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The Healing Connection: Allie Cass on Tapping into the Mind-Body Link for Optimal Health image

The Healing Connection: Allie Cass on Tapping into the Mind-Body Link for Optimal Health

S2 · The Organic Matrix
104 Plays1 year ago

"Are you ready to unlock the true potential of the mind-body connection and conquer health challenges? In this powerful episode of The Organic Matrix Podcast, we explore the incredible impact our beliefs have on our health and well-being. Our guest, Allie Cass, is an expert in holistic health, specializing in gut health, hormones, metabolic health, and fat loss. With her unique insights and practical tips, she guides us on how to effectively use the mind-body connection to improve our everyday lives.

Join us as we delve into Allie's origin story, her discoveries as a healer and coach, and how she incorporates beliefs and the mind-body connection into her own health journey. Learn how to reshape beliefs that no longer serve you, build discipline, and teach yourself to pursue long-term health instead of immediate gratification.

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If you're inspired to work personally with Allie Cass and tap into her wealth of knowledge, visit her website at to start transforming your health today!"

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Mind-Body Connection and Health Beliefs

Many of us have a conceptual understanding of the mind-body connection. We understand that our thoughts become things. We can especially see how powerful the mind-body connection is when we look at studies involving placebos. The question then becomes,
How can we apply this mind-body connection to improve our everyday lives? On today's episode, our guest Allie Castanay, your host, Tamayiko, will be discussing how our beliefs and mind-body connection can help us overcome health challenges. Allie specializes in holistic health with an emphasis on gut health, hormones, metabolic health, and fat loss.
She is a certified personal trainer, certified nutrition coach, integrative nutrition and metabolic specialist. Follow our show and bookmark our podcast so you don't miss out on our fantastic Matrix mentors. Allie, welcome to the Organic Matrix. Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here. It's an honor.

Allie's Journey into Holistic Health

Can you tell us about your origin story and how you were called to support people with their health?
Absolutely. So I grew up as an athlete. I lived in a very small town in East Texas. And I always joke that like you either played sports or you did drugs. Kind of the truth, but I was like, I will play sports. So physical
activity, competition, fitness, things like that. Those have always been big values for me and have always been a really big part of my life. And I went on after high school to play D3 college basketball for a couple of months. I quickly realized that that program was not for me and made the pivot to focus on other things outside of athletics. And it was after that decision that I realized
how unhealthy of a lifestyle that I was truly living once I was no longer working out multiple hours a day. And it was in that moment that I realized, like, holy cow, nobody talks to us about how to nurture our bodies with the proper food. No one talks about lifestyle as medicine, getting sufficient sleep, managing our stress load, things like that. And that was really before social media,
really took off. That was like right when it was becoming a thing. And so I feel like there were far fewer people that were also talking about emotional health, mental health, and the interplay between those things and our actual physical health. So I realized like, wow, no one ever taught me how to take care of myself. And that's because a lot of adults don't really know how to take care of themselves either.
So I found myself in a place where I was drinking a lot of alcohol, eating a lot of food that was not making me feel my best, just a very typical unhealthy college kid existence.

Confrontation with Cancer and Nutrition

And that was compounded dramatically right after I graduated when I found out that my mom was diagnosed with stage three brain cancer and essentially given like 18 months to live. I moved across the country. I lived with my parents. I basically became one of her caregivers during that transition
in her life and i was with her for the nine months that she made it and it was also during that time that i was really reflecting on myself and reflecting on the question of what really makes someone truly healthy and naturally i had a lot of a lot of anger a lot of
questions and things that doctors could give me absolutely no answer to in regards to why was that happening to my mom, what causes something like that, and what determines such a rare diagnosis that kind of comes out of the blue. And so I really started to do a ton of my own research. I became very fascinated with things like nutrition because that's something that no one really talked to us about at all during her diagnosis period, during the chemotherapy and radiation process.
that was never mentioned. And so the more that I started learning, the more upset I became at just kind of the system as a whole when it comes to preventative medicine and even looking at individuals as a holistic being and all of the factors that really play into our health, whether it be environmental, physical, mental, emotional, all of those things.

From Loss to Mission: Helping Others

And so that journey for me
really gave me a lot of purpose and I had a ton of pain from that experience, but I really wanted to take that and turn it into something powerful and something that I could use to make sense of the situation and to help someone so that maybe they wouldn't be in the same situation that my mom was in or
you know, wouldn't have to experience the kind of loss that I experienced. And so that was really the catalyst for me. And then as I started learning on my own, as I started going through so many different certification programs, I just became obsessed and I'm basically still obsessed till this day.
That's incredible and thank you so much for your service because you probably like inspire so many people to not give up at the diagnosis and that's something that's so important. Like the diagnosis isn't a life sentence and so I really appreciate your work. Thank you. I appreciate that. What are some discoveries you made during your journey of being a healer and a coach? Oh, that's a great question. I feel like
There's been so many things but kind of the big overarching big rocks I guess that have come about for me both in my own journey and my journey as a coach and a professional in this industry is that again kind of going back to that holistic
mindset and thought process is that your body and what's happening from a physiological perspective is not separate from what's happening mentally, emotionally, or otherwise. And so I think a lot of people are really quick to discount the role that stress plays in how they're feeling, whether that is physically, mentally, or emotionally.
And that can be from relationships, work stress, even just the stress that we place upon ourselves because we have this ideal with this ideal of what we need to be and show up as in society. And the further we get on with all of our technological advancements, the more expected we are to constantly be plugged in and constantly be performing at 110%. And I know from my own experience that has played into a lot of my journey.
And so I think people, you know, understanding that aspect more and also understanding that, you know, what they choose to carry from an emotional perspective and an energetic perspective can also affect that. So, you know, unresolved traumas, you know, grief, I carried grief for many, many years. And I can tell you that
I was 100% on my diet, 100% on my fitness plan. I was doing all the right things, but it was like there was this weight still energetically on me. And it wasn't until I was able to work past those things and address what was going on inside of me that I was like, oh my God, I feel so much lighter. It was like I literally had lost 10 pounds, but I wasn't actually losing weight. It was just the weight of that energetic experience that I was carrying around with me. So understanding that we are
a complex being. Health itself doesn't have to be super complex, but like what's going on in here is all connected. So that was a big revelation for me, both in my journey and in helping women and seeing
you know, what really plays into someone's transformation, especially at

