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To Know Even Further Beyond! Dragon Ball Trivia Quiz || Dragon Ball Month image

To Know Even Further Beyond! Dragon Ball Trivia Quiz || Dragon Ball Month

S5 E11 ยท Chatsunami
70 Plays3 months ago

In the year 2024, a red panda, a wrestler and a chibi co-host power up to defeat the forces of evil in Dragon Ball Month! From transformations and fusions to live action and musings of living in this world, you will not want to miss this month!

In the final episode of Dragon Ball Month, Satsu is joined by co-hosts Andrew and Martin to test their knowledge of the Dragon Ball franchise. How many foes has Goku vanquished? Is there really a hidden set of Dragon Ball films? And what exactly IS a Saiyan Off?! All this and more in this episode of Dragon Ball Month!

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Introduction to Final Episode with Guests

to chat tsunami
Welcome to Chatsunami. Hello everybody and welcome to the final episode of Dragon Ball Month. My name's Chatsunami and joining me to power up for this finale is none other than the Super Saiyan himself, Martin McAllister. How did it? And his Super Saiyan sidekick as well, Andrew. Andrew, welcome back.

Roles & Favorite Moments in Dragon Ball

I think I'm more like Oolong, really. So, yeah, take that out of what you mean. I actually don't know how to take that out. I love how you were just like sidekick. Yeah, probably. Main character? Nah. I'm not even a sidekick. I'm just like a tertiary character. I occasionally turn up, maybe make a wise quip and then possibly have a sensu bean, but probably not. I started out more cancelable, well, the most cancelable character and then Master Roshi got introduced and like you can't, you can't really get above that intro was supposed to be a joke i'm depressed now oh it's like you had one job to bring the sensu beans and go that reminds me did you bring it's like i was thinking this the other day like yajirobi he had that clutch cutting off vegeta's tail moment and then just never again is involved apart from just being like i'm smoking weed with with a cat. I mean, to be fair, did you see what they were up against? Well, I mean, everyone else power scaled. Could he not power scale up? He cut off Vegeta's big monkey tail. To be honest, I think anything could have cut that tail off. Well, then why hadn't it been

Dragon Ball Month Recap

cut off? And that is exactly what we're going to be discussing today. No, Morgan. Today, we are indeed going to be wrapping up Dragon Ball month with our very handy-dandy traditional trivia quiz. Cannot wait for this one. I cannot wait to see how knowledgeable you two are because we have indeed been talking about a variety of topics. We have been talking about Dragon Ball transformations. We have been talking about the Fusion Reborn film. We talked about what it was like living in the Dragon Ball universe. You know, we've been talking about so many topics with this month. So turning it on to you, Andrew, and not because I feel sorry for you after that, Andrew, but what has been your highlights for this

Highlights & Live-Action Movie Discussion

month? It's a tough one. I did not enjoy watching it, but I enjoyed roasting the Dragon Ball movie that we talked about, the live action Dragon Ball Evolution movie. That was probably my main highlight. Yeah, no, it's just been quite fun. Talking about life in the Dragon Ball universe was very fun and just kind of getting back into it. And it's funny that we're kind of recording this as well around the time that Dragon Ball Dima has sort of just recently come out. So I've been getting back into the world of Dragon Ball through that as well. Yeah, it seems to be taking the world by storm. Well, I say the world, the Dragon Ball world as it were, by storm and nearly repressed that memory that you and I had watched Dragon Ball Evolution together. It was a time, not going to lie. Yeah, that was about two weeks ago, I think, that that episode came out as of this episode. And what an episode. But going on to you, Martin, what is your highlights for this month? I think Andrew kind of summed it up of getting to jump back into the world of Dragon Ball. You know, it's something I think all of us kind of loved when we were a bit younger, so it's been nice to kind of jump back in there. Kind of reminisce about the good stuff and the not so

Childhood Memories & Adaptations

great stuff that's been in there. But it's been good to journey back in. Yeah, it is funny, isn't it? When you remember something, obviously, that you saw ages ago and you think, this was amazing, this is the best thing ever. And then when you actually look at it and you look back, you think, yeah, this was a thing, wasn't it? Especially when we did the Fusion Reborn film. Honestly, I think the Fusion Reborn film was probably better quality-wise than Dragon Ball Evolution. I can't imagine that's difficult. As someone that's watched both, I remember nothing of Evolution and I remember the cool stuff in Fusion of Bone, which is how it tricks you. It's as we discussed at the time, which is what Fusion of Bone does to your brain. It erases all the bad stuff. But I don't remember a single thing about Dragon Ball Evolution, so I'm going to take that as a compliment. God, you're lucky. Because I remember that was the one where I thought, oh, cool, we're going to be reviewing the one with Gogeta, and oh, that's a cool moment. And it literally lasts a minute at the end of the film, doesn't it? That minute, though. Oh, that minute's great, but out of, what, 40, 50 minutes, I think. But yeah, on that note, today, as I was saying, we are indeed going to be putting Martin and Andrew's Dragon Ball knowledge to the test. We have 20 questions blocked by myself and they're all going to be true or false questions. So I'll read out a statement and these two have to decide whether they're true or whether

