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Don't Forget to Enjoy Your Hobby | Firelink Podcast

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This week on Firelink, Marty, Nick, and KC discuss just enjoying our hobbies.

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Firelink Podcast Overview

Hello everyone and welcome back to Firelink podcast episode number 27 for Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024. My name is Marty Sleev, as always joined by Nick Calandra, Casey Wosu, producer Eric, and welcome. It's so great to have you all back here at Firelink episode episode number 27. We got great show for you today. Usually I run down several things we're talking about. We don't, I'm going to be honest. We didn't make, we didn't make, there's no news. Yeah, there's, there's noise during the news today. God knows I don't want to talk about that. That's probably why there's no news. Folks are just a little depressed.

Enjoying Hobbies Without Burnout

And it's, listen, listen, when the fourth of July's out of Thursday, people are like, what if I take a seven day weekend and then I might as well just take the entire week and then boom, that's where we are. Uh, but we're going to be, we're going to be talking about, you know what, we've done a lot of negative Nazis. We're going to talk about positive polys today. We're just going to talk about how, how to, how to enjoy your hobby, how to avoid getting gaming burnout.
And one of the ways, play the video game burnout, which is a great racing game where you can crash into this game. great and We should bring it back. Nick, good make good get on the horn. I'm upset. I'm upset. criteria and i'm obsessed Get And yeah then talk about a bunch of stuff we've been watching and playing. All sorts of good stuff. And yeah, George Lucas, I saw a report on my day out of range canceled. I just never know what happens in that void. Oh, no. visual When a show gets canceled, you know what you're allowed to do?

Funding and Show Cancellations

It's just gonna go to Netflix and be worse. Write your own ending. No, it's not gonna go to Netflix and be worse. And then right off the bat, thank you so much. As as all of our things here, we are funded by your generous ah patronage, your donations, your super chats, your merch purchases, your merchises, if you will. And thank you so much, Ritvik, right, from the get-go with Five Dollar Don't Know. How am I supposed to enjoy my hobby when Amazon canceled outer range? I know, true monsters.
You know what? I'm starting to think we can't trust best Jeff Bezos with the keys to pop culture. I'm starting to think this might be a bad idea. That was a good show. Well, you know what? Like a void, it ah ah burned bright and crashed hard. This was supposed to be a positive podcast about enjoying our hobbies and we just want to go cry and sleep now.

Coping with Cancellations & Exploring Genres

Part of enjoying our hobbies is having the things we love taken away from us. I can't. I'm billionaires. I agree. What do you do post thing you love? That's that's the subset of how to enjoy your hobbies. I mean, I literally, if I'll finish a game I love or like a show I really love, and then I'm like, what do I do now? Like, what do I what do i do with my hands? I felt that way after I lost. I was in a malaise. A lost malaise. Yeah, but you should get canceled out.
Um, that's true. You know what? I can't be hurling around blame for out of range season two getting canceled because I also did not watch the first season. Listen, I, I loved the first season released in a busy period. Don't release it time i see you sir but release it during the and NBA finals. What are you doing? Yeah, that's kind of rough. Don't release it during the NHL draft in the dome in the orb. Did you see the draft? like Did you see that ourselves in the orb? Oh, my God, you got to see it. It is gnarly. I don't care about hockey whatsoever. But they made you care. When I was in Vegas, though, we were we were at like a top floor cigar bar and we were able to like look down and watch free pay-per-view UFC on like the big hellas prompter screen. We're just like and up we're just standing at the top of this hotel like it was going on live or you were watching.
Yeah, it was going on live. We were just able to watch it on the telecom way down below. That's a little Vegas, little Vegas sneak treat for you guys. If you end up in a coma, go to the cigar bar and hope there's a pay-per-view going on at that

Media Influence and Hobby Balance

time. And King dead with a $2 demo. Thank you so much. King dead shows get canceled. Write your own fanfic. I guess that you could do that too. Write your own ending. How do you want it to end? Everyone lives happily ever after. So because the show has been putting his billions into the show.
if you Why doesn't he just save every show on his network? He has the power to do that, right? I feel it is weird to me that there aren't more billionaire patrons of the art who are just like, fuck it, I want this to come back. I will pay any amount of money for that. Apparently, that's the story for that show Supernatural. like It was allowed to just go on for as long as it wanted it because like the the president or owner of the network loved it so much. He was like, write write those guys a blank check. That's the secret. We're like, fine. Like someone's kid who really likes the show. Someone high up like, well, the president's kid likes it. What are we going to do? we can't keep it on
Um, and then, uh, Drewman with a vial or don't know, thank you so much, Drewman. Thanks for the background noise while a monster hunt rise with the beginning of my weekend, gents. Talk about enjoying your hobby. I was about to say, I think that's as good of a segue as any into chatting about enjoying your hobby, because it is, listen, it's easy, it's easy to burn out on the things you love. ah For us, because it is a job. It's as especially easy to burn out on the things we love. But for anyone, like if you engage with a hobby so much, especially to a point to where you're watching or listening to things like this and you're in our community, that means you're like in the upper percentile of people interested in stuff. And so it's easy to burn out on it and get a little cynical. And so we're here to give you some of our personal tips. How do we avoid that?
Yoga? Do we do yoga? Get like a big stretch on? I mean, you're saying that as a joke. It's not too far off from some advice that I do have. and lessless Let's just start firing away. Yeah. And one one of the main things I think that will help people stay engaged with the thing they love is to give it a break every now and then. Like, go and find another hobby, something else to do, like yoga, which is super healthy for you. Keep your body limber, all that jazz. Might meet somebody cute if you're single. Think about it. I can just give you other things to focus on and think about so that when you're off doing those things, which are also enjoying, hopefully, that when you get, you know, some other free time, you're like, oh, I've been really meaning to I've been really waiting to get back to XYZ as opposed to getting burnt out in the

Preventing Gaming Burnout

first place. Right. Just having a diverse array of stuff to handle will keep it all fresh. Yeah, I think that's a I think it's like a running problem for a lot of people that play video games is like that's all they do. is Yeah. Video games just. Yeah.
yeah whether it's watching TV, movies, whatever, but it's always back to video games at some point. and I know i know like I'm having that issue right now where like I want to play games, but I'm also kind of burnt out on them just because ah I haven't gotten been able to go like do exercise or or hockey or anything because I still don't have health insurance. so I haven't been able to get my MRI, so I can't go back and play hockey until I get that. so i'm like Man, I want to play games, but also like I do that for work every day. I want to go do something else and I can't. And then I'm like, do I want to read? Like, no, I'm too tired for that. No one ever wants to read. Let's be honest. so that really I brought a book with me to Vegas. Marty's Marty's reading the Bible.
No, it was the wrong way to Berserk. That's Marty's Bible. I mean, that is words. I'm gonna be honest, Berserk doesn't have a ton of words. It's a lot of sick ass drawings. And after the next page, I'm like, damn, there's some gnarly shit going on in Berserk. That's a manga. That does not count as a book. I know I ignore the pictures and I only read the words. And it's like splish. Oh, what do we think is going on here? What do we think is splishing? I would say like my my my biggest piece of advice because I was I was working this topic kind of came because I was working on an unpacked video for it that is going to really like.
figure out how to make it an interesting video. oh But like one of my big things that whenever I start to feel bored of of games or whatever, I start to start to expand the the new genres that I just don't know how to play because it's given me something new to learn and teach myself. ah Whether it's ah like the most recent one was like getting into the rope, like the card, the deck builder genre, you know, has been getting into those and really learning how to play those. And those are fun to just kind of those. I did. Yeah, I mean, you know, those are those are fun games. I just kind of play over and over again when you're when you're bored ah because they keep you keep your brain engaged as you you know try to find the right strategy to win. But, ah you know, I did that. That's what happened when I went back to play the Souls Lakes for the first time. Now I'm in the deck builders. And now that I'm kind of found, you know, after Bellottcher, I'm like ready for a new genre of games to play. So I think I think we give you suggestions.
Yeah, well, I mean, I've been I've been trying. I've been trying to force my myself to get into like 2D platformers. And I just I just don't think I like 2D platforming games. Yeah, you got to find the right one. Yeah. was Yeah. Well, just like which ones have you been playing? ah The most recent one I was I was messing around with was the ukulele impossible layer. Oh, that's a good game. Oh shit. i don't i''t never i don't like that You've never played it? No, no, I bought it. It has that whole thing where like you can go to the impossible layer whenever you want, but if you beat the rest of them, you get like more tries or whatever at it or more lives. Yeah. I think it's a really cool. Yeah. You get more attempts. Yeah. Um,
Yeah, I mean, at a certain point, it's possible the genre just doesn't stick with you, right? Like, yeah. At a certain point, like, have you gone... How many Mario games have you played? 2D Mario games? Like, you play Mario World, Super Mario World, the Super Nintendo one? No, I think, I think the only 2D Mario games I played was Super Mario, no, Super Mario Bros. 3, yeah, on the Game Boy Advance, right? there was yeah you that When I played ah the Yoshi's Island one. Okay. one of one with Like where was a baby like yeah don't murder the baby yeah like and that to me is like a, like a pillar game. Like all good platformers have DNA and Mario worlds in it. You get a, din that was the first dinosaur and a cape. First game never ever cape. That can't be true.
I think both of us are probably, first Mario game dinosaur. He's just a dinosaur, right? He's not a turtle. Is Bowser not a, I mean, he's as much a dinosaur as Bowser is, right? I always think of Bowser as like a four legged lizard who's learned to climb onto his hind legs, almost like a little bit of a, like an angry, like a turtle god of some sorts. All right. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I've tried. I've tried so many of them. I've tried like, you know, I was trying to get a messenger just can get into it. I played the last, but I just, I don't know. Like that's the kind of like frustration that I don't enjoy. Yeah. So less is the deep end. I would say something that's more like joy inducing moment to moment. Sure. Yeah. You know, like, I like someone like the
I guess more artistic ones, Ori, and like I've been playing Mario Wonder and stuff like that. But just like the precision hardcore kind of platforming, like even, even Shovel Knight just wasn't doing it for me. And I was trying to, I was trying to like, I'm trying to like go back and do a lot of those like 2D-ish retro ones, but and think ah just an early them out I play a lot of them. I know I just said that ah Celeste was a deep end, but how do you feel about Mega Man?

