Episode 280: Membership Magic Beyond, Premier Pass & Disney Adventure image

Episode 280: Membership Magic Beyond, Premier Pass & Disney Adventure

Welcome Home: A Disney Parks & DVC Podcast
650 Plays1 day ago

On This Episode

The guys discuss the new paid membership extras program that DVC just announced. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad will be closed for a long refurbishment. Disney has revealed the closing dates for some of DinoLand to prepare for the new land. Disney announced a new Lightning Lane option called Premier Pass which will allow guests to skip the lines without reservations. Disney Cruise Line gave a preview of more of the themed areas on the upcoming Disney Adventure ship including the longest roller coaster at sea.

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Hello and welcome home. This episode of Welcome Home is brought to you by DVC Resale Market. Thank you for joining us on episode 280 of Welcome Home, a Disney Parks and Vacation Club podcast. I'm Tom here with Trevor and Damon. How's it going, guys? Hey. Hello. I'm going to let Trevor say hello, because I have a lot of things to talk about. You're going to let Trevor does start off? I didn't want to like just start talking with Trevor and not being able to say hello first. like I said hello, but...
So so what what do you have, Damon? What what is so pressing? talk There's so many things, so many things, where to start, where to start. so ah Okay. Let's see. um well I saw you went to the the the the the the terror. the Yeah, the how the Halloween thing, yeah.
Sure, so you're gonna force me to talk about that first? Okay, that works. Were you gonna talk about it? I was. I mean, that wasn't the particular order I thought about, but absolutely. Yeah, so we had thought about going to this place called The Haunt. Well, let me take a step back.
My oldest girlfriend now, she's from Virginia and she was telling us about some of Virginia. I guess one's called Red Vein and we're like, okay, we'll go there. And we had, you know, all these plans to go there. And I just was like, you know, they come home first, you know, their fall break. And I looked and I was like,
Yeah, that's two and a half hours away. like yeah I don't know if I want to do that. And, you know, what's starting to happen too is like, I got to pay for everybody. So it's no longer like, so now I'm like doling out money for, let's see, there's five of us, right? Because again, it's, you know, both my sons and their girlfriends. And I'm like,
I don't mind but gas is a lot of my our plan was to go to red vein and another one in virginia and it just felt like a bad idea so okay cool so then i was like i wanted to go to this place called hotel haunt and okay and it was a little bit like.
The one that was in a picture for sayersville and i was kind of excited because we really love that when it was super scary but we get in the middle of the day so i had imagine like at night would've been even like crazy. I feel like that kind of stuff you have to do at night right like.
I mean, it wasn't so bad because once you're in the house, it was so dark. But again, it just wasn't the same feel as like driving out to somewhere you don't know in the middle of the woods and all that. So this place I was like kind of excited for. So I'm texting my middle one and like I'm just getting this way. He would probably be so mad I'm going to say this, but I don't think it's not the truth. I'm getting this vibe like it might be too much. So like one of the things they say on the website is only 40 percent of people make it into the second room.
and I'm like, wait that's but awesome. How many rooms are there? I don't know. so like The one that we went to in Dollywood, there was like probably 10 rooms. You're in an actual you know yeah house. so This one is next to, in theory, a haunted Asylum I think as well like a you know, I'm gonna say real and air quotes because I don't believe in any of that But like an actual haunted asylum anyway, so I start looking at this and I'm like, dude, this is it like and it's a little farther but I'm like, let's do it and all of a sudden my middle sense like hey, why don't we go to woods of terror again and I was like Man, you're just scared. He's like no, no, no, but like we haven't been to woods of terror in a while and I'm like, oh
All right, whatever. And then Molly, um you know who we had met from the show who lives out that way, I said to her, I was like, hey, we were thinking about going to Woods of Terror. She goes, oh, we're actually going this weekend. And I was like, all right, you know what? We'll just go. So we ended up going meeting them for dinner and then going out to Woods of Terror.
It was okay but like even when we were there the guy was like oh last year we got sued and now we have to do this and now we have to do that. Like it's just not the same the only thing that was probably a little bit more over the top which i was like kinda surprised in this post covid world there was this.
girl who had crazy good makeup like so what they do is in the beginning they bring out all the actors for like like this it's not a parade but they just bring them all out right and so you can see them all they come down the street like sort of thing this you know dirt road and it's kind of cool this one girl had like In her mouth, like had like one of those like fake blood capsules, but it was black and it was in her mouth and she was sticking her finger in her mouth and then rubbing it on you. Oh, all right. I mean, I was like, nah, that's the right person. Like, no, let's not do that. um So they had a stranger things house.
OK, which is all right. They had a couple of. Wait, wait, did they like license stranger things or is it like? No, no. Like, OK, so it's like rip off. OK, listen, I don't want to say I don't know the answer to that. Maybe they did. Maybe they didn't. I don't want to speak on that. got And then they had this new one called like Baba Yaga or something. And I guess it we were told that it had been shut down um from the fire marshal, but that they were opening it today for the first time, no matter what.
Hmm. Okay. Okay. Sounds good. Yeah. It was this huge, like, bird thing. Like it was like voodoo and birds. And the houses like a giant bird and the Baba Yaga is a witch.
Yeah, so it was like in myth of some sort yeah it was high up there like you had to like walk up tons of stairs and I was like Yeah, I could kind of see like if there was a problem up here like a problem if there was a you kind of started to see why they got sued Well, no, they didn't get sued for that this that. The fire marshal didn't open it right away. But I was just like, all right, whatever. It was it was all very good. And what I realized was is going through it is that I really love like they do a phenomenal job at makeup and props. There's no doubt like it's so much better from when we went the first time. But everything's a little bit like
not ah not as cool. Like, so one of the things they used to have is they used to have this sensory place where you would have to walk through, it was kind of like um it was an enclosed thing and the walls were super skinny and it was pitch black, right? Pitch black and they'd play sounds of like bees and like all things that you would hate, right? And you can't like, I mean, pitch black like hand in front of your face can't see all the walls are painted black and they're skinny and there's different ways to go and you get stuck. Like,
And they used to put a bag over your head to boot, even though it was pitch black crazy. It was actually for the purge. It was after the purge room. And your definition of fun is so much different than mine. Oh, yeah. It was so good. Well, doesn't suffer this year this is not fun to me.
This year, what they did was is they took the like top slats out, so like moonlight came through. Oh, no. Man, that's wack. Now you just made it wack. It's not cool, and there's no B sounds. It's just like walking through. like There was a lot of that, so what they've done is they've definitely upped the props. and Listen, the props and the makeup work, are just they're really, really good.
um But again the scare factor for me is is way lower so i'm looking for these places where. You know there's a little bit more and this place that the whole place they also can touch you and that's like i want that there's some places in florida and that i've heard of that can pick you up.
and like take you places like that's really what I want. But I don't think they have anything like that near us. So there's this haunt place seems pretty cool because if you go VIP, what you can do, so you're supposed to go in small groups, right? But if you go VIP, you can go solo or in a group of one, two or three. Oh my gosh.
Now, I don't know if I could even go solo. I'm going to be honest with you. I don't know if I could. I mean, I think if someone is putting money on the table, I could, but I wouldn't want to. But we are talking about groups of three would be real interesting. But it was enjoyable, but definitely not as enjoyable as the first time. And it's definitely not as scary as the first time.
I have to say I pulled up their web website and I see the Stranger Things say thing and it says reimagined and inspired by Stranger Things. So there you go. I mean, it it was is pretty cool. Like I said, everything that they do is is well done.
um Like I said, I just i need a little bit more these these days. so But you know definitely fun, definitely you know worth the trip. It does get expensive though, because you're talking like 80 bucks. You got a fast pass, especially for somebody like me, because it's far. like I don't want to be waiting around in line for like an hour and a half, because I'm trying to drive home in the dark. right like yeah yeah like so 80 bucks, and then we went to you know we went to eat before that, and being five of us, I mean, yeah, it cost like almost 600 bucks. Yeah, right is it was an expensive night. That's an expensive night. But again, you know yeah it's with my family, so I don't necessarily mind. So that would that was definitely interesting. um What else has been going on in my life? So tennis, which I keep telling Tom and Trevor, like dude, they're like, hey, can you do tennis? Tennis. Tennis.
States are next week, so in theory, I should be good after about two weeks from now um to come back maybe every once in a while, which would be super helpful. I've been growing a Meyer lemon tree, so I'm all involved in citrus stuff. And then before we even get started with the Disney stuff, I'm in the midst now. um' First of all, I'm very upset about the Universal announcement, but I'm in the midst of planning.
Because you're going to tell me you're going to announce in October that it opens in May. Like that is kind of fairly short notice. I mean don't love that. Yeah. So yeah know I had taken it out of my plan. So we're doing that cruise and we're going to go to, I think, the Grove. I haven't booked it yet. But I think we're going to go to the Grove um prior to that for like five days. OK, my daughter, I didn't realize what ended up happening was that I didn't realize that the USTA Tennis Center for you know youth tennis and stuff is in Orlando.
