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Breaking Down the Biggest Gamescom Reveals | Firelink Podcast image

Breaking Down the Biggest Gamescom Reveals | Firelink Podcast

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This week on Firelink, Marty, KC, and Jesse discuss the biggest news out of Gamescom, including Bethesda's Indiana Jones, the rad-looking Amazon series Secret Level, and the return of Peter Molyneux.

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Episode Introduction and Gamescom News

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Firelink Podcast, episode number 33 for Wednesday, August 21st, 2024. My name is Marty Saliba, as always, joined by Casey Wosu, Jesse Galina joining us. Hello, Jesse. And of course, producer Eric, who's probably already upset at me because I told him I was going to start speaking as soon as I saw myself, even if we weren't ready yet.
ah Well, welcome, everyone. hope I hope you're having a great Wednesday evening. We have a lovely show for you tonight. ah We're going to be unpacking some of the Gamescom news from last night, which includes ah the the new Indiana Jones game from Machine Games and Bethesda ah getting a release date for later this year, as well as a release date on PS5, which an Xbox game on PS5. Good heavens.
fall on my fainting couch. We're talking about that as well as Masters of Albion, the latest game from Peter Molyneux, which might not be legal, like literally might not be legal, but like ethically might also be illegal. So we'll talk about that. The Secret Level Amazon series, which is a bunch of cool short films set in various video game worlds, which actually looks really cool.
And then other announcements stuff we've been playing we'll we'll chat a little bit about the Nintendo Museum. That's that's opening ah Serendipitously right before I go to Japan. So o do you have a destination you're gonna go to go I did not, I did not plan on going to Kyoto, but I might now, right now to see if I can hold a large, I think it might be worth

Personal Updates and Lifestyle

it. with yamo Yeah. Yeah. Cause me and but is just always there. Yeah. yeah That's his new job. 24 seven. He's just an automaton there. yeah how How are you guys doing? Happy, happy Wednesday. We did it. Yeah. We did do it a week.
Me personally, I had a pretty eventful week. A lot of things going on ah over the last couple of ah weeks and stuff. ah my My child, my my son, my star boy, he flew back to Chicago this past ah weekend after celebrating his birthday on the 14th. And then my fiance's birthday was literally yesterday. So I am broke. There's there's that.
so Is Starboy speaking at the DNC? Because the DNC, four nights in a row, downtown Chicago, United Center, can we expect Starboy to enter tomorrow? ah He's doing security, so just make sure everyone's everyone's safe. A lot of pat-downs. A lot of pat-downs. Yeah, lots of take-a-wand-do kicks to any of our browsers out there. That's his duty.
Uh, yeah, I'm i'm tired of stuff. My mother-in-law also just left like earlier today. So like she was here for a lot of stuff. So I'm, I am wiped. I apologize if I'm incoherent for the rest of this. No, I appreciate that. That's what most of the podcasts are. That's why we have Jesse here, who is definitely not just gotten out of several hours of streaming and several hours of recording previous to that. And it's really fresh for the podcast. Yeah. I haven't been in this chair since I woke up. That's definitely not how today has gone at all.
You're gonna stand up at some point you're like your skin is just gonna stick to it You're gonna hear that noise as you're like, uh, it's like ah a car seat on a hot summer day.

Nintendo's Ventures and Exhibits

Oh, yeah But it's fine, we have so many good things to talk about. We've been watching things, we've been eating things. I want everyone to do their homework on what the what is the single best item in the chip aisle at the store. We'll come back to that at the end of the episode, but everyone right now, I want you to think about, because I had a very long argument about what is the single best item in the chip aisle at the store. If you're British, you're gonna be like, oi, that's crisps. You can leave. I don't want you here. It's tally wigglers. I want you, if you're asking about tally wigglers, we need you out of here.
When you get out of here, you know what a chip aisle is. You know what a chip aisle is. You don't have to say anything. You know what place has a probably incredible chip aisle? The Nintendo Museum. That's how we go. Like microchips? Probably microchips. That's a great chip aisle. Damn it. There was a much better transition.
told that um So yeah, there was there was a Nintendo Direct this week and everyone was like, oh, could this be the new content? No, it's a Nintendo Direct on the ah Nintendo Museum ah that had previously been announced that is opening soon on October 2nd in Kyoto, Japan, on the same land that the old Nintendo factory was where For the past 120 years, they've been making ah but cards and and all sorts of strange, you know, physical games and are now obviously using that to commemorate their their long and storied history. And so the, like, 15-minute-ish direct was Miyamoto walking through the museum and showing different things like ah a giant historical exhibit that is like the history of of of Nintendo games, starting with the mes and NES and Super Famicom and then walking all the way through to the ah
to the Switch and everything. A lot of cool things there, like their exhibits for their pre-game projects, which included weird things like an in-house batting machine, so like an in-house thing that throws balls at you, as well as like a baby carriage.
Yeah, they they made a lot of weird toys that I was very shocked to see. They had they had just a straight up realistic rifle in that case. yeah what what was this about it didn um i don't I don't understand how the baby carriage is considered a toy. it seems like your marriage Was it for a baby doll? Maybe. What if the second the baby left the carriage, that Mario crying from Yoshi's Island started playing like. wait And you're like, oh, my baby's not here anymore.
A little baby alarm. All sorts of baby alarms. Yeah. There's a Nintendo restaurant, all sorts of like interactive exhibits, including like those sort of indoor padding cages where you kind of hit ah like ping pong balls, ah these exhibits where you try to get through like an iconic level or a challenge in a Nintendo game using a giant controller that requires multiple people to play at school.
So fun. Yeah. that was Like, I feel like that I've seen that before, like it's some weird sort of event thing. Like someone just had like a big ass oversized controller for you to like do. I feel like I've watched a game show that did that. So it's crazy that Nintendo not only copied that, but they went, we're going to put a big ass and 64 controller here. I just see what that kind of nonsense controller. Yeah. And like someone was holding up and was like, Yeah, it looks like a fuckin' bazooka during World War II that like two people need to- need to man in order to like hit their wee-bo-ling. There's not a lot to say about this other than I think this is cool. Obviously, I'm a Nintendo fan, so I think this is cool, but I just think this kind of, um... fun celebration of such an iconic thing in video games is something I would love to see more. And we got a little bit of it, like a Seattle actually, i don't I don't know if you guys are gonna be going there, but Seattle has like a kind of like a technology and pop culture museum ah that regularly has different video game tinged exhibits. like And sometimes they revolve around packs of all have like the history of indie games or like the history of Xbox, like it full exhibits at this museum and it's a really cool place.

Sony and Nintendo Comparisons

um San Francisco had, ah Sony had this like idea to open a chain of malls shortly after ah the the turn of the millennium. And there would be like Sony centric malls that would include like spaces of the future. And so this was like the PlayStation mall that you would, that all of their like launch parties and things would be like, Kojima would be there when Metal Gear Solid 2 launched and like that kind of thing. And sadly it ah failed.
And it just became a very boring mall by the time I moved to San Francisco. It's a lot of cool movie theater on the night next though. So, but I want more of that. Yeah. Like I wanted to say, cause the, this whole thing just brought to my mind. Like I don't feel like there's any other like major billion dollar corporation that could pull off sort of a, this is a museum to us.
that that doesn't feel icky, that doesn't feel self ah-absorbed. Like it's it's literally like Nintendo is a company that despite all of our gripes with them and despite and probably because of their lack of like they hold on to their past so strongly like they really do cherish and revere their their roots and like their philosophy like but We've seen the apples of the world, the Microsoft of the world, like whatever their core statements were at their inception, and all the innovation and stuff that they've done since then. like We've seen them today kind of become shells of what they once were, just in in and just seeking more money monetary gains. Nintendo somehow has held on to that early days feeling of, we just want to make stuff for the family.
yeah like How do we get that done? And like and like they just have 100 years of doing exactly that, which makes them having a museum that looks at them doing exactly that so endearing. And like i just I don't think there's anyone else who could do that kind of shit. Disney had that, but Disney also has the we know all the gross stuff Disney does. And I'm sure Nintendo does gross stuff because any company that size, undoubtedly is like, I'm sure some workers are mistreated and underpaid. Yeah, that's what I'm getting at, right? Because like, when Nintendo does grow stuff, it feels it feels like you're old, like your grandfather, your great grandfather who just says something really homophobic. You're like, really? Like, it's not like, it's like, everything else is fine. Like, you're such a loving person. But like, could you just, we're just so much money when he dies. Like, let's just roll. They're just a little racist on the weekends. Yeah. But outside of that, great, great. A couple of folks in chat mentioned Lego, which might be the closest thing to Nintendo in terms of like, yeah, that's a good call.

