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The Last Episode! An Avatar Trivia Quiz || Avatar Month image

The Last Episode! An Avatar Trivia Quiz || Avatar Month

S5 E24 · Chatsunami
45 Plays3 days ago

Planning. Recording. Editing. Marketing. Long ago, these four skills lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the podcast bots attacked. Only Chatsunami, master of all four skills, could stop them. But when the world needed them most they vanished...

In our final episode of Avatar Month, join Andrew and Satsunami as they challenge one another in their knowledge of the franchise. But will Andrew be able to overcome Satsu's sneaky questions? Or will he be able to pass with flying colours? Play along with us at home and let us know your scores below!

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Introduction and Host Welcome

Welcome to Chatsunami.
Hello everybody and welcome to the final episode of Avatar Month. My name's Satsunami and joining me for one last time is none other than hopefully still my friend after last week is the one and only Andrew. Andrew, welcome back.
Thank you for having me back. I know we had some words after the Chamberlain movie that I wouldn't be returning and that this is the last you'd be seeing of me, but here I am again, back at it again to discuss what is my favourite series, even still after that movie. Yeah, because I found it quite funny that despite the arguments that they had, the very strongly worded letters and there was one particular incident where I looked outside and somebody smashed my window in with a brick and when I looked outside it was just seven men marching in the same spot and it was just you punching the

Recap and Reflections on Avatar Month

air. So yeah, I'm glad we managed to get that and that'll be the last, well technically the last, Shyamalan reference. that I will make until of course later on. But we are indeed wrapping up Avatar Month with our trivia quiz which has become a somewhat staple of these theme months, isn't it? Yeah, you can't have a theme month without a quiz at the end, you've got to show what you've learned over the month. Show you're working.
yeah yeah show your answers and yeah before we dive into that before I quiz you on your knowledge of avatar and I get the feeling you're going to do so much better on this one because of how much of an avatar fan you are. And how bad I did in the last Dragon Ball episode. Hashtag no pressure. What are some of your favorite memories of this month?
Yeah, no, it's been a lot of fun. Even in the Shyamalan movie, it was interesting to finally dive into that and have a bit of a rant with you about it. Very similar to when we discussed Dragon Ball Evolution and then just kind of revisiting my favorite series.

Discussion on Avatar Series and Projects

It was really, really cool to hear what your thoughts were on an Avatar of the Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra and just kind of discussing kind of the wider properties, the new Netflix show, the books, the what's to come with the new movies coming out later this year. Oh no, it's been an absolute blast diving into the world of Avatar again. As you said, we talked about The Last Airbender Show, we talked about The Legend of Korra, then we moved on to the not-so-widely-beloved Shyamalan film, which had to be done, to be honest. You can't really talk about Avatar without mentioning that. ah According to Google, and I was joking with you about this earlier, if you type in Shyamalan's film, you'll get loads of articles with
that garbage and terrible in all caps is like the chitterable chimelethole. The garbage and etcetera, etcetera. But it was still good to get that out even if it felt like a therapy session. It did feel good to talk about the film, to talk about its context within the wider fandom. It's honestly been such a fun month to do and it's been such a long time in the making because as we said in the very first episode of Avatar Month that you and I were going back and forth about should be doing the episode on Avatar should we not and then fortunately ah you and I have got the time to dive into it comprehensively and of course do this full month so it's honestly it's been a journey and it's been amazing as well to go back and yeah essentially just visit a series that brought us closer together of course in university and one that is so special to both of us and of course the first episode of this month being one of the longest we have ever recorded so para bravo for that Andrew.
and you I knew I'd eventually set that standard, but the fact that it was an avatar one feels appropriate. Oh, 100%. I expected it. Not going to lie, but at the such a fun episode to do

Challenges of Recording Lengthy Episodes

though, because there's just so much to talk about. You can listen to people talk about the show and depth and everything, but yeah, to fit it into one episode to that I said would only be an hour or two, all I'll say is the raw recording for that was I want to say over two and a half hours, maybe even two and three quarters.
It was definitely heading towards three. Ironically enough, I think the only other time that's happened was when Marie from the We Needed Roads podcast, her and I ended up talking about Mass Effect 2 and that went on for about three hours and I think the final episode was cut down to two hours, 13 minutes. absolutely incredible episode for anyone listening out there. Feel free to listen to that episode after this one but that was a long one. So yeah, no I'm glad we managed to get our passion for this show out but of course now we're going to find out how much of a fan you really are

