Rings of Power Ep 8 image

Rings of Power Ep 8

S2 E7 · Haute Set
13 Plays17 days ago

We chat about where the season is leaving us and appreciate all the distressing that we get to see in this episode, along with a couple new costume reveals. We will be back next week with any final thoughts and to talk about our miniature costumes that we have been building as we watch. Stay safe out there. 


Music: Cassette Deck by Basketcase

I'm Melinda. I'm Ariel. This is Hot Set, the movie podcast about costume design.
Oh boy, oh boy. We have reached the end of season two of Rings of Power and I have feelings. I'm in my feelings about it. There is no synopsis that we saw online. There are a lot of ah episode coverage articles, opinion pieces here and there, but yes basically At the top of my notes, I guess will also serve as kind of a synopsis. I just wrote, oh boy. Oh boy. Our most concise synopsis yet. I mean, we start with like pretty heavy in Khazad Dum and I was like, oh yeah, it's the season finale. So, you know, all the emotional stuff.
Yeah, some people got to go. And there's not going to be a lot of fashion. No. the people are in the Excuse my language. In the shit. It's happening. It's everywhere. Yeah. We saw a lot of great distressing of costumes that we've seen. We have definitely waxed poetic about the distressing and the breaking down in this series.
another episode's triumph to that, because yes, yes, yes. And like, I mean, let's just, like, Celebrimbor when we see him. Oh my god. When Eregion is being abandoned completely and is being raised by the orcs, all of that stuff. Celebrimbor is being held captive by Sauron the Bish, and he's just shooting arrows at him while going, oh, look what you did to yourself. What? It's very, look what you made me do of him. Look what you made me do. It's horrible. And like, ugh, it's so sad. But Celebrimbor, the distressing on his costume, we see Celebrimbor at, okay. So Sauron later in the episode is fighting Galadriel. This is going to be a hopping through the episode.
hit video ah conversation ah because I just don't have the focus right now to go from top to bottom. We see him no longer wounded, no longer unhealthy because Sauron takes his image when he's fighting Galadriel.
In terms of just like costume, that was one of my favorite moments was like getting to see everybody back in these like pristine looks that we haven't seen them in a while. And seeing them in the light and like with Kelly Brimmore, we did see him in different lighting for sure.
But it took me most of the series to realize that the dye on his robes went from that deep red, sort of like coppery-ish red, if you will, at the bottom of his hem, and faded into that beautiful saturated green at the top. Like, it was such a beautiful- I had no idea. Yeah. It's like we caught flashes of it sometimes. Right. Right. So you're sort of like, am I being tricked? What did I just see? Like you didn't get like a full visual, like full body. Absolutely. Yeah. Wonderful and beautiful. And like he just, he looks like a turning leaf. Like it's just so wonderful. And it also kind of like, this is also me just like bullshitting here, but I love combining that. We've talked about it before, maybe in the last episode with the armor of the guards of Aragon.
where it's like they're kind of tarnished, it felt like Celebrimbor's The Coloring is like the turning of the leaves, right? Like to when the leaves die. So it's like looking at spring dying. And that like when you put the poetry on that, which yeah, it's hard to deny.
You guys got me again with this, this subtlety. And it's just like, he is the tree. The tree is him. He is the tree. And like, it just, even if that's not necessarily what the designers were going for, I do love that you get to have this room for interpretation, for artistic interpretation with costume, because that is like one of the biggest skills of costuming is that it's it's part of your toolset. It's one of your sets of paints when you're painting. And so like, yeah, just looking at Celebrimbor fading is like, oh, yeah. And if you can inspire like, you can inspire thoughts and feelings and the people watching it. I mean, like, what more are you looking to do as an artist than just incredible inspire people and make them feel things. Yeah, and being able to hold that costume. I don't know if it that it was if there were two costumes or if it's one that they progressively just like tore up and destroyed. But seeing Celebrimbor at the end, when he's throwing in Sauron's face, the Lord of the Rings as like an irony, you know, like, that was very like, Yui's Playhouse, the secret word kind of I expected everyone to get up and run around.
yeah And he's just like, your life is gonna end in a really shitty way. And like watching that was just so heartbreaking. And the way that his clothing has been distressed, there's it you feel the sweat. You feel that there's ash and gore and blood. And like he is just, if you had to touch that,
You wouldn't. Like my husband was walking by and we have a very short wall that divides our living room and our um dining room. And so he just kind of leaned over and like while this scene between Sauerada Killebroun-Boor was happening, he was like, I feel like you could really smell that.
