Episode 279: Island Tower Incentives, Treasure Merch & Paint the Night image

Episode 279: Island Tower Incentives, Treasure Merch & Paint the Night

Welcome Home: A Disney Parks & DVC Podcast
723 Plays2 days ago

On This Episode

The guys announce the details of their live show for Halloween. Member incentives have been announced for the Island Tower at Disney's Polynesian Villas & Bungalows. The Disney Treasure will sail with guests for the first time in December, and Disney Cruise Line has released a preview of merchandise that will be available. New offers have been announced for 2025 at Disney World and Disneyland. Disney released a teaser video to announce the return of the popular night time parade Paint the Night. The guys discuss some new Christmas merch now available at the Disney Store. Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance single riders will no longer miss the pre-shows. The inventor of the realistic lightsaber wants it to be available as a toy. The guys discuss the menu and prices of the Cake Bake Shop coming to the Boardwalk.

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Hello and welcome home. This episode of welcome home is brought to you by DVC rental store. Thank you for joining us on episode 279 of welcome home, a Disney parks and vacation club podcast. I'm Tom here. Trevor. How's it going, Trevor? Good. How are you? I'm good. I, I, I want to apologize to everybody for last week. i Well, I mean, that was, we just couldn't make it work, right? Yeah, it was, I was away and yeah. And you had emergencies to deal with and yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So everything's fine, by the way, it's not i's fine. Yeah, I'm sorry. I don't mean to make it sound like yeah yeah no everything's okay. um But I do have to say i it makes me feel good that so many people were upset that we were gone for a week in a weird way that makes me feel good, I guess. so yeah You know, to to be fair, it's ah it's that whole absence makes the heart go fond grow fonder thing is yeah, you know, people are used to it. And when it goes away, you you do miss it, which I like like you. I'm glad that people
people miss the show you know that's that's not meaning that we're gonna like withhold it from you in the future but you know it's nice to know that people care that it it is it is and we always feel bad when we don't put content out too because like we we want to keep you know keep doing these and keep doing episodes it just you know sometimes it's life is is difficult man Yeah, there is definitely some days where it's like, you know, you try and that was last week was that, you know, I thought like, oh, yeah, you know, you know, Sunday night will work. And, you know, we both thought it would. And then, yeah, just, you know, something came up and it was like, OK, no, sorry. the This is not working today. Well, and truth be told, so I was in i was in ah Washington, DC visiting my sister last weekend, my sister and brother-in-law, right? um Because we you know they frequently come down to visit us. We rarely get up to see them. It's a little more challenging to see them. you know it's They live in an apartment. It's Washington, DC. So it's a little chat more challenging to stay with with them because there's no like hotels nearby or anything like that. So you got to kind of go like the Airbnb route and stuff like that.
But the reason I'm bringing this up is the Airbnb we were staying at was like all Disney fight out. I was like, all right, cool. They had like ah they had a ah ah frame poster in their in ah the one room of the inaugural sailing of the magic, I think it was. And I was like, all right, these Disney people were cool. so um yeah so that was ah you know But we you know we went to the National Zoo and you know we did ah the Smithsonian and the Natural History Museum, all that fun stuff, um you know which the adults enjoyed. The child
m Does she like the zoo? But just is the natural history museum. But you know what though? like Natural history museum has dinosaur bones. like I thought she'd be like, oh man, dinosaur bones. This is so cool. And she was just like, no.
you know It's funny. Coincidentally, I actually have a friend that works at the Smithsonian. Oh, really? Yeah. That's funny. So um yeah, it's funny that he so and he is very like um or he works in the aviary, but he's also like like he's he's a he's ah paleontologist. So he does like study dinosaur bones and everything as well. and yeah And the funny thing is that he works there, but he actually I think it's there's better places for dinosaur bones. oh really you but like My friend actually, that there's a place in Alberta um or in Drumheller at the the Tyrell Museum, which is like world renowned for or dinosaur study. And yeah, he's like, oh, I really want to go there someday. And I'm like, that's weird that you work at the Smithsonian and want to go ah like, you want to come to Alberta? It's like, okay.
I mean, I will say there was some pretty cool stuff there. You know, they had a big like T-Rex skeleton, which was cool. I mean, the last time we went to, we went to a child, like a science museum here in Charlotte and it's a really nice museum and they have a dinosaur section, but like the bones that they have are not real dinosaur bones. They're like, um, uh, they're like plaster ones that they take from casts, right? So like, it's not as fun and cool, right? It's like when I went to the air and space museum and they had ah a replica of the Wright brothers plane. It's like, why don't we want to see a replica? Who cares about that?
Like I want to see the actual plane, you know, but anyway, um but yeah, no, so I was away and truthfully, you know, I'd been driving all day on Sunday and I i was, you know, a little tired. And we had it was probably good that we didn't do the show that we were going to wing it, though it was going to be a wing it because like I had no time to plan it. And like, you know, sometimes we would get it. It's fun. But it yeah, well, we can save winging it for the live show because that's true.
Yeah. take so Good transition. And there's your segue. Well, I was going to say, though, before we got into that, I just I hope everybody in Florida is doing OK after the storm. We've gone obviously during this time, so we weren't really able to kind of talk about the the crazy storm coming through, especially since it did impact, ah you know, the Orlando area. ah Seems like everybody in that area came out OK. I know a couple of listeners and I very much appreciate the listeners that were hunkering down at Disney Resorts, posting about it. That was, you know, interesting to see. I will say, of all of my Disney experiences, I've never written out a hurricane at a Disney Resort, and I don't really feel like it's on my bucket list. but It is more intense than you want.
Yes. Yeah. It's not really something I want to do. I mean, I was there right after a hurricane, but like not during. um But yeah, like that's not as something I necessarily want to do. But I would say it's funny. I was talking to ah you know some friends about this because they were like, why would people go to to Disney World so like to evacuate to Disney World? I'm like,
ah Yeah, it's like one of the best places you can be like local people go to Disney hotels to evacuate because they're they're rated for cat five. So exactly they're one they're one of the bigger places to go that actually has structures that will resist a hurricane.
Exactly. Exactly. And I know a lot of people are still dealing with this in in Tampa and some of the other areas that were harder hit. So hopefully any of our listeners that are in those areas that yeah you guys are okay and you know, everything's, everything's recovering there. So, um, but you know, onto happier things, I guess, right? So, I promised you, I promised everybody we were going to do a live show for Halloween. and We have set a date, we've set a time, it is in the group, it is set up on our page. so We are going to have a live Halloween show on 10-25, which is a Friday night, ah pretty much like two weeks you know and in about two weeks um at 8 p.m. We're going to do a live show. We'll do it for you know however long we do it for. I think it's just one of those things we kind of
like an hour, two hours. Yeah, something like that. Yeah. We'll throw a link out there. You're free to join us if you want to join the show. Um, I will say I would love to have like a Halloween costume contest. I think that would be fun. Um, good. But you guys usually show, I mean, the people that show up usually show up in their Halloween costumes anyway. So, um, it is not required just so not required clear, you know, you, you know, if you don't want to do a costume, that's fine. Like I,
I was debating it this year, but I've i've got something. it's yeah i mean It doesn't always have to be like over the top, I guess. and you know if you're If you just want to come on and talk, please do. Yeah, yeah yeah it's it's a good time. ah you know and we we A lot of the same people tend to come on, but whoever wants to come on, like, you know, need a listener. old are we We have a good time. You know, just come on, say hi. You can pop in, pop out. You can just comment on the feed if you want. We'll we'll have a feed of all the comments coming through. Like, it's it's a good time. we but We always have fun with the Halloween show. So I'm glad we're doing it again this year. and And I think we only missed last year. I think we had one the year before still. Yeah, it's definitely been a couple of years, but yeah.
Yeah, it's ah yeah is likewise. it's It's weird that um when we didn't do it, it like it started to feel like, oh, we like we haven't done a live show in a long time. that This feels off.
but it does it does I like I like the live show. It's like getting live feedback is fun. You know, like people commenting live because like a lot of our listeners are pretty funny. I mean, you know, as a lot of you have seen with like memes in the group and stuff. um So it's it's fun to kind of see some of those comments and. and ah Yeah, but so come come join us. ah You know, there like I said, there's an event out in our group. It's on our page as well. You can click that little interested button and it'll remind you that it's coming up. um and You can watch it on YouTube. So you can either watch it on our YouTube channel or on Facebook will be ah on both at the same time. So um either one, you can comment on the YouTube one and comment on the Facebook one, whatever you want to do, ah we will we'll be on both. So very excited for this. It's gonna be great. Yeah.
So, all right, let's get it to the actual show now. Yeah, so let's start with some DVC news and I'll start with this first one because it's about the poly. Yeah, so opening day prices have been revealed for the Polynesian Island Tower and I have not actually gone through this yet. I don't either, so yeah. Okay, so the base starting rate for points is $225 a point.
