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Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should image

Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should

S1 E9 · A Life By Design
64 Plays2 years ago

In this episode I share my experience of deciding on which ideas are worth pursuing, rather than acting on all the suggestions & ideas that come my way. What to do when you’re just not sure if an idea is right for you or not. Plus, where the power in fine tuning this skill lies, especially as a business owner.

Now as the Owner/Operator of a unique retail store offering which is ever evolving, and a Dharma Coach I hope to facilitate and support others in realising their dreams of creating a life they truly love, doing work that aligns with their values & unique skills.

La Lunar Living - In Person Women’s Circles

La Lunar Living - Self Guided Online

Book an immersive shopping experience at Creators Nest, a space showcasing handcrafted wares of professional creatives locally & beyond.

Events & Workshops at Creators Nest

Dharma Coaching service

Creators Nest Online Store





Intro & Outro Music: Shaman Dance by slavamusic


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Introduction and Mission

Do you desire to turn your passion into income? Connect with other creative souls who also dance to the beat of their own drum?
I'm Marie Nicole and I'm devoted to combining beauty, uniqueness and connection in everyday living experiences. As a creative professional and Dharma coach, I help people connect to the truth of who they are and facilitate them in embodying their uniqueness. It is my hope in this podcast that I inspire you to live your life on your terms and earn your income
through being uniquely you. After all, it's the unique thread that we each contribute to the collective tapestry that creates the home.

Upcoming Event and Workshops

Before sharing today's podcast with you I'd like to tell you about an upcoming event and series of workshops specifically tailored to women. As women we're not the same one week to the next so wherever possible adjusting our work and life practices to suit your cycle can be of great benefit.
Whether or not you have a personal cycle, there are benefits to working with a cyclical approach to living. And if you do still have a personal cycle, then following the moon cycle means you can still maintain flow in your life even if your personal cycle is thrown out.

La Luna Living Workshop Details

This series of workshops, La Luna Living, will take you through a process of deciding on where to start and how to make conscious decisions
that will enable you to realise your dreams, creating flow in your everyday living experience. You'll learn how to do this by working with your divinely feminine superpower, your personal cycle, or with the divinely feminine energies of the moon cycle.
Each week of this program, we'll focus on the stages and phases that correlate with the moon cycle, starting on the February new moon, Monday the 20th, 5.30 to 7 p.m. at Creators Nest here in Yass. And every Monday after that for the four weeks, you'll also receive an electronic copy of the booklet so you can continue to work through it at your own pace in your own time each month after that.
So join me to connect with your divinely feminine superpower. Booking details will be in the show notes below. If you can't make it to the in-person program or you're listening to this podcast after the event, there's also a self-guided program available online too. So keep an eye out for that.

Advice vs Opinion: Personal Alignment

In the last episode, I talked about the difference between advice and opinion.
A part of this experience is receiving ideas on what you could make, create or do. And some of these ideas will be truly inspired, yes. But in the end, it is up to you to decide if they truly align with your core values and your offerings. When I started working with recycled blankets, creating guitar cases and bags,
My product certainly did turn heads and start interesting conversations.

