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Episode 287: Island Tower, Christmas Parade & Treasure Merch image

Episode 287: Island Tower, Christmas Parade & Treasure Merch

Welcome Home: A Disney Parks & DVC Podcast
1k Plays2 months ago

On This Episode

The guys discuss recent TV shows and movies they’ve watched. Disney+ access is rolling out to WDW resorts. The guys discuss the newly opened Island Tower. Disney announced dates for the 2025 EPCOT International Flower & Garden Festival along with some of the musical acts that will be featured. The Disney Parks Magical Christmas Day Parade musical acts were announced. With the first sailing of the Disney Treasure coming up, the guys discuss exclusive merch from the ship. Disneyland Paris reveals everything coming to the park in 2025.

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Introduction to the Podcast

This is Skipper Albert A. Walls, the voice of the jungle, broadcasting on the DVC to all points unknown. Sure within the sound of my voice, you're listening to Welcome Home Podcast on the DVC.
Hello and welcome home. This episode of Welcome Home is brought to you by DVC Resale Market. Thank you for joining us on episode 287 of Welcome Home, a Disney Parks and Vacation Club

TV Show Revivals and Quality Discussion

podcast. I'm Tom here with Trevor and Damon. How's it going, guys? Hey. I think the biggest bit of Disney news has now dropped. We are getting more Malcolm in the middle, which is crazy. I did see that. I did see that. Yeah, I did see that too. Yeah.
I mean, that's it's just like a short thing, though, right? It's like a yeah episodes four episodes, I think. But that is the awesomest thing ever. I mean, I I'm not going to lie. I didn't watch that show back, you know, before. I know it's really very good. Yeah, no, it wasn't. It wasn't a show I was into. I don't know. Oh, OK. Well, I mean, I'm not like, you know, anti. Right. I mean, everyone can really be anti. yeah Yeah. Yeah. It was a good show. Like it had they had a lot of very smart writing in that show.
I just wish that this would be something that would happen with all shows like come back, you know, years, years later and just give me an update. Like if you're not going to do the update, look, there's certain shows that I i love and there's certain shows that I wish this had a little bit more. I never want to leave a show and I understand from the artistic standpoint.
I want to know what happens. like yeah Give me to the end, or at least close to the end. like If you're here to be a show that has kids involved, like what are they doing as adults? That's all I need to know. like yeah I can check in on Malcolm and and his family, and and I'm sure I'll be fine after this being like, okay, that feels better. I mean, do you feel that way about Gravity Falls? If like it came back for like a couple episodes i mean a couple episodes stint, like a special You know, I think I don't care. he Here's the thing. I love serialized television, and I think it's it's definitely an animation, not always the norm. um If you were to tell me you were going to give me a specific amount of episodes of Gravity Falls with the beginning and an end, then yes. but But I can't like be like, oh, we're going to bring Gravity Falls back in, you know. do Now, you you want to give me like

Debate on Extended Series Longevity

four episodes. I almost feel like four episodes is is is pretty good. Like I like that. Like I take four episodes of a lot of shows so or you have something like Kipo, which, you know, brought you to the future at the ending for 10 minutes. Like I'm OK with that, too. um But I do like that. I do like that. So I could see Gravity Falls. You just got to give me like four episodes. Trevor, what were you going to say? so I was going to say, I think you got to be careful with that because it is a fine line. Kind of what you're alluding to, Damon, is that
when you get When you say, I want more of it, it eventually hits a point where it's too much or they or they can't keep it coherent enough that it that they can keep it going. right like like The danger is if you say, you know I wish they would make more of whatever show, that can also descend into like I guess the best example of this is like, or I'm gonna use The Simpsons actually as an example for, you know, just- You mean like it's 30 seasons too long? Yeah, like, you know- I heard it's good again. I heard it's good again. But this is the thing is that there's so much stuff in there that like, I get that it was like, you know, meant to be like, like current news, like they were commenting on a lot of like current, you know, global climate stuff. But it's not really serialized though.
But it did. it It was in that it was like it had like consistency to it and it had. Well, consistency is not serialized though, right? Like there is no overarching story of The Simpsons. There's no story arc over the over the season. Yeah, I guess you're right. I guess there was there was particular arcs throughout The Simpsons, but then it seemed like true a point where they died and it was just a nothing show like like that. I think that's the thing is for many, many years.
there was nothing to it. and And to your point, yeah, they could have canceled the show a long time ago. And I don't think anybody would have noticed the difference because... Oh, I think just you're wrong there there. I didn't realize how many Die Hard Simpsons people there are. i There's a lot more than I thought. Fair, but but I feel like it's you know it's an example of that show did not need to go as long as it has gone.
Well, I think the other example is Willow, right? Like we saw what happened there. That was terrible. Yeah. Yeah. That's another good example. They brought it back and it wasn't what... but Yeah. Again, that's the danger of you know bringing stuff back is that... It's not always what you want. yeah You got to come back pretty strong. um i think if you're right and That's usually what it is. right Is it a money grab or is it you know a short story arc? um I don't know. I'm excited for Malcolm though. I love

Animation Styles in Series

that show. like I'm definitely excited for that for sure. um I heard Scrubs is getting a reboot. Yeah, that's happening too. A reboot to me.
Nah, not so interested in because I think they made that show. I think, you know, a reboot is just like you might as well give me what's that new show St. Dennis. Yeah, yeah. Which I care from what's it called. um I watched a couple of episodes of that show. It feels like they were doing like an office thing mixed with scrubs. it's like it's like the yeah doing I mean, you want to talk about a show that went like three or four seasons too long was the office, right? But um you know like there's but but here's the thing. If you told me you were going to go back to the office for four episodes, I would be like, sign me up. I'd be in. Yeah. Okay. yeah i'd be I'd be in for that. i'd be in for the The Goldbergs is another one that went a little weird once the dad decided he was not coming back.
But if you're to tell me in ten years now you can give me four episodes i'm in like i think i'm in on everything that's like four episodes just give me four episodes a little taste of it yeah ten years later four episodes i'm good i see it got your. I was just saying you know it's funny i'm talking about a little taste of things i actually i happen to get into a series last night have you heard of ah something called secret levels.
yeah It's not good. No, it is. so No, it's not. Yes, it is. it is certainly not but There are. So so as far as gaming related shows go there, there's not a lot of good ones. But the thing about it is that there there's a bunch of potential story arcs in there. And I like the fact that each one like they kind of touched on, you know, different games. And it's like, hey, I could see these expanding out into longer series. We have to disagree there. That's fine. It's all subjective. But he also didn't like cyberpunk either, but that's fine.
Yeah, I mean, like, I kind of like want to be in on the first one. It's been out for a little bit. so I don't care. You're not going to spoil shows either. So I mean, I was kind of in on the first one, like you you had a gold dragon, you had Tiamat, like I was like, Oh, what? And then I'm just like, but this is not good. The problem for me is, is that you can't do that much in 15 minutes, even when I have a background of the game. Nothing felt like I was just like, Oh, whatever, man, like it's over. Okay, great. Like the unreal one was It could have been the best one, maybe. Did you play Unreal? Yeah. guess I mean so you played Unreal. So it was relatable to you. Yeah. um The Dungeons and Dragons one was... I like Dungeons and Dragons. I do, and it felt like it could have been so much better. and it just like Again, to your point, though, it's it's a teaser and it's a taste of... You're right. 15 minutes isn't a lot of time to do stuff, and they did what they could in there. but
that you know just showing that off to me is enough to say, hey, this could be you know stretched out into something a lot more meaningful, you know you know better better developed, all that, right? I don't love that animation style in general. I'm having a very hard time because people keep telling me how good Arkane is, right? And I'm a huge League of Legends dude. like I play that game a lot, like a lot. um And I really want to like it. and i just I just can't get there with it. I felt like Dragon Prince is another one. like I'm glad that they only do that like kind of animation-y style on the dragons and the other characters are not, but like I just don't vibe with that that animation style. So, Arcane's another one. like I know it's probably good. I just i can't. And I felt like a lot of the stuff in Secret Levels was like that. I just didn't love the animation style, which is kind of off-putting in general to me.
And to be fair, each each one was done in a different style. Yeah, that they had that all that whole same sort of vibe, though. Like, I don't know, man. And I'm like, I can't see half of