Exploring Non-Gaming Hobbies

Have you played a lot of those? No. The X games I think are, there they're more accessible than like the OG Mega Man. Like don't play those if you're trying to get into a platformer, but like X and X2 and X3, I think give that a shot. Like yeah so they're like, they're shooters, but they're good platformers. It's a good time.
If you're playing Mega Man Battle Chasers, it was ah mar it was a very bad Mario Kart clone. I've never heard of that. Battle Chasers is technically the first 3D Mega Man game and let me tell you, it's not good. The most recent 2D platforming action game I played was The Last Faith. i think I think my main issue with a lot of them is I get annoyed with all of them almost being Metroidvanias. Because I don't I just I think that's the main thing is I don't like the maps of Metroidvain. You guys confuse with the map navigation and stuff. Yeah, fine. Fine. Just a proper platformer. Yeah, I don't mind platformers. It's the yes. much Mainly that I feel like every single one is a Metroidvain. I'm like, stop it. Just let me let me go straight for a while.
They're like. Do you try to still try to branch yourself, like open yourself up to new genres, Casey, or are you just like, fuck it? I like what I like. ah I like not actively like I don't actively seek out. All right. I'm kind of not into this. So let me find one of them that I am into. But if one of those sorts of genres has other aspects that interest me, then I'll I'll be more inclined to give it a try. And if that hooks me, then I get more interested in like other versions of it. For example, unicorn overlord was
a game system that apparently existed elsewhere. Like folks were saying that it's similar to like Final Fantasy 12. I think there was some other, but no, it was, um, she made basically made the connection to that and like, uh, Dota auto chess. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Where essentially it's like, you know, all the ins and outs so of the hero characters and then you align them in a way where their moves will play out and synergize with each other. And then you put that against another team like an enemy team. And the joy is to like watch your your your creation, your synergistic team, you know, wreck shop based on like your coach. Yes, exactly. And that feels so much more hands on than what like a traditional
ah 2D RPG is, even though it was fully automated, which is so weird to me. Like I never thought it would be something that I would get hopelessly addicted to. Like I, I wasted a lot of time doing all the side shit in that game. And I should have been doing more important stuff. So that really surprised me. Um, and I am very much intrigued for other games that like utilize a similar system. Now, even, even the auto chess, they, I just know that there are like hundreds of, uh, champions or whatever for that. So like that might be a Herculean task to try a sense of like a hundred fucking. Uh, characters in new car overlord, like 50. There's a lot of them, right? I mean, but sure, but you, yeah. Okay. I guess that's not a fair assessment because you get them over time. Right. Yeah. I guess you get them piecemealed and you get context as opposed to just see it doesn't have like a single player story that guides you through everyone. Right. Like he's like.
Like the knowledge base would have come from you playing a lot of Dota proper, which i I still don't understand. Like that's a game that I have never been able to break into. I've even tried to watch it and understand it as an esport and cannot make heads or tails so of what happens in Dota. Yeah, I'm the exact same. I think I played like one or two games of Dota in my life as goofs and can work out. I feel like I feel like Marty's the one that's the most resistant to trying new genres. Uh, Marty, they do yeah I do less trying. I mean, I know what I like at this point, like this many decades. I know what I like. And I also, when I go, I, instead of trying new genres, I go back and sort of devote myself to specific series.
I'll be like, I want to, you know, whether it's the first time or first time in a long time or just something I like, I'll be like, I want to go through all the old Final Fantasies. I'm getting ready to do that with all the Dragon Quest games. I started doing that with Breath of Fire. You know, that's one of the one of the reasons I love doing the Thursday streams with you Casey is because we kind of do that. You can see how yeah a series like Dead Space or Metal Gear or Devil May Cry grows, you know, throughout console generations and throughout, you know, in some cases, handing it off to different developers like DMC and everything. um as opposed to just like new genres. I just, yeah, I don't remember the last time a game came along and was like, oh, I'm playing a new genre because of this game. Maybe the closest thing is I don't give a shit about Musou games, so but if it was the two that were tied to Persona and Zelda, I was like, okay, I'll play this genre. I have no interest in this genre whatsoever, but I like these two things enough that I'll play this genre for that. And then people are like, well, try these. I'm like, no, I don't i don't want to play as this weird old warlord. Don't care about him.
If I can get one of those fake Nintendo discount things again, I think Hyrule Warriors might be my next purchase, because my son beat Heroes of the Kingdom, and he's looking for more Zelda stuff, and I think he might be that. And it was a game that I was interested in for exactly that reason. It's got characters I like, so I'll just give that one a shot. I also really like the One Piece One, Pirate Warriors 4. Yeah, that was a list of One Piece, like best One Piece games, and I think that was up there as one of the better ones. Apparently that One Piece Odyssey that came out a few years ago was kind of a disappointment to people. I never tried it. It was an RPG like Dragon Quest. It sounded like it sounded like it would have been cool, but I think people just didn't. I thought people liked it. It was like on the list of like disappointing one piece kits. I don't know. Maybe it was just whatever list I saw. It was Amy that was having a good time with it. I remember she streamed it for newly released, but I don't think she continued with it.
Damn, there's too many issues with that manga, that's what's going on. Now they're just making a new anime, because it's been going on too long. Yeah, they're just running it over before the first one even finished. So is the first one gonna still go? Or are they just like, okay, so they're still gonna have an old one, but then they're also gonna have a new one. Do you think they're ever gonna catch up? Like the manga nor the anime are finished, yet they're going to start a new sequel series. Not even a sequel series, just a redo of the first series. Do you think like the normies who watch the show on Netflix, like the live action show, we're like, oh, this is cool. I'm excited for season two. You didn't realize this comic's been going on for fucking almost 30 years. Like that is nu nuts. Not at all. Like it makes sense that this anime has been going on for so long that like, yeah, at a certain point, I don't know. Like that shit came out when like the Nintendo 64 was out. So yeah, it makes sense to be like, all right, maybe we should juice this up a little bit on on
new technology because the anime has got better looking, right? Yeah. Yeah. It looks miles different now than it did when it first released. Like, yeah. Yeah. On top of the fact that already has weird art. Maybe yeah you cash in with the Netflix thing and make it a new, ah easier entry point for people. That's why they're probably starting the idea. Super abridged probably, right? this new And that's probably a good thing because like yeah that was something that was positive about the show itself was that they were kind of cutting through a lot of fat in terms of telling that story. Yeah. while still while still having like the big beefy one there for anyone who gets hooked and wants to see all fucking 1,100 episodes of it, which is just obscene. What do you guys tend to do like when you when you do start feeling out burnt out on games? What are your go-tos for other hobbies? or
I mean, like you guys touched on it earlier. I think having a lot of hobbies is very useful. And I think that goes across the board. I think the people who get the most mad at relatively unimportant pop culture are people who don't do a lot of stuff outside of that pop culture. It's the people who all they do is watch Star Wars. And so if fucking Star Wars has a bad day, you're going to have a bad day because you don't have anything else. That's all you have. Star Wars to me is like fucking 1% of everything.

