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Deadlock, Wukong, and Star Wars Outlaws Impressions | Firelink Podcast image

Deadlock, Wukong, and Star Wars Outlaws Impressions | Firelink Podcast

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This week on Firelink, Marty, KC, and Jesse chat about the big new games they've been playing, including Valve's Deadlock, Star Wars Outlaws, and Black Myth Wukong.

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Introduction & Podcast Overview

This podcast is brought to you by us. Since Second Wind operates 100% independently, we rely on your support to help us continue delivering the great content you love. Consider checking out our Patreon if you want to access ad-free versions of every podcast, plus your name featured in our video credits, as well as other exclusive perks. So if you like what you see, hear, or smell, maybe, visit our Patreon page and become part of the community today. Now, back to the show.

Episode Introduction & Co-hosts

Hey everyone, and welcome back to Firelink Podcast, episode number 34 for Wednesday, August 28th, 2024. My name is Marty Saliva, as always, joined by Casey Wosu, Jesse Galena, and of course, producer Eric behind the scenes. Guys, we're called minutes late today. That's a mea culpa. Usually it's a yua culpa or a theya culpa. That's a mea culpa. That was my fault.
Is that what that means? Sure. After all this time, I'm trying to position this question in the frame. Who coped this? Thank you all so much for Jim Francis. Thank you all so much for joining us. We have a wonderful episode for

Upcoming News & Events Discussion

you today.
We're gonna go over some news bits. I feel like the the ah the the remaining tendrils of Gamescom trickled out over the past a few days, including some announcements from a Nintendo Direct and some just solo announcements that point to a lot of old games that may have been forgotten coming back. So we're gonna talk about some of those. Why did you make Gamescom sound like an Eldritch Horror?
No, the tentacles of games come! Oh, in the main coastal town in a dark winter's night. I don't know, it's German? I went to games common. It was very warm and everyone was very nice. Um, and Cologne is amazing. Cologne at night looks like fucking Yarnham. Cause there is a, uh, there is like a cathedral in the middle of Cologne that looks like where you like trick people into going back to in bloodborne. oh Yeah, yeah. Go back there. It'll be totally fine. like They're not going to kill you back there. You'll be fine. Hunter's dream or whatever. Yeah. Um, saw

Cologne, Culture & Gamescom

blade workshop. no actual There's like an actual church in
but right are right It's called the Dom, the de the dome in Cologne. And also in order to illegally be able to brew Kolsch, the beer, your brewery has to be ah in in vision of the dome. So you need to be able to see the cathedral. Otherwise you're legally not Kolsch. Who decided on that?
I don't know, the Kolschmann? Is that like a specific kind of beer? Or like, yeah. It's like a very light beer that Cologne is famous for. Like you drink it in these like little, like almost like double or triple shot glasses, but they fill it up forever. you're like I haven't drank a lot. And then you're like, Oh, that was 12,000 beers. Oh

Excitement for Upcoming Games

no. that a hundred percent sounds like Eldridge shit though. Like if you you can't see the building. You better not brew this potion. That's what would happen in bloodborne. Father Gaskiglione has to go back to the church and drink 10,000 brews and then he died. And you fight him cause he's a wolf. Uh, and then we're also gonna talk about, uh, big, big games are here.
You know what, in ah friendship with any games over, AAA games are new best friend. That's not true. No, never. <unk> not never able to leave you ah tell you guys about But big games are here, including Star Wars Outlaws, ah Deadlock, the newest game from Valve, and Black Myth Wukong, which launched late

Games, Food & Travel

last week. All three of us have had some some time in in various games in that trio, so we'll be we'll be chatting about those kind of games and other stuff we've been doing. Watching, eating,
What you been eatin'? That could be a good segment. What you been eatin'? I love what you been eatin'. What you guys been eatin'? What you been eatin'? Nothin' cool? You guys are about to go to Seattle. Do you think you like anything cool there? Is there cool food in Seattle? Uh, what do you feel about- I feel like you don't feel great about seafood.
Yeah. so for me that Doesn't excite me. They have a, they have a very cool public market that you guys should go to. Cause it's like a very cool, busy touristy market. Like a, like a fish market. I think I've heard it. That's their big thing is this new sort of here yeah convention. You guys should definitely go. that needle was their big thing You can eat the space needle. You can eat the fish and the whatnot. But if you try to eat the needle, that's not going to go good. Okay. That doesn't even sound appetizing. Nine times out of 10 will not go well. I'm sure you guys love something great there. There's a Cheesecake Factory I've been to on two or three occasions. If you guys like Cheesecake Factory. Everyone has to like a cheesecake factory. Otherwise, you go to a cheesecake factory wherever you're at. I'm sure it's every food. You can't not like it because it is every apple bees or a TGI Fridays. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Cheesecake Factory is absolutely on a level above. Like we can't be compared to these. No, t talk just just in a sense that it's like you don't have to go somewhere to find one. ah Or are were you actually putting it on the same level as a Apple piece of T.J. Friday? Food wise, like food wise, I think it's right there with the Apple because the T.J. Friday is like. No, I think it is. It is a little higher tier. Cheesecake Factory is if we're if we're calling all those chain restaurants the summer blockbusters.
They're all summer blockbuster

Cheesecake Factory & Humorous Comparisons

restaurants. yeah Applebee's is like ah Live Free and Die Hard, the fourth Die Hard movie that many of us have forgotten about. And She's Cake Factory is Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park, which is classic. I would give it Cheesecake Factory is the Steven Spielberg Michael Craig's Jurassic Park of restaurants. Cheesecake Factory is Steven Spielberg's A.I. That's what it is.
um like I believe the playlist just named it as the number one movie of this century. So congrats Cheesecake Factory Indie playlist named you as the number one restaurant of this
That is very high praise for the Cheesecake Factory. Yeah. that's that's Albrecht asks, what movie is Fuddruckers? It's like a, it's an unmarked VHS you find like a dad's closet. Yeah. What are those old grind house movies?
o I love Fuddruckers. And yeah, before we, ah before we jump into our newsies, first off, I'm sorry for everything that we, we just did and we're going to continue to do.

New Merchandise & Listener Engagement

ah Number two, uh,
We have our plushies for sale, right here on our shortrk Shark Robot store. They're back. Your four adventurers, nine heroes. They're back. They're gone for a little bit. They're back. But look at what we got here. Look at who we got here. Oh my god, we got a Sigmar. We got a Grinder Bin. Hachi machi. If you are thinking about going on a date to the Cheesecake Factory and you want to impress your paramour, think about bringing one of these plushies with you.
you shake a present band pan like as a Not like as a sidekick. If you're going out with Hailey Williams, the lead singer, and just still babe of Paramore, maybe you think about bringing in one or four of our adventures and I plushies with you. So yeah, those are incredible. um Everyone check those out on Short Roll Rock. you And then the last thing before we jump into the news is our super jets. Thank you so much folks. Help them keep the lights on, helping us do our dumb shit. um yeah As you saw earlier this week, we launched battle masters. Last week we had archives. Today Yahtzee and I just played the crossword puzzle for two months.
Unfortunately, for a few hours, if you like that kind of stuff, then please consider supporting us in various places. And Brad, with a $2 demo, thank you so much. Marty's taking a trip to the Culpa Cabana. That was a Mia Culpa Cabana. That's pretty good. That's good. I like it. I like it. And Rigo, thank you so much. Where's deadlock on the sweaty meter? We're going to get into that. We're going to get the full deadlock later on.
think about it where it lands on the sweaty meter. try to that's My homework to both of you, since you've played Deadlock, is by the time we get to Deadlock, where is it? in It's in between two games on the sweaty meter. Figure out what two games it's in between. It is sweatier than blank, but not as sweaty as blank.
You guys have time. You can get there in like half an hour. for I think I already have an answer. I'm just putting a notepad. While they're sweating. ah Talking about a couple of newsies.