It's about what all the all the other new resorts have been that. Yeah. So so so it's not it's not overly expensive. It's not yeah you know kind of, you know like you said, in line with with any of the other resorts in that area. um There are some incentives that ah you can get, which will get you about 10, they say about $10 to $17 off per point. so Depending on how many points you buy.
Yeah, so so as you as you buy more and more points, the the price does go down up until 1,000 plus points. um which yeah you know it's it that's I guess that's about the on par for like a new resort coming out. And the weird thing is is that this is this is an add-on to the existing Poly association.
yeah So you know I guess maybe if people were expecting there to be like amazing deals on it, no, like Disney's not going to do that. And you know I don't blame them. like you know I think people have been chomping at the bit to get points at this place anyway, or you know just at the Poly in general. And the fact that it's you know new rooms at the Poly,
There's, yeah, you know, i i I'm sure they won't have any issues selling this and I don't see them doing any major promos for for this anytime soon, so. Yeah. Outside of this, right? Poly is always kind of one of those ones that's like super popular for resale. you know and so like Now that they're going to have like new points again, like that's i these are go to sell pretty I don't think they're going to sell out fast, but I think they're going to do very well. This is going to be like when I bought my points initially that it was like,
we started looking and and they were like, oh, you know there's there's Polynesian points. And the thing was, I'd never stayed at the Poly, but immediately I was like, oh, the Polynesian. like like Everybody knows what the Polynesian is. Everyone knows the Polynesian. Yeah. So so you know that you know I'm glad that I got in at that time because it was the same kind of thing where it was you know actual um you know direct points that they were selling.
It was kind of towards the end of the the window that they were selling the poly. So this is you know this is the same kind of thing for anybody that's new getting into it. This is a good time to jump in. i Do keep in mind though that if you want the um ah membership bonuses, it's 150 points that you need to get in order to get the membership bonuses. You can't just buy a 50-point contract and call it good. You actually do need to buy ah hundred and fifty points which you know hey looking at the chart it does give you a ten dollar per point discount which you know yay but you're still buying a hundred and fifty points which. No can be expensive especially yeah like like you said the comparison to resale no two hundred and fifteen point two hundred fifteen dollars a point versus resale which you know i've seen them around you know one sixty one seventy like.
you know yeah I guess you really have to evaluate if you want those those direct um perks. right so At 215 a point, 150 points is $32,000. If you bought the same amount, at and I don't know what the resell levels are right now, but if it's around 160 like you're saying, i mean that's 24,000. It's i mean twenty four thousands much less. right so you i mean You do the math on that, whether it makes sense for you to do resale or or buy direct, but I do think these are going to be popular. um and and The nice thing is you could buy a resale. Well, i get since it's part of the same association, you could buy a resale contract to Polynesian and stay here because it's the same resort technically. Yes. so You wouldn't have the resale restriction on it.
that That is true. is the the The interesting thing about this is that yeah you could or yeah buying resale doesn't restrict you like it does at other resorts. so i guess I guess that's the other thing too. is that that you know It's kind of not working in Disney's favor.
that True. that or that they The way that they've done the resale restrictions are on the newer resorts, this is one of the few times it's exempt. so um yeah it's and actually so or okay yeah so looking at um I'm looking at the point charts right now. There's there's some that are as low as like 172, or sorry, not point charts, DVC resale listings is what I'm looking at. But yeah, they're definitely up. The lowest ones are are like in the 170s.
A lot of them are in the 190s now and going up to 200. So there is like definitely this resort opening has pushed up the prices in general. Yeah, it's probably going to keep happening until the resort opens, right because they're they're going to become a hot commodity. I'm looking at their the average is 171 from September. So for September, the average price for a poly contract is 171. Yeah, and and it is climbing up. like Which is the highest, by the way, right now. That's that's the highest on resale right now. Yeah.
So the of the Disney World Resort. Sorry, I should should qualify that. Yeah. Yeah, so it's it is, you know, it's great that it's coming. And, you know, this is still on my it's on my to do list to check out the tower. I'm not staying there yet. I know. I know you i mean do check it out, though. You might go. You you might be like, oh, look at this. Well, I I've been trying to talk to my wife about it, but she doesn't want to. I mean, and I kind of get like
her her Her argument is, you know why would we stay over there? we have to you know Then we have to walk twice as far to get to the TTC. And I'm like, yeah, you're right. it's yeah but But it's a nice new resort. and Yeah, you know it's gorgeous, right? It's really nice looking. All right, well.
That's interesting. so you know that's it's funny i Somebody in the group, and I don't remember who it was posted when they first put out the prices but before they announced the discounts. I think they said, no discount, no purchase or something like that. But now there's a discount. so and i mean I feel like they've only been offering discounts at the 150 level now for a while, if I'm remembering correctly. Yeah, that that is true. that they That's a deliberate thing that they're doing right because they will they want to They want to incentivize people to get the the minimum 150 because, again, you know, it ties in with all the perks. It's like you get all the perks yeah and you get a discount. So, yeah exactly you know, I get why they're doing it.
Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So I put this item on here because I wanted to talk about this because it's the the boat that I'm going on. So the the Disney, i I said boat. It's supposed to say ship. I know. No, this is the dinghy that you're riding on. Well, it's it's kind of it's it's just to go back to cruise ships for a second. So it's it's kind of um I don't want to say funny because it's there's nothing funny about a hurricane, but ah my parents you know were are were basically right in the path of this hurricane and probably would have evacuated except they were on a cruise. and ah Not a Disney cruise, mind you, but they were on a cruise. and so they were i mean I was like, that's probably best case scenario for evacuation is a cruise ship ah far away from the storm.
you know Yeah, because the boat can just move out of the way. Exactly. Yeah. They just went further south and then got an extra day of cruise because they they dropped them off a day late. So. Oh, no. Wow. Yeah, I know. Right. Oh, no. An extra day of vacation. Oh, man. ah So I mean, to be fair, though, that did I guess.
is it paul I don't know enough about cruise ships. like Is it possible for them to end up in a position where a storm forms quickly enough that they can't react to it? I don't think so. I think they would now. Yeah, because it seems like with the hurricanes, like like the the projections are pretty far out and they can kind of like figure out the path quickly enough that like, I guess I've never heard about a ship getting caught. Like they've definitely, I've seen ships getting caught in storms and whatnot, but yeah um I guess I've never heard of one getting caught in a hurricane specifically.
I will say I haven't talked to them yet since they've been back. And I have seen some videos on the Internet of some of the cruise ships that were either near it or, you know, coming in afterwards. And it looked a little rough. Yeah. yeah um Which, you know, is you kind of expect, I guess, if you're on a cruise ship, but um it's, you know, I'm sure it wasn't the most fun trip back if they were hitting a lot of a lot of high waves and stuff like that. So, yeah, I think that that also, yeah, really, if if you're not One for for motion sickness and then yeah get being anywhere near a hurricane. It's probably not a good idea No, anyway, but back to what yeah but disney treasure post you a treasure here. Yeah, so Disney treasure has they have a bunch of Exclusive merch. Yeah ah I Mean inaugural sailing merch though. So like I don't know how ah is it just for like it's for the maiden voyage So I don't know
Well, it says inaugural season, so I guess you could probably buy it for a while. I don't know. Maybe I can buy this stuff. What is the is it for a full year? It's like all of 2025. It's on inaugural season. I don't know enough about cruising to know this. I feel like it includes people. to so it It says for the 2024 inaugural season, which yeah again, not like I don't know when the ship launches and what December. Yeah, so December. So I guess then this.
The 2024 season still wraps into 2025, I guess, because I would assume so. Yeah. Or I guess I'm assuming a season's a year, but it's probably, or maybe it's only like, you know, three or six months or something.
Yeah. I see that would, my guess would be maybe like the first year because I mean, the, the maiden voyage is like literally the last week of the year. It's December 21st to the 28th. Right. So it's very end of the year. So maybe they'll still have this stuff. I don't know, but we'll, we'll have to see, but, um, cause there's some cool stuff in here. Uh, you know, some, I kinda, I kinda liked the aesthetic they're going for with these shirts. They're, they're kind of cool. And now would I buy one? Probably not.
But um maybe maybe this maybe this ah this one towards the bottom I would buy. They're really embracing the the retro. I like the retro. yeah Yeah. I like when they do that. um Because they have some cool stuff here. Yeah, the the one red shirt, I think that it's the one with many on it. like It yeah and looks like something that you would find in Hollywood studios. Yeah.
And they've got like this whole like, you know, adventure thing going on, like, yeah, the hats and like the indie looking hats, but let's go save this Indiana Jones Mickey, but he's got like suspenders on. So yeah, I think I feel like it's almost like a like jungle cruise or like, just like cast member Mickey. Like, I feel like that's go to be likeass yeah it's going to be like a cast member outfit or something.