Fluctuating Interests & Documentary Influence

So if Star Wars has a bad series. I'm just like, okay, well, I'll just move on to the next thing. Um, and so yeah, and that just includes ah a wide array of of movies and TV, but then also just things kind of outside of that, like I'll have my stints where I get super into anime and watch a bunch of it, or it'll be football season. I'll be super into football or I'll get that head injur head injury at WrestleMania and just be like, I'm a wrestle boy now. I don't think I'm a wrestle boy anymore. But SummerSlam's coming up, so maybe I will be a Wrestleboy one more time. so It's okay to have Starks in the face of your Wrestleboyism. Yeah, exactly. If you're a Wrestleboy 24-7, you're going to get a headache. and You're going to pass out. You're going to need to hydrate. You're going to get CT or something. Yeah. It reminds me of ah when we had that conversation about like fandoms and stuff like that. I think I made the claim that like I just don't think I'm like a fan of anything. I think there's things. Not even Halo.
No, not really. Like I enjoy it though. Yeah. Yeah. But I enjoy those things. But like there's nothing that's like so sacred to me that like I can't just move on from it when I'm done with it. Yeah. No. Like I just there's nothing that like I don't need to own everything. Halo related because I'm such a huge fan of it or there's nothing i I have to own of everything. Star Wars related. I see you looking off and smiling there because I bought the Blu-ray. I know what you're thinking. the who I saw his smirk going, I know what you bought. You like a lot of halo. I would call you a halo fan. I would refer to you as a halo fan. But what you're saying is that you're not obsessive about it. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, I don't talk about it every day. Like I don't, it's not.
When Halo 5 was really disappointing, I didn't go angry about it. I was like, I just didn't like it. And I moved on. I think that in particular is an important distinction. like Even if you are like really big and heavy into something in particular, yeah still being able to be critical of it in a healthy way, like because that thing is bad doesn't mean that you are bad or the people who made it are bad. It just means that that thing was bad. And there's a chance that it could get better again. But sometimes things are as good as you want them to be. And that's fine. Like being able to see that and recognize that and accept it in your soul that the thing you love can sometimes be mid. So as this as I mentioned, Halo or Call of Duty in every stream in many videos, I don't think so. We might bring up Halo in every video. I mean, Halo is the thing that you most with. Really?
That's fun in terms of games. Yeah. And like pop culture, I think so. And Blue Mountain High. Yeah. I think. Are you saying that show's name wrong? Oh, fuck. It's not even a high. It's a college. It's collegiate. I was confused with Rocky Mountain High, which is I think what they call a Coors Light. Hell, you know, all right. But it's bad's a bad beer beer. Lord. It's actually great, by the way. Yeah. made With mountain water. I probably I probably bring up Halo a lot just because it was it was very formative to my my years growing up. It's like that's where that's where I played games with my friends. Like that's where that's OK. I would go to I would go to my buddy's house and we replay the Halo 2 campaign, you know, every weekend or whatever. ah Like though we all had a surrogate father figure in pop culture around that time. Yeah. was terrible father figure, by the way, just abandoned his family ah for years on it. But I think like I get stronger. I think I've just never gotten burnt out on like I've never been like angry about games or burnt out on games as a medium because there is something new every day. Sure. like Yeah, it's just it's just fresh all the time. And like, you know, people that are like, oh, the industry is falling apart. The industry is terrible. It's like,
If you look at Steam's popular upcoming, like something new every single day. That's something that's at least probably pretty good at this point. Like you can't go a day without something new to play. Yeah. And so like I find it I find it easy to be cynical about the business of games ah at the at the higher tier. I don't know. Not really the indie scene, but like the even triple a even in even in AAA. um Like you say, like in that like that executive tier, yeah, it's very easy to be cynical about that stuff. But i'm even even like maybe in the lower echelon of that realm, the folks who work in that industry are stupid but passionate. like yeah So much more passionate than you can imagine. like Think about someone you know who loves their job. like People who work in games,
are like three to four times more passionate about having that job than anyone else you know. Well, that's that's like I quit games media for a very short time in 2016 when Google like basically killed only my only single player site overnight. Like we were doing like five hundred thousand visits a month and then within a month it went down to like less than one hundred thousand. I was like, that's it. I'm not I'm not doing this anymore. i go back and i was i was Well, I i quickly like landed a ah ah freelance PR gig ah just to get some money in while I was you know doing college stuff. But then I told the story a million times, but like Daniel Dwyer from GameSpot went to ah Poland to do like this documentary kind of thing on Witcher. And he was out in the countryside showing up like there, right? And I'm like, man, I've been covering video games in my bedroom since 2009.
But he's doing like he he got to go to Poland. He's out there like talking to developers like just sitting in a big grassy field out on the other side of the world talking about like a game that he's interested in. is like I want to fucking do that. And so like the documentaries were like what re reignited my my passion for everything because I. like just getting to meet the people making the games and everything and like hearing you know the stories they go through like I think the doc that will never leave my my mind is uh the doc on divinity original sin and what swan think think uh went through to make those games uh and you know seeing him on the stage for baller's gate three winning game of the year was like super cool having told his story was he the one who was wearing the armor or was still with us yeah yeah he's wearing the armor he's he's probably interviewed him
Yeah, no, he wasn't in there when I interviewed him, but like he showed us the armor and everything. um Like, I've been to his house, I've partied at his house. and o Man, next to his twin party. Yeah. no but ble Was everyone in armor? No, no. He's like on his floor. He's a bit like a lion pelt. Oh, it's pretty cool. It's a fake pelt. Have you ever told Danny O'Dwyer how pivotal he was to your career in life? Yeah, he ah he gave me advice like when we were doing the Kickstarter campaign and all that. like Sweet. and and we were We were in close contact during all that because at the time, I think I was the only other one doing documentaries alongside him. And so we were kind of competing for some of the same projects.
Yeah, but yeah, no, like he like those documentaries, though, like every time I get to go back out and do those kind of things, like I get reignited in the hobby because I'm like, man, like it's just so cool being around people that like make the ship like Sea of Stars documentary, like just knowing what those guys went through to make that game during the start of Covid and everything and getting that game out there to to the public like um you just can't be cynical when you know it's hard to be cynical about games when you know what people put into it. The thing is like you end up becoming kind of a product of the environment you create for yourself. And if you are just surrounded by cynical people, the cynicism is going to wear off on you. That's just kind of natural. And so alongside um kind of what both of you guys were saying of when you hear the people who are making these things talk and how like the excitement and passion in their voice, that means something. and That kind of reinvigorates you. And I think it's in the same way if you find like other communities where people feel like that. Like right now, um Games done quick is going on. And that's the ah but twice a year they do a seven, seven days straight charity stream, just back to back to back folks speed running just every game under the sun. You can imagine it's going live on Twitch now. They're putting the VODs up on their channel. And this is one of those amazing things where like, A, they end up raising several million dollars for like Doctors Without Borders or something amazing like that. But then B, um it's, you click on one of these games and you just see people who really fucking love
all of these games with people cheering them on and announcers cheering them on and like a positive couch behind them sort of commentating everything and seeing that like it is so fun to click into these even if I don't care about the game to click into one of these and be like oh my god here's people who are just like super fucking stoked to play Kirby 64 or people who are like like having like an amazing time with uh i don't know quake 2 or astral like any of these games i'm looking at right now like it's it's amazing and it's hard not to have a smile when you see

