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Episode 274: DVC Lounge, Island Tower Updates & Food Time! image

Episode 274: DVC Lounge, Island Tower Updates & Food Time!

Welcome Home: A Disney Parks & DVC Podcast
1.1k Plays6 months ago

On This Episode

The EPCOT DVC Lounge gets a new name, sponsor and elevator. More details have been released about the Island Tower at Disney’s Polynesian Villas & Bungalows including a new restaurant, kids pool, and terrace gardens. Deadpool will be joining the Disney Adventure and Disney Cruise Line revealed new concept art of the ship. Disney released a behind the scenes look at the process of making the Haunted Mansion Gingerbread house at Disneyland. Jollywood Nights has new merchandise. It’s Food Time! The guys discuss Halloween treats on both coasts and go through the menus for the EPCOT International Food & Wine Festival.

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Introduction and Episode Overview

This is Skipper Albert A. Wall, the voice of the jungle, broadcasting on the DVC to all points unknown. If you're within the sound of my voice, you're listening to Welcome Home Podcast on the DVC.
Hello and welcome home. This episode of Welcome Home is brought to you by DVC Resell Market. Thank you for joining us on episode 274 of Welcome Home, a Disney Parks and Vacation Club podcast.

Reflections on D23 Announcements

I'm Tom here with Trevor. What's up, Trevor? Hey, not much. How are you doing? I feel like I have too much energy today. I don't know what's going on here. I'm still a little tired from last week. That was a long episode. You know, I do have to say, I appreciate all the feedback that we got because it seemed like people really enjoyed it, even though it was very long.
But okay, we we knew that was going to be the case yeah because yeah that like yeah the D23 stuff what like, there was just too much of it. Yeah, there there was too much of it. But honestly, I'm kind of glad like, you know, you being on that on your your trip, the weekend of D23, I actually think It worked out better because, you know, everybody kind of did like the initial like reaction stuff to it. Yeah. Or, you you know, the oh, my God, this is happening. But it was kind of nice to have a week to kind of process it and then be able to talk about it because there was so much and there was.
there was a lot to talk about. and And I feel like in the moment, I would have missed a lot of things that that did come out of it. Right. So yeah, i like know i'm time to absorb more things because there were so many different announcements for different parks and for different that like it was just there's a lot and even still like ah one of the things I have in the rundown today is just something we didn't even talk about last week that I thought was hilarious. And I don't even know if you saw it or not, but I want to visit revisit it even though it's been two weeks now. I still want to revisit it. But um we'll get there.
we'll get Yeah, all right. Yeah, i I see it. Well, yeah, we'll, ah we'll check that out here in a minute. But yeah so no, but yeah, it's I actually agree with you. I kind of think it was good that we had like a week to ah to kind of think about it and go through it and and you know, just really evaluate all the stuff that came out because it's it's a lot and you know, there's still a lot of discussion going on about

Monsters, Inkland Rumors and Soundboard Humor

it. Obviously, I think the biggest things are people are very worried about where Monsters, Inkland is going, although from all indications, it seems like it is going where we think it is with Star Wars launch bay and and the animation building back there and not going to take over Muppets. But you know, Muppets, it's gonna something's gonna happen it eventually. the moment We don't know this for sure. Just we got everyone's like, you know, not thinking that we have confirmation on this, this is this is all speculation and speculation. So yeah. yeah
its Yeah, this is all speculation. But from what I've heard, from what I've seen, is that I saw an article that cast members are being told they're going to have to vacate the animation building within the next like month or so. And that's a pretty decent indication that they're going to build it out. Usually you don't tell people to vacate unless it's for a reason.
Yeah, exactly. especially like Especially if it's their own property. right you know They're not just getting people to move out because they want to have a big, empty building. They've got enough big, empty buildings. They've got lots of buildings. They've got lots of big, empty buildings. right um so yeah Anyway, i i i but i enjoyed I enjoyed last week's episode, so I'm glad everybody else did too. and I enjoyed all the conversation around the soundboard. I'm glad people were not annoyed by it.
yeah Okay. and I said this on the Discord and I'll just say it here. is you know I'm fine with the soundboard. The only thing that was getting to me was the buzzer sound. the the Yeah. No, I get it. For some reason, the the buzzer was like really ... Yeah. go I still have it. It's just sitting there. I know you do, but yeah, I i figured after after about the the third or fourth one. Too many times. yeah Yeah. I was feeling like I was on an episode of The Price Is Right and I wasn't that's That's fair. um I also appreciated the the suggestion of making a Damon soundboard. I do not have a Damon soundboard for him today, um but ah you know maybe someday I will. But I don't know if he'll want me making making him say things on the podcast when he's not here. But and well we do have another thing. I'm sure if it's him disagreeing with us, but we can, yeah. Well, yeah.
We do have another thing for today though that we're going to do later in the podcast that is, and I'm going to say this, show I don't want to oversell it, but I think it's my favorite thing I've ever made for the podcast. Like buy a lot, even though I love, you know, I love my Halloween opening, but this is a little different and it's one of my favorite things I've ever done. And I, it it came together really in a weird way. So you'll see later. Just hang in.
Cause we're, we're finally going to do some food talk later. And, uh, this is something around the food talk. well So we'll, we'll, we'll let you know when, or you'll, you'll know when it's, hot you'll hear it.

DVC Lounge Updates and Branding

like All right. So with that Caesar, yeah, let's, uh, let's talk some DVC news. Uh, okay. so So yeah. The, the first thing on here is a new branding for the Disney vacation club lounge at Epcot is that's the title here.
Um, so it's been closed for refurbishment for a little bit now. Yeah. Um, now, so, um, what are, okay. So they're changing the name according to the Disney files magazine magazine to the imagine atrium. Imagine atrium, which is a mouthful. Yeah. Imagine. Imagine atrium. Imagine atrium, which.
No one's going to call it that, ever. Yeah. I mean, it'll still be the Epcot Lounge. Yeah, because that lounge. They might as well just rename it the Epcot Lounge. Just call it the Epcot Lounge. There's the Epcot Lounge. There's going to be the Magic Kingdom Lounge. There's, yeah, you know, it's Park Lounge. That's the naming convention. I also noticed they now have a sponsor, which feels unnecessary. I mean, yeah, but okay, so but I don't care. I really don't care if they're sponsored on stuff. I don't, but just funny.
So so the the first thing is is, so imagine atrium feels like they're leaning really into the fact that it's sitting on top of figment. Yeah, of course. Yeah. So so that that's the first thing is, that you know, OK, so we're we're going to get a figment themed lounge, which I'm not I'm not mad about that at all, because the the current lounge, while it it's nice, feels a little a little old, old timey Epcot, which is not a good thing. But like, you know, oh I like old timey Epcot. Well,
Okay, but I'm thinking like electric umbrella type. Okay. If you mean that kind of old-timey Epcot, not like Verizon's Epcot, you mean like? Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right. there There is a delineation there. It's not, yeah, not all of old Epcot is bad, but it it felt like the the current or the the previous lounge, I shouldn't say the current because it's being redone, but um yeah it felt very um it felt very dated and it felt very like, you know here's a space, we're not going to do anything with it. right so Yeah. I think they've decided now that this is like going to be permanent because you remember they were like renewing it year to year for a little while there and it feels like now they're like, okay, this has been popular enough that we're just going to make this thing a permanent offering.
I did also notice in this article that they are going to replace the elevator, which is good because that elevator was probably original to Epcot and acted like it. um We took the elevator a couple of times because we were with ah people that you know couldn't really do stairs very well. And if you've been up to the lounge, you know it's a lot of stairs, right? So we've we've we've done we've done that that a couple of times, and that elevator was um Yeah, not great. So it's good that they're replacing the elevator. Yeah, I've never, I've never used the elevator. And in my head, I'm like, Yeah, I know there was an elevator there. But I was like, Oh, wait, you can take an elevator up there? Because yeah, we just Yeah, it's right in the middle of the orange juicer. It's right in the middle of the orange juicer there. That's what I call it. I mean, I don't know what else you call it. But you know,
yeah yeah that Yeah, the orange juice are in the middle. I wonder if you're going to do anything with that or if it's going to... like i guess I guess this is the thing, is you know they're reimagining the lounge, but like the the upper part of the lounge is still that like open glass atrium thing, which you know I like that. you know The only problem with it is it gets kind of hot, you know so hopefully they, you know as part of this renovation,
they they look at you know some better ventilation in there or something. i don't I don't know how to do it for a space like that without you know completely redoing all or you know you know taking out the glass roof because they can't do that. No, they can't take out the glass roof. I think the main thing that members want up there is a bathroom. right like That's that's like the number one, but i don't know I don't think they're doing that with this renovation as far as I can tell.
And i also kinda get why they don't want to do a bathroom up there because then you're gonna have people that are gonna literally camp up there all day. And make it like their home base in the park which they don't want the lounge to be that either they they want people to kind of come and use it and leave and you know that the bathroom you know is. Kind of an excuse for people to leave.
and So yeah you know know you give up your spot to go use the bathroom but i mean i'll be honest you know i'm not i'm not been there at any point where it was at capacity so i'm not had to fight to. Keep a space or anything in the lounge and that's not to say it doesn't happen like you know you know definitely.
There are days where the where the lounge can be packed, but um yeah, I don't see them building a bathroom as part of this rental. That's just my I don't either. Yeah, I don't know. Well, because I mean, that's that's a big renovation to do. I mean, to put in a bathroom, they don't, you know, put in all the pipes and everything like they just don't have any of that up there. Right. Like that's what would take them quite a bit of work. But they do because they have all the like the Coke freestyle machine, everything up there. That's true. They have water. Yeah. Yeah. There there is there is plumbing up there doing like bathroom plumbing. You're right. You know that there's still a lot more to that. But I mean, come on, it's dizzy. You really think that they like if they want to put in a bathroom, they'll put in a bathroom. Yeah. no Sure. i Listen, but I think most people will be happy with that. I'll be interested to see if the Magic Kingdom one's going to have a bathroom, since they're you know kind of building that one from scratch. It's ah it's an existing space, but they they are still you know taking they're going to tear everything out and build from a blank space, right? So, I mean, it would be nice if there's a bathroom in there. I would like to have a bathroom in there. Maybe the bathroom will be themed to the old arcade shooting thing.
especially the men's room. yeah okay yeah That was close to not a friendly joke for the show. But it's still a funny prospect to yes i have like ah an old shooting range. as Yeah, you got the shooting range. Yeah. I like that idea. um they They've really told us nothing about that lounge other than it's happening. So who knows what that's going to even look like. Yeah.
But but but you know hey like like I said, this one, I'm glad that i'm glad that there it wasn't just like them doing standard maintenance stuff and that they are actually re-theming the lounge. and I think you know to your point about, you know yeah obviously, the lounges are becoming more of a permanent fixture because of the fact that they exist in multiple parks now. there is like I think Disney or DVC has realized you know you know spending a little bit of money on the theming and stuff,
It does add to the incentive of you know membership, right? so Absolutely. Yeah.

