Star Trek (2009) Red Shirts Watch Out image

Star Trek (2009) Red Shirts Watch Out

S1 E9 · Haute Set
29 Plays27 days ago

We did it! A whole episode about Star Trek! We delve into JJ Abrams take on creating a new Star Trek timeline and how a 21st century eye influenced the costumes, and what stayed true to the original. This is uniform talk from top to bottom. So beam on up, we are about to hit warp speed. Also- which original crew member are you most like? 




Music: Cassette Deck by Basketcase

I'm Melinda. I'm Ariel. This is Hot Set, the movie podcast about costume design.
Hello and welcome, dear friendly listeners. We finally made it. We're at Star Trek 2009 and I am So excited about it.
I'm so excited about it. How you doing, Melinda? I'm doing really well. I'm really happy that we're here. And yeah, I was curious, like Arielle, do you like Star Trek? Are you a fan? i Would you consider yourself?
ah i age Just a little. Just a little. For those who cannot see, because this is a listening podcast, not a seeing podcast, I'm putting imaginary hair behind my ears. um Yeah.
I married into a family of Star Trek fans and realized that I didn't really have like a consistent understanding of Star Trek. Aside from I had seen a lot of the next generation movies, like I had them on VHS. So they were kind of comfort watches, but I had never watched the show itself except from like catching little parts of episodes at like hotels.
you know, when you're like on vacation or whatever. And having seen this movie Star Trek 2009 was like, oh, I'm excited to see this. This is cool. And I was used to, you know, William Shatner, and I was used to seeing Jean-Luc Picard in the next gen movies. So it was a very different viewpoint, like,
kind of at the end of a tenure in Star Trek. But I knew like the stereotypes of William Shatner in the original series, and like I was familiar with all of that stuff, because my mom also knew, but wasn't like crazy about Star Trek, but liked it. And so I started watching Next Generation when I was working and in in-home care, and I would have it on like at night when um it was like after bedtime, and I was like, well, I've got to like you know decompress my brain.
And so I went through the whole series, like obsessively binge watching like every night from them and um fell in love with it because it's so much more serious than you would think and so much more ridiculous than you would think. Like when you think of Star Trek, what comes to your mind, Melinda? Like even just like the Star Trek community, all those things like what comes to mind. I'm also, I'm not very well versed in the Star Trek universe. My dad liked the original series when he was a kid. So when I think of Star Trek, I think of William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, George Takei, the Gorn, the like Southern California desert with that rock formation. I think about like everyone like throwing their bodies across the control room to simulate like the ship being
hit. I think about all that like all of those things you think of like the the kind of sorry everybody but like the hokeyness. of the original like technology because it was groundbreaking and it like it also did like, you know, predict a lot of technology that we're familiar with like sliding doors, cell phones, like cell phone design, all these things. But they did like super important things like the first interracial kiss on TV and they had gender neutral costuming where there were men who were wearing like basically dresses and you know, just like
things in the uniform that were done. and I don't quite know when that was introduced. so just Here's my preface that I told Melinda. say yeah just with tell Tell us. I am a fan of Star Trek, but I am a bibbifam.
ah me where i The way that my brain works, I do keep like little bits of information stored away in there as like personal trivia, but the world of Star Trek is very vast and it is very deeply researched. And like, if you go to conventions, there are people who show up in costumes, like cosplays, all that kind of stuff where they have deeply researched every stitch that they've put in, everything they've done. they They put in a lot of effort and like,
this show, the world of Star Trek is very, very archived I feel in a way that like other things aren't necessarily. yeah yeah And it's very impressive and I do respect it a lot. And I am not one of those. respectable people So you know, I'm just a fan. And like, I just enjoy the work that people have done. And yes, we are recording a podcast, but do remember that like we are vibes, we are costumers. So we are seeing it through the lens of people who make and like costumes. But um
even even if I wanted to research all of this stuff, there's so much out there that my brain would melt. So i'm I'm just going to be very honest and say I did not do.
due diligence on everything. This is purely a watch from somebody who likes the universe of Star Trek and is just like talking about things that I've noticed because I have watched a bunch of shows, but I cannot tell you exactly when, you know, the uniform colors were decided. I will be reciting a little bit of that based on a screen rant article because I cannot hold that in my mind. um No.
But it is such like ah an interesting universe to dip your toe into and there's just like little things that I know here and there like the world of ah Star Trek is just really Fascinating because yes, like we were talking about there is like hokiness But there is really serious stuff and like when did you ever watch next generation at all? um No, I haven't really watched any of next gen like I've I've seen like I have like certain visuals in my like mind like associated with it But no, I've never sat down and watched it So because Next Gen was my like entree, if you will, into like truly loving Star Trek, it's kind of my point of reference. I've watched Strange New Worlds, I've watched Discovery, I recommend they're amazing and they have like crazy budget. But in the shows, they always talk about real human things. And this is ah a true trend with a lot of like sci-fi, which is that they are talking about the human condition, the human world and how we are in it through essentially big metaphor.
You know, and like Star Trek is taking human civilization and forecasting it way into the future and what we could be and where we're still stuck. But it's also about how we are in the universe outside of ourselves and how we can be something better in what that would look like.
and Gene Roddenberry and other creators in the Star Trek universe created moments in the timeline that are like, these are moments where we did something bad as humans and we moved on from that. So that now we are what we consider to be non-violent, even though we still get into fights or whatever. But like we're not, right for like you know, Starfleet itself yeah is not a militaristic entity. It's scientific and it's for the purpose of exploration and study and so it has had militaristic moments in its past and like the the officers do have to protect themselves because they're going into situations where they don't quite know if they'll be safe but their whole purpose is to kind of poke at the universe and see what pokes back.
without wading into it with soul aggression, which is where we are right now in our development. If we were to do any kind of exploration like that, we would be kitted out with just nothing but weapons. We wouldn't even bother, really, with anything beyond taking like specific scientific specimens. But it would be like... Yeah, what is that like... What is it like Star Force or whatever? What is it called? That like... Star Fleet?
Wait, with Star Force, the thing that exists now? like The thing that they want to exist now that sounds like a nightmare? What is this called? I don't know, but I think it's probably like Star Force. It's something really stupid. they're like ah There's cool stuff on sci-fi TV shows that like really works yet. it's like But those things have been backed up.
whatever you're doing. since it's like ah like this not it sorry to tell this is not it and So next gen really got me because like I wasn't expecting to to see. And like it was a show that was on for a really long time with a lot of episodes. So you have a lot of time to get to know the characters and to fall in love with the portrayals that these actors have given.
and the work that they've done. And you really do. And you really start to like see beyond the hoke of it all, the hokey-pokey-ness. And you just see it for what it is. And like you really see them as like real people. you You're like, this could be a real future, even if it's not. you know But like you do fall in love with the way that people are able to do better than you can envision most people doing now if they were put into those situations.
And then you get, um you know, wharf in a hot and a mud bath, which is random. Which we all need to see. like Which we all need to see. And I actually do have my husband been took a still of that and blew it up and framed it and gave it to me for Christmas one year. And it's one of my most prized possessions.
they flat our wall Wharf in a mud bath is. Oh my gosh. So it's like you get these really unserious things like Riker, you know, just like constantly throwing his leg over a chair to sit down. You get William Shatner being like so smug and ridiculous and then running like he's a 92 year old man shuffling. Which I think he literally is like a 92 year old man now. Oh well, congratulations to everything Mr. Shatner.
Yeah, he's been around for a minute. You know, you get like the silliness for sure. And like George Takei with a shirt off, like fencing, like crazy. You know, you get the jokes, you get all of those things, but there's like a heart in it that yeah is the reason why Star Trek is as popular and will remain as popular as it is for a really long time. It's it's just, it gets you. So I've seen Next Gen, I've seen Strange New World's Discovery, I've seen some of the original series.
And ah friend a dear friend of mine who has left us um actually like when she was ill was really getting into a watch through of the original series. And she was like, sit down. This is so crazy. You have to watch these. And she made me watch a couple of the like the first episodes of the original series. And I will have that memory for my whole life of just like her just losing it on these things that are just so crazy.
That's wonderful. And you're just like Leonard Nimoy. How? He were able to make such comedy. Being so straight. Like, oh my God. That's the best way. Like, yeah. Yeah. Just being totally straight, man. And like the chemistry between the actors has to be a thing. Otherwise you're out. So when Star Trek 2009 came out, I went and saw it with my mom.
And I was telling you that like she was just dying. She was dying at all the bits. She was dying at like every time um Bones was on screen. She was like, ooh, wee. When I handsome Carl Urban man. um And then he would just like make all the jokes that the same you know character would make in the original series with the same intensity. So to the movie itself.
I am one of the people who enjoyed the fact that it was an alternate universe, that like it's the breaking points every time something yeah changed. It cast off this new universe, basically. Yeah, I'm with you in that one. like i and remember i I'm pretty positive that I saw this movie in the theater, and I really didn't have that much background of anything with Star Trek.
