A Surprising Confession Sets the Tone
Now I didn't know she was my cousin when I first slept with her.
Introduction to the D&D Adventure
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical homebrewed world of Aerith. My name is Mark and I am the Dungeon Master and also with us for today's episode we have Callum who plays the name sorcerer Folly Fizzlebang the Ninth. Fellowship assembled.
We have Ian, who plays the dragonborn barbarian paladin, Drago. What up? Helena, no, we've got Casey, who plays the human champion, Helena Sleepguard. Hello. We've got Danny, who plays the human cleric, Claude. Bonjour. And we've got Darren, who plays the human fighter rogue, Robin. Fuck, I can't speak. I feel as if I'm being forced into the Marvel universe, Batman.
We've got them back. Good to see you. It's been a while. It's been a while since I heard Batman. Unfortunately, I'm missing Will for this episode as well. But do not fear. He's been put under the spell of fear. And as as we find out in last week's episode, walked through one of the rat run doors, which can end you up literally anywhere without the guidance of Telly and Hellfire, the dragonborn that runs the stock magic hold
Demon Defeat and City's Lockdown Warning
out. He has disappeared and we will find out and catch up with him very
Very soon however on last episode of the fellowship of the tabletop we managed to fight off and defeat the nalfish knee the fiend demon that stood before them in the test the trials of The stock magic holdout called the rat run to pass and allow the council to let them leave Breaking out of spell hold and tell Ian hellfire the dragonborn gave them a
A 24-hour ultimatum, telling them that he can hold off the abcriska for that long, but then word will get out that this dragonborn and this gnome have escaped from the city, knowing what they are looking for in terms of the wanted posters around, they will lock down the city and not, you know, in a, I'm gonna say it, COVID way.
Final Fantasy Music as Comic Relief
This is a proper. What?
I know I had to bring it, it had to come up, I know. I've dated the podcast already with- Timestamp. Covid. Boom. Start date. 40. No, I can't do it. You can do it. Fail. But they will search everywhere in the city until they find you. There will be no way in, no way out. They will lock the city down, magical means or other ways, until they find you. So basically, it's 24 hours, then get the fuck out. That's the kind of alternating they've been given.
I don't know about you guys, but every time you've put in this the time limit down, I've got the Final Fantasy 7 time limit song going in
Escaping to Goldview: Planning in the Shadows
my head. And there's a couple of you that will get that reference, but it's that...
that's it mate you got it with the pink numbers counting down in the top corner yes yeah and i'm just like oh shit like the whole town's gonna blow up or something like oh the sky plate fools honestly i i actually always hear because to me this song's catchier but the um final fantasy eight theme when you are running through
Balan guard and there's the missiles are coming in. And how does that go, Calvin? I can't remember but it just plays slightly in my head. I only get a few notes. That doesn't make sense. I hate singing it. I just play like a little few notes in my head. I've got this song in my head but I can't remember how it goes. I never said I had the song in my head. I said it pops in every now and then. Clearly not that time. Anyway, we find ourselves telling
Telion took us through the doorway, allowing us to make a proper escape from the rat run out onto the streets of Goldview into a small secluded side alleyway with a couple of barrels blocking your exit from just a nondescript wall. You are now bereft of Kastan, bereft of Telion, and you find yourselves in Goldview. There is a torch nearby lit, allowing some light to fall over you in the nearby area, casting long,
and jagged shadows of each of the five of our intrepid travellers. You find yourselves in this alleyway as your eyes adjust to the darkness and the brightness of the torch in front of you.
Regrouping at Half Hoof Inn
What would you like to do? Alan, where do we go? Well, I did have Carston by my side to help me through the city when I'd been given some bad news up at my home.
let's go to the half hoof in and we can discuss them there. I think that's probably best as long as we're safe there.
It's where Talia is, so... I'm going to just look at the position of the sun at this particular moment, just to try and gauge a rough approximation of the time. I'm just trying to... I'm not staring into it like Claude would probably would do. But I'm just... Okay, ahh! Oh my god, my eyes! But just to gauge an idea of what time it is so I can...
keep an eye on it okay you look in the direction of the sun and you stare directly at the ground it's dark it's nighttime so you're just you just look like you're staring at the ground trying yeah i thought i mentioned it was night you did mention it right did you i must have missed that i must have missed that okay i'm going to stare at the position of the moon and gauge what time it is roughly throughout the night by the position of the moon
I mean, the moon wouldn't tell you time because the moon only tells you month lunar cycle, so I'd argue that you're just gonna have, you just, yeah. Look, we have a day until the next night time, that's it. Robin, can you keep an eye on the time, please? And if it gets too close in your mind, can you let us know? Sure. I'd like to think that we've moved on a bit and Folly's still staring at the sky. They want to ensure that Folly catches up with us. Folly!
Yeah, what? Maybe you could try counting the seconds between now and 24 hours. You do that, Claude. Robin, just let us know. Brilliant. I've missed you all. Half evening. Let's go there.
As Claude continues to count out loud I envisage, you enter onto a main street and realise you aren't too far from the centre of the city. You turn a corner and you can see a very large open square and you realise you've come out of a dead-end alleyway right opposite
Sleet Fort, which is one of the larger kind of military buildings in the very center of the city near a large well that sits in the middle of the city. There are a number of stalls set up, many of which have been covered up for the night. Business isn't continuing in this part of the city. To the left, you can see the Avlaf River and the bridge Helena that you crossed over. And on the other side, you can see the guards of Tiriani and also what you refer to as your home, the Sleet Guard Palace.
You are in the very center of the city, right in the very heart of Sleek Guard, the heart of Sleek Guardian civilization. We're heading to the half hoof inn, which is probably going to take you a couple of minutes to get there. I'm going to roll a couple of perception checks just because there will be some people you're passing on the way. A natural one and a six. You are fine. You pass
Helena's Family and City Politics
three individuals of note, many of which are hooded and keeping their faces hidden. They look shady, they look dodgy, but everyone does at this time of night, but no one really notices you. You do, however, notice after crossing the square and moving yourself south towards the half-hoof in, you do notice a couple of the side streets that you pass, a number of kind of a mistation members of the chrysacra,
dotted about, but this main street, this main thoroughfare that you're heading down at the moment seems to be clear at the moment. So you manage to get yourself most of the way there until you end up in the square, the smaller square in front of the city, sorry, in front of the half hoof in, and you see the greats that the four of you entered through in order to get outside the half hoof in. You see the entrance in front of you. There are no torches lit outside. Is there any conversation what's taking place on the way there? Just FYI, sorry.
