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Unlocking Your Passion, Purpose, and Prosperity: Insights from Personal Transformation Expert, Bill Heinrich image

Unlocking Your Passion, Purpose, and Prosperity: Insights from Personal Transformation Expert, Bill Heinrich

S2 · The Organic Matrix
107 Plays1 year ago

Welcome to "The Organic Matrix: The Life Guide in Your Pocket" podcast, where we explore the depths of personal growth, self-discovery, and transformation. In this episode titled "Unlocking Your Passion, Purpose, and Prosperity: Insights from Personal Transformation Expert, Bill Heinrich," we dive into an enlightening conversation with Bill Heinrich, a true master in the art of personal transformation.

Join your host, Sam Aiko, as she delves deep into Bill's insights and wisdom, uncovering the secrets to living a life filled with passion, purpose, and prosperity. Bill Heinrich, a personal transformation expert with over 30 years of experience, shares his profound journey and the blueprint he has developed to help individuals find true fulfillment and success.

In this episode, you'll discover the turning point that led Bill to walk away from everything and seek a new path. You'll learn from his most significant lessons throughout his personal growth and transformation journey, and how these experiences have shaped his approach to helping others find their passion, purpose, and prosperity.

Bill Heinrich will guide you through the key elements of his blueprint for success, providing practical steps that you can apply to your own life. He shares valuable insights on breaking free from limitations, inspiring success stories from his clients, and advice for those feeling unfulfilled and seeking a more meaningful life.

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Introduction and Bill's Success Formula

Do you want to become more successful in business and your career? Then don't miss out on this exclusive interview with Bill here and Rich. On this episode, we'll be discussing the 92% success formula. Bill shares his best advice on building your business and career and reveals the key strategies he's used to become a successful entrepreneur.
and industry leader, discover his proven formula for success that can help you reach your full potential and learn how to develop the skills and mindset needed to succeed. For Bill, personal transformation is at the core of his essence. He has walked in your shoes and understands the concentration, confusion, and stress that you may be experiencing before starting his spiritual transformation.
Bill's life was out of control, and he made decisions based on who he wasn't. But after nearly 30 years of research and investigation and experimentation, he's cracked the code to living a life of passion, purpose, and prosperity.

Bill's Early Career and Transformation

Bill, it's a pleasure to have you on the show. Can you tell us your story? Well, thank you. I'm very happy to be here. My story, yeah.
You know, I've been in business over 50 years, but I guess, you know, when I was young, life never made sense to me. And I ended up rebelling just because of all the elements of life. And then got out of school and was still rebelling, but became, you know, successful in business, but was never happy. And there was always chaos.
It was always just kind of crazy, made a lot of money, lost a lot of money. And it just got to a point about 30 years ago where I walked away from my life, just to find out why I was so miserable, what the cause of it was. Life still didn't make sense to me at that point.

Understanding Life and Potential

I understand life completely. I understand why we're here. I understand how to interact with life, what's going on, where all of our upsets come from, where our stress and overwhelm gets created. And, you know, I've spent 30 years researching it. So it's been a pretty fascinating journey, Samantha.
What happened in life that gave you the insight to start introspection? That caused me to walk away from my life?
Yeah, what caused you to reflect and say, hey, I'm not happy. How do I become happier? Well, I was so far past unhappy. I was in just misery and chaos. So it was really pretty crazy. It was pretty crazy. And just didn't know any better. I was in survival, very stark survival in life.
You know, and it's interesting because you talked about the 92% factor at the beginning. And this is all about potential. You know, what percentage, how much of our potential do we do we access? Here's a great question. I'm going to ask you this question. What is potential? I mean, I would say untapped energy.
Well, that's exactly it. Damn, you didn't hit the nail right on the head. It is. That's exactly what it is. You see, they say that we, you know, everyone you speak to say we use less than 10% of our potential, which in fact, after what I've learned, I would put it more in the realm of maybe 2%.