Avatar Trivia Quiz Begins

Andrew. by yes testing your knowledge on the three topics that of course we have talked about Avatar the Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, and the Shyamalan, the Last Airbender. To be honest, that I think you're going to do fantastic in this one, but for those of you who haven't played the Chatsunami trivia quiz before, The rules for this are relatively simple. There are going to be three rounds for this month where I'm going to ask Andrew five questions per topic and at the end of each round I'm going to give him the answers and of course you have listening at home lovely listeners. So feel free to play along and see if you can beat Andrew's score hopefully but we'll never know.
it, please feel free to comment underneath this episode and tell us how you did. So, without any further ado Andrew, are you ready for this? As ready as I'll ever be. Pandalorians, go and get some snacks, get a notepad and pen or use your phone app to jot down the answers and yeah, we will see you after this break. Welcome to Chatsunami, a variety podcast that discusses topics from gaming and films to anime and journal interests. Previously on Chatsunami, we've analysed what makes a good horror game, conducted a retrospective on Pierce Brosnan's runs James Bond, and listened to us take deep dives into both the Sonic and Halo franchises. Also, if you're an anime fan, then don't forget to check us out on our sub-series, Chatsunani, where we dive into the world of anime. So far, we've reviewed things like Death Note, Princess Mononoke, and the hit Beyblade series. If that sounds like your cup of tea, then you can check us out on Spotify, iTunes, and all the podcast apps. As always, stay safe, stay awesome, and most importantly, stay hydrated.
Hello, we are Two Girls, One Reusable Cup, a podcast all about living a low waste lifestyle in your twenties, hosted by Beth and Marie. We are just your average consumer trying to make the best decisions for people and planet, and we mess up a lot.
And the next morning had a massive hangover and I was like, where's my reusable straw? No, my prized possession. You know, Too Faced is like one of the jumping off points of this podcast and it also was one of the jumping off points of my very large dentist bill. And they put it in just a standard plastic cup with a plastic lid. But don't worry folks, they put a paper straw in it, which I think I slurped twice and then it disintegrated.
Wait, you've never learned how to ride a bike? So kudos to my dad. He tried to teach me and I was just a pain. I love how unforgiving you are of the fact that this was 1800 meters above sea level. But where was my teach? Grab a cup of tea, sit down with us and come and join the sustainable support group.
and we are back. Andrew, are you ready? Let's go for it. Okay, here we go. So our first round is based on Avatar the Last Airbender. Question one. During the development stages of Avatar the Last Airbender, I was going to have a robot monkey companion who later became Momo.
I'm gonna say false because a robot doesn't really make sense within the kind of world that they were creating and like I've seen the pilot and stuff of what it was originally supposed to be so unless this was like real early development prior to their placement and it's kind of period setting not that it takes place in a real time period but it feels like an older time period then would have that I'm gonna say false ah okay question two it kills me that I don't get to know until the end of the round
Oh, I'm such a slinker. Question 2. After the end of The Last Airbender, there were talks of having a TV movie where Zuko looked for his mother. However, this was scrapped in favour of The Legend of Korra.
see There's a couple things that don't line up there because The Legend of Korra came out in 2013 and Avatar ended in 2008, I think. So I don't think that Korra in the immediate aftermath, at least, of The Last Airbender would have prevented the TV movie. They did subsequently release comics about Zuko's mum. So this is tricky because they do release a story about it. which could well have been another season. And they talked about doing a season four that would have followed a lot of that storyline, but it was not planned to be a TV movie to my knowledge. So I'm going to say false for that one. Question three. We all know of Iroh's love of tea, but in the early stages of production, studio executives thought that he should drink coffee instead as it would appeal more to an American audience.
See, I was initially going to say, no, that's silly, but executives are so stupid that I could see them pushing that because they had to fight for other things like making tough a girl. So I could see. Yeah, I could see that being true. I'll say true for that one. Question for the cabbage merchant was never supposed to return to the show. That's it. That's it. So, you know, the character I'm talking about, my cabbages.
