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What's It Like Blitzing Cali For The First Time? New Rep Perspective - Manuel Galarza image

What's It Like Blitzing Cali For The First Time? New Rep Perspective - Manuel Galarza

The Solarpreneur
275 Plays8 days ago

In this episode, we take in the perspective of Manuel Galarza, an avid listener of the podcast, as he set off on one of his first exposures to blitzing. This episode details what new reps should expect as well as personal experiences that sets the California area apart from anything else.



Taylor's Solar Journey

Welcome to the Solarpreneur Podcast, where we teach you to take your solar business to the next level. My name is Taylor Armstrong. went from $50 in my bank account and struggling for groceries to closing 150 deals in the year and cracking the code on why sales reps fell.
I teach you to avoid the mistakes I made and bring in the top solar dogs of the industry to let you in on the secrets of generating more leads, falling up like a pro, and closing more deals.

What is a Solopreneur?

What is a solopreneur you might ask? A solopreneur is a new breed of solopro that is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve mastery and you are about to become one. Okay,

Special Guest: Manny's Dedication

what's up everybody? We've got a special episode and a special guest in the house as well.
We're going to be talking about just Blitz in here in Southern California, specifically the San Diego market. And this is a unique episode because we have someone that came out just to do a Blitz with us.
He's actually a listener of the podcast. Hit me up about a month ago and was just like, hey, I want to come check out your market. And just on his own dime came out, been hanging out with us. So he's got a unique perspective to share and excited to hear about his experience.
So yeah, we got the one, the only Manny, car is it right?

Inspiration from Podcast Success Stories

You did a good job with that. Yeah. ja But yeah, man, it's been fun hanging with you this week in a blitzing and yeah excited to have you on the podcast as well. Thanks for coming on. It's ah it's my pleasure.
Yeah, it's my pleasure. So i want to hear just a little bit about your story. But first of all, what made you? Yeah, like I said, you hit me up about a month ago. What i made you interested in coming and in Blitz now here? What sparked your interest in that, Manny?
You know, it was the it was the episodes, of stories. It was hearing your guests on the show talking about knocking doors, um but the solar roller coaster, you call it, right? Solar coaster. Solar coaster, I'm sorry.
Yeah, you know, it just... knocking doors and and hearing people on on your episodes that were people that had massive success, right? Had sort of humble themselves, right? And learn the process. And I'm new to solar.
I have solar on my house, but I'm new to the industry for in terms of the sales side of it. And I felt like your episodes were just really like, they touched me. I felt like I could resonate with the people you have on your shows, you know? Yeah. Yeah.
Well, appreciate that.

