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Episode 281: Live Halloween Show! image

Episode 281: Live Halloween Show!

Welcome Home: A Disney Parks & DVC Podcast
944 Plays3 months ago

On This Episode

On the live Halloween episode, Jodi from DVC Resale Market joins the guys to answer questions about the state of the resale market. DVC has new cruise themed MagicBand sliders and the life size Moana sculpture is installed at the Island Tower. The Cake Bake shop lowers some prices after their initial prices were criticized. MagicBand+ will now interact with select stage shows. Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party will be starting soon and the guys discuss the new food at the event.

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Introduction and Live Show Setup

Hello, welcome home. Hey. Yeah. Well, welcome to to episode 281 of Welcome Home, a Disney Parks and Vacation Club podcast. I'm Tom and that's Trevor. And we're doing our first live show in quite a while. When's the last time we did this? It's been, I want to say about two years since we've done a live show. So it would have been Halloween two years ago, right?
Yeah, probably. right we did a We did a Christmas show, I feel, like a couple of years ago. right yeah like But I don't remember if that was last year. it was I don't know. It's been a minute, but yeah we we we got it together and we're doing a live show again, which is super cool. and First, i'm I'm just going to start by by pointing it out that you know you you're dressed as Sully and you're in Boo's room, yeah which is like,
I don't know, man. Like, like you're just like, so you're scaring kids. Like, I that i know, I know women. I'm even Hollywood tower. Let's get a power. of montropolis Okay. If I'm not in here, you know, scaring children. Oh wait, we're supposed to be making them laugh now, right? That's where we're at. Okay. My bad. I didn't realize actually how creepy booze room.
it's You think it's creepy? It is, like like just the way it, yeah. yeah this is This is very helpful, thank you, Kitty. Kitty, exactly. Yeah, I mean, yeah, thank you for that. ah Thank you for writing that in. Dumbo Idiot 2, I like that, that's a great that's a great name. um Yeah, I didn't want to pronounce that wrong. Yeah, I mean, you know, I don't know. Maybe I said it wrong or not. But we're we're very excited to be doing this again. And and hopefully people can join us throughout throughout the show. I know, you know, we we usually have listeners join us and which we will do again this time. Not yet, though. In a few minutes here, we'll we'll put out the link on our group.

Guest Introduction: Jodi from DVC Realtor Market

So if you want to join us live, you can. I will throw it out there that there are a couple of rules to joining us live.
in that you need a good internet connection. You need, you know, headphones and a microphone that will actually be able to hear you. And also just, you know, don't misbehave on here. Don't make me kick you out. I don't want to do that. We we are a PG podcast. Yeah. Keep it nice. We all want to be nice.
By the way, I don't know. Do you think Sully is as warm as I am right now? Like just all the time? Like do you think Sully is just like? but You look really warm. I mean, I, I feel warm, but I mean, I've at least got like the nice, you know, you know, loose shirt on. ah So warm, man. So warm. All right. Well, we also have a guest with us too. Uh, from, uh, from DVC Realtor Market, we have Jodi. So I'm going to bring Jodi in here. Uh, so, Hey Jodi. Hi. How's it going?
Good, thanks for having me. It's funny, Jodi, we've had you on a bunch of times and you were saying that this is the first time we've really done video because we'd like never do live shows, right? so yeah Yeah, I haven't done one with you, so it's fun. I didn't get the memo I had to wear a costume, but next time you let me know. It's optional. It's optional. Tom and I were both kind of debating it and and we didn't like come to you in Adam's decision on whether we were

DVC Market Trends and Challenges

doing it or not. so Gotcha. Well, I actually don't have one, so it works out fine. I don't have one yet. Listen, it's it's better than being in what I'm wearing right now, which is, you know, like I don't know how long I'm going to last in this before I either pass out or... I said, I'm hot just looking at you.
yeah It's great. It's very warm. This is actually- In the comments with your predictions on how long before Tom gets rid of the solid gas. There you go. I like that. How long was Tom going to last? You can make some bets on that. So Jodi, thanks for joining us from DVC Resell Market. I know we have a lot of listeners tuning in. By the way, if you have any questions for Jodi, throw them in the comments. Oh, wait. We got a comment here from Mary. Longtime listener, Mary. Hey, hi, guys. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween, Mary.
and We still got like a week, right? It's six days, I guess, right? Is it next Thursday? Yeah. Yeah, we got Thursday. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, Thursday. But still, this is our Halloween right now. So happy Halloween. Thank you, Mary. So No, so that Happy Halloween. I'm excited. I'm not wearing this for Halloween, by the way. This is not this is not happening for Halloween. I'm not doing anything for Halloween this year. This is an old costume from years ago. um But you know anyway, so if anybody has any questions for Jodi about DVC, about resale, throw them in the comments. We're going to grill her live here. But Jodi, we'd love to know what's going on with with resale. like ah What do you got new going on? like what's What's going on in the market?
Well, actually I do have a ah ah new little, I mean, sort of exciting thing, if you could call it that. Right before, about an hour before I joined y'all, we got an email with a massive amount of Disney buybacks. So we have,
you know, um any of the those of you listening with a a contract in Rofer, especially if it's all g west um when they're buying back a lot of Old Key Yeah, I noticed Old Key West, a couple animal kingdoms, but the majority I think was Old Key West. I just glanced, I mean the ones I have to call, I have a note, they're Old Key West.
the folks. So I mean, it was like out of nowhere, all of a sudden, there was about maybe 30 of them, which is a lot considering we would they trickle in at one or two at a time. So that's interesting. You know, no do you think they're like ramping up buybacks now? Or is it just is this just an anomaly? Or?
i Trying to predict Disney lately is as impossible like the poly and the incentives they're not so great like the grand Florian's were and Rofer um I'd like to think that they're picking it up a little bit. I think I think we've been in a slump for a little too long I'm sure buyers might not feel that way but you know at some point it's got a ah sort of pick back up I think and um
And I think price-wise and everything, it's sort of like things are settling. But with Disney, if they do start to aggressively buy stuff back, then that's certainly going to, A, clear out a lot of the inventory, and B, it will probably slowly help prices um bump up a little bit. I'm not saying there's going to be a big you know massive spike or anything. But I just thought it was interesting that we, I mean, I've had maybe three the whole year, and then 30 come in today. I mean, me personally. um You know, we've probably had 15 the whole year as a team and um and then like 30 on a Friday coming in. So, I don't know. Jeff makes an interesting comment. That's my news. Jeff makes an interesting comment. New fiscal year, new budget.
I mean, yeah, Disney does end their fiscal year in September, right? So they just started their new fiscal year. So yeah, maybe they have some money floating around. I don't know. ah But I mean, I feel like they always probably do. But just another bad point jeff yeah yeah, but I always kind of thought that they in the past, and I could be wrong, um is they would buy do a lot of buybacks before the next fiscal year. Because if they had some of that cash laying around that they needed to you yeah I felt like we always saw buybacks right before the new fiscal year. So this one, I thought the same thing is what that commoner said that I was like, this is a new fiscal year and they're doing it right off the bat. So that, that um maybe that is an indication that they've got more money allocated for that. I really don't know. Yeah. That's, that's interesting. That's, it's interesting that it happened all at once like that, you know, that you're all of a sudden 30 in one day, like that's crazy. Yeah.
yeah I can't remember the last time I've heard of of like an aggressive amount of rofers. Yeah. I mean, and and if you go back two, three years ago, that was an average Tuesday, what what we just got. But we haven't had one like that in really quite a long time. So yeah. No theories as to why outside of the pit school, though. it's it's not like ah well Because you know I would think that they would be wanting to resell some poly too, right? Or no. I mean, I don't know if they want to buy back poly.
They typically don't exercise the right of first refusal on contracts. They're now like they're actively selling their own. Um, but I mean, I do find it, they must need some fallback, you know, ones that, but I mean, are they really that much less expensive than their new product that they're trying to sell? I'm not sure. I really don't know. I mean, obviously old key West makes sense. They're going to buy it for dirt cheap for nothing. Yeah.
and then slap the extension on it and and resell it for a lot of money, um a lot more than you'd pay on resale, of course. That one makes sense, but Animal Kingdom, I mean, there wasn't that many of them. ah Yeah, it's I don't know. I don't know why. No, that makes sense. So let's see.