Well, also remember this ship though, too, has all the, the, the lounges that are inspired by rides at the parks, right? So it's got the jungle cruise lounge. It's got the haunted mansion lounge. It's got all that cool stuff. So, um, yeah, so I mean, that's probably part of that too, but yeah, at least I, this is, I might get some of this stuff that says this new merchandise will be debut in the treasure when it sets sail on its maiden voyage of December. So it doesn't say like if it's going to be there afterwards. So I don't know, but.
yeah I guess you'll have to let us know when you go. I'm excited to go. i you know Honestly, I'm really excited for the trip. It's still so far out though. like It's a full six months away. does it been with Six months? Seven months? yeah so Yeah. I'm still a while off here.
Yeah, you can tell me about it because we we were planning to meet up when you got back from your cruise, right? That's right. Yeah. I can tell you all about it. Yeah, yeah exactly. Well, we're playing mini golf, which yeah exactly I'm sure people haven't figured it out by now. Me and Tom play mini golf together a lot in VR. Like we don't, we can't get together, but we play a lot of mini golf in VR and we're actually going to try and play a real round of mini golf. Yeah.
in May, which will be weird because, you know, I'm so used to VR where I can fly around, but I'm not going to be able to fly in real life. That's unfortunate. And you can hit the ball off into nowhere and just have it come back to you instantly instead of chasing it. Exactly. I don't have to walk all the way around the course. Yeah.
ah So ah so you know we're getting towards the end of 2024 here, and which means that ah Disney World and Disneyland are putting out you know some prices and things for next year and some of their packages and and discounts that we're going to have. so um But Disney World, first off, um they're going to be debuting that new water park admission that we talked about before where you're on your check-in day, you get the water parks for free. Yeah.
So, which and I think is a great idea. I think it's great that they're doing that. I think it's pretty cool. Cost them nothing and probably it's going to make them more money. ah Yeah. Now, so it's explicit. It's it's only on your check-in day, right? Correct.
so That I don't like that. Well, I mean, if you think about it, though, you could like come in a day earlier if you really wanted to stay in a different hotel, show up super early in the morning and have a whole day at the water park. for Yes. Yeah, that that's true. as Yeah, I guess I guess you could just not stay at a Disney resort for the first day and then.
book the the following day cuz i was gonna say that like you know i was thinking about you know oh could i make use of this when i go in may but no i can't because our flight doesn't come in until like six pm.
So the water parks are all closed by then anyway. And well here's that here's another question, though. What if you did? What if you did a one night a DVC reservation for that first night and did a whole new reservation for the next for the whole for like the whole part of the trip? Does that count as your check in day if it's also your check out day from a different reservation? I thought we I thought somebody investigated this and I thought that was was allowable or not? I thought that was the case that it was like per booking, not like for the like, you yeah, because it because if you have a split stay, then then that actually, yeah, you know, i I believe we talked about this before was that if you had a split stay, you can make that split the day where you're moving um resorts, a water park day. And then, you know,
move to your new resort, but, you know, have a day at the water parks. And then, and then you also get the advantage, too, of like, you could actually have, like, Bell services move your luggage for you. So you don't even. Theoretically, you could have two days, right? I mean, yeah. So so, yeah, you you. Yeah, it's.
It's still kind of a weird like I get why they're doing it and you know It's it's still just a weird like it makes you jump through so many extra hoops To get a free day at the waterpark, which I mean, it's not it's not nothing either like it's you know, you know You know going to the water parks isn't cheap but It just depends on your situation, though, too. right like you You're not getting in until six o'clock in the afternoon, but plenty of people get in first thing in the morning. you know so yeah It just depends on you know how people are hard are doing their Disney trips, I guess. right But for you, it would be more hoops because you'd have to come in earlier, really, to make it work. yeah or Or do a split stay. which Or do a split stay. Game the system a little bit. you know
ah um But yeah, so so outside of that, um there there also are also the early entry perk is still going to be a thing next year. So so they're they're highlighting that. but um that it's or Actually, sorry, I don't remember this. is Did it used to be that that it was different resorts had early entry and now it's just every... Well, it wasn't different resorts, it was different parks, right? so or yeah Sorry, right. Yeah, different parks had different Yeah, and it wasn't every day, right? It was like staggered. So like yeah you would you would have like, you know, Magic Kingdom on a Tuesday would be open two hours early and, you know, or an hour early and open three hours late or something. You know, now it's just 30 minutes early every day, every park. Now, I will say if you go to Magic Kingdom during the early ah morning hours, just note that Adventureland is closed. So you cannot you cannot go to Adventureland for early entry.
so So you can't do Tiana's early entry. You can't do Tron. that That's the thing is that I think a lot of people are using their early entry to go get Tron done before people get into the park because that's now now Tron is on regular queue. It's no longer on, what's it called?
Virtual queue. Virtual queue. That's the word. That's the word you're looking for. Yeah, because we we didn't really... did we We didn't talk about that changing, did we? No, we did. We did. We we mentioned it. Yeah. It was a couple of shows ago. Yeah. um Yeah, no, that we did we did talk about that it was going off of that. so um I mean, is Tiana still on that? I don't even know.
and that's a I guess I could find out right now. I don't remember reading anything about it, but I'm honestly not in the know on this one at the moment. It's funny because I was just thinking today before the show, I was like, I don't even have an idea of the next time I'm going to go. I'm sure we'll end up going sometime next year, but I just don't have any. With the cruise happening, it's just kind of throwing me off.
It can only take so many vacations. Yeah. I mean, it's, it, that is your, your thing this next year, right? Like that, that's fair. is It's like, you're focused on the thing that you're doing, not on everything else. And by the way, Tiana's is still on virtual QI just looking out. That makes sense. Um, that makes sense. Yeah. So, so no, I, I get that, but, but it's funny. It's like, like the same way that you're like all about your cruise is I'm like, I, I'm not just looking at Disney stuff. I'm trying to figure out like universal and.
umre're We're also going to Orlando Fun Spot, which am I'm sure a lot of people are going, why are you doing that? There's a lot of cool stuff at Fun Spot. there There is, yeah. and and And the main reason for us going there is actually that my brother and I have never ridden a wooden roller coaster before. We don't have any of those near us. so That's interesting. I would i mean, it makes sense because it's probably wouldn't survive the cold very well, right? Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Wooden roller coasters don't do well in in northern climates. So, um, so yeah, we, uh, so, you know, we're looking at all of that stuff. So I like, I get you is that it's like, it's hard to.
It's hard to think about like, you know, oh, you know, I'm going to go to a Magic Kingdom. It's like, yeah, but that's like way off in the future. Like, you know, yeah you know by the by the time that actually happens, things could be very different. Right. Like, like, you know, we're talking about these perks for 2025. You're not even going in 2025. Right. Maybe.
maybe anyway I don't know. im er well well you know i I think we told you we were going to try to make a Disneyland trip where yeah my my sister and brother-in-law, but I think it's going to be happening too close to the cruise to make that work. like For me, I have a hard time when it's like vacation and then another vacation three weeks later. like it's it's just It's too much you know at once. Yeah, that that's fair. you like i I deliberately plan mine like minimum six months apart. like I can't do back-to-back ones like that.
I, by the way, I just pulled up fun spot just for fun. And, um, the, their wooden roller coaster, I did not realize that that's the only wooden roller coaster in Orlando. That just seems wrong to me. Like, how is that possible? ah There's not another wooden roller coaster anywhere in Orlando. Well, but, but there's lots of other wooden roller coasters in Southern United States. like there us Yes. I guess the thing is, is that, you know, you don't need one on every corner.
