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2023 In Review - For You image

2023 In Review - For You

S2 E39 · A Life By Design
49 Plays1 year ago

In this episode I am not going to share with you a review of my year, I want to inspire you through a series of questions conversation style, like we’re friends sitting on a sofa together holding space for each other… these are questions you can journal on as a reflection of the last 12 months and in preparation for creating a more magical year ahead.

Taking time over the summer break to truly reflect on what’s been serving you what has not, and make discerning decisions that support you & your loved ones moving forward is a powerful practice.

Allow yourself time to to write out a detailed list of what you’ve achieved this year…

What you have overcome?

How you have evolved as a business owner, even just as an individual?

What have you let go of?

It can be just as powerful to reflect on what you continued to put energy towards and your efforts never quite led to the results you were after, then accepting that this outcome would actually not serve your highest good…


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Through the Digital Solutions Program

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Intro & Outro Music: Shaman Dance by slavamusic


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Introduction and Mission

Do you desire to turn your passion into income? Connect with other creative souls who also dance to the beat of their own drum?
I'm Marie Nicole and I'm devoted to combining beauty, uniqueness and connection in everyday living experiences. As a creative professional and Dharma coach, I help people connect to the truth of who they are and facilitate them in embodying their uniqueness. It is my hope in this podcast that I inspire you to live your life on your terms and earn your income
through being uniquely you. After all, it's the unique thread that we each contribute to the collective tapestry that creates the whole.

Embracing Change in Life and Business

It's never too late to change your course and connect with who you truly are at every stage of your life and business journey.
You may feel like you've been forced to do this if your external circumstances have changed suddenly, but you can also choose to do this internally too.

The Digital Solutions Program

Before I get into today's episode topic of 2023 in review, let me tell you about the Digital Solutions Program.
This is an initiative designed to equip micro and small business owners with tools and resources and expert guidance that they need to untangle the complexities of digital. I'm a digital guide for the program which offers the opportunity to work with someone who can assist you in building your digital skills.
If you're not sure if you should start with your website, social media, digital marketing plan or focus on cybersecurity and you would like assistance in developing a digital plan for your business, well that's where I can help you as a digital guide through the program. Having first-hand experience in business, the use of digital tools to support the growth and sustainability of a business, I can help you decide on what area to focus on first so you can move forward in your digital journey.
If you have an ABN, and are in New South Wales or the ACT, and could do with some help in the digital space, simply sign up for the All Access option, which is just $45 plus GST, and it's a one-off fee that is actually valued at $845, but because this is the heavily government funded program, you're only getting it for that $45 plus GST.
to receive up to four hours of one-to-one support. Now you can sign up by clicking in the link in the show notes and I've also dedicated a page to the digital guide offering on the Creators Nest website so you can link and sign up through there as well if you find that easier. Now let's get back to today's episode.

Reflecting on Personal Growth and Achievements

So where do you begin when it comes to reviewing 2023?
Looking back at who you were in January of 2023 and who you are now in comparison is a good place to start. Who do you wish to become going forward based on the essence of who you truly are within? Taking time over the summer break to truly reflect on what's been serving and what has not and make discerning decisions that support you and your loved ones moving forward is a powerful practice.
Allow yourself time to write out a detailed list of what you've achieved this year, what you have overcome, how you have evolved as a business owner, even just as an individual. What have you let go of? And what have you welcomed in, opened yourself up to receiving? What have you recognized hasn't served you? What's ignited your fire and made you feel excited about doing what you want to do next?
What have you felt? Really felt in your body that excites you, making you want to bound out of bed. And if you've not wanted to bound out of bed, then what's helped you drag yourself out of bed on those days that you've really not felt like it? Really take time to reflect. What felt like the worst thing that happened in your life at the time, and later you realized freed you from shackles that you did not even see you were wearing? What liberated you?
and led you to express yourself in ways that previously you shied away from letting others witness in you. What did you think was not possible that you're now considering as a potential outcome of all that you've done?

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Bliss

When you really sit and let yourself recognise all the magical experiences rather than focus just on the setbacks, and you start to allow yourself to dream bigger and reach higher, that's pretty magical, isn't it? After reflecting on all of this, what would you consider, even toy with the idea of bringing into form?
The summer break is a perfect time to reflect on just how far you've come over the last 12 months. We've all heard the phrase, that which does not kill us only makes us stronger. What have you overcome in one area of your life that is now making you feel like you're invincible in another?
Now I'm not talking about what you've suppressed and avoided feeling. I'm talking about what you've let yourself feel, truly feel, that you never expected you would allow yourself to feel. You've leaned into it and then you've moved from that. Now leaving you feeling like you could get through almost anything.
This doesn't have to be something negative. You could have allowed yourself to feel sheer bliss like you've never felt it before. And now you know the feeling of bliss is truly possible. What areas of your life could you now allow yourself to feel more bliss?
You may have stretched yourself, taking on a task that you did not feel ready to take on, and then you came through that experience feeling empowered and capable to do it again and step up to the next level even.

Focusing on Possibilities and Letting Go of Limitations

It's easy to talk ourselves into why things can't happen, but what if you put that same energy towards allowing what is possible to realise or experience in life? Would it take any more energy?
No. So why not try it? Allow it. Magnetize it towards you rather than magnetizing the opposite. If what you fear you attract is true, then could it be true on the flip side?
A phrase that I have been holding onto this past 12 months is that, which is meant for me, will come to me with ease and that which is not, I cannot make happen. This does not mean that I am sitting back doing nothing and waiting for things to miraculously happen, that I desire to have happen. It is more about taking aligned action towards my goals and bigger picture vision. And if something feels like I'm needing to force to make it happen, then it's not really meant for me.
However, if the actions I take feel like water flowing down a stream past the obstacles in a river, where I'm placing my energy and attention feels more effortless and leading me towards the destination that I desire, then I'm onto something. So reflecting on outcomes that you have reached, coursing down a path of least resistance, will indicate to you where it would serve you well to place more of your energy in that area of your business or even your life.
When you start to feel empowered in one area of life, it filters out into other areas of life too. On the other side of that is reflecting on what you have continued to put your energy towards and your efforts towards that have never really quite led to the results you were after. And then accepting that this outcome would actually not serve your highest good.
and that it may be time to release the grip on trying to reach that goal. And instead of grasping onto the fallen trees and rocks, trying to force your way back upstream, you'd be better off letting go and let yourself be carried effortlessly downstream instead.

Preparing for the Future: Goals and Reflections

So take some time this summer break to look back over the last year and really reflect on what has moved you forward, that you didn't even realise moved you forward, even the things that you thought were really devastating, they actually might have been propelling you for what's next.
And don't forget that if you sign up for full access in the digital solutions program, you'll get up to four hours of one-to-one coaching with a digital guide to help you along your business journey. If that's what you wanna bring into 2024 in your business, actually working on your digital presence, then be sure to do that. But for now, make the most of what I've shared in today's episode and take some time to reflect on 2023. Take the learnings from the year and prepare to step things up.
to the next level in 2024.
Thank you so much for your time. I know how valuable it is and I hope you got value out of listening to this podcast. If you are looking for a coach to support and guide you through your own unique journey of creating a life you love, then reach out for a connection call. And if you'd like to connect with other creative souls in person by joining us at a workshop or retreat or to book a unique shopping experience here at Creators Nest, I run those by appointment. So check out the website for more details. The link is in the show notes.
Oh, and please leave a review.

Conclusion and Call for Engagement

I'd love to hear any insights or inspirations that were activated in you from this podcast. And I look forward to drumming, dancing or soaring alongside of you.