Preferences for Short Series vs. Long Movies

this, man. Like, why is it so dark? Sifu was a lot different in style. It was closer to like cyberpunk.
Yeah, I mean, I did not like that one at all, but that's just me. um i Like I said, I think Unreal One was probably my favorite, maybe. Yeah. and it's It's funny though, because i we were i was my wife and I just finished a series, like a season of a series, it was 10 episodes. What series?
Well, it was where we're watching yellow jackets because it's coming back in January. Oh, yeah. Another show that like I just I want to like it, but i I don't know why I can't like it. I don't know what it is. I mean, I don't know. But anyway but I find myself sometimes lamenting the loss of the 24 episode seasons of shows, you know, where it used to be. Yeah, but they even weren't getting them.
Yeah. There's also a lot of filler. and Yeah, there was. like there were is I feel like now you get 10 solid episodes as opposed to 15 maybe good ones and then you know five bad ones. When I'll also take, if you're going to give me 10 episodes and they're going to be 40 minutes, you know an hour show, then I'm also okay with that as well. I've gotten away from movies in general. Just because of that, I'd rather see the series because I just feel like it's more complete.
Like, I have seen some movies, I'm trying to watch Red One, so we'll see how that goes. It's okay so far. I feel like it's such a big budget for a Christmas movie. You got a lot of bad reviews. It got really bad reviews. Yeah, my wife loves The Rock, so I like, and you know, I don't like- Wait a second, your wife loves The Rock and you hate The Rock? That's the problem. Yeah. So like, I feel like I would kind of go in and I'll try to watch it, but it's just been okay. I don't do movies anymore.
Yeah, ah well, I'll admit my my wife and my son were sitting down watching it. And ah and I actually didn't even ask them how it ended because I got bored halfway through and got up and left. So, i you know, that's funny. And then, you know, we're talking, we're talking about

New Seasons and Movie Excitement

this. And then I was reading about the new season of Stranger Things, which apparently each episode is like an hour and a half or longer. I'm good with that. I mean, yeah, it's they're making a movie, though, like it's movies, making eight movies.
i'm okay Listen, I'm okay with that. like That's fine. Yeah, I'm really looking to the end of Cobra Kai. We'll see that. I don't know if I'm excited for the new Karate Kid Legends movie. We'll see. That's with Ralph and Jackie Chan. Correct. right My guess is it has something to do like with what happened to Miyagi during his big fight. I don't know, but we'll see.
I'm also very excited. My wife and I are very excited. We really like the show Severance. Another show I just can't. I understand. It can win all the awards at once. It's so great. I just can't do it, man. Oh, man. It's so good. It's perfectly fine that you don't like half of these shows, Damon, because there's plenty of shows that you talk about that I don't like either because we all have our own. I can't do Severance.
Why can't you wait? You just don't like it or you just. It's just kind of. Yeah, like it's weird. It's about nothing like watching the first season. I'm just like a mystery. It's a whole mystery, but I don't care. That's why you don't like yellow jackets either, right? Because there's all that mystery. Yellow jackets to me, I love mystery. So like the yellow jackets, the problem with that is, is like, it's just, it's just like a little bit on that weird end. That's why I like it though. See, have you watched From though? No. See, that like to me is, is like From is...
what Yellow Jackets could, I don't know, From is really good. It's like this horror version of Lost. Like, it's so good. I mean, that's not far off what Yellow Jackets is, but yeah. Yellow Jackets has a little bit of Lost going on. It's... Has a little bit of Lost going on. Not as much. Watch From, though. Again, this has been my new, like, kind of recommendation show to people. It is a little scary, but, like, my mom won't watch it scary. You know what I mean? Like, if you don't like horror,
then yeah there's a little too much horror in it for you but it's it's really good. I want to talk about horror. i I don't know if either one of you saw the new Aliens movie but ah man, that I didn't think that they could keep doing stuff with the with the whole Alien storyline but that movie was great.
I don't normally like horror, but yeah. You saw that one too? yeah and i didn't love it No, I did not. i'm I'm starting to lean that way though. like I'm trying to lean more into like horror like stuff. If you like the Alien series, that the last Alien movie was very good and they did different stuff in it that I've never seen them do. and it was It was legit scary. i mean it was yeah I I I would check it out. You should. I think you like it. i did Trevor, did you see that one? I thought thought no I should. I know we we did talk about, but I just never I never got around to watching it. and And yeah, the problem is, is that it's like there is a window of like, I might watch ah a show or a movie. And then once it gets too far from like
You mean, like, yeah, the the what's it the Game of Thrones Dragon ones? like yeah like like what what yeah once it Once it falls far enough out of like my attention span, then it's like, I'm just never going to watch it. Well, I don't like prequels in general. Prequels to me are dumb. I already know what happened. What do I care? that the el That Alien movie's on, I think it's on Disney Plus right now. But it's a sequel. What is it, a sequel?
It's a was it actually don't know what it takes prequels i just i don't do i don't i don't think it matters for alien because the like. It is kind of weird it yeah like each each movie could be very easily self contained it doesn't need yeah doesn't need that overall thing story.
Yeah, I think it was not. I think it was a C. I'm trying to remember because I watched it a couple weeks ago and I think you know what I found recently, which is just so interesting. So on the Prime, there's this comedy series called Sprung. OK. It's just one season. It's about like these people that get out of jail because of Covid. And it's like going through the season like Covid is going on.
Um, but it's got like a ridiculous amount of famous people in it. One season, self-contained, comedy, enjoyable. It's another thing that I kind of found recently. done is Yeah, but I was happy about it. Like it was, I liked it. I, you know, I was satisfied with, you know, how it ended, what went on and all that.
I don't need 10 years later with that. That's for sure. Well, then the other show my wife and I were lamenting is What We Do in the Shadows, which is one of my favorite shows. And that one is ending, actually, I think the finale's on tomorrow. And that was only five seasons and like 10 episode seasons. So, like, you didn't- That's the Safari one, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I didn't care for it, but yeah. Yeah. I know what you're talking about. I'm a big fan.
but um But yeah, that that was the other thing because we were like, oh man, we want more episodes. and this is' only a lot I mean, they did 11 for the last season, but you know yeah just I enjoyed the 24 episode seasons. like i could you know It always brings me back to Lost. Lost was you know always the 24 episodes, right? so you know so Lost was really good. i mean I think people give it a bad rap because they didn't understand the ending, but- Damon, I've never agreed with you on anything more than that comment right there. Yeah. Because I totally agree with you. People didn't understand the ending and therefore hated it. I thought it was great. I liked it. I thought it was great too.
And I'm telling you, Tom, if that's how you felt, yes, you're going to love from OK. You're going to love it. You're going to love it. I yeah, I could talk. We could do a whole podcast about the ending of loss. We could. Yeah, I mean, I would talk about loss forever because I love law I love. one of my favorite shows Yeah. So why why don't we take since we're very lost on our topics right now. What? Why don't we segue into our actual DVC news, which is still related to Disney Plus?
So I think there's so much alien on this. It's always lost. Yeah. So so yeah, the very first thing that