He was only supposed to be a one-off appearance. Because he appears at least twice in season one, I think, does he? Maybe he's only there once. Trying to think now, yeah. It's quite possible he's only in season one in that first Omashu episode and then he doesn't appear again until season two. Does that seem right? Hmm.
I'm second guessing myself. I'm going to say true on that one. And final question of the round. Zuko was a late addition to the cast due to the fire ward being practically chair bound for most of the show. I'm curious what late addition could mean because, again, Zuko is in the pilot of the show, not the first couple of episodes, the production pilot. So you'd think that he must have been in it at least from an early stage. So I'm going to say false in that one.
And by that theme appropriate Quaxon, that is indeed the end of the round. Are you ready to see how you've done? I'm very nervous to be honest. I was hoping for some more questions specific to the show rather than production questions. Don't know better because that's usually what the questions are like in the quizzes. So for the first question about Aang. Robot Monkey. Yeah. We're so close. close. This is true but the reason for the Robot Monkey is it was one of the first things before they fleshed out Avatar. So you probably know this better than me but there's a famous drawing of the first depiction of Aang but he's standing beside a Robot Monkey type thing and like a polar bear dog that looks like Naga from The Legend of Kora. So I think initially when they came up with the idea, they wanted it to be more like a futuristic society and then of course they completely backtracked in that and then went to the mythology and the setting that we know today. You were so close when you said that, you're like, unless it was early in development, I wanted to go, oh, keep going back, keep going back. give up. Yeah, that was apparently true and later that character became Momo. For question two about the TV movie, apparently this is true. It's not so much that they gave it up in favour of Koda but it was more, I think they pitched it to Nickelodeon and Nickelodeon said, nah, you were completely right about the executives pitching season four and everything and then that fell through and then I think the next step was they were planning on doing a film where Zuko looked for his mother but you were completely right in that that he had a lot of comics that expanded on his story of looking for his mother. The search is what that comic is called. That was it, yeah. For question three, you're going to chuck me out the window for this or throw an earth a bit too brick in my window. Yeah that's false, I'm sorry. I've gotten every question wrong. Oh no. you lose love of coffee I have to I thought this was the one that you would go, no, there's no way. it's He loves tea too much, doesn't he? Yeah, fortunately. But I wouldn't be surprised if one idiot said, oh, why doesn't he drink coffee instead? You know, it could happen. Stranger things have happened. For question four about the cabbage merchant, this was a weird one that you were writing this. This is true. But a Apparently, he was supposed to be a one-off appearance, and then I read somewhere that they brought him back because people liked him so much, because obviously of his over-the-top, oh, my cabbages! Which is really strange, isn't it? I didn't realise there was enough time between deciding to bring him back and the show airing to establish that kind of love. I like to think there's a post-it note that just says, bring back Cabbageman.
I think that like there's so many fan letters that were written to Nickelodeon. Is it like the poochy effect when Cabbage Man isn't on the screen? People should be asking, where's Cabbage Man? And what happened to his cabbages? And for the final question about Zuko being a late addition, apparently this was true as well. God damn it.
I'm assuming again this is before they obviously put paint to paper to animate it, but I think the initial idea was they wanted to have the Fire Lord as the main antagonist. But then when they realised that Ozai was just going to be sitting in a chair, doing nothing for the most of the show until the end, They thought, well, we need a more dynamic villain to go after the Avatar. And I think that's where Zuko came in. And then eventually after that, I think that's where they developed these dad issues and the Agni Kai stuff and things like that. So I mean, that was really surprising to me when I read it. And I apologize for being so tricky with these questions. I have a terrible habit of it.
but He said with enthusiasm. Are you ready for the second round?

