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Ep. 118 Under Siege - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 118 Under Siege - Bellum Draconis

S2 E118 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
33 Plays1 month ago

Scorchelm is under siege! Baal is carrying his prized egg. Alpha is in trouble. The group start to look for an escape.

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Introduction & Humorous Conversions

Mark will do a translate for us like you offered last week as to what that is. What's a hundred pounds? What's a hundred pounds? That is roughly 50 kilos or 5,000 grams. ah Tune in next week for Mark Does Not. It's also roughly, I would say between 10 and 15 melons.
Are there any other conversion rates you can offer? There is a half a desk or two large gardens worth of cut grass in August.

The Fetish Triple Table Overview

i i mean
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Fetish Triple Table. I'm Andrew Chronos. We're live from A5E DnD podcast at the medical hub room in Erath in the Kingdom of Sleek. I will try to get through this before Ian gets back.

Character Introductions and Banter

Joining you for the week's episode, we've got Darren who plays the high elf, alphabets of Rainside Owl. Hello. We've got Boobah who plays the human cleric, Emron. Hello. We've got the edgelord Callum who plays the warforged artifice, Alpha. Hello, hello. Willy who plays the dragonborn druid, Balvalkon. Olu.
We've got, uh, my name is Will and I'm playing the human. My name is Mike. And we have a new place. It's even worse for a next corral. Cheers. And last but my name is least is our master of magic, our commander of combat, our vegan queen by the DM screen, DMD of DMD dungeon master Danny. Oh, played sir. Very much. Shut up.

Setting the Scene: Peculiar Traits

I'm talking. We find ourselves in a different place with old girls sat at a large wooden table, oak table, with a large parchment and quill, though one of his left eyes seemed a little bit more gammy than the right, and he sits writing vigorously on a ah sheet of parchment. He rolls the orb around his finger on his left hand whilst writing furiously with the left. There's a scraping sound, as you know that his ah his long toenails are scraping on the wooden floor beneath him. Some might be thinking, is he not in the middle of combat? Well, that version of Old Girl, maybe.
What? This one stops. Multiversal old girls. Yeah. A hundred percent. This is multiversal. Does he all have long toes? Of course they do. That's the one feature they all have. You know, like in Deadpool versus Wolverine, they all have the suit.
For old girl, it's just the long toes. Everything else changes, but there are always long toes, like abnormally long toes. You know, it's like hands for feet. That's what we're talking here. And then long, mild, browned nails on the end of them as well. Really uncomfortable to walk on. um But anyway, he yeah he stops spinning the orb with his finger and looks and begins.

Chaotic Battle with Strange Creatures

Ooh, cross-season chaos! There's some big ball-bearing night motherfuckers dropping from the sky. They're all stony ones, kind of porky-piny. And they turn into some sort of pixie cyclops, motherfuckers and stone metal creatures. And the heads of Scorcherm lead the battle for Scorcherm, it seems. These creatures are kind of similar to Alpha's metalwork, Prago pulls his weapon out, not like that, and he's like, oh shit, it's time to stab a bitch, and he starts stabbing stone bitches, and people are all scared and shit, and and Cost and fuck, they make an appearance, they're jumping into the fray, campaign one motherfuckers. Seth is like, I'm just gonna go about the job that we's gots to do, and starts pick a pocket in Mr. Delmont Trace, and he succeeds. He basically puts that list in Alpha's face, and there's at least one sexy motherfucker on the list.
And then yours truly steps in to fuck some shit up with a hoot. Didn't I tell you that that was gonna happen, boys? Didn't I say it? If you don't believe me, listen back to episode 63. People don't believe my negatories and affirmatories. Listen to this shit. I'm just gonna play it through the arm. Listen, goodbye. You'll see me around. here out You know what?
I'm gonna see you again when the 13 comin' docket. Oh called these, bitch! Anyway, Drago gets a crit, Carstan gets a crit, the black bros are bustin' it up all up in this shit. Del Montrese notices the book back at his feet and he's like, oh, I'll beg a feast of fry, motherfuckers. Raines gets schwifty and leaves a note for Carstan saying that Sleek Garden Shadowmen should do some sort of a collab, and finally the whole group makes their way outside of the arena. We got Seth, Paul, Emron, Alpha, Nick, Dan, Reigns. They're meeting up outside in the fucking chaos!
You know, I am so inspired by what you just did. I'm so inspired. Anyone else inspired? The DM is inspired. You even went, you know, went through the archives to find the line that resonates with this. So we'll take inspiration. There it is! The world has never been a more deserving inspiration.

Debate: Protect, Loot, or Escape?

If that's the level we need to reach for inspiration, we're all fucked. That's the second inspiration I've given this whole campaign. Oh, shit. What was the first? I gave it to Pooh Bear when he stepped in very last minute to do an excellent recap. So really, you need to get on the recap, so I only seem to worry about that. And that's like 50 episodes, 55 episodes, man, since you took the helm. That's a year. I like that. Shit. That's a year. It's over a year, 55 episodes.
i'm pretty stingy and happy anniversary sorry it's three weeks wait why did someone write pink eye in the chat because old girls got a gammy eye that old girl does we should also point out i'm sure we mentioned it before but the whole way through this on zencast you've got your you've got your images we can see how everyone's juicy faces and then there's a little chat by the side but we normally we just try and undermine the serious conversations by writing shit and um Yeah, I just saw Pink Eye. and We've written a lot of shit this episode already. and not night I'm going to go back and go through some of it. I'll wiggle it, bro. Wiggle your dick. USB slats. buff it Wiggle it. Soft wear. Floppy wear. Stretch it. Felt it. Snip it. Dock it. Felt to it again. Do it again. Mouth it. Bleach it. Thumb it. Hold it. Dip it. Hold it. That's a different... That's a song.
It's like a loop it game for adults really, isn't it? That's jackets, must be hardware, stuff wear, floppy wear, hard wear, turn it off and on again, trouble dick shooting, 111, pink eye. What you're doing is you're not exposing the authors of these messages. So really you're just tarnishing all seven of us with this. Absolutely. kind yeah I mean, you know, it it does take all of us, especially Darren. What happened then? What are we doing? Here we go. So, as the final clash of the Jewel of the Desert Champions moves into distant memory, Scorchhelm skies are no longer a light with celebrations and fireworks, but something far more sinister. Dark shapes descend from the heavens, creatures of metal and stone crash into the city streets.
Chaos erupts around you like wildfire, as panicked citizens flee their homes, the capital's defenses in full view of all of you. A chriscra lining the streets with this military-like precision that would compete and best any armies any of you six have seen before.
the fizzle-bang controlled orcs, rampaged with this unrelenting fury. Together they engaged these constructs from the sky. Looking around you, you see the combined forces of the mercenary crews of Lord Vossen. Rather than engaging enemies head-on, they seem to be protecting areas of note. ah Reinforcing mansions, the guild hall, trade houses, some shops.
You've barely had a moment to breathe after escaping the arena when the city around you falls into complete disarray. The once proud banners of the the tournament visitors from all across Eryth lay now shred in this chaos. Sounds of looting and violence echo through the winding streets as desperate folk take advantage of this confusion.
Others stand resolute, defending their homes, defending their families. The capital is a battlefield. In fact, this episode, episode 118, looks a lot like episode one of season two, as you stand in yet another Arithian capital at a crossroads.
For most of you here, this scene looks like it did in Goldview, the day the dragon attacked, the day we met Nyx, Morota, Rains, Alpha, and Emron. The city now burns with a single question. Will you?
We should really work on what the collective six of you are called. Fight for the people of Scorcho? Do you take your share of the spoils and engage in looting? Do you do you flee to survive another day? You stand here in the eye of the storm, the scorched plaza, just outside the melee.
This was a festival-like scene only hours ago, now is completely abandoned, save for a few corpses, a suit a few piles of metal, a few piles of stone. To the north of you, and now players, this would be a really good time to make sure you have that Scorch Helm map readily available.