Polynesian Tower Highlights and Comparisons

yeah So i' i'm I'm good with it because you once these lounges are open, like it's not that you know as a DVC member, I'm not planning to go and spend my day in these lounges. But you know it's definitely a great um you know way to go and sit and you know get a break from the heat, get a break from the crowds. like like yeah I know it's crazy. I go to Disney and I complain about crowds. but um you know I do need time away from people. like a it just It just gets to be too much sometimes. Your social battery. you know Yeah, exactly. yeah so so you know it's nice It's nice that across all of the parks, eventually, we're going to have you know a place where you know you know instead of me having to go back to my hotel room in the middle of the day, is you know I can just go sit in the lounge for a little bit and recharge. and you know Further to that, you know you know DVC is making it um
they're making it a space you want to go to versus, like I say, no, we're talking about the current lounge. It's like, yeah, it looks very like, you know, dated and plain and whatnot. So it's nice that, you know, that they're putting a little bit more um thought and effort into these, right? Like yeah I'm not, whatever the result is, I'm not going to be mad about it. Yeah. Well, as long as it's still there, right? Like that's, yeah that's the only thing people are going to be mad about is if it's not there anymore.
Yeah. So so yeah, that that's good. And I can't wait to see what the what the end result is after the after they finish all the runnows. Yeah, I agree. I agree. Let's talk poly, Trevor. Oh, boy. um You know that's my favorite place. I'm going to tell you, these pictures that they're putting out of the new Polynesian Tower are absolutely incredible. And I like so badly want to go to this place. My wife, every time I show her pictures, she's like, that's the next place we're staying. We have to stay there. I'm like, i we can't. We could try. like but
like So they've announced everybody knew that there was going to be a restaurant, right? Like, you know, there was it was obviously in the in the concept art that there was there was a space for a restaurant on the ground floor, right? um Now we're getting a little more details, um you know, because it's it is opening a couple months here. So ah it's going to be called the Wailulu Bar and Grill, I guess. Wailulu, right? Or Wailulu.
I feel like why Lulu would be the yeah pronunciation, but yeah. This outside area with people sitting around and there's like water. and I mean, there's this whole outside area in the main picture. It just looks absolutely incredible. o and the yeah the The funny thing of just the way that they position the booths and the in the concept art, it kind of reminds me of the teacups.
Yeah, I kind of just look teacup. Yeah, but they're surrounded by water. Yeah, so yeah they very, very, um very pretty looking aesthetic. And I like the ah the blue and green stained glass in the back. Oh, yeah. Catching my eye like it. You're right. that This place is going to look fantastic. And I guess when does it open? December 17th. Yeah. just Okay. I yeah I'm going to have to add this to my list with me and my brother.
think They had to go check out at least. Yeah. Oh yeah, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we're definitely I, you know, I, so I think I mentioned this, you know, my brother and I are planning this trip and, you know, yeah he he doesn't have any, like, you know, we we've been talking about it. He doesn't know, like,
what to do or anything there. so i i've I proposed a couple of things, but you know because he doesn't really know what to do, I'm i'm also going to be like, you know hey, I want to go check out you know you know the the new Pali Tower. and you know I'm sure he'll just follow along, but yeah I'm thinking I may actually need to get a reservation at this at this restaurant to check it out.
I feel like you should try to because I, so by the way, this is described as, um, it, first of all, it's going to overlook the lagoon. So you'll be able to, if you're outside, especially, or if you're by the window, you're going to get, have an amazing view. Right. But also it says, uh, let's see here, the food is going to be this casual walk-up pool bar will feature an all day. Oh wait, that's different. Wait, no, no, that's it. Casual walk-up pool or feature an all day menu for lunch and dinner that is influenced by Polynesian islands, local and indigenous ingredients, especially coffee on the Go Morning pastries will be real available for breakfast. So this actually kind of seems more like a quick service-ish, but maybe a nicer quick service. Really? because I mean, it's a casual walk up. Okay, but I guess the the the picture to me didn't say quick service. No, that's a sit-down restaurant to me. Yeah, but but I guess if it is even better, like I'll just, you know, it just give more options, yeah.
yeah I mean, that's just kind of what it sounds like based on the description, right? They're saying it's a casual walk-up pool bar with an all-day menu. So, I mean, that just kind of seems like you could just, you know, I don't want to call it a quick service because maybe it's not really a quick service. It's like a sit-down, but it's not like a sit-down that you would, you know, make reservations for. I don't know. I could be wrong. Yeah. But yeah that's what I got from the description. the The concept art, like as I'm looking at it more, I'm looking at the second picture too where Yeah, that could be good be quick service it could be a quick service, but it could all like it could also just be a sit down. I don't know. It's kind of ambiguous. yeah answer I guess we'll find out more though as we get closer. I also want to point out too that they've revealed the kids pool area, which is that there's a splash pad area that has ah literally a full boat from Moana with a figurine of Moana on it.
And I have to tell you, if I showed my daughter this, she would flip out but like she would love to hang out with Moana over here, you know, to see that's a cool splash pad. Like, you know, you know, they do cool. Yeah, they do splash pads. But, you know, this is this is a good example of finding that. um You know, you know, definitely like it's it's in a nicer resort, but it's still very much Disney, right? Like it's, you know, that that's how they should be doing splash pads for kids. Absolutely.
Absolutely. and And then this other thing, this so first of all, the the there's the new pool that's going to be which be in there, which is the zero entry pool, which they I think all the new pools they've been doing are zero entry pretty much, um which is nice. I kind of like those pools. But this other piece, this so there's these terrace gardens, there's these big openings in the in the building that are like big square openings.
and they're not rooms, they just have like seats. It's like a lounge area with with plants and you can just stand out there and take in the views of Magic Kingdom. like That's awesome. i didn't know i mean I remember seeing that in the concept art, but I think everybody assumed it was going to be like, rooms right it was goingnna get like a tube or the like a grand villa or something like that right yeah yeah and they said i think they said there's four of these and did yeah did i read that right yeah yeah it says there's four and the interesting thing too is it says um members and guests staying at the island tower so i think they're they're making that yeah they're making that that
um They're drawing that line of this is only for island tower guests. It's not for everybody staying there, which kind of sucks because um Or well sucks from my point of view because you know, I would still like to just stay at the the old Polynesian Rooms, but then be able to go over make use of this but if I can't find you know, whatever but yeah this this is a And I guess I shouldn't complain because you know, I you know from from where I stay, you know, you know We have the views of the lagoon and of of the, ah um you know, views of the parks and everything. it's It's nice though for the tower. I guess maybe this is the the solution to, you know, there's a bunch of rooms that aren't lagoon facing at the tower. yeah
And this gives people the option of hey you know you even if you're not you know if you're facing the other way or whatever you can still go up to the terrace and you know watch the fireworks right like that's really what this is going to be as a space to you know fireworks sit and watch the fireworks or you know the. What's it called the the.
The old parade. Yeah. Water pageant. The water pageant. Thank you. Yeah, that's what it's called. Yeah, no, that's, I didn't even think about that, but that's a great spot too. And, and, uh, yeah, it's, it's, it's, I think the tower might have the best view of magic kingdom of all of the resorts over there, like just because of where it's located. It's so.
Like right in the middle there and it's just facing it, you know perfectly not that you don't have a view you do But it's like it's it's got this and because it's so tall too. It's got you know a lot better view I also want to say too I remember when the the concept art first came out and there were a lot of people criticizing it saying it didn't look very themed this looks Overly themed to me. I feel like Disney's kind of going over the top with this one, which I appreciate I mean, it's it's definitely Hawaiian themed. like it that yeah the The more I'm seeing of this, the more like if you you know if you've ever walked into the main lobby at the Polynesian, this is like, okay, yeah. this like
this is This is Polynesian theme. There is definitely a lot going on and there's a lot to look at. The more concept art that comes out, like you know back to the to the restaurants, like oh you know they've got like the fish on the ah um the the different colors of fish moving through the um along the ceiling and in the the restaurant. and then yeah you know this They've got this huge mural in the um and the in these terrace gardens. which i The only thing I hope for is that you know each terrace has like its own unique thing to it and it's not just four rooms that are like just i copy pasted.
like because I feel like they you know they could definitely do that where you know you know they could just like, oh, you know we we had somebody do this and we'll just you know print you know so print out the mural and put it on each of these walls. and I guess if they do, fine. I can't fault them for that, but you know it it's definitely an opportunity for them to show off. Like like you said, you know there's a lot of There's a lot of theming. There's a lot of um stuff that they can put into these rooms. And, you know, at least they're not just leaving them as like blank walls. Right. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Like it's you know, if it was just like a so like a like it is basically a square box looking looking out over the room. Lagoon kind of. It was just like a an empty room. Yeah. it Like that. That would be like, OK, like that that doesn't feel good. But but I also like how like they did like this little
I want to call it a birdcage, but I don't know what no it's to be. It's obviously some sort of Polynesian inspired furniture, right? Where it's like a wicker. It's almost like wicker. Like it's like a, like you said, it looks kind of like a birdcage. Yeah. but But it's interesting that it's like a little, like it's domed over the, uh, over the yeah little seating area there. So, you know, it kind of, it does give some interesting, uh, um, aesthetic to the room. Right. So. Yeah, I'm also wondering though Trevor and I'm trying to figure this out from the concept art and I don't see it anywhere in here. Is there a window in this or is this open? I can't imagine that this is open. See, my first impression was that it was open. How bad would that be though every time storms roll through?
Yeah, I was thinking that I was because I was on looking at it and I'm like, if that's open, they have to have a way to close that off. And also birds are going to fly in there. And also, you know, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the other thing, too, is yeah, it exposes to nature and the elements and all that, which I don't necessarily think they want to do for a lounge type area. Right. Like, yeah, I mean, it would be cooler if it was open, though. It would. it Like I said, until you're sitting up there and a storm rolls in, I just.
yeah i maybe i had eye cover i don't Yeah, I can't see them doing that. that that yeah By the way, so like if you look at the concept art, like these are in really cool locations, right? like If you look at the concept art of just the front of the building,
like You can see, right like yeah, one of them is pretty high up. um actually Yeah, so there's one that looks like it's on like the maybe third and fourth floor and then one that looks like it's on the maybe fifth and sixth. I only see two though, so I don't know where the other two are, but um yeah, it's it's really, really interesting. And even in this picture, it looks open to me, but I really don't know how they could make it open unless they had like some sort of thing that comes down when it rains, you know?
like Just like a shutter or something? Yeah, just like, yeah, a shutter that would come down. Yeah, why not? Hmm. Yeah, ma I mean, it can certainly be a lot cooler if it was open. it Yeah, and and then it and then it becomes a whole thing of, you know, if if there's like storms coming quick, like how quickly can a shutter open open or close, right?
Yeah. Yeah. Like I feel like it's going to just be a large glass pane, which I mean, to be fair, like like that is a huge window that that they're putting into these spaces. Yeah. You're right. I'm like, I'm looking at your photos. It doesn't look like there's a window there.
Well, I mean, there isn't right now because I'm sure sourcing a pane of glass that big is yeah, it takes a while. But yeah, you know, I'm I'm looking at it too now and I'm like, there's two obvious ones where that where are the other two. Yeah. Yeah, that's that is ah one, two. Yeah, I just see the two. There's one on the right side and one on the left side. They say there's the other one. They say there's four. Where's the rest?
And I mean, i obviously, you'd want them to face out to Magic Kingdom because that's the point of them, right? Like, you wouldn't have one facing out to the monorail. That would just be kind of weird. Although, wait a second, it does say, hold on, it does say that you do get views of Disney's Oak and Trail, Oak Trail and Magnolia golf courses. Oh, OK. or seven seat one So they do have them on the back. Two on the front, two on the back. OK, well, who's going to go on the back one?
I mean, it's gonna want to go to the front one. Well, yeah, I mean, for for fireworks viewing. Yeah, but it's also, you know, I don't know. I mean, I like, you know, you know, back to the point about, you know, you know, lounges in the parks is, you know, it's the same kind of thing where, you know, I i would probably if if there's two quiet lounges that you can make use of, like,
you know that some people may actually want that as you know just something where you know you're not like it's it's that disconnect from Disney kind of the same as like how you know you've talked about with wilderness lodge right where yeah you're like you know it's far enough away that it's quiet and and removed from like the main chaos that is that is the parks. right and so you know you know I feel like maybe that's what they're kind of planning for is that you know there there will be people that will be staying at this tower that don't necessarily want to you know be looking out over the parks and you know you know seeing
um You know all of that you know you know there is there's just you know wanting to sit and have a quiet place and that that is a lot of dbc members to you know you know we think about it. You know you know we always think about it from the the point of view you know hey as a family thing yeah it's. You know you know I go with my family and and all that but.
There are plenty of people that you know you know couples and and whatnot that you know just go and just want to have a place to to quietly relax but still be at Disney right like like that's yeah that's kind of the yeah the fun intersection of this is that you know you want to relax but you are at Disney.
so yeah but no it's I mean, but it's nice to be able to find those places at Disney to relax, right? Because they're exactly there are places like that in Epcot. There's places like that. I mean, well, one of them is not going to exist anymore soon enough here. But and like if you there's some places on Tom Sawyer Island where you can like kind of like get away from things and and forget that you're in a theme park. We'll still have the lounge, so.
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there's also another, there's another spot that I'm not going to give away. That's great magic kingdom. Um, but I'm sure some people know it. I love a good secret spot. We we we have a couple of doing, you know, I mean, it was wide enough that I took a phone call there one time, you know, like, yeah, I think I know where it is, but I feel like we should compare notes outside of the outside of the podcast. So I don't want to give up. We're going to make our listeners so mad, like sharing Disney secrets. No.
Yeah, i'm I'm actually amazed they even did this, by the way, Trevor, because literally this could have been like four. i Well, no, not four. It could have been eight more rooms that they could have put in like they could have put in four more high priced theme park view rooms, you know, but it's yeah.
You're right, but that's also not what DVC is necessarily about. like you know there is There is that balance of... And you know we we do talk about this all the time. as you know People say, well, what are the perks of DVC? Well, this is a perk, right? it is yeah you know they they're They are sacrificing. You're right. you know they could have that That space could have just been extra rooms.
but they chose to to make it a place where, you know hey, people can come and you you know you know have an experience that you know you don't like you don't necessarily get that kind of experience um just staying in a standard hotel room. yeah Or you even even on Disney property, like you know you can stay at the modern resorts and stuff. You don't get you know you know a reserve space where you can go and, you know oh, hey, we we can watch the fireworks from the lounge.
Right. Like it's Polly's version on top of the world. That's really what it is. Right. Like, yeah. But but it's so it's a Disney perk and and that's why, you know, yeah, they don't they don't need to have those extra, you know, four rooms per per lounge kind of thing. They're they're kind of banking on that. You know, you know, the perk will outweigh the, um you know, having those extra rooms, right? Agreed. yeah Yeah. Yeah. So anything else you want to talk about with that? No, I mean, i'm I'm pumped for this place, man. I really want to stay here. Like I said, I'm i'm making notes because i I need to figure out where to work this into my itinerary because yeah, you know, I i will definitely be checking this out in May.
and Now, if you check it out and you really like it, Trevor, are you going to convince your wife to stay there at some point? Well, that'll be a conversation. i mean it's the the the The thing is, you know speaking of perks, you know where we stay at the Polynesian has its own perks. True. yeah um What one of the biggest ones be and I guess I would have to play with this because I feel like um you know the monorail stops um I guess it's close enough to ground Floridian that it's still convenient but um yeah where the other um Polynesian
um Rooms are it's very convenient to the transportation and ticket center so like that even though it's not an advertised perk there's definitely Like it's gonna be hard to justify to my wife like hey, we're gonna go stay at the tower. That's further away Yeah, no, it's a longer walk to transportation, right? Like, yeah I do wonder if it's going to have, it's it's probably not going to have its own bus stop, but it might. I mean, like Animal Kingdom Lodge yeah does, right? Like, you know, they have a different stop for Kidani, and you can walk between the two. It's just a long walk. um I mean, they might even have a shuttle between, like, you know, at a Animal Kingdom, they do a shuttle between the two buildings.
ah And I think that's mostly, though, because the quick service is over at the other building and Kidani doesn't have one. um So, you know, and this one's going to have its own restaurant, so they might not need to do that, but for transportation. Yeah.
so So the interesting thing is the way the transportation works at the Poly is that the the buses actually do the Poly and the Grand Floridian. Oh, yeah, yeah, there's combos. It's all the same route. so So this tower is technically in between both of those. So I guess it actually gives you the option of you can either walk over to the Grand Floridian or you can walk back to the Poly bus stop, which I mean, if in my opinion, I guess There's two schools of thought on this. is you know ah if Depending on the time of day you're leaving, if you want to make sure you get a seat on the bus, you would walk to the poly because that they load first. But if you're not that concerned about getting a seat or if it's you know the middle of the day, you know you know the buses are not at capacity anyway, then you walk over to the Grand Floridian because it means that you're not waiting as er like you'll get to your destination quicker because it leaves immediately from the Grand Floridian to wherever you want to go.
so I will say based on where the towers located, you're fairly close to the Polynesian lobby. So like you're fairly close to the monorail. Well, it's actually right in between the Polynesian lobby and the Grand Floridian. So I feel like it's a 50-50 way. It's definitely closer to Poly, though. It's definitely closer to Poly. Just looking at a map, it's much closer.
i felt or yeah i guess i I haven't walked over to the Grand Floridian i mean obviously since they've been building all this, but like I feel like if you're on the the far side away from the Polynesian, it could actually be quicker to walk over to the Grand Floridian and get on the bus there. like yeah it's I feel like it's gonna be ah like depending on where you are, one might make more sense than the other.
But yeah, I just did like a quick like Google Maps like you can I can do directions from where the tower is to the lobby and it says four minute walk. but to be I mean, that's still four minutes that, you know, I could be, I could be back in my room in one minute. You could. Yeah. I mean, but you you know, that's something you're going to have to weigh. I mean, obviously yeah you're going to have to see if how, you know, how that works out. So I'm definitely staying here at some point. I don't know when, but, uh, cause I don't know when my next Disney trip is. We have the Disney cruise next year. I don't know if we're going to do a parks trip or not. We haven't even talked about it to be totally honest.