And then he just walked away. And I was like, thank you. Yes. I'm sure you could. Oh, God. Yeah. But it's like that you feel like it's been through shit. And then like there's all these orcs who are just climbed from the mud, like burst from the mud and the blood in that mud. And like there was an orc that ah captures Galadriel when she escapes with a few elves um yeah from like a secret tunnel. And ah I think that he had two helmets combined into one.
Oh, I didn't i really love and I didn't stop and rewind because I'm just taking my notes in anticipation of just having a chat with my friend Melinda. But um, I think that yeah, that there were two like because we'd be talking about to the orcs, all their stuff is harvested from Yeah. And it's not like they don't have a craft. They do have craft in making war machines, but they don't have infrastructure yet to necessarily be building a massive amount the way we see later in the Lord of the Rings. Like Sauron is going to put that industry in motion. And so right now they're kind of harvesters like ravagers where they take things and then use their skills to alter them. Because why go hunting for raw material when you can just take it?
but The potential of a combined helmet, I was just like, I love it. They had a stressing they're distressing everywhere, the like rusty chainmail on some of the orcs, everything. There's just so much. tetanus waiting to happen. Walking, yelling tetanus. It just feels like there's just so much distressing everywhere and it would be really exciting to like spend a day.
like walking and talking with somebody and like being able to look at some of the work or to look over people's shoulders, you know, and like watch the techniques and watch how they do it. Yeah. What's the techniques? What were your stations like? Like how long did you have to work on these things? Like what was your timeframe? Because there's so many layered pieces constantly in front of your eyeballs. I did work when I was um just like fresh out of undergrad. um I did an internship at a theater company and I got to watch um coat for
Shakespeare production for fall staff get created and have it be this like beautiful pristine like beautiful great coat and then watch it get distressed by the craftsperson down into something that looked like he'd been wearing it for like years and years and sweating into it and traveling. And it was such a cool process to just like watch something that started out so perfect and then get to like see the person like break it all down was so cool.
And I would love to see more people, especially since we know there are people on this show that that was their job, their only job. So it's like, yeah, I would love to know like, what are the kind of standard starting points or how they approach it and all that kind of stuff that I just don't know that much about. And I would also love to know so many other little things about like maintenance.
Do you need to reapply anything? Because like what are the techniques that you're using? Are they permanent? Because it seems like they would need to be so you don't have to be touching up all the time. But like how much, I just would love to know like even the design process of what you're doing to break things down because yeah're yeah you're thinking about weather, time, like all of these elements of the place.
Then these characters exist in and like habits. That's the thing about distressing too that people Talk about but don't necessarily remember unless you're like actually into it is that when you're breaking something down you start Sometimes with where things would wear away based on like repetitive what's the motion and so it's like what thoughts are we applying to like Orcs and their movement? Like what are we doing to break them down? And like, what are the little details, you know, that are being put in there because it is a camera. So it'll pick up some little things. Like what are, where are those little things like pockets that are getting distressed because somebody keeps putting something in it.
that's their main pocket of use. Yeah, like pulling in and yeah, over and over or like if you're riding a horse all the time, like there are certain parts of your pants, like the inside, the inseam is gonna start like wearing out of time. Yeah, the seat of your pants are gonna be affected by a saddle which will presumably be made out of leather or if you're riding bareback, you're gonna be affected by the sweat and the dirt collected on that horse's back. And then also like with distressed items, I always wonder where do they go?
Where do they go? Yeah, what happens to them? I don't know. Do you break them back down? And then as pieces, they go somewhere? Or I always want to know, period, point blank, where are all these massive amounts of costumes going? And that is, from what I've heard piecemeal in the past couple of years, a thing that production companies are still trying to figure out, which is crazy. That's nuts. Because in a theater company, if you have storage or if you have a warehouse where you can keep things or if you rent stuff and then give it back. You organize the ever loving life out of it and then you use it. Yes. And then if you, you know, whatever, but it's like you use it again, because like if you have a set of armor, you break it down into its component pieces, store each piece with its like pieces.
