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Ep. 114 Its Reigns Time - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 114 Its Reigns Time - Bellum Draconis

The Fellowship of the Tabletop
29 Plays1 month ago

Happy 2025 to you all. In this episode, while the others were off fighting in the Championship, we find out what happened to Reigns.

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Introduction and Character Setup

It's raining next Oh man, too too soon
Hello everyone, and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. Velum Draconis, we are live play 5e D and&D podcast set in the magical homebrew world of Eryth in the Kingdom of Dralak. Joining me for this week's episode, we have Pooh Bear, who plays the human cleric Emron. Greetings listeners. We've got Darren, who plays the High Elf Artifice of Rainshadow. It's raining next. Oh man. Too soon. Too soon.
Was it taking that long? Didn't realise we were going that hard, that fast. Jesus. We have the edgelord Callum who plays the warforged shard if it's an alpha. Hallelujah! He only plays the Tiefling Wars for a Nyx Corral.
ah I thought he would go, ah! That was very good, very good. Will unfortunately isn't here. He's got a nude chess club final that he's taking part in, which is on the North Sea. So he's, I'm sure we'll hear back from that soon. And my name is Mark. I'm the human blessing of Seth Farover, aka the actual winner of the competition. And last but my name is Lee.
no means least he's not here to argue that and is our boss man bard who gets us all hard it's our dungeon master danny good year i am oh my lord what i really liked about darren's opening is that darren's been quiet for less than minutes and just smiling and i wondered if he was important loging yeah i try not to laugh at myself was there a ah rain's bit in there it rains Reigns and Nick or Reigns and Nick. That's later when that they end up doing stuff together like when they're like they're in like a duo it's gonna be it's Reigns and Nick. Is he taking my lord? And them run to Seth is there and so is Paul.
ah well That's the intro. but

Recap of Previous Events

That's amazing. Um, yeah. And I imagine like it's a series of Montage as well. That's soon.
Speaking of awkward, we see old girl sat slumped to the bar. His one arm is around a rather large ah male ork. Um, and the other hand is,
Not. Not so just for your own listening ears, because obviously we don't have our farewell here. We're trying to direct this mid speech. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. We're good. I was going to make I was going to put on someone to try and do an impression. And I think that's fair. It's already in the chat. It's already. I think it's I think it's fair.
I think it's fair, I'm not going to tell you who it is. and yeahs but but You can't leave a moment's pause, a minute's breath, you have to just jump straight into, you know what Allgale does at the beginning. and One arm round at a large wisened orc, he's chatting him up with a large cask of whiskey or something in the hand. the As the orb nudges him to push the arm off, the orb falls out of the back pocket and falls slowly towards the ground and was held up by some iconic energy. and Luckily, his long toes reach back behind him to grab the orb between the toes and bring it up to his hands.
The orc at this point is turned away. The bar is quiet. He spins the orb like he would a coin to do on the tabletop. And the, you know, the orb isn't quite fully circular because there's a slight d-d-d-d to it. He stares into it, then looks up to us as Ian replicates Old Gal.
Oooh de la lee! I'm not here on my own, listener! I've got a friend drinking with me tonight and that's Carstan! Carstan, can you tell us what happened last week? No.
Carstan! Wake up, mute on us! Will's gone silent on us, I don't know what that's about. I'm just following a chat, but what happened last week, listeners, I'll say it not cast out suddenly the door swings open and in screws voice over guy he grabs old girl and throws him out the door and yeah who do you cost i know I couldn't have just whose line is this anyway and just done Castan? He's so season one. It's me epic voice of a guy. Because we haven't heard him at all in season two. Robyn would have been up for it just saying. I know I should have shot from Robyn. Yeah fine. Fuck it. Stuff happened. Listen to last week's episode.
the they get turns and says Ooh, look at that one over there. and Let's go talk to him. And it's Shader, but it's just a pile of flesh in an urn. What does he say? with this it ah
but that's proud that's that's That's accurate. And Arrow comes flying in and hits the screen and all of a sudden you hear, hello listeners. It's good to be back. It's by miss being able to brood. And goodness me, couldn't we brood after last week's episode.
Got a little tense up there, didn't it? As you probably noticed, Reigns was able to sit back and have a great view of what happened. Our epic final is where it began. It began in such earnest as the party, with high hopes of winning the tournament and saving Morota. And then all of a sudden the big robot that you fought could blow up. Well, guess what? It did blow up. And it took out quite a few of the party members with it. Sayonara Alpha as he went flying first. But it's okay. He was conscious. That's good. Nyx, however, not so lucky. And also Baal. See you later there off the top of the platform they went. Emron swooped down to save Baal but was unable to save Nyx, who was plummeting and falling. And falling.
Death save failed. Death save failed. Death save passed and then death save failed. And in a cruel twist of fate, like a story from the bad cast and who was too fucking lazy to turn up here this evening,
Marota fell. And as Nyx and Marota once again were plummeting to the earth, it looked like this time that fate would not be able to intercede on their

Context for Tournament and Battles

behalf. But Marota, ever the Ignigma, had one more gift up her sleeve for her dear friend Nyx. And it appears life returned to the fallen mangled corpse. Put your toes away, you disgusting little scrats, I'm going to tell the story.
Very nice, like a sense of professionalism back to the podcast. That was so good. Well done. Well done. I've really been missing that sense of professionalism all these years. You've just been waiting there in the wings. I have. I have. I've waited for my name and when no one claimed it, I was like, it's my time to shine. Like Veronica Corningstone. And Carson's so season one, he's not needed. I miss Robin. There you go. There you go. I miss Shader.
What do you think? Say that you don't. Nobody misses Shader. So.
You'd think we'd find ourselves now in the celebratory moment as we've announced the winner from the end of the Jewel of the Desert Champions. However, listeners, we're going to reverse time one hour and one minute back to the moments before the finale started. In fact, while the first heats were still happening,
If you remember, although you've been listening to them in sequence week by week, episodic release, the four different initial bouts of the Jewel of Desert Champions happened simultaneously. In the third bout, the bout which contained Reigns, which contained Alpha and which contained
Baal. Thank you. I was i was just reading my notes. Baal and Alpha proceeded to the finale. Raines exited early.
Raines, in that moment you are thrown and thrust out of the arena and this blue force field like screen appears around the arena you were once fighting in.
much like the same energy that was outside of the melee before it was elevated into the sky. You look around you.
and what you're standing in resembles a much smaller arena packed with all of the crowd in this sort of gladiatorial roman style colosseum of which in a raised platform at one edge is this sort of vip royalty box that has about eighty ninety different delegates in it all sorts of banners and all sorts of kingdoms and non um country, seats of power, mercenary bands, famous um ah wizards and magic