Revival of Classic Games

um These are all sort of bunched together because the the news that came up this week was um at least the biggest things to me felt thematically relevant. And that was mostly that ah of the game announcements, the exciting game announcements that we saw during stuff like the Nintendo Direct and the Partner Direct and the Indie Direct,
And then just kind of one-off announcements. It feels like the big news of the week is that, hey, you know that old game you like? It's coming back. um And I am someone where I am thrilled at that idea. ah I get more excited at some of these announcements than I do at original games, which is Also, probably that's probably bad. That's probably like something I need to unpack and figure out why that's happening. um And so we're going to talk about a few of these in a row. The first one we'll start off with was during the Nintendo Direct, the Konami announced that a available now is the Castlevania Dominus collection, which launched on Switch and Xbox and PlayStation and PC. And it is a trio, the trio of the Nintendo DS
castle games which have not seen light of funneling together old 2D Castlevania games, the the GBA Castlevania games and everything into these collections. ah did have you Did you guys play these at all? Did you guys have DS's or 3DS's? Does this this register at all to you? and I just got these for DS. That's kind of funny. like Very recently, yes. Incredible. So you're looking at this, you're like, oh, son of a bitch, check for $20, I could have all of them.
Yes, I'm curious because one of the things I really that really intrigued me was like the the like, oh, you got to draw a design to seal things away, which I thought was really cool. And I am curious how they're going to do it. I assumed with the switch, it would be, you know, like the motion controls. But if it's on P.S. and Xbox. Yeah, this is still a touchscreen.
It all is a touch screen handheld mode. So these are not touch screens. So the way they did it in this thing is they took your screen and then we're like, all right, here's the DS screen, the main screen. Here's some other info. And then here's the wide screen. It's all presented on a single screen. And for those touch screen elements like the the glyphs or whatever, after a boss, um it just turns into kind of like a button thing. So instead of drawing a triangle, you're hitting a circle square X.
Circle to create a triangle. And so a little wax, but also like. Have you used a switch in handheld mode with a game where you needed to use touch screen a lot? No, I did it with Mario Galaxy. Mario Galaxy was released on the Mario collection thing, and that was a pain in the ass. Like you could use touch screen as the equivalent of in Mario Galaxy, you could kind of point your Wii mode at the screen and like grab things. Like shake, yeah. Yeah, and kind of shake and you could be yeah umm like, grab these little star bits off to the side and not worry about it. um With this, it was like, I'm playing the game and then if I want to do those things, I need to take my other hand off the game and put it on the thing. And also it was just kind of the pain in the ass. So it wasn't good implementation before. So like, yeah, then.
for shoehorning it forward probably wasn't going to fix anything. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah. And that's this trilogy is funny. Uh, I bought it and I jumped a little bit into each of them. And it is funny how the first game has a lot of touchscreen stuff. And by the third game, they were like, you see that in any generation of hardware, you're like, yeah okay, we didn't need to worry about this. All right. We'll just make like a game and it was really cool. Castlevania game. Um,
Yeah. are you this I mean, Jesse, you just bought Castlevania games. are Are you interested in this at all? or like are there any Were you guys DS owners back in the day, 3DS owners? I wanted a DS and a 3DS. I only recently got a DS. so Oh, look at that. You're coming late. um Yeah, I'm trying to think if there's like other games that would work for this. Because there are a lot of games that are kind of stuck in that hardware, and it's harder to just get a regular port of those games, because you kind of have to think a little bit outside the box. And we've seen yeah games like Ghost Trick, which was a game that was built for the DS that came to all the other consoles. That second Luigi's Mansion. what say or Yeah, that just came to Switch. Yeah, the Etchery and Odyssey games, which are sort of you use the bottom screen to draw in your dungeon. Those got brought to modern hardware. So I feel like it's possible, but I think people just need to
to think outside the box a little bit. It's not like an easy one to one port. And so I think that's why we're seeing them kind of trickle out. um I guess at a slower pace. but Yeah, because you also got to wonder if it's worth it, like the I don't think the DS was all that big a seller because I believe when when the DS first launched, Nintendo hedged their bet and like they still actually had or were supporting the Game Boy Advance, weren't they?
You're a thing of the opposite. The DS is literally one of the best selling pieces of hardware ever. Oh, did the 3DS that they the 3DS was the thing where by the end of it, they the 3DS was kind of like tapering off a little bit. The Wii U was kind of tapering off. And then the switch was the thing that's like, all right, we're going to fuse both of you together into this one thing. um yeah The DS proper, especially, you know, yeah, you're right. Non-Western countries sold like like hotcakes because they They treated the original DS launch as if it was going to be a new thing to compliment Game Boy and the home console. And then when when it blew up, there was like F that noise. like i guess Forget about Game Boys going forward. DS had the thing that the we also had where it was like moms were playing, moms and grandmas were playing DS. Like my mom played Brain Age. Like Beyonce was in commercials yeah for the DS. Like this was a ah
there were There was, ah when I was rewatching my E3s, it probably wasn't this one that Eric's showing right now, but when I was rewatching them, there was one where everything they showed was a DS game geared towards casuals. Like that was their entire E3 conferences, because they had so many of them. People love that little clamshell. I still think it looks cool. I like the idea of it, like opening up and get your little pen out. That design it was not the launch design. The launch design was mad ugly.
Watch design was very ugly. um ah both said like It was kind of ugly until until near the end when they were able to like get it with a nice clean... Yeah, like they fixed it eventually. But that early design was not a looker and like yeah I felt it when once it was in my hand. I was like, ooh. Yeah. Yeah.
Um, so the other, uh, you know, this, uh, well, it wasn't the only announcement of, of old things being

Efforts in Game Preservation

new. We had recent stuff like the Tombow collection or the Tombow one remaster and Tomatoo's coming. Uh, Epic Mickey is on the way this weekend and one and two collection got announced for that next year. And then you have more sort of robust remakes, uh, Konami doing it, uh, with Silent Hill two and Metal Gear Solid three and everything. Um,
it It feels like there's like a million different ways to to bring back old things. You can just put the thing on a shop where people can buy it. You can completely remake it like Silent Hill 2. And then other things are cobbling together a bunch of ah older things and seeing of people like that, which is Capcom has been really great at doing that with older Mega Man games, older fighting games. ah you know they They got a lot of brownie points earlier this summer when they announced the mar versus or the the Capcom versus collection. So Capcom versus Street Fighter, Marvel versus Capcom 1 and 2, those kinds of things coming ah next, but just in a few weeks. And then they also announced ah the cap kind of but the Capcom Fighting Collection 2, which is launching next year. And that's going to feature a bunch of different games, Capcom vs SNK, as well as ah Power Stone 1 and 2, which are are to legitimately two of the four player multiplayer games I've had the most fun with in my entire life. Like they were absolutely like the the year that the Dreamcast was a thing, like those games were
I had more fun with them than I've ever had in Smash. I'm sorry, Casey. I think these are legitimately the most fun party fighting games I've ever played. I have never played Power Stone, but I have friends who swear by it. They will never miss an opportunity whenever their Dreamcast is brought up to talk about their love for Power Stone. So yeah, it's been trapped on just that forever until now, which is genuinely exciting because a lot more people will get played. And I'm assuming they're adding online functionality to this. Yes. Yeah. And even like ah the the the Capcom sort of like training thing of like, oh, train and we'll like grade what you're doing and we'll like put these little hit boxes on things. So like these aren't just like weirdo things like they want you to get good at these games. Now with Gamely Powerstone, I don't know if it was meant to get good at, like in the way that Street Fighter Alpha 3 was. um But ah that yeah, it's all really intriguing. Yeah, Powerstone I think was only, there was a PSP port, I believe.
And I think that was it. And it was never anywhere else. um And so this is a game that ah one of the rare games that's, I guess, like one of the last things to be pulled from Dreamcast Island, which I think is really cool. I think this is like, I hope, the hope A, I hope people play this and enjoy it. B, I hope I ah play it and I'm not like, oh, I was just dumb. I just really like my friends I had and in the year 2000.
ah Like, what are the chances that the success of some of these old collections will lead to