And then it has a new life someday and you repaint it, you do whatever. But with shows like this, I always wonder because it's like, you're going to be back. So it probably needs to live somewhere. I hope they're all going somewhere. Yes. We know Amazon has warehouses. That is one thing we know about Amazon. So they have the capacity to save things. But 100%, but oh my God. on another subject. Yeah, we should keep moving. Yes. Thematically, when we're at Kazza Doom, and we see the Doom of King Durin, where he releases
the Balrog. And he sacrifices himself with this like, I'm going to fight the Balrog situation. In that scene, he's wearing all gold. And I feel like before he'd at least had like a robe or a cape or something that like had crimson and red and maybe I'm crazy. It's funny how short my memory is unless I have the notes like right in front of me. I'm not holding on to it very well right now. But he's just specifically for the end, he's in all gold and gold is all that he's been thinking about and he's Just head to toe draped in it. I finally saw his little gold fingernails. They were there. They were brushed with gold. I can confirm. Thank you. I was glad to finally see it. I was like, yes. Gold fingernails. Such beautiful detail. Oh my god. Where it's just like he's handling it. And like as a craftsman, okay.
But like definitely thematically seeing him fall into gold madness, the madness of dragons. It's like, yikes. And it was also nerdily. It's like watching the fall of Denethor all over again. Oh, yeah. Was that in Two Towers? Or was that in Return of the King? Oh, you're asking such a good question. Yeah, I don't remember right now. and I just watched the Melinda. I just watched the Melinda. I know. But when Denethor Snaps out when he has set himself on fire and he is self-immolating and he is seeing his son wake up and it's like the spell that was over him the delusion breaks and he sees his son and it's the thing that Gandalf said which is He will love you and he will remember it before the end
Like he loves you and he will remember it before the end. And that's what happens with King Duran is that he like is able to kind of claw back that veil i need when he sees he really did fuck up and like he has changed the future of his people for the worse.
And he looks at his son and he lets his son know, like, I love you. And your strength was always yours. And then he turns around and throws himself at a fire demon. And I was just like, that shot was so beautiful of him jumping. It was so beautiful. And nerdily speaking, if you watch the, after the episode, when you watch like the director and everybody talk about it, they started with that image before they started production for the whole show.
So the show creators, the show runners were like, we wanted to get there and we got here now. Like that visual we had been working toward. So that was a very important moment for the people who were making the show. They were like, we need to make it really have a lot of impact. And boy, howdy. I was really upset at spaghetti. I was like, oh, this is the beginning. Uh-oh. We travel over to Numenor.
where things are going great and everyone's happy, right? Everything's going great in Middle Earth period, thumbs up. um I just love like the Fortuny, how much I'm reminded of Fortuny, which Fortuny got his stuff from history, et cetera, et cetera. Please did not originate with Fortuny. He did not invent them in the 1990s.
But I like to think of these like ah those Fortuni gowns whenever I see Muriel in these crinkly pleats. Yeah, they're gorgeous. She's just always now, especially that she's been like spat back up by the ocean creature, had been blessed. She's kind of like at peace.
And it's wild to see that she's just kind of like always been beautiful and she is a queen, but now she just has this very like still, the stillness in her clothing that I really appreciate. I thought it was kind of fascinating. I mean, it's where, again, I'm going to jump around, but the Numenoreans with Kemen when they like land on the mainland. My notes just say fucking Kemen in all caps. I've never seen a more punchable face, but from a costume perspective, the difference between him and his crew rolling up on that ship and like the people that have been
here dealing with what's happening and just like the visual contrast of like the colors and the textures and the materials that were used for the two different groups was just like couldn't be more clear and stark.
it was And and suddenly opens his mouthw yeah then he opens his mouth and basically is like, no, we're going to subjugate you instead of like actually doing what we said we would do. so yes And like, uh, and it's like three seconds away of being like, my dad's a lawyer. Like he's so close to him. Frat boy, privileged, like East coast frat boy.
Do you know who my dad is? My dad's going to hear about this hair flick, but like he, yeah, I hate him. I hope, and I said in my notes, when he said, they're only trees, I was like, I hope an ant bites him in half and it spits the half out. Like I just really, I hope your end sucks. And the actor who's playing him, well done. Really good job. Yeah, great performance. Amazing job. I hate your snap. You did such a good job.
But like yeah, our Farazon in Numenor is in blues now. And I feel like that's kind of a funny shift because he's been representing like the sun stuff on his clothes, the reds, the golds. He switched or like whatever colors he's been wearing that are very bright and he's been separating himself so far.
from the cooler tones of like the faithful, et cetera, who are very much representing like the ocean in there yeah and they the sea in their clothing. In this episode, while they're rounding up the faithful and making it illegal to basically be Old Numenorean, he's wearing these blues.
where it's like yeah he and the head priest are like talking to each other and they're both wearing these like C related color palettes. And it's interesting to see one say you suck and a down with you, but using that,
imagery to like push his power forward. It was just like, ooh, things are not going to go well for you, son. Season three is going to be interesting. Season three is going to be rough. When we go to Mordor, so we've already talked about Kamen landing and how we just want to right into the water. Theo, I think, has finally been looked after. He looks a little bit more flicker together. And I was just like, yay, my little detail. And I was like, are you going to be fixed?