175! 176! Folly just still tried to look at the moon as he's wandering. What are you counting? Well, Folly is trying to use the moon to guess the time of day. I explained to him in my seemingly newfound intelligence
that you can't use that technique when the sun's not in the sky. You've got to use this technique. I've lost count now. I was going to count all the seconds until 24 hours. I think that would have got quite a lot in those seconds. Yes, because I don't know how many seconds are in 24 hours. So it was just an indefinite count. Then why don't you just leave the counting to Holly? I've already forgotten it. I'm really hoping that, you know, Robin's got
a magical timekeeper on his wrist or something. That's fine, just keep sort of low is all I'm saying. Yeah. Because there's no torches on, does this mean that they aren't open for business? They could just be that they're not wasting the wood or something. Can we knock at the door?
This immediately doesn't feel right for Robin if there's no lights on on the tavern at all and he's going to immediately try and walk into Nura who's meant to be inside the inn. And as your eyes turned white and you look through the hawks eyes you can see inside in the corner just exactly where you left her is Nura. You can see where she is. You can see two patrons within the area is lit on the inside
You can see Tali still sat behind the bar and Kennard and they seem to be deep in conversation, talking quite seriously. There are only three other people in the bar at this time and they're kind of dotted on two of them are on one table, one of them is sat on their own. But it is open that people are inside, there seems to be nothing remiss from your position inside. I would walk out of Nura and immediately feel much more reassured about the situation. Have a nice walk, Robin? I'm guessing we're going in here.
Yeah, Helena will have already, as she's gone to knock, it's all been like, that's fine, as she's gone to knock. It's fine, Helena, you can go in, it's safe inside. Right, and she opens the door. And inside, as Robin rightly said, the space is fine, you notice two sets, three sets of eyes turn over to look at you, the eyes of Kennard Talley and also one of the patron who just glancingly looks over as five new individuals
Delmon Trace and Strategic Threat
But from Kennard's expression and from Tali's, he then quickly looks away and starts nursing his pint that he's currently drinking on his own anyway.
You're in this lovely, as I mentioned a while ago, this oak-filled room is quite dark and dense with all this wood and furniture all over the place. Obviously, Drago, you haven't been here before. But it's like eight or nine tables dotted around. It's a quite large open area of the bar at the end. And there's like a passageway off to the kind of top right corner that leads into what you can assume are some rooms and dormitories or some storage spaces and a staircase up on the far left.
Everything is kind of this deep dark wood apart from the sconces of light which light the place and give it a really nice warm glow. There are the ends of a fire that are kind of burning out but the the heat of which is kind of warm the air the smell of burning wood kind of fills your lungs and the kind of smell of slightly old ale that normally sits around taverns fills your nostrils as well as you enter. Ken and I'll entirely both look over and give you just a smile and a nod.
Helena walks up to Tarly and she gives her a big pat on the back. I'm glad to see you. You're well. Oh, fucking hell that hurt. Jesus. Sorry. Oh, yeah, I'm well apart from that. Fucking hell. Sorry, we got drinks. Do we need a round? Shall I?
I'll, yeah, I'll get, can I make him up with paint? Yeah, I guess. Forget she's running the place now, isn't she? And Kennard moves around and starts pouring up a few drinks. And as you all kind of file him one at a time of hell and at the front, Tali's kind of expectantly looking around and then clock's eyes on Drago and his big grin appears on her face as he walks in. But when she quickly tries to hide and just end up being a smirk and she tries to play it off cool like, oh,
Glad of you to join us again. Did I notice the change, the smirk? Yeah, 100%. It was too much of an instant reaction for her to have hidden it properly. Yeah, it's like a massive smile followed by, yeah, whatever, yeah, whatever. Good to see you. Drago made a start as if he was going to go over to her and catches himself, remembers
Locating Sebastian: A Key Turn
who he is, and just, yeah, good to see you again, darling.
in a while she's gonna hug you she's gonna take a second it's gonna be a moment of silence and then she's just gonna try and grab you in a hug like a really awkward side hug like not expecting you to turn drug is gonna stand there pull up and reach your hand over and pat her back
It's good to see you. It's really good to see you. It's going to let go and move, move. Yeah. Yeah. I can't believe I'm going to ask this, but where's Carstan? Just to, just to cut in there. If Draghi sees Kennard, he'd punch Kennard just to kind of get man points back. Good to see you too. Just punch him on the shoulder. Oh, okay. Jesus Christ. Oh, that's the wrong axis. Sorry. Wrong voice. Oh, fucking hell. Jesus Christ.
You know, you could just come in and say hi, you lot. Fucking hell, beating us all up. Christ. I'm getting your drink as fast as you can. I'm going to cast Cure Wounds on, can't I? Oh, thank you. Can I at least hope that you were conspicuous on your way over here? Yes. Yes, Claude. Right, good. You didn't draw any unwanted attention, did you? Claude, just take the pint.
In regards to Castan, he's not here. We've lost him. I mean, is that a bad thing? Yes. Yes. But it's not like we haven't got the time to think about that right now. We've got other pressing issues. Right. We're having a group meeting. Okay. And Tali's going to hear this and instantly turn to the three patrons that are left and go, we're closing. Fuck off.
And they're all gonna, one of them start, excuse me, I don't think you could speak to me like that. And she's gonna pull out the scroll and open it up. See this? This is the deed to the half hoof inn. Would you kindly read the name at the bottom for me please? As you lean over, Talia Icewind. Very well. Look at this face. Yeah.
Talia, ice wind, now fuck off. And, oh, okay, sorry, sorry. I'll be back tomorrow, bye. And she's gonna walk off, she closes it back up again. As the last patron leaves, she shuts the door, locks it, and then flings the key over to Kanadi, catches it, puts it under the side begrudgingly. She suits this. And- Jago's face this whole time is like open mouth, just kind of like,
What? She kicks a table in towards the middle and kicks another table and pulls up a few chairs and kind of just sits down at it and kind of gestures to you all to take a seat as as Kennard sits down with a pint in hand. She's not going to sit with a drink in her hand and kind of invite you all to sit down. Well, you wanted a group meeting?
First item of the agenda, what do we do with the 24 hours we've got left to live? I mean, stay here and sleep. I... I'll go with you. The veneer that Tally's kind of put up over the last 10 minutes or so starts to drop slightly and you see the Tally of old, the slightly nervous, unsure teenager come through. Oh, er, why have we got to leave?