So it actually worked out really well. So we're going to go down there super early. She'll actually take lessons there in practice before we go on the cruise, which works out perfectly. um So I'm excited to see the Grove because, like I said, our goal is to see all the resorts that exist in Orlando in terms of outside of Disney. But the announcement, you know, twofold, I kind of don't like it one because it's just I'm already planned for the summer. So now, like you're making that a big deal for me.
You're blowing up to your summer. Well, because I think I'm going to have to try to go. like yeah And I don't want to, but you're forcing me to try to go. And yeah the I just don't want to wait a whole other year, because I just think, again, as I told you guys, like when I went to Harry Potter the first time, the Dementors were like two feet away. And then you know you go the next time, and they're 20 feet away because people ruin it. like I want to be there before it gets ruined. um The other thing is this whole way that they're doing tickets. I don't love it. So you're telling me I can't actually go to Epic Universe every day. Yeah, you can only go one day, right or something. It's the one every three days or something, right? So you have to buy a minimum three day park ticket and only one of those days can be at Epic Universe. So you get one day at to Epic Universe and then two days at the other two parks. However, you
I don't love that. yeah it's like ah I get it. Listen, from an experience standpoint, it probably is the best way to handle it. But I don't love it because of the way that I'm trying to plan this trip. So I don't know if I'm going to make it there yet. I'm not sure. You know, what's really hard for me about that is that I've been planning a trip with my brother and we literally leave five days before Epic Universe opens. And I'm not.
Oh, it' the same universal. Well, so so we're doing like just all things in Florida. So like him and I are going around and doing like. mini golf and roller coasters and whatever. And so we are going to be at Universal, but we we leave. Yeah, five days. Dude, I think I think it will be I think you'd be able to do stuff. Maybe they're you're right. The problem is, is that they're not gonna because there's ticket. Yeah, like, yeah, like, reviews probably that's the problem i't I don't get how like, I mean, the chances of getting to a soft opening of some sort are basically
zero ah at this point, I would think. Well, I don't think there's zero. You'd have to just leverage the the the Disney podcast. for the best yeah Yeah, I don't know how well that would work. But but again, the the problem with that, too, is, you know, we have this like we have things planned on this trip. And and the problem is, is that if if I end up spend all spending all my time waiting for like, oh, maybe I can get to Epic University, and you know putting off doing things.
Yeah, it becomes to that either yeah becomes a point of you know, what? Why am I there? i'm I'm not there to just maybe get into Epic Universe. Like I have another trip. So like I feel you on that is it's like you you and giving such notice on this like, like, ah it really forces you to choose it. And the thing is, too, is that can you even do Epic Universe in a day? I think the answer is going to be no.
but So you get one day that doesn't matter though, like they're forcing you to well, that's what I'm saying So so you're you're now you're sticking me an epic universe and I probably can't do everything and that day listen I'm gonna tell you my family is not gonna love me that day because I'm gonna want to get up at the crack and I'm gonna want to ride as much as I can and it's almost going to be Exhausting and I'm probably not gonna get on everything and I don't love that. I I had planned to go the next year for two weeks, and that would have been fine. I would have figured out a way to get multiple days in, but I can't do that this year with a cruise that I'm tagging five extra days hanging out in Orlando in. So I'm just not sure. Now, the only other thing I could try to do as crazy as that sounds, you know I can't even put that on out there in the world. like I could try to do it prior to the cruise, but I'm just going to take that back because I think everyone would really kill me if I tried to do that.
Yeah, I'm just like I said, a good announcement, but I'm not happy and to make me wait a year because my kids are in college and won't be able to do it any other time. yet Well, two kids in college, one in high school, otherwise we could do it in January. I just think it's going to be a different experience in a year and and i ah too much FOMO for me for that, honestly. means I don't know what will happen, but stay tuned, I guess.
Yeah, stay tuned. I don't know. Stay tuned. but And like I feel you on like, it it it feels like it becomes a weird split between like, am I going for the sake of vacationing? Or am I going because it's job at that point? Yeah, like, it really is that that I don't like, I don't like feeling like I'm like obligated to get it done. Exactly. And and I don't mind that if you're telling me that, like,
Let's just call Tron, right? Like, let's just say Tron. Like, if I'm there, I don't even have to do that. It's Guardians of the Galaxy, right? Like, I was just going for one thing, and it really was just a little bit of stress one morning for an hour to get up, buy your, you know, Lightning Lane and and and single Lightning Lane, and and we were good, right?
This is just like a whole day of stress. like I already know the way my kids are and I know the way I am and i'm goingnna there's going to come a point in the day where I'm like, yo, let's do this. And they're gonna just be, look at me like with glazed eyes and then I'm gonna be like, Come on, man. And then they're gonna be like, dude, like, what are we doing? And it's just, I can already see just not a great situation. And so I don't know, we'll see how it turns out, but as of right now, I'm not sure. And you know, what I'm hoping is, and I hate to say this, but what I'm hoping is I told my wife, not even gonna think about it until like after Christmas, right? I don't wanna actually even like start thinking about a plan. So after Christmas come January, if I go and look,
and there's options for us, great. If it's all sold out the time we want to go, then it is what it is. Yeah, that makes sense. Because we're going to go to Dollywood otherwise. There's so many things we miss doing in Dollywood. so yeah i don't And then I still got to book this Disney cruise, so I don't lose my 10%. I don't know when the heck that's happening.
Yeah, I mean, but my wife and I have been having the same conversation because we have the cruise in May and it's like, well, do we do another trip? Like what? I mean, ah we just have no idea what we're going to do outside of the cruise. I know, but you're in such a different place because you're not like so stressed about like I'm legit like, OK, so I'm looking at.
three years, three years, that's it, right? So, because I figured my oldest goes to grad school, and even if he works there in grad school, he'll be like an internship or something where he'll be able to get off. I'm not super worried about that, because he'll be in grad school. i My oldest one, yeah that's my oldest one, my middle one is, you know, got three more years left in college, and then my daughter will be in college. So, the next three years are like, that's it, in terms of like, doing multiple vacations and doing kind of what I want.
Right for like hey, this is what we're doing. Yeah doing yeah doing the family vacation. Well because after this it's gonna be I'm gonna have to er yeah hey can you do yeah Yeah, can you guys do this like we already talked about it like we want to do I always tell them because You know, I got this advice from one of my friends. If you pay, they'll come. But really, you're only getting a week with them, right? So like, I can pay for a week vacation, but it's not like where I'm just telling them. When they get older, it's going to be a little bit more like, hey, so what do you guys want to do?
not, hey, this is what we're doing. Yeah. There's limitations on that too. Cause even if you're paying, it's not like you can't drag them around work. Yeah. and And you can't tell them like, okay, we're getting up and going here because they're going to be like, no, I'm just not going. Right. Exactly. just going I'm an adult now. You can't tell me what to do. Yeah, exactly. They tell me that now, but yeah, I mean, they're still living here. So it's a little different, but uh, legally they can just, you know, leave and you can't do anything about it.
I don't think that they're ever going to turn down a cruise. I think they just enjoy the cruising aspect of it so much. So I think we'll be safe there. We're really curious about how this Royal Caribbean cruise is going to go, this Utopia one. um A little bit different than the one you went on, Tom, right? And I think a little bit more party-ish, which um'm obviously is not my thing, but I'm curious to see how a 21 and a 19-year-old feel about that. You probably would have enjoyed my boat ah because it was like it was smaller and like it wasn't like a crazy party boat. like yeah yeah yeah It was more chill. But there's also less to do. That's true, too. Did you guys go to the Royal Caribbean island? Yeah, yeah, we did. yeah And how was it? It was great, actually. you didn't go on your You haven't done any Disney cruises yet, though. No, no, no, no. So you can't compare it to anything? I can't compare it, yeah. OK.
But no, I mean, it's, I just from what I've seen, it seems pretty different just because they, I mean, they have a crazy amount of activities on that Island. I mean, I also didn't get to see all of it because we, we ended up, we were at the private beach. So we didn't, we just stayed at the private beach all day. So yeah adults only beach. So, um, so yeah, I mean, I didn't really get to explore, but I mean, just when you pull up there, you know, you see the water slides, you see the, I think they do zip lining. I think there's like a hot air balloon. Like it's also, yeah. yeah It will be interesting. Like I said, I'll let you know how it goes on the utopia, but we'll see. All right. Well, i want to I want to mention, Trevor, I don't know if there's anything, life stuff you want to talk about. but just No, no, nothing nothing right now. I mean, I got stuff for later, but we got other things to talk about first. Yeah. So I want to just remind everybody we're doing the the Halloween live show on the 25th, which is Friday at 8pm. So that's going to be live streaming on YouTube and on Facebook. ah So you know you can join in. We'll send out a link where you can just pop in and and hang out with us.
um you know we'll we'll We'll have a good time. Maybe me. I'm like at a 33 and a third repeating percent that I'll be there. Yeah. We're we're not sure about David, but well Trevor and I will definitely be there and I hope some of our are our listeners will join us as well. and Hopefully, there'll be some new ones too. I know ah some of our you know other listeners will join us, but it'd be nice to see some new faces too.
so mom dan's there that's all that matters is all any answer there yeah then well chris already told us he can't come because he's it's his anniversary and i said i see what your priorities are now i really disappointed um but anyway i mean so I don't want to get involved in that drama. just i i see yeah Hey, I'm here on my anniversary. No, you can leave now. No, no, no. You have to be there. It's you're obligated. um So this got rumored a long time ago. I mean, I mean i remember us talking about this on the podcast years ago. Yeah. And now it's finally launching. And what I'm referring to is the DVC ah paid member extras program. So this is essentially it's a it's an optional another tier of membership.