The Energy Within and Accessing Potential

of we use 2% or 3% of our potential because we are that powerful. So the question is, you know, when I started looking at why I was so miserable, the question I was looking for is, how does one live a happy life? How does one live a life of peacefulness, calm, so on. And so as I looked at the, you know, the cause of the misery, what I saw is
Or what I've come to the conclusion with that beyond a shadow of a doubt is it's only about energy period. Our entire life is only about energy. And there's so many reasons why, but when we look at potential, potential is untapped energy and the, the path to that energy is through the inner game.
The answer is not outside of you. The answer is always inside you. You can only control from the skin in. And that's where you need to look. That's where all your potential and all of your power sits. And it's fascinating because it isn't like you go
Well, I can't say that's, that's not really true. I was going to say, you can't go tap into your potential, but I can. You can do it very pretty easily when you understand how, but the fact of the matter is somebody who doesn't know how can't, and you don't want to look at tapping into your potential. All you want to look at is removing something that blocks you from it. Any thought word or action that blocks you from having your potential in front of you.
Now, that sounds like a kind of simple statement, but it's very complex. Oh, absolutely. I could fathom the first thing that popped into my mind as when you were describing things blocking our potential was like in CBT, like some limiting beliefs, like narratives that we tell ourselves. Oh, I can't do this. Well, you know, we, you know, the
We all have them. In fact, our life is full of them. We have so many stories and things that we've been taught that don't serve us anymore, that this is the importance of focusing on staying in the present moment. When you're in the present moment, connected energetically with who you're with,
Not in your mind, because when you go into your mind, you go back to those stories. You've got to stay, be very present. Here I am sitting with Samantha, right? I can see her. We can feel each other's energy. I'm here. I'm present. I'm not thinking about anything else, not into anything else. As you can learn to do that, you can then start to escape from the stories.
the story won't have control over you. It gives you an opportunity to make a conscious choice then because you're in the present moment. So that's one way, one way out of it. But the potential, what you see in front of you in the physical is a manifestation of the amount of potential and power that you've tapped into inside you.
And the answers are all in the non-physical, not in the physical world around you.

Tapping Into Potential Energy

Samantha's head is bobbing up and down. Yes. I love this because we think about like, who are the geniuses of our time? And we see Bill Gates, we see Steve Jobs, we see Elon Musk. And the reason why they're so great is because they had an idea. It started off from a thought.
They tapped into potential. What can it be? They planned it. They built a demo. They won hearts of money. And their success began from an idea, from a potential energy, you know, something they could have acted on. But they decided to do it. And it changes our world. I love I love what what you're saying about how all the answers are within completely. Yeah, you know,
That is one of our foundational birthright. One of the gifts that we have available to us is that everything comes from nothing that we can create from thought. This is a fact, right? So it's all about how, how do you manifest? How do you create more potential around it?
create more awareness so that a catalyst ignites it somehow and it starts showing up in the physical. But one must do that without boundaries. So here's what's important. In order to access potential, you really need to access your heart because it's about how you feel. It's all about how you feel. Your life purpose isn't what you do.
Your life purpose is the energy you do it with. It's just the energy you do it with. Every thought word in action, in service for the benefit of all involved. That's our life purpose, whatever we're doing. So as you access potential and create more awareness, you create more energy and things start to ignite.
And in the non-physical, in the inner game, as you're working with the inner game and you're working with the universe, everything is infinite.

Energy Beyond the Physical World

So there's no limitation whatsoever when it comes to creation in the non-physical. And this isn't just from thought. The most powerful creation you can have involves feelings because as you embody the energy,
of that that you're creating, the faster it will be created. So in the non-physical, it's just all about expansion and poof, yes, you can just, you can energize it, you can see it, you can really, when you come to the physical though, it's all about limitation. Everybody asks that three letter word that kills every idea in the world, and Samantha, that word is how.
How are you going to do that? I don't know. You know, everybody helps put the brakes on. That's not the way it is. So you're right. You know, Bill Gates and these people follow the energy. They're creating, look at Elon Musk, you know, who wants to populate Mars. Now, the fact of the matter is it's doable because of his energy behind
his commitment to it. Does that make sense? Absolutely. Because if a random person came up to me on the street and told me they were going to do that, I'd probably laugh. But it's all about the energy.
So this is how you tap into your potential. And imagine, like I don't even know, well, I have some, I have some idea because I've been working with this for so long and I'm an energetic empath, which means I'm very, I have a very intimate relationship with energy. I really understand it. And I'm able to amp my energy and do things with it. And this is what creates miracles, you know,
like attracts like people will never remember what you said, but they'll always remember how you made them feel and how you made them feel be with that. You'll always remember how you made them feel. That's the authentic piece of life is energy and emotions.

