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Episode 283: DVC Incentives, Moana Merch & Holiday Food image

Episode 283: DVC Incentives, Moana Merch & Holiday Food

Welcome Home: A Disney Parks & DVC Podcast
1k Plays4 months ago

On This Episode

The guys discuss a Disneyland trip report from a listener. DVC is offering add-on incentives at Saratoga Springs. EPCOT has some new activities and displays coming for the holidays. Disney released new merchandise for the upcoming movie Moana 2. Disneyland announced new holiday events coming to the resort. The guys discuss all of the holiday food coming to WDW and Disneyland.

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Introduction and Welcome

This is Skipper Albert A. Wall, the voice of the jungle, broadcasting on the DVC to all points unknown. If you're within the sound of my voice, you're listening to Welcome Home Podcast on the DVC.
Hello and welcome home. This episode of Welcome Home is brought to you by DVC Resell Market. Thank you for joining us on episode 283 of Welcome Home at Disney Parks and Vacation Club Podcast. I'm Tom here with Trevor damon and How's it going, guys? Hey.
eight two eighty three yeah yeah in close check we number
there was There was some discussion, Damon, in the Discord about ah you know how you busted into last episode, you did the Kool-A-Man

Copyright Issues and Sound Effects

thing. yeah and i Somebody said that I need to start playing like a sound for that.
so yeah I mean, I guess you could. I mean, I was I was all ready to do it this episode, just in case you had to come late because I know you had some sports stuff you had to do. But I, you know, had the Kool-Aid man. Oh, yeah. Sound effect.
I don't know if you're allowed to do that, though. I don't know. Is that a copyright thing? It has to be. It absolutely has to be. Why would it not be, I feel. But but if that was the case, like every sound effect you hear out of like and anything could be. But here's the thing, Trevor. You live in Canada, so this doesn't affect you as much. and but like For real, but like sure, you could go ahead and do that. But in the US,
No. i mean I don't know. I don't even know where it was from, to be totally honest with you. I mean, you could record your own Kool-Aid man sound. I feel like Tom could do a very good Kool-Aid man sound. Oh, OK. I could try that. Yeah, that's actually not a bad idea. I was just trying to think of what I would play for you busting in. I don't think, oh, yeah, it can be copyrighted.
so yeah No. so and not not the yeah I think maybe they the they may have the voice actor in that particular sound bite, but yeah you're right. I guess if you know if you did your own, they they can't stop you from doing that. Oh, yeah. There you go. That sounded like Randy Montanette Savage. I don't know if that sounded like Kool-Aid, man.
I mean, yeah, Cooley man had a very like, yeah, it was a very deep voice. like yes steve yeah Yeah, but they're too distinct. That was definitely more ready.

Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson Fight Discussion

So here's the thing is anyone gonna watch this fight next week? ah What are you watching this fight next week? What fight next week? I don't even know what you're talking about.
This is like these are really the times where I just want to just like log off and just be like, what are you talking? What are you? You are living in a different world than us. You know, that i'm like the earth still spins the same. Like we're on. What what fight are you talking about? ah Jake Paul, Mike Tyson. Oh, does that finally happening? Yes, on Netflix. So it's like kind of free. I was I mean, I was going to watch it when originally was going to happen and then it got delayed. I got sick.
because mike tyson is old but i still think mike tyson will destroy him but let's see they're here figure yeah i i'm excited to see this because one it's free because i don't think i'd pay for it but you're gonna tell me it's free on netflix like i'm in i wanted to watch the hot dog eating contest that they did on i did i watched that Okay, but I was annoyed they didn't do it on 4th of July, though. Like, I just... I would agree with that. Yeah, like, because it happened outside of 4th of July, I was like, all right, well, I don't wanna watch this. And here's the other thing, like, it used to be like there was this, you know, we had to watch TV when it happened, right? Like, when you had the sliding channel changer, right? From cable, like, you had to watch TV when

Spoilers in Media

it happened. And then this glorious thing came out and you didn't, right? Like, and before TiVo, I had replay TV, which was far superior, by the way. to tell you that. And it was like the best thing ever. You hit one button, it would skip all commercials. OK, so we got there. And now the problem is, well, my Amazon has commercials again, because I just absolutely refuse to pay for that money, right? But the other problem that you have now is, if you don't watch stuff right away, it will be ruined. You cannot avoid it being ruined. I don't care that, you know, let's say Trevor doesn't care about this fight at all. Trevor, you're going to see something about that fight over that weekend if you just are on the internet. In general, that's the problem. YouTube Shorts does that to me all the time where it's pro stuff at me and it's like, I didn't want to see that. And that's the problem. I'm going to be watching this fight because

TV Shows and Generational Media Preferences

of that. I was waiting for Agatha all along to finish on Disney plot and so I was going to binge watch it. But then yeah, same problem is I start seeing clips of it and it's like, ugh.
Yeah, exactly. you You can't avoid that. like you had to command it to It's a shame for television, because even TV shows are doing it to you in the TV show. Like, okay, so you're telling me that like, you know, like sometimes they give you that next week stuff and you'd be like, all right, that's fine. It's annoying. But now you're giving me the season. This is what's happening in the season. Oh, so that person from episode two is not going to die because you have them in the last scene.
the Baking shows notoriously terrible. Watching the Christmas cookie shows, right? Which we love. But your little clip in the beginning shows me every single cookie. Why do I need to watch? this The show is about the cookies. It's about the drama, Damon. It's not about the cookies. Oh, it's about the cookies, man. This is why I always loved Arrested Development because they always did the next time on Arrested Development and yeah never showed up next time on Arrested Development. That was always really funny to me as a joke because they would do that and that it would never be in the next episode. It just they ruined shows this way, but I have seen a fair amount of good TV lately um Vox Machina's, you know the seasons done which is again any D and&D fan if you're not watching that show like yeah reason just fantasy you're you're you're missing out dragon prince
It's still pretty good. That's coming back, I think, in December. I'm hopeful for the last season because I love the show, but it's getting a little long. thatll It's getting a little long in the tooth, and then Cobra Kai's coming back. Outer Banks is terrible. I have all my friends saying that they love Outer Banks. It's terrible. I've never watched that show. It's like the Goonies, but even like- But not good. But not good. like too much like Drama like and not drama in a good way, but just like silly nonsense drama that I was like the show could have been next goonies Yeah, like that sort of stuff, but it could have been like the goonies and it started out pretty well You know, so I don't know. Can can I see something controversial? Yeah, I don't love the goonies
It's like it's an okay movie. You're just a jerk. I don't even know what else to say about it. I'm just being honest with you. I just I never got into it. It was fine to me. Yeah, you're a jerk. I don't know what else to say. Listen, it's fine. But I don't like nighttime before Christmas or whatever that other show is. Yeah, I don't like that movie either. I don't know how you could not like it. I didn't say it like it. I just don't love it as much as everybody else. I'm fine with it.
it's here Hold on, so let's let's beat let's get everything out on the table here. So I'm 51. Trevor, how old are you? 45. And Tom, how old are you? About to be 40. Exactly. And that's why. And that's an end of story. That's why I watched it when I was a kid, though. I mean, it's not like you watched it when you were a kid, but it was already old. Well, that's yeah I mean, yeah, a little bit. I do that. I do get that because because my brother is around the same age as you, Tom. And yeah yeah we have the same kind of thing where, like, you know, there there was things like me growing up through the 80s.
I was exposed to a lot more things than he was because by the time he was old enough to like really acknowledge those things. Yeah. They were, you know, it was older movies. It was reruns. It was, you know, he wasn't like getting it as, as it was coming into media. So it wasn't hitting him the same way as it was hitting me. And so I, so I get that like, like, yeah, you know, you know, the, there is, it's not a generational gap, but it, it but it is definitely, there is an age enough yeah that, sure that, yeah, we, we do notice like.
I noticed it all the time where it's like, you know you know, if if I'm talking to somebody and you can kind of figure out, it's like, hey, you clearly didn't live through the 80s and like all these shows that came out in the 80s and early 90s as well. And, you know, how they kind of like formed our. um I don't know what to describe it. The idea was awesome, right? I watched it before school on a black and white TV because that's all we had in the kitchen. And that show rocked.
But to watch it now, it's OK. Yeah. and And you see, the the funny thing for me is that at that time, like G.I. Joe wasn't my vibe. I was more into He-Man and Thundercats. But all of that stuff kind of

