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Breaking Through Barriers: Tim Bui's Insights on Resilience and Growth

The Organic Matrix
20 Plays8 months ago

In this inspiring episode, we sit down with Tim Bui, a remarkable individual who has transformed adversity into achievement. Tim shares his journey from a challenging childhood in Thailand to becoming a high-performance coach, emphasizing the power of resilience, mindfulness, and inner strength.

Join us as Tim delves into his personal experiences and insights, discussing the importance of staying focused, embracing change, and harnessing the power of your mind to overcome obstacles. His story is a testament to the human spirit's ability to thrive, even in the face of the most daunting challenges.

Don't miss this episode packed with valuable lessons and practical advice that can help you unlock your full potential and lead a more fulfilling life.

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Introduction to the Organic Matrix Podcast

Welcome to the organic matrix, the life guide in your pocket. If you ever find yourself struggling to stay focused, tapping into your creativity, or performing at your best, imagine being able to access a state of mind where everything effortlessly falls into place, and you become fully immersed in the task at

Who is Tim Bui?

hand. This state is called the flow state. And in this captivating episode, we explore how to unlock this powerful mental state with renowned flow state code Tim Bui. With a deep passion for helping purpose-driven individuals excel, Tim Bui combines evidence-backed methodologies, spiritual teachings, and his practical business experience to guide you on a transformative journey through finding your flow state.

What is Flow State and its Impact?

Join us as we unravel the secrets to entering the state of a heightened focus, creativity, and performance, and discover how it can revolutionize your professional and personal life.
Unlock your untapped potential and become the best version of yourself by learning from Tim Bui, an expert in flow state coaching. Get ready to get inspired and be empowered as we dive into the world of flow state. Bookmark this episode and keep listening to uncover the answers to unlocking what your flow state and unleashing your true potential. The journey to reaching your peak await. Looking for career advice, personal development tips, or inspiring stories? Our Matrix Mentors has you covered. Stand with us out, bookmark our podcast, and follow us on social media for a life guide in your pocket.

