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 Bottled Water vs. Tap Water: Debunking Myths and Ensuring Safe Consumption with Randy from Unbottled: Life Purified image

Bottled Water vs. Tap Water: Debunking Myths and Ensuring Safe Consumption with Randy from Unbottled: Life Purified

The Organic Matrix
111 Plays1 year ago

Have you ever wondered about the ongoing debate between bottled water and tap water? 

What if I told you that I have years of experience in the water industry and have seen firsthand the transformative power of purified water? 

I'm Samantha Aiko, on this episode we aim to shed light on this crucial topic. In the episode titled 'Bottled Water vs. Tap Water: Debunking Myths and Ensuring Safe Consumption,' we'll explore the world of water consumption, separate fact from fiction, and provide practical solutions to ensure the safety of our water supply. If you're inspired to take control of your water consumption, catch the show, and visit Randy's website at for more insights. For more life tools in your pocket, visit


Introduction & Guest Overview

Welcome back to the Organic Matrix, the life guide in your pocket. Today we have a really exciting guest, one of my personal best friends. He's back on the show again, Randy Young. Welcome back Matrix members. Today we have a special guest. We're going to be shedding light on a crucial topic that affects us all. The ongoing debate between bottled water and tap water.
Get ready as we dive into the realm of water consumption and separate facts from fiction.

Randy's Mission & Industry Insights

I'm thrilled to reintroduce our returning guest, Randy Young, the expert behind unbottled life purified. In this episode, bottled water versus tap water, debunking myths and ensuring safe consumption, we aim to address the confusion and the panic that often arises after hazardous material spill incidents.
Randy brings his wealth of knowledge and expertise to provide valuable recommendations for water storage and consumption, offering practical solutions to alleviate concerns and ensure the safety of our water supply.

Kangen Water & Water Myths

With Randy's extensive experience in the water industry and his work with Enagic Danganwater, he has witnessed the transformative power of purified water, ionized water, and its impact on lives. His true north is to help individuals have access to clean water while reducing their dependency on pharmaceuticals.
Join us today as we explore the benefits of kangen water, debunk common myths surrounding bottled water and tap water, and equip you with knowledge and tools so that you can make informed decisions about your water consumption. Randy's insights will dispel any misconceptions and guide you to a path of purified and healthier water consumption, leading to more of a non-toxic lifestyle.
So if you're ready to dive into this world of water, debunk myths, and ensure safe water consumption, this episode is a must listen. Bookmark it now and get ready to embark on the journey of

Unbottled Life Purified Journey

discovering the truth about bottled water.
Randy, welcome back to the show. Thank you, Sam. It's such a pleasure to be back here. You're always such an amazing person to work with. I appreciate you very much.
Thank you. So there's been some time since our last podcast episode. Would you like to tell the listeners what you've been up to since you've last been here? Yes, I have. I

Chemical Issues in Tap & Bottled Water

would love to. I've been, a lot of things have changed, you know? I mean, I finally got started rolling again in my RV and it's, I just decided to rebrand myself with a
Unbottled life purified because I believe that's important whether it's the water we're drinking or if it's the life you're living so and being involved now with two companies that I believe are the top-notch because I believe in doing research and having companies one that's 49 years in business and two and the second one being in business for 50 years and
gives me the opportunity to work with somebody that's very well established and know what they're doing in the business. And I'm excited about that. I'm excited too. There's just so much to talk about with water. Water is just something that we take for granted every day, right? But there's specifically, there's certain water we can drink and there's certain water we should never drink.
Absolutely. Absolutely. You know, when you start looking at our water sources and what the federal government allows them to be given to our homes, for an example, it's scary. You know, they're allowed to put chemicals in it and whatever, you know, there's arsenic. There's so many different chemicals that are in bacteria in our water lines over the years that they just add chlorine to it to just try to kill everything.
And as long as our water system reaches a 7.0 pH level, it's okay. And they just let it flow into our house. So that leaves it up to us to try to find a solution to start drinking clean water coming out of our homes. We have

