Print For Crisis "Looking Back and Ahead" image
S1 E21 · Yellow Van Stories
Print For Crisis "Looking Back and Ahead"
39 Plays
3 years ago

Today we come to you with the, for now, last episode about Myanmar. The initiative Print For Crisis, which has been on the road with us for the last four weeks, has come to an end and we thought it would be a nice opportunity to have a small retrospective of the conversations we were lucky enough to have in support of the initiative. 

Through my conversations with Teza, Chiara, and Minn, I learned that there are a lot of reasons for hope and optimism for the future of Myanmar. One reason in particular is the role of the Burmese women, who are not only fighting for political freedom but for a society built on equality. Their blossoming self-esteem is a weapon and there is no turning back of the clock.

If we continue to support Myanmar, change will come sooner rather than later.
This isn't my optimism, it is the optimism of the Burmese people.

Print For Crisis Website
Print For Crisis Facebook
Print For Crisis Instagram
I Support Myanmar

Teza on Facebook
Minn on LinkedIn
Chiara's Website
Chiara on Instagram

"How Democracies Die", Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, 2018
"Coup D'Etat: A Practical Handbook", Edward Luttwak, 1968
History Of Myanmar

Thuma Collective
Yangon Photo Festival
Lensational (a collaboration for free photography education for women)

"Disclosure", Netflix, 2020
History Of Myanmar

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