Mentorship and Learning in Solar

And like i' I think I've told you a few times this week as you've been out blitzing, sometimes it's rare to hear that because and unfortunately in solar, there's a lot of, you know, like entitled sales reps and people that just, they want to go blitz, but they're like, hey, pay for everything, food, flights, lodging. I'm not coming out until you give me that. They give like their list of demands.
And sometimes it gets little bit ridiculous just with um You know, how entitled sales reps can be and things like that. So, yeah, I really respected that you reached out. And, you know, i didn't even i didn't know you before that. But just the fact that you're like, hey, I want to come out and learn, come hang out with your team. Like, don't even worry about it. I'll.
on my own day and get out there. So I'm like, Hey man, anyone that's willing to do that, come on out and head you out. So yeah, it's, it's a real thing. Like, um, I met you like through virtual space, like through internet stuff. So you don't know how someone might be.
yeah i could have been some sketchy character and vice versa. Um, but everything from your cadence, the way you talk, you know, learning about your story through your podcast episodes,
To me, it was like, it's no brainer to come out here and learn from some of the best in the business. It's not just you, like you and your colleagues, like you work with people that you look up to yeah that are mentoring you. And it takes, ah it takes an honest man to say, listen, I can learn from someone else.
I'm older than you, but I'm not afraid to start to learn from from you or learn from the business. So for me, it was like talking to my wife. I'm married for 25 years. It's like, honey, I'm gonna get on the plane, go to San Diego. yeah I'm gonna go hang out for a week and enjoy this the sun. yeah it was like, you know, my wife, again, married 25 years, you know, you a lot of trust there, but like, how can I get better in solar?
And I'm like, well, what better place to start than solopreneur? Like, you know, you're nailing it, dude. I appreciate it. But yeah, it's funny. um You know, we we yeah we're blessed to have a little Asita here at our place. So yeah, we use that first for blitzing reps like yourself coming out. You know, guys that we feel will be good fits and contribute to the team and everything.
But it's funny. i I remember you told me the other day that we brought you in our house as like a little side entrance. And there's this... Kind of just like open space with like a hammock we put in there just to kind of like the entrance before you get to the door where the casita is.
And you were telling me that you thought that's where you're staying is sleeping on the hammock, just in this little concrete pad. thank you for for the next week So what what was going through your mind? You were like, oh, man, what did I sign up for?
and It's a great question. I'm glad you brought it up because it's true. um My my the polite version of myself was like, okay, going to be a grind. I get it. going to door knock and um I'm going to just, yeah, let me just embrace the challenge. um But I just misunderstood what you were saying because then you walk me down ah like another 10 feet or so and you're beautiful, you know, guest house. And, you know, for me, it's it's a privilege.