Gamescom Highlights and Game Announcements

There's no negative press around Lego other than why are these so expensive? You can make that same argue with Nintendo for sure. Yeah, with everything, I guess.
Yeah, just kind of a neat thing. the and I still like that Nintendo is like does something unexpected in a way that I feel like PlayStation and Xbox and honestly, most other people in the game space, I can kind of predict what they are doing. yeah But Nintendo is still like the weird wildcard to the point where um I know, ah definitely not me.
But I know Jesse had predicted that the switch to would be really, would be revealed for like several years in a row. And I know it definitely wasn't me, but I know Jesse was like, you were adamant. You're like, this is going to be it. I heard some stuff. And I was always like, no, no, no, no. Reach into this. Cyber space.
Jesse was the one person for the last several years, whenever we were like, this is definitely coming, Jesse was like, I don't think that's true. And you were the only one that continued to be right for several years. Yes. Five years streak. I don't know if you heard, Jeff Keeley said, this is the 10th anniversary of the Game Awards. And he said, we're going to be showing a little bit of the future of gaming. So what do we think? Switch to?
I okay switch to is now definitely coming once which one is nearly 10 years old to Nintendo put out ah like I think it was a few months ago a tweet saying hey guys the next Nintendo direct which was whatever the last one was we had to be like we're only talking about software we will not be talking about hardware do not ask us about hardware do not be disappointed when we don't talk about it that's for later ah so I think it it definitely is coming I think that's probably their next thing But I cannot see them doing that at a non-Nintendo direct. Like, I cannot see them giving that to someone else to be like, surprise. You don't think they're going to give it to Jeff, son, to just Jeff. Jeff, some of that's going to be their thing. They will. They will continue to do it.
It is insane to me that for as long as I've known you guys and we've been streaming that we've been talking about this castle. It's been like four years. It's been like legitimately four years. We're like just right around the corner. Just right around the corner. um Which is very funny. It's coming soon. It's gonna be very exciting. It'll probably run GTA 5.
Finally, a console to play GTA 5. Right when GTA 6 comes out. We did one of those. The real Nintendo move. Yeah, it's an absolute Nintendo move. um Okay, you want to you wanna talk about some Gamescom stuff?
Gamescom, I think most people know, but Gamescom is a yearly games convention. Moonlight E3 held every August. It is in Cologne, Germany. It is also like attendance wise, like 100,000 people attended. It is like literally the biggest in terms of attendance, video game conference on the planet. I've been there several times. And it hasn't been for like years and years.
it has yes Yes, for a very long time. It is terrifying. It looks like it's the closest I've ever seen to a zombie horde. It also smells very bad. Most conventions smell kind of bad. This one, because all the food there is like sausage. It's like, you like I need a little like snack. I need a little protein. It's like, here's a large sausage or like a greasy turkey. like And I'm like, we don't need 100,000 people in this for lunch. So 100,000 people with the meat sweats. just Meat sweats genuine meat sweats. Oh delightful. but No, it's it's become like the big ah the big conference ah ah You know before the fall season and so every year it gets a little bit bigger and bigger ah Jeff Keeley holds his Gamescom opening night live showcase and we did a little live stream of that yesterday We reacted to that with Casey and Jamaite and Eric
um And we just wanted to to talk about some of that big stuff now that we've had a little bit of space. Got to see the trailers, read some of the impressions. um I wrote down a few things. There's obviously more stuff, but ah just a couple of the big things that stood out to me. um The big one, which they closed the show with, was um indian Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. I guess I didn't close the show. It was the those second. last Yeah. Yeah. um So Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, which is the upcoming game from Microsoft and ah machine games and Bethesda. I got a release date of December 9th this year, which I have legally obligated to say is one day after Jimmy's birthday. So it's future HPD, Jimmy. So congrats. um And yes, so come he called himself Jimmy because of the eight.
Oh no. is it just sarah
It's so close to being just too coincidental. So yeah, that's coming out, uh, yeah, December 9th. Uh, and, and a lot of the, uh, but, but coming out summer night on Xbox and PC, uh, one of the big announcements was it's coming next year in spring on PlayStation. So it is.
one of the many games along with Sea of Thieves and whatnot that is making the jump from being an Xbox exclusive to a multi-platform game. ah But there was ah there was also a bunch of hands-on impressions of it and the game sounds kind of incredible and is now like one of my most anticipated. Look, I was excited because I was like, I like Wolfenstein. And so I'm excited to see what this team does next. I like Indiana Jones.
So that sounds cool. I was a little turned off by the first person perspective, just because it seems like if you're putting me in the shoes of one of the most like famous fictional characters of the last like 50 years, why can I not see them? But hearing about a lot of this and knowing that um so machine games, which, you know, did the Wolfenstein games, they were formed from a bunch of the leads of Starbreeze, who did the Chronicles of Riddick game, which is like one of the coolest a movie tie ins and be like first person non shooters. Like there is shooting, but it does cool things with perspective. Yeah. Yeah. Again, like prison fights and shit. Yeah. Yeah. Really cool. Immersive stuff. ah Puzzle solving sort of an open ended adventure. Yeah. Yeah. And all of the ah
Sort of impressions said that this game is like that, which sounds really cool. and Honestly, some of the stuff, especially like you have a camera and you can take pictures of things and learn about stuff, kind of sounds a little bit like Metroid Prime. This might be a secret Metroid Prime like.
which I don't know if you could say about it in Leanna Jones game, but it sounds really cool. um I mean, it needed to follow some sort of blueprint, right? Sure. Yeah. And Indiana Jones isn't like, you can't just kill, like he kills people, but he doesn't kill a ton of people every movie. He needs to do something else other than mass murder, right? He does do, he does a fair amount of killing. He does a fair amount of killing. or Like indirect killer where he just throws people out of things he probably shouldn't.
and we don't know if they die. They might die if they fall out of that point. Like it's in their hands after they get tossed. Exactly. He throws them off a train and if they get stuck in the wheels of the train, well, it's out of his hands. I don't know him. That's on the train engineer. Uh, Jesse, are you, uh, what's your temperature like in this game? I guess what's your, what's your Indiana Jones temperature as a whole and what's your temperature on the skin?
I did. Yeah. Jones take it or leave it ah as you know, it's a thing. Some cool stuff. A lot of mass stuff, but whatever pro with. ah I love whips. Whips are awesome. You could do the knock on someone's hand, get across the ledge, hit a button. I love that. I've seen a video of someone literally do the thing where they you use a whip on a tree branch. It connects itself like through its own centrifugal force or whatever. And they swing and then it releases. Like that's real. Incredible. That's real. real physical I don't think that's on you. Science checks out equilibrium. Science checks out in Indiana Jones.
Yeah, I think that's cool. Like the the trailer is very cinematic. So like how the gameplay I've no idea knowing it plays like Riddick, which ive I've heard great things about. i Sounds kind of cool. um I don't know. It's I'm scar I'm always skeptical to be.
optimistic for something that is almost exclusively ah like like cutscene footage or like, you know, oh, it's gameplay, but it's like the gameplay that's a scripted animation of you inserting a thing into a thing like that's not really how the game is going to feel. i ah So i I feel very about saying anything good at that. Sure. Watching ah a video about a thing that is not a video.
Yeah, no, but that that checks out. But but you hearing all that positive stuff is good because I want it to be good. Like, I think there's a lot of stuff in it and I like that other people are excited and I want them to have a thing to be excited about. There you go. Yeah, I think like the diehard Indiana Jones people skew slightly older than me.
ah So like, yeah, i I know of it. Like I've liked those movies growing up, but like, yeah, I don't have ah any huge reverence for that franchise in particular. So like, while the game does look really good, and like, yes, ah ah machine games with that star breeze pedigree, ah that does excite me about like something in the vein of ah the Chronicles of Riddick game.

Microsoft's Position in Gaming

I kind of wish that this was its own IP and not tied to indian Indiana Jones because like I know how how much an IP you know helps to sell people on a thing but like and this this is partly I guess also like worrisome for the the fact that this is this is an Xbox first party thing that's that's also going to PlayStation. It's just that
like we've been saying forever how badly Microsoft has just been in need of their studios that they paid cash money for to just make stuff that elevates their platform and makes it like a good contender to Sony's dominance and Nintendo's dominance for that matter. And, and this feels like yes, a big ass IP you do need to share that like it makes sense that that goes to PS five because that's gonna do gangbusters money wise, but that doesn't that doesn't secure the base, which is something that Xbox has very much needed to do and still need to do for a long time. So if this was like its own thing that you know the the world at large wasn't excited about but came out really good, and then like that galvanized the base and then got other people to be like, oh, there is good first-party AAA stuff on Xbox, that would have been a win. But this sort of feels like a sidestep as as opposed to what this could have been.
um So that's not that's my only sort of like, bittersweet thing about it. But like, otherwise, yes, the game itself does look really good. I see exactly what Jesse's talking about in terms of, yeah, they they put a lot of cut scenes in it. And like, a lot of folks nowadays consider that a video game. And like, like, give me the game part more than the the movie part.
Yeah, my last thing is like, show me 10 minutes of uninterrupted gameplay to let me sort of have an idea for what the actual flow is going to look like. um And yeahm yeah, I think I'm giving the benefit of it out because of their pedigree, because of like, I know um You know, unlike, well, I don't know if it's a good example, but like, because Ninja Theory has had gameplay centric games in the past. But like, if with Hellblade 2 in my mind, I was kind of like, OK, I'm expecting a lot of non-gameplay. Whereas with this, I'm like, oh, I've played the Riddick games and I've played all the Wolfenstein games and I know like these guys are gameplay centric. So. um
I guess cautiously optimistic that this game will also be gameplay centric, but I also, I, I, you know, I think they tell good stories and I, I do love the Indian. I don't think you're too old. I don't think you're too young for Indiana Jones. I think you just weren't interested in it as a kid um same age. And I was crazy about Indiana Jones.
Yeah, but um I think I'm back Casey up. I agree with him on that. I i do think so. The IP would have been like directly stronger, at least for me. And like I do feel like it is a little bit above like just that not that like anyone our age or younger doesn't enjoy any edge owns, but I feel like it's the like it was pulp for like a time before that other people that were interested in that was a different generation and like yeah it was already a thing looking at the past like it was already a nostalgic thing when it was created and so the idea of having nostalgia for a thing that was already nostalgic is and a thing that has also not had a strong
21st century, like, you know know, that's true. This century have not been loved. This movie last summer was a bomb. So it's not even like Star Wars, which is at least like it's building new traction with new audiences. Yeah. um ah But i i yeah, I don't know. I'm looking in in terms of like.
It feels like the AAA space, especially, is kind of shored up for the rest of the year. And it's it's up there in the like handful of like five or six AAA games that i'm I'm really looking forward to this year alongside. um you know With Ubisoft, we have Star Wars Outlaws coming next week, and Assassin's Creed Shadows in November. um Astrobot from Sony is coming in September. the For me, Metaphor Refantazio. And then, of course, Slitterhead. Because everyone on the street, i keep people keep coming up to me, tears in their eyes, and say, sir, what's happening with the Slitterhead?
And I say, please stay away from me and my child. I'm so excited for Slitterhead. Oh, that's going to be so weird. What's going on with that Slitterhead? We almost saw that one gameplay reveal, right? Oh, they showed a little story trailer. They showed a story trailer like a week ago. And let me tell you, it doesn't answer any of your questions. The more they've shown about Slitterhead, the less I understand that game.
It is funny though, because in an upcoming episode of the archive is on Parasite Eve. And in doing Parasite Eve, I went and replayed Parasite Eve 1, a little bit of 2, and a little bit of a third birthday, which was a PSP game. And that is secretly a slitter-like, because you play as Ayabreya, but your whole thing is you see someone in the battle, and you're like, I'm going to slitter them. And then you slitter them, and you become that person. That's not the terminology in the game, is it? I think it has officially become the terminology of like to, to, to Slitter is to like, see someone and be like, I'm a, I'm a be them. And then you be them. And so that's the Slitter. So I'm excited to Slitter head now. Uh, I believe that's coming out, uh, around, uh, early November. So, uh, prepare, prepare ourselves for the election. No matter what happens, we got Slitter. Yep. So there you go. four more years of slow. Parasite Eve archive. I love Parasite Eve. So I'm very excited to see that music. Yoko, she was absolutely slaps. Get out of town. I mean, I know she made like Kingdom Hearts music, which everyone loves and is like arguably probably like pays her rent still. Parasite Eve music. Let me tell you hachi hachi. It's real good. That's where the heart lies. Do you want to talk about something who someone who doesn't deserve our respect?
Peter Molyneux. I was really hoping that was the transition. I know! People are gonna be like, listen, you go to bed for Kojima all the time, what are you doing? Kojima releases, first off, doesn't steal our money, doesn't get into NFTs, releases sick-ass games on a consistent scale.