D23 Video Recap and Soarin' Ride Appreciation

um But I will say we are gonna try the next time we stay to to stay here. But it's probably go it's probably gonna be a hot commodity. It's gonna be a tough one to book, i' I'm betting. um But we'll see. yeah I don't know. an op episode a law for sure but yeah yeah and so I'm not not staying there because I've already booked my room for at ah at the o at the old you at the old room, which I'm fine with. like yes you know i'm I'm perfectly happy to stay there. But like I said, we we definitely do have it on our to-do list to go and check some of this out.
so Yeah, okay, cool. I do. i guess My brother is kind of like whatever. i I don't know what we're doing, but I'm going to make sure we go over there. Sounds good. um so I wanted to put this on here because I watched this video when it around when it came out and I would you know enjoyed it quite a bit. and I was kind of sad we didn't talk about it last week. did you had you Had you watched this, Trevor?
I have not. So so I feel like i'm I need to introduce it while while I stall and you watch it. um But basically for those that that don't know what I'm talking about because I haven't said anything about it yet. So like right before D23 they had ah Patrick Warburton who does the, ah he's the head flight attendant for Storin, you know, I think everybody knows him at this point.
They had him do a video ah like introducing D23. And as part of that video, you know, they put a lot of references into it. But I it was it was funny because and you've never you're probably not to this point yet. But when you get there, we when my wife and I watched it, our reaction was they got the guy.
the The guy, you know, and you'll see what she's talking about because everybody knows what I'm talking about. The guy. Yeah. Right. That guy. Yeah. The ear guy. Right. is so the It's the same guy? It's the same guy. They got the same ear guy. and That's the only reason I care about this video, by the way, is because they got the same ear guy. That's impressive. Yeah.
Although and also as I was wondering too if the if the kid the because at the end too they have the the ah and ah and adults that you know kind of looks like the kid that was in it too but I don't know if that's the same person but the the guy with the ear hat that gives the look still the same guy. I just thought it was hilarious that they got him.
Like yeah that that's impressive that you know Disney would take the time because you know that that's like you know somebody that was. You know I assume like an extra or you know sometimes they'll like it'll be like people from crew or whatever that they'll get to fill in little spots like that but.
Yeah it's funny that you know i mean obviously everyone's like oh patrick warburton but yeah you know to to take the time to to fill back in um you know a non-named character that is not like he's not doing anything major other than like the you know you know sheepishly taking his ears off But but he's iconic for that though, right? The look he gives him while he's taking the hat off and putting it underneath is is iconic. Like he nailed that moment, you know? Yeah. Like I said, it's it's funny that you know the attention to detail is just yes amazing. So yeah, I can appreciate that. Yeah, that's that's funny that they they did that for D23.
it's It's one of those things too, like I feel like that's, you know people didn't really care that much when they replaced the pre-show for, um ah what do you call it, Mission Space, right? But if they replace the pre-show for this one, like if they took out Patrick Warburton somehow, like people would riot, man. like this is it's It's his thing and and it's always gonna be his thing.
You know, yeah I mean, yeah, that you're right. It's it's weird how like, you know, I feel like and we kind of talked about this with like, yeah you know, Rivers of America and Tom Sawyer and stuff is that, you know, you know, certain things do pass kind of into timeless Disney stuff. And I feel like Soren is definitely there. Like it's, you know, as an attraction, it's like, yeah, this this is just this is a Disney attraction. And like, why would they?
like like short of like redoing that entire section of like basically taking out the land and I've caught it's like you know why would they why would they touch that right like but I mean just the pre-show even like I just don't touch the pre-show ever Well, but but that that speaks to the to the larger attraction, right? is you know you yeah The attraction itself, like like the pre-show, the whole thing, you know just leave it alone. you know you know people you know There's always a wait for it because people enjoy it and it's definitely...
you know, a thing that yeah like it's it's a Disney thing. like Like you said, it's you know, it's it's become just part of like, you know, oh, you know, you're going to have caught while you're going on sore, right? Like, it's it's funny, too, because and not to get on a sore intention here, but I think sore is the only ride that every single time I've been on it at the end of it, people clap.
Like nobody does that on any other ride. And I don't know why Soren elicits that response from people, but I don't think I've ever been on it once where someone didn't clap at at the end of it. I'm trying to think if there's, yeah, that's a good point. If there's any what other ride. Yeah. No one else does that. Yeah. Cause usually everyone's like, you know, collecting their stuff and leaving immediately. It's not like, Hmm. That's a good point. I wonder what it is about Soren that Does that I've wondered this for a long time because like people just I mean I've been with people that have been on it for the first time and they go and they clap and it's like
OK, cool. I mean, like, I don't have a problem with it. I mean, I love Soren and I feel like it's they the way the music works and the way that, you know, they they time everything. It does elicit that kind of feeling where you're just like kind of, you know, elated at the end of it that you want to, you know, clap your hands, I guess. But I wouldn't do it necessarily. But I i definitely, you know, and like I said, every single time I've been on it, there's not been a single time where I haven't heard someone clap. Sometimes it's more people, sometimes it's less people, but there's always somebody.
Yeah, that's interesting. I don't know if if you just reminded me of something too. there There was a video I saw a little while ago where um it was, I believe it it was, it was a lady filming her dad going on Soren for the first time. So it was, it was an older gentleman. I'll have to find it, but it, you know, you know, exactly what you were talking about, you know, she, she was like filming his reaction to everything and you know, he was, and because he had never seen it, you you know, there's a couple of spots in Soren where, you know, it's,
Not like jump scare and so he was like, you know, over the moon with it because you'd never been on on a ride like that. And and yeah, like it kind of like, you know, watching somebody experience it for the first time, it's like, yeah, I can understand why people like yeah at the end want to applaud it because, you know, if you've not been on a ride like that before or, you know, you know, just had an experience like that. It's it's always it's always interesting to You know, yeah we we take it for granted, but there's definitely there's definitely people that, you know, you know, don't get to experience that every day. So, yeah, absolutely I can kind of I can see why I guess that that right in particular, I guess, like I said, you know, I I feel like I probably take it for granted more than maybe I should. Yeah. But, you know, it's.
It's fair to to think about, you know, hey, somebody riding it for the first time. that This is, it you know, it is a simulator ride, but the way Disney does it is really kind of like you you don't get that anywhere else. Can't really do that anywhere but there. Yeah. And like most people, if you haven't been on it before, then you probably have not been on a ride of that type. I mean, they exist. Don't get me wrong. Like I went on one at Legoland, but it's, it still wasn't the same. Yeah. Not, not to that caliber,

Disney Adventure Cruise Ship Details

right? Like it's yeah.
No, I mean, and and there's a lot of I know some cities have them too, like where you can do like, ah you know, in New York, there's one where you can do the New York thing, right? Like, but yeah, I mean, you know, like like you said, it's it's a pretty unique experience. So.
Let's talk cruise stuff real quick. I don't want to talk rights too long because I know you're not really into cruise stuff, but okay. I'm not going to take a cruise, but ah okay. Let, let, let me just, yes. I know. I know why I'm i'm like never going to get on a cruise ship. Yeah. And I know, but I'm willing to to talk about it. You know, it's fine because even though it's not something that I do, it's, it's fair that, you know, we do talk about it because it is part of DVC. So.
Yeah, that's it's and part of Disney, right? So, and this is the ship that um Disney bought. they Remember the ship was like, it was like a two and a half billion dollars ship and the company was building it, abandoned it. They did it, yeah.
Yeah, because basically the company ran out of money and then Disney bought it for like $30 million dollars or something crazy and now they're you're building it out. And given like this one is going to stay in Singapore, so I'm probably never going to see this in person. But um it's interesting because i a lot of the cruise ships now have like this big open space in the middle where they do like these like you know, big gardens and all this, you know, crazy stuff. and And Disney ships don't really do that at this point. But this one has that. So it looks like Disney had to do something that they haven't done before, right? Like was make one of these kind of parks. And um it looks incredible. I mean, it it really does. So so yeah, i'm I'm looking at the ah the concept art for this. so So this is literally it's an indoor courtyard. Yeah. In the middle of the ship, which
It I mean, it's very impressive. It looks amazing. Yeah, there's a huge more mural of like a castle in there. I mean, it's and they're they say that there's going to be a lawn ah like so. So you're going to have like just like a giant, a giant like or open courtyard lawn, but on a boat in the middle of the ocean like that's that's weird. and There's going to be entertainment on the stage in front of it so you can like just go and sit out like on the grass and watch the entertainment so.
Yeah, that yeah that it's weird, but also I really like that idea. like like Yeah. Do you know what actually this is giving me vibes of is Port Orleans. Yeah, I can kind of see that. Yeah. The design. like it It almost looks like you're at like Port Orleans, which is Weird again, because it's on a boat. Yeah, yeah. but I mean, I mean, listen, I because I went on the cruise recently, I'm on like the cruise algorithm on, you know, on like reels on Facebook. So like I get nothing but cruise videos. ah And like a lot of the cruise ships have this kind of thing now. It's like the thing to do is have this big open like piece in the middle of the ship. And, you know, they have the rooms that look out over it, too, which I also think is kind of weird. I don't know. I wouldn't want one of those rooms just personally, not but
but Because like it's I feel like it's a public it's looking out into a public space People would just like looking like what if I forget to close the the shades at some point, you know, like that could be a problem but Okay, but that I mean, that's happened in any hotel room. So it's true. But when you have the ocean facing like you can just leave it open because nobody can see right. You're just the only the ocean, you know, so maybe some seabirds can see and you know, but that's true. Yeah. Yeah. But oh yeah, I guess I don't know. I mean, I guess that this is
The way I look at this is, you you know, not everybody, not everybody necessarily wants to be looking at the open ocean, right? No, I agree. I can see where, you know, I definitely, you know, I've stated places where, you know, like even, you know, staying out in like near Banff and in in Alberta, it's like, you know, you you stay at these places where they have like courtyards and everything. And it's like, you know, yeah, you just want to like, look out like it is exactly what you're talking about. Yeah, if you let if you left your, your, you know, the the drapes open, you're going to, you know, you know, everybody can see in the same way you can see out. But, you know, it's definitely it's a nice aesthetic. And it's, you know, yeah I feel like he was an option to the
you know, people who don't necessarily want to just stare out over the ocean, right? And and that's not to say there's anything wrong with it, but it's not for everybody, right? Yeah, so no, for sure. For sure. So the other part of this, though, too, on this same ship, this is the Disney adventure, by the way, this is the ship that's going to be staying in Singapore. I mean, you never know, it might end up in the United States at some point, right? Disney, wrote you know,
Take some ships differently. Rotate them around, yeah. Yeah, so I mean, maybe, I don't know. Maybe it won't be in Singapore forever. But this is the one that's going to be in Singapore. And it's it is very different than the other Disney cruises because they're taking a boat that's different than what they usually build. They usually build you know a specific boat. And this was, I should say, ship, sorry, ah because they're not boats. But they they make a very specific kind of ah ship. and And this is different because another company built it. And they just bought it and are now Disney-fying it, right?
But the thing I thought was interesting on this, though, too, is that Deadpool is going to be on this boat, which it's kind of amazing to me. So there's going to be an Avengers Assemble show in that little area that you're talking about. And it's going to have ah it's going to have Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Black Panther, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Miss Marvel, Loki, Red Skull, Taskmaster and more. ah But they're also going to have Deadpool. And I'm like,
It's interesting to me how Deadpool is is working its way into the parks, even though it's like not kid friendly in any way, shape or form. And I also just find it funny, too, that they're like, we'll do this in Singapore, but not anywhere in the United States. Like, let's keep Deadpool out of the US boats. you know ah Yeah, it you know, yeah, that you're right. Like, I actually so so coincidentally, we actually, my son sat down and started watching Deadpool, too.
okay yeah And my wife had never watched it before and so she she sat there and kind of started watching it with him. and yeah And she was like, this is a Disney show? And I'm like, well, it actually wasn't original. It wasn't then. Yeah, but but yeah, it's definitely, you know, it's it is rated R. it is like there' are so many yes There's so many inappropriate jokes and stuff like that. And I feel like i feel like Disney is definitely Disney fine Deadpool. and And I say this without, you know, I haven't watched Deadpool in Wolverine yet. And and I will watch it in a movie. They let him do whatever in that movie. But yeah, and that movie there. Yes.
Yeah, you know, you know, but but this is the thing is that, you know, you know, Disney and maybe maybe this is Disney actually finally embracing the fact that, you know, not everything has to be um PG all the time. and ah And especially like, you know, for Marvel stuff in particular, like like but the hard part that I don't think ah people necessarily understand is, you know, comics over the years have had some very um Like Marvel, it's not exclusive to Marvel or DC or anything. It's just comics in general. they They have explored very serious topics and they've done stuff that, you know, you know, because it's been contained to comics, people haven't realized how over the top they can get. Yeah. And Deadpool is very much an example of that it and is, you know, you know, very um
It's not meant for kids but the funny thing is is it's it's a it's an entry point for kids to explore something more adults oriented like like you know more. Play like you know.
Yes, it is inappropriate and all that, but that's not necessarily a bad thing because no I feel like you know Disney's kind of, they're trying to walk that line between, yes, in the parks, you know Deadpool is, I'm using air quotes, sane. you know you know like well but He's still making like low key ah inappropriate jokes. like he's like I don't know if you watched any of the videos, but some of the jokes like are really funny and like very like, you know innuendo like a lot of innuendo right yeah but and i feel like he kind of sits in the same space as like like gaston right like you know sure yeah you know you know the character you know people that have played gaston in the past you know they've they've kind of been given um
the ability to you know low-key insult people because because it's within the character and I feel like they're doing that with Deadpool but it's not um or or they're they're finding they're finding that like Line where you know, yeah, they can have Deadpool on a boat and they can have it like as part of you know in the parks as an experience but also like Keep it separate for like like this is the Harper's when they say oh, yeah, you know Deadpool is gonna be on a boat and you'll never see it in in
in the the you on the US boats. yeah I think that's true. Yeah, no, you might. I feel like the then the thing about you know putting it on this boat though is that know it does give them a place to kind of trial the stuff and see if it works.