Balancing Values in Solar Sales

I want to learn from people that have been in the business for a long time. You've been in the business. You're very transparent. You're honest. um Everything from your background as as a missionary. And I've asked about that because that to me matters. Like, you know, you're very pure person. And I think in this business, you meet a lot of people that are, as I would say, snakes in the grass.
They're not really being authentic. And that's where your podcast is. really caught me. i was like, listen, your guests come on the show and they're they're just being honest. Like me, I'm being honest. Like I'm out here to learn. Making money here is is is a very secondary thing. Like I'm out here to learn from the best in the business.
Legacy power, your team, what you guys are doing. It's infectious, dude. For sure. And that's, you know, that's another reason why like I knew that I had a great feeling that you'd be a good fit for what we're doing out here.
And I'd always tell people more than like the money. yeah look for the leaders. Look for the people you want to follow in this. And I think the money will follow with that. Just because, you know, we get so carried away sometimes with seeing like paychecks.
You know, there's the whole solar bro culture, people flashing cars and all that. But it's like, who do we want to become ourselves? And what people are like manifesting that not only in the money, but...
You know, I was telling you some of our core values, it's like faith, family, fitness, finance, and m in that order, right? Faith, family, fitness, finance. So fitness is number four on that, or sorry, finance is number four.
and yeah, I think that's a big thing that sometimes we forget about is just like who's actually dominating in multiple areas, not just the financial part of it. And so yeah, we're we're trying to get there, but hopefully you've seen that in some of our guys too. That's not just necessarily all about the money, but Well, I mean, I've been here for like four or five days and I've been to family events where it's about faith and family. I've been to meetings about finance.
I've been to meetings just... I've been to the jujitsu gym with you. i got thrown on the mat a few times. i Getting you beat up here? Yeah. I mean, it's been... your life is a good life. Like you you live a very full life. So for you, it's like you have family and it matters to you and you have your your business aspects and you have your goals, but like being well-rounded is the best version of ourselves. Yeah.
about mixed martial arts training and like being well-rounded is the best version of yourself. You can't get stuck too much in caring about money or or stuck caring about whatever else. Like it's being well-rounded is the best version of ourselves and being here just five, six days with you, dude. I kind know youre you're ready to go sign up for jujitsu.
yeah look bruise is all over Yeah, I've got some bruises. Those who know on Instagram, I've got some claw marks. But like, um all joking aside, like bringing me to the gym and I've been out of the gym for like two years in jujitsu and and now I have the bug. yeah I'm going back east and I'm coming to come back maybe like in six months or so. And bring my game yeah yeah you're gonna beat us all up and come back or i hope so yeah so yeah that's good so let's talk about um because i know there's people listening that are maybe curious about like blitzing in southern california san diego and for you um i don't think you never really like knocked straight like this right this is pretty much your first time knocking in solar too yeah
Yes, so um I came out here to know what it's like to be in a mature market where, you know, I consider like solar was the foundation here, right, in the country, right, California. And and being on doors in a market where it's it's saturated, it's it's a challenge. Like you you have to really, really be able to sort of forget about the the bad part of it when someone tells you, like, I'm interested, and you're just like, hello. yeah haven't haven't said nothing to you yet. Yeah.
But there's wins, like even tonight. you know The sun's going down. you You meet someone, and they want to save on their bills too. it's You have to be present. ah Forget about the bat. A good athlete, for example, right?
A quarterback. You throw an interception, you forget about it. Right. It's the next play and I can appreciate your team, your values. It's all about the next play, the next door, the scratch off terminology the other day. I love that, that example in your meeting about like, it's a scratch off that it's never ending. The next door is an opportunity.
i would never have understood that unless I came out here with you guys. It just wouldn't have made sense to me. i was Like knocking doors and, oh, a car salesman mentality. No, it's it's just like it's like being an athlete.
yeah if It's the next door, next opportunity. You fall down 100 times. You get up 99 times. 100th time you get up, you win. When we saw that with you, because, I mean, like your first two days, um didn't didn't get a single appointment. were pretty much getting our teeth kicked in. You know, myself included, I i was getting a few here and there, but not too much.
And then I think it was Wednesday morning was still... Yeah, pretty tough for us. But then finally, Wednesday, you know, afternoon, evening, that's when finally like fortune started turning around a little bit. and yeah, you start popped up with five appointments.
So we're excited to see that. So yeah, what do do you think there's anything that changed or anything that ah I mean, I'm sure it could have been like for few two days not really seen anything. I would say that once you like you you break that that layer of like you have the conversation right and they're actually engaged with you, I was not even ready, honestly. I was i was i was flustered. I'm like, wait a second. they're actually They want to talk with me about this? We're going to go past the door being closed in my face. yeah um But then super exciting. And then there's something about that adrenaline. like Your body changes. Your mindset changes. So it wasn't luck that
I would go from having two days straight of like no progress to three so straight doors yeah of setting appointments. yeah Like having bills in my hand, I'm like, wait a second.
Maybe I was not as confident as I should have been.

Introducing the SolarScout App

So some of you already know that I run my own door-to-door sales team here in San Diego. And as we are gearing up for the summer, I realized if we do the same thing we always did, we're going to get the same results.
But if I want to increase my deal flow, I need to do something different to get an advantage. Then we discovered an app called SolarScout. But it's not a door-knocking app. It's a data platform that shows us who is likely to go solar in our market.
It shows us who has previously applied for solar but later canceled the deal, who has moved in recently, and even how much electricity the homes are using in a given neighborhood. It's been working for a lot of teams across the country and now I'm on board too.
I'm going to be one of the first to use SolarScout in San Diego so I decided to partner up. But I told them, hey, I'm going to talk about SolarScout on my show. you need to give my listeners a great deal. And they did.
So go to forward slash Taylor