Peter Molyneux's Legacy

Yeah, he's a weirdo, but his games are rad. Peter Molyneux, on the other hand, the Hutzpah.
yeah Yeah. Peter Molyneux has. ah So we're we're talking about Masters of Albion, which he announced ah during Gamescom. It's strange because we confirmed it, I think. right Albion is the name of the world in Fable. No, it is. But Albion is also like ah ah the historical name of Britain.
Okay. So you okay they did not come up with the name. Right. Yes. So like British people are like, Oi, Albion, Chippile, like that kind of thing. Like Albion to British folks, if anyone's British in the audience, just deep apologies for everything that's occurred over the past half hour. ah But like, so Albion is a thing there. So it would be like, I guess the equivalent of like naming like your America Washington.
You know, like or like the you ever sense like that sort of. a um mean I mean, I get what you're I get what you mean by that. yeah Like you didn't create. He has to know. She does know because like alright he does not own that depiction of Albion, whereas. um and He doesn't want to leave on it because like not not only did he, you know, ah conjure up the imagery of like oh Peter Molyneux, oh, Fable with whatever this new thing is. He also said that he had the leads of all the people who worked on like his biggest stuff, helping him with this in some capacity, like whoever helps him with black and white, whoever helped him with um Fable Fable. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, he said that, but I don't say that. but
I'm curious who's responsible for the trailer that he showed though, because none of that looked like any actual gameplay and it. You know how you like you watch like a TV drama, like maybe a police procedural, and like a crime was committed by someone who's adjacent to gamers? And do they have a scene where it's just their version of what video games look like in the world? That is what matches of Albion looked like on that stage. And Jeff had him announce it to the world.
i Did he see that beforehand? Cause I was, I was in shock at how awful that demonstration looked. Okay. I mean, everyone, like I think Eric and chat was like, this looks like one of those like mobile game ads where you're like, no, I don't think this is one of those games where like, this is what this game looks like. If I click into here, I'm going to get hoodwinked.
i I think Jeff Keeley absolutely saw it. I also think he saw the one hundred thousand dollar check that Peter Molyneux wrote to get his game on Gamecom plus the whatever and extra amount it was to get an announcement on Gamecom and said, sounds great. You can show you us what about it because like he He did say like this was self-funded by him, if I recall, right? He said he put a lot of his own money into it. I don't remember his completely self-funded. The interviews today have been weird because one thing he's doing, he's pulling the, I smoke and drink a lot so I might die soon. So this maybe is my last game. And I'm like, that sounds like, like an abusive family member texting.
That sounds like a dad who leaves for a while and then comes back and is like, I might be dying. And you're like, what do you have? And he's like, getting old. We're all getting old. I'm not taking care of myself. like i you to Forgive me before I die.
um yeah yeah I think a lot of forgiveness needs to be ah given and and deserved inert. However, ah it's also he's made a lot of money over the past 10, 15... Okay, so Peter Molyneux created things like black and white and fable and populous games that like legitimately redefine genres in in the 90s and in the aughts.
And since then has, uh, uh, created sort of, uh, things that range from tech demos that clearly weren't real, like the milo connect game, where it's like, we will all cry with because our child is stuck in the screen goddess, which is, uh, uh, uh, a microtransaction fuel, uh, mobile or that was curiosity, the microtransaction field mobile game where everyone clicks the cube fan box.
Yeah, everyone clicks the cube to slowly chip away at the cube and you could pay money for bigger clicks and whoever gets to the center of the cube gets the greatest prize in human history. And that prize was become to become the god in Peter Molyneux's next game, Goddess. And I believe there's been interviews with the guy who won the curiosity game and he's like, I became the god and then and no one answers my emails.
but just
was is we funnyd and that's like hey guys of god was likenna be I think I think time ran out in terms of them figured out what the prize was going to be. A lot of times somebody got to the end of that queue and they just threw shit at the wall.
But what's funny is he kind of acknowledged how weird this this tangent was. He kind of says, like, yeah, I've been doing who knows what for the last couple of... Like, he says it on stage. Like, he's making fun of himself for kind of being on this kind of weird out there experimental phase. And now he's acting as if this is like a return to form. Oh, I'm back on my um god-ish. I'm gonna... It's a city builder ah plus god game where, like, you can do all these things. You can mix and match.
ah weapons but like it was all it was all features right he was saying you can do this you can do that but like there's really nothing cohesive about what this experience is supposed to be like what is this saying what is this trying to accomplish other than just being a bunch of stuff kind of thrown into a box so like just just kind of an incoherent showing from from computer yeah I want to go over a couple of super chats that came in distinctly about this. ah Red Dwarf for the $5 don't know. Thank you so much, Red Dwarf. ah Peter Molyneux would be a snake oil salesman in the Old West. Pretty much, yeah. Possibly. And then ah a Wild Josh with the $10 don't know. Thank you so much. I was dying laughing when Molyneux came out. I was on the edge of my seat, hoping he would try and reclaim the over-promising throne from Sean Murray. So Sean Murray of Hello Games and obviously, ah you know, and
everything that happened with No Man's Sky over the last 10 years. And Sean Murray gets the comparison with Peter Molyneux a lot. Sean Murray doesn't deserve it because Sean Murray over-promised and eventually delivered. And that is a difference to me.
Like Sean Murray, it felt like it was, his excitement was coming from a genuine place of wanting to create this thing and being like, I will not stop until this thing is created. And No Man's Sky is it kind of the game that they promise now. And so i yeah short and it took a very long time. it did me very long time. So I do not think he is without fault. ah But I think Sean Murray, yeah, John Lee said Sean Murray put in the work. I do agree. Whereas Peter Mullen, I feel like there is no, yeah he is doing like, even the thing of like, I'm dying soon. Like it feels like this is gonna come out. It's gonna bomb. And then he's gonna be like, I need to pick up a carton of milk and we won't see him for 15 years.
Um, which is, which is just kind of nuts. And this is coming from someone who, uh, my, my connection to Melanie was, I love the fable trilogy on X-Box. Like those are the games I like all three of them. I honestly like, I love all three of them. I think two is like a like top tier game of that generation. It was amazing. I really liked two. Yeah. One felt like I could see the building blocks to two and three was like, Ooh, you didn't go in the right direction, but I appreciate the big old swings. Uh,
good go in three yeah Yeah. So I appreciate that. excellent um Yeah. That's, that's, that's where my love of Molyneux is. So I was excited to see him on stage because I like seeing a little train wrecks, but, um, that was a little train wreck.
over fornight yeah Also, maybe he should make a game called little train wrecks where you just make a little train and then wreck each other. That seems like more in the scope of like, I can see a game about little train wrecks. It sounds nice. And then Red Dwarf for the $10 don't know. Thank you so much, Red Dwarf. Fun fact, Peter Molyneux started his game development career by accepting Commodore Amiga's mistakenly delivered to him. You knew those computers weren't his. The most Peter Molyneux thing ever. I'm going to be honest, that kind of makes me like I'm a little bit more.
So it tells me something and it doesn't belong to me and it doesn't belong to one of my neighbors. I'm probably not returning it. It you does. Little Amiga thief. Yeah, it makes his whole career trajectory make a lot more sense if that's true. Sure. Like, yeah. What if someone would have like mailed him a gun? but He would have had a 2024 Olympics out there. He would have been one of those sick ass dads that would have fired the gun where it's like, oh my God, you're an anime character. You're incredible. Yeah.
That's really funny. Right now. So when I turn on the gun. ah So there you go. ah Masters of Albion, a game I'd say we're going to talk about more, but there's a genuine chance we don't talk about it until this may never appear ever again. In all honesty, it could be very much vaporware. Yeah. ah But put exciting.