Disney Plus Access at Resorts

the actual Disney DVC news is they're they're rolling out Disney Plus access at resorts. I don't know why this took this long. So yeah, which so what this means is that you're actually going to be able to just sign into your Disney Plus account on the TV and the resort and they're not even giving you like free account.
No, they're not. Oh, that's you know you got to sign in. Yes, you still have to sign in, which I mean, I, I, to I agree with you. They should have a free thing, but they still have all the like the all the free cable channels, which I guess, you know, why is there. But oh that's so stupid. How are they losing money by providing Disney Plus just when you're at Disney? I mean, if anything, they would probably gain some subscribers. Because if you're actually when you're like, yeah, I got to come out and watch it, the rest of rest of this night.
Yeah, that is true. there There is a lot of shows that I end up not like I don't know if you guys do this, but when I'm ah like at Disney, I always end up like looking for shows on Disney Plus or or looking for like yeah shows on the Disney channels and stuff that I would never go looking for otherwise. And that's actually what has gotten me hooked into certain shows over time, like like specifically Disney shows.
is because of watching them at the resorts. No, you're totally right about that, Trevor, because the, the you know, remember the Mickey shorts, right? that and yeah I know, David, you didn't like those, here but they, ah the first time I ever saw that and knew that they existed was on the one of the resort channels on the, the the it was on like the classic animation channel, even though it was something new. And when I, I remember we were watching them and I was like, Oh, this is, this is cool. This is fun. And my daughter really liked it. So that got me to watch it later on Disney Plus. That's I think it's a little short-sighted to just make it sign in. right like They should just make free access available to you. Yeah, i just i don't I don't get that at all. It's like you can take it with you. It's not like it's going anywhere. like you could even do like I mean, you know think putting my marketing hat on right now, you could say, okay, well, if you sign up while you're still on your vacation right now, you get a discount for the first six months or something. Yeah. you know i mean Do a promo at the resort. Yeah, absolutely. There's so much content even now on Disney Plus, which
They're rolling out some issues new shows like skeleton crew. I haven't even started yet. I don't know if I was look good for that. I it like looked a little kitty for me, but yeah, it looks good. He started. Right. Remind me of the old Ewoks shows. yes Yeah, maybe. And then there's that. Yeah. What else? There's that other show. Oh, so they have the four episodes again, four episodes, right of yeah the in between for Inside Out.
Oh, yeah. The yeah the the dream. Yeah. the Or whatever. Yeah. So I started watching that as well, which is a good idea for a show, actually. Yeah. Yeah. Again, I don't I don't love it because it's between movies. Again, I have this whole thing with like, dude, I already know what happens, though. Like, why are you wasting my time watching? That's like a side story, though, isn't it? Like, it's they're doing like, again, that's just kind of my thing with television. I get it. Yeah. Like, again, it's the whole back thing to the Game of Thrones. Like, I already know what happened. I don't need to go back. Same thing with.
Everyone's like, well, why don't you just love the new, you know, Lord of the Rings Amazon series? like It's like, well, because I know what happens. Well, but they're different characters, but I don't care because I still know what happens to the other characters. Like, I feel the same way with this whole Disney thing. Like, you know, okay, so inside out, like, great. Okay, but I know what happens to Riley. She gets hosed off of the team, or we don't even know if she gets hosed off of the team, right? um we don' We don't. Which is, makes it even worse, but sure.
we don't actually know, right? It's like the one actually know at the end of the inception. We don't know if the that's top... I mean, there has to be another one of them. I feel like there has to be.
What, another inception? No, inside out. okay yeah yeah Inside out, yes, don't start the inception thing, Tom. No, I just need another, you know, Riley in high school, but then do I want Riley in college? Like, I don't know. When do I want to not? with You want to not know Riley anymore? This goes back to my point. Oh, no, I want a lot of Riley. This is exactly what I was talking about, how far, like, there is a point where it is too much, right? Like, you you don't want to push it too far.
I'll take Riley one more time in high school and then like 10 years later Riley. So you can give me 10 years and then Riley for four episodes and I find out what happened in our life. I'm good with that too. Or give me 10 minute montages at the end. What happened to the montages? I love montages. Yeah, the minute montage yeah that like those weeds montage at the end. You know everything that happened. You're good. They had the fake iPhones. Like we're all we're all happy about that.
You like people are are so against bookending a show like like because that's what those montages were. So it was the bookends like that, you know, tying everything off and it was nice and clean and it was done. But nobody wants to do that anymore because they're like.
yeah they're afraid of, you know, give, you know, ah well, we don't want it. We don't want to, you know, be absolute because we might want to do more of this later. How about don't like just just do that. Just tied off. like Yeah, just tied off. End it. Yeah. I mean, yeah, it's I've always wanted Disney to make a sequel to, uh, to monsters Inc. That's not about the monsters. It's about like boo.
Like, you know, like later living her life. Yeah. Yeah. No, like the the whole idea is like, you know, she's like an adult now. Right. And she's like, remembers from her childhood. kids Yeah. I don't know. Maybe we can make her have kids. But she like remembers this whole thing from her childhood of hanging out with these monsters and they think she's crazy. And she thinks she's crazy. Yeah. Like you could do a whole thing with that it would be awesome.
Straightjacket. That would be wild, yeah. yeah because and then But eventually she finds a way, like the whole movie's about her finding her way back to the monster world, right? To prove that she's right about this, right? I that's i don't know. I just think that would be a fun movie. But maybe I'll write a spec script. I'll send that to Disney.
ah Where were we? What were we talking about? Powers. Some powers or something? Yeah, we we're we're on to the the new island towers. i just I'm just happy to see pictures now, like a yeah real thing. They delivered on it from a concept art standpoint. I think it's gorgeous. It looks exactly how I thought it should look from the concept art. And yeah, you're right. There's there's lots of fantastic details to the towers. they're like um I know we've we've talked about you know them sometimes putting, sometimes it seems like there's not enough of like the Disney IP stuff. I do like that they did work some of the Moana stuff into the yeah into the artwork.
yeah But outside of that, it's it's very clean. like it it'll just It looks like a very nice hotel. i mean It looks like definitely one of the the higher end DVC resorts. like It just has ah that kind of vibe to it. but um you know I'm just just seeing some of these pictures now. Even some of the stuff we didn't see in the concept art. There's like this this these big pillars that are covered in moss.
Yeah, I was going to say that this like chandelier piece in the middle, it like that's supposed to be like living. Yeah. Living moss just hanging from the ceiling. Yeah. And I mean, even some of the art, though, like there's a lot of stuff around like the stingray stuff, you know, referring back to the movie, yeah um you know, and and ah there's the the the crab. What's his name? ah Tamatoa. I like that they're kind of being almost... but This is what they've been criticized for. right Some people want the overt IP. Some people want to want a statue of Moana standing in the middle of the the lobby. right Other people... That's out of the pool. like That's the pool. Yeah, but I mean, at the same time, like I prefer the subtle nods, right? Like what they're doing here, where it's like, yeah, this whole hotel is very you know Polynesian but and it's Moana-y, but it's also just like there's there's little pieces of Moana. It's almost like you got to find them. They're like Easter eggs,

