Rings of Power Episode 3 image

Rings of Power Episode 3

S2 E2 ยท Haute Set
28 Plays1 month ago

We're back with episode 3! We've got a few new costumes we got to see in this episode. We also wanted to shout out a few specific costume artisans that contributed to the lush world of the show. Join us for a quick chat. See you when episode 4 drops at the end of the week.


Music: Cassette Deck by Basketcase

I'm Melinda. I'm Ariel. This is Hot Set, the movie podcast about costume design.
Welcome. We are back with our little mini-series called Where and Back Again, where we are covering the Lord of the Rings, Rings of Power Season 2. Today we're talking about Episode 3. It's a same old, same old crew. Me and Ariel are here. We are both having the best Sunday ever. bum but brapa you We are very low energy and I think that is just fine. It might be thematically appropriate for this episode. I don't know. and I don't think so. it It feels like the the joy has been sucked out of a few characters and they're definitely in the mud like they are in it right now or yeah right on the precipice as we'll see.
Yeah. Okay. Episode three, we're here, you know, we're like actually decently far into the series because this is only going to be eight episodes. So I feel like we've got kind of the direction of the show as being established. We've met a lot of people so far, but not everybody, I assume. I think that we have true. I think that we've met all of the main characters from season one. I think we're there. big And the big players. And then where we I think we've been introduced to some potential big, big, big players. So we've got some good stuff to work with right now, emotionally, timing-wise. Yeah. Should I read my my totally spoiler-free synopsis from IMDB for this episode?
Please do. Hit us with it. Okay. Episode three, in four short sentences, Isildur and an old friend reunite. Arondir grapples with change. Mirielle faces rising opposition. Annatar counsels Celebrimdor. Oh, Celebrimbor, I said his name wrong. Yes.
I want to commend your clear reading of the synopsis, but I do also want to say that it absolutely gave me this deep reaction to a math word problem. If the still door leaves the forest going 35 miles an hour on horseback. At what time does Arandir land at Numenor?
When do they discover that all hope is lost? I want to kind of like, okay, we'll get into it. I think that yeah because like I'm just like so firing on two cylinders, one to the right, one to the left, and one to the right is to talk specifically about the episode. And one to the left is to talk about the hands that did some of the work on the costumes that we see. There are two names that I have of people that I know contributed to some of the work. You mentioned that you had a few people you wanted to shout out. Would you like to go ahead?
Well, I think it's possible that one of our names is overlap. So I'll start with the person that I don't think that you have on your list, which is a gal by the name of Alice Nairn, who is credited on this show as a breakdown artist, which is a job title that I think not very many people would recognize.
And that specifically is a person whose job is to take beautifully pristine clothing, perhaps it's just been made, and to wear it out, break it down, make it look old, make it look dirty, make it look like it's been through a battle perhaps, make it look like it's been dragged through the mud. And that is a specific field of work.
that exists in the world of costume technicians. But it's not something that I think people think about a lot, and yet it is a whole person's job on this show. It's one of those beautiful jobs where it does effectively kind of disappear into the background because it sets such a tone, like it's a very quiet language. And if you're nerdy about costumes and excited about that stuff the way that we are. We look for that and we look at, I don't know about you, but sometimes I get like super close to my laptop or like the TV screen. If I pause just to be like, I want to see you more, like I want to see it closer and I'm a glasses wearer. So I am blind as a bat when these are off. And even, even apparently when they're on, I can't, cause you know, camera blurs out certain things. yeah So you can't really see
I'm not a breakdown artist. I have done some distressing here and there for theater, but I highly respect it because it's so cool. I actually have like a little story about Beetlejuice. if you don't mind. i um I was very lucky while I was in school to meet Aggie Rogers, who is a costume designer who's had like a pretty great career, and she worked on Beetlejuice for a little bit. She told me a story about movie the movie, the movie yeah and she was telling me a story about Beetlejuice's suit, the white and black stripes.