Critique of Healthcare and Informed Choices

a physical level. Cause so many of my clients, they come in, they want to lose weight, they have a certain aesthetic goal. Sure. They might want to feel strong. They want to have more energy, all of those things, but that's typically how it starts. And then we start diving in and looking at what's below the surface, both from a physical mental, emotional perspective. Um, and so I think for me, that was one of, one of the biggest things also just having that realization that, um,
How do I say this nicely, that the healthcare system, while it is wonderful and it serves a purpose and it's absolutely necessary, not everything in our system is truly designed to give you the most optimal level of health.
You know, oftentimes I encourage clients to like seek second opinions or to, you know, look at all avenues first. Like there's, I think in anyone's health journey, the biggest thing that you need to do when you're making a decision one way or the other about something, it could be something as minor as like, okay, should I go on birth control or not? Or something as major as like, how am I going to address treatment because I was just diagnosed with cancer?
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And so understanding both the pros and cons of every decision, because every decision has a pro and every decision has a con,
and being able to own that decision, but truly make that decision for yourself and not just be persuaded by a medical professional or an expert that you see on TV or online and really being able to understand what are the benefits and the costs to making a decision when it comes to your body and owning that decision is your own. And so for me, that's been something that I work a lot with clients and I'm
will support someone in whatever they choose as long as they understand the totality of what it is that they're choosing.

Societal Conditioning and Health Perceptions

That's beautiful and I love that you do that because I believe like having true freedom is having all the facts lined up and you make a decision. A lot of us go to the doctor because it's been conditioned. There are a lot of these things like a lot of the things that we do as a society that are harmful to our health and longevity has been based off conditioning and advertisements own version of propaganda.
Like with the fact that they have to have all of these scientific techniques to have bright colors.
different psychological ticks to make us want something. The fact that they have to use that to influence us to eat poison is concerning to me because where's the integrity of our society and that's what makes us different than other cultures. In comparison, we're from America. I speak to a lot of people in different countries. Sometimes I forget.
But it's very interesting how other countries like outlaw certain chemicals like in cosmetics that cause cancer, talcum powder cause ovarian cancer, all these things that we put on babies.

Self-Advocacy in Health Systems

Yeah. Johnson and Johnson. Yeah.
Like we, because of conditioning, we grew up thinking, this is harmless. This is actually healthy. I'm putting baby oil on my skin. I must be helping it. And that's not the reality. It's not the truth. So I'm glad that we can come together and give people more options because it's interesting. Like yesterday, my sister brought her cat to the vet and her cat had a fever. And the vet's like, oh, the cat has the virus.
I can't give anything, no medication to help the cat heal, has to run its course. However, I can treat her symptoms." And I'm like, well, the vet is more honest than big pharma and regular medical doctors because that's all they know how to do. They're only trained to help you deal with what your body needs to heal from. So, like, we'll take antibiotics that ruins the gut flora, not knowing that we're inhibiting our own immune system from correcting what's wrong.
And so I'm glad that Matrix members, now you know, you can go to Alleycast for some good holistic advice because we have to be our own advocates of preventative care.
We really do. I'm so glad we jive on that. And it really is. And I think that people are well-intentioned. We want to believe that the government or Big Pharma or whomever we're kind of entrusting with these facts and with our care, we want to believe that they have our best interest in mind. And the reality, unfortunately, is that's not always the case. And so I am 100% like we all need to be our own biggest advocate. And if I don't know something and I know that you do,
I'm going to lean to you to help educate me. And so I think that's why it's so important to have people in the space who are talking about that. Yeah. Absolutely. I totally agree. How do you personally incorporate your beliefs and mind-body connection to maintain your hope?