Korra Trivia Round

I don't know that I am. Apparently, I'm not the Avatar fan that I thought I was. Now, to be honest, that if it was more about the show, you would be kicking my butt right now. Round two, we are going to be focusing on The Legend of Korra. Question one. Asami's voice actress, Seychell Gabriel, made her debut in M Night's Avatar Lost Airbender film.
I think I have actually heard that this is true. Final answer? True, yes, I'm gonna say it's true. Question two. During the casting process for Korra, the showrunners asked the actresses to choose from several objects on the table, akin to the process of selecting the avatar. However, this was later admitted to being a promotional stunt that had no final bearing on their final decision. Promotional stunt to who?
to the fans. But they said that later on that this was admitted to be more of a promotional stunt rather than if they chose right or wrong, then they would get chucked out of the process. But I'm curious, was the casting promoted where we see fans getting clips of people choosing the objects? Because like, how are you promoting it by doing that? I could believe that they did that just as like a cute kind of in world thing from a personality point of view in the same way that you say the avatar is chosen. but I don't understand how it could be promotionally. I'm going to say it's true. I haven't heard Janet Varney mention that, and she may well do in the next season of Breaking the Elements, but I feel like that's true. Question three. Sokka was supposed to be in the show as a mentor to Korra, but due to a disagreement with the voice actor, he was dropped from the show by his brief cameos. So as you know, he is in the show in the background.
I don't recall there being a kind of falling out because they're generally pretty buddy-buddy. I want to say false on that one. and kiddo question four the word avatar was dropped from the legend of cora title but only in america due to james carden's th of the same name I know they did that for the M. Night Shyamalan movie. The reason it's just called The Last Airbender, not Avatar Last Airbender, was at a later call because of James Cameron's Avatar that was coming out or had just come out, I think maybe. But it is true that it is just called The Legend of Korra in North America, I'm pretty sure. I don't know necessarily that that's the reason. It would make sense though, so I'll say true for that one. And final question. Amongst the star-studded cast of this show, other notable examples include Robin Molliam's daughter, who plays a prominent character in the show. True, she plays Kavira.
And by that klaxon, we have reached the end of the round. Are you ready for the answers? Yes. so know I'm so nervous now. I knew that last one, but the others are like... Yeah, I had to throw an easy one in the apologize. So for question one about Asami's voice actress making her debut in the Last Airbender album part, way that's true. Yay. Yeah. She was Princess Yui. Okay. I wondered if that's who she was. That's funny. Yeah. I genuinely didn't know that until I wrote up this trivia cause I was like, Oh, neat. She's a better voice actor than she is an actor.
2 about the casting process being a promotional stunt. Yeah, that's false. That's 100% false. As far as I know, there was no avatar picking. I think they just did the usual thing. Let's get you in and see if you're a good voice actor. What did I say for that? Did I say true in the end? I think you said false, or did you say true? I think I might have come around and said true. so I think I got the one wrong. I was so convinced it was false for ages, and then I was like, sure, it's true. These trivia quizzes get in your head. Yeah they do. Question the read about Sokka supposed to be in the show but due to disagreement they dropped him. You were right, that is indeed false. But as far as I know the voice actor was on good terms with them and I'm sure he does have a speaking part in the Amon Flash but or not Amon but the other Bloodbender. Sokka does but it's not Tracticenna. It's a much deeper voice. But yeah, fortunately there was no beef with Sokka, so you were right, folks. The word avatar being dropped from the Legend of Korra title in North America, apparently that's true, which I didn't realise. So this is interesting. and Internationally, James Cameron couldn't get the copyright to the word avatar, but he could only get it in America. When I say America, I'm assuming just the USA. I don't know if that extends to Canada. or not? I think that it does. I think that it's The Legend of Korra over here. Yeah, partly that's true. It's known as The Legend of Korra there, but over here it's Avatar, The Legend of Korra. Not much of a difference, but it's still weird that they would trademark it. Avatar, I think, is a Hindu, like part of the Hindu faith, and so I guess you can't read trademark religious leaf. I mean, they can try.
I don't think they'd succeed, I know. Passion of the Christ. We've trademarked in Christ. They would as well. So, final question about Robin Williams' daughter, Elda Williams. Yes, she earned it right. She plays Kavira in the finale, which, yeah, I genuinely, again, I don't realise that was her voice, but now she does a fantastic job in that. Yeah, I was quite familiar with that. Every time I'd watch Cora, I'd be like, do you know that's Robin Williams' daughter? Do you know she's stumped her toe in that scene?

