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How to Release Emotional Pain: A Journey of Healing with Antonia image

How to Release Emotional Pain: A Journey of Healing with Antonia

The Organic Matrix
19 Plays5 months ago

Join us on The Organic Matrix as we explore the profound journey of healing and transformation with our special guest, Antonia. In this episode, we dive deep into the art of dissolving pain, embracing awareness, and reconnecting with our true selves. Antonia, a transformative healer, shares her personal story of overcoming pain and fear, and how she has dedicated her life to helping others do the same.

Through her unique insights and guidance, Antonia reveals how we can confront our deepest fears, release the trauma held within, and transmute it into love and light. This conversation is an invitation to step into a new reality, where awareness and consciousness lead the way to personal evolution.

Whether you’re struggling with past pain, seeking spiritual growth, or simply looking to enhance your self-awareness, this episode is packed with wisdom that will inspire and empower you on your journey. Don’t miss out on this transformative discussion!

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Introduction to Pain and Connection

Welcome to The Organic Matrix, the life guide in your pocket. Are you tired of carrying the weight of past pain and feeling disconnected from your true self? Do you long for a profound transformation that will set you on a path of personal evolution? Well, you're not alone. In fact, many of us find ourselves trapped in the clutches of pain and separation, yearning for a way out. But fear not, because in today's episode of The Organic Matrix,
We have a remarkable guest who will guide you through the journey of dissolving pain and embracing a new reality.

Antonia's Healing Philosophy

I'm thrilled to introduce you to Antonia a transformative healer and visionary who has dedicated her life to helping individuals like you break free from the chains of pain and find true connection. Antonia's profound insights and unique approach to healing will serve as a compass on your journey through The Matrix. She invites you to embark on an uncomfortable yet magical exploration where you'll discover the alchemy of awareness and the transmutation of pain
into love and light. This is an opportunity to dissolve the layers of trauma and rediscover your innate creativity and interconnectedness with all. As you listen to Antonio's wisdom and guidance, you'll gain the tools and understanding needed to navigate your own path of personal evolution. This episode is an invitation to dive deep into the depths of your being, confront your pain, and emerge stronger, more aligned, and ready to embrace the next reality. So dear listeners, focal up and get ready for an extraordinary conversation that will challenge your perspective and inspire you to grow and ignite a profound shift within.
Looking for career advice, personal development tips, or inspiring stories? Our Matrix Mentors has you covered. Don't miss out. Bookmark our podcast and follow us on social media for a life guide in your pocket. Antonio, welcome to The Organic Matrix.

Antonia's Transformation Journey

Thanks so much. So lovely to be here. And your intro is so inspiring already, eh? Thank you. um Can you share with us your story on how you found your way of serving people today?
Yeah, I think i you know I've always wanted to serve, but it went through an enormous shift in about 2006. And I went through and experienced this really tumultuous transformation. And it came on quite spontaneously, quite suddenly. What I found was suddenly there was a lot of energy moving through my body. And as a result, almost weekly, daily, I started just to release pain.
You know, fear, shame, rage started to come out of my body constantly and it's still doing so 16, 17 years later. So what happened is that how I wanted to serve shifted dramatically. And where I used to work was in international development um and in health promotion and community health, human rights.
And what that shifted to was to understand that the reason I was out there trying to rescue the world is because I myself so desperately wanted to be rescued. There was so much within me that was hurting. And so I thought that if I could go out there and rescue everything out there, that I would feel better. But really, it was the pain I was holding in my in my own body that needed to be seen and needed to be healed. And so my journey was a move from trying to save the world and international development and quickly went into psychotherapy and then the energetics that came out of that because as I healed myself I was able to connect not only to the energies within my own body but then to allow myself to connect to the people I was working with.
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The Role of Awareness in Healing