Managing Emotions and Inner Control

I have a question with energy and emotion. Um,
OK. So I'm sure you heard this before, but I think the saying goes that our feelings are great companions, but make it bad leaders or our hearts rather. How can we guide our emotions and use them to manifest if we're coming from a place where we didn't have much self-regulation?
So in the past, for me at least, I found that I would use my emotions or feelings as an excuse for an action or inaction. But then as I started awakening, I realized that sometimes discipline doesn't involve our emotions per se, that we have to get it going. How can we start taking control over that aspect of this development?
You know, I've done so many interviews and this is the first time anyone's ever posed this question to me in this manner. And I love the way you've asked it because you're asking it from the side of experience of being bounced around by those emotions. So the answer to your question is very simple and very complicated.
Let me give you the simple part. Okay. The simple part is this is if one chooses to live with more happiness and peacefulness in their life, it is mandatory that you understand emotions because these are the things that control how you feel.
So if you wanna feel happy, I don't even like happiness now. For me, it's contentment. I live in this state of contentment. It's so much different. If you have happiness, then you've gotta go to sadness, because there's duality and polarity in the universe. But anyway, it all depends what type of life you wanna live, and you have to understand that you have complete control.
So earlier we talked about accessing potential with the inner game. Okay. So remember anything inside of you gives you power. Anything that's outside of you makes you a victim. When you go outside of yourself to recognize your struggles and problems,
You're making yourself a victim. You're giving your power to that situation. Consequently, when you have these emotions, you're doing the same thing. The reason you are is you can't have an emotion, Samantha, without a story. Let me repeat that. You can't have an emotion without a story.
Now, these emotions that are opposite of being happy, okay, are actually gold mines. They're veins of gold.
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There's only two emotions. What do you think they are? Is it love and hatred? Close, love and fear. Hatred would be an excessive expression of fear. Oh yeah. Right? Yeah. So you have love and fear.
Now, so we have love and fear.

Core Emotions: Love vs. Fear

Everybody understands love and fear. I love you, you scare me, you know, love and fear. Let's follow the path. In order to access love, where do you have to go? You have to step out of fear. Where do you have to go though? You have to go to your heart.
This is where you, this is where you create love is from your heart. Fear. Where do you go? Where does fear get created? In our mind. In your mind. And what does that mean? That means that fear can only happen in your physical life.
Fear can not happen in your non-physical life. You cannot create fear in the non, if you meditate, you can't go create fear. In order to create fear, you have to be in the physical and you have to be in the past. You're bringing some aspect of the past forward.
So the moment you're fearful, it's like, whoa. Okay. Well, first thing I know is I'm not coming from a place of love. And when I'm coming from a place of love, this is where I know I can always find happiness. So look at what's happening, but it can't happen in the non-physical. Love is all about giving. Fear is all about protection.
They're the opposites and they can't coexist. Love and fear cannot coexist. There's a saying fear knocked on the door and love answered, but no one was there because they just can't coexist. Be with that because that's a tremendous guidepost.
Because when you start choosing love in your life, you start detaching and you start, you're living more in a state of detachment from the physical world, knowing that I can influence everything around me in the physical, just with my energy. I'm going to participate. I'm going to speak. Here I'm doing an interview. I'm going to share. I'm going to give.
but I'm not going to control the outcomes. I'm gonna let the outcomes, I'm gonna let the energy dictate what the outcomes are. Now it gets exciting.
I love the way you put it. It made me think about intrinsic value and extrinsic value. If we had a society where we were taught to value intrinsic validation, this would be like in a utopian world because I agree, the things that we do
out of fear is often for validation because of fear of not being accepted, then we might actually might play a role that's not authentic of people pleasing and like we might disguise it as love to excuse our behavior that comes from fear. So the first thing in the physical world is don't be defensive.
We have nothing to protect. Everybody spends their whole life protecting themselves because that's what the mind and ego do. And when you stop, you create all kinds of free time. You can never, you'll never get there in your head. It isn't possible. But when you understand how it works,
Now you can look at a situation and say, well, how can I be of benefit to the situation regardless of what it is? Okay. Regardless of what it is, how can I be of benefit rather than having our energy, maybe energy of fear and chaos in a situation for, because of fear of loss, because of whatever, whatever, whatever. And you just see that all the time.