Health Risks of Bottled Water

home systems now that we can do the whole houses. And you can do each faucet at a single choice.
You know, I mean, there's so many varieties that we can choose from. And it's very important that we do filter our water. I completely agree. Can you explain some of the key differences between bottled water and tap water and how they impact our health? Yes, I can. Bottled water has been, you know, it's a $90 billion operation, you know, in the industry. And with bottled water,
You know, it's like, you know, so many of the companies have been, you know, busted for, you know, using tap water anyway. You know, they're saying that they're purifying, that they're filtering it. But I'm not going to name names, but there's a couple of them that got caught doing, you're just adding tap water. You know, you figure, say even if you put a purified
water into a bottle, you don't know if it's been sitting in that bottle for two years, three years, or even a month. You know, it sits there and water is an exorbitant. And when it's sitting in, whatever it's sitting in, it's going to pick up whatever it's sitting into. So, you know, there's studies showing now if you're drinking bottled water, let's say within, you know, drinking bottled water within a couple of weeks,
even a month you're going to you know assume enough plastic particles the size of a

Contamination from Infrastructure

size of a credit card. So I mean and that's not saying all the other chemicals that are actually you know in in the in the bottled water. Yes like recently like AT&T
had a bunch of workers get lead poisoning because they didn't have like the proper equipment. They were touching a bunch of wires that were covered in lead from like 100 years ago from the Industrial Revolution. And I could just imagine that, you know, it's AT&T. It's a modern company. It's a big industry. And for them to like have a lot of their workers actually get sick and die from lead
How do we know what kind of debris are sitting in our water? Like from old pipes, old technology from 100 years ago. For all we know, one of those AT&T lines fell somewhere out of a water pit and it's just sitting there and it's coming back to us.
Absolutely. You know, and with our homes, you know, I mean, sure, I'd love to have a 150 year old home, but considering all the water pipe, you know, the pipes and what's been sitting in that for, you know, decades, people just don't

Ionized vs. Bottled Water

think about that. You know, I mean, we got pictures of water pipes that would scare you to death that, you know, just knowing that your water flowing through it. I mean, even showering through it.
You know, and with the companies that out there today that are established, you know, offering people different, you know, machines to take all that out, it's just a no-brainer for me to, you know, I mean, filter your water, you know, try to do our best, you know, stay away from all these. Because, you know, a lot of people can't afford to replumb their house from the street forward.
And it's, you know, it's an expensive ordeal and then, and I'm guaranteed that the city's not going to rebuild their pipelines. You know, look at, look at where you're at, Sam. I mean, look at the, everything is a concrete, you know, you're in a concrete world out there and they're not going to bust up the concrete just to give people, you know, a clean water system to flow through. That's absolutely true.
So, you know, with bottled water being so, you know, nasty, you know, I mean, people just don't realize with water, you know, air movement and light kills water. So you picture with your bottled water sitting there in the sunlight, just exorbitant all that plastic, and you're not knowing if it's actual tap water, purified water. And did they just add chemicals to make it, you know, pass a pH test showing that it is alkaline? I mean, there's so many tricks they can get away with.
and you're still gonna be getting that oxidation and the chemicals that, you know, it absorbs through the bottled water. And with our tap water, like we were just saying, you know, it's flowing through, you know, miles of disgusting bacteria filled, you know, rat infested pipes that come through your house and we still need to get rid of the bacteria.
and the chemicals

Benefits of 'Living Water'

that they produce in our waters. Not to mention, recently I got an thyroid condition and I told you a little bit about it and I've been reversing it. What I found out was while I was on the truck, I didn't have access to my Congen water machine.
And I didn't know about portable ionizers back then. And so I was drinking a lot of plastic from water bottles. And when I was doing research, I found out that the chemicals that leak from the plastic can cause hypothyroidism or hypothyroidism. It messes with your hormones. And it's an endocrine blocker. That is such a big deal because our hormones dictate our mental health. And we can see our mental health is growing wary in our country.
Every year we're hearing more people suffer mentally, even though it's less of a stigma and it's more talked about, it's still a missing piece. Because to me, if we had the whole picture, it would be corrected already. So I'm thinking that things like how we drink our water, because we're like, what, 90, 80% water? That has to impact our quality of life, drastically.
And you're right. We, you know, it does. We're, you know, we're 75% water, you know, in our brains, like, you know, 89%. You know, so that's very important to be putting clean, you know, purified water through our bodies.