And how that got distressed, if I'm remembering correctly, was that a certain costumer, this gentleman whose name I don't recall, apologies, took the cop the suit home, I think, and then ran over it with his car.
ran over it with his car a few times and did additional work to it and stuff but like one of the biggest things he did was that he ran over it with his car and I was just like that is so cool like as a breakdown artist you have really cool sometimes you're ah kind of cast into that role, I think. like There are people who are like very deliberately breakdown artists who are really good at it. There are people who sometimes all they do is just make fake blood. like There are people, at least in theater, there are people who have like specific recipes and that's like their gig.
or like you're specifically a dire or ah you know you have like a specific thing that you do most of the time, but sometimes you kind of get thrown into it out of necessity and you throw a suit under your car and you run over it back and forth and back and forth and back and forth until it looks good enough. Thank you for calling her out because her work on this show is really, really, really good. it's Beautiful. Yes. Thank you, Alice, for all of your talents. People who are interested might like to know that she also has worked on like the recent Napoleon, the Joaquin Phoenix one. She also worked on the TV show Avenue 5, which was a sci-fi show. I think it was on HBO for a couple of seasons. I watched a couple episodes of it, and I don't know that I specifically saw any of her work in the episodes that I saw.
But that's something to check out. She also worked on Artemis Fowl, which I also haven't seen, but seems like intriguing. Who's your pick? Who's your person that you wanted to shout out? At least one of them. So one person I want to shout out, both of them are embroiderers who do work on this show. And the person who is listed on IMDB is, I apologize if I'm mispronouncing your name, Keniez Braganza. And I Googled and I didn't, it was a very quick cursory Google and I didn't see any like,
page or social media specifically for this person but if there were I would probably be eating it up because I embroidery and beating and those like certain finishing techniques are my like favorite thing in the world and I just like love to get really nerdy about it. I think you can attest to it because I already sent you a message about an embroidery today. You did.
and her book is on my coffee table right next to me. But i I'm really enjoying the embroidery and some of the variety of the embroideries that we're seeing in the show and the beading. And I'm not sure, I said this before, I'm not sure if there was like a separate person who did the beading or if it was the embroiderer themselves who did it. like I know that when I embroider, I also do the beading because they're together. It's part of it. Yeah, it's like, yeah, the project. So it wasn't on IMDB listed as a separate thing. So if there was another person who did it, my apologies in advance. But this embroider, I just really am enjoying some of the subtleties.
of the embroidery and the beading and part of that is like necessity. You know you can't like always embroider a full garment and why would you? That's i mean um and gorgeous, but like it's very time consuming.
So the way that each culture has these little elements included where the camera can pick them up is really nice and delicate. And like a lot of the beating in this show has been very subtle. Like it's meant to catch the light. It's not necessarily meant to be this like major feature. And I've really kind of enjoyed the variety in that. Yeah. So shout out to our embroidery for the show. That was the other person that I was going to shout out to.
so love her. um People can also see her work in House of the Dragon, the live action Little Mermaid, and Doctor Strange, the multiverse of madness. So that's like a pretty, I mean, these are all obviously only certain projects are gonna need an embroiderer on staff, but that's like kind of a nice like diverse cool of styles and types of movie, even though they're all pretty big, you know, franchises, but still pretty cool to know that you can kind of like pop around in different genres and just do like absolutely stunning, beautiful work. The other person that I wanted to shout out, and this is just because I found out today by going on her Instagram,
Michelle Carragher. I love her embroidery work, and this is the person that I sent you on Instagram. Michelle Carragher was, I believe, the principal embroidery of Game of Thrones. So a lot of those. Did you watch Game of Thrones at all? I very much did not watch Game of Thrones. Okay. So a really quick rundown of the work on Game of Thrones is that in the houses, like the families that each have kind of like a um ah representative animal right and so like there's one family that has like a fish theme there's another that has dragons you know wolves all this and Michelle Carriger in each of these like main ah character items was like her work is so beautiful because like her embroidery is on so many costumes in that show. And they are the themes of the houses, the themes of the like story where it is, where it's being worn. I don't know, it's just her work is beautiful. And what's very nice about Michelle Carragher is that she published a book in 2021 called Trace, P-R-A-C-E by, certain like,
released by Search Press. It has a lot of really great close-up photos of some of her work, and she also explains a little bit of some of her techniques, but they are stunning. And she embroidered did some embroidery on Galadriel, which I was really surprised by. Yeah, she posted on Instagram, ta-da, I did a little thing for Galadriel. And I was like,
just shout out to these guys. Yeah. yeah yeah i think And so many more. We'll keep talking about other artists. Yeah, I think it's something that will probably keep coming up. um I was also so excited in this episode to see the costume that you picked to make. We got to see her, right? We got to meet her. We did. So towards the end of the episode,
in Numenor. I mean, we're in Numenor pretty quick and we mostly finish there and then do a little hop over to Region and the Forge, Celebrimbor's Forge. But Mirielle is having a ah she's having a rough time.
