't think they were like sold or anything, but I think I don't know, maybe the you know the order didn't perform very well. That wasn't like the breakout hit that I think Sony hoped for. below People kind of dogged on it when it came out. Yeah. Yeah. And so maybe then they pivoted. I think a lot of people saw dollar signs in the VR space pivoted to that hardcore. And then, um you know, I'm not an expert in VR, but I i don't know if that has paid off. um I don't know if anyone's sort of just raking in the bucks in the VR space. But um yeah, kind of a bummer.
Yeah, it's so it's unfortunate. ah But it's like every time we assemble for this show, we have another one of these to talk about because that's just the way of the the industry right now, which is a bummer. Yeah. You know what? That was the sad portion of the show. We're getting to the happy portion of the

Video Game Music Introduction

show now, though. Yeah. You want to talk about music? Yeah, not music. act That's different than music.
that's i mean it's like look you're the l she listen I feel like there could be like killer music. I see like some of the composers and games and tracks we talked to would actually make like incredible music. Oh, yeah. you definite It doesn't become music because isn't the whole purpose of music to not be noticeable and incredible?
No, I feel like Muzak to me is like, I am in like an elevator or a waiting room and it's something that I, yeah, I guess it's something I don't pay attention to. Yeah, it's filling space. Like if you're in the elevator just rocking out, it's like, shit, what is, who is this artist? Like where can I find this album? So Muzak was like lo-fi before lo-fi. Like it was just that like kind of be in the background, let you hear it, don't really pay attention.
Yeah. It's low five beats to wait in a waiting room and see if you have a communicable disease too. I got that link for that playlist though. I'm a sucker for those. yeah um No, but so yeah, we just wanted to, this wasn't ah really based on anything other than I just want to, want to always want to talk about bullshit like that. But um ah Polygon, polygon released a, ah they have like a cover story going on right now of, ah
just based on music. Polygon every once in a while does like ah a cool, here's a week of like features that are all, ah you know, circling around something. And the one this week is all random stories about video game music. And it was just one of those things where I was like, Ooh, this is really cool. Like I kind of want to talk about this at large

Influential Game Soundtracks

on the podcast. um And so yeah, just honestly, just the floor is kind of open for like, what are what are the tunes you're going back to? What are the games you're always thinking about? What are the ones that when we talk about video game music, the ones that like, really, really sort of like tickle your fancy? I i can jump in. I have a lot.
of go-tos when it comes to like video game soundtracks, like someone composed like actual world music for a video game. But I also have a lot of, this is just the music from a game that I have sought out and isolated and just put somewhere on my computer because I love it that much. And from time to time, I will be thinking about it and go back and listen to it. So also they just the entirety of like Koji Kondo's like discography, I guess. but I literally feel like that's like kind of where you need to start to be like, OK, by the way, this guy, all the Mario and Zelda music, we think of what came from this man. ah Yeah. and And not just him, like they're like there are straight up gods of instrumentation and music just in the 16 bit, not like eight bit era of ah ah of like video games like
Whoever was, ah was fucking making shit at Capcom, like almost every game they released just had bit like mega bad street fighter. yeah yeah Like they they are so good at exactly that level of just chiptune stuff. oh Like,
um past that era, freaking a bunch of N64 stuff. um The Square folks, or the sorry, the rare folks. Rare, yes. Grant Kirkhope. Grant Kirkhope. Dave Wise was like the Super Nintendo generation. Grant Kirkhope did a lot of like Banjo, GoldenEye, Perfect Dark.
Yeah, like the Perfect Dark, like GoldenEye had a great soundtrack. Perfect Dark is amazing. like Like I have listened to that soundtrack from front to back on numerous occasions. it It's probably not on this PC because I had on like my old college laptop. But like the like remixes of like just the main theme of that song, like they're like four or five different versions of the same song. I listen to all of them because it's just yeah freaking fantastic.
Yeah, sticking with, with, uh, Grant Kirkhope, the, uh, again, this is just going to be a weird conversation because it's just going to in terms of something that sticks out, obviously I love Banjo-Kazooie, but there's something in that soundtrack, they have a main theme for, uh, the, the castle, the lair that you're going through. And it's, it's, it's like a main like 62nd loop of a theme.
but the the theme will seamlessly transition into a different um like tone depending on which world you're coming up to. So there's the overworld theme and it will seamlessly gain like pirate sounds to it as you're approaching the pirate level. And it's not like this track ends and this track begins. It is literally the music you are listening to gains these pirate instruments. If when you're getting to the haunted house level, it gets spooky instruments. I don't know what a spooky instrument means. I don't know what that means. it's aw ah
a tuba aba and like the the cries of someone dying. um But it does this for all whatever, 10, 11 worlds, and it'll transition to like, oh, the desert theme or the snow world theme, which has like a Christmasy element to it. um and It's such a cool little touch that I didn't notice as a kid. And then when I go back to I'm like, this is some of the most clever shit I've ever seen in a video game.
Yeah. Like in video games, they also have that ability to be dynamic like that. Like some of the newer Mario games do that funny thing now where like the Koopas will all stop and like do like a little jig to the, to like the little, uh, like not a base drop, but like there's like a little, little flute thingy. yeah stop and chatchat at So many levels. It was so, so clever. Yeah.
I think I brought this up before, but, um, and I think this has happened before, but, um, that, uh, furry fighting game, them fighting herds, like it also had like an amazing soundtrack and it did a cool thing where every character has a theme song.

Dynamic Music in Gaming

And when they're in a level.
their song is combined with the other character they're fighting song. And based on who's winning, like more of their song will like break through the instrumentation over the other one. And like yeah, it's super cool. And like I went and found the the like ah ah the listing that just had all the variations of all the soundtracks. And like the mixes even sound really cool. like the like There's one like kind of icy,
a unicorn type horse thing. Like she'll have like kind of like the Christmasy, chime-y like ring-a-ding-ding type thing in her music. But then like if she fights the cowboy one, then like you'll mix that with like the southern twanginess of the other one's stuff. And like it's just ah such a cool-ass idea that I hadn't seen anywhere before prior to that. That's so cool. I love it. What about you, Jesse? what's what's What's sticking out to you?

Silent Hill and Standout Soundtracks

I ah as a but person who's musicality, so Akira Yamaoka, who did this soundtrack for most of the Silent Hill games, ah the soundtrack for the first four Silent Hills, I will just put on. And like half of those tracks are chains getting rattled around and like someone beating on a wall. And it's like this isn't technically music, but I find it soothing. Yeah. And then there are things that like a full song with lyrics like a Room of Angel and um They did in the I think the secret track in the third game. They did the theme song of the first game, but then have someone sing lyrics to it about Silent Hill. it's fair Yeah. um Yeah, I love his music. um And then like listening. So much of it feels certainly just did talking about Akira Yamaoka is like it's it's would be so easy to be like, oh, OK, there's the spooky game. So just make a bunch of like spooky tunes. But he pulls from so many um
different genres and like the the the is sort of the different pop trends of the time, both the US and the Japanese pop trends of the time. And it works in the game like in three when you're playing as a teenage girl who's like dealing with all the shit she has to deal with in three, whether it's the monsters or her the stuff happening her in her like personal life. um Pulling in that kind of like you know, real world emo music like really works then. And and um yeah, just just like creates a soundscape that is kind of, I cannot separate the game itself from that music. Like they are one in the same way.
If they they really um it's amazing how well they pair together like they truly are good on their own but like amazing together. Yeah. um Also Bayonetta one and two like I haven't listened to the third soundtrack as much and playing the game but like oh my gosh.

Bayonetta's Music Impact

absolute bangers the whole way through yeah like upbeat. Really has that high energy feel and there was one. ah I think I was but watching or reading something with the the developers they were talking about how they wanted to have sort of like that high energy like.
devil may cry style like oh it's like this but like wanted rather than using rock music wanted to use like feminine instruments and so there's a lot more like piano and like choiry things so it's like it's a piano feminine a feminine instrument i don't know just that's what they say But like things that like were more like they have some of those angelic sounds and like different stuff that works really well with the theming of the game as well, but also gives it a very distinct sound. um Which is awesome.
How do you, so you you you brought up Aonetta, transitioned a bit into Devil May Cry, like how do you guys feel about music as like a vehicle to to to kind of get you immersed in an action scene?

Music in Action and Quiet Moments

Because I feel like that is something that I don't, of of all the examples I have written down, like action scenes aren't the thing I immediately go to, even though like, I love like the Halo and Gears music, I love ah Bear McCreary's God of War music, but like,
I don't know. For some reason, like I think of quiet moments more than I think of action. Do you guys like this can action can can music in an action scene like really pull you into it in a way that other things can't. You know, I yes, but all my examples that I'm thinking of are like movie related.
Oh, sure, sure. Yeah, I can definitely. Yeah, I think that that's more subconscious in gaming for me than in movies. Mm hmm. I think that's that's true, that like the the thumping music, you only notice it when you're not fighting and it keeps going. You're like, oh, why is it still thumping? There's nothing for me to fight. But but I've always taken notice of like the fight music in the Monster Hunter game or at least on a world slash rise games or whatever because one incredible like super underrated super like
People should really pay attention to the music in the Monster

Monster Hunter's Dynamic Music

Hunter games. It is fantastic. But it also uses it in that dynamic way where the closer you get to the monster and once they like have noticed you and are like in the fight, then their particular theme will like raise up and blare. And if they run off, the music kind of runs off with them. Yeah, I love that. So like that kind of leaves you with like the quietness. So I always take notice of, like yes, now I'm in the fight with their their fanfare and stuff. And that always definitely adds to like the feel of this epic battle with the creature.
That's another good example. Yeah, I'm also wanted to ask about, cause I know we're eventually going to get into like licensed music and soundtrack stuff, but Bioshock Infinite did something interesting where they essentially made covers of all of the licensed music that they

Bioshock Infinite's Creative Music Integration

use. So they essentially turned the licensed music into their own like game soundtrack. Stuff you would hear in Columbia, stuff like a barbershop quartet would sing the Beach Boys.
And like, just you could you could have done that completely outside of a video game, because those were like good ass covers. Like they made excellent covers of a lot of really good, very popular songs. Yeah, like just by virtue of this is where I i heard it. They've sort of cemented that game in my brain. Like yeah I like infinite. I like the lot. Like I really like the story. Like I like the characters and whatnot. But it's honestly like the moments of hearing Um, the, the carnivalized version of girls just want to have fun. That is just in my brain. Like I remember walking around on that beach where that song was playing because of that. And, and like that barbershop quartet that you brought up, like that was something that they highlighted. Like I think in the trailer, but like seeing it in game, like I sat and watched that entire performance by like those fake beach boys, those barbershop boys. Cause it was, so it was just so good. Like it was so well done.
Yeah, we don't get a lot of that of like taking real songs and kind of transforming them into how they would exist diegetically in the world itself.