The Chris Grower is going to swarm this city and bleed out any unwanted people within, and we're the unwanted people within. So that's why. They have a lead on two of our more distinctive party members. It's quite hard to miss Drago and Folly, unfortunately, and they know they're here. Yeah, that might be my bad.
More than Follies, it's definitely my fault. No, I take full responsibility as well, Drogo. What we did, we did together, and I still don't regret it. Drogo just laughs a little at that. I'm still very confused about what's going on and where I'm at, but I have ascertained that Helena has some pressing matters.
Maybe we start with what each of us need to do in the city. I mean, I'll hold my hand up. I have nothing to do here, so I defer to helping aid any of you. Helena, I've already said you have my sword. Fuck you, Will. Anyone else? Helena takes a big swig of her pint. Myself and Carstan went to the palace to meet with my father.
who unexpectedly was not where he should have been. And it turns out that the chriscra have taken set up in my home. My father and my brother Sebastian and my mother have been shipped away and
shipped probably is the right word to use. There was somebody local who saw my mother and Sebastian and my father leave on a ship. Cassandra, she's at the lodge, spoke to her. What? If you just let me finish,
Sebastian's Dilemma and Helena's Plea
Claude. You do not believe a word that lady says. No matter what you think of her, Claude, she saw my parents with my brother leave. This city
The city that they are comfortable in, it's their home. Their entire right is here to stay. And I don't know where they are. And I have no means of finding them. My other brother Lucian is on the front line. They suggested, this is the Ecrisca. They suggested that I follow his lead and I go with him. They have packed my things. They've turfed me out of my home. My mother is ill for crying out loud.
I need to help her. I need to find them. I need to get word to Felstrop, perhaps. He might know what's gone on. We tried that. Well, did we, Claude? Yeah. Have we heard back? He didn't respond. Can we not try again? Yeah, I can in the morning. So your family aren't currently in the city?
No, I have no idea where they are and with 24 hours, probably less now, I don't really have a plan, Drago. That's okay. No, this isn't asking for your plan. This is finding out how we are best to help you so we can formulate a plan together. It's also worth mentioning that Cassandra told me and she gives a sharp look to Claude as if to just say, just shut your mouth a sec before I
you know, whilst I finish. Cassandra saw a figure after they were taken, she saw a figure jumping off the boat into the water and she didn't know who it was. Whoever it was, I could only imagine they'd be as agile as my brother, perhaps, Sebastian, he might be the only one to leave. But then that means that he's still here, somewhere in the city. You went back to the palace, is that right? Yes.
Did you speak to anyone there? Yes, the of Chriska. They greeted me at the door. Taryon Leveon was his name and his leader, Delmon Trace. You may have heard that name floating around. He's the one that wants me dead. Yes, he was there too. They were in discussion. They knew who I was. Is Delmon in the city? Yes.
He was at the palace. You're thinking it's best to go and ask the source directly to find out where Helena's family has gone? They didn't tell me anything. I asked them. They wouldn't give me any more information. They laughed in my face. How forcefully did you ask them? I mean, I say firmly. I didn't corner them or use violence. Was it Delmont Trace you laughed at your face? Both of them. Delmont Trace laughed at your face.
No, he wasn't there, Helena. Was he not there? No, it was your mate Levain. He was getting kind of scried. He was getting messages given into his head from Delmonde to... Oh, I gathered. He was behind. I don't know why I gathered. No, he could be literally the same way that Claude can communicate with anyone. It's the same kind of thing so that you'd have no proof that he's there. Right, apologies. But you also have no proof that he isn't there.
Tarion was getting word from Delmonde. It was like he was speaking with him telepathically. It was Tarion that was doing the laughing. But yes, in answer to you, Drago, I didn't use violence or anything like that. As much as I wanted to, Carstan very much held the fort there and with my emotions rising, he handled it quite delicately.
It's okay, I'd say, if casting could find the information out his way, he would have done so. Robin, what do you suggest? We can concentrate our efforts in finding your brother if you know where, if indeed it was your brother who jumped from the ship, it could have been anybody. Or, we need to find out what we can about the Obcarisca, what you've told me about the dragons under the city, if they're planning on unleashing them on the citizens of this city.
the armies of the dead will grow rapidly. I know the bot is coming and we have to be ready for it, but if we can spend these next 24 hours to prevent and protect the citizens of this city, then I feel it's something that we should do.
He reminded us who the real enemy was, and that's not me saying that. You're wrong. That's me offering the other side of the conversation. Yes, he said about undead or dead are the ones to think about. Our enemies, correct?
He did and he also said that him and his crew have the ability to manage or suppress or at least prepare for the abciscra but the forces of the undead are the ones that they are unable or unequipped to deal with. We don't know if this
dragonborn this hellfire knows about the dragons he knows about the dragons because i told him in the cell and if he was there i saw him either way dragons under the city it only takes one of them to get out you were all that bleak more i will say to the others you saw how quickly things can turn if if there is mass death in this city if they were using those dragons to try and attack the city
I spoke to them. They would not have cooperated, and they're all dead. We spoke to them too, Robin, remember? The other options available to us is we spend this time doing what we can to find out what we can. What would you like, Helena, if getting out of the city isn't an option?
I feel that we could follow the lead on who jumped out of the boat. You know, we don't know who we're looking for. We don't know where they might stay. We don't even know if what Cassandra said is true. Probably not. Thank you, Claude. Have you got any better suggestions? I do. This isn't my home anymore. It's different and uglier.
I think. Folly, you know I asked you to blow up Cassandra in the lodge before. Yes? If he's still up for blowing something up, Ray's going to blow up Delmont Trace if he's here. End a Barb's CRISPR problem, and we'd go deal with the blight like we thought. We don't know where Delmont Trace is. We can't blow up my palace. Hold on one second. Mark, I'm going to cast Locate Creature on Delmont Trace. What's the range on that?
1,000 feet. Well played. Damn. Helen is sitting there the whole time going, you fucking what? If he's in Goldview, I'd get a fairly decent signal. You get no response. There's nothing. You don't get a ping back. You bastard. As far as you know, he's not within a thousand foot radius.
Okay. I'm going to, yeah, throughout the course of the day tomorrow, just do that a couple more times around the radius of the city. Yeah, just tell me where you want to ping them. Yeah. Well, if you can do that for Delmon Tracer, why don't you do that for my family? I've got one more spell slot. I'm studying it. I'm working for... Wait a minute. Which one would you like to look for?