i I'm like pretty pretty upset about it. I'm pretty upset about it. Because I could watch Mirielle and this is like the whole show. I'd be yeah great. Let's have some political intrigue. And then I would love for her to push Farazhan off of something very, very tall so that we could watch him gorgeous. That's the guy that looks like Jason Manzoukis, right?
Is that, that's the guy? Yes. Mr. Beardy himself. So in this episode, I don't know that we're going to necessarily like hit all the beats. I think maybe we'll hit like our highlights. I don't know. We have no format. no So it's whatever we feel like doing. Exactly. And one of the things about like a fantasy, fantasy show like this, or, you know, a show that exists in a world that is not our own is that This is also true in period shows that are not about super wealthy people. Not everybody has a lot of clothing available to them. So there are a lot of characters that are wearing similar things as we go. Also, we are like watching some things happen in the same day.
So there are people who are still wearing the same clothes as we saw in the last couple episodes. So there is not always a lot of change, which makes it so that each episode has a different amount that we can talk about. And the first two episodes, we had a lot of establishing and now we're continuing. But Mirielle is one you know character who did wear a few things. And one of them was her coronation, well, her attempted coronation.
gown. It is exactly what I'm going to try to do in quarter scale over the next few weeks. I think that this is like, it's it's just, it was stunning. It was really, really beautiful. And it feels almost like a, like a spiritual garment, like in a way, the, the collar, which is what I keep wanting to call it, but I'm sure that it's maybe modeled off of, you know, something else. But the collar that she wears is mother of Pearl up the wazoo and like other precious shells or stones. There's abalone in there, which I love. And Pearl, there's this connection to the sea. And her headpiece, I think, is pretty amazing. The silver that um drops down, there's a circlet that goes around her head with like deep blue stones. And then on either side of her face are these like angular shapes.
also with precious stones, but then there's like little delicate chains that connect what falls by her face up to the circlet at the back of her head so that it doesn't like swing around into her eyes, which I think is so clever and so delicate, but it looks just like jewelry and you would look past the intention of it, but I like that there's an intention in there into the building of it and she has I noticed that there's a lot of this like ah harness jewelry yes happening, harness jewelry and harness clasping happening this season and I'm really enjoying it because like but right next to Muriel is the
the spiritual leader um who is going to be like bestowing you know the crown on her or whatever. And he has this whole cross chest detail that also we saw with Gil-galad in um Lyndon. And it's like, oh, that's a very, it seems like that could be like an elven influence even, which is something that is like old world Numenor, that the new Numenor is like trying to get rid of and that's kind of the political move to get Muriel out of power. But when I noticed that, then I really started to look at all the other people who were in the coronation room and there are so many sea
um references like references to water and fish and shell and ah scales and fins. like there's a Somebody has a metal collar with scalloped edges that are like fins. Elendil's armor is scaled like a fish. Thereson at the edge of his cloak has a very delicate metallic scale trim.