No, sure it's just interesting to me that Orlando, you know, as the tourist, ah you know, the ride capital of the world, basically, um doesn't only has one ah one wooden coaster. I will say Legoland does have a couple wooden coasters, but I guess they're not considering. that I mean, it's not a Orlando. It's like an hour and a half outside of Orlando. So yeah they can say that safely. You know, yes. that Yeah. Yeah. and the me The the or major Orlando area or I don't i don't know what you call it specifically, but
Yeah, it is the only one there. and i have to like yeah I feel like building wooden roller coasters is it's a different type of engineering. a different type of like I feel it's prohibitively expensive to do wooden roller coasters all over the place. because I mean, doing steel coasters is just, you know, it's easier to get that material. And and I feel like there's also considerations like, you know, the same way that we have issues with cold up here, I feel like the humidity and whatnot in Orlando could be an issue as well. Like, yeah, yeah. So, yeah, i that's right. I don't I don't know why there's not or like, there's definitely a lot more of them like in the the southern states, but
Yeah, I don't know what all the the hoops are around, you know, why, like you said, you know, it's surprising that it's the only one in Orlando and you would think that that, you know, other places would have them. But I'm sure a place like even, you know, like Disney doesn't have a wooden coaster. yeah I'm sure that they made that decision at some point that, you know, no, this isn't what we want to do. Right. And I mean, like it honestly, wooden coasters to kind of look um They look kind of crazy and intimidating if you really look at them. yes yeah yeah I you guys aren't doing sea worlds because sea worlds got a lot of good coasters too. like They're getting known for coasters nowadays. um the The thing is we we kind of talked about it and like we prioritized
Different things that we wanted to do and, um, unfortunately, like, like, yeah, SeaWorld has some good stuff, but, um, we do also want to go to Universal, like we both have stuff who wants to Universal and and, and then also going to Disney as well. Like I, I kind of, I, I. I kind of forcibly told my brother, I'm making you ride Guardians. And he was like, okay. like He doesn't know you onto it. yeah he He doesn't know, but but I'm like, so we have to, you know, we have to have, you know, a date and also Tron. So it's like that, that kind of takes up two days right there. And so the problem is, is we were only there for a week. So we had to like, you know, sit down and kind of look at, we both agreed. It was like, yeah, you know, you know, this would be cool, but you know, we're gonna, there's lots of coasters at universal as well. And it's like,
Universal has like, you know, Harry Potter and stuff like that that we both want to see as well. So it's like spending a day at SeaWorld actually is not like it would be more. factors You don't have to. Yeah. Yeah. It would be more effective to use our time at Universal. That makes sense.
Yeah. Well, and listen, if you go to Epcot for a day, flowering gardens happening during that time of year or so, you know, get some food and stuff. Oh yeah. there Don't worry. there There will be food happening too. I've yeah told my brother that too. he like he the the the and there so So this is the thing is like he he doesn't know any of this and and he's been he's been very upfront when he's like, look, I'm kind of really leaning on you for this because yeah but You know he he doesn't know what what all is around there so i'm gonna be kind of dragging him places which you know he's he's perfectly fine with. But yeah that the hard part is you know we're like who flower garden and he's just like okay he doesn't he doesn't understand what it's about but will don't worry i'll i'll make sure he he gets exposed to it.
and Yeah, you you better. um That sounds bad, exposed to it. ah But anyway. ah ah Yeah, so I mean, they also got a bunch of discounts going on, too. They have $200 per night for some of the ticket packages. And I'm i'm sure they'll do free dining at some point. you know are to do that These are the hotel and um like like you got to get a um or yeah it's a hotel room and then you get the ticket package, right? So it's not. yeah I wish they would just do tickets, like like just do like a promo on tickets at one point. I just would really love that. I mean, Disneyland's doing that, which is again, a different crowd, right? So, but yeah, that's a transition into the limited time kids special ticket offer for Disneyland. Did you see that? Yeah, I did see that. Yeah. From January 7th to March 20th, you can get as low as $50 per child for a one day ticket. That's pretty great. I mean, yeah, that that is, that's fantastic. And and especially like,
January to March, you may say like that, you know, why would I travel that time of year? It's actually a very, all of our trips when I was a kid going to Disneyland were either in February or March. And it was wonderful. Like I i loved it because I mean, for us, it was, um you know, February was still the middle of winter.
So going to california in february felt like summer ah you know for us canadians but that also i guess speaks to like the weather down there it it doesn't get. Super colder or super hot even like it's it's pretty nice.
yeah weather wise that whole time of year so you know if you can afford to be there at that time like a and this is part of why they're doing it too is that that time you know not a lot of people do travel that time of year because. School and what not and you know they they wait until spring break before they travel so. um you know This is the way that disney is trying to get people to come to the parks at time of year i would definitely say you know if if you have you know.
OK, I'm not advocating for pulling your kids out of school, but I'm pulling my kid out of school for the Disney cruise I'm doing. next year ah Well, so and this is the thing, you know, we all do it at certain points. I have pulled my son out of school, you know, but if it works out for your schedule, if you if it works out for your family, definitely take advantage of stuff like this, because like like I said, Disneyland in in that early time of the year is it is absolutely worth it. Like I've I've had so many good experiences there. yeah They also, find charge I don't know if you saw this too, Disneyland is also going to be doing a special, uh, multi-day Disneyland resort ticket for Disney plus subscribers in the U S and Canada, Trevor, it includes you for once. Wow. Yeah. Look at that.
So interestingly enough, they said later this fall, ah there's not that much later left in this fall. Um, cause it says on select days through the 2024 holiday season. So like they got to announce that pretty soon here. Like, you know, yeah, that, I guess, like you said it, you know, Disneyland fields, like that they're assuming that people are not planning trips. They're like six or 10 months out. Like it yeah seems like a,
And yeah, this this is probably going to be a, you know, this is a way to get people there that are maybe I have to wonder if maybe they haven't announced yet, because maybe they're kind of gauging how much traffic is actually coming. And if they can't afford to or like, because they don't want to go and sell a bunch of promo tickets. Oh, yeah. And then have like, especially during like holiday season, you know, have a bunch of people show up.
all at the same time and then the parks hit capacity, right? like yeah Yeah, I mean, that that makes sense. it's It's interesting that they are doing a deal like that. Like maybe they're seeing a slowdown for this ah this holiday season, I guess. um But you know I don't know, maybe not. But i just I just find it interesting that they're doing deals in the parks for Disney plus subscribers, especially when you can get like, can you still get a free trial to Disney plus? Like, can you like, I mean, if it's a discount, why wouldn't you sign up for like a month? You know, just sign up for a month to get the deal. Yeah. i That's actually a good question. I don't know if there's still the the free trial or not. Cause
Right. I mean, I guess there is, but, but maybe, maybe the stipulations on this are that you have to have like a minimum amount of time to subscribe. Yeah. So like you, but, but even at that late, like to your point, you know, fine. So you pay for, you know, you know, six months of Disney plus or whatever. Oh no, you've got, you know, you know, you've got Disney plus for six months and then you get a discounted park ticket. Like.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. like It's probably worth it. Okay, yeah, so there's no free trials at this point. but And i so I really haven't been paying attention, to be honest, because I've had Disney Plus since it launched, so I yeah just don't... you know Yeah, I don't pay attention to that. um Anyway, so one last thing before we do our... Actually, why don't we go ahead and do our ad, and then we'll talk about this this post here like that I sent you outside of the show. yeah you're You're gonna you're going to make people wait on this one? Yeah, I'm gonna make people wait, yeah, exactly.
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I wish I could play this audio, Trevor, but obviously, like i would you know it's copyrighted. Oh, yeah. let's Let's not go down that road, but yes. yeah so so I also kind of forget. Did they announce this previously and we're just forgetting? and Or is this? No. it's i like This is out of the blue, right? Yeah. people People are excited for this. So yeah, do you want to say it's a Disney posted a little teaser video. So yeah all the all they showed or the the title of it was when can we do this again? And for anybody that knows that is like it's the song from Wreck-It Ralph, but it's also the main song for paint the night. So yes, the night is coming back to Disneyland. whichy Yeah. Yeah. Oh boy. Okay. i Like, all right.
I'm going to if I catch flack for this, I don't care. um I think the night is the best nighttime show I've ever seen. And yes, I have seen electrical parade and I know there's people that love electrical parade, but paint the night is fantastic. I feel like they're not even in the same category, though, right? Like, because I feel like the electrical parade is like a it's more of a nostalgia thing, right? It's is there's nothing high tech going on there, right? Like, yeah, but super high tech and like really cool. You know, it is definitely it is a successor to Yes. Electrical parade. It is definitely the evolution of it and for and they did it right. like You're absolutely right. The the amount of of um technology that they put into it and just how, like as far as a parade goes, like you know i've I've never been so blown away by a parade before. like it like you know When we saw it in Disneyland, it was like,
We went so far as we actually like we watched it, and then the next time we went back, we actually got a dessert. or not or It wasn't even a dessert party. it was actually we we There had a lunch promo where you bought lunch at like somewhere in Adventureland, and then they gave you VIP tickets for a seating area for Paint the Night. And we were like, yeah, we're painting that. because you know, we we knew how good paint the night was. Worth it, yeah. I've never seen it, obviously, in person because I've been to Disneyland, but I have my daughter has watched a video of it ah about 100 times. So I feel like I've seen it. But it's, you know, it's different in person, obviously. So it does. It does hit different when you're sitting on the curb and like the floats are like right in your face and the and the yeah you know, the the theyre performers and everything like it's it's not just the floats like the performers do an amazing job with it.
And yeah, it's just it's such a cool show. um Yeah. So I'm glad that it's coming back. that's It's good when they bring stuff back like this, that people like it. But I wasn't sure. Like when I saw that video, Trevor, I immediately thought of you and then I sent it to you. And I was like, I was like, wait, did they announce this previously or because I remember it was rumored.