Challenging Water Safety Beliefs

And, um, people say, well, my grandma never did that. I never, you know, we live in a totally different world now. You know, back when my grandma was raising food, we were, you know,
picking beans and raising chickens and cattle. I mean, we didn't have all the pesticides and herbicides and everything that the man made it, you know, the man are doing now to our foods. You know, I mean, all this is chemicals that have been soaked through the grounds, running through our water systems. And now it's very, you know, we don't live in that same world. So it's time, you know, to wake up and just, you know, do what we have to do in these times.
You know, I mean, it's very important to have clean water. So, you know, if you have to fill it, filter it, filter it. You know, it's important for us to take our own health into our own hands. Shout out to everybody in Flint. Yes. Well, look at Flint. I mean, every day I hear, you know, there's something on in the news saying, oh, you got to boil your water.
You know, I hear that every day just about. It's because, you know, look at that big spill that happened out south. You know, that contaminated so many people's waters and you know that they didn't get it all completely cleaned up. Yeah, they try to cover it up. Well, yeah, they try to cover up all the mistakes going on, you know, and it's hard for the, you know, I can understand where the government comes from because that's a costly mistake, but hey,
You're talking about us Americans, the ones that we support and vote for, but they're just not willing to put the effort and time into it. And so it is up to us to take care of our own health. And being, like I said before, 75% water, it is your choice to be drinking clean, healthy water.
Absolutely. And that's what it boils down to. This year seems like, well, I think this era that we're in since AI came about and after the pandemic, it's like being our own heroes. And that's the other thing with the government is at least tell us that we have to fend for ourselves. Don't let us believe that we could depend on the systems now. And I think that's what the narrative switched. When I was growing up, I was raised
with the ideologies that the systems are in place to keep me safe. The systems are in place from my best interests. I always thought, oh, well, the FDA, it makes sure we don't get anything deadly in our food. But then now that I'm older and I got to read my labels and I get to see the politics and capitalism involved with how we get our products for the consumers. It's wild to me that
Johnson & Johnson is a baby company with top carcinogenic. And the other thing is they recommend us to boil the water, but recent studies show that because of the heavy metal content in the water and the chemicals, that if you boil it, it becomes more carcinogenic. It

Shifting Perceptions on Water Health

becomes a neural toxin. Absolutely. Absolutely. You know, so, you know, like, like, like there we go, you know, our hearsay, what we used to do is not the same, what we have to do now.
You know, and I'm just, you know, very happy to see all these studies coming out that, you know, and they're warning us now, at least, you know, years ago, you didn't hear a warning about boiling your water, you know, and now finding out that that's not the best thing you can possibly do. So, but at least they're, they're attempting to, you know, warn people about things, but they're not going to take that extra step that we need to take for ourselves and our families.
And that's why there's so many companies out there that are in this industry. And with my research that I've done for the past five, six years, I try to find the best. I want to find what really works, what solutions each of these products are going to give a person. And I believe with
our watering, our filtering our water, you know, without itemization has become, has to become through multi peer because they've been in business for 50 years. They've done all their research. They do most of their, all their work is done in Las Vegas. And it's very important to find, you know, to me, to find a company that's willing to go that extra step and do that and make sure that they are filtering the best water they can for their consumers.
You know, then you take a next step farther, you know, you want to ionize your water. Sure, everybody wants to drink a 9.5 alkalized water with hydrogen rich antioxidant water with a glass full of water full of antioxidant, the same equivalent of five pounds of blueberries. Everybody wants that in their life because it's, you know, but not everybody can do this.
But it's the option that I want to offer the people. It's the option that these companies are offering you. The first step would be to filter your water. Get your water clean. Get the chemicals out. Take care of what you can right now. That's what's most important.
I totally agree. Ionized water is hard to compare to bottled water. Now that I have ionized water in my life, bottled water, it's just like my body rejects it. Can you tell us some of the differences between ionized water, what it is, and how it compares to bottled water?
Sure. Well, you know, most people, you know, bottled water is just a full, you know, probably 90% of it's going to be a tap water anyway. And it's such a big molecule of water that it's, you know, you're going to get absorbed maybe 10% of what that bottle, what you drink, and the rest of it's going to sit in your gut. And between that and anionized water, that anionized water is broken down into a small molecule.
I don't know if you've ever seen a nyanizer work, but it's got two hoses. One that you're getting your drinking out and the other is excess. And that's breaking the water down into a small molecule so it absorbs into your body right away. And when you first start drinking a nyanizer water, you'll feel a head rush because our brains are the first thing that's going to be hydrated.
So when you are drinking a glass of, let's say, living water against, you're gonna get 78%, if not 80, of that water you drink is going to be absorbed into your body right away, and you're not gonna get that fulfilling in your stomach. I would love for you to tell the audience why you call it living water. I call it living water because that's what it is. Look at this. This is an aspen. You can tell that it's an aspen tree because of the way it is.
With the company that I'm with, Congan means back to original. I can't afford to live next to the Himalayan mountains where there's the purest water there is. This is the closest thing that I have found over the years that I can have. Living water is alive. When you're drinking,
hydrogen bubbles, living water right away, that is giving your cells and your body to produce and help it heal itself right away. You know, and when you drink a glass of dead water that's been sitting around for who knows how long, it's going to go straight to your gut, sit in it and slowly oxidate your body.
That's why they say living water does what? Living water is anti-aging. Living water is going to reach your cells quicker. I'm 62 years young and I don't have aching pain in my body because I know my arthritis is no longer with me. I don't worry about
You know, I mean, the energy that I, if you ever follow me, the energy that I receive from it is tremendous. You know, I love knowing that the water I put in my body is helping me and I'm giving my body a chance to heal itself, which it should be doing. Oh, I love your story, Randy. And it's true. Matrix members, you have to follow Randy at Unbottled Life Purified. He will brighten your day every morning.
Randy out works me when it comes to like energy. Like I, I really want that energy that you