There are just, oh, Ariane, Elendil's daughter and Isildur's sister, has beaded net at her shoulder caps. Oh, I loved the beaded net. and it was so you You can kind of look past it when it's happening at you because it's a very subtle thing. like It's very obvious that it's there. the head yeah Yeah, it's not beading over the head and then you keep looking at other people and you see these very beautiful deliberate, like, little additions. And I just really, really enjoyed that with Numenor in this episode. And I'm so jazzed that I finally got to see all of the coordination gown. I'm really happy about that. Yes! I was so excited. And it was, it was so, so perfectly timed. And because it was, ah like, when you kind of, when I realized that that was gonna be the the dress we were gonna see is when she's having the conversation where the guy's trying to convince her to wear crimson.
at the coronation and that went back to your observation from last time that like all these characters in Crimson are sort of foreshadowing the influence that Sauron is having over these characters and he tries to convince her to wear and says like Crimson is the future and White is the past and she obviously rejects it, she chooses the White Yi wears crimson, and then we see how all of that plays out at the coronation. Just to speak to our our glorious audience of millions, whenever we throw out things like, this represents this, obviously that's our own interpretation. And if that was the intended or interpretation of the designers of the show, then that's really exciting that we got to pick up on what they were putting down.
because no matter what everything that you see on screen or on a stage is always super deliberate. You can take from it what you will, but I really like trying to look for the connections and I try looking for the character story that's coming out through what they're wearing. That's what gets me excited about costume. I mean, yes, embroidery and beating. It can be both. It can be both. Yeah, the technique and the construction stuff and then the philosophy and intention behind things I love. And so, yeah, every time I see Crimson, I'm like, re-wrote. Morning.
And then you're wearing too warm of clothing. And I noticed that a little bit with um our friends in the Southlands that they're speaking of our breakdown artist friend, the the folk in the Southlands, like we don't really get to see, we do get to see a Pelargir that there are folk with some blues and some like, you know, aged tans and gold. Like there are some other colors that we're seeing, but overall in the Southlands, they've had it hard. They've had it really hard.
they've had to fight like the climate and they've also just been like again mentioned last episode like it's kind of like a feudal existence not a futile but like feudal England where they're they're very much like peasants and maybe it is a little futile because like Mordor just People just keep putting their foot on these people's neck. yeah they're just like right things being Ground down. yeah Ground down. And so the the distressing and the breaking down in their clothing is really, really amazing because in my head, when I think of the culture of the Southlands, I think of
very dark and very like dirty and not necessarily because they're dirty people, but to just like show how hard they have had it recently. And I was a little bit happy to see a little bit of color on some folks and be like, look, a little light. Well, also like you guys aren't necessarily culturally dour, like maybe you are with how you talk, but the way you dress, it's like you have access to not like velvet, not necessarily silk, those things, but you have like linens, you have the wools, you have these natural fibers and you dye them and you try to put things on them and like do things that are deliberate and like as gifts. Like, if you're sewing a shirt for a loved one, you probably like embroider a little bit at it. But it's it's very much at a lower level than Numenor, right? Because like they just don't have the access. But that said, I really love Arundir's armor. And I know that in the first season, people wanted to complain about it, but I love that it looks like leather.
which would be lighter weight than a metal and leather. Also, the shaping of the armor that he's wearing would not necessarily creak and it has this like it actually has the like wood texture that like it's pretty cool to have this like green man face on your chest.
and have it like peek out when you have a cloak or like be fully out when you're Errandier like doing crazy flips like saving a soldier's life. Yeah, I was obsessed with the armor. I don't really, I'm not like the most versed in the minutia of Tolkien and all of that. So I don't really know why anybody would look at that and be mad about it. I thought it looked so cool. I think that I'm already talking about in the first like episode, but it feels like a lot of people just really wanted to complain, complain, complain. And like they were kind of combining complaints about Amazon with complaints about the work that people did in costuming. And I don't agree with that. I
enjoy and I see and I recognize the work that was done here. Let's see. Who else do we want to talk about? who Do you have any like crazy highlights from this episode? I think the most exciting thing to me was that we got to see an orc baby. I was really, really excited about that and it made me think about um these internet joke that I've seen a few different places that like no one's ever seen a baby pigeon.
but I was like, no one's ever seen a baby or like, and true you know, like we just see them like in like the Lord of the Rings movies. They just get like birthed out of the mud, like fully. yeah And there's I was like, oh my God, a lady orc with an orc baby, a little orc family.
