Students of Conflict - Season 2 - #4 - Gen Con: Doug (Neverborn Marcus vs Nekima, Broodmother) image

Students of Conflict - Season 2 - #4 - Gen Con: Doug (Neverborn Marcus vs Nekima, Broodmother)

S2 · Students of Conflict: A Malifaux Podcast
256 Plays16 days ago

This episode Doug gets to sit in the guest chair instead of the host chair for once to talk about a game in his journey to finally winning the Tyrant Tourney at Gen Con 2024 and bringing home the belt! We discuss his approach to fielding Marcus and how he approaches large tournaments in general. We also talk about the Lonestar Fauxdown as the time for the event is fast approaching!

Hosts: Clay

Guests: Doug

Tournament on Longshanks: https://www.longshanks.org/event/17401/


Round 2

Deployment and Strategy: Flank, Plant Explosives


Death Beds, In Your Face, Espionage, Sweating Bullets, Protected Territory,

Doug’s Schemes: Espionage, Protected Territory

Tricia’s Schemes: Espionage, In Your Face

Final Score: 8-5 (W)


Doug’s Marcus (Neverborn)

Marcus Swarm Aggro v2 (Neverborn)

Size: 50 - Pool: 4



Ancient Pact






Moleman 2


Slate Ridge Mauler

Ancient Pact

Corrupted Hound

Corrupted Hound 2

Corrupted Hound 3

Tricia’s Nekima, Broodmother

Tricia’s GenCon Crew (Neverborn)

Size: 50 - Pool: 6


Nekima, Broodmother


Blood Hunter


Mature Nephilim

Carnivorous Wyrdwood

Young Nephilim

Young Nephilim 2

Young Nephilim 3

Black Blood Shaman

Recipes Discussed:
(Other show recipes can be found in the Students of Conflict discord, in #s2-recipes-archive)

Plugs from Guest:

Lonestar Fauxdown Malifaux GT! Come mess with Texas!


Also Mentioned in the Podcast:

Fogo de Chão (Brazilian Steakhouse): https://fogodechao.com/

Tacos y Burritos (Food Truck): https://g.co/kgs/fSyEedV
El Palenque (Authentic Mexican, right next door to Dragon’s Lair Houston North and the Lonestar Fauxdown): https://www.gopalenque.com/


HUGE thanks to Dragon’s Lair Comics & Fantasy at the San Antonio Medical Center, for supporting this month’s tournament … especially given the extremely short notice!

Also, big thanks to Top Doug Design for all the terrain we play on here in Texas and for sponsoring this podcast, to Wyrd Miniatures for allowing us to use their artwork from the 2nd Edition Student of Conflict, and to Dragon’s Lair Comics & Fantasy North Houston, the normal home of our Texas tournaments.

Dragon’s Lair Comics and Fantasy - San Antonio Medical Center: https://www.dlair.net/medicalcenter/

Top Doug Design: https://www.topdougdesign.com/

Wyrd Miniatures: https://www.wyrd-games.net/malifaux

Dragon’s Lair Comics & Fantasy - Houston North: https://www.dlair.net/houston-north/