Finding Maps for Context

Also, listeners, you'll find that on our Rx page, our various socials.
at fellowship table Thanks, Producer Ian. To the north of you, the Harbour District, the Pierce-Newton Inn, and safety that you expect. Huge numbers of orcs are charging eastward towards the Fenbark District. The Acriscra are advancing westward, likely towards their garrison and milk gate. North-eastward from where you are, the Merchants Guildhall, as Seth was this time yesterday,
where the usual guard under this chaotic scene is likely compromised. The south-easter view, Old Town, where the largest cluster of residential homes and the temples of the Triumvirate are located.
And as you look up above you is this long dense metal chain that snakes through the skies like a dragon gliding. It is slowly arrowing towards the deserts to the south of the city. As you look up more and more of these metallic stone creatures are just flying off of them like this structure like escape pods. You glance at each other.
with the list of 13 names rooted in Alpha's memory. Knowing that your choices will not just shape your fates, but the fate of Scorch Helm itself. Do head to the safe house in the Pissed Noot, and avoid the conflict altogether. Do gather what you can and join the opportunists who are... polluting to the heart's content. Or do you protect the helpless caught in the crossfire?
What do you do? I have a question for you, Danny. Hit me. So you you describe the the chain going south. I'm imagining, is it like an anchor chain from the the the giant disk in the sky? That's what I'm imagining, this chain going to south. Is there just one or are there lots going, like, spreading out across there? There is one, like, really close to you and there are 11 more going in completely different directions, but miles away from the city. Yeah.
Okay. um And from what we see off with all these things coming down, do we get a sense of the cities being overwhelmed or is the city? It's hard to tell from this position. If you look at your map, there is an eastward road, a southern road, a southwestern road and a western road. And then there is just like alleys. Yeah.
I have in front of me like a floater of what will happen in various directions that you choose to go. You have the map of Scorch Elm, as you know it. So you can choose however you want to to to um travel through the city. In this, the Scorch Plaza itself, there is very little activity, but there is noise happening everywhere. So I ask you again, what do you guys want to do?
you You're overwhelmed with the sounds of metal on metal as as just um weaponry is contacting weaponry. And that is just that ringing is everywhere. And that sound of that fizzle bang um warning that's just on repeat of return to your homes, return to your homes.
Baal is cradling this egg, literally in both arms. He's not wielding shield at all, he's just got it close to his chest and there is a panic and a fear on his face as he's kind of turned into the group. Right, so Baal, if you're carrying this it will occupy both hands. yeah You won't move it, you won't be any slower but you you will not be able to carry this one-handed.
Rains will stare at these creatures that that look decisively like they are made from the same kind of blueprints of what? Alpha and other things that Enron and. ah that There are no creatures like in your vicinity, but there are like corpses isn't the right word because they're not organic, but there is remains detritus of these creatures around you if you want to have a closer look.
Yeah, Rains will go over and just have an he's just going to just investigate these corpses on the floor just to see what he can glean from them. Perhaps an investigation check might be suitable. Sounds good.
20, not natural. What you're looking at is metalwork really similar to the the craft of Alpha, almost like the things that influenced and the ideas that came to Emron exist in these creatures.
the ore that was used, it's all silver based. So everything is different shades of ah ah clearly what is silver ore. Even you, you know, you're not you know the biggest ore, minor ore, blacksmith around, but there are like seven or eight very common metals that you would recognize, silver being one of them.
All right. Seth's going to let out an audible sigh, quickly flick over the tabs he's got on the edges of his book and kind of shake his head. Right. Nix, how far is it to the docks from here? The only thing I'm thinking of is Nick, Alphas, you're pretty heavy. I'm not sure these things will float. A boat might be a good way to sit this out. Nick's all shake his head and try and bring himself out of the wave of depression that he's been in since the passing of a rotor and ah kind of just looks around confused as if he's coming to for the first time in a few hours. and
So that's going to nod at that. He's going to nod. yep Yup, yup, yup. Put your hand on your shoulder. Yeah, I understand. And he's going to lightly slap you in the face. Come on. I need Nick's now. I need Nick's now. I don't need ah don't need the the mourner. I need you, right? Which way do we go? oh Yep, yep, yep, yep. Can I stay here? Look, it's savvy idea. I've got a ship. Actually, actually, actually, there's a ship.
We could take the Esmeralda. Where do we go? This way. If we're going there... And Nix will point towards the Harbour District. So you know how to get there, yeah? Yeah, absolutely. All right. this Fell on my nose. And then Seth will turn to the others and just kind of like, hands open, like, what do you think? Eyebrows raised. How well equipped are we to defend ourselves? What's everyone's strength like? Armed shit.
Okay, you you so you're saying you're fucked in regards to your magical strength, yeah? um sp I've got one more one more guy with my sword, and then that is it. defend on the seas or in person. I mean, I mean, in person, oh and kate I want to know how strong we are going from here to wherever we're going. So we know whether we need to, whether we can put up a fight, whether we need to avoid a fight. I've got Ken trips. I can, I can, I can defend myself, but not as well as I can. I spend it all on the, on the fight.
Okay. Ball, do you want to put that egg in, in