Impact of New Developments on DVC Market

we We do have a question for you. So with the new Disneyland DVC Tower open, have you seen any Grand Cali contracts go up for sale?
um Yeah, we we've sold some and in Grand Cal has always been um um It seems like it's very cyclical too, although I haven't figured out the cycles but it's kind of all or nothing a lot of the time like sometimes we'll go It feels like a couple months without selling one and then all of a sudden we'll sell like all of them in a week I don't know if that news comes out um but but Grand Cal. Yeah, they're still um They're still selling. There's still people you know I think it got ah it definitely got a bump when the new tower was announced because people found out ah you know A, it had the restriction, but also the parking and that fee. That tax or whatever was the tax. Yeah, I was trying to think of the exact word, but that was definitely a turn off for a lot of people. So they were like, great, I'm i'm sticking to my grand cows. So um I mean, it's still priced really high. um
And, but it's still, it's still selling. It's just, it's always been one of those. It doesn't sell as much as the others because there's not as many of them and it's, it's on the West Coast. But, um you know, if you had a grand cow contract that you wanted to sell you, you wouldn't have a hard time selling it. That's for sure.
That makes sense. but like oh So just want to point out that that listener was my wife who's watching the show. Clearly, she has an interest in a Grand County contract. Oh, yeah. She's telling you through comments. That's funny. Hi, honey. she In fact, she just commented, oh, I might need a Grand Cali contract. Yeah. We'll talk after the show. Yeah, yeah. I like that she's communicating through the live stream. That is funny. She was.
We've got a loyal viewer there, right? Yeah, exactly. There you go. Yeah. And Mary also concurs that there might be a Grand Cal contract in Trevor's future. I think so. Sounds like it. I think there might be. So we do also have another question. Will we see a jump in listings and drop in prices as maintenance fees are coming up? Does that happen every year as the new year starts?
you know, what the new fees are going to be. And then yeah, that happens. So typically, we always get an influx of listings, right when the new like, especially like right after the first of the year, when people get their dues bill. And it's not necessarily always because the price goes up so much. I just think that's when people a have a spending hangover from the holidays, i'm one of them always. And then that's a kind of a, you get that bill and you're like, Hmm,
We haven't been really going. Do we really need this? We've got other trips planned. It's gone up. It's sort of like, I think it puts things in people's minds if they were on the fence about selling. They're like, let's just do it now. So yes, we do get a lot of new listings right after the first of the year.
So it that makes sense yes, that is true. That happens with how much I spend a Christmas time. I feel like I need to recoup that money by selling off my my point. No, I would never sell my contracts. with No, you wouldn't. Yeah. No. And sometimes it's not, you know, you know, people have multiple contracts. So it's maybe like we didn't go as much. The kids are getting older or whatever it might be. And they sell off one of their 10 contracts or something like that. Yeah. That that makes sense. Right. Yeah.
So so with ah with do you see any difference with like the poly sales opening back up again with ah you know with with now that the they're selling new direct contracts, does that do anything for the resale market?
Yes, um we have a lot of poly listings right now, truthfully, um and a lot of smaller poly contract listed, which to me is a little curious because those you can't those you can't um There's really no deals on them buying them direct, right? A small contract, 50 points or something. So I would think those would be the ones that would sell better on the resale market because they are cheaper and there's no really no incentives directly from Disney. With that being said, I think we've got like a hundred listings last I checked or 98.
um Some of those folks, um some of our listings were listed several months ago um before Disney started started selling. and And the prices, frankly, are just too high. you know and And it's time for some of the agents to maybe reach out and and um you know reconnect with the seller and get them to you know kind of come down in price if they want to get it sold. Because especially the larger contracts, it's just um With Disney selling them direct with no restrictions, people tend to go that way. Although honestly, even resale versus direct on 150 point contract, if you're still saving a lot of money and the restrictions are pretty
insignificant for the most part, I think. um But with that being said, I do see that the inventory is sort of increasing, but I also think it's because the prices got high and then Disney started selling it. Now, um they just need to come down a little bit more. Supply and demand. It's interesting. Did like people price high just thinking there would be a high demand with the tower opening? like They're just like getting in early like with the high price? like Well, there was a time, and i you know I'm probably fuzzy on the dates, but it was probably a good six months ago, um where paul when I think it was when the news came out that it was people were pretty sure we were pretty sure that it was going to be the same association and that there weren't going to be resale restrictions. And then we got down to like two poly listings. So of course, supply and demand, everyone's like,
okay, I'll list if I can list for $200 a point, you know, it's worth my while. And so then we got all these people listing and some did sell at those prices. But now we have, like I said, almost 100 listings sitting there, many in the 190s to 200s. And, you know, it's just, it's not gonna happen. And so it's that, it's that hype of like the the potential to sell, but now that that's kind of died off because the the tower is now available.

Speculation on Disney's Market Strategies

Yeah, you're saying is there's a bunch of people. that Yeah, I missed that wave and they really need to reevaluate. Well, it started the prices point high. Yeah, because we didn't a we found I was the new association. There goes the hood. be not to had yeah be The We had we didn't have any listings, but then when everybody jumps on the bandwagon, right then then that Adverse effect happens and now we have a ton of listings and their price too high same thing happened actually if you remember with the grand cow um Prices got super high for a while. They were selling over $300 per point and they're still high now, but um You're not gonna get $300 a point right now very anytime, you know, it's not been that high in a while. So, you know
There's a demand and the price peaks, but then it's got to come down at some point. So I think that's just where we're at. Yeah. Makes sense. Yeah. So so just a couple just a clean up a couple here. So Fulton says, happy happy fall, guys. Happy fall to you. All right. Thank you, Fulton. And then we also have Happy Halloween from Bernice, another longtime listener. So Happy happy happy Halloween. I like your little pumpkin emoji in there. That's great. um And then Bernice also wants to know, Trevor, what is your costume?
Well, I mean, this is Dale from Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers. I mean, you can't see, or that it's got the logo. Oh yeah, you even got the logo and everything. It's just out of view there. Yeah, that's, you ah we also said he could just be a tourist. at ah Yeah, interesting else it ended up kind of making me, yeah, it looks like I'm a tourist in yeah Hollywood Tower Hotel, but yeah, the the actual shirt is Chip and dae rescueing Dale Rangers, or Dale shirts. That makes sense, yeah, that makes sense.
All right, so we do have another DVC question. When will we see the first cabins of Fort Wilderness listing show up? and Or if you have you had one already? No, we haven't. um I don't know. I mean, I don't think they're last I heard they're not, they're not selling that well. um Yeah. Dues are high. um I don't know. It's a good question. I mean, it's gonna be a hard I think if someone purchased and just like, you know, initially when Riviera and stuff came out or the Disneyland tower, it's going to be tough for them to turn around and sell it a a if they have a, if they have a loan on it, because they'll be upside down immediately. And even if they don't, that's a hard pill to swallow to say you paid, you know, just throwing out numbers, $200 a point. Now I can sell it for one 25.
Like a lot of people, I mean, that hurts, right? So, yeah yeah I mean, we haven't had too many even Disneyland Tower listings. Those those still kind of trickle in very few and far between. So, um yeah, I don't know. um I think they sold a lot more of Disneyland Tower than they have the cabins. I just really... I haven't, I don't know what you guys hear, but I haven't heard too many people buying into that. It's almost like I, to be honest with you, kind of forget that they're selling it, which is bad. Yeah, I did kind of forget it. And I think, I feel like resale is kind of a very hard sell on that because if you're buying that resale, you're only able to stay at the cabins, which I don't, like I can see why a lot of people are probably not keen on selling it or or like that's not a selling point.
the Yeah, that this may be not a fair question to you, but do you feel it could be the the next Alani where like it never like it's just Yeah, I do and never sells out. Okay. Yeah. I mean, it's got less inventory, you know, but Yeah, i I don't see that flying off the shelf. I think, you know, I understand why Disney did put them in the bucket with the restrictions. They sort of made their bed and now they have to line it to an extent. You know, they can't just have Riviera be the only one, even though they kind of knew it was a short-sighted decision. But,
um the yeah, it it's just Who's going to want to buy that resell and only have to stay. You got to really love those cabins. I mean, and I guess the same can be said for Riviera Disneyland Hotel. I think is in a totally different bucket because if you're paying that much money.
There's only two resorts out there. you You're probably buying that, just like when you're buying Grand Cal to use your points there. um It's not a sleep around resort. so But I don't know. You'd have to get a really good deal, I think, on the cabins for it to be worth it. And you've got to be someone who wants to go and stay in the cabins all the time. It's high dues and a lot of points. I don't know. I think it's going to be a tough sale.
yeahy I'm going to make you recklessly speculate because we like doing that. so i just think So do you think the new Poly inventory is going to sell out faster or slower than the Grand Floridian rooms that they added? ah oh o on I feel like Poly is, you know, I don't know if it's more popular than Grand Floridian, but I feel like people like it more. I don't know.
I agree with you. I think Polly definitely has that cult um appeal for a lot of people. It's a favorite for a lot of people. I mean, people love Grand Floridian, but the feedback I would always get as a guide in even selling this resale is people would say, I like the Grand Floridian, but I just don't feel comfortable there. You know, Disney's where you want to wear your shorts and t-shirts and they feel like they're walking through the lobby and they're yeah And I tell them, you can walk through the lobby in a t-shirt in shorts. This is Florida. You can do that. But um they just, I don't think a lot of people feel as comfortable there. They want to go there maybe for dinner one night, but staying there is not their thing. So to your point, yes, I think Polly is a much more popular family type place to buy into. um The only thing that I think might
Put a little bit of a damper on that is again. The grand incentives were crazy when they bring flirting They've that threw us all for a loop how good they were. I mean it dropped resale prices like 20% so um I think that Disney is Could have done a little bit better with the promotions and pricing but maybe maybe they know what we don't and they're like no We we anticipate the selling much quicker and faster and easier than than the grand so maybe they feel like they can price it They didn't need to do as much incentive wise the prices are high and the incentives are okay, so I don't I mean
I don't know. Philip brings up an interesting thing about the cabins. You know, Philip says the cabins might be a hard sell, but it's impossible to get a stay. They live in Florida and are flexible, but can't even find a day to stay and check them out. That's interesting. that's an interesting That is a good point. Yeah, it's interesting.
It kind of reminds me of Vero Beach, right? If you want to go to Vero during their peak season, and you know um i'd like you know I'd think like a Vero, imagine if they had restrictions on that, it would be like, oh gosh. But at the same time, you really do need home resort priority to get into Vero when you're going during their busy times. And if you want one of those you know homes on the beach, the Grand Villa,
I don't, I mean, I don't, good luck. Good luck. So yes, to, to their point. Yeah. I think the cabins are very tough to get into. All right. So, so I'm going to have another reckless speculation here. So, and I'm just going to throw this out there. Reflections happening.
god oh I mean, how many times can we go back and forth on that? Well, I mean, there's cranes there now. I'm seeing pictures of cranes happening. Yeah. Something happening. There's something happening. Is it going to be reflect? I mean, it probably. Yeah. i don't Are they going to name it reflections? Is it going to be revamped or re?
Um, what's the word that package, but you know, I mean, like have a new different look or theme. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I don't know. They have been, that thing's been like, just waiting in the wind for how long now? Was that, was that announced since 2019? I think it was right. Yeah. It was late 2019 was the first time. Was it that long? Yeah, it just seems like it seems longer to be honest with you. But yeah, I don't know. Sure. Let's recklessly speculate. Yes. Reflections coming 2026.

