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Episode 282: Halloween, DVC Lounge & Jellyrolls Rumor image

Episode 282: Halloween, DVC Lounge & Jellyrolls Rumor

Welcome Home: A Disney Parks & DVC Podcast
971 Plays4 months ago

On This Episode

The guys talk about how they spent Halloween this year. The EPCOT DVC lounge reopened after a long refurbishment. New buyer incentives have been released for the Island Tower at Disney’s Polynesian Villas & Bungalows. According to rumors, the Spider-Man stuntronic show at Disney California Adventure may be ending soon. The guys discuss a rumor that Jellyrolls Piano Bar at Disney’s BoardWalk will close permanently next year.

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Introduction and Sponsorship

This is Skipper Albert A. Wall, the voice of the jungle, broadcasting on the DVC to all points unknown. If you're within the sound of my voice, you're listening to Welcome Home Podcast on the DVC.
Hello and welcome home. This episode of Welcome Home is brought to you by DVC Rental Store. Thank you for joining us on episode 282 of Welcome Home, a Disney Parks and Vacation Club podcast.

Halloween Candy Preferences

I'm Tom, I'm here with Trevor. How's it going, Trevor? Hey, how's it going? How is your, or I guess post Halloween, because we're recording this like right after Halloween. So hopefully everyone had a good Halloween, but how was yours? No, I did. I mean, it was a good Halloween. It was nice weather, you know.
You know, we got i my daughter. Unfortunately, she really likes the kind of like, how many how am I going to put this? She likes more of like the fruit based kind of candies. You know what I mean? Whereas I like like chocolate based kind of things.
Like the, um, Oh, where they called the like jolly ranchers and like, yeah, smarties. And she just, she likes that kind of stuff. And I prefer prefer smarties or smarties are. Oh, I'm sorry. I forget your, your smarties are different than our smarties. Wait, you have a different smarties than we do. Yeah. Very different. our Ours are chocolate. They're, they're, they're, they're better. Okay. For, it for all the Canadians out there, they're listening to this and you know, okay, I got to get you some smarties now, Tom.
Um, ah yeah, no, I need a better version. They're a better version of M&Ms. Okay. But do you know of like the American smarties? Like, do you yeah have those in Canada? They're just called something else. They're called rockets. So it took me a minute to realize what you were talking about. yeah Rockets have that like fruity taste to them. yeah Okay. All right. fair yeah So that's the kind of stuff my daughter likes, which is unfortunate because I want to steal her candy, but I much prefer to have chocolate. I think I've made it very clear on this podcast many times. And I love chocolate. Yeah, i I really love chocolate. And so luckily my wife overbought on candy. So we have like two entire bags of candy left. So I'm like score for me.

Halloween Costumes Discussion

ah But ah so so Trevor, my daughter was a bunny rabbit this year for Halloween. That's what she decided she wanted to do. And, um you know, my wife and I decided we weren't going to dress up this year. So I was like, OK, whatever. we're not going use So we were trick or treating with one of my wife's friends.
who last year, her daughter was a bunny rabbit. And she just so happened to have a I don't even know how you describe this. It was a carrot. thing that went on my head. Like a hood, but like but just like a carrot top? Basically, the top of the carrot was on top of my head and the bottom of the carrot was under my chin. like My face was in the middle of the carrot. She was like, here, take this carrot. I was like, okay, because I don't care. but like i'll I'll walk around. But I was like, I got to stand next to my daughter or else like this i'm just otherwise I'm just an out of context carrot walking around. like you know i think that That's just weird.
action it's better that I like when yeah you know if your daughter was dressed like as something totally different and you were just wearing the carrot and it's like, so you're a carrot? Yeah.

Halloween Traditions and Games

yeah yeah larry yeah it's It's better than what I was last year and I think I talk i i talked about this on the show is I i had um You know, we we were all different versions of Spider-Man last year. And so I had the full body Spider-Man outfit on, which, listen, you know, if you're in great shape, you know, good for you. Wear the Spider-Man outfit. Tom, not in great shape. but So.
I mean, I was for I don't care. Like I said, I have no shame about these things. It's Halloween. That's what you do. Right. So yeah I don't really care. Well, ah well the those kind of costumes don't work around here anyway, because it's always like, yeah, it's like around zero. You don't want to be wearing like a Spider-Man costume.
That seems like it would be kind of rough. Yeah. Yeah. No, that doesn't work. Yeah. Well, and I know I know your Halloween looks a lot different than my Halloween. It was. Yeah. So so our my Halloween was um pretty low key in that.
We we actually didn't even hand out candy this year and it was it was mainly because The street that we live on we don't um There's not a lot of young kids around here anymore. Like a lot of the kids are my son's age, which is like teenager and older So we didn't we do in the last couple years We haven't gotten a lot of kids and so we decided this year that we were not going to bother trying to hand out candy and you know buying candy and all that and we actually decided to instead just have a, it was me and my wife and my son just having our own little Halloween thing where we sat down and played a scary game together. So for anyone who's into scary games, we played one called Dead Rising, which I suddenly may argue is not, it is definitely a scary game, but it is, it's the equivalent of like watching like the Dawn of the Dead, which is like Dawn of the Dead is very campy and like,
Like what's it's, it's my wife and I used to play Left 4 Dead before, which is going to be like that, but also scary. Yeah. Left 4 Dead is definitely more, is it it's more intense overall than Dead Rising. Dead Rising is very like, like right off the bat, it's very tongue in cheek and there's a lot of jokes and stuff, but it still has that like,
Serious overtone to it. So we played that mainly because my son had never seen it before. And so we kind of want like we've done this has actually kind of become a tradition for us at Halloween is that we like sit down because my wife and I played a lot of different horror games over the years. And so the ones that we used to love playing when we were younger that you know, we couldn't play when my son was younger. Now we're like, Oh, hey, let's all sit down and play together. And so he's kind of getting a taste of the stuff that that we

Unconventional Halloween Treats

like. and yeah and yeah like it's it's it's kind of a
it's a weird It's a weird bonding experience when I say it out loud, but it's it's a good one like because we're all like like it's something for all of us to enjoy together. so yeah that's That's how our Halloween was spent. was Well, that's good. not Not the traditional way, which I honestly don't think is a bad thing. I don't and don't think everybody needs to necessarily do Halloween the same way, just like Christmas. Right. So there was, there was one table that we went to. So like in my neighbor, ive I live in a very large neighborhood to the point where we get so many trick or treaters because people from other places literally drive to our neighborhood park and then a trick or treat here.
um hunting for the full size candy bars and so oh shit they exist here. yeah Yeah, I know they're here. um But you know, we we just get a lot of trick or treaters because there's just a lot of houses. It's a big neighborhood. And um so most people will set up like tables at the end of their driveway. Sometimes they're themed, sometimes they're not, you know, it just depends on you know how into it the people are.
And there was this one table at this one house where the guy had, he had a bowl of chocolate, then they were all marked, he was chocolate candy, and then non-chocolate candy, and then Pokemon cards.
So like if you didn't want candy at all, you could get some Pokemon cards. That's a cool idea. I actually, I really like that. Cause yeah, not, not every kid, you know, even talking about, you know, you and your daughter's preference in candy, you know, you know, sometimes kids have very specific, you know, candy preference and there's also allergies too, right? like Well, there's that. Yeah.
Like I thought that was very sensitive to have that where it's like, oh, well, maybe some of these kids you know can't have this and't or don't want candy and prefer that. Oh, and they also had to like a bucket of like ah just like random like games. And the one I saw from afar that