And so like the opening scene, I don't know that that's not the backstory of anything. And so like, i' I'm just watching. I'm just like, I'm here to watch a movie. I'm watching the movie. This is the movie. This is what happens. But I think in a way, it's it's such a smart move to do the the alternate universe thing because it allowed them to have so much freedom without the super knowledgeable hardcore fans being like, you screwed this up, you did this wrong. It's like, no, we're doing our own thing. We actually can't do it wrong because this is something new. So come with us, we're going here. I do think because my brothers-in-law are actually on the opposite side.
where both of them had very strong feelings. At the time, I don't know if it's changed recently, but I do remember them talking about how, and because this was before I knew Next Gen or like more about the world of Star Trek. I was like, what do you mean? But they were like, this isn't Star Trek, because it's about like big explosions and fighting. And that's not what Star Trek is. ah And so There's like the Prime Directive is something that is very big in Star Trek. Do you know what that is? um I don't. I've definitely heard the phrase, but I don't know what it is. So the Prime Directive is basically their biggest rule in Starfleet, which is don't interfere.
And so this is like this series of movies is a big example of of interfering. And like in the in the sequel, I think they addressed that like immediately. And i as I watched the shows and I started to kind of understand the the way that the characters... I'm gonna say this wrong, I'm sure. um So apologies to fans. But um the way that the characters discuss and go forward into moments of strife and crazy things is it's meant to change through the series and it does in the movie series which is why I was so open to it was because I also came to it without knowing the show background but like
In the show, they're weighted down by so many of the same things and just being like, but we're we're here for science. We are here to basically be like ambassadors and that that is always going to be our our first focus. And so throughout the shows, all of them, you see so many people struggle so much to be affected by so much trauma. It's crazy.
and then be put into insane situations and have to overcome that. And ah there's like a there's a line by Spock that I'm going to get wrong, but he says that um basically he is teaching Shatner Kirk.
It's a Spock but Shatner. the cow Spock is teaching the Captain Kirk in the original series and Kirk is teaching Spock and we see that dynamic in this movie where yeah um Captain Kirk is very much instinctual. He gets angry and he acts on it.
But he's also very smart. He's very capable. He was born to be the captain of a starship. He absolutely was. right But he has to learn to curb his temper. He has to learn that he can't always be on a big white horse and save everybody in this big bombastic way. And Spock has to learn being a leader is not just being a fist and yeah or the the loudest voice in the room. And Spock has to learn to balance being Vulcan with being half human. And he has to learn that balance and how to communicate and how to exist as both and that the both half of him, both halves of him are always fighting and he has to learn that balance. And Kirk is the human representative that teaches him how to. Right. for can take Yeah, they they bring they each bring their yeah positives and negatives to the table and
And one together exactly. And the the thing that Spock says is something about, um, I'm just going to get it wrong. That's just plain fact, but it's something about the value of the many versus the one.
And I think that comes from ah when when Kirk is trying to save Spock. But if he were to save Spock, ah in in like way, way, way back when, in like the original series or one of the movies. yeah But if he were to save Spock, more people would die. So it's- It's basically like the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few kind of- That's what it is. That's exactly what it is. Yay, I did it. You're such a Star Trek fan. Oh my gosh.
It's that thing where Spock is able to see things almost mathematically and Kirk is like, what are you talking about? I'm going to flip this table. And so seeing that dynamic play out in this movie is great. And I enjoyed seeing this like alternate timeline.
because it was nice to see that even if things play out slightly differently from the Star Trek universe that we know, that it will balance out in the end because they have the same background as the characters in the show.
And so they are essentially the same people. They're going to get to similar places that we know. They're just going to get there by different roads, like they're human or whatever. They're they're aging people, so they are going to age and develop and grow, like even if it's not exactly the same as the Trek universe um in the shows and elsewhere. Yeah, we still end up with the same group of people on the same ship. so We do. And more importantly, we still end up with that group of people still coming into those situations where they have to learn the same lessons as the characters that we loved from the shows. Because that's the heart of it, right? It's like how you operate in the universe. And so like they eventually get closer and closer. They weren't
as yeah close as they were in the show, but they get closer and closer. And it's also, I think, clever, the way that they did it, because it speaks to a new audience that might not have fallen in love with Star Trek before, and is used to seeing media a specific way. And it's kind of like going out to bring them back in. And so I like them. They're different than the other Star Treks, but I like them.
And do I loved the costumes in this. i This was the first time I've watched this from this lens. Like I just say have watched it like from a comfort place of like, it's a space movie. Let's put it on. And this time I was like, oh, wait now, now I'm on the opposite side because I just finished watching Discovery. Like when it just finished, like the last season of Discovery just finished airing like a month or two ago. And I've been watching Strange New Worlds and so like this era of Star Trek is fresher than it would be because on the timeline, ah Strange New Worlds and Discovery are happening closer to this movie, like on the timeline than Next Gen. Next Gen is in the future.
okay and you know for It's more future than this feature. so ok's Let's get into it. Christopher Pike, who is the captain currently of the Enterprise, who gives ah Captain Kirk, like you got to be better because your dad was great and like invites him onto the ship. We're not going to like necessarily hit every beat unless you have like a synopsis. The only thing I wanted to say about um Iowa,
that we see with Kirk is that I really appreciated that the robot cop had robot Jodhpur's. I put that in here. The sharp angles and Jodhpur-esque trousers. I had to do that. Cybercop feels straight out of Demolition Man, which is pretty amazing.
Did we talk about, that came up previously too, I think. It did. It did. And I gave you a little bit of incorrect information, but I'm not mad about it. It's fine. I don't know any better. So, okay. We'll wind it back and we'll just do like a quick recap. So the very top of the movie we see before Captain Kirk has been born, we see his dad and we see like this ship. Yeah, which is like a pre-thor Chris Hemsworth. Oh, baby, baby Thor is crazy. I didn't even know who he was.
oh And um he is like one of the officers on the bridge and they are coming across an anomaly. There's like a big black hole and everything goes to shit, if you will. And basically, there's this whole story playing out.
in front of them, that they are just the casualties, you know, they're, they're like, right? shareness Yeah, they're not a target. They're not the hero. They are just they just collateral damage. Absolutely cut with collateral damage. And so we we do see some uniforms, which is pretty great. And they're all pretty muted, which I really loved. Because when you think of Star Trek uniforms, you think of that bold red, the bold blue, like the rich like gold, you think of those like colors, they're very,
saturated and very bright. These are much more muted. They also have this zipper that is just utilitarian. It's not like, hey, look, there's a zipper. It's just straight up the front. But yeah what's funny about that, Melinda, is that zippers have had a long history in Star Trek where they used to be like a weird side zippers that like the construction was bonkers. So in the original series, I feel like it came like up the side and then up over the collar and like up the side of the neck or something. So like the- Was it a continuous zipper all the way up? Yeah. And the pull tab would match, like they would have dyed the zipper, but it was like, that's a zipper. And that the the way that that zipper is traveling is pretty crazy. and Yeah, she got all the angles.
It was just nuts for a while. And then you can see that they were trying to figure out how to make it still look futuristic-y, like in the original costumes, but make it a little bit less of a pain. So the zipper has had a long tried and true history in the universe of Star Trek. And so I noticed them every time. And there are just so many, yeah, there's so many uniform variations in this movie alone. There's a lot of uniform variations.
Fantastic. And the uniforms that we're really used to are super tight. And so what I noticed was in this ship, the uniforms are, they're tight, but they're not like, you feel your internal organs rising. And there are also multiple pieces where people are wearing shirts and then they have trousers. So they are two pieces instead of one, like, so not a jumpsuit but like a onesie essentially. I mean if you're lucky you get to wear some trousers and I have more to say about that later. but And so they also have these like interesting like piping details that go across their collarbones and into their upper arms and I really like.
it was yeah everything in this everything in this series is very athletic in this version of yeah Star Trek is super athletic all the fabrics are very different than what I'm used to seeing because like in the shows and in the previous movies you you run the gamut right because the budgets have been all over the place but in this one high budget but also very very athletic fabrics were not just yeah we're not just like in like this sort of twill uniform like i was trying to think while watching this movie i was trying to kind of remember when the sort of rise of athleisure and performance fabrics and that whole movement
that we currently live in the middle of happened. I'm going to honestly say that it started late, if you think ah juicy, Juicy Couture and like Adidas. And so like late 90s, early 2000s is when we started to step into it. And then it really like just kept getting more and more intense into the teens of the 2000s. And here we are now.
But like, we've had it going. So by the time this movie came out, athleisure is very, but it's like very current. It's very, yeah um very much like what was happening, which is affecting. Yeah. And it's an interesting thing to look back on now where we think of Like, you think of, oh, I got to run to the store, like, I'm just going to throw on some sweatpants or some leggings or whatever. But that was not always the case, even in our adult lives. That was not something that you would do. But yeah, sorry, I disrailed your. No. Oh, not at all. I don't know if that's the word. Derailed your synopsis. We're just about to get into ah uniform colors. That's it. Yeah. Okay. i think This is going to be so funny. I'm so sorry, Belinda.
but for editing So I'm just gonna not edit any of this out. It's just gonna be a lovely mess. So on this bridge of this ship at the beginning of the movie, all the uniforms are pretty muted and almost like jewel toned, which is like such a nice difference on your eyes because it just makes everything feel distant. It makes it feel older. And like having these big piping details over the collarbones, having the big buckles, like there's just details that feel like when we look back and see how our parents dressed or we see like older uniforms from now. But again, this is not militaristic, so there's no there's no weapons. It's just uniforms to denote position. apart And then there's like a big thing that I didn't notice at the time. So uniforms, I have to actually look at the screen rent article. So claim, claim, claim, screen rent, screen rent, screen rent. I did not write this. In the 23rd to 24th centuries, blue uniforms have been associated with the medical and science divisions. And in the 23rd century, the golden uniform was for command and some operations positions.