Tim Bui's Personal Journey

Welcome to the organic Matrix, Tim. Thank you. Thank you for that fire intro, Samantha. I think that's the best intro I think I've ever received from anyone in the world. So thank you so much for that.
The pleasure it is mine, and it's an honor to have you in this space. Can you tell us a little bit about your story and how you found yourself supporting people the way you do today? Oh yeah, sure, that's a... It's an interesting story. It's an interesting story. We'll start. Okay. So I was, so yeah, I grew up with immigrant parents and you know, they did their best, but they were working a lot. And also, you know, coming from like a war torn country, but also like Southeast Asia, there there weren't like the most emotionally available like parents. I think, I think just culturally, like my parents were super old right now. They're almost like 80. So at that time they're, they're just like, like two generations above me. So.
I just felt like I was alone growing up and I was like pretty depressed going up through like all the school. And when I was 12, I had my first transcendental experience. It was like out of a lot of experience. And it was, um, you know, I just basically, I was just like, yeah, I'm just going to Google how to to meditate. And then I learned and then I had this experience within like a couple of tries ah doing Zazan meditation. And it was crazy. like When it was I started it, it was day. When I was done, it was night. And like the amount of time that passed in that that period was, i it felt like 15 minutes, but it was but way longer, you know? And it was just a sublime experience that I could not explain with words.
but it was extremely traumatizing because I couldn't share that with anybody. I'm like, ah, this happened, but there's still words for it. And then all of life felt so mundane, like going to school, doing a recess, sitting at your chair and paying attention and raise your hand. I was like, oh, it is all this. is All this means nothing. And so um that made me really look for like a deeper meaning in life. Why am I here? like what is like why what does How does all any of this make sense anymore? And so I was deeply traumatized from that point. um And then I was just being disconnected from school, disconnected from my parents, so you know I just
Back in the day, my role model was Tupac. So I just you know got my respect on the street. That was like that was love. That was like admiration. That was that was everything for me. And so that led me down this path of doing things that were not so great, ah selling drugs, selling guns, like having bunches of houses that just grew drugs in and stuff. and know That was my life. And then, you know, I was like, I'm gonna go legit. I'm gonna go to college and all this stuff. I got accepted to UCLA and then I was like, but it's gonna cost me how much? I was like, nah, nah, nah, nah, I'm gonna do that way too much money. So then I was like, I'll just take this six-figure job and I did loans and then I was like, you know what? I needed to start a business and I was like, I'm gonna make whole money.
And then like I was driven to make money you know because that's like how we're trained to like think about the world. like Your success is based on how much you make. And I want it to be successful. And so I created a six-figure business, multiple you know businesses, ah scaled it. and And then I sold them and then I was like, Oh, what do I do with my life now? I am successful, but I'm not happy. I'm just kind of the same person as I was before this, except now I just know how to make business and have some money. um And then there was a period where I was just like,
Well, who am I? I spent like all this time chasing after all these things, but I really just wanna know like the deeper meaning of life and like how I connect to that. And there was a huge part of me that like growing up you know with Tupac as my role model and like looking for respect, there like I just believed in this like sense of stoicism. I gotta be this dude who's tough and respectable and like feared, but admired, and like all these weird like things that like don't really make sense to me anymore. And I realized that there's a, like I had this dream and I was doing some, uh, something you may appreciate some biofeedback breathing or like HRB breathing for self-regulation. And I was going to this eight week program, which I have a free program version of the online on YouTube.
And, um, on the third week, I didn't know this cause I didn't read ahead, but like you kind of just do the same thing twice a day. So like, I was just like, I'll just read it later or whatever. And you're supposed to have this like emotional release and I didn't know that. And so, and I had to, I don't cry, like I haven't cried a a long time and that's not a good thing. It just, you know, just followed everything down somewhere. And I had this dream where my sister hands me her, her newborn son. and I don't hold babies as a policy just because I don't know you know they're so precious so then she handed to me and I look at him and then I'm like as soon as we make eye contact my heart just like pours open like everything just gushes out and I feel like I'm crying like literally crying in this dream and it's like so intense and then I wake up and I'm like
Oh my, what is it crying? No tears. I was like, so sad. I was like, no tears. But then I realized something about myself, because I had a series of dreams after that that kind of showed me this pattern where like, I'm really sort of, I just started to realize like how callous or like how immune I had become to like my own sensitivity, like who I am inside, because I wanted to be like this person, because I want to be tough like this person. I wanted to be like, I had like a friend who's like a savant autistic or asked somebody with Asperger's. And so like, I was like, I want to be like him. Like he was like super smart, super sharp. And like, you know somebody that I respected and admired as well and then I just realized that like I'm not like those people i like I'm like I'm my own person and I'm like I actually have like a deep sense of awareness for like emotion for like for like empathy and I just like blocked it out because I was like I just want to be cool and stuff um so then that's when I realized that like
My purpose, although it's many things like to make money and to make an impact, it's actually to help people. And I think like getting behind that was a really big game changer for me because it was always about like my kingdom, my domain, but it's like, uh-huh. It's not about that really for me, at least. It's really about it. It's just like, how do I facilitate the change in the world that I already see coming based on my life experiences? And how do I fit into that? And that's really what drives me today. And that's what's created a shift in my life from like,
you know, I guess like being in the matrix, you know, somewhat of just like, money and respect and status and prestige, all these things that don't really matter at the end of the day, because they don't really fulfill you, because they just kind of go away, right? Like, your your status is there until somebody just goes, you know, above that, or like, your money is there until it goes back down or, you know, whatever. So And, you know, it just realizing these things is like, I have a heart for this, and I want to do this. And I have like the skills, the leadership, the training, the experience, everything at this point. <unk> Let's just do it. This is the most exciting. This is the most scary. This is the most like audacious thing that I can imagine myself doing.