Childhood Halloween Memories

I was that like hit me in like the childhood, you know, people was and and I don't know if you had these in Canada, but I'm assuming you did. Do you remember like the it was like ah in like a little white ah envelope and it was a fortune teller and it was like a red fish and you held it in your hand and it would like.
It would like curl up. Do you know what I'm talking about? No. Okay. I'm trying to envision this and I have no idea what you're talking about. Yeah. So like I saw that. I hadn't seen one of those since like, I don't know, in forever. And I saw that and I was like, I can't believe this guy has this. Like, where did this come from? I'm sure somebody out there knows what I'm talking about. but yeah I'm going to send you this so you can see what it looks like. Sure. Yeah. So maybe maybe you don't maybe don't ring a bell. But yeah, like so this guy had like so much cool stuff. And i and he I mean, he had a lot of Pokemon cards. I don't know if like this dude, just like one of his kids moved out and he was trying to get rid of all the Pokemon cards that he had in his garage. But.
Do you know a lot of Pokemon cards? Okay, first of all, I've never seen this fish. thing feeling or this This is this is unusual to me. The Pokemon cards thing, I guess it can be seen in one of two ways. Either this guy is, you know, really nice and considerate.
Or he is chaotic neutral and he's planning to create havoc on the schoolyard in the next like week or so. because Because that's the thing too. like Pokemon cards, at least when my son was growing up, there was there was a point like when my son was in elementary that Pokemon cards were like serious business, like the the trading caused fights and stuff. And may maybe that's it could be maybe that was his trick is that, you know, how you don't get the trick on Halloween. It's, you know, in a week when these kids are fighting over Pokemon cards, all the parents that everyone get to deal with the fallout of that. My equivalent of that when I was a kid was pogs. Right. So I, you know, with we we had pogs and you would trade the pogs.
um man I'm sure like half our audience has no idea what I'm talking about when I say pogs. I had a really nice brass slammer at one point, which was actually terrifying because it was really heavy. yeah You probably smashed your fingers with that. yeah yeah Yeah, you could hurt yourself with it.

Themed Costumes and Nostalgia

so yeah man If you don't know what we're talking about with pogs, go Google it.
ah okay that I'm going full 90s with this. I don't care. Mine mine had it had a hologram on it too. yeah You know i have one like that yeah remember everything had holograms on it? So I had this brass one that had like a holographic sticker on the top and it was the coolest thing ever. I loved it. it was did you have like the big I had like the big plastic a briefcase to carry all my pogs around in. like No, I just had a bag for mine. i didn't know i i never We never found like a briefcase or anything. I just i just had a bag with just like all my pogs shoved in it, which I guess probably made it easy to throw out when i when it got to that point.
Oh yeah, like I have no idea what happened to those pogs, honestly. ah They probably got thrown away a long time ago, but ah yeah. So no, I just thought that was so cool. And he also had some like anime stuff there too. And I'm not really into anime, so I don't really know a whole lot of what it was, but it was some, I know it was anime. I just don't know anything about it. um But yeah.
maybe or i guess okay like kids anime i mean yeah still pokemon could be like dragon ball or one piece and stuff like it was one piece that's what it was one piece yeah that was yeah yeah yeah one one piece is pretty like my my son's actually he's very big into one piece and that's like it's it's crazy how big that show is like, like outside of anime is a general thing. Like I can see like putting out one piece stuff and kids like getting excited over it. And especially, I think the Netflix show kind of helped kickstart that again, right? Yeah, so yeah, the the the live action, I think helped boost that. But I mean, one piece, at least in my household, it's like, yeah, I'm
I'm very well aware of what One Piece is. um I'm glad you said it was One Piece and it wasn't like something like Attack on Titan, which would not be okay for for kids. Well, yeah. Okay. I don't know anything about that, but yeah. it's i'm I'm sure there's going to be some listeners out there that are going to appreciate what I just said when you're confused about it, which is fine.
I'm just not into anime. so yeah i But I was you know thinking back to like when I was a kid and like the weirdest stuff I would get while trick or treating. Because I remember like i the neighborhood I lived in when I was like really young, like maybe like first, second grade, there was a dentist in the neighborhood and he would always hand out toothbrushes, yeah which is so lame. like yeah I got one of those one year too. I do yeah do remember getting a toothbrush one year. Yeah. yeah And then also, I remember, too, there was one time I went to a lady's house and, you know, it's it's funny now, Trevor, because and I don't know if it's like this in Canada, too, but like it may be just my neighborhood. I don't know. But everyone puts the tables outside. Right. Like when I was a kid, you had to go up and knock on the door, you know, and someone would come to the door. yeah That doesn't exist anymore. Like people either put stuff out on the front porch or you're you're not. you You skip that house.
you know that's that is weird because up around here it's if the porch lights are on because it's always it's always dark but like how we don't get like evening Halloween it's like dark dark Halloween so um so it the rule is if the porch lights are on you go up and you knock if there's no porch lights on you skip So it makes sense. Yeah. But yeah, you know, kids still they got to come up and they got to work for it. Like you got to make sure those kids are yeah for walking to get their candy. Well, and so I was going to say is one time I went to to up to a lady's house and knocked on the door and she was like, oh, I forgot it's Halloween. And she went into her pantry and got a can of corn and gave it to me. And I was like.
It's like, what am I going to do with this? Yeah. I was like, I was like, I think I'm better declined. I think I might've been like, no, I'm good. I love that from a trick standpoint. Yes. Like faking out like, oh, sorry, I forgot. Here's random thing. And then like giving them something. I think that would be fun. Just like offering up something from the pantry. That's just weird. Yeah, I agree. I agree. I'm trying to think if I saw any really cool Halloween costumes. I mean, you see a lot of the same stuff. It kind of makes me sad that nobody does. I feel like there's a lot of cool 80s and 90s retro stuff that people could do, but kids don't do any of that. There are some interesting ones that we saw.
but think um I think if you if you want to do if you want that to happen, you people got to get their kids watching 80s and 90s shows again. true like i yeah I think we're of that age where like you know we do introduce our kids to that kind of stuff, um yeah yeah but yeah not everybody does. Although I did see i saw on Facebook Reels, um it was It was a kid's Halloween costume where he was dressed as Atreyu from The Never Ending Story.