Community Impact on Gaming

that. And I think some of those like communities that are like, you know, that's that's the double edged sword we were talking about of like, oh, if you're too passionate about something, that can be like an easy way to kind of fall off a cliff into negativity. But it can also be a way to prop people up in positivity. And I feel like you've kind of curated a little bit of that Casey with your with almost like the smash community and and having that be kind of your North Star game that you always go back to no matter what else is out.
Yeah. Like in, in a similar way to how, uh, Daniel Dwyer's happenings kind of positioned Nick to kind of follow his career path. Smash in a way did that for me because like, it was like after I, I always loved Smash bros a ton. Um, like I grew up with four brothers. And so it's a really fun, chaotic game for all of us to sit around and play. And like all my little all my brothers and I played video games for the most part. But as we were getting older, it was more me who kind of stuck with it and other that and they were like finding other things to do.
Um, so it got harder to kind of play smash regularly with other people, but it was always something like once I was in college, I found like a a little group, we played a ton of smash 64, a bunch of smash melee. So it was always like a concept I kept coming back to, but around a time after college, um, I was working at a job that I thought I'd probably be at forever, but did not like very much. And then I got laid off and I wasn't sure what I was going to do or how I was going to do it afterwards. I had a bit of a severance and I was like living off of that while you know searching for other the stuff. That's when I was doing the PI shit. Um, And I kind of just fell right back into playing Smash. By that time, ah Smash 4 was out and online was a working thing. So I spent a ton of time playing that online but just because it was like a comforting thing to do. It got to the point where I was like, I'm in the house too much. ah I wonder if there's any tournaments and stuff around like i'll I'll go out, I'll like be around other people, but I'll still get to like play Smash because that's comfort to me right now.
And like I met this really low key group of folks who were throwing a tournament. um The tournament bombed. I was like one of two people who showed up to their tournament. oh no But the group of dudes were super cool. Like they were running like an indie studio called Life Abstract Games. And so I just got to talking with them with them about the stuff they do. I was telling them like, oh, like I follow games, I write about games, blah, blah, blah on my own time. um So we they kind of just took me under their wing. It was like, hey, could you take over all our social media and just like make content for us? I was like, sure. I've been meaning to do exactly that. So like if you guys are back to me like they were they were throwing me like maybe one hundred two hundred dollars to like spend on games to review.
per month. Um, so like I was just doing that and making whatever I wanted for their channel. And it was because of that portfolio, I was able to build up with them. Thanks to heading to them for a smash tournament that I had something to show Nick when I saw his, uh, posting back in the day for, um, game inventory and, you know, Nick hardy on then. And then the rest is literal history. Like, like in a way, like smash brought me out of that hole. So like yeah, like I still love the game 100%, but like it does mean a lot to me in that it's it's kind of core to like me working in the games industry. So like I will always kind of champion it as... And like and by it like just by nature of its own existence, like Smash is sort of a celebration of video games, period. yeah So like I kind of just love that about it.
Yeah, yeah, that's a that's dark starters, too, for me, because that was ah the first game that like, ah well, the very first documentary I signed was not dark, not darksiders, but I did um the runic games documentary first on Hobb and Torchlight. ah But then the dark side was. Yeah, the dark side is not a nice metric like. Yeah, it's a Zelda like. Yeah, yeah. Um, but yeah, Darksiders is so literally the game that picked off my career. Cause like when I was, um, getting started in games media, you know, Darksiders 2 came out in 2012 and I started in 2009. Uh, but I like still had my, my vices for games. That's when I was just still playing Call of Duty shooters, whatever. Like here's war, Halo, that's all I played. Uh, and I didn't play the first Darksiders, but then I got, or I didn't even request it. I just got a random copy of Darksiders 2.
And then I put that game in and I was just like enthralled by it. I was like, oh, my God, I cannot put this game down. Became one of my favorite games super quickly. And then that was like I reached out to those guys to do the documentary on it, like THQ at the time before they even shut down like a whole THQ shot in the dark. And they're like, yeah, let's do it. I'm like, wait, what we're doing this and like built an entire Kickstarter Kickstarter for giving me a memory around it. But yeah, like if that if that documentary did not happen, like ah we would not be here today. And that's that's a documentary that got the Kickstarter funded. That's a documentary that basically kicked off gave me a memory and got us, got us sold to enthusiasts gaming. And then that's how I got into escapist and blah, blah, blah. yeah realize we owed So much Darksiders.
Oh, yeah, that's our origin story. You ever regret all of that after they announced the Darksiders to death in it of addition remaster? Did you ever look back at that? I made a mistake. I'm sorry. I should know in the back this horse. That was on me. No, it was like yeah I was like. If there's one time that I've been extremely angry at the industry and very sad, like it's when THQ fell apart that first time and they closed vigil games. Like not long after Dark Siders 2, like I was so um unhappy about that. Cause like that studio did not deserve that fate.
Yeah, it's fun to look back at some of those, some of those games and franchises where you're like, fuck, like this, we could have had a good thing here. It's it's Mike Airmen Trout yelling at Walter White, we had a good thing going and you're fucked at all.
A couple don't knows came in earlier fungus finder with a $2 don't know. Thank you so much. My hobby is gardening and it is 95 degrees outside burnt out. Yeah, that's that's tough. That is very tough. That s six. Thank you so much for the 10 Australian dollars haven't gamed in months because they require interaction, which I don't have time for. I do watch and listen to lots of gaming, Twitch, YouTube, etc., because I could just listen and enjoy games content. I mean, that is another thing is like, I'll have times where like, like any of us, it'll be like fucking 10 at night and I'm finally like, all right, I have free time to do something. And I'm like, I don't know if I'm mentally there to like jump into her tree and fight like a so scary sunflower man. And so, uh, you know, instead I'll just, but but I'll be like, well, I still want to do something game related. And so I'll like watch video essays or I'll like, you know, I'll watch like, oh, Jacob Geller is a new video or Thor high heels or Euro thug. And so you kind of get the the auxiliary stuff. I don't watch the time of streams, honestly.
The only streams I watch are like the speedrun streams twice a year and then I'm watching like a long-form Eldenwing play by um the RKG who's like former co-workers of mine um Yeah in terms of like and I guess I'm on a lot of streams, so maybe if you're on something you don't watch it. Yeah. yeah yeah I work on YouTube every day. I don't watch YouTube videos. I used to listen to like a million video game podcasts all in a row. Once I started doing several video game podcasts, it just kind of stopped. I mean, you talked about the things same things they're probably talking about. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't listen to any gaming podcast, but I listen, I now listen to an anime and I listen to a couple of entertainment podcasts and some sports shit.
yeahll listen to joe buttons as it listen joe biden joe biden has a podcast ah they just whisper legitimate pretty good about listening to podcasts when I'm driving like long distance drives now. Oh yeah. I usually but i make the drive go by really quick. Yeah. The ah um the Ringer network of of podcasts has one called the rewatchables, where it's just like every week or every two weeks they rewatch an old movie. They just talk about it. um And that's just like my favorite podcast ever. And sometimes they'll get guests. They'll have like Bill Hader on an episode or Quentin Tarantino, just having about like no country for old men.
Oh, dang. um Yeah. And then Kelvin with a $10 don't know. Thank you so much. I've seen echo chambers who do nothing but hate games complaining about bad games, becomes an identity, and then there's glamour

Negative Echo Chambers in Gaming

there. I don't think they could stop and they either mature out of it or they don't. Yeah. Yeah, I think that's yeah. I think that's like part of this topic, honestly, is like people but have ah such a jaded view of the industry that only follow, you know, channels like that. And it's like all the their their entire focus is just, you know, clipping. Things on Twitter and just like, oh, this thing's bad thing happened. This bad thing happened. And, you know, these, this conspiracy happened and all that. And like, it's just, it's sad to see how many people fall into that rabbit hole. And it's like, this is all the un industry is. is This is four games, ah you know, samurai, assassin's creed shadows. Got to hate that game. And that's all I could focus on. Can't play any other game that might be interesting. I showdown. I'm like, why are they mad at samurai showdown? Like, you know, there's ah
it's it's It's frustrating to watch because like there is there's so much positivity in the games industry and um Like I would not still do this job I would not do games media if like all we did was shit on games and be angry about all the time I have no interest in doing that and so like the escapist the escapist when we were doing that like that was my last go at it. I'm like, if I can't because every every site I had made before that was like, I don't want to go down the clickbait. I don't want to go down and bite me you go down the angry route of video game stuff like all the all the.