Bill's Book and Energetic Clarity

So I have, uh, for anybody listening to this, I have a book that I wrote. It's called clarity has no story. Clarity has no story, which is a very powerful saying in and of itself. It's a shamans guide to mastering the law of attraction. And anybody listening can download a free copy of it by going to
Speaker and you can get a copy of Clarity Has No Story as my gift to you. It's, you know, the clarity, when you understand
want to back up for one second. This is about the non-physical and the physical. When you start looking at it from the inner game and what's going to benefit you and puts you in the right energetic place, you're either stepping towards your energetic power or you're stepping away from it. You're doing one or the other at all times, right? So what, you know, when you get to make that choice,
Even though it's scary, even though it's different, the beauty of it is you get instant gratification because it's energy. It happens instantly. So instead of reacting in a negative way, you don't say anything. Boom. Peace and calm.
You know, and it actually, I have this client, this is a funny story. It's, it's amazing really. Cause it's changing their lives in such a profound way. The son works with the father, been working with him a couple of years and isn't getting paperwork done in the way that he should. And always has stories and things around it. And the son is in a coaching program with me. And I also coach his father individually. So I gave his son an assignment.
And I said, when your dad comes in and asks about a paperwork, if it's been processed and handled, if it hasn't, here's all you can say. I'm sorry, I haven't done it. I'll take care of that right now. So his dad comes in and asks for something,
He says this, he says, it really felt scary, but I said it. He said there was a dead calm in there of silence and a vacancy of time that neither of them knew what to do with. And he got up and went and took care of it. His dad told me, he said, I was going to listen to another 10 or 15 minutes of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right?
His dad didn't know I'd given his son that assignment. He said it was shocking. Absolutely shocking. And because we spend our whole day defending ourselves. Well, I love that story that you mentioned because it's like things that's things that we witness every single day we take for granted because of how distracting life is nowadays. But we have like our phones going off here and noise is their music coming from this machine, bright lights here and there. And
to remind ourselves to be present, to take responsibility. Because sometimes I could see that being defensive is so ingrained in us as citizens in America that we defend ourselves not even knowing it. I know a lot of people that don't even know how to say, sorry, I'll take care of that right now. That's all that needs to be said.
I have to tell you a funny story. I said that to somebody about defensiveness once. I was talking to them. You know what their answer was to me? They said, well, I'm not defensive. Yeah. That's a true story. Yeah.
And the only way I learned that I was being defensive, that I caught on to is because I wrestled throughout high school and college. So I learned from my coaches. And with combat sports, you learn principles of social etiquette and human nature because it's all body language. You have to learn how to read people. And I'm very grateful for that advantage because
I see that a lot of people, like you say, with untapped potential in the beginning, it's like I knew people who never did sports that don't know how to flex their bicep or don't know how to flex their quad. And I feel like with our untapped potential, because we're so distracted, it's like a similar phenomenon. We don't know how to flex that part of sitting still, being silent and actually planning and investigating an outcome that we're fascinated with.
It's worse than that, Samantha. It's so much worse than that. Because people just ignore the non-physical. Because they know nothing about it. And they live their whole life in the physical. And in the physical, the best you're going to get is lack of clarity,
suffering and work. That's the best you're gonna get out of the physical. I agree. You talk about metaphysics and other things and they go, that's crazy. That's crazy stuff. Yet it's all tied into energy.