Interactive Segments and Viewer Participation

Um, let's clip that and put it together. Um, Jen makes a good point though here too, that grand flow costs them nothing to build. Cause all they did was, it was a hard goods refurb, Holly's brand new building. So they can't maybe necessarily discount the points as much as I mean, we don't know that for sure. But I mean, it's, it's a reasonable, it's a reasonable guess. Yeah. So.
Yeah, that's all all any of us could do as guests, right? Because we, again, have no idea what's going on behind the scenes with Disney. they They make a lot of decisions that make us scratch our heads. And there might be very good reasons for them. We just don't know what they are. That makes sense. I just I just like my little banner that says reflections and just reflections.
Reflections discussed. It looks like news, but you're just asking a question. Yeah, just reflections discussed. So and then one other thing we have here too. So so this this comment was other brokers have an influx of Alani recently and eat breakfast speculation as to why? No, I wish I could be a quick thinker and come up with something witty um or educated off the top of my head. No, I mean, I don't think we're one of those brokers. I don't think we have an influx. um I mean, we have plenty of listings, but they're also you know selling. I don't think our inventory is going crazy or anything.
and truth be told, I don't look at other um brokers inventory. Maybe I should, maybe I should. I mean, but at the end of the day, it's like it doesn't affect me what they have or don't have. So I, to be honest with you, I don't, if I ran the company, maybe if i pay attention more. So I wish I could give you a better answer. I haven't heard of any, you know, news or anything like that as to why someone, you know, I haven't heard any weird news about Elani. I don't know if y'all have, but I'm not getting any calls or anything about why people are wanting to sell or anything like that. So I'm not sure. Yeah. I mean, I hadn't even heard that. I, you know, it's, uh, it's, it's an interesting, uh, that's an interesting point that they, they brought up. So, yeah. So Jody, I don't want to hold you all night here. I think we'll, we're gonna, we'll talk about some other things here, but, uh, I really appreciate you joining us. Anything else you want to talk about before we let you go? Um,
Not that I can think of, but thank you guys for having me. It was fun. How can people reach you? Um, they can, you know, DVC resale market and just email me Jody at DVC resale market, or I don't know if you'll put my phone number up, but, um, I could do that if you want. Yeah, sure. I mean, but yeah, I'm happy to answer any questions or more reckless speculation if you want. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going over to my in-laws tomorrow night. So maybe I could get some more scoop. They, there you go and they have the inside. If I ever get your in-laws have the inside scoop.
Well, I mean, off the record, yes, sort of sometimes. But yeah, I don't want to get anyone in trouble. But yeah, sometimes the bus driver to like not a bus driver. They don't know the bus drivers. Yeah. all then learn it All right. Yeah. No, the bus drivers know it all. And if they don't, they'll make you think they do. So that's good. Just listen to the bus drivers.
Yeah, so anyway, but yeah, thank you, Jody, so much for joining. We really appreciate it. Thank you, guys. We love to have you on. We'll have you on again sometime soon here. And I'll get my costume ready next time. That sounds good. Sounds good. Bye. All right, so.
Yeah, i Mary, you're right. i you You said i you know that I have the AC cranked down to a low temp. It's a good point, but I don't. um I wish I did. a fights ah you mean Boo's room looks nice and cool, and like it looks like it would be like the windows cracked open a little bit. I'm sure that's not what's actually happening behind you. No, it's not at all. It's it's way too way too warm in here. so ah So I'm going to put it out there for everybody. this is This is the time of the show where if you want to join us, you can. I told you before, there's simple rules here. So make sure that you have some headphones and make sure you don't say anything that ah you wouldn't want anything.
ah you know Anybody to hear? So I'm going to put this out in the comments. I'm also going to post this to our Facebook group. So if you want to join, you can. ah And you know please join us. We're going to talk about some stuff. It's going to be fun. And and Jeff, you were wondering when we were going to be doing Food Time. ah Food Time is going to happen. i will I will say that. I'm not going to be singing Food Time, though, so don't get too excited for that.
um and but You yeah do not want either of us to sing, trust me. No. Nobody wants to hear that. I don't want to hear that. Maybe when we we want to like end the podcast, like end in the podcast, we'll sing and then nobody will ever come back again.
Yeah, exactly. yeah ah so So Bernice is speculating that you're jealous that you wish that you had my onesie that I have here up north. I think you'd be very warm in this, Trevor. I think you would be able to to survive the winter, no problem. I'll be honest, it's actually really warm. and We're in the room that I'm in as well. And I've got I have a light on me as well, which is making it extra hot. And i'm I'm actually glad that I'm wearing the like, I've got like a nice beach shirt on, so I'm at least like staying reasonably cool. So um yeah, normally I'd appreciate it Bernice, but I'm good right now. That's oh yeah that's that's good, that's good.
So, all right. So, Trevor, I just wanted to put this on here because I'm a big fan. it's I'm a big fan of of the bands, you know, the the the little band sliders, right? no like So I'm always a fan of that. Sliders are good. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So um I just want to, you know, go right here. I want to show these bands because I want i want this. ah You know, this is... and so Can you throw it up on the screen? or there There it is. yeah There we go. okay So let's see here. The DVC member at C, I'm liking this. this is This is a cool thing right here. i might mean I want these sliders. If I can get these sliders when I go on my next cruise, that would be fantastic.
they They look a little bulky, but I don't know if that's necessarily a bad thing. You want it a bit thick though, right? Because you want to like actually hold your hold your band on, right? Or I guess, do you do you want sliders for the fashion of sliders or do you want them for the function? Because I'm all about the function of the sliders. i I am all about whatever, the fashion and the function.
Okay, so.
So yeah, no, I like these. I'm i'm i'm a big fan. I think, i think i I mean, I don't know where you get these. Yeah, so ah does it not say that in the article? It says... Can I just get it at C, if I go to like the DVC meeting at C? Let's see what it says.
So, I mean, listen, i I, this is, by the way, this is from a DVC news who they are always got some good stuff around DVC. So, um you know, we can, we can ask them more, but ah yeah, and plus, you know, a free ad for Allstate on here too. Look at that. Good for them.
um So I'm going to, I'm going to take that off for now because we don't need to keep looking at that, right? Yeah. um So yeah, so anybody, if any, again, if anybody wants to join us, hop on in, click on the link. You can jump in with us and talk about this stuff. We, so your wife is saying it is cold outside though. She's, she's, it is firing with you.
But she she also knows that the room that I recorded gets really hot because I shut the door and it traps all the heat in. So well, that makes out. Yeah, I mean, part way through the show, I may just go run outside and stand on the deck for five minutes. So if I if i disappear, that's why we have it. We have a visitor. We have a visitor here. Oh, it's it's a permit. The frog is that super rivet?
Yeah, i'm I'm dressed up for Halloween. I'm super ribbit. That's the curve. It's super ribbit. Tom read the banner. Super ribbit. I mean, why not super curve it? Why not super curve it? I don't know. Cause there was an R on the thing and I had to choose something that started with an R. So really you don't use your actual name in your superhero identity. Oh yeah. That's right. That's superhero one on one. That is superhero one. You know what? You're right.
You got to keep your secret identity. See the R? And there's an R right here. There's an R right there. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, did you make that costume for yourself, Kermit? I mean, is that... No, Piggy made it for me. Of course she did. I just accessed all that stuff. Yeah. I'm i'm really honored that that Kermit decided to make ah an appearance on our show here.
Well, usually there's like eight or nine people when I stop by and there's just, uh, just us frogs, right? Well, I think we're just, I think it's just a little early in the night. Uh, you know, we'll get, maybe we'll get some more people joining us sometime here soon. So, you know, what I was wondering is, um, I wonder when Joni's going to get her new promotion with a title where she doesn't have to come on this show anymore.
remember like there was that Nick guy and then he became like he was the president of the world or something and then he didn't come out anymore and then there was that Marissa lady and she used to come on and then she got a new title and then she didn't come on anymore and then um Derek Derek yeah our friend Derek like like he used to he he he bought some he bought somebody the right person he bought him Gideon's cookies And then he got a new title and now he doesn't come on the show anymore. So, um, I'm just waiting for Jody. Jody's going to get a new title. and there he's goingnna get oned yeah Yeah. Someone else is going to have to get short straw.
I, so, so, come on. her but that's just on that bad come not You could also think about it as if you're a springboard for people's careers, right? That's, that's sure. Yeah. We, we made them famous. That's what it is. They come on the show and then they get promoted and there you go. yeah Right. They do a nice little little compliment here from Jeff Kermit that you sound better than the real Kermit. Uh, wait, but you are the real Kermit though, right? Cause you're, you know, I'm super ribbit. You're super ribbit. Okay. Super ribbit.
super rivet. I agree. Somebody somebody from ah from a Jim Henson needs to need the call. ah So joy Jody's actually commenting now on the show saying she'll still come on the show. Thank you, Jody. I'm so glad that you'll still come on the show once you get promoted to head of head of the company.
ah Also, ah so ah Jen mentioned too here that Piggy is smart and you don't have any cape, which you know we've learned from the Incredibles right that it's it's not a good idea to have capes. We're just getting ahead and load on the show. Yeah, there you go. I've already got the neck frill. right so It's kind of like a cape. It's my neck frill. Neck frill. and okay that's It's more low profile though.
Yeah. Well, it's aerodynamics. When I'm flying, it goes like, it flutters. and it's like yeah ah I did not think this was how my, you know, goingnna go just, just throwing that out there. Yeah. i'm amazing and i we I mean, this is this is amazing. I am very impressed that we were able to see you say that we you know don't get any of the big people on the show anymore. But here we are with you here, Kermit. So that's, you know, well, you know, I am kind of in the twilight of my I was really big in the late 70s. And, you know, ever since like.
Oh, I don't think that's true. I think you're still very popular. I think you're pretty timeless at this point. Yeah. Oh, thank you. I appreciate that. I wish Damon was on. I wanted to ask him which he preferred. I was always curious, um does he prefer the 3D effects in flight of the passage for my show, Muppets 3D? Muppets 3D.
Oh, your show. Yeah. Are you? Which is better? I mean, are you a little worried that mupp ah your your your ah show is going to go away? Is that are you scared about that? all I've heard actually behind the scenes, I've heard that we have a ah pretty good contractual agreement. So where they would have to actually like ah pretty much re rip out and decommission like our whole entire section for five years and not have anything there.
if they were to remove Muppets 3D. That's some real inside information from Kermit right there. yeah so they they can't They're not even allowed to utilize that space unless there's nothing there. it's like ah That's why we're still...
All right. Well, let's get, well, I mean, would you like to see an update to your show though? I mean, you know, well, we had a little long of it too, you know? Well, I sometimes my eyes cross a little bit when, uh, you know, the guy comes, you know, the little crazy, uh, imagination guys that comes away. Uh, I can't forget it. I'm sorry. I recorded that like 25 years ago. at this guy long time What's his name? Oh, I can't even remember either. I'm hoping he's not watching this. I'll be so embarrassed.
ah Wait, oh my gosh. All right, well, Kerber, are you going to hang around with us while we talk about other stuff? I mean, is that what you're asking? Yeah, I mean, if you want me to chime in, I'll be quiet. You guys are the the pros. I'm just more here as an observer at this point. I know about that. I mean, I feel like you're a more seasoned, ah you know,
a video, you know, visual presenter than Trevor and I are. I mean, you've been on TV since, you know, the 70s, like 60s, 70s, right?