And it's $99 annual fee. And what it comes with are specially priced five day weekday tickets. And we don't know what those prices are going to be with One Water Park included. Available for the enrolled member and up to seven family members in their household.
people People that have like 10 family members you're beat. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. ah um Then the at Disneyland, you get a three-day weekday, especially probably three-day weekday ticket that includes lightning lane, multi-pass, and you know it's available for, again, up to seven members.
30 day memory maker entitlement valued up to two hundred ten dollars which is what does that mean though i'm trying to figure that out like is it thirty separate days like if i go thirty total days in a year or is it like thirty consecutive day like i'm not so sure if i recall the last time that i bought memory maker it's like.
when you buy a memory maker, it lasts for 30 days from when you activate it. So when you buy it. Yeah. Yeah. So basically it's fraught, you know, one 30 day vacations. That would be nice. But I think the idea is, yeah, if you're there for like three weeks, it just covers the whole thing. But they basically like give you a month of, you could use it within a month, but that you can't like, no, you can't like split it upwards. Like I use a week at the beginning of the year, the year, it's just a one time use of memory maker.
So, and then we also have, ah there's gonna be special character meet and greet at the member lounge at Epcot. And then you also will get ah advantage, it take advantage of priority access to the d to the DVC ah member lounge. So basically if there's a wait list, you get to skip the wait list with having this membership. um So that's pretty cool. And available to the enrolled member and up to four guests,
or the number of guests on their hotel reservations. So Damon, to your point, if you have like 10 on your ah hotel reservation, you can you know have 10 up there. um You'll also be able to do DVC points. You'll be'll be able to use DVC points to purchase the ah sorcerer pass. ah So that's the annual pass that ah is available to DVC members. So that's interesting. I'm i'm really curious to see how many points that's going to be.
They're not going to be cheap. It's no. Yeah, but I don't care. Like, for me, that's that's a win. I guess I can do them all. There's so much to discuss here. If you have extra points, yeah. that's yeah And then, OK, the last two more things. yeah Yeah. So the last two are you get a bonus one-time use point for each one-time use point purchase. So basically, you get double. the Like, if you purchase 12, you get 24, right?
And then also the $95 transaction fee is waived when booking Disney collection reports. That's awesome too. Yeah. So like it's interesting because I said this, I was like, to me, the $99 is worth it just for the memory maker because that's what it costs, right? If you're going to use it, absolutely. yeah Yeah, of course. I love absolutely all of this. I think that the level of what you're going to get from it is great because I think that If you're looking at it like Trevor saying, so let's just say you're going to memory maker and you're going to get special priced weekday tickets, right? Okay. Um, the only thing is, is that the thing that's weird about that is if you, you so you're talking about not going over the weekend at all. That's, that's a weird sort of vacation. Unless you know, just buying like separate, you know, just regularly priced tickets for the, the, the makes sense. Yeah. Here's the interesting thing on that is depending on the math, it may actually save you money.
So if you, if you're there, cause you buy a two day ticket, let's just say you're going for a week and you buy a two day ticket after that, that two day ticket adding to, you know, how it goes, adding two days onto a ticket versus a two day ticket. I don't think the math's going to work. That's going to be a weird one.
But I guess if it's like if it's a five day ticket and you have to pay for like a one day ticket, like it's it. It may be that if you're saving more than five in one day, maybe you think about how much a one day ticket is a one day ticket for a hundred and ninety bucks much more expensive. And like once you get to six or seven days, like 20 bucks. Yeah. Yes.
So we'll see how that works. The only way I think that I would this would be beneficial is if let's just say you were going to do like ah Legoland or Universal or something else, then what you do is you just make it that your Disney days are just five in the middle of the week. Then not so bad. um Then it makes sense. Yeah, absolutely. So I think there's a lot of benefits here. that The thing that I just have to go to immediately is this priority access for the lounge sucks.
Like, he yeah here's the thing, every fat smell sge yeah no but here everything here it does not impact anybody. And I'm fine with all that except except for that one. yeah And why do you want to impact my vacation with this? yeah And that's what I just don't like. And I'm always a big fan of extras and charge up all of that. That one to me, though, I don't love that. I don't. I don't. I get that. I get that. I mean, you're basically it's basically Screwing somebody. for yeah i mean Yeah, you are. i mean you're You're jumping ahead of the line. right so I guess the question is, though, i' in the last couple times I've been to the lounge, there wasn't a wait list. We went right up. Oh, there've been wait lists the last two times I've been there. and Here's the thing. so What happens now? right Because it says may you know capacity still applies. What happens if two people roll up with 20 people?
then that's that's They're hoping that's not going to happen. but You know that's going to happen. yeah They can't hope that's not going to happen. That's definitely going to happen. I don't know. I think that I would consider this for sure. It's it's a nominal fee. I mean, really, it's $99. I'm going to be open to this sorcerer's pass. Now, I wonder if our sponsor now decides to do something similar. Oh, yeah they might, yeah.
I think it would be smart if they did, but you're telling me I could get the sorcerers pass through points, and again, you know the way I am. I mean, we have a ton of points and we don't go to Disney as much, so that might be an option for us. Yeah. i it's going to be exorbitant but yeah yeah Even if it saves you on one or two passes, like I mean, that that's still a good chunk of money that you could you could cut off just by spending points.
There is two things about this that I don't like. And there is two restrictions on this that they don't touch on this in the features. But one, this is only open to people in the US currently. So I'm actually excluded from being able to use it, which I don't like. And I would encourage anybody like me, phone DVC, and say, hey, if you're a Canadian, I hate the fact that they do this, where it's like, oh, if you're a Canadian, you're not eligible. It's like, come on. Wait, is this also a blue card?
Yeah, so it's blue card only and it's US only. The blue card thing, the problem is that they weren't totally clear about if you had, or they're saying if you have 150 direct points as of some date this year. We don't know if you guys are grandfathered in. And that's a promise that I have less. You're not.
Okay, I have only 100 points direct. And, and the thing is is that people are saying, well, you know, they've always grandfathered stuff in, but this may be a cutoff where they start going, Yeah, you know what, I know, I know, Damon, you listen when i want to be VIP and everything, and I don't really care what you want. yeah it is I want it. I would Disney want to give you free stuff for nothing. You bought resale. like yeah That's not real Disney. They want to get with themselves. We still have some direct points. It's just when I bought in 100 was the number, then they changed the number. That's the only thing that feels gross is that that you know you know for the longest time 100 was the number and the fact that they changed the target
Is like that was gross but yeah and again that that's what they're trying to do but absolutely for me that that like that's ah over ten thousand dollars worth of points that i would have to buy and i don't have that kind of money right now. To you know even add on the the points that i need to make this viable.
But that's what they're doing because otherwise too many people would have it. right Think about this. why for and For a nominal fee of $99, why wouldn't everybody do it? They don't want everyone to do it. They can't just have everyone do it. The lounge would be overrun.
so i think they should i think Honestly, I think for these perks, it should be 300 points. That's me. That's what I think it should be. It should be something that makes sense where the number of people that have access to it is not so large that it negates what it is.
Well, I mean, that's essentially a hundred points. I have to be fine. 400 points. What do i I mean? That's essentially what they're doing with the, uh, the premium, the premier lightning lane, which we'll get into later. yeah yeah you When you make it such a high price, you're excluding a lot of people purposely. Yeah. Take it though.
yeah so The only thing that I hope for is that like, yes, that the points thing is is fine. I don't know why it's not for people like in Canada. That I don't get. And I'm bored with. yeah that's' I'm with you. The points thing I love, but that not being just US. s Why? I don't understand that.
but It's such a weird arbitrary thing because like you know having points and coming from Canada is not any different. No, it's not's not different at all. It's so weird that they're just like, well, we only ah you know we're only offering this to the people in the US, but everything else I can get. I don't get that. that The point is that we're going to disagree about, but the Canada thing I agree about.
ah well I'm hoping Trevor, it's one of those things that they are they just haven't figured out yet and they will open it up to you. That's what I'm hopeful for you. They never have anything. It's literally just, off like there's nothing to figure out. It's just that you can buy this. like yeah yeah sort of It's got to be something legal though. that that That's the problem, I think. Yeah. Because it's a subscription technically, right? so Maybe that's what the issue is, something with subscriptions. I don't know.