And to finally because with this family, we're also seeing like we have some insight into how the orcs are living and they're living very similarly to our, our human friends in the South lens, which all of this becomes Mordor, but like they are in the mud. They are also hand to mouth and our human friends are wearing different fibers with more color, et cetera. But like, as we talked about before, the orcs are like gathering.
All of their items it feels like from from communities that they're running over and so they're like mishmash and patched all over the place and it was yeah yeah pretty cool to see like a family of works. Representation matters everybody you know.
I noticed in this episode that we got to see Disa in Eregion when she and Prince Durin are talking to Celebrimbor and Annatar and there's just like these are the the other ones that like really stood out to me. I loved being able to see Disa in Brighter Lighting in this episode because the stones, the beading on her dress like Really, you got to see more clearly. like It wasn't just like picking up the light and like hinting at where it was. Again, referencing my eyesight. But um like you really got to see it. And I really loved seeing her next to Prince Durin because he was in all these warm tones and like the the crimson and the gold and like with his spiked breastplate, which was el it ah oh really beautiful. And then right next to him,
she's in like silver and like warm dove like silvery gray with like probably garnet you know and it was just like really cool seeing them both together because they're such and her jewelry was also silver and his was gold and so it was like seeing the wealth of kazadum and the dwarf kingdom right next to each other and just this like variety of the things that they know that they their art their artistry really is It's just like, it's really cool to see. And then the other couple opposite them, our, our, our girl Sauron and a car and Celebrimbore. Celebrimbore is still wearing his same Crimson robes from the last episode, but he does wear his apron again. And I'm not sure if it's the same apron.
I love it and I think it's the same one he wore in season one but we get to see his back and it has this cool like cross back with like a metal fixture at the center back and it feels like the straps that go over his shoulders and under his arms are metallic.
I mean, he was moving and I was like you know multitasking at the end of the episode. i'm goingnna um but ah so i didn't you know You don't really get to see things in full detail because they are moving, but I really wanted to see it more. And Annatar's apron that he's wearing next to Celebrine Boer, there was also a themed metallic straps as well, which was pretty cool. But Sauron herself, Lady Annatar,
we talked about in the last episode how Jesus dressed himself, and i just this like false shepherd you could kind of stretch and go, oh, a little bit wizard, but definitely like a shepherd, just like a plain robe that doesn't have any crazy belts. Like, yes, there there is and embroidery or paint, you know, whatever that is creating like these delicate borders, but it's very, ah weve yeah it's very raw weave and it's very intentionally humble and yeah
There's a false humility and simplicity, but it's obviously very deliberate from our point of view. The little circlet to give him authority in his hair is just like you want to punch him in the throat. This is so manipulative the way that you have dressed yourself. I hate you. It's very much like on the table in the cave in Indiana Jones, The Last Crusade. The simple cup, yes.
Yeah, it really is, where it's like everybody around him, he is surrounded by other elves in the Forge, um including Celebrimbor, but there is, across from him, Prince Durin and Diesa, and they are very intentional. Yes, Prince Durin has been mining, he has been doing stuff, but he is a prince, and he is wearing the clothing of a prince, and Diesa is wearing the clothing of a prince's wife and a ah stone singer. she's a She has her own like kind of place. yeah yeah in in their society so like they have very even though they are really struggling right now with like the curse that has fallen on kazad-doom they are dressed beautifully and they are also here to represent kazad-doom as they are sitting in front of kellabrimboar so they look like visiting dignitaries and this bitch sauron is just like i don't have to try so hard
It's like, I hate you. Like, I just, I just wake up and I just roll into my like rough ah homespun. I embroidered this myself on the ship from Valinor. So like, and don't worry about it. I don't concern myself with, you know, I mean, like, you know, everybody has their own priorities and mine are just a little bit more humble. Yeah, they're like humble, but they're heady. It's not really about me. It's about us.
it's about I just, guess about brotherhood oh God. So like seeing him opposed to all of them, but he is wearing a crown. It's just like, oh, the audacity and like the, the, the, the subtle, like, I'm going to bite you. You're a little scorpion. It's just, my last thing is Deesa's cloak when she and Prince Durin leave.