Arena Transformation and New Threats

schools. You recognize some really familiar ones to use such as the Sisldh Lyceum and and the Shadow Mend banners. Dashkal Rai banners there.
And as you're just sort of taking in, you're watching proudly as your son and your friend are ascending to new heights.
You remember someone was eliminated seconds before you, someone with an axe to grind. And as your eyes sort of scan around this colossal colosseum, there is a feral looking half-orc club in hand.
sort of tapping it rhythmically against his hand like a baseball bat and just looks to you about 10 feet away from you and says you're mine now and he turns his back to you for a second and looks up to that royal box
Do you sort of follow his scan as he's looking? Yeah, yeah I'll follow his scan. Make a perception check with disadvantage because at this point you're a bit bruised and bloody. so Sort of wiping sweat from your brow.
Well, it's a six or...
The other one was an actual 20, so it's a six. You're about 100 feet away from this raised platform where this these dignitaries are sat. There are a handful of faces that you would recognise in a crowd anywhere. Your five travel companions, Emron and Alpha, most of all. Your fathers. Your grandfathers.
And it's your grandfather that you see in the raised box, surrounded.
And he just lets out a nod in your direction as virus stone tusk turns back to you.
and you watch as there is this blue light that's sort of seeping, like a mist almost coming out of him.
And the entire Colosseum just goes a bit dim, not not dark, not anything, but you almost feel like you're being distanced from the the crowd. You feel like there were There were thousands there and now they're much further up, much further away. Like like the the dimensions of this room, that this building are just being stretched. And as that happens... Other bodies.
emerge bodies in black armor with two sphinxes on each shoulder but with a red lightning bolt going through them could you make a history check for me please
This is one of the royally appointed, one of the royally chartered mercenary groups of Shadowmind. They're called the Kalvashari. You've heard stories, you've encountered, you've seen them at court. You know they are small in number. Two, two and a half dozen at most.
But the Kalvashari are deadly, are some of the finest mercenaries, the finest ah fighters you have ever seen. They're often personally trained by the same people that train the royal line of of shadow-ment.
And what's distinct about them
is that they're all accompanied by dire wolves, fully grown, foaming at the mouth, blood dripping from their paws, dire wolves. You stand isolated in this arena.

Battle Begins with Allies and Adversaries

with a very angry half-orc wielding a bat, and four incredibly deadly mercenaries, and four accompanying dire wolves. And Stone Tusk just the fake prince of shadow men.
and charges at you. Is there anything you want to do in these moments? He's only about 10 feet away that you've, so you've got like a few seconds to react. Ah, well, Reigns will close the hood of his helmet, which he took down to say farewell. And he's just going to launch magic missile at him. Okay. So in those moments where you just raise whatever you raised to make that intercantation, you just hear announced very flamboyantly, very loudly around the arena.
Death does not come for him. And then I need you to segue everyone to Roll20 for me, please, as what happens reigns.
It's beyond those who are geared up now to assault you. You see two gnomes leap into their arena.
And then two more humanoid figures, a great distance from you. And I need everyone who is here to roll initiative, please. And when it gets to certain characters' turns, perhaps you could tell us what we see. So for now, I'll just introduce you as Mark, as Ian, as Pooh Bear, and Callum. So whenever you're ready,
right my Right, right, right, right, right. OK, OK, OK. Going down.
Here we go. Hot diggity dam. This is awesome. I'd love that. No, Mark.
Mickey Dokey. Okay, so anyone roll above 20 on initiative? Oh, shit, I've done it yet. Right. Sorry, Danny. Yes, I did 22. Thank you very much. And number 15. Yes, 16. Lies. And about 10. 14. And I got 10. Classic will Come in last. Yeah, shite. He had that on his date. rains What did you roll? Eight. Oh a man.
Oh, donkey. Okay. Top of the round. Mark, what has just leapt into the arena, please? So you've just seen this, um, bold gnome um with really thick kind of like sprouty eye eyebrows that kind of sparks out of his face um and then these kind of wide kind of perfectly circular yellow eyes and they always look a little bit shocked. The hair to the sides that sprout around the edge, kind of like a Friar Tuck style haircut, kind of spouts out a little bit as well, kind of short black and kind of peppered with grey.
tapers down to a rather large nose and a quite a long wisped beard at the end. He's wearing this kind of high-necked brown leathery coat thing that looks like it's got a lot of kind of hidden pockets. And in two hands, he's got these two um rather long and slightly curved daggers, one curving in towards his forearm, one curving out. He carries them, he holds them both out.
kind of pointing in a stabby stab position. So one of the tips points in, one of the tips points out and they both glow slightly with a greenish glow. And he's got kind of ah clothes on underneath that he's not poo bear or anything. And he stands looking very, very angry.
Okay. Raines, in this moment where you can take everything in, you recognize two. There are two gnomes that have jumped in. You recognize them both as those gnomes who met you on the road and got Dribbo out of the the prisoner cart.
Mark just described one of them. Thank you very much. So, Mark's character, what do you want to do with your turn? He's going to um smile at Raines and then he's going to make a beeline to get to him and he's going to dexterously, um his little lugs are going to be absolutely gunning it as he sprints between the groups of dire wolves and these mercenaries. So basically, I'm trying to write because there's a line of people in the way between Rains and us, we're on the opposite sides, but there's a little gap but I think he's going to try and kind of dart through with this movement.
Alright, 15, 20, 25, 30. I'm going to dash 5, 10, 15, and he's going to skid in right next to Rains just in front of this orc and just stand there um at the ready, ah kind of side by side with Rains. That's all I'm going to do. I like this. This is Mark's character squaring up against Mark's character from last week. Fuck yeah.
Thank you very much. um We segue now to to Callum's character. Callum, can you describe to everyone what are you? You see a very plain, bland-looking humanoid, but dressed in very plush, luxurious clothing. It's all red, velvet, with, like, gold trim to everything, build, kind of button-up jacket.
He has long flowing brown hair that has clearly been grown to hide a receding hairline. And there is a huge gut on this person with a belt that is kind of wrapped around the jacket that is also suspending the belly up.
He's also holding a very decorated, handled scimitar. It seems completely impractical, but the scimitar itself is almost like all looked gold-plated and encrusted with jewels. Nice. And what would you like to do with your turn?
very much the same as what the ah first gnome did, um, with marked character except despite his rotund belly and clearly overweight appearance, he is indeed quite fast. And I can avoid everybody quite easily just by using my normal amount of movement and to get to the back.