that That's incredible that you started to find yourself as these pain points started rising with you. What did you do with the energy that was revealing itself?
You know, there's really not much to do. And in fact, the whole journey is to let go of the doing. The pain wants us to do, right? It wants us to run and fight and fix and problem solve. And when we let go of all of, we start to let go of the pain, we start to let go of the problem solving and all of the doing, and we slip into the being. And in the being, there's a flow. We just start to move with what we're supposed to do on this journey.
So it really is not doing so much and letting go and sort of following whatever showed up in front of me. And sometimes it scared me because there's still pain in there going, what are you doing? We're not in control here. Why aren't we problem solving? But there's enough and it starts to grow this sense of flow and this energy that moves into the being, into consciousness that you really feel yourself propelled along the journey you are, quote unquote, meant to be. I mean, it's all meant to be, but you feel more of a connected sense.
That sounds so liberating already. It is. It is a freedom. You free yourself from your own pain stories, right? Yeah. can you share a bit um Can you share a bit more about your personal journey of discovering the alchemy of awareness and how it led to your current path of helping others dissolve their pain?
So, you know, as I said, it is just about being. And being is a state of awareness. Pain is not aware. Pain is very, very limited. It doesn't see anything but its own needs. So when we step into states of awareness, we see the pain and what it's trying to do instead of be the pain. And in that state of awareness that we start to connect to things other than the pain. And we start to see the bigger story.
So when I start working with clients, really what I do both energetically and in conscious conversation is to try to get them to see the pain versus be the pain. So they start to see the pain as a story that they're in. They become aware of the pain itself and what the objectives of the pain are.
which usually are in contrast to the objectives of ourselves, their highest selves, their capital S selves. So if we bring in awareness and we go, ah, can you see what the pain is asking you to do? Can you see the story, the perspective, the goals of pain? And how it's kept you spinning, that awareness literally, when I ask them to see and I can bring in both the energy and conversationally, the awareness, literally the pain starts to, boom, dislodge energetically. It literally separates.
from the being and it starts to move through. We start to detox when we just bring in the seeing of the story versus believing the pain story itself.

Fear, Control, and Transformation

Well, I love that. And it kind of reminds me of like CBT. Yeah, yeah, it is. It's CBT, CBT, the mindfulness, which goes into we've got to become observers versus unwitting participants in the drama.
Yes. Yeah. And that's like the only way that we get real control. Like it's funny that when we're in a state of butterfly a lot in our lives, like the the idea of taking on more responsibility for what's going on scares us, but it's like the secret to being in control again, like where we could take responsibility for what we have part in. That's where we could start moving forward because all we can control is ourselves.
I think that's bang on. I think the whole idea of control needs to be thrown out except for what's going on in this part of the world, this little bit of real estate. This is my, what I have control over. This is what I have to take responsibility for. I have to own all of this in here in order to free myself from the need for control out there. Yes. I want to ask you like a philosophical question. Why do you think In all of our human instincts, like we have this territorial desire for control. and like We see it in our political forces, we see it in global wars, we see it in our history. Why are we so obsessed with control if we can have anything that we want with the abundance of food and shelter that we have?
she have another hour? Like that alone is a beautiful hour of a conversation over a martini. So I think it's all fear. At the root of all of it,
I'm humbly going to say it's fear. In fact, I think fear is at the root of all shame and rage and grief and guilt and jealousy and disgust. It's all fear. Fear is the foundational element in the state of separation. So what we're most afraid of is each other. Because for thousands of years we've been treating each other pretty horrifically.
And I think that we move that terror of each other forward through the generations. And I believe we've been carrying around thousands of years now in our bodies. We've inherited through intergenerational trauma, epigenetics, past lives, that we've been carrying that terror of each other ah right through into present moment. So I don't think anything's actually happening except we're still carrying the terror of each other. Now control is one of those ways that we want to try and manage the fear and control the enemy, which is other chaos and disorder of fear, which I do believe is the human condition, the human 3D condition, that is not who we are in essence, but that is the state that we are in and that we're holding in our bodies in order to manage and control is one of the tools.
I think you're spot on with fear. When I really think about it, when I think about control, it's like anxiety, like we're anticipating something going wrong. That makes so much sense to me. So now my next question is, how can we start learning how to manage our fears? You know, there is no managing, there is seeing. And I think that that is one of the number one challenges, especially here in North America, what we might call Western cultures, is that we want to manage and control. What we want to do is see. We want to bring awareness to the fact that we are holding fear. If we accept the fact that our bodies are holding that much fear and rage and shame, and we allow ourselves to see it and witness it, that in and of itself, to acknowledge that it's there, starts to transform it. Because then it's not
sort of operating us behind the scenes. We're not sort of unwitting puppets to our fears motives. So at the moment we start to go, that's fear, right? So if we're raging at somebody and we sit down and get quiet after the rage has moved through and we go, that actually is fear. I'm actually afraid of them judging me, rejecting me, taking away something from me, right? If we acknowledge the fear, we get access to it.
And then we start to learn to sit with the fear. And being with the fear in pure presence, non-judgment, acceptance starts to transform it. Now that's not easy. We need to do some work to learn how to get in there. And if we're carrying around thousands of years of layers of it, that's hard work, which is why this is such an amazing time because there's wonderful energies coming in to help us get in there and see the fear and the stuff in a new way. But really it's just seeing it Pure acceptance and non-judgment and that alone energetically and emotionally starts to transform it. Oh, thank you so much. and This sounds like a shamanistic journey already, like because of the mirror within ourselves, looking within ourselves. Bingo. I love how you describe it because you open up a world where the comfortable conversation around self-talk, shadow work, doing the hard stuff.
Absolutely. And I think we do. I mean, one of my goals is to make the uncomfortable stuff more comfortable because that is the potential, right? To actually transform fear.
and bring it into the party and go, actually, you're seen and loved and everything's okay. The potential within that fear is enormous, the wisdom, the love, the learning that comes from, that's buried within the fear, the abandoned little fear within us. When we start to say, it's safe to come out now, there's a whole new reality of connection that opens up. Where we sort of, we get a bigger view of what's going on and why we're here and actually we're much safer than we think we are.