articles, comparing graphics, all the resolution shit, what a platform wars, whatever it was. Like all I wanted to do was make something that was like, hey, let's just celebrate games and make them cool, um make them interesting. And so like the escapist was the last shot at doing that. And if we if we didn't find a way to make that successful, I would have quit. I just can't do it. To anyone who's just listening, when Nick was almost bit, it was not like a man, a small man near him almost bit him. It was one of his dogs. Yeah. so yeah there's just that we just Everyone's a while. We just need to clarify. that A lot of people just listen to this. And so when they hear stop fighting, everyone's like, whoa. What kind of frickin' did you stop going out? Eric, Eric, our producer was crawling around trying to bite people. oh no e
you months sir but i just it's it you know it's It's frustrating to see like people say like, Oh, you know, but and positivity doesn't sell positivity, doesn't sell blah, blah, blah. And it's like, if you build an audience for it, it does. like Again, we can have our critical takes on things and everything, but like, it's not like we sit here and bitch all the time. It's just, I mean, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, there you go. Yeah. Sometimes you just got to get there. Yeah. i Oh yeah, go ahead. No, I was just gonna say something, ah maybe think of this early. I can't remember if it was Marty or Nick who ah was making mention of it. But um and another tactic that I think is pretty cool is is learning more about the hobby, right? Like if if you're into like games and like you consume a lot,
actually seeking out ah information about like other aspects of it, like how the art was made, like who composed the music. yeah like That stuff can be a slightly different angle, but still related to the thing you like. and can bring you like a lot of like information ah that would allow you to appreciate it in a new light. like like For example, if you're getting your ass kicked by Shadow of the Urgery, for example, and then you go look up um like a Vati Vidya video. So it's a content creator who's just talking about the lore, the story that's weaved into that world. You could be enjoying the shit out of just that and just have a real appreciation for the world you're in outside of actually playing anything.
Oh, i that I mean, that is I feel like I have. consumed so much Sekiro, even though Sekiro's too hard for me. you gro too domain for me and I've watched full playthrough, I've watched a ton of lore videos, I've watched casuals play it, I've watched hardcore people play it. It's like I understand, I know everything that's going on in that game. Like I know where they're, yes, I have not beaten it myself, I absolutely have not. But like, it was a way for me to experience the art of creators that I really enjoy without, you know, the interaction portion, which of for that game just didn't gel with me.
I'm a month baby. The monkey gets a second head when he should only have one. That monkey is a problem. That monkey is an absolute problem. We as a nation need to do something about it. versus poop at yeah Joe Biden or Joe Biden? He really does. joe One of the Joes need to figure out what's going on with this chimp. show Yeah, Biden or Biden? oh otherwise i joe bes ah king dad forty two ah with a finalr don'no thank you so much king dadd I recently learned that by cutting my podcast consumption a bit and replacing it with music really helped my mood. Music is one thing that I have have left at the wayside for a way too long. And maybe that's part of the reason I got excited about the Drake and Kendrick thing again. Because I was like and forward that was like for you listening to songs like the minute they dropped and there was a communal like almost like
back in the day when Game of Thrones would air. Like I run on Twitter to be freaking out about it the moment it stopped. And so, and this felt like the same thing. Like that night it was like, Oh my God, this is, this is this not like us. Holy shit. Like, um, and that was exciting. Whereas now I'm just like, well, where do I find the music now? And then I turned on the country music awards and the Hawk two girls there. And I'm like, I don't want to be here anymore. and They put her on the stage at the country musical. She was there with DJ Shaq. I don't think it was a country music awards. I think she was just there at a dad a show with DJ Shaq. You know what DJ Shaq is? I don't know who DJ Shaq is, no. Schkillineal when he DJs. You know what Schkillineal is, right? I think that's what I'm in. Why did Shaq go find that girl?
I don't know if Shaq went and found that girl, but they're a tandem now. There there are stories about Shaq. I wouldn't be surprised if Shaq went and found that girl. Yeah, Shaq has talked about how like he went went too wild and lost his family because he went too wild. But you know what? He played Steel in the movie Steel. He played Kazam in the movie Kazam. You know what? There's a bunch of people that are like super, super cynical about that Hawk 2 girl. But yeah there was one article I read that was like, you know what? People just needed a laugh, and she gave it to him. And I was like, you know what? That's right. it's funny it was sh
It's going overboard now. It's gone overboard. She now has representation in Hollywood and I'm like, what are we gonna do? What kind of representation? What are we like someone trying to fly like green light like ah it's just rich people that want to do a movie which people just make money off her He was the same thing about how ti how Tiger King, they were immediately like, oh my God, we got to do a season two, and then we need to make a real movie. And it's like, no, people only laughed at this for a week. Like, you can't turn it around quicker. The same thing with Morbius. Everyone's dunking on Morbius. And they're like, what what if we put it back in the theaters in a few weeks? I'm like, no, you don't understand that the goof. like You don't understand like it like it's over your head, Corpos. Yeah. the The right wing crowd is super angry with her right now because there was like the she went on this like the interview thing where this
Whoever the host was was like basically showing them pictures of dudes and asking like, would you would you talk to with this guy? And the first guys, they're like, no. Yeah, pretty much. And then the second one was Donald Trump. And she was like, fuck no. And now they're all the all right wingers are like super mad at her. but How dare you not spit on the deck of the greatest president alive? Like, what's wrong with you people? What the fuck? I am. I'm now imagining someone out there doesn't know how to is. And then we started talking about spending on that. You know what? That's okay. I still learn a little bit about stuff that we don't understand. so a Same sentence. I saw that clip. It was like, how is this a real thing? What the fuck is happening?
Why are they mad about this? I'm waiting for the Democratic Party to be like, you better Hawk to ah the polls. this guys I saw that. I saw that. liberal So someone I wrote in Hillary Clinton voice because she said everyone I hope everyone Pokemon goes to the polls. you twice as goes around She also she also went on Power 105, a black New York radio station and said, I keep hot sauce in my bag.
Yeah. I'm sorry. So fucked.
Oh my God. Drew man with a $5.00. Oh, thank you so much. Drew man. Do you think there's a connection between the absolute dedication of the FromSoft community and the initially extreme reaction to the shadow of the air tree launch? I'm learning about that slightly for my backpack video Thursday. It's um next Thursday to be specific, right? You right. Well, I mean, I assume it's not tomorrow because there's no video. i found it yeah some alematictic mark
yeah Just make it sure. um Yeah, I mean, I think the extreme reaction is anything when it gets to be the most popular thing has nowhere to go but down in terms of, we talk about this all the time. Like I've, it's like, I'm not an ocean domicile. I was just like, there's going to be a backlash against this eventually. Cause there's a backlash against everything. Like there was a backlash against elder last year. They're like, Oh, you made it again. You made a perfect game and then you made another perfect game. That's too many perfect games in a row. You got like two perfect chance each other out. So fuck this, fuck all this noise.
Um, yeah, I think that's just a, I think that's just a side effect of it becoming extremely popular. And that's not to say it's without its faults or without its, its criticism proof. Cause it's certainly not. I definitely have some, some criticisms the levy at the surgery, but, um, a different theory about that back and forth. Like I, I think it's possible that these are two different groups. Like you're saying, like it's so big now that the people, that there's no like single convo. Yeah. Like it's not like the same person who was like, Oh, I am so in love with everything. Elden ring. I'm a a staunch ah supporter of its everything um is the same group with that now have jumped into the DLC and are like, you know what? miaza It is a little too hard. I don't know what's going on here, but you need to dial it down a bit. I don't think those are the same people, but because that pool is much bigger, you have people who aren't, you know, part of the core who are coming in saying like, Hey, this is a little too hard. It's like, I don't like this.
Well, let's let's just transition to what we've been playing and watching because you've been. Can we talk about some or some non spoiler or tree thoughts? When ah before we get to that topic, like I think I think just I just think it's funny in this day and age, like one person has an opinion about Elden Ring and it just blows up. It just absolutely goes crazy. Like it's. Yeah, I know. It's just like, man, like you just got to stop make getting so mad about a single person's opinion.