Listener Miranda's DVC Experience

existed at the same time. And and it didn't really matter. Like, you know, a kid had nothing else to watch. Like Tom's looking at Goonies when like there's a billion shows to watch. Yeah, it's not even that though. It's just but it it is because like there's back then that was the pinnacle of movies. they That was it. Yeah, it's hard and billion things to watch. Yeah, it's it's hard to explain because it did like those movies did kind of form a foundation of the stuff that we have now. And, you know, it's the same problem I have actually with my son where, you know, I try and show him like,
you know older media games you know shows whatever and he kinda like and and i know you're not like you're not doing this deliberately tom it but it's like you know kind of the reaction yeah it was okay but are you know i've seen better like like the new stuff is better and it's like. Yeah it's more refined it's you know people iterate on the formula but.
there's ah There's a weird emotional attachment to it that I can't even explain. like its And you could relate that to Disney too, right? To even bring it all the way back around. Like, sure was, you know, Ten Thousand Leagues Under the Sea good? I mean, I think it was awesome, but was it really? oh I mean, that's one of my... A good comparison to Guardians of the Galaxy. Yeah, well, it's true, yeah.
i you know I'm not even saying I don't like it. I'm just saying it wasn't my favorite movie. A lot of people, it's like, it's the greatest movie ever. I was like, yeah. Well, I don't think it's in my top 10, but it's close. Yeah, it's up there. For me, my greatest movie ever is The Dark Crystal. Red Dawn, not even a question.
Okay. I don't know what my greatest movie of all time would be. I'm trying to think about that. I have to think about that. Cause I, yeah, like I, it's a hard thing to answer now. It it is really hard to answer now. Yeah. Yeah. ah But red red dawn is definitely my favorite movie of all time. But again, that's also a timing thing. I mean, during the cold war, like if you lived through that, it becomes a totally different movie than if, you know, Tom was to watch it. And then you're not picking on you. I'm just saying, cause of the age difference, right? It becomes a different movie.
ah I mean, yeah it's it's it is weird. Yeah, you know, living at certain times does affect your impression and like. ability to relate to different shows and media stuff, right? Yeah. That's a good point. I never really thought about that. Like it's because we all kind of like assume that everyone else is like on the same page as us and like. Well, I'm going to go even I'm going to go even deeper real quick before we even start the Disney stuff is that it always makes me wonder how people get married to people outside of their kind of
school, school year. So I would say like anything that has a gap of like five or six years or more, I find it odd. I, I mean, my wife is four years younger than me and there are a lot of times that I'll reference things that she doesn't know and cause she didn't grow up with her. Yeah. I mean it's mean, that's not bad. I mean, four years, you're still in theory in high school together, but yeah.
Yeah, I mean, my my wife and I are she's she's a year older than me. But you know, you even to that end, like, just our upbringings were so different that like, I do the same thing where I'll reference something and she'll look at me and be like, how do you know what that is? Because it's just.
She never, she never was exposed to the things that I was exposed to as a kid. Um, I'll bring up actually, she always makes fun of me for this is that I watched Watership Down as a kid and I really enjoyed it. And she's like, that movie's messed up. And she's like, like, whenever she, like, if whenever she wants to, you know, take a jab at me, she's like, yeah, well you, you watched Watership Down growing up. and That's a good, that's a good job. Um,
What a random way to start the project. Yeah, that was a great little rabbit hole. But yeah, we should probably get into the actual agenda. Yeah, yeah, let's do good. I mean, there's a fair amount to talk about this week. So I just wanted to, so I want to do this really quick because Miranda has sent us an email with like a little trip report. And then also, you know, this was, Brandon asked for advice and we had given some advice. So I kind of wanted to follow up on that.
um So I'll just read this really quick from Miranda. ah Thank you for such a fun podcast to listen to. At the beginning of September, we took our first trip to Disneyland. Also happened to be her husband's first vacation ever to a Disney park, and then during their drive from Oklahoma to California. That feels like a long drive. I don't know how long that is, but that feels long. um we listen to and We listened to you all and worked on catching up. I had fallen a bit behind. We often have to pause the show and have our own discussion. I kind of like that.
Like, I don't know if anybody else does that where they pause the show and then discuss what we're discussing, but I kind of i kind of like that. um And then they got there and then they scheduled a DVC meeting ah and you know they got the free passes. They didn't think they could afford it. And then somehow they left the meeting as new members. I feel like that happens to a lot of us. Yeah. um because i i feel i I think I said this many times in the show before, when we first did our first DVC meeting, I said to my wife before we walked in, I was like, the the number one rule today is we are not purchasing anything today. Not going to happen.
And which we actually held to, we we didn't buy until later, but I could see how, I mean, pretty quickly after, you know, getting the presentation, my wife was like, we should do this. Yeah. yeah yeah That was similar for us. we We were like, we weren't in a meeting, but it was like, you know, we talked with our, our rep.
And, you know, same thing we went in with, Hey, you know, if this doesn't work, you know, you know, we're prepared to walk away, you know, all that kind of stuff. And yeah, you know, after the first conversation, we're like, yeah, yeah, this, this is happening. Like it wasn't, it didn't take a lot to convince us. Yeah, no. and I mean, I think though the amazing was made amazing part about this is Miranda's husband and had yet to step foot in any park ever. This was his first Disney trip ever. Wow. Kudos to Miranda for convincing him without without ah him ever being in the parks. He later told me what sold him was when I mentioned this was a third year in a row, I'd managed to get to Disneyland.
ah But so, yes, so this is ah the first time for her husband for a birthday celebration. So happy birthday. I know this was a couple of weeks ago. i'm I'm a little bit behind on emails, but, ah you know, so she also wanted to thank us for all the advice we gave on the resorts from Florida because she had asked, like, where to stay as a first time DVC ah member done in Disney World. So they're going to go in twenty twenty six and they're going to take the she's going to take her brother for a high school graduation gift, which is pretty cool. ah But, you know, she's going to she hasn't been to Disney World, though, since 2008.
So that's going to be a whole new experience for you. Oh, it it is a whole new world. I know I made that pun, but I don't. You did. You did. It's okay though. Uh, but they have 150 points, which will give us a full, they would like to do a full week, which you can do a full week on 150 points. Um, and you know, she mentioned that we mentioned wilderness lodgers, like grant California, which is, you know, true. They're very, I haven't been to grant California, but I've seen pictures and Trevor, you've also had that too. I can a hundred percent verify they are very similar resorts and it's good.
Yeah. And I mean, honestly, the wilderness lodge is great ah because because, you know, you say Miranda mentions in here, we want to consider something that will be easy to get back to at the end of the day. I mean, if you want the easiest thing ever to get back to at the end of the day, you could stay at Bay Lake because you can literally walk from Magic Kingdom to to Bay Lake or you can take it and do any of the monorail resorts. But wilderness lodge is not that more much more difficult anyway. You just hop on a boat and, you know, get get there that way. and You're pretty close by. So um you know but and She wants to know if we have any further advice for her Disney World trip. and I can't really think of anything off the top of my head. I feel like there's a million things we could tell you. but i will let Let's touch on the you know getting back to your resort easily. like the The reality is is that
You know resorts are spread out in the parks are spread out so there there's no resort where you're going to be like oh that you know this is always easy to get back to there are some resorts that are better and again depending on. Where you are like you know wilderness lodge and they like a great if you're near met if you want to be a magic kingdom a lot.
But if you're going to be at Epcot, um Boardwalk and Riviera make more sense, right? Yeah. and then And then also Hollywood Studios because you've got the Skyliner, right? So so those resorts may make more sense. Or if you know you're going to be at Animal Kingdom, Animal Kingdom Lodge is the closest resort. So you do have to concede that you know certain days, yeah, it is going to be further to get back to your resort. But at at the end of it all,
you're not you're not going to notice that much because you know just being on property and you know the way the buses and the monorails and everything work, um you know pick where you pick where you want to stay the most is I guess the advice I would give on that. because you know ah or you know outside of I think the only time that you would lose on the travel part is if you're if you're going to Saratoga and Old Key West only because they're very big resorts and they are far away from everything. um So you so you know those ones would always be bad for if you're using the the Disney transportation specifically. yeah If you're driving, it you know it it's neither here nor there because it's about equal distance to all the parks. So I mean, like I said, it sounds like she's kind of convinced herself to go to Wilderness Lodge, which I would say that's that's not a bad thing.
It's one of my favorites. I mean, it might be my favorite. So, yeah. yeah and And it has, you know, it's a familiar enough vibe to Grand California and if that's what you're after. And yeah, it's it's close to to it's close to Magic Kingdom. And, you know, you can get to Epcot and, you know, the other the other parks relatively easy because the buses are fine for that. Yeah. If you like that woodsy feel to it, you know, you definitely yeah like you are in the woods. Right. So as long as you like that, that kind of vibe, too. So um Yeah. All right. Well, thanks Miranda for writing and I appreciate it. um I always like a ah good trip report like this. and i And unfortunately I didn't go through all of it, but we you know, cause we have some other things to get to, but um I'm glad you had a good time on your trip. And she also included some pictures too, which was, which was nice as well. So, so yeah, let us know. I mean, listen, if you want to post in the group, Miranda and ask for any other advice for Disney world, I'm sure the group will be happy to give you tons of advice. So ah yeah, totally make, make use of it. You know, we got lots of great people there.
Absolutely, absolutely. All right, Trevor and Damon. ah I actually thought of Damon when I saw this. What is this?

DVC Points and Saratoga Springs

So there's some new incentives out for a direct DVC purchase, but not on the resort that you would think. ah So for a limited time, DVC owners can save up to $30 per point when buy when adding on at Saratoga Springs.
Do I still get all new years? What's that? Do I get all new years? No, probably not. No. So why do I want that? Well, because it's discounted. it's It's a pretty heavy discount. It's cheaper than everything else, direct. But it's also a pretty heavy cut down on years, isn't it? That's true. Yes.
2054 is the is the is mine 2054 Probably 30 years though, man. That's that's a long time. i Yeah, that that's what what's it normally that decent? No, it's it's normally 2054 It's you know, it's probably what you're what what happens when you buy a new resort How many years is it when you start mines? Well, yeah, it depends on 50. It's 50 if you buy it different it doesn't Why would I buy this? Because it's I'm just saying it's a nice discount. You're getting a nice. It's a $5 off a point. Yeah Up to $30. Hold on, $5 off a point. $5 off a point for 100 points is $500 when the cost probably $15,000. No, i listen, out what I'm saying though is that this is you're you're ending up way lower than some of the other active ones. You're also ending up with a lot less years. This makes absolutely zero sense. No, hold on, hold on Damon. it does the The use case where I see this making sense is,
If there's somebody that does want to get into blue card benefits but doesn't want to spend money on Polly or you know any of the other new, you know, Polly Riviera, because those are up at, you know, $225 a point, you could get in at 150 points on this and it's $190 a point. so There is a use case for it, but yeah yeah, I get what you're saying from your point of view. fourth on on value I guess I could see that as a specific scenario, but that's probably the only one. And I still don't think I would do it because just knuckle up, pay the extra, you're talking $4,000 for a hundred points, but I'm also getting a bunch more years.
but I don't know, maybe if you're like 60. I just know you like Saratoga. That's all I was saying. I love Saratoga, but I wouldn't do this. That's actually a fair point, too. You know, if if I was if I was in my 20s buying this, yeah, you're right. That, you know, that probably doesn't make sense. But if I'm, you know, if I'm my age, you know, I'm 45, if I was looking to buy in right now and you had no kids. Yeah, this actually might make sense because. OK, my use. Yeah, my use case has to be no kids, too, because in theory, you're giving your kids your points.
Yeah. Right. yeah No kids loves Disney past 50. But I mean, even even at 45, you know, that gets me up to 75, which, you know, if if I had grandkids, you know, that's 30 years of well, you can't have grandkids without kids. But yeah, you're saying for your specific instance, I'm saying, you know, you know, you know, knowing that, you know, buying it that I'm going to go with my grandkids in the next 15, 20 years kind of thing. Right.
Yeah, I don't know. I don't. But it's only like four grand less. I mean, it's not nothing. Four grand. It's not nothing, but you've talked about over 10 years. Yeah. Yeah. It is more than 10 years. I mean, it's basically saving you on a trip or two trips, I guess. so Yeah, I guess. Yeah. I don't know. While I do love Saratoga, I don't think this is something I would do if I was going to get more points. I would just want all.
I've won all all the years, even though gosh, all the years for me, like I'm not 50 years doesn't even help me 101. I mean, if I'm alive, I'm not going to Disney probably going to be like ah youre a robot. Yeah, you'll be a robot. Yeah. you'll look I'm a robot. That's cool. Be the thing where you're like brains and like, uh, you know, a jar and yeah, it's your, you have a robot body. I can see your robot sitting on people mover going, we i would never be on people mover as a robot. oh I mean, you couldn't go on anything crazy because then you're you know, you you'd be bound. You can, you know, yeah, you don't, you don't know what can happen. But yeah I mean, is this robot going to feel things like are we at that point? Because if he doesn't feel things, then what's the point of going on any ride? That's also a fair point. I don't have accelerometers, Damon.
Yeah, I mean, 70%. This must be exciting. what What's what's the point if you can't feel the G's? Oh, I mean, Tom said we had a lot to discuss. But honestly, I hate to say it. After that, it's a wrap for me. All right. Like, I don't know what but I'm just looking at the rest of these things. Like, I just Stupid food time. Obviously, I don't care about that. You put it at the end for you and then Disneyland. Yeah. But one, I still haven't seen Moana one. And we had a discussion recently about The Rock and I still am just not getting on board. My my wife loves The Rock. That's fine. Good for her. I think he's a terrible actor and I refuse to just buy into his rockness. Listen, right I don't love the shows. It's not. So I can't do Moana to you can.
I can't because I can't do more on one. He's a side character. but the The Rock is a side character in more. He's the most important character. yeah Not the main character. ah But I mean, he's a pretty hefty character, right?
Even in the first one, he doesn't show up until, like, what, like a half hour into it? I was going to say, a's he's like 20, 30 minutes into the show. It's not like he's there the whole time. yeah And even at that point, I'm principle. There's even there is even a break. Like, like they there is a section further on where he's nowhere to be seen. That's true. So yeah, you can't do it. I'm not doing one or two. And then the other one was Disneyland. And then this festival of holidays, i've I've seen there been there done that.
It's not that exciting. It's okay.