Halloween Decorations

um he had he had He was walking, he had a little, um it was a horse head on a skateboard behind him, but it was it was the scene where Artax is in the swamp of sadness for everyone that's, you know,
It's been a while since I watched it. It's like the most traumatic part of the movie with the you know the horse and all that. And yeah so there's kids walking around dragging the horse behind him. Oh my gosh. I thought that was hilarious, but at the same time I was like, wow, like of all the things to like do a throwback on is the network that one scene in the Never Ending story.
Yeah, I, there was, I mean, there's some like cool masks out there nowadays, right? Like they can do some really like cool stuff with masks, but yeah, I mean, I was more impressed with some of the decorations at my neighbor's houses and I, listen, I, I don't really do a lot. Like there's like a skeleton hanging from my tree and there's like a couple of tombstones in my yard and that's about it. Um, because I hate like putting all that stuff up for like three weeks and then taking it down again for Christmas. Like, you know, I feel you on that. And it's also up here. You can put that kind of stuff up and it can actually get frozen to the ground because that's the problem. Yeah, that's the problem. So then you have to like rip it out of the ground and then put the the Christmas stuff in. So yeah, I feel like I don't always do a lot of how like this year we didn't do any Halloween decorations because we weren't planning to do anything outside of the house. So I, I'm there with you that, you know, I don't,
I don't like doing it, but around here, I don't know about you, but around here, the bit and the popular thing is the inflatable. oh yeah and playable living There are so many inflatables around here, and I get it too. it's like They're easy. And also, I think that like you know for the the taking down and replacing them with the Christmas stuff, they're relatively easy to do, right? so There's some pretty cool ones too. like there's a lot there were In my neighborhood, there were a lot of giant spiders that were pretty cool. um yeah i mean I saw a lot of really really cool ones out there. so and I used to have inflatables. I had a Mickey vampire one that I used to put up.
But it, uh, it broke last year. So I went to go find it this year and I was like, and I'm sure everybody runs into this. I found the box for it and I was like, but it's not in the box. Where could it be? You know? And I was like, Oh, I think I threw that away last year. I think it broke. Um, but you know, if I have it, I don't know where it is, but, uh, yeah. So, you know, we did like the pumpkin thing too and all that. I'm just not, I like Halloween. It's just, it's not something that I feel like I need to decorate the whole house for, you know?
Yeah, I mean, exactly. that There's different ways to do Halloween. That's that's my take on it, especially like, you know, you' you're not there yet. But, you know, definitely, I'm just going to give this general advice, Tom. And I know, you know, this is that, you know, enjoy these years with your daughter, because she'll eventually hit the point the same as my son did, where you'll be like, hey, you're going trick or treating this year, and you're going to get the You know, like, why like, why would I do

Evolving Halloween Traditions

that? Right. And and then when that happens, there there is a moment of like, yeah, this is like it's sad and and it hurts when they first do it. But like I said, you know, for us, you you know, we kind of turned it into it's now not about the trick or treating and all that. And it's more about, you know, hey, we've got like we have a long list of scary games that we can play on Halloween.
And that's becoming it you know we've replaced it with that which i you know i'm kinda glad that. No we found new ways to keep it going without it having to be you know are you going trick or treating this year right so.
Just keep that in mind. Yeah, no. And I think i I said to you before the show, like when I before. and i But listen, I've talked about this on the show, just even at my daughter's age, like just starting to lose some of the innocence, you know, like some of the the the kid things is is sad. Right. But like that one, you know, I hope is a while off. But I also mentioned to you that my daughter likes handing out candy more than she likes trick or treating. So she loves handing out candy. She was so excited to come back here and hand out candy. So I was like, OK.
Well, you know, yeah maybe maybe that becomes the thing when she's just done with trick or treating that, you know, yeah guys can just hand out candy. That's, that's pretty easy too, right? Yeah, no, it is. It is. It's definitely easy. I mean, you know, when we were, we didn't, when we didn't have a kid to deal with, we also, you know, we used to sit out there, we'd have a fire going, we'd do s'mores. We, you know, we did, we did all sorts of fun stuff and we just nowadays it's, you know, just trying to get everything done in a very short period of time so we can go trick or treating on time. you know so
So anyway, anyway, we just talked for 20 minutes about nothing Disney related, but it's, you know, it's, but but it was Halloween. You know, you know, this is the Halloween

Live Show Reflections

aftermath. It's fine. I hope everybody enjoyed the live show, by the way, if you didn't go watch it, uh, you know, go check it out. I know Trevor and I had a really good time. I enjoyed it. Yeah. It was, it was a lot of fun. Um, I'm yeah, for sure.
I'm looking forward to doing more stuff like that in the future because it's yeah it's been a minute. I forgot how long it's been since we did it. and Yeah. and yeah i'm I'm glad that we are we're figuring that out again. I just have to to mention too, so I don't think I said this when we were on the live show, but i you know if you watch the live show, I was wearing a Sully costume, which you only really saw the top half of Sully, but it was like a full on Wednesday. Yeah, it was basically a Wednesday. Yeah. And it was very warm and comfortable, don't get me wrong. But my wife also happened to be hosting ah her book ah group here that night. And so I had put on the Sally outfit, and then walked out to get a, you know, to get a drink before the show.
And here I am in my full Sully regalia. And my my wife is like, she's she's just, I don't know if she was embarrassed or thought it was funny, but like, she's just like, Oh my God, you look ridiculous. But yeah, I just thought it was funny. The book club ah happened to be here that night. and And all these random people got to see me, ah and see me in my Sully costume. So anyway. Well, now what you got to do though, the next time the book club comes around, you just pick a different costume and just yeah just start showing up and then then, you know, they'll stop questioning it after a while or they'll just, yeah. I had also, my wife and I were reminiscing about years ago, we we went to a wedding that was Halloween themed and so people were supposed to dress up ah in Halloween costumes for the wedding, which is obviously different, right? And my wife and I had done, we were Legends of the Hidden Temple contestants. you Do you remember that show? Did you have that show? Yeah. Yeah, yeah okay. Yeah, I've seen that.
Yeah. So we were, you know, which was really simple to do at the time. And I, I think, you know, we were just being lazy about it, but and but we were reminiscing about that too. Cause that was a fun one. Um, but yeah, anyway, so, so let's talk. All right. Let's let's, let's yeah, let's talk some Disney news. Um, yeah.