Magical Items Discussion

this bag here? And Nick's will pull out his bag of holding. You can keep the bag. Um, just thinking what would happen to it?
it What will happen to it in there? ah ah I don't really know the full details of what goes in on a bag of holding, but I do know that everything I've put in there before just comes out as if you just brand new. It's all good. Nothing happens. It's like this ah bag that holds things. Will it fit through the hole?
thought I am just going to check. Two feet in diameter. Yeah. Would your holding and be a DM question? Well, you're holding what is essentially ah an exercise ball. Yeah. Oh, wow. that I didn't realize how big that was, pal. I'm just checking the rules of bags of holding.
it's It's perspective. I was too far away from you before. And I've walked closer to you now. while We're having this conversation. It's grown bigger, exponentially bigger. Here's the thing. Next.
The two foot in diameter at the mouth and four foot deep, it would just fit the egg, but it can hold up to 500 pounds. you'd need to You'd need to take out a significant amount of the coins that are inside that bag of holding to make room for the egg. It's a volume of 64 cubic feet, I don't forget. Yes, once inside, but the combined weight can hold 500 pounds. Yes, sorry.
Or we just see how how it goes for you running with it. I'm not the only one with a magical bag either. We don't have time for this. we need We need to go now. We're not safe here. What about the Piss Nuke? Because the winged watch, it's a safe house, so it could be safe there.
Yeah, it's a sci-fi scene name, but is it really safe against flying metal things coming out of the sky? it i rather
That's another option, I guess. We still have an important meeting that we have to do. We can't do anything but move towards leaving the city. I think we cost we left a lot of our stuff down before we came to the tournament. Yeah, I'm just thinking, you know, death versus losing a few things or an important meeting. I'm thinking maybe get somewhere that's safe, then we can come back a day or two later when ah the sky has stopped falling.
Yeah, but we can head there and see if it's on fire, we can avoid it. And if it's not, we can pop our heads in. If it's shit, then we go to the boat and and we leave. ship Just get all my water, ship, whatever, you know, it's all, you know, the same. Are we good? Okay, let's let's let's go then. Okay. Reigns will remember what Prego said and we'll just turn to Alpha and go, if you can hide yourself, I suggest you do. This has an awful lot, this looks an awful lot like you.
If you look at Alpha, he's kind of staring out over the mystic quarter in that general direction just to kind of gauge what's going off and how much of a danger um that might actually be in just before he turns back to range. I'm afraid I have no resources left for anything. Okay, i ah I'd pull my hood up if I was you.
even so rather reluctantly. Can I recommend then if you're useless, uh, bar, why don't you give alpha the, the egg to hold his metal? He can defend it better. And then you can, you know, you can burn a beach. If anyone comes to it, you know, get in the way. Oh, fuck. Um,
You're still good to fight though, yeah? don't Don't we also have the portion of invisibility? You could just drink that and be invisible for an hour. Fucking just do that. Alpha, can you hold this? And he'll quickly rush over and kind of gently kind of... Alfred, take the weight. It's a hundred pounds. Okay, very hesitantly. He's going to kind of put his hands out and takes a little bit of the weight just to see how...
We'll get a feel for how heavy it actually is. Mark could do a translate for us like he offered last week as to what that is hundred pounds in other metrics. That is roughly 50 kilos or 5,000 grams.
Tune in next week for Mark Does Not. It's also roughly, I would say between 10 and 15 melons.
Are there any other conversion rates you can offer? There is a half a desk um or two large gardens worth of cut grass in August. but something we know Someone has just listened to this and gone, I know how much he means now. Thank you Mark. Sorry, I digress, Alfred.
Yeah, anyway, as he's taking this, like, two fresh grass crossings of autumn in his hands, is this kind of gauge ah exactly how heavy it actually is. Before he takes it off, Nix at all. Alpha has full understanding. I don't fucking carry that thing. All right, not Nix. I'm off definitely not strong enough. Sorry. Not Nix, off, ball. um Is it something that I would be able to manage quite easily? It's heavy. Nix's suggestion of the bagel holding frees everyone's capabilities up, as long as Nix is able to... Nix,
You don't have to declare this to the party, but um the maximum gold you could have in, based on weight, is 500 gold. Can you accommodate for the egg? yeah Nick looks down and just goes, oh man, I'm so sorry, it's full, but I'm not the only one with a magic bag!
um what do that what but Yeah, I got one, but it's currently got, it's currently got it quite full. It's quite full on the brain. Okay. Um, let's go. Alpha, give me the egg. Then I'll fucking carry it. Then someone, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I've got no, I've got nothing left. I've got nothing left. You couldn't use your blade.
one time wait Rains is then going to go, I'm so sorry, NC. He's going to take the infusion that's on NC. It's going to take some cloth and fold it together. and um Can I do this outside of combat? Hold on. I need you to tell me how long it takes yeah as well. If not, we got to run. We go to russia yeah weve got to go, man.
Do we have a potion of invisibility? We do, we have a potion of invisibility. I have the spell for it as well, if we need to just... We have a potion, it's in our inventory. Yeah, Nyx is alive as well. I tried to give it to Nyx, it was like, oh no, I've got the spell, I don't need it. Yep, now I've got the spell ready to go, so I can yeet that into alpha. Yeah, but also, I mean, the potion lasts for an hour without concentration or effecting the spell slot. Yeah, no, look, I'd rather keep the slot.
Good luck making sure that I don't fall behind just saying No, that's good luck that for you ah change one Instantaneously once a day and I obviously haven't done that today because it it's been both NC and the bag of holding add in for them, but NC is currently no more so By my reading of this I can change an infusion cool So, Reigns will take a, he's going to take the tabber that he's been wearing since the combat, the one that was supposed to have the sponsor the sponsorship on it. He rips it off. He folds it into two. He puts his hand onto it and goes, thank you, Rensu, and turns it into a bag of holding and just throws it towards Baal and goes, put him there.
Uh, yeah, I'll do so, but there'll be just, uh, just the quickest of kind of lingering looks at rains and the remains of NC. Uh, and just go, so okay thank you. Thank you. Just bound me to a tune to it. Is it a tune? you because i don't know like holding needed Not bag of holdings. No. Okay. Yeah. I'm just checking because it's an occasion.
Is it possible to me for me to bag the egg? And it rains, I need you to read the rules on whether or not the target needs to attune to the item if it's an infusion. Sure. Because you could be sat here for an hour. That's what I'm going to keep. might hurt.
We're all just sitting there and you can just hear this lovely weather we're having. as you look up the gi evil ah I forgot to get the score, check on postcard. The bag of holding does not require attunement. Fuck yes. yeah Okay. But it so it's one of the infusions you're concentrating on. Yes. So so basically it's indefinite. It's basically I'm using the two unallowed at the minute it to be two bag of holdings.
the one I've got on the one that's because it was the bag of holding and then see but and see is a lot no more while we play just just double check you can duplicate the infusions As it's being passed over, um Seth's just going to quickly reach out and is he's already got this kind of light red, almost like paint that seems to be on his hand. And he's just not going to touch the egg, but ro it kind of look like he's stroking the outside of the egg as it passes from Baal into the bag. And Baal, you'll just notice a couple of maybe these yeah slightly the edges of the flecks of the egg just mend slightly. And it's just like a sheen to it returns as just kind of wants you to know it's okay. And as it goes in and there, I don't love many of them.