Beliefs and Health: Cause and Effect

Oh, that is a really good question. So I get the question a lot of like, okay, well, how do my beliefs or my thoughts, how does that affect my health? And so I always tell people like, from my perspective, when I'm explaining it, or when I'm looking at it, and then obviously the research that I've done, and everything I've learned, I look at it is twofold, right? So we have actual physiological changes that come along with thoughts and emotions. So a really basic example of that is like, I feel a little nervous, or you know,
anxious because I'm thinking about maybe I have to speak on a podcast later. And so I'm getting those butterflies in my stomach or my body is truly producing some sort of reaction in response to this thought and that emotion. So for people who think that their thoughts and their emotions have absolutely no effect downstream on what's happening in their body, you can look at super basic examples of that or like I get really mad and my face turns red, I start to get flushed.
Those are actual reactions to what we're feeling, what we're thinking, and what we're experiencing in the moment. And so understanding that that happens and that serves us at a nervous system level to protect us, but when we're constantly living in a very stressed out space or we're constantly being triggered by things and we're not realizing it or we don't know how to self-regulate and bring ourselves back down to that homeostatic place.
That's when things can start getting a little out of control. Things can become dysregulated. But also, your beliefs and your thoughts will influence how you show up. So if I have a health goal to achieve XYZ, but I truly don't believe that it's possible for me or I have some story in my head about, oh, I
I've always been this way. It runs in my family and I'm just telling myself, you know, all of these things that aren't very empowering. It's far less likely that I'm going to wake up and be like, all right, let's do all the things that I know I need to do today in order for me to reach that goal. So I think, you know, from my perspective, our thoughts and our beliefs work in both of those ways when it comes to influencing not only how we act and the behaviors that we choose to engage in, but also, you know, on a physiological level,
what our body, how our body is responding essentially to the stimulus that we're giving it, you know, even if it is just purely a thought that is turning into an emotion. And in that rant, I totally forgot your original question.
Oh, I admire your answer. You gave me an aha moment and I think you did great answering the question. And what I love the most of what you're saying is the way you describe it, it's like when we hear the concept of things, it's so hard to think in the moment how to apply it. But I love that you mentioned
what kind of emotions are triggered with these narratives that we live by and I could personally relate like I have a few learning disabilities and a lot of times like out of insecurity I'll bring it up first and make a joke about it just to throw it out there it's unnecessary though and those who are aware of people like and how people behave like they know like oh well that must bother you because nobody cares about that but
But it's like, if I feel awkward and I'm worried everyone thinks I'm awkward, I will play the role of an awkward person because I already created that narrative. And then I start feeling awkward and shy, thus self-sabotaging in the sense that what I'm hearing is what I'm attracting because I'm the one playing that role. So I love your answer. That's the aha moment it gave me.
No, I love that. I think that's beautifully stated. And that kind of goes into like talking about self fulfilling prophecies as well, which I think, in my opinion, from a health perspective is something that I
Like, I struggle with this when, you know, people get diagnosed with, you know, a disease or a condition or XYZ. And I mean, I think for certain reasons, I understand why that's necessary. And obviously, if there is some level of dysfunction going on in the body and we're classifying it as such.
obviously we need to address that, but I've seen this happen time and time again where somebody gets a diagnosis and that immediately becomes part of their identity and it becomes part of their story. And just like you said, that becomes so much of who they are that that is how they start showing up or that is they start making decisions that are continuing to manifest whatever the problem is at hand. And so I think from a health diagnosis perspective as well, that's a really awesome parallel example of
you know, how that can play out in so many different circumstances and then how, you know, what we choose to believe about ourselves and about a certain situation, how that can contribute to, you know, what actually ends up happening down the line.
Oh, yeah.

Stress Reactions and Health Impact

I mean, if we could, like a lot of what I'm thinking, like when I hear your answer, I think of like how much we can help ourselves by being observant to our reactions, right? Because if we can not hyperreact over a situation that might not go our way, we might not trigger that cortisol levels in our mind that cause a stress in the
like stop our metabolism like you know all the bad things stress can do like it can increase illness by lowering our immune system it can encourage stomach ulcers inflammation all the things we want to avoid so all with like not cursing out that person that cut you off in the street like is gonna help you live longer
It's so true. My boyfriend, he'll be like, are you stressed out? I'm like, no, not at all. Why? He's like, no, you are. You're literally yelling at the cars in front of you. And I'm like, oh my God, you're right. But I do think that at a very foundational level, learning how to cultivate that self-awareness is the first step in being able to say, OK, how am I actually responding to this? Because so many of us, we're so busy. We're accomplishing all these things. We're jumping from one thing to the next.
we don't really know how we're responding in certain situations. And so we just default to what we know. And a lot of us, you know, have dysfunctional default patterns, either how we grew up, or, you know, what we were exposed to, or all of those things. And so I think that, yeah, I, you know, practicing self awareness in those situations to say, you can say, like, Am I, you know, is this triggering me to then go into that fight or flight response? And, you know, is it really necessary?
Yeah, absolutely. I think like with our us like living in the digital world is like we're podcasting online like we're, we're miles away and like our careers like this is where we're at.

Digitalization and Self-Awareness

And it's like so wonderful but it is like mirror mirror on the wall right like
Where i think this is the generation where like the whole. Whoa cancel culture collective consciousness like i think all these terms are floating around cuz we are like the most self aware in the sense that like we are always looking at our own image like we're always.
thinking about our behaviors like we're studying ourselves from an outside point of view like we're like we are kind of descending into the fourth dimension in the sense that we're recognizing space time and time awareness and understanding that it's also linear and we're also stepping outside i mean it's not linear and we're stepping outside of it
And I think that's what really makes our generation different. And I think that's what past generations are a little shocked about. Because if we look at our health and wellness enthusiasts, are you tired of sifting through countless supplement brands at their bold claims only to be disappointed by the quality of our results? Your search ends here with bulk supplements.
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And we look at what children are doing right now.

Technological Changes and Mental Health

There's so much more opportunity for self-reflection because although it does make things like we are living very fast,
It's like these concepts of child development and psychology is like being taken very seriously nowadays. And I love it. And I think that's a big part of like our, like the influence of technology, like the fact that like, we're literally looking at ourselves while we talk to each other. And it's like the last generation, we're looking at other humans, not worrying about what they look like. Right. That's so interesting. And like as of, yeah, sorry, what were you gonna say?
Yeah, I just wanted to know your what you think about that now that you know that can contrast No, I think I've not really ever heard someone talk about our generation from that perspective, but I 1000% agree with you I think that Could not be any truer and as you were saying that about how we are probably the most like self-reflective Generation especially in comparison to our parents. I'm like I
Yes, like I just I'm like thinking about it thinking about myself thinking about the people I know and then also simultaneously like, you know, thinking about how there's such a prevalence of like mental health disorders and anxiety and depression and obviously I think that's like, you know,
handful of things that play into that, not just one particular thing, but I almost wonder, does our ability to self-reflect, does that play into it? There was a time in my, I would say my mid 20s where I hit this point and I was like, oh, I understand the whole term that ignorance is bliss now. Once you start opening your mind up to things and you really start having that level of awareness, whether it's for yourself or just the world around you and how you're interacting in this time and space,
I feel like there is that point where you're like, oh, okay. But now I can't unknow that or I can't close that awareness off. So there's so many connections that I feel like are being made in my head right now that I'm like, yeah, we are self-aware. Do we have the tools to be equipped to be the self-aware? I don't know. So yeah, that's kind of my thought on it.
Yeah, I love it. It's so beautiful how history repeats itself, because this just goes back to Genesis, like what happened when they bit the apple. They realized they were naked. They put on some clothes, and God's like, oh yeah, I can suss. I didn't program you to worry about that. So yeah, I love this.
And so I love how you talk about self-reflecting and building self-awareness. When you were beginning your journey, how did you begin to learn methods of self-regulation?