Impact of Classic Game Collections

new entries? Because that's usually like the trail that we see, right? Like, yeah publishers are testing the waters for IP that they can, you know, reignite and make new again.
Sometimes yeah, but also look at how many times a Capcom has re it Allowed you to rebuy ah Was it dark stalkers and has not made any new dark stalkers in like three decades? Yeah, but boy how do you can buy that one? Well Mega megaman Here's the thing with Mega Man is We keep saying how much we want Mega Man and me and have keep that stay saying how much I want Mega Man. I don't think it's selling the way it should because they did make a new old style Mega Man. Like I was just reminded of it. The what we what what during like the spark stream, I was reminded of the fact that they made Mega Man 9 and 10 and then 11, which was a new style, like 11 was same style, was same concept, but new graphical style, whatever.
yeah Like they tried it. They didn't do anything since. And I'm wondering if it's because it didn't sell well. I mean, part of me also thinks the way we've talked about on other podcasts of saying you are a Star Wars fan means nothing now, because what is Star Wars? Like what are you a fan of? Are you a fan of the original three movies? Do you like the prequels? Do you like everything? Do you like the books? Are you just a fan of like,
space stories. Um, whereas yeah, exactly. Whereas with, uh, Mega Man, what does that mean? I'm a Mega Man fan. Do you want Mega Man one through six? Do you want the X games? Do you want battle master? Do you want Mega Man legends? Cause God knows that's what I want. Like, do you want just to see what Mega Man looks like in 2024? Like with the design sensibilities of devil may cry and yeah dragon's dogma. Yeah.
And all the risk is on Capcom to suss out all the noise and figure out what it is people will actually spend money on in droves. And it's a difficult job.
Capcom, to their defense, I mean, we compliment them a lot. They've been really good at cultivating their old properties while simultaneously trying to bring things forward. Like, I would say stuff like Devil May Cry and Monster Hunter and Resident Evil are in really good places now that they weren't at good places. I guess Monster Hunter has always kind of been good, but, you know, Devil May Cry ends. Talk about games trapped on a DS.
Yeah, exactly exactly. Yeah. um And so I'm always I'm always intrigued to see how they balance like all this nostalgia stuff with they've put a lot of money in that game Pragmata. Remember that we saw several years ago. That's like a game. Yeah, it's still it's like a girl in a robot and like the world is Pregmata? Pregmata? Look, we've never seen what that, we don't know what kind of a video game it is. It's kind of like a Dokavie-like, where it is whatever, it is a vessel for you to put all of your hopes and dreams in. So that's what I consider pragmatic to be. Um, speaking of hopes and dreams, the last thing, uh, of the, uh, things announced this week that we wanted to talk about, Croc's coming back. Y'all know who Croc is? Like the shoes?
No, I assume the shoes were named after him, but no, this is not quite like the shoes. Kroc was ah ah he was a dial like ah ah a humanoid dinosaur who would collect things and he his whole thing was he was discovering the legend of the gobos. So this was a PS1 era 3D platformer.
It was bad, and everyone who made it knows it was bad. This wasn't even like a Spyro the Dragon Crash Bandicoot. Oh, they'll keep building upon it. It was bad at the time, but Croc is coming back by its original developer, Argonaut Games, who, two fun facts. One, yes Argonaut Games, the developers of the original Star Fox.
Get outta my face. British dudes who made Star Fox. And then two, apparently ran their company to the ground in 2004 and have not, the company's not existed in 20 years.
it So, Argonaut Games is making this. We back. We makin' it. No, they came back. They're like, Argonaut Games is back. Like, the the head of the company is like, we're back. yeah We just took a little nap, and now we're remastering this, and we'll see what else goes on, the rest of our things. And then I've also seen a lot of people go on Twitter, who were developers at Argonaut 20 years ago, who are now working at places like Rockstar, and just Activision, and places in the industry who were like,
Well, you guys went out of business and you you didn't pay us any severance or anything. 20 years later, you're like, we back. with board crime They've been specifically waiting for the statute of limitations on paying people for the fund company. Oh, I kind of love it. I kind of love it. And I love that Croc is at the center of this. I don't love the fact that these people aren't getting paid. I hope the the people who deserve pay 20 years ago do get paid. But I like that all of this is is is sort of entwined in Croc.
was I remember like renting croc once was it really bad I honestly don't even remember it yeah I don't know it's not like broken bad it's not like Bubsy bad it's ah that's good yeah it's just like it's not at it's not Mario it's not banjo it's not Spyro like um I'm just, I'm sorry, I'm staring at him in the corner. I'm like, yeah, and i didn't this is a game I have no historical frame of reference to. And like i like, I know all the weird, janky platformers because I criticize them all the time. Like outside of Spyro, I don't think that there is a good platformer on the PlayStation one. Like they're all bad.
But oh my gosh. Marty's eyes roll out of his head. No, no, no. That was three platformer. Three platformer. Oh, that's tough. They are all kind of bad. but like But Croc, I didn't know this was even a thing. So like, that's be a really crazy that it's even coming back. I don't know who it is that loves. great It might be Europeans that love Croc. I kind of want to do like a survey. We have like a multinational ah group of folks at second wind. Like who is it that likes Croc? Who is Croc for? yeah what we'll find We'll do some Croc investigations. Where are the Croc heads at? I don't know if we have anyone on staff who's like a big Croc head.
um I don't think that's the term they use, probably not. It is now. Before move on, Drago says, I love croc. Drago, South American. There you go. Croc fan. What's going on down there?
Don't crock it out down there.

Current Games Discussion

Before we move on to our our main topic, which is the the big the big games we've been playing, a couple of super chats. Fatcock, great to see you as always. We missed you. ah Five dollars, no comment, just like an emoji of like a cloud laughing, I believe. I'm not sure what it is, but Fatcock, we appreciate it. That's a lady.
With hair covering her eyes. No, I didn't see the eyes. That looks like a cloud. It looked like a big yellow cloud with a mouth. She's laughing, yeah. My apologies, Ben. Did you like the end in front of her? I thought the cloud had a hand. What are you yelling at me for? How tiny is the font for you guys as chats? Cause like and you can't just read the words. Ha ha ha. does that not i ha It's pretty obvious. oh Okay. My eyes are very bad. I'm sorry. I'm not one of the 1% Casey. Ah, one of the 20 20%. Do you have perfect? No, you wear glasses. You wear glasses. Everyone's one. I wear blue light glasses. I actually do have perfect vision.
monster always feed People who wear glasses though, like I failed ah I tested in elementary school on purpose So that they would send me to the doctor and give me glasses What about yeah?
These are real. These are not for fashion. I mean, they are also for fashion. So we're going to wear glasses. I want to make it look good. Thank you. Yeah. But no, this if I do this, I can't read chat. I guess I don't know. I like the look. I was a I was a poser. I like the look of glasses. But I can I can never I can never be a real boy, a real Nazi and boy. Is that? Yeah, never going to be a real Nazi boy.
ah With 15 Australian dollars, thank you so much, Nask. I remember going across the road to my neighbor's house to play Croc on their dad's PC circa 1999. The same guy gave me my first computer when he upgraded so I could play Age of Empires I and Wolfenstein 3D. Those are the kind of memories I love. Nice. Those are the kind of memories I love.
um hey i rock was undera Apparently Croc got around. Guess so. Good. Crocheads were everywhere. Jesse, especially, especially in the nineties. Yeah, absolutely. Actually, the night and Giuliani cleaned up the streets.
ah All right. Let's talk about stuff. We've been playing three big games this week. um that this main topic is focused on. and And a combination of all three of us have played some of these games. That includes Star Wars Outlaws ah from from Ubisoft, Deadlock, the latest game from Valve, and Black Myth Wukong, which is obviously, the I think, sales-wise, the biggest game of the month. Casey, you touched a little bit on it before. but's oh well where Where do we start? Let's start with Deadlock.
Because I feel like Deadlock is kind of the biggest question mark because it's a thing that's been reported about for a very long time. And ah so so some outlets reported on it more than others last week. And then there was a big kerfuffle about that, about you can't you can't break embargoes. But this game had like tens of thousands of people playing it every day. So we're like, what's what's the deal with embargoes on a game that people are streaming right now?
ah So, Deadlock is the latest competitive ah um ah MOBA slash hero shooter from Valve. um and And the two of you have gotten a chance to play play some of it. So, ah yeah, I guess, Casey, what's what's going on with Deadlock?
um Yeah, ah it it is exactly as you say, it is a full on fusion of the hero shooter genre with the MOBA genre in kind of style, in functionality, in mechanics.
um But as someone who has played and very much enjoyed hero shooters but has very much not enjoyed MOBA's, I don't think this is the sort of fusion that pulls me into the other world. it's it's kind of pull It's pushing me out of the stuff that I did like because it does feel like it's leaning more towards that one direction versus the other. Like, it's it's almost as if it's a mobile masquerading as a hero shooter is as I've played more of it. That's more of what I'm getting um out of it. Like, I don't know. Would you? Because I know, Jesse, you were hesitant to even call it a hero shooter. Yeah, I would. I would say it's not a hero shooter at all. Like, I don't think there's any hero shooter DNA in it. It's full mobile. Like.
especially since we already have a third person mobile like smite and like it. The only thing that it does have that's closer to a hero shooter is you have to aim for stuff, which things like smite you really didn't. You had like if you aimed towards a thing, it would be like, you're going to hit this if you attack and you go, OK. And then it does. We're in in deadlock. You have to actually stop and I think that's a big difference, though.
I do, but I don't think that makes it any sort of a hero shooter. I think that just gives it precise shooting. No, I think it i think it makes it a hero shooter, but everything else makes it a bad one.
like yeah like mar yard Like what's your definition thing for hero shoot? Cause to me, hero shooter is a multiplayer game where you choose a bespoke character and they have a, um, they have a very specific, uh, role to fill with certain abilities. And those abilities generally synergize with, um, other folks on the team. So, uh, even based on self definition,
But that definition, what you just said, Marty, is also literally a MOBA. You pick one character who has a set thing that they do that synergizes with other people. When I think of MOBA's, I'm thinking of Isometric View doing a lot of clicking.
and it can't be but like smite is the same way third person perspective and I think they're coming from the person who's ignorant in both these genres with that full disclosure ignorant in both these genres when I think of MOBA I think of League of Legends and I think of Dota And when I think of heroes, those are the over watch, pretty much. And things that came before or after Overwatch Team Fortress. Yeah. Yeah. um Like they do. They do share DNA and this and and the the core there is the hero part. Like, yes, these are bespoke characters. They synergize with other characters. ah It's, you know, everything.
everything meta-wise is based on these traits, like how your team makeup is and how best you use the abilities of said character in said ah moment, right? But the MOBA part and the shooter part are what differentiate them because those are very distinctly different kinds of gameplay in my mind. Whereas one is about Twitch skill, reaction time, and then you know strategic use of the ability to apply those skills to then get kills or to push objectives. Whereas the MOBA is
It's strategy wide over like a much bigger thing like it's it's like that game risk where you're like you're managing things. It's it's a bit of ah a resource management thing on on top of whatever gameplay mechanics and. Other mobas will highlight that aspect by making the mechanical stuff.
way less important, which is why, like Marty was saying, like it's clicking, right? But this is now making it more active, where you do have to you know point your trigger at things and shoot people. and then when But then you're shooting NPCs because that's how mobas work. You're shooting a bunch of like little fake mobs that you know give you currency, which then you go back to a base and like buy that stuff so that you're powerful enough to then go back and engage the enemy ah in PVP because they're they're doing the same thing.
so they're managing their abilities and their minions and their lanes and stuff and you're also doing the pvp shooter stuff which is why i do feel like it is a blending of the two things i just don't think that blend works because it's it's a lot and if you're coming to this from either side i think you can get bogged down or very much so you can get put off by the other half of this gameplay. Like if you really, really love mobas and you like that experience, but then you suck at like shooting, like headshotting and whatever, like it's it's not gonna feel good. And like, and I'm on the opposite side where it's like, I really do love the feel of a hero shooter with good characters and good like moments when we gameplay, but like I'm super bored having to shoot a bunch of these like minion things running around and like,
figure out like what items or abilities that I need to stock up on at certain times so that I'm even effective at all when I do get into a ah PvP battle. like it's It's too much going on for my liking, and I'd rather just play something else. And we have a multitude of really good options right now for for playing something like this if you don't like what Deadlock is doing. But for some, this might be a match made in heaven. like like jim we We're playing with Jamee.
And he's a fan of both these things. um because He was picking up all the mechanics really easy because he's played a lot of MOBAs. But even he still was like, yeah, like it's it's not doing it for him, I feel like in terms of. Yeah, if he to get what he wants, you'd probably just go back to one of those other games that taught him all that stuff.