Metaphysics and Existence

Everything in the universe is just energy.
People go to church on Sunday and pray to energy. They pray to some God or some deity of some sort that they worship, but it's all in the non-physical, not in the physical. And they look at metaphysics, but this is what has created our universe. It's all scientifically proven.
When you start investigating it, the evidence is overwhelming. Overwhelming that the physical is, my physical life is a joke, you know? Like, I'm moving in directions, I have intentions, but I'm just waiting to see what the energy ignites.
Right? That's it. Because I can't outthink the universe. So if I put the energy out there and it connects right, there it is. There we are outside the 92%. Maybe I've gained another 1% potential. I don't know. My boyfriend says this a lot. He says, man plans and God laughs. You know, another reason to stay in the present moment.
It's okay to have intentions for later in the physical, we call them plans, but you have an idea for the most part, kind of what you're doing. But the truth of the matter is you're always in search of more clarity about what you're going to be doing later. You're always in search for clarity in that respect. If you just stay in the present moment,
Just let things appear. Everything takes care of itself. It's so well orchestrated. So well orchestrated. That way, the definition of disappointment is when your expectation meets reality. It isn't going to come out the way you want it to.
Absolutely. And I love that you're talking about this. It's so present with what I'm going on and my personal matrix. I'm living on the truck with my boyfriend and our semi-truck broke down. We've been stuck for two weeks. And it was my birthday week. My birthday was on March 2nd. I was supposed to go home for my birthday and all this.
All these unexpected events happen, but I tell you, I had no expectations. I never have wants or birthday wishes that I put solid in there. I'm just excited to celebrate life. I had the best birthday I think I've ever had. We ended up landing in the best spots. Our truck broke down.
next to a sushi restaurant where it's all you can eat. My favorite food. Like we broke down at a truck stop that had a casino and we made friends with the bartender. She let us borrow her car. Like things like we wouldn't imagine. We ended up at this hotel and we got to eat at a five-star restaurant. Best meal I ever had in my whole life. All because I just like let the universe plan it for me. Like instead of being like
Oh we have the word. You have described it perfectly and the more you allow yourself to participate moment by moment in life and get rid of the distractions which are your emotional distractions and everything around you
All of the people, everything out there is a distraction to what's going on inside of you.