Dragon Ball Trivia Quiz Introduction

they're false. If you think it's true but one of you thinks it might be false, feel free to do that. You don't have to work together and have the same answers. Or if you want to have the same answers, that's perfectly fine as well. Everybody wins here either way, but... That's not how trivia works. You all get a medal, okay? For legal reasons. That's not how trivia works. It's not not very Harrison Ford there. Yeah, it was written into Martin's contract for some reason. I don't lose. It's the old Dwayne the Rock Johnson contract. I'm not allowed to lose any fights. So you win it automatically or you draw. Yeah, this quiz will be split into four sections with five questions each. I'm going to read you each question out and then at the very end I'm going to give you the answers. It's going to be split up into trivia about Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super. We are going to be focusing on them. So before we jump into it, first of all, Andrew, what is your confidence with this particular franchise and your knowledge of it?

Andrew's Experience with Dragon Ball GT

Well, I have seen all of Dragon Ball. I have seen all of Dragon Ball Z and I've seen all of Dragon Ball Super. But as I was saying earlier, I've never watched a single episode of Dragon Ball GT. I didn't hear great things about it. And so it's never really interested me in following up with it. So my knowledge is decent, I would say, for the majority of Dragon Ball, but I think there probably will be quite a few gaps that hopefully you will not be able to exploit. Writing that down. And Martin, what about yourself? Well, last time I did one of these trivia episodes of you, I said it was about Pokemon, and I said I have a pretty good knowledge of Pokemon, and then I guess I scored two out of ten. Oh no! So I'm going to say I have zero knowledge about Dragon Ball. I'm expecting to get zero out of 20, and anything above
but without any further ado well we just jump into yes do let's go and as always for the final time for this month we will be right back after these messages welcome to shatanami a variety podcast that discusses topics from gaming and films to anime and general interests. Previously on Chatsunami, we've analysed what makes a good horror game, conducted a retrospective on Pierce

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And we are back. So, of course, we have to start at the very beginning, where we are going to be talking about the very iconic series that started it all, Dragon Ball. Are you