Holiday Traditions and Activities

I wanted to just talk about gingerbread houses and ah especially- Did you guys make gingerbread houses every year? We do. You know, I don't. We stopped. We used to, but we... might my son. had she does Okay, this is what I'm curious about with Trevor's. And I'm gonna be looking at it from the outside. So it will be interesting to me, yeah is that once your your son gets, you know, girlfriend or whatever, right, the significant other person, um even just dating, I wonder if you'll go back to all that, because that's like, we haven't necessarily had this lull of
um because you know we had the oldest and then i don't and then we had our youngest and they're six years apart. So we never really had this lull of where we didn't do stuff, but I could see if you just had one where you would kind of find that, but I think it picks back up when they you know have a boyfriend girlfriend um at that age and then you start to do those things again. So I'm kind of curious if you guys go back to doing that stuff, even though you kind of had a break or not.
but I mean, that's a fair point. I and know what you're saying and I feel like, yeah, you know, the problem is is, you know, only having the one is, you know, if I was going to do things like gingerbread houses, it would be because I want to do it because he's just, you know, not interested in it. I get your point about, you know, yeah you had the like steps of like your kids were at different ages and all that. I feel like even when he gets to the point of, you know, having a significant other,
Um, I don't know that we'll go back to doing that, but I can definitely see certain traditions looping back around, especially like, um, especially when he gets to the point where he, you know, when he starts having kids, we'll definitely, you know, be involved in some of that stuff. Cause that's kind of what happened with me and my parents was that we stopped doing things. But then when I was an adult, it was like, I kind of came back to him and was like, Hey, like, how did you do this when we were kids or, and you know, they kind of helped us initially.
Like start it up again yeah you don't realize how much like your parents did in terms of all that stuff i'm starting to realize that too and i was thinking about like. Gosh my parents did you know a hundred cool things you know in that regard right now like. Man i feel like i'm winning doing fifty but tash it's only half of what they did and i'm like wow like.
And then, you you know, you then but then you feel better when you talk to people and they do like, no, you feel like I feel a little bit better. But it's so much harder now, though, too, because there's so many more things that are pulling occupy their time. Yeah. and Yeah, their travel sports were not necessarily a thing when I was their age.
So the interesting thing, Damon, because you missed this. We had this conversation last week about Halloween, and I actually brought up that like for us, Halloween changed because we stopped doing a lot of the, you know, like carving pumpkins and stuff like that. But what it's actually turned into is we now have a tradition where we have like we me and my wife play. We played a lot of scary games when we were younger and we're kind of revisiting those with my son. So that's become like a ah tradition now where we sit down together and it's like we played through I'm dead rising this year. Last year, we we were playing Silent Hill. So like that's so we've actually formed something new, which is kind of interesting that like, I see your point about, you know, carrying, you know, there there is those things that you carry forward from your parents, but there is also room for starting new things that, you know, Oh, I i agree. I mean, as the world has changed, it says, i you know, we did pumpkins again this year, and it's funny. We're going through this this really interesting thing where my middle one will just like, there's stuff he just doesn't like doing. But like, when you're 12, he just doesn't never said anything. And now that he's 18, he's like, yeah, I don't like carbon pumpkins. Yeah, I don't like going to Disney. Like, I don't like this. I don't like that. don't like And now we're like trying to like kind of now
OK, so now what? Right. Like what do you like? we we Yeah, we did pumpkins um this year, but we did them when everyone was home for October break. So they were all like how to be thrown away before Halloween. I think a few of them survived Halloween. But, you know, we did them just super early because everyone was around with their girlfriends and it was, you know, fun. But yeah, it's definitely an interesting ah diversion. But I'm curious, like I said, to see, you know, your son go through to kind of what makes its way back around for sure.
Yeah, I mean, I'll let you know when we get to that point. He's we'll probably still be doing the podcast. It's not like I'm gonna be like surprising to us like yeah, exactly. I'll let you guys know tired. Can we make it till I'm retired? Is that gonna be possible? I don't know. It depends. I mean, you're gonna retire. That didn't turn in 62. Okay, well, that's a lot of 11 ways. How long have we been doing it for? 20 years 2017.
Yeah, eight eight years almost. Yeah, it'll be eight years. This is more years. I can't believe it's been eight years. That's, that's kind of crazy to think about actually. yes I'm glad we've been doing this for eight years. ah that That says a lot. that can we do have eleven more though That's the big question. in A lot of years.
I mean, I've been married for 25 years. so's true any Fair point. Is it still interesting though? That's that's the big question. No, sorry. 25 is coming up. No, we're 22 years. yeah Okay. Wait, hold on. And my son is 20 and be 21, so we're 22 years too. Okay. I'm at 11, but still.
You're just a baby. That's what it is, man. You're just a little baby. I don't know about a baby, but okay. Well, that's it. I don't care about any of the rest of the stuff. I want to put in my lights. My vote is lighting. I'm finishing it up today. All right. See, but I'm letting everybody know, so they should feel comfortable. I pretty much bullied out 20, what are we, 30 minutes? I'm like 28 minutes of non-Disney stuff. So yeah, it's time for me to go. You go have fun, Clark, as well.
ah Yeah. I was I was saying in the discord that I you know should do like the ah old, the old aim sound of, you know, the the the door opening, you know, when he showed up. Yeah. And I was just like, oh, I could do that for what he leaves. I could just do the door closing thing. um I miss aim. I really do. um Anyway, where were we? I totally don't remember. We are at Epcot International Festival of the holidays. ok yeah that thing okay cool
um So, you know, I think the biggest thing. So this starts November, November twenty nine. So we got a couple more weeks here um and then through the end of the year, of course. ah The thing I was excited about is is the ginger, the gingerbread display inspired by Spaceship Earth. So they're going to have hundreds of handcrafted gingerbread triangles will be on display inside of Community Core Hall. I'm assuming they're not making like an actual dome out of it. Probably it looks like it's just kind of like curved, maybe.
Yeah, yeah, it doesn't look like it. Yeah, it's a full like ball just. Yeah, like ah like you say, yeah, it's like ah it's it's a circle, but not spherical. Yeah, it's like it feels like a dome to me. I don't know. But um but still, it's so cool. I love to see all of the the neat things that they do every holiday season with this stuff, because especially, you know, spaceship Earth, because the Earth is so cool. And, ah you know, I always I always love to see that kind of thing. Good.
No, I'm just agreeing with you. yeah i'm As I'm i'm flipping through this, there's actually not <unk>s not a lot to talk about in the books. In this one, though yeah no. um i also I want to note there too, but it will also light up and dance to the music periodically through the day. So um so they're doing lights on this as well, like they do on the the full one. As they should. i mean As they should. wait there's a ah See, i don't think I don't even think we talked about the other gingerbread houses.
that are going on. No, not yet. And I did not put that on the list. I don't know why I forgot. I mean, but I guess. So to be fair, the the gingerbread houses at the hotels are they're very well known and they're they're expected and assume that they're going to be there. So, you know, I don't know that we necessarily need to talk about them in detail every single time. I think this is definitely, you know, I can't recall.
the last time I've seen a large gingerbread presentation in the parks. So to me, this is yeah this is far more interesting because they're actually doing something in the parks with ah with a gingerbread house, or sorry, I should say in the Florida parks before somebody comes at me, because yes, there is the there is the gingerbread house in the Haunted Mansion in Disneyland.
Well, I was also though looking at, you know, I was, uh, and, and yeah, you're right. They they did did these last year where they had the, the baby and they've done it for the fourth. This is the fourth year in a row. They have a life size baby gingerbread giraffe.
at Animal Kingdom Lodge, but it's just so cool. It's just amazing how they make this stuff. you know um I'm always impressed. that i feel that See, the whole reason why I don't make gingerbread houses is I feel like I've never been able to make a structurally sound one. like it's just It always like falls apart as I'm making it. So like whenever I see you know gingerbread made into a giraffe, it it amazes me because I can't even make a house out of gingerbread.
Really? I've always had a hard time with it. Okay. that um've never I've never not been able to complete a gingerbread house. Yeah. I i probably did it like once and then gave up and never did it again. I don't, I don't even remember the last time I did it to be totally honest. I think we did one for, believe it or not, we actually did one for Halloween a couple of years ago, but that was my sister had brought it. So like that was an activity she was doing with my daughter not and I wasn't involved. So, uh, yeah, I guess but I've done it enough. Cause like we used to have, um, when, when my son was younger, we would have, or his cousins over and we like that's what we would do is we make it like a big thing where we would you know sit down with the kids and do it so i think yeah the differences i had enough experience like when you're when you're forced to build like.
you know four gingerbread houses at once because you know every kid's building their own. You learn you quickly learn like technique and stuff and like you know how to get the royal icing to set a little before you you know start building and stuff like that. So yeah, I get though if you've never like really sat down and done it that It's been, a it can, it can go sideways quickly. So, but you know, speaking of making your own gingerbread stuff. So I, I, I did notice that they, it looks like you'll be able to purchase the gingerbread triangles yes from this. So, so the, they're, they're calling them the experimental prototype cookies of tomorrow.
Okay, that's a name. Yeah, the yeah it's it's a name for sure. Yeah. um and yeah it's ah So yeah, they're they're going to actually give you the... ah You can get the Spaceship Earth triangles as a decorating kit, which I think is cool that they're doing that. like that that's That to me is... you know Like if i'm going it's like that's a great display but i actually really like the idea of you know you can take. A version you know a smaller version of this and take it home and do your own decorating of it or even you know take it back to your hotel room and doing decorating minutes.
I don't know if that works for everybody. you You know, I don't know if I would want to decorate a gingerbread house in my hotel room, but a bit of DVC, though. that Yeah, you know, if I have a kitchen, exactly. Yeah, that it it does work. But I do like that better as an interactive thing or, you know, something where you can like do your own version of it. And it's not just like like because I'll be honest, like looking at gingerbread houses, that's That's fine for about five minutes, but unless I can snap a piece off and eat it, I'm really not that interested. That's fair. That's fair.
Yeah, no, I get what you're saying. It makes sense. ah That is cool that you can do that. it's ah It's a smart idea. And I like that. ah You know, those are the kinds of activities that we you do it with, you know, like my six year old daughter. I mean, that's that's the things we will do over the holidays. We will do, you know, decorating of cookies and stuff like that because she will be all about that. You know, so that'll you know, if we if we were in the parks, I would buy that and we bring it home and we would do it, you know, because she would she be all into that. But
I just think it's cool that, like I said, that they're doing a Spaceship Earth one. It's just very cool to me. Yeah. I like that they picked that for an Epcot holiday thing. Yeah. By the way- The other thing- Go ahead, sorry. I was just going to say, the other thing I noticed on here, they're actually bringing up outside of this happening at Communicore Plaza.
um ah apparently you can make snowflakes or you could they they have a build your own snowflake thing which i'm guessing is another activity thing and then that they also didn't mention i wish this would actually get more visibility is the greenhouses overlay at living with the land yeah um my wife actually.
she she didn't realize this was a thing until she saw it on, yeah. So so so we've we've been there at Christmas time, but the timing of when we get there is usually before the the greenhouses are done in the overlay. So she didn't even realize that they actually did that. And then she saw it and she's like, oh my gosh, I need to you know go see this. So that's on our to-do list. The last time we were there for Christmas time, they they had it, this was,
we like specifically road living with the land to see this and for some reason it wasn't turned on like you can see all the lights were set up and everything but it wasn't on and we were like we were so bad at this yeah we're like we just came i mean we like riding living with the land anyway but You know, it was like we made a specific trip just to go. Not a specific trip to Epcot just to go see that. But I mean a specific trip delivery with the land to see the lights and they weren't turned on for some reason. It was weird. But, you know, what are you going to do? It's something they they do every year now. So.
I mean, you could go back and, you know, make demands, but I'm sure they wouldn't listen to you. Turn the lights on now. I expect you to let me ride this again and to turn the lights on yeah because I was on it. No, don't don't. Yeah, don't do that. okay Don't be that person. I won't do that. OK. All right. Should we do our ad and then talk about other stuff? Yeah, we should do that.
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Despite what Damon says, I am looking forward to Moana, too, although so my my daughter likes to watch a lot of YouTube kids um and the one and only ad that they have on YouTube kids is for Moana to write like this. It pops up all the time. And and I'm OK with that. I usually don't like seeing you know her seeing ads and stuff like that. But for Moana, too, it's whatever. Right. So, yeah, ah we're watching it. And my daughter loves Moana. She loves all the songs. She loved the character. In fact, she wanted us to do Moana for Halloween this year.
But I said to her, I was like, okay, so let's go see it in theaters. And she's like, no. My daughter, my daughter refuses to watch movies. Absolutely just straight up refuses to watch movies. Like if we start playing a movie, she will leave the room.
And it drives me insane. But yeah, so I doubt I'm going to get to see this until it comes out on Disney Plus and I'm going to have to watch it myself. So but nonetheless, I'm glad they made another one. Yeah, I mean, but you know, we just ah we just don't go to movie theaters anymore. Well, there's either. And I mean, it's it's not that or I guess my my issue with movie theaters, and mean you know we've kind of touched on this before, is that you know I don't want to go and have my experience ruined by other people because I've definitely had that. where and it's it Maybe it's better now or maybe it was just incidental that I'm in a movie theater and there's some you know teenagers in there that are on their phones the entire time.
and it's like If you're going to a movie theater, like put your phone away for like an hour. Like, come on. But, um, so that aside, yeah, you know, I'm, I'm not going to go watch this in theaters either, but you know, I don't think it's a bad thing to wait until it comes on Disney plus. Yeah, sure. Yeah.
Because, you know, for me, it's, you know, you get it on Disney Plus, you can kind of sit down and, you know, invite over whoever you want to to watch the movie with you. Like we actually will invite my my wife's ansovers to, you know, come and watch stuff because they don't have Disney Plus. And so we kind of make it a, you know, a thing where, you know, we're like, hey, come over, you know, we'll have dinner and we'll sit down and watch a movie together. And that works out. um So but yeah, you know, as far as the let's let's get back to talking about the Moana 2 merch.