EPCOT Member Lounge Updates

All right. So the member lounge is back open. The the EPCOT member lounge. We have to be specific about that we do because there's more than one member lounge. Wow.
the other one doesn't really exist yet. I mean, i get if you want to consider the one at Disney Springs in member law, well, and then the Disneyland one. Okay. Well, yeah I was going to say, I'm sorry, California doesn't exist, Tom. Is that what you're saying? No, it doesn't. why Why am I doing Damon stuff here? He's not even here. So I, now I'm doing the Damon thing of Disney, Disneyland doesn't matter.
Actually, that's another thing we need to talk about because i my sister's going to Disneyland. you know I think I mentioned this in the group. and she's so She's texting me. She's she's like, what do you know about Disneyland? i'm like I know a fair amount of like surface level, but like i don't like I'm not going to know which hotel to tell you to book and like you know all this stuff. trying to tell her, I was like, just do a travel agent. They'll they'll do everything for you. you know Because she's true she's going to Disneyland for like two, three days, and then they're going to a lawning after that, so um which is going to be quite the trip, I feel like, which is something my wife and I want to do too. It's kind of kind of a similar thing that we want to do. But um but anyway, sorry. tell her Tell her to do the travel agent and also if she has questions or stuff, you know you have somebody on this podcast who can you know give advice too. so Well, let's know my sister. so yeah i Yeah, exactly. yeah we've We've had conversations. we' yeah and yeah We've played mini golf together, which I feel makes us you know like yeah his your friends close friends at this point.
yeah Um, but we should, okay. So it's the imagine atrium is what it's called now, yeah which feels like a mouthful, but you know, imagine atrium imagine. I mean, you know, um it kind of flows, I guess. Right. Imagine atrium. Okay. Um, okay. Let's let's talk about,
Let's talk about what's changed here. Not. I mean, the visuals are more that change, I feel like. Right. Because like they they obviously redid a lot of the, um you know, like the colors and stuff like that. ah The redo the carpet. The carpet's the same.
Yeah, the carpet is the same. i the The entrance sign is pretty nice looking, right? Like they definitely put a nice sign there instead of just having that little stand that says DVC member lounge with a piece of paper in it, you know? um Now it's like on the wall. ah And then they also have like they did stuff to the the the um orange juicer in the middle there.
it yeah the Yeah, the center pillar orange juicer looks, uh, I noticed it's like a lot of blue and green that they're doing. Like it's like the blues DVC, but that it seems like they've added in the green to, I'm not sure. It's like a turquoise, right? I mean, it's, yeah, it's almost like a.
I don't know. It's very Florida e it's like ah yeah it's very florida e color. ah Yeah, I guess maybe that's it is it. It's like, it's not that it wasn't bright before, but it definitely felt, you know, previously it felt very stale, right? And and they've added a little bit of color to it.
Well and you know before it was just a while and and to me this says that we're not going to do this yearly thing anymore of is the lounge going to stick around right because it used to be it was a year to year thing at one point and we didn't know if they were going to renew it right because they were technically I don't want to say technically renting the space but they kind of were it was an event space and so like it wasn't really necessarily purpose-built for the DVC lounge now it kind of is right like they went in and made this you know its own thing that is very much themed to DVC and is ah you know it it it looks really good I mean I can't complain too much here it looks it looks really nice to me I like the colors I like the designs
Yeah, like I said, ah yeah, I have no problem with that. I guess but my only comments on it are that the I guess I kind of thought maybe they were going to do more with the seating or like change up the seating. And yeah like I said, the the carpet kind of stood out to me as you know, the carpet feels very um It's not 90s. I don't know. Like the carpet feels a little dated, I guess. is the Oh, see, I don't mind the carpet. I don't mind. It does say they replace all of the seating though. So all the seating is new.
Is, oh, that is new seating, it but yeah yeah I guess it looks or like I'm looking at the pictures and these look like the same chairs and stuff that I've sat in when I've been there. So yeah, I guess maybe they just kept it similar enough that, uh, you know, they, they pro that's fair that maybe they didn't want to go completely different and wild with it because some people are used to, uh, consistency, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. So it's also worth noting too, that they, they replaced the elevator too.
um Oh, yeah, that's right. Yeah. Yeah. so And if anybody's traveled in the elevator, I've ridden it a couple of times because I've gone with um you know some of our my in-laws and my parents, and you know those those stairs are a little brutal if ah if you don't you know if you can't walk long distances. And so we've taken the elevator a couple of times, and that elevator was ah was pretty old. so i i mean I never felt like unsafe on it, but it was not ah the most modern elevator in the world. so good that they updated that. Right. Yep. Yeah. So, I mean, it, you know, all around pretty, you know, I guess, I don't know if I was expecting like an amazing overhaul, but you know, pretty standard, I guess for lounges at this point. ah The other thing to point out, I'm noticing here that they they've got specifically a photo spot. So i so i saw and yeah there's that one little alcove where it says right above it, photo spot. And they've got the background for the imaginary and which
I'm just wondering how that's gonna play out cuz you know that was something that they talked about in the new member plus stuff which i don't have access to that you know there's gonna be. There's gonna be characters up there i wonder how that's gonna work when you got. People who have access to people who don't and like i guess i was kind of thinking that maybe that was like the the character me was gonna be like.
off but in a corner or something like like yeah a way for them to separate. I'm just surprised that it's like very it's just out in the open, right? like it's There's nothing stopping people's kids from running up and interacting with the characters other than like you know they'll have to have a cast member standing there blocking people. And and it's not like it's like it's going to be a huge deal per se, but it like says it's just odd that they kind of just put it out in the middle of the space, right? and maybe And maybe that's why they did it was to kind of like give you that fear of missing out feeling like where you see other people, you know, getting photo shoots and you're like, Hey, I want to do that. Right? exactly. Yeah. That's my thought on it. But I can see that. I also noticed too that they put in like tables here, like a raised
counter kind of table that has chargers that has, you know, USB and like oh in in the back corner. Yeah. so So that, those tables were there the last time that I was there. So, so the tables are not new, but the the chargers are, I remember there wasn't USB chargers. Yeah. I don't remember the tables being there last time I was there, but I, I'm just trying to think of the last time I was in the lounge. I was there in February and, and I, I remember, cause we were sitting across from where those, uh, those.
Um, it's like a, like a bar stool kind of chair. Yeah. So I remember, I specifically remembered those because I was kind of thinking to myself, Hey, ah you know, we should have sat at the bar. Yeah, yeah exactly. Yeah. Well, and, and, uh, you know, they also do, you can, uh, get cables from them too. They usually have some, so they usually have a bunch of different, uh, charging cables too there. So. Yeah.
Yeah, so I mean, listen, overall looks good. I mean, it's it's I'm excited to see what the new one looks like at Magic Kingdom, but we haven't really heard anything about that since they announced it.