Trivia Quiz: Early Concepts and Names

guys ready? Oh yeah. Let's go. I thought you were going to say, let's Goku. I'm very disappointed in you, Andrew. Question one. A concept similar to Super Saiyan was supposed to appear at the end of Dragon Ball when Goku fought Piccolo, albeit under a different name. So do we think this is true or false? Maybe I can false. I feel like the time between Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z kind of changed the shift a bit of the sort of theme. So I'm going to go for false. I'm also leaning towards false for this one. Why are you thinking false? For a lot of what Martin said as well, I don't think that he had necessarily planned out the Super Saiyan idea yet by that point. I guess he might have had something similar to it, possibly, but didn't he just do Super Saiyan because he was tired of colouring it in Goku's hair or something? So I'm going to say false as well. Okay, question two. Araleigh, the protagonist of Toriyama's
was initially supposed to be the protagonist of dragon ball before todayama decided to focus more on basing it on journey to the west know he likes to do cameos and crossovers and things like that, so I reckon it could be true. Not to do the exact same as before, but I do agree. I do think it's true because I think that, especially just in manga of that time, the Magica really enjoyed carrying their characters over to different properties. So I think that he would have preferred to have done that. Question three. In the Harmony Gold dub, there was a lot of changes to the names of the characters. For example, Goku would be known as Zero, Bulma would be Lena, and Oolong became Mau Mau. See, I think that I don't know if you're being particularly tricky and some of those names were correct and some of them weren't, but I don't think you would necessarily do that, but I do think that that's quite likely that that dub had changed those names, so I'm going to say true for that one. I'm trying to remember which one's like the famously bad dub, because there is one that's like super famously terrible. The one's called like Ocean Blue or something. Is that what it is? I remember that one. It's like a really famously terrible one. But I'll also go through and I'll agree with the other answer. Question four. In the Mexican Spanish dub, the character name Chichi was changed to milk. What? I mean, it fits in line with Dragon Ball's naming conventions. However, was it milk or was it milk in Spanish? Was it like leche? I think it was just milk. No, I'm going to say false. It's so specific, I kind of like it. I'm going to go true. I want it to be true. And the final question for this round. Buddha was supposed to be a spiritual guide to Goku before it was scrapped for in-universe characters. True. I'm going for true. Just because Journey to the West obviously got a lot of that kind of spiritual stuff in it. Did Buddha rock up in these stories about Journey to the West? I watched the one on Netflix. The Monkey King. Yeah. And I think that Buddha was in that so I'm going to go true. Yeah. Buddha in the Journey to the West is absolutely hilarious because Sun Wukong the Monkey King is basically trolling everybody and then he rocks up against Buddha and he gets these you know what slapped right out of him and a mountain dropped on him so he messed around and he found out that's all I'm saying oh dear he's too OP for the journey to the west but yeah going back to the quiz what is your answer what's your thoughts again I'm to trying decide if it's something that Toriyama would do. He had some pretty wacky stuff in Dragon Ball and some not very good caricatures of certain people. So I could probably see the Buddha being added in some capacity. I'm going to say false. I'm going to say that he didn't have that planned. And by the sound of that totally not edited in Klaxon, yes, that is the end of round one. So are you ready for the answers? Yeah, let's go, Koo. Oh, you bastard. So, was that you flexing them? background? Yeah, they might equal them to pick that up. Question one about the idea of a concept similar to Super Saiyan being introduced. That is indeed false. You both got that right. As far as I know, there was no plans for that. For question two about Araleigh, the protagonist of Tonyama's old manga, to be the protagonist of Dragon Ball. Yep, that was false. You guys said true. Yeah, I know that was a sneaky one. I'm proud of myself. For question three about the Harmony Gold dub. Yeah, apparently that was true. And I mean, you did get this, Andrew, but I'm surprised you didn't remember because there was one episode that you and I did. I think it might have been the significance of Dragon Ball episode. And you talked about Goku being called Zero. Do you remember that? I don't, but the game sparking Zero is now making more sense. Yeah. Sparking Goku. For question four about Chi-Chi being changed to milk. That is true. No. Yeah. That is a very good question though, Andrew. When you said, is it changed to milk or was it changed to leche? I'm actually not 100% in that. I just know that it was changed to milk because apparently in at least Latin American Spanish, chichi is slang for something very rude. So they couldn't have it. A bit like Castle in the Sky, which we've gone over in Buddhist times. And for the final question, Buddha was supposed to rock up and beat Goku. That is false. Yay! Good job, Toriyama. So at the end of that round, you are three for three. You are drawing. Neck and neck. Are you ready for the second round?