Home vs. Theater Viewing

I was going to say though, I'm with you. I prefer the experience at home anyway to going to the theater just because for a million reasons, honestly, it's a lot cheaper for me to pop a $1.50 bag of popcorn in my microwave than to buy a big bucket of popcorn from, you know what I mean? like And I can make way better popcorn at home.
Oh yeah, like I'll be honest, as the movie, you know, like we, I've got really good, um, or I figured out, like you know, the I figured out a good supplier for coconut oil because like yeah Disney uses coconut oil in their popcorn. We figured out that that makes for better popcorn. So we have really good coconut oil. And then you guys are, I don't know where you guys have kernels down there, right?
But what do you mean, kernels? You know, OK, I guess you don't have kernels. in um So kernels is a it's a company that um like they usually have um like kiosks in the mall and they just sell different flavors of popcorn. like they They do like caramel popcorn and you get like buffalo buffalo spice popcorn and stuff. So we we actually buy there their, they have like salt and vinegar spice and cheesy dill and stuff like that. And so we'll buy some of those. And so yeah, we can make like really good popcorn at home, which yeah to your point is, yeah, you can you know you make that and then you sit down and enjoy your movie with
the popcorn you want instead of overly salty, you know, movie theater popcorn. And I, and I, you know, I think I told you about this, but, you know, I just I literally because I hate the theater so much. I like this. I like being in the theater if I'm just the only one there. Right. Like if there's no one else there. Great.
ah But for the most part, it's it's usually not a great experience. So I literally built a theater room in my house so I can just watch movies in my house ah with you know surround sound and a big screen and all that stuff. So like i I did that specifically because I want to be able to like watch movies in that kind of environment, but now I can do it from my couch. and i mean you know I can't always make it through a whole movie without having to take a restroom break so I can pause it if I need to. you but play it's ah it's It's helpful for sure. and yeah so Anyway, off of the movie like movie going, but back to you know talking about the Moana merchandise that they're showing off here. um Is there anything that's standing out for you? Because obviously, you know your daughter is very into it. like well What's looking good from your point of view? Not to go off of Moana again, but I, so I went to Lowe's today to, uh, I was trying to buy something and I brought my daughter with me and you know, they have all the Christmas stuff out, right? And I swear, I think Disney's got like a monopoly now on just all the Christmas decorations because like, I'm going to say 75% of the stuff there was Disney themed.
I mean, at least at Lowe's. Yeah, it seems they have a partnership with Lowe's. They must. I don't know. but But there was all sorts of stuff. And so we ended up with like an Eeyore inflatable and like all that stuff. And they had a Moana thing. It wasn't inflatable. It was something else. but like They just have all this stuff. and And my daughter was all about getting all these things. So we ended up with like several Disney Christmas things. Not like we didn't have them before. We have many Disney Christmas things already. um But anyway, i just looking at this, I mean, look, I'm not giving my daughter a Duny and Burke bag. So that's out.
um know I would say my wife would actually like a Dunianberg bag