I'd say Sebastian. I'd say he's the only person. You used to pick on me. I'm sorry. I fucking hate him too, but I don't think we have another choice. Oh, okay. I would like to cast Locate Creature on Sebastian Sleepgarch.
Return to Inn and New Doubts
Brilliantly played. You too. Bare with. Oh my God. Um, okay. Oh.
No, you don't get the note. You do get a ping. You do get a ping. And he is, he's probably about 250 feet away. I found him. I found him. I found him. He's here. Sebastian. He's also stationary. He's that way. 250 feet. Right. What's that way? Mark, give me a compass. North East. North East.
Stop looking at the floor, Folly. That's not what I meant. I mean, what buildings are in that way? I mean, it's a very well-ingled thing. Sebastian's 250 feet that way, but if he's 250 feet in a prison, it's going to be a very difficult job if he's 250 feet away in a cafe. Okay, we've got an hour. Well, I know where he is. Shall we head in the direction? Find him, reconvene at this meeting for two hours time? Meeting again. Let's go.
Great. Also, Robin, Folly, do you forgive me? Drago is alive and well, as you can see, I couldn't tell you what's going on because it's really his business. Apologise for the deception. Deception. They thought you would probably talk about me not being honest about stuff, but we forgive me. Drago's alive, so that's good, but forgive you? No, not yet. Okay, great. Robin, on the fence still.
Yeah, there's a time and a place for this. But rest assured, Claude, that there's no issue between myself and you. Great. Temperature check's fine. On we go. And what's the plan? Are we all heading out? Are some of us heading out? I will just say to Helena, I have the means of approaching him discreetly and not as myself if you would like me to broker first contact with him. That might be good to
to sort of narrow out where he is. Do you know what I mean? You will have eyes on him first. Am I guessing that you're going to go as an animal? No, nothing like that. I have a spell I've not used before, but I have the means of disguising myself as someone more innocuous.
Oh right, well, yes perhaps that would be good just to warm him up really. He can be one minute you think you know him and the next you don't. What's the way to his heart? Drink. I can do that. Right, it's always been his weakness.
Druggo just looks back at Talia and... Are you coming or is this now your home? Oh no, it can't be my home can it? We've all got to leave in 24 hours. I don't know your deeds. Your name's on the deeds. I didn't know if this was... I mean...
All right. I mean, it's up to you, but I just meant for this little trip here. I wasn't talking about the all right. All right. All right. I got heads in the, you know, in the future. No, yeah, I'm still I'm still here. I got closed on the bar and, you know, sort the tables out and everything. Right.
I'll sort you guys out with some, we've got space, I kind of mentioned like down in the cellar we've set up a couple of beds and stuff like that, it's out of the way. Chris can apparently do these searches sometimes so they won't even notice you down there, that's what Ken had been saying. So there's a place to say you don't want to fall into and get a point of exhaustion to you from not sleeping because it has been a while. That would be bad, I don't know when I last slept actually.
But that's another, that's for another time. Yeah. Okay. Just take care of yourself. And we'll talk about the future. Yeah. Okay. Cool. Good to see you again. She smiles. Likewise. And she heads back, back to the bar and starts commanding Ken out around and he sheepishly starts doing what she tells them to do as they start tidying up and cleaning up as you make your way out. I mean, Claude, are you taking point on this?
Yep, like a metal detector in a field. It takes you the most direct route which keeps you off all main roads as you step out the half roof and you see the three book store just to your right but the ping takes you north, northeast and you start zigzagging through buildings, through disused stations, through small emptied out houses with no doors as you pass through, literally walking through all these things.
You run into one or two individuals. There is a lady begging on the street, but she's kind of half asleep with her hands still out as she lies there, eyes closed. It's still quite a warm, balmy, balmy night. The sun has left, the kind of sun baked, and the area still feels quite warm, but silent, really, really quiet in these streets. Helena, Claude, Folly, this isn't normal. This isn't what golds do in the evening is normally like at the nighttime. It's still normally there's some life in here. This seems to be something is causing a repression upon this, this
enjoyment of the night time. As you continue making your way through the zigzags of streets you come across a number of small shops that are shut but boarded up. A number of what you're properly, properly boarded up are closed for good and not many people at all so you continue to zigzag through. You come to a large open square with a number of stalls set up but again covered up for the night time and one or two individuals stood around who make eyes at you as you walk past
but then quickly look away and continue smoking and being deep in conversation playing cards. You continue to zigzag your way through and you emerge onto a square. This square is eerily familiar to many, many of you. As you look in front of you and, Claude, I imagine, for some reason, I imagine you're just pointing in the direction the entire time as you go, I don't know. Anyway, and you've gone through and then you are pointing and you stop and you point
at the place where the ping ends. You get to about 20 feet from this place and you're pointing directly at it. And as you look up to the name, the rest of you, obviously not Claude, read what it says above this inn, this tavern. It says the Double Ork Pub. And you've come full circle back to the Double Ork Pub for some of you. Oh my Akiva.
You guys, Robin will vouch for this, and Charlie are in for an absolute wonder. I'm just going to point in the alley, but I imagine you'll want to go inside. He's in there. He's in there, the double orc, a two-headed orc, and your brother, hopefully not, you know, the same person, in there. Those of you with a mind for curiosities, I recommend the alley.
I'm going to recommend the alleyway for discretion for all of us until I can get Sebastian out to us. I don't think having him make a scene in the tavern is a good idea. Agreed and he does like to make a scene so I think that's a very good
Robin is taken on by the double orc. Helena, I'm going to suggest, Claude knows a quite good vantage point where you can see into the pub from the alleyway. Yup. Position yourself there where you can see me. I will be able to cast message, point out your brother to me, and I will approach him as discreetly as I can. Claude, show me this hole in the wall. Oh boy! I know, it's like skipping down the alleyway.