Amazon's 'Secret Level' Series

um And then the other big story, um not a ton to talk about this, but just something that I know Casey and I were excited about when they showed it was a secret level.
which is the yeah it was announced like a month or two ago and then finally really shown off. It's a ah ah Amazon Prime ah short ah animated short collection by Tim Miller, who is behind Blur Studio, the CG house that that makes some of the coolest video game trailers ever.
ah Deadpool, the original Deadpool, as well as ah Love, Death and Robots, which is probably the best analog to this series, is that series on Netflix, which is a bunch of short story sci-fi stories from different artists in different styles and everything. um A really cool thing. So Secret Level is going to be this on Amazon, 15 episodes launching in December, ah but each episode is going to be set in a different video game world.
including Armored Core, and Mega Man, and God of War, and Warhammer, and Sifu, and Concord, and the trailer in Spelunky, and the trailer looks fucking awesome. The animation looks incredible, the games they're choosing, a couple of them I'm like, I don't know if I care about Amazon's New World, but Like, Casey, we're watching with you, and it was like, Mega Man and fucking Sifu? Like, these are perfect things for, like, short stories. And, you know, in an age where it's like everything's getting a movie adaptation, like, I'm much more... I have much more faith in, like, tell me a cool 15-minute Mega Man story than make a 90-minute Mega Man summer blockbuster. And do it in animation. Like, that yes is the key. Like, get out of this live-action BS. These are super fantastical worlds.
animated like this is the perfect like this like this hits so like so closely to just like the things I love like Sifu actually got sort of like a weird short not weird but like ah kind of a short ah live action film, but it was like a commercial for the game. Like a trailer for the game. It actually had like a really cool. Oh yeah. Eric's got it on screen right now. I had like a really cool like feel to it because like, yes, it's just an almost all of these kind of old Hong Kong ah action movies, whatever. So yeah, just taking, just ripping the actual game assets was what it looks like. Cause it looks like it's in the Sifu style, not like its own thing, but it's like Sifu's stylized um look and then just tell that story.
like Like, and it also it gives new life to that franchise that I that i like absolutely fell in love with when it launched. This kind of feels like Capcom didn't forget about Mega Man. ah You know, Slow Clap is working on a new Sifu.
you know ah from software, like they're happy with, you know, arm like everything that shows up here feels like these, these are games that we know and love and that they're still here. Like they're getting their transmedia, you know, Day in the Sun, even though, you know, they're short films, but like they're getting that attention and that love and care that a lot of companies, I guess, don't want to pay millions and millions and millions of dollars for. Like this is kind of a neat little way to like get their piece of that transmedia pie.
Yeah, Jesse, do you um does not do anything for you? Does it move? the Absolutely. I thought it looked fantastic. I also like everything about it. Yes. Love the idea. Short form media. Absolutely. Like, again, I don't need a Mega Man two and a half hour movie. Mega Man origins. It's not like Timothy Chalamet, right? Yeah, exactly. But like a 15 minute. He wouldn't be a bad Mega Man. He's too tall. He's too. He can't be Mega Man. He's too tall.
All right. Peter Dinklage is Mega Man. fuck there we go ah But like I think one of the only thing that it it I don't know worked better for me is because it was an animated series. It is a look. This is going to be fun to watch. And it was cut scene trailer.
when everything else was also mostly cut scene trailers, but like this one was actually about a show. It's like, Oh, we're going to look at. This is actually the thing I could be excited about this. Sure. Yeah.
Um, yeah, that is really funny where it did the same thing as everything else, but it did it honestly, I guess, as opposed to like it, it, it put its only foot forward as opposed to everything else, which is like, Ooh, I'll hold a judgment until I see something extended. Um,
Yeah. It looks cool. And they haven't announced exactly who like who, you know, love and robots is written and directed by some big writers and directors. And it has some like really cool actors and they haven't gone super in depth into who's doing all of these. Um, like what, uh, animation analysis, what directors, what writers, uh, and it hasn't been official yet, but the quick shot of who the main character of the armored core one is looks exactly like Keanu Reeves. So the assumption is Keanu Keanu Reeves is starring in the Armored Core one, and if that is the caliber of people, and obviously Keanu Reeves is video game adjacent with, I mean, everything from The Matrix to Cyberpunk last year, or Jesus, that was like five years ago. Yeah, that was a little while ago, yeah. That was when the Switch 2 was coming out. It was gonna be a launch on it. It was gonna launch on it. But no, if that's like the caliber of talent, I'm really looking forward to this. And I think this is one of those things where I'm like, this could run
forever. There is no bottom to this well of, if you get the right people on the right things and give them the time to do it, there's, I could, I could put down a list of like 200 games. I would love to see little short stories.
but and like if like if these like if if this series is like big like pot and it has the potential to be because like video games are big like you can you can lure like a big audience in with maybe just one or two of these games and then they get to experience all the other ones and then become like a big Amazon hit or whatever like there's also one is the possibility that some of these companies would be like, all right, spin it off. Whatever studio worked on this gave us a full order, right? But there's also a possibility that other game companies are like, Oh, can we get one? Like whenever season two comes around, can we sign up for whatever this is? Because I'd love you to make a
ah a dream opinion to movie I mean, we talked about Nintendo earlier, like Nintendo's got like a dozen properties where I'm like, I would like to see Kirby in this. I would like to see Star Fox in this. I don't know if I want. I don't know if I chose a Star Fox movie, but like a sick ass Star Fox 10 minute like dog fighting. And that's that key right there. Animated. Animated. Yeah. If it's animated, you're you're ringing the bells and you're already on the right path. Yeah. So I'm super excited.
Yeah. I'm, I'm sure this is on purpose, which I mentioned new world. So that's connected to Amazon. Also Amazon's doing the Warhammer 40 K series and 40 K is one of the properties in this as well with an episode. Yeah. Yeah. little selfserving yeah There's definitely some zofa yeah was Amazon and I'm assuming with Sony, I think Sony is putting some money into this. Like Sony productions because one of the things seems to be a Concord, which again, that is a game that like the Concord is that who did that launch today? that logic that Is today?
like Concord is their narrative based hero shooter with a retro future world that kind of looked a little bit like um Guardians of the Galaxy. I it might be a lot. Two days. If you pre-ordered it you might be able to play it now. okay um So there's a kind of core thing which to me makes sense because I'm like that To me, the coolest thing about that seemed like the world and its characters. But then they also showed there's a Kratos thing. And it is not a God of War story. But they showed Kratos getting his axe. And behind him was what looks like New York City. Yeah, that is a very modern city. And so that might be Kratos vamping through game worlds. Literally, the other side of that shot might be Spider-Man and Miles fighting Venom. Padmanathan, our artist.
ah sort of like did a little Twitter goof on that. And I looked at that and I'm like, Ooh, that might be right, actually. like And this might be Kratos like spending a few minutes like fighting with Ratchet and Clank, fighting with Nathan Drake, fighting with Jhin from Ghost of But if you use Spider-Man as a first party game character.
Yeah. Yeah, well, yeah, I know they gave us a first party, but like, but he's he's showing up in like ah a TV slash film thing. If they're not weird, he does not speak and they do not refer to him as Spider-Man. If this is like, I mean, that is literally like Adam Webb. but Uh, was able to, they couldn't refer to the baby as Peter Parker. They couldn't say what they named the baby as, but you could have his mom say, in theory, he was in the movie because he was in utero with, uh, Emma, Emma, Emma Roberts. Um.
Yeah, we we'll dig more into this. We'll dig more into this in our Emma Roberts-centric podcast.
Utku, thank you so much for a $5 donor, Utku Fincher, David Fincher of ah Fight Club and Zodiac and Seven and everything. directed a Love, Death and Robots episode. This is the same team. I am losing my mind. If Fincher directs a Max Payne episode, I would adore, like, again, like, how sick would it be if you have all these directors and instead of it being like, I'm going to spend a year and a half of my life doing a movie being like, oh, i'll yeah, I'll spend like a month or two doing this little short. Like, that would be sick as hell. Completely agree.
And os with three Australian dollars, thank you so much. I don't feel like Common Core deserves a secret level. ah Understandable, especially for a game that isn't out yet. It's brand new. Yeah, there was a couple of things there that that again, feel like but um marketing way yeah marketing. Yeah, marketing. Cyberpunk. Yeah. Yeah. Ed Runner's what came out and like actually funneled a lot of people back to the game. Yeah. Yeah. Honestly. And if this as the marketing budget for those games helps fund it for but all of the games in this show series. All right. Cool. Like.
works ah for the Spider-Man bit. Stony pictures does to the Spider-Verse as well. So like they've got like they yeah they maybe they can use that Spider-Man. Yeah. Well, and they also might just be chummy with Disney lawyers and with their lawyers and be able to bang something out.
Or they'll like a point Disney lawyers are like, look, it's Peter Moly. He's probably trying to steal something from you over there. so cold put this shit out quick um Yeah, it looks very cool. That's debuting later this year in December. We'll absolutely have more of that on all of our shows. That's an entertainment. That's a video game thing. That is a four-quadrant entertainment piece. So excited for that. Yes. Love it. Hell yeah. Yeah, and then the last sort of just as a grad bags, those were the three big announcements that I kind of pulled out. There's a bunch of other little ones. There was the Black Ops 6 demo, which looked really cool and felt more like spycraft.