Emotional Self-Regulation and Awareness

I think that I honestly was kind of forced to learn them. And by forced, I mean that I had
I've always considered myself to be a strong person, but with that strength, I don't think was a lot of self-awareness because a lot of what I had considered in my early 20s, I went through a tragic loss when I was in high school, losing my mom at age 21, lost my dad when I was 27, so a few years ago.
I just thought, you know, I just thought I was dealing with it, right? Like I'm strong, I can handle this. But the reality was, is I just wasn't fully allowing myself to face those emotions and learn how to sit with that kind of discomfort and just let it be and let it pass. And so there were, you know, a handful of times in my current relationship, my prior relationships, where I would lash out, you know, times where I would, you know, I went through phases of
indulging in more alcohol than what I know that feels good for me. And there were some incidents where I just became a person that I didn't want to be. And I think it was through those experiences where I was like, okay, obviously there's something going on. And I kind of think I knew at a deep level what it was.
I just didn't want to face it. I had a couple moments where I had to sit with that and say, okay, I don't want to hurt the people around me. I don't want to hurt people I love. I don't want to be this person. I don't want to feel this way. I don't want to create this kind of havoc for myself and my life. I went through therapy and I just started to
practice feeling comfortable with the uncomfort and understanding that everything passes. The good times pass, the bad times pass, nothing stays the same. And so learning that concept and just learning how to breathe through it, I did start meditating, started doing some breath work and just really focusing on things that kind of helped me connect back to my body. And even till this day, like I had a moment the other day where nothing bad happened by any means, but I
was just in a situation where I had to have a conversation that was a little more confrontational than like, I naturally like to have, but it was necessary. And I was like, okay, I am safe. I had to remind myself like, you know, breathe through it. Like there's nothing that's threatening you or your existence right now. And so just, you know, reminding myself that having that self talk, connecting back to my breath, when I feel those situations of like, okay, I feel like I'm starting to get a little anxious here or like, you know, I'm starting to get worked up for something that doesn't seem like,
you know, that response should be elicited and and just practicing that and then being gentle. I think that's one thing I want people to learn, especially women. And I say women because I work a lot with women. So I'm just more privy to what they're thinking and what they're experiencing. But
We're so quick to judge ourselves. We're so quick to be hard on ourselves the minute that we don't do something as planned or that we think we should do. And I mean, for me, this journey has been... It ebbs and flows. You take three steps forward, you take one step back, and that's perfectly fine. As long as you're continuing to practice that self-awareness and learning how to say,
Yeah, I did a great job at self-regulating that time. I feel really great. Another time you might not. You might not have as much self-awareness. You might not put what you know into practice as well and that's okay. As long as you can sit with that and just say, okay, what can I do better next time? Nothing is forever. And yeah, I think just learning how to sit through those uncomfortable emotions and breathe through them and still stay connected with yourself and just let them pass.

Living in the Present and Additive Awareness

I think that's the secret to life. And you articulated it so beautifully. And I'm sorry for your loss. When I was 23, I lost my mom to COVID. I feel you with the grief.
I definitely probably had different circumstances, but I could feel the weight, you know, I could relate to that. For sure. And that's the lesson I learned, like, I have to let myself go through this grief. I have to let myself go through my own feelings. I have to let myself...
feel angry, not to bypass my own feelings. And that's the biggest thing about life. As humans, we want to hold on to things because we think if it's frozen in time, like a photograph, it will stay perfect. But everything's borrowed. That's what we learn with loss. Everything's borrowed time. So it's like the biggest lesson we can take in is that every moment is precious, and it's up to us to make it precious.
And we have to slow down so that time can feel longer. This time is short. And like you said, with all the bad and the good, it's all fleeting. It's all borrowed time. And pain is a part of the human experience. How can we be happy if we don't know what loss is? How can we appreciate it? So Matrix members, if you're feeling some type of way, if you're feeling down, something's happening.
We're sending you love and we gotta sit through it and we'll get through it. Like this too can pass. And that was the number one lessons I've learned so far in life. Like things happen. It's just sometimes you have to deal with it. But we don't have to let it consume us, right?
right? Yeah, I love that. And I'm sorry for your loss as well. I think but I think that's so beautiful. I'm just talking about time being borrowed. And it really is and it is just you learn the fragility of life and just how precious it is. And I but yeah, I mean, I go through that a lot where I just feel of course, I don't want to feel pain, but I'm so grateful that I've had the ability to feel, you know, so many different
ranges of emotions in life because that really is what makes it. Hey there, coffee lovers. Did you know that your daily cup of joe might be tainted with oils and chemicals? If you follow me on social media, you are well aware that I'm all about checking labels and it's time we say goodbye to these harmful additives in 2023.
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Personal Responsibility for Happiness