Impact of Licensed Music in Games

Like there's plenty of examples of, um obviously there's like, you know, I think ah when we think of like licensed soundtracks, at least I do, I go back to the late 90s early aughts, I go back to the the four the the first couple Tony Hawk games, I go back to... um EA had to run with with Madden and and Burnout and SSX, where like your soundtra i got yeah where the soundtrack's were like really, really good. And then, of course, like the radio stations and ah in Vice City and in San Andreas and stuff, like that felt like a formative era. I think partly because the internet wasn't at a place to where you could just
type in the name of any song and instantly listen to it on a thousand different devices it was like oh my god like i can hear a flock of seagulls as i was like singing iran as i drive through you know miami like this is amazing or like ah here's boba sparks on the madden soundtrack and god knows i want to hear about boba sparks um Like-182 released one of their first singles um on- I can't remember the year, but it was on Madden. It was such a dope-ass, anthem-y-ass song that just
fully, and like, I'm not a big football guy. I used to play all the football games as they were coming out. But like, here in Blink, when you see one of my favorite bands at the time, like, their brand new shit, like, just open up the menus for Madden, whatever, like, that sold me. I was like, I'm a Madden boy for the entirety of whatever this game has to do. Yeah.
EA was really good for that, actually. like there were They introduced me to a lot of bands that I still listen to today, in all honesty, like just stuff that were in their soundtracks. In their era of their sports and sort of um like extreme lines or EA big line, like whoever they had sort of as like a tastemaker for music then, for for not like orchestrated music before, which songs do we... Yeah, just selecting songs. Yeah, it went across genres. It would be like, here is a here is a tableau of what music in 2004, if you want to dig a little deeper, is like and so it would be like, here's some rap, here's some some emo, here's some alternative rock, you know, here's like a country throwback. And just like they felt cool, like they felt curated and they felt cool. It didn't feel like now that's what I call music kind of thing where here's just the top 10 of each year. It was like, right. If you played this in your car, people would be like, oh, shit, like you got you got a good taste in music.
Yeah. but some Someone cooked on those soundtracks. They even had the they've had a brand, at EA Tracks is what they called it, right? Yeah, that's right. yeah and it's It almost felt like it was a thing that was happening outside of the individual games. like There was someone who was just dedicated to putting together, this is a good ass song, it'll go in somebody's game really good. Let me add it to EA Tracks. and Then like when someone showed up in the EA Tracks office of the ah the compound, they're like, hey, what do you got for my racing games? Take this, this, this, this, this, is this.
Like that's what that felt like. Yeah, it put us in need for speed or whatever. Right. Yeah, I love that. Which is just a really good way to do that. Yeah, absolutely. And like those things like extreme sports or racing or like any of those, like it sort of made sense that they were entwined with like what was happening in music and pop culture at the time. So when you had your Tony Hawks or Dave Murez or aggressive inline or whatever, like it made sense that their soundtrack reflected the culture of said, you know,
slice of sports or slice of life. Do you guys remember 1080 snowboarding? i Yeah. Did that happen? License music? Yes, it had a lot of license music and it was a Tony Hawk-esque level of quality. there are There are three bands that I have listened to since then.
from that from just that one game. So again, like 1080 snowboarding. Okay, it's snowboarding game had a lot of fun with it. But it's always in my head now. Like I will forever remember that game because it introduced me to see there it introduced me to cauterize it introduced me to finger 11. Yeah, I think there's a couple others on there too. But like, I love those bands because of that game.
But just so surprised, I feel like a first party Nintendo game, Koji Kondo would've came down and be like, ah, I will give you the melodic snow music for this game. We're like, no, we have Caesar on the phone. We're gonna take Caesar. Thanks, Koji. Go upstairs and do Wind Waker, you old man. hi Jesse, you you should I don't wanna...
throw you out there. you You shared like a little hot take as we were playing the show. And I find it really interesting.

Original vs. Licensed Soundtracks Debate

um what What are your thoughts on licensed music? And and i gotta I guess sort of transitioning into that hot take. So the I guess, yeah, the hot take. I didn't know it'd be that hot. I was just curious, but all right. I think it was an interesting take. I really liked it. you i I do have a point that I want to bring up for it. And I am curious what you all think and what everybody chat thinks too. So like, especially for what you're talking about with the culture and the time of like, ah you know, ah with you know, Madden Sports and Tony Hawk and all that where I feel like the music, especially with Tony Hawk, is very much tied into it. And like, that's cool. I feel like OST is definitely better than licensed tracks.
for several reasons. And I feel like a good example is something like GTA, where you have all of these license tracks and it's like, Oh, you get on the radio and there's freaking there. I was looking it up on what GTA five has. And it's like, Oh, you can listen to Dr. Dre or Snoop Dogg or Elton John. They're all on there. Like, okay. But that's not telling me anything about the world. Like,
I think it's a huge missed opportunity that they are not making original music. for the world, that when you turn on the radio and you listen to talk music, it's not freaking recordings of NPR from our world. No, they have their own talk radio talking about things that are happening in the world. What elections are, you know, crime or whatever is happening. But then you turn on the music and it's it's based here where I get that. Yeah, like they could. I don't want to listen to ACDC when I turn on the radio in the the car.
It's going to go over my head. I don't like it, whatever. But you can be the exact same style of music. And it's something that is telling me about the lore or the world or something that matters to the game. I will absolutely listen to shit I don't care about because it's going to inform me.
Yeah, when you when you said that in the chat earlier, I thought you just meant like, put put orchestra, put a score over it. And I was like, yeah. But when you're like, oh, give me what Tommy Versetti would be listening to in the 80s in Vice City, like what bands are popular? Like, what is the Michael Jackson equivalent? What is, you know? Yeah, I do. I really love that idea.
But, like, it's the scope, right? Like, you'd essentially need how many musicians to make how many songs okay in order to fill all your radio stations? ah Listen, you are correct. All right, finish that thought, but then I have a rebuttal. Like, my like what what I think would be, and may they might have done this even, is that mixed in with all of the other real world things that are supposed to kind of fill out that space of like, yes, this is a real radio station because there are musicians and stuff, and there is a world outside of the world you're in,
if they did have actual artists in the world who were mixed in with that. So like, i I want to say, I think Vice City specifically had missions where you were helping some sort of hair metal band and yeah yeah and ah GTA.
San Andreas definitely had you steal somebody's rhyme book, like for for a friend who was also a rapper. But I don't I don't know if those those musical acts in either game also had music in the world that then played on the radio. Yeah, I don't remember, but that would have been cool. Yeah, that would be incredible to have a song that like, oh, this is, you know, from the stolen songbook from this other. right Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I kind of love that. Yeah.
and like having, referring to events. Like I was like, you hear a folk song in GTA, okay, whatever. You hear a folk song about someone who stole a tank and outran the cops by turning the turret around and shooting it backwards and making it out front. I'm like, oh, that's a GTA thing that like probably most people have done. Like that's a fun in world, like story of like, you know, folk songs about like, oh, that person that robbed a bank and got away with it. But it's like, but that's a GTA thing.
i feel like that's a ah day a missed opportunity they did um In Red Dead 2, obviously they're not like putting you know needle drops on the radio or anything, and there's ah

Memorable Music Moments in Gaming

there's a lot of score. But they did have, and I brought this up, it's just the weirdest, I don't know why, but they had D'Angelo, the R and&B artist D'Angelo, record a song unshaken, yeah and it drops at a very specific part in the game. And it's, I guess that's a little bit different, because we're talking about like putting on the radio at a certain time in the game. And I guess this was a- No, I feel like there's this diegetic music in the game.
Yeah, well... But not D'Angelo, but like the GTA stuff. No, it's not Diagetic, because they're not... list it's The music doesn't exist in the world. It's not like Arthur's like listening to it on... No, yeah um I meant for GTA, not... Oh, for GTA. Yes, it's D'Agetic. Whereas this, they had like the needle drop for that D'Angelo song, Unshaken, and it's like, a you know, I only played Red Dead 2 once, and I adored it, and like that's one of the moments that's... glued in my head in the same way. I think Ojima's really good at very specific ah needle drops, whether it's original songs like the the Snake Eater Ladder Climb or um him choosing specific songs in ah Phantom Pain or Ground Zeroes, like having Joan Baez or or ah you know ah David Bowie drop at certain points.
Was it, was it Metal Gear Solid 3 that had like the iPad, the iPod on Snake? 4 was where you had a literal iPod and you could listen to a podcast about the making of Metal Gear Solid 4 as well as like music and so Snake could be like, ah, how did they create me?
it headphons and listen to it But then, but then remember there was that boss fight where chat was telling us, oh, play this song on your iPod while you fight this boss. Yeah, it and did something that I can't even remember. That game was like a fever. tree yeah a Genuine, a literal fever dream. ah yeah other The other two that stick out to me were The Last of Us Part II has, ah ah kind like, thematically keeps coming back to a couple of real world songs. Pearl Jam's Future Days and Aha's Take On Me, like, at very emotional parts in the story. Future Days, the Pearl Jam song keeps comes back a couple times as this, like, bond between Joel and Ellie. And then, I don't know, if did you guys play Sackboy's Big Adventure? It was like a PS5 launch game, was a Sackboy, you know, a little big planet game.
ah Every once in a while, it had a musical level that was a platforming level. Right. To the beat of a song like the Rayman games did really well. Rayman was like Britney Spears toxic or something. There is a toxic level in the game that is so good. I think it was like my favorite thing of the PS5 launch is this level where you're like platforming to toxic. And if you slow down, toxic slows down. And then as you speed up, like the beat drops and everything. And I love that Britney Spears song. And it was like such a cool level of like,
This is obviously a thing platformers could do really well. Nintendo's done it with Mario, obviously not with like needle drops, but with with music or levels that are set into a specific song. You just reminded me of Death's Door, which had a level. yes yeah um like There's a song like for the stage that you're in, but that stage has like all of these kind of moving platforms and pistons in it. and It's everything's quiet because the pistons aren't active when you first get there, but then you go through a couple of steps to turn them on and then the beat drops with the with the with the pistons. So from that point forward, there's like this baseline tied to the rhythm of all the moving things in the level. And when you listen to the Death's Door soundtrack, you don't get that. no And that that really kind of like,
but It sucks because like that made the song feel so good, but it's almost as if they're saying, that's the game.