Just finding out if it slips into that or not. I just want to double check. Do you know your infusions? Have you got replicate magic item twice as your options? Because if you're going to do two magic items, I think you need replicate magic item twice. I'm not 100% on that. Oh, you're getting scold. I'm doing this. You're getting scold on your own class. I can't see anything where it says that, Callum, if I'm being completely honest. But you may be right.
No, no, it's just because fusion, you replicate a particular magic item, you can learn this infusion multiple times each time you so choose magic item that you make with it. So he's just using the same infusion. It's just not like you have to learn back up holding it just because it says you set the fuck down callow multiple times.
Yeah, but that's what he's done. He's swapped one out with his ability to swap one out. he along He can maintain two infusions. One is not active. He's already got a bag of holding. Now he doesn't need to choose bag of holding twice as his replicatable items. Because all it does is it gives you a list of things you can create. and create I like that the world is burning. and Yeah. We're having this discussion. World's ending guys. balls Yeah. And he spent like five minutes making this beautiful like intensity. Let's just figure out what is it? My final question is that the replicate magic item can apply to someone else's person.
Yes, it's just the item. He can pass it on to others. Okay. Bal, you have your own bag of holding, capable of holding the egg. Amazing. but Nothing else in it. Okay. And I've just cast mending on it as it's gone into the bag. Legend. Bal is going to affix that, double affix it, triple affix it ah to his person. ah He's going to withdraw his shield, put it on his arm and kind of let flame trickle down his hand into the flame whip and be like, let's fucking go.
Okay, we're going to the docks yeah now no go guys better and the rest of us and The way and I'll encourage you about to read the second paragraph in the rules for bagel holding while we play ah so So Nick's will start sprinting off in the direction of the Harbor District and as he sprint sees He he's gonna touch himself and cast guidance as well. Let's go cool. So um Bile is a bit distracted at this point, so Bile's passive won't kick in, but I will ask Alpha, I will ask Nyx, I don't know, Emron, Seth and Reigns to roll a perception check, please. Sorry, I totally blacked out for a second then, was that me in there? Yes, Seth, perception check. Perception check, thank you. I think I do a good roll and then it's still just like nothing compared to everybody else. Story of my life, man.
i care Okay. Okay. Rain's perception. 17. Thank you, Seth. 12. Thank you, Emron. 22, so that's two more than a crit.
Bastard. Alpha. 16. Next. 19, which is one off a crit. Emron. Two.
the south of you, just as you're all turning northwards to go, are you going the most direct route to the docks, do you think, which is which is through alleyways as opposed to to major roads? Yeah, especially through the, Nick just knows yeah better and he follows his... The vibe you're getting is that those major roads and none none head northward to get to the Harbour District, it's all alleyways from this point.
The major roads are where the orcs of the Ecriscora are visible and fighting and protecting people. So the alleyways, it's a complete unknown. But just as you're all starting to make that initial initial run, everyone, you see a small clergy of Alito followers that are being brutally hit.
by one of these sort of dual stoned mechanical creatures. They're they're being attacked to the other side of the plaza to you, but there doesn't seem to be any chrisco orcs or vossen mercenary groups around.
Don't stop the train. Nick's cast darkness. Yes. Uh, he doesn't cast darkness. miss I don't count. Go on ahead if you want, guys. Ah. let Go do this. See you later. Round and yes. months on his name And heads towards saving the Alito followers. No.
no So Seth, Alpha, and Nix, you've headed north through the alleys. M1, you've headed south. Reigns and Baal, what are you doing? Baal, as you're just sort of adjusting the bag of holding, thinking about what you're doing, is there any steps you're taking, Baal?
uh just literally just obviously he's almost treating the bag of holding like it is still the egg itself so that's that sense of reverence that sense of protection over it as well um and yeah he's kind of making choice doing that and probably trying to see if he can peek inside at the same time but also keeping up with the group as he if he sees everyone running off he'll just be like what what what what the fuck ah but yeah and sees the rest of the group clapping on to barl and go I need your help. I can't leave him. And Reigns is going to stick with them. um ah Thanks, brother. Nick's in all this. but So I was going to say ah that Nick's has already lost one friend in just hours.
He's not going to leave him from behind. Oh, Nick's would have.
nix is gonna go with and everyone okay does that do anything to seph or alphas run yeah he's gonna shoulder check uh nix as he runs past him and shout clip fucking clop and um he's gonna run ahead um far enough to so they know get the fucking point but what he's gonna do is he's he's got nothing he's barely got anything left and he's got one more shot at doing a lot of damage and he ain't gonna waste it on a bunch of cunts over there so he's gonna run ahead and he's just gonna watch the kind of but what's now become the the the vanguard, the opposite, they the butt end.
the the Basically, god ah ri ah thank you watch their backs from the front um and just get further down the alley, get to the next opening and just stand there and wait and um just be ready for them to run up so that he's if anything does approach from the rear, he's got that covered, but he is very he is not a happy one-eyed man at the moment. Alfa? Alfa's going to go along with Seth on this occasion.
Alpha's always more of a ranged combatant anyway. He probably pauses for a moment as Rains turns around, looks, sees Rains sticking with M. Ron, sees Nix follow, sees Seth push forward. He's going to go for the person who's not got enough backup in his own mind, so he's going to go follow with Seth um just in case something were to smother him up there or come out of nowhere and start attacking him. so Okay, and ten split. Bal to help us figure out this party split. Are you joining the people heading south to protect the followers of Lido or northward into the alleyway with Alpha and Seth? What's the distance between the two? You are right by Alpha and Seth. About 120 feet now to the south of the other side of this plaza are the three of your party.
Okay. ah My wildfire spirit is still around my shoulders. At this point, he's going to look at it in the face and just say, go help. And the wildfire spirit is going to dart after Reigns, after Emron, after Nyx.
Baal is going to have his shield at the ready and kind of be his eyes are on a swivel for anything nearby. um his His main priority through all of this has to be his cargo, the egg. So he's basically permanently taking the dodge action and whilst also trying to be vigilant for however long this takes. He's playing it super safe, so he's staying with Seth and Alpha. Okay, but the Wildfire Spirit's going elsewhere.
All right, so we have a we have a full-blown party split ah So say like you work for your money, bitch. You said you aren't going to like rush into the the alleyway um Which means you're also standing but you let no one's making a dash for the harbor yet Just it. Okay. Well, there's a business. Yeah, they're too far from from your vicinity to really you'd have any impact Okay, Emon, as the the head of that vanguard, you are sprinting.
directly what you're seeing are four dwarves that are in head to toe in ledo heraldry not armed and they are just running towards you from this hulking creature that's moving on all fours these these sort of two stone um carapace is either side of a metal core