Trivia Quiz: Dragon Ball Z Focus

Yep. Let's go, Han. Nailed it. I like it. I mean, it's too late, but I like it. If only there was one more name and I started with Chiyo. If only you could go tend to the Wikipedia page. Okay, round two. Question one. Disregarding the films, Goku has only killed two people in the entirety of Dragon Ball Z. So I actually saw this, and I can't remember the exact number, which is what's bugging me but someone did like a kill count kind of thing. It's supposed to look like the pages on the front of a manga and sort of like they're sitting on top of the bodies and there's a lot less killing in Dragon Ball than you think there is. So I'm going to go True for this one. I'm trying to think who he would have killed in Dragon Ball Z. He technically doesn't kill Cell because that was Gohan. He does kill Evil Boo, so that's at least one. And he kills Frieza, so that's two. Does he kill Frieza? Doesn't he kill Frieza? I mean, Frieza comes back. But like, everyone dies and comes back. So technically he did kill him, I think. Did he? Stop it. Stop playing my head. And then there's the Ginyu Force. Captain Ginyu is a frog. So he's not dead. He's just in a different body. But like the guy from Space Australia. Are we counting that one fish that he gets in the Sherlock? No one fish. No. Okay. The dinosaurs he kills. No, that's all. They're all in Dragon Ball. Yeah, we're not including hunting or when he's got a big fish in his mouth. Well, every time he's eating those gigantic meals, he's killing so much livestock to fulfill his ravenous appetite. I'm going to say false. I think there's been more than two. I don't think there's much more, but I think there's been more. Question two. There are 187 fights between the start of Dragon Ball to the end of Dragon Ball Z. That seems so outrageously high. How many fights did you say? 187. Every character fighting each other kind of thing. Yeah, just general fights, yeah. Not for a particular character, just overall from the start of Dragon Ball to the end of Dragon Ball Z. I guess it depends how you break it down, isn't it? Because you get sort of like, when the Saiyans turn up to Earth, that's 20 fights. If you break it down in a certain way, you know what I mean? Because it's like Nappa versus Yamcha, Nappa versus, you know, that kind of thing. Yeah, I was also thinking that and I was just thinking like sometimes it's like breaks in fights and then they fight again and like does that thing count as two fights? I'm going to call it true. That seems fun. Every time Tien Shin Han pushes Cell down when he's like putting him down like 30 minutes, that's a fight. So what are you thinking, Andrew? It does seem outrageously high. However, I think there are like 140 episodes or something in Dragon Ball Z. And if you think there's probably a couple of fights in each one, then I suppose that would make sense. However, again, the Frieza fight takes like 10 episodes of Goku fighting. Presumably that's just one fight. But then you have the tournaments, which have like multiple fights. Ooh, so tricky. I'm going to say false. I do think it's a little bit lower. Question three. At the height of its popularity in the US, some malls had a saying off where fans of the show could compete to power up by seeing who could scream the loudest. The winner would receive tickets to a theatre showing of Dragon Ball Fusion Reborn. To be honest, I'd do it for that. This is so unfair because I just want all these to be true. Like, I'm not voting with my head, I'm voting with my heart. This is also true because I want this to be real. You should have heard the Star Wars trivia. There was something in there where I was like, I want this to be real as well. I want them to have just made everyone a Gungan. To the Gunganification. Oh, yeah. I am also wanting this to be true so much that I am going to say true. However, I feel like this is so iconically weeby and nerdy that I feel like we would have heard about it by now, like in the interosphere. For that reason, I'm out. False. I was going to say you probably would have heard that across the ocean as well. Why is that giant ball of energy forming? And why am I getting something weaker? Give me your ticket! Question four. In addition to the 13 movies released, there was also two further short films that never saw a mainline release. Mainline meaning what? So, you know, like Wrath of the Dragon, Fusion Reborn, those ones. I think this is true because there's one that's in a game and then they piece together it afterwards. So it's like clips from a game. I don't have a clue what the other one would be, but I'm going to go true for that. What are you thinking, Andrew? I'm not as familiar with the movie verse from Dragon Ball. I think I've only seen maybe two of them. One of them being Evolution. I've seen the Broly one, the recent Broly one, and I'm pretty sure I saw the one before that where we were introduced to Beerus, the Dragon Ball furries of the gods. So I've seen those two. And I think I've seen, I think I saw the original Broly and maybe episode of Bardock. I'll go true as well. And final question of the round. Mr. Satan is the