Imaginative Disney Attractions Discussion

Well, I'm not on screen as much as you think. Usually I just introduce other people, make like a one-liner joke, go, ha, ha, ha. And then I let other people do their thing. So take it away, Tom. By the way, this is turning into Turtle Talk of Crush. What superpower does SuperRibbit have?
Um, o well, but you think you thats do improv on the show today do I can, um, I can jump really, really far because my really developed quads I got developed, you know, if they look skinny, but they're, uh, they're wiry. Yeah. Oh, pretty wiry. Yeah. I can jump pretty far. Well, you are frog. So there's that.
I can, uh, I can get home really fast when Piggy yells at me. Yes. Are you going to have a a cameo in the next Avengers movie is is being asked here by a Dumbo idiot too? Well, I mean, I think the every man spot is taken by, um, the ant man now. Um, Oh, is that what it is? Okay. Yeah. So I don't really want to, I don't really, I don't really want to put him out of work.
Oh yeah, you I mean, you know you don't want to put Paul Rudd out of work. It's not like he's you know busy or anything. and She doesn't have offers coming in all the time. so Well, you know, I got to keep, I got to look out for the people who are just getting into the industry. industry a little oh It's just getting into the industry. Yeah. Paul Rudd, he's only been in the industry for like 20 years and I'm like a 60 year veteran. so Basically his entire life. I mean, i I have to say though, Kermit, if I have to, you know, to say who who's aged better, you or Paul Rudd, I feel like it's you. I mean, you you still look the same as you always did, right? I mean, that's. It's kind of a toss up. I mean, he he doesn't get wrinkles. I don't seem to get wrinkles. I mean, i mean well, yeah.
You know, but he can he can be seen on green screen. I can't do green screen work. Oh, you know, that's another problem with those Avengers movies. There's a lot of green screen work. And um well, if you guys haven't noticed, it would just be that it would just be the mask and the shirt. Yeah. Oh, my gosh.
All right. So, so, so super sorry take it away, Tom, take it away. What's on what's next on the agenda? yeah's What's next on the agenda? Well, how how about this? We got Moana. How about that? You know, I went I went on that new section and um I kind of liked it. It was cool. There was a water on the new section. Well, what do you mean by that? I visited EBCOT. They took down the walls and then I walked around and there was the way of water and there was a giant green lady. I liked her. She was giant and clean. This is this is at the Polynesian. No, this is at the Polynesian, the new tower. This is that. Oh, yeah. Oh, OK. Well, yeah, this is this is over over. How tall is she?
How tall is that? okay Here's some comparison right here. You can see compared to the the Imagineer doing this, right? Okay. I thought maybe you could like slide down her arm that she was pointing with her. I probably could. That would be very interesting if you could do that. Yeah. I've always thought they ought to make like a giant Ursula slide where you like climb up her back or something. And then it would have like eight slides going down into the water. Okay. That would be a cool idea. It would be like a racing slide. Like, so, you know, you're trying to race against everybody. Is that what it is? Yeah.
They could put it over like, you know, what what is that? Art of animation. Those guys, they need a slide. They charge a lot for the rooms, but they don't have a slide. It's weird. That is a little weird. It is. You're you're totally right about that. So I'm going with Ursula Slide, and Art of Animation. Ursula Slide, at Art of Animation. OK. Write a memo, Tom. Write a memo. What? To who? Well, I don't know. You've got influence. You've got that podcast money, right? What do you mean with podcast money?
We might be able to do a t-shirt for you. That that I mean, it's probably all we can do, right? I mean, like a petition for the Ursula Slide or something. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. We'll brainstorm it. I have an extra small haunted river country t-shirt. It's pretty okay. Well, then a golden. Forgetting that. That was nice of you. Extra small. Let's see. The golden buying t-shirt. Yes. Oh, okay. I see. I see how it is. you You know, you had to get yourself one of those shirts, you know. um I thought you liked us, Kermit. I thought you were we were friends here. you You had to go for the other podcast. I mean... What are you talking about? It's just called a golden button.
Well, I mean, it's all one big family. Come on, now. like The Damon guy, he swings in here at once at least once every six shows. He stops in. He's like, hey, what's up, guys? Complains a little bit and then takes off.
I don't like him, though. He's got honest opinions. I like it. Oh, yeah, that's that is true. We ah we appreciate Damon's honesty. ons that's Is he going to swing in tonight, you think?
i You know, probably not, but you never know. Yeah, so I put the link out there again. If anybody wants to pop in, you know, come and join us, you know, and and join SuperRibbit over here too as well if you want to go do that. So ah another thing I wanted to talk about here is is the with the Cake Bake Shop. Do you know about the SuperRibbit? Are you aware of this? like sir Yeah, they're like, hey, does anybody need a cake? We're only charging like 50 bucks for like three servings.
Yeah, I mean, see i mean that they lowered the prices, though. So where yeah we already didn't it's not quite $50. Well, yeah you know, the cinnamon toast brioche bites went from $24 to $23.99. So yeah that's psychological. That's not actually impactful.
That's huge value right there, you know. It is. yeah It is, right? Yeah, that's a huge value. you have Has anybody, have they ever put like a cinnamon toast crunch brioche next to a dollar bill to see how big it is or whatever? I mean, I would like to know how big these bites are for $24. That's the thing I would like to know. I mean, if I could sit down with you guys at a table and get like, you know, a bowl of bites and like, we you know, we could eat them as friends for like 10 minutes before they run out, I'd drop 25 bucks on that. Okay.
If I could have like three and you guys stare at me while I try to pretend I'm not making eye contact and eat my three bites for $25, you know. Well, I mean, you're rich though, Kermit, right? Like you've got all that. Yeah, but if I only get three, you're not getting any, Tom. Order your own. If I get three, that's three for me. If I get nine, that's three for each of us.
I do think it's interesting how quickly this, this went down, right? So a week or so ago, the, you know, the prices came out for the cake bake shop and people were going crazy because it was $24 for a slice of cake. And, you know, a lot of other things were super expensive.
They're still, it's still expensive. Don't get me wrong, right? But some things are slightly less expensive now, right? So like you have, you know, Belgian waffles are now from 22 to 1699. Not great, but better than it was. It feels more, it feels more reasonable, right? Yeah, yeah more. Yeah, for sure. Most things do. ah So I still get hung up on things. So again, you know, looking at the the list,
Gluten-free granola and yogurt with mixed berries is $20. Wow. What would you feel has to be in granola, yogurt, and berries that justifies $20? You think it should be cheaper because, you know, there's gluten-free. it's you know there's less i mean I mean, yeah, it should be free of that expensive price tag. Yeah, that's right. I agree. Well, I mean, is there gluten in oatmeal? Does oatmeal have gluten?
I would think so, right? I don't know. Yeah, I agree, Jen. It's the fake the fake cake shop. and Did you mean to say that? Because that's funny. The jet set, the fake cake shop is absolutely absurd that a cake costs that much. I agree with you. It is absolutely absurd. It's even worse for us Canadians because we get to tack an extra a couple dollars onto all these prices, which, again, makes it even more absurd. and and that's you know