But I can get a Disney Plus subscription, so again, I don't kiss see. but Your Disney Plus had Hulu. all they and They don't even have Hulu. Hulu doesn't exist. It's rolled into Hulu. yeah saying that's all To me, that's weird. Yeah.
and i like i have plus two i mean i knew read so um yeah I'm actually just pulling up the frequently asked questions on this just to see if there's anything else. But listen, I think this is ah i think this is a good idea. i Like you said, it's a negligible cost and it feels like you get a lot of benefits for it. It's almost too cheap.
I know what you're saying, yeah. It almost is, cheap like but because because here's the thing, if you're going to Disney, you're going to hit one of these, right? There's going to be something in there, whether it's you know the the special meet and greets, whether it's the memory maker, because the special meet and greets are worth something, right? We don't know what that necessarily, what that cost is. Yeah. Um, but they're worth some monetary amount and it's probably more than $99 to a lot of families, right? yeah So every single thing is probably worth more than $99. So I get why they're doing it. But then on the other hand, I'm like, how do you limit it? And I think that's why we're going back to the other thing is that's how they're going to limit it. Yeah. Under 50 direct.
I don't know. I, I think, I think they're just not, haven't been clear about it yet. So I, will say say yeah yeah, that's the big thing that gets me is that the the way that they kind of rolled this out, the, the, the fuzzy parts about it bother me that they couldn't do with fuzzy, but but it's like, come on guys. Like, you get it together. It's purposely, I think they stick it out. in ask eat sir I think they stick it out in the ether and then they're like, hey, so what are people complaining about? Hey, what are people saying? Hey, all right, let's change it up a little bit. I think that's a lot of what happens with Disney. Let's throw it out there, see what people complain about, and then we'll kind of make it a little clearer depending on what we do. Every time it feels like they do the bare minimum. I think that's on purpose. You know the default answers. Immediately, things like, hey, is this available to people in Canada?
You know, and I think that's a legal thing, man. I hate to say it. It's unfortunate. But OK, but Disney has the ability to figure this stuff out. They could have been doing this while they were setting up this plan. Yeah, so so it's an interesting question because I'd love to know if someone actually knows what the legal issue is. Like, I mean, maybe Disney just can't like maybe like it's a whole like U.S. Canada thing. It's not a Disney thing. Yeah.
Yeah, that's fair. i mean Disney Plus is still in your country. It's not like it doesn't exist there. And I have DVC and i and I've had annual passes. and like That's the thing is that I've had everything else that is available like like the same as anybody else in DVC. I have access to all those things.
But then they just arbitrarily are like, oh, this thing is not available to support. Trevor's never going to be able to meet the special people in the. Yeah, exactly. I'll be the one standing in line as you all are walking by. Well, I'll bring you in as a guest. You can be one of my guests. Oh, thank you. so um I am looking at this, though, and I feel like they're they are saying that you're still grandfathering because it's they're saying, you know, to receive membership, they're just saying you need to be part of membership extras, which we are. If we have a blue card, you're part of membership extras. So I don't know. I think we'll have to get more clarification. But I know I forget who somebody chatted with DVC. Yeah. i theor Yeah.
I've seen a couple of those that and I meant to call them this week. I just i did not have time to call them this week, yeah but yeah but I am going to be calling them and at the very least giving the feedback of stop you know stop limiting this to US only. and like like Again, fair if there is ah a legitimate reason why they can't, fine. But if it was just somebody who was lazy and didn't want to open it up to of the US, like Sometimes that's it is that they just don't want to think about it. and to show what to do with Yeah, really, you could have just added that to the statement that it's eligible to Canada in the US and then, you know, include people with a Canadian address like that. They could have done that.
So just to go back to, by the way, to the memory maker thing, it is it's photos and videos taken within 30 days from the date on which the memory maker benefit is activated. So, yeah, just 30 days from then. So which is what I thought. But yeah, so you get you get a free memory. No, like that's what it is, is that you're literally buying a memory maker, but at ninety nine dollars instead of the normal like hundred and eighty dollars or whatever it is. Well, truth be told, they probably could have charged double this and people still would have paid it. And I'm saying I think it should have been one ninety nine.
Yeah, I mean 99 is great though. I mean like you said I was joking in the discord but kind of serious I just view this as buying You know buying memory maker and you get some other incidental benefits on the top of that like that Yeah, kind of what you're going to the parks. I don't know why you wouldn't do it. Yeah, you can I was, if, if this was available to me, I would be using it. I understand why you're bitter about this. I would be bitter too. I would be better too. I'll fight for maybe a little change it between now and then, but was it the lightning lane thing that the booking ahead or whatever? What was the thing that they didn't allow in Canada at first? And then it was the seven, it was the seven day out on the lightning lane.
But that ended up not being true, though. Yeah. Well, yeah. But again, initially, the statement was just only available in the US. And then they went back and were like, oh, yeah. Also Canada. Available people in Canada. So that's why I'm going to at least call them and give them the feedback. This is to the point about changing things at Disney is that at the very least giving them the feedback and saying, hey, I like what you're doing. I don't like what you're doing. And like Damon, you're right about they're deliberately being fuzzy because they want to see how many people come complain about it. Like that's kind of my take on it is yeah, you know, at least I'll let them know that I would like to use this and maybe they'll reconsider their stance on it.
Yeah, and and just to go back to, I'm just looking through their FAQs, I should have done this ahead of time, but um it's it says, who's eligible to purchase this? It says ah it's available for purchase to to DVC members that have DVCY on their on their um and their card, which is which is blue card, right? So I don't think i i think people that have less than 150 are fine, are are able to participate in this, from what I can see. Grandfathered in. Yeah, grandfathered in.
Much to the chagrin of David. That's a shame. That's a shame, unfortunately. Whatever. I'm sorry that happened. I'm going to call and give that feedback. If I get this, I'll be thinking about it real hard as I'm walking into the lounge. I'll be thinking about what you said, Damon, that I shouldn't be there. And I'm going to give the feedback of, I think it should be 400 points. 400 points, geez. All right. Let's move on to other things. I mean, this is really, I feel like we could talk about this forever. This is really interesting. I think this is how- We do have other things too, because they decided to drop a bunch of bombs this week. They did. Yeah. It does the next two things. Come on, Tom, get through these quick.
Well, this is important to me. ah but Nothing you can do to change it. It just is what it is. ah No, the part of this that I want to talk about. So first of all, Big Thunder Mountain is closing for at least a year starting January six. The reason why I want to talk about that is because they said with a little bit of new magic. My assumption is they're saying it's going to open in twenty twenty six. My assumption is they're going to do what they do in Disneyland. Right. Trevor, I mean, like what are you? Yes, please do that.
Yeah, I mean but the final lift he'll needs that improve or maybe they'll do something different. Who knows? I don't know. Maybe. I mean, yeah, yeah there's nothing saying they have to just copy it from from Disneyland. Yeah. And I'm sure the technology's gotten even better since the since they did the Disneyland one. So when was this ride open? Like originally? Yeah.
Big Thunder? I don't know. That's a good question. Why are you asking this? Because why do I care about a ride that's like 30 years old? Because it's a great ride. This also does play into the redo of Frontierland, sorry, with with all the car stuff. So um I would bet part of this, too, is that they're they're probably doing some prep stuff for the upcoming redo of Frontierland. frontier land Yeah. That does make sense. Yeah.
ah The other thing is ah we are you'll you'll be losing a Triceratops spin and ah you know most of Dynaland starting on January 12th. So this will be the Triceratops spin, all basically all the stuff to the left of Triceratops spin. That's a serving time.
I was going to say, I i lost Dynaland when Dynalworld closed, so. When Primevalworld was gone? Yeah. or yeah yeah yeah When Primevalworld were all closed, Dynaland was done for me anyway. Done for you? Okay. Yeah. like we We walked through there and we were like, with that gone, it was like, wow, like there's nothing here that we want to do. so yeah i mean this yeah you know and Anybody that I guess you know wanted to hang out at the Boneyard or do try sarah the Triceratopspin,
Yes, it's not going to be there, and but we knew this. Again, you know like to Damon's point, yes, it it's known that it's happening and we know it's because there's something better coming. i will I will say this though, I mean, and this is coming from my point of view that's different from yours. My daughter absolutely loves triceratops spin and will be devastated. This is gone. Even though we still have Dumbo, we still have the flying carpets. We still have the other spinning flat rides. She really liked this one a lot. And she also really liked the bone yard. She liked the playground there and like digging in the sand and everything. So it is kind of sad for us anyway, because... I agree. When my kids were younger, they loved those as well. Yeah, it it is cool.
Yeah, I don't think it ever should have gone, but that's just me. ah well Well, I mean, the primeval world thing, apparently, you know, they had to get rid of that because there was the the the company that built it went out of business and they couldn't get parts anymore. That was the rumor. Anyway, there was also something about a similar. There was another clone of that ride somewhere that had a huge safety issue. Yeah. And they closed the closed primeval world because they didn't want to have any thing happened there and yeah yeah that like there's no support for it or anything. Plus it just I don't think it was that popular of a ride I mean I think people liked it but I don't think it was like you know the reason people went to Animal Kingdom. I mean that that was that was the the thing for me and my son like you talk about you know your daughter and Triceratops and for me and my son it was primeval whirl. Interesting. You know we we had you know we had a lot of fun with it and
When it closed, we you know we were both sad about it. So the thing is, is we're already way past the point of like you know the the rest of it just doesn't matter to us because we already lost the thing that we cared about, right? Yeah. No, no. i Yeah, I get what you're saying.