Disney Resort Aesthetics and Themes

you know?
Yeah. and And I think also to that point too, like like this this is a Polynesian resort. It's not at a Moana resort. So true you know you're right that there should be there should be some flair to it. you know some you know So you know you're in a Disney resort and they've they've definitely done that. but I think you're right in that you know it definitely looks like they they're at least thinking about the fact that, hey, this this is a you know it's a deluxe resort. It's a DVC resort. It should reflect that. It shouldn't look like an all-stars resort. you know ah you know that yeah They should they should you know put some work into making sure it aesthetically you know looks nice when you walk into the lobby and all that. and yeah i think I think this will be a nice place to visit.
because I'm not staying there right now. I'm not, I'm not staying there this time, but I mean, I'm going to keep bringing it up with my wife because just show her these pictures. Yeah. Show the pictures that we're looking at. That's not good going going to convince her, Tom. I mean, you know you don't understand what I'm dealing with here. Oh, it's too bad that she listens. That's not going to be. She she want. Yeah. And I know she's going to hear this and that's fine, but she convincing her to not stay in the Building that we stay in is going to be difficult, but I like this. I like the the the vibe of this hotel or this tower rather.
I mean, honestly, you know we've seen the concept art now for a while, but seeing like real pictures of it in practice. And like it's like you said, it's exactly like the concept art and they really pulled it off. And I mean, this just makes me want to stay there more. in this This resort looks incredible to me. um I mean, it feels more themed than I've seen them do theming in a while. you know like it's it's It's really cool. There's a lot of details going on here. It it actually, the the more that I'm looking at, it does feel like an an extension of the great ceremonial house. Yes. yeah Which I like. like like i'm glad that they I'm glad it's not like disconnected from being the rest of the Poly Resort.
Yeah, it still has that same Polynesian vibe, right? So like it's yeah it's not all that different. And actually, you know it in a way, Trevor, it and I don't know if you've ever walked into Bay Lake, but it's it's kind of similar to that situation where Bay Lake Tower is kind of is is not uh, the contemporary, but it's, it has the same contemporary vibe to it, you know, and, and like the lobby and everything. Uh, this is kind of the same thing. It's like, it's not the poly, but it has that same kind of vibe to it. And you know, you're, you can see the connection between the two, you know? Yeah.
I feel like i feel like the the poly proper is more like the 60s version of Polynesian stuff, you know and this is more the the newer version of it. you know yeah yeah yeah That's fair. that that You're right. that That's a fair assessment of it.
because they They have been kind of crossing that line trying to make sure the poly is not like it should have that retro feel to it, but not be dated, which is hard to do. like It's hard to do. Yeah, it's hard. And especially like, you know, you if they went ah around and tore up all the wood and all the tiki idols and all that stuff, people be very mad. You know, oh totally. Yeah, I would. I would be right in there being mad with everyone. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I get that.
So cool. I'm glad that's finally opening. If anybody's staying there, let us know. But yeah i there's also pictures floating around Trevor. And I think somebody mentioned in the discord about ah the the the restaurant that's in there and and you were saying you wanted to go check it out. And apparently the, I've seen a couple of pictures. It looks pretty incredible. yeah It looks like a really nice location. I did see that on the discord. um I think it was Dan posted on there and i I haven't watched the video yet. So yeah, I do want to,
I do want to go look at it and I have already put it on my list for me and my brother to go there. So it will happen one way or another. Yeah. Yeah. At some point it will happen. All right. Uh, do you want to talk about, uh, EPCOT, uh, Flower and Garden?
Yes. um This is of interest to me, too, because I will be there for Flower and Garden. You will be there for Flower Garden. So they've announced the dates for Flower Garden at Epcot. It is March 5th to June 2nd. So right right really, so you're going to be right in the middle of it, Trevor. Yeah. yeah Second half, i'll be i'll be there I'll be there in May. So like towards the end of it. Yeah. This is the 30th anniversary of of of ah the of this festival, which is pretty pretty incredible, actually.
Um, but they only have, they've only announced, uh, the, the, uh, garden rocks, uh, concert series.