Music Integration in Hi-Fi Rush

like yeah only get You only get to feel that in the game. like this is just This is the music, you're not where the pistons are, so you don't get that thump. When you're playing that level, you realize in order to like get through this thing, you need to time your dash to like the bump, bump to the three, four. yeah Yes. Uh, Hi-Fi Rush had a similar thing with a lot of its, uh, everything in that game, I think was just in sync. Yeah, was it was. Yeah. And that was a ah great combination of obviously like pulling down HTML songs and and black keys and stuff, but then at the same time having original music. Um, yeah, I think that that game actually disappointed me soundtrack wise, like as, as, as core to the experience music was like, it didn't seem like they picked like
Like generally just good songs for what was happening in the game. Yeah. Yeah. Cause like, yeah, like other than that nine inch nail song, which I think was like the first ah drop that that game had. I, I don't have any other like memorable or favorite songs in it from that game. Yeah. Even though the entire game was built. The whole game was built around music. Yeah. like Jesse, you've played a lot of um those, those, uh, like first was your shooters set to rhythm, right? Like, yeah. you Like, well, I don't know if there are a lot of them. I mean, there's like BPM and then there was that hell, hell, hell blaster, whatever else singer.
Metal hell singer. Yeah. Yeah. Metal hell singer. Yeah. Yeah. How do you feel about that when like music? It's not just like yeah Casey's mentioning Death's Door that has a specific level kind of set to the music. But how do you feel about it when it's like literally ingrained in the DNA of of a game's mechanics? I love it. id I love rhythm games. So like ah beats per bullets per minute. Absolutely love. And then like you know DDR.
ah yeah and Yeah. All of those great rhythm games. Yeah. I just. Yeah, I think they're great. I would just like a peeve of mine with ah that high five rush did and that health singer did is that it doesn't penalize me for being off beat as much as I need it to. And that drives me wild where it's like. Interesting.

Rhythm Games and Forgiveness

Shut me down. Give me a clear. You did this wrong. You're not getting that shot off or whatever you were doing.
And like, there'll be more forgiving. And that bothers me in rhythm games. ah what like That's funny. Not on rhythm. you It should be a really bad thing. Because they're souls of rhythm games yeah because they're they're clearly doing that because people well ah are highly likely to struggle with rhythm, right? So they're like, they want to they want to try to ease that feeling of being like, I can't do this. I can't play this game. I can't get anywhere. But that's it's that's interesting that that actually is maybe lessening the experience because they are They are forcing you not to actually engage with the the rhythm of the game. Right. And in those, they don't have an option for like, you have to have perfect. Which, yeah, it that would be a good difficulty option and in those sorts of games. Yeah. Yeah. It's like have have a window of forgiveness.
You just want to play that, what was it, through the through the smoke and the fire? What what was the rock band? slaves Through Fire and Flames. I've never even completed that song. Like i'm not I'm not good at rhythm games. I just like them. Yeah. I think I'm similar. I appreciate them. And then there's like the the cadence of Hyrule and the Crypt of the Necro dancer. And I just can't. My brain is not wired for that. And I'm like, I love Zelda. I like what you guys are doing here. Just I'll stay behind tonight. Like I've never even tried that. those. I should, I should probably give those a shot. Those, uh, real rhythm. Yeah. Top down because we could maybe one of them does that, that there, I just saw an image of of Zelda and link side by side that has to be multiplayer. You can't put two characters side by side and not have it be multiplayer. Oh my God. It's never been done. Be real illegal. Um,
Yeah, I just have a, I just have a shit ton of like musicians written down, but then there's also like everyone in chat is there's so many super chats that are just talking about different games.

Super Chats and Indie Game Soundtracks

ah So I kind of want to start going on super chats and just use that as a bunch of yeah use that as a bunch of branching off to different.
different music things. Go for it. So yeah, thank you to everyone who's already donated. Remember, your wonderful super chats and your patronage help keep the lights on and help us fund bizarre conversations like spending a Wednesday evening just talking about our favorite game music, including Cat Daddy with a file or don't know, classic Cat Daddy. I've been wanting Fireline to do this topic for a Cat Daddy? Yeah, the Cat Daddy dance.
It's show us what it's like. I will not show you. No, it's not like. Do you guys are you like holding a cat? Like what's the? No, it's the dance. Is the ice involved? You've let's bring it up. I do regret bringing it up, but it's like it's less cat. It's less cat like than you would think. It's more daddy like. Yeah, it's way more deadly. It says daddy likes leather.
ah Talk about leather daddy. Yeah. Is it more is it more like you leather or more like you could fall asleep at any moment during it? Like which daddy on the Eric eric is actually pulling up a video right now of a lady doing the cat daddy.
Is that the mom from the Credibles? No, it's not Jesus. it's zoom in no it's My video is so small. I thought it was thought it was that mom, the mom from the incredible side was mistaken. Cat daddy with a file or dodo. Thank you so much. I've been wanting this fireling topic for a while, not just old OSTs, but new ones are great. Like Citizen Sleeper, Ghost Runner, and Narita Boy.
Um, yeah, we didn't talk about a lot of like modern indie games or great soundtracks, but, um, the, uh, a couple of stand out to me were the, um, Outer Wilds soundtrack by Andrew Prowl. Yes. I still listen to that while writing.
yeah like really what Like it's it's main song, at least the entire soundtrack, like one of the most one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. Austin Wintory, who does the score for Fez and Abzu and The Pathless or no, not Fez, Abzu, The Pathless and Journey, which he won a ton of awards for. a Journey might be my favorite game soundtrack ever. You hold the gun to my head. um Why would anyone do that? ah is weird we're We're in a weird post-apocalyptic game show. What's your favorite?
And then a disaster piece who did Fez and Solar Ash and is also a movie movie composer with, he did It Follows and Under the Silver Lake. And then Darren Korb, who does all the Supergiant music. i say for Yeah, Bastion, Transistor, Hades, everything. That's that's good stuff. Are there any recent Indies? Recent-ish Indies? Let's stick up here.
I have not gone to search out the soundtrack for this particular game, but I really did love the music in Nine Souls in both Path of the Teal Lotus and ah another kind of pixel art, uh, swing them up, uh, Sanabi. Like those games have excellent, excellent music. I swing them up. I like that. There you have a grappling hook and you're like, yeah, that that game is fully grappling hook based. I love grappling hooks.
I like to swing him up. ah Jesse, any any and on the indie front? no Like I don't. Fucked indie developers make their music for us. I'll just just to tie it back to Dead by Daylight, the music that plays while you're Dracula chasing someone is incredible. Do you think it's Castlevania music or do you? it's No, it's like a I believe it's an original score, but it's very like Castlevania. There's like an organ playing and like it's very tense because each one will have different music based on the property.
I had a, as a, as a kid, I had a Casio keyboard and you could like, exactly. Like specific, like beats you wanted to drop down. That was like my 808 when I was five. And one of them was like a spooky song and I'm picturing a dead by daylight. You get snagged by a Dracula and the spooky Casio keyboard, you know, he dropped. That's literally a photo of me. Thank you so much, Eric. Wow. That's me. Yeah. That's, that's, that's me and the mom. It's a bad vision. Oh, my God, Jonathan says tunic. Yes. The tunic soundtrack. Like the tunic music is more ambient to me. Like, yeah, like that's something that I could absolutely put on a background, but it's not something that I like yearn to hear again in the same way. Jamali yelled out Hollow Knight. And absolutely the Hollow Knight soundtrack is top tier. Yeah. Yeah. Top tier. Yeah.
Uh, there you go. ju rao Yeah. Oh, no, I was gonna say we gotta, we gotta collect all of these, these indie music darlings and just put them in a room and make them fight. Yep. Oh, make them fight. I thought you'd be like a playlist on Spotify. and you were like like like Like battle of the bands type fight. Like they just start making mad music. The Joker cracking a pool cue in half and just saying tryouts as he threw it out there.
ah row Thank you for resubbin' and tip jar. And then a five euro donor. Thank you so much, Jewel. I also say Jewel Rao, and I realize it's just Roe. It just might be Jewel Roe. I also say Rao. Because I think it's because of me. I think it's because I'm broken, and that's what I say. It might be Rao. We don't know. There's no way to know. Even doctors don't know. Jewel, thank you so much. Best OST, The Odd World Games, Guilty Gear, and Splatoon also made a bingo card just for Marty's picks.
You know what? I haven't even said the P word yet. I haven't said Persona yet. I haven't talked about Maguro's incredible soundtracks for 3, 4, and 5, which not only take into consideration the setting and the cadence of the main party, but also pull from a specific genre of music, whether it's hip-hop, whether it's jazz. And I am so excited for whatever he has in store for Metaphor Re-Fantasio and Persona 6. I don't know why I'm doing the thumb thing, like I'm running for office. I'm not running for office. I'd be a bad politician.
We don't know that. You haven't tried yet. I mean, you definitely can't be the worst politician. Yeah, that's... It's a very low bar. I didn't fuck a couch, so. okay There you go. right go ah Red Dwarf, thank you so much for a $5 download. Tim and Jeff Folan have some really good songs on the Plock soundtrack. RIP Jeff Folan. I looked them up right before the show and saw that they also did the music for Ken Griffey Jr's uh, presents major league baseball, which was a baseball game for the super Nintendo, which i had, in my opinion, only one song. I only remember, I played the shit out of that game and I only remember one song that lasted about 20 seconds, but the song was so good. and so um I think that was like an old, like eight and 16 bit thing was like, let me create eight seconds of music and just have it be a fucking banger that you can listen to until you die just forever. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, which I guess is like certain. ah go ahead ah before you are the the like space limitations of a shirt yeah arch Yeah, you know,
let's make a eight second song that can loop forever. Exactly. Yeah. That people will never get sick of. um but but but but Thank you so much, Anixia, with a $5 don't know. Thank you so much. The main menu music for Dragon's Dogma, control free, and the main menu theme for Saints Row the third are both masterpieces. Do you guys have main menu music you think of?
I was literally just thinking of a particular main menu song for this this game I played forever ago. I did a review back on the escapist for Lena's inception. It's like a Zelda like that kind of got real meta with the concept and like starts by breaking the world and the rules. Like, ah for example, she finds like she meets the hero who is like their link variant and then she finds him later dead. And so she basically has to do his job.
oh no so like so it ah it It really plays in the world of like Legend of Zelda, but like its menu music was something that I absolutely loved. It was so freaking addictive, and it was really just this short loop of just a real dope melody that I don't think I'd ever get sick of hearing that.
Uh, not the main menu, but the character select menu on, uh, metal, uh, Marvel versus Capcom two with the person. Just thank you for a ride. yeah Again, like they're like, I got one idea. This is it. And I'll drop, you I'll drop 15 seconds. And this is all you get. And you're like, this is the greatest song I've ever heard in my life. Um, I, oh, I like also, I guess if there are themes, I like a save room theme.
I like when someone's like, I'm going to put some I'm going to put some effort into the safe room or the save menu or the save room. Jesse, I see you get excited. You're about to steal my pick. Yeah, you got it off of main menus, which I would say the Dark Souls games do have really good maintenance.
ah But yeah, the Resident Evil one save room theme. Yeah. Just that. Just that with a crackling fireplace. And like I listened to that for like an hour or two. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Resi one. Resi four. The same for me. I like the eco benches, the I co benches. You sit down on a bench and this weird flute comes out and you're like, where does this flute come from? This is very quiet. And all of a sudden, like a flute comes out and the guy's like, I'm going to go nuts on this flute for a couple of seconds. So just bear with the Sony conference at the du like we go ham on this i hope you like sitting on
yeah only working with him for a long time love a flute man Someone was talking about Saints Row the third earlier, but like not their menu music but they're pause music. Like you would pause that game and then like this freaking jam would just kick on. Like it was, it was so like, it was so upbeat and like out of nowhere. Cause whenever you pause, it was just beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. I'm like, oh shit. Like I'm fucking rocking right now.
I love it. I love it. It's so good. It's really, really good. Let's go. Absolutely nuts. That's good shit. Onyxia with a $2 don't know just says Wednesday. I don't know if I did. I miss. I possibly misspoke at the beginning. I don't know. I possibly misspoke at the beginning of the episode. It didn't say Wednesday or maybe just fan of the hit Netflix series Wednesday. Starring Wednesday, the girl, you know, Danny Ortega or Ortega. Yeah. Yeah. There you go.
Uh, why, why is, why is, uh, Hollywood essentially just trying to make her the new Arby Plaza? Like she can't be like her own like celebrity.