Climactic Battle Moments

of the ogre. The back of the half orc that was threatening Reins.
And he's going to shout out, sorry, this seemed a little one sided. And I'm going to use my bonus action to rage. Oh, yeah, you are.
And I'm going to go and attack this half-orc scimitar straight down into the shoulder blade. OK, go for it. 19 to hit. ah That hits. Go ahead, roll damage.
Five points of slashing damage.
And I do roll something else for it as well. And I roll another d6 to apologize. Three points of radiant damage. Perfect. Thank you very much. I also have a second attack. So as I withdraw my scimitar from the shoulder blade, I'm going to try and swipe down just into the half orcs calf muscle. Yeah.
For a natural 20 for a 20. This is much better than alpha. This guy's um far better. So there we go. So with the modifier on that is 13 points of slashing damage. Very nice. Very nice. Okay.
Yeah, so after those two hits, he's looking very ropey. He just did a whole round of, well, a few rounds of the jeweler as a champion. Hasn't rested and has now been hit twice in the back with your scimitar. He's on his knees, but he's still fixated on you, Reigns. Thank you very much. End of your turn, Kalim's character. Okay. Ian's character. Another gnome has jumped into the arena. What do you want to do? That's my king, that's my king. What does your gnome look like and what do you want to do?
Okay, so my gnome is one that you've met before, Darren. um If you were to cast his eyes over, ah it's a severely pissed off looking rock gnome and that's got clothes that just are ill fitting to someone of a rock known stature. Everything's just a little bit loose. Everything's just a little bit baggier. Skin's dark bronze with blue kind of veiny undertones, but it appears mottled grey. There's this matted grey hair sticking out in all directions, ah muscular and imposing, but
also got a beer gut and slightly horned over and a round face with a wobbled chin. have But there's a a sense of power that enemates from him as well. as ah that Because you're might magically inclined, ah there's a divine sense um to his presence as well.
So my Rock Gnome is going to follow suit as everyone else did, and in the in the guise of protecting Rains, it's going to Misty Step and appear on his right. And because I've done that through no extra action, Rains, you have um one
You have a plus one bonus to all your saving throws from aura of protection. As you just hear this voice next to you go, take some time to recover. We've got you. I was going to say that ain't no wizard. That's a paladin that has all the protection. And if I didn't know who it was, I certainly do now.
End of your turn. End of my go. Oh, yeah, no, as as this rock gnome, just it doesn't seem possible. And the sword that he carries doesn't go from shoulder to out the hip. It goes from hip to the other hip. So it takes up the entire to his back and it sticks out a good foot either side as he withdraws this huge great sword.
This Rock Gnome does not look like he should be carrying or wielding such a weapon, but there it is in the light of the sun, this massive greatsword looking deadly as hell, as the Rock Gnome turns his attention from you, squares his eyes and peers at the oncoming enemy.
Oh, I've missed this. And next up on it the initiative is a character we have met a fair few times and once in this form, but will, Poobear, who has just jumped into the arena.
So, compared to the others, you see this relatively young man. um He's got this fiery red hair and this pale, weather-worn skin now, but it's it's starting to look a bit more tanned. It looks like he's spent a lot of time in the sun now. He's got a fine, goatee, knee-high brown boots, black leggings, a blue shirt, and over the top there's this armor that's bright red. He really stands out, and on the back, this large loot and a bandolier with pipes and pouches and he sort of stands there idly cracking some some some nuts and he takes out of the shell and goes oh
Yes, my turn now, is it excellent? Marvelous. And Karsten looks around at the party and everybody in front of him. ah Right, where shall we start? Yes, I think everyone should stand where they are. That would be lovely.
Uh, and I'm going to cast command on everyone apart from the dire wolves and obviously the players. Okay. Danny. Great. It's like a friend's, um, reunion episode, isn't it? Apart from shaving my making. It's a wisdom saving float, please, for everyone apart from the dire wolves. And obviously, yeah, player characters as well. Okay. So I'm going for the northernmost dire wolf. Wrong. No, not the dire wolves, just the humans.
So the mercenaries. Yeah. The northern most one rolled a 13. Yeah, he's standing still. Great. The second one down rolled an 18. He's standing still. Great. The third one down rolled a two. He's standing still. And a 21 for the southern most one. Yeah, he passes. Okay. And the orc. And the orc.
Roll a nine. Yeah, he is also standing still. Great. So as, as, as, as Karsten speaks, his words almost have like a, it's like it takes on a ah a deeper, basier note that seems to vibrate around the arena and as he commands the people in the ring to stand exactly where they are.
and then here i mean he's just going to casually stand