Fear, Creativity, and DNA

oh You just you just gave me like such a good download like now I have to write this down like I'm like I have to ask somebody like What would you do if you had no fear? What a fabulous thought experiment And I don't know if our minds can actually conceive of it yet because I think that we perceive through so many layers and layers and layers and layers of fear that we aren't even aware of what it's like to live without the fear. It's like we have so many layers of fear that we are not aware yet of how to love. I just think we're just not even close to recognizing
how much love is there because we're so used to the layers and layers and layers of trauma in between us and love. That love is just not something most of us have experienced yet to its full potential. I think it actually would probably blow us apart because it's so powerful. It would shatter us at the moment. So we have to work our way up to that powerful state of love.
Oh, I love how you say that and it makes so so much sense to me in like spiritual ways and physical ways. And like the first like a couple of times what came up for me was how I think probably like my generation is like the last generation to not have gentle parenting. So like my parenting was My parents, well, not only one of my parents thought that if they can scare me away from danger, that I will somehow grow up to be a safe, responsible person. If anything, I became attracted to danger because I'm like, what are you hiding from me? There's no transparency here. There's no lesson. It's just like you put a fence and now I want to see what's over the fence. And I saw what's over the fence and I was like, you could have just told me. And then like,
the rejection too, like I'm probably one of the last generations that got the belt, you know, as the disciplinary punishment. And so it's like that teaches me that love and fear combined, that love is not unconditional, because if I do something that will like, displease my parent, then I can face physical harm, physical pain, and humiliation. Just a withdrawal of love. Right. Yeah. And safety, right? Love and safety then get really, yeah.
Yeah. And so a lot of people walk around carrying these kind of parental wounds. Where do we start healing those? And including people who don't have access to their parents. So people who have their parents passed away.

Family Dynamics and Inherited Pain

Yeah. My mom passed away a couple of years ago and I always say on her anniversary of her death and I'm like, dude, can I say I miss you? And does that make me a bad person?
because I feel more liberated without the fear of rejection that she gave me on this planet. So for our Matrix members here that deal with that nasty knot of emotions from closure that they can't obtain, can you give us some advice for this?
Yeah, i I hesitate to use the word advice, but I'm going to try and crack it open a little bit and sort of maybe reveal possibilities. So one is there's no such thing as being a bad person, really. We're holding stuff that's uncomfortable. So if you're feeling feelings about people you're supposed to be loving, look at them and examine them and see what they're revealing about your journey.
See if there's something within you that needs to be seen that you've ignored, but to see it without judgment. And number two is family members are amazing sources of revealing our BS in our bodies. So, right? Our feelings about our family are really about where I'm holding fear, shame, or aging me. Where am I holding?
places I'm not in full acceptance. And it could be really difficult to get to acceptance of a parent who maybe ah brought fear or taught us to be fearful. But then we're here to use every bit of discomfort in order to reveal a bigger truth. And I do think that that's the lesson that we're in right now is to go, we've had thousands of years of pain landing in our lap right now because all that pain is buried potential. It is so much energy in that. So if we can see that I inherited some fear story from my ancestors and now it's in my body and now it's my responsibility. It's just fear, not the story attached with it, not even the deliverer of it.
but I can just see the potential of the fear in my body and I'm going to get in there and the thousand ways I can to transform that into love, then that's what I'm here for. So it's really not about mom and dad except for what they're revealing and they reveal lots of fear and the shame and the rage. So let them reveal it, but then it's your job to go in there just in fear, shame and rage, not the source, not the story and see if you can start to release yourself of that story because you can't carry it forward. You can't carry it into a higher reality. So you might as well transform it here and now.
Can you give us some examples of how we can transform it? Sometimes does it look like writing a book or? So like writing a book.