Straight out of the heart of Texas, here come the students of conflict, helping you become a better Malifaux player and reach the top of the podium, one game at a time.
Alright, welcome to students of conflict. We are Clay and Doug. Hello there! And hello! And we are trying to become better Malifaux players, leveling up ourselves and hopefully helping others level up as well. We do this by taking an in-depth look at just one game from our guests, asking about key decisions they made before the game, during the game, and now that they're looking back at the game, what are the things that they learned and that they can pass on to others, helping people level up one game at a time. And today I have the absolute privilege of interviewing our very own Doug!
Why, hello! Hello again! Anyways, this guy came in number one, earned the belt. Number one of 25 at the Gen Con Tyrant Tournament. That's me slapping the belt. I'm wearing it right now. So what Doug means to say in this intensely usual medium that we have is, yeah, he's absolutely wearing this belt. It looks great on him. It's super cool. And and again, congratulations Doug.
Anyways, Jim Con, the time return with Big Deal, held on the 3rd of August, 2024 in Indianapolis, Indiana, and came home with the belt. And so we are going to talk to him today about his run with Marcus. So again, welcome to the show.
Well, I thank you. I've never been here before. He says with a grin. so And actually you have, even as a guest, but it is great to have you back in the guest chair. That's just super cool. As we do here, we always ask a nice bigger question and that we're trying to kind of lean into the 3D plus Malifaux thing. And so over the last few weeks, last few episodes, we've had road trip food. We did that. We did hurricane food and we've done some restaurants.
So we wanted a question more involving actual cooking. And so seeing as how this is all about Marcus today, I wanted to go full beast mode. What is your favorite full beast mode meal? Well, I mean, if I'm going out to eat, if I got to go full beast mode going out to eat, I will, you know, go for the meat parade at, you know, Fogata Ciao or any other Brazilian steakhouse, because, you know, the meat parade is glorious. But if I'm cooking, I make a great carnitas.
So ah those of you who are not familiar with ah Mexican or Tex-Mex cooking, basically carnitas is it is a Mexican style ah shredded pork.
And so I'll go, I'll buy a big Boston butt, which is actually the shoulder of it. and It's not it's actual butt, it's actual butt is a ham, because cuts of meat, sorry. But so I'll season that up and then I will sear it all around and you know cast you know my big old cast iron skillet, sear all of the sides, get a nice good sear on those.
Toss it over into the crock pot. Then in that castor and scale it, I will caramelize a bunch of onions and garlic in there and then deglaze it with beer. and So when I cook this, my entire house ends up smelling like bacon and beer for the entire day.
And so I take all of that, dump it into the crock pot, and then top it off with a whole bunch of lime juice and orange juice, fresh squeezed, of course, and the zest from those. And just let it slow cook on low for like 12 hours.
And so by the time it's time to serve it up, it's just falling apart. It is just succulent and melting your mouth and just as most flavorful pork showed pork shoulder you can have. And then I serve that up on you know tacos with just a little bit of onions and cilantro and it is amazing.
Yeah, it sounds fantastic. I love, yeah. re The reason they call me this is sometimes I'll do an al pastor, but yeah, almost always call me this, but it sounds even better than the place I'm going. I've never made an al pastor just because it feels like a lot of work. Yeah, and that's not what I make. that That's my al pastor going out.
Other than you were saying you had a recipe for al pastor, I'm like, ooh, do share. No, I wish, I wish. So, ah but no, there's ah there's actually, ah for us, there's, and this is a going out thing that we will, when whenever we're doing a Mexican get out, there is a taco truck. called tacoloilio It's and it is unbelievably fantastic. Well, let let's be honest, the best tacos you can get are from a taco truck.
Hands down. though That's where you get the best possible tacos are from a taco truck ah back when I still lived in Chicago because there's a lot of Mexican um people who've moved up to Chicago. I used to work at a Mexican restaurant in Chicago. um and that It's where I got the recipe from. We got it from our other chefs at the restaurant out there. so um but there's lots of, you know, little taquerias that now, because it's in Chicago, there's not so much a taco truck, but they've got just just these little hole in the wall restaurants where you're wandering home ah drunk from the bar. Cause that's what you do. You just walk around Chicago you and just poke your head in there and just get just the most amazing random tacos. Same with the taco trucks here. All right. So, but I am super excited about trying out some, pardon me,
So very much looking forward to that. So thank you! That is awesome. And looking forward to, and that I know we're going to talk about it some later, so I don't want to steal all your thunder, but there is a Mexican restaurant, like a real Mexican restaurant, right next door to the store where we end up having the upcoming outfit to eat. And then there's a chain across the street.
I don't know if you're going to bring carnitas to the GT. Probably not. like it It takes, I mean, I'm going to be doing a lot of prep work for, ah you know, the GT type things. I don't really have the time to do the prep work on a pork shoulder. But besides, honestly, El Palenque next door to Dragon's Lair, phenomenal. And if you want a great, incredibly cheap margarita yeah going over to Taco Cabana, whether food isn't bad It's a chain, yeah. But they're they're yeah like those $3 margaritas. Back before, I mean, back before the tabletop tavern was open at Dragon's Lair. That was, you know, our tournament's go-to. We'd go over there, everyone get a couple of, ah you know, you down one, you get two margaritas, you down one really fast, and then you step the other one, and you're feeling great for the next round.
Yeah, absolutely. so so while ah So if we got our listeners all excited about about having some carnitas at an evening during the GT, absolutely, you will have that opportunity. They won't be dogs, carnitets. The El Pelenque has very good carnitas. I've had it there. It is it is really good. so Awesome. All right. Well, let's, so ah food, absolutely food. Did you describe there that Marcus would not mind just going to be slow down? Cause remember, I mean, let's put it this way. Marcus is the alpha predator. You take a look at Marcus alpha. Oh, that, that Marcus is not a vegan. He is ripping off arms and legs and eating them preferably from my opponent's models.
Yeah, that that is the best. so All right. Well, let's let's actually shift into a little bit more about markets. So um what round are you talking about here today and why? with what What is it about this round? So I am going to talk about ah the second round of the event, my game against Trisha.
um Because I think it had the best lessons learned from it there. um There was definitely stuff where I had to fight to deny points and um didn't really, i all of the games I was able to score my points relatively unopposed on them because the list I brought and the way I played it.
But I think there's the best lessons to learn from it. And honestly, a lot of the lessons learned from that game kind of apply to all of the games and how I end up running Marcus in the list. OK. Oh, that would be awesome. So yeah, some great lessons from this one.
a great opponent and then, yeah, broadly across everybody. So that's cool. Oh, Trisha is tons of fun to play against. um I think this is only the second time I've played against her, but I mean, she's always there at Gen Con and was it Nova, the other time I've played her, was it Nova Open? And, but fun, super fun person to, if I'm not playing against her, playing nearby her, just fun, you know,
I love the Malifaux community, but she's also one of those people in the Malifaux community who I've known for a while and who, even if we're not playing a game, hey, we're chatting and just having a fun time because she also does a lot of the volunteer work at GenCon as well, so. Oh, cool. Nice, nice. So, well, thank you for that, Ben. Alrighty, so you were running Neverborn and Sloane Market, so you're always on Neverborn. I don't know that you've ever even played Arcanist?
Arcanist Marcus or but i'm I'm wondering if you could talk to why never born in general and then yeah Why were you just like it's all Marcus? So going into the event I was planning on running never born I was not planning on soloing Marcus throughout it was the I brought um Let's see, I brought Marcus, I brought Titania, Dreamer, Lucius, and Zoraida with me in my bag. So I mean, I was ready for, you know, I was ready for a Scorpius-ing if I needed to. But um ah when it came down to it,
I mean, definitely pick Neverborn because it's like, OK, it's what I've been playing the most lately. And if I'm going to be picking between a couple of different masters, that's the faction I'm most comfortable with the most masters. I mean, I used to ah back in the day Marcus was on the Arcanists, but he was basically his own faction during second edition.
but I like the non-Chimaera beasts inside of Neverborn better than the non-Chimaera beasts inside of Archimists.
okay So if you knew that you were going to solo Marcus, you still would have chosen. I still would have chosen Neverborn. Particular because Ancient Pact is a great upgrade. Now, is the all right. Yes, if I go with Arcanist, you can get, you know, was it magical training?