Impressions of Valve's Deadlock

So I don't know. I was I was seeing a lot of positive press about this before I played it myself. So I could be a full on outlier.
But I don't know. So Jesse, let's start off with what what are so what what stood out to you as like being pretty good. And then what that out stood out to you as kind of looking at this and being like, ah this isn't going to work. ah Oh, boy.
But did it feel valvey like Valve Like, when Valve releases a game, we think, like, oh, this is a Valve game, this is Half-Life, this is a Team Fortress, this is Portal, this is Dota, like, this is capital V Valve. Did it have that level of sheen or polish to it? I would say, yes, it is a slightly open alpha build, and I have played finished products that play worse than this. like Sure. It is an incredible amount of ah polish and it works in a lot of ways.
In a lot of ways, not every way we can get into that i as button boys got some real complaints. um But like, so yeah, as that I, as I said, I've played things that are complete and done and full price that play worse than this. They have put a lot of work into it. um But.
To Casey's point, yeah, then I've played a whole lot of League and like a like a lot of smite. So I've got some MOBA background of like, yeah, it's fun. But the the shooty specific stuff does not resonate with me because you do have to aim at a thing and hit it. Also, headshots do more damage. So really, you want headshots.
Because if not, then you're doing worse. And that is not fun for me. I don't enjoy that. I miss all the time. And then I'm just a liability. And every character, there's no like, Hey, you could play this person and they have a sword. So like, just worry about melee like other um other mobas have where it's like, you don't have, there are certain characters that like don't have ranged attacks or only have a special power that's a range attack.
Everybody has a gun, so everybody has to be good at shooting. Even the person with the sword, it's only her ability, like one of her abilities. She throws knives, which are basically, again, just re-skinned gun.
e so it, that part does not work for me. And then it still also has that incredibly harsh learning curve and playing with, uh, Casey and and Nick and Jim eight or earlier was like helping a little bit where we got to talk to each other and be like, I tried this. Did you do this? He was very helpful and guided us down the path and was like, he's a teacher. And like,
Here's my main thing that I don't like about it. It's all the trappings of a mobile game with like you got to deal with the creep. If you played mobas, you know what that is and like final shots. But once you kill a creep, the little orb flies above them and you have to shoot that to guarantee the souls the like XP you get from it.
or an enemy could shoot it to take it away and deny. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, it's like kill confirmed, like having to run over their body and grab their dog tags. Yeah. But it's like one more final headshot after getting a kill. Right. So it's like they the a great way to put it. A headshot you have to get after the kill. That's going to be contested with someone else.
So now I'm not focusing on the part of the mobile like Casey was saying where it's like you have in this game you have four lanes and it is more about total lane control and what you're doing.
than what the individual is doing. Because if you're crushing it on one lane, but one other one is getting pushed in or two other getting pushed in, you need to go back those up. It's not about you, it's about the whole thing. And that that zooming in on these individual things of that, you got to shoot and you got to pay attention to this.
And like just makes it less enjoyable because it makes it harder to focus on everything else because I want to know of map awareness. I want to know where to go. But because it's because of the viewpoint, because it's everything I focus on.
It's you're mostly just right here and that's and and it's not fun in a lot of ways because it's still a MOBA and MOBAs aren't about that moment. They're about the big thing. But this is forcing you to focus on the little thing when it still wants you to have the big thing. And I feel like that really struggles for me. ah Like to both you Casey first, like, who do you think this game is for? Like, is this trying to attract fans of what?
just trying to attract, um, Smite fans, like Overwatch fans internally. Like if you like Dota, you'll like this. Like if you like Team Fortress, so you'll like this. like Like it's dumb question. I don't add anyone to say who's this game before, but like what audience are they going after? Like I think they're going after the mobile crowd because now I'm thinking about it. Uh,
Valve doesn't have a... Dave Doda too. Doda? Doda is Valve's. Oh, okay. So what does Riot have? That's Leek? Yeah, it's Leek. Yeah. So what does Blizzard have? Nothing? This sounds very different than Doda. They had Heroes of the Storm. Heroes of the Storm. Okay, so they're okay. They're just the funk. All right, I remember that. Yeah. All right, so okay. So yeah, I don't know what I'd wish either of the other companies have been able to tap into the six, like Overwatch was...
So big people, people undersell how big Overwatch was. No, you're you're you're right. And like, it would have made sense if they were going for that market, the Overwatch market. But it seems like this was an attempt at doing that, but sticking to something that they knew a little better. Like, because maybe they were maybe they were a little scared of just a full on but that doesn't make any sense because they did Team Fortress, which is that.
So like, it's some serious ways yeah, maybe it's just what the the current people there or that that particular team whose headline is maybe that's what they're more comfortable with because yes, it it leans so heavily into the mobile space to the point where the stuff that is hero shooter like um suffers for it. Like, ah yes, there like you have to aim and shoot at stuff. And yes, headshots matter, which and all of that sounds good to someone who's a shooter fan. But because it's a MOBA, that stuff isn't satisfying because you're shooting for so long, like you have to reload several times.
in order for your bullets to actually kill another enemy. And and that's also because you're super weak for a lot of the game and then you have to go back and like do all this upgrading until you're strong enough to then have your bullets.
you know, that have more of an effect, but that doesn't actually matter because the enemy is also going to upgrade as well. So like it's that sort of thing where like, okay, now I'm strong enough to do the damage I want to do, but it's actually been leveled out because my enemy is also stronger. So like you don't, yeah you don't get like a cool 360 no scope headshot at any point in his game. Like it doesn't feel like it's skill based in that way. It's way more geared towards strategy. So what ah one of the reasons, uh,
And this is all like Scuttlebutt that I think is pretty accurate, but is still Scuttlebutt, is that this is the pet project of Ice Frog, who was the original lead designer of the Defense of the Ancients mod for Warcraft 3 slash Frozen Throne. So, ostensibly the architect of Dota.
who's been working at Valve for a very long time. they They brought him on and like eventually after the Dodomod blew up and ah apparently this is what he's been, his is his baby for the past half decade or so. So part of it is like you are.
as sort of like a golden child, and we will allow you to see this through. But I think will one of the reasons this game exists is because it has the backing of, of um you know, pretty much the author of Dota behind it. That would make sense because a lot of it feels. I guess vintage. Yeah, like didn like I like that. Like this would have really broken some ground 15 years ago, but now it feels like a lot of what we see, it's like, yeah, someone else has done this and done it better. You're just kind of doing a lot of things and they're together.
Yeah, it's a lot. That's that's my thing is that it's a lot. And if there was anyone who was like my my MOBA isn't twitch enough or my my twitch hero shooter isn't strategic enough, then they're gonna like this is the answer to that. But I don't know who those people are.
I love, Jesse, i I loved what you said about um how this feels vintage, and I feel like there's ah there's a certain amount of the other two games we're gonna talk about in this segment that that have that, but before I make that transition, I did say... I wanted an answer for both of you on the sweaty meter. I got it. Right. huh That this game, if we're talking pure sweatiness, deadlock is sweatier than what, but less sweaty than what. And if you need to know what sweaty means, um you're probably not sweaty.
You're probably dry as hell if you're asking right now. We mean sweaty if you're playing a competitive game and you're getting real sweaty. You're getting real serious into it. You're perspiring through your shirt. and like You're like getting angry with your teammates. Maybe some of your pals are here to have a good time. If you've seen some game nights, you can usually spot there's a sweaty one amongst us.
Um, so this game is, uh, Jesse, what, what do you think this is sweatier than? And what do you think this is less than in terms of the sweat? It is sweatier than dead by daylight.
OK, which is a game you're very familiar with. I'm very familiar with it. And like there are people that sweat at it, but there are also people who just love to do dumb things, myself included. Are you sweaty and dead by the. No, I I've just. Sweaty and dead by the. No, she's also good, though. She's good. good But she's not sweaty. Is Dean's unless she's not naming all the people I know.
It's sweaty as honey money.
ah and So it's sweatier than Dead by Daylight. It is less sweaty, or sorry, it is it is less sweaty ah than any of the Call of Duty's I've played. So Call of Duty Warzone, I think, is the one. Like, it is definitely less sweaty than that. Warzone's the big ongoing one. Okay, okay. That's nice. I like that this is like ah um this is like an SAT question.
A sweaty question. Casey, this game is sweatier than what, but less sweaty than what? OK, so I was I was picking on this scale games that fall into the two showers that is matching together. So I picked Valorant to say that I think this is more sweaty than that game. And that game borrows from Team Fortress 2, which is super sweaty. Sure. they They do a nice light mix of the hero shooter stuff so that it gets a little crazy and funky. I really like Valorant. It was a fun time. again So less sweaty than that.
um But I think it has the potential to be, I'm sorry, more sweaty than that. But I think it's definitely gonna be less sweaty than something like Dota, which is like, okay this is this is your benchmark for like folks who take this seriously. This is my life and my career.
So that might've been the first game I ever heard anyone call sweaty. Like 10 years ago, that might've been a game that like a bottom line and it was like, Oh yeah. Have you ever been to the invitational? There's a ton of sweaties there. I was like, sweaties explain this to me. Like it's going to get sweaty though. Like it is.
do Which is why I put that bar so high as like it's not going to be as sweaty as Dota, but like it's going to get pretty highly sweaty, I feel like. And that's kind of the nature of of MOBAs and like because it's a team based game. So if one person is not doing as well as everybody else, they can drag the team down. And so five people will now get mad at the one because they're all trying to be sweaty. And the other person is like, as I thought this lady with the Tommy gun looked cool.
like victor Like if we weren't all like um clearly doing this for the first time, Jay would have yelled at us, so I'm sure. <unk> not sure of So Jay walk walked me through the World of Warcraft, the new World of Warcraft expansion yesterday.
yeah that he's at, he played his character who's been, he's had for 16 years. um And there was like, he was running raids with, ah it was five person raid, so it was three of his buddies and one rando. And every once in a while the rando would do something that would piss him off and he'd be like, if I wasn't on stream, I'd kick this person for the team.
I'm like, you are sweaty, and I love it. I love it. Also, Yahtzee's absolutely sweaty when, first off, ah Margaret, thank you so much for the $2 don't know, says, as sweaty as Yahtzee doing a New York Times crossword. Absolutely sweaty there. We also talked about how for an episode of Battle Masters, it'd be fun to have a game where literally none of us know what the game is until it is like seconds before we hit record. that so funny Oh, see how far you can get in Hexen on the N64. Good luck, everybody. um Yeah, she was like, I don't want to do that because I want to win into my head. I was like, Oh, you're sweaty when you record Battlemaster. You're sweaty. I'm dry as hell when I record this because I don't think I'm ever going to win.
that's it's good It depends on the game for me. Like I knew the first one was not like I was very outclassed by just the nature of that challenge. Like you needed a lot of knowledge and specifics about that. And I was like, I don't have that. And I'm not going to get that before I start.
I would say I'd be, uh, the only thing I'd be confident in is if we did Suica game, but I've gotten so much worse at Suica game. Have you guys ever seen, look, the game has not changed. I was one year ago. I was so much better than I am now. And I don't know what happened.
and you got to get your sweeper strategy Like part of it is vibes and I think I overthink it. Um, I've gotten, I've gotten so much more. Uh, and then red word for the file or don't know. Thank you so much. It says Monday night combat is so mad now. Monday night combat is another game that is, um, in ish that wheelhouse and it's been out forever. It's been out for like a decade. So, um, shut down at some point.
It's still in development by Uber Entertainment. I mean, who knows? In development? No, as in they developed it. oh be Perpetual development. Can you still download Monday Night Combat? Yeah, I thought like that it got like pulled or something because... You could download a car. I will. wow You can still buy Monday Night Combat.
There you go. Sounds like an interesting meeting. 80 reviews. That's a hidden gem. We can try. ah Damn. OK, so Jesse mentioned how it feels like a throwback game, and I feel like ah ah the other two games we're going to talk about.
Well, at least mine ah does. Casey, I want to start with yours. Blacksmith Wukong, you obviously you touched on it last week.