Elden Ring Insights & Strategies

Yeah. Yeah. He's your said than done. Yeah. Um, but yeah, I guess but we've but we've all been earth tree and you finally got into the earth tree. You finally got to Moog. Also, I don't want to spoil things. I need to apologize to Moog when I call them the certified pedophile. Cause it turns out he's not.
I'm not going to spoil the lore. i don't know I don't want to spoil the urge tree lore. That was a mea culpa. We have a lot of mea culpas to do. Listen, all the evidence was there in the main game. I'm sorry. he's been So there was a trial who was proven innocent. he That is the one case of cancel culture going awry. that boat I didn't even know he was cancelled. I'm just saying he was. Yeah, he didn't realize it. That's why they sent him down to Moatown. He's going to get a spin-off sequel just because of you now. I don't want to spoil it, but I killed that man in order to enter his egg. Let's see what was going on back there. Where are you feeling? How are you feeling, Casey? Yeah, I jumped through all those hoops or whatever. Did you use a guide?
I did have to use a guide because, yeah, I was I was sniffing in the wrong location and I was sick of wasting time. so Luckily, I had the stuff I needed to get where I needed to go, but I didn't need to go through the path once I found out where I was supposed to be going. But yeah, got into the proper ah DLC stuff. um I like a lot of the new weapons that I'm finding, like ah that first guy who jumps off that ah that McDonald's arch and starts trying to fuck you up. Yeah, I got his I got his weapons. And I've been using them a lot in like the first like open areas and like that first ah dungeon and.
um it's It's like it seems like they're leaning more towards. I mean, I guess base Elden Ring was like this, too, but like it's not as much back and forth like you're not kind of doing the dance with enemies as much as you're you know. making use of the full range of your move set. Like you'll use like a one-handed attack because it has specific animations. You'll switch to two-handed and then do a thing with that so that you, versus your animations. And all of that is like stun locking enemies. um You're doing heavy attacks to like break their stance or whatever. So like, it's it's a lot more active out in the field. And then when you get to the bosses, it's more, that's where you get that kind of steady, watch what they do, react prop ah react properly.
um And I really wasn't finding any hurdles until that freaking dancing lion. Yeah. And ah like I did everything I could. I was switching up all my weapons. i was ah I was using my mimic tier. I had that one summon lady who you can get in there. And like I was only ever getting as close as a third of the health left. like He would get into like his second phase and like start wilding. And like if everyone else was dead, I had zero chance. like If he only had me to focus on, i could I felt like I could not do anything. So I finally started summoning other players. so
And those were going OK, like a lot of them just kept getting wrecked. And then one dude showed up with like frenzy flame and completely obliterated the dancing lion. And I immediately regretted summoning his ass because I feel like he robbed me of the actual fight. That's why I never summon other people. I summon other people all day. I give you five tries and if you're paying the ass, I'm bringing someone who has a big club and no armor in. The less armor someone has, the more I'm summoning them in. I'm like, yes, naked man. Much like the base game, I just... recommend exploring a bunch and go get the- Yeah, that's the thing, right? Have you been- Have you been skadoo-trian? What's your skadoo level at? That's everything. Right now, yeah, right now my skadoo level's at like three, and my ashes are at like four. You gotta fuck those skadoos up. Yeah, that's why I realized that's the problem. Five percent taking less damage every time. Like I've been- Get exploring. Yeah, I've been trying to get by, and I know that I'm not supposed to,
You're doing the thing you do, you gotta stop doing the thing you do. Let me tell you where I'm stuck right now. again I don't know what's wrong with me, but like I'll come across an enemy and be like, and I can take him. even if I can't, even if I know that everything is weighted against me, it's like, I'm here now, so I have to fight him. And I've wasted like several hours now in like, I think the second legacy dungeon where that carrion knight shows up, like that big, not even that big, but like he's just in full armor. He's got a giant sword and I cannot kill him and I can sneak around him and I've seen what's past him, but I keep coming back. I keep coming back. I need the punishment.
Cause it's like, cause I can't, I could kill him. I just need to not get hit at all. That's, that's the thing is it would be like if you like had a bully when you were like 10 and this kid kept kicking your ass and no matter what you did, he kept kicking your ass. Scott who fragments are like being able to leave and then come back when you're like 27 and just beat the shit out of a 10 year old and it feels great. Again, you can't get arrested. There's no cops and elderly to be like you just beat up a child. So it's great. Yeah, I think I got to leave like that. That is the answer to the question. That's exactly what I. That's exactly what I just. You're just going to sit there and yeah to do it. You know, you have to do it. but You're not going to do it. That that is going to maintain the he's going to maintain the soul's champ crown. Yeah. Like this is this is even a soul's champ thing. This is i I don't know what this is, but I do this every fucking time.
And I'm at it. I think not honestly, I'm at like the last three bosses ball. The ah the final boss, which I won't spoil for like the story part and then the boss down in the Karelian Fields dungeon. Yeah, yeah. And maybe I'll be i beat i beat the ah one at the bottom of that dungeon. That's the one. i'm That's the one I'm convinced I can beat now, but the other two like. ja When we were, Jay and I were streaming yesterday siege and he was just like, yeah, I got to that last boss and I just noped. Nope. I'm done. It's not worth it. You summon someone with no clothing because it means they're good at the game. that jack i don't I don't even think Jack is going to finish that boss. How'd your job go get there? He's just good. We were just playing very slowly. jack i just to Jack beat the dancing lion on his first real try.
Nice but chuck out a human. How many Skadoos did he have? No, I think more. I think he's probably at like Skadoo five. Okay. But Jack just got fists. He is nuts. He doesn't put clothing on and he's just got fists and he just runs in and he just starts punching things. it Clothes isn't that important. like I decided to just go with full style. Like I'll just wear stuff that I like for the most part. Cause like it the the armor does not mitigate much at all. And when I did, cause I was trying everything against this fucking carrying guy, I put on just all the heaviest dankest shit I had. And when you do that, you can't run. You can't roll.
Fat rolls are the funniest things. Fat rolls are so, so, so, so funny. I'm still wearing Blade's Armor, the Wolfman from the original game just because I missed him. Oh yeah, he had a good look. And I like to pretend like we can still smell him in his armor because I miss him. He had a raw deal. I'm still really upset that I'm playing it on New Game Plus because it's been really tough. Yeah, that's silly. The only thing better in Elden Ring is making Elden Ring more difficult for yourself. Is that automatic Souls champ for me? No, Nick, you know the rules. I have I have to go back and beat the blood demon. You got to ask Lampy. That's those are the rules. Lampy will tell you how to get it. I guess I got to feel like the the the chairman of of Soul Champion. He made the emote. Lampy holds all the rules. And no one man should have all that power. But was he has he been in chat today? I didn't seem to be a little bit late.
so He's not here to defend it, so I get what I want. He's sleeping. a ah Before we continue on to more stuff, we've been playing Thought Takes. I've been a member for two months. Thank you so much, Thought Takes. Nick, my wife requests some dog cameos. Please, and thank you. barry barriers Oh, no. Barry's laying right there in his bed. Right there. No. so Did you for a second? I also thought it was like cameos, like those videos. Hey, it's me, Jason Priestly. I heard it's your birthday. Happy birthday. I hope you have 90210. Good time. Barry and focus instead of me.
I don't see a nice blue dog a blue. He's laying by the light. Who's the dog? Speakeasy. So that's kind of a surge case. He never knows this. He might have. it I never even started the surge. So yeah, he games play for the Super Mario World. What's wrong with you? and Super Mario World is such a good aspect. That's one of my former video games. They're, uh, you know, that Atlas, that was full on game. You played, uh, for review. Yeah. They're, they're like, it's getting like a whole rework and it might've, might've already, no, it comes out like two weeks, July 14th, I think. Uh, so I remember it.
there's a What is this? What is this filter on you, Marty? It's just a dog. it's my but It's my dog filter. It's my dog face. Just tell me about Atlas Fallen. If you go look up the trailer for it, basically they're like they're adding new enemies, new moves, changing like parts of the world. It's like a basically 1.5 rework of it. ooh Shadow of the Atlas Fallen? you Get to fuck the fuck here. Shadow of the Atlas Fallen. Is that like today's made that game deck, deck five. That's the same, the same does that make the surge? That's why I brought it up. so word Oh, Oh, I pulled that out. It seemed dark. dark. Uh, and then, uh, bug a POG with the file or don't know. Thank you so much. Bug a POG. Shout out to Marty in the chat. and Thanks.
It's bug a bug. That's nice. Also, I feel like it's slightly offensive and ah not very thoughtful of Eric to have me as a dog, which would fucking kill me if I was a dog. Eric, last time I hung out with a dog, I played with it and I had an asthma attack and I had to leave. If you were a dog, maybe you wouldn't be allergic to yourself. Could you imagine how bad that would be though if I was allergic to people? What if I'm allergic to myself? I'm allergic to people. Yeah, everything has dander just like dead skin. Are you? You know, I mean, you're not like seriously asking that, are you? Well, I wasn't sure what nature was. I thought it was just like pieces of fur. This is just learn, Nick. What are we doing? You guys have done shit. There's a word you keep pronouncing wrong. And i I am not there. There are several. I'm not correcting you because I think we should be allowed to pronounce podcast today. No, several meetings this week. Just announce the word. Yeah.
You've pronounced the word wrong. And it's fine. But I'm just saying, we don't need to lord what we know and don't know of each other because we're all fucking idiots. No one knows anything here. I'm um' i'm still yeah waking up from Vegas is when. I don't think that's a, that can't be an excuse. Text it to me on Slack. No, I'm trying to remember what it was and I can't. im Omar what you remember more and I looked at each other as we giggled in a meeting. Omar and I do little giggles. We do little camera giggles. This is gossip. I don't like this. It wasn't even gossip. We just did a two camera giggle. We didn't talk about it afterwards. It's not gossip. I just called two friends sharing a look.
That's what me and Omar did. It's called chemistry. It's called chemistry. Other things we've been playing. I've been playing Luigi's Mansion 2 HD, which is the new switch port of Luigi's Mansion, the dark moon. I never played the dark moon on the 3DS. I didn't play a lot of 3DS games, if I'm being honest. Oh, right. 2 was a 3DS game. Yeah. And so I didn't, I didn't futz a lot with that, but I played the we just mentioned one on the game cube. And then just a year I played the we just mentioned three finally on switch and it was great. I was like, Oh my God, this is amazing. Some of that myself, the three, I didn't stick with it though. Two is, uh, it's, it doesn't quite reach the highs of three understandably, mostly because two is chopped up because of the handheld nature of it. It's chopped up into like specific levels and missions.
And there'll be a group of them that's like six levels in a row that are all at the same mini man, like micro mansion. And then you get to the top of it, you fight a boss and then you go on to the next one. And so like the first one's a traditional mansion. And then the second one is like kind of like a plant based tree house. The third one's like an old mine, like a wow West mine town. mansion kind of thing. And so, yeah, I said a bunch of words there. That's, you know, that thing. Wild West Mine Town Mansion. Wild West Mine Town Mansion. Sure. Of course, got it. I don't know those. um And so that that ah leaves a little to be desired compared to like the hotel of Luigi's Mansion 3 and like every floor having its kind of distinct theme to it.
Um, but it's still like one of the most charming games, uh, in terms of visuals, it's sound design, it's animations. Like it is just every little interaction kind of epitomizes Nintendo's, uh, whole ethos of like fun and play forward. Like everything about it just feels so, so playful and it's like the, just the right amount of spooky where it's not actually spooky, but every once in a while, you're like, Oh, this is kind of spooky. Um, But yeah, it's fun. It's it's a fun game. Again, in this final with this weird final year of the Switch. Again, assuming final year, I guess. Anything can happen. But um the fact that, you know, we're not getting a ton of newies yet. I guess the newies are coming near the end of the year with the with the Brothership and and Zelda Echoes of Wisdom. But ah them rolling older games like this and Thousand Year Door out.
to new audiences. Um, I think it was great. I've been enjoying both of them. Those have been most of the things I've been playing, uh, on my free time after work have been, have been those two. So yeah, like unlike thousand year door was Luigi's mentioned to kind of highly requested. Like we're folks like, Oh man, I wish this was not stuck on the 3DS. Yes. No, I think lu we just mentioned three sold really well. And I think, okay. So they just wanted another, and okay. yeah that makes sense And, um, I'm kind of surprised that importantly, we just mentioned one to just have them all there. Like when Pikmin four came out, they, they ported Pikmin one and two over to switch just to be like, all right, you can have all of them on here. Um, yeah, where is one, right? Like, is that not playable on switch right now?
ah it's only It was GameCube only. There might have been like a Wii. Like, you know how Wii had some of those games where it's like an old GameCube game with Waggle. um But ah yeah, i think as as far as I know, they don't have it on the the modern consoles. All right, they probably they probably have it in the books to wait another couple of years and then release the Luigi's Mansion trilogy in like seven years. They did a remake for the 3DS of the original. Oh, they had a 3DS remake. That's right, Eric. Yeah, but like that's I don't know. That's not... like modern hardware, I guess, like 3DS has been kind of left to the wayside. And so, um yeah, especially if Nintendo is going forward with the switch kind of in your library being the thing that is going to carry over, and it kind of makes sense for them to
bring all, even if they've ported stuff several times to bring it all over to this so that people can have it here and they can just make more money. And God knows Miyamoto loves making money. Even though his salary came out, it wasn't that high. I mean,