Is it anything you want to do, Emron, before I assume you're entering a combative state? Yeah, and one's screaming in, in Alito's name and sort of with his hammer raised high, he's, he's making a beeline to intercept the creatures and allow the, the Alito followers to sort of go around him. Okay. In which case, can I have Emron Reigns and Nick's running rolling initiative, please?
And you recognize this creature. This is a similar creature to the the larger things that were inside the stadium. Is it like the the really, really big one or the the middle the middle ones compared to the little circular ones? And that's really descriptive. Not the small football sized ones. They were the more hulky human sized ones. With the two shields. With the two stone walls that felt like shields. Yeah.
Okay. Anyone above 20?
Yes, Rains has 20, bang on. Cool. And we're at 15. Oh, and Baal, can you roll for your world power spirit? We'll take your initiative bonus. Awesome, thank you. Better roll that first before I carry on any further. Yeah, no worries. Let's say 10. Okay, and we're at 15. Above 10. I got 11. That's everyone with 11.
That's why you don't help people. He got a six. Thank you very much. Okay. Top of the round. We're going to do this just theater. Oh, mind. Um, because, uh,
Bigger stuff's coming, I'm sure. Rain, top of the round, you are about 40 feet from this creature that's sprinting directly towards Emron. If you can just watch this picture, Emron running, sort of um hammer drawn, sprinting towards this this creature. This creature running directly towards Emron. You immediately were the first to react to stay nearby Emron. So you're only about, yeah, you're about 40 feet from this creature. You're in an open plaza, but it's going to sort of funnel down into a ah southern road. What would you like to do?
ah He's going to lift up the Lightning Launcher and shoot at the creature that's charging towards Enron. Go for it.
That's a 13 to hit. That misses. Okay, he'll take a second shot.
It's a 15 to hit. That one hits. Okay, it takes, I've already rolled damage once, it takes eight points, but I get to add a d6 to that, so let's do that. Of lightning or thunder, please. It's ah it's it's actually 12 points of lightning damage. Thank you very much. Anything else for the other turn?
Nope, he will just shout towards the Dwarfs. Get out of there! And that's the Underrangers turn. Thank you very much. just um This construct is just going to continue its charge towards you and and you are going to get pummeled with its sort sort of full sprint and then its impact for a natural one to hit.
Then it's going to turn and use its second face. a I've never done this in my life. I've played D&D for six years. I've never rolled 1 and 20. Then I rolled Turd on damage. ah You take eight points of bludgeoning damage as you just feel the this essentially the stone climbing wall almost just hit you square in their face. Can I?
I'm going to use my reaction to use my shield for the first time and reflect the damage onto itself, almost like he takes it and just pushes it straight back into itself. Do you take the damage first? Mark made it, I don't know. um Let me see what I wrote down in this in the... Thank you.
i I think all the all I had was that you as a reaction you can reflect the damage. I don't know whether you have to take the damage as well. Mark can probably clarify. The way it implies you don't receive. Yeah, yeah that was the that wass the way I viewed it. Okay, so tell me what your shield does. So the shield essentially... I'll be Danny Nerf it if you need to.
I can, as a reaction, I can choose to bounce the damage I take off it. And I didn't know whether how many times it was a day or whatever. It just says as reaction can bounce it back onto the creature. Okay. Once a day. Thank you. Cool. Can you say the details of that shield, but I will reflect the damage as you said, and ah but I need you to make a strength saving throw because the impact might still be enough to knock you prone. Of course.
It probably does. That's a four. Yes, you're prone. Okay. Perfect. But it is your turn. I see the creatures right next to me. yeah Right next to you, right above you. I will use half my movement to get up and almost like in in almost the most dexterous he's ever been, means he's been practicing his Davido, he's going to be getting up and as he gets up, he uses momentum to swing the hammer at this creature. Great. Please roll disadvantage. I will.
Ah, would you believe it? A woman's a crit, but the other one was a 16, so that's 21 to hit. That hits.
ah It takes ah six points of bludgeoning damage, and it's pushed back five feet with the strength of this blow. Thank you very much.
What for our spirit? yeah if What's its speed? Because it's about 70 feet away. It's got 30 feet of flight speed, but obviously it would be dashing its way over. sixty um If it's still not within 10 feet away, so it's sort of adjacent to rains at this point.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I'd have it fly up probably about 20 feet in the in the air. So it's darted kind of towards, but but heading up so it's not landing there. to To get it in that position, do I need to get it to dash?
Yes. Okay. That's fine. In which case, um, I will do exactly that. I'll to get this wildfire spirit in, into, into the correct position. It wouldn't stand within range on the floor. Um, so just to get smacked up, it would probably get itself about 20 feet directly above, um, where M Ron is and be looking down, um, looking like it's going to charge up a bit of fire. Okay. Anything else?
Thank you very much. Nix, your turn. You're about 30 feet behind Reigns. Reigns is about 15 feet behind everyone who's engaging this creature.
You're muted, my friend. Is Emron... Is there any distance between Rains, Emron and the creature? ah Five foot, ten foot, or are they face to face? Rains is about 15 feet behind Emron. OK, Emron, that he pushed the creatures back, didn't he? Cool. So as soon as Nick sees that Emron pushes the creatures back, his eyes will just go dark and purple energy starts to fizzle down from his horns and he... Slams down the palm of his hand into the ground and as the energy almost transfers under the ground and then in that space between emron and the stone horrible.
um next cast darkness and so everything from ah in front of everyone back is covered in magical what's the radius of darkness it's a 50 no yes no yes no it's a 15 foot radius sphere from the so he'll choose the edge of that sphere to be in front of m everyone's face if you think like a wall of darkness just starts, he's not in it, but he's viewing it like a mirror, and then everything behind that is a sphere from 15 foot. So that darkness is in the middle, operating from that. Cool.
um kids club
Thank you, Nix. Bottom of the round, Emron reigns. Nix, you do notice as those and leader worshipers flee into various directions, but Emron, this thing is... You can't... It doesn't have breath. You're not feeling that. It doesn't have odor. You're not smelling that.
But your hands, when they work forges, is so used to a certain reverberation, a pulse, a draw, a magnetic ah notion. And your your hands are feeling that, like you are being pulled towards worked metal, Emron. So although you can't see it, you can still sense something.
Top of the round, rains. Darkness is just ahead of Emron, where the creature was.
Yeah, Rains is going to lower the gauntlet, and it's just going to go, we clip Clappan, and he's going to hold the dash action. um So if if everyone else turns, Rains will, and Rains is still under the effect of Expedidious Retreat, so okay and he can go quite quick.
And when you say that, are you turning to look back at your other friends that are now 150 odd feet away? No, is I still on them, Ron? OK. Never mind. It's the creature's turn. You aren't in darkness, Emron, and it is is going to continue to thrash in no direction that it was before. It's going to make two attacks at you. It can't see me at the magical darkness. It's rolling a disadvantage, don't worry. Sorry, thank you.
mighty glad it did ah because the highest it rolled was a nine yeah that misses but you'll see it's just like the tip of this stony shield wall just swipes at emeron but misses that's all it can do it is now your turn