Moana-themed Merchandise

like that. That's a pretty nice looking bag. on It is, yeah. Yeah. it's That's a nice looking bag. um i I think the Hei Hei plush is adorable, as is the Pua one. I know my daughter would be all about that. um oh i also I also today got a eat an Eeyore that is dressed for Christmas. When you push his paw, he sings a sad Christmas song to you. oh His mouth moves and everything and he and he kind of sways along to it. I was like, all right, well, I got to buy this too. My daughter's favorite character is Eeyore. She loves Eeyore.
Um, but anyway, uh, I mean, I could see my daughter getting this, the plushies, right? But even though I, she has way too many stuffed animals and I try to avoid giving her any new ones. Uh, but you know, you never know. I do, uh, I do like the, the, she does love action figures. I could see this being the one thing that is under the Christmas tree for her is the, the, the, the, uh, dolls. Um, because she does love the doll the American girl doll or one of the other ones.
there their weight There's oh no nothing's like, there's like three different ones. Yeah. I'm talking about the one that it looks like it it says it's a, it sings. I guess i a singing adventure. one Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So probably that one, um, because she, I mean, listen, I, am my, my sister had a bunch of American girl dolls growing up and I think my daughter would probably like them, but I think she's still maybe slightly too young for them because they are a little, they are a little pricier. So, um, I think I might wait a little bit. I could also see though. Go ahead. Sorry.
No, i yeah, it makes sense. The light up shell necklace, that's probably going to happen. I mean, I'm just going to be honest. like that's that's I could see my daughter loves jewelry. She loves wearing stuff around. She especially loves it if it's if it's Disney related. So I can definitely see that.
I can tell you my son would have gone. When my son was younger, we would have bought that Maui hook for sure. Oh yeah, that's cool. Yeah, and it lights up and everything. Yeah. Yeah. The the only thing about it it, like, I mean, there's lots of like toy stuff, but I feel like a hook, it but it it ah invites so many potential ways for kids to injure one.
Oh, yeah, 100%. Yeah, no, that's that's 100% true. But then, you know, I remember when I was a kid and I remember the i gosh, what were they called? ah you I'm assuming you had these in Canada. I don't remember what they were called, but they were just like these two inflatable things that you put on your on your hands and you would just beat the heck out of your friend with them.
Sock em boffins or something. Yeah, rock em, whatever it was. Sock em boffins. That's the toys of my youth where it was literally designed for you to beat up your friend. and it so yeah I remember those. yeah yeah Those are great.
ah So ah they also, though, too, they have ah they have Moana's canoe in Lego, which is kind of cool. um I don't know if I would buy it. Obviously, it's not geared towards me, but and my daughter's not really into Lego. I've tried to do Lego sets with her before and she gets bored in about like, you know, five minutes and moves on to other things. So.
I don't know. I am looking for a new Lego set, though. i I need another big one. And I think every time, you know, Christmas comes around, everyone's like, Oh, what do you want? And I'm like, I think we've talked about this before, Trevor, like where I'm at the age and you're at the age where it's like if I want something, I buy it. So there's really nothing I.
want specifically, but Legos are the one thing I love having but don't like spending the money on because they're so expensive. So I kind of always tell people like, just give me a Lego gift card and I'll buy myself an expensive Lego set with it. like That's what I end up doing. you know Right. So so you you tell them to help offset the cost of the sense of Lego. Yes. Exactly. That's exactly what it is. yes but ah that's it Yeah. fair. Yeah.
So what else we got here? Uh, I mean, I don't see myself wearing this, uh, this, this men's shirt over here that says the ocean is calling on the back of it. That's such a weird one. if really I'll be honest. Like like it's it's just like a plaid.
shirt or like yeah who's wearing the or it's a flannel yeah it's it's a it's a flannel that says the ocean is calling on the back which out of context is like it's odd i mean cool i guess i don't know but yeah i sometimes i feel like disney doesn't actually think about like who okay who's gonna actually wear this who's gonna buy this yeah like but because you know i'm no problem with wearing a flannel but If it's got like a bunch of like, I don't want my flannel to have a bunch of stuff on it. Like, yeah like the the choice of like making a flannel like this is just weird to me.
It is a little odd, a little odd. I will say though, ah so I see here too, there's a ah little golden book for Moana too. We have a lot of those little golden books, especially, you know, the Disney ones. And so I could see getting this because my my daughter does love reading her books. I'm also seeing they have themed drinks. Am I by seeing that?
I wanted to get to this. So yeah, they have themed drinks. OK. Two things. The two last things that they're promoting here are so there's a I guess a company called Better Sour that does they do sour gummies. OK. And they've got passion fruit, sour gummy stars that are Moana sponsored, I guess, or whatever you want to call it. Which I mean, hey, that you know, those shit that just sounds good. I like good. Summy, some gummy candies. Yeah. Yeah. I like good gummy candies. So it's like, you know, that sounds, you know, sour gummies sound like a great idea, but then yeah, the coconut water. That's, that is a very, so it's pure coconut water, like, like the brand. It's a flavor. Yeah. And well, but no, it's, that's the brand, but then they've got three different flavors of, you know, mango, coconut, and pineapple.
And they're all obviously you know moana themed which you know that's very smart to sell coconut water based on the movie because you know coconuts are big yeah part of the first one and all that it's.
This is actually the smartest thing I think Disney has done with that because it's it's kind of and I'm i'm making the joke. Yes, it's low hanging fruit. And I see the joke. Oh, wow. But yeah, it's I don't have a problem with that. And like, I'll be honest, I kind of want some mango coconut water.
I don't know if they've ever had coconut water. mean not a co I'm not a coconut fan. I'm not a coconut fan, but I don't know if it tastes that coconutty or not. I mean, well, coconut water isn't like you're you're thinking of like the meat of a coconut is like that. I'm just saying I don't like the coconut flavor, the coconut taste like that's not for me. I feel coconut water is not it's not overpowering or at least to me. But and then also, yeah, mango is like mango is my favorite fruit. So, you know, mango coconut water seems like a win.
Well, I can tell you this. I'm going to be sending some of these things to my wife because I think some of these things are going to end up under the Christmas tree. ah So i'm I'm actually kind of glad we did this on the show because I can't wait for you to open your pineapple coconut water. i and Yeah. Oh, yeah you didn't mean that. No, I didn't mean that. I meant for my daughter, but you know i mean I might be opening a Lego set. I don't know. well yeah looks like i See, I like really complicated and large Lego sets. right like I don't like doing the small ones because it's the the gratification of it is too quick. You know what I mean? like I can get it done a day or two. it's like yeah like I want to work on something for like a week.
You know, or um interesting. See, see, whenever I've done like puzzles and stuff like that, i I always like it. If it's like I can do it in an afternoon, that's perfect for me. Oh, no, see I don't actually want the long ones. And that's that's actually part why I don't go for big Lego sets myself is because.
I don't want it to be something that I have to do over a week or a month or whatever. I want to finish in an afternoon. Yeah, that's yeah that's the opposite of what I want. I want it to last a long time. I want to work on it forever. So funny. Anyway, so ah you want to talk about some Disneyland holiday holiday celebrations? We got that coming up. There's some new stuff like this Maribel's gift of gifts of the season.

Disneyland's Holiday Offerings

They do so much like I feel like in Kanto and Coco stuff at Disneyland. They do. It's, it's very, ah I'm very happy that they are doing that stuff at Disneyland. Like it's, it's very multicultural holiday stuff, right? Which is fantastic. But yeah, to your point, it always feels like, Hey, Disneyland gets all this cool stuff. They do. Why is it not a Disney world? but I mean, to be fair, there's that, that there was that like temporary and Kanto show that was happening over at like communicore hall. Right. But like,
I mean, it was not anything, right? Like, this is like a special holiday holiday show. um So that's, I mean, that's that's fun that they're doing that. And then they also have a musical Christmas with mariachi with the Mariachi band and Miguel. So ah that's fun too. I love you love the Mariachi bands.
I was going to say, have you ever seen like, I don't know if you watch videos of the, uh, the mariachi and the, the, the festival stuff that they do in the Epcot one. I mean, the Epcot, I'm sure it's similar, but well no, actually, so, so the, the stuff like they have like dancers and stuff that they, they bring out in, uh, in California.
ah you know Go watch it if you get a chance. It's it's very impressive. like I thought you meant the band itself. I was like, oh, I've seen a Mariachi band. well no i um yeah like like The Mariachi is is great, but then like I said, but they do a bunch of other, like like in the past I've seen, like like it's ah it's amazing dancers and stuff that go alongside of it. and Like I said, if you get a chance, check it out because um you know the the productions, are are like even even the um like the street performer stuff, like the mariachi bands, they don't have a lot of room in in ah um the Mexico pavilion for the mariachi bands in Epcot. They actually do have a lot more space in California. And so it means that they can do ah a lot bigger productions, even for like the street performers stuff. So interesting like I said, check it out. I really recommend it.
The other new thing I saw in here too that I thought was kind of cool was that they're going to take the fantasy land theater and they're going to make it into like a, I don't know, it's like a little Christmasy village kind of thing going on. time Yeah. So like they're going to have Santa there to make appearances and pose for photos. Uh, but then they also are going to have craft making sing-alongs and, uh, of course, you know, like music going on. So it actually, the the concept art of it looks pretty cool. Well, I'm just looking, Oh, there it is. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It's about time that they, cause I realized fantasy line theater has not been in use for years now for a while. Yeah. Which, I mean, uh, is this the part where I say they should bring back making the magical map?
yeah i mean I feel like you've said that in other episodes. I have, and maybe I need to remind everybody about it because Making the Magical Map was an awesome show. Was was the Captain America one in that theater or was that a different theater? No, that was at the Hyperion. oh in so that's in That's in California Adventure. The Fantasyland Theater is um It's right outside of Toontown, which is like ah yeah in in Magic Kingdom terms, it's like towards the back of Fantasyland. Like, think about like kind of near where Be Our Guest is. Like, Fantasyland theater would be like in that kind of area. Gotcha. Gotcha. Okay. I think we hit on the new things here, but is there anything else you wanted to bring up about this?
I'm just looking or I was trying to see what else there was. Like, yeah, there's the, there's the normal parade stuff and world color of season of light color. Yeah. Well, yeah. World of color season of light is worth it. And, Oh yeah. I, I, I haven't seen this in a while. I forgot about this, that, that they do light up a small world. Yeah. Yeah. I've seen that before. Yeah. Yeah.
I actually have friends that are going, ah ah some of our closest friends, they they love going to Japan and they're going they on their way to Tokyo right now and for their they did it for their honeymoon. And i had we had bought them does ah Disney ah Tokyo C tickets for their honeymoon, right? And this time around, you know this is like their fourth or fifth time there, they're going to just regular Disney Tokyo. or you know and And I was like, yeah Yeah. and i told them and These two used to live in California, so they used to go to Disneyland all the time. I'm pretty sure Tokyo Disney is a straight up copy of Disneyland.
um Almost. There are a few variations at this point. Yeah. yeah a lot A lot of the stuff like, yeah, I believe um yeah like Haunted Mansion, all that is. Just copies. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, which is fine. I mean, but I was like, you know, I would, I would rather go to, I mean, if I only have like a day to go, I'd probably still go to Disney sea over, over just, you know, but that's because the, you like, yeah, your, your priorities are different. I feel like, like I said, I feel like Tokyo Disney also has enough unique stuff. Like there, cause I've seen like, uh, I believe Pooh's honey hunt is there, which is, there are a couple, there are a couple of shoots. Yeah. Yeah. That, that, you know, we don't have anything.
like that yet. And they don't have their main street is very different to their main street is like covered and like it's a it's they don't. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I kind of wish that they would consider doing something like that in Florida. Oh gosh, that'd be nice. Yeah, because it's but I also see why they don't want to like it's it's a lot of money to figure out a structure like that when you've got hurricanes and whatnot to come through. But it would be nice to have Main Street covered.
I put up the, you know, they got to put up the the dome that some people for some reason think that they have the magical stone yeah the magical dome to keep, keep the rain out. Um, so no, I know that sounded like it was a weird aside, but I was just trying to say that, you know, Tokyo Disney is basically, basically Disneyland. I mean, it's, it's the same park, essentially with a couple exceptions.
It's bizarro world disneyland because yeah it's yes it's it's always the thing whenever you go to a different park is that like you you know whichever is like your home park you're like yeah i kinda know where things are but then you get to the the other park and you're like.
Why is this all different? like it it doesn't It doesn't sit right. right like it's It's very like glitch glitch in the matrix kind of feeling when you walk into a different park. I get that. I make things. Yeah. Anyway. You'll love it when you go to Disneyland. I can't wait for you to go. you'll You'll be like... This is weird. What is this? Why is that castle so small? What do you mean the the Tiki rooms right there? that's That's awesome. Yeah, no, that's weird. I actually think they have a Tiki room ah with ah they have like an updated Tiki room, I think. Yeah, the the one in Tokyo has a stitch in it. Yes, that's right. it has oh Yeah. OK, I thought it was updated. Yeah.
Yeah. So, so they, they, I believe they got an overhaul kind of similar to when they tried to do the, uh, Yago and Zazu thing in, in, uh, under new management one. Yeah. Um, yeah. Which we all know did not go well. Well, I mean, yeah, that thankfully they put it back to the way it's supposed to be. Well, it caught on fire if you remember correctly.
which is hilarious. it I mean, I, you know, I feel it, I feel like the, like, you know, in the show, they talk about angering the gods. I yeah feel like they angered the gods and it was like, yeah, that was, that was the, that was the, uh, that was the payback for it. Right. Yeah. You just leave it alone. It's fine. All right. You ready to move on here? Yep. Yeah. are Do you, do you got, i'm always for ah you've got your finger on the button for the song and I know you
OK, so we got a lot of food stuff backed up here because we have a lot of holiday food going on. All right. So um all right. We're going to try and we're going to try and lightning around this. So let's yeah we're going to focus just on new stuff. We're not going to revisit, you know, things that are coming back because, yeah, I mean, but new things. Yeah, exactly. So so I guess so we're we're starting with the the Disney Eats um Walt Disney World Holiday Resorts Food Guide. That's awful. Yeah. So right off the bat. It's just the resorts at Disney World. Yeah, right off the bat, Amoratz. Well, okay. So it's fine. They say resorts because they actually started Disney Springs. Yes. And in Amoratz right away.
which the very first thing that jumps out for me is the Christmas ah present petite cake. i mean Listen, Emirates always knocks out of the park with this stuff, right? like and so Chocolate chiffon, milk chocolate mousse, and coconut pecan filling. I mean, that's not really my thing. It's that coconut. Gotta love that coconut. See, I was looking at the Christmas snickerdoodle cookie croissant, a croissant dough snickerdoodle cookie and holiday sprinkle plaque.
that I don't even know what that is, but I want it. I bet it's just like buttery and crunchy. Right? That sounds amazing, right? and I mean, it looks amazing too, I should say. um And then next, okay, sorry. I want all of this. I want to eat all of these. But I know you said you don't really do cheesecake, but peppermint cheesecake, dark chocolate mousse, chocolate cookie crust, and white chocolate peppermint coating with crushed peppermint, like like give me wow. yeah Yeah, that's, that's good.
And then all your ah going you want to say it, you try to say it. Uh, it's a crock-and-boosh. Oh, okay. You know how to say that correctly. All right. It's a mini Christmas crock-and-boosh. I don't know. I've never heard that word. I think in my entire life. Oh, really? Okay. Um, yeah. And then, so it's chocolate, pad, a shoe, chocolate, hazelnut, custard, and chocolate ganache. Oh my God. which I want to eat all of this. I would literally order all of these. Yeah. Yeah. Let's, let's just go into Amarets and get one