Game Demos and Releases

It did look good.
Yeah. Yeah. Then a traditional Call of Duty game. ah There was the the brief reveal of ah Mafia of the Old World, which is a new mafia game set in the early 1900s in Sicily. Borderlands 4 exists. That's all we know coming next year. And then probably my favorite trailer of that was Re-Animal.
which is the newest game from Tarsier Studios who did Little Nightmares 1 and 2 and it absolutely looks like Little Nightmares 3 but then they ah ah revealed Little Nightmares 3 and it looked is by another studio and it looks bad and I'm like oh no what but What happened here? To be fair, it doesn't it doesn't look bad. It just. yes it Yeah. It doesn't look as good as what Tarsier is doing with Re-Animal. Yeah. Like that looks kind of like an evolution and the nightmares three looks like the same thing or small nightmares. Yeah. Yeah. yeah don't I don't think we need two of these games.
No. And if we had to choose one, I think I know which one I want, to play which sucks. But yeah, that's the way it is. um Yeah. Any anything from those or anything else at the show that that stood out to you? Like, are you? I don't know. Like this is Call of Duty moving the needle for you guys at all. um I'm going to try it over that, to be honest, when I watch the video, I was like, oh, this is scrub. and that's And that's fine. And it's fair. But the the fact that this one will launch day and date on Game Pass ah has Like, I don't have to buy into it. And apparently you can download just the campaign as opposed to however, like just whatever 200 megabyte thing that they're going to do. um So I'll probably try and give it a shot because it's been, a you know, it's been a while since I played through Call of Duty and it did look cool and fun. like it Like some of the spy craft stuff that you mentioned reminded me a lot of like perfect dark missions. So like, yeah, I'll jump in there and see what kind of what's going on.
with that. um But the Borderlands 4 thing. um That was that was pretty funny just with the movie having come out recently after what Darren said nine years of development. um And it just completely bombing the fact that this clearly was probably already planned like the movie will be out and then the the game reveal at you know, ah games, comma, whatever. Was is anyone looking forward to Borderlands 4?
I haven't enjoyed it very well. Like still. Yeah, i know my story three was so disappointing to me. like And I was very excited for three because I really did love one and especially two. um And like when three was coming around the corner, I was like, oh, it's been so long. But like this formula definitely works today because Destiny was still a thing. And if they can just inject kind of an updated, you know, you know, world and some mechanics and stuff to this in their universe, like I could really get into that. And they they played it very, very safe.
And then they kind of did the same thing again with Wonderland's, where like all they really did was put a fresh coat of paint on it, and then have all their lame jokes be about Dungeons and Dragons as opposed to Mad Max or whatever Borderlands is based on nowadays. And again, it just felt very safe and samey. like like the The magical powers and stuff were just grenades, for example, in that world. like If they're going to go ahead and do a four, I'm worried that it's going to be more of the same.
And Gearbox really has not been able to break out with anything outside of Borderlands, like since their inception. So yeah. It felt very much like ah it's funny, after the Fallout Amazon series premiered, my big thing was Microsoft is so fucking dumb for not having a new Fallout game to reveal right now to be like, look, we're we're going to a new Fallout game because everyone is still six. OK, everyone keeps talking about something. I'm just not I'm just.
I mean, yeah, it's not on the radar, but that that is their current and the most current fallout game and they they've released new things for it. And there are a lot of people playing it. They gave that think they gave it um for free on the Amazon Prime. Like people just have it.
They did. And my bias are showing by being like, if it's live service, I kind of just gloss over it. Just check out. That's a me thing. That's a me thing. And that is not, obviously, money in the industry shows that I am in the minority there. However, I think Gearbox, in their mind, was like, this movie is going to be huge. And then a week and a half later, we're going to reveal the new game. And people are going to lose their goddamn minds. It'd be like, if after The Last of Us premiered, there was The Last of Us 3 reveal. And everyone's like, oh, my god, it's happening. And the movie came out and everyone's like, this is an affront to God. This is bad. How did you waste so much money on this? Like they weren't worried.
Yeah, I mean, I'm sure they knew going into it. the And the problem is with all of this stuff, I mean, we're in the media. We know you plan this stuff months, year, years in advance. Like, yeah, yeah.
We'll drop the trailer at this Gamescom because that's the closest thing to when we have the movie scheduled to release. So like when they start doing reshoots and start getting feedback and it's like, oh, no, change the director and everything. Yeah. it's like Well, this is already set like. Yeah. Yeah. This game has been in production for a while. This is not ah like someone made a goof earlier of like, oh, this seems like damage control like.
it's far more boring than that like these things are just set in stone way in advance like it's just not that exciting of like quick put together this trailer because that's also not a quick leak but together a trailer like this i think the borderlands catch i do not think the movie hurt the borderlands ip too much in my opinion. I think if they have a game that can capture that excitement and spirit of Borderlands 2 again, which again, everyone forget, like Borderlands 2 was a giant hit. Like one of, literally one of the biggest games of that generation. I went to a midnight release for Borderlands 2. Like it was a woods big deal. Wow. Granted games and online games and co-op looter shooters and everything were in a very different place 12 years ago, 13 years ago, whenever that was.

Borderlands and Gearbox Concerns

um But I don't, even though I'm not super interested in Borderlands, I'm not willing to bet against this game. Because if they do it right, it could be a massive hit. Yeah, it is the train, the truck, what is it? The engine that could? The little engine that could. The little train truck that could. Yeah, the little jalopy. The little jalopy. Red dwarf of the $5 don't know I think it's much red dwarf I am looking forward to borderlines for even if it is a morbid curiosity And I don't think any of the like tiny Tina pre-sequel anything like that has been Capital B bad. It is just nothing has hit the
the high, understandably immense highs of, of borderlines too. So yeah, it'll be exciting to see if, uh, if they're able to do that next year. I think a big part of that too, is that they helped shape that genre. Like they didn't start it, but they helped shape it. And now we have 10, 15 years of people doing that. So yeah them doing what they did just, okay, we've already seen this. We've seen it better. We've seen it evolve. Like you've got to come out with something different.
Yeah, that's a really, that's a good point. It's almost like how in 2016 when Doom came back and you're like, well, yeah, you haven't done anything in a while, but you are Doom. So we'll give you a chance. Like I'm not saying this game is going to reinvent the franchise like Doom did, but like Doom 2016 did. But um I think that was this opportunity to do that. And he just played it. they That's the thing. He just played it safe. And some people were happy with that.
With three. like it did It did enough like that. Like them wrestling the Lord's. I'm worried that they are too scared to to do it because Borderlands is all they have. Like it's all they got. Every other project that they have tried to put out. They got to zero. Exactly. Exactly. Colonial Marines. Every other thing that they tried to put out has just landed with a wet battle born.
Exactly what I'm getting at. Like they can't afford to not, they can't afford to F-up Borderlands to that degree, right? So i they must be so timid working on that, being like, all right, well, whoever bought the last one, we just need them to buy this again. And I feel like that that audience, I feel like that audience would shrink if you just keep getting the same thing, but what do I know? Like, I'm in games media, everyone else keeps buying these effing games. we're bigs We don't know what's going on. ah The big, yeah, the big thing is, ah
Do you know what game they have? Homeworld 3. That's also not. That's also like when it was forever in developing games, right? No, it came out. It came out.
came out. Was it good? ah bunch like Sevens and eights. Home world three is a recurring goof because it was like featured very tangentially on several like E3 esque showcases in a row that we were on, uh, where it was like, and one more thing. Homeworld three is in development. and really but I don't, I don't know anything about homeworld one or two. Yeah. Homeworld three came out everybody.
Little H World for y'all. This has almost 5,000 reviews on Steam, and it is mostly negative. Yeah, but Homeworld 3 came out, so that's the important thing. it was a very big It was a very big, like a spacey RTS series. Homeworld 1 and 2, I think, are beloved. The Homeworld 3 did not recapture the magic of Homeworld 1 and 2.
Could that be a sign of what's to come for Borderlands 4? Absolutely. Or will Borderlands 4 do what? one of those infamous fourth game in a franchise that really brings things together because those happy first game though because there's the prequel there's the first three the prequel and tiny Tina it's actually a pre-sequel if so please get it right so if you're not gonna get it right don't even show up so I didn't do enough homework for this I'm sorry are there two of those two pre-sequels two pre-sequels there was tiny Tina
Then there was Battle Boy, which doesn't really count. How many? Then there was a whole film. They did that telltale game that people liked. They did, but that was telltale. That game's great, actually. That game's really good. I do not care about Borderlands, and I loved that telltale game. It was also like Troy Baker and Laura Bailey as the main characters, and they're just really good at speaking with their mouths and acting, so. All right, let's move on from Gamescom. Get to what we've been playing and watching before we do. Fat cocks back.
that could do Welcome back. Welcome back. Welcome back. Fat clock. I'm back y'all. I beat the case against me. I'm proud of you. Fat cock. I knew you could. I don't know. Disrepresentation false advertising. I don't know what the case against you.
Peter, Peter Molyneux, I'm talking about your own junk. But congrats. Welcome back. We're it's glad glad to have you back. Let's chat about what we've been we playing and watching. Jesse, you asked, can we talk about board games? I want to know what's going on here. You talk about whatever you want. We talked about raps for several weeks in a row, so you can talk about whatever you want.
Awesome. well I feel like board games work. Then I played a board game called maximum apocalypse and it was really fun. Yeah. So the idea is like you, there's a bunch of scenarios and each one's a different apocalypse like alien invasion, vampires, zombies, a time rift.
Cthulhu mythos, like it was a bunch of different ones that you can choose from and you pick one and then there's like different scenarios in it and you pick the scenario and then you have to be like, Oh, we did the zombie apocalypse. It's like save the scientists from the police station, get back to the van and escape.
And then you lay out a bunch of tiles that are like the place where you're going. So there's like gas stations, farms, city streets, all that. And then you have to start moving to them, flipping them to find out what it is. And hopefully nothing bad when it happens. But then more monsters have a chance to spawn every turn you're starving. So you have like a little die, keeping track of your, of your health every turn.
ah Each character has ah like a specific health that they have. They all have specific powers. They all have their own decks of cards of things they get. It was really fun. And I absolutely want to play it again. How ah how many players and how long does a game take it? I think it goes up to four players. It might be more. Actually, I have to check. um But I played it with two players, but they probably like four to six players and like and And this is with a totally new person. So things tend to go slower. So probably like an hour ish hours. That sounds short to me. And if yeah, yeah it's yes, it is co-op. True Mandalorian. It is all the players are working together against the scenario. So like we're all trying to survive and help each other, which I love players versus the board games. um Yeah, that is cool. But no, I'm putting in the chat. um Cool.
No, I always, yeah, those two, uh, those two questions are always Mike's. I feel like that is like the barrier. Oh, Eric says is one to six players. One to six. Yeah. And on a board game, he could says 45 to 90 minutes. So sounds yeah, it sounds about an hour. It has a 2.1, one out of five on weight. I didn't realize they just, they, they review games based on like weight, not reviews. Like they scored it.
I think, yeah, scoy I think it's mostly like I live in it. Maybe it's like I live in a studio apartment. What is this game feasible for me? Or is this like a big chunker? Okay. So the the legendary, the friend I had had the legendary box, which is like a bunch of stuff together. It was a big honking box and there was a bunch of dead space in it. Like it was not, it worked like, Oh yes, everything's in here. but like So many copies of dead space in it.
But like there was just a lot of empty space that it's like this could have been designed to be more together. Sure. They were like, this is the design we want. So that's probably a fair critique.
like I mean, yeah, like if if you're someone who plays like a lot of board games, you don't want a box to just take up a a ton of space on your she youre right. and so You know, you have other games to put their shelf over here. now It should be economical space wise. But I know that's that's a good that's a good metric, I think. Mousecatcher says it's a complexity rating, I believe. And I i i ah put my mouse over with the weight rating and it says complexity rating.
Oh, that's really great for how difficult the game is to understand. Why are you calling that weight? Why is it just all it complexity? 2.1 is really good then because that is it is pretty simple to understand. There's a really good action economy of like you get four actions, do whatever you want with them. But like each thing you do is just one action. So it's very easy to know what you can do in a turn.
Ooh, I love that. Also, I like you talking about action economy. That's like real good. Oh, my gosh. I'll talk about real it' so real good. Like that that term has good mouth feel. It does. It's it's are you one of my favorite terms in gaming and like one of the most important things. Do you think you and Jack are going to talk about action economy next weekend at PAX West at your panel on Saturday whole sunday evening? I hope we do. Yeah, it's next next weekend this week. It's not this weekend. That's next weekend. We got to get on a plane. We guys got to get out because you're there. yeah you best start believing in ghost movies because you're in one
an ask about tuconomies I do someone asked about action economies because I will I will i i'll be honest I will ask you guys about action so we need a plant just in case nobody else ask questions I'll say, do you have like somewhere I can send in questions? I got one about um ah weight versus complexity and action economy. And my first one is, well, you should not judge a game based on weight if it's actually on complexity. Those are two different things. And then action economy.
ah Oh yeah. Uh, anything else? Anything else that you've been, you know, that was the most exciting thing. So I'm going to go with, Oh, I have been watching the Chucky series on a