Hollywood Influence and Portal's Music

They're just turning her into. You you got it. You got to be in. You got to be Wednesday. You got to be in fucking a bill. Just build the juice. Right. We're just going to remake Parks and Rec. You're going to be on it. Um, yeah, that's a good. That's a good point. Um, that means that our applause is great. What's the generation? plus guru Yeah.
Five-year-old, oh no, thank you so much. The world famous song, Feta Morgana by EAV. Is that that Ave Maria song or is that Ave Maria? I think you're thinking of Ave Maria. No, okay. I don't know, but by, by Erste Allegemeine Versundurum? Is that in a video game? I don't know. What is this song? Is that from a video game? What did Eric just pull up? Is that song a video game? Yeah, I don't know.
there's There's really no way. Maybe it's fate to Morgana. It's not like an anime or a game. I have I have no idea what that is. Everything's an anime or a game if you think about it. That's true. Okay. Speaking of Oprah, the portal made one for their exit to but to this day. That's still like my favorite video game ending in the world. And they have a bunch of really good turrets to sing opera to you. Yeah, that's a really good one. Could be more you amazing. dog Yeah.
Uh, Jesse, were you going to say something? Are you jumping in? You know, I forgot what the transition was, but I wanted to mention the bunny dango song that the little cats do in Monster Hunter rise. Yeah. Yeah. The fuck's a funny dango? It's a it's a dango that's shaped like a bunny, Marty. Come on. Yeah. It's just a sub question with a dango. It's like imagine a colorful marshmallow that's more than just a marshmallow. It's like more of a food.
And it's honest to her. And then it's got little eyes and ears. And it's made my cats that sing. Holocaust. I know their names. I saw them in the hit film Monster Hunter, starring Mila Jovova bitch. Mila Jovova bitch.
She's never used that. She's got a someone called Paul Thomas WS Anderson and say, Hey, we got a good, we got a hot beat for your wife. Alex, I'm from $2.00. Don't call that man to tell him those words. what We got a hot beat for your wife. Yeah. Don't say that to that man. I got this one. Alex, $2.00. Say what you like on Sonic. His music is a legacy. I completely agree. Sonic Adventure. so like Sonic music is great. The Hulk music is great. The spooky level with Knuckles and Sonic Adventure 2. Yeah. That whole soundtrack is a jam. i've I've been trying to buy the Sonic Adventure 2 soundtrack for years. Like as ah as a ah teenager, um I had pretty early access to Amazon and it was always sold out.
I can probably get it today. Matter of fact, I can probably just stream it. I wanted that disc to put in my collection. But it was a good disc. It was a cool looking disc. Yeah. Sounds good. And then it has obviously the the the I think proven urban legend that Michael Jackson worked on the soundtrack for.

Urban Legends in Gaming Music

I don't think it was proven. Wasn't disproven. We can't disproven that game, so.
ah i I mean, we'll never know. The king of pop is dead. Yeah, R.I.P. S.V.S. Guru with a five-year-old don't know. Thank you so much. Have you noticed all those fan-made quote epic versions of movie and TV themes and how they're all terrible? Yeah, I don't usually when I see something fan version unless it's a sick OVA of like Lincoln Park over a Dragon Ball Z fight, then I don't care. Um.
That was a good era of music where it was like, I want to watch anyway, but I also want to listen to like Jay-Z and Linkin Park's Encore. yeah Is there something where like you guys could combine the two of these? You you just unlocked a memory in my brain. And we did we kind of skipped over this in terms of like video game license, tiny and related music. But what's your favorite, or I guess what are your favorite examples of original songs by real artists made for video games?
because Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance had a song that was made by Adima. Really? like Yeah, called it was called Immortal and it was like my jam back in the day. ah Like I sang that song to audition for a play and was very embarrassed. Incredible. It was not a good call. I feel like I immediately regret it.
Well, I get like mirrors mirrors edge had some lady do ah like a music video in the game for like that. ah I think Still Alive was the name of that song, which is the same as a portal song, but it's a different song. ah That was really good. I liked the ah with the the fictional band that's in the Alan Wake verse that has that six song in control. and The was Norse gods of.
craig the hell is Yeah, what the Norse gods of something. Yeah, but the old gods of Asgard, the ashtray maze in control is like such like a sick song that again ties into the gameplay but is an original tune. Then obviously it's Eric showing the Alan week two shenanigans. Good music. yeah Video games. Yeah, really good music. co Yeah, pretty good music.
Like breaking Benjamin did, did like put stuff in the halo. And remember that we can benja in in the halo and and incubus breaking Benjamin and incubus hats songs that played in the game. Like during a mission, you would, you heard the song play me easy debut. Give me that nut for super Mario brothers three. There's a song about getting that nut as you got the Tanooki suit and Tanookis having large nuts.
Like the Michael Jackson and Sonic, we can't disprove it. There's no way to disprove it. Like Michael Jackson and Sonic and like J.D. Vance fucking a couch. No way to say we didn't do it. King Dad, what did you all know? oh Oh, my God. Thank you so much, King Dad. New podcast. Deeply, Dad.
And to be fair, so Casey, you got a new podcast, Deeply Dad. Jack is launching a new podcast where he watches a random thing on to be. And we're calling it to be fair. I thought you guys got to that. Yeah, I will. I will fight somebody to be on that. I love to be.

Podcast Ideas and Personal Playlists

I think it's a great service. I will. I want that. That's sounds amazing to be fair. I've seen to be originals. OK, that is how to be I like. Yeah.
I've seen two P originals. I was picturing like that, again, that monologue at the end of Blade Runner, like I've seen things you wouldn't believe. It's all a coast of Iran's TV. Anixia, thank you so much for the $5 Dono. Cyberpunk 2077 had an amazing song collection. I put on ah the Cyberpunk playlist on Spotify all the time when working out because the music slaps.
I mean, that's become the nice thing of where you can just so I have so many playlists saved ah both official and unofficial on Spotify to where I'm like, oh, I can pull up all the persona music whenever I want. I could pull up the Kingdom Hearts music whenever I want. You know, hearts. Yoko Shimomura, same composer as Street Fighter two. She did find her to she did Super Mario RPG, Parasite Eve and then Kingdom Hearts. I'm like, God damn lady did Parasite Eve. Yeah, that's a soundtrack.
That's a sound track. You know what's nuts? How come like some major record label never tried to go poach any of these like Japanese composers? Because they've been making just classics for decades. yeah like yo we can't We can't just go offer them a record deal.
what is it we got we got onand we could just like hide now like and We don't need to keep fucking 30 seconds of mark we could go like but level the Talent the music pool for video games is freaking through the roof. Yeah,

Video Game Characters in Multiple Games

it's insane. Yeah, stupidly good Yeah, that's how Michael Jackson became popular after the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 soundtrack. It's true. That is provable. You are correct. right Brett Waldron, welcome to the Green Gang. Brett, welcome. In blue version with a two pound. Oh, no, thank you so much. I say cassette beasts. My top song is Face Down. Did you guys play cassette piece? No, I did not. No, we never jammed it. No. Mm hmm. I think Amy reviewed that back in the day.
Yeah, that sounds right. I feel like that was an Amy or Will joint, probably an Amy joint. um And I know that it had, obviously the name Cassette is in the title, but I feel like it had like a music component to it in the same way like Monster Rancher had the, it's Pokemon, but you put in an actual CD you own and you'll get a little creature depending on what CD you put in, which I always thought was a cool thing that didn't really make any sense. I mean, these these creatures literally have like speakers and microphones on them, so.
seems like he has something to do with music. He's pretty on the nose. Yeah. ah Rose Delta. Thank you so much in the green gang. When I quit siege, they gave Ying a Chun Li skin. Yeah, Ryu and Chenli are in Siege. There's a bunch of wrestlers in there. What's the nicest way to say, hoard out the most? What video game character do you think is the most represented? Most represented. The one with the album. Oh, no, you don't have to tell me how much. Yeah, I'll be in your game. Damn. That's a good question. Who gets around? I feel Shovel Knight pops up in a lot of random stuff.
Yeah, but yeah that's like smart brand management of like, yeah, you can use them in your indie game. He could pop up as like a character in your in your weird indie fighting game or he'll be a, you know, a smash trophy or anything like that. I and that's a really good one. I feel like he's too indie to actually hit the yeah threshold. I mean, I feel like Ryu, the reason I thought like Ryu seems like he might be but he shows him a lot. Yeah. I don't know.
Like yeah, doesn it it doesn't feel like any one franchise or character is like overly represented anywhere. Sure. Yeah. Like who needs a market correction? Who's like in too many things? Maybe Sonic. Hedgehog? He can't go to the Olympics anymore. They didn't make an Olympic game this year. Sonic was in Monster Hunter, wasn't he? Sonic was in Monster Hunter? I feel like they had a skin for your palico, where you can do a dress of Sonic, I think. They cooked him. He was one of those mushroom meals. Sonic dango.
I'm pub crawl halloween costume if some onesies threw up on themselves at noon. Tommy's Archives with 5 Canadian dollars. jesus i jumped several so i'm sorry everyone before that i'm coming back to you I don't recall Byleth's smash reveal to be quote exciting. In fact, I hate that trailer for being very lazy and safe nowadays.
I don't remember the trailers of the Byloth reveal. The Byloth reveal was at the height of people saying there are too many Fire Emblem characters in Smash, and then the brand new character was another Fire Emblem character. That was like the modern popular one, all right? like that Yeah, that one was them clearly doing... Sakura was clearly listening to some high-ups who said, hey we We want to push this, like Three Houses just came out, push push it, push it hard. who buts it But playing Byleth, it's a really good character. Byleth is fun as shit to play. So I think after getting hands on it, people kind of forgave that. But yes, that was that was probably one of the the lower ah energy reveals for sure, yes. If you could cut one character from Smash, who would it be?
it Oh man, this is a question that I know the answer for us. It can't be an echo fighter. It can't be an echo fighter? Yeah. No, I would have also can't be like the meat fighters, even though they suck. The meat fighters do suck. Um, I'll crap. I know the answer to this, but like now my brain is a struggling to find it because I would have taken some, oh, I would have taken out duck hunt dog, but only because I would replace that with a wolf link.
Oh, that would have been cool like like been because I feel like duck hunt dogs kit minus like all the, the shooty cowboy people would have just been a really fun thing for a wolf Lincoln Midna in mid ah and that game. You said your duck hunt dog. And I was really expecting you'd be like, I just want the duck. like Just so, so low dog. Just give me a little duck flying around.
Raymond Ward with Two Australian Dollars, thank you so much. The Tony Hawk games had killer soundtracks. Great Goldfinger introduced the world to Goldfinger. Three had like Tribe Call Quest and Del the Funky Homosapien like just great soundtracks. Little snapshots of the era.