The red shirts were historically kind of a joke. They were a bit, if somebody was wearing a red shirt, they were going to die. It was like you could like drinking game based on one of the show. Yeah. Like some one of the only things that I know about Star Trek is like the red shirt guy is going to die in the episode. It's like the joke. Yeah.
Yeah, you just, oh and that actually happens in this movie later, which is pretty great. There's the red shirt casualty that is so big. But um what I did not notice until I watched Strange New Worlds and Discovery, which have medical staff wearing all white, is that in this movie, the medical staff are all wearing white.
And they're wearing white and clear vinyl. So there's a connection that's pretty cool that I wasn't expecting. like Sometimes when I think of these movies, I think of them as like slightly aside, not only because they're on a different timeline, but because they're the the big blockbuster cinematic versions. And so I kind of like don't necessarily think of them in line with the rest of the Star Trek universe, but that's dumb. And so it was like, oh, hey, look at you guys. It would have been, so Strange New Worlds takes place before the original Star Trek series because, and this is why we're talking about Christopher Pike, the captain of the ship who, a little bit later in the movie, ah gets Captain Kirk to to become a cadet. He is one of the main characters in the show, Strange New Worlds, and he's like hey in his late thirties or early forties. He's much younger.
and so like on the timeline and discovery is around the same time as well. So the white makes sense on the timeline. That's pretty great. Like these shows came after this movie. And so it's like, whoa, what a cool inheritance there. But then like in the 24th. Yeah, like the the case could be made though that like, like that they kind of had to do it that way because the timeline doesn't diverge until partway through.
that scene. So it's sort of like, it kind of has to. I think we only, yeah, like the movie might have dictated that. Right. Because I don't know that, yeah, because I don't know that we'd seen the white before these two shows, which came out in the past.
few years. That's what's so cool is that my god the shows might've inherited this from this movie series. like That might've been a decision they made then. Unless it was in flashbacks in the original show or something, I don't know. But yeah I am so used to seeing the blue, the red, and the gold that it was like, oh, hey, look at you guys. And like, look at this.
And then so on Star Trek timeline of uniform colors in the 24th century, they switched around some meanings because Jean-Luc Picard in Next Gen wore red instead of gold. Yes, I was talking about that with Jonathan. I was like, because he is much more knowledgeable about Star Trek. And he pointed that out to me. And I was like, oh, yeah, of course. He totally is wearing red in that whole show.
I think he might have worn gold a couple times, don't quote me on that, because I can picture him in gold, but that might just be my wishful thinking. um and red was like his his color. And so was his number one Captain Riker. So command had red. And then gold was worn by everybody who was in operations, including security and engineering. And then there would be red on the bridge for some other engineering folks or helmsman. So it's like it kind of for some reason got a little more just fluid. simply wonder I would love to know, like, what
the reasoning behind that was because, I mean, you know, they can do whatever they want to do. It's just like, it's just be curious to know because it is so iconically known that like, I'm sure they had a good reason to want to switch it. Well, I mean, there used to be, what was it? It was green, I think there was like in the very pilot episode or something like that of the original series.
Kirk wore a completely different color and then I can't remember exactly the reason for why it got trashed I think it was like oh here it was this is according to um CBR dot.com don't remember what that stands for so I'm just gonna have to find that out but um he wore Captain Kirk on the original series a wraparound green tunic every once in a while and as well as a formal uniform composed of green fabric. The color disparity resulted from lighting and film stock at the time, which made the green look yellow. So it seems like there was no special significance at the original, like when they first started the show, but they started to alter it based on what it looked like on film. It is so fascinating to think about how some of these decisions interact with
technology that was being developed at the time, like the original show premiered in like 1966, I think. And that's a time when a lot of people didn't even have like color televisions and they're like, it the technology was there, but not everybody had one. But it's sort of like, yeah, but like if you have a color TV, you want to capitalize on that. And you want these characters and these like fun, like vibrant colors, because you're like, wow, this is the future. I like and the future is beautiful and technical. Like, we're not watching reruns of I love Lucy and black and white. It's sort of a like, like the color palette is
being directly influenced by what we can show to the audience. So we might as well do it as much as take advantage of it. And so they made it pretty iconic pretty quick. I just love it. So even if I'm getting stuff wrong, I apologize. But the way that you can see the progression immediately at jump with these costumes is pretty great.
and um we jump from and we do on the bridge we see like a variation of uniforms too where there's like there are medical officers and bridge officers who have these like massive cowl necks and like scoop necks and just like all these different shapes that are very very reminiscent of the early 60s like late 50s like there's just like absolutely there's that sensibility in there so that's another thing that is grounding us in where this is and like a throwback to be like, hey, you see where we came from? like This is William Schenger's dad. We're doing it. And then unfortunately everything goes to shit. And um baby Thor, Chris Hemsworth, James T. Kirk's dad, R.I.P. I salute you, sir. Heroic. You went down a hero.
And then we flash forward and we see baby James T. Kirk in the 50s in Iowa, which you mentioned. And not only do we get this cyber cop that has the job purse, respect for the job purse, but we also get, we kick in with the Beastie Boys, basically, where, because James T. Kirk has stolen his stepdad's car and he's going to drive it off a cliff, spoiler alert. But when you look at him up close,
You're kind of split because it feels modern, but yeah you look at him and he looks like a kid, kind of the shapes of him out of the 50s, but then you look closer and he looks spacey because of the cut of his jacket. There are like shapes of different you know fabric and like his shoes are super futuristic. He kind of boots.
but he passes this kid on the side of the road who looks like he just walked out of like 2002 because he is wearing just like a regular athletic t-shirt and regular pants and stuff. It's pretty crazy. I can kind of go there too also because i mean i don't I don't say this with any offense intended, but I don't really look to Iowa for like cutting edge fashion. I'm so sorry to anyone in Iowa. I've been to Iowa. I think even Iowa would would be like, we get it. It's you know it's not really a dig. It's it's usually from like the coastal cities. like that is and It doesn't have to be an insult because there's a lot of cutting edge fashion. I'm like, no thanks. but
um Yeah, but there are distinct future elements to like, if you're looking, there are details to see and discover that are that like place it in not necessarily, you know, 2009. But yeah, then we were on to Spock as a baby. Like we're moving fast. We've established Nancy Kirk is up to trouble, but like righteous trouble where he's like, my stepdad sucks. Of course I'm going to drive this car. Obviously I'm going to ruin his classic car. Like what else would a 10 year old do? Yeah, I'm going to rock with what's in my heart. And it's this.
We're on to Spock and the other Vulcan children who are bullying him in their, like, school pits. So hard. Yeah. Which is, like, a pretty cool design. It's pretty rad. They are terrible little children. Oh, the worst. But they all look like they're... That's the worst. They look like they're members of a monastic order.
I know they have straight up monk robes, like long robes. It's so weird that I loved it. I loved it. And like, they're very separate from what we've seen on Earth or with Starfleet so far, because we've seen a lot more color, a lot more like difference in textile, ah more individuality, even with Starfleet, because you know, if you're a different, working a different job, you have a different color.
for your uniform yeah to know what you do. And even within that, we've seen individualism because of the different necklines, the different sleeve lengths. And so these kids are all just like cookie cut. And that's totally settles you into the difference between Vulcans and humans where Vulcans are thinking about higher stuff except for when they're being bullies and terrible and xenophobic like these children are.
Um, so there isn't this wild mix of like colors or patterns, which totally ties for Vulcan sensibilities. They don't want to be distracted by things they believe don't matter, but ah the texture, I just want to touch all of these costumes because I feel like they have to have such good weight to them. Like they feel definitely woolen and like needed, like they feel like someone made them. A nice like like tight weave, like a nice quality material, like they I bet they were great. It's just and warm. And wasted on these terrible little children. Terrible monk babies. And then we so much the way that the wave Vulcans in general acted in this movie, I felt like there was
I felt like the thumb on the scale of like who we're supposed to like and who we're supposed to not like. And I didn't really think about that as much as the first time. and i think that the more you experience Vulcans through the shows you're always kind of feeling that of like that distinct difference because you're always we're human beings right and Vulcans very much judge anybody who is not Vulcan because the way that they have chosen to be they literally like he talks about its Spock removing his emotions going through that yes
ritual to divide himself from his emotions, which is his human half, essentially. And if you cannot be pure logic, then you're essentially crazy, the waste of time and energy. And so whenever we see Vulcans, most of the time that we see Vulcans throughout any time in the Star Trek universe, we get frustrated or we get annoyed because the way that they want to do things is very cut and dry. And we're like, but what about the heart of it, right? And so it's, we're always going to feel divided because the way that Vulcans operate is not human. Like the way that they think about about things is it's more mathematic and like you you constantly get that joke being thrown at the Vulcan sensibility because Bones is always picking on Spock talking about how he's like a computer, you know, like a goblin with green blood, you know, just like all this stuff where he's constantly frustrated by that and so is Kirk and everybody else. and um But
boy oh boy do I feel like the Vulcans have some some pretty designer fashion sense because we move over to Zach who is Spock's father and he seems to have like a muted pattern and what seems a little bit like an ascot so it's like he's not as like plain Jane monastic as the children are he has a little bit more going on which is pretty great And like throughout the series, I think too, with like the difference between human and Vulcan sensibilities, we're supposed to see the effect that Spock has on Vulcan culture by embracing his human half and by being a part of Starfleet, which is not a common thing for Vulcans to do.