Are all the Aledo followers now safe? You can't tell because someone put a darkness spell literally in that field. I thought they were behind Emron. I thought they'd run through. The other side of the creature. So they they dissipated, but Emron's... Emron can only see behind him now. He can't see ahead. He has no concept of... ah I misunderstood. she I thought everyone ran through. god we ran They sort of moved behind Emron and then when they could flee they did but it's hard for Emron to pick out the direction they went because someone like around someone through like it wasn't clear. Half of your vision is obscured at the moment essentially. Sorry bud.
No, don't worry. And you know the temple, you know, the temple is the other side of that darkness. Well, it's in that direction, isn't it? Yeah. Okay.
okay um So the things to the things still trying to pour at me, isn't it? Does that mean it's closed the five foot gap towards me? yeah like Yeah, you're pretty confident that if you just put your hammer in that little cloud of darkness, you'd hit it. Hit it. Cool. But I can't see it. So what I'm going to do Oh, that spell requires sight. That's it.
Again, that one. Right. Well, in that case, I don't know where everyone else is and all my candidates require sight. So I'm going to swing my hammer into darkness and see what happens. Go for it. Disadvantage, please. Yeah.
That did not go to plan. and That's a seven to hit. Yes. Yes. Um, and Ron's going to sort of look around and he's going to sort of yell over his shoulder of old, of the all go away. Where the fuck is it?
And that's the end of my go. Thank you. Wildfire Spirit, you are on the shoulder of rains to 15 feet from where Emron is, 20 feet from the creature. So it's 20 feet up in the air. Up in the air. Yeah, with its better vantage point, does it have a target within 60 feet of it? It can't, because the nature of darkness is it just creates that sphere. It knows it's in there. You see Emron engaging with the creature. And Wildfire Spirit has definitely seen little bits of that creature appear temporarily. It has a good um indication of where it is. Okay, yeah. It will probably... Because it's a wisdom base, like it would know exactly where it is. No, that's fine. That's not a problem. I'm happy to try and take ah an attack with disadvantage against... um as it kind of Never mind. It's a natural two. I'm not rolling again. yes so i Never mind. Move on. It will stay where it is.
Nick's, your darkness is causing some peril for your friends. Oh, yeah. This, this obviously Nick's just wanted everyone to run and so we could party back together.
ah ah So what's the last thing everyone did again to remind me? I was swinging my hammer his hammer into that, that darkness.
Just shaking his head almost at Emron in, in frustration, cause he just didn't get the memo. Um, I'll drop darkness and, um, Oh, fuck you. And what's your passive perception? What's that? What's your passive perception? Oh shit, mate. Uh, 10. As you drop darkness and you're looking square at the creature words and where your spell was, you just see.
as that darkness dissipates it forms an arachnid for a few seconds and that arachnid just takes a lunge at the stony creature it hits the stony creature and kills the stony creature as your darkness holds that form, that form leashes out and you watch as that creature just falls lifeless Oh, that just fills me with a sense of foreboding and dread.
Do we see that? Do we see it directly? Yeah, you will see as this darkness. You've seen it before when Nyx has dropped this spell, it just sort of fogs out. But here it sort of fogged into a form temporarily. It formed an eight legged creature, like a Shelob sized creature, and it just took a lunge with its last gasp of that, that, that iconic energy. And it was just enough, it was just enough to fill that creature.
And everyone, you continue to look south. Nyx, you look south of what you just did. Rains, you look south of what you just did. But as we bum boom, boom, boom, boom um zoom out and just go the 180 feet now towards Baal, Alpha and Seth, what you see is a lot of activity beginning to fill the square.
The plaza itself is sort of the breakout area for where a lot of the fighting in the melee is happening. And then this gargantuan titanium creature is just thrust into the scene and Prago sprinting out of the melee, blocking the party of three from the north from seeing the party of three from the south entirely.
as you're trying to squeeze this egg into this bag.
The egg is beginning to get hot. The egg is shaking at the attempts to do that. It was relatively settled. It was motionless the entire time. It was a prize and on display. But as you're trying to squeeze it and cram it into this this this bag of holding, but it is fighting back.
Oh, God, yeah, yeah. Baal clips the shield back on his back, immediately stops, takes it back out. It's like, no, no, this isn't going to work. I'm sorry. Fuck. And he'll just kind of.
Yeah, he'll hell he'll have it in both hands. He's not going to fight against that at all. ah Next to that, sorry, I'm not next, would turn to Baal and hold out his palms of his hands. I'm fucking useless. Let me hold it. You still got stuff you can do.
it's It's fucking heavy, Seth. I know, I won't be able to do anything, I understand that, but know that unless it is dire, um my hands are not going to leave this egg. And by dire, I mean something is going to hit it. I have shield. I've still got that. Okay, okay, ah fuck it. I have a plan. If we're in the shit and we need to get somewhere fast, ah do you know of a Pegasus?
it was The horse that with the wings? Yes. I know. I hear a buddy in the stories. If we get into the shit, I am going to be your Pegasus. You climb on my back when you are ready. soh Do you want to have a totally blank expression for a second? Is this like one of those sex things you do with Nick? No, it is not one of those sex things. are you're You're really going to be genuinely, I'm going to be a fucking flying horse. If things get into the shit, you climb on my back, you hold on tight. Right. Yep.
He needs to be on pause and I've seen him with inks. This makes sense to me. I'm going to give ah give Seth the egg. I'm not going to re-equip the shield though. okay um Because he's going to have both hands free in case he needs to take it back or something like that. But at the moment, he's obviously seen this whole thing happen. He knows that his wildfire spirit's over there. I think he needs to be able to communicate specifically with the wildfire spirit to get it to change his course of action. Do you not have sight? Because he's lost that now.
and I'll see what it says. While you're looking that up, um i'll just ah ah Seth would very gently hold the egg very coily, and then we'll add a gesture to Ball, try and might wrap his cloak a little bit around it to kind of give the impression of kind of trying to give the impression of caring for it, but it's fucking heavy. And like he realizes, right, this is I'm considering because all my spells have a kind of physical element to it. Seth's out of the running pretty much unless he puts it down, which he won't. You also take two points of fire damage, Seth.
take a go and likelef um has grown millions
ah hit points for days bro um As Seth is trying to do that and wrap up and I seem to take it a bit, I'm just going to put my hand onto Seth, just slightly nod and raise my shield um just in front of him. So if anything that comes our way in danger, I'm literally just going to try and dive in the front of the way. Okay. I'm out for this goal here is to protect the egg. It's what we've been working for for the past few days. So um I am cover for Seth and the egg. Okay. Awesome. um the The wording of the, of the, the wildfire spirit and the commands, it says one target you can see, or with the teleport a willing creature of your choice. So it does. And it says to a space that you can see. So it it seems to be worded in the in the way that I've got to be able to see the things to be able to you've entirely lost line of sight. You'll see seeing this titanium creature, you're seeing prego, you're seeing a bunch of those football flying creatures, some of the winged watch, some of chryscra, some orcs filling this square. You can't see your other party now.