Understanding and Achieving Flow State

So let me just do it.
ah OMG, Tim, thank you so much. Your life story just put me on an emotional experience. Like you've seen a lot in the world and I thank you for turning your skills into a way that you can make this place better. I love that you... Just gonna say thank you. I appreciate that. But I love the space that we have together. So, man, this is, i yeah, this this is just incredible. Thank you. we And I love that you mentioned like the Matrix, because that's the origin of the podcast name. like We were more organic beings living in the Matrix that we collectively created with collective consciousness. So we have to remember that we're organic beings first, and then we're members of the Matrix. Yeah, 100%. I didn't realize that until now, but thank you for sharing that.
How do you define, well, now that we we know you you your origin story, which is like extremely like breathtaking, how do you define a flow state and what are the key characteristics of being in flow? The key characteristics of being in flow is that you don't have a sense of self or time. And so you just lost in that. And I think that, oh, I'm just going to go crazy. um And how do I define that? Was that the first part of the question? Yeah, how do you define closed state?
e Yeah, I would just say it's just to define those key characteristics really just like you don't have a sense of time and or self and I think the self thing's a really big part because More not more often not it's like all the time like guaranteed hundred percent of time We are in our own way. We are Like we have like so many resources in our mind Let's say like ram right and it just overloaded by a bunch of stuff that like doesn't matter like just has nothing to do with the present moment and Like when you're in the present moment, then you have access to even more resources But even then there's like lingering things right so we can get into that later
Oh my gosh, I i have like a plan for this podcast, but you're calling my spirit to like going off script. Before this call, I was meditating and I'm doing this program called ah the master case system by um Charles. upmanal He's brilliant. And um I was meditating and I wrote down notes and it was literally about that like mental chatter, like why we have to meditate. And it was like, because if we're having mental chatter, it's as if when we're trying to be present for someone or something, we're listening to two conversations at once, our mental and we're trying to bring in. I love that you bring that up because it's just kind of an amazing synchronicity that like, and I can't say so much conclusion today. So exciting. So far, so, so on point. Yeah.
Uh, what are some key characteristics of being in flow? So how can someone identify if they're actually in a flow state? Um, I think it's pretty easy. Um, we all, so like, I don't want flow to be like my, like the purpose of me developing a training company and everything is because I want it to be ubiquitous and I don't want it to be like this thing. great it's slow sometimes and yeah like a master whatever It's like when you're a child, you're naturally in flow state. So that from the ages of zero to seven, your concept of time and self doesn't even exist. So like you're just constantly saturating yourself. and
Obviously you don't remember a lot from that period, but some things you do remember. And one of the main things that you remember is playing and playing is flow. So like when you're really playing, like you're playing like a tag with a friend and like, I don't know, you're in elementary school or whatever. You're not thinking about like, you know, like, oh, like what's my homework? or You're just like, oh, are you going to go? I'm going to go. it' Like that's it. That's it. That's it. And so that's flow state. Um, and I think we all can like harken back and like just reflect on like times where, there's experiences or we've had those types of things like either with other people or like playing sports or Like in a really intense emotional moment um Or even like in productivity like if you're like studying you're doing homework or you're doing work ah Where where you're not thinking about the time anyway the time is not even and and an element It's just like oh, it's just so in this and then by the time I'm done. I'm like oh later all the time that is what
I love that. That is a great way of describing it. And it's such a satisfying feeling. Yes. What are some common challenges that you see people face when trying to access post-date? Yeah, the first thing that comes to mind is automatic negative thoughts. And I guess that makes sense because it's automatic thought that I just had. But when you have an automatic negative thought, it's just related to negative emotion that you have stored inside of your body. That's what I believe. So this is a personal. and So some things I'll share are personal beliefs, and some things I'll share are just the way things are, as I believe. And so this is a personal belief, but I think that like there's parts of us that are are locked away that develop maybe like when we're at five or six or seven or whatever, and they just got stuck and frozen in time, and they were never reprocessed. So like now I'm like 35, about to be this year, and there are parts of me that are 12 or seven that are like,
um attention. like There's this time when you know i I got a ashamed because my dad shaved my head because I like stole money and I had to go to school like that. and Man, all this embarrassment, all these things. and so like There's parts of ourselves, right and these parts of ourselves, they need attention, they need love, and they need acceptance, and they need acknowledgement. And when they get those things, then actually the wisdom from those parts of ourselves can come out and we can rejoin with that wisdom. and so
those automatic negative thoughts most of the time come from those experiences that are reinforced by something that happened at that time. So it could be like you you were embarrassed and then like your mom or your dad like told you something negative and that's that's and that's what cemented that negative emotion in there with that thought. Now you've had that thought. like oh you're not that good looking or whatever and like the reason why is because this and you have this experience so like those things will come up because they're unresolved and I call those like open loops and so like you have all these open loops that are going on taking up your your RAM your processing power your like mental chatter and they're not actually helping you they're not actually empowering they're taking away your power because well you're not that good like
Like, are you really going to do this or whatever? And it's like, well, I'm going to do it. So let me just do it. But then you have to have that conversation. It's like, even just having that conversation, waste that microsecond, waste those resources. So that is is the number one blocker is automatic negative thoughts. Thank you so much. And I could relate to that so much. Automatic negative thoughts is something and that bombards me personally. And I'm sure our Matrix meant members could relate to these automatic thoughts. And I think we get so much power when we bring attention to the fact that