Personal Finances and Movie Reflections

it was high. He made like 1.5 million, but compared to other. enough His salary just says Marty Sliva. I'm not worried. I don't think 1.5 million. You know how much money I make. It's that money minus living expenses goes to them. five million yeah marty's marty's budget is ah mortgage
ah the utilities nintendo then nintendo yeah yeah that's you're making rain that's That's what I do. No, no. Now the newest one is I got to buy these fuckers for $25 a piece. These Bibles, there's 14 of these fuckers. Just borrow from Jamaite. I feel like it would cost more money. It probably would have simply caused more money. should cause more money um Yeah, well, have you guys been been playing anything else? Yeah, haven't been. Well, I but i haven't played something. but I can't talk about it because it's video related, but like it's a platformer.
Um, but, uh, I did, I did rewatch, um, Matilda because I got, I got the bug after, uh, Mean Girls. yeah Like Mean Girls kind of disappointed. And I was like, I was just reminded of how awesome Matilda was. So I watched it again. Uh, my son was with me. I was watching it cause I wanted to watch it, but I still just happened to be there. But it's such a good engrossing movie that he would not shut up the whole time. Like when he's like really excited about like what's happening on screen, like he'll answer back to everything that's happening. Like characters will say stuff and if they're like a bad character, he'll have like a witty response to retort whatever they're saying. but Like he'll just keep.
like, responding to just all the mean people and be like, man, if she said that to me, I'd smack her in the face. she like Oh, no, you can't do like, he's like, he's just like sassing back the TV the whole time. And I'm just like, I'm like, he's super engaged in this. Like, he's like, but but every's like bailda experience. But like, but like, I get it, because I was completely freaking enthralled and overwhelmed. And like I know I talked about this the first time I watched this movie. But there's a song like midway through the movie, When I Grow Up, And it is like it it may have made Matilda the musical, my favorite musical, period. like it It may have elevated that that production and into just ah my favorite musical I've ever experienced because that song is so touching. And as soon as it started, I started crying.
Amazing. As soon as it started, I knew what was coming. As soon as it started, I was just in tears. It's such a beautiful song. It has such a cool double message because it's sung by the kids from the perspective of the kids, but everything they're saying is a double line that can be ah intuited differently if you're an adult. and like The last refrain of the song is sung by an adult to kind of really drive home. In fact, it's like, yeah, the kids looking it this way, but adults looking it this way. Um, and like I had to pause the movie to explain it to my son. Like son, this song is brilliant. You want to know why? He was like, I guess, I guess you could tell me. So sure. So ah yeah, Matilda, if you haven't seen it, go watch it. It's fantastic.

Mickey Mouse Cultural Exploration

ah what out of that After every podcast, when we talk about Matilda, Netflix sees like a small spike in people watching it. It was great. It was wonderful. It was so good. It's so good.
Um, I've also, I went back, um, and this was my son's pick. Like he's been watching the original Mickey mouse, not the original, I'm sorry. Like that newer rebooted Mickey mouse cartoon, like it has like the real stark sort of dark line animation style. Yeah, the one that kind of looked like the ah the game that came out last year. Right. That was kind of like a little. Yeah, it looks a little like that game. Yes. um but Yeah, this that game is based on that. Yes. The the picture Eric showing is is that style. So like it looks like it's based on the OG style, but it's very modern in its look yeah and its style. um It's such a good like little comedy show. Like it doesn't have like a through line or anything. um It's very short episodes as well, like four to five minutes per episode.
And like let's just yeah it's just you know the the main cast, Mickey, Goofy, Donald, Minnie features a lot, Daisy features a lot. um And it's them just getting into hijinks. But like it it fully embraces all of the conventions of just modern cartoon comedy. like like Mickey's face will distort. He'll do gross shit. like the like The image on the screen is him licking the door, for example. Explain this. What the hell? He's got Moog status. What's going on? Oh, this looks like Ren Stippy. Yeah, like they take in a lot of that stuff. But on top of like hitting all those marks, like the writing is really good. um It also plays around with culture. like They'll have episodes that are just based in a location. like There's a France episode where all the characters just speak French because they're like it's set in Paris. And like you know everything that's happening because of context. Like, everything is so emotive. Like, the the situation is basically telling you, like, oh, Mindy's running a restaurant and they're out of croissants, now Mickey has to deliver croissants. And like, it's this weird, wacky adventure to him to get the croissants over to her. But it's all set in Paris. And it's filled with tropes that if you know anything about Paris, you're like, oh, there' that's a joke paris at France's expense. But also, if you know nothing about Paris, it's teaching you those tropes.
Like it's telling you like, hey, these are like kind of known things about that culture. Like here are landmarks from that culture, whatever. Here are words and they like, they keep saying croissant and they're showing you this thing. Like that's, this is a French thing. Like I really liked that that is sort of like seeding, like just wider cultural information within each a cartoon episode and like there's a lot of those like there's a there was a really fun one that happened to be set in Monaco and I only knew that because it was based around a Formula One race that was happening at the same time and I watched races survive and realized how big Formula One is in Monaco like there's a really big race there every season in Monaco and like Mickey and Minnie were trying to have a watch party for Formula One and that was the basis of the episode
So like I'm really enjoying it. like There's a ton of episodes, ah but it's it's a series that's like been over for a while now. like It launched in 2013. I think it ended like maybe 2015, 2016, something like that. um But it's a really, really good show. If you have if you have any affinity for like just a good ass, no frills cartoon, like this is quality. I learned about that race in Monaco from Iron Man 2 when Mickey Rorts, Ivan Vanco, committed a terrorist attack at the race. Yeah. and migarine push you that That race is in. It's in Hitman 2, I think, as well. There you go. Oh, is that I know the one you're talking about? Is that Monaco? Yeah, I think so. Yeah. You know, it's great. Hitman. Like that world of cessation trilogy. Whoa. What games? Shoot. You're doing James Bond. I need to add that to the list of ah games we series we go through.

Mixed Feelings on Upcoming Releases

Yeah, that's that's one that I keep downloading. I keep playing like the first mission or two. And then I'm like, and then I think about it again. I would come back now. Hitman 2 was in Florida. That's where that race was. But they didn't. They haven't got with us. Monaco, the U.S., as they call it, every Christmas, they roll out. They take one of the levels. They Christmas a fight in a in an update. And one of the targets, well, I guess two of the targets are the wet bandits from Home Alone. Is that real? Really? I streamed it for Christmas. Yeah. I killed shit. That's kind of cool. That's kind of cool. I killed I killed Joe Pesci and I killed Joe Pesci's friend. I don't know. I forget that man. I forget that man's name, too. Yeah. Nick, you've been playing and watching anything. Nick, you see those gladiator two pictures. You excited for gladiator two? That's a movie. I'm like. I don't know why this exists. I want to watch it, but I still don't know why it exists like this gladiator or franchise like they want it to be.
Oh, i it's about to be. if If it's good, it's good. Like, I just I don't. Yeah, I don't. I mean, I think it's just another movie about gladiators. I don't think I think it's going to be No one's retarded. It's retired just not. Rosico's character's son. I think it's just more gladiators. Also, Eric, there's no trailer. So that's a fake ass image. Yeah, like Denzel Washington is definitely not in that movie. Oh, yes. That's always the emperor in the movie. I think. Yeah. Yeah. He's got a cool hearing. OK, there's no trailer for it. So that thumbnail, we got it. You know, we as a society need to do anyone who uploads a fake trailer that looks kind of real. No, they need they need to be killed. There is no punishment to severe for the people who upload fake trailers, because then I got explained to all my normie friends that there's not a black Popeye movie starring Will Smith. And I am the one who's got and they're like, oh, what, why can't be black? I'm like, he can't. It's just not a movie. It's not. random yeah
Man, yeah, there's somebody like fake Star Wars trailers and all that. It's crazy. We had a black guy by John Boyer. Yes, that's it. Look like himself. Wow. Looks great. Yeah. He's got an earring. Sorry. Looks like Morgan Freeman in this picture. He's getting old. Oh, damn. I haven't been playing anything that was gone pretty much Thursday until the end of last weekend. So I didn't really get around to playing anything, but I did get caught up on the boys, the acolyte and Game of Thrones last