Um, she has this cloak that has what feels like a woven border that's also angular. It's like a lot of triangular, um, design. And I just, I really liked it. I like, I'm very into layering and details. And because it's so dark in Kaza Doom, we haven't really been able to see a lot of the details. We're, we're taking in that there's a lot of detail, but there's just literally no light. And so.
um that's part of the storytelling so it's nice to just like kind of sit with them for a minute and see more of their cultural work because with the elves we've been able to see so much of their detail work in their cultural dress and so it's just been really nice yeah.
i I enjoyed this episode. I had a nice time. We ah we did get to see baby Shelob, who we see later in The Lord of the Rings. To remember her name. yeah I couldn't im was like, oh, I know that's who we just saw, but I couldn't forget the name. And I i could like feel those little spider legs like in my mine's hands and just... that Yeah, nasty.
nasty and wet and sticky and all those things. But yeah, I think that there was- I think they know who we met at the very end. where It was like a bit of a cliffhanger, like who Theo runs into in the woods. And I think, oh I know who it was. So I'm excited to find out if I'm right. which I can't wait. I really, really, hu I can't wait for the slow speech. I can't wait.
yeah so I really love that. but We're just interviews like, and i I would love to see that opposite Theo, because Theo's, Theo's going through a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot. Oh, and that was a little detail with Theo is that like, you know, they, they've been through a lot of violence and like he just lost his mom and they just burned her on a pyre. And at the beginning of when we see Theo, his like fur has been ripped like at his shoulders, like the sheepskin or whatever it is that he's wearing. And I just like, I really wanted somebody to sit him down for just a few minutes and express a little bit of love and care for him with just a few stitches, you know, just to set it to right. back um Because it's just like that told me that he doesn't have anybody who's looking after him that way. Erendir's trying and Isildur is like,
you know, basically just met them and they've all suffered this like horrible attack, but there's no mom there anymore. And that really hit it home visually that like, he's been through this and there's nobody to fix it. And it's just like, sorry to end the episode.
But I mean, what a beautiful detail, right? Like in the Southlands to like, to to support the storytelling of like, this kid has other shit to think about and he's not, going to look at these details that his mom would see right like and take care of. And if Erendir tried, Theo would stab him probably at this moment. Oh, you're making me so sad, Ariel. Think about Numenor. Think about all the sea and maritime references in their costumes, because that that is stuff where I would love to be able to freeze the scene and then jump in and just look at everything up close.
And I do hope that there is like at Comic Con or at like a film museum or another museum that there's like ah an exhibit at some point where we do get to see these up close. There has to be so much work. There's this is so much work that we get to see such a tiny percentage because of how cameras work and where the camera has to go up close and into somebody's face to tell us the story.
That was episode two with costumes. Well, show episode three are episode two. Show episode three are episode two. If you are glorious listeners, have any costumes that you're enjoying, or any characters or cultures within the world of Middle Earth that you are enjoying, please let us know. We're on Instagram. Yeah, hit us up on Instagram. That hot set podcast. Let us know.
Follow us on TikTok. With our one TikTok that has like, I can count the viewers who are not our mom or my husband on one hand. So we're doing pretty well.
we're doing super good. and I think we're doing amazing. Yeah, because that's not what it's really about. It's just about having fun and talking about fun stuff. That's what I'm about. Yeah, so we'll be back at the end of this week when episode four comes out. We will be watching and recording and getting back into it again. Like, yeah, and over the week we will be working on our own little quarter scale designs, our little, well, realizations of ah show designs. And so we're going to be documenting the whole process. And I think we'll be working on some draping and some patterning this week and um hunting for some materials. So looking forward to sharing that journey with you, our dear listeners. Thanks for listening. Thank you. And bye. Bye. Bye.