The fact that he chose to go there instead of be at the Vulcan Science Academy was, I think, a little bit of an insult to his culture. And that's how some Vulcans took it, whereas he looked at it as an ambassadorial opportunity. It's just kind of interesting to see that divide, which like is always existing in any property that Spock is in. and And like, I love seeing his father here who is like, I don't know, glorious vampire fashion. place And a very like earth tone palette. Like it's very like, right I guess Vulcan tone, I guess is not. earth tone is wrong It's incorrect. Thank you so much.
I want to know what you thought about Winona Ryder's costume as Spock's mom who is a human but living on Vulcan because I felt like her silhouette put her kind of apart from the rest of the Vulcans but it didn't look like anyone on earth either. And I couldn't really like figure out where I was landing and what I thought about her look. So I want you to tell me what you think and then I'll just agree. So based on what I know of the character of Amanda Grayson, her name is Amanda. Thank you. I could not remember her name. Her name is Amanda.
is that she is a human being who fell in love with a Vulcan and became mother to a Vulcan and basically gave up life on Earth or with majority other humans in order to raise that Vulcan child and be with this Vulcan man that she loves. yeah And so she constantly in every moment of her life is walking the edge of being human in a Vulcan world.
and having to be as representative of the human race, essentially, even though she didn't choose that. And so she has to be as Vulcan as she can, while also being absolutely human. And so she's not coming at it from the same place as Spock, who is trying to be Vulcan, regardless, or in spite of his humanity.
She's like, I'm trying to echo what the Vulcans want to see while being human, to show them that being human is not a bad thing and yet have them listen to the things that I say while knowing that they're probably not giving her the respect that she deserves. so What a tough spot. Right? Like, woof, politically. Yikes. I don't envy her. Yeah, we. And so the costume, I think, represents that pretty well because she's wearing Vulcan silhouette. Then she's wearing this very gorgeous and tailored and structured gown. Like everything she wears is very, very Vulcan, but
The colors that she wears, I don't, I can't remember right now, later on, unfortunately, when she passes, what colors she's wearing, but in this moment, she's wearing warmer colors than we've seen any of the Vulcans wear. They've been wearing blacks or dark, dark, dark browns or, um that's you know, true some tan, some gray, but it's very stripped. She's almost like a warm ochre, not an ochre.
Yeah, like a bronze. And so like a warm little bit of like a red. So it's like, yeah, very, very warm. So I feel like she's always communicating that she is following the letter of the rule of the culture that she has chosen to be hers for the rest of her life, but that she is still human and she's not letting go of that humanity.
And that costume, I think, really effectively says that. And the costumes here on Vulcan are so, like, lush and they're deliberate and tailored. I mean, even the the sweater that Spock wears when he tells Vulcan to sort of go fuck themselves by saying thank you. Like, that moment had a very, like, bless your hearts kind of Southern quality to it that I was where you was, like, I've never heard someone say live long and prosper with so much attitude.
And he was just like, I'm not going to say it in a way that you can get mad at me. I'm going to have it be on the record that I said, live long and prosper. Bye. I was kind of thinking, I was like, unfortunately, the sub of the like behaviors of these like Vulcans like coming from this like logical point of view kind of made me feel like negatively associating it with this sort of reply guy culture of I'm going to question your very humanity in a deliberate attempt to provoke you. And then when you respond emotionally, I'm going to discredit everything you say because you're too emotional to be rational. I don't think like I don't I don't dislike, you know, the Vulcans. And I don't think that's any kind of deliberate thing. But it It makes me tense up in those situations. No, I think that it is deliberate. I think it is absolutely deliberate. You think? Well, yeah. I mean, based on all the forms of media in which I've seen Vulcans, I think it's absolutely deliberate to be like, this is a very faulty system. Because many times over, we see that pure logic does not pan out.
every time for the Vulcans. I think it's very deliberate to be like in order to, because Spock as a character has to be able to show the Vulcans, you have to have something else other than cure logic. Like you have to be able to function in the universe. There's always struggle. There's always strife with the Vulcans that we see in Star Trek. And it might not be like super big and super massively dramatic, but there's always like friction because the way that they operate in the world, the same with the Romulans, the Romulans, I think. Oh, we'll get to the Romulans. They are. Yeah, they are far more emotional. And I can't remember the origin story for the Romulans.
um the division between them and the Vulcans. But they have kept their emotions. And so they are operating differently than the Vulcans do. So we even see a difference there.
Okay, so we talked about, well, lush well this is like a ah front heavy, you know, like movie discussion, because there's so many introductions to so many costumes, like at the front. And yeah oh my God, like all of these costumes are just crazy. So many things, so many things. Oh, and let me let me clarify the costumes are designed by um Michael Kaplan, um who is an absolute legend. um If anyone peruses his IMDb, like can you imagine a better list of credits? His first costume design credit is Blade Runner.
Come on. That's wild. Way to start at the absolute tippy top. We've had two crazy legends in a row. I know. We've had incredibly talented costume designers who've been handling every movie that we've done based on what they've been given, you know whatever. The work has been good. But like when we covered Matrix, and now the very first credit on each is like, come on. I know. This can't be real. how How do you become that much of a genius? I feel like you can see that in this, the Blade Runner. Absolutely. Everything that he had to learn in his career that he probably had to learn a lot of like with Blade Runner, because what what a project to helm in how to make something look like the future, but a future that has been lived in.
And like we have a very big divide here in this Star Trek movie where we're mostly uniforms. We're mostly like coded uniforms, right? That are like, you have to wear this exactly the way that you're supposed to wear this because while this is not militaristic, it is militaristic.
And then we have some shining moments where we see other cultures that are also operating from that cultural specificity, where it's like you have to wear clothing a specific type of way, i.e. the Vulcans. Or we are seeing things that are worn in, but we're not seeing a ton of them. But when when we eventually see Scotty, Scotty is wearing clothes that yeah are very worn in, or we're seeing Spock with clothes that are aged, like aged.
it yeah in a distressed, like in a very interesting way. yeah And so there's like a lot of opportunities that get to sneak in that are like, how do we make this look like it's the future by using seams? That's always how we do it. Seams and texture is how we texture determine the future.
and layers and boy don't we get introduced to that at the shipyard where Kirk meets Uhura at the bar yeah when he is trying to hit on her and she rocks up in this red dress and she is stunningly gorgeous and I forgot that she's wearing her uniform, her her like academy cadet uniform.
And it's like high neck underneath like a sleeveless dress situation. And the sweater is like, it's got like these geometric designs like on the sleeve. So it's like super textured. And so when you're just watching the movie and not really looking at certain things, you're like, ah, she's wearing red.
And then you look closer and you're like, oh my God, but all of these deliberate shapes that had to happen. This is part of what makes it look like we're in the future now. We're not just at a regular bar. Like this is a very unique design, even though it's not because it's a, it's a uniform. but it's unique to our eyes. that it's Right. We don't wear uniforms that look like that. So it's unique to us. And we see that everybody in the bar has a unique look. Like if you slow down and you see everybody in there has something unique to them, but they're all pretty muted. There are like layers of cool things, but they're muted because you're not meant to look at them like all of these extras in the background because they're meant to fade and they do effectively. They do. We are but we are very focused on the group of cadets. They're all in this like that stunning burgundy. The men's have like a pant and like a jacket that was like pure 1960s, mod, Carnaby Street. Over that friggin sweater. Everybody has a sweater, which which nails the navel thing because while Starfleet is not militaristic, it is based on the Navy, like all of the the titles.
are naval and so like they're on ships you know so they are operating the same way that sailors would be on ships without sails or rudders so it's like having this sweater detail like i can't get over it yeah space is cold but i'm assuming they have like air control these ships and yet we have sweaters which we identify with sailors in the navy at least i do All of the other people in the bar are sort of civilian group. There were so many nods to 1960s fashion sprinkled in, even though it's futuristic. It was so fun to look at. Straight up typical 1960s bad boy. What's his bucket? It looks like James Dean. Thank you. I remember James and forgot Dean. But he's got a James Dean look where he has basically jeans, a shirt, and a bad boy leather jacket. That's his look. And then it's the perfect regular guy clothes to get smacked around in, which is what happens. Spoiler alert. That is what happens. Because the rude male cadets just clobber him.
And they look so fancy while doing it because they've got all of this. I wrote the name of the game is decorative, seaming and piping. And that's like really what it is, where it's like we've got shapes that we're familiar with. But within the shapes of these garments are these really unique seam lines and piping that just makes you go, oh, this has been elevated from just being, you know, a regular zip up jacket to being something that is like form fitting, but not <unk>s so form-fitting that you're gonna die. And it looks like eye-catching and utilitarian. Like these are functional, these these uniforms. It doesn't feel like somebody's gonna bend over or throw a punch and like everything's gonna explode because they're so tight. But we get Captain Pike comes in to break up the tomfoolery and he's wearing a black uniform.
which I really loved. It looked so great. It looked so great. It just looked so much like a sleek space suit. It just really grounded him as being... Oh, immediately as being higher and above. And we will get back to that very soon because we hop over to we're on the shuttle because Captain Pike has issued basically this like challenge to Kirk.