All right, so let's go ahead and do our ad, and then we're going to talk about things like ah the Premier FastPass here, and then, not FastPass, Lightning Lane, sorry. I'm going to call it FastPass for the rest of the time. just let let's talk about Let's talk about new FastPass after the... New FastPass. Just call it New FastPass from now. New FastPass, electric boogaloo.
um All right, so this week our sponsor is DVC Resale Market. DVC Resale Market is a world of DVC company and is the leader in the DVC resale industry with 13 former Disney Vacation Club guides and three former Disney Vacation Club quality assurance managers.
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All right. So this is another thing. Yeah. This is another thing that has been long rumored, right? That they were going to do this. Um, and I know a lot of people have been asking for this, David, I think you've asked for this for a long time, if I remember it correctly, but yeah, I think this is great. Yeah. So this is lightning lane premiere pass. of what where If you don't want it, just don't get it. How does it do that? No, I, no, I, I, I don't think this iteration of it is the best possible thing it could be.
You think it could be better? I do. Yes. There's zi room for improvement. Let's get it into the details of that and then we'll we'll talk. So this is starting October 30th. So very soon here, they're going to pilot this. this is And they're saying very limited quantities. So it's going to be very small amounts of of people doing this. And it's only at Disney deluxe resorts and deluxe filler resorts, so DVC. um And what this is is, essentially, it's lightning lane, but you don't have to schedule a time. You just go, you know, which is basically what I, what is it? The express pass at universal as I was called. Yeah, it's the express pass ultimate or or actually, so sorry, this this is the tier below ultimate because you only get one but chance to do this on every ride in the park.
That is the part that bothers me, Trevor. If I'm paying this much money, i I want to be able to ride a ride more than once. No. Yeah. Why not? If I want to go on a Haunted Mansion five times, I want to go on a Haunted Mansion five times. buy Five passes? No. OK. Well, so what you're going to get is one-time entry to each available lightning lane experience in in a park for one day. ah You can ride any attraction you want without having to choose times, and you also do get um ah digital photos of of attraction photos ah automatically. You don't have to buy a memory maker for that. You just get them. um so and The price on this though is the is you know part of the interesting thing here. ah so ah ah Where is it here? I'm trying to find. Okay, there it is. so ah Lightning Lane Premier Passes vary by date and theme park. At launch, prices will range from 129 to 449 per pass.
with the highest prices falling on a limited number of days over peak travel periods, obviously. Everyone I think knows at this point how Disney does their pricing. you know it's ah When it's busier, it's more expensive. Magic Kingdom is always the expensive park. like there There will never be a point where Magic Kingdom will be cheaper than any of the other parks.
You know, at $129, it's not and pretty reasonable. But how many days is actually going to be $129, right? It won't be $129 in Magic Kingdom. I can guarantee you that. Yeah, I would totally agree with that. I wonder what the average is going to be. I'm going to guess it's going to be in the 200s. But it's you know it's ah it is a lot to add on when you've already paid. I mean, I guess it's if you already have an annual loan. You don't have to get it, though. What's that? its You don't have to get it. You don't. No, no, I agree with you. I do find it interesting that people are mad about this because i it's like it's not a thing you have to do. You you don't have to buy it. I love this and you're right. I did talk about this. I've always talked about this as an option and I think this is a great option. If you're going and you have the money and you're taking your kids once,
And like, it's funny, we're so used to dealing, you know, again, with us and maybe some of the people that we talked to that, you know, I go to Disney a fair amount of the time. Well, now that my boys are older, they're dating people, meeting people, um a I always ask the question of, oh, you know, have you been to Disney? I don't know. I ask a bunch of questions that I just kind of go as my go tos. it you have like a checklist that you go through The kids just absolutely despise. But yeah, so it's always like, hey, so you know, where do you live? Do you go to Disney? What sort of job do you want when you get out of school? Yeah, I have a list. So anyway, and you realize that a lot of people will say yes, I've been to Disney, but it's once. It's once twice.
That's it, right? Where I'm like, gosh, man, we went like twice in a year, like that's that we did twice in a year, probably for the first 10 years of their lives. Yeah. Anyway, I think this is a great option if you're going to go once and you're going to kind of blow it out. Why not?
I could see myself doing it on like a Magic Kingdom day if I had an annual pass already, right? Because like at that point, you talk you talk about this all the time, Damon, like it's it's quote unquote free, right? Because it's like, I already have the annual pass, I already paid for that. So now it's just this, you know, I'm basically paying for a park ticket for the day to skip all the lines. But I mean, similarly, you know, Trevor, you like to do the after hours events. I mean, those are priced not all that far off with this, yeah you know?
Yeah. I mean, I guess the difference is, yeah, the after hours events are you only have three hours, so you are definitely forced to move a lot faster than you would like. Whereas these are, you can show up any time of day, do whatever you want, and they're just going to let you go into the rides. I love that. Which you're right, Damon, that thinking about this from the angle of the people that are going to be using this again is you know This is not us or the you know people that are there all the time or that are using it on every trip and and you know the whole part about you know well this is gonna make you know lines worse for people. It's not because the amount of people that are doing this is expensive. Which is the point. about it Yeah, if you think about it in like, you know, they've got so many lightning lane bookings, and then they have standby queue, and there's so many people churning through per hour on standby, and then all of a sudden you get like one person that walks up that they're just like, yeah, you can go through like, like, that's honestly the equivalent of, you you know, when they, they sprinkle pixie dust on people, and they, you know, get somebody into a queue, right? Yeah.
It's on that same level where like you're not going to notice that one person or or you know like a plaid. like you know When plaids walk through with a group, yeah and just you're not noticing that. Someone did the math on it, and it's about half the price of that. Of a plaid? Yeah. Again, I think that there's different people and then different... you know like I don't think I would need this. I'm trying to think about like, okay, so let's just say I'm taking my grandkids to the parks, right?
Yeah, would I even do this? No, because they're gonna go often enough. It doesn't matter. I think this is specifically for people that are a super wealthy. Yeah, or be they they're, you know, coming over from Europe and they're gonna go once or twice in their life. Well, let me rephrase it. They're gonna go once or twice before their kids are teenagers, right? Yeah. Yeah. This is what it's for. It's not meant for me. I mean, I love that as an option, but it's not really meant for me.
It's worth noting too that there are essentially no restrictions on this as far as attractions go. Can Trevor get this? ah Yes, so Trevor can get this. I'm eligible. so but also Why? like but What I also mean though is attraction wise. right so like You can use this for Tron, you can use this for Seven Dwarves. They're not excluding the the most popular rides.
you know Which, I mean, I'd be mad if they did. I mean, if it was like a crazy busy day, like, yeah like I'm thinking about like, you know, getting on Guardians and Epcot, like. If I was 30 something dollars a person, if you want to go single lightning lane. And the thing is, is, you know, that that's always such a high demand thing. Like, again, I can see where, you know, if if I was planning to do something like this, and I was spending the money, you know, being able to, you know, walk up, and again, it's when I want it. And people have also made like, I've read the arguments around, you know, hey, the the advantage of this, too, is that you're not having to juggle like, well, I've got reservations for lunch, but my
you know, my virtual queue came up with this time or I could only get a lightning lane at this time. It would be spent $1,500 to get around that stress. Right? if That makes sense. but But again, but you know, back to your point on that, Damon, is, you know, if if this is your once in a lifetime trip, that, you know, taking that stress away actually is far more valuable than people realize. Like, you know, to me, having having a weird, like,
casual like walk on like having all the rides be walk on for a day. would be wild because that's not how your brain works when you're at Disney, right? Yeah, it used to be. It's like having a plaid. It's like having a plaid, right? Or having paper fast passes, I mean. Not real. Well, no, because even paper fast passes, you still had to come back. You had return times with paper fast passes. Yeah, but it still felt like everything was walk-on back in the good old days. And I wasn't having to run. This way, I'm not running. Yeah, that's true. You're not going to have to run. But I like that part of it. That was the best part.
Like, it was so satisfying. It's like a game to you. It was a game to you. Yes, absolutely. This is just money. That was like there was a satisfaction level involved in that. i like yeah you You were winning something. I was winning, absolutely. I also, you know, I agree with you though Trevor on like the worried about that it's going to back the lines up where I really don't think it is because First of all, it is really expensive, right? And so there's going to be a a small set of people that use this. But also remember that Disney is all about like operational efficiency, right? And they only sell a certain amount of lightning lanes per day. It does sell out, right? It's possible. I have to believe that this is maybe either taking a chunk of the regular of the the what they already have for lightning lanes. you know of those Maybe they have 5,000 a day, and this is going to take you know
500 of them, right? So it's not actually more. It's just different it's a different level of being of you know going in. You don't have to schedule it ahead of time. You could just go in whenever. But it's not going to because it's only 500, it's not going to mess up you know their their efficiency or their operations, especially since they're limiting it to one. So to me, that's that's kind of what I would think that they would do. I wouldn't think that they would add this on top, and I think this will sell out. like you you They'll be able to sell this out, and they'll be able to sell out you know like they do with Lightning Lane. I think they'll them at times. you know Obviously, don't they don't sell at Lightning Lane all the time now. right like It's not all the time, but it it happens. I don't even hear about it hardly at all anymore that Lightning Lane sells out. like there I remember like when like the last couple of years, there was a few days where you know they were
No parks at capacity and can't get lightning and stuff like that but that like you said that's becoming less and less and and you know to your point about like the amount of these passes versus you know yeah no regular ones and what not. I honestly i'm still of the belief that this is going to be a drop in the bucket and and i feel like they're budgeting this with and so so please nobody misquote me on this.