Understanding ORP in Water

have right now. Like if I could have that energy at 62, I'm sure everybody looks at you and they're like, what's your secret? Right. Well, I get that all the time. Like, what are you doing, Randy? Are you back? You know, you know, I'm recovering that. There's a background you back these years and again, like, no.
You know, it's just putting, you know, it's putting things in my body that makes my body feel itself. You know, it heals itself. It gives me the energy. Sure. I love to drink my coffee because my water turns it anti, you know, it's not acidic anymore. So I said, drink a pot of coffee, you know, and it's just, it's just the energy, the nutrition. I mean, and.
the mindset. You know, if you're gonna feel old, you're gonna feel blah, you know, it's like eating a half of a pie, which we've all done half the time, you're just gonna sit there and be a lump on the log. So it's all about what we feed our bodies, bodies and our minds. So that's what it comes down to it. Absolutely. One of the biggest lessons that I've learned being a friend is when you introduced Romain to our show. And he talked about how
He had acidosis. He's trying to drink a lot of water to break down the acid, but then his cytosy was increasing and that it took the ionized water to actually level out the cytosy levels in his body. His story really impacted me because how often do we get stomach aches or acid reflux when we try to chug bottles of water and the ORP machine? Like when you showed me like,
Matrix members, so the ORP machine is an oxidative reduction potential meter. And Randy showed me that we can test our water to see its acidity levels. When I tested bottled water, it was way high into the positive range, which means that there was oxidative stress all in that bottle. And when I ionized it,
It was like negative 800, which means it reduces oxidative potential by 800. That really blew my mind because we look at water as a healing factor for all life. And if we're gonna be drinking water at access and it has a similar acidity as soda, how are we gonna expect the healing? Like, what are we really doing to our bodies? If you would like to talk about
acidosis and the city sea of water bottles. Teach us a little bit about the ORP. I would love for you to do that for us. Sure. Sure. The ORP is, is oxidation reduction potential. That's a meter that is going to tell us whether this is aging us or if it's actually helping us. You know, if anybody that does oxidation is like you cut an apple in half, what's it do over time? It's going to turn brown.
it's going to wilt, you know, and like rust on your car for all the people up north, you know, that's what oxidation is doing. And that's what anything on a positive ORP is doing to us. It's a free radical and free radicals are everything that we eat, breathe, what we digest in our bodies, you know, even our own bodies produce free radicals. So, you know, being,
Being living beings, being electronic, you know, our electron should be antioxidants. And that's where the negative charge of the ORP comes in, that's where it comes in effect. Anything on a negative charge on the ORP meter is an antioxidant. That is something that's helping your body produce new cells, give a new life,
and just being healthy for you, giving your body a chance to do what it's supposed to do. You know, if you put, you know, there's a lot of bottle wires I test nowadays that turn purple. I'm like, oh, cool. But then you read the ingredients and guess what? It's got so, you know, they're just adding chemicals to it. So if you're, you know, if you want to alkalize your water, there's an alkalize and alkaline. If you're alkalizing, you're doing it through an electrolysis.
It's not adding chemicals, it's doing it through, it's changing the pH