Therapeutic Techniques and Mindset

we don't have to validate those thoughts anymore. yeah um How how is is your approach to overcoming automatic negative thoughts?
You have a process, basically, it's an evidence based process, but we do a timeline empowerment. So it's just we use, we use your conscious mind to tap into your unconscious mind. Okay, let me get the non-technical definition is we basically um allow you to go back to the root source of wherever that thought comes from. And we remove the negative emotion around it so that the wisdom can come out. Because the blocker and what creates a limiting belief or the negative emotion is what's keeping it from, what's what's what's creating that open loop. And so once you close that loop, it doesn't have that need to come out anymore. So that's really just, it's a really simple process. Thank you so much. That sounds that sounds like it could be intense for some people.
ah Yeah, sometimes you can go into so like some trauma or some other things. So it could definitely be intense. Do you use psychedelics with your clients who need your timeline therapy? No, I have tried. um But its I lose, I don't know, i i I lose sort of my focus when I'm I've done like retreats, you know, like breath work retreats, meditation retreats, sometimes we'll do psychedelics and things like that. I think that's useful in those types of containers for those things. But I think for specifically, timeline empowerment, I think it, it, it can make it hard for the conscious mind to focus and tap into the subconscious mind. So that's where, yeah, it gets a little tricky.
I love that you're getting like a similar reward result like when it comes to what you're accomplishing with the timeline therapy without the psychedelics because it gives people a lot of options. like i can I'm pretty sure if someone retired and they feel themselves self-possessed by automatic thinking that they're not going to want to try some mushrooms. Yeah, then like, also, like, some people don't respond well, you know, like, you know, like, yeah you can have nausea, that's just like an easy thing. But a really hard thing is like, if you have dopamine issues, you could have like schizophrenia, like, there's all kinds of other things that can come. It's just, it's a wild beast. So yeah. Thank you for sitting late on that, because it's becoming a common topic in our pop culture. But I do like when we can reiterate safety awareness around the topic of psychedelics. Yeah.
Can you share song yeah share some practical techniques or exercises our matrix members can take home with them and try? Yeah, I think. I think the most important thing is being able to capture your negative thoughts ah sorry you're limiting beliefs and your negative emotions. And so I think whenever we are stretched outside of our comfort zone, whether that's like we get a trigger or we get an impulse and something happens to where it's just as simple as somebody cuts you off in traffic and you're like, this is smaller than you go off. And then it's like,
okay so like maybe not in that moment but maybe like 10 seconds later or a minute later you just kind of write down what happened and what kind of limiting wo beliefs may be associated with that and where and what that negative emotion is and start just capturing that for like a week and then start looking at like this this list now this laundry list of basically unprocessed stuff, baggage. And so once you do that, then you can get all this stuff is meant to tell you something like this is the universe's way of telling you, once you get this lesson, you don't have to keep learning it. And and like, you're the one who's hurting yourself by getting mad or
you know, acting or showing up angry or like less than your fullest highest self. You're the one who's getting hurt by that. So once you learn these lessons, then you're good. So that's one way of doing that. And you know, an exercise you could do is you can write out the way that you believe in yourself, but then just like like that limiting belief, whatever, but now you can reframe it in a different way in a positive way. That's like cognitive behavioral therapy. That's like one approach you can use. I love it. I love it. That is the best advice. Thank you so much for bringing this practice to the space. as This is something that we can all take home. It starts with me. Personal accountability. Yeah. Yeah, that's the word. How does the mindset play a role in achieving and sustaining flow state? And are there any mindset shifts or beliefs that can support this process? ah Yeah, I think.
You know, you have to believe as low as day as possible for you. You have to believe as low as possible. um So I think those are, there are some, there are some like just basic foundational things, right? Just like that, where you need to know that it's possible and you need to know that you've done it and you need to know that you were a pro at it at some time. um So it's really just getting back into that. So it's nothing new. It's nothing that you haven't done. It's nothing that's not innate within us to do. It's part of our DNA. It's part of our like consciousness construct. So it's really just, well, when I'm feeling flow, like if that's a 10, when am I feeling a 10?
Is it like when I'm playing the piano? Is it when I'm with friends? Okay, let's make a list of those things and figure out how we can start recreating those things and getting a little bit of data. like What does it feel like in your body? like Where does it feel like that in your body? like you know like Does it feel like it's wavy? does it feel And start capturing those things, then you can have like an internal sense of interoception.