But this this is coming out of their pixie dust budget. And what I mean is that they they have a certain amount of time throughout the day, whether it's for plaids or, you know, people that, you know, if there's a special situation where somebody gets a free ride yeah or, you know, ah basically like a free lightning. They do this kind of stuff. they And they they do actually budget it into their operations because they do it and empower their cast members to do stuff like this. So I feel like this is coming out of that budget or however they ah ah account for that throughout the day. And like I said, don't don't take that as well. I don't need to buy this and I'm going to try and, you know, sob story cast members into giving me free rides and everything because that don't like just don't be that person.
it's it's a you know what actually or sorry i'm i'm gonna so i'm gonna so are you go a sellbox you go a sellbox right now okay so so Do you know what I really love right now is I've been seeing this trend where or there's been this guy going around Disney and it's that very mindful, very demure.
Meme thing yeah like he he talks about like they basically he's calling people out for like they're terrible behavior in the parks but he's saying like if you you know you know the nice thing to do is like step off to the side if you need to stop don't stop in the middle of the the lane you know and theing yeah you knowly Yeah, but but then you know he he you know he poses his as, you know if you do this, you're very mindful, very demure. like that It's this whole thing, which I think is wonderful that people, like they're starting to call people out on that because, like is especially for like the same reason as like when people find out that you can, oh i you know they give out pixie dust. you know Somebody got a free ride and and people are always trying to figure out that angle. like that's
Yeah. Social media has ruined the world. There you can quote me on that. There you go. yeah I'm with you. ah so Sorry, that's that's the aside. Back to this. i I don't think that it's that, like it's really not going to ah affect anybody. You're going to notice it as much as you notice plaids, which is like, if you're paying attention, you notice plaids, but most of us don't. like You don't even realize what they're doing.
Well, you're not even going to know who has it, right? Because they're just going to go in the same lightning lane as everybody else. They could have bought it as a single lightning lane or something else. Yeah, yeah yeah they're they're just scanning through the the thing the same as you. So how like unless you're going to sit there and quiz on every person going through lightning lane, did you pay for the expensive one? like Yeah, I just think that's going to be absorbed with it. I just think they're going to they're gonna sell however more of these they want to sell. They're going to take that away from their regular lightning lane, and is it's good which makes it essentially the same.
Like it's the same as it is now. I know something that we're never going to know. That is true. Yes, that is true. That is very true, Damon. There's no way we can actually know this. I will say I was looking to, I was investigating this for my trip in May. It's not off the table yet, but it is a hard sell for me because it is only for one day. But did you're going to do this?
Yeah, well we I was looking at it. You and your brother, right? Yes. So so it's not it's not prohibitively expensive. Like we do have the money that we could do it. So you really only paying for you or you paying for him to know I'm just we would both pay for ourselves because we have. Yeah, see that that brings another that that brings a different side to it. If it's just me.
Yeah, like now I'm the man, right? Like now I'm the man in Disney. And that's the thing is we're kind of doing it as like a blowout trip. So it's like, you know, maybe we'll do it. I'm all about spending money on blowout trips. I hope you do because I think if it's just the two of you, why the heck not? Now if I have to go with my whole family and pay that, no, thank you very much.
Um, I realized that like kids in general these days, and it's not necessarily my kids per se, but kids in general are not as appreciative of things. So like, al yeah, I'm just like, just, just if if you're going to Disney all the time, like, like even my son, like we actually had the conversation where he, he's hitting the point where he wants to go other places besides Disney because he's like, we go to, we've been to Disney enough. And it's not that he's ungrateful, but.
You know, have friends i don't ah they don't appreciate what it actually is sometimes. yes I don't know if I should even say this because I think he does listen to the show. When um when am I going to really even care? Like, so his son is just like, dude, like, so his son is my oldest son's age, right? So they're 21 almost. It's just like, I don't want to go anymore. Like, why do the rest of them keep going to the same spot over and over? Like, I don't know what to tell you. It's also funny because I'm gonna be very curious. I don't think Tom's
daughter's old enough yet for him to appreciate what he's going to feel like on the cruise. But the wait, Disney Cruise, right? Like, it will be interesting, because Chris was telling me after he got back. Now, again, you guys are all crazy. Going on a cruise after September, you're nuts, because like, dude, like it's hurricane season. I don't know what you're doing. But anyway, he was saying that in may so how yeah you're going to May, you're good. he He just went, right? And it was like a big hurricane and everything, but whatever. But he said it was fine. He said,
Being on the Disney cruise is like being an old Disney the way you get treated. And I thought that kind of like really kind of made sense to me. um Current Disney is not like old Disney. The cruise is kind of like old Disney. And then what I was thinking to myself in my head was, gosh, man, this is your first cruise. When we won the last cruise, we said, gosh, this isn't really like it used to be on the original cruise as we went on. I just think in general, everything gets just a little bit more watered down.
And this is what's going to happen with all of this stuff. ah yeah I mean, I think it also just like, not to get philosophical about this, but it's, I think it just happens with age there too, right? Like it's, it's to your point, you're doing, it you're doing it a lot. So your standards may be a little bit different, but I think definitely have changed. Are you going to, you're going to tell me you don't think 10 years ago, Disney was better than now. Disney forget about the rides. I'm just saying Disney in general.
Meaning like, meaning like the people like sense in the park people. Oh, I mean, the guests are way worse. I don't know what's going on. Yes. and Even the. Not the cast members are are bad now. That's not what I'm saying. The cast members were better 10 years ago. I would agree with. Tired and tired. I think I think Covid did.
I don't even think it's their fault. I think that they're just not being like, I think they had a lot more leeway in the past. And they just don't have that anymore. So I will say I, you know, probably 10 years ago that I, you know, every once in a while you run into like a grumpy cast member, which is fine. Listen, we all get, you know, have bad days at work and we don't want to be there. But I mean, at Disney, you kind of have to be, but I, I mean, on the last trip or two trips ago, I don't know. And recently I did have a cast member that was like straight up rude to me, like, which I don't feel like I had that much of that in the past.
You know what I mean? That's what I'm saying, man. And the people in the parks too. This is interesting because, again, I love television so much. Have you ever seen the platform? No, no, I think it's a I think it's French. It's a French film um worth watching. The platform to just came out on Netflix, but worth watching. But I think that we're creating this such a tiered social system in this TV these days that it's a little crazy, right? Because all of these things do add to.
a societal difference within the Disney ecosystem. I will get philosophical. and i think ah can yeah so We do talk about all these new things and I keep saying like, hey, I like this, this is great, this is great, but it does skew things a little bit. yeah Is everyone equal at Disney? That's been happening for a while though. When I go back to the past, it all came down to how fast you could run.
that's That's why I keep going back to these paper fands fast passes. It was just, it was was on the same level. But I mean, but even then, yes you can hold on, but even then they weren't on the same level, right? Because like it, you, you, you had to know how to use it, right? Like that was the thing. Oh, but that's okay. Anyone can learn that, right? That's the, but if they want to or have the time to, but that's up to them though. Right? Like what is? Yeah.
that isync But you you have to get to Disney some which way. So in that time, you could learn about it. So what I'm saying is that that money was not it was just feet to the floor there, right? This this whole system of different levels of Disney was truly just feet to the floor. I don't know. She means nostalgic. Yeah. the Yeah. The knowledge of the system trumped anything else and there was no way to pay or skip past it or anything, which yes, you're right. it was There used to be a point where having that in-depth knowledge was far more valuable than
anything else. And yeah, and unfortunately, it's a lot of these things like like this, you know, premier lightning lane is you're skipping, you're skipping needing all of that knowledge for, you know, it's a matter of your time. Everything for me always boils down to is it your time or your money that you're spending?
What's more valuable? This is just you're spending more money versus your time. and and I don't begrudge people that do that at this point. I'm just saying it wasn't even allowed back then. yeah It wasn't even an option, so everyone was kind of on the same playing field. No, that makes sense.
I mean i I remember in the nineties we you know when we would did trips like doing rope drop was literally and I do not condone this now because I didn't know any better back then, but we were literally running. that You got the dry snitch on himself right now. I don't care because you know that this was me in the nineties and I was a teenager. You weren't running, you were a runner weren't you?