Personal Stories of Health Improvement

level through electronics. And that's what we want to do, you know, because anything on a negative charge, I mean, I can stick it into, uh, make, I've done this with my, with my live ultimate nutrition, mix it up. I'll test my water before it and then I'll test my water after it.
And yes, it puts it on a negative charge because of all the super foods and all the medicinal mushrooms that are added to that. And that's what I like about the OR pre-meter. You can't, you can't, you know, fool a meter. You can fool drops, but you can't fool electronic what it's made to do. And that's what people need to realize. You know, we're, we need antioxidants to survive a healthy life. So, and being 75% water, it needs to be, you know, water is
It's survival. You can go for days without eating, but try going for days without water. Body's going to shut down. Yeah, and honestly, it blows my mind. I don't think that this is looked at enough, but if we don't have enough
antioxidants in our body, our cells fight over electrons. They literally steal from each other. So that's where illness comes from. Illness comes when the body turns on itself and it starts stealing from itself. And to me, it's like the laws of nature. Everything in life is another manifestation of itself. Right.
If we're not giving ourselves genuine food, we're eating a bunch of processed junk, plastics, because it's convenient. And it's, and it's as if we're, we have a society and we're the president and we give them dog food. Like it's kind of like the same to me because it's like here, take scraps. Don't fight over it though. You know, like, so it's like,
We have to put more care into how we take care of our bodies because I feel like it's a cultural thing that we put our car expenses, our car note, our rent before taking care of the place that we exist in, which is our body.
Right. And that is so true. You know, I mean, when people realize that, hey, if I'm sick, if I'm so acidic that I'm just constantly going to the doctor and then he's going to prescribe me a pill. Well, guess what? That all that's going to do is give your body something else. It needs to fight off before it does you any good. If it does you any good.
Being as young as I am and not on any medications and all I do is my water and my nutrition, I don't worry about going to the doctor. If I could test my own blood and figure out if my cholesterol and everything was high, I wouldn't even go there once a year like I do now just to make sure how everything's good. But people just, they get in, like you said before, it's convenience.
I need to drive a $85,000 truck, but I can sit here and eat a candy bar on the way down the road, you know, and not worry about, you know, maybe it should have been a banana or an apple or it's just, if you can't afford, it's like, okay, you can't afford to get sick, but are you doing the proper maintenance tool so you won't get sick?
I look at health as being a preventive maintenance. What you do is going to be your outcome. If you're going to eat processed food, if you're going to drink bottled water all day long, sure, it's been going on for years, but guess what? It's going to catch up with this sooner or later. Six years ago, I was
You know, 50 pounds overweight, high cholesterol, high blood pressure. Oh, my doctor was begging me to get on cholesterol. Pretty soon I'm going to be a diabetic. It was time for me to look at different paths. And then when Diva got sick, bless her heart, and I got introduced to this phanagic.
Then it just changed my life. It made me look at things. I mean, it's like, my God, I watched her, I took her home dying from the vet to watch her die on my footsteps. And I know I'm gonna cry. But then it's, then I watched him and then he brought me fresh water every day. And I watched her just go from lethargic to coming alive. And fifth day she met him at the door. It was like she knew she was coming and it was just,
And it was just something that you have to experience it in order to believe it, in order to be grateful for. Right away, I need this right now, you know, this is helping her, you know, I mean, my God, she's only nine, you know, I want her in my life, you know, so it's, you know, I got six more years out of her and it's decided three months after watching her drink it and getting out there, what's it gonna do for me?
I adopted a pit bull. She's a brindle pit bull. And I got her when she was a puppy, like three or four months old. She trucked across the United States with me. I was driving semi-truck and I needed something for me to keep me from killing myself, run, run, run.