Unique Holiday Treats

of each. Oh my gosh, that's insane. Oh, and they've got more. Oh my goodness. Okay. Okay. Even more. Okay. Ulog. So which, uh, I'm sure most of you've seen what a Ulog looks like. Well, this is, it looks like a little bit of a different Ulog than I've seen before. Caramel milk, chocolate mousse, spiced orange was a Geely. Yeah.
Uh, chocolate chiffon and chocolate decor. I mean, and that And then, and then, okay, it's fine. They say this is new, but I a this i could swear I've seen this before. that A Mickey gingerbread cookie, which I mean, in thinking about it, has there ever, have we gotten like just a Mickey mouse head gingerbread cookie? Like we've gotten like the Mickey, like a gingerbread cookie with Mickey mouse ears. Yeah. But this is just like the Mickey mouse.
ed yeah as a ginger or as a gingerbread cookie dipped in milk chocolate with ah sugar Christmas lights. Okay. I am writes has a whole new menu here, man. This is all new stuff. Wow. Okay. That's, that's nice. I would eat that. That's, that feels so basic though. When there's so many other cool things like the the white mocha creme brulee, white chocolate creme brulee with, with espresso, white chocolate, crispy pearls and chocolate, espresso beans. Now I'm not a huge coffee person, but I would probably still try this. This sounds like a pre-lunch snack. to me It does. Yeah, it does. There's a winter macaron sandwich, almond cheese. You get to Disney Springs in the morning and you know you just had breakfast so then you get a you know ah ah creme brulee with espresso in it.
I'm just imagining walking into Emirates and they go, Oh, how can we help you today? Give me all of the, all of it. I want the following. yes Everything you have that's new for Christmas, give it to me now. yeah So yeah as you as you're saying the the winter macaroons sandwich, yeah I mean, it looks, it looks pretty. That looks really pretty. and And then almond cheesecake with cranberry cherry jam. interesting I don't, yeah, I don't know that I want cranberry.
and I don't love cranberry, but maybe the cherry makes it okay. I don't know. Yeah, that's fair. And then last but not least, yeah, go ahead. Yeah. The toy soldier Mickey dome cake. I love that. yeah I love the way that looks. It looks awesome. Yeah. Emirates is amazing. Like forget about the cake bake shop, man. Emirates always like knocks it out of the, out of the park and it doesn't cost, you know, $24 for a slice of cake.
and And if you're wondering, that so this this dome cake is chocolate chiffon, milk chocolate mousse, and coconut pecan filling. So again, with the coconut, which I think it works. yeah like It's basically the same as the petite cake. it's Yeah, it's exactly the same, actually. It's the same filling, but it just looks different.
so Okay, so moving down the list, the next set of new stuff. So so we're going to just kind of move over Everglaze and whatnot, because they they don't seem to have anything no new. I'm going to talk about savory stuff at Jock Lindsey's. Jock Lindsey's, yeah. All right, so how about the Air Tours bacon and waffles with breakfast sausage ah with breakfast sausage waffle, mini quiche and candied bacon with bourbon maple syrup.
It sounds good. I mean, is that this thing hanging off of the a wire? That's what I was just going to say. Is that the thing where the bacon is hanging off of a wire? It kind of seems like it. What a weird dish. It's so weird, but I like it. I'm I'm interested. Yeah, that is that is interesting. And then they also have ah holiday minecar meatballs, which are maple bourbon meatballs, Granny Smith apple and cranberry chutney, sweet potato hay and thyme.
Okay. Okay. I think that's the one below it. Yeah. It's the bottom. Yeah. I think it's bottom left hand corner, right? but yeah That's cute. And I actually didn't think I would like meatballs are usually not my go-to thing, but now I'm thinking about what maple bourbon meatballs would taste like. And that'd probably be pretty good. Yeah. Kind of want those. Yeah. Yeah. That sounds pretty good. Yeah. All right. So let's let's, uh, I'm, I'm squirt. I'm scrolling way down here now. where Yeah. There's. Oh, the ganache. We're still in Disney Springs though. That's.
Yeah. Oh, there's some like drinks and stuff. We usually don't talk drinks on the show. So the ganache tree though has a eggnog ganache square. Are you an eggnog guy, Trevor? Oh yeah. I'm, I'm a big eggnog guy. my My wife hates eggnog. She wants nothing to do with it. And she gets annoyed because every year I buy eggnog. She's like, you better drink that. And I'm like, you think I'm not going to drink that. I know it's expensive though. I, I, last year I remember buying some, like, I remember my, my dad was here and he was like, Oh, can you buy some eggnog? And I was like, sure. And then I went and it was like, you know, $9. And I was like, what?
ah harley can bring me back for that you know Yeah. The hard thing for me is that I, I'm always looking out for lactose free eggnog. Oh yeah. That makes it harder. Yeah. yeah Like, cause I can't, I can't do straight eggnog. It's just, it's way too much dairy for me. Yeah. But yeah, I always, I always managed to find lactose free eggnog, which makes me happy. I i love, I love good eggnog. Like, yeah you know, a little bit of nutmeg in it. It's, it's good.
Then the ganache also has a Mickey ornament, uh, chocolate pinata. You know, they always do those pinatas with this bright red shell. Yeah. Yeah. You get to smack it with a wooden hammer. Uh, which is fine. i Permit marshmallows. I like that. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Um, and then a hot ganache chocolate blend, a hot sipping ganache kit. So I guess that's like a, uh, like a sipping hot chocolate kind of thing kit.
Yeah, but it seems like I guess it's just yeah, it just different flavors or is it multiple flavors is just like make it makes like a a fancy hot chocolate for you. I think it might just be one flavor. Yeah, I think it's just the fancy hot chocolate. Okay. Yeah, I'm I'm I'm there for that.
All right, so now we're actually going to venture into the resorts. Wow. that Yeah, that was really far down. yeah So we're starting off with Animal Kingdom Lodge over at the Mara, which if you've stayed at Disney Animal Kingdom Lodge, you know that that is the quick service location over at Animal Kingdom. ah And they have a festive tart, which is a banana cake, caramel sauce, matcha crunch, chai moose, green magic shell topped with holiday lights and animal print Mickey. Wow. That is a lot.
Okay. I mean, is that the thing in the top right hand corner there? Yeah. That cup. Yeah. Or yeah. It looks like a cupcake, right? They had me until they said matcha and then I was out. Really? You don't like matcha? No. Oh, that's too bad. No, I know. No, I'm good. I think this would be good. I think it's a good, uh, I mean the matcha and the chai together is like that. To me, that's a good flavor profile. Yeah.
Yeah. So yeah. And over at beach club. Sorry. I think, I think that one will do well. I mean, I promise it's only at animal kingdom lodge. So you got to make your way over there to get it. Wow. You know, if you're staying there, then, you know, you can get easy access to it. Um, but then we have over, uh, where, where am I at? Beach club. Beach club. There's a holiday Mickey cupcake. And I'm going to say off the bat, this, this feels like a cop out one, but so basic. Yeah. So are they even advertising? Vanilla cupcake, white chocolate mousse, colored buttercream, holiday sprinkles, and white chocolate candy cane. Okay, fine. I would eat it, but it's like I'm not going to go out of my way to buy that. I i can buy that at the grocery store. Exactly. Exactly.
Exactly. and And especially when I'm scrolling down here and I see on the boardwalk at the boardwalk deli, the candy cane cheesecake brownie, peppermint cheesecake, decadent brownie, dark chocolate, sleigh bell truffle. That looks fantastic. Yep. There for that for sure. Yeah. I mean, and I know I've said before, I don't like cheesecake a lot, but I would eat this. This looks So good. now Now, I have to ask. So so how do you feel about cinnamon rolls? Because the next one is a snowflake cinnamon roll. So fondant icing with a sugar snowflake decor. i Again, I like that, you know, we always say this that, you know, this this is very clear, like it's got the Mickey ears thing to it, but they did like some some sugar stars that give it that, you know, very festive holiday look to it.
And it's still it's still dizzy enough, but it's not that cheap cop out. Like, hey, we printed a thing and slapped it on top like this looks. Yeah, it looks good. Yeah, I love cinnamon rolls. I'm all about cinnamon rolls. I'll i'll eat a million cin cinnamon rolls. so I have to. ah Over at Grand Floridian at the Gasparilla Island Grill, we've got a let it snow cube, which is an almond praline moose confit apricot and orange chiffon.
Okay. I, I, I mean, it doesn't look appetizing to me, but it sounds like it's probably good. I don't, I don't know. Yeah. It's, it's kind of like, it's just like a white it's a my cube. it's like the It's got the little tree in the front and everything, which, I mean, hmm. Yeah.
Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, the the confit apricot, I don't know that I want to know exactly what that even means. I mean, would how do you what's the confit of the of the ah the apricot? how I don't know how that works. But I mean, it's like a I want to say it's like a sauce of some so like I'm guessing it something but against that apricot and then also orange flavor like I don't know that I want that. Like I always have problems with when they start throwing fruit into my candy.
I'm with you, I'm with you. All right, so. Okay, what else do we got? We got, so we got down at Riviera over at the cafe. We've got a gingerbread eggnog entremรฉ, which is gingerbread financier, eggnog panna cotta, and raspberry gel. That is a very fancy looking dessert. And I know. This is that circle thing with the, yeah, it's got the Riviera.
like it's like it looks like a wax stamp almost right i mean and that cafe is known for having really good stuff like i've heard many people talk about how great that cafe is i've not been in there yet but this this looks very good gingerbread eggnog and raspberry like raspberry is actually the one thing on like you know back to the whole fruit thing like i'm not against raspberry but i don't know if i want raspberry with my eggnog Yeah, I get that. Just just thinking about it. No, I'm not saying it's wrong. I just don't know if I would go for it. No, it's fair. It's fair. Okay. um Next now we have... Oh, okay. to say It's the same thing again. I'm going to call this out because, come on, Disney, stop doing this. So Disney Yacht Club Resort, there they're advertising the holiday cupcakes. So you can get a basic vanilla cupcake at Yacht Club Resort. I'm sure you're happy about that.
We got to go all the way down to ABC commissary for the next new thing. Uh, and, and that's a Linzer cookie moose tort layers of hazelnut cake, raspberry blackcurrant moose, raspberry jam, and sweet snow dusted the Linzer cookie. I.
This looks very 50s to me. It does, which I mean, I like it. The vibe they're going for, I'm sure. And and then, I mean, the backlot express one is the one that I'm really intrigued by, which is the gingerbread cheesecake. The gingerbread cheesecake, which is gingerbread cheesecake on a vanilla cookie topped with milk chocolate ganache, dolce de leche whipped cream, gingerbread chocolate jaco decor, golden egg crispy pearls, and holiday sprinkles. It just looks very appealing, you know? It does, yeah.
And the little gingerbread man on it is like, it looks like I would just, you know, when you get off, you just snatch that off and you're just like, yeah, you're, you're done. Like you bite that head off immediately. Yeah. Um, yeah. Anyway, even if I walked through my kid, I would, I would bite the head off and then give it back to him. You gotta go ahead. You gotta go with that first. You have to, um,
So the Dockside Diner has a red velvet holiday milkshake. Okay. Red velvet milkshake. Yeah. This is busy looking. It is. And I mean, I love red velvet, but this looks pretty good. I'm not going to say this one's a cop-out one. it it it looks It looks good. um Then we have over at the Trolley Car Cafe, we have a winter spice mini whoopie pie with a spice cake filled with orange buttercream, cranberry raspberry jam topped with candied orange peel, cranberry, holiday sprinkles, sweet snow, and a plant-based chocolate tree. Random to just have a plant-based thing in there, but OK. I mean, I assume the whole thing is