Yeah, me and my brother were full tilt running for Splash Mountain right after World Drop because that's what we did. And we didn't know any better. Now we do know better. And the whole running for fast passes, we weren't running. We were very quickly moving through the crowd. We weren't knocking people over or anything like that. I did the cross park run too, just like you. I've had to go and get fast passes for the family on the other side of the road. I always had two heels on the ground at a time, though. Oh, so you were doing like the speed walking like you do in the lipics. Yeah. Oh yeah. I've done that too. I've done the speed walk. My son even called me out for when we tried to do a Ratatouille rope drop. He was like, I can't keep up with you. And I'm like, you need to learn because This is how you get around. See, this is the whole point. The whole point now is that you could, you could said either you can learn or have a great job because now they equally each other out. Yeah. Yes. That's true. I agree with what you're saying. I guess one of the, my point was,
I know you watched this too, Trevor, on defunct land where they broke down the whole FastPass thing. One of the reasons they gave for why they had to get rid of it in its current incarnation is that it was overutilized by the most knowledgeable people and underutilized by everybody else. What is wrong with that though?
No, but I'm saying there's still a tier there. I'm saying there's still a tier. It's just not financial. It's knowledge, right? But knowledge is free. Knowledge is free, yeah. But that's what they had problem with, is that they were leaving money on the table by letting people use their knowledge to improve their experience. Yeah.
Yeah, and I mean, let's be honest. the Universal's been charging for this for how long? I mean, every other theme park, basically, in the world. Unless I'm in those good hotels, those good Lowe's hotels, man. But I'm saying, like, pretty if you go to a Six Flags, if you want to skip the line, you're paying $70. Yeah, at least. And that's the way it's always been. I didn't realize that that Lowe's thing was just a bad deal on Universal's part. And I didn't realize that's why it was. That's so awesome. I wonder if they're going to be able to do this, do that forever, though. like the if the You know, part of the reason they might be, man, like I think they i are. What is this you're talking about? Give away the express. OK, so so what it is, is that when Lowe's, they wanted Lowe's to come in, right? So Universal wanted Lowe's hotels to come in. And what they did is they said, hey, anyone that stays at your hotel will give them the free express pass. Yeah. Part of the deal. Yeah. Yeah. So remember that there's only a few select Lowe's hotels now. Universal has been building their own like the the what's it called again? The helix? We're at the helix, but the helix one. Yeah, helios helius is not part of that because Universal was building it. So you're not getting free express passes, even though it's probably more expensive. Well, I don't know the lowest hotels are super expensive. Anyway. um Yeah, so that's the deal because Lowe's negotiated that there's nothing to do universal being nice. Yeah, I didn't know that either. And it was like, Oh, okay. Like it makes a lot of sense.
Well, and it's, you know, I've I saw some people in Discord talking about this or on the Facebook page, either one, where it's like, well, Disney should just give the lightning name lane passes to free versus like, no, 1000. It was like seven. I think I think it's 7000 for for universal and 40,000 for Disney. It's like it's you can't do it. You just can't do it.
I mean, I mean, yeah, you're talking because was it was a universal has three deluxe hotels. Whereas universal i not hold on sorry think dog universal has three. So we have row Pacific, yeah hard rock, portofino. I think those are the three. Yeah. So, so they universal has those three you come Disney. but If you're doing Disney deluxe resorts, there's what 14 at this point, like 14.
Yeah. the The numbers do not jive whatsoever to say, give it to everybody who's saying it. it loss And really what they're doing, Tom, is I'll be honest with you, what's been happening is is that the Lowe's hotels prices have just gotten a little bonkos, right? They're just pricing it in now, right? They're just pricing in the cost. Almost. Yeah. Yeah. Almost. So I guess I went to look at the Lowe's for us last time. Just I was like, hey, let's, you know, stay at the Lowe's. I want to say it was close to fourteen hundred a night.
Oh, wow. So it's close to 1,400. But now I have to start to factor in that extra $200 I don't have to pay per person. Which is true. Yeah. I mean, yeah. Two times five is 1,000. So really, it's like costing me $400. OK. And that's why we keep staying there, because they also have five person rooms. That is always the kicker for us, is these five person rooms, which is why Disney is such a good option for us, and which is why we continue to you know Again, someone was asking me recently, I said, dude, I'm buying more points there. like I'm going to buy more points there. It's just a matter of where. When and where. Why would I not? Why would I not want more points? Well, we you know we got a firsthand report from our from from ah who who said it in the in the Discord. I forget who it was now.
did the crew did the cruise and joe passed they went past reflections and the cranes up and they're starting to to build stuff and i guess the boat driver said that it was reflections now given we all know that the boat drivers bus drivers yeah have to wear relation at disney but yeah What I kind of like to do now is, again, which is just kind of what I've been doing. So once I just take out that loan, I don't care what the percentage is. I know there's better ways to do it. That's the not the argument point that I'm having, is that I just buy when I'm done. So once this one for Riviera is paid off, I'll just buy another one. Like, it's just something that comes out every month that I don't really care about. Like, you just don't think it is what it is. No. And am I paying a percentage on it? Yes. Should I be paying cash for it? Sure. But I'm not. And that's that. iss that
but you know It goes back to what Trevor was saying too. right You're either paying with your time or you're paying with your money. right so It's like you're paying more money for convenience. You don't have to think about it. I don't even think about it. so like What will I do next time? I don't know. like i'll just get whatever like Whatever that payment is a month, I try to keep it pretty similar. right so Either what I'll do is I'll put down some money to keep it similar or I'll get less points. so This time I got 100 points.
I'll take 50 points at reflections just cause. Yeah. I don't care. Like it don't matter. I'm still holding out for that Epcot hotel, but just, I don't think it's going to happen where it's going to be beneficial to me, man. Well, we're just, we'll have to say, who knows, right? They haven't even talked about it. They haven't. That's what I'm saying. Like since they haven't even talked about it, like it won't be something I'll be buying anytime soon. It's going to be built when you're 80.
make them actually gonna be I feel because of the the Riviera stuff are not riverre or reflection stuff, I feel like they're like that's just going to be the thing you're going to hear for like the next three to three years. I think it might even be longer.
I really do. I think this here's the other thing, too, is, you know, all of a sudden Disney has all these hotels. I think they have too many hotels. I hate this. They need to slow down on. They need to slow down on that. But then Universal started doing the same thing, right? Like I was talking to somebody and they're telling me about a hotel at Universal. I was like, I haven't even heard that name before. What the heck is that? you're like It's a hotel. And I'm like, what? I haven't even heard of that before. um And it's already built and obviously people are staying there. So yeah.
I don't know. I think that's part of the problem is to stop building so many hotels. I mean, gosh, that goes back to the thing where I'd rather have less people there and pay more for regular ticket prices. I think regardless of how many hotel rooms you have, people are going to come. right there's there' They'll find a different place to stay. There's Airbnbs, there's other hotels. Then differentiate, and that gets back to the original discussion of then differentiate staying at Disney. yeah no yeah What really is the differentiator right now? There used to be more. right yeah so what is it really like What are the things that you get a benefit from? from To me, I like the- like when I park my car and then I don't have to look at my car again for the next week and I can just have a bus take me everywhere or Skyliner or Monorail like that is kind of a it's like the immersion in the in the Disney magic. But I can get that at other resorts though too. so that i' sure Yeah you can get that at Universal too be staying at one of their hotels. But what I'm saying is I don't even have to stay at a Disney hotel to get that.
I can get like where it takes me on a bus to a Disney hotel in the morning for free. I mean, is it as nice? Probably not. But I mean, I'm saying what are the actual benefits, right? It's early entry. Yeah.
And I mean, yeah, it's the it's not what it used to be for sure. But yeah, I just I like I feel like I'm when I'm there. Like that's when I get to my resort. That's when my vacation starts. And being at that resort, I just I feel like I'm in Disney as opposed to if I stayed somewhere else, I felt like I'd be, you know, staying outside of Disney and and not feeling like i' it's my vacation. I don't know. It's hard to describe.
I understand what you're saying, Tom, but I also see what Damon said. Being in Disney is really not enough, or just saying I'm on property is really not enough to justify the difference in cost versus like Damon said, there is lots of hotels nearby now that are just as nice or better. You know, just as nice or better than what Disney is offering. And the only drawback is that you're not officially on Disney property, but that doesn't seem to actually be as big a detractor as Disney wants to make you believe.
Sure. I think the transportation, though, is key, though, there, too. So you're staying in one of those other hotels. I know they have their own. They gave it a pump to get you there. Not as many rides back and forth, absolutely. Yeah, that's the problem I would have. There's Uber now. Uber exists. Yeah, and that's the other thing, too, is that the transportation, it used to be very prohibitive if you didn't have a car to get around. It didn't produce Uber. It wasn't. It didn't exist.
Because even like you know when we're going, we're not we're not renting a car. We're just going to Uber everywhere because I don't want to bother with renting a car. yeah I get that. yeah all right huge you what Let's talk about the Disney adventure and then we'll wrap this thing up. I can't even talk about the Disney adventure. I'm sorry.