Media Enjoyment and Streaming

peacock. Oh yeah. I've watched first season that I enjoyed it. I'm um like five episodes in. I am liking it. and It's like three seasons long.
Like it's like completed. It has a very dedicated fan base. People love that little doll is going around. i Fucking people up in it. Yes. I don't know if it's complete yet. And like I think it's the same. I would mention this to somebody. I think it's the same like lore since kind of around the first movie.
And I don't think it's a continuation. Yeah. And like, it's amazing to see something last that long with a creator that's like still excited to tell stories in this still has interesting things to say about that world and these characters and like, isn't just like, but that's a reboot. Now we're doing this. Like there's callbacks to things that happened in previous movies from a while ago.
Yeah, that's super interesting. like Yeah. There's never been a Chucky reboot, right? There is a child's play reboot, but that is actually completely different because I believe the studio that owns the rights to the name child's play, which was the first three Chucky movies, kept the rights to the name where the Chucky person ah kept the rights to like everything else. Yeah. Kept load the rights to the the name Chucky and like the the imagery and stuff. And so that's why the Chucky movies from the fourth one on are called Chucky versus child's play.
It's consistent continuity makes it the one piece of a small doll horror films. Otosan said that he was inspired by the Chucky continuity when when creating ah the The Adventures of One Piece. ah The mom from Married with Children is going to be on One Piece season two. Old Peggy Bundy.
That's who that is. I saw that picture and was like, she looks familiar. She also looks exactly like the character they want her to play. Yeah. She was also Leela in, uh, what's it called? She voiced Leela in Futurama, the one eyed Leela. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't put that together. I always read the name and I know her voice. I i've never put that together. And that's the same part.
As ah we're all aware, so I don't even need to explain to you guys, but she was in several flashbacks on Lost. She was a paramour of John Locke, but John Locke's obsession with his father obviously drove a wedge between them. So, yeah, as we all know, I didn't even need to say that. I don't even know why I said that. We all know that. i ah I feel like we should have started with this. Casey, you played some Wukong.
We're an hour and 15 minutes of this show and I feel like we should have... Oh, people are asking who's... Wait. Do you remember who the character Katie Segal's playing? She's playing Dr. Kureha? Oh, that's the one that people wanted Jamie Lee Curtis to play, but Jamie Lee Curtis couldn't play? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Jamie Lee Curtis would have been a good pick, but also... Yeah. She's like a weeb or weeb adjacent. One of her kids is like a weeb or something. Yeah, I think her kids is like a big weeb or something. There you go. The casting looks great, and they've been really good at the casting for that show. I'm so excited for it. Okay, we're deleting everything beforehand.