so beautiful. And that is the epitome of the human existence. And it's not always sunshine and rainbows. A lot of times it's not, and it's hard, but it really is beautiful when you can learn to see past that. And then for me in my journey as well, understanding that while there are external things or external people that can make me happy, like I am in charge of my own happiness at the end of the day. And I'm not always going to feel happy every second of every day, especially when we go through those super challenging times. But
That's still my responsibility at the end of the day. And I'm the only one that I have to answer to at the end of my life when that time comes. It's me. And so taking that ownership can be scary, but it's really like I feel like we live in a society where we want to have so much control.
yet really the only way to have control is to take ownership of the role that you play in a situation. Even if something is not your fault, you still have the ability to choose how you react to something or what meaning you assign to that situation. What are you going to do with that pain? Are you going to take it and make it something productive in your life or are you going to let it consume you? It's like a dichotomy of people don't want to take ownership, but they want to have control. The reality is the only way to have control is to take that ownership.
Amen. Amen. I love it. You were one of the realists. I agree with everything that you said. It's weird. I asked a philosopher, one of my friends, I'm like, why do you think we always go into fight or flight when we have to take responsibility? Because it is true. We have a society obsessed with control.
that's all life is, how much can you gather? But the only way to achieve everything is to have self mastery. And when it comes to self mastery, we see the reaction, we see how addicted we are to just food, how addicted we are to our phones, to stimulus. So it's funny that we crave control, but we don't realize that we're being controlled by external devices.
And then I feel like when we're actually reach enlightenment is when somebody does something to offend us and we're like, well, what can I do to make myself feel better? Because this person's not going to make me feel better. They cause the harm. That's where we get confused where like vengeance comes in or I need an apology. I can't let this go. And that's like a job we assigned ourselves, like one that has no good outcome because
we really can't control another person. What are the things that happen outside of us? We can only control exactly like what you said, how we react to it. And, you know, I just wish it was easier to like shut the monkey brain off because like our primitive instincts is like, I'm gonna chase you with rocks and sticks. For sure. For sure. That's why I mean, meditation is not something that I do every single day by any means, but it has been such a huge practice for me. And I recognize like,
the times that I need it. And it's always, I tell people that when people are like, oh, I don't have time to do that. I'm like, you're the exact person that needs to do that. Like, you need to find the time to quiet down.
But yeah, we are so stimulated all the time. I actually, when I was in my early mid-20s, I had the opportunity with a former partner of mine to live inside of Yosemite National Park.

Disconnecting from Technology

And I was working remotely at the time, but it was one of the best experiences because it was one of the few times in my life that I was able to truly disconnect and be in nature.
and do that on a regular basis without it having to be so much effort. And it was that experience that really spotlighted how much of a stimulating society we live in and how we crave that, but yet how it also is to our detriment that we're constantly being exposed to these things. We're bombarded with notifications, emails, advertisements, everything, all day, every day. Yeah, my phone gives me social anxiety.
I still haven't answered any DMs from like five, six months because it's just too much. Like I can't even go on TikTok. Like I post and I'm like, I gotta get out of here. It's too loud. I do the same thing. And I've, you know, I've struggled with that before as well. It's always like response time is always a goal of mine to get better at, but it is. You just, you hit that point where you're like, I cannot do this anymore today. I just, I cannot be on my phone. And I will tell friends that like, I'm so sorry. I'm on my phone for work.
My clients are my priority when it comes to my communication here, but I don't have the capacity to answer to talk right now. I could relate. Even though it's a relief hearing someone else say it, sometimes I get, like you said, we're hard on ourselves. We want to show up for society. And I'm like, I really don't want to talk on the phone. I'm sorry.
for sure. And you know what's not funny, but funny is that I think there are so many people, especially the people who work in this very digital space, whether it is having a podcast or having an online business or just people who have large social presences. And I think that
I don't have an actual statistic, so if I say something, I'm just going to be making it up. But a vast majority of us who are plugged in like that feel the same way, yet we still put that demand and that pressure on ourselves to show up in that capacity. But we're all secretly struggling a little bit with it behind the scenes.
It's so new. It's so new. It makes me kind of feel like an alien sometimes. It goes back to what I mentioned earlier. We're really going into the fourth dimension. Some say the fifth. Maybe it is the fifth because I got to brush up on my physics and stuff.
But we're climbing there. We're definitely noticing more and more every generation. Right now we're going through our own technological renaissance with this. So true. Yeah. So different.
What are some challenges you've helped your clients overcome? Oh, I mean, a wide range of things. So like I said, when you know, somebody comes to me initially, it's typically for weight loss, or they want to balance their hormones, or they have unpleasant GI symptoms, all of those things, they want to have more energy, just feel better in their body.
Um, and so, you know, a lot of times that's kind of what we start working on. So we'll work on, you know, rebalancing the gut microbiome, helping to balance hormones naturally, addressing those things, you know, overcoming, um, you know, weight loss, plateaus, things like