Yeah. But I would rather have ancient, especially on Marcus one. I like to put ancient pact on him because then I know he's not going to black Joker a chimerancy. And because you can only target a model once per turn with that, if it's the I need to get an upgrade on that model. That is the time I'm going to black Joker it. You got to have it. Yeah. Yeah. And it's and you don't have access to whispering either one. to see what's Right. not So exactly. Okay.
Yeah, that makes sense. But going into it, it was sort of the, I mean, round one, I'm like, my brain was feeling made of pudding. Leading up to Gen Con was just absolutely exhausting. It was busy, busy, busy, busy. Get there, I'm like, okay, I'm just gonna play. So you know what, I've played this list a bunch. You know, I played it, you know, four out of five rounds at the Boston tournament. Yeah, I'm just gonna bust that out. And then second round comes around and I look at the pool and go,
Well, my brain is still made of pudding. But this is also a good pool for this Marcus list. I'm just going to, you know, ride it the rest of the way. And then round three comes up. I'm like, oh, OK. Because I was playing um Devon, Houston Devon, ah top table round three.
I know how he plays and he knows how I play. And so I ended up playing the same list that round because the literally the last game I played against him, he had a hard time handling that list. And so it was a meta pick where I'm like, no, I know that this list will work well specifically against him. Yeah, which is, and yeah, and you're kind of betting, yeah, knowing the meta,
knowing who you're facing beforehand. We talked about that a couple times on here. yeah super There's a lot that's good about it. At the same time, know that he had seen that list before. And so are you going like, uh-oh, he has had some time to think about how to deal with this. Is this risky? Or you're like, it doesn't matter. Putting brain plus the chance that it's going to mess him up it is good enough.
Part of it was that I knew, so he, that round he declared Masaki. I know how he runs Masaki. I know that my Marcus list can deal with that a little bit. Yeah, shit's gonna die, but I'm gonna score.
Yeah. As opposed to a different list where I might not have what I need to deal with Masaki the way I want to. Plus then, I didn't have to think about what I was putting on the table. I knew exactly what my crew could do, what my crew couldn't do, and just go with, okay, yeah. Yeah. No, that makes sense.
so um Today's wondering why Marcus won in particular versus Marcus 2. Is that just familiarization or what's what's your thoughts on that? This is actually a question from Diceman, 87. Well, honestly, 90% of it was that ah there was bans in this tournament. there were They were doing bans too. So, they can ban stuff.
That means out of keyword stuff, or if I bring Marcus to, there's gonna they will be able to ban specific non keyword beasts. and I don't want them to do that. Marcus 1, he's got the ability Beastmaster, where it's, if this model is the crew's leader when hiring, crews containing this model trees treat beasts in their declared faction as though they were versatile. So that means you cannot ban any beasts against Marcus 1. Okay, so specifically in advance format. Okay.
And also because then um it was cheaper to hire the Nephilim dogs. Yeah. And we will, we will definitely get to that. No, I'm looking forward to talking about that. Yeah. And do I want to give you the rundown of what the list was?
um Yeah, let's go ahead, and I've got a little bit more that I want to ask you about before the tournament as well, even but yeah, let's go ahead and just hit the crew. So ah my crew was Marcus I with Ancient Pact on him, ah the Jackalope Miranda, two Molemen, the Grootsling, Slateridge Mauler with Ancient Pact,
and three corrupted hounds, which are the Nephilim dogs. Yeah, exactly. And so, absolutely fascinating. It's a weird list, I know. Yeah, but I love it. So, and there's, ah so yeah, and then four stones, which doesn't strike me as a lot of stones. You don't have, yeah, so so what was your thought on the stones there? So on the stones there, I mean, first off, Marcus, um Well, there's nothing in this GG where killing Marcus is going to score my opponent points. yeah He also, if, oh, they're really gunning for Marcus, he's got protected beast, and so he can toss attacks off on someone else. And the only other stone user in the crew is Miranda.
right So it's really focused on basically any of my stuff that is doing my work and getting my points for me, can't use stones anyways. Makes sense. Because Miranda is more there for defense, because she's given that plus flip on defense to friends, and she can heal stuff. ah Marcus is really the, all right, let's get everyone mutated up, and then You know, cool, they're scoring me points and Marcus is, you know, doing stuff in the middle of the board usually. He's normally not very much at risk because they see everything else is scoring me my points and everything else is really being the heavy hitters. So people don't tend to focus on Marcus all that much.
Yeah, and yeah, because there's not direct points on that. So, okay, so no, four makes sense and thank you for that. So, um how about the moment that I'd certainly had heard, you know, almost as a meme, you know, make moment, create again, and and not even necessarily from you, but just from kind of in general, and and suddenly you see not just one, but two of them. So talk to me about the thought process of moment if you would.
So Molmen are something where I had kind of, I slept on them for a long time, but I mean, for a forecast minion, they do end up doing a lot more work than their weight class. I mean, five health at four stones, that's solid. But the reason I bring them is they're through the mountain ability.
which is, it says, during the activation, friendly models with size two or less or friendly beasts, so literally my entire crew, ah can remove a tunnel marker within one inch of themselves to take this model's tunneling bonus action, which cannot declare triggers. So what the tunneling bonus action is, is they get to target a terrain marker or friendly scheme marker, ignoring line of sights within eight inches and placing the base contact with the targets.
And it doesn't have to be a tunnel marker, right? It's unique terrain. Any terrain marker or scheme marker. And so that is the reason why I also started bringing the Groot Sling with this list. Oh, so you can jump to the layers. The Groot Sling, it was literally, I was trying to find how to get down a bunch of terrain markers early and it's like, wait a minute, Groot Sling starts with three layers on the board. Well, I can suddenly have these markers on the board that I can jump to.
Now, the other important thing to note is that if you read in the rule, but it's a weird little tiny corner and caught out in the corner there, that bonus actions that are generated by abilities or triggers don't count against your bonus action limit. So you can use, because through the mountains is generated by the Mole Man's ability,
you can take that tunneling action. It doesn't count against your bonus action. And so then you can do another one. So a lot of times it would be one of the Nephilim dogs would do tunneling, jump up eight inches, do a nimble, and then go farther. So yeah I could literally have Nephilim dogs in the corners of my opponent's deployment, end of turn one.
That's because they've got a six, so they could know that eight inch so ah eight inches plus a 50 mil plus then 18 more inches is insane. Future Doug here. We recorded this episode shortly before the latest FAQ in Arata was released by Weird. The tunneling ability was specifically addressed in the FAQ, slightly changing how it operates. The f FAQ ruling reads,
If a friendly model removes a tunnel marker to take the mole man's tunneling action using the through the mountain ability, does this count as a generated action and can the model take a second bonus action after using tunneling? The response is when taken as a result of the through the mountain ability, tunneling does not count as a generated action. It simply allows the model to resolve the action and therefore the model will be unable to declare another bonus action during their activation.
Even with this f FAQ ruling, I personally think MoleMan are a solid pick in this crew, but we wanted to make sure that we're delivering the most up-to-date information to you. Yeah, well, and so it's, and he's friendly to himself. He can do that himself. So he could actually, could he tunnel, tunnel, um like two actions of tunneling and then tunnel as his bonus? No, so tunneling is a bonus action.
Yeah, yeah, but if he does it himself. There's generally not enough tunnel markers down on the board for the bag man to take it himself. He's dropping those tunnel markers behind. So he's got the two bonus actions. He's got tunneling, where he gets to do that teleport. And it's on a three, by the way. It's a stat five, goes off on an eight. So it takes a three to do this. So how many times did you fail it during the tournament? you got I mean, it happens.
I didn't. Oh my goodness, okay. There you go. We used up all of your luck. veteran well Well, there's also the times where you know the Jackalope black joker in the leaps happens constantly.
but But when the milkman takes it, he if he wants to drop those tunnel markers behind for friends, he has to hit a trigger on it, which is why when the friendlies take it, they can't drop do a trigger. So he has to do it on a mask. Well, a lot of times, maybe if I didn't have a low mask in hand, I'm like, OK, he's going to take his other bonus action, which is dig deep, or he just drops a tunnel marker, which that's leaving that tunnel behind for a friend. And so most of the time,