I feel like maybe it was, like he had time and somebody maybe was like, here's this little thing or he took the time. I don't know. Maybe he did it, you know, self care. I hope. I hope. Yeah. Like Estrid has some new gear where her shoulders, like they seem to be even more layers, like She's a little bit warmer now. I was very happy about that, because it seems very cold and wet. They're constantly just in it. On the edge of a bog. Yeah. In the Southlands, yeah. Very bog coated. I really want to talk about Adar in the forest outside of Eurekia. Yeah, let's talk about it. How did you feel? How did you feel in that scene between him and Galadriel where he is offering peace?
I was not sad to see him get Julius Cezared by his own people. I was not sad at all. I was so sad because like when he's when he is wearing the ring, he's been healed, right? So like the makeup in this was phenomenal. really The makeup was so good. He was unblemished, if you will, like the wounds, the torture, all of that pain is gone.
and he's been restored while he's wearing the ring. He takes the ring off and is holding it in his palm. Some of it has come back. He takes the ring off and hands it to Galadriel. It's all back.
and he is a dwarf again, or yeah like whatever, super pale, all those things. Like that was just like, ah such a great effect. I loved it. I mean, it looked beautiful. I was sad because the ring, I think, and I did read this, so it's not necessarily my original thought here, but I think that the ring didn't only physically heal him.
It returned him to remembering that he is father and that like he wants this. It's not just about revenge, but he does want that future and that he did mean what he was saying to Galadriel. And so it's like, what could have happened if they'd been able to do that? But on the other side, having I just don't believe that it would have worked out. I just don't. I don't think it would have been peaceful, but I think that they could have minded their own business, you know what I mean? Like I think that all the things that we see about subjugation, et cetera, might not have happened because they would have been able to live in peace, which means being alone in their own business. But like, yeah, but it wouldn't have been like sunshine and rainbows, but it wouldn't have been as bad as it's going to get. It wouldn't be what we currently were watching happen. Yeah. And like Fresh Face Adder, I think also the orcs like seeing him that way, they were like, ooh, extra die. He's like, you're not one of us. It was, I was like, oh.
merri emotion ah Sauron's new armor when he comes up and he's like, oh, hey girl, by the way, I'm also here. Bye bye. And like his armor and the robe, is this a new robe or is this the one that we've been seeing him in? We're just seeing it in new light?
I thought it was perhaps new. it I think there was something new about it. Because the texture of the whole thing, there's patterning all over and he's equally, so we see both him and Galadriel in the light. We have seen throughout the series how they've been comparing and contrasting Halbrand and Galadriel and how Galadriel could be tempted right and so they're kind of like two sides of the same coin and that's like a theme and Galadriel has all this glitter all this shine on her
Sir Cope, right? He has equal amounts of glitter on his black robes and I was like, ooh! Yeah, he had some shiny metallic little threads woven in there. I loved it and like that that breastplate was really beautiful and like went in with that.
Snake imagery was great. And it was so, it was so, it was such an interesting contrast also because like all of the um visual language of the elves has been so delicate and fine. Even with Arvivo inspired. Yeah, even with them, it's like, yeah it's like, there's fine, thin, beautifully sculpted like line work and things going on. And even that like breastplate on Sauron was like,
chunky. It was like, it was more roughly carved looking. It didn't have, you know, it was very different. Yeah. And it's very much a lead into everything we see of Mordor later, where like, yeah even the buildings, the weapons, everything is Like the dwarves are angular, but there's still grace in there. yeah And they're much more heavy handed than the elven designs, but Mordor, it's like you said, where it's like rough and chunky and it's like shit. Like there's, there's just like yeah brutality there.
yeah And like, it's like that just really supports the character seeing a beauty in the brutality, which is what he's going for. And it's just like, oof, it was like such a, it was also such like a bitchy upgrade. Like, where it's like every time he can, he turns around and he whips that long blonde hair around and he's like, it's me.