Mindset and Persistence in Sales

and book a demo with them and you'll get 10% off your first month when you sign up. That's forward slash Taylor.
Okay, back to the show. yeah And I'm confident person. At that point, it was like, you know what? Mindset is important. And you guys talk about that, just turning on this. But like, your mind says everything. If you're knocking on door thinking like, they're not going to answer, they're not home, they're not going to talk to me. That's what happens to you. Like, if your affirmation is like, listen, I just knocked on three straight doors and I talked to them and I got three straight appointments.
then you're probably on that high of your roller coaster. And it's a good thing, but you have to remember, it's going to get tough too. Just shake it off and you got just, next door is a fresh door. Yeah. I learned that on Wednesday.
It took me about 72 hours to figure this out. Yeah. Yeah, no, we were stoked for you. And that's how it is. You know, we've just been talking. It's like even this afternoon, we were, I was starting to cry. I'm like, man, is this bad area? Because I think we went to like, it was almost like four or five doors in a row where they just couldn't even get a word off. Just ah not interested in solar. Like we but they just came straight out, just not interested in solar.
So i was like I was like, man, Manny, maybe we should switch to a different area. Maybe they just barely got knocked. I don't know what's going on. But then luckily we stuck it out. And I think you got two, three appointments, right?
And then I was able to get one on like the last door I hit too. So I ended it with some Ws. But yeah, that's what it's all about is just like, you know, doing one more, going one more past what you thought was was possible. And yeah I've always seen people have way more success doing that.
But anyways, so yeah, I want to talk before we wrap it up. So that's that's the blitz. And I know we're just um four or five days into this. So, um you know, we're expecting we're going get some some deals. We got a bunch of appointments. So I'm excited to get you some deals as we...

Coaching Skills in Solar Sales

get towards the weekend here. But I want to talk. So you have a pretty unique background and we didn't really get into that from the beginning, but um you're in Pennsylvania and, you know, I know out there you could probably mention solar and people aren't going to close the door in your face. Right.
But yeah, like you're you've been a lot in a coaching. um I know you've done a lot with podcasting too. were just talking, you've interviewed like guys in the UFC and yeah pretty cool things you've done.
So, I mean, two things I wanted to ask you before we wrap this up, Manny, is that the first thing with your coaching background, I guess first maybe give your coaching background for our listeners here.
um And then second, like what have you, what do you think? What do you think we can we can apply maybe to be like better coaches as we're like training reps in solar? So I guess you can start with like your background a little bit so guys know. Yeah, so that's a good question. um So I had a chance to coach athletes in junior college football, which is you unique dynamic because these are talented athletes who usually have bad academics, right? So if they spend two years in junior college get their grades up, they can then move on to a four-year school. But I met athletes who sometimes had good grades and they just just were under, maybe under look. People didn't see them.
Jerome Washington is the big one I would always say. Jerome Washington came to our program in 2019 so, 6'5", 245, looked like a beast. it Had the grades, and nobody gave him a scholarship. And he spent just one semester at our program and got a full ride to Miami as a tight end.
And um for Jerome and and players like that, it was a pleasure for me to help them out. I was a coach. I was a head coach of the program. But for me, it was about recruiting players that had that opportunity to to move forward and be better, like you.
you recruit players on the team and who can produce and and you see the value in them. And they may be young and imperfect, a few tweaks here and there and they can be great. And that to me was that background for me in coaching junior college football. And I was a former athlete, we talked about this before.
I competed for eu University of Nebraska as a gymnast and Division I athlete. Some of that still permeates through me today. i love competing. That's why I went to the gym with you this week and got dragged on the mat. By Joshua. Shout out to Joshua. oh that's it But no, like, you know, I think that's why this business is is good for people that are former competitors. You could have been a high school athlete or college athlete or whatever, even a rec league.
This business is for people that want to compete. um You know, so for me, having that background in competition, being a former athlete and, you know, being someone that was around coaching athletes, This to me became a normal transition.
um The opportunity to present solar to people and and and benefit their lives, right? Because I own solar too. yeah That's how got into this, right? I bought a solar system. I'm like, it's amazing. yeah So, you know, and and beyond that, you know, this to me is ah is a passion project. The same way you're doing this on Solarpreneur Podcast, right?
I have properties. I have enough income to never do solar, right? But for me, I could help people with solar. I could help them save money with solar. um In my part of the world, I'm in the eastern part of Pennsylvania where it's not normal.