um the mole man, you know, because I had the two mole man, one was tunneling to jump up the field and drop a tunnel marker. Another one was, you know, just doing dig deep, depending on my hand. But usually I would setting up one of the Nephilim dogs to do a crazy run and then leaving behind a tunnel marker for Marcus. Because the problem, one problem with Marcus is that so he uses three actions to get as many grades out there as possible.
And then he'll use his bonus action to make everyone scoot up. Because I don't want him tunneling turn one because then he's just hanging out there in the breeze. So I don't have a lot of stones. So he's hanging out in my deployment zone. Everyone leaves him behind. And then the next turn I'll be like, OK, now I'm going to jump up and keep the party going.
Let's go. All right, so you mentioned the hounds. um I have only seen hounds with Nappalo. And so obviously there'd be some bottom. Can you talk me through why haven't you got hounds in the list? So the hounds are there because, um well, they're incredibly cheap. They cost three soul stones. Three soul stones for a four health minion that has ah nimble and a movement of six.
So they can go really, really fast. And with Marcus, what I would normally do is I would put the natural camouflage onto two of my hounds. So that gives a stealth, which means you can't target them from outside of six inches, and disguised so they cannot be the target of actions generated by the charge. Yeah. So the nephilim dog, the corrupted hounds, or nephilim dogs as I'll be just calling them all this time.
They've got a defense four and a whale power of three. If you look at them the wrong way, from two tables over, they're just gonna fall apart. They're gonna die. If you sneeze near them, they die. Yeah. But if they cannot target them from outside of six inches,
and they can't be the target of actions generated by charges, suddenly, oh, they gotta hunt these things down. It feels bad having to spend AP to hunt down a three Soul Stow Model. Plus, they're gonna damage you when you hit them because they've got black blood. Yeah, because you're not shooting them. You've gotta expend the energy to hunt them down.
And normally I have them activate late in the turn on turn one, because I've got a, ah it's a 10 model crew. I was going to ask about that too. Yeah. The activation control is a little tough with it. And part of it is that in gaining grounds four, it feels like you need a lot of models to just do stuff. You've got a lot of interacting going on. And Marcus doesn't have a lot of
ski marker shenanigans. There's not really anything in that crew where it's the, hey, drop an extra ski markers. There's a limited amount of that across Neverborn. There's some of that with Zoraida, but however you slice it, there's not a lot of ski marker shenanigans in Neverborn. There's not a lot, yeah. So yeah, so you're just, I'm gonna make up for it with a lot of models, and yes, my opponent's gonna get a ton of pass tokens, but I don't care.
And I mean, with Nimble, Nimble in a six inch movement, you can scheme Nimble scheme and get a lot done. Yeah. And there's lots of times where, oh, if it's in a diagonal deployment, I've got my two dogs headed to opposite corners of the board. And it's like, okay. You got to hunt those down. Yeah. And normally they're activating really late in the turn. So.
not by then, your unless they know what these things are going to go do. They have committed, and most of the time, most crews kind of either commit to one side or start to go, all right, we're gonna take over the middle. This crew tends to go, all right, we're splitting off to the sides. Usually one dog goes one way, one dog goes the other way, and he's got a little bit of backup with him, and then the rest of the crew's kind of responding to what you did.
And so it's the you're committed and then suddenly you see, oh, these dogs go on insane amount of distance that you're not expecting. So the general reaction with it is, oh, well, crap, I got to send stuff to go track those down, which by then, unless you committed the direction they're heading already, you're not going to track them down on turn two. You're going to be tracking them down on turn three.
at which point either they're going to be gone, or they've done what I need them to do, they scored me my points. Yeah, they've already scored a ton of points. And I don't give a shit if they die. Because they're a three stone minion. Yeah, exactly. So you talked already about putting natural camouflage on the two dogs, around two of the three dogs. Yep. You kind of have rules of thumb for the other upgrades. And could you kind of talk us through the upgrades for people who aren't familiar with Marcus?
Kind of the upgrades and when you would use each of them or if there's some that you just never use or can you just kind of talk to the up here of bit I use all of the upgrades. That's one of the great things about Marcus is that he has the ability to Change things up as he needs That it's sort of the alright who needs what upgrade um With this crew. I do have a fairly standard unpack of Most important thing is getting camouflage on the dogs Um, and he, the way he does a Marcus one gets is a, is he takes an ability called chimerancy where he targets, uh, targets a model and he puts an upgrade on them. And the target number for it is 10 plus the upgrades cost and the cost of every other mutation upgrade on them. So the more mutations on them, the harder it gets for it to go out there.
And all of his mutations cost one or two stones. Now you can't start with these on models except ones that have an ability that allows you to do so. But this crew doesn't bring any of those models. And um one of the other things I like to have round one is either I need to have some masks in hand or I am going to stone for his quick reflexes trigger to be able to put out out on a couple of models.
So I'm focusing on getting those ah camouflages down on the dogs. And usually i'm ah Marcus it with this list, Marcus is activating as one of my first activations, just so those dogs do not get sniped off the table. What he then tends to do is I like to put um ah the feathered wings onto the bear, so the slate ridge mauler, and the group train. So ah what feathered wings does is increase it, it gives them flight, it increases their movement by one, and it gives them butterfly jump.
And I'm doing this mostly for, okay, plus, I mean, honestly, every part of that is wonderful and beautiful. Having a flying bear, suddenly it's the, oh, yeah, I can just charge like, but wait, how'd you get there? It's like, oh, I don't care about terrain. What is this? I fly over it. But having a two inch engagement range on a model with butterfly jump is evil. And of course I'm going to tap into that evil.
Because, okay, well, I've got a two inch engagement range. i mean There's lots of times where, okay, I'll be within two inches of you, but outside of one inch, because most things have a one inch engagement range. One inch or zero inch. I just kind of assume, you know, one inch is fairly standard. So, okay, cool. I've got a two inch engagement range. I'm engaging you, so you can't charge, you can't interact. There's a lot, you can't shoot. There's a lot of stuff you can't do.
So you're going to OK, well, I'm going to walk up and then I'm going to smack you. Sweet. Now I butterfly jump and put you. yeah I stiff arm you away. OK. Outside of one inside a two or OK. Maybe you're like, OK, I'm going to shoot you from afar. Well, suddenly it's like, OK, you shot me. I'm creeping up the board because that's a butterfly jump. That's a three inch move.
So suddenly. And it's a move too, it's not a push. It is a move. Yeah, so it doesn't have to be straight. And you can, you know, oh, you target, so if I'm engaged, cool, I'm gonna scoot away. And it's like, okay, I'm gonna, you're shooting me from afar. I'm creeping up the board and tell, hey, I'm engaging you now, stop shooting me.
And so both the groot slet is so the Groot Slang has got it on its tongue, which ironically enough, um I find attendees its tongue more often. It does not do as much damage, and but it's got that two inch engagement range. It targets movement and it has a built-in slow on it.
And in a game where AP efficiency is everything, hey, I got a two-inch engagement range, I licked you and you're slow now, well, you can't walk and hit me anymore. Because now you're just slow, at which point, as any, he can hit you with his claws. It's delightful. I like having a butterfly jump on a two-inch engagement range model. It's kind of ridiculous.
Oh, that's so cool. All right. Other upgrades I end up owning is I also like to put serrated teeth and claws onto the Jackalope. Now, I always like to get a few upgrades onto the Jackalope, because once the Jackalope has upgrades on him, you can't kill that little shit. yeah because So it's got Demise Eternal, right which, okay, pitch a card, comes back at four.
But it's also got the creature of carabinog. When this model would discard a card for its demizability, it may instead discard a mutation upgrade. If it does so, it may ignore the abilities once return restrictions. So you have it can it can demise eternal multiple times return so long as I've got upgrades on it.
Yeah, or cards, like kind of either way. I mean, I can only pitch a card once, yeah. Okay, so you do that for your last one when you're out of upgrades. Well, no, I have to do that one first because if I did the Demise Eternal with the upgrade, I can't pitch a card because that doesn't ignore the once per turn. So I pitch a card for the first one. That makes sense. And then do upgrades for the later ones. Okay, and so you normally, have you ever gotten all five?