Halloween and Christmas at Disney Parks

And then you know and we keep saying this is you know they do stuff in the overseas parks and you know now with the overseas cruise ships that That kind of becomes like their testing area for for two reasons. is one you know you know the the
um There's not quite as many, I don't want to say, or I guess, rules, standards, whatever around. The sensibilities are a little different over there. Yeah, so so so you know there they they can try that stuff over there. And also, it is actually a way larger audience, so you actually do get ah hold it like the the amount of people experiencing it, there's a whole different level of feedback that you get versus um the US parks because yeah, you know, you know, may people may not realize this, but you know, Asia is a giant continent, you know, millions and If you look at the box office, it's like 60% international or 70% international and 30% domestic. you know Yeah, exactly. so so you know I think you know Disney might be actually like using this as you know know getting the feel for it there and then you know bringing it to the US parks and to the US ships you know after they've kind of tested it. right so
you know I think that feels teenagers a lot better too, right? this disappear Like your your son would probably want to meet Deadpool on a boat, right? Where he might not want to meet like Mickey Mouse or something. Oh yeah, absolutely. Yeah, he would yeah he would definitely. well Like I said, you know he sat down and watched Deadpool the other day. Yeah, exactly. he's like yeah like you know Deadpool is cool. It's a fun show. You know, Ryan Reynolds is...
you know you know is amazing with the jokes and everything in it. and you know Hey, Canadian too, for a bonus. Well, yeah you got the Canadians in there, yeah. yeah so So yeah, you know seeing it on a... ah you know you know if If we ever did do a cruise, which like I said, that that's not going to happen. But if you know if I was saying to my son, hey, let's go on a cruise, and you know you know Deadpool is going to be on there. he you know I don't think I would get like you know the jumping up and down excitement, but I would probably get, you know oh, hey, that sounds cool. That's cool. like that's cool yeah it was cool It's exciting. You know, the teenager can get, you know, but yeah the you know, the teenager, um, you know, you know, bare minimum excitement. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah. All right. Let's go ahead and do our ad and then we got some other stuff to talk about. so All right.
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So I don't think it's time yet, Trevor, but I think it's not time yet. It's not time yet, but okay. we So we we have some holiday stuff on here. I know it's still August, but we are. No, it's Halloween. It's it's Halloween now. Yeah. We we are. We are. We are on the cusp of spooky season and I know Disney is already, you know, it's already Halloween. Yeah. Okay. Okay. They, they need to stop, but they need to stop. But listen, I go to the grocery store and they have all this stuff out now too. It's not Disney, you know, we were actually at Costco and they had this really cool giant skeleton coming out of the ground thing that I was like, that that's cool. I just wish I had, you know, somewhere to put it that well, you know, it would look great on the lawn, but then the problem is you have to store the thing, right? Yeah, you got to store the thing later. Yeah. If you don't have storage, that's the problem. Yeah. Yeah. ah But so, yeah, I know. Yeah. Halloween stuff is out. You know, you can buy Halloween candy right now for, you know,
if you If you want to eat halloween candy. i yeah but so but okay so we get that We get the really cool gingerbread house that's at disneyland in the in the haunted mansion for ah for for the halloween season. This is for nightmare yeah before christmas. so so exactly so This gingerbread house is only in disneyland. only during the night before Christmas overlay, which I know I don't like that overlay particularly because I'm tired of it, but the gingerbread house is definitely
um It's definitely the big showpiece for me and the fact that they do it every year and it is actual gingerbread. Like it's like a real ginger. It's not like, you know, something that they, they just like painted to look like gingerbread. and It's actual gingerbread that they made that it's 60 pounds of gingerbread, 50 pounds of powdered sugar, 10 pounds of egg whites, so on, so forth, 240 hours. It says it's been, uh, to, uh, to do the, just to build the, the, um,
the the house itself and then another 150 hours to do all the lighting and all the animation on it. Like it's it's a lot of work that they put into this thing that only is there for a couple months, you know? Yeah. Now, I guess the question I have is, is this really a gingerbread house at this point?
I don't know. Well, you can't use the gingerbread house. Is it just made of gingerbread? I mean, OK, I guess. All right. I'm looking at a little closer. So there is a house underneath of it. But the the big showpiece is like this Frankenstein looking gingerbread that is on the top. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty cool, actually. Yeah. It's yeah. It's it's pretty neat how they how they did it. And and I guess, yeah, i did like they're of course, there's like lighting and stuff in it, which is ah Again, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they're doing stuff like that. But it's like, you know, I would never think to, like, install lighting in my gingerbread house. Right. Like, plus yeah, it's but it looks like two from these pictures that they do some of the construction while they're in in the ride. Right. So like, oh yeah well, yeah did you watch the video at the end? Because they actually do did. like Yeah, it's a time lapse of them building the yeah building, the gingerbread house inside of the haunted mansion.
Which has got to be a weird feeling to do that. and but Yeah, I would love to hear stories from people who have worked on this stuff. Like I know it's the Haunted Mansion and everything, but I feel like working inside of there would be like.
That's got to be an experience. like that Well, I mean, they do with the lights on this. It's less creepy, I guess, but I don't agree with that, but do you with the lights on there or that it's less creepy? I don't think it's less creepy. I think even with the lights on, I don't think that would make me feel better about doing work inside. bo man That's it's fair. That's fair.
I do like all the animated stuff on this. It is very cool how there's like things moving and lights and all that lights and the it looks like that there's like heads that are that so the it's like there there's heads mounted on like a carousel. Yeah. And the the Frankenstein gingerbread is like having different faces or heads move around the they're like trying to be fitted on it or something. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, I said, yeah, it's it's cool. It's always fun to see them be ah be creative with the stuff. And I mean, the the gingerbread house never disappoints. Yeah, absolutely. I think I seem to remember there being a thing on Disney Plus about how they make it to I forget what it was. It was maybe like one of the the day in a cast member one. Yeah. thing Yeah. Yeah. I think they followed one of the chefs that was working on that. I remember that episode, too.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So we also have a look here too at some, uh, the jolly wood nights that they're doing, uh, at Hollywood studios. They're, uh, you know, putting out some merch for that, which is nice. And this is actually not for Halloween. This is for, this is for Christmas time. So we're all the way there now. But let's do both. but Like it's holiday season. but Yeah, it's holiday season. Yeah. So. so OK, is this a new character or Ali or whatever? I don't remember it from last year, but it could have been there. I don't know. Yeah, I don't recall. So so apparently they're they're trying to sell this. um It's a gingerbread man named Ali, but he's done in a very like 1950s style, right? Yeah, like that. It actually reminds me of like the old like, you know, when you'd go to like the drive in and they had like the the intermission
um uh cartoons yeah like like it feels it feels like that like like that's what the this this uh this ollie reminds me apparently he was introduced last year by the way for jollywood night so oh was he okay yeah which i don't remember this but i i also didn't go to jollywood night so i but i remember us talking about it but i don't remember them playing a piece ollie character so Yeah, it's the same. like i I feel like I would have remembered that, but like they're they're definitely like hardcore leaning into Ollie with this merch. Yeah, they really are. There's some cool stuff, though. I mean, again, i is that a spirit jersey? I hate the spirit jerseys. Yep, it sure is. I really don't care for them. I mean like i know people like them. i just It's not my thing. i It's not a look that I would like. I do like these shirts, though, that they have. um
They're pretty cool. the The little bag is pretty cool that they have. I mean, you got a pin, there's you know a mug, there's a Christmas ornament, a Christmas tree ornament. like They are really throwing Ollie at a bunch of stuff. The Christmas tree ornament, um I feel, is actually the biggest letdown of this whole thing. Because it's just like a screen printed photo? Yeah, it's it's just like a basic yeah photo on ah on an ornament, whereas like, you know,
Everything else is like 3D and like, like got some texture to it. And I feel like, you know, come on, you could have, you could have done like, uh, you know, even like, uh, no, a plastic ornament or something. Yeah, I could have done that. Yeah. yeah That, that probably would have been a little bit better, but.
Yeah, you know, it is what it is, right? Yeah, i I'm not. So I will say this is, you you know, you know, I know we're kind of saying like, who is this Ollie guy? But I, I feel like, you know, this is, you know, we we talked about um Hollywood Studios kind of not having a lot to it.
Yeah. I feel like this is Disney trying to give it some more identity. Fill it out a little bit. Right? Yeah. Like it's, you know, ah because even like past Christmas stuff, it's like, you know, you kind of, you know, every other park you go to, it's like, you know, oh, you know, they've they've got Christmas stuff going on. And it's very clearly like, you know, Magic Kingdom Christmas stuff or, you know, you know, Animal Kingdom, but the Hollywood studio stuff, like, yeah, it kind of had like that I always equate to like that 1950s Christmas style thing like like yeah like watching like old Christmas specials and stuff like that but it never felt like like it always felt like it was there but it wasn't cohesive and and maybe this this is their way of getting an identity behind it is like having you know Ollie is that main character.