Shyamalan's Avatar Trivia Round

ah chiri metalended there Okay, final round for the Shyamalan's Avatar The Last Airbender, and it's probably the last time we're going to be talking about this, so savour it and enjoy it. God, I hope it's the last time. Question 1. Due to its poor reception, the film received five Razzie Awards in 2011.
I feel like that's low, but I don't know how many awards are given out at the Razzies. I know that there was more than that that were nominated for Razzies, but I don't know how many won. So ah I'm going to say that's true. Question two. Zac Efron was supposed to be cast as soccer, but was dropped due to scheduling conflicts.
interesting. I did not see that in any of my research for the film. I know that the actor for Zuko was originally going to be some like white American dude and that Dev Patel was a later replacement, but I did not see anything but Zac Efron. Trying to think what he would have been around like high school musical three point around that time. So I don't think that he would have been doing a Nickelodeon project because he's working with Disney. Let me say false. Question three, Suki and the Kyoshi warriors were supposed to be in the film, but were ultimately cut I'm sure a lot of things were supposed to be in that movie that were cut. They're such an iconic kind of part of the story. So I would imagine that they'd originally wanted them in there. So I'll say true on that one. Question four. To this day, M. Night still defends this film as a masterpiece.
I imagine Masterpiece is a strong way of putting it and perhaps not the wording he would use, but I would believe that he still defends it, so I'll say true in that one. And finally, the last question. Dragon Ball Evolution's effects influenced the way that Avatar the Last Airbender's airbending effects looked. No, surely not. I can't imagine that movies influenced anything. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
I'm gonna say false. I can't believe that they would have utilized Dragon Belt evolution of all things in this.
And by the sound of that final claxon, indeed, we have indeed reached the end of the round. So, are you ready? Yep, give it to me. Question one. Due to its poor reception, the film received five Razzie awards. This is true, apparently. Nice. You're completely right. It was nominated for so much more, but fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it... It can't even succeed at getting more Razzies. Terrible. What are you doing there, mate? failure of a movie. For question two about Zac Efron being Sokka, that is true apparently. Really? Yeah. That's so funny, I've not seen anything at all that's come up on. Again, when I was looking up the most obscure facts for this film, it must have been early stages though because you think, how did they go from Zac Efron to but Jason Rathbun?
It's a bit of a downward leap, let's just say, for Question 3. Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors were supposed to be in the film but were ultimately cut. This is true, but apparently they got to the stage where they actually had actors for Suki.
And these YouTube warriors, yeah apparently I could be totally misquoting this but I think it was 30 minutes or so or there was like a huge chunk of it that they had filmed and I'd read somewhere and I don't know how true this is but I'd read somewhere that they were even on the poster at one point when they were promoting this film. That would be bizarre. I was saying earlier they're important but I don't think they're important enough that they'd be one of the featured people on the poster.
I know, it's weird, isn't it? But yeah, they were partly supposed to be in and they got axed, which is a bit of a shame because they are an important part of the story, but many things were cut. Fourth question, to this day M. Night still defends his film as a masterpiece? Yeah, this is false. 100%. Damn.
Apparently, he did a lecture at NYU's Stern School of Business in 2019 and he practically denounced it. He made a full speech about standing up for your creative vision and whatnot, not to let the executives or whoever dictate what you're going to do and so on and so forth. I can kind of understand that though because there seem to be a lot of studio interference in that film but unfortunately I wish I could say I could blame them 100% on the failures of the film but let's face it M. Night does have a few things to blame as well. Definitely not a masterpiece. And final question, you were right Dragon Ball Evolution has not influenced anything except for people to run the other direction.

Trivia Results and Reflections

Unfortunately not. okay
How did I do in that round? Did I get three out of five or four out of five there? Three out of five. So you got question one, three and five. Right. So the one about the Razi Awards, Sukei and Dragon Ball Evolution. Nice. OK, so I got three out of five in that one. I got four out of five in the core one and one out of five in the last Airbender one. So what's that overall? So that's eight out of fifteen. Eight out of fifteen. That's a solid C plus.
That's not bad. Admittedly, some of the questions were always tricky. I would be surprised if you got some of them. And you know me in my tricky ways when it comes to these quizzes, so... I feel like I need to quiz you on Avatar at like a random later point. That's absurd. You'll just come back after a long chat tsunami hiatus and be like, question one!
I did ask you with reading the Kyoshi books, so maybe once you've read through those, I'll produce some questions about the books and the show.