Yeah, absolutely fine. If, if the wildfire spirit recognizes that as well, it would probably return to me because it if it can't do anything, I'll allow that. Yeah. Like obviously flying high and up and over it, but that's, it can use it. It uses a dash if I don't command it or sorry, it can use a dash or or a dodge. So they've got Nick's Nick's knows where he's going. We know roughly where we need to go. Let's make headway. Now they will catch up or they are already dead.
There's no point all of us dying and losing this thing at the same time. Let's get it safe. And if we have time, we can come back. Okay. Right. Sorry. Let's stop you there. It's been about six seconds. Seth, you take seven points of fire damage holding this deck. Can I see this? It's hot. It's hot. You can see that Seth's fingers are steaming.
Okay. Let's go. seth's Would Seth say anything?
Okay. ah Also, quick question, Danny, would Baal know if two people could ride him as a war horse?
Hmm. Depends what you're into. Why? Because it's a war horse. It's obviously a large creature, but I know that we've got the egg as well. I think you'd struggle with the combined weight of Alpha and Ser. Yeah, no, that's fine. Okay. I think you'd know that instinctively.
Yeah, absolutely fine. No shield equipped. He's nodding. He's got a relatively good sense of direction, but he's not got the staff with him that tells him true north or anything like that. um But yeah, if if he sees Alpha and Seth with the egg, shielding the egg, he's going to lead the group in the direction. you're going to run into the aing no leading leading the movement to, the like like Seth said, to the harbour. So you need to head north into the alleyways. There are no direct roads from this point. yeah asmon As you begin to move a again, six seconds path. So Seth, you take four points of fire damage.
And you're all seeing as as as as Seth's fingers are beginning to smolder. um And you run through him. You meander between, through corridors. i who's Who's leading this charge of three of you? Who's heading northward? Ballers. Ballers. Well, could you all D20 for me, please, on the um the flowchart table?
Okay, yeah, let's see how well this goes. If at any moment there's a there's a if there's a a moment's pause where Bart's kind of looking side to side, um Seth Ward's kind of gestured to a satchel to Alpha to get out a potion of healing and kind of baby birdy, kind of feed it to him.
graphic when lucky um baby baby bird it So you want Alfred to drink it and then him mouth to mouth that regurgitate it to you. There you go. It needs mixing up. I'm a cocktail maker. Or just pour it in his gob, one of the two really. And but just yeah, when there when there's like a minimum pause, he'll just ask him, he'll just get it out quickly, positively. Alfred, do you do that?
If I understand the interpreter, if he's saying like, give me a potion of healing that it to be my potion of he out of my sexual, which is on my hip and feed it to me, which I will do show that exchange took about six seconds to set. You take four more points of fire damage. Oh my good God. Okay. Can I drink the potion now?
So you need to drop the egg to do that. in Can I feed him the potion? Oh, okay. Can I use my action to give him the potion? Totally. You're not in combat. Cool, cool, cool. So that's going to be five plus, what is it? Five plus, two d four foot seven points of healing. Seven points of healing you receive.
So as Alfa, you're pouring this this potion into Seth's mouth. ba You're just looking around this corner of this alleyway as you've squeezed through like five or six different residential buildings. What did you roll? Four. Four.
OK, so ahead of you in this this alley, it's a very high alleyway. There are like four or five storey buildings all around you and you're in this sort of desert run. You're moving and but sort of between washing lines for laundry, um but also sort of small raised bed areas as well. where People are sort of tending to some gardened crops.
You do just see this huddle about four orange head-wrapped Lawson mercenaries. And they appear to be breaking into this quite wealthy looking house.
Two dragonborns. Two goblin noids, not clear if it's bugbear or goblin at this point, but they hold themselves that way. And they're just going into this this first story window, breaking it in, and there's screaming coming from within inside the building. They are shouting in return and in a goblinoid, and i I don't know if you speak that, but you you'll be able to hear the twang of a goblin tongue.
Is there anything you guys want to do about that? As you run, but you're almost about to run past that. You're sort of running. You've seen this. You have to cross it. Um, and he'll just kind of look at the door, look back at the guys. Oh, we can't, we can't. Uh, and he's going to carry on. but carry out seth and alpha You're seeing this too. Yep. We can't save everyone. Alpha. Come on. I am following ball.
Okay. It's about 60 feet alleyway before it turns into another alleyway. And in that time, Seth, you're not able to dash. So you're going to take 11 points of fire damage as you're continuing to run. Every six seconds you're holding this, your your your fingers are slowly sort of welding to the egg and your you your hands are becoming liquidized to almost it feels. Dooki Dooki. Yep. He's going to bite his lip and bite the pillow.
Okay. Are you, because because bas he's his mind is elsewhere. He's like, you've got the egg. I'm off. Are you, are you verbalizing any of this or are you literally constitution saving threat, please. set To see if you can hold in.
just what it's worth like you you You have to succumb to some sort of audible scream at this point. You're being branded. He'll scream then.
a And I will shut him up with a potion of healing. As soon as he kind of lets out, I'm going to stick another potion of healing out. Okay. Okay. What is that? 2d4 plus two? 2d4 plus two. You fucking legend. That's brilliant. I'll let you roll through that limited resource by keeping all of the egg. You do that.
Well, I am a, I am a useless. Plus I am not the fighter. I don't have anything left really. Um, Baal does. stuff but it So I'm better being the receptacle. But Baal, you do hear that. That's great. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Obviously knowing Seth, you had to succumb eventually to yeah to yeah to trying to see if you could keep it in.
ah Yeah, doal definitely. Obviously, if he hears Seth, he's going to stop and turn around instantly. um He's bees got very good passive perception. I imagine he'd be able to work out the Seths in trouble, in pain. what What's wrong? What is it?
Like an egg's just a little bit hot and then that's fine. It's fine though. I've got loads of high potions of healing. I'll just keep taking these. at Four points of fire damage. Still have stuff left in my hands. I don't need them. Don't worry. The sword forms in my hand whether I've got fingers or not. Six points of fire damage, Seth. Okay. Ball has taken baa's taken it back. Ball is rushing in, grabbing it off you and be like, no, no, thank you, Seth. Honestly.
You lead. I'll take it. Okay. And he's just going to hold his, with his stumps up. Um, uh, he's kind of runs like his hands just kind of loose up to his sides and just kind of like, yeah, sprint ahead and try to figure out which part of his finger hurts the least so that he could maybe grab the tab of one of his on a spell book to pull a spell out without. Yeah. Like one of the villains from Home Alone, now your hands are completely burnt,
kick calloused, bruising. What am I thinking? The beginning of Tropic Thunder. like hands just display like yeah yeah Anything involving your hands, Seth, for the next 24 hours, unless you receive healing, is going to be a disadvantage, okay? Cool, yep, the problem. If Baal can see the sheer extent of the damage, we're taking the egg back. He'll have it in both hands, he'll look down on it, and he will just say, Dracorokshanur, and give you a healing word, which might not be much.
so i but it is five points of healing. It's the lowest I could possibly roll. sorry It's okay.