Food Segment Introduction and Disneyland Halloween Food Guide

Well, it makes sense to because they made him like, you know, like you said, it's the Hollywood Studios very much evokes that, you know, 1950s, 1940s kind of vibe. And so they made him look like that. And and it even actually says to it's like a a vintage style, um you know, and it looks a lot like it. And, you know, you were saying it kind of looks like the old movie thing. And they even say here it's it's based on 1940s, 1950s advertisement illustration. So it's it's they literally based on that kind of thing.
You know? Yeah. So that's, that's what's cool about this. But yeah, you know, listen, I'm not going to go to Jollywood nights, so I'm not going to get to do any of these things, unfortunately, but now the, the, the, okay. The stupid part of me wants to see that. So, so his name's Ollie and I feel like there's an opportunity there to like, sorry, I watched a lot of skateboarding, but I feel like doing an Ollie on a or Ollie doing an Ollie on a skateboard would be a really cool, like,
um like a shirt or something. Like a thing to do to appeal to the young kids. like Yeah. like at the end And i I feel like, you know, maybe there maybe there's like, you know, you know, people do like, you know, non Disney shirts all the time. I feel like like the Ollie Ollie shirt would be like, I feel like that would be popular. and i feel feel i don't I feel like they only named it Ollie so they could do this little pun that they have on the hat that says happy Ollie days. they Like that's, I feel like the only reason they did it.
but But you're also ignoring the fact that Inali is a skateboarding trick. You're right. that's you're You're not wrong. You're not wrong. All right, Trevor. and I think it might be time. but We're doing this? Yeah. OK. OK. Let me preface this a little bit. So we've we've been talking a long time about, you know, there's been jokes with people liking when we talk about food, people not liking when we talk about food. I think we're pretty clearly, ah most people like that we talk about food. So I joked a long time ago that I wanted to make an intro to the food segment to serve two purposes, one to intro to the food segment, but but also if somebody doesn't want to listen to the food segment, here's your spot. You know that we're going to talk about food and you can tune out. I went a little too far, Trevor.
This is called a rabbit hole. And you definitely went pretty far down it. And I think i think the results are actually pretty great. i just Like I said, this is my favorite thing I've ever produced. I i was up very late at night doing this. I was posting it in the Discord and people were were playing along with it. But ah yeah, so I'm just going to play our intro now for the for the food segment. You ready, Trevor? No. All right. How about it?
So many people are going to be singing It's Food Time after they hear this. I'm not even sorry. I'm not sorry at all. It's a catchy song. So yeah. It's food time. It's food time. I'm really hoping that everybody's singing that in the car later, because honestly, I did not mean to make a really catchy song, and it just kind of happened. And ah yeah, I filled that with lots of show references. So I hope everybody enjoyed that. Yeah.
yeah Yeah, I can't wait to see what the comments look like. Like I said, it's i ever since I made this, I have been humming it in my head. And I showed it to my wife this morning before we we did the podcast. And like 10 minutes later, she's walking around the kitchen. She's going, it's food time, food time. and So yeah, it's ah it's a bit of an earworm. And i appreciatet thank you to everybody in the Discord, by the way, that was with me through the creative process.
This went through a lot of iterations. And ah yeah, anyway, like I said, it's my favorite thing I've made. I will say I i said this earlier, but yeah, i I was kind of watching. I was doing something else, but I kept seeing the Discord notifications and I'm like, what is going on? what is that And then and then, yeah, like I think I think the second or third version of it that you put out, I played it for my wife and it was the same thing where she was like, you know, humming it to herself afterwards. And I'm like, OK, this this is interesting.
i wanted to put so I wanted to put some lyrics in about how I'm picky and how you're not, but I just, you know, listen, I wrote those lyrics in about 20 minutes. And so I think if I sat down and really thought about it, I could probably do even better. But um yeah, i do it's good. Like, you know, yeah it gets the point across and it's good.
this is This is the problem, though, now, and I warned everybody that now that I have more free time that I'm going to be producing the show more. And this is the kind of things that you get now because I have free time. Well, that's not a bad thing. I think it's a good thing. i Like I said, i I absolutely love that song. i I will be playing it all the time. So and by the way, for anybody that subscribes to our Patreon, I'm going to put that song standalone out on the Patreon. If you, you know, feel like you need to listen to it, a little bit of a Patreon benefit. There you go. All right. Yeah.
Anyway, so food time. It's food time. um We're talking food. We haven't been food in a while, I feel like, right? Oh, yeah. I mean, it's been with D23 and you know trips and stuff like that. Yeah. yeah we we do have We do have a couple of things. So did you want to start with the... You have the disney Disneyland Halloween food guide on there first. We want want to start in Disneyland? Yeah, let's start in Disneyland. Why not?
All right, cool. Do you want to just go through new stuff or do you want to go through? Yeah, I mean, there's definitely, you know, you know, anybody that's been previously that there is lots of repeat stuff. But um ah so so I guess so I'm right now at alien pizza planet. um Yeah. So the the two things, the two new things are the dark matter pizza and the alien buzz macaroon, which so let's start with the dark matter pizza.
I'm out on this immediately. Sliced with celestial tomato sauce, topped with mozzarella cheese, spicy Italian sausage, roasted mushrooms, and black olives. What is wrong with this? The mushrooms. Oh, right. I forget. I don't do mushrooms.
That is so unfortunate because this is this is a good pizza. does does Does Alien Pizza Planet have decent pizza? like I don't know if that's considered decent pizza at Disneyland or not. so okay I haven't been in many, many years, but when we did go there, it was decent. like we you know It's Tomorrowland. It's kind of the same way a cosmic rays is like go to in Tomorrowland in yeah Florida. I feel like Pizza Planet was the same thing in in california so it's serviceable you can eat it gonna be reviled but it's gonna be fun yeah it was it was i never had an issue with it but like i said it's been years and and you know anybody who's been recently could obviously you know chime in um yeah but you know you know like i said this pizza in particular i would eat this like you know yeah you know italian sausage is great um mushrooms are great i've actually i used to not like black olives but
Um, I, I actually, ah like a couple of years ago, but like fairly recently, I actually gave them a try again because I think when I was a kid, I had a bad experience with them at like, okay, because they're like, like, I wasn't expecting them. Like usually black holes are kind of like, they're a little bit salty. Yeah. right And, and, and, and I think, uh, I think I wasn't prepared for that when I was a kid. And so I like got in my head and I was like, Oh, you know, no black holes. Right.
Yeah. Um, yeah you know, in the last couple of years, I've been like, I've been trying the more and it's like, yeah, actually like on a pizza, especially like, yeah, that's, you know, it's good stuff. So, so yeah, i will see you guys we can't enjoy this pizza. Yeah. No, I mean, it looks good. If there weren't mushrooms on it, I would, I would tear into it as well. I'm always a fan of any kind of pizza. I, I'm really low rent with my pizza, man. I'll, I'll eat. I mean, listen, I, obviously I grew up in the, the Mecca of pizza, right? And in New York and New Jersey, but.
I think that's probably why I am good with that. like good pi Really good pizza is really is's great to have, but also I like trashy pizza sometimes too. It doesn't matter. Pizza's good. Almost always. It's hard to screw up pizza.
And you have to keep in mind too, this is in the middle of a theme park, which like you said, you're not you're not if you if you want if you're wanting that like super high level pizza, yeah, you're going to to New York or something. But you know like you said, that this feels like it'll be a serviceable pizza. It's something that I would definitely order off the menu.
um Yeah. Oh, look at this one, a Bengal barbecue. Sorry, go ahead. Yeah, sorry. I just want to touch on the the alien buzz macaroon, which just looks awesome. It does look great. Yeah. Yeah. It's a green macaroon that that looks like the aliens from from Toy Story.
And yeah, I mean, it it looks like it'll be incredibly sweet, but that's OK. A lot of detail, though, like it's not, yeah you know, I forget what we what name we gave those things where they just slap a logo on it, but it's not one of those things. They really decorated this very nicely. Yeah, yeah. This actually you're right. that This is looking more like ah something you would find in one of the Asian parks because, yeah, um yeah it actually is like a 3D, you know, looks like the alien head. So yeah, yeah im I'm glad to see more of that for sure.
All right, you're going to go to this bengal barbecue one, which is la rap, la rap, which is a wild boar sausage, wild boar sausage. Let's let's get that out there, which I didn't even know was a thing, but apparently it is wild boar sausage with a cucumber, tomato salad, miso, aioli and a gri a grilled was that lavash, lavish, lavish. Looks like a pita kind of almost, but square yeah yeah rectangle.
But yeah, this this is this is like a very fancy hot dog. Yeah, this feels like something you would eat as opposed to me, even though I, you know, I'm not going to eat well bore that she is like a crazy. Really? Yeah, no, I mean, you're bored.
Okay. I mean, I guess you ever had like stuff like bison before or no? No. ah Well, I don't eat red meat generally. So I mean, but I mean, although I don't know. Or does this qualify like it's like pork, right? I was going to say, I was, it's, it's more like pork and I do pork. So maybe I would eat this. I don't know.
But it's i mean yeah again, the know so this depending on where I am in the park, I would either eat the pizza or I would eat this. like If I was having lunch in Adventureland or Tomorrowland, I'd have to decide on which one I'm going for. But yeah, the Hoopla Wrap looks good.
Yeah. And what about pumper I guess you don't do cheesecake either. Well, I mean, I like sometimes cheesecake. I just don't like this is pumpkin swirl. I've talked about this before. I like the pumpkin spice. Like I'm a big fan of like cinnamon and like all these other spices. I don't like pumpkin pumpkin, like actual pumpkin. You know, that's not. so But I can't tell if this is actual pumpkin or it's just this pumpkin scroll, swirled cheesecake. So I'm assuming it's like pumpkin pie. So like actual like pumpkin flavor. I would just. And then, yeah.
Yeah, it says yeah, some spice on glaze, chocolate crumb and a pecan tweal. So yeah, I'm assuming that's the thing in the upper right hand corner. here Yeah. so Yeah. that Yeah. So I mean, even with the pecan, like i I feel like that.
no know Yeah. I don't know. I would eat that. And again, yes, I know, you know, dairy's a problem for me, but like, I might actually, um yeah, I might actually take one for the team and, you know, go for this. okay I do like, I can eat dairy if it's in limited quantities, but like the this would be like my one for like a couple of days kind of thing. Like I would have to be very specific about it. But yeah, I mean, it it feels to me like, like it would probably taste like a,
Like an actual pumpkin pie, but yeah, if if that's not your thing, that's fair. Yeah. Well, we go over to cafe Daisy here and we've got Daisy's goodie, goodie donuts, which are mini apple cider. donught I love apple cider donuts, man. Really? I don't know if I ever had apple cider donuts. So like there's a, yeah, they're so good.
Yeah. There's a, there's a orchard around here that we go to every once in a while when it's apple harvesting season and they, they make them fresh there like a meat and you like eat them while they're warm and they just melt in your mouth. It's like the greatest thing. Yeah. If they're made well, they're delicious. Yeah. I'm sure I've never had apple cider donuts specifically. So I'm trying to figure it like, I mean, I'm assuming it's like, probably tastes like a, like an apple muffin. Yeah. It's like cinnamon sugar and appley and yeah.
Yeah. It's also a caramel apple cold brew, which I don't drink coffee, so this is not for me. but not Not feeling this either. it's so So it's the cold brew coffee with apple and caramel syrups, whipped topping, caramel drizzle, cinnamon sugar, and apple chip. Are you are even actually having coffee at that point? No, it's it's about 80 grams of sugar. and like Because that's a lot of that's a lot of extra to go with my coffee.
I guess 120% of your daily sugar value just in that one drink. Uh, yeah. two are we Are we really worrying about that at Disney? like No, that's true. Callers don't count at Disney. Everybody knows that. Then there's ah there's a pumpkin iced tea, which is sweet tea with vanilla and pumpkin spice syrup, whipped topping, caramel drizzle, and cinnamon sugar. I would actually probably have this because it's pumpkin spice. I'm not a huge iced tea fan, but I'd probably try it if it weren't for me. ah Okay, it would whipped topping on an iced tea make sense? Because to me, that doesn't make sense.
No, it's a little off. Yeah, it's a little little different. yeah like i Everything else I'm good with, but except the whipped topping. like i would yeah I would actually order one of these and say, you know, no. And again, not even because of the dairy thing, I just feel like iced tea doesn't need something creamy with it. like I just want the iced tea, right? and And yeah, I don't know. I just realized how long this page is, Trevor.
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. We should probably, we should probably move quickly. because There's actually a lot of new stuff. There is a lot of new stuff, but let's just pick out things that that jump out to us. So carnation cafe. Okay. Yeah. so like the weird lemonade yeah i'm I'm nominating this for the weirdest thing that they're doing.
because spiked Yeah, pickle lemonade which is so it's so it's alcoholic. It's vodka Lemonade pickle juice and sweet and sour topped with Sprite and a pickle. sp I don't want that like a lot of people like pickle juice man It's not okay, but fine, but we I don't want it. I don't want it in my lemonade though. Like that's fair. It's fair Okay, yeah, so that's the weirdest thing here. Yeah Let's go down to, there's newer things. There's, uh, Edelweiss snacks, which has a fantasy land, garlic, cheesy brought a bratwurst and a cheesy garlic pretzel bread. I could eat 20 of those. I don't even know how it tastes and I want to eat it right now. Like, look at that thing. but This is the other fancy hot dog. yeah So i'll I'll get the one in adventure, lad. You can get the one in fast.
mean Look how good that you don't want. Oh, cause cheese. Yeah. And that's right. I forgot what the song and again. i Yeah. i would I would go for the other one just because the the cheese, unfortunately just yeah does it get it for me. Right. yeah no Sorry. Sorry, folks. We weren't you in the song. Uh, okay. And roll Danish pastry looks pretty good too, actually. All right. What else is there? Oh, they're they're doing a ghost pepper burger. Apparently a galactic girl.
Do we really need a ghost pepper burger in the park? Apparently we do. Yeah, apparently we do. yeah the The ghost of Anaheim burger. Why, why did they call it the ghost of Anaheim burger, but serving like that's such a weird. It's a little weird. Yeah. I I'm, I'm all the way down though. I've gone down to jolly holiday bakery cafe and I'm looking at the apple almond croissant.
Apple stuffed croissant with almond topping. Okay. Yeah. You got me a, you had me a croissant really. I mean, Jolly holiday is just good. Like if you, if you know, you know, like Jolly holiday is actually a good, that's a good place to go. It's a good, good quick service. They got lots of good treats there. Okay. What about this blueberry corn dog down here? A little red wagon. It's like hand up corn dog topped it with blueberry compote and bacon powdered sugar. What is that?
They can so how it okay is it just powdered shit is it like they threw some bacon and some powdered sugar and then put it on ma maybe they ground a bacon and like put it into the powdered sugar or this is interesting but I bet it's delicious. Well I mean it it okay again little red wagon corn dogs are like.
the the corn So I've had the corn dogs in both parks and the little red wagon corn dogs are like, they're so good. like that they are okay They're way better than the ones I've had in Florida. like The ones in Florida are good, but I don't know what they do to the batter, that little red wagon, but like yeah, that this is I want this corn dog.
It looks, I mean, it looks amazing, honestly. I haven't thought about that. I was like, that's kind of weird, but sounds good. I like something sweet. I haven't thought about a little red wagon in a while, but I realized I need to go back there because, you know, im I am planning a trip there next fall. So yeah, hopefully they, I hope this is a, this is a repeat next year because this is new on the list this year. So, you know, you know, there's a chance I might be able to try this next year. There you go. Yeah, there you go. So I'm down to the Plaza Inn now. ah I'm looking at this chocolate silk cheesecake. That is a cheesecake I would eat, my friend. That is white chocolate mousse. Yeah. All right. It has to be a chocolate cheesecake. I mean, it doesn't seem to sound like it's a mousse. Like, that's a different thing. Oh, no. The white chocolate cheesecake is topped with white chocolate mousse. Yeah. So it's still a chocolate cheesecake. So are you still in on that? or um um Yeah, it looks too delicious not to. Look at that thing.
okay let's uh yeah yeah i mean i agreed but i i already had my cheesecake up top so um you already had your cheesecake allotment amanda there so yeah this is a really long page man they have a ton of holiday food for specifically for halloween Yes. it's yeah That's the thing is that, yeah, this is just Halloween. What are they going to do for Christmas? Can we talk about refreshment corner? Did you get to this yet? The Philly potato dog? I saw that. um It's a i actually say it all a potato. It's a It's a baked potato split in the middle with a hot dog in it. So you're using the baked potato as a bun with so thin slice thin thin slice beef peppers and provolone and cherry spread. What is going on there?
What? I mean, I mean, it's crazy that I've never seen anything like that before. Certainly not in Philly.
I mean, yeah. Would you eat that? I would probably try it. I don't know. ah Cherry spread though. That seems just really and off the wall there. Yeah. I don't know if I want a hot dog in my potato, like that's. Or or a potato in your hot dog, right? It's like. I feel like my head's in two different spaces, like if I'm having a baked potato or if I'm having a hot dog, I don't know that I want. Yeah, right? like To mix those things, yeah.
All right. I'm done all the way down at tropical hideaway. So, oh okay. Okay. I need to call out. So, so when there's something called who tendu chicken do chicken, yeah which is like fried chicken thighs with, uh, is that shishito? Cheeto peppers. Yeah. <unk>sa lee So that looks really good. But then this Monstropolis float that looks crazy.
Yeah. Yeah. ah So I like it. Ube dusted dole whip pineapple with mango with passion fruit coconut juice and lychee fruit. Wow. That's that's busy, but it looks like that. I'm wondering what's giving it that green color because it like the green mixed in with the like it it almost looks like like slime. It does. Yeah, it says. Well, it says what dole whip pineapple and mango with passion fruit coconut juice.
Some of those things are green. Yeah, none of those things are maybe they die some of green. I don't know. Either, or, I mean, leechy fruit's not really green. Yeah. Maybe it's the oo, I don't know.
Yeah, I don't know. It's weird. Yeah, that's ah that's an interesting one. And so now we're just hitting California Adventure. yu and It's a shocking about a new stuff this year, man. Yeah, they really stepped up in and California. Yeah, i'm I'm scrolling down here. Let's see what we got.
yeah I mean, lava cakes are always good, right? So I guess a lot of it is, a lot of it is like, there's like various cold brews. Yeah. There there's lava, lava cake. There's a candy corn float, which I don't want. That sounds horrific. Why, who wants that? Nobody wants that. I'm going to get some hate for that. Cause I know the people that like candy corn love candy corn. You don't understand why no one else likes it. My son likes candy corn and I just am horrified when he he'll eat it. I'm like, what are you doing? that And he's like, what it's good. I just, yeah I don't get it. Yeah. If I wanted to eat a candle, I would just eat a