Post-Battle Revelations

there with him that's going so what's the plan then your majesty as he looks over at reigns nice thank you very much and reigns his turn it is so reigns you were priming a and magic missile i will allow you to to adjust that without spending a spell slot should you wish
Yeah, um, Reigns is firstly going to use his, uh, he's got magic missile prime. He stops and see jumps on his shoulder, uh, stares at the half-orc and then in a kind of a metallic voice and also a bit kind of like a South African, he goes, fuck you. Hey, look, he's trying to do an impression of Seth. And then what Reigns is going to do is he's going to just take his gauntlet up and he's just going to deck this orc in the face. Okay. Roll the advantage, please.
I'm actually, for the first time, going to use Strength for this because I'm still under the ah Potion of Hill Giant Strength. I'm going to use my Strength modifier rather than my Intelligence. Good job I get Advantage.
An 11. Misses, I'm afraid.
One second, and I'm going to swing again until I get two attacks with this.
That don't look much better, dude. That's better. At 25, dude. How many rolls can you make? I'd make two, don't I? Two advantage. He's at advantage, you've got two. 25 hits, go ahead, roll damage.
Oh, max damage. That is 13 moments of damage. Nice. Boom, boom. So the second hit comes in and you hit him square in the chest and he just forced the floor for a minute. Looks lifeless, takes a deep breath. And in that half orchish way, just stands slowly again with the last ounce of strength available. Is there anything you'd like to do with your turn? Yeah. And so he's going to shoot at him.
Let the squirrel take the kill Think of that XP, man.
Go farm him. I haven't actually had NC do anything other than heal for a while, so bear with me where I find him. Unshoulder, dude. Yeah, I tell you what, I'm just going to roll a standard d20 and add... Where is it? Where is it? Is it a ranged attack? Yeah, it is. Disadvantage, please.
Well, it's negated by the advantage of the whole thing. You don't get that unless the commands giving advantage on ranged attacks, it's a straight disadvantage. It's not. The command is just telling the person to stand still. There's no, uh, relevant thing. I'll go for it anyway. Yeah.
So that's a 14. Oh,
Get the abacus out. It's back. Old characters, old ways of doing things. 14 misses and stone tusk is going to use deflect missiles. Oh,
MC. Oh, Wednesday! Can he do that? No, he needs to be hit by it, yeah. Never mind. Okay, anything else with your turn, Rains? No. It's VarustoneTusk's turn, and he's just going to spit blood straight

Hints at Future Challenges

back at you and say, my life for Shadow Mend, death to the false prince, and he's going to swing with his bat.
with his club or other. Oh shit. 22 did. You take nine points of bludgeoning damage. Then he is going to activate flurry of blows.
for a 17 and a 17 to hit. Both miss. Both miss. So he comes in swinging with his bat, hits you square into the chest, tries to follow up with two punches, but you're just able to sort of lean into it with your armour and sort of take a lot of the momentum out of those punches. But he can't move because of the the command. Is there a save at the end of his turn?
No, it's just it literally just lasts. it's that charge us on The target follows my commands till the spell ends, which is one round. Okay, thank you very much. and That's all you can do, in which case it is the wolves' turn and they are going to respond to four different tones of whistle from each of their masters. One is coming straight for you, Ian's character. One is going to go back and for you Cast down. One is coming in for your character, Callum, and the other is going to come in for Mark's character. Okay. So, the one on Ian's character is going, they're all going to use their bite attacks. Sexy.
Ian's character that's a 14 to hit? Mrs. Cast Down, that's a 20 to hit. Hits. He's down. Oh, my robe.
This will make a good story. Okay. I need you to, you will take 10, 11, sorry, points of piercing damage. I need you to make a strength save. Please, Cast Down. Well, he could be at the end of Cast Down.
ah That's for 17. Nice. you You avoid being knocked prone. Callum's character, the one against you, rolls a 12 to hit. Miss! And Mark's character, the one against you, crits. Yay! Nice. My first crit of the day. 22 points of piercing damage. like it Can I need you to make a strength saving throw, please?
I can dig it. I can't dig it. That's an eight. You are knocked prone. That's cool. That's fine. You're on your ass. Cool, cool, cool. It's not far. I've got short legs. And then, that's all they're going to do on their turn. It is the mercenary's turn. The three that cannot move. The command is just to halt, is it? Yep. Okay. Luckily, they all brought their crossbows with them. I mean, the halt means they can't take get any actions.
Is that so? Yes. OK. No actions can be taken. I've just I've just looked. the The wording says for Holt, it says no actions can be taken. OK. I apologize.
That's fine vague with your understanding of the rules. it's really So that means that Reigns you're back to unaffected health because the club wouldn't have been able to have. Yes. Yeah. So the target doesn't move and takes no actions. Sorry. Okay. And they miss. high flury blows So that's all good. um But the one mercenary who is unaffected is going to follow the order and that is to kill Reigns. So Reigns, you're going to take a crossbow shot.
It's 22 to hit. Yeah. um I've got cover, haven't I? from and No, because the gnome is smaller than you. Sorry, dude. I tried. twenty to take A bigger character. Yeah. hit ah You take 11 points of piercing damage. That is the end of the Merc's turn. Top of the round, Mark's character.
Oh, the yeah. So you're prone. So 15 points of you the half your movement. Stand back up again. He ain't moving nowhere. He's exactly where he wants to be.