Water Quality's Impact on Life

So having her with me was making me force me to stop, force me to walk, force me to do some healthy things for that I needed.
She turned, I mean, we had a beautiful life together. I mean, she was everything to me. She got me clean. She got me, you know, she gave me a response. She did everything that I needed. You know, running around the country, you know, half whacked out of your brain, you know, I mean, it just made me think. It made me think what's important in life. I mean, it made me, I wasn't taking care of me, but I had to take care of her.
Then I got to the point where she was more important than me. So then that just, you know, fed up. We fed off each other. I mean, I hit the air brakes and she knew it's time. Let's roll. Time to go. We're going to get a walk. We're going to get something to eat. We're going to get the hell out of this truck for a while. That's all she cared about. Dogs are amazing. I mean, people that we're with are amazing. You know, I mean, we learn little lessons through everybody that we meet in life.
believe that the good Lord puts people in our lives for either a reason or a lesson. Our blessing, our own lesson. With her was a blessing, just like you, you've been a blessing in my life. And you, you know, I mean, we meet people that change us, even without even trying. It's just, you become, you know, a natural change is so much better than trying to break a habit. A habit takes 21 days, but when you meet someone that just, wow, you know, and you just feel like, I don't want to do that.
It makes me feel good. And that's just the way I feel about, you know, helping others and keeping myself and clean and, you know, healthy just so I can help others for the time to come.
And it's beautiful how you pay it forward because you saw what happened with D.Va. And to me it sounds like divine. It reminds me of biblical times when we still prioritize baptism, but when baptism was a new thing.
It was like let the water heal you, let the water clear you. You actually got to see somebody kind of like your pup kind of resurrect. You literally saw her resurrect so it's like you took that and you shared it and you share it with people every single day and I think that's like a God-given gift that you were chosen to carry that because
I can't imagine if I were to witness that, if I were in your shoes, I can't imagine me keeping the water a secret after seeing what it did. And I can only imagine how many other divas and grandmas and grandpas and loved ones that you're saving by spreading this information because if diva got six more years, how many people who are at stage four cancer
that would pray for six more years, or even one more year. And I know that this might trigger a lot of people, and that's definitely not where I'm coming from, because all cases are different. But even one of my favorite mentors, Jesse Lee, she was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer. She's beating it. She's beating it with the natural way. She's beating it drinking ionized water. She has a colon machine. She ironically bought it for her dog.
And so it's like, we think we can heal. We have to have faith, right? Yes. And faith is what it takes. And we got to find something to believe in. A lot of us don't know what we're going to believe in. You see something like this happen, and you see the results. Just like when I first started, when I moved into my camper, you know, I was training redbone coonhounds.
and watching these dogs just turn around because of course they're going to be drinking living water if I'm with them and just watching their energies and their you know I mean just everything changed their coats getting more beautiful watching them just slowly progress into a better you know animal
And that's amazing to watch that. You know, then I get a call from somebody saying, hey, I got a sick dog. She's dying. She had, I can't remember exactly what he had, but it was, you know, he got bit and then plus his system was shutting down. So, you know, I'm thinking, I looked at Romaine. I said, Hey, I'm going to Oklahoma. So I went to Oklahoma and put a machine on her counter and watch Mac just
come back alive and become the trophy dog that he is. You got to believe in what you got going on in your life. Stay positive and just find people that are believing it with you. I mean, that's what matters. You know, I mean, we can't do this alone, but it's important that we just stay, our faith stay strong.
You know, I can't say that it's going to cure this, cure that. Everybody's different. But I've seen cancer patients going through chemo and drinking this water and it's like no side effects. You know, everybody's different. But I see it with my own eyes and they feel it. So that's all that matters. Yes. That's all that matters is just making someone feel better and healthier than what they were before. Yes.
I love that. You inspire me so much,