Silent Retreats for Transformation

So how to transform it is just to bring in pure awareness and we find pure awareness. Those sources are in silence and we need to find lots of ways of bringing in the silence. Now subtle energies, like there's so many people working at the subtle energy level,
is a deliverer of awareness, silence, consciousness. They're all the same thing. Meditation is a deliverer of silence, awareness, consciousness. So I think daily meditation is an absolute must if you're trying to transform. You have to bring in the energies of seeing, acceptance, awareness, so they can start to permeate the denser energies of fear, shame, and rage. There are higher energy that you want to get in there and infuse in the densities, right, in the contracted pain and trauma. Going and meditating in a group,
enhances that. right It enlarges exponentially the energy that's going to permeate in your being. I love silent retreats. I lead silent retreats so that we can just blow up the energies and bring them in in big ways, which create big transformations. That's big awareness. I think plant medicine is a growing tool for cracking open awareness, bringing in the energies, healing energies of consciousness So I think that all these and many, many other ways, your local energy healer is a wonderful way, like go get some Reiki if there's somebody who's really shamanic works is growing. So there's lots of ways of bringing the higher transformative energies of awareness, love consciousness into those contracted states of pain in our body. Oh, I love that you mentioned silent retreats. Oh really? Yeah, they're great. Magic. Can you, can you give us a little bit of insight on your experience at a silent retreat?
so So I try to go to one a year at least, sometimes two, depending on how much work is going on. And I love to lead them at least one a year. COVID kind of messed that up a little bit, threw us out of a rhythm. Probably needs to throw us out of a rhythm. We need might need a little shake up there. Um, but the meditation retreats that I lead are, they include, um,
No intense meditation, which is, you know, three hours a day of meditation movement, because when you get energy in there, it starts to stir the stories. We want to get yoga so we can start to purge the stories. But essentially, ah silent meditation and um intense silent meditation and plant medicine can have the same effect because it's all consciousness coming in.
So when I lead silent meditation, it's basically everybody momentarily learning to put their stories aside and I help them intensify the energy coming in. The stories start to come to the surface. Usually there's a few days of freaking out as the fear, shame, rage starts to surface and everybody loses their mind a little bit, which we want you to lose your mind. And literally there's a transmutation and then a purging and you end up in a new level.
And then they go home and they get back into their busy jobs and sometimes ego rebuilds itself, which is why we need to understand if we want to create sustainable change, we need to create sustainable silence. But there's a whole level of awareness that arrives when we take that pause from the busyness and we get to have a meta perspective. We sit in a higher frequency and we can see the landscape a bit better. We bring in some kindness, some more and some love and some presence, which are all necessary elements of change.
Yes, I really want to go to your next retreat. That would be amazing. You are so invited. Matrix members, let's go together. Let's sign up for this retreat. and I love that we brought up love again, because there's another great point that you mentioned earlier.