But I don't remember if it got announced at D23, because there were so many announcements. But I don't think it was, because people are freaking out. Yeah. The thing was, there was a lot of people going, oh, I hear paint the nights coming back. That's what I kept seeing was, like you said, the rumor mill had been going for a while. And yeah, Disney finally pulled the trigger on it. We don't know details, though. We don't know when it's starting again. We don't really know much other than it's coming back, right?
Yeah, but but the thing is is that you know i I would expect you know maybe, again, you know you know why we haven't seen anything about the the these tickets we were just talking about you know could be that they're they're coinciding something with Paint the Night, or maybe it might even be that they're waiting until the new year after all the holiday stuff is done.
So, you know, still to this day, though, Trevor, the best promo video I think Disney's ever put out. That's my favorite. Anyway, that literally like, you know, I just I've watched many times over and over was when they brought back electrical parade a couple times ago. And I don't know if you remember this teaser, but they had like ah somebody going into the into the warehouse where all the stuff is held in Disneyland and just like you know looking at all these like Disney relics and stuff and then and then all of a sudden you the ah starts it starts stuff starts to light up and they start playing the the music and it's just a very cool just a very cool teaser. I remember watching it and I was like, oh, that's awesome. you yeah
but like Very well produced. Yeah, they just do the, you know, they're just the, du iny and and you know, you hear that music, you know, you know, but yeah, I mean, this is, this is cool too. I mean, like I said, it's a, I like it as a show. Um, and I, I'm from the ones I've watched. It's cool. I would love to see it in a person. Um, you know, but yeah, that's exciting times, right? Yeah.
Okay but hey so you know you were talking about going to Disney and I know like you said you know it may not happen but you know this is a good reason to go like yeah i could say that no I'm gonna be I'm not gonna be the voice of reason here for you I'm gonna be the yeah I guess if if you have the you know the the old you know like Pluto with the angel and the devil on his shoulder I'm gonna be the devil today and be like Just go to Disneyland. yeah you need You need to see this live. like but It's worth it. We'll see what next year brings. I feel like I can probably schedule more of a last minute Disneyland trip than a last minute Disney World trip. and And I don't mean last minute like a week from now. I mean like a couple months out. you know right and like I feel like that's probably more possible unless I'm going during a very busy time. but
The only thing you may have issue with is, or well actually, so so here's something interesting, and I'm gonna have figured this out next year too, is with the um the Disney Hotel opening up, yeah or with the DVC portion of it, that is.
um I'm wondering how easy it'll be to actually book hotels because I haven't really been paying attention to it. And I'm wondering if if there will be availability because I know with the Grand Californians, it's basically impossible. like like we yeah we kind of um conceited that it was like hey you know we're we're just staying wherever we can stay and and i mean staying at Disneyland late like there is you don't have to stay at a Disney hotel there are like the good neighbor hotels like literally right across the street so i get all still within walking distance but. um But yeah you know you know what if you want to stay at a Disney hotel I'm just curious how like are they so are they booked up at this point or is it.
I don't know. is it and mean I mean, maybe that's why they're doing these promos, is maybe the hotels are not as busy as we think. And you know maybe maybe you can do a you know a ah DVC book, booking you know three months out at Disneyland. I'm just speculating people don't take what I'm saying as that I know anything about this. I'm just saying, you i wonder I'm wondering how this is going to play out next year. like you know I think both of us are kind of going to kind of go down this route of you know seeing how difficult it is to actually book it in in Disneyland.
Yeah, because you're thinking about doing a Disneyland trip next year. Yeah, we were yeah we're we're looking at like fall next year. So like yeah like September, October, like actually about this time next year. So um so, yeah, we're we're and the the thing is, you know, we can't book until seven months out anyway. So, you know, I'll be looking around seven months for sure. But um yeah, i'm I'm curious how how good or how bad it is to actually book a book a Disney room is there. Yeah, i we'll have to see, I guess. Right. Yeah.
So okay yeah, so there's just some new Christmas merch coming out because it's about to be Christmas, right? So I like looking at some of this themed stuff. I have to say there's a Chippendale ah sweatshirt that is ah kind of awesome that I kind of want. Snowboarding Chippendale. Snowboarding Chippendale. Yeah. It also says there's Snow Buddy Like You, which is just such a dad joke that I feel like I need to have. It's cute. And I like the fact that it's actually not Mickey.
ah Yeah, no, they're doing Chip and Dale. My daughter loves Chip and Dale. I think she might love Chip and Dale more than she likes Mickey, honestly. which And so the reason I say that is I feel like for years now, they've just been like, especially the holiday stuff, it's always like, just put Mickey on it, right? And it's like, there's some mickey there's so many other characters. And obviously like the next sweater here, it is Mickey and Minnie and Goofy on it. which but it does But it does also have Chip and Dale on the the red one, the one that's next, it has Chip and Dale on there too.
where Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah, I did. Yeah, they're right there. Yeah. Yeah. So Mickey, Minnie, Chip and Dale, and Goofy, which is an interesting combination. But see, I probably wouldn't buy this one. This one's a little too much for me. This one's a little much. The the the the green Chip and Dale one is definitely where it's at. yeah ah Spirit jerseys.
Yeah. and And then, and then there, there's a spirit of Jersey, I guess, you know, okay. I think we, we both just agree. We don't like spirit jerseys. he's in And if you like spirit jerseys, that's fine. You know, yeah I just, I see so many of them and they're just like, it's not my thing, man. I don't get it. And it's just not for me, but listen, you guys, if you love spirit jerseys, rock them. I don't, I don't care. Do your thing, man. yeah Like just not for me, you know?
Oh, hey, going further down, there is a stitch spirit jersey, which... Oh, okay. Mary Stitchmas. Mary Stitchmas. So, okay. So maybe I speak too soon. Wait a second. Did you just convert on this? No, no, no, no. I'm saying, okay, not all spirit jerseys. So I guess this is the thing is that most of the spirit jerseys, they just have like the Walt Disney World on the back with the pattern, like the green one that I'm looking at right now,
they all look like that like i i hate that i hate that they're just like literally taking a template and just like modified the stitch one at the very least is like hey you know they they changed up the font they changed up you know the character like it it it is very unique and again it's you know,
I get, you know, Mickey should be on the majority of stuff because it is Disney, but, you know, maybe like use some of your other characters because, oh, and there's, there's a stitch hoodie too. The stitch hoodie is nice. I feel like we're going to start seeing a lot more stitch merch as the, as the live action movie gets closer. Like we're going to start seeing like, there's going to be a lot of stitch merch going on, right? Like it's the, you know, so for those that love stitch,
You know, get ready. Cause I'm sure there's going to be a flood of it, but that, that's the sweatshirt. It's pretty cool. I like that the, the strings are candy cane. Uh, you know, those are, that's pretty neat. Yeah. I mean, that that's, that's actually a very easy way to make like a holiday hoodie without like too much effort, which like you know, no good on them for being creative like that. Cause yeah, sure. Yeah.
And then I did see there's a Donald Duck one further down, which is funny funny enough. It still has Mickey on it, but like Donald's on the back is like. kind of like the main central character, but then they still got Mickey's off to the side. making still yeah yeah There's like way too much stuff on this list. We can't talk about all this. yeah well there there' So yeah, that I mean that the kids apparel is kind of a repeat of the sweaters and stuff we were just looking at. We didn't talk about the Mickey Fleece though, this mic the Santa Mickey fleece. I thought it was pretty cool.
the green one. Yeah. Yeah. The zip up one that just is Mickey heads. I like it. I wouldn't wear it probably, but I i like it. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. Fleece seems a little too much for me. it's I get it. I get it. Yeah. All right. What else we got here? Oh, we got some headbands. All right. Yeah.
um You know, those are cool. I saw, I saw something on the internet the other day, by the way, of somebody that like made magnets that you could like put in a regular hat and then like put like ears, like attach ears to the hat through magnets on the inside of the hat. I was like, that's kind of brilliant. I feel like you can't really get sued for that. And you know,
Yeah, got off that is smart. But ah my only concern with like, magnet attachment is great and all until it fails. But tell it I guess so. and But I guess there's no there's no real way like unless you're like permanently attaching it like anything could fall off. And I mean, I would just be worried like, having something attached with magnets, like, you know, as I'm going through the park,
it you know If it got knocked off or whatever, I don't know. You probably not even know that it got knocked off. and yeah you know Yeah, exactly. yeah like you It could get bumped by somebody. you know Somebody's kid it is on somebody's shoulders and they you know they grab one of your ears and yeah it's gone. Exactly. so yeah I'm just looking at these holiday crocs now with the fuzzy inside. and You skipped right past the Magic Band Plus.