Disney Pricing Strategies and Guest Experience

here's yeah Here's an here's the degree just one Applewood smoked bacon for eight dollars Do you know how much bacon I would have to get for eight dollars to be happy with that? Situation I mean a pound of bacon costs like seven dollars, right? I mean listen, do you even eat bacon super ribbit? I mean that'd be kind of like, you know you there question That's not you're taking that the wrong way. I don't know. I'm taking it. You're not in my head. All right. At least it is sausage. OK, go ahead. All right. Well, maybe maybe I would go ahead and stop by there and get like a quick service snack for thirty dollars before I go spend six hundred dollars to be able to ride all the rides in a row at Magic Kingdom. Yeah. Well, there's you can see that. Yeah, I guess if you're if you're buying the the new FastPass thing, you you can probably afford to go to the cake bake shop too. That's right. That's crazy though. If you stop there for a snack and then you buy a Ticket to Magic Kingdom for one day, it's like $200, probably $50 by the time you buy your day to snack.
You've got to get her in there, too. So now you're up to $400, $500, $500. You buy yourself five two of those fast paths plus special things at Magic Kingdom. There's $1,200 more. You're like $1,700 to ride Small World. yeah yeah Yeah. I mean, and you can only ride it once, right? So you can only skip the line once. um But this dumb idiot again said, never thought I would say that $16 corn dogs right across look like a bargain.
Yeah, I mean, like corn dogs, corn dogs are good. Yeah. I guess that's also a good point too is, you know, that it's so close to Epcot and Epcot, I feel like you can get a lot of the stuff that you would get at the cake bake shop in Epcot. So it's like, yeah.
but why Why would I go to the cake make shop? And then you can also go just like to Disney Springs too and like, you know, go to like, you know, Amber Rhett's and get something that's half the price. You know, as a Gideon's, the the cake slices are a third of the price. Is that what it is? Yeah. Wow. And no, they're so good. Those are so good. Yeah, they are good.
Oh, I had a, um, okay. Favorite, uh, Gideon's cookie. I had a banana bread cookie there once and it was to die for. It was so good. Yeah. I like banana bread. I can see banana bread. Good stuff. cant That's, that's good stuff. All right. Well, this was, you know, not meant to be a food time yet, but yeah, we, mentioned we can, we can circle back. Not yet. It's not yet. we got wait hold Hold on. Wait, wait, wait. yeah Hold on. Super rivet. You're going to get your chance. just it's not time yeah yeah it's that time yeah
We're not there yet. but but we We got like one more thing here to cover and then you'll have a chance. Okay. I'm totally going to freak out. I love that. Yeah. Okay. Well, we'll, we'll, we'll do that, uh, you know, soon here, but I mean, anything else with this? Cause I, I just look at, I mean, some of these did go down quite a bit price. Like I was looking at the, uh, the croissant went like in half. You know what? Here's the still just too expensive. still six dollars Here's the truth. When I go to Disney.
And I'm terrible. like In my normal life, I'm pretty frugal. ah go i've got um like I'm a pretty frugal frog. I yeah i drive like an 80's Honda Accord.
Um, you know, I, you know, why you drive a firefly I don't spend but the point is I don't spend all that money, much money in my regular life, but as soon as I drive under that sign, um, the big arch there where you're on the road and you drive under and everybody takes a picture of it and goes, Hey, look, everybody back home. Be jealous. less hot You know, it's like,
all money concerns go out the window. If I walk back by that place, and it's not full, because they charge too much money, I'm going to go in there and we're like, this is outrageous. And then I'm going to order something. I mean, i I feel like I'm not going to go there often, but I would probably go check out like a piece of cake one time just to be annoyed at how much it costs and, you know,
Yeah like I'm not gonna like um so here's something to think about the pricing on that fast pass there if uh if you're gonna get a plaid let's say you're gonna pay a plaid to walk around with you some of my celebrity friends get plaids that's like 900 bucks a mile. You don't automatically get a plaid Kermit? I just figured like you know you're Disney roads in here that you should get a plaid.
Oh, like sometimes some people will like, you know, just let me under the turnstile. But yeah, pretty much not. You know, I just get to walk under the turnstile. But but yeah, but anyway, some of my celebrity friends, they get a plaid and it's like nine hundred bucks an hour. And if you get it for 10 hours for 10 people, that's nine hundred. There's nine thousand dollars for but so like so like it's like nine hundred bucks to get a plaid for a day if you find 10 people to split it with. It's a lot.
It is, but so, but think about it, having that new fast pass thing, that's only $450. So it's kind of like, it's kind of like a discount plaid, but you don't have to, yeah, you don't have to follow that guy around, you know, just go wherever you want.
I like that. I would want to have the plaid, though, you know, like a status symbol right there. No, I don't need a status symbol, Tom. Well, yeah. We'll pick your permit, though. Like, I'm just I'm just, you know, me. So, you know, we don't need it, Kermit. You do. I'm sorry. We we need we need the plaid. You don't. Yes. Well, I mean, sometimes or as you can see by my Halloween costume, I'm pretty well disguised. So sometimes I just put like the right hat on, you know, You just get the the mustache and and the hat. but you obviously mark You obviously learned how to disguise yourself from ah Marvel characters who are trying to act like normal people, right? When they put the hat on and the sunglasses. that's Yes! Yes, that's right. Now here's a question about the plaids. Do you suppose that they can bring you cake from the cake shop?
Oh, that's interesting. Oh, wow. There you go. Yeah. If you're paying for a plaid, you know, hey, I want cake from the cake shop. Go get me some cake. Trevor's playing 3D chess with this one. I like it. He thought about all everything here, so. I like that. so So Bernice wants to know, Damon's costume is the Invisible Man. That's, you know, an interesting theory. He is not here to go, but that's, you know. Or Damon can't even defend himself.
Yeah, I know. It's crazy. He probably knows you guys are going to play that food song, you know, the food time song, and then he's going to be like, oh, well, he can't he can't be here for the food time. shot So there's a whole line about him. Yeah. He's not here. It's right there. Yeah, you can't you can't be here. Yeah. So all right. So now we we've got we've got another thing here, another piece of news, ah Kermit, that now Magic Band Plus, do you use Magic Band Plus, Kermit?
Um, if you want to know the truth, uh, my, uh, Piggy Piggy manages pretty much all the details of the planning. Um, I have a credit card that's got a picture of Darth Vader on it. Okay. And, uh, that thing gets pretty hot. like he so She uses it pretty heavy. Um, yeah, but I just like, okay. Yeah. Where are we going? And she's like, Oh, we're going over here. And then we all go. Yay. You know, You know, I got a, I got a new ride. I was on the, I was on the phone and I found an open ride. And if we go over there, we'd be there in 15 minutes and everybody cheers. And then we just kind of walk over there and get on the ride. Yeah. Piggy is a hero. ah You don't have to scan anything though. When you get to the ride, you just my magic band. yeah right that She gives it to me. I don't know how to set the thing up. Okay. So so she just hands them out and says, scan this. And then you give it. Yes. ha yeah I'll admit that I only have one Magic Band Plus and that's for my daughter i because I have so many of the older ones that like I feel like like, why buy another one? I don't know. That's true. You know what? um So usually I leave my Magic Band Plus in my knapsack until it gets like dusk and then I put it on. It's much more impressive in the dark.
Well, so to get to the story here. So I have two magic bands. I used my regular one during the day. I tend to bring multiple magic bands as options. I like to have options, you know, to I've got my DVC one. I've got I've got a bunch. But anyway, so Magic Band Plus is now going to interact with shows such as Frozen as the Frozen show. And what else is listed on here? uh, the lion King festival, the lion King turtle talk. Ooh, that's kind of interesting. How would that work with turtle talk? Can I tell you guys something? Oh boy. It's always been my lifelong goal to be a giraffe on the lion King show. Like I want to be the, I want to be the frog. They call down front and be like, Hey frog. I'm going to tell everybody how to make a giraffe noise. I was a little confused by what you just said.
yeah like ah i much i ah you know like When you're at the Festival of the Lion King, they have an elephant guy, a lion guy, and there's a draft section, and I've always wanted to be the draft that they call down front.
Because at the start of every show, they call someone down front and they have to make the noise for the section. No, I i get what you're saying. I I thought in my mind, I look all proud. I'm like, hey, I'm over here. Herman, I was imagining you with one of the giant, like, ah giraffe, like, puppets they have in the Lion King Broadway show, and you know know piloting that along somehow. Yeah, I just get can just want to go, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Interactive Features: Past and Present

You know, like that is one of the giraffe noise.
ah So listen, it's funny to me that Magic Man Plus is doing this because I remember when this started like a long time ago. Remember Glow with the show? Remember that? Yeah. Yeah. yeah You remember that? So that was like the first part of it where it was like, and I remember my wife had the hat, you know, she had the the ear hat where the ears lit up and according to the show, but it was like super heavy and it had like batteries in it. It was like a hard hat.
Um, but then there was also, remember you could buy like magic wands and then like people could like wave them at your hats and like, you know, make them do stuff. Yeah. Interactive. Yeah. Yeah, it was. Yeah. It was, it was interactive, but like, this feels like they are like, okay, well, you know, let's, we, I mean, they've been doing this, right? This isn't new necessarily. There's new to like, there's stuff that has worked with, um, what is it? Fantastic.
like fantastic has some pretty cool stuff that you can do down there yes it's like uh interactive stuff's been around for a while but i like the reusing of it i'm a fan Yeah, Jeff, Jeff makes. Oh, sorry. I was. for No, no. Yeah, Jeff, just comment first. and then Yeah. As the former stage actor, I can't imagine an entire audience lighting up and then no longer paying attention to me because they're staring at their wrists. I mean, you already get that with phones, right? You get people just staring at your and their phones. But no, I'm with you, Jeff. I don't I don't love that either. You know, just people just, you know, looking at their wrists instead of looking at you. That's yeah.
so yeah Taylor Swift must be Taylor Swift must be almost blind from people pointing their iPhone flash camera phone flashlights at him like those things are bright they have LED crystals so So here's here's the interesting thing about them doing the interactive stuff during the shows is that you mentioned the glow at the show stuff That was a big feature of paint the night. but Yeah Yeah, yeah and I was first around and there was actually there was a part in it where the yeah the fairy godmothers would they had the ones and they were actually like if you had years they would actually point at people in the in the audience and it would you know change colors of the ears and all that so it's at the one out in california trevor yes yeah that is the california one so i caught a part of that but then the i was standing on top of a brick wall that was like six inches over the tape line and uh a cast member appeared very rapidly but she was she was nowhere around
um and yeah oh yeah She didn't ask, she didn't ask Trevor, she did not ask. She just pushed her off the wall. so but right sorry Anyway, you were saying about that. I can see though, you know if they're starting to add this, maybe this is them trying, like you said, trying to reignite that like you know glow of the show type stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the first um iteration of maybe seeing something like the years and the wands and stuff come back.
And yes, I get the point about, you know, you know, people kind of like getting distracted from the show because, you know, their their wrist is lighting up. But I can also see where, you know, looking out over a crowd of some if so like ah a performer was like pointing a wand out into the crowd and areas of the the crowd were like like you'd see the color change. That's a very impressive effect, too.
so being neat yeah so I can see where this is this is potentially opening up to them you know leading into more stuff like that yeah I mean there is a fine line between ah distraction and crowd participation like sometimes when like near the end of a show sometimes I'll break out the banjo and I'll sing rainbow connection and like I hardly even need to say any of the words I'll be like Everyone's just singing along. Why are there, and by the time I hit somebody, why are there so many? Don't violate any cooperates. We don't need that. well I don't think we're licensed to sing that song. no Over. Well, by the third word of the song that we shall not say. You can say rainbow connection, just don't say it. Why are there colors about something? Yeah. so yeah yeah Anyway, ah the crowd just takes over. And it's nice. It makes me feel loved. like I get a warm feeling in my heart when everyone sings the song. I understand that. That makes sense.