Self-Care vs. Self-Love

And it's like, do we all really know what it's like to truly be loved? And I think that's where a lot of this fear gets out of control. Because if we really met ourselves with compassion, we wouldn't hide the parts of us that need the most healing and when I think of that if I think of like the people that need the most healing is like people went through trauma at a young age and may fall into the habits like a pattern of being someone that causes trauma to someone else because it's unresolved and they like escape finding help because they don't want to admit
that this happened and that they're dealing with these thoughts. And I think about we had more self-love and we actually taught what that looked like. Because some people think, like oh, it's self-care. Like, I just got a $600 facial. And sometimes it doesn't have to be like that. ah Sometimes self-love is spending 30 minutes sitting with yourself, like letting your thoughts show you what's in your subconscious.
So how do you think that we can take a little bit of time each day to teach us, to reinvent what love means to us so that we can have more compassion for ourselves and others? I think you just said it. We need to take time every day so we can start to explore what love and self-compassion is. And we need that space so we can settle the doing and move into the loving state of being.
because love is just presence. There's nothing to pure presence, acceptance, seeing see everything as it is and not needing to kick out anything. So to find 30 minutes a day to just sit in that space is what we want to practice doing. How do I connect with myself?
and begin to open up to seeing anything that shows up and be with it with love. And that is so challenging because people think they're doing it and then there's a sneaky little voice that comes in and goes, oh, but that was ridiculous. I can't believe I thought or said that, right? And we don't see that because that's how sneaky ego, how sneaky pain stories are. They come in and they are camouflaged and we think that's still love and we're like, oh, do you see? Like you just invited in a whole other pain story into your acceptance. So I think there's lots of new ways that we need some assistance to help us walk that path to bring in the language and the awareness about what self-love and self-compassion is versus self-care. And self-care is a whole different conversation. But yeah, to bring in that presence to go, I'm going to accept whatever it is, is a whole other shift. Whatever happens, I'm going to accept it.
It doesn't mean we don't want to take responsibility for it, but we're going to go, you're here. I know you're here. I'm not going to deny you're here. This is really uncomfortable. And I'm going to make that okay so that we can move to the next level. Thank you. I love your advice. ands And I love that it's something that we can all take home and do. So matrix members.
There's some great books out there, more on like self-compassion. Dr. Kristin Neff is a leader in that. So grab some book on self-compassion. She comes from kind of a Buddhist framework, which is a lovely philosophy on seeing self, being present with self. Grab some books and start diving into the language and the concepts and some practices.
Oh, that sounds like such a fun challenge. Matrix members, but I would love to invite you to find a book that you can use to dive into getting to know yourself and building that self-love. When you find that book, I want you to tag me and Antonia on social media and show us what you're studying to feed your soul. Nice challenge. Thank you.

Creativity and Healing

What role does creativity play in the process of dissolving pain? And how can individuals reconnect <unk>ed with their creative essence as they embark on this journey? I'm going to be, you know, like an old record here. And that is, it's a couple things. One is space and right brain activities, right? So just even creative activities, which are states of being, which are like, I love to go to classes for painting and drawing and Meditation is a right-brained activity, right? So um those are wonderful ways to access right brain, which is more of the being and less of the doing. But the more you do nothing, the more you move into intuitive flow, and that is naturally creative. Pain is naturally destructive and contracting.
So we need to bring in the other energies of creativity, which encourages more creativity. So the more we enter spaces of just letting go, the silent retreats, the meditations, extensive, not five minutes a day. I think we're fooling ourselves if we think five minutes a day does much these days. It just doesn't. It takes me half an hour in the morning just to get my mind quiet, let alone really suck up the good consciousness.
So stepping into the nothingness allows creative flow. And we're so antsy with anxiety, we think that something bad is happening, but we need to work to a place where we can settle the, I gotta to go do something to shift states. And then that creative energy flows and we allow the energy then to move us to more creative spaces where we're actually expanding versus sitting in contracted pain states. We want to bring that energy in and we'll automatically create.
I love that. And it's, it's, it makes me think about alpha states. Tony Robin talks about it a lot. Right. Like how our body length, I love that you talk about recoiling. And then when I think about everything in life that recoils, even our DNA, when we're in fear, I think there's been a recent study that our DNA will like coil. Um, yes. And then we're in states of creativity.
It will expand. So I think about being like this. It feels so constrictive. It's just to open up and be receiver and actually create. That's that's our birthright. I love that you promote that in your teachings. Can you share ah any stories of examples of people's you've coached that you've witnessed profound shifts through your guidance and teachings?
Ethically, I can't share individual stories because I have to protect confidentiality. But they happen all the time. a They happen when people are ready, so they're not in fight or flight. There is a receptivity. And but I've seen many, many, many, many, many times when somebody I'm working with They've literally released a big giant story and then off they go and their life moves along a new trajectory. It could be anything from, you know, I work with somebody for a number of months or a year and suddenly they need to have a career change and they move from working in, for example, the more, I'm afraid of how to say this, I don't know, they move in the more contracted fields like banking and tech and, you know, those are sort of more
working in the material realm and they start moving in the more of the holistic or energetic fields, right? They move in service. I've seen people suddenly shift their perspectives on life. I've seen them start to understand themselves more and understand that how they want to work with themselves needs to change drastically. So they move from trying to fix their family members to understanding, no, I get it. I gotta, it's all about me.
I see people's health change. So when we start to release emotional pain stories, physical health is automatically gonna start to improve, right? Because it's all contracted states that affect all levels of the being, physical, emotional, mental, and energetic. So it all depends, but when you start to have flow move through somebody's body, it is going to open up in some way and change trajectories and move off in a direction that isn't a higher frequency for them. It's gonna look different for different people, but it's always gonna look some higher manifestation. It doesn't mean they're not going to have struggles, more struggles coming down because we've got so many stories, thousands of years of stories that we're really trying to look at in the DNA. But we keep moving when we start to really release pain stories out of the body, one after another, after another 10, 20, 30, 100, it doesn't matter. Then we start to move off in different directions, greater creative directions. Thank you.
and Yeah, that is a lifelong journey. can life Many lifelong journeys is what I believe. Many, many, many, many, which I can tell you all the pain that I've been releasing for the last 16 years. It's not about this lifetime. That was gone 14 years ago. This is all about you know pain that's been coming out of places, pain that I never would have experienced in this lifetime. I have memories of being in battle and um having my children die. And I don't have children. I have memories of
having you know throat cut and burnt alive. These are things we've been doing for thousands of years. These things have been coming through ah for years and years. These are big, big traumas. So I don't think everybody needs to be doing that, but I do see that we are holding things that have nothing to do with this life. And I would suggest that most of the pain, even in childhood,
are are really just stories that we've been playing out for thousands of years now coming in this life that maybe this is the life now we're finally going to resolve this flavor of fear or this flavor of shame or these many flavors of rage so and they're going to show up in our family dynamic but we've been trying we've been looking at for maybe generations for lifetimes beforehand did that make sense Yes. Yes. That makes tons of sense because I see it today and I'm not going to get into too much detail because it's a touchy topic, but I see that with racism and inherited perspectives of racism, like generational racism.
that might have started from a bad experience with one member of that race, but it doesn't define the entire people. You know what I mean? I definitely see that this generational trauma healing is gonna benefit those kind of wars, like the black versus white, like if there there's no other color in between and like, oh, I can't wait for us to send past that because we're all human. We have so much work to do.

