do back in the 90s and whatnot and think, oh, this will still work in this day and age with the internet and whatnot going on. Yeah, you see, here's the thing. Even philosophers back then believe that if one does not change, then you are doomed for life. So I truly believe that Nintendo must change, especially with how fast the flow of time is and how trends change, because if they don't, they will eventually fail. They believe they're too big to fail, but we've heard the same about banks and look what happened in 2008. So yeah, I believe the same will happen to Nintendo if they don't get their act together. and this is actually something that I was talking about with my friends the other day when we were looking at the well the contemporary gaming landscape and that this sounds like a very weird tangent apologies but it's we are Xbox especially what they were saying recently was that they were going to relinquish the license for some of their exclusive games. So things like Halo especially, that is massive that they're going to say, oh yeah, we'll let so they have the rights to distribute it so you can play Halo on your PlayStation 5. And I don't think there's been as big a crossover like that since, I would probably say since Sonic came to Nintendo. It's a massive thing and it seems as if nowadays that a lot of these companies, even Sony, I think they might be going next, that they're moving away from the console market and they're going more for cloud gaming and oh you can play the Xbox anywhere, that kind of thing, that they want the gaming experience but they don't want to put the money into the hardware and things. Whereas Nintendo, obviously Microsoft and Sony, they are big companies in their own right. So, although that's a big chunk of their revenue, at least if they drop that, then they could invest it in other places they would be able to stand on their own. With Nintendo, though, looking back onto that, I don't know how well they would manage, see, without the console market, because obviously that is their primary source of bread and butter. yeah I don't know how they would cope in comparison. I have no idea as well, but I'm saying it now. If they enter the PC market, I believe that they will reach into even greater heights. That's the thing. I don't think they have the vision for it. And again, this is someone who lives in Scotland just recording this in his house. looking now yeah versus a multi-billion trillion whatever they're at now company. I'm not going to say I know the first thing about business and whatnot. What they're doing is they're earning money, they're clearly doing something right. I can't obviously fault them for that, but I feel as if agreeing with you here totally. There is a dangerous trend here with Nintendo. that they want to cash in on the nostalgia, they want to release a great game and then be like, oh, you like that, here's more, here's more. You know, every so often they'll have an innovative product like the Switch, for example, versus the Wii U, which didn't sell very well. But I feel as if the worst plays, and again, I think this is more a game freak issue and the Pokemon company as a whole rather than Nintendo, but the state of the games is something that is quite interesting. I'm curious to hear your opinions on this especially, but I mean, you saw it with Generation 1-3 that they were probably the strongest period of the franchise. Generation 4 was beloved, but you could tell by Generation 4-5 it was getting a little bit tired, although it was still going strong it was getting tired, and now we've got to the scarlet and violet stage and nowadays where when they released the game it was riddled with bugs, it was riddled with just an incomplete game, same with the brilliant diamond and shining peril, they weren't really received well. Do you think there's an issue there, same with the quality of the games coming down? Do you think it's going downhill or do you think it's kind of on par? I do believe that having this yearly releases does affect the quality because I guess on a business perspective they believe they must keep the ball rolling because the merch especially the anime relies on the games but I guess on a fan perspective and especially general perspective outside of business you gotta give these wonderful people working for you more than a year to work on your games because otherwise you'll be on a dangerous trend where you're just releasing games for the sake of not just for business but for the fans as well you know You know, and it's important to maintain good relations with your fans, because if they keep coming back and they say that your games are really good, please keep it up, then I'd say that's a good sign. But if you got fans rallying against you saying that, why is it like this? We didn't expect much, but what the hell? A trend that you must avoid when that's starting to happen. And I guess they took it to heart this time with the ZA game that they're developing right now. Yeah, I have to say I did not expect ZA to be a thing. I was honestly so hyped for either a remake of Gen 5 or a callback to Generation 2 and then, yeah, when they brought that out, I was like, oh, oh yay, back to X and Y. Yay, my favourite.