Route Options Amidst Chaos

it It removes that condition. You're able to like that. That healing energy is concentrated on the hands and the skin just sort of repairs itself. It's still calloused. It's still a bit blistered, but it is, it is not like.
to a degree burn territory. So Seth would kind of gently rub their fingers together and realize they aren't half as bad. He still feels weak as fuck, but it looks up to Baal and Alpha. Let's fucking clip-clop. And he's going to turn and sprint down the alleyway that Baal pointed him down, um but running past these people getting robbed and fucking murdered. and and and had had that smell of the salt that hit him when they first reached scorch helm all those minutes ago, you know how it feels. yeah And when they first came off the deserts and that smell of salt, he's heading towards that smell. He knows, he's just, he's heading, he's going, he's clip-flopping. Thank you very much. Okay, we're going to both of them zoom out. We zoom back into to Emron's reigns and Nick's.
you are facing, you stood on the edge of the West Greyglass District. I think you all feel like you need to head back to the Harbour District, but I won't prescribe that. The Scorch Plaza behind you is full of of combat that that is that is above your kin. What do you guys want to do? Do you want to continue south on your road, try and get out of the city? Do you want to try and head eastward or westward and then get back to the the Harbour District? What is your plan here?
looking to where, because so once the creatures died, um have, can I see the leader followers, have they gotten to safety? Was that darkness displayed? Yeah, they they're all heading eastward, south eastward, back towards that district where you know that the the temple is.
And your last few visits to the temple know that that is going to be one of the most fortified places because there are warrior monks, there are paladins, there are clerics, there are there is a concentration of of a chriska there. Where were we? Because we we weren't long out at the alley. Is it near enough for us to just keep back where we were?
No, so you're you're on the southern edge of that scorched plaza. And there's a big fight now behind us. Yeah, for reference on your map, you are on the southern tip of that that the letter B, which indicates where the melee is. and the The plaza itself has just been filled by the the the next round, the next phase of this combat between what was happening inside the melee. And you find yourself on that southern road at the moment.
I would. i I know the quickest way to get to the harbour might be easier to just head down and run. What do you mean? Down south? Yeah, it's the quickest way. But the south is away from the docks, isn't it? Well, then that's not where I'm in. I mean the quickest way to the harbour.
But that's through all that and then Ronald point towards this big fight that's happening in the plaza right behind us. Yeah, head down and run.
oh Okay. um we're We're about to run through that thing. Well, I can't you fucking fly with till one. Can't you fly now? I've already flown since we, you know, we came out since we was doing the fight in the tournament. may I can't do it again. Not for another day. Right. Anyway, and everyone will slap next on the back. Good work with that spell, though. That's fucking brilliant.
Yeah. Yeah. Right. Well done me. So we could make the Temple of Alidos fortified if we want to go there, or we could try and skirt round the houses and try and get back to the north towards the Pishnew. I vote houses. Pishnew was the plan. We stick with it. I thought the harbour was the plan. Well, the harbour's right next to Pishnew. Okay. I feel like the others are going to a ship.
which is right where the piss new is, but we all said we've got to go towards the piss new. And then... Okay. Long as we're where we probably won't be going in the piss new. No. Okay. So the... Let's just catch the others. Yeah. The merchant's guild hall was that way. So if we sort of skirt in that direction and go up... By that you're pointing eastwards. Yes. Yeah. Someone's sort of pointing eastwards because he traveled down. They would... was rained in that early when they were buying stuff. He's traveled a few of these. He roughly knows sort of the main sites that he was interested in. So he's sort of thinking, right, Merchant's Guild Hall, and then up towards the Pishnu is what he's thinking. Okay. But going around the houses rather than the main roads. Going into the alleyways? Yes, unless... And as you prime yourself to start sprinting, what's Nick doing? So as this conversation is going, and Nick's in his head, he's just hearing
We need to get to the harbor, we need to get to the ship, hopefully the Esmeralda, we need to get to the ship, we need to know and see, I can't see anything, I need to try and protect everyone, everyone, this chaos is happening and there's this chaotic thought that's bubbling within him as the crash and the sound of battle is happening around him.
and his heart starts to beat faster almost like he's having a panic attack and the breath gets harder in his chest and the weight feels harder and he's just this anxious wreck of like ah but I can't lose anyone again I can't lose anyone again and as he does that just.
on his neck he feels like eight fingers or or just eight strands of a feeling kind of taking place in his neck and that eight strand kind of spreads through his body and as it unwillingly casts here, as it moves down his body and through his legs, um one of the new spells he's got And it's always with him. Fuck anything else. is You can choose it and take it away. This spell is ingrained within him. Spiderclimb is cast upon him. And as he backs up to the wall, he starts to feel himself not just stopping with his back to the wall. He's going up the fucking wall as he slowly just... But he's in this... Unconfused... Oh my god! M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M as Nick's hooked up. But as he carries on up, he gets a better view of everything going on around him and he'll keep carrying up. I don't know. I can see more. I might be able to give you a safe passage. I might be able to save you. Okay. Make a perception check at advantage.
So within a couple of seconds, your purpose was sent on top of this, this house, essentially. You've got it. Try and get like Assassin's Creed style view of the surroundings. That's 17. OK, I'm going to do this clockwise. To the east of you in the Fenbark district, there appears to be a lot of those stone creatures amassing around that giant needle in the sky that that you've had time you perused through.
Heck, what's his name? What's the name of the cartographer, Mark, who wrote The Adventurer's Guide to Scorcham? Oh, God. Oh, the carto... Hang on.
oh If everyone's got a copy of the big map, it's on there. Cartographic wonder, it's, it's. Yes. k and The cartographic wonder, you recall the points of interest in Scorchham, and you know that this giant needle in the sky that looks like the tower that you all encountered in the desert with the orcs is called Fizzle Bang's leash. There is a hive of activity around there.
from the creatures and that is directly you can see a couple of the roads that is where the orcs are sprinting towards with with unrelenting focus. You look to the south and it's quieter. Old Town, the southern slums, the heart of where people really who are of Dralak live appears to be
relatively safe. ah You're seeing of Chris Cabanas everywhere, but not engaging. You look westward to the Milk Gate District, and there is a CRISCR at the garrison, um protecting as much of the citizens as possible. There's a lot of fighting going on there. And you cast your eyes northward. There are ships ablaze, the hundred or so ships that were in this bay.
Two thirds of them are on fire.
You're a bit far away to to really, really tell. And then, of course, further out of the city to the south, you're just seeing This thing, this metal object that's snaking throughout the sky lands about seven or eight miles to the south of you in the desert.

Nix's Overhead Spell and Guidance

And it it just looks like this anchor. You of all people would no know what an anchor looks like. But this tether runs from the desert to the south all the way up to this floating white object in the sky.
So first question, Esmeralda. Absolutely no way you can see from here. Yeah. Fuck! As Nix takes all this in, looking around. Fuck!
Okay. Uh, everyone's going towards the Pisnu, the Harbour District. We need to, we need to stay together. So he's going to dictate the safest route, and he's going to cast... Can I do both?
I think I can. This isn't a combat, so you you don't have the... But spider climb is a concentration. As is guidance. I'm i'm not doing guidance.
I want to know if I can cast a message. That's what I'm trying to find, because it's telepathic. It's my feature, so I'll be fine. it's ah Awaken Mind. Ha ha! Cool. So Awaken Mind, bam, ah into Emron as I've got this view above.

Finding the Safest Route

Okay, okay. It's fucking shit, Emron. It's fucking shit up here. Everything's on fire, but I can get you guys say the safest direction to the harbor. You just have to listen to me. ah And Nix is going to
I guess He crawl jump that I assume they'll be out. It depends on how big the fuck it. I don't know the distance you see between it. It's like you're in we're in an alleyway. I thought yeah, you sort of 80 foot above like holding on to aspire as you look out in all four directions. Spider-Man it! And our message doesn't work then you clearly mark how far up ranges messages. Yeah. How far up am I 80 feet? Whoa. Okay. That message just went down. That did not work.
and on seeing that everyone's just, what's everyone doing when I'm doing this? We're looking up, staring at you. Just what like, gesticulating, like, wondering what the hell you're doing. Nix, we gotta go. what what What the hell are you doing?
I mean, um if you're not shouting that, I ain't gonna hear that. I ain't shouting that.
Oh, this is just awkward. Could have been cool. I'm going to slide down from the tower and just take a snapshot in my mind and memorize the route and go to the person. But with that role, as good as it was, you did sort of spy very little activity.
If you headed westward out of this web via the dragon garden and then to the bay, there didn't seem to be much activity happening there. So you you you identified a safe route based on that role. That's where we're going. Well, that's where I'm leading you. To Nick's suggestion as you head westward, are you three doing that? I kind of find a safe route. Westwards. Okay. Uh, everyone will be like, okay, let's follow you lad.
i mean
Nix is the leader for this three-person

Encounter with Creatures

jaunt. It'll be Reet. Nix, can you roll a d20, please? ah
Sorry, guys. We navigator. We believe in you. and How's a six? You've come across four creatures having robbed a bell. How is

Suspenseful Ending Teaser

a six? How is a six?
but to find out you to tune into next week's up oh the tabletop bell and oh you yes like you will absolute absolute slut dragon i just realized the time my god now now that's come by i' flies so twenty year old dying but bal doesn't
time So if you want to ask us what we're going to do next time, Ian, what the listeners have to do. Love this, guys. If I just leave a silence, someone will naturally feel it to fill it, fill it, fill to fill it, feel to fill it is where we're going to end on this week's episode. Is your dog still chowing down on himself?
he No, he's stopped now. easy he's the Is he alone? If you can listen back to any time we'll talk, have a listen, see if you can hear him gobbling his own nads.
Oh, we've entered a whole different podcast. yeah a great time and Until next time, guys.