Crisis as Opportunity and Overcoming Blocks

So they're either distracting you or you're melding your energy in with what's going on. And the more you, you know, everything you spoke about, you're going to remember because of how you felt.
It was how the, this whole experience has made you feel. You know, when, when, when COVID hit, this is probably the greatest example of how our lives are out of control. Okay. Everything shut down because of COVID. But yet in my world, nothing was different. Nothing.
The physical was different. There weren't people out and around. But that doesn't affect me. Either way, whether there are, there aren't. I'm just living my life in energetic creation. So it actually created
a greater opportunity, even a bigger void to create in, which allows one to even create better because there's less interruptions and distractions because everybody was home. But other than that, you know, everybody, what are you going to do? The business people, you know, I'm pivoting. What are you going to do? I said, I'm going to go sit on the couch. Like, there's nothing different happening here. Nothing.
You know, oh, there's this, it's like life is out of control all the time.
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Absolutely. And one thing that I noticed, like since I started interviewing professionals on my podcast, is that the most successful people take a public crisis or world crisis and they build a solution and they become very wealthy because they're great at solving the problem. Like a crisis in a rich man's head is profit because there's problems to be solved. Like that's something that I learned
Speaking to people like you, they don't let all the propaganda stop their life. They find opportunity in crisis. Well, you know, that comes back to, I was talking about before, whether you're holding your power or you're giving it away.
When you step into the crisis and participate in it, you're giving your power to the crisis. When you acknowledge that there's a crisis, certainly I'm not certain that I can have any effect on the overcome outcome of what this crisis is, but I do know I can find a solution for how I will experience it.
I can make my choice. And this is where freedom comes. It's in free will and choice. Absolutely. And the beliefs you have. If we were all to be our own heroes, then nobody needed to be saved. And we have that potential.
And on the note of potential, I'm so excited to hear about the 92% success formula. Oh, can you enlighten us? Well, you have to understand everything is part of the inner game. If we only use 8% of our potential, I don't know what percentage we use.
Well, let's just say we've muscle tested it. I don't know if you're familiar with muscle testing, but we came up with, uh, it came out at like 90, 92.4% of our potential unused. So just say we use 8% of our potential. So one has to take a look at what's blocking that. If we're only using that much of our potential,
and it's 100%, it's available to us what's stopping us from accessing it. The answer to that isn't in our physical world. Again, it's inside of us. It's identifying things that you know are blocking you from your potential. Let me give you an example. Someone, I have very low self-esteem. I lived with that.
vast majority of my life. I still have it. I don't act on it, but I have it, right? It's still there. It's still part of my thought processes. It still comes to me. I thank it. Tell it, I don't need it anymore. Keep moving in the direction I'm going to go. But I didn't have that capacity before. And because I had low self-esteem,
I would look at things as, you know, the glass is half empty. There's not going to be enough. I'm not going to succeed. That, that, that, that, that, judging myself, judgment, blame, shame, guilt. There's just a whole package that goes with that. All of that is a brick wall with a moat with two more brick walls.
barbed wire, razor wire, machine guns, and then my potential. That's what was blocking me. So as I remove some of it, I instantly have more access to my potential, instantly. And it could be anything. The simplest way is, what do you do that doesn't make you feel good? What would be a different way you can do it that would feel better?
you know, why are you doing it to begin with? Are you doing something out of obligation or is this something you're choosing to do? You know, why are you in the situation you're in? You're in the situation you're in because of the weather, because of the type of work and because of the circumstances that have occurred and you've just going to look back on it and go, that was really cool. That was really cool. We had, you know, what a great experience, right? Just,
totally the opposite of what one would expect in a winter where you're up in that area where they're getting all the snow, right? I mean, that's a perfect example of tapping into your potential, not living in the negative energy and what appeared in front of you. It wasn't just one thing, it was one thing after the other after the other.
including the bartender loaning in her car, which is pretty funny. I mean, that's pretty amazing in and of itself. It really is. And it's, I mean, and you look at it with gratitude and go, that's fun. And I can just keep creating that way. Or I can block myself from it. Oh yeah.

Reinforcing Positive Narratives

It just made me think that this is where I get to pick what path to get based off who I speak to, what neural pathway I'm going to reinforce. Am I going to brag about the hard times I had and how I conquered them?
Or am I going to talk about how much fun I had and how the universe had my back so the next time I do something with less certainty? I don't have to worry about it because I know I'm adaptable. I just thought about that as you said that and I wanted to share that in a dialogue. Yeah.
In fact, you said, you know, am I going to talk about the hard times I had and how I conquered them? And that statement's not true. It should be something, am I going to talk about the hard times I had, how damn miserable it was, how I missed out on my birthday, and you're going to pile on all of your rationalizations and justifications. Then at the end, I came out the hero, we finally got it all conquered and we're off again back to normal life. Or
over in the excitement of it. You see, on either side of the equation with energy, that negative side being the victim because you broke down and you've been two weeks, I mean, there's baggage that goes with it.
It's these energies don't fly alone. They attract other energies. So when you start looking at that, you get into judgment, blame, shame, and guilt, you know, pointing your finger, this and that, how much it costs us, lack comes into it. I mean, it's on and on and on. The same is true on the other side. When you have a positive attitude,
and you're in the present moment and you make the best of it with a loving energy for the benefit of all involved and just let whatever happens, happens. There's baggage that goes along with that too, but that baggage is your potential. You're tapping into that unseen energy that can make miracles occur.
And you know, when I think back to love and fear, this stands out in this story as well, because the fear is... Oh, totally. Yeah, I was so scared we were going to freeze to death in the back of the bunk. Or coming from the love, like, oh, I knew that me and my little family and our truck, we can get through it. We'll get through it because we'll keep each other warm. Like, I love that.