And who else is heading down the alleyway and who's going in? Is it just Robin going into the pub? Just a quick one. Robin, when you get Sebastian out, Helena, what kind of play are you going to proceed with here? Ask that as in, do you want
And you can see Drago's eyes rolling up around his head as if he's trying to think through different parts. Do you want strength or decorum? What kind of situation? I think we need to see what sort of state he's in first. Call it on the fly, OK? Then, yes, we'll make the right decision when we see him. I'm going to hang back at the...
rear of the alley just in case i can i don't know if he tries to run there's a thing about this pub um do you know how like children believe in things and if you were to crush that belief they would be really upset like you know um basically if claud asked you to look for the window instead there's a double orc in a double double-headed orc in the pub
Just look and agree with him. There isn't, but I think he will be crushed if he discovers that there's not. Just a heads up. Right. Say yes to Claude, double head, dear dork. Yes. If he says look at the double head, dork. But it's not real. No, it's true. I'm going to lean into you just to confirm. It's two walks, but just don't, don't, don't, don't ruin it. Thanks for the heads up.
And as Drago, you head round the corner. Yes, there is probably Claude expectantly, ushering you towards the position in the alley where you can see the hole in the wall, the window actually, that looks through into the Double Ork pub. There are also a number of disused barrels blocking area areas of this. This seems to be a place for refuse from the pub to kind of keep it until they can deal with it or chuck it in the Avlav River.
further down. It's a dead end, as many of these seem to be in the city, but it seems pretty busy with rubbish and debris. This can be anything from kind of refuse and waste from food, vomit, excess materials out and about, broken barrels, broken boxes, and then a stack of old storage boxes near the back as well. There is no light stand there, so it's quite a dark alleyway, but there is a little bit of light
through the very ashen, dim window coming from within the pub as you make your way down the alleyway. Robin, are you going to need a minute on your own to disguise self? All Robin needs is a moment. I think it's instantaneous for the car. I think so too. Let me check that out.
While Robin quickly goes over his spell book and to discover what he needs to do for this guy's self, the rest of you are kind of huddled around this area. Is there anything you want to do whilst you're waiting for Helena to receive the signal from Robin? Drago would look down the alleyway.
taking the surroundings, think best of where's best place to position himself and position himself at the bottleneck of the end of the alleyway, just in case someone decides to run, he can stop them. There are a couple of crates quite near to the entrance, which you could almost hide yourself around and position yourself so that once they've walked past, you could then block the alleyway without them kind of seeing you as they come into the alleyway, if that makes sense.
That's exactly what I would do. Lovely. So we're all kind of primed in the alleyway. Robin. So Robin would just find a moment of shadows. He would just take a quick look amongst himself and as he walks into the shadow as Robin, he walks out the other side as looking like just a very common disheveled commoner.
You push the large double doors of the pub open and what greets you is an eruption of noise, warmth, smells of food and beer and of joviality from within. If I'm looking around, you can see this long, thin pub with one set of tables on either side. This one was alleyway almost through the middle towards the pub at the end. And very clearly you can see a pair of orcs stood at the bar dealing with a couple of patrons and arguing with each other.
much to the revelry of many people around as they kind of take enjoyment in the cusses and insults that they throw at each other at the double orc pub. There's quite a lot of people in there, no one really notices you enter. Upon entering though, you notice most tables are full. These are kind of long lodge tables with benches on either side and most of them absolutely filled to the brim with people. This seems to be a very popular
popular pub at this day, at this time. And the bar, there's about two persons deep of people. There's all kinds of people here, but many addressed in the very similar garbs to what you're wearing. A couple of people in slightly more regal costume, regal clothing. Many in cloaks keep themselves warm. And in the very center of this room, in the middle of this alleyway, is this roaring fire that is hot. And some people have stuck over some meats and
over it to cook. Some are eating from it and chatting away and arguing and shouting. It's a really, whoa, not really expecting that kind of atmosphere, given the quietness of the street and the quietness of the hubbub you've noticed around Goldview. What would you like to do?
Robin will immediately glance around the pub. Is there any seat or any area near the window that looks out into the alley? The window you're looking at is almost the other side of the bar, but at the far end of the left hand table, the top left corner nearest the bar, there is one area that seems to be slightly empty. There seems to be the end of the
bench closest to that corner is free. There are two people sat next to it, deep in conversation, talking to each other. But aside from that, there is a little bit of room there you could position yourself. OK. Robin's not going to rely on chance to hunt down Sebastian. So he's going to go where he has an eye line on the window that looks out into the alley. He's going to prop himself in that corner of the bar. He's going to slam a couple of that hand fistful of coppers on the table and just gesture for two.
as in he wants two shots of whiskeys. If they come over and ask, he will just say whiskey as a one word response. And he will then glance to the alley and just lean on his wrist with the copper ring around his right index finger. And he will just say under his breath, Helena, if you can hear this, I need you to glance in through the window and direct me to your brother. You can reply to this message.
Robin you send that message through your copper ring and two drinks are brought over by one of the two orcs, boom boom puts them down, looks at you, hacktor don't forget and walks off again. Helena on the outside of this mucky window you get the message in your head of Robin's voice and you also hear the noise of just the interior of the pub and looking through now you can see how busy it actually is in there.
Do you want to respond or do you want to check? What do you want to do with that information? I would like to just check it out first, see what I can see in the window. Is the window like, you know, clear enough for me to see? Is it a bit of a struggle? It's a bit of a struggle. But if you give me a perception check, I can let you know if you see anyone that might fit your brother's description. Natural 20. Yes, you see him.
You ping him. He's in the far left corner from your current position. So in the opposite corner near the door, he is entertaining a group of about eight or nine people. You can see his mustache. You can see him standing up and kind of gesturing and talking with a drink in his hand, looking a little bit off balance, but that's not out of the ordinary for your brother, talking. They're all laughing raucously at the right moments. He looks quite charismatic in that time, but yes, you can see him.
Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. He's also wearing a really, like a black, like deep black cloak. Everyone else seems to be wearing kind of browns and kind of dyed reds and things like that. This is a deep black cloak. And underneath, he's just got a plain white shirt that's quite open, quite far down his chest over this cloak. Sorry, under the cloak. I'm going to say to Robin, I see him clear as day. He's the twat in the corner with the mustache, classic.
Entertaining everybody. Got a drink in his hand. You must be able to spot him. He's near the door. Robin will just say under his breath, but of course he is. And we'll then get up from the stall and take the two shots over to that area.
Okay, and as you approach over this long bench table that everyone's eyes are locked on this chap at the end as he stands there, hood round his shoulders, shirt open, kind of chest poking forward as he finishes off some kind of story. And he said, I said to him basically just, you know,
Do you know who I am? And everyone bursts out laughing around him. The place erupts, banging on the table, knocking drinks over, punching each other in the arm. Sebastian, who you assume is Sebastian, he's able to punch someone in the arm. It's himself, you seem kind of quietly hurt his own knuckles. But yeah, it rubs it off and smiles around at the group and just starts to kind of sit down and start joining in a small conversation with the chat nearest to him as people kind of start pairing off in conversations. This table's absolutely full of people.