I bet that you could do well here. And Kirk's like, duh, fuck that. My dad died for this, it's stupid. And Pike is like, yeah, but your dad was a good guy and you can be a good guy too. And so we we see that Kirk has given in and he's riding it on his bad bi bad boy motorcycle, which he like just gives away. He gets onto the shuttle. With a little bit Tron remake light cycle with like the lack of like spokes in the motorcycle.
I couldn't, you know, like like, I feel like it even made the kind of light cycle sound like the like, the the whirring, I don't know. Yeah, it has that like, little bit electric, you get off of his light cycle, just gives it away like, just tosses the keys to some guy and is like, here, how's that? And the like, that could on like, that is, that could never happen in real life. It is just pure movie magic. And and I was there you can have like, gay dramas, I've been watching enough right now. Oh boy. Rich people live different. Rich people. Oh, that's a good point. He's not rich, but still, he's living like one. And so we're on this shuttle and we are seeing a bunch of different
accessories to the uniforms that we hadn't seen in the previous bar scene. So there are like some soft style, almost like Kepi hats, like we saw in Forbidden Planet, like we saw those 50s style ah uniforms. And so you can kind of see that influence here. But the soft hats that we see I couldn't stop thinking about the Boba Tons hats from Harry Potter, where they're like these curved woolen like witch hats that are very sculpted. And so these little like keppy hats, I feel like they have like it must be like a fold or something. There's something unique about them that is just makes them not a regular soft flat cap. I write bones has joined us.
He looks like an outdoorsy guy that they just picked up off the ice. Like they're just a ship that's going through Antarctica and a guy just has to catch the ladder at the right time. Like that's what it looked like because he just has this like chunky sweater. He's like dressed for the cold and he's dressed for the outdoors and he's supposed to strike you. He's just supposed to strike you as this American guy. Boy does he like land it.
And he also comes in with the energy of an adult, if that makes sense. Oh my god, a man has walked into this trouble. Yeah, like the cadets have college energy. They're all trying to prove themselves. Yes, they're all trying to prove themselves. And he's like the guy who's run the company for a hot minute, and he's sick of their shit already. And so it's like, he's like, yeah. I packed for the cold because we're going to space. And it's like, love it. Love it. Love the energy. 100% logic. Love it. And he's already like, I hate these things. I hate going up there. This sucks. Yes, keep this energy. We go forward and now we see the Academy cadets are not in their red uniforms.
I'm sure that each uniform has like a specific name, like a formal or an informal uniform. And right I just like didn't even think to try to look that up. So it feels like the red uniforms are their formal. you know That is what it felt like to me. Yeah, it's not what you're wearing every day. It's what you're wearing for a special yeah event. It's what you're wearing specifically for this.
We're now in the Kobayashi Maru testing ground, which is like a mock shuttle situation, not shuttle. It's a mock ship situation where it's an impossible situation and you're supposed to fail. And the lesson you're supposed to learn, yeah, there's no solution. You're supposed to learn that, that you cannot solve every problem and you're supposed to take that into account. But nope, Kirk hacks it.
that it's just like eating an apple in the most like aggressively nonchalant way possible, right? And they're wearing these like navy blue uniforms that kind of look like cozy, sweatery onesies, where they still look like uniforms, but they're very different than the ones we've seen so far.
And they just seem more casual. You're supposed to be working a different way in these than in the former ones. Yeah. I felt that way about their uniforms when they're actually on the ship, that there was a casual, a very casual quality.
I cannot wait to talk about those. So we have to hit a few different things before we get there because yeah the Academic Council holds Kirk accountable for being a dick in the Kobayashi Room. And Tyler Perry is ah the head of the Academic Council. Literally my notes are just like, Tyler Perry's here. I forgot.
And what I like is that we've seen that the captaincy, you or like even commanders, but when you are at a certain level, you're now wearing black. So we saw that with Captain Black, and you're not always just wearing soul black, but that is a uniform for that level. There's also like a silver gray version. Exactly. So what we're seeing with the academic yeah council is that they're wearing black and white and silver. right So it's pulling together this differentiation between the cadets and the regular ah different levels. And then it's that hard divide between that and then like command. And so it was cool to see all of command be tied together.
with different textures, but a very limited color palette of white, black, gray, silver. And that was really cool. And also the academic council looked very, very, she, she, very fancy. They were so serious and they were so official and they had the like shoulder seeming to prove it. Like they had, they had the shoulder pads to let you know that they're in charge. The shoulder pads of authority.
chef kiss. And so now we are in the loading bay, everybody's, you know, ah being assigned to their ships. And we're saying there's like a distress call. They're like, Oh, all the cadets have got to go. We got to call you up and serve like So all the cadets who are still wearing red from being at this hearing are going off to their assigned ships. And then we see these command levels. So there is a commander. Kirk runs down and is like, oh, hey, you didn't say my name. And he's also wearing total black. So at each show is basically posted a captain or a commander. And they're all wearing all black so that you can see this like long line.
of you know very official nondescript at the same time, surgery looking guys because he has the soft flap cap that is totally the Kepi style without the fanciness that we saw at the first shuttle with the cadet.
and, or patrol caps is also what they're called. And so that really seals the deal for me that this is a militaristic body, even if they are not militarized, they are very specific and they are very rigid. And somehow you can kind of let that go a little bit when you're seeing the other colors of command, the red, the gold, the blue. But when we get to black, it feels closer to home. That also- Yeah, absolutely.
effectively made it feel like an older Star Trek that's closer to us in history than let's say next gen which has a lot of black in their uniforms but they have these like massive pieces of their uniforms that are the bright colors yeah so it's funny how differently yeah Yeah, the yoke is like the massive color. So it's funny how differently it makes me feel seeing like head to toe black, like ready for Swat versus the onesie that you're used to with NextGen. So now we are at the most casual uniform.
we will ever see for Star Trek. There are two versions or there's like versions within what we're seeing, but basically they're v-necks long or short-sleeved that are made out of athletic fabric that you can get. like there's your soft yeah Yeah, they're super soft. like They have nice seaming and things like that. They do. but They have like a pattern printed onto it, like a texture printed onto it. It's just the most stretchy, cozy fabric that you could ever think of with raglin sleeves.
like the yeah neck of it all. And they have like undershirts to yeah cover the neck. Like a mock turtleneck. They're super, super movable. And so it's like, I know that Patrick Stewart, when he came back for Picard, the show, he was like, I'll come back if you don't put me back in that dumb uniform. Because I think that he just was like, it's, and I can imagine it, because anytime you wear a jumpsuit, it's hard to move around normally, even when it's comfortable. Because it's one unit of clothing that you're wearing, and it's really hard to pee in. Like, sitting you have to have a lot of considerations, you know.
And it's also just very revealing. So like with a lot of Star Trek things, a lot of futuristic things, especially when they are supposed to be rigid or militaristic, like this body of Starfleet, the things are usually designed to be super tight, which is like what we think of as being super futuristic. This is all pretty relaxed. Like they are form fitting-ish.
But they're pretty relaxed because like every you could bend over and not pop a seam and that's really exciting for these actors Yeah, like they had like the men all like they have like a very slim cut pant. It's it's got like that shorter hemline It's pretty tight to the leg, but it doesn't look restrictive in any way. It's got some structure to it, but it looks so comfortable to wear. like They look like they could just kind of like lounge in their like yeah chair in the bridge. Even when they're standing, you can see like the excess of fabric that means that it's not lined up against their skin. It's really, really nice.
I strongly disagree with the decision to put the women in miniskirts with knee-high boots. And in conjunction with that, they also have these like tiny little capped sleeves and all the men have long sleeves. I don't understand that.
that is 100% how the original show was. And so I think that, and they also have a really nice little tie-in to the original show with the long sleeve shirts have like little silver bands or gold bands at the wrist. So that's like another, cause the, do yeah, the design has changed, the textiles have changed, but this is still,
tied in with that original timeline, right? So they do, they are kind of constrained based on that to match the original show, even though here's it has changed enough that Kirk's dad has died and he did not die in the original show.
He was the one who got him into Starfleet, like, got him into wanting to be in Starfleet, I believe. We have not had our next major break yet, I don't think, but Captain Kirk has still come to Starfleet. So, timeline-wise, that is still true. So we are stuck in the 60s of it all. Here's what would have changed it for me and made me not take issue with it. And it's two changes that they could have made that would have alleviated all of my issue with it. Number one, the women could have long sleeves just to match the men. That would be a very minor change. But I feel like we might have seen a couple that did. I can't like maybe in the background.