Conclusion and Sign-Off

And I'm gonna do things in reverse order jump you up this time, apart from this first bit, he's going he's going to jump up. Did you that you know that when you push your hands and you like kick your legs up and you just stand up, he's going to do that. But without using his arms, he's going to flip his body. Nice. jackie cha there yeah pretty much his knives are there and He's just going to say to the or cause you look up up up to the a and then he's just going to say, fear the wrath of the dragon's flame. And he's just going to die between his legs and stab him in the groin. Or at least attempt to at least this is going to be a bonus action strike.
ah Yeah, because I'm using the bonus action to hit. But this is awkward because I can't use my proficiency because he's a Rogie boy. So um I need to just roll. I'm going to roll then just minus four, which is easier than doing it. Got a raised hand from Callum there. Did he roll with advantage because I'm obviously... on the other side of him. You you do roll with advantage. This is a very good point, but I'm not, I'll roll check, but um ah it's going to be a 20. Unnatural. Hits. um So I just get to add on my d4, which is for eight plus eight points of regular damage plus a d4 of poison damage. Four. Hooray.
So yeah, 12 points of damage in total. and Four of them are poison damage with that shot.
So is he dead? You stab that half orc. He falls to the floor and for a second you think he's defeated. Wonderful. And then there's a white glow on his corpse. Ah, I'm gonna stab him again.
right we get that channel i'll see that okay sorry And this half-orc moulds into a human, well, first into a snake, temporarily, then into a human, as reigns you come face-to-face once again with key-dark bird-shadow, who just stares at you, ah smiles, and dances a dagger between his fingertips. But it still marks character's turn.
and I said I'd stab him in the chest, so that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna take my actual action this time, um and i'm going to i'm I'm going to stab him in the chest, I guess with the advantage. So he's at the side of him, so it's a 23 or it's a 28. I will take the 28. The 28 will hit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it'll hit. Thank you. I'll have that very kindly. and That's gonna be 12 points of damage regular piercing damage but sneak attack psych at another 13 points so that's 25 yes yes and yes it's 5d6 plus just to throw on top my little poison damage of two
No, that's 27 points of damage in total. That was pretty good. Fuck me. Amazing. The player wrote more often. As he just literally just, I don't get stabs in the chest with this, with the blade that's pointed more towards his wrist forwards, kind of ripping motion out of his chest.
um and then he's going to but bonus action use that okay that's it he's gonna stand there and just look pissed off and spit that's it nice as this thing you just killed came back in a different shape ah thank you very much Callum your characters turn you are currently um you watched as this half-orc was killed then fell to the floor then snaked for a second and is now a human and But to the right of you is this wolf that's just tried to knock you on your ass and is looking pretty fucking fierce. What do you want to do? The half-orc does seem to like it being very well taken care of. So my character is going to peek his head around what was the half-orc and he's now obviously is different to robe character towards Mark's character.
Keep it up, just got to deal with this thing here. And I'm going to turn to the direwolf and I'm going to try and wail on that um a little bit with the scimitar. So it's going to be a couple of quick slashes in succession.
Go for it. 15 to hit on the first one. ah do to do hit
That will take 14 points of slashing damage. Thank you very much. And five points of radiant damage. Excellent. And I will go to attack it again with a scimitar. Yeah, that one's not so good. 11 to hit. That misses. Oh, ball to dash. He says as the second slashed, it's kind of grade has passed it here. End of your turn.
Um, I am going to move ah away. I've attacked it. I'm going to try and draw it away from me. So I'm just going to move around and move a bit further down south. Um, so I've actually stepped away from the direwolf. I've done these attacks. I'm trying to just, uh, draw it over to me. So I've gone toward an opportunity attack. I have mobile. No, it will not. Um, and I'm just going to come here, boy. Come on.
Um, as I had my turn. Make a animal handling check a disadvantage, please. Not a role I thought I would be making.
Ten. For my animal handling. like It just turns to face you. but that's its ten ah It is now Ian's character's turn. Ian's character. There is a wolf trying to bite your ass, but you are shoulder to shoulder with Reigns. So having seen how injured Reigns was at the start of this battle and then being next to the guys, as he's taken a big hit. ah Darren, you'll see this rock gnome kind of
almost grabs some sort of amulet but is covered by his ragged clothes and you hear ah in Draconic just this muttering around ze as ah his left hand comes out and yeah as he's turned to face the wolf it's all in one motion because this wolf's come at Drago. Drago just turn to face it, but with his left ah hand, his rock gnome hand probably just reaches your knee. 30 points of healing back on you, my friend. I love you. As I use leon hands, Paul, and I've just
yeeted all of it into you. Beefy. Yeah. Nice. I think that's all I can do with Lay on Hands. I think that takes up my action as well. So we're good. Cool. Thank you very much. Kastan. Finbin Valhorn. So, Kastan Finbin Valhorn is going to suddenly take this um this wolf that's just bitten at his arm, look at it and He's going to be like, this was my favorite shirt. Damn you. And he's going to suddenly drop his nuts that he's been eating because, you know, he was watching the fights. Pulls out this rapier and gives a little flick and a salute and says, interior his name. And I'm going to, as he says that, the the the rapier lights in flame. And I'm going to have at
The direwolf, please. Go for it. And actually say, have at thee as I attack it. With my flametongue rapier. That's a 26 to hit. That will definitely hit. Excellent, right. This gets complicated, so it takes... What's that worked out?
Actually, it takes seven, uh...
So it takes, sorry, I'm having... Seven what? Seven marbles. Seven marbles worth of damage. Oh no! Stabacus. Darren passing Stabacus. No, no, no. It's complicated because it's factored in the... but No, no. Well, why do you have to go and make things so complicated? All right, overall. Okay. It takes 17 points of ah flaming damage. And you try and you fly and you flame and you break and you...
save rains and you turn it into. And then I'm going to stab it again. and I always got to go and stab it all over again. That's a 25 to hit 25 hits.
So Carson, that's Sarah Carson. That's now, uh, seven points of flaming. Oh no, 11 points of flaming damage. Sorry. That was the follow-on sitcom series. Yeah. So, Karsten. So, Karsten. Thank you very much, Karsten. Anything else with your turn? That is it. I've used my bonus axe to turn the sword on. Wolf. And then I've stabbed at the wolf. Rains! It's your turn. Rains is going to use his bonus axe to withdraw the helmet again. And he's going to
look this disgusting, rabid, cunt dog of a human in the eye and he's going to go, I don't need a squirrel to go tell you to fuck yourself. And I'm going to swing a fist at him and try and punch him in the face. You hear the rock gnome on your right, just kind of laugh in a slow rumble at the the fancy one lines. He's a fan. That's a 21 to hit that hits.