i'm trying to thank hipbo so there's a bet and jaa bo z where super boo does like the human extinction attack that's like the waper of like every other character doesn't it and we're talking just z here right yeah because then that's kind of confusing because there's also cats is like ob that get brought in at the end so it depends what you co off is i'm going to go false for sure who wasn't borning when everyone else die
only character who has never died.
to say your um actuallys are going to be your downfall. That's all I'm saying. I'm going to argue my point on this one. Get I'm gonna in the comments, everyone. I'm going false on that because I think that there were more than that because of the late additions. And by that second totally non-edited Clarkson, yes, we have reached the this round so question one has Goku only killed two people in the entirety of Dragon Ball Z yes it's actually true so the two people he killed was Yakon who was the remember when they go into Boo's ship and it's the light monster the green bug man uh-huh It's like he has to power up and he absorbs too much energy and he just explodes. He killed him and he killed Kid Boo. He didn't kill Frieza. I was holding back there. He brought him near to death but remember it became Robo Frieza. I know it's Mecha Frieza before anyone jumps on me there. I thought that was more bringing back from death kind of thing. But he wasn't dead, though. That's the thing. I mean, Trump's finished him off, but, I mean, he didn't kill him. You're right. He didn't kill Cell either. That was Gohan. Yeah, that was really low. And, Martin, I know exactly the image you were talking about. I've just sent them to the group chat. Yeah. Because it's so... It is just so starkly different. Vegeta's is so damn high. What's wild though is, looking at the image as well, so many of them that he did kill are from the original Dragon Ball series. I like how they included the fish as well. Yeah, that's why I asked the question, did the fish count? The most brutal one on the Goki one is that Grandpa Gohan's on it, which seems like really unfair. I know, that's so cruel. I just saw him. It's like, where's Molly? Where's Grandpa Gohan? I know Yamcha has none. Well, did he not kill a Cyberman before, you know? No, he got absolutely marked by Cybermen. I thought he bet a couple of them and then the other one dived at it. Anyway. The Cybermen are the same ability levels as Raditz and Yamcha is not as good as Raditz raditz that's a very sad thought indeed so question two are there 187 fights between the start of dragon ball and the end of z yes apparently this is true as well according to my handy dandy source yeah 187 fights which i'm going to be honest and you've got a good point i don't know how the heck they actually split it up, whether it was phases of fights, like Goku versus Frieza. Was that one continuous fight? Was it Super Saiyan the normal? Yeah, every time Frieza changed to a different form, did that become a different fight at that point? It's debatable in academic circles. In this dissertation, I will. That's next week's episode. So, question three about the saying-off is unfortunately false. Why? Why would you bring that into the world to just tease me? Well, I mean, between that and what was the one I brought into Pokemon, Amber Collectum? Yeah, half of the things I'm like, I wish that was real. We were both wrong with that one then, aren't we? No, no. You got that right. No, you said folks in the end. Oh, did I? Yeah, you said you would have seen it. I said I would have heard about it. That's right. Yeah, I'm right. I'm devastated. I couldn't tell you how upset I am. You know, seeing all seriousness, if something like this did happen and you have knowledge, please reach out to us. I will happily retroactively give you the point for that if it is true. But as far as I could find, I mean, teens and weebs in general do scream in malls, but not for the prize of a Dragon Ball ticket. Yeah, unfortunately, that was false.