Black Myth Wukong & Star Wars Outlaws

You got a couple of hours into it. ah You've played a little bit more since then. what what I got out of the first chapter, um played a little bit into the second one. And um like I was I was a little iffy on like what it was doing. Combat was like it it felt foreign in a way that that genre, which is well worn to me shouldn't have felt like it's like they were doing stuff that felt different kind of for the sake of being different. But eventually, like and playing more time after getting out of first chapter, I feel like I understand what um what the game is asking from me as the player. um So I do feel more confident in my conclusion that like I don't like it. um But again, that's me like that is to say that
no one will like it. um But I do think um it's, it is an action game that kind of presents itself um in in like the Souls fashion. But like it is not really a Souls game at all. Like you have, ah you know, face buttons as a attack buttons.
um You have like you know lots of flashy movement and whatnot. And like I think part of that aesthetic does factor into like why it felt so weird. Because like yeah, you strafe around your targets. you like Even though there aren't a ton of enemies in the the overworld, like when you do have enemies, like you still kind of need to lock on them ah individually in order to like deal with them effectively.
um But it's ah it's a game that throws a lot of abilities and and powers and stuff on top of your basic build. And your basic build takes a ah long time to like fill out. And once it is filled out, it's all modular in terms of you still start at the beginning of your combo. And then from that combo, now that you've unlocked things further down the chain, you'll be able to do different things, but only after you started from the first stuff. So like you still have to start with your basic you know, one, two, three X attack. And then when that's going, because you have unlocked other things or you're using a particular stance, you then press the heavy attack button, which is not like other action games do, not a separate set of attacks. It modifies what you do after you start the light combo. And like yeah it's like it's weird to me it's a very different like style of this sort of game. But that's that's only the core.
The thing that complements that are all of your actual abilities that are mapped to like a trigger and um a face button or whatnot. D-pad, I believe. and And those give you things like the ability to transform into other enemies that you beat in, which gives you an an entirely different move set. like You're just a different character for like a set amount of time, and then you just start fighting as that character using whatever they use. ah so that's But that's part of your arsenal. You're supposed to use that in over the course of like a boss fight. ah You have the ability to like go invisible and like sneak attack. ah yeah You can like clone yourself um so that you just gank, you know, the enemy like with overwhelming force at certain times. um And that's the stuff that you need to manage over the course of a fight because like you have a finite amount of like magic ah like mana. And
Like if you're in a boss fight, that doesn't come back based on you hitting anything or so like ah okay you basically just do a certain amount of damage, learn any patterns to not get hit and then strategically use all of these powers and abilities at your disposal to wear down the enemy.
yeah And i I didn't have fun with that style of action game, because like at at the core, what I want to do in an action game is explore the breadth of the character's ability to fight and then fight. like i want I want to do combos and and moves and dodge and stuff engaging with that enemy, whereas this is forcing me to learn just enough about the enemy's movements to get out of the way and then check what I have available to to throw at it as like a big burn of of health bar. And like i'm I'm just not into that. Jesse, does any of this like.
stick out to you, like, is is anything Casey's saying making you more or less intrigued to play the skin or anything that you said? It's making me a lot less intrigued. Yeah. Yeah. Let's listen to Casey have a few other complaints to off streams because we've talked about it and like yeah everything about it really ah is not striking for me. Like and having to start from the same combo base.
just not sound fun. Like I've heard a little bit of the structure of the game um and where it's like, you know, little fights, boss fight, little fight. You got linear here. but It's pretty linear. and You go to like a ah wide area, but yeah, all those enemies and run straight to each boss. Yeah. Which hearing about that reminded me of Godfall, ah which I really didn't like, but I yeah Remembering that a very game I forgot was like, oh shoot, this has got some huge vibes from that. It kind of has like early generation vibes to it where it seems very pretty and spectacle based, but it is ah mechanically underbaked.
um like almost rise son of Rome Order 1886. Like obviously it's a very different game than those. But yeah, I don't want it. I don't want to like short of leaving. Yeah, i don't but I don't want I don't want to paint it as something that feels underbaked mechanically. It's just it's what it's chosen to do with mechanics that doesn't okay vibe with me. And again, that could be a symptom of the fact that like I've played a lot of action games like that this presents itself as I should say, not like this.
But like it's it's not a Souls-like game. So like you do not play it like you would a Souls game. You would play it like you play like an action you know hack and slash spectacle fighter game. But its language is a little slower than that. So like it is doing something unique, I should say, which you know <unk>d I can commend them for that. But for me, it doesn't it doesn't feel fluid enough. like Like mechanically, it doesn't click in a way that makes it fun for me. Like I feel like I'm always still wrestling, even after I figured out kind of what it wanted for me. Doing that and like going through those, those motions, still like I wasn't giving me enjoyment as I was going into the fights and the encounters. Yeah.
Yeah, that's, yeah, i'm i'm I'm really curious because I am curious to to jump into this because I played a couple hours of Stellar Blade earlier this year and it just didn't, didn't click with me and it was mostly because of the story. I was like, I am not, like you are trying to be near and you are not near and I would just rather replay near. Whereas with this, like everything I'm seeing, like I'm not above a very pretty, very dumb game. ah And this looks really pretty. And like if I can make it very dumb, I think I would be fine with burning through this through a weekend. And now we're just a bug flying through somewhere. and I don't know what is happening right now. yeah that That was a thing that happened that kind of didn't come up again later. I don't know. Because i because again I didn't play it all the way through. But like yeah I want to say the eight or so hours that I put into it, I did that i did that section once.
Yeah, yeah. It's, ah yeah, I don't know. it's it's It's strange to look at this because obviously it became like a ah ah big lightning rod online because of dumb culture war garbage. But I'm just so curious yeah yeah as a game, it just seems like it's a like ah totally competent mediocre thing.
Uh, which is fine. Like yeah that's not, I do again, I do not mean that pejoratively. And I do think the industry is stronger. If we have like, you put your effort into this seven out of 10, um, game, I think it is stronger than that. I think the mentality of everything needs to be a 10 or a zero is, is bad. I think that's like not good for art. Um, yeah, we need our Crocs.
we need our cry We need to know what's going on with the gobos. That's the big problem. What is going on with the gobos? There's some legend that we got to find it out. There is a legend. Yeah. ah the ah the the I guess the game I want to talk about of the big three from from Deadlock, Blacksmith, and Star Wars.
Star Wars is the Star Wars game, so I got a chance to play about two hours of ah Star Wars Outlaws. It is only available now if you ah paid 110 US s dollars, so like I did, to unlock it three days early. Don't laugh at that. I'm supporting your job. I'm supporting both your jobs. I didn't laugh.