The damage is 10 points of thunder damage. Thank you very much. And then I'm going to punch him again.
i Not so good. 11 to hit. Hits. Ooh.
That's another nine points of thunder damage. So this first hit in his chest just sort of leaves him really scarred and wounded from that thunderous impact. And then you hit again and you just punch straight through flesh and bone and organ. Pull your hand back. He falls to the ground dead and call us like a cordon apple.
ah turning his eyes to the box. He will do everything he can to lock eyes of his grandfather. And the vista's just been out. this This enchantment that's happened has sort of stretched this plane and where it was and really visible, 100 feet. Now it's four, 500 to that box. It's almost like you've fallen and it's you can't make out any person or ornament up there.
You know, you can look to the vicinity for sure. You understand where that is, but you can't like pinpoint an individual.
ah rains is going to say your pants piss stained yet your old fuck tent as he looks up at the box just looking to find his grandda i you so many questions about that incel but all of it was fantastic And what's really interesting is, you're as you're looking up, you're seeing everyone in the crowd is looking straight up as well. There is this seems to be anyone looking down at you. There seems to be no alarm either, or cause for concern. And you're seeing some of that, i canonically, you haven't seen this yet as Reigns, but Darren, what you're seeing is that Sky Arena, where the finale happened, beginning to to form above you, and everyone is looking up.
Raines has no idea what's going on other than the fact that there is something in the sky, another thing in the sky. But um yeah, that the the sort of depth, concept of depth perception here is really being manipulated somehow. Thank you. Anything else with your turn? That is the end of my go. Right. It is the wolves turn. Bow wow.
ah You're going to get straight up. bit patrol but Who let these dogs out? perperol ah Everyone is going to take a bite back, except for... No, because you did goad it on. So you're all going to get bit by the same wolves again. Raines, you're the only one who is going to be unaffected by these wolves. but and
Ian's character the gnome. I need you to tell me if the 22 hits your armor class. That hits. And you will take 9 points of piercing damage and I need you to make a strength save please. Okay.
And gone. Well, I just go through.
ah I got 14. You're absolutely fine. nice castan I need you to tell me if a 15 hits your armor class. No. ah Great. um Mark's character. Could you tell me please if a 14 hits your armor class? Negatory.
And Callum's character, does a natural 20 hit your armour class? That might not count. Just. Just hits it. Just. There's one player you have to question. but Oh yeah, actually. Actually, I have this out of anti-armour, so. and yeah Natural 21. Cool secret. You take 19 points of piercing damage and I need you to make a strength saving throw, please.
Oh, gee, Rick, that looked painful. 25. You are not not on your ass. It is the mercenaries turn at this point, and I'm imagining the mercenaries are now free of your spell. They are indeed. Class down. So all four are going to take a shot at Reigns with their crossbows. Reigns. Four shots coming in. Natural 20 for one of them. The second one will not be a natural 20 because of the other mountain armor. Hell yeah.
Excellent. So that is a 25 to hit. Still hits, but it's not. goingnna correct so That's the convenient thing here. That's five off a crit. It's five off a crit mate.
ah 16 to hit. Miss. Natural one. Miss. Tier of nine to hit. nine mrs low yeah and one is going to hit for an immaculate nine points would you believe of piercing damage yeah and that is their turn they are going to consider they have not been hit yet so they're gonna just chill out uh top of the round mark's character oh he's not a happy gnome he is not a happy gnome
Correct. So what he's going to do is I'm going to use firstly, the first thing firstly he's going to do is take an action. Well, that action is going to do fuck. I've gone out of players character because I never actually played it before. Uh, how do I make that? Okay. Oh yeah. Bonus action. Bonus action. Hide.
You're in plain sight of a wolf. I am very stealthy. He gets in his skin. That cools up his ass. His wolf bo is staring directly at you. He digs on the ground real quickly. Cool, cool, cool. So I like to think that he goes, tries. That's not going to work. Okay. And instead he's just going to like point over his shoulder and he's going to wait. but Basically, I'm going to use the um disengage action get um to get away from this because I see someone who needs my help.
Did your character just shout, look a distraction at the wolf and then run away? And it was disengaging as an action or bonus action? A bonus action, Courmois. And then I'm going to basically run under twooo between the legs of Reigns and then jump um dexterously over the head of Ian's character, doing a front flip and landing the other side of the wolf. Basically, I'm kind of like um draft, kind of jumping across a few characters and landed the other side facing the wrong way. And unless I have to roll some kind of athletics check for that. shakesterity's high enough to pull this own door worry Okay. And he's just going to stab backwards into the butt or into the hind legs of this creature as I'm going to make an attachรฉ with my dagger. that i'm going b Yeah, I'm rolling very well. Either 25 or 24 to hit. 25 hits. You are advantage. So you can add a sneaky, sneaky.
Thank you kindly. So firstly, that is I'll do the first bits of damage first. It's five points of damage plus three poison damage. I don't have poison effects differently. So I'll just thank you for And then where is it gone to Snickertack?
16 points on top of that. So that's 24 points in total of damage in this wolf. um And then he's just going to turn himself around and look probably straight at the eyes of this other rock gnome and just give a very rocky, a very gnomey wink with one eye. Excellent stuff. Thank you very much. Callum, your character's 10. Yep, he's bought the dog over and bit him.
foul beast. And um it's going to be a couple of quick again ah slashes with the scimitar um against the dire wolf. Annoyingly, first one's a 10 to hit. It misses. Yeah, man. Oh my. good gene Next one's a 12 to hit. It misses. Both pretty crap.
um You'll drop your rage. Yes. whated are you If you rolled better, you would have probably hit. Ah, that's that's where I went. Try next time. You know what? i'll I'll try again. I will act action surge. who um and I'm to try again to hit the die wolf. Let's give it another go, shall we? I believe in you. I've got a 14 to hit. That does hit. Yes! It's all cheered.
but half half capable character. mid until your dreams come through another That bad math. Thirteen points of slashing damage.
i should now and six points of radiant damage. This is a slight glow. The blade cuts the skin and that shine of light scorches afterwards. And that wolf is down. Lovely. Then going to turn to, um, the, um, what the keeper next to me, the trainer or whatever it is mercenary. Thank you. Um,
One second, and I'm just going to slash it in just straight across the chest with my second attack for an unnatural 20. That will hit.