I'll immediately try to intercept him with the two drinks and I will go, my friend, I legitimately do not know what you were saying because I was laughing so much at the way you told it. My God, are you a bard? You must be like a professional. That was unbelievably funny. Could you give me a, or I don't know, performance or deception? It's up to you. Okay. Um, I'll go with deception because I'm better at it. Go on then.
Let's bend the luck point. Roll the natural two. It's a 15 now.
I am not a bard actually, thank you very much. He runs his middle, his index finger and his thumb from the middle under his nose, either side down his mustache in a kind of a moi kind of way. I am just a merchant proprietor here in the city and I happen to have a way with words. What's that drink in your hand? Is that for me? Oh, I said to the barkeep, I've not experienced such
majestic storytelling in the entire time I've been in this cesspit of a city but that my friend has made my stay all worth the while. A game come to name is Miles and I work out in the shits near Clay Peak and well that was something here.
and he takes one of the shots of whiskey. Are you taking the other one, Darren? He's going to clink it against you and he does a weird thing where he knocks it twice against his head, balances on his nose, and then with his hand still tips it into his mouth, picks the shot, shot glass on the top of his head and it balances there as he stands up on the bench still with a shot glass on his head, picks up a pint glass and tries to balance that on his head.
which falls off but he catches it and kind of puts it down and stands up anyway and just says, prepare yourselves for another story from Seb Nightshade and he pulls up the hood onto his head and everyone starts banging on the table and cracking around. Anything you want to do? Yeah, I will down mine. My friend, I could listen to another story of yours forever. Scootch up, I'll just say next to one of them who's on the
Go along, let us hear more of Nightshade. And eventually the entire pub, even one of the orcs hacked or the one that served you was, Nightshade, Nightshade, Nightshade. And he cracks the table. The other one's, why you crack the table? And they stop arguing amongst themselves. Like the Lock'em, Sock'em robots.
And then he finally gets everyone quiet for a second. Let me tell you the story. Of my sister. And everyone goes. Many years ago. I lived far away from here many years ago. I lived in a place. Let's call it.
wheat guard and everyone starts laughing ah me and my sister we were much younger then and we went and he stops and swallows and everyone starts me and another heave comes upon him and he puts his hand down
But let's hold the stories for another day while I run through the evening. There's so many more hours before closing and everyone starts picking up again and he quickly gestures to someone else. You there, fat man, you'd said something interesting to me earlier, didn't you? You mean the story about my cousin? Yeah, that was fantastic. There was so many interests. There was intrigue. There was hatred. There was love. There was romance.
There was loads of stand up fat man. Tell them your name and tell them the story he Fat man fat he tries to chant again, but no one really seems to join in much, but he stands up anyway Well, I will tell you my story then and
Step night shade is going to quietly kind of step down off his chair Who with another heave is just going to step and just push one of the doors open and start to make his way out But I've got your friend. I'm going to cut I've got you friend. I've got you friend You don't want to be doing that in this pub. You don't want to ruin your reputation. Come on. I know something discreetly
I don't know what you're talking about and he steps out and you just hear the end of a conversation. Now, I didn't know she was my cousin when I first slept with her as the door shut. As you make your way out and as you take those two steps down, could you make a perception check, please? Yeah. Twelve. OK, absolutely fine. Could you now make a strength check, please? Twenty one.
Okay, as he steps out, you haven't realized, but this has been a ruse and he steps out and then turns to you and tries to grab you by the collar, suddenly turning serious and pin you up against the wall outside the front of the pub. But he tries to do this, but you don't move. So he ends up just grabbing your shirt and just trying to shove you, but without any avail and just goes, I know who you are. I don't know why you're here, but you're not going to kill me.
Robins immediately, is it just me and Nightshade at this point? There's no one else really rounding the square. He's checked around as well before he's done that.
Robin is going to snap his fingers and the disguise is going to drop and he's going to just go, jolly good, as I said, you're going to want to do that somewhere more discreetly. And I'm going to take his hands off my scruff and I'm just going to march him down to the alleyway. And he's going to suddenly, before you march him off, when he's got you up, when the disguise drops, he's going to release his hands and look at you directly. Oh shit. Oh shit, I didn't know it was you.
I'm really fucked now, aren't I? You're safe as long as you act calmly and rationally. I give you my word, no harm will come to you. Yeah, but given who you are, that doesn't bode well for people, though does it normally? Normally is death. That's normally the next stage, isn't it? Who do you think I am?
Is this, is that a trick question? I bloody hope it isn't because I'm not, not particularly strongest, you see? And he's kind of gestures down to his hands trying to hold his shirt, your shirt. Is it, is it a trick question? No. Yeah, you would say that if it was a trick question, wouldn't you though? You're, I mean, you're Hellstone, aren't you?
I don't know if you... Perhaps we should continue this discussion. I'd give you my word that you are safe, and all will be revealed in due time. I don't know if you can help them this day, but you're coming with me. But you're not him. I have no idea who you're talking about. Huh. That is troublesome and very interesting information. Right.
Right, I'm very much confused and my buzz has gone so if you need to take me somewhere then where are we going? Just round here and I will lead him over and say I think with what you're about to see you won't have another case of mistaken identity and I'll just gesture down to the alleyway. He's going to look down the alleyway, look back at you.
I don't know the nice way of putting this or I don't know if this would really be fitting of my character if you knew who I was but am I gonna get fucked in there just just putting it out there like because it's a dark alley and you've just said go there there won't be any mistaken identity I'm feeling you know I you know I've heard stories like this this is normally how it starts you know just be honest with me I mean I can take you know
You know, it's an interesting night. I might as well see if it's more interesting, but you know, I'd like to know. Down the damn alley. Yep. It's that kind of night. Right. So, and he's going to just take a deep breath. Here we go. Crack his neck. And then he's going to start walking down the alleyway. Hands up as he walks down and he walks further down. He starts to see more people bloody hell. This is a few more people than I was expecting really, if I'm being honest. Uh,
And Helena is going to step into the light. Hello, Sebby. Well, fuck. Hello, sis. I think we need a chat. Now, I was under the pretense that this would be something very different, and now it's even more different from what I was expecting. If you were to tell... Right, why are we in an alley? Why aren't we, I don't know, not in the fucking city, first of all?