Future Content and Projects Discussion

A bit of a to-be-continued here. The revenge arc. Yeah, exactly. The training arc. The search for my honour. Next time you come over to Scotland and I'm just dressed in the full Kyoshi gear, I am ready, Andrew. But honestly, Andrew, thank you so much for not only taking part in this long awaited month, but just joining me and taking part in a trip to my middle lane as it were. No, thank you so much for having me. And again, like you said, it's a great opportunity to revisit a series that I've wanted to discuss with you on the podcast for such a long time. And it's a very exciting year for the franchise with the new movie coming out in October, I think of this year. I don't know if it's going to get a film release or if it's going to be a streaming movie, but I'm excited all the same. It'll be very close to my birthday. So maybe around that time, we'll do a reaction episode or something like that. Get you to come visit Canada. That is true. Yeah. I've always wanted to do one of those episodes. Like I know I've said this in the podcast before, but you know, not so much a travel episode, but you know, chat tsunami on the field.
Chittin' at me abroad. Or technically that would count as chow tsunami because that's food and travel. We have poutine and beaver tails. Do you know what I've never had either? I'm excited to try them once I'm over there. A beaver tail is not actually. Not actually a beaver tail, yeah. Not an actual beaver tail, it's a deep fried pastry kind of thing. I can't even think like, it's a bit like, you know, a funnel cake is either. Well, no, no, yeah. It's deep fried, so as a Scot, you'll enjoy it. Thank you for bringing up that stereotype, Andrew.
ah Tell the viewers what a pizza crunch is. Nothing wrong with a pizza crunch, thank you very much. And in case the listeners at home are wondering, what's

Andrew's Content and Podcast Promotion

a pizza crunch? You're just going to have to wait for a takeaway episode, OK? Charts and Hammy, where we just go into a diabetic coma. Worth it. It's just a Snowden in the background. Pass the deep fried bars, Bar. There's still an artery that's not clogged. Hurry! But on that note, thank you so much. Where can these lovely Panda Woodians listening find your content? You can find me on many other episodes of Chat Tsunami. Again, we've just finished Avatar Month, so please do listen if you've not already to those episodes. And if you already have listened, to listen again. We love the views. We love the downloads. And comment about them on all the various social media platforms. So you can find me on lots of episodes of Chat Tsunami. You can find me on our other podcast, Stop, Drop, and Roll Initiative. It's a Dungeons and Dragons Let's Play podcast with myself, Sat Tsunami, robotic battle toaster, and wrestler Martin McAllister. That can be found at Stop, Drop, and Roll Initiative, where all podcasts are found. at SDRIpod on Twitter, and I am at greenshield95 on Twitter. You can find us on Patreon, forward slash chat tsunami, where there's some wonderful Mandalorian Patreons like Robotic Battle Toaster, Sonya, Ghosty, and Cryptic1991. So if you want to be some awesome Mandalorians like them, you can follow us over on Patreon. Just a couple of pounds or a pound or something is the entry for that. And you get a shout out in our episodes and get some access to some exclusive content back there occasionally.
And yeah, please do follow us on all social media, find us where our podcasts are found, and if you like giving our voices, check us out again. Couldn't I say that better myself? Yeah, definitely check us out on the website, Chatsunami, as well as all good podcast apps, and as Andrew was saying, Patreon forward slash Chatsunami. Obviously donating to that isn't mandatory, but if you would like to keep us off the streets and talking more about Avatar. I will also talk about Avatar on the streets, but Well, that is true. It's cold out here in Canada. For £1 a month, you can buy him a blanket. I wish I could fire a band up for so cold. Look, I'm airbending.
and without depressing him as your sign of logic. Yeah, as you were saying, you can indeed check us out at forward slash chat tsunami. As always though, I'd like to extend a massive thank you to Andrew. Thank you so much as always for talking about Avatar as always, but yeah, joining me for this and very special theme month. Next month, Martin McAllister and I are going to be celebrating the 40th anniversary of Mario where we're going to be doing a whole host of different topics for Mario month so be sure to check that out then but until next time stay safe stay awesome and most importantly stay hydrated