Nostalgia in Game Soundtracks

And it's a classic wood stuff because like I was the first where a second one had like dead Kennedys on it. Yeah, yeah. Really good stuff. Yeah, that's a lot of good music. Thank you, Dr. Anthony Hawk, for providing us with all of us. That game also had crossovers like bonus characters like Spider-Man, Spider-Man and Wolverine. Yeah, they would just throw stuff in there, but they were kind of like secret unlockables. Like that feels fun when it's not like, look at this big event we're throwing in. Right.
Rick from Rick and Morty in a pickle suit. How come more games don't have Viva La Bam in them? What is, what is Bam Margera doing nowadays? i don't have bridge on yeah fell out on um That's sad. Don't look it up. Oh no. yeah yeah He's a sad life last couple of years. I regret bringing up the Viva La Bam. More than years, more than a couple of years. How about you pitch a Viva La Bam for Siege and see what happens?
see lava C C.J. LaBam. That's not a bad idea. I mean, it's a terrible idea, but it's not. It that was like a whole era of like culture and TV was like the the jackass slash a wild boys Viva LaBam era. Like just this. Yeah. We want it like our youth wants to hurt themselves era. Yeah.
Are you are so angry? and They don't know where to put that anger. Rose Delta with a $5 don't know. Thank you so much. Rose Delta. I can't ride anymore, but I have halo star rail. Uh, shovel night destiny to Sonic mania and undertale music. I'm a bicycle playlist.
quality movement. Yeah, I've seen Marty O'Donnell's Halo tunes, even though Marty O'Donnell's gone insane. ah the The Destiny soundtrack's incredible. um And Undertale, obviously Toby Fox has become like, he's probably like one of the the big names in indie music over the past 10 years or so. Yeah, I'm do i'm i'm gonna jump in Undertale soon. and say about Our next wedding stream game.
We can become overtails. Let's just make it our whole personality and be like, yes, we're in this game. just We'll see. like If I finish it and it has that sort of effect on me, I will be in suffering, I promise. so Perfect. ah Ren Momo, thank you so much for a $10 don't know. As an inspiring tabletop war game developer, I listen to game OSTs that inspire me. I 100% listen to MotorStorm apocalypse music if I need to meet a self-imposed deadline or really need to push through. See, I love that.
Yeah, that's the the non lyrical music. That's good for like when I'm writing, I can't listen to things with lyrics. So I'll put on like, yeah, yeah I'll put on like ah YouTube playlists of like still Nintendo songs with rain in the background and it'll be like Animal Crossing tunes and Pikmin tunes and Random Zelda tunes. I'm like, this is great. I can write to this.
Animal Crossing, by the way, great music. Well, K.K. Slider, same guy who does the music for Animal Crossing, did the music for the Wii, just the Wii. It's like the Wii, like all the channels and everything. Yeah, yeah. that Because that's that store song is is kind of a jam. And it's become like a, with like that generation, it's become like a a sort of like a pop culture touch touchstone, right? Like a tune of their era.
Uh, great stuff. Uh, Dr. Theo with a $5 don't know. Thank you so much. Not counting rhythm games. My favorite game music is Metroid Prime 2, Paper Mario, Black Mesa, Tetris Effect, Persona. Hell yeah. Uh, Surgeon Simulator and Cry of Fear. Um.
Most of those, I'm excited for to to to experience the Metroid Prime soundtracks, because I know the Super Metroid soundtrack is phenomenal. So it's very it's it's it's ah yeah sparse when it needs to be, but it creates a really crazy atmosphere. So I'm very excited for those.

Tetris Effect and Rhythm Game Influence

And Tetris Effect is one of those games like ah like Res and everything, where the music is sort of inherently linked to your performance in the game. So the music will change as you do better and better, which I always think is cool.
Uh, and Dr. Feel following it up with a $2 demo. Thank you so much. Honorable mention dead by daylight. Is it dead by daylight? Just like a person or do you know if, is is it like a bunch? I know a lot of these games have like a bunch of people composing. I'm not sure, but they do crank out some bangers, like just to gush on dead by daylight a little bit. So they'll have like, they're still adding music to it. Oh yeah. So like it's like with each new stuff, right? And season or whatever for like every killer that comes out, like they'll have a chase music.
that you hear the killer and the survivor. And if it's an original character, it'll be like, you know, more, ah you know, themed on the the character. So like the dredge, which is a big, nasty, goopy thing of like a bunch of different parts sewn together is just a noises and weirdness. And it's like all weird. But then they'll have like ah like Pyramid Head, and it will use stuff that sounds akin to like Akira Yamaoka and have that like yeah grinding rhythm in the background of like weird noises and like ah Nemesis sounds more orchestral, but like still sounds very resi. Like, yeah, they every kid, the Castlevania Dracula has very Castlevania sounding music as I mentioned before, like they and then they'll have not only that,
whenever a new character comes out, they will make a main menu theme that is the instruments and tone that they use for that character's chase music, but the main theme song. Oh, that's cool. That's like the wire where every season is on the cover of the same song. Yeah. yeah So it's really cool when someone new comes out and it'll be a new version of the theme song on the opening screen. Is Dead by Daylight the wire of video games?
yeah say what well is that by daylight the wire of video games There you go, print it. Incredible feature. I love that. And Dr. Theo again with a $5 don't know. Thank you so much to back-to-back ones actually. Now for rhythm games. I've really enjoyed the songs in Beat Saber, Pistol Whip, Rhythm Doctor, and Just Shapes and Beats. ah To add to those, I think my favorite rhythm game soundtrack is ah um Sound Shapes, which was a first-party indie Sony PlayStation game ah at the tail end of the PS3. I think it came out in like 2012, 2013.
And it was a little like a platformer that had some DIY elements to where you can make your own levels with their own music. But the worlds that were in there, there was like a Beck world. And Beck composed songs for this entire world of platforming, and the song would react to you in a similar way to those like Rayman and stuff as you're going through it. Beck would be one of the greatest musicians to ever, just musician.
And his is literally some of my favorite Beck music ever is in soundshapes for soundshapes. Beck did a lot of the music for the Scott Pilgrim versus the World movie soundtrack. And that's right. Yeah, that's relevant because the Scott Pilgrim versus the World video game. Yeah, the onomatoguchi, right? Had an onomatoguchi soundtrack. And so I would listen on a playlist to the movie soundtrack followed by the game soundtrack.
yeah because it all of it was just so epic. All roads lead here. Exactly.

Musical Gameplay Mechanics

And Dr. Theo following it up with, I've actually had an idea for a Star tre for a star Fox revival where it's basically 3D just shapes and beats, the levels and bosses attack you while the song is playing. I mean, I feel like that musical thing works really well in shooters like that, right?
Um, I don't know, necessarily for the star Fox brand, but like, like top down shooters, you mean even like a star Fox, like the, the, the view of a star Fox on rails shooter and on rail shooter. I feel like you're able to do that thing to where like your actions as a player can impact the music in a way where it feels like you're like building the song along with the level. Like that's what res does resin and John everything. Is there, am I imagining this or did I just think of a mechanic for a game? There's a game where.
The worst, I swear I've played this game, the worst you do, like the number of instruments in the song is your number of health points. And as you take damage, it starts dropping instruments until it's like just the beat. And then if you get hit from there, Res definitely does that to where the song becomes more and more complex, the more, uh, the longer you go without getting hit. And like, there are physical representations of you losing health, like you, you almost like devolve. Like your, your, your highest form is like someone in like the Lotus position, like achieving Nirvana. Whereas like your lowest form is like a little amoeba. Um, it's a very rare game. I've never played red. Most games should have your highest form. Be someone who likes position. Uh, res is really great. Um, it's good stuff. Uh, fungus finder with a $2 don't know. Thank you so much. Freelancer undertale star craft one.
I know Blizzard had a lot of beloved ah of tunes and in Diablo Warcraft. and It's outside of my wheelhouse. In Starcraft? Same. Look at Jay. Jay knows that shit. ah Alan Lungren, thank you so much for a $2 donor. Chrono Cross is the king. Final Fantasy Tactics is number two. ah Yeah, Yasunori Mitsuda did the soundtrack for Chrono Trigger and a bunch of the music in Chrono Cross. And those were two of my favorite soundtracks ever. Yeah, Chrono Trigger music is godly.
Yeah, these like that are the ones when I go to like my favorite game music, I usually lean towards JRPGs with the way Matsu's Final Fantasy music and the earthbound themes by by hip Tanaka and co. Just really, really great shit. You know how you you brought up ah the Jay-Z Lincoln Park Fusion album? oh They someone did that with Jay-Z and Chrono Trigger and they called it Chrono Jigga. Oh, my God. And it's really good. like it' It's Chrono it's chronal Trigger beats with like Jay-Z lyrics and stuff over the top. So like popular Jay-Z songs, but with Chrono Trigger like instrumentals behind it. It's really good. Like really freaking good. That's all I'm going to listen to now. Go find it. Go find it if you can.
ah Also, someone asked earlier, so that the the thumbnail for this episode of Mario & Luigi, that's an official piece of art that was released, I believe earlier this year, it was the something like the 20th anniversary of the Mario & Luigi RPG, like the Game Boy Advance one. Whenever the 20th anniversary of that was, they released a soundtrack in Japan and that was the actual music, or the the art on the soundtrack was like Mario & Luigi um with little headphones. so but yeah um you I've used that exact image on like a before times video when I was making content on my own. yeah I've used that on a, hey, let's talk about video game music topic. It's just a really straight in your face video games and music. Yeah. When I was thinking of like art for this episode, I saw that and I was like, I got to do a deep dive to make sure this is real and that I'm not like using someone's art. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Nier Series' Musical Storytelling

