It's just one of those things that like if you just put up with it, it's a life changing experience. Do you think I should take one of the little boat rides with a little man in the little diaper hats? No, I don't think so. I think you should instead take a taxi, like ah the Uber canal. Exactly. Not the, well I don't know, they're not Ubers, but they'll have like these beautiful wooden boats just parked like in the busy areas and you can like rip across the entire city if you want to go for dinner somewhere or if you got a ferry to catch or to get back to the main station, you know, you can just take a taxi and rip down the Grand Canal or do a little loop-de-loop around. Wow, that sounds grand. Yeah, and it's like fast and it's not – people aren't like staring at you like, oh, look at these guys, they paid 80 euros each to have some, ah you know, Waldo look alike synced to them. Where's my canal operator? Exactly.