Tools and Practices for Flow State

And that's one of the trainings that's in that YouTube video that I mentioned. where you just learn how to like tap into that state of your body and all those properties, and then you can bring that back out. So that's pretty much and essentially how you could do it. That's phenomenal. And while you're a floor you're just fighting that, it made me think about your your earlier experience with Zazen. It sounds like that i would that fits into this topic. Can you explain to the audience what Zazen is?
oh Yeah, so that's just ah Zen style of meditation there so that they have two kinds like one with open eye and one with closed eye this one is the closed eyes type and you're just basically counting breaths and It's supposed to help you develop mindfulness and so just you know an inhale is one exhale is two and then once you get like your brain on that track then you then that now like inhale exhale is one and And so once you get to that level, then basically your mind starts clearing out, like the more you focus on the one and the two and then the one and two, and then you reset at 10 every time you get to 10. If you didn't reset at 10, then there's a sign that like, oh, you're getting off track or whatever, but it's all self-corrective. So that's the amazing thing about it. It's super simple technology. It's self-corrective. And you will develop the focus that's required to stay in flow longer, basically. Just like focus is just, it's like the gas lane for every
like mental activity or that you can have. So definitely like the more focus you have, the more focus you develop. It's just like a rubber band. So like the stronger you can, you can concentrate. You are definitely a metaphysical position. I love that. I love those things like the, like you sound like doctor level. Like these are like real, this is really good tips. I got so good. I had to like write it down. Thank you. I'm glad it's useful for you. Thank you. And all of our Matrix members, I challenge you to write down these tips, try it at home, and tag us on social media. Tell us what you find when you discover your flow state. That would be so fun. How can individuals leverage their strengths and passions to enhance their experience of flow?
That's actually a really good question. Yeah, you have to really, like, when I, say when I say like, when do you feel a 10? It's most likely the things that you're most passionate about. And so leverage is really the right word because leverage is what makes something easy to do. Right. And so if you can tap into, basically like this goes into the conversation of purpose and, and I think purpose and flow are pretty closely related too, because
Your central nervous system is tuned for your success. Basically, when you're hungry, it tells you like you need to eat. When you need water, it tells you you need to drink. When you feel unsafe, there's a reason why. And when you feel excited, there's a reason why. and Like the more you know yourself, the better you get at determining what that Y is. And when it comes to flow, like the more that you're doing things that make you that 10 that make you basically energized.
you're gonna have all the feel that you need to do it. And that's actually probably what you're meant to do at that moment. And I don't believe you know that there's a right or wrong. like I think that we all have to determine that for ourselves. And so whatever it is that you need to do, don't judge yourself. Just do it and see what happens. because like it's all it all Everything, like the most fundamental question, I don't care what the philosophy is, it's just like, what do you want? That's the most fundamental question. and And it always goes back down to that. And so when it comes to like your passions, that's a really big indicator of like what you want and what you want to create. And we're all artists of life. ah If we're not like in touch with our passion, then we're not creating. And and what we're I don't know. That's my personal belief is what we're here to do.
I agree with you and it's beautiful. I love the way you expressed it and it made me like get another hit back from that Master Key System book from Charles Duchanal where he talks about we are the temple of the living God and that and you remind me of that because we have to get to know our vessel so like we're conscious in this consciousness allows us to peer through the nervous system and our six other faculties of this body and yes yes and to stay like
to know what gets you excited, know your passions, know your desires.