I have zero comment about this game one way or the other. I want to talk about it. You are absolutely, at you can absolutely abstain from this conversation. I'm a big Star Wars fan, despite what Star Wars has done to me yeah over the last, ah my entire life. Where does Star Wars touch you? I'm a big Star Wars fan. ah However, and honestly, going up to this game, I was like, I'm i'm kind of looking forward to this. i like I appreciate Ubisoft Massive as a studio with the Division 1 and 2 and with Avatar's Frontiers of Pandora. And when I saw what they were doing with this, I'm like, okay, I'm intrigued by this. ah So the first two hours, I have pretty much gotten up to the point where the game becomes what the game is going to be. And so all of my ah critique right now is is is
very much please ah know that I'm only about two hours into this and it's two hours of me taking my time because I've loved this opening. I've loved it. I'm an outlaw boy. I don't know if I'm going to be an outlaw boy minutes from now. Like after we finished this, I might play more tonight and I don't know if I'm an outlaw boy. um This reminded me of the kinds of licensed games we used to get so often, which were, and which was a a talented developer.
Uh, uh, given, uh, uh, again, I don't, I don't think this is what the case with this was, but it reminds me of a talented developer given a deadline and being forced to make something neat and fun within the confines of a box. And this feels like it is in the confines of a box, but it is a box that Ubisoft is really good at making, which are these, um, open world games. However, the confines make it feel a little bit like,
uncharted, melded with an open world game, which is a a flavor of open world that I really like. um the ah the I say this all the time, the sense of place I got from the opening two hours, the opening city like Star Wars to me is about Well, one of the things that a lot of the games haven't really been able to nail, even the ones I've liked, like your Kotor or your um Jedi fallen order or Jedi survivor, is feeling like you are sort of a forgotten person wandering around one of these cities. And right from the get go, you feel like you are someone that everyone ignores and you're able to
wander around one of these cities and it feels so fucking cool and like the sense of life that is coming from every alley I go down and every corner like it it reminds me a little bit of the energy that like Midgar had going through Final Fantasy 7 Remake um but especially reminds me because of that because one of the things I love about Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Rebirth is it feels kind of like a museum where it's look but don't touch And that's what I feel from this game. And know a lot of it is look, but don't touch. And I don't mind because I'm going into it with the mindset of this is what I'm here for. This isn't every one of my, actions this isn't dishonored, every one of my actions as a consequence. And I'm going to put my thumbprint on the future of the city. It is
I love Star Wars and I want to wander around here and see what this bar is like or what this back alley is like. Or when I break into this this ah opulent mansion, go into side rooms and see what sort of like things I can find here and then the storytelling from there. And so far, I've really loved it. It starts on Kanto Blight, which is the planet from ah the Last Jedi that Finn and Rose go to and like bet on the the weird little horse things and then scoot away. So it's almost like, right? I don't know, Tahoe, Reno, Vegas, whatever, whatever we want to call it. ah But just a really cool opening, like a really strong opening. I don't know what this game is about yet. I don't know who I am. I don't know why I'm doing anything. But in this opening two hours, I've felt
Star Wars more than I've felt Star Wars in a lot of recent Star Wars movies and TV shows and games. like This to me has felt like someone who lives in the world of Star Wars um and like I'm um legitimately looking forward to playing it later tonight more.
And again, i have not gotten to like the they I'm looking at footage right now of of i'm i'm like riding on ah on and on a motorcycle and doing a bunch of stuff. I got a motorcycle and went from point A to point B, but I don't know what the open world is like in this game. I just know I'm a smuggler on the run and I've got a cool little creature and me and that creature are just trying to get by.
um So yeah, as of right now, I'm um very hot on this game, knowing that next week I could come in and be like, guys, I have a big update. I'm no longer hot on this game.
de that I haven't downloaded. I do. I do want to jump in soon as myself. I also know one telling me on it one of the things is this game has had some performance issues at launch. Uh, deep says, are you playing on PC? And if so, do you use the Ubisoft launcher? No, I'm playing on PS five. Uh, the Ubisoft launcher came out and then it came up and then demanded. I put in my password and I didn't know my password and eventually just left. Um,
So I don't know, I know there's been some performance issues. um I have not hit any yet. um so folks Oh, on PC you do have to use the Ubisoft launcher. I know that because of Yahtzee. Because and instead of having one code that we are all sharing, Yahtzee's the only one with the but it's PC version. So I know that. Which means it's not available via Steam. On Steam, correct. Yeah, that's something Ubisoft has been doing with all their new releases.
So the game comes out, comes out um Friday, I believe, tomorrow or Friday. um Early access now. Again, like I said, I paid all of my human money for it and ah not all of my, I'm not like destitute now. yes Please get your super chat said, I need to eat this weekend. No, no, no. And and I'm just really,
I'm good, maybe it's right time, right place thing, but I'm really looking forward to just like a single player doesn't seem like we're getting bogged down in skill trees kind of thing. Like, I'm fine with it. I'm excited later this, like, I'm excited to to get my Assassin's Creed shadows and my metaphor refantazio and get bogged down into skill trees. But as of right now, um i'm I'm just, i'm I'm liking what they're putting on me. I also see Eric, this is incredible.
do Do you guys see that? He added the two extra plushies. Oh my God. They're not here. I don't know where to put my fingers. I don't know how any of this works, but anyways, they're not actually behind me. It's real, real stealthily. Cause I was looking at Marty's real camera and not the air from that man.
By your plushies and see if they have ghosts in them. yeah yeah Find out. Uh, they got mad. Do you have any, uh, where, well what's your temperature check on this game? are you you you go jump in I do not give a hoot about Star Wars. You, your pitch and the idea of a linear open world.
That intrigues me because open worlds I generally don't like because it's just too much and I don't know where to go and I'll always wander to the wrong place and I don't like the amount of time it takes to travel and then I have to travel back and I hate all that. A open world where I know where I'm supposed to go and if I go the wrong direction, that's on me. Like a place that has a good sense of self, I do like that.
playing a character that is a forgotten misfit in a world that you have no impact on. Like I am very intrigued by that. I don't always want to play the chosen one. Most of the time I don't want to play the chosen one. Yeah. That's a very, very intriguing trope, especially in star wars. Like everything's like, Oh, you're a Skywalker. Congrats. Right.
Oh, but you have your, you're just this normal person, but you have the thing that the person needs and that's going to disrupt the government yeah of evil fascism. And yeah, to be someone that is so much more than that is cool. And the idea is you know maybe it'll build up to that and I'm okay with that. But to to have that, yes, I'm with you. I reflect team star Wars.
No, uh, he said team George Lucas and he rolled up his sleeves and he had a Sir George Lucas tattoo. Um, yeah, fall more on, uh, obviously star was outlaws once, uh, probably all three of these games, a little more on once, once we've had a chance to, uh,
to play more of them. We have some relevant Super Chats real quick. We do have some relevant Super Chats. First off, with $10 Dono, Fat Cock, thank you so much. It is always a pleasure to have you here. Get you something on me. Thank you so much, Fat Cock. Dives of the final, I don't know. Thank you so much. Dives contributing to the feed, Marty. It's not like I spent my last human dollars. I want everyone to know that. I have ah multiple dollars left that I could buy food this weekend.
several dollars I could use to buy food. Uh, but yeah, thank you guys