Yeah. I'm not paying $55 for Magic Band. I'm just going to throw that out there right now. but but It's never going to happen. But I feel it's worth mentioning just because of the fact that, you know, sometimes people wonder about, you know, is Disney moving away from Magic Bands? They're not. They're just not firing them out with the same. um They still have a lot of them. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, that they are. ah There is specifically a holiday Magic Band, which, you know, if you're wanting something ah I guess the only thing with buying a Christmas themed magic band is I'm not wearing it in June. five Yeah, that's the problem. Well, and listen, this is a limited edition one. Okay. yes cool Yeah. So if you want a limited edition, if you want to collect your magic band, plus go ahead and spend that $55. I'm just not going to do it.
Um, but yeah, I'm just looking at the rocks yeah these crocs and thinking of Jeremy fuzzy crocs. Yeah. I know Jeremy loves his crocs. Um, so yeah, you can do that. Then there's the classic Mickey Mouse, Santa hat, which I actually have one of these. It might actually be, we're talking about the live show. I don't really have a Halloween costume this year, so I'm going to have to figure something out, but, um, it might end up being just a Mickey's.
that's just We have one of these too. actually would look we always or It always gets worn on Christmas Day and then goes back and we put it away.
I've definitely wanted to work holiday parties before many times. I do find it interesting theyve they're also doing a a mouse ears baseball cap now. I wonder if this is going to become more of a thing. yeah but like i mean It's so obvious if you think about it. like Baseball caps with Mickey ears is like you know, how many of those, how often could they sell those out? Like, and, and there's so many different, like, it for the same, like they do with the headbands, like you can do all those same designs as baseball caps, right? Yeah. That's a good point.
Yeah. Maybe we'll start seeing more. got here There's a trash can. I thought it was a trash can, but I think it's supposed to be a mailbox. is it Oh, okay. So when I first saw it, I was like, why do they have a trash can? That's, I mean, I mean, why is it trash can when it's before? like I don't know. I don't know, but it's okay. I thought it was a trash can too. And then I was like, Oh, it's a mailbox. Okay. ah Where, where, where am I seeing a mailbox like this in Disney though? like um yeah You're not, not.
Yeah. All right. I've scrolled the rest of the way down by the way. And I don't see anything else I want to talk more on here, but if there's anything else, you all kinds of ornaments, all kinds of, yeah, the, the usual holiday stuff. Um, yeah, I'm not seeing anything else that's grabbing my attention. Oh, a cookie stamp kit, a Disney themed cookie stamp kit. That'd be good for your wife. If your wife likes making cookies. Yeah. Yeah. and Let's try it again. That'd be a good one.
Um, yeah. Okay. Well, let's move on to other things then. All right. Let's, let's, let's talk about, I found this interesting and may and maybe nobody else does, but they've been doing a single rider, uh, line for Star Wars rise, the resistance recently. And part of you skipping the line was that you skipped the pre-shows, which listen, i I don't want to wait in line either. Right. Like, and I would love to, to just, you know, not wait at all, but.
I don't want to go through unthemed areas to do that. Like the whole thing, and you haven't done rise and resistance yet, but like it's like three rides in one and they're setting the stage for the whole thing. And if you just get all that, it's just stupid. but You know, yeah but that that's, that's exactly the point is that like what you're saying is, you know, the, the show is more than just the part where you sit down and ride the ride there. There is.
or the the entire experience is the pre shows and the ride itself. Right. So, yeah, you know, but now yeah so and i i was gonna say I find it interesting that, you know, you know, that they didn't factor in initially that a single rider line would include the pre shows or that you you would skip past all of that and just go straight to the ride, which I mean, I don't know. I don't, I don't feel that's worth it. Like, I mean,
I don't know. I, I, anytime a single rider line skips pre-show stuff, I'm like, did you like, do you really have to do that? he like yeah Well, even when the fast pass line, like, you know, for a while, the whole thing with flight of passage was like, if you, when you went on the fast pass thing, you like missed all of the cool stuff in the queue, right? Like you basically just walk, you know, you see it briefly. Yeah. And then, and then, yeah.
But that's the way with a lot of those things. and i mean So they've been testing the single writer line for a while, which I think is a good idea. But now they're making it so that it's it you're not skipping the pre-shows anymore. I think they operationally just had to figure out how to do it, right? Like, I guess. And that when they first started testing it, they were just like, ah, we'll just have them skip everything. But now they it looks like they have them going in in the themed areas and and starting at the beginning so you're not missing any of the pre-shows, which is good.
Yeah, and yeah I hope so. Interestingly, you know, the fact that they're looking at this a single rider, something that I don't think people realize is in Disneyland, there are so many rides that have single rider that even the equivalent ones in Disney World don't have single rider lines.
Yeah, and I'm hoping that that you know, maybe Disney is starting to think about this a little more that you know, the fact that they actually took the time to to make this work properly. um Maybe we will start seeing more single writer lines because like I know for for like me and my son.
Um, you know, we, we, we did that all the time in Disneyland. Like after, you know, after all of us got on a ride together, we were okay with like, you know, we were like, yeah, you know, you know, we just want to get on this ride. It's like, well, single riders only 20 minutes. We don't care if we sit together. We just like, we, we did that with, uh, Matterhorn. We did that with radio Springs racers, where it was like.
You know it and obviously like my kid was old enough at the time i was like yeah he can get on the ride by myself and he's fine he doesn't care if he sitting next to a stranger. um And it like it's it makes for a much better experience and also i think it is actually more efficient for disney because then they're not doing that thing where.
You know like on space mountain when you get to like the end of the queue and the person who's trying to load people is like, you know, I'm looking for a party of two or party of one. like give what Yeah. It's just, you know, they just start, you know, you know, YouTube from the single rider go here, right? Like it's very, it, it would actually speed a lot of things up that, uh, Disney loves efficiency. They don't like when there's a seat empty on a ride at any point.
And I'm there for it because I will be the first one to volunteer to fill that seat. so no Absolutely. And I mean, some people skipping the pre shows gives you like a five minute ride. Like the whole experience of rising resistance is like straight up 20 minutes, right? But it's all part of the experience. So like maybe some people prefer to skip the pre shows and just want to get right into the ride portion of it. I don't know, but.
Well, you know, yeah these are the same people that are trying to run out the door during the Guardians pre-show. And, you know, I'm I'm just going to call out now, anybody who does that, like, come on, get your head on right. Like, you know, you know, get get the whole experience. You don't have to like, like, especially like running to be first when you're you've already been standing in a queue for a period of time. And it's like,
people are like trying to jockey for a position to be like the first one into the next queue past the pre-show and it's like... but I'm not gonna lie when I'm in the stretching room at Haunted Mansion we do always go and find the door that's gonna open.
Well, I mean, that that one's easy. It's underneath that the yeah the ballerina. But yeah, well yeah I mean, well, i we always just look for the there's a little red light on the wall that you can find. But um I just look at the paintings and it's always under you can do that, too. Yeah, you can do that. But yeah, no, we always do that. we We always tend to move over there. But it's different, though, because you can see it from anywhere in that room, right? Like you can. You know, it's easy.
And so and actually funny enough, so we've actually done the opposite where we've we said, you know, we don't want to be fighting with all the people shoving through. So we'll actually go to the opposite side of the room. And then the door opens and everyone funnels through and we just kind of stand there and watch as everybody funnels. And then we just casually walk out and get in line behind everybody because And what's the difference like you so you you didn't get in like or you know. 30 people got ahead of you like yeah what's the big deal. you I don't know. Yeah yeah like I like you said you know I'm i'm glad that they're actually doing the pre show cuz that's the that's the other thing too is like I think it for some rides it feels weird if it's like.
you You come in, like, especially if it's like there's storytelling and whatnot. And then all of a sudden it's like you've come into like halfway into the story. If that makes sense. Like yeah it doesn't. Yeah. Yeah. I'm um'm i'm glad that they fixed this one.
Yeah, no, for sure. I think it's good that they're doing this too. So, and you listen, when you go, I mean, if you, you're probably not going to go to Hollywood studios when you're there. Um, right. So we we haven't fully decided on that yet. So okay we are going to be getting park hoppers. So it is possible we could end up over in Hollywood studios. Yeah. Cause that's, I mean, that would be great for you and your brother. You could just single rider line that thing and skip most of the line. you know Yeah. Yeah. That's true. Cause yeah, again, you know, I'm, I'm fine with, you know, if if I can get on there in 20 minutes, that saves me so much time. Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, so I wanted to put this on here because so that we were introduced the retractable lightsaber. That was, you know, very cool. A couple of years ago now, that was actually 2021, believe it or not, um that that came out. It's been that long. And, you know, since then, people have been wondering, it's like, oh, well, are they going to, you know, put that out there as a toy that you can buy? Because it's pretty cool.