You never did know when to shut up, did you? No, I still don't know either. Nothing changes. That's what I'm getting at. And still can't take your alcohol. Excuse me, I can take it well. It's just it doesn't seem to sit down very well. It always seems to come back out. Why are you friends with... I saw a man at the corner behind me. Him over there? What do you mean?
Why aren't you friends with anybody? His head is awkwardly moving back and nudging with his head awkwardly towards Robin's direction. Why are you working with him? I can hear you. Sorry. Why should I even have to explain myself to you? These are my friends. Righto.
I don't understand why you have a problem. Shit, you've got a gnome, pet or friend. Hello. I'd beg your pardon. Ooh, it talks. Ooh! Shit, I can't be a pet again. Well, this'll be the worst thing that's happened to you tonight. That sounds like a promise you won't be able to keep, little man. But your backpack's fantastic. I love the pink on it. Purple, I can't see in the dark particularly well. Sis, what the fuck's going on? Why are you here? I didn't kill him yet. Can I seriously kill him yet? Yes, I did tell you he was a prick, didn't I?
They didn't think you did much of a prick. Folly, he's a royal prick. A royal prick is still a prick. Can I ask that the, uh, the Sleekard Surge member keeps his fucking voice down about my loyalty, please? I don't intend on being caught and shipped off somewhere. Thank you. I second that, I suppose.
Yes. He was in the tavern calling himself Sebby and shouting very loud. If he's trying to avoid getting caught, he's doing a terrible job. I had a fake name. I don't know what more you wanted from me. Right. Well, I haven't been long enough to see through any of it. So just tell me what I want to know. And that is where are our mother and father? They're gone. And he seems to serious up a lot with this point. They came in and went through decree after decree.
politic after politic, law after law, and they managed to convince Dad, the king, to vacate the city. Since you've been gone, Mum's got worse. It's decaying. Well, it was inevitable. She needed something to help her, and that's what I've been trying to fucking do.
Yes, but no one thought you'd be successful. No one even thought we'd see you again. For all we knew, you'd been captured and shipped off somewhere else yourself. Right, well that's exactly what mum and dad have now gotten themselves into. They've been captured, taken somewhere else. Where are they? They didn't tell us where. But the supplies we had on board. It was a long haul. It was a long journey. I managed to slip out, let's say.
But how do you think we found you? We knew that you'd slipped out. Cassandra, the lodge, she saw you. Cassandra? That whore, what did she want with it all? What did she even see? Well, it doesn't matter what she wanted, she saw you, and thank God, because we were able to now find you, and... Well, I knew what she wanted... Totally get some sense out of you. I knew what she wanted the other night, if you, you know, get my drift, and he's kind of turning to elbow anyone nearby. Aye, aye.
What are you doing here on your own? What are you trying to achieve? Why are you not trying to find our family and reclaim our palace, our home? He's just going to kind of stretch his arms out and kind of look down at himself. Look at me. What do you see? He's going to pull up his cloak so you can see kind of his waist as well, where a weapon would be. There isn't any.
Well, I know you've never really been able to handle yourself. And then what good would I do apart from die? If I try and incite- Well, you would be good to die in honour, Seb. I'm not a soldier. I'm not a great warrior or a hero like your brother, our brother, sorry, or yourself with all your fancy training and your fourth battalion.
You never made a fucking point in learning anything. You chose to drink yourself into oblivion. And isn't oblivion exactly where we've all ended up? Drink or no drink? At least I've got something to show for it. Have you? You're here in an alleyway in a city that no longer belongs to us. Sat with a... and he gestures round. Dragonborn, midget, sleep garden, an assassin.
Listen, you watch your mouth, Seb. We're here because we want to reclaim back our palace, our land. And we're doing it together. We're not stepping ourselves away in an old bloody tavern. I'm not the one who left. I'm the one that was here. I'm the one that went with mother and father. I'm the one that broke free and then realized I had fucking nothing that I could offer. I'm the one trying to drum up support.
What would you like to offer now? What can you offer now? He's going to shrug and just look down at the floor. Do you want to help? Or do you want to stay here? I want to help, but I don't see what much good I would do. You're the best chance we've got at finding... finding our family. And she's going to just sort of gesture to the rest of the party. We don't really have a plan.
But we knew that you'd help us get there. He's going to deflated. Look around to you all. I don't have anything. I heard nothing. It was a skeleton crew. None of them spoke. None of them spoke common. There was lots of supplies. That's literally all I know. They piled us onto the ship. No fanfare. People were watching somewhere. They knew what was happening.
That's all I have. That's all I have. Insight check. Yep. Give a roll. 10. Meaning it was a natural one. Wow. There's nothing that allows you to understand that he would be fitting in any way. This all seems genuine, honest, above board, emotive. I don't know what else to say. I don't know what else you need to know
from me I know nothing of where they are I don't think anyone does and do you really think they'll just tell anyone that information where they're keeping members of the royal family against their will no I who was who was escorting the ship or the boat whatever it was that you were put on I don't know there were two two members of the chris kra and the rest were
Well, Drolak, for all I know, none of them spoke common. None of them looked like sleep guardians or any of the dock workers or anything like that. They looked different. And what did they tell you? You must have heard what they would have told you or mother or father. How to reach home, how to contact us. Nothing. The whole point was that we would be gone.
until they deemed it necessary to, I don't know, kill us or let us return in some skeleton form as puppets. And Lucien? As far as I know the fight continues. You haven't heard from him?
No, not directly, but the city does. The town heralds usually hear news of heroic deeds, fighting back against the forts of the undead, holding the front line, personally leading charges and attacks and assaults on the forces of the undead, incalculable odds, and still winning. Yet, the blight continues to grow.
If I fear for anyone here, I know they won't kill mother or father. They're too important. They are useful pawns in a game which they can control and use to sway the politics towards what they want, to sign decrees, to sign laws. They'll keep them alive. It's Lucian I worry about. He's the one that I worry about the most.
And I know I shouldn't. Big brother looking after the family, bringing honor to the name. But everything I hear about those things fills me with dread. And they should. And I think you're right. Mother and father may perhaps be those pawns. They're the ones that are being controlled and they aren't necessary.
to whatever game you criss-cross, right? I'm just thinking, if I was in their position, what would I do? Would I kill off my most useful assets? Would I keep them alive and get them to sign off things that I want to happen? This Delmon Trace prick, he's just a man. Men have weaknesses. We can learn them, maybe. I mean, you can. I'll just, you know, I'll be the voice of reason in your ears, maybe. That's all I can offer, Helena. I am sorry.