Success Stories and Misconceptions

We, of course, get to know your vessel, get to know what your gears are. Like, if you're alert, when people get a car, like a lot of my friends are car fanatics, they get to, they read an manual, like, you know everything about their car, and yeah he gets more so. And so keep the youth of the future, that that's the main priority. What yeah kind of world will we live in? That's it. That's it. That's the magic. I am 100% with you on this. And whatever whoever wrote that book sounds super legit. So, you know, I can gradually for finding a true, sounds like a clean signal and all the noise of all the data of all the grooves of all the books that are but being written. So I'll definitely all up with you on that.
Yes, thank you. And I would love to share it. And ill if you if you get read in it, we can definitely talk about certain principles because I've been trying to find out like a thought buddy for it. Okay. I'll be happy to. i'm yeah Can you share any success stories of individuals who've experienced significant growth and personal professional in their personal professional life by harnessing their flow state? Yes. Um, for sure. So yeah. So one of the people that comes to mind is one of my, I love all of my clients, but, um, yeah, so I'm not even going to try to qualify that with anything, but, uh, he was really successful in real estate in the past commercial real estate. A couple of years ago, we had a partner who like basically.
did some shady things and ah yes he basically was left with like all the expenses for the salary of like the whole team. And the guy just took off with all the money and everything. So like he had to pay out of his pocket to correct this. And it just totally broke him. It broke his trust in the world. It broke like everything. And you know as a family, he had a daughter on the way. and all this and so like he was you know going through it to say the least and He was trying to figure out what business he wanted to do he was trying to make money and
He was struggling to make even six figures when before he was making millions. And so he was just like really down on himself. And, you know, just working with him, like he had the mindset. He already had a really strong mindset. It's just, he lost that faith in himself. And so one of the things that, you know, we did was ah we did some shadow work, you know, just like all your shadows are showing up right now. So this is a great opportunity. This is prime. You're right for this. Let's do it. and we just went in there and we basically just cleared you know just all the things that were wisdom but not but if not for the negative emotion and so really allowing him to get it out of his own way and he just called me i was on a hike he called me while i was on his hike and he's like
Oh, people ask me all the time, but I didn't know what to tell them. I just woke up one morning and I made half a million dollars in sales this month. I was like, I don't know what you did. I don't know what you unleashed in me, but it's just been, I just teleported. Like, I literally don't know what happened, but now I made half a million dollars this month. And he's just so excited. He's like, I'm just calling to share the love. Like, we you know, I don't coach him anymore or anything like that. I was just. ah Like a one-time thing that were not one time but just like a at that time and so um Yeah, he was calling to share the love and like support and just like he's like, what are you up to? Like just he's just so excited but he wanted to share all the love and I think that's what it's all about for me is Yeah, it's about the results but it's really about like inspiring people to find like that in themselves
to the point where it's so strong that they're now overflowing with that. And then they're going to call people and they're going to let other people know about like their, you know, success and like inspire other people. And I think like that's for me, what is most rewarding about what I do. Oh, that's so beautiful. And that's so inspiring. I love the service and you bring it. And this is the kind of influence that we need in the world. Yeah. Thank you. You're welcome. Are there any potential pitfalls or misconceptions about flow state that people should know should be aware of? Yeah, I think like, I've heard some people talk about like, oh, you need like, and I mentioned this ah earlier, just like you need like, maybe 10,000 hours of mastery, or this or that. And I think
I don't, I think it's true to some degree that you need flow for, like as a martial artist, I'll give you an example. Like I, when I go into like a sparring session or whatever, and I have to think about every move, every breath, like what they're, how far they are, like how hard to hit all this stuff. Like it's not going to happen. So like there has to be some level of technical proficiency before I can use flow in a sparring match and especially in a tough one. Right. And so like maybe in an NBA and like in the finals, right? Like if you're, if you're, I mean, if you got to the finals, you probably have it already. Right. the the challenge of the task itself, and you need to be able to rise to that occasion. There are some technicalities that go with that, but I think that like outside of like these highly technical things, you can access flow anytime. like I can just sit here, can like and I can be like, okay, what are my intentions? like What am I trying to experience? What am I trying to get done? How long am I going to do this for?
what's going to get in my way that I'm not going to do and what I'm going to be focused on. And I can just sit here for literally I've sat here for like way longer than the healthy and just, just, just flowed. And yeah, it's that easy. So it didn't require, you know, 10,000 hours of mastery other than just like deciding that I was going to do that. And having that kind of outline that I just shared with you. Well, I love your comparison and I used to be a collegiate wrestler and only two things. though, no wonder we got the vibe because every time I talk to a wrestler, it's like our brains think on a similar wavelength. Nice, nice.
ah So in wrestling, oh you know that there's this flow wrestling is the type of practice where you do like ah technical chaining. So like, let's say ah we do a tu a double leg. So well, and I did freestyle, so I'll do a double leg into a butt wrench, a double leg into a leg waist. So it's like on teaching the body how to do behavioral chaining um to reach that flow state so that it's you don't have to think through teaching like your muscle fibers. but Yes. Yeah. So that's, yeah, that's actually the root of where I got a lot of the context for training in the technicalities of flow state is what I call like the, well, I mean, what was taught to me as the element. So there's like five elements there.
water, earth, fire, and spirit and like basically like with air is like the mental element so you need to be able to see it you need to be able to like see it before you can do it water is like you need to be able to flow from one move to the next one thing that you can see to the next thing that you can see earth is like to the point where you can do that where you don't have to think about it It's ingrained in your physical body and then virus when you can do it like with impact with emotion like with like channeling that thing and then you know spirit is It's com combining like multiple things. But yeah that so that's basically it you yeah, that's that's well
Well, thank you so much for bringing your analogy because it's truly beautiful. And then when you think of spirit, it's like the part of us that actually silence it. Well, in my interpretation, like the part of us that silences that mind that's thinking before every move, trying to predict. Yeah. Is there be be behind the dots? ah what a What advice or guidance do you have for someone who would want to cultivate a greater sense of flow and peak performance?
ah Yeah, I think everything comes down to three things. So it's ah your vision, your values, and your