i have I've never managed to get all five on it. I've most I've ever gotten on it is four. And here's the thing is that it because of its and Lamarckian evolution ability, it receives a plus one ah to all of its final dual totals for each mutation upgrade attached to it.
So yeah, he's defense four, willpower three, but every upgrade he gets ups his stats. And that's on his attacks. That's on when you're targeting him with stuff there. So suddenly he's got, he has the ability to get the highest stat in the game. If you put all five of them up on him there, he can have a stat nine attack. That's awesome. I've never gotten all five on him there.
Got it, got gotta gotta do that as a whatever, achievement unlocked at some point, because that will be amazing. Okay, so we, this is probably my favorite question from Discord. For listeners and that join our Discord, please, we do have a link in the show notes, and we always throw the episode out for questions early on. And so Dyson87, Jim Dyson, had asked, Parkis offers to use a transparency on you. What animal trader upgrade do you want most?
personally think I want wings. I take feathered wings because, you know what, I think it would be awesome to be able to fly. I don't need, I mean, in my day-to-day life, I don't need to be camouflaged. I don't need, you know, serrated teeth and claws. I don't need horns. I don't need armor. But wings would serve me in a normal human capacity, in in our in the real world capacity.
yeah was i was i was before the episode I was trying to think to guess what you might do I was thinking you might go natural camouflage and not necessarily for the real world but just because of that utter joy of like we already have three dogs in Malifaux and then if you had disguise not because you need like you know the and that can't be targeted by charge action part of disguise, but just for the depth. The Marcus level magical disguise I think would be cool for like, oh no, I am, I am actually Danger Planet Dug. You know, it's like what kind of trouble you could get Danger Planet Dug in, or Scoundrels Dug in, because look, just at a con, it could be deadly for all the other dugs.
And so I was kind of thinking- But also being at a calm though, being able to fly over the crowd would be really useful. Oh, that is 100% true. Whatever, formidable horns just for busting right through would not be terrible either. Just for getting through the crowd. But anyway, no, that's awesome. So thanks for taking the Joel on that. I do want to talk more about some of the list stuff, but I want to circle back to that even before the tournament got there and before, you know, you knew which master you were doing, you knew which factory you were doing, obviously. This was just a three rounder. So it's a a huge number of people. I think we had 25 this year. I think it was 26 total. Yeah. Okay. 26 total. So yeah. So could you talk about just the level of how that works? but Was there any special strategy that went into it or are you just like, ah, I'm just going in and we'll see? Or is there like, it's kind of weird when you only have three rounds, but you have more than 60 people.
So the way it ends up working out, and so this is, I mean, I've been playing at GenCon for many, many years. um Ironically enough, this is my fourth year of GenCon without a loss. Congratulations. Oh my gosh, that's amazing. So four years in a row without a loss at GenCon. Now, to be fair, four years ago, I went three ties.
which is, you know, hard to do. But it's a true statement. Yeah, no. Undefeated, baby. But so three three ties. ah The year after that, I got three wins, but I got third place because I just didn't have enough differential. ah That year, I believe Nathan Linder got first place and um Andre got second place.
Then last year I got, ah I tied round one and then I got two wins. So i taught i to I tied against Danger Planet Brandon, which was lots of fun. I got a win against um
ah don I don't mean to put you on the spot. p darkpo everybody knows my brain My brain just flu flushes me. My brain just flushes me. Yeah, got a win against Pope DARPA. It's the only time I'd ever actually played against him. And then final round, I think I played into Scott Helbig, I think. Okay. That ear and got a win there. But you know,
at GenCon because... Landon! Landon was the name I was looking for. Landon, cool. I, I, my brain, my ADHD literally just flushed its mental cache for a second there. The deal is he beat you. So, so who won that game? And tied him? Against Landon? I won.
you won Okay. So it was probably just like the euphoria of that. Well, and part of it was we both tied first round and he hadn't played against Marcus two that year. And did he was scared of Pandora. Okay. Rightfully. So like that's not a bad thing to be scared. I don't play Pandora. Well, true. But if you don't know that, you know, Yeah, I people that yeah, people don't know I don't play Pandora because I don't like her play style.
Understand, not totally do. Secrets out though folks, if you're up against none. But yeah, but so going into GenCon, knowing that it's a three round event where there is going to be more than one person that is three wins. So this year we end up with me with three wins, Michael Hengel with three wins, and then um a Roman from Steam Power Scoundrels had two wins in a tie. He got third place.
And so going into it, you know, there's a certain amount of luck with it where you have to get a, you have to get a good draw first round where first round, like last year I drew into Brandon, had a great fun time and tied Brandon and knew, okay, I'm not going to win the whole event. Yeah. Cause your differential is suddenly zero. Right. And it's, you need to, it's not a loss, but still. Yeah.
You might get third, but you're not gonna take the home the belt if you get a tie. So I played into a newer player, actually a player trained up by Woofbun. Oh, cool. Yeah, so ah played into that newer player. um And so ended up with a, what, eight to four win there, I think? Eight to four win, yeah.
But being able to get a, you know, it goes that you've got to get a good, you got to get a win and a good differential round one, round two. um It's the, I hope I did well, it's the, I hope I did well enough to get, you know, that I'm, you know, I've got to win and I've got a good differential, but I don't want to be, you know,
playing against all of the toppiest top players there. I hope that and all of the toppiest top players maybe had a tight game that no one got an 8-0 blowout. And so it ended up being, I think, um me, Cole, Rob, and Trisha all had the exact same differential. So that being a random draw as to who got what. And so with that, I'm like, OK.
um go Going into Neverborne, I'm confident with um Marcus because I know what Neverborne can do and I can know what it can deal with. But it's the hoping for a draw that is not a just a bad matchup for me. And then going to the final round, I drew into Devin from Houston, who I know him well. We play a lot and um So that's just the I have to play a solid game and hope that whoever is also knocking on the winner's door doesn't blow anyone out. And yeah, so there is that understanding that, look, it's not going to be yeah there's going to be multiples who are three wins. And so you just have to get a good draw and then do solidly. Get your points early is the way I look at it.
That's cool. I was just curious on the strategy, you know, or kind of broad thoughts on that. Obviously you could do it before. Grats on the record from previous years, congrats on the belt this year. But yeah, interested in how that played out. Another kind of pregame question that I had, um you mentioned just in passing Saedra, but you didn't bring Saedra or Sightless Snow. is that Don't you have the models that didn't want to proxy him? Or was were were there other beasts, I know about those, but were there other beasts in mad or in ashes rather, that were interesting to you, that you considered, that you thought about. I just don't have the reps with them. I just didn't want to think round one and then round two. I'm like, I was going to continue with this. It worked. I might as well keep rolling. By the time I got to round three, I'm like, okay, ah you know, I've got the, I've got what my crew can do lock in. I'm just going to keep rolling with that. I didn't change my list entirely out of laziness. And because I looked at the pools going, okay, this list can do it. I don't want to change it.
yeah I don't want to thank you. No. Makes total sense. Makes total sense. But yeah, having the reps was something and it comes with just doing... Right. And like i did I did zero tourney prep. I did not look at the... I looked at the pools when I got to the tournament that morning.
Okay, so that is pretty remarkable, I gotta say. And maybe this is maybe this is like a top tier question that I should say for later, but I'm just gonna ask it now. It's like, you know, obviously like the real world made that where that had to be what happened. You just didn't give any time to prep. Would you ever recommend that to somebody? Just kind of like show up and go. ah Here's the funny thing is that's how I approach almost every single event. I find that the more thinking about things and the more prep work I do for an event, the worse I do at it. and And this could be, and that this does not work for everyone. I think it's the, I'm putting too much pressure on it. And if I'm showing up, expect you like, anytime I go to event, yeah, I'm trying to win. yeah But more importantly, I'm going in planning on having fun.
and that if I go in knowing I'm having fun, and as soon as, oop, if I know, oh no, I lost, I'm out of the running. Sweet, I'm gonna put stupid shenanigans on the board and continue to have fun. Exactly. and And so it's, if I think about it too much, I psych myself out. And so I know that, like I will look at a pool and go, okay,