Solar Growth Opportunities Across States

Like one in every 20 houses will have solar. Over here, it it's 15 out of 20 houses to have solar. It's a whole different deal. um So this opportunity to come out here with the Legacy Tower, work with you,
It's invaluable because now I can take some of this stuff, bring it back east. Yeah. Right. Educate people on how the rates are going up and you can save money. mean, you guys are paying crazy rates out here. Yeah. It's mind boggling. But yeah, my background's in and some coaching and some athletics. And I think those things translate well to this business so I can go back east and build a team. And, you know, you guys have a massive team here.
Yeah. The meetings are like so infectious. Yeah. but The power of of the group. If you can come out here, legacy power and blitz with these guys, um it's worth every penny.
um Being here with you, staying in your, you know, your guest house, which is amazing. That's a privilege, an honor. But get out here, rent a hotel room and come out here with these guys. Like what you guys are doing is amazing.
Yeah. Yeah. Appreciate that. Yeah. That's what we're we're trying to do. I'll level up together. But yeah, and like with the coaching, as far as that goes, because sounds like your coaching athletes, did maybe they weren't like, you know, they didn't have like the big scholarships, big names yet.
So last question

Building Self-Belief in Solar

on that. Do you think there's anything we can do to help flake people believe in themselves? Because that's one thing I've seen is once people have the doubt and they think they can't do anymore. And that's where a lot of people fall out of this business. So do you have any advice on maybe helping guys to see the version that they can become rather than just, um, seeing, oh, I'm never going to be like, never going to be as good as this guy or you're hitting a really sensitive nerve there. talked to my wife earlier today. Um, I'm married 25 years. You've been married for a long time and faith and, and,
You know, your your partner's important. And i told I said, I have to go back to East and build a team that's gonna make sense where they're gonna believe in our product. yeah So when you bring a new rep on, success is important for them.
So they believe in it. um I mean, you can't give it to them, can't hold them success. I would just say, look, you look for players that are are gritty. Okay. You know, dealing with failure is important.
Yeah. You know, I think some people can't deal with that. Like, it gets to the yeah but the guy who had the the training seminar with us a few days ago talked about how he didn't have a sale for like five weeks. Yeah.
You know, if you can't go a period of time where you're failing and failing and failing and you're to give up, then it won't work for you. Like, you have to be willing to fail. Yeah. And then adjust, right? Little by, like, small adjustments. Don't make massive adjustments.
Yeah. We went and we knocked the words for the last few days, and it was, like, little things you would tell me. Like, let's try this terminology or this wording. And that was it. yeah It wasn't change your entire approach.
It was like, let's make a small adjustment and commit to it. you know Do it for six months. Do it for a year. And then if it does not work for you, then you know you move on. yeah But you can't like you can't go to the gym for like three weeks and be like, oh, no results, right? Or be on a diet for you know a month. Like, I'm not skinny yet. like It's going to take some time. Yeah.
But I've been here for, what, four or five days? So um'm I'm talking about a short period of time. Yeah. And in that short period of time, massive, like, wide, like, why like ah seeing things in a whole different perspective.
Knocking doors, and you've had guests before, we've talked about Knocking doors will change your life. Yeah. For the better. Like, it will it will humble you. you're, you're walking, know, you're, yeah it's getting late, you know, um, if you commit to it, you will have success.
Yeah. Yeah. and as you said before, what I, what I think is really cool is you don't necessarily need an outdoor. Like you've got what? 30 properties now. Right. Yeah. um I know you've done well for yourself and other businesses. So, Manny, he's not he's not out here because he's, like, desperate for money. He's coming out here really to learn. And I think probably more from, like, you know, just something you want to conquer and that's a new skill you want to get.
I mean, if I can interrupt you, like you have to invest in yourself. Like it's, it's gotta be where like, you can't have somebody telling you you should believe in yourself. and It's gotta start with you. Yeah. If you believe in what you're trying to do, then you will actually invest in it.
Um, like if you want to be a doctor, you invest by going to medical school. Maybe not the best investment for some people, but still like if you want to do what you're passionate about, then you're going to make the sacrifice to do that. And with me, when I, when I came across your content,
I'm like, wait a second. This guy is touching the nerve of the things that matter in the business, like failure, getting back up, being a 1099 employee, like not having the guaranteed income.