Black Myth: Wukong Analysis

Casey, you got a chance to play Wukong, which... I did.
It debuted to incredible numbers. It is the second has the second most ah peak concurrence in steam history after PUBG ah of any game ever. Over two million. A lot of that is the game is doing gangbusters in China where the game is developed. ah But the game is obviously a massive hit. So you played a little bit of Wukong. What do you think? Yeah, I want to say I played maybe two, three hours of the opening ah some tutorial. So.
ah the tutorial is not like there's like some there's like an opening section that's like you can't die and like tons of cinematic stuff like it's really cool looking ah but you don't get to do much and they don't really tell you much ah but then almost right after that they kind of just go go play like go out in this world wherever it is fairly linear it's it's it's souls like II in in terms of like its structure and skeleton ah but it feels more like the Uh, Ninja, got into team ones like, uh, what's the one that just came out? And yeah,
own and um rise of the rise of Ronin. But the other one that came out on game pass, not too long ago, I reviewed it and I cannot remember it. Wild hearts. No, someone will remember.
ah But essentially what i what I'm getting at is that it's it's a lot more linear, right? Like it's not like several paths in different directions. Like you're kind of going kind of through funneled hallways, even though it's like a forest, there are like very weak enemies here and there, like nothing to the, nothing to the level of like,
any of the other Souls games or Souls adjacent games that have done really, really well that challenge you out and out in the regular streets. And then you pop up in a boss arena and then you have kind of an awkward boss fight. And ah all in all, I'm not liking what I'm playing of Wukong right now. And I'm very skeptical of those numbers. but like I don't know why, but the The fact that you were bringing up the point that it's like this really huge hit in China. what like China generally doesn't like video games. They kind of limit i guess like the amount of exposure like a lot of people get to just big budget video games and stuff. so like it's It's weird that this would have this level of like explosive popularity.
Uh, but I don't know, you know, it's based on like Chinese pathology, but it's the story as old as time. Like it's, it's Goku is Dragon ball, right? Yeah. Uh, I don't know what the American equivalent it'd be like if we all were like really stoked about like, uh, who's the guy, uh, Paul Bunyan and babe, the Yeah, but if all Americans were like, fuck, I'm a baby. Tom Sawyer movie. Yeah, yeah. OK, so a couple of things. Yeah. Long was the name of that game. Long. Yes. Long. Understandably, Wollong and Wukong sound sound very similar. and Yeah. Like it it pushed the other one out of my brain. And this is a big so. So China's big on games, but they haven't been big on triple A single player. Right. Yeah. They're like kind of mobile.
Yeah, and the fact that this is developed by game science, which is a studio that I believe it is a Chinese studio that I think has like worked in partnership with the like like almost like the Chinese government has like given this the seal of approval as a game. So I think that is part of the reason why in those 2 million plus concurrence, ah some analysts were saying that, oh, the game, like literally 90% of this might be China, which still means 200,000 people plus are playing, non-Chinese players are playing this on Steam, which for a single player game is phenomenal.
Like, yeah, that is phenomenal numbers. This game absolutely does absolute gangbusters. um But ah yeah, that's just one of the things. But you're a little like you're a little underwhelmed by it. Yeah, I kind of look warm on it like for a couple of reasons. Like one is it it is doing a lot of what we were just talking about and how like a lot of the game does kind of feel like cinematics. Like ah when you're doing some of these boss fights, like you'll get the enemy to a certain amount of health and then like they'll just do a bunch of jumping and fighting automatically and stuff.
um the bosses aren't like the souls like games and the relationships to their bosses is like super important in that.
That's how you kind of learn the mechanics as they're talked to you over the course of the game. One, this you you don't have a lot of options um at the start, and they also don't... It does seem like there's some depth there, but they don't explain much of it to you. like There's a lot of terminology um in the menus when like you unlock a skill that says, oh you'll be able to do this once you've absorbed a a focus point. And then after you've like, while you're in the middle of a combo, press this button while a focus point is absorbed, and then you'll do a blah, blah, blah attack. And when you have the blah, blah attack, then that all right, this is one mechanic that links to a second mechanic and the third mechanic, but nothing in the game has told me about even the first one yet, let alone the second and third.
So the fact that I'm able to unlock this stuff, and I can do it, nothing in the game has shown me how. And there's a couple of things in the game that feel like I just don't understand how to use it yet. And it's too early for me to feel that loss with the game's mechanics, because I play a lot of these games. So there are certain languages that should just translate. And one that I think that there might just be me needing to get used to it,
But like a lot of Souls games are very deliberate in terms of their attack animations. like You swing the sword, you commit to swinging that sword, and that's a known entity. like You can't just roll at any time. But the opposite is true for like more you know stylistic action games, where yeah you're in the middle of a bunch of combos, but as soon as you see someone swing at you, you have the opportunity to just dodge or parry or something.
This game uses the the language of a spectacle fighter, but then the mechanics of a Souls Light game. So like you'll press one or two buttons and Wukong goes swinging. Like he's doing all sorts of flips and twirls or whatever. And you are stuck. Like the enemy will decide I'm going to tank all this and swing at you and you cannot do anything.
um You're you have other than your your normal attacks you have um Your heavy attacks and the heavy attack acts more like a stance whereas rather than you press that button and you do a stronger slower attack you instead pull the staff behind you and Then the next attack you do or after a short while you will do a heavy attack and like the time it takes for between when you press that button and then the next thing happens is wild and it just doesn't feel good. And so I'm getting to a lot of fights, especially boss fights, because that's mostly what um the game has, where
like I'm getting killed because like I feel like I don't have control over my character rather than I'm yeah going in there and I'm seeing what the boss pattern is and like yes, it's kicking my ass, but then I know what I'm doing wrong. like No, this feels like a lot of mashing and then a lot of cheap deaths because um I could have sworn I was done swinging my freaking staff all over the place, but like I wasn't able to actually roll because the animation hadn't quite finished yet.
um yeah And like, yeah, like every like, and or like I said, I only put like maybe two, three hours. I want to say I fought already like maybe five, six bosses. Jeez. And none of those fights were fun. Like I did not necessarily enjoy any one of those boss encounters. And like that, that doesn't bode well for for this sort of game. Because like, it's gonna be all bosses from that point forward, it I'm assuming.
Yeah, it's it's funny the ah obviously this has become we don't need to dig into it. This has become a dumb like culture or lightning rod game kind of like how Stellar Blade was a couple of months ago, which is yeah, least I don't think about don't know how or why like what? Yeah, I don't know. because That's fucking stupid and was a mistake. But no, from the ah from people I know who like you are like hardcore, like into combat systems and games and spectacle fighters and souls likes in action games and stuff. I'm hearing a lot of the same thing of like the the the visual like pump and everything of the game is really impressive. But like it looks boiling down.
it It you could tell that so this is game sciences, not only first like AAA game, I think it's only their third game. And I think the previous two were kind of like free to play and MMOs. And so you can kind of tell that there's not that same level of what a Team Ninja or Ninja Theory or FromSoft or Platinum has done where it feels like they've been kind of building upon ah their their philosophy or their mechanics and everything, and and you get to a point where like and you're like, oh, this is this like refined combat system. This does kind of feel like, but boom this is their first time. It's really pretty. Does this work? and It seems like it's not as refined as some of those aforementioned ones.
like wonder even is what ah I if that's part of what's making it appealing to the non Souls players, which is shocking for everybody yeah here at second wind that there are people that don't just obsess over Dark Souls. good and it's Not anyone on this call, but like. There are some people that don't enjoy those. Yeah. And that maybe having sort of that seeing that thing that looks kind of like that language, but plays different in a way that they like more that doesn't harken to those kind types of languages of gameplay is appealing. Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah, like it. Yeah, it's like it's a version of that for me, like not me, but like, you know, the other half of that crowd. Yeah. Where like.
like Like people who like really like that their video games are half cutscene. That audience is out there and they buy games.
I love a cutscene. I hear, like someone compared this game to a Sura's Wrath and I was like, ooh, you might've done it. You might've got me to buy this this weekend. I don't think it's it's not that egregious, but like, yeah, yeah there there is a lot of flair for what feels like, you know, ah like a thin amount of like meat on the bone. And the same so far with like the storytelling, like, like cool opening, like I'll say again, like just the visuals.
like, are mind blowing. But like, you don't get a ton of context as to who is who and what's what. And then you're kind of thrown into, you know, the scenario afterwards. And like, people are talking to you, but you don't really know about what. And like, you're you got be sure these characters and you don't really know why. And you just kind of going through the motions um and nothing, nothing about the world is compelling. Like, again, beautiful. But I don't know if this is on ah umt Unreal engine five, but like some some some of that rocks stuff looks real familiar. if You get my mean it's a real pride. See these rocks for war. Like some of the stuff is getting a little same looking. and Yeah. But all the characters is unreal five. It is unreal. Yeah. So like, yeah, and it has a look. But all the character model stuff. Gorgeous. Like the animation is amazing, but like not easily not easy to read when you're in the middle of a fight because, you know, particle effects and
ah Yeah, I guess just some of those animations could use just better telegraphs and just better movement. Like, if if my character movement and attacks made more sense to me, like, I i feel like i I wouldn't be bouncing off of it so hard. But again, it might just be a thing. I'm still early in the game. I might just need to get used to how it is handling all this. Yeah. So like, there's like, so I don't want to write it off completely yet. But I like, I'll be honest, and like, yeah, it's it just has not clicked with me at all yet.

Unique Game Trends and Predictions

Yeah, yeah. No, and it's such a stark difference in like the last couple of these I've played. Like, like Bo and Nine Souls, like those felt so good, like movement and like combat wise, like just right out of the gate. So like this this is kind of a stark difference in that regard. one ah One of my favorite things about this year is how weird the best selling games of the year is going to look.
Because like, I think at this point, I think the three best selling games of the year are Power World, Helldivers 2 and college football. And there's a good chance this is going to enter it. And then Call of Duty will be in there by the end of the year. So it's just a weird year. This is like a very weird year, which I'm i'm happy with that. I'm like, ah you know what people love? They love college football. They love Chinese single player games and they love hell diving. And also they love it when you give the Pokemon guns.
I mean, these are all true statements. I want someone to take lessons from all of those so and put them in the next game. Uh, yeah, that's cool. Well, uh, yeah, we're going to have more Wukong coverage. I know Yahtzee is planning to do it for an upcoming full ramble Matic. I'm sure you'll be playing it more. Um, yeah. more thought it's more time its a week Yeah. Thank you. Uh, you can plan anything else. Watch anything else.
uh, not watching anything else. Like i've I've played a little bit of the, that time I got reincarnated as a slime isekai game. Like I was very, very curious about, uh, because like I saw it's its trailer and it, it, it answered the call. Like I made a video forever ago about how anime games just always default to freaking lazy arena fighters. And this one was like, all right, well,
This anime has fighting in it. We're going to have 2D dungeon crawling, but then we're also going to have you build a town and manage the town because that's kind of what the anime is about. Like it's ah it's a. And so this.
this is mixing those two games. um And so far, like, it does feel kind of on the budget side in terms of like resources. The combat isn't super deep. um It's, you know, it's serviceable, like it's 2d, like you have like, direction based attacks and like special moves and you can swap between characters in your party. And like,
if you've seen the series, that's how we got reincarnated slime, like your main character befriends all manner of weird creatures. So like, you'll keep getting like new folks and like new powers and stuff to throw in your party. um Like, yeah none of it like feels all that complicated, combat wise. But so far, and again, I'm pretty early in, so like this might all change. The town building stuff is super handholdy. It's like, you now have the resources. So now put this thing in this location and then go back out and do some more fighting. And like i I really want to have some more control over like the layout and like the decisions for that town in order for this game to do what I want it to do, which is give me the feeling that I'm building this monster-friendly society like they do in the anime. And like sure, I can go out and defend it like when people come knocking on our door or whatever with the 2D stuff. That's fine. But just let me have my monster paradise.
yeah like and Right now, the they're they're not letting me do that yet, but like I might still just be in like the early chapters. So I'm gonna give it some more time um and we'll see we'll see how that shakes out.
I that means it might be aimed at me because that's exactly how I need my town building to be. It's like you want to make a hospital and put it right here. And I'm like, Oh, thank goodness. I didn't know where I would never be able to choose where to put it.