I know for a fact that Uhuru doesn't. Yeah, Uhuru doesn't because she's supposed to be the sexy. She's our kind of main cast. Yeah. The other thing that they could have done that would make me not dislike the mini skirt look is just if they had just given them like a black legging underneath the skirt so that it kind of falls in line with the black undershirt.
under the uniforms and they can still have their swing in 60s knee-high boots and like mini skirts. But if it had just been a black legging under there, I wouldn't have taken any notice of it in a negative way at all. I think that's also like that wasn't a 60s thing either to have that vibe legging. It was not. And so I totally, I totally am with you because it's like, oh man,
But they were totally held to a timeline thing because at some point in Star Trek, there are gender neutral costumes where there are men wearing skirted uniforms. And so that does come into play. And I don't remember how early that comes into play. I think it might be in play in the 60s in the original series um because Gene Roddenberry was pretty forward thinking about things like that. But I do agree that it would have been nice to see a little bit more differentiation in the skirts and like a little bit more going on with sleeves and skirts and variation and not just limiting to the one mini skirt short sleeve look. Because even when we saw Kirk's dad, like I mentioned before, on that first ship that we see when the the movie opens,
we see different necklines, we see different skirt lengths, we see different stuff. So it would have been nice to see more of that variation, which I think there's a chance that there was some of that, but in the background, like on the bridge. In the background. We didn't get a good look at it. Yes. And so I might be wrong. But I think from a practical point of view, it really bothers me because I'm like, the men are in long sleeves and pants. They're in utilitarian uniforms.
the utilitarian uniforms, but I'm imagining like, whatever like temperature control the the ship is set to, you know, you know that the temperature control is set to the baseline and of long sleeve shirt pants. And for Ahuru, it's got to be chivering. Yeah, it's just like, I have to just grin and bear it. My arms out and just deal with it.
And I think that it's wrong. I i think it's wrong. i you know what I'm not gonna disagree with you. I think I agree. I agree because it is and like I would be interested to see if there is like an interview or any um answer to that like comment to that and from the point of view of the designer because like how constrained were you by the timeline that you could alter these fabrics and all these things so much and maybe not be as flexible with like the women's dress like because if you're gonna have the silhouette for a hurrah that makes sense but were we doing that elsewhere on board or like why not?
And so that would be an interesting answer for sure. Absolutely. so like maybe somebody out there do yeah like five not I I am not actually being like, oh my god, how how dare you? How could you do this to me? but also like ah I would love to know what the process was. Yeah, and poor Ahura with her cold hands.
She said, I hope that there's a space heater underneath her desk on the bridge. I hope there is. That would be so good. If she just like, you know, checks in for dinner and she's like, we've been on the bridge. We've seen this like super relaxed onboard uniform, which is so funny. I feel like your brain, if you're watching Star Trek stuff, you're like, ah, we're at the,
colors. We're here on the bridge. We're here. yeah but then they're like you no Yeah, you guys look comfortable. This is crazy. but um Then we are with the Romulans who call in. We don't like you. ah Give us your captain. oh ah we See, they are mad. Let's just go there. They're mad. They're not. They're big mad. They're in their feelings. We're just using all the language of the children's today. It's looking it's looking like a ship of hit men who like aren't meant to be seen.
You know, like, and we find out later that this Romulan ship is not who a Romulan ship that belongs in this timeline. Uh oh, we have already seen them before in the past and they were miners. These Romulans look like guys who've been through it and are, they kind of are like pirates, right? So like we're looking at these naval officers on the Enterprise who are super, like if we're going to go to like British warfare, we're looking at like and British officers who are like
Look at me in my feather cap and like everything I have is looking beautiful. And if I don't look beautiful, you won't be afraid of me. And um then we have our pirates who are like, I'm wearing what I'm wearing in order to stay as warm as I need to in the hull of my ship that I'm keeping cold so that we don't have to waste energy on a bunch of heat.
I think I described their look in my notes as goth Vulcans. Thank you. Oh my God. Yes. They are goth Vulcans who are also a little bit more tribal because they have facial tattoos. I feel like all of the Romulans that we see on this ship are hairless. That sounds right. They have the extreme arch of the eyebrow, but that they're all like bald headed dudes. And so they have this very bonded together look.
and whether or not that comes from being a crew or from their culture but they are like very much a unit that works together and they're all tied together by one pain and one rage. So they are all like pretty blank faced angry except for Nero who is the big Romulan that we see get big big mad. ah Give us your captain.
Eric Bana. I just love that even though they have this like Vulcan-esque, like you see the ears, you see the pointed eyebrows, you can see how they are very different and distant yeah because their cultures have moved very far apart. My next note says skydiving.
oh What color shirt was he wearing? What color shirt was Austin Oh boy, poor Badil was wearing red, ah so we have come to the point with the red shirt joke. Straight into a pillar of flame flies this moth.
wish yeah three people who are assigned to become our skydivers to stop this like drill that's drilling into the heart of Vulcan. That was the distress call that everybody was answering to. We get Kirk, we get Sulu, and we get this guy Olson. You didn't know his name? Don't worry about it. He's dead in two seconds. I'm glad you did. I didn't know his name. He's super like braggadocious and like, I'm ready to get into this. And Matt's like, uh-oh, don't do that. As soon as they go down, he's like, woo. And they're like, Olsen, you've got to pull back, pull back. Because they have these like monitors on their helmets that are like telling them when to deploy. Like pull your parachute. To pull the chute. And he's like, no, I'll get closer. I'll get closer. And then he gets too close, slips across the surface of the drill, and just gets sucked right into that pillar of flame. So the red really does shirt rule.
wins, poor guy. But I did love these light suits. um Oh, they look great. They look so good. And I, I think I really love them, because and I said this, and this is not to to detract from the work that went into it or to the design that went into it. I feel like they have a deceptive simplicity. Like, they look really futuristic, because of the shapes that they're assembled in.
And because of things that are applied to them, but again, not negating their coolness, but I really want to uplift the practicality in the design. They're also not so tight that the actors can't breathe, but they're basically like wetsuits, but they're cut into different panel shapes. And then they have this, it's beyond ribbing. So it's not that it's just like these really beautiful details, like for the, for the belts that cross over.
The shoot pack is a honeycomb shape. There's just all these details that feel like they are applied on top of things. So it's not like you're we're spending a ton of time going like, we're going to put see-through vinyl here. We're going to do all this crazy stuff. We're going to put in unnecessary zippers and all these things. It's like, no, there's a utilitarian design for yeah a skydiving jumpsuit. It's very practical. And so how do we make that look like?
somebody has like updated it. Well, again, the name of the game is seams. But it's, it's like, yeah, it all seems to be very thoughtfully done to shape to the actors, like bodies, like it doesn't just feel like, oh, we threw some crazy seams here. They, they all feel like sculptural and like they're, they're doing something, they're creating ability for movement and things that are so specialized to this task this thing that we need to do so it all like feel it's very purposeful but if you're not paying attention to it you might not notice that that is all happening which is just like a testament to like how thoughtfully it was all done like the thoughtfulness just goes so far because i feel like taking a pattern for something like a jumpsuit like this like a like a wetsuit essentially
altering it so that you're cutting it out of two different textiles and you're putting in these creative and attractive like seam lines that don't detract from the shaping. They're very thoughtful. That way you're not coming in you're not necessarily having to come up with a brand new pattern. You can take one that you already have and you're altering it. So you're taking something that already exists and you're building on top of it And I feel like that's such a great use of skill and time so that you're not always starting from scratch. Like it's still totally made for this. Even if they did make a pattern, it's like we made a block and now we're gonna cut into it and now we're gonna make it more purposeful, but it still looks functional.
It's not like, oh, let's just make a space suit. It's a particular thing that we need to do. Yes. And I loved it. They're beautiful. End of the day. they're beautiful And like everybody did such a good job. Good job, guys. And we had a couple Romulans. Oh, they died most of the time that we see the Romulans. It's very dark. We're in this like the dark whole of the ship kind of thing. And I just am like trying to like look at all the details of their clothing and it was hard to see. It was like, but you could tell there was something amazing happening. There's yeah so much texture and stuff because every time your room moves,
you can see movement on that coat. And you know, it's a coat, like a big great coat, but it yeah whatever it's made out of, there's some cool stuff going on. It's either been appliqued on top, like sewn down on top, or the whole thing is constructed out of really cool textiles. And so it was nice to see these Romulans in daylight.
because you did get to see some cool details. Like the Romulan that's holding Kirk's hand, like stepping on Kirk's hand on the edge of the drill. You see that his boot has some cool shaping to it. Like the toes are shaped and sculpted slightly differently. And it was like nice to see. And it was based on a Japanese tabby boot is what those were. Yeah. Which was really cool. And then you get to see that there's like,
differentiations between our goth Vulcans where they're not actually just wearing black. Like they're wearing a lot of browns and a lot of like clothing that seems like it was just for comfort. And now it's kind of become a uniform because they've been trapped on this ship for so long. ah Okay. we're getting there, we're getting there, we're getting there. So Spock is back on the Enterprise and he's flipping out as much as a Vulcan will express flipping out because the planet has been it turned into a black hole and very, very few people were able to make it. Oftentimes
were in full-on Vulcan refugee status. like they are Almost everyone has died in this horrible black hole. Including his mother, unfortunately, and because he like as we see Sulu Spock and R.I.P. Olsen on the drill, Spock is finding out that this is the plan, that the planet's going to be turned into a black hole, and he beams down to the planet and we see Sarek and Amanda and other members of the Vulcan Council in yet more gloriously gorgeous, also pretty goth, Vulcan attire. And then we lose Amanda. um She dies ah because ah she can't be caught by the yeah the the beam the transporter.
we are seeing now on the bridge that ah Kirk is like, well, we've just been aggressed. Like, to put it mildly, this is an extinction event. And like we have to respond. And Spock is meanwhile trying to be as Vulcan as he can, because Pike, before he was taken by Nero and his ship, said, Spock, you're in charge and Kirk, you're number one. He said, you are the captain now.