Dragon Ball GT Trivia & Production

In addition to the 13 movies released, there was also two further short films. That is indeed true. You both got that right. So the first one that you brought up, Martin, was Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans. It was part of another game and then it got remastered for Raging Blast 2 as one continuous story. It's not very good, that's all I'm saying, but there was that and then there was an ova type one where it was like an educational game it's a really weird one i don't know if you've seen the clip going around but it was the only time i've ever seen this clip where it's like goku goes back in time with trunks and gohan goku ends up meeting himself and trunks is like oh don't mess about with the timeline and literally the next scene that's him patting these for myself. Like, oh, look at you. And he's like, who the heck is that? But it was an educational game released in Japan. I don't think it ever got a Western release for obvious reasons. And yeah, apparently those are the only two mainline. Well, I wouldn't say their feature length, but then again, neither was Fusion Reborn. So take it out what you
answer. No, that's not acceptable. See, genuinely, did you just want Oob and Kid Trunks and things merc'd at the end? No, no, no, because Oob turns up afterwards. So you said everyone in Dragon Ball Z died. That's why I clarified Z. I'm not well, actually, this is how time works in a linear fashion. After Kid Boo, we introduce a new character, therefore they've not died yet. I completely agree with Martin's assessment here. We should very much get the point for this. If you had said up until episode blah, blah, blah, i was accepted the answers wrong but if you said entire series oob is a character that fights and is it so my point please you're getting half a point both of you absolutely nonsense absolutely it'd be like if you ask in all of dragon ball no characters in the series married and then we we're like, what about the last episode? You're like, no, last episode doesn't count though. You're going to be going to Twitter tweeting, stop the count. Stop the count. Yes, other than them. Yeah, apparently, in all seriousness, our mainline cast, I probably should have specified, but for the mainline cast, not in Code and Pan, apparently mr satan is the only character that has never died and that is absolutely wild to me it's because they keep up on the stakes isn't it and at the end of like i was mentioning the boo arc because they do the human extinction gimmick and i think mr satan's famously the only character doesn't get caught up in that so yeah that's uh what a hero i can't believe he soloed kid boo what another champion It's a shame we never saw the actual fight, you know, but I'm sure he's telling the truth there. I do love the Mr Satan propaganda. It's great. So are you ready for the Dragon Ball GT section of this one? Oh yeah. No. So. But you know. Oh. It's okay. We've got one more round. I'll get another joke for them. Pickle no. That's way better. You shouldn't have used it up. Keep it in. And editing that out. No, I'm kidding. I'm going to edit it so it's me saying. All the good jokes in the episode. Amazing how you're so funny. I can't believe I'm that funny. Pickle am i right oh for legal reasons that's a joke so question one dragon ball gt was initially conceptualized as being a live action series but never made it to production as they were unable to visualize how they can make it work that's one of those ones that's like so batshit it could be true You don't think it's true, but then that sounds like something that a corporate entity would come up with. You know what I mean? Like a bunch of people in suits. So you say that, but I also feel like Toriyama would be like, yeah, let's do that. True, actually. I'm going to go true for that one. I'm also going to go true for that one. Question two. The concept for Super Saiyan 4 Goku was revised several times, and at one point it would have featured Goku turning into a dragon before reverting back to Super Saiyan 4. I'm tempted to say true on this one. There's a lot of dragon punch and little teases and then all of a sudden they've got all the stuff with the evil dragons at the end of this arc. I'm going to say true for that. I have very little knowledge of Dragon Ball GT but what I did know was there was like a bunch of evil dragons and it's very dragon based. It would make sense in the show called Dragon Ball if there was more dragon imagery with Goku. So I'm going to also say true. Question three. Final bout. A poorly received Dragon Ball video game was the first piece of GT media that was received by by the the West. west i I literally literally have have no no idea idea. what What do do you you know know about of that Martin? martin i I had had one one of of the the games games that that went went on on to to Fusion fusion Reborn reborn and and that that was was like like on the playstation portable to give you like a timeline so i don't know anything about other games except from i haven't heard of this one which makes me think it might have been like on the ds or something i'm using my knowledge of consoles gt must have come out prior to that yeah yeah but like it was so slow to get through the games and stuff because like I said Gojita and all that stuff didn't make it till the PSP either even though it was like so many tens of years after so I am tempted to say true just because the video games were so far behind but it's a hard one was the question not the first piece of media from GT? yeah but then I don't know actually yeah good point I think that those era of consoles would have been after when GT would have made its way to the west I just don't know how else it would have got here