Can Marcus handle this? Or can Titania handle this? like I'll look at a pool and go, these are the masters or the models I need to accomplish the strategy in these schemes. And so I can look at that at the at the time and go for it.
because if I plan too hard, I'm gonna psych myself out. And that means that if I plan too hard and then something bad happens and my plan falls apart in the middle of, you know, turn one or two, well, then it's like, oh, the House of Cards crumbles. the u so But if I go in, hey, you know what? Yeah, I think those will work. Let's do this. And it's a crew I know inside and out. Hey, you know, it works out. And I think, I mean, Marcus is very good at pivoting.
Yeah, and that that makes good sense, in that you've got enough reps with the crew to know how to do it. You know, and so that's kind of one of those things where you might not recommend Hey Just Wing It to a newer player. I mean, honestly, I would recommend Hey Just Wing It to a newer player because like, hey, what you want to do is say, hey, come on out and have some fun. A middle tier player? Okay, maybe you should be doing some prep work there.
a top tier player, or I mean, if you're trying to crack from middle to top tier, you know what? Maybe don't overthink it. Maybe like nu and lighten up a little. Look, we're here to have fun. And the more fun you're going, yeah if you're just, if you're relaxed and you're having a fun time with it, you're going to see the solutions to the problem more easily.
as opposed to if you are like, OK, I got to do this. Oh, no, my plan fell apart. If you are really focused on your plan and your plan falls apart, you might not see that. Oh, well, cool. That part of my plan fell apart. But they left themselves exposed over here. So I'm going to expose. I'm going to exploit that weakness. And they they may have gone hard on this model. I didn't expect them to. But that means they left an opening over here.
No, that makes great sense. That's awesome. No, thank you for sharing that. Appreciate it. So, all right. So we got through all the pregame stuff. We're at the tournament. We're now... I've also been kind of talking about how I played in general. Oh, exactly. No, I totally get it. And that's fantastic. No, and I've been dragging you around. We took the whole, like, let's talk about the crew. We! Yeah, no, this is great. But you want to talk about... So, you're at the game now, and Trisha has declared Necama.
And you built your crew because it's the same crew. You're like, this crew will work. And then you put your, you know, basically you, you click to the next step in your, in the app and you've seen that it's brood leather. You see that Trisha's brought, I don't know, go ahead and read the list. It's, it's nekama brood leather, blood hunter, return nephlon, carnivorous reared wood. We get the new tree, three young nepholums and a black blood shaman. And so at that point, what are you thinking for?
your game plan? Is it the same game plan? Are you thinking, oh, I got to now adjust because I'm facing Rude Mother without any dogs? I'm facing like a ton of young naps swinging at me. i'm thinking it's So talk to me about what you were thinking for overall game planning because you also talked specifically about the schemes that you chose and what you were thinking that Tricia might have been thinking.
Sure. So um the the pool was so sogan was a game with plant explosives. It was flank deployment. So it was a ah you know diagonal deployment, which diagonal deployment, this Marcus crew loves because it's going to spread you out and I can spread out really easily.
um So then we had death beds in your face, espionage, sweating bullets and protected territory. So now I'm looking at her list and I know that um as far as to it is was going to be very difficult for me to score in your face. Now, a lot of times I like in your face with Marcus, but the mature Nephilim is the only model on the board that I know I'd be able to score in your face off of.
And I know that killing a mature Nephilim in melee is very difficult to do. So I know. Cool. I'm not going to pick that. But I've got a crew that wants to spread out. So we want to spread out to plant explosives. um So that means protect the territory. Sweet.
also espionage, because when you're going for protected territory and espionage, it's one of those ones where like, hey, you know what, I can, whichever one I'm ah um able to score with each of these, cool. Both of these scheme markers may count for the other one, and we'll figure out which one I am using for which when I get there. And so let's see. Yeah, exactly.
It allows me to, because I'm spread out, and I know that turn one, you know, one dog is going to go to one corner, another dog is going to go to the other corner, and we're going to be dropping our bombs as close to the corner as possible, and usually dropping a ski marker right on top of it then.
And it's like, but being able to deal with that, it's going to be hard. And I also knew that so Broodmother tends to have an unpack where she's doing the and this is what she did, where she's pulsing out stuff with the ah Black Blood Shaman. She's getting a Teratot out there and getting the Teratot a little bit of grow.
And so doing a lot of working right there in the middle. So I know that she's not coming hard at me, turn one. That I'm able to go get myself so set up for the stuff. Now then,
afterwards, then I know that, all right, they're going to have to figure out which way they're going to pivot because, okay, I'm running to the corners, so I got to sit now. Nakeemah and Friends, the Nephilim can very much spread out.
Yeah, this I know. Now, I also assumed, you know, I kind of assumed in your face was going to be in there. ah She ended up also picking espionage. And so I wasn't quite a I figured um sweating bullets was probably not what she was going to pick against me, because I've got, you know, Miranda and Marcus, and they're both quite maneuverable out of sweating bullets. Yeah.
um And so I kind of assumed was ah she was either going to be going for Deathbed's espionage or protected territory. And that's kind of the, okay, let's see what she's going for on this. And she ended up picking espionage, which I wasn't quite sure. Okay, she's going for espionage or ah protected territory. It was like, oh, she dropped one on the center line. Okay. But she i don't she didn't score that one until the final turn.
Okay. I'm just too busy killing, putting AP into killing and planning explosives as opposed to dropping steam. Right. And so what ended up happening is that as I'm out there running stuff around, she then has to go, okay, I got to spread my stuff out or go hard on this one side over here to take down a dog. There's one dog running off to the right side that's running around on molested.
um Also, by the way, i might I'm a little hazy and on some of this. It was a couple weeks ago. We couldn't get on this right away. I understand. And there was a there was a con going on. There was a few things going on. Yeah, yeah. But so she ends up running um the mature over towards the left-hand side to go hunt down my dog and manages to absolutely wreck that dog. Yeah, mature versus dog sounds like there but it feels like ah you know i'll take that but at the same time yeah you're like i just used uh like taking a mature to deal with a re stone but also like to be pretty well grouped up yeah but to she's got to go all right how am i gonna get some points in the middle points on the sides so she's starting to get you know a little bit thinned out which is
what ah with Marcus I like to cool we're splitting and we're gonna see all right where they're going and then my heavy hitters are gonna go okay I'm picky I'm gonna go and just kind of work my way down the line and break a few things as I need it you know destroy and pick up their bombs and destroy and pick up their bombs which is now she ended up getting three points off of plan explosives but I'd stole, it was sort of the, I went and, okay, who's got your bombs? Well, oh, that's the summoned one. Cool. I'm going to kill that one last. I'm going to kill that young and that young and that young. Oh, Black Blood Shaman. Cool. You're going to die. It was just the going and picking them apart. Now, especially with Nephilim, because they've got Regen.
you want to kill them yeah and you don't want to go oh okay yeah you always want to kill anything but You don't want to split your focus on things. You want to pick something and murder it and then move on after it's dead. Because otherwise it's going to regen. It's going to eat a corpse and you know heal and maybe grow up.
So it's the, it is not a spread the damage around kind of crew. It's the, that guy. Cool. He's dead. That guy. Cool. It's dead because otherwise they read, they've got a lot of ways to heal, but they don't have a huge ton of, they don't have, like the youngs don't have a huge wound pool and they are not terribly difficult to hit. I mean, the youngs are, yeah, they're defense five and they've only got seven wounds.
So if you're able to knock him down pretty quickly, yeah they're not, you know, getting back up. Yeah. So in this particular game, how did the, we talked earlier a lot about the Molemen in the Kingdom of the Bulge. Obviously that was a big impact drop. Is that a big impact in this particular game? I'm trying to remember the details on it. So one of the other things the Molemen have is they've got a built-in trigger called a burrow. I believe it's called burrow.
where if you smack them, after resolving, they get to bury. Okay. so And then when they activate, they unbury in base contact with a friendly scheme marker. So there are times where I'm like, OK, you want to hit them ah the Mole Man? I might be cheating a surprisingly high card on this to, hey, you missed. Sweet. I'm out of here. I'm like, oh, crap. Where do you go? What am I going to do with this other AP? And then they pop up somewhere else on the board and then, sweet, I'm going to go run some schemes and stuff. And that's what ended up happening is