The Boys & Acolyte Impressions

night. So.
Let's hear it boys. Yeah, don't want to don't want to spoil the boys episode, but I really liked it. It was kind of tough to watch. It was really sad. ah here But I really enjoyed it. i'm I'm not sure. Have you been watching the season, Marty? No, I've watched the season. No, I think I'm just going to wait for it to be done much. Well, OK. Yeah, it's I like it. And like, I don't want to I don't want to fall into that trap of like it's it's definitely making fun of like the people that it's making fun of for sure. But like, I don't know, like I felt like it was like not super on the nose about it in the first three seasons. And season four is kind of like hitting like all of America's current hot topics in at each episode. and I'm like, all right. like Like they're getting tired of the subtext, as people still aren't like picking up what they're dropping or something like that. Maybe maybe a little later woke.
They didn't make the letter whoa. But like, I don't know. It's just yeah, some of it. It just doesn't feel like as smoothly paced as older seasons. I guess I would I would say about it. um I certainly like it. But yeah, Jason Tudor says in the chat, they had to make the message stronger because certain people are still in denial. I mean, yeah, I mean, it's it's if it's almost a parody of our current culture. And I'm fine with that. I think it's just it. Every season of the show just feels exactly the same to me. Every season of the show is Carl Oben being like, oi butcher, you stole my son. And then Jack Quaid's like, bah bah bah. And then Homelander's like, I'm racist but they love me. And that description is every season of the show that someone comes up a dick or like someone like, farts out in an asshole or something and there's one gross thing that social media puts out. Yeah, this season. This season's gross thing definitely just happened in the last in the last episode. But yeah, I don't know. I like I just haven't been as hot on the season as I haven't. Like I really like season one to three. The season hasn't really like not a lot's really happened yet. um But anyway, ah House of the Dragon goes ever. And then the acolyte, I think, is the interesting one to talk about where
It's another, another week where like not a lot happens in the show. I didn't lie. I didn't watch last night's. yeah much less nice Okay. So i I won't spoil anything then, but essentially it's another like, holdover episode, I guess, into the next one where they're like, here's this big twist. And I was like, this isn't a twist. It's been pretty obvious the entire time. If you've been watching the show, I'm just glad we get a lot of Jason Mendoza from the good place. Let me tell you, he's one of the most handsome human beings that's ever existed. And the fact that we see him and he's got big muscles. Yeah. We can't talk about who he is, but he's got big muscles. He looks great. Yeah. Uh, it's,
I don't know that the show is just so different in tone than other Star Wars stuff. And the dialogue is so different. It's just I'm not sure how to feel about it. Like I find it really interesting. I don't know if I really like it or if I'm OK with it or, you know, I'm kind of like in the in the middle ground or like this is just this is fine. Pretty much what Darren said. And a bunch of people got mad at Darren for saying it's just fine. yeah i that's know where i met with this just it's fine It's one of those shows I'm watching week to week. I enjoy it while I'm watching it and I just don't think about it outside of them. Whereas like House of the Dragon, I think about after the episodes, presumed

Parks and Rec Rewatch Praise

innocence with ah Jake Gyllenhaal, I'm thinking about after the episodes, The Bear, even though I'm a little rocky on the season, I'm still thinking about it. ah So um yeah, but ah yeah, I'm still watching it week to week. There's only a few episodes left. Yeah.
So that's, that's pretty much all I've been doing. Thanks. Uh, yeah, I've been the the last thing I've been, aside from like a bunch of summer games, done quick stuff. Uh, I've been, I started rewatching as my like late night comfort food show is I started rewatching parks and rec that shows, especially once you get into the third season, that show is like phenomenal. Like I think that's, that I think there's a stretch was just the best sitcom ever. yeah It 100% picks up where the office left off. It carries all of that same energy and style and humor and like joy that that show left on the table. like
post ah
Uh, once Jim and damn kind of got together and once, so what's his name left? Steve Carell. Steve Carell. Yeah. It was Steve Carell like left. I mean, the show wasn't terrible, but it just wasn't as good. Like, stayed at as good as the office at its height the whole time. Yeah. Uh, George Lucas says I've only seen the first few seasons. Literally you stopped when it like. when they bring on Rob Lowe and Adam Scott to me is like when the show becomes kind of great. Like that is it was so weird doing the rewatch because there's that other dude, Mark Brandano. It's how you're on the show. You're just like a dude who's here. You're not important. You're going to leave soon. And then, yeah, it just keeps getting better.
lot of binder talk to A lot of weird lot of weird Biden talks. Wesley, only you can see what's going on. What's the new one they're doing? they're They're not rebooting the office. They're doing the paper now. And it's about a newspaper. It's gonna be like a show that takes, but it's like an independent, like ah a small town newspaper. That needs like volunteers to write at it in the midwest, but it like exists in the same world as the office So like i'm assuming they'll be like Tons of cameras under mifflin. Yeah, right can um i know I don't know why they need to do that. Like they've they've made A bunch of new shows and they were all good like just va I mean that's why regionally parks and rec was going to be like a canonical spin-off to the office and that that changed um, and so yeah, I mean it was because rachida jones
Yeah, I think maybe they were going to be like, yeah, I think they realized what Karen on the office didn't really have that much to her. Whereas like her, her person, my characters, I mean, she's a nurse, which is nice. I'm still sad every day that Brooklyn nine nine didn't go on longer. Yeah, but it never like it got to go out like it got to go on a good note. Yeah. So that's what I'm happy we're booking the nine left off. I'm happy with a good place left off. I'm happy where parks and rec left off. Great ending too. Amazing ending. I watched. I watched a good look not too long ago. I thought the last season was pretty weak, but
for the good place. Yeah. The good place. Oh man. I disagree. I was like, I'm sorry. They devastated by the end of it. They knocked it out of the park in my opinion. It was really good story stuff. It just wasn't as funny. No. Well, you know, yeah. At some point that show stopped being about funny. It starts getting like, Hey, this was a philosophy show the whole time. We're about to philosophize your ass. It had very like had a very comedy centric tone in the first couple of seasons. But then those last few were like, man, this is, this is kind of like, this hit me in the fields. It was super deep. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Uh, right. Did we do it? You think we know? newla was seven thirty We did do, yeah, have a hard out. Like I said, like ah and this one's like a real hard out. ah Sometimes I do like fake hard outs. Just going to want to leave early, but this one's a real one. Uh, evil apple juice with a $2 don't know. Thank you so much. Evil apple juice with a $2 don't know says thanks. I literally didn't know that was going to be your message, but I ordered it slightly differently. So look at that. Doesn't seem like quite an idiot right now, am I? um but you great what what do we what do we What are doing? What do we got going on? Let me let me let you guys know what what we got coming up. Tomorrow, there's going to be no Devil May Cry for the 4th of July holiday because we're going to get some explosives and try to blow them up without blowing up our hands. There will be a new episode of semi-ramblematic tomorrow.
And then Friday, there's going to be dev ads at the normal time. And they're going to have one of the creative leads of amnesia, the bunker on. So tune in for that at noon central. Uh, and then Jack and I are going to be doing more Elden ring Friday, probably after that. We haven't really locked down in time, but I think after that, um, And then the other big thing is, well, there should be a bite size coming out soon from Javed, his first bite size, on Riven. He really liked it. So if anyone's still mad at Yahtzee, don't worry. Someone who liked it's coming. it Also, it doesn't matter if you didn't like Riven. It doesn't matter. And then, like I mentioned earlier, Tuesday at noon central ah will be our premiere of The Rewind, our new entertainment series. And the first episode will be myself, Jack, and Darren, just gabbing about all the movies and TV we've been watching and enjoying lately.
I said to talk about the X-Files more. I didn't have Darren on weekly podcasts when I finished the X-Files. I was like, who do I talk to about this? Yeah, that was a mistake. I fucked up there. I fucked up. I didn't realize the whole company was going to shatter. um That's what we got going on. ah Casey, what do you got going on? ah You know, the use, but not actually because we're not going to see tomorrow. But um yeah, this Saturday should be another ah remastered Adventures Nigh episode. So catch up on that. um should I'm not actually sure this Friday if we'll be home to do a wedding stream with me the future wife and the and the boy um but if so I'll let you know so follow the twitter at signal gears nine
um I think that's pretty much it. Yeah. Like now that I'm going on, like it's a little bit of a dry season, both in terms of the games industry and just the country, like we're heading into a holiday weekend. So folks are have, have checked out. Like I had nothing to do at my day job today. Um, but that'll probably change coming. I appreciate saw the watchdogs movies being filmed. You saw that. I didn't see that oh yeah like official. They tweeted out. They were like, yeah, exe slash movie watchdogs film. Great job. super
Great job, everyone. Real proud of you. That might be good. i I'll keep an eye on that. good Hope it's good. Ubisoft productions have not been terrible. like I'm still a big champion of the the Blood Dragon anime series. If you haven't watched that, watch it. It's really freaking good. no ah yeah Also, but everybody loves Rayman. That was like a huge sitcom for a long time. Yeah. Everybody loves Rayman. Everybody loves Rayman. Did you get it, Nick? There was a show called Everybody Loves Rayman, but I replaced his name with Rayman, who's one of the pillar IP of Ubisoft. We should have left you behind in the chain game. The chain game, no!
I'm working on my next unpacked script that'll be out next Thursday, talking about the fear missing out in video games. I tweeted about that and a bunch of people added the thing, interesting interesting things to say. So going to do that. Next, we won't be starting Call of Duty 2 this Friday because the holidays and Frost is on vacation because he's smart. So we'll be starting Call of Duty 2 next Friday. And then ah I forgot this week was July 4th too. So we may be doing a game night soon. again on Saturdays. We've got a bunch of games to check out. My word. And then, of course, ah make sure to go check out Patreon and all that kind of stuff. We'll be starting to run ads for that this month. New merchant coming. We've got the plushies incoming finally. Got the mocks. They all look really good. We're just waiting for the product pages and then we'll get an add out and you'll have new adventures and I plushies and T-shirts, the new color variants that I promised, all that kind of stuff. So lots of cool stuff coming up.
And Sean Harriman says, Dokopan, when we are going to figure it out, want Jesse and for us to go on vacation next week, we will figure out when. Yeah. or your money back. I don't know what money that is, but I'll give it back to you, Sean. ah Excellent. Thank you all so much for watching everyone in YouTube, everyone watching Avada and anyone listening to this on their podcast service of choice. We really appreciate it. So for Nick and Casey and Eric, this was Marty. This was Firelink episode number 27. Thank you all so much. Have a great rest of the night. And if you celebrate the holiday tomorrow, have a great 4th of July. Bye, everyone. Have fun. Bye.