Coaching Programs and Personal Potential

It's the love and fear. Love it.
Yeah, totally. It's that simple. It really, you know, and the work I do, I have coaching programs. I coach one on one. I've been doing it for 15 years with executive CEOs, business owners all around the world. I have a super conscious mastermind that meets a couple of times a month. And I also have a group coaching program that meets a couple of times a month.
And the fascinating thing about these is when people come in, we don't know what's going to happen. What we're going to do is clear. I show them how to clear the debris away and we don't know what's going to show up. You know, people say, what's it going to be like? It's like, I know what it's going to be like energetically. And I know it's impossible
for anyone to even attempt to conceive of how it's going to feel like when they're gonna start working with me because they don't have the capacity. Because you're gonna get opened up to an expanse and an energy that's beyond, it's just fantastic, right? It's just great. But the most important thing is you know who you are in this energetic field and you know how to move about it
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experience the difference that your high quality supplements can make in your life. Remember, it's not about the supplement. It's about investing in a better you. And you look at life that way. And then we then we just see what really shows up. It's really fascinating and just wild crazy things happen and they
In the non-physical world, they can happen instantly. In the physical world, everything takes time and costs more. But in the non-physical world, boom, it can just hit for any of us any time. And that's what's exciting. Absolutely. If our Matrix members are interested in joining your mastermind or working with you on one-on-one coaching, how can they find you?
The easiest way to get a hold of me, Samantha, would be go to All one word, And you can get a 20 minute clarity session. And you know, the most important thing is, and I say this very seriously, is I need to see if people are really ready
for what they can have. So not everyone is. And if you're not ready for it, I would ruin your life. I would ruin it. Because I'm going to tear all your stories apart. I can tell you that right now. Because you're living in your stories, we're going to write a new one. We're going to write a totally new story. I'm going to show you how to do it and how to do it fast.
And you get to do it at your own pace and you work with everything as you desire and as you like because everybody's different. But I can tell you it goes so fast. It's crazy because I have a way of introducing people to their own energy. And when they see that their life changes like that. And then.
It's off kind of off to the races, so to speak. So, and it's exciting. You know, one of the things that's fascinating about my coaching business, I've been doing this 15 years, my average client, my individual clients stay with me for over five years, which in coaching is unheard of. It's unheard of.
But that's because we're, we're, we're getting an expansion, right? And it like, it's fun. And, and it also at the same, you can create anything you desire. So off we go. So yeah, if anybody has an interest, they, they can go to speak to And, uh, there's a quick little, uh,
application sheet there for a 20 minute call with me. And then I can see the sheet, see what's going on. We can have a quick conversation. If you really have an interest in living a life of extreme happiness. I'm the person to see, like I can take you there so fast. It's it's it. It's beyond your ability to comprehend it because you step into this space like Samantha just went through.
with the truck breaking down, that it's heaven on earth. It's just like everything's good, everything flows, everything's great. There's so much to be grateful for, right, Samantha? Yeah. And that's the life that all of us should be living. Like the number one word that pops up to my mind is like progressive. You know, like we're progressing, we're not inactive.
Yeah, I wouldn't use progressive. OK, because it's not. The energy of progressive is too heavy. It's expansive. Can you feel the difference? Definitely. Just say the word progressive and then say the word expansive.
I feel it. I could totally see that expansive is like the feeling you get this like air. You can feel it. I wanted to ask.
One more question. As a man of business, and you told me that you're an energetic empath, how do you take care of your empath abilities in business? Personally, I would go through a lot of compassion burnout. I should talk to a lot of people one on one. How do you handle that for the long run? You know, again, the problem is
We are energetic beings having a physical experience. When you're allowing all of your being to be in the physical world, you're going to go through burnout. It's inevitable. It's unavoidable because you're not acknowledging the energetic side of your life.
When you come at it the other way, and this is what I teach people to do, when you come at it energetically, you're in constant control of that energy. And yes, are there times, Hey, like I'm an expert in this area, right? One of the leading people in the world in this area, without a doubt,
But I still live in the physical. I still struggle. It's part of the physical experience. However, in the past, I would pick up that struggle like a baby bottle and just suck on it and go on down the road because I didn't know any better. Now I step aside from it. I excuse myself from it. I make sure that I'm energetically clean of it.