Festive Food and Drink Highlights

All right, anything else about this before we move on to our last topic? and yeah We should throw out the in the invite to the show one more time if anybody wants to get in on this before we- If anybody wants to join us for food time, here's the link. We're putting it out there. You can't. We're about to do it. So yeah, let's let's let's do this, right? Oh, boy. Yeah, that's right.
It's okay.
Nice. All right. All right. Let's talk some food. we we also of course as usual oh my gosh wait guys hold on you can't just blow past this what it why this was i i listen to the show on the podcast every week and um you guys talk about stuff and i can't see it so i'm like trying to get the mental picture and like you know i know i can look it up later or look in the show notes or whatever but like Right now, you guys are about to talk the food, and I can see the same pictures that you guys see. You know what? That's why we need to do more live, right? Because you can actually see what we're talking about, right? Yeah, I like that. I'm already done with the snowman. Olaf looks like he's gained some weight. i Really quickly. ah So dumb idiot wants to know what level on Patreon gets the live rendition of ah of a Food Time. There is no...
Listen, I am not it. I'm not a singer. Okay, like I can't sing food time. I would love to do it for you guys. But it's just it's never gonna happen. So I don't know if we have a Patreon level that could get us to you. I don't think you can give us enough money to make a Well, the last time we said something like that, ah Damon made $100 shirt and then someone bought it. remember If you remember correctly. We're not singing anything for $100. All right. All right. Let's talk food, right? OK.
All right, wow. Okay, let's let's start off let's start off here. We got Main Street Bakery. Okay, this is, by the way, this is specific. This is the foodie guide for Mickey's very Merry Christmas party. Even though Halloween is not over yet, it will be very soon and everything will switch over very quickly as we all know. yeah so and then And then Kermit, you'll you'll have to start dressing like from Christmas Carol. um Oh yeah. um Tiny Tim.
um Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. jenneth saying bring on christmas i agree i'm excited for christmas she wants me to prep the christmas tree that that's what jenn- jenn wants me to- wait right now? yes no oh no yeah not happening why don't you get what is today it's like the 25th right so you're gonna wait for you're gonna wait seven days seven days november 1st boom
before Before we get into into food here, Jeff wants to know, what is a good age for kids to attend not so scary and or very merry asking for my eight week old? That seems a little early, Jeff, but by the way, congratulations on the on the on the kid. That's great. Can I point can i politely disagree?
But like, I think that eight week old would be pretty much fine as long as you put like, you know, um maybe some blankets around the head for like, if it gets a little bit noisier, stay out of the noisy areas. Like eight months old aren't afraid of spooky imagery. but I don't know if that's the question though.
right But I mean, like an 18 month old might be getting a little nervous at the not so very scary ah Halloween party, but an eight week old, like as long as the noise is in his hand, it'll be OK. See, Carmen, I didn't take it as the scariest thing. I took it more as you're spending a lot of money on this. when is that what What age would do they actually appreciate it for the money? like i thought all the I thought all the babies under two were basically luggage. That's true. That's fair. yeah that that's that's fair it's just like like Here's my knapsack. Here's my fanny pack. Here's my kid. You got the baby holder in the front and the backpack in the back. It's kind of like a growth.
yeah All right, well, let's feel I feel very merry is is any time but I feel not so scary at age like kids should be a little bit older before you. Yeah, because I mean, it's you know, kids all react differently. Like you kind of know your own kid and they would be okay with it. I i feel like the this the parade can definitely be a little intense for a little ones. Oh man, I love it when those grave digger guys, when they, when they rake the shovel across the ground. with the music art um i that That's my favorite part too. Yeah. That's that's the cool part. Yeah. And it's my blood pumping. All right. let's Let's get back to talking about the food. Yeah. talk about the talk Yeah. We're not going to play the song. I mean, I would love to play the song again, but I don't want to, you know,
drive off too many people. So that red thing, what is that? That's got a lot of red dye in it. That's, yeah, I mean, that's gonna, yeah, that's gonna be an interesting thing. It's a flourless chocolate cake, hot cocoa mousse, and marshmallow topped with chocolate pieces. Oh, so is that one gluten-free then? It's flourless? I mean- Is that for a gluten-free friends? It's gluten-free, but I mean, maybe we can make some assumptions there, I guess. I don't know. A mailbox from- Yeah, it is a mailbox, which and actually it's a pretty convincing looking mailbox. And I like the fact that the flag is a candy cane.
Yeah, the this is good themed food, in my opinion. Yeah, they didn't just slap they didn't just slap three circles on it and call it Disney, right? Yeah, exactly. That's what we've been complaining about you know sometimes. They don't do it all the time. They just do it sometimes.
Okay, this now we're getting into something. oh one Okay, yeah. So gingerbread milkshake, which and so that's not pictured, I don't think though, right? so But we do have a peppermint brownie sundae, which is the brownie topped with peppermint ice cream, hot fudge, and chocolate chocolate granola with candy cane pieces. Peppermint and hot fudge is delicious.
That's a good combination. Yeah. You know what, though? Sometimes gingerbread makes my throat itch. I don't know why. I mean, mild allergy or a bit odd. Could be. But yeah, that fudge Sunday needs to move over for this cookie, though. That cookie. Yeah. OK. Peppermint cookie. That's the winner. I wonder if you can bite the cookie without all the stuff coming out of the side that you know, that is a problem kind of stick in front and fluffy.
that That is always a problem, but this is ah it' so it's a peppermint ice cream sandwich between two oatmeal peppermint chuck oatmeal peppermint chip cookies and rolled in candy cane pieces. If they keep it refrigerated, I bet it's fine. I don't know. Even if it's a little melty, I don't care. It's peppermint. Yeah, I bet it's good. yeah So this isn't pictured, but they do talk about a gingerbread milkshake.
yeah that's what Yeah, that's the one that I was talking about. I think it'll make my throat weird. Yeah, I mean probably, but it's vanilla ice cream, gingerbread syrup, ginger snap crumbles topped with whipped cream and a chocolate piece. It's too bad we don't have a picture of that. because Oh wait, no, is that it right there? Oh it is, okay. Yeah, that's everything. I would have Piggy order one of those and then I would just like take a sip, but not too much.
just just a little bit it's probably really sweet right it's probably really sweet um but yeah i mean i would i would definitely eat this and what is this piece of cake thing here that's a s'mores cake that that's right up your alley oh man that's i'm all about s'mores i think i think if anybody's listening to the show that i you know i love s'mores so Anything with the frosting to cake ratio that looks not favorable, I'm down for it. It's really it's interesting though, because it's it's a it's a chocolate cake with chocolate ganache, toasted marshmallow mousse, and sugar snowflakes. Marshmallow mousse sounds good, especially if it's got a little bit of toast in it. like ah yeah Not toast like bread that's been toasted, but like that smoky flavor. Yeah.
I do like that this like they it's not just like a s'mores cake, but they've got like the blue but like it's meant to look like icy or like winter. Yeah, like it's it's again, they're actually paying attention to their theming, which is is nice, which is always appreciated. Yeah, like Elsa approved that thing was like, let it go, so let it go.
Yeah, that that's totally ah in there with the with an Elsa song for sure. I feel like Casey's is always trying to top themselves for the weirdest hot dog that they can make, because now we have the holiday dinner hot dog and all beef hot dog with turkey and gravy, fried onions and cranberry sauce. I don't want that. I'm not going to lie. No, no, no, no for me. No, OK. I do like a hot turkey sandwich with cranberry sauce in it, but I don't know how that goes with a hot dog.
Yeah, it's I don't know. I mean, and then they basically did the exact same thing with fries, right? So they did like a I'm not going to say poutine, Trevor, because I know it's not poutine. But hey, they actually called it loaded French fries. They did. They called it loaded fries. They didn't try to pretend like it was a poutine. I know. Yeah. um So that looks good. I mean, I would eat both of these. I love I love Thanksgiving dinner. ah You know, I'm i'm looking forward to that. I think I'm more drawn to the fries because it wouldn't have the hot dog taste underneath it.
like yeah you know like I think i think the the fries are more like a blank canvas, so I'm down with that with the toppings, but a hot dog doesn't seem like a great vessel for cranberry sauce to me. ah Yeah, I mean, i I don't disagree with you. I feel like you'd really be like... i But then you got the salty sweet going on there too, right, Trevor? goes I just don't... like like Cranberry sauce is a very specific flavor, and I feel it goes with like... you know, like turkey or like holiday type stuff. A hot dog has never been something on my plate at a holiday meal. So that's fair. That's fair. I don't think it works. They do also have a candy cane tart, which ah they've had before, which looks perfectly basic.
um you know So which is fine doesn't need to be anything complicated But then they also have a black currant and mint lemonade, which we don't have a picture of but sounds delicious I don't know if I've ever had a black currant. What's that taste like? I don't i like a berry. I don't know it's Okay, like a huckleberry so yeah yeah Yeah, maybe I'm just making stuff up. I'm on the show and yeah you You can see and say whatever you want Well, everyone else bailed on us tonight, Kermit. So it's nice that at least you came to join us today. Well, I hope I didn't suck up all the oxygen in the room. No, not at all. I might have freaked some people out. I'm like, oh, my goodness. I don't want to go on there. Everybody's famous. Usually, we have so many people joining us. But I know a lot of our regulars wanted to join, and we're busy tonight. But that's what happens sometimes. Hey, listen, maybe we'll do a holiday show this year like we did a couple of years ago. I'd be happy to do another holiday live show.
you know maybe uh i saw there was more people on like at the beginning like 10 or 12 people maybe uh don't line up a guest and then just be like hey everybody come on in that's fair uh you listen dumba idiot too It makes me sound like I'm insulting you. No, I appreciate all of the engagement that is coming is coming from the chat and coming from our ah comments. So thank you guys for answering all these questions. I'm not discounting your contributions to the show. So thank you. I appreciate it. All right. So main effects.
Yeah, we got a lot of stuff to go through, so we should probably like there's a lot of stuff. and it All right. I'll try to keep the chatter to a minimum, but, you know, I'm like, I'm a stream of consciousness guy, you know, I just see something that sparks my imagination.
It's all good, it's all good. So we got a festive pretzel, which is a jumbo pretzel with chocolate hazelnut drizzle, AKA Nutella, caramel sauce, Twix cookie bar pieces, and festive sprinkles. I'm all about this right here. I would totally eat this.
Piggy and my tadpole would like tear that thing apart in like two seconds. I'm never been big on the jumbo pretzels. i'm the The donut is where it's at for me, that red velvet donut. Yeah, so the red velvet Christmas wreath donut, yeah.