Disney Event Announcements and Lineups

They've only have through March. and i'm not seeing yeah Have they done that in previous years? I feel like they always had like, or it was always split up into two. I was like, they had the whole thing, right? Like they had the whole schedule and they would add.
I remember, or maybe that was it. Cause I remember we'd always get like the initial list and then there would be later, there'd be like, Hey, here's a bunch more shows that are, you know, you know, bands that are coming to garden rocks. Right. But yeah, the fact that it's only March and this, okay. Um, all right. let let's Let's talk about this list because this is not a list for me.
No, this is not a list for me either. But I always laugh when it's like they have someone's name, and they know that that name is not recognizable. So they have to say Tommy DeCarlo, former lead singer of Boston. Just so you know why that they're why they're there. like Which is fair, because if if you're not you're not a superfan, you're not paying attention to the to the names of individuals how from a band, right? Yeah, 100%. Yeah, so yeah we've got Tommy DeCarlo of Boston fame. um Air supply. Air supply, which, okay. How many people are, I mean, is air supply all still alive? I guess. I mean, it's 50th anniversary. That can't be the same lineup, right? it It could be. I mean, you don't know. And then, yeah and then blue October, i don't I don't remember anything by blue October. um Rick Springfield. I know never the name again, never,
The problem is I don't know i don't know like any immediate like hits from any of these people besides Boston and boston and and Chicago. so so so Again, I'm going to use the term bookend again because I like that today. so they They bookended this announcement with, at the beginning of the month is Tommy DiCarlo of Boston. At the end of the month is Jason Sheff.
Um, the longtime singer of Chicago, and just doing American cities. I guess. yeah And then you probably probably know a 38 special song. I mean, you know, I don't know that I do. I think if I think if I went looking, I could probably find one and be like, Oh yeah, I've heard that somewhere. But these, these don't stick out to me as like, ah like I've heard of these bands or I've kind of heard of these, but they're very like,
Yeah, but they got to bring as many people in like that. You got to be as generic as possible. It does. Yeah. It has to be like the widest audience that you can get, right? I guess. But yeah, like I said, for for me personally, I like I don't know any song by any of these people. Yeah. I mean, everybody knows Hold On Loosely by 38 Special. Come on. I don't. What? I don't know what that song is. You guys, that you do know this. I probably do. won't But like I'm sure if you played it, I'd be like, I probably heard that before. You're both older than me. and You should know this.
ah I don't listen to that sort of music at all, though. Yeah, I don't either. but I mean, that's a famous song, though. My wife might know these, but I don't know. Even if I heard it, I don't want to go hear it again. like Yeah, that's fair. That's fair. My my wife does listen. like like These are all like kind of classic rock.
bands at this point. So I know my wife listens to a lot of classic rock, so she probably knows these better than I do. um yeah To your point, like you know i'm I'm not stopping at Garden Rocks for any of these at this point. I feel like for me, anytime I've been there where they've had a musical act for any of the festivals, there's always like ah I'm walking by and I'm like, oh, I recognize that song. Cool. And then I just keep walking. right like yeah I mean, there are a couple that they have during like Food and Wine that I've seen that is like, oh, it'd be kind of cool to see them. but you know most of those people that are that are are wanting to see them, it's going to be like a long line, right? So like if you're if if it's one that I want to see, there's probably going to be a lot of other people that want to see it, right? And I'm not waiting in a crazy long line to go see it. I'd rather just stand in the Americanville, listen to it. you know Yeah.
So yeah anyway, yeah but so random. um All right. Well, that's it for that. That's all the details we have for that. We'll have more, but, uh, yeah, Trevor, hopefully you have a good act coming the day that you're going to be, uh, yeah. Yeah. We'll, we'll, we'll have to revisit this in the new year. And, uh, yeah, hopefully it's something, hopefully it's something I at least know who they are. Cause yeah. Yeah. Hopefully.
All right, let's go ahead and do our ad and then we got a couple other things to talk about. It's not going to be the longest episode we've ever done, which is okay. But yeah, let's let's do our ad. So ah yeah, this week our sponsor is DVC Resale Market. DVC Resale Market is a world of DVC company and is the leader in the DVC resale industry with 13 former Disney Vacation Club guides and three former Disney Vacation Club quality assurance managers.
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All right. Well, so I put this next thing on because we were kind of talking about this a couple of weeks ago, right? So the I know this is a yearly tradition in my house. ah Christmas morning, we always tend to tune into the the Disney Christmas Day parade, ah you know, that they obviously record ahead of time. But it also seems like they're doing something on Disney Plus that they're calling Spend Christmas Day with Disney Plus. I don't know what that means. I'm just going to watch Disney Plus all day. So.
Interesting. So looking at it, there's actually time slots. on it. Is that, yeah, there are time slots. Yeah. That's weird. Are they like, I mean, they are they broadcasting it live on, I mean, it's pretty recorded. So, I mean, it's not, you know, buts but it's a limited time thing that they're doing. So, so, and it's from, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. or sorry, or 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern time, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Central time, which means for me, it's 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
okay yeah is' not used by all this Okay on ABC and then Disney Plus and then also on YouTube. So they're doing this on ABC, Disney Plus and YouTube all at the same time. Okay. That feels like a lot. Um, the performances are Elton John, John Legend. I mean, I'll turn to just for Elton John. I mean, yeah. Yeah. Um, Anika Noni Rose, who I think is, uh, probably that's, um, from Princess and the Frog. Yeah. That's Tiana, right? Yeah. Yeah. That's Tiana. Yeah.
I probably said her name wrong and so yell at me. I don't care. Um, I, you know, it's okay. Carly Pierce. I don't know who that is. I also don't know who 17 is. I do know who Pentatonix is, is our, I guess I should say for that. Um, cause they're a group, uh, Andy Grammer. I think I've heard of that person, uh, about Alfonso. What, where'd I, where's that? where What are you talking about? The first one, did you say Alfonso Romero? Where's that?
We're just talking about the performers. The performers, but is he there for that? Yeah. He's one of the hosts. Yeah, but he's also doing Winter Wonderland. Oh. Yeah. I didn't even know he sang.
Oh my goodness. Of course he does. All right. They don't list them on here actually. This is on the Disney parks blog and they don't have them on there. It's, it's further down on the, it's further down. Yeah, it's literally the first thing. Yeah. Yeah. It's under the picture. So why, why did they do that? If they, if they, they listed all these people, but they, they cut out specific people.
Does that mean, does that mean Julian? I forget how to say her name. Is it Hough? She usually does it with her brother and her brothers. I guess her brother's not doing it this year. They're replacing her with him with a Fonsa Ribeiro. I thought that they were both hosting it, but yeah. Cause they usually host it together. I mean, that's the past couple of years anyway. Uh, but it seems like they're not, but I'll definitely check this out. And then also the descendants is good.
Yeah, that's I was just going to say, because my daughter really loves Descendants and she loves all the songs from that. So I think that will be a big draw for my daughter. This is Descendants, The Rise of Red, which is not the same cast as the previous Descendants movies. Yeah. Oh, there's a few of the same. Not the whole. But not the whole. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, but my daughter likes all the music from all of them, so I think she'll enjoy that. And then there's also the Disney on Broadway cast, and it looks like from the pictures, I see Aladdin going on there, right? See the genie from Aladdin. But that's really all I see. And they're gonna do that same thing where they go to basically all the different locations, right? They're gonna do Disney World, they're gonna be in Disneyland, they're gonna be in Alani, they're gonna be... Oh, look, they're doing one from ah Lookout K on ah at Lighthouse Point. So they're going to do it on the the private island there. I wonder who's going to be out there. That's that's kind of cool. um But yeah, I mean, there they're doing what they do every year. I think it's a good lineup. I'll definitely be checking this out. We always watch, like I said, we always watch this. It's one of those things we do on Christmas morning while we're eating you know breakfast. so Yeah, I hope that they, you know, I i know they're doing the like the live
broadcast of it I hope that there's gonna be or we can watch it later because again the problem is you know for myself like that's great that it's starting at 10 p.m. or 10 a.m. Eastern time that and I'm not going by 9 a.m. in the morning on Christmas Day like we're we're not we're not that family that's up at 7 o'clock in the morning anymore yeah like you know my my son's older we don't we don't get going right away so it's fair I would like to have this on but not like it feels like This is it's kind of a weird thing that, you know, because of streaming and all that, you're kind of used to doing things on your own schedule. And when yeah when they put out something where it's like, hey, this is on a ah schedule or you have to, you know, tune in at this time, it feels very inconvenient. um But it's I think it's going to be on Disney Plus for you to watch any time. I mean, you know, I don't think it's you have to watch it live. Well, I guess not even live technically. So I know they they record this like a month ago. Yeah, yeah they they already did this. This is done.
ah Yeah. i Also too, underrated part of this thing is where they owe they surprise the family. They have like the