That way there's no misunderstandings. This is why the book I'm giving everybody clarity has no story. It's why people don't understand how to be clear and you need to understand clarity to keep your energy clean. Otherwise you're going to be subjected to other people's energy. And we are all energetic and there's a whole aspect of that. Like there are people in your audience listening right now
that hate to go to shopping malls because of how they feel when they're there. And the reason they feel lousy when they're at shopping malls is because they're taking on other people's energy. And I can show them how to protect themselves and not have that hat. We are just entered. Everything is just energy. Everything's a vibration. Everything's a vibration. You know, people, oh, metaphysics, I don't trust it. No, but you trust your cell phone.
When you pick up your cell phone and you push some colored buttons on a glass, and there it is with nothing attached to it, and somebody in Australia picks it up on the other side, there's no string going from your, we don't have two Campbell's soup cans here, right?
No, and oh yeah, well, that's my cell phone. Yeah, because it's in the physical, but how does it work? It works in the non-physical. It works from a vibration. Your number has a certain vibe. These numbers have vibrations. That's how they communicate. It's the only way they can communicate. They can't communicate invisibly. They have to create a vibration. Each vibration is uniquely different. I mean, there's the universe is pretty phenomenal. It's billions of different combinations. So
You know, does that answer your question? I can get off on these little tangents. I love it. Yeah. 100%. And I love that you can help people learn psychic defense. I love your perspective on clarity in your energy. You're the first person that I heard this from, but it makes the most sense. Like it makes more sense than a salt bath.
I like having clarity, like knowing I'm at the mall because I need to get something and I can be here because it's public and I don't need to worry about every one of those things. Like that's the clarity. I love that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. People do, you know, they do those salt baths to clear toxins. Okay. Well give yourself an energetic salt bath. Forget the physical one.
That's good, especially if you're doing a lot of transformation because you're going to be moving a lot of things and you need to clean the toxins out of your cells. That's good. But think of it energetically. What's that invisible story inside you that needs to be cleansed, that you need to give us all back to change that story. That story is defining how you live your life. Write a new story, write it from the present moment.
Thank you so much. By the way, everything I've spoken about, I've written a book on all the work that I do. It's called The Seven Levels of Truth. And it's available on Amazon, The Seven Levels of Truth by Bill Lymerick. Oh, thank you so much. I love our conversation. I have two rapid fire questions for you if you're ready for them. Go.
What is the most irrational superstition you have? Hmm. Anything that I do that would be considered a superstition would actually have more to do with my the fact that I'm a I'm a certified feng shui professional.
And in Feng Shui, you take certain shapes, colors, forms, sounds, and such to express your intention, right? So I'm always speaking to my intentions. Always speaking to my intentions.
at all times. Right. Does that make sense? Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. I like that. And that is a really cool fun fact. Feng Shui is so cool. I have a superstition for you. This could be a superstition. You know, it took me a little bit, but this could be one. I'm ready for it. You must be responsible
for everything that comes into your life. Otherwise you lose your power. You must be responsible for everything in your life. Otherwise you, and so the superstition there is if you're not, then you could be giving away your power and not realize it, right?
So own everything. If you don't own it, something else owns you. Oh, I love that. I love that. What is the weirdest food combination you enjoy? The weirdest food combination I enjoy. Gosh, I mean, I just eat pretty simply, so
Well, as far as unique combinations, I can make a chicken from Costco do a lot of different things. I like that. I can prepare it a lot of different ways.
Well, thank you so much, Bill. It's an honor to have you on the on the Organic Matrix show. This conversation flowed so well, I didn't even have to use the questions that I planned. Mm hmm. Good. Well, thank you very much for having me on. And again, if anyone wants any more interest, has any interest in the work that I do, go to and you can schedule a 20 minute clarity session.
He offers insights into how to use language to create more power, potential, and abundance in life. The links to Bill's website and his free book will be in the description below. All feedback is welcome and it helps us serve our fellow Matrix members to stay up to date with our Matrix mentors and what we have in store for you. Bookmark our website and subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel. It was great to have you with us on The Organic Matrix and we'll be seeing you on the next download.
But thank you again Samantha, I really enjoyed being here. It's been an absolute pleasure.