It was either one of her youngs or the mature went and got, got at my moment. I cheated high to bury it. And by the way, the triggers built in. So you just, you know, swing on a sweet. It's going to bury. Oh, you don't have to have a mask. Got it. Okay. that is li askcar's bellium These guys are eating every mask. The mask is built in. Okay.
And so like I had a dog that ran deep and then the ah moment of it popping out and going and, you know, getting in that, uh, scheme marker, my enemy's deployment zone. That is so awesome. So I'm just like the whole, the whole mini game.
Yeah, this moment's about to get smoshed, so therefore I have to have a ski marker over here on this side of the board. Well, this crew, it's got yeah I've got ski markers wherever I want them, for it so long as they haven't you know murdered everything yet. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, you've got enough AP that you could be like, yeah, of course I better put down some ski markers and stuff. No, that is super fun. All right, the only other, I think, kind of loose-building question that I had is,
Oh, no, I got two. And that is from Dykesford. He asks, are there any Chimera models that you don't ever require? Obviously, you made the same list in this term, but just in general. This is entirely due to my second edition biases. Okay. The Scorpius. So, the Scorpius back in second edition was one of the worst models in the game.
The whole, the fact that the Iron Scorpius being, you know, this big, crazy, you know, uh, accomplishment to do in a major tournament. Well, it was, they named it that as a joke back in the day. I don't remember who it was who originally started doing this, um, thing at their tournament, but they named it Iron Scorpius as a joke because the Scorpius was so bad. That is amazing.
And so, at some point along the line, I turned i used my Scorpius to make an Iron Scorpius trophy for an event I ran, I think it was LVO, and I just never got another one. And you were okay with that, okay. well and part of it like You know what, I should probably put on the table at some point. It's got some legs now.
But I just never have, and that's entirely due to my second edition biases against it, that I think I should probably try it out at some point. Maybe. Well, and it's like, there's not, there's no other poison in the crew, is there? Miranda gives out poison. Okay. There's actually a decent amount of, um if you, ah so Miranda gives out poison, Razor Spine Rattlers can also give out poison. Okay. Oh, Grootsling gives out poison. It licked the dick and Grootsling gives poison as well.
Yeah. So, okay. Cause I'm like neurotoxins is a amazing. I love neurotoxins with Molly's totem, but, but yeah, I can understand. You're like, I don't, I don't want to fly in. I feel like I should try that at some point, but I just never have.
Yeah, totally. All right. No, that's cool. now Thank you for that. And then I also wanted to ask you, this is from Matt, also in our Discord. Some of your favorite non chimera beasts can you take? Obviously, we talked about the the hounds, but are there others that you enjoy? Nephilim dogs, obviously. um i live up I love the Groot slang.
um Let's be honest, if it's a beast at some point, I want to run it with Marcus. ah I have, I have played against your spawn mother. I love playing stupid lists. Like I am well, I'm well known for bringing a different master and then bringing Marcus and mutating beast inappropriately. Like I love to mutate the, ah my favorite beast to mutate inappropriately is the Malasaurus. Oh yeah. because mutated dinosaur. Yeah, why would you not love that? yeah But it's also incredibly expensive. And it's it just tend not to get um there's just just not the AP efficiency in that list. juices not worth to sque But it's fun as hell to play. it's Okay, so we love all of them, all of the beasts, all the beasts that want to mut mutate it. Yeah.
But the favorite, just just for math, the favorite is the Malazur's Wreck. Alright, we've talked a ton of general gameplay. Is there anything that you haven't hit either from your control hand or from the table ah during this game that was just like...
cool lines of play that we haven't talked about yet. So I think one big lesson that Trisha knew kind of going into it there, and it was kind of that, oh, in the middle of it, I was like, oh, right, woof, screw this thing. The Jackalope is that unless you have ways of denying demise, putting AP into the Jackalope is an AP sync.
And I am running, i it I'm doing it as an AP sync for you. That it is, ah there i during this game, at one point you're like, I tend to, you know, cool. I've got serrated teeth and claws on the jackalope, which means that jackalope, if it hits you, it gives you adversary beast, which is like, oh, you don't like getting an adversary beast, but you're like, oh man, but it's a jackalope. I mean, it does two to three damage. Oh, I mean,
I don't want to stone that off, but getting that you know adversary beast, which sets you up for the have the friends to come in and really fuck you up. But it feels bad. But then also killing the Jacklobeford to go, nope, I'm not dead. Nope, I'm still not dead. It feels bad. So.
i You know a lot of times once, you know, the jack lips got a um ah Upgrade on it. I will depending on the deployment depending on how tight things are and depending what my ah opponent has I mean I'll use it's like okay it's gonna move up the field a little bit I'm not worried about it or and sometimes hey he's gonna jump up there and it's gonna be bait or it's gonna go and be a pain in the ass for someone who does not want to be tied up like you can't do fly with me if you're engaged you can't interact if you're engaged it's just a little bit of a pain in the ass so
And that is one of the traps that um both my first round opponent, which I can't remember their name for the life of me, because I suck with names, but my first round opponent and Devon in the third round, ah both kind of fell under this trap is they were they put a lot of AP into killing the Jackalope. And if you've got a way to neutralize the Jackalope,
with using minimal AP, that's what you want to do against that guy. yeah Because I think ah third round Devin put like at least four models worth of AP into it to finally kill it off. I'm like, that's a fair trade to me. yeah Because it's an insignificant model. It's not scoring anything. Yeah.
And first round, my opponent also put a lot, used Lin Lee's activations to kill it off. Now, Lin Lee's got a trigger that will deny the demise, but that's still using Master AP on a totem. Yeah, and so is that, and maybe this is kind of jumping ahead to, I'm not sure where it falls, top tier, middle tier or bottom tier, but just advice against the crew.
Is it better to ignore it? Is it is this something that if you see somebody to claim markets, you just need to bring? it it look like If you've got anti-demise tech available on your fact show, Lantern of Souls ah terrifies me. Like I hate Lantern of Souls because that's that's like, hey, cool, I'm going to perk this right here. And now the Jackalope just doesn't get it.
doesn't get to do anything because he's insignificant so yeah now he's yeah it becomes a control game of trying into getting him to do something worth the like
But if you've got ways to just say, you know, ignore the jackalope if possible, it's not score me points, it's there to be an annoyance. That's entirely how I run it.
So yeah, if you've got it, though, worth the stone to break some hundred of souls or anti-human tech or some kind of anti-human stuff. Yeah. I mean, as far as big moments in the game, I mean, this ended up being a surprisingly, ah like, yeah, I started out with, you know, the 10 models on the board. By the end of the game, Trisha had three models left. Okay. I killed everything else off.
because I was going and picking them off picking off the weak parts one at a time. ah What she was left with on the board was Nakeemah, the mature Nephilim, and the carnivorous weirdwood. And now I knew she had in your face. And so I am just doing what I can to engage the mature Nephilim and keep it from... be ah What I actually did was I shifted Miranda into an ads and lured the mature Nephilim out of my deployment zone to deny that, and then just surrounded it with other models so that it could not get into my deployment zone. yeah you're going to have to fight all these guys And then um the ah big play that Trisha made to get um ah espionage was that
the jack loop come came over to engage the weird wood. Now the weird wood essentially it had to get the ah germinate with the trigger to jump to it and then drop that ski marker there.
and that she was able to get that off but it was the just locking everything down there because I'm like I she couldn't do anything to deny my full eight points and so was trying to figure out how to lock it down and she did a very good job of at certain points, uh, late in the game, it was the, okay, figuring out which model, you know, cycling the models from standing on top of her bombs. So I couldn't get over there and pick them up. Cause I had the, model I had the spare models to do it. And so she's cycling the models around to avoid me picking up the bomb. So she did a very good job of making sure that