Because I never want to do that.
uh late to the party with a $2 don't know thank you so much the soundtrack for the near games are stellar uh completely agree okabe uh the the composer of the near games uh uh those those songs are fucking haunting and exhilarating and um Again inseparable in my mind from the the story and the experience of those games Which I think some of the best some of the best music is well Yeah, I gotta I gotta jump into the near series. I've not touched a single one. Oh good. Yes. Oh Good. Oh my god. They're so good. Let's make that our whole personalities will do Personalities annoyingly so for a little bit and then and then near Fungus find over the $2.00. Don't know Diablo Mario Kart
I guess I don't think about Mario Kart music that much. I know, but I don't. It just blends so well. It's easy to not pay attention to it. But once you do, it's like, oh, this is good. Yeah. I feel like, yeah, in my head, there's like this one highway-ish. Like, i I don't know. I don't know what a highway song sounds like, but Mario Kart has this one kind of how highway-sounding song that is in my head right now. So that yeah, you're probably right. But yeah, I can't. Nothing like sticks out really hard for Mario Kart. But you're probably right in terms of a soundtrack.
ah Zoe with a $2 demo, thank you so much. SMT Strange Journey OST goes unreasonably hard. I like the idea of soundtracks for games where it's like, you didn't need to do this. Like the game, I know people love Strange Journey, but like certain certain games were like, you didn't have to do this for this game. I remember Jason Schreier, I think we were talking with Jason Schreier, shared like a random ass like merchant's theme and yeah octopus. jala two Yeah, and I went to listen to it and was like, shit is a amazing. Why are you doing this for like a random ass merchant? This is the merchant.
Yeah. Like I think i the soundtrack for wet, it was a very bad game, but soundtrack was like killer. The dark voice soundtrack was Bear McCreary. Yeah. When sucky games have great soundtracks. look I was just thinking of a sea of solitude. I think it was the first game I reviewed when we moved over to escapist game was terrible. Amazing music though. Yeah. like You know what? At least at at least someone was having a good time here.
ah Ren Momo, thank you so much for a $5 Adona. For KC, them fighting herds is NLP coded, not furry. No worries about getting it wrong, just as a furry, I know people would get mad. What's NLP? My Little Pony. Yeah, they're right. But like, I i guess i i guess ponies don't count. I don't know the difference. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to say that. it I think it has...
Uh, Oh gosh. Okay. So like it has, I think it has to do with like your, your levels of anthropomorphism. So these are in the same ballpark, right? Or is that, yeah also being of okay. I feel like they're in the they'd be in the same wing of a museum.
and Same wing. Yeah. Yeah. Same wing. Yeah. They're they're different, but not headed in the wrong direction.
Yeah, I see a bunch of folks in chat bringing up the brony community. Yes, that's the term. But like, is that really that separate from like furry as a umbrella term? Like, it's very like a super Yeah. So i but I'm going to say yes, even though I'm not qualified to fully answer that. I know there's a difference. It's like if you ask me that there's a difference between a red pepper and a green pepper, I'd say yes. And then you'd say, what's the difference? And I go color. Well, like, but that there's something on the color like that. There's like that. I don't think so. Is there a difference? Yes. What is it? I don't know. Think maybe somebody in check and answer that. But I will say there is a difference. ah There you go. That was us proving we don't know anything because we're dumb.
ah Josh Knowles with $2 download thinking so much. I second Chrono Cross, Song of Marbule is flawless. Yeah, I love and the fact that Chrono Cross has these two different worlds with two completely different sort of like a sort of soundtrack ethos to them. So good.
real good. Toad Wizard, been the Green Gang for five months. Thank you so much.

RTS and Memorable Game Music

Chrono Cross again. Ace Combat, Homeworld and XCOM. Yeah, I don't do a lot of RTS. I know I loved for for when I was obsessed with Civilization for a few games. I love the Civilization soundtracks. And I know those I think were one of the first games, the one or maybe the first game to win a Grammy when they introduced like game soundtracks to Grammys. That was a great game, I think.
I don't know. Maybe his first game nominated maybe so or something like that. I remember a song called Baba Yetu was, um, Assassin's Creed games also have really good soundtracks. They do. That's true. Yeah. Real good stuff. Uh, Juicy Jeff.
Hello. Uh, $10 don't know. Thank you so much. Twisted metal black perfectly paired its title screen and credits with the rolling stones painted black. I distinctly remember that a level track is also a banger that captured the tones shift for the series. Yeah. Cause twisted metal black went from like, Oh, this is kind of like pulpy eighties silliness to like, this is, this is dark kill family member of yours. And having that, uh, rolling stone song really, really helped push that through.
That was the first Rolling Stone song that I heard and liked was when it was playing in that game. but There you go. Hell yeah. ah Congrats Keith Richards from the show. He did it. Yeah. Anyxia with a file or a don't know. Thanks so much. Doom music is 100% adding to the action. Same with the secret songs in the zombies mode of Cod. Yeah. The ah Mick Gordon.
the composer of doom and and the the the beleaguered composer of doom eternal. They had a lot of drama there. Yeah. My back for doom. Whatever the hell of the name of the doomem doom. Doom. Returnal. That can't be the name of the game. No, they they named it something like like Doom X or something. Doom Furboy. No, it was like Doom. No, it had like a medieval term. Doom Medieval. Doom Forever. Doom Crusaders. Doom Infinity. Doom Infinite. I feel like this is a very easy Google that we're just not getting.
ah so you go Late to the party or the final or don't know, also Kingdom Hearts, the opening tracks by Yukari Utada are my favorites ever. yeah No Comic Con after party is complete without them. Simple and Clean, literally one of my favorite video games. And then she followed it up with um Sanctuary for Kingdom Hearts 2, which is and like Simple and Clean is a fantastic song, but Sanctuary is like equally or better in terms of just, oh my God. Yeah.
Good shit. Dark Ages, doing the Dark Ages. Yeah, that was more boring than anything we said. So much should have just taken our names for them. ah Red Dwarf for the $5 don't know. Thank you so much. Shut Set Radio cannot be separated from the music. Hideki and Naga Numa's music is great. ah Completely agree. That is one of those. And that's like a mix of original tunes and like Rob Zombie's Dragula, which any song, listen, there was an era, like we knew we were a country when like nine out of 10 games would be like, yeah, we could put Rob Zombie's Dragula in this game. ah And it fucking was. Also a character you could play in Twisted Metal 4.
And also has regular in it. The song also coming to dead by daylight. Can you drive a car? right <unk>s Just run people over.
Anixia with a file or don't know. Thank you so much. The German covers of popular music and the newer Wolfenstein games were rad as fuck and made the story feel insanely believable. ah That was great, too. Yeah, with the that did the sort of the same thing as the power shock in Colombia or presented like an alternate. OK, 60s, 70s kind of thing. And so it had covers of famous songs. Oh, that's cool. Go over the U.S. And so these songs existed, but but Germany had a head right to them. So, yeah, good stuff shot to Germany.
Yeah, what they would do right now. love you i favorite for games um Video games conference.
We call games con, right? Not games calm, but we're not. That's not, that's not on us. You know what to name it. A night breeze or a $5 don't know. Thank you so much. Night breeze. Kingdom hearts is a crazy series with amazing music, music, such a diverse amount of songs and they're very memorable. Yoko Shimomura is a great composer.
ah Completely agree and it does the same thing that ah we were kind of talking about with Dead by Daylight and Smash of like how do we take these disparate things but make them make sense in a single world and just feel like now you're in the nope world and now you're in the Terminator world like um everything feels like they they belong as a pair. Yeah, which I think is impressive.
Uh, my who you say with a file or don't know. Thank you so much. Gonna share one of my favorite game soundtracks Tetris fear for the N64 excellent trance slash techno tracks. Uh, I don't remember the Tetris for your soundtrack. i Do you remember Texas year? Yeah. So is there a heard of that here? So it was Tetris game for the N64 puzzle horror games.
That would be a Tetris fear. It sounds like a great, like ah a, uh, Indy game gem kind of thing. That'd be good. Put the, write that down. Let's make that. I don't know how we make that along with, uh, to be fair, Tetris fear, uh, Trent and Darnell with a file or don't know. Thank you so much. special Special recommendation to miracle of sound for making music about video games.
Um, that's another thing. Uh, the, uh, so Gav miracle of sound does, does music about video games, but then there's also, uh, God, what is a bird world? Uh, I got clued onto to this album called bird world by a, uh, super eye patch wolf video from a little while ago, which was about fake games. So people who either make YouTube videos about games that do not exist.
Like, there's that Petscop thing, which is an entire, like, Creepypasta deep dive into a lost, like, PS1 era 3D platformer that never existed, but about how the game's kind of haunted. Um, but one of the parts of the video is about this album called Bird World, which is the soundtrack for, like, a colorful 3D, 2D platformer, but the game never, there's no Bird World game, but you listen to this music and you can hear The game you could be like, oh, this is the blank level. This is why this is where this would have happened level. This is the this is like, oh, this is when you have to fight a boss, that kind of thing. And it's kind of incredible. So there you go. Birdworld whole world of birds. Weird. Yeah. Is that get that name taken in a video game? Yeah. How is how is there no game called Birdworld? What game should have been if if one game could change its name and be called Birdworld? What game would it be? Flappy Bird.
I remember Flappy Bird. I think that guy, I might have one actual idol, like role model, and it's the guy who made a bunch of money and was like, creativity was a mistake and it just went off the grid. He literally might be my idol. um Yeah, Flappy Bird might be. That's a boss move.
they' not bill fish Phil Fish, yeah. o Flappy Bird, Phil Fish. I'm not saying. I'm just saying. Also just saying the name of our upcoming Dragon Ball Z podcast where we have hot takes about Dragon Ball Z. We're just saying.
What'd you say? Jason Tudor with ah Five Canadian Dollars, thank you so much. The score in unpacking is simple but emotionally powerful. Just a few notes into a song starting the last level had me in tears streaming. ah That soundtrack was remarkable. And again, that is a soundtrack that where you can almost like feel the ah the rise and fall of a relationship, which is ostensibly what that game is about. um Yeah, ah same thing with the game Florence. Yeah, really good stuff. Angry Birds, I guess, is also a game about good puppets.