I can't help more and I'm sorry I've been wasting my time here but... I don't know what else to do. Where are you staying, Seb? He chuckles a bit. Here. Double ork. Do you want... Do you want rooms with us? Or are you happy here? I'm not happy here. I haven't been happy in years. I don't think it's a good idea. Listen Seb, you're... You're my only blood relative that is...
currently in my reach and who I know is alive and well. I don't want to let you out of my sight if I know you're unsafe. No one seems to care. No one seemed to know me before anyway. Why would anyone know me now? You're the only person that would recognise me really. I've never spent much time out at the palace anyway. So until now... No one's recognised me since I've been here. You haven't been here for years.
So, we're both a bit of a... bit of an enigma in our own home. I'll be fine here. At least then you'll know where I am if you need to find me. Um... Shall we, um... Shall we go back to Darlene? Uh, Eleanor, you... some time alone, maybe? This is quite personal. I... I sort of need... I mean, yes, perhaps.
And she just looks quite confused and she looks torn as to whether or not she wants to spend time with Seb or whether she wants to discuss it all as a group. Take your time. Various of us, quite a few of us have lost family members, so I'll meet you back at the pub. And Draggy's going to make a pointed look at everyone. Anybody want to help me find Carstan?
Maybe we can talk about that on the way. I'd love to find Castan. Yeah, what's that over there, Jago? What's that down in the other direction from where the Prince and Princess are stood? Let's go pursue that interesting thing. Just thinking Kennard might know more about where Castan could be, so it's a good source of information. Helena would be at...
Half hoof, half hoof. The pub we were at before would be there. Half hoof. Okay. Coming Folly, you're gonna go up at the royals. Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course I'm coming, but for what health I assert, I don't think we'll have a chance in hell of actually finding Castan anywhere. Don't say that. I only speak the truth, Claude.
And then after Robin's just left around the corner, she could quickly snap around to Helena. Seriously, though. Why are you spending time with him? What do you mean? It's Robin. No, it's not. It's not. It's not. You haven't been here for a while. That is not... Robin, did you call it? That is not... Yes, Robin. That's Hellstern. You know you've heard of Hellstern. That is Hellstern.
What do I know of Halston? You've never heard of Halston before? Never. Okay. No. Again, you haven't spent much time in the city recently. No, I don't know who Halston is. Who is it? What do they do? Halston is his name. It's the name of the person that you just spoke to, the man that accosted me outside the pub. Halston is an assassin. He is the assassin. He runs the Guild of Assassins.
Where? Here, there, everywhere. No one fucking knows, but everyone knows that face and that name. You just, I don't know how you've come across these friends of yours. I don't know how you've built your little gang of warriors and, you know, chipped jabs and peel pals that you're going to be friends with blah, blah, blah. I don't care. It's your business. You know better than I do, but just keep an eye on him. Okay. He's, uh, he's,
Fucking dangerous. Gotta kill kind of over a hundred as far as I'm aware. Works for a pretty penny too. Here in the city, sanguined across the board. He must just look like somebody that you've seen before, Seb. Honestly, I've been with Robin for the last few months now and he hasn't ever sort of led off this assassin persona. It's not that sort of person. Oh shit.
Well, are you sure? The last few months? Yes. Well, he's the fucking spit of it. Yes, I mean, there's been two high-profile assassinations since then that he has taken credit for. How do you know this? Well, the assassinations. They're quite obvious. He leaves a telltale sign. It's just an H in the mud or the dirt on the floor nearby. There's been two of them. We know it's him. It's been good. They're good kills. Clean.
painless by the looks of things but your friend Robin you might want to tell him that he looks the spit of a high-profile assassin because that could get in the way of some conversations it's got the shit out of me if I'm being honest so that might be a bit of an advantage I'm not really sure what he's accustomed to or what he's involved in but yes
You know what? Fuck it. Where are we going? I'm coming with. That's great news. Come on. And she's just gonna pull him so that they are sort of tailgating these guys. No, but seriously, where are we going? Half Hoof Inn? That's a shithole. Oh, do we have to go there, Helena?
Are you fucking joking? Look where you've just come from. Yes, well, at least they've got two orcs there. They're hilarious. Oh, please don't mention that there are two separate orcs when you meet Claude again. Which one? Which one? See, is he the short one or is he the bulk? No, he's the tall, tall, big, big fellow.
Right. And I don't mention he's not an orc. There's two separate orcs. We can't mention that because apparently he thought there was only one orc with two heads, which is quite amusing really. That would be fucking brilliant. Okay. No problem. They're your friends. I'll follow suit. Yes. I know you can embellish lots of stories so you can do your thing with that. You know what? I could add to it actually. I'll make it a bit more interesting. Great. We'll do that. Lovely. All right. Let's go. I don't know about you, but I could do with some rest. It's been a long day.
Yes, we haven't slept in a while. No, it's been almost 10 episodes. And as you start to make your way off, the camera pans up to the moon as the shadows of shapes and silhouettes start to make their way off into the distance and towards the half hoof in. As for some reason, I've added a third NPC into the situation that I've got to voice.
And to hear how that all plays out, you can join us next week. But thank you very much for listening. We're going to pause it there for this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. Good shit, everyone. What a stonking episode. That was damn good. Stonking good. That's such a stonking good episode.
Thank you very much everyone for tuning in and listening, making us a part of your everyday week. We love you for it. We really do, especially during these crazy, crazy times that are still upon us. But never fear, despite the crazy times, we shall release and continue to release episodes for your pleasure every week.
I'm very proud of us all and this group that we've managed to keep it going now every Friday for over a year, guys, over a fucking year. So, yeah, that's a little hat tip to you all over a year and a half now. Yeah, it's been nuts, been nuts. Like I said, over 82 episodes and which is like crazy when you total up the hours, it would be somewhere near like 85 to 90 hours of our voices out there on the podcast world.
And hopefully we've had listeners from us with us from the start and here now. If you are one of those listeners, please get in touch. Like either leave a review, DM us, or tell a friend. Tell a friend would be the better way. But no, tell us. Tell us. You can tell us on our Twitter pages. We have a combined one. Please find it. It is at Fellowship Table. And then if you wanted, I don't know, if you wanted to let us know individually, you can follow me at iWorldA1. You can follow Karsten
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