Right? And so the guy that invented it, and this is the same guy that ah invented the Holotile floor, and he's he's also in the, what was it? The Inventor Hall of Fame or something like that, right? yeah um This is Lanny Smoot. He said at D23,
he And this is funny. He goes, he goes, I think Josh Jamaro would meet is meeting with toy vendors and saying, like, do you want to make this lightsaber and translate that to something that might be more accessible to the average person? and see's And then he said, so, yeah, I think it's going to come. And then later, when they asked him for comment on this article, he says, I'm not aware of anything in the works. So I told him to be quiet. Yeah.
I mean, I think they would be kind of crazy not to put some sort of version of it if it's not that complicated of technology that's going to cost, you know, I mean, but they sell $200 lightsabers now, you know, I mean, and people buy them. So why wouldn't you?
Yeah, I think the biggest problem I see with it is not the matter like they could definitely make something that's sellable, but how long will it last is my like, what that's what I keep always going back to is and even with the one that they have, like, you know, the one they used on the Star Cruiser and everything.
they did a very quick switch out. like I watched the videos of it where like they did the lightsaber draw and it looked impressive. And there was a quick um second where the actor switches out for a different prop lightsaber because clearly these things cannot handle just swinging around with them, which that I think that's the biggest problem making it available is not that, you know hey, you can make something that's available, but literally all you can do is sit there and flip the switch and you know watch it draw and undraw. ah I mean, that would still be pretty cool. but but But how many people are going to draw it and immediately like want to swing it at something and then break it? And then it's like there goes your $200 lightsaber. You're 100 percent right about that, right? Because like that's what would happen, right? Like and Disney, which would up front be like, do not hit things with this. And people would still do it and be like, well, it broke. And it's like, well, we told you not to hit anything with it. You know, like.
But yeah, I mean, maybe that's part of the problem, right? That it's just not durable enough to do that. And if you look at what the technology is, it's kind of described as like a combination of like, it's almost like a ah ah slap bracelet, you know, the slap bracelets. Like, and so if you know those slap bracelets, they're not particularly sturdy, right?
Um, and so maybe, maybe that's part of it. I don't know if there's a way they could make it sturdy. I don't know. I'm sure there's some way they could do it, but yeah you you almost need something that like after it draws comes up and like reinforces the whole thing. Yeah. But then again, that adds to like.
complexity and weight and yeah it's again i can see why he he he probably was told you don't know no don't don't talk about this. and some yeah and but But you know as the inventor of the lightsaber i can see why you know he would love to see it you know become a thing because you know you know obviously you know there's lots of people that would just love to have one of these.
Oh, your hands. But yeah, the the the bigger problem, like I said, is that, you know, you know, the people that would treat it with care would, you know, definitely love these. But then there's always I equate it back to I don't know when you were in high school, or well, I guess, like coming out of high school, um I had some friends that um you know, you know, those katana, you know, the show katanas that you can buy that oh yeah yeah yeah you know, and um so the whole point of those is you buy them and it's supposed to be a display piece, right? They're not meant for waving around or whatever. But of course, you know, I had, you know, you know,
you know, teenage friends yeah that, you know, bought these things and immediately took them out and tried to like sword fight with them and chipped them instantly because they're not like, they're not proper metal. They're just show pieces, right? It's the same kind of thing where it's like, you know, that people don't seem to understand that it's for display only. Like even if you put it in big bold letters that this thing is, you know, a display piece, people will ignore that.
I mean, I personally, i if it was not that expensive, I would I would find myself being entertained by making it, you know, to to to turning it on and then, you know, maybe waving around and you know, like ah just the sound. I'm assuming it would make the sound if you would if you would swing it. Right. But like I don't I would be OK not hitting anything with it, even though pretty much every paper tube that I've ever had in my hand before has turned into a sword fight with somebody. But yeah with this, I would probably be careful.
Yeah, but I don't. Sorry, Tom, I don't believe that. it's that's fair it's it's totally fair i liveger i would I would do the same thing. It's like, as soon as you have like a lightsaber in your hand, you immediately want to like, you know, you want to swing at something, you know, even like, you know, hitting a post or something. And then the problem is, is, you know, you hit this thing and ah the whole blade would just collapse. And then yeah Well, you can't do it without the sound effect either, right? like You have to have the sound effect. i mean If they're going to sell me something like this, it better be programmed with the sound effects in it or else I'm making the sounds with my mouth anyway. well but Of course you are. yeah i'm sure um I saw an outtake years ago from the the original or the the one to three not the original trilogy but the one to three trilogy when Ewan McGregor
was doing sword fighting and they actually had to tell him to stop during multiple takes because as he was swinging the sword, he was making the sounds and they were like, you need to stop doing that because it's messing up our our audio. yeah yeah That's pretty funny. I mean, I think all of us would probably do that, right? like Yeah. I mean, i you know, he was like, he was playing Obi-Wan and he couldn't help but do it. And it's like, yeah, you know, we're, we're all doomed to, you know, this is why we can't have nice things like this.
i think I think it was him that I saw a clip of that where he was talking on like a talk show and he said that whenever he's at like a door that like an automatic door that opens, he pretends like he's using the force to open it. Yeah. and yeah he like He does the little hand motion thing like the yeah the Jedi, the the the slick one, not like an obvious one, but you know when they do like that just a little quick hand motion.
Yeah. And he said it's just to entertain himself. But if other people see him doing it and realize who he is, then they like freak out about it. I mean, but i I would do that too. Like, I, I, I appreciate that he's embracing it. yeah Well, he seems to embrace it more than like any other person that's ever been in a Star Wars role. I feel like. Yeah. Yeah. He he loves it. you You can tell that he, he absolutely loved doing it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
All right. Let's talk about this cake bake shop. Okay. Let's talk about expensive things. Let's talk about expensive things. Yeah. So, so, so I, I know. Okay. Do you, do you want to label this as food time? I don't know. I don't think any of either of us are eating here. So no, yeah. I mean, it's, it's kind of food time, right? I don't know. Let's, let's hold off a food. So we'll do food time next week, but this is, yeah this is more about price time. This is, Yeah, this is money time is what yeah sort of talking about the actual food itself, right? Like we don't have pictures of what the food looks like. So Yeah, yeah so so this cake bake shop in the this we talked about this months ago and oh eight years ago I feel like at this point, right? Yeah, like yeah, I was gonna say it felt like a really long time ago and it's finally opened up um this is at the boardwalk and the prices on
this stuff that they're selling here. Okay. So like very first off the top, you know, for breakfast and brunch, cinnamon toast, brioche bites $24. Okay. I mean, and others I better get like 30 of them. i I buy like entire, like like I buy a meal with a drink and like maybe a side for $24. This is crazy expensive. Well, to be fair though too. right so First of all, let's all mention, let's just make this clear.
This isn't run by Disney, right? this is a This is an existing shop that exists outside of Disney, right? And it's the original restaurant is also pretty expensive, right? um just by Just by regular standards, right? But not as expensive as the Disney as the disney World one, right? Obviously, it's there's it's much more expensive.
um but yeah so this is ah People get on Disney sometimes for high prices. This is not Disney making these high prices. This is the cake bake shop. Yeah, which which it feels even worse because yeah you know they're they're clearly capitalizing on the fact that it's on Disney property.
They're getting a lot of negative stuff on this though. I almost wonder if this is going to change. um But yeah, I mean, I don't know, but let's, let's talk about some of these things. Cause there's like ah the headline says a $23 egg sandwich, $26 cake slices, and a $32 hamburger revealed.
I mean, I mean, and if you want to go really extreme again, I'm just looking at the breakfast menu. So, so crab cakes, eggs, Benedict, $42, like, like that's, that's getting up there with like the all you can enjoy meals at like in the parks, right? Like if I was going to go to, um, what's it called? Um, crystal palace, like, yeah.
Like that's the same, but, but this is just for eggs, Benny with a crab cake. Like, well, even the kids breakfast for bacon and eggs is $18. Yeah. I mean, like, listen, say what you will about Disney, but like, you know, usually kids, a kid's meal is not that expensive. It's not near that even depending on what you get, obviously, but. Yeah, and and then, hey, there there is also a la carte options, which, you know, you know start or you can get the toast for $4. Oh, that's a steal.
Yeah. But then you can get, so, so this one puzzles me. Okay. So, so they got bacon and sausage, which are both eight dollars. And and and I'm assuming it's like, you know, two pieces of bacon or two pieces of sausage. Like you're not getting like a tile of it. Yeah. Right. And then, and then they so list a cup of fruit at $9. What is in this cup of fruit that is worth $9? I don't know. Cause it's like,
but It's not like there's even like extensive prep time writing is literally just chopping up fruit and putting it out of your charging more for it. Then you are for you know like making bacon or sausage like it's crazy.
yeah I mean, I'm just looking at their sandwiches, like at their other stores, like, and like, so their turkey and Gruyere sandwich, which is on this menu at their other stores, $18 at Disney. It's 23. 23. Yeah. Yeah. So, and ah the, the ham and brie sandwich is $18 and it's 24 at Disney. And then the Disney means yeah everything is $5 more expensive because you're on Disney. Pretty much.