Yeah, it's a whole plant based. So I guess that's what they're trying to advertise. Yeah, yeah. Kind of like, hmm, spice cake, orange buttercream. I'm just I'm struggling with this. Like, I feel like I would bite into this and I would really like it. But just.
thinking about all these flavors in individually. And yeah, again, it's cranberry that's throwing me off yeah because i I do enjoy cranberry jelly. And ah this is probably going to make people mad. And, you know, fine. Come for us in the Facebook group if you want. um Like I like cranberry jelly, but if you give me like proper cranberry sauce, I'm not having it. Like I do not want like the actual texture of cranberry in anything that I'm eating. So I feel like it would be good if it's like that same thing as like when you get just cranberry jelly, where it's like that, that cranberry flavor without texture. That makes sense? No, that makes total sense. Yeah. That makes total sense. All right. I think that's it for Disney world. I think we should, should hop on over to Disneyland.
All right. We'll do the, isn't as bad as I thought, yeah I'll be honest, but we got to have festival holidays at Disneyland resort. And just to start off here, we've got some ah more savory things. So we've got a Barbie over a twist on tradition. We have a barbecue pulled pork cornbread bake with creamy slaw. Wait, so you hold on. You're in Disneyland.
or Oh, you're, oh, sorry. I went, I went to the wrong one. That's what I'm like. What are you looking at? Okay. All right. yeah I'm, I'm with you now. Okay. So that's interesting. I don't, does that mean the pulled pork is baked into the cornbread? Like I. Barbecued pulled pork, cornbread bake.
I don't see any pork in this picture. Yeah, it looks under it looks like it's yeah, it's it's in that cup of cornbread. Yeah. With so I feel like you would like dig into it and then you get like cornbread with pulled pork, which OK, yeah. All right. And then we have a turkey. What is it? Galatine, gallantine, croissant muffin slider with herb mayo and cranberry marmalade. No, I don't even know what's going on there. No, I can see the cranberries there. No.
um I mean, it's just a mess. that It looks like they just like Thanksgiving dinner on a cupcake. Like what's happening there? Yeah, I. I don't know what they were thinking with that one. That one's that that's that's a no. Yeah. All right. So most of these are drinks over here. Brew and bites. Well, there's the chicken chicharon with basmati rice and herb chutney and solid drizzle. Yeah. I mean, that looks okay. Yeah. Then we got favorite things. We have a sticky toffee pudding, macaroon, Mickey shaped, chopped the macaroon filled with vanilla buttercream, date cake and salted toffee sauce.
That sounds good. Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Looks good, too. Yeah, it does. It it looks very good. And then good. Oh, no. Sorry. That's not that's a drink. Spiced coconut cocktail. um Grandma's recipes. Yeah. Cookie dough Yule log filled with chocolate chip cookie dough and white chocolate mousse covered with chocolate buttercream. Oh, boy. That sounds amazing. like That Yule log looks great. It just has like a cookie dough core through the middle of it. Yeah.
That's fantastic. This is I have to admit, this is one of those things where I would buy one and then I would eat it and then I would probably go back for a second one and then I would get about halfway through it and then feel like my choices, but it would be really good. Felt like a good idea at the time. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. That seems to be. Yeah. How like I, I do like a good yule log, right? Like it's yeah. Agreed. Looks good.
Uh, we can, I think we can skip holiday duets, right? It's just like, there's just a chorizo queso Fundido Mac and cheese. Okay. Cool. Yeah. All right. So, Hey, did you want more sliders? Because there's winter slider land, which is what a name winter slider land. Okay.
But they do have a El Pastor pork and pineapple slider with corn brioche, which, shut you know, or left hand corner, I guess. Yeah. and And I think that looks a lot better than the previous Turkey slider they were trying to convince us was okay. Um, like that, that looks like a slider I would have.
for sure. Yeah. That's the only new thing there. That's food. Then we go down to Mary mashups where there's a holiday mash bowl, chicken, cheddar, mashed potatoes, Turkey gravy with cranberry stuffing crunch. That looks pretty good to me. Even though I'm not a cranberry person, I, the rest of that sounds yummy. what what What would a cranberry stuffing crunch because it's, that's not like cranberry sauce. It's like a, it's so it's like something.
Yeah, I don't know, she but it's got cranberry flavor. I don't know. I don't know, but the rest of it sounds okay. Well, let's, let's yeah. So that's fine. We'll have that. But then M and emine M's peanut butter fudge cake. All right.
That just said a lot of words I'm very interested in. Chocolate fudge cake filled with peanut, with peanut praline and M&M's peanut butter. Oh, oh, okay. M&M peanut butter minis, laced with salted peanut butter and topped with vanilla shantily cream. but Wow. Okay. I am there for that. I want that. Yeah. i got Like I, I love peanut butter. Like anytime you give me anything peanut butter and then you have like, Oh, like.
I might have to fight but like the Yule Log and that would actually have to like battle for my attention. But I think this would actually win. Nice. Yeah. nice ah Then we go down to Aunt Cass's cafe over at ah California Adventure. There's a pumpkin spice bread pudding with graham cracker crust topped with pumpkin cheesecake filling, whipped cream, graham cracker cumber crumble and an espresso brown sugar spice. Mm hmm.
Not a big pumpkin fan, as you know. So I think I'd probably be out on this. Okay. But, but even because pumpkin spice or, or I guess, okay, it's got the pumpkin cheesecake. So that's fair, but I was going to say like pumpkin spice is not pumpkin. I like pumpkin spice, just not pumpkin itself. Yeah, that's fair. Okay. Yeah. I mean, yeah. You know, looks good. I like a good bread pudding too. Like that would be, that would be nice. Um, this pizza at boardwalk pizza and pasta, it looks,
Looks really fancy. It does. So roasted Turkey, or this is their holiday pizza, the roasted Turkey with roasted butternut squash, cranberries, rubla big jam. The disappointment in your voice every time cranberries. I was so there for it until the, cran like, give me that without the cranberries. It's just funny. I was so on board for a minute. Yeah. Just a minute, though. You almost had me, ah guys. Like, Disney, you almost had me.
But, but that's fine. So, so, you know, then final, just go to, uh, the, uh, the paradise garden grill is next, which has, I'm going to. But you're this, but you are, but that's why you're going to read it. Not me. Sheila, sheila keeley's carnitas torta, which is red, sheila keeley's. I'm not sure what those are, but I'm interested. Refried beans, avocado spread, queso fresco, pickled onions, and a fried egg served with chips.
Interesting. I do like that. And then, and then also, ooh, loaded chips as well. Yes. Uh, chili lime chips, smothered in corn kernels, cotea cheese, chili lime seasoning, oh i and crema. So it's, it's a latte off the cob, but on, on a loaded chips. Okay. That's pretty cool.
Yep. That's somebody, or somebody schooled me by the way that I, and I did not know this, that if, when you have a latte and it's not on the cob, it's called the esquite. So, um, yeah, got it. Now I know it's, I know, I know, I know. Thank you for educating me. Somebody, whoever did that, you have to delineate. That's fair. Yeah.
Then we've got ah over at the cappuccino cart, there's a cinnamon caramel apple bunt cake drizzled with so ah salted caramel and filled with cream cheese frosting. That sounds good. It's basic, but I'd eat it. Yeah. it's I mean, it it's still, I mean, sorry, it's not competing with that peanut butter cake anytime soon, but yeah, it's it seems okay.
and I'm still back at the peanut butter. You see you just you stop there and you never recover. They've also churros. There's a popcorn tin churro. It's so funny that this just came up. I was just talking to my wife before the podcast about the old popcorn tins. and I'm assuming this is the thing you had in Canada too. is oh yeah yeah We do get those. Yeah, yeah the big 10 with like three varieties of popcorn in it. My grandma always used to buy them for me. And ever since she passed away, I don't get them anymore. And I want it back. I used to love those things.
So Scouts up here sells them for us. I don't know if it's the case for you down there. I don't well i haven't seen them. I haven't seen them. Okay. Cause we'll, we'll actually have like, like Scouts will come by, like, you know, they go door to door and you know, you can order a tin and then they'll bring it, you know, you place the order and then a couple of weeks later you get a, you know, a tin arrives and it's exactly that. You know, you got three different flavors of popcorn and it's all good. Nice. Yeah. Nice. So yeah, they're offering this up as a churro, which is,
Interesting. Yeah. Interesting. It's white cheddar popcorn dust and caramel sauce topped with butter popcorn. That's i mean sweet and savory. Yeah. Yeah. my I actually just ate some popcorn. That was a mix of white cheddar and car caramel popcorn. It was like a mixed one and heat know the salty and sweet. there was yeah People underestimate mixing that. Like I've learned that over time too. Like, you know, we talked earlier about, you know, like making your own popcorn is, yeah, you know, mixing, mixing the sweet and salty actually is way better than you realize, even if it's like, yeah like people would think like cheddar popcorn doesn't work, but it actually does. Yeah.
Then we'll move down here really quickly. I don't think we need to talk about this Clarabel's one, but I'm just looking at this Mexican grill one with the fried arroz con leche rolled in cinnamon sugar served with a Dolce de leche whip and a Dolce de leche drizzle. That's a lot of Dolce de leche. That's a lot of Dolce de leche. I wonder how many times we could say Dolce de leche. Dolce de leche. I can only say it once fast. I've already screwed it up. Okay.
over at corn dog castle you got a holiday stuffing corn dog dipped in seasoned corn batter fried to golden brown and topped with cranberry mustard sauce so I'm guessing the the the outside is just more is like stuffing ish is that what they're saying I mean I mean sure I mean when i'm I'm still only questioning, that like, I feel like the cranberry mustard sauce would be good. Because again, it's not it's not like full on cranberries. It's yeah yeah you know just that flavor. But I mean, corn dog castle, corn dogs are fantastic. So adding holiday stuffing to the flavor. Yeah, I think I think you're going to want one of those.
yeah You'll know when when you go to Disneyland, you're going to try the corndogs and you're going to just be so blown away by how different they are than the ones. here yeah ah So yeah I'm going to I'm going to go down now to Smokejumper's Grill here. The hardy loaded fries, crinkle cut fries smothered with sausage, country gravy topped with fried chicken, shredded cheese and green onions. ah Is it really fries when you're getting like chicken and gravy. I mean, and yeah I guess it is still loaded fries. It's just, loaded fries yeah I feel like I'm more there for the chicken and the gravy than the fries at that point. but i'm I'm here for all of it. i i would hear You talk about going back for seconds. That's a go back for seconds for me. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I can see that.
Uh, this one, and totally I do have to, I do have to point out the, the Santa hat shake with the marshmallow and coconut rim. It's trying to look like a Santa hat, but it actually doesn't look all like it looked the Santa hat looks a little sad. Yeah, a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. But, oh, i I see where you're at studio catering company. Yeah. Cause I looked ahead and I was like, Oh, this is the Trevor one right here. Korean fried chicken slider. Oh. yes Korean fried chicken topped with gochujang sauce. Ooh, it's spicy. That's good. Kimchi coleslaw and pickled onions served on sweet ha Hawaiian bread. Yep. I will take three of those. Yeah. Please give me a couple of those and I will come back for more later. Yeah. um That is breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They look pretty small though. You know, they're sliders. So, you know, yeah. You get, you know, you have a light breakfast, you get two and then, you know, lunch, you have three and then you have three at dinner.
I think we should wrap