Project L and Fighting Games

Yeah. You're like, Oh, what if I run out of space? Oh, I didn't realize it was going to cost me this much to move this tree. And now I got it. Oh, I don't know the budget for it anymore. I love it. ah You also did you get a chance to play any of the 2K 2K XO?
Oh, crap, I did. um Yeah, I played. Oh, crap. That's the riot one. Right. That is the League of Legends. Folks, League of Legends 2D Fighter Project. Oh, yes. Project L was was for a long time. um that That game is very much an alpha like so. ah There's like a bunch bunch of stuff missing in like ah a like I want to say six characters total choose from. It's a two V two tag battler.
Um. And it also, it's geared towards the casual crowd. Like it's borrowing like from street fighters, um, you know, new casual system and like, uh, grand blue versus risings. Um, like they they all kind of cribbed from smash in that regard, like your, your special attacks are like on face buttons and directions and whatnot. Um, it also, you can choose not to use it, but I think the default, stamp the default, the default style uses
auto combos. So like you like i at first glance, it feels very casual, like maybe too casual in that regard that like your all your combos are really just one button over and over again. And then like the ending like big supers or whatnot. um But I was actually surprised because some of the supplementary skills and attacks Um, switch that up a lot. Like you really can't change your strategy based on just the the specials that you have. And then the added bonus of, you know, tag and assist stuff with the other character that you have in in the back pocket. But you have skills where like, um, if you're getting combo to death, you can have, you can tag in someone who then breaks that combo and, or you tag them in to do, you know, a,
an assist and then like combo off of that. Or you can tag them in to do their assist and then press a different button to have them stay and then continue on from that point. So like you mixing that stuff up with your base combos really does mix things up. And like for me, who you know really hates the idea of like memorizing long strings of combos, it takes the it takes a lot of the grunt work out of that aspect to let me focus on the strategy of throwing the two characters ah out back and forth.
So I like what it's going for in that regard. ah But what I will say is they chose a really weird control scheme. Like stuff that is just standard in just every other fighting game. Like you press like the two bottom face buttons to like grab, for example, is not the case. You hold the shoulder button and a face button to grab in this game. Like your your parry and your run. Like I think your dash is like a shoulder button. I think you still use the stick, but like,
it's it's It's odd choice. it This seems like difference for the sake of difference with the way yeah like that I can't see a good reason for why they kind of map some of the skills the way they did. um But again, this was the Alpha, so like I couldn't go in and like change everything to that one.
um But um I hope that at least that's an option if they decide to go this route. But like i I think a lot of people complained about the way the control scheme felt. So it might be something that they are revisit. Because I do think this is like a cool world and those characters are obviously like, I fell for a bunch of those characters in Arkane and I don't give a shit about League of Legends. So like I think it is like such a cool roster to be able to pull characters and personalities and and stuff from. so Yeah, like the characters I played with had really like Echo, for example, is on screen right now. um Like he I don't know anything about Echo, but he does weird time shift stuff. So like one of his specials will launch an attack where he has an after image behind him. And then at whatever point you can just go back to that first attack. So that you can do like half a combo and then revert back to that last hit to then follow up.
continue the con that's cool. Yeah, that's pretty neat. Yeah, it's really is really sick. And like there are other characters have like weird sort of a outside of specific mechanics to Yeah, like the the samurai guy there like he can he can throw out um like a a gust of wind, which does nothing until he does a second attack that when it connects with that turns it into a tornado. So like you can kind of make that this that you don't have to do anything with until you want to do something with it. You want to. Yeah. Do you think the Imagine Dragons are going to be in this game? Absolutely. Oh my God. That's the boss master hand. It's just all of the Imagine Dragons. Master of dragons. Master of dragons. Shout out to the Imagine Dragons. No, not shout out to you. I don't care about them. Even though they're just always here. Not a friend of the show, Imagine Dragons. That our kid's song is really good.
um Okay, good stuff. Hell yeah. Couple super chats before we wrap up. Nutskoon.

Community Interactions and Future Plans

Welcome back to Nutskoon with the $10 demo. It's been so long since Nick has played me. I'm being stuffed into Persona 3 to pass the time. It is humiliating. Morgana's been talking about dealing catnip to make ends meet. Send help, please. I'm sorry, Nutskoon. It's been a very long time since we've revisited you. That was one of the reveals, is that the Persona 5 team is going to be optional battles in the Persona 3 DLC. Nutskoon, we'll get back to you at some point.
No, no, or the the hot goth doctor. I've most certainly forgotten where we were in that game though. So that's not going to be good and be good for business and NOSC with three Australian dollars. Thank you so much. NOSC, you guys are great. Shut up and take my money. NOSC. We're not going to shut up, but we will take your money. We appreciate you. We're on a live stream. We cannot shut up. yeah Ken is literally, this is literally our jobs to just keep that one.
um I think we wrapped things up there. We did it great. I said I wanted to keep this to a tight 90 and we kept it to a loose 90, which in my opinion is very close to a tight 90. Close enough, yeah. That's one word Yeah, that'll that'll do it for us. Jesse, what are you what are you not going on? What should folks check out?
Aside from obviously your appearance in Seattle next weekend. If pass if you're going to be at PAX or you're debating where to go to PAX West that wex west what next weekend, that's how that sentence is supposed to go. ah You should come. Casey, myself, a bunch of other people are going to be there. Jack, Jack and I are going to do a panel Sunday night at I believe seven o'clock.
um Very excited it's about RPGs. So excited. Rexicon, Jesse on all the social platforms and you check me out there and then adventure is nigh. The season two, episode one starts this early masters.
freaking stoked. Uh, and there's a bunch of adventures. I plushies that are now available for pre-order. Oh my God. Yeah. Check, check out shark robot. We got a lot of new stuff in the store right now. Jack got all four plushies in hand, gave them the Jack seal of approval and then shipped them out to you guys. And I don't know if they've reached their homes yet, but I'm excited for you guys. They have not gotten here yet. No, he shared pictures in the chat. If you did, uh, did you get pictures? Yeah. Yeah. They look awesome. one Yeah. And Gabarella with his cat biscuit.
la catarella I don't know why I said catarral. She's literally a cat. That is the character. Yeah, definitely. If you're if you're in Seattle for packs, definitely go to that, go to that panel. And I know I think the team's me hanging out afterwards. So like, it'll be a great chance. Obviously, you'll be able to see them on the show floor working and juking and jiving and stuff. But it'll be a great chance to meet everyone. Yeah. Yeah, there you go. Casey, what about you?
Uh, I don't have any pending videos in the near future, but like Jesse said, check out adventures. Nice stuff. That is a lie. that is lie You literally see your tomorrow. Do I? Oh, oh, the discussion. Okay. Yeah. Sorry. Yeah. I edited a thing. Uh, yeah. Check out tomorrow. ja meet and I got to started. I think we call. Yeah. And I was also in the thing. Yeah. Wow. I told you that I had a week this week. Oh, that's right. That is a lot of stuff. half speak ah But yeah, Jamee and I had a discussion about a preview that we got to go see on Splitgate 2, so ah go see our thoughts ah when that video drops tomorrow. It's ah it's a fun little casual talk. we're We're planning on maybe doing more stuff like that as we get to see like more stuff to get like more timely info out to the you folks. Almost like quick hit casual impressions of things where instead of it being like, well, we got to wait two weeks for a fully randommatic or a week until one of us can play the game and review it, have it be like,
Hey, we got to play the first few hours of this thing. Here's like a chill seven, 15 minute conversation on the thing. So, right. So yeah, we we hope you guys are going to be into this. Like we'll, we'll try a couple of them. Like we'll experiment with the format. Uh, like, well, like the I was told this one might be a little too, too formal. Uh, we didn't get too so you know silly enough maybe, but like it just wait till the next one. You took that note. You're like, you're going to tell me twice. Yeah.
But yeah, check that out. Outside of that, um follow me at cemagears9. My Twitter right now does not belong to me, belongs to my fiancee because her birthday was this past weekend, so I turned it into a ah Kia Stan account. ah So she'll be joining me ah this Friday for our wedding streams. um Just me and her ah for the foreseeable future.
um And we're gonna be starting Undertale. I've not played it ever before. I'm gonna be driving. My key's gonna be helping. ah But people seem to really love that game. So come ah explore it with us. and and And please, please don't backseat drive to too badly. Because I feel i feel like that's coming. Oh, Casey, how could you? You're supposed to go the pacifist route. Yeah, just the worst. I think that's it.
Hell yeah. Uh, yeah. And then, uh, yeah, tomorrow we have the, uh, regular streams, uh, Casey and I will be live at some PM central tomorrow for more devil might cry. I believe Jack and I do more, uh, new more Elden ring one PM tomorrow. Uh,
And then ah the yeah usual stuff, Design Delve on Friday and then yeah all the stuff next week. The back half of next week slash the beginning of the following week will obviously be a little strange since so much of the team, including the two of you and and Jack and and Nick and Nomar and ah Jesse Schwab and everyone are going to be in Seattle. But we have some some fun streams planned for you next week. um including some stuff we've been teasing, including Yahtzee playing a bunch of puzzle games so ah for Yahtzee tries, including word puzzle games. And then I've been forcing Jamaite to show me World of Warcraft, because there's new World of Warcraft stuff next week. And I'm like, I want i want you to take me to that world and explain why everyone's so angry here. photographcraft So much war. Yeah, why are you crafting so much war? It could be called love craft World of World of Peacecraft. No one would buy that game. a Yeah.
That's about it. And for for Eric, Eric wanted us to mention Sonic Cross Shadows Generations Plus.

Conclusion and Gratitude

I don't know what that game is. Eric's very excited for the new Sonic game coming out next month. I'm also sorry. I've never played that one. Shadow has Venom abilities now. Apparently, Shadow has become Venom. Like he has a symbiote of some sorts. I hope everything works out well for Shadow because I know he's had some he's had a rough go of it lately, but he got a good charge.
Hopefully Biden at the end of his administration pardons shadow on those gun charges. We'll see. ah But oh we didn't talk about the DNC at all. We'll talk about tomorrow. DNC, PMC, DNC.
For Casey, for Jesse, and for Eric, this was Marty. Thank you all so much. Wait. I lied. Oh, no. Did I read all the super chats?
I think you i think that shopping take my money sorry I did. Yeah. yeah I had a really good ending until I said wait and then we're there. Uh, thanks everyone. This was a fire like episode number 33. You're all wonderful. You're all great. And we'll see you all tomorrow. Bye everyone. Bye. Bye everyone.