again. Which I was like, to do I need to start doing my hair like Sauron? Like the look was working for me on the hair. Like, and you know, I keep- It's like the cheesy middle part, but Sauron. With like the little half, like the little half bun in the back, but like yeah it's like perfectly cut so that you get the strand in front of the ear. Like it, I don't know. I have long hair right now. i I'm just saying I could do it. Melinda, I'm gonna say do it. Follow your spirit. Let the inner Sauron out. Let her out. I just, it's like Sauron is like so insidious and cruel and yet there's also this like weird, okay, I was telling you before we started recording that I sit in my husband's doorway of his studio and like told him about it for like 30 minutes afterwards. Yeah. So then I was like, this is what my RR. Meanwhile, I haven't read the Silmarillion, but I've like skimmed a little bit. I've gleaned little bits here and there. And like Sauron
is made up of the same stuff that Saruman and Gandalf are, but i but i I can't say more than that, and maybe I'm a little bit wrong, but he's not a god, but he is of that stuff that makes him different than men or orcs or elves, right? Or dwarves. Ancient power.
ancient. Yes. And he is power. And I love that the way that this ancient power chooses to represent is as so tuck hair behind your, you're welcome. Like he's just such a, the camp of it is so beautiful. And I love it. Like the bitch of it is wonderful. And even though I hate him,
I love him. You know, it's just like, it's, it's hard to come, you know, when someone is just that good, you know, like you have to respect the game. Yeah, you are the worst. And like, we see him in other Lord of the Rings properties, like in the Hobbit, we see him as this shadow figure, as the necromancer. We see him in the Lord of the Rings only as the eye or the silhouette in the eye, or at the very beginning of the Lord of the Rings, I felt like a flashback where he's like this giant suit of armor. We don't see. So he never has this approachability. He never is on the same trail. Yeah, he's not.
corporeal or tangible. And here, the way that the character is made is just like so interesting because it's watching this creature, this ancient creature, see things around him and he's reflecting back at people what they know. And that he chooses to put the salt on it. It's just like, that's a choice. You could have been anything, but you were like,
I am a shepherd and I'm here to help. You know it's just like everything is just like the choices are wonderful and they really flesh out this villain so he doesn't feel like a one-dimensional one. So the costumes on him chef kiss and um the fight between he between he and Galadriel where he switches up to Hall brand. It was like, yeah oh, just seeing that face. Yeah. And like, I mean, just even seeing like the same actor, Charlie Vickers with different hair, different clothing was like so effective because you're like, this is a whole different person with a little bit in there. And yeah, it was, it was beautiful. And also we get to see Galadriel's pants in a way that I feel I haven't yeah like noticed yet.
where it felt like she was wearing these like leggings made out of like silvery, leather, pleather, something. I have no idea what it is. In the previous episode, we saw another lady elf um that tragically died, and she had a very similar pant.
a situation that I was like, ooh, lady elves in pants? I'm ready. I love the pants. We've definitely seen it, but the light was finally cast on them this time. They're silvery. They're shiny. I was like, oh, dang. And I loved it. And then I also in my notes wrote mom and dad are fighting. It's so uncomfortable. So uncomfortable. Because I can't help it being sarcastic. I even wrote in parentheses at one point, sad face. It's just like the dwarves arrive at a reggaon at a moment of critical necessity. And we get to see the bearded armor in light where Narvi is wearing the beard. And I do my hair and I need the beard armor.
And I was also like, it's amazing that it kind of seems like it doesn't fit him right. And that felt like, because like Elrond comes up and is like, Durin, and then whosh reveal it's Narvi. And I was like, are you wearing Durin's armor? Because that would be really awesome. if Because it would also make sense, because it would make your enemy think that the royal house is here. And it's like, actually, it's it's Narvi.
I just love the beard and the helmet kind of askew a little bit when he turns and he's like, yes. Except no. So I love seeing that in light. And then we have a montage at the end of the episode where we see everybody while Poppy is giving this like monologue. And I mean, I've cut through some stuff because there's not necessarily costumes elsewhere.
I did think it was very funny that the Harfoots and the desert Harfoots started calling the stranger Grand Elf. When? She said that. And then he repeated. Grand Elf. Grand Elf. I just went. Okay.