Yeah. So this was, like I said, it was already an expensive place. And then you add a five to $6 markup. Then it just gets outrageous. Right. Like, yeah, I, I just, I'm going to be honest. I, I hope that this place closes in like six months.
like that that may sound harsh, but if you're going to charge people like Disney food is already expensive and we already know that. Yeah. But this is just gouging at this point. Like it' but yeah it's ridiculous. Usually though, I feel like i Disney food is expensive, right? But anytime you go to a theme park or an arena or whatever,
it's It's not all that different, right? like they It's always marked up at places like that. And truth be told, I've always felt that Disney gives pretty decent portions, right? like I've never felt like, I felt like, okay, this is a little expensive, but I feel like I got a lot for my money. I got you know i got a fair amount of food. Yeah, know yeah but i've I've never ordered something at Disney and come away saying, you know I wish I had more or that I'm still hungry. like Exactly. yeah yeah they're They're good at that.
Yeah, I would agree. but i mean know And I don't know what the portion sizes are like here, but um we didn't even get down to like the baked goods, like the apple crumble pie, $21. And I'm assuming that's not an entire pie. I'm assuming that's a slice of pie.
Yeah. Yeah. Cause they're not and like, again, they're they're selling or so they say cakes or they're just, they do they just list cakes. They don't list like, I'm pretty sure again, it's by the slice, but yeah, like some of these are $26 for a slice of cake. Like that's insane. and What, what am I, what is in this cake? That's $25. Yeah. Like, like the and again, that that's the same price as some of the meals that they're selling. Like, like the cake can't be that.
It better be the best cake ever if it's going to be $26, right? like i can't if i If I'm spending $26 on a piece of cake and I don't eat it and immediately go, that's the best thing I've ever tasted, I'm like, I'm disappointed.
you know Yeah. And, and I guess ah the thing about it too is like, you know, I'm thinking about positioning of where this is. Cause, cause you know, again, there, there are other restaurants, like, you know, if you go to the Grand Floridian, you know, you know, the restaurants there are expensive and and you kind of expect that. The weird thing about this is that it's on the boardwalk, which like to me, the boardwalk, well, you know, it is a nice resort. It it feels like.
you know you kind of yeah You kind of expect boardwalk type food, which you know is not to say like you know cheap food all the time, but you don't like I guess if I was staying at the boardwalk and I was walking down, I'm like, oh, I'm going to just pop in here and get food and find out that you know ah you know for you know my family of three, I'm spending $80 on breakfast. like yeah you know i mean I would be real turned off real quick. like I just don't see how this place is going to thrive where it is.
I would agree with that. Like you said, if it were a grand flirty and I feel like it wouldn't have a, you know, nobody would bat an eye at it. Right. But again, it's because that's what you know, what you're getting into there. that This is a really weird thing that, you know, they put it where it is and the, the you know, ah like I said, it's a third party running it, but they clearly were tone deaf to like how these prices were going to look to people. Right. like Yeah. Yeah.
see Look, even if you go over to like, amarets, right? Over at Disney Springs, which is is like, you know, a really great bakery, right? Like, they have similar items and it's cheaper, right? I mean, it's it's just, but they have ah they have a turkey and a brie sandwich, you know, not it's not Gruyere, but it's turkey and brie. That's $13.50.
That's fairly reasonable. yeah Exactly. like and And it's like, yeah, like so. So my answer to that is, oh, you know, I'm not eating here. I'm going to go, you know, there's way too many other options that are far more affordable yeah on property. And like I said, unfortunately, I think that's like that's what's going to put this place out of business quicker than they than they want to admit is that, you know, you don't get to just because you're on Disney and because you're, you know,
I don't even know what the cake bake shop is, but obviously they they seem to have some kind of pedigree behind it or they're that's what they're trying to sell. I guess it's well known. Yeah, I don't know. Supposedly, but I mean, I guess outside of Disney circles, it's well known maybe, but that's that seems to be entirely what they're selling here. is that you know It's not that anything about this is any more remarkable than anything else on Disney property.
but the only thing that is remarkable is the price, which is a place you don't want to be. Yeah. I mean, to be fair, what was there before it was yeah ESPN zone. And i I actually, I don't think I ever went into ESPN zone because it's just, it's like, it was like a sports park kind of place. And I just wasn't interested to me. Um, this, I will say the design of it feels more boardwalk, right? Like if it very much blends in with the boardwalk aesthetic,
It's just like you said, even though Boardwalk is a premium resort, it's not, you know, it's it it's a deluxe resort, right? But it's it's not that kind of price deluxe resort, I feel like, you know. um Yeah, I'll be interested to see what happens. I'm still sad that I said this in the Discord that I i still miss Ample Hill's Creamery because I loved, I really liked their ice cream a lot and they did not last long and that was unfortunate.
um Cause I really liked that place, but you know, now we have the little deli over there and that's pretty good too. So, but yeah, if you want to, I, I, I'm sure some people will still check this out, right? Like, you know, if you're doing like a once in a lifetime type of thing, go ahead, you know, go crazy. Yeah. Well, but, but like I said, even even at that, actually, oh yeah, I'm, I'm looking at, uh, so you got me curious about this cake bag shop place. Yeah. If, if you want to buy a full cake from them, um, it's $160.
Yeah, whereas amarets, you can buy a full cake for $65. Yeah, these slices, that like it is a $26 slice of cake. That's insane.
which again i just i don't I don't understand it. I don't either i don't get it. Clearly, i'm not neither of us are the are the um target demographic for this. i you know i guess if People have other opinions on this. you know We do love hearing other people's opinions. Obviously, we you know neither of us are impressed by this.
But no that's just us. yeah you know that That doesn't mean that we're saying that it's right or wrong. you know i would if If it turns out that this place doesn't close up because you know it's doing good business, hey, you know I'll be glad to admit I'm wrong about it. I just don't see how like i don't see how this is going to function where it is in Disney. That's just my take on it. Yeah, I don't agree. I agree.
All right. All right. Let's go ahead and wrap this thing up. Right. And then we'll be back next week and then we'll have a live show the week after that. Yeah. Oh, wow. That is coming up real quick, isn't it? Oh, by the way, I forgot to say happy Thanksgiving to you, Trevor, as a, you know, you're, you're Canadian Thanksgiving, right? Yes. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. We, we did our Thanksgiving yesterday. So I'm, I have been, I feel like I've been a little off this morning cause I I've been recovering from Turkey coma. So Turkey coma. Yeah. That's a tough one.
Yeah, it was it it was a good good meal last night. We actually so so funny enough. I actually did or I think I told you this that I bought dole whip mix. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I saw that and and I have a or so I bought a a ninja creamy which makes like ice cream by the pint and originally I bought it because I was making um I was making lactose free ice cream for myself because I got tired of of trying like everything in the store is like it's it's like they don't know how to make good ice cream so sure I was I was making you know I was making my own whatever and but then I saw that hey there's a recipe for or people like figured out how to make dole whip in the creamy so I bought some of the mix and so yeah actually last night when we when we did Thanksgiving
I made some pints of dole whip, and so for dessert, we actually had- Did it Yeah, it did. Is it as good or? So when it the the interesting thing is that if you if youve run it through the sorbet setting twice, it comes out, it is very much the same consistency as a dole whip. like it is it is It is authentic. But what I what i found though, like like obviously you can't eat like a whole pint of dole whip in one go, so I end up freezing it. But then when you freeze it,
It's still good. It's just, it's more like a sorbet than, um, in dole whip, but it's still definitely is the right flavor. Like it, cause it is dole whip it like it is. Yeah. So direct that we actually, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I did buy actual dole whip. So, um, yeah. So we actually had that last night with, uh, with carrot cake, which is really good, by the way, like, like pineapple dole whip and carrot cake is actually really good. Just throwing that out there.
Okay. Interesting. Yeah. Well, yeah. So happy Thanksgiving to all of our, uh, all of our Canadian listeners. I know we have quite a few. So yeah, enjoy your Thanksgiving. I actually said to my wife the other day, I was like, I think I want to start celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving. Cause I really liked the gap that you guys have between Thanksgiving and Christmas, you know, like it's Christmas. Yeah. Christmas and Thanksgiving is way too close to each other in and the United States, you know? Yeah. I don't know why you guys do it so close because yeah, you know, uh, October is a perfect time to do it. And then.
You've got plenty of time to prep for Christmas instead of yeah and instead of like Black Friday right into the Christmas season, right? Yeah, yeah exactly. but um Yeah, so ah so yeah you know as as usual, if you guys want to reach out to us, you can always find us at Welcome Home Podcast at gmail.com.
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