Global Transformation Potential

We have a lot of work to do. I just think that that all of that work, like everybody's so afraid of all the work, and I'm just so excited about it. We're in a lot of pain, and what I see in all that pain is, oh my God, there's so much potential. Look what that can become, right?
We just take like 20% of the planet, which it's growing that are going to be, that are on this magnificent journey of going, this is not working. I'm going to love the crap out of that so that we can join the whole. That is a huge amount of potential and an enormous shift. So I'm kind of like very excited to get in there into these stories and turn them into the wisdom that's really buried underneath them. Oh, thank you so much for being a warrior of the light. You're just darling.
For someone who's interested in working with you, what can they expect from a one-on-one healing session or online modules? And how do these offing can how can these offerings support their journey in dissolving pain? so there So one-on-one right now, I can't do one-on-one anymore. The waitlist is too long, so I've sort of had to stop that. But I actually think there's greater potential in group work.
Because when we come together with that intention of bringing love, consciousness, awareness, healing together, then it turns into a love bomb and the potential for transformation is enormous. So that's where I think the work is.
So that's the potential is we come together and we infuse the space with just the transformative power of awareness of just being willing to sit and see and allow the alchemy of consciousness to take over. The modules and any other work that I do in presenting or teaching are really about three things. One is I want to activate the seeing of the pain stories, which is what the third dimension is. I want us to go, do you see? Can you see the fact that this is pain and not truth? but That's number one, and that's largely what the modules are. Are you aware? Can you become aware of what the role of consciousness is? Can you start to see ego, which is a pain infrastructure and it is very individualistic?
Can you start to see what mine's goal is? Can you start to see the dynamic and the meta story of the world? So it's really to activate a seeing of the third dimension versus being in it and not being even aware that you're in a walking dream state. And another is to enable. I really want to enable people in walking a path of vigilance and awareness, right? So I think these are, let's say those are the two primary and the third one would be more, I want to expedite. Let's see if we can move your journey forward a little bit faster by bringing in, how do I shake a little bit more awareness in here? I mean, you're on the journey and I can just throw a little bit of
sort of a little bit of consciousness this in this way, which is why I go see, you know, other teachers and healers and other people on their journey so they can bring awareness to me, stuff that I haven't seen, help me see some more. So these are sort of the three things I really want to bring people into is see it and how do we move it forward even more on this journey, this expansive journey into consciousness and love. Modules do that, retreats do that, conversations, teachings, all of that are here to do that.
If we're interested in working with you, joining your group or going to one of your retreats, what's the best way for us to find your schedule?