Disney World Halloween Treats and Festive Foods

candle. That's what it tastes like to me. That's the the consistency is eating a candle. Yeah. Yeah. it's yeah there's There's nothing, nothing I want out of candy corn. So.
I'm going way down here, man, because we we are like, we're we're getting way late here and we're gonna skip over drinks. Yeah. Yeah. I guess if you're Yeah, so I guess this is the equivalent of drinking around the world. If you pretty you're feeling inclined to do so. Seems like all the drinks are at the bottom here. So we we don't really usually talk drinks, we usually only do food anyway. So yeah.
Yeah. Okay. Um, you want to hop over to Disney world or do we want to go to food and wine? Let's switch gears. Yeah. Or so. Yeah. Let's do Disney world's a lot shorter list. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So let's do the Halloween treats at Disney world. Yeah. Specifically, uh, yeah, at, at the resorts. So this is just at the resorts.
um not or Okay, new stuff. So so we have the the the Monster Cupcake is coming back, which I always thought was great. The Chicken Adobo nachos though. This is at this is at the All Star Music Resort of all pieces. They've got some interesting stuff at the food court there. that They do some cool things there.
Yeah. um But yeah, I mean, these are some pretty busy nachos. it's Yeah. Blue corn tortilla chips, grilled chicken adobo, toasted pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, roasted corn pico, zesty pumpkin cheese sauce, filled with cilantro lined crema and yellow corn tortilla strips. That is a lot. is a ah lot busy. that is That is a lot of ingredients. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's that's a lot.
um i'm just scrolling down here that there's a Uh, at the boardwalk, there's a spice vanilla cupcake with apple compote and, uh, milk chocolate moose. I would, I would dig into that at the boardwalk deli. That sounds good to me. Okay. Yeah. Uh, what else it sounds good? I love moose, man. a little Yeah. I know. I want to love moose, but again it's yes I, this is the problem is I always have to like question it when it's like, Oh, you know, you can get it like a moose and then you can get like.
You know, there's varying levels of dairy and lactose. And yeah, yeah. It's like, could be good, could be bad. So I like that. I always go over Polly by the way. Sorry. Go ahead. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. The Stitch Cake is very cute. The Vampire Stitch Cake. Yes. Vampire Stitch. Yes. Yeah. Although the thing of pineapple alumni is exactly what we've been saying. They just threw a pumpkin Mickey on top of a soft serve. This is so...
Yeah, I don't know. So it's pumpkin spice flavored soft serve, which okay, maybe I'll give a bit of a pass with that. But then, yeah, like, everything else about is like, okay, yeah, you know, they're doing pumpkin spice soft serve, they're doing coconut, caramel drizzle, graham cracker crumbs, and then a Mickey shaped pumpkin. That's like the Mickey shaped pumpkin is the one thing you don't need in this.
It is. It's so unnecessary. And I feel like it's somebody said, you know, you got to make sure it's, it's Disney five. Like, like maybe, maybe this is how they make sure that people aren't copying it. I don't know. Is they, they just slap these, like, you know, you know, a cheap random piece of chocolate on it. Yeah. Cheap Mickey chocolate on there. I just, I don't know. Yeah. nice so Yeah.
I've scrolled down and there's nothing else new really that caught my eye. So I think we might be able to move on to food and wine unless there's anything else that you want to talk about. Yeah, no, there's yeah yeah there's not a lot being offered. So obviously they invested all their time at at Disneyland of apparently. dis Well, to be fair, that was the resorts. That wasn't the park. So the parks probably have different stuff. That was just the resorts. Yeah, that's that's fair. So yeah, I guess maybe, yeah, they haven't they haven't done the park stuff yet for her Florida, have they?