Redefining Success in Solar

But if you're a good salesperson and and you believe in yourself, the rewards are limitless. like You can make a ton of money, not just in solar, anything you believe in, if you apply yourself fully without like the idea, like if it doesn't work tomorrow, I'm done.
yeah That can't be the way you're doing it. It's got to be like... Like going to the gym with you this week, you know, like same thing. Like I was in the gym with you on the mat and it's been years for me and it was exciting. But you know what?
I got humbled. Yeah. You know, that's OK. I want to go back. I'm like, you know, let's go back the next day because, you know, I want to compete. I want to get better. And when you lose, sometimes people think that as failure.
Losing is not failure. It's an opportunity to to learn from that experience, right? Let's get better from it. yeah Like you compete in jujitsu. That's amazing. We talked about this. You've had success.
yes but and you have those Yeah, true. Yeah, so many parallels in in everything. and So it's the good thing about the doors. Keeps you humble. And, you know, you got to take the losses. You got to move on and not not dwell on the in the losses.

Invitation to Join the Blitz

So, Manny, it's been awesome having you. And we got another big day the doors tomorrow. So we're up there kind of late doing this. So want to make sure we get you get your rest here so we can go dominate some doors tomorrow.
But ah yeah, if you want to connect with Manny, do you want to drop like, ah I don't know, where're Instagram or Yeah, if you find me on Instagram, I can't remember my handle. It's like igalarza underscore NYC, I believe. We can put it in the notes. Yeah, you if you look up Solarepreneur, you'll find me somewhere. um yeah But I'm a big fan. It's an honor to be here.
ah Please subscribe to this this podcast because, honestly, it's not just about solar. And that's what got me here. It's not... It's about life. Like, let's be the best version of ourselves. And you listen to this podcast, guests come on here and they're very honest about their shortcomings. I've failed in life. i I've lost almost everything at times and I had to build it back up, you know, and being married 25 years, not easy either, right? You go through ups and downs, but like,
Um, this podcast is valuable, dude. Like you're touching lives. That's why I'm here. And, uh, it's a privilege, dude. Yeah. No, thank you so much. So, uh, guys, anyone listening this, if you would like to potentially do a blitz, just like Manny's doing here, um we do have an application link, uh, in the show notes, wherever you're listening to this, Apple, YouTube, wherever, wherever.
So you can go ahead and apply if you want to also consider doing a blitz with us. But Manny, thanks again. We're going to get you some deals this weekend. I can feel it. And yeah, we can't wait to see where where you go next, brother. But thanks for coming on with us today.
Thank you. Thank you. All right. Peace. Hey, solopreneurs,

Introducing Solcite: A Learning Community

quick question. What if you could surround yourself with the industry's top performing sales pros, marketers, and CEOs and learn from their experience and wisdom in less than 20 minutes a day?
For the last three years, I've been placed in the fortunate position to interview dozens of elite level solar professionals and learn exactly what they do behind closed doors to build their solar careers to an all-star level. That's why I want to make a truly special announcement about the new learning community exclusively for solar professionals to learn, compete, and win with top performers in the industry.
And it's called Solcite. This learning community was designed from the ground up to level the playing field and give Solar Pros access to proven mentors who want to give back to this community and help you or your team to be held accountable by the industry's brightest minds for, are you ready for it, less than $3.45 Currently, SoulCity is open, launched, and ready to be enrolled. So go to to learn more and join the learning experience now. This is exclusively for solopreneur listeners, so be sure to go to and join. We'll see you on the inside.