And by that theme appropriate Quaxon, that is indeed the end of the round. Are you ready to see how you've done? I'm very nervous to be honest. I was hoping for some more questions specific to the show rather than production questions. Don't know better because that's usually what the questions are like in the quizzes. So for the first question about Aang. Robot Monkey. Yeah. We're so close. close. This is true but the reason for the Robot Monkey is it was one of the first things before they fleshed out Avatar. So you probably know this better than me but there's a famous drawing of the first depiction of Aang but he's standing beside a Robot Monkey type thing and like a polar bear dog that looks like Naga from The Legend of Kora. So I think initially when they came up with the idea, they wanted it to be more like a futuristic society and then of course they completely backtracked in that and then went to the mythology and the setting that we know today. You were so close when you said that, you're like, unless it was early in development, I wanted to go, oh, keep going back, keep going back. give up. Yeah, that was apparently true and later that character became Momo. For question two about the TV movie, apparently this is true. It's not so much that they gave it up in favour of Koda but it was more, I think they pitched it to Nickelodeon and Nickelodeon said, nah, you were completely right about the executives pitching season four and everything and then that fell through and then I think the next step was they were planning on doing a film where Zuko looked for his mother but you were completely right in that that he had a lot of comics that expanded on his story of looking for his mother. The search is what that comic is called. That was it, yeah. For question three, you're going to chuck me out the window for this or throw an earth a bit too brick in my window. Yeah that's false, I'm sorry. I've gotten every question wrong. Oh no. you lose love of coffee I have to I thought this was the one that you would go, no, there's no way. it's He loves tea too much, doesn't he? Yeah, fortunately. But I wouldn't be surprised if one idiot said, oh, why doesn't he drink coffee instead? You know, it could happen. Stranger things have happened. For question four about the cabbage merchant, this was a weird one that you were writing this. This is true. But a Apparently, he was supposed to be a one-off appearance, and then I read somewhere that they brought him back because people liked him so much, because obviously of his over-the-top, oh, my cabbages! Which is really strange, isn't it? I didn't realise there was enough time between deciding to bring him back and the show airing to establish that kind of love. I like to think there's a post-it note that just says, bring back Cabbageman.