Which is 12 points of slashing damage. And then I will sprint off to put myself in front of Reigns as I've seen the arrows kind of come flying at him. So I'm putting my my body basically between Reigns and the arrows. Thank you very much. Thank you very much indeed. It is Ian's character's turn. My character's just taking a quick survey of the scene, watching how everyone's moving and um internally just gives a ah nod. ah Everyone's playing their part really well.
ah Darren, again, you're here in Draconic, some mutterings as ah this kind of blue aura comes from this rock gnome specifically around this amulet that he's holding as I cast Shield of the Faith. And you have a plus two bonus to your AC ah for up to 10 minutes. It's a concentration spell on myself, Danny, for you. And again,
We'll just, after giving a ah nod of approval to the fellow rock gnome, as we've kind of got this wolf in a weird position between us, and we'll look to engage. You've got this.
Castan, your turn. Thank you. Can's Moving's really messed up my plan for this. It's fun. um and I was measuring a 20-foot radius, mate. It's fine. It's like you can't control other people, Will. You can take a fireball, right? Yeah, fine. Bring it.
Um, right. So, uh, Kastan will look, he had this, had a plan, seen this, you know, human, you know, killer wolf, and then wander over and go, okay, change of plan. And I'm going to stab at the wolf first. So first attack is a crit. That's going to hit. I think that's going to hit Will there. I think that you would not offer crit there.
ah So that takes for the first attack it takes 9 points of ah piercing damage
followed by the, well, oh, eight points of piercing damage, sorry. Okay. Followed by, followed by 15 points of fire damage. So as that fire, that flame just sort of carries through, this wall falls defeated at your feet.
Excellent. Cast Down will then casually move back and lean against the wall. I'm going to forego my um extra attack. And then um his hands are going to suddenly, this is a flick of flames going to twitch across the fingernails. I'm going to use ah some Sporcery Points to cast um Quickened Spell. And I'm going to cast Fireball as a bonus action.
That will center so that it hits the top three um mercenaries without hitting any of my comrades. Excellent. What's my save? Could they make a deck save please? The northernmost one is a...
16 miss fail takes full damage and then ah the middle one is a 9 and fail the bottom one is in an 11 fail so they all take 35 points of fire damage whoa
as Karstad flicks this flame across his fingers and then sort of casually whips it towards um the middle one because that's where it's going to be centered as he's leaning against the wall casually as if like it's literally like a summer's day for him. You watch as Once the flames hit and everyone's armor rains, your armor just glows in this light. Everyone glistens. The broadsword on the back of Ian's character. The two daggers that Mark's character is holding. There's just the eyes of Callum's character in amazement. And when those flames dissipate, there is just three piles of ash. Shit.
as those three mercenaries are now defeated. Thank you, Kirsten. Anything else with your turn? No, that's it. He's going to sit there and flex. Okay. That takes us neatly to Rains' turn.
Rains is just in awe of what he's just seen, so Rains is just going to go, oh, Mac. Can't help but feel that we're getting some ah pretty stark feedback on our own functionality right now. Anyway, doesn't matter. um Divide and conquer and all that with my new best friends. And what range is going to do is he's going to lift ah his hand into the air.
and the pulsing of force energy is going to come down from the gauntlet. It's going to go into the sphinxes that are on his arm and magic missile is just going to rain out of them. and Firstly, in the direction of the wolf that's engaged with the two gnomes who have been very kind to helping him. So, Royal Magic Missile.
Okay. That's four points of damage straight into that wall for the first missile. Great. It's still alive. It's going another four is still an alive and getting another four. alive. alive. It's getting the final four. Still alive. But barely.
Okay. Uh, after that, What Reigns is going to do is say to NC, NC keep me in this fight and I'm going to use my bonus action to give myself guardian armor. And what happens is, is this magical NC dies back into the bag of holding and all of a sudden this magical imbue kind of green energy pulses out of the bag of holding and covers over rains. I get five temporary hit points. great much Take those and thrive.
It's the wolf turn. And this wolf that barely has any life left in it is going to take a bite at you, Ian's character.
For a 4 to hit. No. ah The wolf that is now completely um unattached to to any other character is going to just charge at you, Rains, for a 20 to hit.
but No, Mrs, thanks to Shield of Faith. Great. Very nice. And those are the last two standing wolves, so we'll go to the remaining mercenary, and the remaining mercenary is just going to disappear, but before it disappears, thankfully one character in your party is exceptionally good at perceiving things at the moment.
and has been all of his life as cast and before this creature disappears you just see something very small get thrown into the centre of the stadium, of the the centre of the colosseum. Fucking pokeball. He's a fucking pokeball. Oh could you imagine? They're nuking the sight from orbit. They're taking off, they're nuking the sight from orbit.
It's two very different references there, but I like it. Yeah, Mark, your character, there are only two two wolves remaining on the battlefield. Oh, one of which jo you stood next to. I would like to stab it with my bonus action, please, because i am I don't think it's long for this world and I wish to kill more. So I'm going to use my attache. I'm just going to do it before and just take away the four.
oh that's not so good so that's going to be um why can't i do any kind of maths anymore in my head right now 15 to 13 hits okay um i'll take i'll take that i'll take that no i just roll the same i just roll the same thing again to ignore that second roll damn this is cool And then he's going to swing with the actual hit then just to doubly make sure he's going to use the actual attack. Oh shit, sorry, with advantage anyway. That first one was ah the first a natural one anyway. So that this one I've just done now, 18, that is for the second hit because my, might yeah, nevermind. It's an 18 or it is a bullshit 12.
The 18 will hit. 18 hits, okay. Seven points of piercing damage to begin with, followed up by three points. sort of Seven points as you jab that in is enough to destroy that creature. That wolf is down. But he's also going to take 18 points of attack damage. Over a kill.
Yep. Just in case I can get that extra XP farm. Red mist. Yeah, literally like just stabbing, right? Just gut. The absolute gut at that point. And then he's going to look up and he's going to have wolf guts. What colour is the wolf guts? All red, like just red and purple and off blue. You know where that blood then hasn't reached, had oxygen in a while. Glorious. It's just staining those organs. And as he stands up,
You just see this gnome covered in, rock gnome covered in blood, all kind of like Kill Bill style on the front, except for these kind of big bulging yellow eyes, stares at the other gnome, and then just goes run straight at and po the same thing again. I'm going to try and i kind of um what's it called? The kids get me bent over and then you jump over the person leapfrog, leapfrog, leapfrog, but like front ways leapfrog over Ian's character, slide under the legs.