Food and Wine Festival Highlights

No, I don't think so. I don't think I've seen that out there. so Okay. so Oh man, this is this food and wine is going to be rough for you, my friend. Why is that? You mean the mac and cheese place? No, that they have a literal cheese symbol. They have a cheese stroll that you can do. and it has the All of it has cheese, little cheese logos next to it. so hard it's Hard pass, but yeah.
Well, this one, ah so at Communicore Hall, there's there's a bunch of mac and cheeses. ah There's a cheesesteak one, there's a traditional one, there's a truffle one. I think they've had those in the past, even though this is a this is called Macatizer's, which i kind of like the I kind of like that word. Macatizer.
like Appetizers with the Mac appetizers. Yeah. Yeah. yeah then But then I like how you avoided the last one, which is an impossible chili macaroni and cheese with sour cream and cheddar, which it so impossible means it's plant based, which I assume means the sour cream and the. the cheddar plant-based as well. I would think so, yeah. Which, again, you know you know for me, I appreciate that there is something on the menu. like I would pass on all these things except for the impossible one, and I would definitely try the impossible one. Again, it's not because I'm like into everything being plant-based, it's just because that way I know there was no dairy in it.
Yeah, exactly. Exactly. yeah So I appreciate that. And hey, you know, yeah maybe this isn't a complete, a complete wash for me, trying stuff, right? yeah ah They also have the festival favorites, which is a new thing at Communicore Hall. But this is things that from before, right? So it's a key lime tart. It's a kielbasa with ah potato pierogies. My sister just got a dog and named it pierogi. So nice. Shout out to my sister's new dog, pierogi.
because they love perogrees I mean, you know, listen, who doesn't? Hey, these are good. They're delicious. Yeah. So, um, down to world discovery menu. So like a lot of these are the same. There's not, I was not seeing a lot new yet, right? A lot of these are the same kind of items.
So this is that connections eatery though. So so the yeah, it's connections. Yeah. yeah So green barbecue chicken sandwich. Is that that's a returning thing or it's it's it says they add says it doesn't say that it's new. So I guess they had that last year. I don't remember it though. It looks delicious. Or I guess oh I wasn't there during food and wine. But yeah, I I would I would go for this at connections. I always I always love finding stuff at connections because like it's obviously connections has got a good menu. But you know, so it's always nice when they add New stuff like this. Agreed. Now we're getting down to some new stuff down at Flavors from Fire. There's an impossible Montreal style. Oh, look, shout out to Canada. all right What is Montreal style? I don i don't know what that means. Montreal spices. It's just a set of spices that you get on Montreal cooked meats. so yeah so It's an impossible burger with cheddar cheese, tomato jam, and a sesame seed bun.
okay Yeah, pretty straightforward. Pretty basic, right? Yeah, that's fine. It's okay to be basic. Yeah. Oh, man. They're at the brewing lab.
um but Unnecessarily spicy yet extremely tasty Carolina Reaper pepper curry wings with creamy cucumber. Right does that right? to Yeah, I don't know. I love that name is just I read that verbatim. By the way, I did not throw any extra words in there. That's like that's actually what they had on the menu. Well, that's the new item. Yeah. Yeah. The the Carolina Reaper is actually grown like right down the road for me. And I don't think it's this at one point it was the spiciest. It was the it was the hottest ah pepper you could get. Right.
um But I think i know their stuff now. Yeah, yeah, they've gone further with that. But okay, I got to ask this question because like I like spicy. But when it passes a certain threshold, it's like it like I feel like Carolina Reaper is like, is it too spicy to the point where you can't even enjoy what you're eating?
Well, like I mean, it was so it was certified as the world's hot world's hottest chili pepper in twenty seventeen. I don't know if it still is. It looks like this thing called Pepper X took the title of world's hottest pepper in twenty twenty three. But but still. But yeah I'm asking. So have you had Carolina Reaper because? No, I don't need stuff that spicy. I know. No, no, no. All right. I'll eat my spicy stuff, but like not not that far.
no so that this that actually this This is funny because so we a couple of days ago, me and my family, yeah we I got Bon Mies for dinner from ah from a local place. and I had had it before and I was like, yeah, yeah you know these Bon Mies are good.
And so I ordered them for the family. We were all eating them. And then my son and my wife started freaking out. They're like, this is so spicy. Why is this so spicy? And I didn't realize it, but um because they they put like vegetables, like there's like cucumbers and carrots and stuff in there. But they also put strips of jalapenos in it, which I actually thought was just like green peppers, because to me, I I'm used to that kind of spice and I was like, oh, it's just, you know, it's, it's a little spicy, but I figured it was just like the spices in the balmy or something. But, you know, my, my son and my wife were like, like legitimately like traumatized ah eating by eating jalapenos. So it makes me wonder, like, how bad is a Carolina Reaper? Cause I, like I said, I never had something that spicy, but I definitely eat spicy. So I'm kind of like,
Would you try this like, would you? i mean I feel like I might, but it might be a, you know, to get two bites into it and throw it out. Cause that's one of the worries that, you know, too spicy is like, yeah like, especially like, you know, if you, I'm sorry, but you know, if you're at somewhere like food and wine, I don't want to eat something so spicy that it like, you know, that you like kind of, you know, check out from reality for like 20 minutes is that you're physically injured. Yeah. like Like I don't want to be in a theme park and be like having a crisis like that. So, yeah yeah I mean, part of me wants to try it, but like, I don't know. It's.
I'm just wondering why the choice of Carolina Reber... but You know, I mean, it just so they could name it that, right? so ah By the way, the pickle shake makes a return this year as well. I remember that from last year, the pickle milkshake. I still don't get that. but i Yeah. But if any listeners, by the way, have had a Carolina Reaper, please describe the experience to us because I would be interested. um All right. But the noodle exchange has the same menu, yeah which is not bad because they had good food. i my my wife My wife, that was like her favorite booth was the noodle exchange.
But but we need to go down to Mexico because Mexico's got all new food. They do have all new food. Look at that. Yeah, they I feel like they always rotate the menu at the Mexico booth. You know, I feel like that's how we've got different stuff coming in. Yeah, i I felt like there was always or maybe maybe I'm thinking of flower and garden. I felt like they were pretty consistent in flower garden. But yeah, maybe you're right that this is where they keep changing it up. But there is um so there's two new there's two new meal options. So the first one is Was it Tostada de Camerones? Yeah, Camerones, yeah. Tempura battered shrimp atop a fried corn tortilla, guacamole cabbage, chipotle aioli, diced mango, and chili lime powder. Yes. like I'm out for pretty much all that. That sounds so good. like Does it? I have there's a Mexican place ne near where I live that they do a really this really good these shrimp tacos that yeah. like I'm just thinking this is the same thing. like you know It's just shrimp tacos are good. and this My wife would be all about this too. yeah I'm the weird one. I know. But then, but then you know alternately, there is a there's a beef option which is the flauta the flauta, the barbacoa. I know I'm butchering that. I'm sorry for It's okay. bu
I took like seven years of Spanish. I don't i should know better. right Fried tortillas filled with barbacoa beef topped with salsa verde, crema mexicana, and queso fresco. I would eat that. i mean thats that sounds it's not i mean it's It's basic in the terms of like basic Mexican type food, but I'm sure it's good. like i Yeah.
yeah And then pan de elote. Yeah. so that Yeah. Traditional Mexican cornbread top with chocolate sauce and queso fresco. The queso fresco is interesting on that to me. Cause I wouldn't think you'd put that on a dessert, but you know, maybe you get the, the salty and the sweet go in there. Cause queso fresco is that, that's like that. It's like a cheese sauce, right? It's like it's just like cheese. Yeah. it's It's that, it's that little crumbly cheese that's on the top. Hmm. Yeah. That is an interesting choice.
But yeah, you're right. I feel like, yeah, maybe they're they're going for like a savory sweet kind of thing with it. But yeah yeah, I mean, again, I would try it as long as it's not too over the top with the cheese. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, we go to China, which is one of your favorite booths, right? You always love the China booth. yeah We got two new things there. A crispy duck bao bun with hoisin sauce and a Shanghai scallion noodles with shrimp. How can you look not like a good bao bun?
I would have the ... I'd have the pan fried chicken dumplings. I like chicken dumplings. like Hey, but bao. Bao buns are like either so good. I like bao buns. It's what's in the bao bun that I don't want. What's wrong with crispy duck and hoisin? That doesn't do it for me, man. Dude, it's it's flavor towel. Did you just invoke Guy Fieri? I sure did. it This is flavor towel. It's so good. I love bao. I love it.
So we've also got India. India has no new items. It looks like the same items from last year, samosas and some ah chicken tikka masala. Which is, you know, listen, if it's, if if it's good, then it's good. Um, we go to the refreshment outpost, which usually has some, uh, some poutine, but I'm not seeing any poutine right now. They're, they're going out a different way with an it's impossible, spicy sausage with, was it puree, puree peppers and onions ye and, uh, some sort of aioli. It's like tiny though. It looks like a, like a slider version of a, of a hot dog. us yeah yeah It's like if they you were like, I want to make a hot dog. That's a slider. That's what they would make.
Yeah. Yeah. I feel like sausage is a big thing this year. Like yeah. Cause yeah. There's also a curried chicken in South African sausage stew with chickpeas and potatoes served in a bread bowl. We don't have a picture of that, but that sounds interesting at least. And then ah there's a chocolate moose with white chocolate that looks pretty basic, but also probably is pretty delicious.
I'm just worried that like it looks like it's presented on like a cookie. I'm, I'm just, like I'm imagining it being like, like two bites. Yeah, it probably is. It probably is. All right. We get to the Alps, which has some classic things on it. The, the warm light and red plate of cheese. Yeah. Yeah, I know you love that rec request, dude. It's I mean, it's a show in itself, though, too, because they do it right there. You know, the big thing is Swiss cheese and then they scrape it down onto your plate. And it's like it's a whole thing. Like, I'm glad they didn't get rid of that because it's like it's awesome to watch and awesome to eat. It's delicious. he And also the Germany menu is always good every year, too. The the pasta gratin is amazing. The bratwurst on a pretzel rolls amazing. And the apple shootles amazing. I'm kind of glad they didn't change anything there. I i do like the apple strudel like.
yeah like a Pasta ground is one of my favorite things I've ever had in a Disney park and they give you a gigantic portrait. It's so big for what you what you pay for it. It's huge, and but it's also delicious. I remember I went there with my mom and and you know, we were just there for like one day and she was like I we got that and we ended up sharing and she was like, oh my gosh, this is amazing. I'm like, yeah, I know. It's it's like one of the best things. So always my favorite. Yeah, she got out of Spain, though. Yeah, Spain. So so they have a Spanish charcuterie, which is
Jamon man chango and pan con tomorrow day or something like that okay. but Yeah so it looks like they're all the kind of thing yeah yeah. Yeah. The meat, meat and cheese basically is what you're getting. I had to tell you, man, on the cruise, we went to like the premium Italian restaurant and we got, we got a charcuterie board there. Oh, so good. It was so good. All right. Here, here comes the the thing that you will not touch at the, uh, I hate all of it. I hate every word in the sentence.
Pala Negra is, I believe how it's pronounced, which a is a pay pay the... Pea? Is it Pea? Okay. yeah i guess Yeah, I guess the L's are silent. Okay, so squid ink, rice and shrimp, bay scallops and octopus served with a garlic aioli. Yeah, like that that's some good seafood. No, it's it's those are all good. I assure you, they are all good. I've had them all, right not necessarily in that combination, but I'm sure they're good.
Okay, fair enough. yeah i I need to know what Italy's doing because I've noticed that Italy gets criticized every year that their food is not good enough, although I've enjoyed the raviolis I've had there in the past and now it feels like they give up. What are they doing? It took me a minute to process what this actually was.
because it looks like there's sloppy joe on some tortilla chips like that's it yeah i didn't i didn't think about how bad i was like okay italian doing their own take on notches yeah literally they're taking homemade beef ragu pasta chips and tomato sauce like like they're just they're throwing but yeah maybe's good i don't know maybe it's good okay maybe it's good But it doesn't like, I just realized I don't want like pasta sauce on my chips. Well, it to be fair, it says pasta chips. So maybe they made the tortilla chips out of pasta and maybe it will have a different flavor to it. Well, but then also like, I mean, dried pastas. I don't know. Have you ever like, I don't eat dried pasta. I don't know of anybody who does.
it's No, that's not great. Yeah. Yeah. Like like i' I'm thinking about like, you know, before you cook pasta, like, you know, you take like a piece of spaghetti, you like try and munch on it. And it's like way too hard. Like, I feel like this is going to be the same kind of thing where it's like you try to eat the chips, but they're way too hard. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah.
i The next thing though, one of the few things I will eat before is meatballs. I do love some meatballs. And so the beef meatballs, rosemary focaccia, and pomodoro sauce, that sounds good. that That sounds good to me. I would do that. And then this vanilla cheesecake, again, we're talking cheesecake, but that's pretty good. That's kind of basic. It is basic, but I would still eat it. Vanilla cheesecake, whipped cream, and fresh strawberry sauce. Like that's, yeah they're not, I guess, yeah, you know, fine. that They're selling a cheesecake.
i'm I'm always annoyed by what they do with the American menu because it's like, this is how the world sees America. You don't want this hot dog?
I do, but it's like, okay, they have a New York-style hot dog, they have a Chicago-style hot dog, and they have a Carolina-style hot dog, which Carolina-style hot dogs are not a thing, okay? it's You're just calling it that because you're throwing some coleslaw on the top, right? Like, that's and that's really all it is. I was half expecting there to be pulled pork on top of it because that, you know, we're known for barbecue here. So, but, you know,
ah Listen, the New York style one is sauerkraut, onion, tomato sauce, spicy mustard. Okay, fine. Chicago style is the thing that is a real thing with tomato dill pickle pickled sport pepper. I don't know what that is. Diced onions, yellow mustard, Chicago green relish and a poppy seed bun. Okay, that sounds fine. Right? Yeah. Yeah, but I'm still I'm still in on this. Yeah.
Yeah, I mean, i you know, I just I take the Carolina style one just Carol. Yeah, Carolina. I'll be a dog with chili coleslaw and yellow mustard on a brioche. But like, okay okay, what? Yeah, don't don't want a chili dog. But and that And then they have the Southwest style. I find it funny that, so they do the Carolina style and then they do Southwest. Like, I don't understand. Yeah, that this doesn't make any sense to me, but that yeah, the Southwest is a hot dog wrapped in bacon with warm pimento or with pinto beans. Tomatoes, jalapenos, avocado crema, and queso fresco in a French roll. So again, you know, the jalapenos. Hey, cool. Like you some jalapenos in there.
Refuse them for green peppers like my family. I will say this pudding cake looks good with barber and caramel on there. That sounds good. yeah Yeah, I would eat that. i think i like The funny thing about having, like there's what, four different hot dogs on here is that I feel like I would like look at this and go, i'm I'm not choosing between these, I'm just going to get the pudding cake. I would just be like, hey, can I get a hot dog with some ketchup? They'd be just looking at me like, no, that's not what we do here.
All right, scrolling down, the funnel cake booth has a terror monsieur funnel cake. What are you laughing at now? Sorry, just the idea of like the the people behind the counter being shocked and appalled at you asking for a basic hot dog. i like what You want a basic hot dog? like what We don't have ketchup here. What are you talking about? That's not allowed. Ew. I don't even have ketchup on my hot dogs, to be honest. I usually go like, if i like a cheese I like cheese on my hot dogs. That's that's what I like. That's about it. and but I'll do barbecue sauce instead of Oh, interesting. okay My wife does mustard. She's a mustard person. so But the funnel cake booth, they took a funnel cake and they threw a piece of tiramisu on the top.
It's a tiramisu funnel cake with vanilla ice cream topped with chocolate rum sauce and cream cheese whipped cream and dusted with cocoa and espresso powder. So they basically just like construct like a piece of tiramisu on top of a funnel cake. Yep. I mean, if you like tiramisu, I'm sure it's good. I don't do tiramisu because I don't do coffee. So yeah, I mean, it's, yeah, I'm sure, I'm sure it's fine. Um, uh, Trevor's right here. now Now we're into the Japan menu. Yeah. Oh boy. Look at these. so um So we've we've got two sushi options, which they're handheld sushi though. They're like tacos. Yeah. These are, yeah. These are like a corner. Yeah. And sushi. So a Wagyu Tamaki sushi with American Wagyu. Okay.
there's There's a whole thing with Wagyu. It's not yeah everything that's labeled Wagyu. So yeah, it's it's beef with Takana Japanese pickles and a spicy mayo sauce. So yeah, that sounds perfectly okay. and then the eel tamaki sushi, which I would actually go for this. I i love grilled eel. And yes, I know you're, you're horrified by that. I am horrified by both of these. So eel, grilled eel, egg crumbles, cucumber, pickled daikon radish served with eel sauce. Yes. That's, that's all you right there. That's all yeah that i would I would definitely like.
I would go there and then get maybe, uh, you know, go back and get the pudding cake from, from the America but like yeah afterwards. And then, yeah, that, that makes sense. Yeah. And then they do have the chicken bun returning as well. So i you can have that chicken bun. I would eat that. I would eat that. So Greece has the same menu, uh, nothing new at Greece. So get the same stuff there. We'll go down to, uh, Tangerine is a Tangerine cafe. Tanger. Yeah. And, uh, that one has the same. Yeah.
Nothing new there. Nothing new in Belgium, which fine. Leave Belgium alone. You know, they've got some good stuff. They got those mashed potatoes with the stuff on top. They got the Belgium waffles. We don't need to change any of that.
And we can skip all the way down actually to France is the next new thing. France is always a fun one too. And I'm not trying to pronounce any of these French words. Not going to happen. But there's some sort of egg, what is that? Malou? Malou. Malou. Go cheese and caramelized onions. I don't know what that is. And I'm not even sure which picture that is.
I think I might be the one on the the one of the left. i think okay And then the one on the right is the escargot one, which is the escargot brioche with garlic and parsley cream. Have you done the escargot there before? I forget.
i No, I've not done the escargot. My wife has. She likes the escargot. I used to have it like on ah on like a croissant, though. like That was the thing before it was a croissant. So inside of a brioche, I guess, the that's kind of interesting. it It looks good. If I didn't know that there were snails in there, then I would probably eat it. I mean, i mean you just just don't tell you the name. Just let you eat first, right? Just let me eat it. yeah i mean I don't know what snails taste like, but...
I think that's how we have to get you to try stuff is that we'll just bring things to you so and then and then get you to try them and then tell you what it is. So that's what my family's been doing for years. They got me to eat meat for a while by telling me that it wasn't meat when it was. oh Yeah, but it is. I mean, it was it was a good dish, but.
Uh, down to Canada, same thing as last year, cheddar cheese soup, which is, you know, I'm sure everybody's happy about also the play. Yeah. Always good stuff. Um, we do have the refreshment port. Oh, they do have a poutine over refreshment port. Okay. Maybe it was the other refreshment port that I was looking at. So this has a braised beef poutine again from same from last year, which I've had this, it's actually very good. And it does have curds on it, Trevor. It does. i know yeah That is good. It should have the curds.
Australia has a grilled bushberry spice shrimp skewer with sweet and sour vegetables and a coconut chili sauce. That sounds like something you would eat, right? My wife would eat that. Yeah. I don't know what bushberry tastes like, but yeah, you know it's it's shrimp with sweet and sour vegetables. Yeah. that's Some sort of wild berry kind of thing, right? Yeah. It looks good.
Yeah. Yeah. Swirled Showcase has a liquid nitrogen. and So this was the place that was doing the liquid nitrogen stuff last year. yeah ah Liquid nitrogen frozen sweet potato mousse with candied pecans and maple caramel sauce.
That is interesting. I don't like sweet potato, but it is very interesting. Yeah, but I'm trying to process what all that's supposed to taste like. And yeah like, because sweet, like, okay, sweet potato. Yeah, you can I can see it's very easy to add like maple and so okay, yeah. So yeah, sweet potato maple is fair. and I guess I was expecting this to be more like, um I was thinking of it as like a dessert, but I guess it's more like,
Maybe it's like a side. I think it is the dessert though. No, I think it's dessert because you get the sweetness of the potato mousse and then candied pecans and then that's all sweet stuff basically, right? I guess, yeah. But I guess I'm hung up on the also what liquid nitrogen is going to do to it. Well, yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, I just can't imagine like a sweet potato for like, I guess I've always had sweet potato warm, right? Like you don't ever have it cold. So I just don't. I don't know that I want cold potatoes. Yeah, that's fair. Right. right they did Yeah. Yeah.
Let's get down to Hawaii. So Hawaii's got a new thing. It's a Hawaiian race bowl, which is actually I think a pretty, it's like a dish that they eat a lot in Hawaii, right? I think that's a like ah an actual real cultural dish of spam eggs, eel sauce, spicy mayonnaise, and I don't know what that is, furikake? Furikake, yeah. Furikake, is that how you say it?
Interesting. I would eat some, I would eat some Spam and eggs, but like, you know, the rest of that sauce, you know, eel sauce. Okay. So, okay. So, so eel sauce does not taste like eel. It's actually more like thinking about like a teriyaki sauce. Okay. Well then like I can rock with that. Yeah. Like I could do that. The eel sauce is actually like, that's probably the one thing, like I know it says eel in the name, but it's not like you, you would actually probably like it. Okay.
and Let's get down to Bramblewood Bites. This is a new a new booth. so This is all new items. so this is They have a grilled cider brined pork tenderloin with fennel apple slaw and apple cider gastrique. They have a grilled bison with butternut butternut squash puree, roasted mushrooms, and huckleberry gastrique.
Remember when I said earlier about bison? Here you go. There you go. Then there's cast iron, Brussels sprouts, and root vegetables with dried cranberries, candied pecans, and maple bourbon glaze. I actually really love Brussels sprouts, so I'd probably rock with this because I do really like, I like Brussels sprouts if they're done well. If Brussels sprouts are done well, they're good. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Good Brussels sprouts are good. Bad Brussels sprouts. You don't watch them. Yeah. So, okay. This is an interesting addition. It's very meat focused for the first two. I feel like, you know, we should get you to try some grilled bison. I would probably tell your wife to bring you some. Yeah. Okay. She'll sneak it into my food somehow.