but I mean, listen, I would eat all of these things. I'd eat this hot cocoa churro too. It's churro rolled in hot cocoa. I mean, why wouldn't you? Now now the drink it says is gingerbread Coca-Cola. If it's not rolled in cinnamon, is it cinnamon and chocolate or just chocolate? Because if it's not cinnamon, I'm not sure it's a churro anymore.
Yeah, I i mean, i get I get what you're saying there. Oh, Francisco has entered the chat. Hey, buddy. Donut all the way. Francisco, I am a huge fan of your memes, by the way. like You were one of the original meme masters. yeah Huge fan. I'm a Francisco fan from way back.
I, right on we love Francisco too. ah Um, yeah, no, I think this is one of those situations though. It's like, when you get a, you know, like a fifties prime time has vanilla Coke, but it's really just Coke. And they throw like a squirt of vanilla in there, right? Like all they're doing is putting gingerbread syrup in there. Right. Hmm. Yeah. But I mean, I, I just can't imagine like gingerbread and Coke. Again, I'm just trying to figure out how the.
Like, does that actually work? I i don't know. yeah Just thinking about it is making my throat tingle again. um Yeah. No, listen, i I don't even know where you get gingerbread syrup from. i'm I'm not even sure. Like that's the thing you could just go by, right? I have no idea. Yeah. So, but yeah, thank you Francisco for, I think that's a, yeah, I think you're.
That said, go get them horns. Yeah. Yeah, there you go. Let's just go. Yeah. ah All right. So this popcorn cart has the same thing as everybody else. Oh, we got to stop at Aloha Isle, of course, yeah for the holiday pineapple orange guava juice float pineapple, orange, guava juice, coconut soft serve and a spice pineapple tree pop. That feels like a lot.
I'm sure it's good. like Every time I've ever had like any of these like festive things from Aloha Isle or yeah Sunshine Tree Terrace, it's good. and I just mentally categorize them as pog juice variants. I mean, it's kind of what they are, and right? i mean And then the next one is the the cranberry citrus float, which is Sprite, Winter Spice, Cranberry, and Fruit.
Boba pearls topped with that's that's interesting and I would totally try that Trevor are you are you on board with that yeah Boba and dole whip I didn't think I've never thought about the two of them together but I need to try Boba and dole whip now like the Boba that's a tapioca right the little balls of tapioca yeah little little orbs yeah yeah that I'm there for that I really want to try that hmm Yeah, i that's I mean, it's it's actually I went to my local soft serve place recently, you know, one of those, one of those places where you you'd serve your own soft serve and then you put your own toppings on it. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I was there last weekend and they had they had a bunch of different dull flavors like so they had the dull pineapple, but they had a dull watermelon, which is what I got. Oh, delicious.
ah Um, I mean, it was extremely, that's the perfect word for a Kermit. It was refreshing. It was, uh, you know, it was, it was just, just very nice to eat. So yeah, yeah, I enjoyed that. So let's see what we got here. Golden Oak Outpost, which is one of those things that you feel like you see open sometimes, right? Um,
but so the the the variation of the beignets at the various places though it's so different like yeah it's almost like you need a beignet profile before you order something because you're like is this one of the hollow ones is this one of the kind of doughy ones is this one kind of fluffy one they're like there's their beignets are all over the spectrum all over the place. Well, yeah that they have a holiday chicken nugget platter, which is crispy chicken nuggets with sage butter, cranberry barbecue glaze served with mashed potatoes and corn. and I like how they're just trying to take chicken nuggets and make them into like a fancy dish. like you know It's replacing the turkey in your holiday meal with chicken nuggets. I tell you what though, i'm not a pose im not oppos every of an 11 year old is cheering right now. Oh, no, of course. Yeah.
That's true, but we were all about the chicken nuggets when when my son was younger. Listen, you don't need an 11-year-old. I'm cheering for this, okay? i can get okay there's you know ah Then we have festive beignets. So these are light and fluffy beignets dusted with blue sugar, cookie dust, and cookie butter icing. That actually sounds delicious. Yeah.
Yeah, I like it sometimes when you have a shake and they throw like a whole bunch of like cookie chunks in there, like even I like my dust robust, robust, robust dust. Yeah. So then we have a fried ice cream Christmas tree, which is peppermint ice cream rolled in cereal topped with green cookie butter, whipped cream and festive sprinkles. I don't know about you guys. So I love fried ice cream. And this is this is going to be a random reference that I don't know if anybody knows anymore. But I always used to get that at Chi-Chi's.
I knew you were going to say that. Yeah, because that's where you get it. yeah yeah You get it at Chichi's, right? And then Chichi's is gone now. And so you can't really get fried ice cream anywhere. Well, there used to be a place ah on the World Showcase. um Funny enough, it wasn't over near Mexico. I i don't know. For some reason, I always equate fried ice cream with the Mexico area. We used to have a Mexican restaurant in town that made fried ice cream. I don't know if fried ice cream is a traditional Mexican street or if I just think that because the restaurants serve it. he gets a cheat cheese
Yeah, I mean... I wasn't sure if you would know Chi-Chi's. I didn't know Chi-Chi's made its way up north there. Oh yeah, we had a Chi-Chi's. I've left the pond before, Tom. No, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the Canadian. I was talking to the Canadian. Chi-Chi's says, it's like Mexican Arby's. I kind of think it's more like Mexican Applebee's. Yeah, I think it's closer to that. But yeah, we had a Chi-Chi's.
Well, it's gone now. It doesn't exist anymore, unfortunately. So we have that. But let's go down to Pecosville, Taltel, and Cafe. Oh, man, that place has made so many transitions over the years. I hope whatever you're about to show us is good. I used to love Pecosville. Hold on, but just remember, this is only for the party. so like ah you know This is limited time stuff.
So we have carne asada loaded fries. Again, they didn't call it poutine. Seasoned french fries with carne asada, chipotle queso, caramelized onion, avocado salsa verde, and queso fresco. Oh, that does sound good to me.
Yeah, that's fine. I wonder if maybe they they heard, maybe I complained loud enough that they heard about the, you know, stop calling a poutine and they're just going all loaded. pride Surprised the Canadian didn't like Sue the company or whatever. Just like maybe. Yeah, it could have happened. Yeah. I tell you what, does anybody here, can we just reminisce about when you used to be able to walk in that place and take like three cups of guacamole away from the toppings bar and nobody would even look sideways at you?
Well, maybe if you didn't take so much of it, Kermit, that we ah they they'd still have to be somewhere. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? The three cups was like the lesser amount. Some people were walking out of there with like punch bowls. Yeah. OK. How about a car salted caramel horchata? I'm not. ah I don't know really much about horchata. I don't think I've ever had it before, but you never had horchata. I don't think so. Horchata is really good. Nor have I.
it's the It's a go-to. There's there's ah a place a place in town here that we get horchata from, and me and my son really like it. What is that? Can you describe briefly horchata? The best way to describe it is like rice milk. so it's It's got a bit of a like rice flavor to it, but it's okay very refreshing. Like thin tapioca? Kind of, yeah. but but it's yeah it's not it to Yeah. It's, it's not like super creamy. It's, it's a, it's still a very refreshing drink. Sounds like you could put some boba in there and it'd be nice. Good. Yep. Good. Yeah. Uh, this chocolate, uh, eggnog tart has been around for a while. I feel like I remember seeing this in years past. That looks like a reindeer. Yeah. Yeah. I don't. Yeah. That's, that's not new. No, that's not. It looks familiar. You know who would know? Do you guys remember Ziggy? Do you guys remember Ziggy? We haven't talked to Ziggy in a long time. We don't know why. I hope that guy's okay. They're doing well.
yeah Yeah, you know, we have kind of lost touch with Ziggy. um Yeah. If you talk to him, tell him I say, hey, I'm a big fan. We will. So I've got to get to a comment here from Jen. Too bad the cute tart is ruined by eggnog. I agree with you on that one, Jen. I am not an eggnog fan. No, yeah I'm sorry you're misinformed. Eggnog is perfect. And and Francisco says not to be confused with rum chata. Well, I've had that. I've had rum chata. Does it taste like horschata just with the alcohol piece? is that
Don't know, I've never had runchata, so I don't know. Okay, well, fair enough. Let's go over to Sleepy Hollow, which is one of my go-tos whenever I want a snack in Magic Kingdom. Orange chicken tenders, fried chicken tenders with orange soy glaze, glass noodles, green onions, and crispy garlic. That's gonna be this one up here. That sounds pretty good, actually. Yeah, it's a weird addition to a... To Sleepy Hollow. Well, especially specifically a holiday menu.
That's it. Similarly, they also have Szechuan cauliflower. Again, I don't I don't know why they're advertising these specifically during the Christmas party. Where's the cauliflower? Right below. There's not a picture of it, but it's OK. Yeah. So there's also brownie peppermint bark, which I'm always a favorite bark. I mean, I feel like anytime they can make like a vegetarian option or a gluten-free option, it helps out a lot of people. there's i want to um you know like Back in the 70s, I didn't know anybody who was gluten-free, and there were not as many vegetarians, but there was a lot of vegetarians and gluten-free guys. and you know I think it's nice that they have some snacks for them, too. yeah and so It's always always a good thing. and Then we've got a red velvet waffle.
uh sundae so you got you know the mickey shaped waffle it's red velvet it's got some m&m's and some peppermint ice cream and some hot fudge yeah that's vegetarian yeah yeah and then also the milk and cookie mousse which i would also i would eat that i would destroy that milk and cookie mousse it sounds delicious those are repeats from previous they are repeats that's true yes so it's it's good that they come back every year though Whoa, that right there. That thing's art. Look at this. Wow. OK. Gingerbread cake, gingerbread chiffon cake with cream cheese frosting, dolce ganache and a chocolate piece. That looks delicious and also very cool.
Very fancy. It is. Especially for Columbia Harbor House. No offense to Columbia Harbor House. I think it's a fine quick service, but it's just, uh, yeah, no. I think they had a lobster roll there once. Yeah. They make a different, they make a decent lunch, man.
Yeah, I was fine with it. All right. Gingerbread cake. oh but Pinocchio Village House is going to have some some flatbreads because that's what they do. Lasagna flatbread, Italian sausage, meatballs, five cheese mix, ricotta cheese and pesto. OK.
And then a brief flatbread, flatbread, I can't speak, breechy spread, mango chutney, green apples, arugula, almonds and a honey drizzle. So that one is the one if you oh man want to be fancy or I guess semi-healthy. I mean, no, no, a ball of fried cheese covered with honey is not healthy. I mean, thats it's health it's healthier than the lasagna flatbread.
Now, one thing to note, these are only available until 9 30 during the Christmas party. So I'm guessing this is like a giving you a dinner option early on in the party. And then, you know, if you get far enough into the party, you can't just go and like, you know, hit up Pinocchio village house for like, you know, like 12 PM pizza or something like that. At least it gets dark early too. Like on on on the days when it gets darker, I don't mind eating like a 4 30 dinnertime, like an early dinner.
And then that way, by like, you know, 830 or so, I'm ready to hit some of this stuff pretty good before it goes away. I bet you're with me on this, Carmen. I feel like one of the best parts of going on a cruise is like the 11 o'clock at night pizza