The captain now and Kirk has been, you know, enabled to speak his mind, which he would do anyway. But he's like, uh, we have to do something as Spock is like, no, we don't, we have to regroup. We have to meet up with the fleet and tell them what happened. And we have to take care of these survivors. And so he's making sense.
But so is Kirk, where Kirk is like a planet was just blown up. And we're going to lose these guys if we don't deal with this now. We don't know what they're doing next. And on top of that, our captain is probably being tortured on that ship right now, and we have to bring him back. So he's responding to his own history and his personality, all these things. And um ah Spock doesn't like this, so Kirk is exiled to a nearby ice planet. He's like, girl, bye. He just shoots him out. Shoot him out.
and oh in a little pellet. And I kind of enjoyed ah this costume because it's a little bit of a return to like the bad boy 50s James Dean, where it's like dark colors. But ahha it's like a standardized winter gear, you know, that like probably was handed to Kirk.
uh with the rest of his uniforms or is like in a closet somewhere or actually the costumes in Star Trek on these ships are made by the computer so they probably went peep up and boop and they got a like ah an outdoor outer door wear thing just like standardized and out by the ship and so yeah he's wearing this uh kind of like cool coat that has a bunch of straps. but Like all those buckles going on? Yeah, like buckles. It's very, it feels like you, it stands out a little bit when you first see it, but then don't worry, you won't notice it anymore. Cause he's about to meet somebody who's going to blow him out of the water. But the hood that he has is like a very practical hood that protects him from the snow. But like Batman's hood, it constricts his ability to see behind him.
because he can't turn to see this. within yeah he His head is just going everywhere because he's trying to see this crazy monster alien. It is a crustacean that is chasing him.
And he can't see it. So he's like Batman all little, little, little trying to see over his shoulder. It's just not working. Kirk runs into a tunnel and is saved by a fire-wheeling, ba-ba-ba-bong, Spock. The original Spock. Surely you mean Zachary Quinto Spock, right? No, no. Is that? Mr. her Leonard Nimoy herself has joined the party. Oh my gosh. I remember just being bowled over by this moment and being like, this is stuck. Because this was a surprise, right? Oh, this was this was yeah this is a big reveal.
yeah and like this was the big moment that you were waiting for and this is our original Spock. This is Spock Prime. This is Spock from the original series who has done some time traveling and he recognizes Kirk and he's like, hey buddy. Kirk's like, who the heck are you? Spock's like, I am and always will be your friend. And Kirk's like, hmm.
And so Spock is also pretty, he's like, so he's he's striking a moment here because he has this beautiful winter coat where are he yeah but it's pretty simple, but there's this asymmetrical detailing on his right like collar and then like collar bone area into the shoulder.
Oh, it's so great. And the most glorious fur hood you've ever seen in your life. And the fur hood is so cool because it's a deconstructed hood. So when it's back, it lays flat, but it can snap up into shape. And I thought that was so cool because it reminds me of like a Venus flytrap. It just like is so like insect like. And I just loved it.
And in hood form, it's like a perfect little globe, which is like a little cutout in the front. Just a little cutout. So it seems really perfectly made for somebody who's going to be in the atmosphere that he's in, which is cold as hell, ice, a planet that's inhospitable. And the cuffs of the sleeves zip like on the inside, but they're unzipped right now, which adds like a little bit more to the silhouette. And then his belt. Did you notice the detailing of the belt buckle? Was it like a moon? It's a triple moon. So it's like the two crescents on either side of a full moon. And I was like, oh, a little Wiccan Spock over here. mean
Galactic. the Galactic. So we're seeing seeing Spock Prime and Kirk stand side by side was kind of a cool little moment. Because like I said, when when we see Kirk climbing out of his little like pill sized exile box of shame, he's wearing the snow gear and we're like, oh, look at that. That's cool. We haven't seen it. There's buckles all over the place. But now we're seeing him standing by Spock.
It's like looking at designer snow gear next to like utilitarian, I'm going to climb Everest gear. like There's such a difference between the two that you can tell one was made on a different planet than the other, which is pretty cool. There's different cultural stuff happening here. Next we meet Kinser and Scotty. ah These two like engineers have been exiled to this outpost and I think Kinser was just like assigned there but Scotty was definitely exiled because we find out that Scotty is a beagle killer at worst, terrorizer at best.
yeah while acting on a challenge. He was like, of course I can like transfer something from one planet to another. What do you think I am? Super basic. So he takes somebody's dog, like somebody in power, and he's like, look, I can do that with your dog. And the dog hasn't shown up again. So that's terrible. That's terrible. But it's meant to be so funny. And you're like, no, no, that's horrible. Like, no, that's bad.
and Like poor Doug. Oh my god. So we moved past that really fast. Now we're talking about science and essentially moving somebody from a stationary planet onto a ship that's moving at a specific speed because they figured out Spock and Kirk. Oh, well, you can put me back on the Enterprise. That's right. You're a genius for transporting. Yeah. So let's do that.
and i i With Scotty and the way that we see him, he's so, you talked about slouching earlier with like the casual onboard bridge uniform. oh yeah He's taken that to another level because he's just like, I'm mad about everything and I'm basically just eating ramen and nobody's gonna tell me when I can go home. And he's wearing layers of very casual clothes that are very obviously his own clothes. The same way that when we saw Bones come onto the shuttle for the first time, he's wearing his own clothes.
they're not standard eyes. Even though Scotty has been exiled here by Starfleet, he's not wearing his uniform in exile. He's like, it's cold, I'm gonna wear what I need to wear. And I wrote again with deliberate deliberate seeming, I was like, I might be out of my mind. But it looks like the the leather jacket that Scotty is wearing.
ah It would be really cool if this is true, but it looks like it was taken apart like it was just ah a leather jacket that existed that was taken apart and things were added in like the ribbed details at the shoulders and the bit at the collar that goes into the lapel.
It seems like, and like there's ribbed leather that goes over the pocket flaps and and just like all these little details that seem like, if it was made from scratch, that's cool. But if it was a jacket that was then altered in this way, it's a really cool way of showing what you can do to make something look like it comes from another time or world without having to start totally from scratch. And that's not to say it doesn't take the same amount of time it might, if you were making it out from scratch.
But like let's say you had like a really long leather duster. You could cut that duster into a shorter coat or jacket and use the excess fabric to to make all all these cool details. And that would be cool if that's what happened. me Yeah. And um Scotty also has like a bunch of like knits, which is pretty great. And, um, yeah, he's got like ah big old mittens and like just all the things. There's just so many textures in this movie that like, I want to touch. I want to touch them all. So Kirk and Scotty beam up, beam me up Scotty onto the enterprise. Kirk and Scotty get taken up to the bridge. Kirk manipulates Fox emotions to get him off the bridge. Nothing costume. He's happening here. Unfortunately now,
When Spock walks off the bridge, he is ah met by his father, Seric. And Seric feels like he's no longer wearing the Ask Scotty kind of like shirt that we saw at the beginning, but he does feel to me a little bit like a French aristocrat because of the shaping of his coat and the tailoring of his coat. And like there's movement or a pattern on his shirt that he's wearing.
that almost hints to detailing where an ascot would be. And it might just be lighting on the folds of the shirt, which is fine. It's fine. like The shape he has is just this very aristocratic, tailored shape that we haven't been seeing anywhere else other than on Vulcan and with the wrong ones.
Because everybody else, except for the academic council as well, they're they're pretty tight, but they're not kind of pulling from this ah silhouette, which feels like we can look at it in a point in time in history. I don't know. It was just like a cool little moment. And it's a sad little moment because Spock is like, I'm mad.
I'm big mad. And now the Enterprise crew boys be Montenegro ship because after that big mad moment with Spock, he's like, you know what, Kirk's right, we should fuck him up. So they want to the Romulan ship. And now we get to see, spend a little bit more time again with the Romulans. And you brought this up earlier. That it's very dark.
so we don't get to see. It's so dark. It was hard to see. It feels like they're saving on the bills and you know what, respect. And they're just like. Here's a question though that I wasn't, when they find, when we see Captain Pike again, does he have green blood? Did I make that up? I did not catch that. And so now I want to look and see if he did. I saw like green blood at the corner of his mouth.
If there was green blood, then I wonder if it came from that, like, insect that they put into him, or if it came from one of the Romulans getting punched and bleeding. Yes, but even onto him. Or something like that. Yeah, maybe. And so, I did not catch that though. Now I'm gonna punch it again. I could be completely making that up in my brain, I'm not sure.
Well, even if you are, now there's a really cool scavenger hunt that I got to go on. um But it was it was really cool to see the Romulans here. And there's there's a Romulan that gets knocked down that Spock like raids his mind. And we actually get to see the coat that he's wearing in some light.
And it's another brown texture, like brown and black texturized coat that just looks so cool. Like I wish that we could see some detailing in it. And we snap over to looking at the academy um on earth in the San Francisco Bay, BT Dubs. And i yeah, it's on the Marin side of the Golden Gate Bridge is basically where it's supposed to be placed. Oh, is it on the Marin side? Okay. Yeah, it's on the Marin side. i just wanted to I just wanted to mention that. Okay, clarification.