Mindset Shift for Lifelong Health

that. But oftentimes what ends up happening, you know, under the surface is that clients start to a start to adopt a different mindset that this isn't, you know, this is not a six week challenge. This is not, you know, a,
an eight week sprint to your best body. Like that's not really, that's not in my marketing. It's not what I do. It's not how I communicate to people. And they start to make that shift of, okay, this is a lifelong journey, not to say that you have to be on some intense journey.
regimen for your whole life. And I'm not super big on super intense stuff anyway with a lot of people, but this is a factor of your life. Your health is always going to be there if you're taking care of it. And so shifting the mindset. Another thing that I work a lot on with women is their belief about themselves and how they're identifying with themselves and their bodies. So that was never really something
That was an intentional thing because I didn't particularly grow up having a terrible body image. Of course, I went through my phase of being at my heaviest weight. I was unhappy with the way I looked. I was uncomfortable with the way I felt. I was low energy. I just didn't feel my best. But it was never something that I didn't grow up with people telling me that I looked a certain way or I should, whatever, change the way that I looked. But working with women,
worked on deconstructing these stories with them. And I've realized, it's pretty apparent with the marketing that we're constantly bombarded with, but how many women have body dysmorphia? I did experience that a little bit when I was competing in bodybuilding after the fact. I look back at photos now and I'm like, oh my God, I was so lean.
But if you would have asked me at that point in time, I would have said, I'm not lean enough to do a photo shoot. I'm not in show prep phase or whatever. And I look back and I'm like, oh my God, I look like I was doing crack, but I wasn't. I was just working out a lot. I've never done crack for the record. But just really analyzing the stories that we carry
through our lives about our bodies and about how they should be and how they show up. I had a client recently and she had this story that she couldn't achieve a certain kind of fitness physique. It wasn't anything she wasn't trying to be a bodybuilder or anything like that, but she had this story that her ribs were too wide or just her body, her natural build wasn't conducive for that. I was like,
That's really interesting and I measured myself and she measured herself and I'm like, you know We have the same measurements like you absolutely can do but it was it was just a very like a very You know not something that I'd heard someone say before but that was her belief and so for her that was valid that was a very much a part of her experience and so just helping women kind of deconstruct
what stories they have about themselves, where they came from, what actually is true and what isn't, and start to unlearn those things so that way when they reach whatever goal they have, be it an aesthetic goal or be it a deeper health-related goal that they can actually enjoy it and recognize that they did come so far.
I think that one thing that happens too when we have this certain view of ourselves and our body is it doesn't actually matter if you lose the 10 pounds that you're seeking to lose. If your story is, I'm overweight, I'm not good enough, I've always been told that I need to lose weight. When you lose your 10 pounds, you're still going to look at yourself in the mirror and think,
that, okay, I'm still this person who's overweight. And so along with the physical transformation, we have to shift the dialogue of what we're saying about ourselves, how we're identifying ourselves, and also just helping women realize that regardless of where you're at in your journey, and I'm a firm believer that you can 100% love yourself and your body and still desire to

Unconditional Health Efforts and Self-Love

change. You can still have goals as long as the intentions are coming from a good, healthy place. But the reality is, is your body is literally working for you
every single second that you're alive for your entire life, it doesn't take a rest day. It doesn't take a break. And anytime you put something in it or do something that's not maybe conducive to your best health, it's constantly correcting your mistakes, essentially. And we all make them. I still do. And so just really understanding how every cell in your body is working for you. That was a big aha moment for me where I felt like, I was like, oh my God, I feel like I'm
on acid or something, but it wasn't, but you know, it was just this breakthrough that came through where I was like, Oh my God, I just had the, the biggest like respect and love for my body. I was like, Holy cow. Like it's literally just my whole life. All it's trying to do is keep me healthy, keep me safe and basically fix all of my mistakes. So like what, like that is the epitome of unconditional love.
Yeah, I agree with you. I love that you mentioned it like that because we think about, well, I'm a spiritual person, so my mind goes there a lot. I love it. I love it.
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For all we know, like these cells could be like angels because angels are just not human. They're like all kinds of beings, things that we can't see that work in unison, that work with the universe that are part of the natural order of things. And it's like, yeah, we have like a whole army of cells. They all individually have organelles. They have their own organs. They have a nucleus. They have their own little brain and they all have their own little mission that they're born to do and they do it to their
to their death, they do a mad loyalty, mad passion. And I'm like, yeah, it is a blessing to wake up every day. It's all about that awareness. Because when we think there's a bunch of soldiers that are trying to keep us alive, do we want to abuse them?