Polynesian Tower Contest and Incentives

So yeah, that that one's that's going to be a challenge for sure to get like getting in there, I think is going to always be a problem.
Yeah, but that's you know listen, Trevor, that's why they they launched they're going to launch the ah the membership plus thing in there. i mean you know Which I would pay for, but you won't let me.
I think they will eventually. i'm I'm just going to keep letting them know that you know you guys need to do better. that there was ah There was a contest that I saw for um sta oh yeah i entered that yeah yeah that staying at the Pauli Tower, which actually, this will be a good segue into our next topic. but same same kind of thing with that contest was i saw it ah and i was excited and i was going to enter it but it's only available to people in the fifty united states so they're being very specific about it which. I get it you know it's you know it for because it's like a full vacation thing i can understand that but it still feels a little salty after.
you know, like being told that I can't get the these member perks, right? Yeah. So I understand that. It's so funny, though, because i it's it's funny you mentioned this, right? So for those that don't know, they're doing a contest for and they do this like every time they open a new building now, I feel like because I've i've entered a couple of these where they, you know, basically you have to watch. Well, you you can enter one entry for free and then you can get an additional bunch of entries if you watch these videos about the making of the of the of the resort, right? Like in all the things. And, you know, listen, a lot of them are actually really interesting. Like they were showing this one guy that like is ah is like a tattoo artist that does like Polynesian tattoos that like did a lot of the art for this and like do this dude's like amazing. Like they were showing the the tattoos that he does and it's like incredible. And a lot of the the designs are, ah you know, he it seems like he worked on this ah as well. So but I did I watched all six videos and got my 60 60 entry extra entries ah into the contest. so
but sorry jeff Sorry, not that I'm going to win. I never was. I don't know why you're apologizing to me. You're not the one who told me I can't enter. That's that that is true. um You know, that's you can blame Disney for that. Were you able to do the previous one? Like when no they did it for I didn't they do for Grand Ferdian or for Riviera or something?
there There was one, I don't know if it was a DVC specific one. I know there there's been a couple that I've entered over the years, but this one this one was specifically done by DVC. so Yeah. Yeah. They just decided that I guess their international members don't matter. I don't know. Sorry, man. I'm going to be harsh about it because you know they're yeah if they're going to be like that, I'm going to be like this.
Yeah, so it's dead so it's, as you mentioned, only open to legal residents of the 50 United States. And it says also DC in there too. So if you're living DC, you're good. Oh, good. Yeah. So anyway, sorry, man. Apologies. But like I said, the the videos were interesting. I'm not going to lie, I had them on the background as I was writing the show, ah ah the show the rundown today.
for the for the episode so like I was just sitting there doing the rundown and then I had the videos playing in the background just because you know I'm like I'm not gonna sit there watch them You know, of course, although if you click off the tab, they will stop. you have Yeah. that um Yeah. Yeah. You have to leave like a separate window open with it running and then you can. Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. Anyway, so there's some new buyer incentives. It's funny because um because when Jodi was on with us on the live show, she was talking about how how the incentives weren't very good for the the tower. Right. So go ahead. Sorry, Trevor.
Well, no, yeah, she she was talking about how they didn't have great incentives. So since then, um they have put out some they put out some point discounts, but I wouldn't even say like this is kind of a nothing discount. Yeah, it's not great. Yeah. and So so the the starting, or bare minimum, you have to buy in at 150 points to start getting the discounts, and then it goes up to 1,000 plus points.
at 150 to 199 points, you're getting $5 off per point, which it's 225 per point to start with. So you're getting into 220. Okay. Like that's not a lot of anything. And, and if you want to get like the high or the highest discount is $13. So it go, it ranges from five to $13 off per point. Like, I don't know if you're buying a thousand points.
Yeah. Like, like that's such a like, yeah okay, great. Great that they're offering some kind of discount, but it's. Yeah, this is not anything to me. Well, here's the thing, though. Like, I feel like they probably know with this resort that they're going to I feel like it's going to sell regardless because it's Paulie's already just so popular and you're going to throw more inventory out there and and more contracts out there. Like, I think they probably know they don't have to do incentives and it's going to sell.
um That's true. This clearly shows that is that they're they're very aware of what they have and they're they're not. Yeah. They they know if if you're going to buy it, you're going to buy it regardless of discounts. Yeah, exactly. All right. Should we do our ad?
Yeah, we should. All right, so the sponsor of this episode is DVC Rental Store. The DVC Rental Store, a world of DVC company, offers magical vacations at incredible value. Save up to 60% off retail rates at premium Disney resorts. DVC Rental Store now includes deposits as low as 25% at the time of booking and a built-in cancellation policy for every reservation. And as always, DVC Rental Store pays out the most to members looking to rent their points.
Wanna learn more? Go to slash welcome home or call 1-855-DVC-RENT. That's 1-855-382-7368. And when we you speak to them, be sure to let them know that Welcome Home sent you.
All right. You know, honestly, Trevor, there was not a lot of news this week. So like, this is not going to be the the longest episode we've ever done. No. And I think that's fine too. yeah You know, yeah there's going to, don't worry, there's going to be lots of Christmas stuff coming up and oh yeah. And and I said this before the show is that, you know,
We could have gone digging for Christmas stuff, but you're going to hear enough about it in the next couple of weeks. We figured like, well, there is a Christmas food article that came out today of all the Christmas food, but which we can talk about next week. We can talk about next week. It's fine. Yeah. ah It doesn't it doesn't matter. Right. But I mean, this is that magical time of year. Right. When overnight ah Disney will start moving from Halloween to Christmas very quickly as they do. Right. It's already been happening as of us recording this podcast. Yes. Yes. So it's I always love. Do you ever watch like the time lapse of them doing that? Like because they I feel like they put out a video every year of a time lapse just from like Main Street of them, like tearing everything down and putting it all up, like really just
In an insane amount of time and coordination and like just the way that they get it done is amazing. Yeah. The, the tree always blows me away. Like how quickly it goes from like nothing to that massive tree on, a main street, like.
Just crazy. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I totally agree. I just I'm always amazed at how quickly they get this stuff done. It's just so coordinated and so well put together. But anyway, so um there was there was like a rumor out there that the that the Spider-Man stunt show over a California adventure was going to get canceled.