Relaxing Game Music Uses

Yeah, folks are saying that there's an angry bird world, but it's a theme park says Eric Hashtag not my bird world ah Adam Johnson with a five pound dono. Thank you so much. Also just thank you. Everyone does you guys you this was a good topic because You guys just got excited and just wanted wanted to share your thoughts, which I have to do this more We should just bring up random things to get excited about this to be the We're going for with to be fair and then it turns out no one watches two bes so go to be
ah Adam Johnson, thank you so much for the £5 donor. I miss when consoles had their own unique sound because of their hardware, like the Commodore 64 and its SID music. What console music are you most nostalgic for? There was, in the same thing with certain visuals and like design parameters, like being forced to think outside the box and to be like, this is I have to think within these confines, what can I do here? ah Is something I miss from games because it does kind of feel like the Sky is the limit has caused some of the problems we have in modern day gaming and development. Hmm. Did the does the PlayStation count? Like, I don't know if they had it. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, you could you could just play straight up CD music off of PlayStation, right? But to fit everything on the CD, I think they still had to do a lot of like compression and stuff. Yeah, because it was like music and a ah whole game. Right. So like there's still a lot of like, OK, here's our limitations of space and sound that we can deal with. Yeah, it wasn't quite as severe as like, you know, Super Nintendo or Genesis, but.
I'll, I'll always remember, um, the, like those, uh, THQ wrestling games back into PS was a PS one in and 64. The, the, the, the, like, uh, no mercy WrestleMania. Right. Those were the N64 era. Yeah. Like the PlayStation version of those games.
When your character came down the ah the ramp, they played their their video, like their entrance video. yeah On the N64, it was a series of really grainy still pictures. Like they would just like flash, like just little, like you barely, and barely discernible images from the wrestlers entrance video. I guess that's the Undertaker. Cause they couldn't fit anything on the cartridge.
Stocking that square was like, yeah, we're not going to make games for this. Like, we're not going to do this. Yeah, I can't believe how that happened. My goodness. Red Door for the five dollar don't know. Thank you so much. The Hunt Showdown theme is so good. Also, the Daytona USA music is fun and Genesis Sonic music is awesome.