Meditation and Growth through Self-Belief

No, nobody. I don't think anybody in real life
want to hurt anybody. Hurt people hurt people. But I don't think they intend to hurt people. It's more like a reaction. It's an impulse. So if we're considerate to our own selves,
there's not a lot of wrong we can do if we're considering our own selves and our decisions. It goes back to the cortisol response. Was it necessary for me to spike my own blood pressure? Maybe not. Breath work is a great option. And while we're on this topic, I did want to ask you, what kind of meditation could you recommend our Matrix members that they can do when it's time to self-regulate and they're starting to notice that?
Yeah, absolutely. That's a great question. I think my biggest tip on meditation is it's really preference. So for me, I actually really love guided meditations. It helps me. I'm a very visual person and so I love visualizations. I love following a meditation that incorporates that. I love looking at
maybe visualizing rather in my mind, colors and energies, because I very much I'm spiritual as well. And so I love to look at the world and imagine looking at it as the energy that's coursing through everything. And so for me, that makes me feel very calm and connected. Other people, not so much. And so I think
trying different things, whether it's just YouTubing, some meditation specifically. If you're feeling anxious, maybe looking at something to help reduce anxiety. Now, that being said, there's a lot of free content out there. A lot of it's great. Some of it's not so great.
And so finding what helps you, what makes you feel good. If you are someone who really just likes to sit in silence, I know a lot of people don't because their mind is going to wonder. And that's the beautiful thing about meditation too. It's not about shutting down all thoughts. It's about tuning in and having that awareness and recognizing when something is flowing in and just allowing it to flow out. And so finding what works for you and just practicing and playing with it. Meditation is
a journey in itself. I am by no means a monk. I don't sit in meditation for hours. It's still such a practice and a learning area for me as well. But even just starting with five minutes a day, research has shown that to be extremely beneficial. One thing that I will encourage clients to do
not even necessarily from a meditation perspective but I'll have them practice like deep breathing so you know different techniques you can do box breathing you can do you know specific like four seven eight techniques really what I tell people when they're doing any kind of like
informal breath work where you're not necessarily following like a breath work facilitator per se is to you know just focus on finding a position that's comfortable for you really focusing on breathing into your diaphragm you know not just the chest obviously you know people are like oh we're chest breathers and like that's also you know natural as well but making sure that we're
directing some of that breath into the diaphragm and then making your exhales longer than your inhales and I'll tell clients like you know practice this every time you get to a red light like what what is a trigger that you can have that will help you be like okay I need to remember to
to just do some deep breathing. So I'm like, every time you're in your car on the way to work, if you stop at a red light, make that your like minute and a half or maybe it's less. I don't know how long lights are usually read for, but it seems like forever sometimes. So make that your time where, you know, you're just consciously really quickly, you know, not going into full meditation because you're obviously driving your vehicle, but take a few seconds and make that you're like, okay, deep breathing time.
you know once the light turns green cool we're back in our zone where we're moving and grooving come to another red light practice a few seconds of deep breathing so you know really just finding something that works for you something that you can adhere to at least on a somewhat consistent basis and then you know playing with it right like i think
because like having health challenges or you know, the whole health journey can be frustrating sometimes for people and it is a serious thing, right? Like this is our body, this is our life, but remembering to have fun and just, you know, it can be playful too, right? Like you don't have to go into meditation. It's not like you're going into the army and you have to do it a specific way and like someone's going to yell at you. And if you don't sit there for 10 full minutes, like you're going to be in trouble like no. So, you know, I encourage people to just try different things.
and make it fun. It doesn't have to be like a punishment or anything. Absolutely. I love it.
How can we begin to shape our beliefs that no longer serve us? I noticed that you help women change these narratives that they kind of live by that, you know, don't serve us. But I bet that a lot of these clients must, it must be a challenge because they're holding on, they hold on to it by instinct, right? Like, oh, this is part of my identity. How do you begin to deconstruct that?
For me, it comes both in my intake process and just naturally in the coaching relationship. That's why I'm so big on establishing connections with clients. When I coach people, it's not like, here's your plan. Bye-bye. We'll talk in a week or a month. I encourage clients to have that dialogue. I mean, I don't want to bombard people because we're busy.
I straight up ask clients, like when you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are some of the good things that you say about yourself? What are some of the bad things that you say about yourself? Whether they're like hyper conscious thoughts or if you sit with it a little bit longer and you start to think what naturally comes up, what is that? And I straight up asked that in my intake.
It's like really direct, but I want to know where someone's at because I do have clients who have that story where they think they're not good enough. They think like, how did I let myself get this way? I'm so XYZ. And then I have other clients who are like, you know, there's a little bit of that negative self-talk, but they are really big on the like hyping themselves up. And so I just like to get a gauge for where someone's at.
Um, and then just, you know, getting to know them and really listening to their language and how they talk about themselves, what kind of words they use. And also like the words that you use to just describe life in general can be pretty telling on, you know, your views, because I'm a firm believer that how you do one thing or how you think about one thing oftentimes parallels into everything else. So if you think life is super shitty and it sucks and
like people are always out to get you, like you probably don't have very empowering thoughts about you as well. So again, it kind of goes back to the self-awareness thing too. So I strive to help clients establish that level of self-awareness and that kind of comes through that relationship, through asking those questions and just paying attention. And then once we have that awareness, you know, I typically
will lovingly point it out and we start to kind of dig from there. And it's interesting because my work is a fine line between not being someone's therapist because I'm not licensed to be someone's therapist, but also helping them bring that level of awareness. I've actually sent people to therapy multiple times who really do have those deeper things, issues with their childhood or
parental wounds, other types of attachment, abandonment wounds, things like that, that I think that they need deeper help on and helping them deconstruct those stories, so. I love it. I mean, I respect your work so much.
And it's really cool that you refer people to professionals if you notice that. I really respect that right now. I love that nowadays mental health is becoming more of a discussion. Yeah, there's like a whole bunch of new disorders now and it's kind of overwhelming, but it is nice to know that people can feel more comfortable getting help instead of, you know, being afraid of people judging them and such. So I have to thank you for your service again.
Yeah, this mentorship is so important. I'm really glad it's becoming easier for people to find coaches like you to get support with these things because it's kind of like once we get out of school and once we're out of our parents' house, it's like, what guidance do we really have? We're forever learning beings and left to our own habits. Sometimes we can further the neural pathways of some things that could be changed. 100%
Thank you.
How can we teach ourselves to pursue health instead of immediate gratification? Ooh, that is a good question. I think so. I feel like I have a couple of different answers for this, but, you know, learning to look at health from what, for what it really is. And that is a holistic thing, right? So I, if you asked me, like, what is,
optimal health, I'm going to tell you in my opinion that it is when physically, mentally, and emotionally and spiritually, we are at the highest place or the best place that we can be in all of those areas where they're intersecting and one's not necessarily detracting from the other. Because that can be in super great physical shape, but if I'm having to work out
10 hours a week to maintain that physical shape, it's highly unlikely I'm going to be my healthiest at that point. But again, that goes into mentally, am I really that healthy if I'm now so obsessed with this? So when all of those things are congruent and we're living our best life, so to speak, in all areas, to me, that is