I could feel the tears of angry fanboy. Oh my, and delicious they must be. num the minds of Moria. Which way do I go? And like, how do I? And no, he didn't do that in the minds of Moria. He did that at the top of the tower when he was fighting Saruman, and he talks to a moth. And then the great eagles come to save him. Yeah, if I'm not gonna get into it deep, but like we've already talked about it on a different episode. This is this is what story is y'all. It builds. And like,
We've been given some context clues, and it was going to be okay if he was a different wizard. It was going to be okay. It's fine either way. It's outside of the screen. It's to be ah it's it's goingnna continue. That's what I'll say. I just laughed so loud and my husband yelled across the house, is that good or is it bad?
but' like and I just like loved him and Tom Bombadil. their little good like goodbye to the episode singing. and yeah I am Gendel. I was like, you are. But I loved the gown that we saw, Mirielle, kind of like in her imprisonment in Numenor in this final a montage sequence, ah just beautiful colors. And like, again, something really sedate about it. There's just like a balance with her now where she's not wearing 1000 layers. She's not wearing a ton, a ton, a ton of adornments. She's wearing enough where it's like her kind of
showing her status, but she's like got a grace and an acceptance because she's been accepted by the by the sea and she knows it. yeah And I just like love seeing that so much and I can't just wait to see where it goes. um The Dark Wizard is the last thing I have on my notes in cap like capitals with an exclamation point. The Dark Wizard, somebody suggested that the Dark Wizard is Sauron, that Sauron has been active on multiple planes.
well and i would be so deeply into that. Because I was like, I don't know how this could be Saruman. I really don't. Like we find out that Saruman has turned in the Lord of the Rings, at least Gandalf finds out. So that would be pretty crazy. They were friends for a long time. And they were for a very long time. So I don't think that he is Saruman, but somebody suggested that he's Sauron and I would be like you know what if he is Sauron wouldn't that be so funny that the other side of Sauron is this exhausted looking cave dwelling dark wizard in rune who is like vitamin D deficient how do I know I am too and like the long scraggliness and then he saved up all the
handsomeness. It's like the portrait of Dorian Gray. Like he's both, you know, only one can be beautiful. Like one has to look real rough. I would love that. And I can't wait to see where the next season brings us. And I can't wait to see where where our costumes go because we're going to be experiencing so much. And like it's going to be dark. So I wonder where the lights going to come in. You know, like I know Numenor is going to offer us a lot of color.
the elves are still going to offer us a lot of brightness and color there, but it's a dark, dark, dark time. So I'm very interested to see what that looks like in the next season. This is our last episode regarding this season of the show, but we did decide that we are going to do a final wrapping up everything episode next week, where we're going to talk about our process of making our little mini costumes, which we are still working on. They're happening. They're happening. But like,
I would be working on this at a very different speed if it was a project I was being paid for, number one. Always. Always. Like my working hours would be pretty consistent, number one, number two, constant. And it's also been really hot. So that we're like in an un-AC'd house to be doing fine work on like aching wrists. No. yeah So I've been icing wrists and taking my time. My work hours like end at like noon when it gets too hot yeah to be working on this anymore. My functionality ends at noon regardless of what I'm doing. But I'm really excited to to kind of do like a final roundup of just like maybe highlights of the season and then yeah talk about some process stuff, what we discovered about building these little guys.
and we're working on recording the process. So there will be like, Melinda has already been putting stuff on social media, but there will be some form of visual after we do this because we're learning, we're learning. We're little baby creators. I'm very unfamiliar with recording myself while I'm working, so. It doesn't come. No, it's that is just not them naturally that just FYI for anyone listening naturally making things and recording yourself making things in a way that other people would want to look at it are two completely different skills and people are really good at doing that. And I'm like, I should be recording this.
And so, um yeah, maybe we'll cut a YouTube video so that you can have like a nice peaceful process video to see how we did it. And you'll laugh at how i drape how I drape mine, because it's insane, but it works. And I say that on every direction. You cannot argue with results. But looking forward to it. Thanks so much for watching this season with me, Melinda. And thanks so much for, I don't know, starting watching Razor Power at all in order to watch this season. Yeah, I'm really glad that I did. Like, it was... You know, you have like your list of shows in your head of like, oh, I've been been meaning to watch that. And, um you know, it's just like kind of nice to have a little reason to bump it up higher on the list. And what more fun than nerding out and talking about the costumes with you. It's also really exciting to get kind of like inspired. And so I'm excited. I'm excited for our little our little guys to be too complete. But ah yeah, to be using
work skills to do something fantastical inspired by this show. Who would have thought? Thanks a million listeners for listening and following along. We appreciate you. We'll see you next week. I appreciate you, Melinda. See you next week. I appreciate you too. I'll see you then. Bye.