Disney Treasure Details

tearjerker story of the kid that does amazing stuff and then they surprise them with a vacation thing. I always love that part. that's That's always a good one for me. Yes. Yeah. so Anyway, also just that that parade is just a classic parade. It is, yeah. I do always like watching the the parade. Yeah, for sure.
i said they They just need to make sure that it's you know viewable fuelable for people on all time zones. you're just You're just still salty about the membership beyond thing. I am, yes. Because they you know they they're not thinking about me at all. They don't care about Canadians. Disney does not care about Canadians. Put that out there everywhere. Everyone everyone needs to know that.
um All right, let's talk it let's talk Disney treasure because so Disney treasure is going to have its first sailing in a little less than a week now. ah So now you're having all of like the influencers and the media on the ship getting to experience a lot of the stuff. And along with that, we're starting to get some looks at the ah at the merch as well as some of the lounges and stuff like that. We're really getting a good view at all these things. There's some really cool merch. My wife has been looking at all this and going, I want that. I want that. She's like, I want all this basically. She's saying she wants all of this. It's fine. We can get some stuff. I might have to give you a list of stuff that I need as well, Tom. I'll give you money, of course. Of course, yeah. But I think, yeah, you may have to pick up a few things for me while you're on the treasure as well. That's fine. That's fine. So the Haunted Mansion bar has, and I think it goes without saying, I'm most excited for the Haunted Mansion bar. And obviously a lot of people are too, because they put it out there now that there's going to be
They're going to require people to only be in there for 45 minutes at a time because it's a small bar and it's going to be very busy, so makes which I understand. I understand that. that's like you know I wouldn't want to stay there. too If there was like a long line you know and and I was in there, I would feel bad staying any longer than that anyway.
you know So I don't know. I, I would, it's not that I would feel bad, I feel guilty, but no, I wouldn't feel bad. I mean, but it would be like, yeah, I, you know, also understandably, yes. You know, people want their turn too. Yeah. but I would, I wouldn't feel bad about being in there if there was a line outside. I mean, that's, you know, I'm just saying, I, I would, I would feel bad if it was an excessive amount of time that I was in there.
Right. Yeah. I guess, yeah, I wouldn't spend like three hours hanging out. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. So I'm also seeing pictures and video of what this lounge looks like. And it's just, it's pretty awesome. but not yeah um My wife showed me a video of a drink that they have in there that comes in like a box.
And when they open the box, like the drink is in there, and there's like there's like a smoke in it, and this so the smoke just comes it comes out of the box. And then they give you a death certificate. They give you ah a so a death certificate with the you know about from the bar. which So I was like, yeah, I'm getting that drink. That's happening. So I need to have the death certificate. But um let's talk merch. let's So there's this music box, and this one is for ah So the this the haunted mansion, the bar ah the or the parlor, whatever you want to call it, has like its own story that's like the haunted mansion, but also kind of has its own thing. Right. Yeah, it's it's more focused on like the the um the mariner, I guess. so like So like like there's yeah, there's all these characters within the haunted mansion and it focuses on specific ones, not the overarching haunted mansion lore, I guess.
Yeah, exactly. I'm excited to see in this bar, too, like the effects that they do. you know like there's i'm sure there's From what I've read, there's a lot of cool effects. I know there's like a secret menu that you have to like solve a little puzzle to get to, which is pretty cool, too. i mean I envision myself visiting this more than once. Even if I don't drink anything, I'm just going to hang out in here. you know So we have this music box, right ah which is $70, but it looks very cool. It's it's all about this ah the mariner. is It's you know is the story around this. it's ah This box that belonged to the mariner's fiancee. and all the opens of evil spirits are around, ah according to this. But it's like it's like a a copper kind of thing. It's like a greenish you know kind of copper. I wonder what it's actually made of. um I'm assuming for $70, it's probably not made out of plastic, but who knows? Yeah, it's probably some kind of resin or something.
Yeah, I mean, it seems a lot of that kind of stuff is so yeah, there there was that I'll say the ah the the clock and the mirror that the other day the clock in the mirror and probably two ones that have got my attention the most that the the mantle clock I like is a very interesting Um, feels feels like a pairing to the, uh, the grandfather clock that you see in the ride itself, yeah but is, uh, you know, a smaller version of it. And it looks like it's backlit with green lights and and stuff. Yeah. And eyes too. Yeah. Yeah.
i That's definitely one I pointed out to my my wife and said, ah that's that's pretty cool. I kind of want that on her. I was like imagining it on our mantle, you know? Like, even though it's like, it's, you know, obviously Halloween kind of themed, and ah but, and also I'm not a hundred percent clear ah whether this actually tells time or not. It's it's a 13 hour clock.
i Well, that's what I'm saying. Like, it's only got 13 on it, right? So but it has the hands. Does it just spin around like the one in the ride does or like? I don't know. It just it looks like it's an action. I mean, I i i would not get it if it wasn't an actual clock. Yeah. But yeah, the the the 13 hour thing I've seen other it's not exclusive to the Haunted Mansion having like a 13 hour clock. But I can't remember what the reasoning is behind it. But yeah, it's not exactly easy for telling time with.
Yeah, yeah, that's, I agreed, but it's it's more of a conversation piece than anything, right? So what else do we have here? There's also, there's like a mirror that you can get that is like backlit with the hitchhiking ghost. So like you can look in the mirror and then the hitchhiking ghosts are there, which they also, I don't know if you've seen Trevor in the bar, but like the mirror behind the bar has the hitchhiking ghost there.
Yeah, I kind of want to see this how this mirror actually looks how it looks like ah all all we're seeing right now is pictures. Unfortunately, I would really like to see like, depending on how good the effect is actually determines whether or not.
you get it they're not use mayors yeah i I would guarantee you because like the internet is being flooded right now with Disney treasure stuff. I mean, my wife got herself on the algorithm on TikTok and all of her TikToks were Disney treasure stuff. So um yeah, I mean, I'm sure there's a video out there somewhere of what it looks like.
um i'm just goingnna be Like I said, I'm going to be interested to see what actually happens in the in the bar when you like order things or like you know certain time intervals because there's obviously going to be like effects and things like that. and I expect it to be very much in the vein of the of Trader Sam's where there's you know some interaction going on there and ah you know different different effects and and different fun things that are happening. so That's what I'm hoping for anyway. And then we, the Periscope Pub, and this is, I'm also excited for this one. I know all the hypes around Haunted Mansion, but I've talked about this many times on the show. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, one of my favorite Disney rides. ah You know, I always, I have very fond memories of that from being a kid and going on it. um But there's interesting merch for this. There's like a planter of the Nautilus, which is kind of weird.
no No, I mean why not? like I would just get that without the planter though. like I don't need the plant to plant in the nautilus. like You can put fake plants in it and then you never have to water them. Well, saying that's a great idea then. Yeah, there you go. Well, then there's also this, ah there's a glass, I don't even know how to describe this. It labels them as a decor piece. Yes. Which it's these,
it's a tall Yeah, go ahead, sorry. A tall glass with a... A bronze with sculpture. Yeah, a bronze sculpture around it. which i like This isn't like something you would ever actually use. like that No. Yeah. But I would look at it all the time because it's cool. Yeah, I feel that's... like Especially because it says decor piece, I'm like... That's the least, like I know all these things are decor pieces, but yeah, having a glass that I'm not even going to use doesn't, that's the least interesting thing to me. That's fair. That's fair. Um, that there's a notebook, which is, you know, it's just, it's just a notebook. Doesn't do anything for me necessarily. Yeah. Pretty standard.
There's a button-up shirt here that has a bunch of 20,000 Leagues End of the Sea stuff on it. Again, not really my thing, but, you know, cool. ah Then we have a mug. This mug is pretty cool. um It's like a really... I mean, it's a nice-sized mug, it looks like, but it's like a... I don't know, how did you describe this? It's got like a weird... fish things on it. yeah I don't even know what this is like. I thought it was supposed to be like the, the, the Kraken initiative. I think it is the Kraken. I just, yeah. I mean, I think it is. It's got tentacles on it, right? And there's, yeah, yeah just, it just looks odd. Like, I mean, not, not and bad like it fits definitely the theme of, you know, the, the 20,000 leagues. It's just, I don't know if I'd ever actually drink out of a mug like that.
I mean, i I don't drink coffee and I almost never use mugs. So if I were to get it, it would just be to again for me to look at. um Then they have the snow globe, which I actually, I'm not a big snow globe guy, but this one's pretty cool. ah it's It's got like, ah it's again, it's like bronze figures and it's like ah it the snow globe is, I don't even know how to describe these things. This is difficult.
Because there's so there's such unique things. Yeah. Like weird like Merman and. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It it almost seems like um like Atlantis kind of stuff almost. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
For sure. So one of the things my wife pointed out immediately was the sea trinkets collection, which essentially these items represent all three of the lounges. So there's a coaster set that has all three of the lounges on it. My wife's like, we're buying that just so you know, like that's happening. I was like, all right, that's fine. That's cool. We can do that. So there's a mixology set, um which is cool. And then let's see what else we got here.
And then there's, oh yeah, there's there's a necklace. ah So I've noticed actually this key seems to be a recurring thing yeah being through through all of these items. And so you can actually get, it's a key to the Society of Explorers. and I was going to say it has the SEA symbol on it, right? It's yeah. Okay. Yeah. And so I guess there's there's an earring and necklace set you can get. So I guess if that's what you want.
Listen, and I like that they's still that they're still keeping the Society of Explorers and Adventures ah alive. you know even if Even if most people don't even know what it is, I like that they're keeping it alive. That's fair. Yeah.
Yeah. So, uh, yeah, so I think that's, uh, that's all I've seen. I'm sure there's going to be more. And I'm sure, you know, once I actually go on this boat, I'm sure there are more things I'm going to discover. And I feel like I'm going to be like sending you messages, Trevor, while I'm there. I'm like, you want this? Do you want this? Yeah. Right. I'll be packing and trying to like, uh, do I need to have a whole suitcase? I have to have a whole suitcase just for, uh, I'll have to plan it into my packing that I've got room to bring stuff back. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. But I'm just seeing all these videos and pictures of this haunted mansion bar and I'm just super pumped to go. I'm just so really excited. Anyway, so let's see. What else do we have today? All right, we got one last thing you have on the list here, which looks to be upcoming things for Disneyland Paris. Yeah.
Yeah, so there's going to be some stuff there. im Yeah, I can't remember the last time we actually talked about like foreign parks. Yeah, in things coming to the international parks. like I know we we do usually touch on them, but this is actually a pretty extensive list of stuff that they've got.
Yeah, they're doing a lot to Paris. i mean and And those of you that know like the background of this, like Disneyland Paris was like a huge failure. And like a big reason why huge budgets got cut during Eisner's tenure was that Disneyland Paris it was doing very poorly. And Disney took it the entire thing over and now has been like just dumping money into making it better. i mean And they seem like they're doing a great job with it, right? Yeah. I mean i think one of the big things that they're Or like, those yeah, yeah, the the drone shows, but also they're being very like, or in this announcement, they're highlighting. um
that, you know, there's there's new restaurants coming there. And they're redoing like an entire, it's not just a land, it's like an entire, like the equivalent of like Hollywood studios, I think. Yeah. Yeah. So like they built like a ah ah behind the scenes park, but it it was like very bad. Like they did it very cheaply. And so they've had to, they've been trying to redo it. So it's not so bad looking. So um Yeah, ah because if you watch like that Imagineering series, you know, on on Disney Plus, they actually talk about it where one of the ah that one Imagineer. um Oh, gosh, the one that the guy is the head of Imagineering now had like someone take him ah to to that air to that ah park. And he was like, he's like, oh, you know, we're backstage now. And he's like, oh, no, this is the park because it it looked that's how bad it looked. It looked like backstage areas. um Yeah, you don't want that. So they're finally fixing all that. Yeah.
And so I guess, yeah, one one of the big things that they're highlighting in this announcement is there's going to be something called. I was trying to figure out what this was, but so it's called World Premier, which is something that's going to be in.