the epitome of health. So I think one thing that people can do is they can reassess their goals. And it's totally fine to want to lose X amount of pounds. It's totally fine to want to have visible ads or whatever, if that's your thing and that's your goal. But not making that your primary goal or your primary reason and looking at really the long game. I'm a big believer that health and fitness should enhance your life
like 100%. So even if your goal is weight loss, or even if that is something like that, that's more aesthetic based, ask yourself, what is that really doing for you and for your life? And even deconstructing that more, we could even go into, is it
do you have this perception of feeling more worthy or feeling more lovable or whatever, if you achieve this goal? And that that's like a whole thing that we get into, anyway, but just looking at goals more for the long term. So it's like, if I were to take $1,000 and say I want to invest this, and I want to become a millionaire, like, the likelihood of me taking that thousand dollars and turning it into a million dollars in a year is
pretty low. But if I put it in an investment account or something that is giving me a 10% annual return, and I'm continuing to invest in that, and I'm not telling anyone they should use this investment strategy, just comparing compound interest over time, showing up, practicing the things that you need to practice, developing healthy habits, even if it's super small stuff, that's what actually is going to move the needle
a year or two years, three years down the line. So understanding that your health is just like investing and you showing up, you making decisions that make you feel good with your fitness, your nutrition, all of those things.
That's like compounding interest and it might not seem like it's getting you very far right now, but a year from now, you're going to be a totally different person. And so reassessing those goals and it's totally fine to have short-term goals, but setting long-term goals as well for what you want to accomplish or even like, what do I want my life to look like when I'm 40, when I'm 50, when I'm 60? And what do I want to continue doing? Because I can tell you,
I do not want to be living the life that most six-year-olds in the US are living right now. I want to do badass stuff. I want to be climbing mountains. I don't know if I'll ever have kids, but if I do, I want to be hanging out with them, hanging out with my grandkids. I don't want to feel any different at 60 than I do at 30 and then I will at 40. That for me is motivation in itself to show up as my best self and just continue to do that throughout life. I think that is one way that people can
start developing more of that longevity mindset when we're looking at health. I love this. Thank you so much.
If our Matrix members are interested in working with you, what would that process look like? Oh, yes. So I always love to have conversations with people first. I'm huge on connections and I don't think I'm the right fit for everyone. And I don't think everyone's the right fit for me. I think that there is a right fit for everybody somewhere. And so for me, I always want to make sure that when I connect with someone and we talk about their goals and what they're struggling with,
That always happens either with a phone call or a Zoom call first. I just want to make sure that we vibe. I think that one of the most beautiful things about a coaching relationship is connecting with someone and having somebody feel comfortable enough to share those things that make us feel very vulnerable or to be comfortable enough to dig into some of the things that
they don't want to look at. And I think that when you work with someone, and I've had this in the past as well, where your energy just doesn't really match and you don't have that level of comfort, it's so much more difficult to open up and to achieve those things. And so I want to make sure that anybody that works with me is A, a good fit for what I can actually help them accomplish, but also that I'm the right vibe for them. They're the right vibe for me that we can connect and we can further that connection
through the coaching process. So I always start out with a phone call or a Zoom call just to get to know the person, genuine conversation. I don't like the whole like sales call methodology. It's really just, hey, let's get to know each other. You know, tell me about yourself. What are your goals? And what are you struggling with? Can I actually help you? Do you want me to help you? All of those things. And then from there, I have a, I don't like to say lengthy because it's kind of scary, but I have a pretty
thorough onboarding process where we go through, we assess health history, again, assessing goals, where you're currently at with nutrition, with fitness, with lifestyle, what's your life like. And we basically do a very comprehensive assessment so that we can make sure that regardless of where you're at, that we're working on the things that are gonna get you the most traction and kind of get you in the right direction. And also doing things that are gonna be incongruent and feasible for your life as well, because I can tell you,
what is feasible for me to do right now in this phase of my life is not going to be the same as it was 10 years ago. And it's probably not going to be the same as it will be 10 years from now. So that always has to be a factor as well.
Ali, you sound like an expert in your field. And honestly, you got me curious about your services because I love the custom program. I love how thorough you are and how thoughtful you are with your questions. I could just tell how much you care about your clients and serving others in this area. And honestly, I am grateful for you because
I used to be a college athlete and like once you get out of college and you don't have people making sure that you stick to your routine, you know, it's nice to take a break for a few years because all that stress of having to work out. But then once you get back into the gym, you realize like muscles went away. I'm starting to look more average. It's like, where do you start? So Matrix members, if you're asking that question like I am and you're like, where do I start?
You can find Ali on Instagram and I'll be making sure to put a link to her profile in the description below. Where else can our followers find you if they're interested in finding your journey or working with you?
Absolutely. So like you mentioned, Instagram is probably my most active social platform, but you can also visit my website, which is And you can read about me, read about my program, schedule your free consultation call, all of the fun stuff. You can also reach out via email. And if you have questions, I'm happy to connect and happy to answer anything I can.
So Ali, we are at the conclusion of our interview. I just have three fun rapid fire questions for you. Perfect. Where do you like to get your news?
Right now it's from my boyfriend because he's just a lot more aware of what's going on. But that's a great question. Actually, I'm going to throw that back and say if anyone has recommendations for me, please let me know because I would love to follow a news source that is just literally unbiased. Just please tell me what's going on, like real talk so I can form my own opinion and move on with my life. Amen. What are some red flags to watch out for in daily life?
Ooh. Oh my God. I just feel like, God, there's so many red flags to watch out for in daily. I think all or nothing in black and white thinking, whether it's with yourself or with other people, I mean, I think that life is much more nuanced. Health is much more nuanced. Most situations are much more nuanced. So whether it's watching the news, whether it's a political topic or your own health journey or whatever it is, understanding that
There's a lot more nuance to things. So if someone's out there like screaming that it's only this or only that, it's kind of a red flag for me regardless of what it is. Amen. I love that. Some good advice. What movie can you watch over and over without getting tired? Girl. Oh my God. The new Top Gun. Maverick.
Top Gun Maverick. I don't even know. I want to go watch the movie right now actually. Every time I watch it, I should join the Air Force. I'm going to be a pilot and I'm also going to cry even though it's not a sad movie. I don't know what it was. I watched the original. It's a classic movie, but it was never something that I loved. I was never a Top Gun fan and the new one came out and I
and like Florida every time I'm on an airplane that has you know like little TVs in the back of the seats I'm like let me get on that so that is my current obsession and I don't know why but it is what it is and I'm gonna own it. I love it you give me like like superwoman vibes like female superhero vibes. I also do love you know Gal Gadot and the Wonder Woman series the new one so
Yeah, she watching that makes me feel like I leave the theater or leave like my house and I think I have like abilities that probably I don't have. And I'm like, I'm ready for something. I love it. It has been such a pleasure speaking with you. I love the vibe, Allie. And I look forward to staying in contact and maybe working together again. Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me.
All feedback is welcomed and helps us serve our fellow Matrix members. To stay up to date with our Matrix mentors and what we have in store for you, bookmark our website and subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel. It was great to have you with us in the Organic Matrix show and we'll be seeing you on the following download.