Personal Development and Coaching

beliefs. Those are three things that if you tell me what those three things are, I'll tell you exactly what's gonna happen in your life, and I'm not psychic. It's because like you can only go as far as you can see, and that goes back to the arrow on that, right? And then like your values. like Do your values align with what you're doing? So they don't, you're not gonna be fulfilled, you're not gonna have meaning, And you're not going to be happy. And being unhappy means that you're not going to be successful. Because you need to be happy to be successful. um I don't care what you say. But anybody says, that's a personal belief. So I'll share that.
your beliefs. So you need to believe that these things are possible. like And you also need to know that like there are certain beliefs that you have that may be disempowering or not serving what you're trying to go or get to. So one of the things you mentioned is like a manual, right? Like a manual for the human body. Well, there's something called human design, right? It's like, and and I don't know if you've heard of it, but it was like manifested, blah, blah, blah. So yeah, like i was I got really deep into that. and countless other things that are going to take this entire podcast, like five series to get over. But, um, so with that, like, you know, it it is the, it was the quote unquote human manual. The only problem that I had with that after like spending so many years in it is that, um, it creates limiting beliefs as well. So it's like, okay, now that I know like the body, like it kind of, it's kind of like, well, like when you warm up the car, you should always wait two minutes before you drive it. But it's like, I just got in and like 10 minutes ago, like I don't need to wait two minutes, you know? So.
when you kind of know better than the rules and you kind of have to earn that, right? Like everything in life, I believe with the problem that we have in modern society is instant gratification. Like people don't need to earn anything anymore. And so there's no feedback loop in terms of like neurochemicals that actually reward you for the things that you do for your effort. But yeah, so like you do need to earn like knowing yourself before you can be like, you know, start going around the rules or whatever. So yeah, like going back to that, it's just like your beliefs, like there are some beliefs that are installed into you. Like for me, like one of my human design things is like, you are not meant to tell stories or something like that. And because like my gate from my throat or whatever is not connected and blah, blah, I can go into that. But so, and then so for a while it discouraged me. And then after a while I was like,
Now, I'm going to master this and and I did. So, I mean, I'm not like the best storyteller by nature, but I can tell a good story now. And so that's, I mean, that's the point, right? It's like, do what you want to tell it. And it goes back to everything goes back to what do you want? So do you want to sell a good story? Okay, just go do it. Just figure out what what it is. And so, um, let go of whatever's in the way of that too. Oh my gosh, thank you so much. that it's I could relate to so many points on that and I'm so happy that you brought up human design. I did a past episode on human design before and I love that you mentioned that these things are not meant to limit us, but it could create limiting beliefs. The way that I interpret like astrology and human design, because I've been in the mix for almost 11 years now into these modalities, is when I see a block,
For example, like I have a blocking my throat too. i see it ah This is the position I was born in. But now it's up to me to bring it where I want to be. and i yeah So a lot of people, like matrix members, if you feel like you know you don't like astrology or human design because you feel like it's you know woo woo, like how do they know me so well? Just think of it like this. It's a tool for introspection. yeah You don't have to fit in. It just gives you a little something to think about. Yes, 100%. I love that. then that's I feel the same way about tarot cards, too. it's like It doesn't have to be like your fate, but it gives you a place to look at. Oh, yuck.
That's usually where I go with it, but today I was like, for some reason, I'm not going to bring up tarot cards, but I'm really glad that you did. It's like what you said earlier. Like if you could tell me these three things, I can predict where you're going. And it's not that you're psychic. Tarot cards are the same way. Like people think it's like psychic reading. It's not. It's telling you, it's showing you through human archetypes that we all experience where you're at right now and what you've done. on Yeah. Yeah. Yes. It creates the light for the shadow and then gives you that perception, that dimension of analysis that you can take a look at and be like, well, I didn't think of it that way. If somebody is interested, oh, can you tell us more about your coaching services? How you, and um what would clients expect if they were to work with you?
Yes, it's actually a really fast process and that's why I told you that like and I'm not working that person anymore. don I don't try to like hold on to people forever.