Genesis Sonic Music Quality

Michael Jackson. All true. Bose it all himself.
That was wow a jump scare. That was an Eric jump scare. I hope people heard it and not just us. He got jump scared by Daytona. He died as he lived, jump scared by Daytona. um Sir, nope, thank you so much with a five dollar donut. What are your thoughts on Silva Gunner? I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is. It's a YouTube channel.
Uh, formerly Gilva Sonner is a comedic music collective based mostly around bait and switch YouTube videos coming to be quote, high quality rips of video game music. They're in reality remix parodies and or mashups. I don't know them. I do like tricking people. I am a fan of tricking people. Um, so there you go. Oh, no one heard anything. Does that make us insane? Oh my gosh. Oh no. But then Durin Thall said Daytona. So I feel like Durin Thall heard.
ah know it's cliff you're lying yeah They're gaslighting you. ah Yeah. Sorry. We don't, we don't, we're not familiar with the silver owner for a second. I thought it's, um, um no they did i thought ah i thought okay. We can fix that one second. We don't, we don't need to fix it. we need to fix it i I have to pee so badly and I feel like we need to end the show soon.
ah So thank you so much sir. Nope. Embrace the jank. I've been a member for two months in the tip jar. Embrace the jank. Jewel Rowe with a two Euro dono or Jewel Rowe. No way of knowing what's her name is. ah The Killer Instinct 2013 soundtrack slaps so hard it's because it's got those rare roots. If you have rare roots, if if if you have those like Super Nintendo N64 rare roots, you're going to be fine the rest of your lives. Even Perfect Dark Zero. That game, good soundtrack.
I don't remember the soundtrack. Perfect. It's real good. Bad game. Have fun multiplayer, though. It did have fun multiplayer. There you go. SBS Guru with another five euros. Thank you so much. While the game was terrible, Starfield's menu music is fantastic. I'm still waiting for like the Starfield. I guess maybe that'll come this fall because there's like a big old DLC coming. Yeah, there is. Yeah. So maybe like the Starfield reappraisal, but maybe it's too late. I don't know. Or too early.
Like it's either too late or we need to wait like five, 10 years from now. They're going to need at least a second or third big update before it's like, Hey, you know what? Starfield pretty good now. There you go. I was not impressed with anything I saw. So neither was I. I was incredibly bored by that game. Too many stars, too many fields. You should have had one star and like three fields.
Embrace the Jank, thank you so much for a $2 dono. Salute to Dave Wise, Rare's composer, including Donkey Kong Country. Aquatic ambiance in Donkey Kong Country is a classic. and Talking about a song where it's like, they're like, ah you just need a song where a monkey rides a fish through some coral reefs. And he's like, I'm going to give you a song that's going to break your heart. And then Childish Gambino will use it as a backing track to rap.
30 years later, they're like, no, all we needed was monkey rides a fish through coral reef. And he's like, no, no, no, I got you. I don't know what was going on in England in the nineties. That song should have won the first Grammy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Get, get fucking Baba Yetu out of here. Get as great out of here. Get aquatic ambiance here. Also David Wise played a concert at magfest that I was at. Ooh.
Did he play Aquatic Ambiance? I don't know. That's his free bird. Because you're never going to ask. Play Aquatic Ambiance. David Hill, thank you so much for the final or don't know. I'm a massage therapist. So Braid ah Uru missed Journey. Everybody's gone to the Rapture. ah That's ah judge judged Jessica Gury, I believe. That's an incredible soundtrack. Sunless Sea and others. I like that you play game music during ah Massage therapy session. That's pretty cool. That's really relaxing. Yeah. Oh, you just gave me a great idea. If I think we're supposed to this idea might have changed, but we were supposed to have like a violinist like at the at the wedding. Who if we do have someone that's just playing live music, I'm feeding them hella video games. I know those are going to know what the after listening to, but they're going to be like, oh, that's good. I like that. I was like, yeah, got you, bitch.
Have the Midgar theme come in? Like, oh. I'm gonna say, yeah, I got you, bitch. You're like, this is your family, Casey. I don't know why he's helping me. You're so aggressive. We're here to celebrate your special day. I'll be honest, Casey, you got very excited. Celebrate my love of video games. You were like, oh, massage. That gives me a great idea. And I was 100% emotionally prepared for you to say work massage.
And there's a game where the Orcs got to touch each other or you got to touch the Orcs either way. Orcs on soundtrack. Pretty good. Pretty good. Jambolee, thank you so much for the dono. Peter McConnell shout out Double Fine LucasArts classics, including the great, the one, the only Grim Fandango. Peter McConnell's incredible. Grim Fandango is great again. ah wonderful soundtrack that pulls inspirations from Casablanca and and sort of traditional Mexican Day of the Dead music, but then puts its own noir spin on it. Great shit.
Big ol' thumbs up. Quinn Tupple with a $5 dono, thank you so much. Marty's really on point with his goofs this evening. That's because I took a bunch of day quill and I have to pee. That's the combo for goofs. A ton of day quill. The goof juice is a bunch of day quill and having to urinate. ah And then John Lee with another dono, thank you so much. Fury, Spirit Fair, completely agree. Cuphead, also a great soundtrack. Killer7,
also a great soundtrack Doom Eternal. I'm on record as not being a huge Doom Eternal, Doom soundtrack fan. I like, I'm sorry that that Mick Gordon went off through all that. I just think it's like angry butt rock. And I'm like, why are you so angry? I get the game is about being angry and like literally like fighting for hell in order to fight demons. It's something to be pretty angry about. No, just why why are we so mad? It's only games.
I feel like being angry and fighting demons only feeds them more power. Like you should be happy in fighting demons. Hurt people, hurt people. Yeah. Think about that. Bam. That's a problem. None of us are thinking about that. I'm gonna check it out. That just blew my mind.
And then John Blee with another don't know, thank you so much. you god I'm sorry, I'm looking at the gameplay here. This looks pretty cool. I remember this game, but I don't remember anyone playing it. If I'm not mistaken, it was A, every every level is just a boss fight. It's just a series of one-on-one boss fights. you know And I think they might have something to the rhythm of music. We might have to put Fury on the the list of hidden gems to try. Damn. Next funding goal, Fury Road.
The road to fury. The road to fury, yeah. John Lee with another don't know, thank you so much. Spec ops the line, basically Jesse's argument. What do you think Jesse's argument was? Do you guys remember? I asked for clarification and because I was also like saying a mix of like, uh, I think it was. Oh, was it the GTA example thing like with in world like bands and music? This would have came just a few minutes ago because there's only four. It's quote, it's licensed music, but it informs the world of the game. So it's basically something that's needed.
ah Famously delisted because 2K won't renew the music licenses. Classic 2K. That is, yeah, because I had a bunch of like sort of like clearance CCR like kind of like Vietnam movie music and I think that went up and that's why I got pulled from all the stores. So so the lesson is don't um ask for permission to use music.
That can't be a lesson. There has to be a better lesson than that. That kind of shit just sucks. It sucks. It just suffers because of business constantly. Yeah. yeah um Oscar from Shark Tale.
With the $2 Dono, I didn't realize we were in the presence of royalty Oscar from Shark Tale. Burnout 3 and Need for Speed Most Wanted are 2000's rock time capsules. Yeah, I love the Burnout 3, Burnout Revenge, Burnout Take Down. I guess 3 was Take Down soundtracks. And yeah, that Need for Speed, that was that scene again that era of Madden, of of um the the NFL street, and NBA street games, the underground games as well. had Amazing soundtracks. Yeah. Big whoever that was. Yeah. You're doing great in the game cube. Have like Mario street and it was like that game, but you could play peach and Mario they had they just three on the game cube. You could, you could unlock or you could you could just play as that in it. Yeah. Yeah.
Which was Mario very strange. Season the six of the wire took place in the mushroom kingdom version. The most street Mario game is Mario's soccer strikers. Yeah, that is pretty strange. Like all the characters in that game are drawn so angry. Yeah, yeah they are. that Is that the one where Waluigi like chops his crotch at you when he wins? I think so. Yes. Tell it everyone to suck it.
I love that. Um, John Belie with another don't know. Thank you so much. Here's $2 from Marty's bladder. I appreciate it. I'm going to need a new one. I'm going to need a new one. great fair to hold on this day qui cra I'm be honest guys, after the super jets, I think I'm skipping what we've been playing. You haven't been playing anything.
We haven't played anything. Just use the bathroom. We can start. You can use the bathroom. How long is the podcast going to be? We're at the end of the show. Oh, I guess we kind of are. You kind of are. It's fine. We have it here for like two hours. Yeah, you're right. Wow. Yeah, you're right. Yeah. I always am like, how did we go so long? And I'm like, I am in control. I can use when we go to the next thing. And so I have every time we go along, we went long on the recap last rewind yesterday and I was like, how did we go along? And I'm like, I only have myself to blame. I don't know why this happened. Darren always apologizes at the end and I'm like, Darren, you don't, it's not your fault. A lot of people gave us money and I'm bad at planning. Greyfade, thank you so much for a $2 donor. Katamari on the swing would make an epic wedding. I don't know if the wedding would go through if you just played Katamari music.
I don't, I need to play Katamari first and then I can- You gotta do a Friday Night Katamari. It's got good soundtrack. It's also a fun game. Okay. It is. Yeah, I should. I should try some Katamari. It's my favorite big game. If I'm feeling sad, I play Katamari and I feel a little bit better. That's nice. That's a good endorsement for Katamari. Yeah. There you go. Tommy Salty with 10 Polish Duoty. Thank you so much, Tommy. Salty, FTL and Into the Breach music by Ben Pronty. Yeah, I can- FTL is pretty good.
Again, modern, modern, modern indie masterpieces. um
Yeah, really good. It's real good shit. ah Thank you, Tommy. Night Breeze with a file or donut. Did anyone mention Neon White? Great, OST. Also, Fury is very fun, Casey. Mostly bullet hell, but each boss has its different style to tackle. That's also great.
yeah what Yeah, and that's on Game Pass right now. I've been meaning to try it out. Thanks for the reminder. That game's really good. That game's really good. um And I think you'll like the anime bullshit. The game is like... I mean i know you'll love it mechanically, but and Yahtzee did not like the anime bullshit, but I really did like the anime bullshit, and I think you'll like the anime bullshit. Nice, give me more. There you go.
Adele Corrales, thank you so much for the donut. I'm just gonna mention Need for Speed Most Wanted and the SSX3 soundtracks. Pretty amazing songs. Also, good luck to Marty's Bladder. You know what? I think is the most iconic licensed track in any game, Run DMC's Tricky from SSX Tricky. Literally the game is named after the song that plays when you unleash your every level is about raising your tricky meter to a point where you can activate it and play run DMC is tricky. Like, do you, do you really feel like they named the game after that song or like they named the game was like, there's a song called tricky that we could use like the main mechanic around the song. Like I think around the word. Yeah. Yeah. Around the world, ah around the word. But like,
That's like, it'd be like if you, every time you got like a star in Mario, they played like Lupe Fiasco's superstar.
Which I don't feel like would be good. Or like... Every time you started drowning in Sonic, they played Elliot Smith's needle in the hay. Like, I don't, I don't know. I think there's something there. What's funny is there is absolutely something there. If they did exactly what you just said and played the course of Superstar by Lupe Fiasco, when you got a star, it fucking fits. You can get that off. I think I need to cut a video.
that That absolutely works. ah no you sure Thank you so much for a $5 don't know. Naming off my favorite game composers, Frank Klepecki. I don't know who that is. Richard Jock, Hideki Naganuma, the chat set radio, Yuzo Koshiro, and Aki Fumi Tada. Who's Aki Fumi Tada? I don't know Frank and I don't know Aki Fumi. Guys, i'm about to I'm about to drop your knowledge. Aki Fumi Tada.
and ta and ah Bomberman 64. God, Bomberman 64. Oh, man, that was good. And he did music intention. I remember that. Oh, God. I remember the Bomberman 64 soundtrack. Yes, that was amazing. Well, hey, whatever happened to Bomberman? Bring Bomberman back. Yeah, come on, guys. So who? Oh, that's Konami. Nevermind. I know why.
Konami owes that boy. So that explains it. That makes perfect sense. And Frank Klepacki was Westwood Studios composer, so a bunch of Command & Conquer games and whatnot. So there you go. Okay, outside of my wheelhouse, but probably good calls. We're making like really good calls today. Killer soundtracks, yeah. Quintuple A with a $2 demo, thank you so much. Blame super chats for the show going long like this one. You know what? I don't like your tone, Quintuple A.
I don't, I don't like your tone at all. You wrote that text. I don't like the way I heard, I heard you're your malfeasance. Find those tipper taps and I don't like it. Uh, King dad with a final or don't know. Thank you so much. Quote Marty spends 10 minutes talking about how the show keeps running along. I understand the irony of me explaining the show is going too long while the show is going too long. I just not lost on me, especially as I get fucking P disease.
That's where you usually pee outside, but then pee goes inside. I got pee disease. It's a real thing. It is a real thing. It is a problem. Yeah. Remember the lady who died to hold your wee for a wee? She fucking died. So we shouldn't be laughing about this.
Did those guys get sued? I'm sure they did. that they They probably would have made them sign something. Yeah, they probably would have made them sign something, right? Yeah. But they still should have got sued. I am 100% sure they got sued and they either, whoever was suing them won the case or they settled out of court. There's no way they got away with that. I mean, how much responsibility is on the lady though? I feel like at a certain point, you gotta take care of your own. right like Like right now, as I keep complaining, I can walk away. I can walk away. And it's not even like things would break. You guys would just... Yeah, could I could just keep reading the super chats that you got back. Like, we could we can do that.
Fill my ass up. Thank you so much. 20 Norwegian Corona. Metal Gear Solid Revengence had some kick-ass boss music that did have incredible tunes. Metal Gear just has a hole. Both the songs, Kojima picks for it, the the Hollywood score of Harry Gregson Williams working on Metal Gear Solid 2, the absolute incredible hair and butt rock of Revengence. Really good stuff. God, remember Metal Gear? I miss it. It's really good.
R.P. Snake. ah Brad with a $2 dono. Thank you so much. In honor of Marty's bladder, Sonic Trotties. prep her pre crap prepper pur buper Jambly, thank you so much for a dono. Casey, give us a brief but nice snake eater.
Also, how do we feel about Earthbound? Before you do Snake Eater, Earthbound, one of my favorite soundtracks of all time, absolutely. Yeah, just fucking go to music. There's still a song from Earthbound that I can't remember the name of that I've loved and loved and loved because it plays on a stage in Smash. Oh, yeah. And yeah in for whatever reason, you don't get all of the soundtrack in Smash Ultimate. You have to go in the in-game store and like buy it with in-game coins, like just unlock more of the thousands of tracks they have in that game. And to this day, Smash has been out for what, five, six years? Yeah, I still don't have that song. Yeah.
That's cause the Beatles bought it before you could. Paul McCartney was like, I'm taking my song back that they stole from me. Uh, can you get a little... And Dom really wanted the the snake eater, right? Snake eater. Boom. There you go. Makes me want to go up a ladder.
I feel like I couldn't go up a ladder. I would piss myself. I'd piss myself rotten if I went up a ladder right now. um And Tommy Salty with 10 Polish Zwoti, thank you so much. Adventure is nice songs like Celia and Welcome to SideQuest. That was 10 Zwoti, well spent. A little self-promotion there. good song Classic Tommy. They are good songs. Great songs. so Incredible songs. Great tunage. Would you guys be mad if we skipped what you've been playing? No.
day by daylight. So yeah, in terms of saving your your bladder, I mean, I really do want to talk about like the Olympics and stuff, but like it's still going like it will be here next week. Well, I'm saying, Jesse, assuming you're still here, you're still here, assuming you're here next week.
you're You're welcome to come back. All right, cool. I would love to come back. You're welcome to come back and we could just the episode will just be what you've been playing. Yeah, so no no news is allowed to happen. No news is allowed to happen for the next for the next seven days. um Starting now. um great But yeah, what do you what do you guys have going on? What you folks check out, Jesse?
Oh, sure. You got going on. What's going on in your neck of the woods? Rexicon Jesse on Twitch and Twitter and Blue Sky and YouTube and all that. It's just where I post random stuff and then work on other things. And like, but mainly check out Adventures of Nigh on Saturday, the final season one. Final season one. Yeah. Hell yeah. If there are any problems with the captions. Don't blame me, even though it might be my fault.
I was doing cameras on that one, so. I would never believe you. I'm also dyslexic, so it was not in the best hands, but like somebody had to do it, so I helped. Incredible. Casey, what do you got going on?
Uh, no new vids coming out, uh, in the near future. Uh, but you know, check out whatever I have on by size. Um, Marty and I should be back tomorrow to continue our Del may cry five play through. We've been away from that for a little bit, but we'll be picking it right back up. So tune in for that. Um, and Friday is the big karaoke stream for the wedding fundraising.
So ah last week ah we spent a lot of time just doing a lot of this, just naming a bunch of songs that people really liked. grand So we made a really big list, stuff that I'll specifically sing, stuff that Key will sing, stuff that Starboard will sing, and then like stuff that like anyone from the group can take.
Um, and maybe tomorrow I'll like send out something maybe in the discord, maybe on my Twitter, uh, that is a doc where people can continue to add stuff. Just so we just have like some backup, uh, stuff in case we actually run through it. I don't think we run through it. we We picked a shit ton of songs.
Um, but again, this, you'll only be able to watch this live. So just show up at 7 PM on Friday because it's all licensed shit. We're singing it and the internet, and YouTube, like the the Twitch will nuke it. It will absolutely nuke it afterwards. I'm going to get some sort of copyright strike. I'm going to be in trouble probably on this channel, but hey, don't do this again. All right, fine. There's like a setting you can go into where it's like, don't even remember it while I'm doing it.
ah which which I've done, or I have not done definitely when I have watched very legal movies during streams. So I highly recommend going into that. yeah so like So yeah, like you're only going to be able to see this live. So do do with that information what you will. But that's this Friday. Hell yeah. And that's it for me.
That's great. Yeah, in terms of edited videos, Jamaite will have a great new design delve on Friday. Obviously, we mentioned Devil May Cry tomorrow. And speaking of Jamaite, right before Casey's Friday stream at 4 p.m. Central ah here on Second Wind, Jamaite and Jess Hoops will be ah continuing their Beyond Gun Evil 2 playthrough. I think Jamaite is like 50 percent sure he can finish it, 50 percent sure that because of spooks and goofs, they might get just short of the finish line. So um Yeah, tune in for that. And then, yeah, we'll have a bunch of fun streams and all that jazz coming for me later on. we might I think ja Jack still wants to do a ah elven ring stream at some point this week, whether it's tomorrow or earlier on Friday, we will see. But stay tuned for that. And Fungus Finder with a $2 donor, Marty, you like not peeing, right? No one likes not peeing. I mean, I don't want to kink shame. I'm sure someone likes not peeing. Somebody's going to do that for sure. It's a weird thing to not like. um Or it's a weird thing to like.
It's a weird thing that you can say. like Yeah, there you go. um That about does it for us for for Firelink, episode number 32. Thank you all so much. Yeah. This was fun. Yeah. Everyone who hung out, who supported with with sharing favorite memories of music, we we really appreciate it. Thank you so much, Eric, for for spoofing and goofing during the show. ah Thank you so much, Jesse. Thank you so much, Casey. And for Marty, this was up episode number 32.
Thanks, everyone. Thanks for thanks for hanging out. We always appreciate it in a Nixia. Two dollar don't know Marty wants to pee. That's unfortunate. Have money. You know what? Everyone's gonna feel really bad when I'm in the hospital for pee disease. So you're all gonna feel really bad. Not as bad as you for having pee disease. How did you die? I got pee disease. It was a bummer. Thank you all so much. Everyone have a great rest of your Wednesdays and we'll see you all later. Bye.