Disneyland Paris Updates

um It's going to be in World Premier Plaza, which I'm not exactly sure what that is. But the whole idea of this is that it's actually leading into, or it's all the the preview stuff for Disney Adventure World, which is that the park that we're talking about that they're redoing. So yeah so all that like behind the scenes stuff is being remade into Disney Adventure World, which is coming in 2026. But in 2025, they're going to have a bunch of premier stuff. There's going to be um looks like, you know, ah but, you know, shopping, obviously, that because, they you know, everyone loves shopping for Disney stuff. And, ah and yeah, this Hollywood Gardens restaurant, which I don't know what this reminds me of, like, like, it almost feels like
sci-fi diner, but not really. It's kind of weird. A lot of outside dining and it's like lit up with like the string lights and there's a lot of outside tables. and i mean I don't even know, if is there an inside part of this? It looks like it's just out or at least this is in a building. I feel like this is supposed to be in a building.
Is so that would remind me then of the um ah the one in Mexico where it's like, yeah, where you feel like you're outside, even though you're inside. Like, if that's what this is, I don't know if it is or not, though. I can't tell from the picture. You know, I said i I was kind of getting like sci fi dine in because sci fi dine kind of does that where it's it's meant to feel like you're in in a drive in theater at night. Yeah. Kind of thing. But yeah, it's a.
i I'll be honest, like, you know, to your point about, you know you know, Disneyland Paris was not in a good state for a long time. The more that I'm seeing this kind of stuff, I like I do want to go to Tokyo first. that That's still on my list for international parks as number one. But Paris might actually be like in a couple of years. Yeah, I might actually be thinking about going to Paris, which I didn't think I would ever be saying.
well Actually, it's funny you mentioned Tokyo because ah our good friends just came back from Tokyo Disneyland. So when they, on their honeymoon, we had bought them tickets to DisneySea and so they had done Tokyo DisneySea and then this time they wanted to do Tokyo Disneyland and they lived in California for a while and I'm like, you guys know that it's like a pretty much a carbon copy of of Disneyland, right? ah but you know With some differences. There's some differences.
but um they actually they said they really liked it and they but you know there were some different things but they said the lines were crazy like yeah crazy long and then they also said they liked the food better at Disneyland Tokyo than they liked then at um at DisneySea, which I was kind of surprised by, but they said the food was great at Tokyo, Disneyland. so Interesting. i yeah I didn't think there'd be that much of a difference between the food there. I wouldn't think so either. but it's so we had We've been telling these two friends that we're going to take them to Disney World for a long time because one of them's never been and the other one hasn't been since they were a kid. and so We're like, listen, you know come with us. We'll we'll make it magical. We can show you the world. I can show you. That's exactly right. And so as we were talking about this, I was like, you know what? Maybe we do our next trip with you guys. Maybe we'll do something next year towards the end of the year because all this stuff, they have a whole bunch of stuff opening in spring and summer, a whole bunch of new stuff.
So maybe we, and plus, you know, we already have a vacation plan for May. So, you know, maybe we look like August, September or something like that. And so like we've had initial discussions now of a potential Disney world trip for next year. I don't know if it's going to happen or not, but, you know, it might. not to get super personal, but my wife's job situation is a little interesting. Um, so we don't know what that's going to look like, you know, a year from now or eight months from now. So, um, it's hard to plan a vacation when we have that kind of uncertainty, you know? Yeah, that's fair makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. But anyway, so yeah, I, I, they just came back though and they said they really liked it. They just said the lines were very long and, uh, I've heard that about Tokyo Disney, but I've also heard that the lines also are very,
Smooth and efficient as well, even though they are long. Yeah. There was something that they, they wanted to do. What was it? The, Oh my gosh, was it beating the beast or something? there what There was something they want to do. And they said it had a three hour wait. They were like, no, nothing is worth a three hour. Yeah. I don't think I'd wait for anything for three hours. Yeah.
I mean, but at the same time, like this is the, if this is the only time I'm ever going to be a Tokyo Disneyland, maybe I do. And if it's the only, the only, the, if that ride is only there, then I don't know. Maybe I do wait for it. It would have to be, I mean, I know the beauty and the beast ride has some very impressive stuff, but it like, it would have to be like the whole reason that I'm there. Yeah. Right. Like.
I mean, that that ride is are extremely cool. sorry i mean that the i'm thinking I thought the Beauty and the Beast ride was in Hong Kong, not so maybe it was a show? No, it's a Tokyo. Yeah, it's a Tokyo. Oh, it's in Tokyo. Okay. Yeah, it's ah it's that trackless ride that... um I don't, I believe it's the one that has the, uh, the, the really cool stuff. The transition with the, yeah where the beast turns into the Prince. It is that one. Yes, it is that one. So yeah, that's the one where you ride in like the cups and you know, that whole thing. So that opened during COVID, but they really wanted to go on that. They said it was like a three hour wait. And I was like, Oh, that stinks.
Cause I would want to go out, that's probably something I would, like if you're going to rope drop something, that would be it because it only exists there. Like this is one of those rides that's unique to Tokyo. So, um, yeah. And they actually built a real castle instead of the tiny little one that sits on top of the mountain. Every time I go to, every time I go by that area and and magic kingdom, I just always have to laugh at the tiny little castle at the top of the mountain.
but Yeah, it was. So somebody thought they were being very smart with force force perspective, but it doesn't work for some reason. It didn't work. Yeah. I don't know what happened there. They're usually so good about that. and But that one just doesn't look right for some reason. I think it's because they they're trying to make it like way off in the distance, but it's not like it's like right there. it shit Yeah. it Like it's it's very clear. Like, Oh, that's like, that's just right in front of me. It's not.
It's not a castle in the distance, right? Yeah. Yeah. Well, the the other thing they told me to that it was very weird, um, that like all the stuff that they did recognize from Disneyland being in, in Japanese, it's just like, this is weird. Like they just, you know, cause nothing is English is in English. It's all Japanese. So like they're, uh, you know, and they're, they're just kind of listening along and having all the, all the announcements here on the rides and stuff, but it's oh yeah like, you know what they're saying, but it's not.
in English. Exactly. Exactly. Um, but yeah, no, listen, I want to do the same Trevor. I, we, you know, we definitely, we want to travel to all of them at some point and you know, obviously want to get to Shanghai at some point and you know, uh, all, I mean, all of them, we, we would really like to do all of them. That's our, our goal, but going to take some time. It does. Yeah. It's a lot of money to travel internationally. It is. And I know that because I do every time I go to Disney. Exactly.
All right, well, let's wrap this up. We should first say to that, ah you know, before we wrap up here, it's going to be our last show for the year. Yeah. We'll come back after the new year. Let's see. Let's let's see what day that is. Probably the sixth that we are next year. Yeah. Yeah. I was going to say, I think we'll probably all be back by around the sixth because you know Obviously, at this time of year, we all have family stuff that we're doing. so you know it's you we've We've said this in the past, it's hard enough for us to get together you know on a regular weekend for for doing this podcast, throw it in the fact that we're all doing our own family get-togethers and stuff. yeah it's just ah we're We're just going to take a break here for a couple of weeks, you know give ourselves a break too.
church right yeah We'll be back in, uh, in January to continue this. I can't believe the year's over already.