Spider-Man Stunt Show Rumors

I don't know if you heard that, but I did hear that. Yeah. Uh, and supposedly they were, they're trying to cut some costs over there cause they're going to spend, you know, a couple of billion dollars on that whole Disneyland forward thing, uh, which, you know, they're going to write. I mean, is a stunt show really hurting? I think so, you know, you wouldn't really think so. But apparently there's going to be still going to be a Spider-Man performed by a live actor. But like all the other actors that are there are going to be gone and they're still going to do the robot. So you got to you got to have the Spider-Man robot, right?
Okay so okay that's what okay that makes a little more sense that so so they're still gonna be a spider-man show of or something of some sort but i know as part of the show they had they did have stunt performers doing like some flips and like some fighting. the same like Yeah. and And like climbing down the wall and stuff like that. Right. Yeah. And I've seen videos of that. Right. Yeah. So so it sounds like they're taking that away, but you'll still have the the animatronic, the stuntronic robot is what they call it. Yeah. Yeah. The robot that ah all I can see in my head is that one time where it failed and hit yeah the side of the building.
But yeah, I mean, you know, listen, it's going to fail sometimes. We all know that, yeah but, but okay, fine. I, I, I guess I can kind of see that that, you know, you know, them keeping ah this, this seems to be the, the eternal problem that Disney has is that they, they love doing, they start up these things with like stunt performers and very specialized roles. And then they hit a point where they, they realize that they don't want to keep.
Maintaining those roles and yeah and i guess you know in thinking about it it it is hard because. You know if you got some performers they have to be trained to do very specific things and then. You know as time goes on you know that it's not like the stunt performers um are always staying like like you know they will move on to other jobs and what not.
And i can see where it can be hard like you know if you got somebody who is like oh hey this guy can you know do these types of acrobatics and whatever and finding somebody to replace them gets harder and harder overtime. I can see where disney has a point where they're like well it's so difficult to replace.
these performers that, you know, it's easier to just cut, cut it from the show. Right. Like it, like I get that it's kind of the same as like the, the Indiana Jones stunt spectacular. Like some of the people who've been doing that have been doing it for like 15, 20 years at this point. Right. Because it ah again, it's a very specialized thing that they're doing. So, you know, I, I'm, I'm, I'm not,
mad that they're doing this. It would have been cool to see this live. But like you said, you know, there are videos of it. And and I guess my only argument to it is that the main thing that people are there for really, I think, is the the stunt.
Yeah, it's a robot, right? Yeah, so. I mean, listen, i I would be going to see that, right? Like, I don't need to see a knockoff version of Doctor Strange doing whatever, right? Like, you know, i want to I want to go see the Spider-Man robot flipping through the air. And then, you know, after that, too, like the way they time it up is pretty cool because, you know, they have it have him going to the one side. And then he, according to this article, he'll still there will still be a live actor that will climb down the building's wall.
Okay, so after the show so that's still happening Okay. Yeah, well that's that's fine then because that you know for for kids I think that you know, you know seeing all this stuff and you know seeing Seeing a show thing off to the side is one thing but when yeah having spider-man come down the building and meet you I'm glad that they're keeping that intact. So I mean this isn't It's not as, I don't know if it's necessarily a big thing. Like, you know, people love getting on like, you know, every time Disney changes something, how they're killing the magic or whatever. oh
I don't think this is the case with this one. Like I feel it's just, uh, you know, they, they understand that they can't, it's not sustainable to have certain parts of the show continue to run. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And listen, just because they're discontinuing, this doesn't mean they're not going to do a new show. Right. Like they could, they could be cutting this and then doing a new show. Right. Like no, there's no rumor that there's a new show coming, but they could be, you never know. Right. And to that point, point, they, they've also talked about that there is going to be, like you said, with the Disneyland forward stuff, there is going to be new things happening in that area. Or like I believe, cause they said there's going to be another ride coming to the Avengers campus, right? Yeah. There's that e-ticket ride that's going to be there that, that has been, yeah. So, so again, you know, like I'm not saying that like the show is like stopping them from doing that, but yeah, maybe they do have plans for something else and.
Yeah, it's it's always hard to see like, you know, or, or you know, hopefully that is the case since not just we're cutting it and you're never going to see anything better come of it. But I mean, Disney's also, you know, we didn't have a robotic um or, you know, a robotic stunt performer flying through the air previous to this either. So true. Yeah. You know,
yeah they like They are always good at improving. I do want to be able to see it that you know in person at some point. right like I definitely want to want to see that because it is very cool and I've always wanted to see it. When I read this, I was like kind of bummed for my sister and my and my brother-in-law because my brother-in-law is a big Marvel guy and you know like from the comics and all the movies and has seen all the movies. Oh, look, Damon's here.
you is Someone's got to text me. Oh my goodness. I did. He did. No, you didn't. oh You didn't text me. You messaged me. Okay. Well, yeah. i know is that ah Daylight savings. What? Daylight savings? That's his weekend. What? What are you talking about? That hasn't happened yet. you know so So here's the thing. I will tell you, I was very excited today because I put in landscape lighting. I had off all week.
And I was like, oh, I'm going to put in landscape lighting. And I was just waiting, waiting, waiting for it to get dark enough so I could go out and see, you know, what it looked like. And I just got distracted. I just got distracted. Like, I was like, why isn't it dark yet? Why isn't it dark yet? And then finally, it was dark enough. And I was like, oh, my goodness, that looks really good. And then I was just so proud of myself that I just. And then i might be the least likely reason I would think for you to but you know, we were thinking you fell asleep. I just assumed. No, no. I don't go, again, like I don't go to bed that early anymore. I'm not pretty late now. Tom knows you. Sometimes I messaged. That's true. That's true. Sometimes you messaged me at like 10 30 and I'm like, whoa, Damon. Exactly. But I was like I said, I do apologize because I had all good intentions and then the the landscape lighting just it just it got me. It happens. It happens. I have to say, though, it came out really nice. Maybe I'll have to post the picture of it. I'm only like done half of it.
um because the ah the do When they built my house, they put the pipe under the sidewalk and they never told me where it was, so I could never find it. so like i had to do like Now I had to do like two transformers because I don't want to like dig under the sidewalk for it. It came out nice though.
I don't know. What were we talking about? I looked at the rundown and it was kind of boring. Maybe that's what got me too, because I was like, oh, this looks like a boring rundown. There's just not a lot of news this week. There's not. We were talking about Spider-Man. We were talking about Spider-Man. Oh, okay. I was just about to mention that they announced like a week ago about Spider-Man 4 in 2026 coming out.
Just that is never a Spider-Man person. Even, I mean, Spidey and friends with Iceman and Firestorm. Now that was good. But outside of that, yeah yeah, outside of that, I've never been a real Spider-Man sort of dude. So, you know. Honestly, I wasn't into the previous Spider-Man's as much, right? Like, I don't think I've seen either of the and Andrew Garfield ones, not seen any of those. I did see the previous ones, maybe just the first one and and maybe the second one too. I don't know. But I have seen all the Tom Holland ones. I think Tom Holland's really good as Spider-Man. Okay. I do enjoy those movies. I think they're good. ah And then this one is being directed by the guy that did ah Shang-Chi, which was a really good movie too. So hopefully that should be but should be good. So yeah, we'll see. i'm i'm I'm excited for that. But you know Trevor, kind of to what we were talking about, like you know maybe they'll have a new show around that. you know I'm sure there's going to be a new big bad in that, right? so
yeah that Yeah, that's a good point with that with the new movie and stuff. Maybe that's or there's some planning for but that that will incorporate into whatever they're doing with the ah with the stunt animatronic.
Yeah. Let's start with, this is a rumor. Yeah, this is a rumor.