Racing Sims & Equipment Setup

so much. Um, yeah, before wrap up, uh, you guys been playing, watching, eating, poking, Yeah. Oh yeah. is That earlier about eating. Yeah. I had a peanut butter crunch for dinner, so I've been eating good cereal. I'm jealous. Hell yeah. Yeah. it's Okay.
Isn't it kind of crazy that, like, that Captain Crunch was responsible for the oops-all-berry incident? And he just, because of, like, white male privilege, just got sort of, like, shuffled off to Peanut Butter Crunch, and he's fine. No one's ever like, wait a minute, weren't you responsible for the death of thousands of oops-all-berrys? Not only that, turned that tragedy into marketability.
who has no valor That's privilege. Yeah. We're not asking questions about all those deaths anymore. Yeah. Folks folks were happy that they got all berries. Those are blood berries though. lot fair okay you got hearing wheels tells about that yeah ah ah and Anyone who follows a Wario 64 on Twitter, ah the just tweets out all sorts of deals all over all all the time. um I noticed randomly a big ass discount on that Logitech G920 racing wheel. And I've always wanted like some sort of a racing setup just as a, as a child who has played racing games and arcades and like, it's a big fan of arcade racing games. um So even though this was a bad month financially, I was like, fuck it. I'm just going to pull the trigger. I need something for me.
um And I was talking to Nick randomly um and mentioned it and Nick went and saw it and pulled the trigger as well. So like both Nick and I went and got a racing wheels. And I was messing around with it earlier today. um First off, um i am I am not a racing sim guy. This is me dipping a toe into that universe. So like this will be an ongoing thing. um I only have the wheel and the pedals, which came in this set. Apparently there's an optional gear shifter.
which is only an extra 50 bucks. So I may, I may go down that road soonish because like it does feel weird that I can't, um like I have three pedals that I have driven stick before where you, you put down a clutch and you change gear or whatever, but there's no gear. So like I'm using paddle shifters on the steering wheel, which is, you know, a lot of modern cars do that. ah Formula one cars do that.
Um, so like that's fine, but I'm not used to that. Like I drive stick with a stick. So, uh, what I have been doing is I set it up so that since I'm not using the clutch, um, and I don't have an e-brake, like e-brake is like a button on a steering wheel. And that seems insane. Cause like, if I'm trying to turn, I don't want to have to search for the X button if my steering wheel is like sideways. So I, so I set my clutch to e-brake.
okay And honestly, I would have a lot of fun going into corners, like using the clutch as an e-brake and then like stomping on the brake and hitting the acceleration and then spinning the wheels, to like going to drift turns and stuff. um I'm not great. I'm getting used to it because the wheel has a mind of its own. Like it's a force feedback wheel. Like it does a lot of jiggling and shaking to try and replicate like how the car feels on like the terrain you're on um and like the drag of the weight and stuff is it's it's It's not what I thought it would feel like, where I would just have more granular control over turns. There is a ton of resistance to the car itself based on this wheel. And it's so strong that I attach it to like this little ah laptop table I have here. You can see it on camera. like This isn't like bolted down and it's pretty light. I attach it to this. And if I'm not holding the wheel, it shakes the whole table.
but It'll just bounce the table up like bits and shit. It's really strong. ah So I'm gonna i'm not going to do that anymore. When I put it when i connected again, I'm going to put it on the desk here and hopefully it won't like shake all the shit on my desk. ah of This definitely has more weight, um but I can't wait to like get the hang of this and then like start trying to like race people. like I think Nick tested his out a little bit as well, but um more than likely at some point, maybe after PAX,
Uh, Nick and I might start doing like some, some janky them, quote unquote racing streams. Um, maybe like, maybe there'll be Twitch exclusive, but maybe not. We'll see. What were the, what was the, uh, exact wheel? A couple of folks were asking the Logitech G nine 20 G nine 20. Okay. Yeah. We'll get it there.
Yeah, I tested it on the crew on Xbox and ah forza on my PC and it Immediately connected to both of those fine. Um, I also tried a need for speed um Was it half pursuit ah like whatever the recent remake Oh, yeah. Yeah. um Not remake, but like remaster or whatever. Yeah. and Even though in the settings for that game, it recognizes the wheel. Apparently it ripped out the functionality of the wheel in the rerelease. Oh, so it doesn't work.
weird. they got try yeah It's stupid. I tried to assign the buttons and like anytime I like tried to ah click a button, it would just go to the the control stick. So every control was this control stick. I was like, this isn't going to work. Yeah, that's weird. So so that that's bad. um But yeah, any any other like modern sim racing game, it seems like this stuff is already like custom made to just plug and play with that stuff. Yeah. And the setup wasn't too crazy. um Like you plug two things like you plug it into power, and then you plug the steering wheel pedal into this, the plug the pedals into the steering wheel thing. And then um you just bolt that down. And luckily I have carpet here. So like the the pedal mount is actually pretty heavy.
which is good because like you don't want it to ah you know slide if you're like putting pressure on and whatnot. yeah And I also have my TV stand in front of me so I can put it up against that and a carpet and like it it won't move at all. like In fact, my chair will move so I have to switch to like a folding chair because it will it will act. I'll literally push myself back in my rolling chair.
ah But it's it's been it's initially been very fun. And like it did like I'm bad at it. Like it's super janky with me trying to learn how to drive with this thing. But I can already see that this will be fun to get better at. Oh, yeah.

Anime & Entertainment Highlights

ah You also said you did you finish the Suicide Squad, you sky, which I've had a like, OK, that's a wrapped up like that's done.
Yeah. First season is done. Um, I, I took some time to get through it all. Okay. Jesse, do you not know that this exists? Oh, no, I know it exists and it blew my gosh, darn mind. And I need to know if it is worth my time. or HBO max, there is a suicide squad isekai anime. Yes. Um, um is it worth it is dubbed. I don't know why.
Cause at some point it just switched from English voices to Japanese voices. And like, I'm fine. Like I can do both, but I did find that out. I don't know why. actually and hbo not Do they do the weekly thing? Cause sometimes like the the dubs are a couple of weeks behind the subs. Like i'm I'm actually watching this via Disney plus because it's like that weird um Hulu integration thing. Cause I think this is available on Hulu, but on Hulu via Disney plus.
Like I don't, I don't have an HBO max. I think on HBO, I think the Hulu Disney stuff might be a couple of weeks behind the HBO. So I would imagine that on HBO, you could probably watch all of it without knowing. I could not find this when I searched for it on HBO. It's on there because I've seen it. Yeah. I've seen it. You know, that's very weird. But either more than is it good?
It's very good. Like I was high on it when it started. um Like it's really funny. It's like a, it's a i I don't, I don't even want to say the story's dumb. Like all Isekai's are dumb, just by nature. But like it, it, it plays around in the trope of an Isekai. But after you get over that hump of like, yes, it's these dumb, ah goofy villainous characters that you know, in like a, you know, goofy by the numbers fantasy world, and they're just being, you know, super violent and obscene and whatnot in that world. What's that kind of,
washes over you and like sets up the premise. They tell a fairly interesting story with like ah decent stakes, with great interpersonal stuff between the group. like you really like You see them kind of grow from like a bunch of assholes into kind of a cohesive unit who they're still assholes, but they learn to work together. and like they They fit into nice roles and like they they meet other characters and like they have like compelling little mini relationships with other characters and stuff.
um And by the end, it even opens up a lot of intrigue into just what the hell is going on in general in terms of like ah like how they got there, what they're doing there, and is and what is there to come. And like it does not shy away from any conventional anime absurdity. like they get magical powers by virtue of coming to ah east like this isekai land and then that eventually over the course of the series like gets rationed up to like degrees where like everybody flies everyone's doing like mega super power moves and shit yeah and like it's it's animated fantastically like it's so so entertaining
I love that. Yeah, i'm ah knowing that it's done now, I want to go back and and jump into it. I'm wrapping up. ah Did you guys ever watch a licorice recoil? You know what that is? No, I've heard that name before.
came out, uh, like two years ago, I think 2022. And it's, uh, it was a completely original anime. Like it wasn't based on a manga or anything, but it was, um, it's, it's about a, uh, in like sort of present day Tokyo. There is a group of, uh, like ah high school aged girls who are assassins who kind of, they almost feel like minority report assassins where it's like they keep the peace in Tokyo by seemingly like, uh,
going and then and ah the the killing people who may as at some point commit a crime. I'm only i like six episodes into it and i'm I'm really enjoying it so far. But animation is great. The style is great. It has like this great balance of like slice of life with some of the coolest fucking action you can imagine. um Like the v action is off the charts. Well animated. So that is on my list ah suicide squad is on my list after I finish. liorous Is that shows action like gun based or is it like martial arts magic? Very much gun based, like very OK. They almost seem like just like John Secret Society kind of thing. yeah like There actually aren't that many anime that is like gun action based and like when ah when it's done right, it's phenomenal. Yeah. So like I that that's ah that's a hard sell for me.
Yeah, yeah. I'll i will check that out soon. done Done well here. So far, it's only the one the one season. I think it's like 12 episodes or so. um But yeah, it's on my list. And then Suicide Squad is afterwards. What about you, Jesse? You've been watching Eden playing anything? I had some absolutely amazing Thai food, though. Incredible. What would that be like? God, I'm so happy right now. Good.
yeah ah I've watched a little more Chucky. I remember I mentioned that last week. Yeah, Chucky watched Delicious and Dungeon. Also, delightful show. It's really good, right? so Yeah, it's really good. Nice. It's just really nice. It it is really nice. I got to ah like a major plot point that's like, hey, surprise this is going to get real dark. Yes. Oh boy. Absolutely. OK. Because of bummer. Yeah, it's a big bummer. um But it's still really interesting. And I love.
How intricate and mine like into the weeds they get with like how to cook food in a fast yeah paced way. Yeah. And like where they like turn like, oh, this thing's going to burn for a while. Oh, we'll turn into a pizza oven like how they incorporate.
These things, and rather than being a it like, a ah oh, no, well, we can't do anything with it. It's like, oh, well, how do we do this? Okay. This is a yeah sort a jelly monster. Well, how can we cook it? how What parts are delicious? it's It's fascinating. It's honestly really cool.
Yeah. like it's It's one of those hard recommends for me to anyone who loves kind of like D and&D and like party centric role playing, but also anyone who likes food. Like I think it is yeah um outside of the bear, are probably the best current and show about food. yeah I really like it. Yeah.
And it's a little looser with food than like food wars, which I've caught some of. But that is like super into food. Like they really spend a lot of time talking about. Oh, no food. You lost your food. I lost my food. um Yeah, so been watching that.