Personal Reminiscences and Show Closing

slice, you know? Oh, yeah. I like to go I'll go sink karaoke. And they're like, you know, they'll kick you out of the lounge for a little while while they pick up all the glasses and stuff. And you go to the all you can eat pizza place. And so good.
Did we mention the Black Forest Parfait? Flourless chocolate cake with chocolate mousse and cherry Chantilly topped with brandy cherry compote and chocolate popping candies. That sounds like it has more things in it than it looks like it has. Well, I mean, it's ah it's like a take on German chocolate, right? well this German chocolate's got coconut in it. Has this thing got any coconut in it?
I did not see coconut in there. Yeah, so it's probably just like, hold the coconut. It's a chocolate cherry combination. yeah yeah Sounds good to me. let's good Let's get ourselves down to the Friars Nook here for a holiday pot roast hot dog. It seems like Friars Nook is ah trying to compete with Casey's for the weirdest hot dog. All beef hot dog topped with braised pot roast, Swiss fondue, horseradish mustard, and crispy onions.
No, that sounds way better than cranberry though. That's going to be true. Yeah. I mean, yeah. I mean, it sounds like a, it sounds like a, um, like a chef's version of a Michigan. You, watch you want to talk about something that would end up all over my shirt while I was eating it. Tom, does does your wife chew you out if you try to wear a bed?
I mean, I've done it before. i yeah i yeah like I was dating Piggy. When I first started dating Piggy, I put a bib on my shirt because I sometimes get stuff on my shirt. And Piggy is like, Kirby, this is not going to work out if you are an adult frog wearing a bib at the table on a date. And I was like, OK. Would you rather me be covered in food? that's and I took it off and I was like, I leaned forward the whole meal. I made it through, but it was difficult.
ah We also, just to go back now, because we got off track here, so sugar cookie hand pie. So a sugar cookie dough wrapped in a flaking flaky crust with icing and festive sprinkles. That sounds pretty good. I would eat that. that's That's this one up here. And then we've got, it says this is, you know, it's funny, it says this is new, but I feel like I remember this from past years. So maybe I'm just making that up in my head. and but or Well, that was also like the first picture that we saw when we opened up the site. so It's fair. yeah Maybe that's your memory of 15 minutes ago coming back and going, I've seen this before. You know what? That's that's fair. that's fair yeah That's fair. All right. Let's let's get down to storybooks treat storybook treats here. There's a lot of new stuff, by the way. This this is a lot of new stuff.
um Sugar Plum Vanilla sweet vanilla Soft Serve of Sunday, Sugar Plum Vanilla Soft Serve Swirled, dipped in celebration cake cone dip topped with like i mean I think it's a sugar plum confetti cake. Should I just call it a sugar plum confetti cake? Yeah, and that's fine, but i just you said dip what you dipped in celebration cone dip. like it's in It's double dipped, maybe? I don't know. Okay. Well, I mean, listen, regardless, it looks good. Yeah. I would eat that.
I would well look at this. OK, look, we got a festive pretzel, but we don't have a picture of it. But we have this ah Santa belt buckle, which I think I've seen before this. I don't this is not news, though. No, that's not new. Then the hot chocolate hot cocoa, which we talked about before, and the festive pretzel is the same one we talked about earlier. So we did have a picture for it.
Cheshire Cafe. We do have a a new whoopie pie over there. So we've got, wait, which dessert are you referring to? This is my dessert. Do you know which one your wife is referring to, Trevor? I'm not sure because we kind of passed by a couple. i'm I'm wondering if it was the confetti cake one.
Oh, OK. Gotcha. Gotcha. So we have a bit of a delay from when we build chat. to Yeah. So we have this whoopee pie, which is a chocolate cake sandwich with marshmallow mint buttercream. You know, I don't want to say this is a throwing a piece of chocolate on top of a regular thing, but it's not far off. I mean, was it needed? I don't think the extra piece of white chocolate on top. Yeah. Like I do like that it looks like Christmas lights, though. That's that's cool.
yeah Yeah, I mean, yeah I guess that's fair. I also get mad i don't get mad whenever they put extra frosting pretty much on anything. ha yeah pray That's true. yeah I won't argue with extra frosting. How about the cherry cordial cold brew? I love cherry cordial, but I don't drink coffee, so this is I would love to have this if it wasn't coffee.
ah Yeah, i I would not have this just because, again, it's a cold brew and I don't want that at like 10 o'clock at night. o That's a fair point. What if you need it to stay up, though? I don't know. Yeah, I don't need that to stay up. Fair enough. Fair enough. There's nothing new at cosmic rays. It's all old stuff. So hot roast sandwich. which which parker Which park is this in?
What do you mean, which park is it in? I'm sorry, I got lost. Are we in Magic Kingdom still? Yeah, this is all the Christmas party. Oh, it's in the Christmas party. Oh my gosh, Kermit, you're losing your mind here, man. So here, let's go straight to anti-gravities here because this is, so because you weren't paying attention, Kermit, you get the lump of coal in your stock. That's exactly right. I had that coming. You did have any go. The reason why I was asking is because sometimes I like to like, oh, uh,
you know when you're over in animal kingdom and you're like hey you can have a dull whip and they're like sure and you're like can you sneak a little rum in there and they're like sure we didn't sneak a little rum in there what are you talking about you're not supposed to see me doing that oh my gosh and so wait um well you know tom i'm 50 years old and my bones ache sometimes okay here okay I can't. Oh my gosh. All right. Uh, lump of cola in your stocking, cookies and cream shake, topped with whipped cream, cookies and cream crumbles, and a chocolate donut hole. I mean, that's right up my alley. I love cookies and cream anything. So I would, I would get that in a heartbeat. Yeah. Yup.
That looks good. and then Yeah, that's right. Yeah. And and then the other the next was the smoky chocolate brown sundae, which this looks similar to the confetti cake one. It just looks like it's a brownie instead of confetti cake. which What makes it smoky, though? Do they like the smoky chocolate soft serve? I know. But like what does that mean? like Do they put like artificial smoke in it or something? like what is Probably. OK. Yeah. That's interesting. I would try that just to see that the smoky part of it, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, I think the rest of it is that might be it. Yeah, I think that's it. So that might be it. So that was a long list. It was a long list, but it it was it was good. And this is a good time for us to to wrap things up. So, yeah, you know, thank you guys all for joining us. We really appreciate those that ah just the time. Sorry, Alexis, you just missed food time. Oh, man. Food time, food time. time Everybody in his food time. It's not here in his food time.
Well, you can the good news is we did this live, but of course, this is available on our YouTube page. It's also available on Facebook so you can rewatch it if you want to. um and you know But thank you thank you for chiming in, Alexis, right as we're leaving here. ah Thank you. um but you know So like I said, thank you guys for joining us. We we had a good time with this. you know always Always have a fun time. Thank you to everybody that participated. Thank you to SuperRibbit over here.
Really appreciate it. Thanks for joining. us it was It was really nice seeing you guys. like we missed I missed doing it last year. um And yeah, I hope you do it again. I hope it's still the annual tradition. yeah We're going to get back to this more. Don't worry. yeah we We hope to see you guys more like this. Yeah. and And Mary said, Fantastic Live tonight, guys. is A lot of fun to be able to communicate in real time. It really is. It's actually fun for us, too, because like yeah usually we're just reacting to each other. So it's kind of fun to react in real time to you guys. so Except ignore Francisco's comment. what Time for some frog light? Oh my gosh. Oh, Francisco, come on! her oh Yeah, well I think we'll do we'll do a Christmas show. All right, guys. Talk to you soon. Thanks, everybody.
bye everybody