Boardwalk Changes Rumors

Yeah, so so Jelly Roll's Piano Bar at the Boardwalk is rumored to close in January of this year, which same thing. I've never been to Jelly Roll's, but it sounds like it's, or one of the big things about it is they do like dueling pianos, which I've been to places that do dueling piano type shows and there are a lot of fun.
Um, so I can see where people would be sad about losing that. Um, rumor of the replacement for this would be a jazz bar. I mean, it's not all that far off. I mean, like that sounds interesting. Yeah. I don't see what the appeal is for a jazz bar and nothing like, I like jazz music as well, but I don't see why, like, why would you need to replace this? It seems like it does. Okay. Like.
I mean, they say it's popular, but I honestly don't. I mean, I've actually never gone either. The one time I was going to go, I got there and I saw what the cover was, and I was like, yeah, no, I'm not doing that. like the Why? Is it super expensive? Yeah, I remember it being like 20 to 30 bucks, if I remember correctly, years ago. And I was like, no. like I'm not doing that. ah so um But I mean, I'm sure it's fun, and obviously people like it. but I really want to talk about blue, blue ribbon corn dogs and this giant mozzarella stick. Have you seen that? Did you guys say what I'm talking about? We're talking about the boardwalk. So I was, you know, yeah okay, elaborate. I, I, where, where's a blue ribbon corn dog? yeah It's, it's, it's on the boardwalk and, and they, you know, they have their regular corn dogs and they have a special right now. And I just sent you the link for it of a, of a giant mozzarella stick on a stick.
why would you want that? I mean, why wouldn't you want that? I don't know. I know you don't, why, why you don't want it, but yeah, I know why you don't want it. That'd be rough for you, but I mean, the thing is huge. Yeah. I'm just looking at the pictures of this and it's like, it's a little ridiculous. Yeah. That that's, that's a lot of mozzarella that I just,
Again, sorry, I don't understand it. I don't have any, any reason to want that much mozzarella. I love it. I love a good mozzarella sticks. I would eat that, but anyway, sorry, back to jelly rolls. so Uh, no, I mean, like, listen, this is one of those things where it seems like they're, it seems like they've been kind of slowly trying to revamp the boardwalk for a little while now. Right. Which, you know, cause they, I mean, they've been changing things there. They, they just put that cake bake shop in, which I actually read a couple of good reviews on shockingly. Um, I mean, that that doesn't change that it's, it's overpriced, oh you know no yeah you know, good reviews and all that, you know, for vacation though, man.
Spend the money. I'm on vacation. I didn't win the lottery. like there's It's not like it's thousands of dollars to go eat there. $23 for a slice of cake though. so when you tack For me, it's an additional 25% on top of that because converting from can Canadian to US, those prices get real expensive. real It's got to be good. yeah If it's good, I don't care. yeahs that There's um no there is no slice of cake that I'm paying $30 Canadian for.
Yeah, that's a lot. I eat cake. There's definitely slices of cake I'm paying $30 for. There's slices of cake I've probably eaten already that I would go back and pay $30 for. but well i've I've yet to find a piece of cake that has convinced me that it's worth that kind of money.
I mean, I'm not eating that cake regularly, but, gosh, yeah, I mean, I'll definitely eat that cake for a special occasion, like a vacation. I mean... Yeah, like I said, I'd probably go there and have it, right? Exactly. Yeah, like, one time. Like, if it was really good, maybe I'd go back, but, you know.
See, that's not a sustainable model for this place then because... yeah but I mean, why not though, right? Because yeah if you're, if like I said, if you're going and it's a vacation and you're not going all the time, it's not sustainable to people that go all the time, absolutely. But if, you know, the X amount of people, like, what is that breakdown?
of how many people are going for the first or second time in the year versus the third or fourth time in the year. i mean That's a good question. But that's that's the thing is that a lot of Disney is repeat business. and But they don't care if they don't want those people. Yeah, what but yeah but but the thing is that it is cutting out ah a good chunk of the market that is a Disney that I mean, if if they're banking purely on people that are, you know, doing the one and done thing, it may last for a little while, but it will eventually hit a point where they won't have enough people coming through the door. Why not? If you're going once a year and you're like, Hey, I'm going to have a good cake once a year. I mean, but, but that's what I'm saying is that there's there's people that'll do it once and they'll never go back again. And it depends how good it is. I don't think it's that good. Well, I'll be honest. I don't think why but i't I'm not even allowed to talk food. Okay. I'm stopping.
Well, it's fun to to your point, though, Trevor, like so i you know I didn't think of it this way, but somebody mentioned you know somebody mentioned in one of the articles I read that it's not all that dissimilar from dining at a signature restaurant at Disney. like The prices are pretty much in line with that. And I just didn't think of it as a restaurant. I was thinking at ah of it as a bakery. but Yeah, I mean, I guess that's fair. like I think of it like on the same level as other quick services you find in the area. Oh, yeah, no.
And that's the problem. is you know if i If I thought of it the same as a quick service, it's like, why am I paying this kind of money for a quick service? Yeah, yeah I agree. But I'm sorry. um I want to go back and touch on something, though, like because you you kind of mentioned it up front, was you know they're they're redoing the boardwalk. And yeah you know you know this cake bake shop and then talking about you know potentially jelly rolls going away,
I'm, I want to put it out there because I, you know, the boardwalk is very much. It's an Easter or East coast yeah thing. Right. And I don't fully understand it. What about the boardwalk needs to be fixed or needs to be updated? Like to me, it always seemed like it has like that.
theme or it has it has that has this feel to it. Yeah. So, so what about moldy? um yeah What's moldy about it? Oh no, it's definitely like has that moldy vibe. I mean, they redid it since then, but still like, well, to your point, the wetness out, man, jelly jelly rolls is in its 29th year of operation without a change, right? So while it's sad for something to go away, it's probably time for an update, right? Like 29 years is a long time to have something be the same.
you know I mean, ah we're we're also talking about Disney, which has been around since, you know, you know that they they just did what, the 40th for Epcot? Well, yeah. We should also mention though too that that Jelly Rolls is another one of those things in the Disney resort areas that Disney doesn't actually operate.
Uh, so this is updated by the third party. Okay. But this article is claiming that the third party is going to go away and that Disney will operate the jazz club that comes after it. So, Oh, so, so maybe that, okay. That, that could be part of the reason changes it. yeah I was thinking it was just Disney changing things for the sake of changing it. But yeah, if it's a third party, that's fair. And, and you know, if Disney is, has a plan to keep something there and not just you know, let it not board it up and let it sit for five years, right? Because Disney seems to like doing that with certain spaces as well. um Looking at you, Odyssey. And yeah, like, that's fair. If that's the reasoning behind it, that makes a little bit more sense. But like I said, I was still trying to envision like what, what about the area, like what would make the area better? And I don't know,
I don't see where a jazz club is the solution, but maybe it's just part of... yeah I do you think it kind of fits in with the theme because they're going for like really old style boardwalk. and like The boardwalk had that kind of has that kind of atmosphere, but like I feel like theyre they're just basically making it more upscale is really what they're doing. um By the way, I looked this up. jelly the The cover charge is $22 a person for Jelly Rolls right now, although DVC members do get a discount. so there's and You don't even get a slice of cake with it.
ah You If I'm paying a cover charge, I better get a slice of cake. yeah i mean yeah i it That would be great if you just like walked in and they handed you a slice of cake as you're walking in. Totally. I want that with every room that I walk into. just I walk in and it's like, hey, how's it going? Here's your cake. there There's a membership extra we should be pushing for. that Right? There you go. Hand me cake wherever I go.
Yeah, that's what that's all I'm saying. and yeah um All right. Well, I don't have anything else. Damon, I know you showed up late here, but ah do you have anything that you wanted to talk about before we wrap up? I don't know. What did you guys talk about last week? Was there anything interesting? It's like food and there was interesting. What else?
Is there any news that was interesting? I mean, we were we were doing the live show last week, so yeah we had the live show. Yeah. Yeah. But I mean, we're us just being goofy and yeah laughing. And yeah, we were talking about the cake bake prices. We were. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Disney wise, I don't I just don't I don't think there's no I don't think so. I mean, yeah.
I mean, unless we're talking about Wizards of Waverly Place, then the next generation one. Trevor and I spent the first 20 minutes of the show talking about Halloween, so. um Yeah, I don't know. Selena Gomez and David Henry.
are in it. I mean, Selena, I think just as a ah guest for the first episode, but it's okay. Have I been trying to think guys? Go on, sorry. That my daughter is obsessed with the descendants, like obsessed. Oh, she's there. Yeah. well So she won't watch the movies, but she watches like clips of like all the songs and like,
it and like She's really into all the songs, but she won't watch the movies, which is a ah a trend for my daughter. My daughter won't watch movies ever. She refuses. so I know, it's a weird thing. She's a little young for the movies anyway. Yeah, she might be, but the songs like she really likes. so Yeah, the songs. are the songs yeah yeah yeah she like like she'll listen like She likes the singing and the dancing stuff. so like She's really into Descendants. that I really really knew nothing about Descendants and now I've heard a few of the songs far too many times. um Yeah, I want to say my daughter stopped like I think they like ironically watch them at third the latest one at 13 and then they realized that they're like Yeah, that's right. We're done. Like they were like, oh the sentence like hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. We're done
Yeah, it's like the target age for that like 10 to 13 then or 10. Yeah, yeah because my my son was about 10 and he was watching it and then yeah, about 11 12. He was like, No, I've got better things to do. But yeah yeah, yeah, it's not it's not bad. But again, the thing is that there was a lot of star power.
in the first ones. And I think that you just don't have that um in the newer ones. And this story is a little convoluted. Anytime you're you invest in time travel, I feel like that's that's just a recipe for disaster. yeah trying but What other Disney stuff I'm watching? I don't think there's anything else Disney I'm watching. and Trevor, what were you going to say? I was going to say, I think for us, that the yeah, to your point about the the star power was um we were like, we were watching Liv and Maddie, which yeahf dev cameron and was yeah on it. And so that was like the transition into descendants because um we we really enjoyed
the Liv and Maddie episodes. And then it was like, oh, you know, here's a show that she's in as well. And yeah, that kind of carried over. But yeah, you're right that I think after or I know that there's been some newer ones, but it's been kind of like, yeah, you have a challenge about it. Yeah. So it's like, there's all these other people. It's like, okay, whatever. Like, I'm trying to think about anything else Disney wise, but I think now there's nothing else really that I've been I got to get on that cruise, which I still haven't done. I got a, I got a lot of stuff to do and I just haven't done it. I guess. I don't know. I don't, again, I'm i'm trying to think about like, we won't see Disney to 25. I think we get points. I think December 25, I get points. Yeah. So you're basically 26 unless you're going to borrow him from 25. Yeah. I mean, I could, I think we might borrow.
I don't know because we're going to the Grove now before. So we're going to the the the Grove, I think, before the cruise, the Royal Caribbean cruise. See, I have to book this Disney cruise because I feel like it's wasted money because I get that 10 percent. If I don't book a cruise at all, like that's stupid. Like that's just a waste of 250 bucks. you They were not going to get me because that's how they get you going to get me because oh i that's how they get you to book the cruise because you're like, hi I got to get that 10 percent off. Like, yeah, which is nothing in reality. But it's I mean, it's some it's enough to get you like, ten percent yeah it's enough. Yeah. And I think that what I'm kind of holding out for, which I can't is I want to go in this Royal Caribbean to see how I feel in comparison to Disney. Like I think it's going to be a whirlwind and I'm not.
my wife is definitely not looking forward to it. And I feel like I'm tired and I haven't like it's it's over next summer and I'm tired already like you're you're already tired. I'm already too tired. I'm just like, Oh my goodness, this thing is going to be just a lot of effort because there's going to be a lot of just nightlife going on. um I think I'm more akin to the Disney cruises. But I think that the amount extra that you're paying when I don't have younger kids is just not It's just not worth it. Like when you have younger kids, it's great. yeah um yeah But when you don't, it's like, is it really worth it? Because you're talking about it. I think you're talking triple the cost.
Yeah, I listen, I was looking I was watching videos of ah I think it was the wish and and just the kids spaces there. And like, they, there's so many of them and like in that one area. And I was like, I'm kind of jealous of my daughter for getting to like go do all this stuff. And you can't do anything with them. but yeah Most of the time you can't which makes your life. Yeah, it would be like I'd be in there all day. I mean, all the stuff they have looks so cool. And I was like, oh, man, I want to do this stuff. But like, you know, I'm also looking i'm I'm excited for her to just go and get to do that stuff, you know, and then we'll go off again. ever And I think that will be fine because she'll have those memories for sure. But for me, it's just like, oh, I just don't I just don't know if that cost is worth it. Again, I have to get on this other cruise and see it's kind of holding up everything else.
um The only thing that I'm kind of excited about which I didn't know so for anybody that their kids play tennis. So the USTA Tennis Center, the National Tennis Center is actually in Orlando, and I did not know that so we're going to be gone long enough.
You know, again, my kids are super sports competitive. So when we go away, it's like, all right, well, I can't miss a week and a half of training right before tryout. So I was looking and I didn't realize. So I was like, Oh, I wonder if there's like somewhere I can get lessons. And I'm like, Oh my goodness. The USTA center is right there in Orlando. So we're going to actually go there for three days.
So she can actually get lessons in before our cruise, which is why we're going to the Grove So it will be it'll be interesting but I this again for people that didn't know I think that's kind of cool um to be able to go down there, you know and be able but to get tennis lessons from like Big-time tennis people which is kind of neat and it's not that expensive. I was surprised but um Yeah, again, like I said, not not really much else until I get some booking done. There's nothing really coming from Disney Really, right? I mean, what are we everything's years away yeah Well, so be more therell be there'll be more stuff, I think. as I mean, everything's around the holidays right now. so Yeah, but they even if they announce something, it's not like it's going to be done. it Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nothing's happening immediately. with Yeah, so there's a lot going on, which is good, but nothing to really go and see. A lot to talk about, but nothing to really go and see. like I'm still just not sold on like making a trip for Tron. I mean, Moana, I don't even consider like
at all worth like going for a trip. But I mean, Tron, I still, hmm, I just don't think yet. I just don't think yet. Yeah. I mean, Tron's not the reason you should be going to Disney. That's what I feel. All right. So let's wrap this thing up then. Let's let's let's wrap her up. All right. um Yeah. So as usual, you know if you guys want to reach out to us, if you ever have questions or want to share your own trip reports, stuff like that,
You can always find us at welcome home podcast to gmail dot com. I know you don't keep the keep the listener questions coming all that kind of stuff we do have um we we do have a facebook group which you can check out is called welcome home disney waitlist again we we pull lots of listener questions from there.
and have lots of great conversations and whatnot. Like Tom mentioned earlier, we we put out an ask for um Disney travel agents. And I was honestly surprised at the amount of ah travel agents that responded. you know very Very cool. We've got a lot of people like that in the group. So you know make sure if if you're looking for some Disney planning, you know hey, we got people in the group that can help you too.
Um, should also mention, you know, if you want to find us on social media, you can find us on Facebook as welcome on podcast. You can find us on YouTube as welcome on podcast and Instagram as welcome home picks. So, you know, there's lots of places you can follow us. And if you want to help support the show, uh, you can go to store dot welcome home and you can check out all of our merch there. You know, maybe you need some shirts for your next trip.
Um, you know, you can, you can get some stuff there. Similarly, we have a Patreon. So you can go to patreon slash welcome home pod and check out our different levels of patreon support. Um, our patreon, uh, supporters have, uh, it's exclusive merch that you can only find there.
so it's not stuff that's available on the store it's it's exclusive to patreon and our patreon supporters also get access to the discord server which is yet another place that we have all kinds of great conversations about things we talk about on the show and just general disney stuff as well ah And last but not least, if you're listening on iTunes or Spotify or really any platform where you can um leave a review or at least rate the show, you know, leave us five stars because it does help more people find the show and just helps us, you know, feel feel better about