Engaging with Antonia

So everything is on the website, which is
retreats are announced there. There's ways of contacting me through email. Um, retreats are finished scheduling for this year. There might be some more at the end of next year. Um, but if you're interested, then there'll be a list and I can notify people if they want to join retreats modules or you can access the modules through that site as well, et cetera, et cetera. So everything's going to be through there and, and a book and a book announcement, all of that's through there.
Thank you so much. I'm so excited to see the website and to sign up on the wait list for the book. Do you want to tell the audience a little bit about the book or leave it as a surprise? Well, the book is basically a lot of what we're talking about. The book's called Dismantling the Third Dimension. In the third dimension, I state as a camouflage pain state.
which is a dream state. So it's really finding our way of bringing in awareness, consciousness, healing, and creative ways, ways beyond what our mind really understands in order to transform those kazillion pain stories into a higher frequencies of love and compassion and acceptance so that we move ourselves into the next.
dimension, the next reality, whatever that may be. I really don't know much about that. I leave other people to determine what that new reality is. I'm just here to release ourselves of the anchors to this one. Oh my gosh. I feel like you're saving a lot of people from getting stuck in personal hell.
You know, that's lovely to think. I don't know if I could save anybody, but I'm sure here if somebody's here to release themselves of their own hell, because this is a little bit of a hell. And if we see it and accept it as that, then we can get motivated to go, I don't want to be here anymore. I don't want to be here anymore. What do I got to do? Which was really a lot of my journey. I don't want to, I don't want to sit in this anymore. I got to get this out. Yes. thank And I think I really appreciate your work. This is, this is what our soul needs. A lot of us need that.
I can think of thousands of people who need your book. Right back at you. I think it's great just having this conversation and having more of these conversations, I think serve the collective. I agree. Can you tell the audience what your social media handles are so that if they practice some of the suggestions we've done today that they could follow your journey as well? Yeah. i'm on TikTok at AntoneaD3D and Instagram is dismantling underscore the third underscore dimension. And there's another one, which is I just have a podcast, which is just reflections. I just throw reflections. There are people that I work with that I thought they would be served by bringing in a new reflection. So I threw it on a podcast. So the podcast is called dismantling the third dimension as well. so
It's just there every few weeks. I throw in whatever comes to mind. Anybody wants to dive into reflection is there. Oh, that's so exciting. I can't wait to subscribe to your podcast and learn more from your beautiful insights as we get to our closing of our podcast episode. Are there any words of wisdom you'd like to leave our audience? Um, you know, I'm, I'm going to fall back to, uh, well, number one, feel it, but don't believe it. Yeah.
And number two is go get quiet so that feeling it and not believing it continues to get a little bit easier. Oh, that's wonderful. I love that. Thank you so much. I'm going to hold that close to me. That's a joy. That's great.
Antonia wants to invite you to start the process of healing and expansion for the journey into the next reality. Check out her website Thank you for joining us on this transformative journey with Antonia where we explore the power of dissolving pain and separation to embrace the next reality. Through deep seeing and awareness,
Antonia guides individuals to release the layers of pain and hinder their personal evolution. By reconnecting with their creativity and the collective, they can step into a new dimension of being. As we conclude this episode, we encourage you to take insights and wisdom shared and apply them to your own journey through The Matrix. Embrace the alchemy of awareness and transmute pain into love,
and darkness into light. Remember, you have the power to dissolve the barriers that hold you back and step into the reality of expansion. If you've resonated with her message and want to explore further, be sure to connect with her and discover the transformative offerings she provides. Reach out to her through her website or social media to learn more about her healing sessions, online modules, workshops, and retreats.
Allow yourself the experience for profound shifts that await you on this path of dissolution and connection. Don't forget to like and subscribe to The Organic Matrix, the life guide in your pocket for empowering conversations and insights to support your journey of personal growth and transformation. Together we can continue to navigate the Matrix and unlock limitless potential. Take care Matrix members and we'll be seeing you on the next download.