Promoting Clean Water Solutions

Randy. Thank you, Sam. That's why I'm so honored to be here and be amongst the ones that are giving people solutions to what they need. Yes. It's such a privilege to have you back here, too. But your message is exactly what I want to spread. And this is, I love this. This is the time of the thought leaders
We get to inspire all the other ones to stand up. And some of the people that you've interviewed and done, they're amazing people. I mean, look at you. You're going to Napoleon Hill Institute. You're talking to all these beautiful people that are changing everybody's mindset.
You know, people just don't sit down and realize what other people have accomplished and doomed for themselves. And with all those interviews, it changed your outlook on, I could see it right away. Smile got bigger, your brightness got brighter, you know, and it's like, you're unstoppable. And that's what everybody wants. You know, everybody wants to have that shine, have that
You know, have somebody look at you and say, wow. In fact, you're the brightest, beautiful person I've ever seen. You know, and I want somebody to say that about me. You know, I mean, it's like, wow. And I get that once and I'm like, man, that makes you feel good. If I could put a smile on someone's face every day, I would be, hey, I'm content. You know, I've done my job. You must be feeling pretty fulfilled then. Yes, I do. I'm blessed every day.
I am, you know what I mean? Being, you know, it, it likes to struggle sometimes, but you have the mindset of keep going. I mean, you got that main goal, you know, always right here. You just got to kick yourself in the ass or have somebody do it for you. You know, that that's seeing it. So, you know, you get back on path. It's all takes. Well, then you get a phone call and it changes your life. And that's what it's all about is continuing down the same path, being consistent.
And just being you and trying to brighten up lives and give solutions to problems going on around the world and just open up everybody's mind to be good human beings. That's all it is. Wow, Randy. I wonder if our audience is thinking like, dang, is that what I and I's water does to the mind because you wear it so well?
Well, I tell you, Sam, you know, I'm, I'm really amazed that what I couldn't do five years ago, what I can do now is just putting the proper nutrition and, you know, and clean water and get a sore off my hand. You know, I cut myself or what, maybe I got a medical machine sitting right there. I spray a little 2.5. I mean, it's just unknown, just little things that, you know, it's going to make things better and easier in your life. And that's what all it takes.
It's a medical grade machine. It'll change your whole life.

Anespa Shower System Introduction

That's why their sign is change your water, change your life. Take the medications out of your life. Let your body heal itself. You got an infant that's got a rash going on. Spray that 2.5 water, which is hyperchloric acid. Cure that out. Hey, spray some 6.0 so your body doesn't react to the 2.5 acidic water. Cure.
just something just little things that I take for granted that people don't know about that's why it's important there's so many of us distributors out there that are putting this out there that you know this could do this this could do that it's just opening up your eyes and just
saying god my son has got acne so bad that you know i keep trying cream and cream i'm just putting more chemicals on their face when i could just put 2.5 change his skin level back to 6.0 which is our pH level you know just kill the germs you know replace the you know the pH back do this on a certain amount of time and it's
They're going to take away, you know, keep putting all that cream on, putting all that cream on, you're covering up, soaking more chemicals in you. It's like drinking bottled water. You're just feeding the fire.