Tim Bui's Mission and Resources

like I don't really believe in that model. like For me, like i want to like my vision part of my vision is to be able to like go international with this training and also like easily do a million people a year. and There's no way I can do that if I hold everybody's hand. or like I need to hold onto people forever. And so obviously I can't do it myself either. So there's that. It only takes like six weeks to basically get clear for flow. So like just clear out like all the negative beliefs, all the, sorry, limited beliefs, negative emotions, all the things that are getting in the way of your purpose and kind of connecting with that right now. Once you have that, then you can get into flow easily. And then I do have like a secondary level where it's just like, how do you gain,
more flow in more areas of your life, like relationships, like you know leadership at work or with your career or you know various other things. like how are you How do you maintain flow like all the time, basically? And so those are just those two things. And yeah the first thing, it only takes like six weeks. It's it's like two, three-hour sessions. we just and It's just like AI, right? The quality of like the way that you set something up and how deep you go really allows ah like the the power of the AI to come out. and you just like um If you just ask the AI, oh, my breath stinks, what should I do? It's like pressure to you or something, right? But if you're like,
like If you go for the root cause, like and you know these are my symptoms, this is when it stinks the most, and all this stuff, it's like, oh, you have halitosis, it sounds like, but you should to see a professional to get diagnosed with that or something. and so it's like It can be really powerful or it could be just like just some waste of time. and so The same thing happens in these three-hour sessions. it's like It really goes down to like who's helping you and like how you connect. and so My thing is like I i really only want to worry about people that I really buy with because that's how we go deep like if you're kind of like resistant or like you're guarded or You're just like too busy for this and it's like yeah, it's probably not gonna work out So like let's just not waste our time um But yeah, you should only take like two three hour sessions and then like I have like four follow-up sessions Just to make sure everything's good. Yeah, it's pretty fast. That's incredible. I love that
ah's not that It's just speechless because to think that like somebody can be stuck their entire life and then in the span of six weeks, they can be a new person released from the chains that hold them down. God bless you for that. Thank you for the work that you do. Yeah, of course, it's just a gift. so I just want to make sure that I am utilizing and sharing that gift as much as possible. Um, if someone is interested in working with you to unlock their flow state and reach their peak, how can they get in touch with you to learn more? Uh, yeah. So I'm developing a bunch of free stuff that I'll be just kind of putting out through Instagram and my link tree, just because like I want to help people as much as possible. And like, you think there's a lot that you can do on your own, but I think there, you know, there can be a time when like you may benefit like just from the speed of working with somebody who's like does it all the time or.
you know get that experience but i I am releasing like a bunch of stuff on like values on vision on beliefs and things like that so that people have access to those things on their own regardless of how much money you have or whatever I'm also working on a book to like get that more of that info out too so uh everything you know I would just keep everything updated on Instagram although I'm not like the I don't even get notifications on social media or anything so If I take forever to DM, it's not personal. I just take a while. But um but yeah, I just use it to communicate like what I'm working on and stuff like that. Absolutely. You're mad on a mission. yeah after Thank you so much for being a guest on our show, Tim. i I'm so excited to replay this episode and start implementing a lot of the things that you taught us today.
Yeah 100% I'm really glad that you created this space like I mentioned earlier for us to be here and connect because it's been really invigorating and energizing to connect with you and you've asked really good questions and I think there's a lot of value that you've created just by creating the space or like probably before us but like with just us I think you've created a lot of value so thank you so much for that. Thank you Tim. Do you have any messages for the audience? Uh, yeah, well, like just go to my, i just go to my Instagram. There's going to be like, I have a quiz that's set up on my link tree too that will like really help to break out like the three most important things that you can work on to build like confidence. And I think when you have confidence, there's a lot of other things that you can do. And it's just like a 60 second assessment. So that would be probably pretty easy.
Oh gosh Matrix members, I hope you take advantage of all these golden nuggets that are soon to come. As we come to the end of this enlightening episode with Tim Boon, the Flow State Coach, we hope you gain valuable insights and tools to harness the power of the flow in your life. Remember, fighting your flow is not just about achieving peak performance, it's also about experiencing a dim a deeper sense of fulfillment, purpose, and joy in everything that you do. Tim's expertise and practical approach provides a roadmap for you to start unlocking your true potential and live a life of a harmony and fix success.
If you're ready to tap into your flow state and unleash your limitless potential, we encourage you to connect with Tim Bowie on Instagram. If you're driving and you can't have access to what you have to show notes through right now, Tim's Instagram is at T aye and do-I-I-N-H-B-U-I. And I'll also provide the link to his link tree if you're intrigued with the lessons he's going to provide. Keep the momentum going by bookmarking this episode and exploring our podcast archives for more insightful conversations and strategies to help you thrive in all areas of your life. We love to hear your thoughts and experience, so don't forget to follow us and tag us in your posts. Together, we'll create a community of flow seekers and empower each other to reach new heights.
Thank you for joining us today, and remember your flow stayed awake. Keep listening, keep growing, and keep flowing. If you're interested in... Well, Matrix Vipers, I think that this episode is completely essential for all humans on Earth, so let's get this viral. Share this episode and send it to your friends and family. Bring it up in conversation, tag us on social media. We want to be there with you learning. oh I love you guys, and I'll be seeing you on the next download.