Impact of Star Ratings on the Podcast

ourselves. You know, I think to find the show is a lie. I think a one star or five star is still helping you find the show. Doesn't make Tom and, you know, feel good. But I don't think that the that number affects
Well there there is a whole algorithm thing there that you know tom feeling good as an algorithm so it is an algorithm for feeling you need to you need to leave five stars so that so that the tom happy algorithm yeah keeps going so that that i can understand that and also you know on itunes you can always leave us a review we love seeing your reviews and see what you guys think about the show so you know yeah you know please share with us what you think Yeah, and also don't forget to subscribe to Welcome Home Podcast so you'll be reminded every time we release a new episode. You can find us on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, TuneIn, Stitcher, Spotify, YouTube, YouTube Music, just about any place you can find podcasts. You can find us. Just search for Disney, DVC, you know, all that stuff in Welcome Home, of course.
Just a reminder to our listeners, welcome home podcast. It's entertainment only. We are not employed by the Walt Disney Company. And as such, all opinions we expressed on the show are our own. So please contact

Podcast Affiliation Clarification

a Disney cast member or a DVC representative for more information about anything we talked about today. Huge thank you to our sponsor, DVC Rental Store, for sponsoring this episode. And of course, world of DVC for being a great partner over the years here. So please check them out for

Sponsor Acknowledgment and Services

your DVC needs. In rental store now, we can do rental store DVC to universal trips, I think. You can, yeah. You can, yeah. Look at that. They let you do all that. Look at that. Look at you promoting the sponsor. Join us next

Conclusion and Farewell

time for more Disney Parks discussion. Of course, more DVC talk. We hope to see you all real soon. This is Skipper Albert A. Wall, the voice of the jungle, signing off from Welcome Home Podcast on the DVC.