Conclusion & Call to Action

Yes. Since you brought that up and we're like getting to close to the end of our show, I really do want you to talk a little bit about the anespa. I want, I want, I want you to like really paint a picture for the audience about our showers and psoriasis.
and dandruff and how the Anespa can really help us with these issues. Well, the Anespa is an amazing, I have one in my RV. You know, I won't go anywhere without it because it has got a carbon filter and it also has got stones from the Himalayan mountains that makes your water actually feel like a Japanese spa. It has taken all the chlorine and the chemicals out of your water. And you know, our body absorbs everything that it touches.
Once you, once you realize that that chlorine in our water is actually, which is a cancer causing, you know, kind of genetic, it's going to, your skin's not going to get dry. Your skin's going to reach a pH balance of 6.0, what it should be. And it's going to, you know, you're taking the chemicals out of it and you'll see the difference right away. You know, I've had women that they have that and say, Oh my God, I won't wash my hair and anything but that.
So, you know, our company's logo, you'll change your water, change your life. You know, what do you want? Do you want to, you know, spend the rest of your life throwing chemicals on your face to take off makeup and wash your hair? Or do you want to put water that's going to actually absorb into your body and be good for you? It's a no brainer for me.
see these women with these anespas and even the machines and using the 6.0 water on their face and say, I don't need to wear makeup anymore because I slowly see the wrinkles going away because it's happening in a natural way.
you know, and that's what it's all about, you know, get away from the chemicals and do everything naturally. But I do love the natural shine and softness and, you know, not breaking out, you know, if I break out, then I got plenty of, I got water to take care of, I don't have to run to the doctor and take a pill or put a lotion on that's gonna make it worse, you know, and pray that it's, you know, gonna work. So, I mean, when you got an antibacterial water that kills MRSA, you know, you're talking,
You're talking something that's very strong. That's why these are in Japan's hospitals, you know, because Japan's number one or number three now in the world for health. They care. You'll never see these in the American hospitals. Yeah. Pharmaceuticals too big of a money. You know, I'm gonna have a lot of people hate me for saying that, but that's just what it is. You know, I think people are starting to accept it now.
No, I think so too. Because you know, I mean, when you go to a doctor and he can't give you an answer, but he's willing to prescribe you a pill and that he doesn't even know if it's gonna work. Oh, sure. Why would I take that? Yeah, why not? I'm a guinea pig. You know, I mean, I'll try. Exactly. I'm like, is this a case study? Are you gonna even take that out? Are you gonna just ask me or do you feel any different? Because you know, how often I get distracted and I forget, like,
that I'm hungry. You know, how often in our days is our bodies trying to communicate with us, but we're so busy with the lights around us that we don't even realize that we're thirsty. Right. Well, exactly. It takes effort. You know, it takes consistency. If you want to stay healthy, then yeah. Get away from the convenience in life and wait for that water moisturizer to come on, wait for that first drop of water to come out.
And once you see the electricity in that water, you say, oh yeah, that's why. You know, and then you fill up your glass of water and you down it and you get a head rush and you're thinking, damn, I'm glad I got this. If you drink, it's great for, you know, we'll get a hangover anymore. What's a hangover? It's dehydration. Come home with a little tipsy, drink two glasses of carbon water. Wake up in the morning, drink two glasses of carbon water. And oh, you're ready to go out and drink again if that's what you prefer.
I don't suggest it, but it's just little things that take advantage of. Randy, I loved speaking to you today. I love the stories that you shared with us today. I would love if you could tell our audience a little bit about Unbottled Life Purified and where they can find you so they can contact you and work with you. You can follow me on Instagram. My name is Randy Young.
and now my everything in my facebook is still randy young unbottled life purified you call me 7 1 2 4 9 0 8 4 9 5 you can reach me on my website you reach me at my um gmail or my h2o rocks at um my website is
So, I mean, I'm very easy to get. If you're on social media, look for me on Instagram. I'm going to be back on LinkedIn pretty soon. And I appreciate you, Sam, so much for having me on here. I just love you to death. I love talking to you. I feel that we, you know, we have a friendship that over the years, that's just, oh, I, you're my daughter, you know, I love you to death. And it's like, this is a bond that'll always cherish and we'll grow, continue to grow together.
Yes. I love you too, Randy. I'm so grateful for this connection and I'm so grateful for the lives that we get to touch today. I'm so excited that we get to bring this to our Matrix members and Matrix members, you're going to see a whole lot of Randy on my page. So get ready to smile a ton. Everybody out there, thank you for listening. I do appreciate that.
because and follow Sam on the organic matrix. I mean, she's changing lives. So connect with her and let's rock and roll.
Thank you, Randy, for joining us on this insightful episode where we debunked myths and explored the importance of safe water consumption. Your expertise and passion for providing clean water solutions through unbottled, life-purified, and Enagic's kangen water machine has been truly inspiring. Matrix members, if you want to continue learning from Randy and stay updated on the latest insights and resources,
In the world of clean water, make sure to follow Unbottled Life Purified on social media. Just look up Unbottled Life Purified or you can look up Randy Young's name. Join his community of individuals where they prioritize their health and well-being through purified water. For those interested in exploring the benefits of kangen water machines and finding the perfect solution for your water needs, Randy also partnered up with another filtration company.
Multipure? Multipure, yes. If you're interested in these water filtration systems, then check out Randy's personal website, Randy is ready to guide you to help solving water crisis. So don't hesitate to reach out to him directly. He's extremely personable and he'll take care of your every need. Let's stay connected on social media and Matrix members. I'll be seeing you on the next download.