Uh, why are you mad that you can't go on it or you're annoyed? and No, no, no, no, no. I just have to get off though. The roller coaster disappears. So now I'm going to tell you that I have to get off. No, I think this is awesome. I wish I could go on this. Please bring one over to the side of the world. Thank you very much. Yeah, there you go. That's, that's Damon's condensed thoughts. Um, so the Disney venture is doing some, what'd you say, Trevor? Thanks Damon. Thanks Damon. Bye. Uh, anyway, uh,
So the Disney Ventures is a little bit different, right? Because this was the ship, and for those that don't know, this was the ship that Disney bought that was like completely ah built during COVID for like billions of dollars. And the company that was building it went bankrupt and Disney bought it for like pennies on the dollar, right? And so this is not their typical, like the shape of the ship, like the you know the size of the ship. it's It's different than all of their other ships. And so with that,
It's allowing them to do some different things that they've never done before. um and One of the interesting things i thought I found about this was, first of all, they're going to build their first ever roller coaster at sea and it's going to be the longest roller coaster on any cruise ship. and I'm sure that won't last for that long. I'm sure somebody will beat that at some point. but but That's not a title that you you have for really more than a year.
Yeah, exactly. um But, you know, so and this is all themed to Marvel, by the way. So it's a Marvel marvel landing. It's a whole like ah attraction area. um So you have that and it looks like one of those ones that you can like control the speed because I've seen these before where you like can decide how fast to go. um And which may I don't know, it might be. I don't know what we can say, Charlie. I was really I mean, because I would just open it up and well, yeah, I don't know why you would slow down, but I guess, yeah, you know, yeah.
I'm on a roller coaster. Why would I slow down? Yeah, I get what you're saying. up And then there's PIM Quantum Racers, which is ah basically just go-karts, right? I mean, it's it's go-karts. Yeah, it looks like some kind of electronic.
Yeah. The one that's interesting to me is this group galaxy spin because they've basically, they put a flat ride on a cruise ship. I've never seen that before. It's her top spin on a cruise ship, which literally they just threw a a a straight up Dumbo kind of ride on a cruise ship deck. That's crazy to me.
But really, out of all of these three things, that's the one that is crazy. Why? Because like the roller coaster part is. But yeah, the roller coaster seems a lot more complex to me because like it is suspended up over the deck. This actually seems like a very easy Oh, I'm not saying it's that easy. I just find it weird. like I just feel like I haven't seen that on a cruise ship before where you just have like a flat ride just hanging out on the on the deck. like it's just It's easy, of course. They could just like ship it in there and you know it's it's pretty much pretty straightforward. but
ah Yeah, I don't know. I just think it's interesting that I just don't feel like I've seen that. Maybe i maybe I'm wrong. I don't keep keep like you know super keep close tabs on the cruise industry. So maybe there are some out there that have them, but I just have never seen that before. um But it is interesting because this ship is so much wider, I guess, than their other ships that they can they can do this. You know, they can do these kinds of things. ah Because even if you look at like the smokestacks, like usually they just have the two um that are, you know, one in the front, one in the back. And that this, they actually have side by side smokestacks. Yeah. Yeah. Because they're so big because it's such such a big ship. um But yeah, no, I thought this was kind of cool that they're they're building the longest roller coaster at sea and and Disney's doing it. That's that's cool.
I mean, yeah, it definitely cool. and and And I'll be honest, like, and again, maybe like you said, it's i have the same kind of problem where I'm not like actively paying attention to like the cruise ship industry. But I know more and more of them are getting to this point where it's not just a cruise ship, like the the level of entertainment on them keeps going up and up and up and up. Yeah. And having like a full theme park.
on a cruise ship, like to me, it's like, yeah, that could have been done by now. like and and yeah and And the thing about it is, you know, a lot of these rides, like like you said, you know, they're they're all preestablished rides and it's very easy to install like like a flat spin ride. yeah um So I guess why are you you know why is why is Disney not done it on their other ships? You know, you've kind of you kind of touched on that, but I guess it's also surprising that um that, you know, even on the newer ships that they've been like, like the treasure and stuff like that, that they didn't factor in doing any of this kind of stuff like they did. And maybe, yeah and maybe maybe it's like you said, because they did buy this ship, like kind of yeah rebuilt.
that maybe that this is like their trial for how well do people receive the stuff and maybe if it's maybe if they find that the um the investment to put all the stuff onto the ship. Is not there because the thing i have to wonder is like.
The interesting thing about a theme park or about Disney in particular, and the theme parks in general, is that you know you know we go back to the things are always changing. There's always new rides coming. There's always updates and stuff like that. On cruise ships, it is a little bit harder to do because you're not just like you can't just like demo a section of the cruise ship and like redo the you know redo the roller coaster because you know whatever.
by it You know maybe maybe this is them kind of trialing how well this works late and you know obviously it'll be hyped at first but if it falls off that it seems like. You know they realize like you know this all is all the stuff sounds great in theory like you know doing a roller coaster on a ship maybe you'll find that when you're actually on it it doesn't feel like.
You know, roller coasters have a certain amount of like G forces and pulling stuff, but if you're on a cruise ship and it's moving through the water and moving in yeah weird ways, maybe, maybe there's an effect on it on, you know, riding a roller coaster that people are not factoring into doing it.
on the ocean. Well, I saw yeah i mean, these exist now. This roller coaster is not unique to Disney, but it's like it's the first time they're doing it. But but but I have to wonder, like like I said, you know, i I don't hear about how popular cruise ship roller coasters are. and and And it makes me wonder about just in general about like doing rides. Yeah. How how feasible is it to have them there and available and and all that versus um like It's not the only means of doing entertainment, I guess. right like there There's lots of other things that they could do on a cruise ship, but but you know you know being able to say you've got an amusement park on the deck is, I mean, that is pretty cool. It is, yeah. It's it's definitely cool. i mean and And like I said, I've seen some of this on other ships like this, but it's this is ah an interesting kind of wrinkle I feel like they're throwing into it. And and of course, you know they're doing i mean the roller coaster looks pretty cool. It goes over the side, basically. so that's you know
could be terrifying for a lot of people. That seems to be the thing with cruises now where they're doing this thing where you go like hang off the side you know in like one way or another. which Listen, I get it. i mean the The boat's already very tall and then this is another 30 feet off the deck of the top deck. you know like's you know you're You're very high in the air. I watched Jurassic World earlier this week because my my wife did a Jurassic Park binge and she she was going through the mall and Yeah, you know that that sounds cool until something bad happens. And then you realize you're hanging off the side of a ship. I mean, for me, it's just, yeah, I'm never going to be on a cruise ship anyway. so yeah yeah I don't like the idea of, you know yes, it sounds fun to you know dangle people over the side, but
I mean, as long as it's done in a way that I'm not actually in any danger. Yeah. Okay. Well, yeah can I ask you this outside of the original, which, what is your, your wife's second favorite Jurassic park movie? Oh, uh, her sec. I'm probably your second favorite. You can do your second favorite. That's fine. So I, or so, so Jurassic, my wife definitely like Jurassic park is her favorite. like number west was yeah to jurassic park I feel like I feel like her second is probably Jurassic world. And I do really like Jurassic world as well. I feel like the, the update to it and how they did it was, it was very well. And then, or worked very well. But then also I, I feel like her next favorite one past that is actually Jurassic park three. Interesting. Cause she does, she does go back and rewatch that one a lot, or I noticed it a lot more than other ones. Yeah, I could see that. I could see that. Anyway, we should wrap this up. We should.
Um, yeah, I guess, or, or I guess we didn't really need to talk about the other or like, no, I mean, if you want to mention really tricky, we could talk about it another time. I just put it on there. Cause I know how much you like video games and how much you like Tron. So, Oh yeah. Yeah. the Yeah. The Tron thing. Yeah. It's yeah. we We can talk about Tron later. Maybe we should have like a a video game centric.
So it's something that I guess thing and maybe if people are interested in that I'm definitely down to talk about video games But I would go very far down a rabbit hole that I know you guys don't go down. So yeah um I mean, I guess I'll put it out there to the listeners of people want to hear more about video game news. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. yeah but yeah um All right. So yeah, I guess so since we need to wrap this up, I'll start by mentioning, if you guys want to reach out to us, you can always find us at welcomehomepodcastgmail.com. We love getting your emails, to just you know hearing your guys take on stuff that we talk about, people sharing their own trip reports, asking us questions, all that kind of stuff is great. So keep it coming.
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And also don't forget to subscribe to welcome home podcasts. And you'll be reminded every time we release a new episode, you can find us on Apple podcasts, Amazon music, tune in stitcher, Spotify, YouTube, YouTube music, just about any podcast app out there. You can find us, uh, just search for our name and just a reminder to our listeners. Welcome home podcasts. For entertainment only, we are not employed by the Walt Disney Company. And that's all opinions we express on the show or our own. So please contact a DVC representative or Disney cast member for anything we talked about today, for more information from them. Because we don't really know anything. We just say things. We just say things. For people with real information, go talk to them.
Go talk to the people. Well, even they don't seem to know either. lately But anyway, anyway, i join us next time for more Disney Parks discussion. Of course, more DVC talk. We hope to see you all real soon.