Inspired Project Choices and Passion

They took people down nostalgia lane and thinking about their childhood blankets.
and all the memories associated with that. When I traded at markets, I often had people suggest what I could make out of blankets, such as surfboard covers, drum kit cases. There were so many suggestions that I actually did take on board, offering a bespoke service, creating a chest cover case, a mandolin case, keyboard covers, a range of instrument covers. I never did make a surfboard cover though, mainly because the music aligned more with the lifestyle that I led,
And living in a rural town in the Tablelands, surfing was not really a part of my community's culture. But one day someone approached me and asked if I would make gas bottle covers for their caravan. Followed up with a statement that you could make a lot of money doing these. This person was a grey nomad who had many friends who also had caravans. They thought this would be a winner for sure.
Now I did actually consider making these covers, but then decided to decline. The tricky part of this was that I saw this same person every time I attended one of my regular markets and every time they asked me again. My reason for declining was not that I did not think this was a useful item, it just didn't inspire me. And the last thing I wanted was to mass produce anything, let alone mass produce something that didn't inspire me.
Now some may think that I was being precious or too particular or not seeing the opportunity that I was presented with but I did not see the value in putting my creative energy into something that simply did not inspire me. Now as a portrait photographer I took on jobs
like taking headshots of local business people that made me money but it did not ignite my passion and in truth it didn't make me nearly as much money as taking family portraits that captured the beauty of families lives and lifestyle which often led to the large sale of prints and framing and even photo albums
family portrait albums because there were so many beautiful photos that they couldn't choose to you know color it down to just a select few so they would order a whole album. The same could be said for capturing portraits of people's much-loved pets. I sold 20 by 30 inch framed prints to pet lovers as well as albums and
thoroughly enjoyed capturing these moments of both people and pets. Now in contrast capturing a series of headshots that were used mainly in a portfolio or on a website, while yes it could be considered bread and butter work, it definitely wasn't the cream of the crop and this same amount of time went into capturing these portraits as they did as I put into family portraits and pets and the inspirational images and results
were a lot more profitable in the end, memorable and enjoyable for them and for me. So taking the learnings from these experiences is what has made me more discerning about what I say yes to.

Reflection on Past Workshops and Purpose

Now, since opening Creators Nest, I've run numerous workshops, some that in the end were more draining than anything else. So I've not offered them again. Others I've not offered that I would like to bring back, but some I would just simply not offer again.
With some things you just know that they don't suit you, but with other things you don't know unless you give it a go. But what about when you can't decide on why or what it is that's making you resist. You know something that sounds like a reasonable idea but the thought just makes you physically contract.
Recently I've been asked to hold children's workshops and I considered it, but resisted it at the same time. And I've hosted children's workshops in the space before and it wasn't an issue, it's not like it left a bad taste in my mouth, but for some reason I haven't jumped at the idea again. So I spent some time journaling on this. Why was I now resistant to an idea that previously I wasn't?
What came through was that I realised the energy that would go into the logistics of running these workshops, applying for creative kids vouchers, getting children's checks etc just didn't align with my purpose in the present moment in time.

Empowering Women and Mission Alignment

My focus right now is supporting and empowering women
even if they don't intend to run their own business but providing them with the opportunity to connect back to the essence of who they are and what ignites their creativity. Giving them a chance to connect with their inner child and play is more where I wish to place my energy right now. So while things may seem like a good idea, it doesn't mean you have to do them.
Knowing what your business focus is, the mission behind your offering and what inspires and ignites you is where your decision making should come from. Not just whether or not it would make you money. There are easier ways to make money than to force yourself to do things that drain your energy or steal your precious little spare time.

Balancing Money and Vision in Business

Being a business owner means you need to be even more mindful of how you spend your energy
especially if this is your main income source. No sick leave or holiday pay or clones of you means you need to protect yourself from depletion and ensure you're actually enjoying what you do. Because that's why you started in the first place, right? Making money is extremely important in business. I'm not discounting that at all. But making money doing things that don't align with your vision, your mission and values will not fuel you to keep going.
So don't feel like you have to say yes to everything you are presented with or even every idea that pops into your mind.

Call to Action and Connection

It's okay to say no.
Thank you so much for your time. I know how valuable it is, and I hope you got value out of listening to this podcast. If you are looking for a coach to support and guide you through your own unique journey of creating a life you love, then reach out for a connection call. And if you'd like to connect with other creative souls in person by joining us at a workshop, a retreat, or to book a unique shopping experience here at Creators Nest, I run those by appointment. So check out the website for more details. The link is in the show notes.
Oh, and please leave a review. I'd love to hear any insights or inspirations that were activated in you from this podcast. And I look forward to drumming, dancing or soaring alongside of you.