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up on this one. We'll see yeah the other Disneyland treats for next week. And, uh, well, cause there's a whole huge list of things. There is. Yeah. there there is a le Yeah. So, so specifically at the Disneyland resort. So it's, you know, stay tuned for that. We'll, we'll be talking more food next week. Yeah. Yeah. So I hope everybody enjoyed food time. I, I know it's making me want to go to Disney and eat ah many things, but I'm not going to be this year. So that's unfortunate for me.
But you know, the interesting thing about it is, you know, just talking about it and looking through it, it does actually affect like, you know, I'm going to be thinking about for dinner. I may go get some Korean barbecue now because we were talking about it just because you heard it. Yeah, I get that. Yeah. Like, like it's funny, you know, talking about this stuff does actually affect, you know, outside of Disney what I go looking for. So yeah, it's, you know, yeah if even if he can't get to Disney, there is still merits in talking about it. I agree. I agree. yeah All right, wrap her up. Okay, so as usual, you know if you guys have any questions about anything you heard on the show or if you want to share your own trip report like Miranda did with us at the beginning of the show, you can always reach us at welcome home podcast at gmail know We love hearing from you guys and just hearing your thoughts on the show and and all that kind of stuff.
um Similarly, you can also find us on social media. So you can find us on Facebook as Welcome Home Podcast. You can find us on YouTube as Welcome Home Podcast. You can find us on Instagram as Welcome Home Picks. And if you're on Facebook, make sure you check out our group, which is Welcome Home Disney Waitlist.
that we have all kinds of great conversations about you know things about the show that ah people love talking about. ah People will share their own experiences. People will ask for help in there like we talked about. you know you know that We even put out an ask for for ah people who do Disney travel and we have a lot of people in the group that do Disney travel which is great to see.
And yeah you know so that there's lots of great people in our group that you know can help you with figuring out your own Disney adventures because you know we all we all have our own ways of doing Disney but it's great for everybody to talk about it so that's why we have the group so you know please check that out. And if you want to help support the show you can always go to store dot welcome on podcast dot com you can check out our different merch we got.
T-shirts and mugs you know maybe if you're looking for ah you know hey christmas is coming up maybe you're looking for some christmas gifts for somebody who listens to the show you know it's you know time great time to to pick up some stuff and ah you know similarly we also have a patreon that you can get merch from so you can go to patreon slash welcome home pod check out our different levels of patreon ah support that have different merch and the patreon merch is exclusive you can't get it in the store so you know if you like the patreon logo you know just you can you can check out what we've got on there and also our patreon listeners get access to the discord server which is yet another place that we talk about
the show talk about things that uh that uh you know we come up because the show i actually i should mention to you tom uh i'll see about hooking you up with some canadian smarties because that they come up in the discord that uh you know We talked about it on the last show, so and we'll have to get you some Canadian Smarties to so you can see what I saw about. so I did so much research about those after the show last week. I went really deep into the internet on how this happened. yeah it's ah It's a weird thing, but yeah like I said, you you'll you'll get your chance to to have Canadian Smarties at some point here. smarties yeah so
Do you think they're better than M&Ms, Trevor? are you Yeah, absolutely. yeah okay I'll always take Smarties over M&Ms. Interesting. okay Cool. Anyway, continue. but yeah so so yeah but Back to wrapping up the show. you know Last but not least, if you are listening to us on iTunes or Spotify or really any platform where you can leave a rating on the show, leave us a five-star route ah rating because that does help more people find the show. and you know we We like knowing what you guys think about the show i guess you don't even if you don't wanna list five stars you let us know what you think you know if you're on itunes or you know wherever that you can write us a review we love seeing those as well we love you know hearing what you guys think about the show because that's so you know that that's good feedback for us and you know great for us to.
to think about you know as as we keep doing the show for you know hopefully another eleven years so we can get to demons retirement. I mean you want to give me a christmas gift this year the best christmas gift is ah is a pause is a five star review so that's there you go we we need five star reviews under the christmas tree there you go yes wrapped in a pretty little bowl.
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, please do that. Oh, also, don't forget to

Podcast Conclusion

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so yeah wait but if you just type in welcome home you're gonna have a hard time finding us you just gotta you do well but welcome home disney you'll find me yeah you'll find us immediately uh so just reminding to our listeners welcome home pockets for entertainment only we are not employed by the walt Disney company and such all opinions we express on the show our own So, please consult a DVC cast member or regular cast member for more information about anything we talked about today. Huge thank you to our sponsor of this episode, DVC Resale Market, but also World of DVC for continuing to support this show over the many, many years that we've done it now. ah They've been a great partner, so please check them out for your DVC needs. Join us next time for more Disney Parks discussion. Of course, more DVC talk. We hope to see you all real soon.
This is Skipper Albert A. Wall, the voice of the jungle, signing off from Welcome Home Podcast on the TVC.