Gaming Updates & Recommendations

And then ah the castle, speaking of Castlevania, the Castlevania Debye Daylight came out yesterday. Yeah, yeah. yeah So just survivors or a monster? Both. It has Dracula as a killer and Trevor Belmont as a survivor and then several other skins for Trevor. So there's like Alucard, several other o heroes from Castlevania and there's like leaked stuff of other characters are going to get skins from other people from I think the game and maybe the anime to. From from early impressions, does it seem like it does the
Does the IP justice? Depodilla usually does, like treats their tie ins pretty well, right? They do. And yeah, it it seems really fun. I haven't bought it yet because I haven't been able to play a lot and like i'm about to go to PAX. So probably when I get back, I will buy it. ah That's worth it for me. it It looks like a whole lot of fun, like a really, really original killer, like a really fun way to like engage in the game because that's kind of what the killers do is they always give you a new way to engage with stuff.
Yeah, I feel like that's the way to the way to continue sort of like k needing new ingredients into an ongoing game is is make everything synergize. It's all about corporate synergy guys. That's what everything's about here. Speaking of energy or I'm sorry. No, that was mine was going to be way worse than yours. I would say you asked before about like what, what IP like has done like the most crossovers. Oh yeah. Like Kathleen is getting up there. Yeah. Castlevium might be. Yeah. It doesn't have a secret level yet. Mega man. You can still get there.
You can wear yourself out to everyone, Mega Man. You can do it. It is thunderstorming hard, right? I don't know if you guys can hear that. You can hear it. I can hear it. I hope I don't lose power or something. Okay, we're wrapping up stuff soon. The last thing I wanted to recommend, speaking of corporate synergy, Javed Starrett, our incredible coworker who you know from.
ah thumbnails and logos and his Good Blood series and editing archive recently. Just put up his ah bite-size review of Krip Custodian, which is ah probably my favorite game of the week. This is ah an indie top-down.
ah Action RPG, Metroidvania, very light on upgrades, mostly ah heavy on exploration, on on learning the ah mechanics and ah kind of memorizing the map so that when you get a new ability, you can go back and unlock new places. A delightful 10-ish hour. ah ah Feels like at anyone who likes Death's Door, I recommend this to. um It is not, it feels more like a It's like if Death's Door was made by ostensibly one person. um So was this made by one person? ah Yeah, Kyle Thompson is an ostensible solo developer. There's someone helping with music and everything, but um this is the same developer as Ilets, which was very much Kyle's take on ah like Hollow Knight. And that was the game that put him on my radar where I'm like, oh man, like this is this is
What Islets did for Hollow Knight, this game does way ah more impressively for a sort of death story, top-down action game. So can't recommend this enough. It's out for Switch, and and I think it's out for everything now on PC and PlayStation and stuff. a Really cool game. Just a great sense of style. ah Really, really enjoyable. So check out Java's review. I put it in the chat. it's It's a wonderful review. And just check out the game. A lot of fun.
I will check that game out. Yeah, it's good shit. ah And before we close up, fungus finder with a two dollar demo. Thank you so much fungus finder. Marty, how Barry you too soon. That was a while ago. I don't know what that was in reference to. How are you all berries? Tragic. So berries. We should there should be like a national holiday. We should get rid of Arbor Day and replace it with like Barry Remembrance Day.
Oops, I'll be ready to Columbus Day. We asked that and then we put Oops, I'll be ready to get indigenous yeah that's indigenous peoples. They already i want to officially remove it and make it indigenous. People say and then.
And in, it in, in parentheses, oops, all berry day, like almost like a song guys. Let's, let's get it. Leave that its own thing. We could take a different one. Big Arbor day. How's the coops all buried mix up and jam nog. Thank you so much for a five pound dono Marty. Can you put toasty cinnamon buns in the back seat of your car?
I feel like this might be an, might be Eric minus from accident eric a while ago. Cause Casey, while I was talking about the steering wheel, ah Eric put him in. All right. Yeah. I was in like a ah leather interior. Yeah. And then put a little, ah did put a waving.
I feel like Eric is like, yeah, Eric is like clicking things down like shit. I didn't think this would come back up. He's like, I got a case in the car. There's a goddamn PlayStation direct running in the corner. What's happening? You guys are in a short circuit, Eric. Red dwarf. Thank you so much for the pile. I don't know. Watching Toriko always used to make me feel hungry. I don't think I know what Toriko is. Toriko is like food, Goku or something. Like I remember seeing that guy, he wears like a big He kind of looks like Goku. He's got like an orange suit on. He's got some blue hair. Oh, he does look like Goku. He does look like a food based shonen jump with food Goku. Yeah. I've never watched that show though, but he was always around.
Shout out to Food Goku, by the way. just eaten he does He looks so much like Food Goku. So much to do. um but that about I think that does it for us today. Oh my god, we did so good. I'm so proud of us. sta y'all minutes Oh my god, we did great. um Yeah, thank you so much for for listening, for watching, for hanging out with us during ah Firelink, up episode number 34.

PAX West & Community Engagement

In terms of stuff we have going on the rest of the week, ah tomorrow we have no streams. However, there's a new episode of Semiramalmatic, so please check that out ah because tomorrow so much of our crew, including Jesse and Casey, are going to Seattle for PAX West. There'll be this weekend shooting a bunch of fun videos, checking out a bunch of stuff. Jesse, you and Jack have a panel on Sunday evening.
at 7pm. So yeah, definitely, definitely go to that panel at PAX. And if you see the crew around Seattle, say hi. Absolutely. yes oh they got Thank you, Eric. You got the, uh, Oh, it's on the site. The thing that, uh, Jack made. It's almost like Eric's a professional producer. It's crazy. Right. And then, uh, Friday we'll have the dev heads crew back at the normal time. Uh, and we'll but be back for normal stuff. Um, well, wouldn't break around Monday. Probably no hidden gems on Monday. Cause you guys won't be coming back till Tuesday.
Right. Yeah, that's fine. You know, Jess, they'll probably still be giving her the the the runaround for internet. We got to we got to start campaigning against Xfinity. I'm not saying we should bully Xfinity. But maybe we should think At least until they get Jess her internet back. Until Jess gets her internet. ah Casey, what do you have going on?
Uh, yep, because I'm traveling, most of my stuff is on ice. Uh, that includes the wedding streams. So nothing this Friday that includes DMC, nothing on Thursday. Um, but, uh, yeah, can't don't really have anything on the books. Um,
but check out the stuff that we did recently. Like the battle masters, battle masters. I forgot to talk about battle masters, battle masters. Yeah. and his First episode dropped this Monday. It was a ton of fun to make. We are, we are listening to your feedback.
Uh, just know that all the challenges will not be time-based and they will not all be souls games. So don't worry about, you know, stuff in the vein of that, but absolutely give us, uh, you know, ideas for stuff you want to see us do, even though we have ah a sheet that's like a million miles long. Don't worry if if there are good ones out there, we'll add them to the sheet. Yeah. Uh, yeah, outside of that, you know, uh, the merch, like.
You guys want, you guys wanted the plushies back in the store. They're back. They're up for pre-order. Go in there, sign up before they disappear mysteriously again. Because we may or may not have ordered so the multiple of them during this podcast. I believe we got a grinder bin and a have the right idea. You know, I always said there was, there was something about that deeps. You got a good, good on the shoulders. That was a good scrub right there. But yeah, like we got cool merchant store, um cool videos on the channel, ah cool people going to to Seattle, which is maybe a cool place. I don't know. I'll find out when I get there.
yeah often
Jesse Casey said everything. And so did you. I apologize. I feel like I've nothing else. Oh, uh, there'll be a new venture is nine. Yes. Season two, episode one will be on Saturday. Remaster. Yes. Got all his cool new animations. All the same jokes. They just look better. That cool new backgrounds folks were like, uh,
catching like Easter eggs in the background. El Shashire makes the dopest background art. And like sometimes he'll so he'll sneak little Easter eggs and like paintings or like, you know, messages or words, whatever. Hopefully noticing some of the stuff he's putting back there. It's worth the rewatch, guys. I love that. it is It is wild how talented the people we work with are.
Right? Yes. Stupidly talented. It's shocking. It is incredible. Awesome. That does it for us for today. Thank you all so much, everyone. Again, for for if you're watching live, if you're watching the VOD, if you're listening on any podcast service of your choosing, ah we appreciate you being here. And thank you so much to Jesse, to Casey, to Eric. This is Marty. This was Firelink episode number 34. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weeks and we'll see you all soon. Bye, everyone.