Holiday Celebrations Discussion

It's, it's, it's crazy how fast the year went. So, uh, so yeah, so, that so, you know, obviously we're not going to talk to everybody again. So, you know, happy holidays, Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, whatever you celebrate, you know, happy that and then happy new year too. Cause we're going to miss you on that one too. So, you know what? And yes, yeah you know, yeah, happy holidays, Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, all, all those things.
Well, it works out well for me because, you know, we celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah in my house and Hanukkah starts on Christmas Day this year. So the first night of Hanukkah is Christmas. So it makes it very easy to combine celebrations.
Yeah. that Well, yeah. Hope it's a good time for you guys and your family. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. do We do Christmaka. Christmaka. Yeah. That sounds like fun. I mean, listen, it it is it is fun. It's combining all these different you know things. it's it's ah It's a good time. But you know that being said, my wife loves Christmas. like you know She never got to celebrate Christmas as a kid. She was Hanukkah. And then like Christmas comes around. She loves decorating, man. She loves decorating for Christmas. That's her favorite thing. so ah Her and my wife would get along perfectly fine there because my wife is, she and I think we said this on a previous podcast, as you know you know my wife would do the you know Halloween to Christmas transition overnight if she could, yeah but I basically tell her that I'm not going to set up the tree until like halfway into November. Yeah, that's I get that. I get that. ah All right, let's wrap up.

Engaging with the Podcast Community

All right. Yeah, so um so as usual, if you guys ever want to reach out to us, you can always find us at welcome on podcast at gmail
We love hearing from you guys and hearing your trip reports, or you know if you've got questions for us and stuff like that, um you know please reach out to us. ah You can also find us on social media, so you can find us on Facebook as welcome on podcasts, you can find us on YouTube as welcome on podcasts, you can find us on Instagram as welcome on pics. Make sure on Facebook you check out our group, Welcome Home Disney Waitlist, where we have conversations about the show, but also you know people talking about their own trip reports, planning,
um, discussions about just everything Disney, you know, DVC cruises, all that kind of stuff. So, um, you know, it's a great, uh, a great Facebook group to come and, uh, you know, have those conversations with other people that are just as enthusiastic about Disney as we are. So, uh, you know, please come check that out. And if you'd like to help support the show, you can go to and you can check out our different merch there and, uh,
And we also have a Patreon, so you can go to patreon slash welcome home pod and check out our different Patreon merch. Our Patreon stuff is exclusive to our Patreon supporters, so you can only get the items with the the Patreon logo on there. They're not available in the store. And all of our Patreon supporters also get access to the Discord server, which is yet another place that we talk about all the ah all the regular Disney stuff that we talk about and you know things like you know earlier on the show I mentioned that you know you know Dan was posting about the Y Lulu bar and grill. I'm gonna, that name's gonna stick in my head for a bit. i yeah but But yeah so so you know you can come on Discord and you know check that out. So um you know if if you want to do that you know please have a look at our Patreon.
Last but not least, if you're listening on iTunes or Spotify, leave us a five-star review. it's you know It's our Christmas wish to have as many stars as possible, not just the one on the top of the tree. We want to have those stars on our on our iTunes rating as well. So yeah, um yeah you know leave leave us leave us those reviews. And also, if you want to write us a review on iTunes, we love to see those as well because we love what you guys have to say about the show.
Yeah, I love that. Also, don't forget to subscribe to Welcome Home Podcast. You'll be reminded every time we release a new episode, you can find us our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, TuneIn, Stitcher, Spotify, YouTube, YouTube Music, just about any podcast app that's out there, you can find us.

Podcast Closing and Acknowledgements

And just a reminder to our listeners, Welcome Home Podcast is for entertainment only. We are not employed by the Walt Disney Company. That's all the opinions we especially on the show or our own. So please consult a Disney cast member or DVC representative for more information about anything we talked about today. Huge thank you to the sponsor of this episode, ah DVC Resale Market for sponsoring this episode and ah World of DVC for you know continuing to support this show as they have for quite a long time now. So please check them out for any of your DVC needs. Join us next time for more Disney Parks discussion and of course, more DVC talk. We hope to see you all real soon. This is Skipper Albert A. Wall, the voice of the jungle, signing off from Welcome Home Podcast on the DVC.