black yeah um And then skid round to the um side of this final wolf um to to put myself in a more advantageous position, if you may. But that's... some I don't have any attacks left, unfortunately, so that's all I'm going to do. I use my bonus action. I can't use my reaction. Yep, good that's me! Calm's character.
I do have actions left, and I now can now roll with advantage against this lone little wolf that has been left. So thank you very much, Mr. Rock. So yes, I'm just going to take my scimitar, be very impressed with the very dexterous gnome, and just jumped from nowhere to land directly in my field of vision. and like ah hello And I'm going to do a couple of things. My rage works slightly differently. It all kind of works from the speed of his rage. So he bolsters about and it goes into his slashes with the weapon.
um But he very keeps a very, very calm demeanor. So it's rage more so where it's an energy that kind of moves around his body at a very, very high pace rather than an actual kind of barbarian rage of fag, as certain barbarians would do. But I'm going to roll to hit anyway after that little explanation.
ah The first one with advantage is going to be a 22 to hit. That hits.
17 points of slashing damage and 6 points of radiant damage. Thank you very much.
And then the second attack is going to be an unnatural 20. That hits.
Which is four.
Yeah, 15 points of slashing damage again. This wolf was untouched before this this turn, Callum, and you've taken all of its health out. It's down. Yeah!
There is no perceivable threat at the moment, and there is a chance to just breathe. Raines, you find yourself surrounded by a bunch of strangers, two gnomes that look somewhat familiar. Someone who sounds a bit like... did you I don't think you ever heard him speak. You did. Yes, you did. It sounds a bit like Dribbo, like the the cadence is absolutely right, the rhythm of the speech, but the vocals is just not quite right.
and For a moment, you feel entirely safe. We drop out of initiative, as there's no placebo threat. Um, I don't know if you need to take a ah moment to recover Callum's character as your rage sort of ends prematurely. in Um, Reigns in particular, but is there anything anyone would like to say or do? I, uh, dumb. Who are you guys? The help. but
We're here to protect you. That works for me. The winged watch sends their regards. I believe introductions may be in an order. Everyone's going to be walking across from the side, as everyone's saying. Who will? You could say we're just big goddamn heroes.
as he strolls across the floor. i'm I'm sort of walking towards the middle where the thing got dropped, by the way, at the same time, Danny, but I'll let you just talk as I walk.
and i so and sorry one I would say there's a better place and a time to talk unless anything's pressing right now.
It takes a couple of seconds before Castan, you are in the center of that arena and you can see what was thrown. And it is this sort of plate sized disc.
Are you doing anything with it? I'm going to look at it in Pokemon Sword. and Okay. Castan. As your blade makes contact with this sort of metallic plate and you hear the word castan in your ear.
Oh, fuck. You don't even need to make a role because your perception is famously ridiculously through the roof. Anyone who hasn't watched, ah listen to season one, ah your character is all about perception in every possible game breaking way. and He's got one thing. He's got one thing. You feel the breath of something on the back of your neck. You look at the ground quickly. There is no shadow.
Then you feel another breath. And another breath. There's these three... Motions and movements in the in the wind. Hot air just appears. And then you're greeted with three smells, Karstan. Three separate smells. One of sort of farm-like stock.
one a quite like swampy and acrid smell and one a very dry warm humid no dry and humid doesn't go in the same adjective line a very dry hot smell and then you just hear bleat a very low deep guttural bleat followed by a hiss
and then the pre-embles of a lion's roar and the flapping of wings. There's Emron who's looking at the rest of the party. The party are looking towards Emron. Oh man, sorry. so so The rest of the party the rest of party are looking at Karstan. Is there anything you want to do, Karstan?
I'm gonna let the others react first, unless, unless... They can't, yeah there is no shadow, there's no presence around you. um I did shout your name, I was gonna follow up with a... What are you doing? Kastan's gonna hide. Hold the The Kastan? Yeah, not now. What are you doing? Kastan's gonna look over. I'm just poking this plate, one of the guards, or one of the mercenaries dropped, so... Hmm.
Give me a breath on the back of my neck. see We've talked about you poking things that don't belong to you. Well, I did. I should have asked consent first, shouldn't I really? And then like, um, sorry for anyone who hates this reference, but Like in the Philosopher's Stone, where Ron gets drooped with Fluffy's spit onto his shoulder. There is just this big wad of drool that hits you on the shoulder the size of a snowball and rolls down your chest. Cast down.
Does it... Am I getting the sense, using sort of my knowledge of I can't imagine, am I getting an idea that this might be something with an infernal origins? The plate. Making a best, making a kinda check. Okay. While that check's taking place, my character's just gonna shout, that's gonna leave a castain. Nice. He's the puns to a professional, dear. You've got shit on you.
That's a seven, Danny. It looks somewhat magical, but you can't really place it, or what it's doing, or what its purpose is. Carlton's going to touch the saliva and draw. This is going to just take ages for my servants to get out. Oh well, and then he's going to flick it off, and he's going to step over the plate and walk towards Reigns. I would suggest... And just as you you're letting out those words, I would suggest...
You just feel this almighty force hit you in the back and you are knocked about 10 feet towards the party. You sustain thousand, 12 points of bludgeoning damage.
And as you do, you sort of recoil and everyone's on alert. Something comes into view.
And to find out what that is, we'll join us next week for the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Belon Draconis. oh yeah oh but damn it It's like a guest episode of the first campaign. candidates Basically, I love this crossover episode we've got going on. It's like a multiverse of madness that's happening right now for Reigns. You don't know what the fuck's going on, but he has just been saved by theite the The Elite. The heroes of Aerith.
Basically, some of them. And me. The Heroes of Eryth and their friends. Yeah. Heroes of Eryth and that fat bloke over there. My character definitely was not one of the Heroes of Eryth.
Thanks, tune in, listen, make us part of your everyday week. you for it hey quick ah We have an X page which has a photo of a screenshot, a image, a JPEG, if you will, of the map of Scorch Helm. So check that out. It's also a good place to review, rate, subscribe, but everything about us, really do that. Tell a friend about us, get the word out.
We have individual play pages that you can follow too, if you wanted to. I'm at I've ordered one, Pooh bears up. Natural20will. Darren's out, I was going to say Robin. Jesus. Mark's out. Hastily rolled DM. Callum's out. TheD20Gamer. And our VIP of D and&D Dungeon Master Danny can be found at Total Party Thrills. I've loved this episode so much. Until next time guys.