Just to be accurate. ah And I could be totally BS-ing about that. I can't remember right now. I feel like in one show, we see that it's supposed to be um like the headland side of the bay, which is pretty crazy. For anybody who doesn't know, we're from close to that area. So we have a lot of feelings and awareness of certain stereotypes. We are California girls. They wish they all could be.
ah We're seeing like devastation beginning there because the drill that Sulu, Kirk, and Olson tried to land on to stop at Vulcan has now kicked in the gear on Earth. yeah So it's right inside of the academy. They're basically like blowing up the East-East Bay, which is pretty crazy. like It's not quite Atlantis past that.
But I mean, it's pretty terrible. But we're seeing like waves of red Academy, you know, students like cadets running out and like the uniforms that are the more formal uniforms that we've seen before. Everybody's wearing those guys. And then we're back to Kirk and Spock. And I said, they almost kiss because they're Spock's spaceship and Spock is like, hold up, because the ship recognizes him immediately and Kirk's like, that's weird. And Spock's like, what are you not telling me? And Kirk's like yeah two inches away from his mouth going, don't worry about it. They're just like, why are you guys so unnecessarily close to each other? Nobody has to be that close. You're the only two people on this ship. And that little area where you're standing, you could easily have like a foot between you. Girls, go ahead.
Oh, my God. Just give in. Just do it. Mwah. Just a little peck. And I said, we see the Kirk and Spock almost kiss in parentheses. Not really, but one can dream because it's so unnecessary to speak to her. That's close. What is that called? Like, slash fiction? I mean, I think that that was the origin of slash fiction. Like me, that's where I think this is. Yes, it was Kirk and Spock. Oh, my God. Kirk and Spock was OG. And it's like, in this moment, we almost get what we want.
Why didn't you take it for money? And yeah, JK Abrams, why couldn't you do that for us? here you You could give us lens flares for days, even though some of them were unasked for, but you cannot give us this. And so they're standing so close that they're getting equal light and equal camera exposure. So I noticed that on Kirk's shirt, which is the same shirt he's been wearing since the Ice Planet, and it's just this black it's It's basically the the mock turtleneck, which is probably the mock turtleneck that everybody else has under their other uniform. There's something about it that looks really like texturized and shiny, like it catches the light in a really cool way. It just feels like all of the textiles basically except for the uniforms on the bridge.
on the enterprise, it feels like everything else that we see has so much texture to it. And um'm the only reason that those uniform ones don't is just by virtue of the the textile that they are, which is like, yeah, and they still have like, like they're not 100% flat, but compared to the other things, there's yeah not as much depth of texture going on. It's like they have a printed textile instead of a printed textile pattern or something instead of being woven.
ah Yes. And so there's just so many woven things that just look like they have so much texture and so much cool stuff where even though you're not able to really see it, it's adding so much. It's crazy. and Absolutely. And this shirt almost for some reason looks a little bit like a wool, like it looks like it has. Yeah. Like ah a bite to it, which is pretty great. I i wrote bang, ouch, goodnight, Kirk. I don't remember why. I think it makes perfect sense. I don't need any context.
but He is knocked out by a Romulan, I think. So, ok you know, beating the crumbs out of Kirk. And we get to see a little bit more of his coat, which seems to have some like furry feather. Yeah, there's like a feathery fur thing going on. And then on the lapel and collar, it seems like there's like some scaling kind of like texturization happening, which I was just like,
Oh my god, I was like close up and with lights on. I bet it's gorgeous to look at. I would like can we get like a like a museum display? I would love that because like when he moves around in these like final scenes, there's just like movement that you're not quite expecting. And some of that is that feathery fur.
business but it's not like around his neck where you would assume feather would be which is like a coat is usually to like help keep you warm right right it's like no it's like on his shoulder blades yeah like you said and so my next note near on friends go boom They sure do. They sure do. This is the most unhinged Star Trek coverage in the world. I hope everyone can get on our level when they are listening. I really hope people get on our level with it. I'm going to start before we started and you actually said, is this the right line framing to be recording this? And I went, do it anyway. No, but I appreciate that.
So um now we've like skipped over the massive blow-up. Nero is gone. Our enemy has been vanquished. And now we are back, I believe, at the Academy. um Or we're at least like in a loading bay in the Enterprise. I'm not quite sure. but um We've got a collection of... Everyone's there. Everyone's gathered.
Spock is talking to Spock Prime, Mr. Laminar Nimoy. Both of them are dressed very differently. So young Spock is wearing another version of a uniform that I feel like is the same color as the asymmetrical, really beautiful coat that Spock Prime is wearing. So it feels like um Spock, young Spock is not wearing black because Spock Prime it like is wearing like this chocolatey brown, continuing with that like,
earthy, Vulcan-y. Vulcan tone. Excuse you, what's that tone? It seems like they made this uniform for Spock in that same color, or at least the lighting is making it seem that way. And so I liked that paralleling of like the same color on both in this scene to have you know Zachary Quinto put in a lot of work to try to to try to research how Leonard Nimoy was as Spock and to watch them just talking to each other. like At the time, I don't know if you remember, there were like commercials with the two of them as Spock. Oh, God, I don't remember that. But not as Spock, but making references to it. Yeah, it was it was a big thing. And so I wrote like my notes. I would love basically everything that Spock's wearing because like to dress like a space wizard is such a goal. what What more could you ask for in this world? a goal And he just like has this really cool, like not quite cow neck thing happening. It's just like so cool the like dimensions of of things. Because with a lot of the Vulcans, we've seen like very high like turtleneck situations. And then the overgarment also has a structured collar that like is a way.
It's like a fortifying rule. Yeah, it it's just really, really cool design and seeing them both kind of purposefully be at least lit, if not for sure having something the same color together. That's just really cool. Yeah, beautiful. Just great good choices. Everything is unique. But like, everything is unique. There's so much there's so much clarity and like, like, you know, deliberation, how much work went into all of it. Every choice is so Yeah, beautiful. So purposeful. And so we're our final scene, we're back at the the bridge of the enterprise. Kirk is captain now and he does, Chris Pine does the exact same entrance that William Shatner would do. William Shatner would walk onto the bridge of the enterprise and he would look specifically at specific areas and Chris Pine does the same exact thing. And I just like thought that was such a great little,
I don't know. I just, I, on this watch, I loved these costumes. I know that we have talked a million years. This is like our longest episode so far. These costumes, there's just so much detail that was allowed for in this one.
there's been more ability to use more texturing, even in just the Starfleet uniforms, because we're not just, it's like they've been given the opportunity to be, this is very lame to say this, but like 3D instead of like a 2D, just using like yeah just geometric shapes, and like color blocking. And these big color, yeah. yeah now Now they're able to have layering and textures and that was just like a really cool way to see Star Trek. And I think that that's what caught my eye the first time I saw it was that it like, yeah, there was even more dimension than I had remembered from the TV series. And just from what I had known. And so I liked it. It was it was it's it was a nice turnabout from The Matrix, which was very dark and like very dark color palette. Yeah, this one's so much more optimistic. And even though
you know We've got like world destruction happening. The idea that the future is you know largely without massive wars and that people are trying to operate from a place of like learning is a nice future to imagine for us. I mean, I, I do have to blow up a little bit of that because there are still, there's still fighting, but it's not necessarily on planet Earth at this time. Good point, which is a nice thing. So there, there is still stuff like that, but it has definitely the scope has widened, but it's also nice to see this future in which there is so much color.
And it's not just limited to black and silver. Yeah, which it's like, don't get me wrong. I love wearing black, but it's like nice for the eyes to see differentiations in things. Before we wrap this up. I need you to tell me Spice Girls style. Which member of the original crew do you see yourself as? Are you the sporty? Are you baby? Are you posh? Which member of this crew do you think that represents like your personality the best? Who do you identify with the most?
I think it changes based on mood for sure. Okay, are we doing Okay, are we talking about original series or this this crew from this? I mean this is first screw but ok this crew i like to imagine that I would be like that I would be like bones and that I would have quick, witty comebacks, which would be really nice. And then I'm also like sassy and mad about like everything. But yeah i think I think I'm a little bit, and I would also like to say, oh, I'm like Kirk, because I'm sometimes an idiot who just goes by my emotions and then my brain catches up later.
But I think I have to say that I'm a little bit more like Chekov, played by Anton Yelchin, RIP. Chekov runs around like a chicken with its head cut off, and yet can can can pull in at the last minute with like exactly what his skills are. like The brains are still working. And I'm not saying that I'm smart as Chekov, but I'm saying that i'm I think that I respond to a lot of things like, whoa, my yeah like that's so That's his life. But to go even further, I think I'm also a little bit like Scotty, but specifically Scotty, who's been relegated to his like outcast era, where he's like, this is stupid. I miss pizza.
That is, i I feel the most identified with Scotty, I have to say. like not Not the superstar, and the person who gets in trouble and gets relegated to the other planet, but gets themselves back off but yeah through you know scrappy wit. um yeah I would like to think of myself like him.
Scotty Spice is like the voice of the audience where he's like, this is crazy. Does everybody know that this is crazy? And I kind of love that for him and us as we are all one and we are together under the light of Scotty Spice. but Oh, God. OK, I think we have to leave it here. Yes, we do. Please join us again next week. We will be covering a movie from the 2010s. We have decided to go with Mad Max Fury Road.
I can't wait. I can't wait either. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for listening and join us at our next episode. Okay. Bye.