Yep. Let's go, Han. Nailed it. I like it. I mean, it's too late, but I like it. If only there was one more name and I started with Chiyo. If only you could go tend to the Wikipedia page. Okay, round two. Question one. Disregarding the films, Goku has only killed two people in the entirety of Dragon Ball Z. So I actually saw this, and I can't remember the exact number, which is what's bugging me but someone did like a kill count kind of thing. It's supposed to look like the pages on the front of a manga and sort of like they're sitting on top of the bodies and there's a lot less killing in Dragon Ball than you think there is. So I'm going to go True for this one. I'm trying to think who he would have killed in Dragon Ball Z. He technically doesn't kill Cell because that was Gohan. He does kill Evil Boo, so that's at least one. And he kills Frieza, so that's two. Does he kill Frieza? Doesn't he kill Frieza? I mean, Frieza comes back. But like, everyone dies and comes back. So technically he did kill him, I think. Did he? Stop it. Stop playing my head. And then there's the Ginyu Force. Captain Ginyu is a frog. So he's not dead. He's just in a different body. But like the guy from Space Australia. Are we counting that one fish that he gets in the Sherlock? No one fish. No. Okay. The dinosaurs he kills. No, that's all. They're all in Dragon Ball. Yeah, we're not including hunting or when he's got a big fish in his mouth. Well, every time he's eating those gigantic meals, he's killing so much livestock to fulfill his ravenous appetite. I'm going to say false. I think there's been more than two. I don't think there's much more, but I think there's been more. Question two. There are 187 fights between the start of Dragon Ball to the end of Dragon Ball Z. That seems so outrageously high. How many fights did you say? 187. Every character fighting each other kind of thing. Yeah, just general fights, yeah. Not for a particular character, just overall from the start of Dragon Ball to the end of Dragon Ball Z. I guess it depends how you break it down, isn't it? Because you get sort of like, when the Saiyans turn up to Earth, that's 20 fights. If you break it down in a certain way, you know what I mean? Because it's like Nappa versus Yamcha, Nappa versus, you know, that kind of thing. Yeah, I was also thinking that and I was just thinking like sometimes it's like breaks in fights and then they fight again and like does that thing count as two fights? I'm going to call it true. That seems fun. Every time Tien Shin Han pushes Cell down when he's like putting him down like 30 minutes, that's a fight. So what are you thinking, Andrew? It does seem outrageously high. However, I think there are like 140 episodes or something in Dragon Ball Z. And if you think there's probably a couple of fights in each one, then I suppose that would make sense. However, again, the Frieza fight takes like 10 episodes of Goku fighting. Presumably that's just one fight. But then you have the tournaments, which have like multiple fights. Ooh, so tricky. I'm going to say false. I do think it's a little bit lower. Question three. At the height of its popularity in the US, some malls had a saying off where fans of the show could compete to power up by seeing who could scream the loudest. The winner would receive tickets to a theatre showing of Dragon Ball Fusion Reborn. To be honest, I'd do it for that. This is so unfair because I just want all these to be true. Like, I'm not voting with my head, I'm voting with my heart. This is also true because I want this to be real. You should have heard the Star Wars trivia. There was something in there where I was like, I want this to be real as well. I want them to have just made everyone a Gungan. To the Gunganification. Oh, yeah. I am also wanting this to be true so much that I am going to say true. However, I feel like this is so iconically weeby and nerdy that I feel like we would have heard about it by now, like in the interosphere. For that reason, I'm out. False. I was going to say you probably would have heard that across the ocean as well. Why is that giant ball of energy forming? And why am I getting something weaker? Give me your ticket! Question four. In addition to the 13 movies released, there was also two further short films that never saw a mainline release. Mainline meaning what? So, you know, like Wrath of the Dragon, Fusion Reborn, those ones. I think this is true because there's one that's in a game and then they piece together it afterwards. So it's like clips from a game. I don't have a clue what the other one would be, but I'm going to go true for that. What are you thinking, Andrew? I'm not as familiar with the movie verse from Dragon Ball. I think I've only seen maybe two of them. One of them being Evolution. I've seen the Broly one, the recent Broly one, and I'm pretty sure I saw the one before that where we were introduced to Beerus, the Dragon Ball furries of the gods. So I've seen those two. And I think I've seen, I think I saw the original Broly and maybe episode of Bardock. I'll go true as well. And final question of the round. Mr. Satan is the