Creative Segment Songs and Episode Conclusion

All right. So then there's the mild and mold menu, which has a borson fig and balsamic cheesecake with fig jam and pomegranate.
i it It's not for me. i don't I'm not a Borsin fan. I like Borsin somewhat, you know? Yeah, for me, it's the figs. I just don't. I'm not a... Is that what it is? Okay. Yeah, figs don't really do a lot for me. I don't enjoy the flavor of them. That's fair. That's fair. you So, you're probably not going to like this Perron Almond French Paine Pate Brisee? Yeah, I don't even know what that's supposed to be.
I don't know what any of that is. Is that the thing all the way to the right? Cause it looks like a ham and cheese sandwich and I don't see ham and cheese sandwiches. No, I feel. Yeah. Oh yeah. I guess that is it. Yeah. So yeah, it looks like a, it looks like a ham hot pocket. I was just going to say it looks like a ham hot pocket. It looks like a ham hot pocket. I guess if you want to, you want to have a hot pocket with almonds and pears. They serve it to you with the little microwave sleeve on it. You know, you shake it out of the microwave sleeve. It gets stuck to the side because it's stuck to the side. The cheese is oozing out the side. Yeah.
The forest and field. Yeah, forest and field is next. um the So the new item is the autumn chili with bison lamb, pork belly, root vegetables, jalapeno cornbread, smoked cheddar and creme fraiche. Wow. um That's a lot of meats in one place.
That is a lot. Yeah. That's, you're getting all the meats. I mean, and pork belly is delicious, but you get some bison, some lamps, pork belly. I mean, I'm not a big chili fan cause I usually, usually chili contains some sort of bean and I don't do beans. yeah So yeah. Then you get the jalapeno cornbread, which is, that's a weird, sweet and spicy combination there, which, you know, I'm, I'm here for it. I'll, I'll give it a try. There's a really good barbecue place by me that does jalapeno cornbread as like an appetizer. And it's, it's so good that I.
I mean, I don't know. I probably can't compare to this. I mean, this probably can't compare to that because it's so good. So I think that might be it, man. I think we're at the end here. Well, no, we've still got world nature.
Oh, yeah, well, okay. yeah I'm sorry, I missed that one. I missed that one. yeah well so true So, so yeah, near the earth eats menu. So this is near the land, red wine, raised beef short rib, goat goat cheese, polenta, puttanesca sauce, shaved pecorino and petite herbs.
Okay. And then 11 poppy seed cake with lemon icing, which I do that, that poppy seed cake looks pretty good. It does. As long as it's not like dry, like I feel like I've had a poppy seed cake that's like, it's like really dry. Yeah. Yeah. Not that dry. That's fair. Yeah. Yeah. I guess that's the thing with some of these cakes is it's like, you know, it, it may look good. And I guess if the, if the icing is doing all the heavy lifting for it, but the cake is not good, then that's not good. Right.
Yeah. Well, outside of that, I think there's a couple drinks, but we usually don't do the specialty drink thing, right? Unless there's any that jumps out to you. Yeah. I mean, there, I mean, there is always new drinks and all that yeah stuff. And yeah, that, that could be a whole episode talking about drinks, but I feel like, you know, it's not fair for us to do that because I mean, I don't drink alcohol hardly ever. And most of these are alcoholic drinks or coffee. I i don't drink coffee and I yeah don't really do alcohol that much either. So yeah.
Yeah, that's fair. So yeah, yeah i don' I feel it's fair for us to talk about the food because we'll you and I will definitely eat the food. you know Kind of like when we were there, you know we were we were hitting the booths and yeah trying all kinds of different stuff. So yeah, you know like i think I think it's fair to leave out the alcohol.
All right, so that's the end of the food segment. did Do I have to play the song to lead it out again? No, it's just for the beginning. You need to make an exit song if you're going to do that. You can't just play. Yeah, yeah you got you got to figure out ah an outro for it. That's that's interesting. that now now you're Now you're making my my the gears in my brain go, so. yeah Yeah, maybe it just needs to be like, ah or you know maybe just the riff or something. I don't know.
Food time is over. Yeah, it sounds like that. You know, if anybody's got ideas, you know, send them to Tom because... Give me some lyrics. Yeah, but I very much enjoyed you working through the process on this because i i get i've I've done the same thing where it's like you get something in your head and you're like, I have to yeah have to make this, so this has to happen, right? So... Yeah, once I got the lyrics down, I was like, oh, I got to get it perfectly because yeah, it's yeah. And I feel like I i'm I'm happy with where we're at. So. So so I guess, you know, for for people listening to the show, if you want it, you know, if you like the song, let us know because, you know, we can obviously keep working it into the show. But, you know, you know, we'd like to hear people's thoughts on it.
I do, Trevor, plan to make more songs for different things, such as record speculation. Ooh, record speculation could be a fun one. Yeah, it's going to be a metal song. like Just cause it's reckless. It's really, you know, you think metal, you think reckless. So I'm going to, yeah, that's going to, yeah. Well, we'll have to, I have a different thought on that, but we can, we can, all right yeah we can, yeah, we can ideate on this, you know, yeah'll do some, uh, some brainstorming, but yeah, I, yeah, I definitely have some thoughts too, but yeah, I think, I think we can find some, some weird, some weird middle grounds that we can do that. Yeah. Yeah. No, we can do that. Yeah.
All right, let's wrap up. Let's get out of here. Yeah, we've been going for a while. It's a long one. You guys get two long episodes because land us on the fact that it was summertime and there wasn't a lot to talk about. Now we're just catching up and getting everything out of our system.
Yeah, exactly. All right. All right. So, um, as usual, if you guys want to reach out to us about anything on the show or, you know, want to share your own trip reports or thoughts on, you know, anything that we talked about on the show, you can always reach us at welcome home podcast, gmail And, you know, we love hearing from you guys.
ah Similarly, on social media, you can find us on Facebook as Welcome Home Podcast, you can find us on YouTube as Welcome Home Podcast, and on Instagram as Welcome Home Picks. Make sure on Facebook that you check out our group called Welcome Home Disney Waitlist, where um we talk about a lot of the stuff that goes on in the show. You'll find people posting memes. I can't wait to see what the memes look like for this show. It's going to be should be interesting. Yeah. Um, and yeah, you know, you know, please, please check out the group. It's just, you know, even, even outside of talking about the show, I feel it's a good place that, you know, everybody is, um, you know, enjoying talking about Disney and DVC and all that. So, yeah um, you know, please check that out. And also, um, if you want to help support the show, we do have a store, so you can go to store at welcome on podcast and check out our different merch and, uh, you know,
you know, there's shirts and mugs and all kinds of great stuff that, uh, that, you know, maybe if you need something for your next trip or you just want to have, you know, a nice mug for sipping, uh, you know, pickle lemonade out of, cause I don't know why you wouldn't need pickle lemonade, but yeah. milk eggs Yeah. If you want to mug your pickle milkshake. Yeah. Looks like the ooze that turned the Ninja Turtles into the Ninja Turtles. Yeah.
so yeah you know check Check out our store because we you know we do have merchants. It helps us you know continue to support the show. um Same thing with Patreon. You know you can go to patreon slash welcome on pod. We have exclusive merch in the Patreon store that you can't get on the main store. um all Also, our Patreon listeners get access to the Discord server. Whereas you heard you know we we have conversations on there. you know you know more More interaction and stuff with the show. Also, like Tom said, hey, if you're a Patreon supporter, you're also going to be able to hear food time whenever you want. Anytime, food time. So, bonus for that. you know you know Adding value for our Patreon listeners.
And last but not least, if you are listening to the show, leave us a five-star review on iTunes or Spotify or you know any platform that you're listening on. it you know It helps more people find the show. And you know if you if you can write us a of review on iTunes, please do so. we We love hearing what you guys think about the show. And we do read out those reviews because um you know we just we we like hearing what you guys think.
so Yeah, and also, we we just found out recently, too, you can do reviews in Pocket Cast, too. So if you listen through Pocket Cast, yeah. I forget who told us that, and I'm sorry, but thank you for telling us that in the and the um in the Discord. I did not realize that Pocket Cast was allowing you to do this, so thank you for being the first person to review us in Pocket Cast. Maybe it's a new functionality, I don't know.
So yeah anyway, so don't forget to subscribe to Welcome Home Podcast. You'll be reminded every time we release a new episode, you can find us on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, TuneIn, Stitcher, Spotify, YouTube, YouTube Music, just about any place you can find podcasts, you can find us. I noticed, by the way, though, if you search for us in certain places like Spotify, you want to put in Welcome Home Podcasts and put in Disney, because if you just type Welcome Home Podcasts, it might not come up. So, you know, yeah search, do Welcome Home Podcasts, Disney, it'll come right up, will be the first result. So, Trevor, you're going to say something? I'm sorry. I was just, I was agreeing with that as yeah, it's good to specify Disney because there is other Welcome Home podcasts out there, but we are the only Welcome Home Disney podcast. ex Exactly. Exactly.
Also, just as a reminder to our listeners, welcome home podcasts. For entertainment only, we are not in play by the well-sizzling company. As such, all the paintings we expressed on the show are our own. So please consult your DVC representative for more information or a Disney cast member for more information about anything we talked about today. Huge thank you to our sponsor, DVC Resale Market, for sponsoring this episode and continuing to be an amazing partner to us. We love them, so please check them out for any DVC needs. Renting out your points, renting points, buying new points, selling points, whatever you got to do. Just go to them.
Join us next time for more Disney Parks discussion. Of course, more DVC talk. We hope to see you all real soon. this is skipper alber a wall the voice of the jungle signing up from welcome home podcast on the