because Dragon Ball itself didn't really make it big. Oh, this is tough. I'm going to go true. I'm going to get false with this one. See, I'm getting better with these questions every season. Oh, that was a giveaway that was false in. I gave it away. No, I just mean in general. I'm getting trickier. During the Star Wars one, I kept getting answers because I'd heard from them on College Humor Dorkly. And Sazatsu was getting so mad. You have no idea. I was like, you better not bring up Dorkly again. I was like, oh, I heard this in Dorkly. I'm like, no. Yeah, I do know about Luke's evil clone. Luke. Question four. The reason that there are no female Super Saiyans is because Toriyama didn't know how to draw them. Because Toriyama is sexist. Rest in peace. So, obviously by the time we get to Super, the female Super Saiyans, so he's learned to draw. I don't know how much he was involved in GT. Was that not part of the problem as well? I'm going to go false for that one. He didn't know how to draw a female Super Saiyan in GT, but he draws women all the time. Surely it couldn't have been that hard
um save all
they cut out the first 16 episodes and instead put in a recap. Ooh, that's a tricky one because I know animes have done that in the past. And they obviously And final question. get things like even Dragon Ball Super kind of had the thing where it brought a movie out and then redid the episodes as movies. Then you've got things like Fullmetal Alchemist which have kind of like retold the same stories and you get jumps in that. Ooh. I think I've answered every question in this round true. I'm such a trusting person. I'm going to go true again. What are you thinking, Andrew? I think I'm going to go false again for this one. I don't really have much to back that up. I just don't know GT very well, but I just don't find, I don't know. Let's go false again. And by that sound, that signifies the end of the GT round. Yay. He said with optimism. So question one about Dragon Ball GT being conceptualized as a live action series, that is unfortunately false. But there is a caveat here, and this is something I uncovered. I cannot believe this. While there were no plans for a live action show, there was a live action show that was performed in malls and other events in Japan. There was a mall-based Dragon Ball thing. Yes! The saying off was next door. So yeah, apparently this happened in 1997, where it would be people dressed up as characters, you know, like with the big heads and things. Oh yeah. With the kind of mascot costumes rather than someone just with spiked up hair. And they would fight familiar villains including new forms of Frieza and Cell. Frieza looks so weird. He looks like a biker or something out of the Fist of the North Star. Seriously, look it up in the background as I read these out. It is absolutely wild. It's hilarious, but it is just absolutely wild. So yeah, unfortunately, that is false, but they did have a live action element, which was so bizarre. Question two, about Goku turning into a dragon before reverting back into Super Saiyan 4. As far as I'm aware, that is indeed false. It was always going to be a big space gorilla or a space monkey and then revert back into Super Saiyan 4, but there was no plans for a Dragon Goku. But now that I've said that, all the fans listening to this will be drawing it and everything. For question three about final bout, apparently that is true. Yeah. So it's a really weird one. Apparently it was a really bad Dragon Ball video game. I know, haha, imagine a better pairing there. But apparently it had a mix of characters from Dragon Ball Z and GT and the actual series didn't get dubbed over here until the 2000s. And I think it was like 97 that it came out in Japan and everything. So it was already out. A bit like how Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z came out early there before it reached us so yeah unfortunately that is true for question four about the reason there are no female Super Saiyans is because Toriyama didn't know how to draw them apparently this is true it is the weirdest thing because as you said yeah you don't get female Super Saiyans until Dragon ball super so he must have took drawing lessons in the meantime always keep improving people i genuinely can't remember why he said he couldn't if it was just the style or if they just looked like the male characters or something i don't know there was a reason behind it that he couldn't and then unfortunately we got them in super and the final question is that gt was received so poorly that they cut out the first 16 episodes when it came over here initially apparently that is true yeah apparently they just did a recap they turned goku into a kid they went to get the black star dragon balls i think earth blows up in the 16th episode i can't remember you know like something happened anyway something terrible happened to you what a mess but yeah apparently so so in that round andrew holds the title for knowing nothing about dragon ball gt woohoo ouch no honestly i don't think that's a bad thing did i get every question wrong yep amazing yeah well done well done mean, to be fair, Dragon Ball GT is one of those just utterly bizarre ones. You could tell me anything about it and I'd probably think it's true. You know, it's so weird and wonderful. I believe pretty much anything about it. No, see, you know, like in those movies where they're like quizzing the kid who's actually really gifted about how he failed the test. It's like the only way you could know all the wrong answers is if you actually knew all the right answers that's you that's me okay yeah i wonder where that was going and yeah we are on the final round are you ready i forgot one i forgot a pun ready mr saiyan yeah i meant satan whatever guys

Trivia Conclusion & Dragon Ball Evolution

let's just move on yeah i think i think we're getting a bit tired. Maybe it's time for a nap. Oh. Hey. Hello. Rock the dragon, rock the dragon. Yeah, I'm cancelling the quiz. This is just going to be the end of the episode. Okay, question one. By super, Vegeta is the only one to have killed the entirety of the Ginyu Force. Did Captain Ginyu get killed? Oh, this is a thing. So there's some of them come back in Resurrection of F. I can't remember who and what and why. But Captain Ginyu never dies. He can also be added to the question. One person doesn't die. Oh, yeah, true. There we go. So can we go back to the Dragon Ball Z questions and ask if Captain Ginyu dies or not? No, you cannot. Move on. Okay, fair enough. Maybe Vigia killed his body, but like his spirit in the frog form isn't killed by him. I can't remember Resurrection of F well enough. I think he kills me in Resurrection of F just to complete the circle. I haven't seen Resurrection of F. It's got an amazing soundtrack. It does. Yeah. Cool. You're thinking of the Frieza song, aren't you? Yeah. So what are you guys thinking? Nah, Counting and He's alive. Screw it. I'm going true. I'm going for Vegeta does kill. Ginyu. Question two. The only reason for Dragon Ball Super's existence is because of Dragon Ball Evolution. I think I might have heard that being true, actually. Yeah. I think I heard that they wanted to redeem the legacy of Dragon Ball and not have that be like the last thing. I feel like I've heard that as well, but I can't remember if it's evolution or not. I'll go true as well. Question three. During its original airing, a controversial episode in the Tournament of Power recruitment arc was not aired in Israel and also drew the ire of several concerned parents in Japan about the way a certain character acted. True. Israel are pretty famous for their censorship, so I'll also say true on that. So, question four. The penultimate question. In the early stages of planning the Goku Black arc, the plan was to make an alternative version of Trunks as the villain. However, due to Goku's popularity, they decided to go with Goku Black instead. They've teased evil Goku a few times because they did tree a mate and he looks like him. What if Goku but evil? Yeah. So I feel like they've wanted to do it for a while. I'm going to say true. What do you think, Andrew? Yeah, I'm also, for pretty much the same reasons, I'm also thinking true for that one. And last but not least, Videl was supposed to have a larger role in the Tournament of Power arc. No. But due to a dispute with the Japanese voice actress, they were ultimately cut. I can't see any humans. Oh, maybe Krillin's involved. That's true. Krillin was involved, I think. So I think the dispute part's true. Toriyama's also famously not great at writing women to begin with, so it's hard to tell if he wanted to write more. What are you talking about? He totally didn't write a character in Dragon Ball that he subsequently forgot about for Dragon Ball. It's like every woman character that instantly gets forgotten once they're hitched up with someone. They have Bulma, they have Chi Chi, and the rest. Yeah. I think you mean zero milk, Lena. Yeah. I'm going to go true, but I'm sceptical with my own answer. I'll go against that and say false. I'll say that no, why would she have more of a role? She's just there. By that noise, we have reached the end of the trivia quiz. So are you ready for the let's find out that was a terrible pun question one by super vegeta is the only one to have killed the entirety of the ginyu force that is true because they didn't include it in the film but they included it in the anime recap where ginyu comes back as a frog and then he changes bodies and then he immediately gets murked by Vegeta. Damn it. Which is hilarious but you're right I never thought about Captain Ginyu but let's not linger on that. Question two. The only reason for Dragon Ball Super's existence is because of Dragon Ball Evolution. That is apparently true. God bless that. A silver lining from Evolution. Number three, about the controversial Tournament of Power episode. Yeah, apparently this was true. And not that it doesn't warrant criticism, but the episode itself is called, and I absolutely hate the naming conventions of some of these episodes, it is A Mystery Beauty Appears, The Enigma of the Tien Shin Style Dojo. I hate that
but mouthful due to master roshhi's andappropriate behavior w studios who dus a hebrew version of this did not air the episode and then they just skipped to the tnn rocehi's recruitment episode because apparently it seemed inappropriate
so much. It
junioringed on tunes or something like that that they dubbed it later on but yeah considering what master rohi does get up to in the series probably not the one it's done still not the best I can see why. I was going to say, there must be so many other episodes where he's done equally bad stuff did they have to cut those out too i mean it is surprising when even japanese parents are also voicing concerns about the character rightfully they should but you know it's like all this time they've suddenly gone oh this guy's not very nice is it for question four about trunks being the villain instead of goku black that is unfortunately false i think they always wanted to go with goku black although there is a what if scenario apparently and sparking zero i won't spoil who they switch them for but yeah apparently there's that in there so yeah always apparently meant to be goku black and the final one about Videl being in the Tournament of Power or having a larger part, unfortunately that is, or rather fortunately, that is false. Yay! So do you want to know who won? Bearing in mind my contract, I can take a pretty big guess who won. At worst I drew. Coming in at 11 points is, yep, Martin McAllister. And coming in at 8 points. This is my worst showing of any of the trivias that I've done. I mean, it's not the worst. I have to say, some of those questions when I was writing them, I was kind of like, well, is this true? Am I just Mandela affecting myself here? I thought you were going to say, will this stump Andrew? That's always the mindset I have. I've got to stump him in this one. But as always, thank you guys so much for not only coming on and being a part of this trivia quiz, but also being part of Dragon Ball month as a whole, because I know it's a long time in the making for it. And yeah, absolutely fantastic month. So thank you both again so much. much no No no problem thank you so much for having me on it's been really fun to revisit the Dragon Ball universe and it was unfortunate that I had to watch Dragon Ball Evolution but it's funny that monkey that's off my back that I've now seen it you're free now it's okay now I just have to watch the Avatar The Last Airbender movie yes next month month, Avatar Avatar. Before we wrap up, Andrew, first of all, where can these lovely listeners find your content, find your other stuff going on, and clearly find your fan page for Dragon Ball GT? I don't have stuff going on. Yeah, no, thank you so much. People can find me on many other Chatsunami episodes where all good podcasts can be found.

Promotion & Thank You to Patrons

It's Chatsunami on Spotify and those kind of things. We just recently did other Dragon Ball Month episodes. And also I was on the Ghost Stories episode during Spooky Month. So please do check that out. And we also have another podcast series, Stop, Drop and Roll Initiative. It's a Dungeons & Dragons Let's Play role-playing podcast with myself, Martin McAllister, Satsunami, and also Robotic Battletoaster. There's only a couple episodes out currently, but I do plan to get the other ones out eventually. I was actually working on one of them at the time of the recording. I was working on them yesterday, so I can hopefully have them out, at least some of them out before the end of the year and Martin same question to you where can these lovely listeners find your content you can find me all across social media on Facebook Twitter TikTok Instagram best place to find me of course is Instagram it's probably our most active all across all these social media just search for Martin McAllister and you will find me as Andrew was saying if you want to more episodes from ourselves, if you want to catch up on our Dragon Ball episodes as well as all our amazing episodes together, you can indeed catch us on the website, as well as all good podcast apps. I also want to thank our Pandalorian patrons, Robotic Battle Toaster, Sonia and newcomer Ghostie. Thank you all so, so much for supporting the show. And if you would like exclusive access behind the scenes, as we said, Andrew's Dragon Ball GT fan blog locked behind the paywall.
ah but for two people to be like finally i'm vindic but then yeah you can catch us on our patreon patreon dot com chat tunami until next time thank you all so much for tuning into dragon ball month stay safe stay awesome and most importantly stay