I couldn't get her off of the bombs for me to go pick those up. but She knew she couldn't deny me. She she had that moment where it's like, I can't deny this, I can't deny that. Well, here's how I'm gonna get my, you know, how she can get her points. It was the figuring out that, how to keep me from removing her stuff. Yeah, the best use of this 50 mil is standing on a marker. Exactly. How to get the best use out of what she had left there because it, I just kind of went from the right side of the board to the left and just kind of kill, you know, kill the, uh, kill your pig, kill your, uh, shaman, kill your young, kill your young, kill your young, kill your young.
Yeah, so it's left with the weird one. And we talked a little bit about Saedra. Were you expecting a weird one? Were you worried about a weird one? You had looked at it, I suspect. I've used a weird one a few times with Titania. And it is a solid pick in a...
Nakima crew, especially because it's got the ability to, oh, you pick up a marker. Cool. Well, I put the same marker back in base contact with myself. I don't think she ended up using that ability. I think she might've forgotten that ability or it just never came up, but that, you know, Hey, gives you more mileage out of your, um, uh, corpse markers, gives you more mileage out of your scheme markers. Yeah. Though at the same time, you've got the tunnel.
beyond the moment so maybe she's like yeah yeah I mean I definitely use that against um use some tunneling against uh enemy markers from time to time for like oh hey uh you got a shadow marker sweet we're gonna leap over there and then we're gonna slam it because we're gonna you know tunnel to it and then we're gonna slam it so that you can't you know pop out over there something like that all right so who was your uh MVP model oh MVP model of the game I would say probably the Slate Ridge Mauler. Really? Okay. ah And it's because of of, I mean, the entire crew worked exactly as it was supposed to function. Yeah. But that Slate Ridge Mauler having a two inch engagement range means a, Hey, sweet, you got black blood. I don't care. Bam. Smack you down really hard. yeah um And so it was able to move around the board, get where I needed it to be.
scored me points. And ah while the dogs were all off, you know, getting points out there, it was picking apart the middle of a crew. Yeah. And so the, what was the oh um card draw.
Oh, just the card draw. Well, having card draw and also a lot of time that is a model that I'm counting on to do a bunch of damage. That car that models gonna be that model flips a lot of cards.
Um, because with, you know, Hey, two inch engagement range flying and butterfly jump. Well, Marcus and Miranda can both tell it to charge because they both have the, um, call of the wild. So they can say, Hey, you move or you charge. And so that for, it gets me extra movement, but also get some extra attacks out of a model that's got a pretty decent attack.
No, that makes great sense. And I hadn't even thought about the card draw. So this is just... And it's got land five! I didn't actually realize it was a... I didn't realize it was a minion. Just because I've only ever seen one on the table at a time. And I mean, there's plenty of minions that you're only gonna see one of, but I was like, oh my gosh, yeah, it gets the card draw.
So it's, you know, it's a, it's a minion. It costs minion, uh, with, you know, five defense, uh, five willpower, which is not bad. Nine wounds is great, but it's got laugh off unimpeded and warning growl. So warning growl is like, you know, uh, hard to kill. I mean, hard to wound, but better. Yeah. Cause it's not just him. It's everybody with it. Cause everybody around him plus laugh. I was like, Hey, yeah, no, I don't want to move.
unless i so I don't want to move until I butterfly jump. so good It's got ambush. It's got juggernaut. And if it stays nearby Miranda, it can be like at one wound in Merenga. Hey, heal. Boom, boom. And it'll get, you know, crazy heals. And it's got tear off a bite. Yeah. You got the errata. It's been almost.
About a year ago. Yeah. And so, was that one of those where it came out, you know, Arada came out and you were instantly like, oh my gosh, I love this model. then I was already enjoying it to an extent because of two inch engagement range. It had two inch engagement lay range laugh off and it had hard to wound at the time. And it just got better. Okay. So it it went from like, usually take two, literally always take two. Exactly.
okay so It was went from being a take a lot to, oh, I'm bringing this because it's yeah it's a solid model. alright so Okay, we had an awesome discussion, but I do need to at least start wrapping this up. oh yeah we got And so I do need to ask, we're just doing that after the game piece. Oh, I didn't want to say on MVP model, I was trying to guess what you were going to say. I thought you were going to go with the group slogan just because the model is so hilarious and because it's got that big sloppy kiss tone.
So that was why I was like, it was in other games, not in this game. So it actually was what gave up the in your face point on it there. Is that because it had come over, it was licking things. It was being a pain in the ass. It kept licking everybody going, hey, lick, lick, lick. You all taste like burning, but now you're all slow. Yeah.
But then, you know, Nakima ended up coming over and killing it to get the in-your-face point, because it was a model that could yield in your face. yeah And I just couldn't escape with it. It makes good sense. It took a bit for her to hunt it down, but was it she was able to. Yeah, so no, Slateridge definitely got it, but that's cool. So, all right. um So after the game, and we've already talked a little bit into this, but yeah, what's your generic advice for a bottom player, particularly somebody who hasn't faced Marcus 1 before?
in general and in your crew in specific I would say this it's not and this isn't just for Marcus one this is for Marcus in general okay make sure you know what each of the upgrades that I'm giving out does and I will you know I will warn you about it a couple of times, but there's a certain point in the game where I'm like, okay, against an experienced player, I will warn them, hey, that's got a camouflage on it, which is stealth and disguised. New player, I'm going to warn them every single time. Experienced player, I'm going to tell you once, and then it's up to you to remember. well ah You can say, okay, it is on this one. You will ask me whatever.
But I'm not going to remind you every single time if I've told you already. So you know what the upgrades do. So camouflage it gives stealth, which you can't be targeted outside of six inches and the disguise. So you can't, you know, be the target of a charge attack.
the wings, having butterfly jump on there, because that's one of those things like, Oh, I've got this on these two big beefy models who you'll want to kill these models. They look like a model you want to kill where suddenly you're swinging them. Cool. I'm okay with that. Cause now I get to scoot. it's like oh cra And so suddenly at, at best now it's, you know, stiff arming that model out of range at the worst. It's now engaging.
other models that you don't want engaged. Yeah. You thought you were getting in the way and now it's fine. Yeah. So make sure you read, uh, I mean, ask your opponent what the upgrades are. Um, they're, they're in the, they're in the app. They'll be there as the reference cards. Take a look at them, familiarize yourself with what each of the upgrades does, and then make sure you know where the Marcus player is putting those.
Like, I will always tell you where they're going. I will make sure that, you know, this is where they are. But it's important to know that, oh, right, I can't go. I can't just snipe that off the board because it's camouflage. You've got to come up with a way to deal with it otherwise.
Yeah, and don't be surprised. Yeah, I go in on this guy and now I suddenly have adversary ease. Oops, that was bad, you know, or whatever. But yeah, that is good advice. And not easy because the Amalco is nice in this. Most of the flying models have big wins, you know. This one doesn't, you know. And so and it is yeah it's not on their stat, it's not on their stat card to begin with. And that it's, um,
you know, I'm adding stuff in the middle of the game. So you may have looked at, okay, this is what his crew does. And suddenly I'm calling an audible on it there. Suddenly, oh, now this model's got three more abilities. What do those abilities do? And knowing who's got what upgrade and knowing that this crew can really, is very adaptable. set up from middle two So I'd say for middle tier players,
recognizing that the Jackalope can be a bit of a trap. And I'd mentioned this earlier there. yeah That it's going to be a pain in your ass. It's going to be painting you up with adversary. But if you can't, den I mean, if you cannot deny demizabilities, if it's got upgrades on it, you're not killing it off right away.
If I've got any cards in hand and it's got you know upgrades on it, yeah so let's say I've got two upgrades on this and card in time. So you gotta you know do four damage to it to kill it once. Four damage again for that card in hand. Four damage again if I've got one upgrade on it. Another four if I've got two upgrades on it. That's 16 damage. And then Marcus can put more upgrades back onto it.
So if you're able, I mean, hell, it's 12 damage if I've only got one upgrade on it there. Yeah. And that is understanding that look. Yep. it Like i'm running that up your I'm running that up your gut a lot of times um against Devon. I'm like, okay, you know what? There's Fuhatsu up there. I don't like Fuhatsu. And on this board, I had there, the way it was set up,
I was gonna be creeping, I was gonna be taking suppressive fire the whole way up the board. So instead, all right, the jackalup, you know, leaps and then charges up there. Wasn't trying to kill Fuhatsu, just wanted to engage Fuhatsu. Yeah, keep him from shooting other people, heck yeah. And then get him to spend the, get him to spend the actions to try to kill it off. Yeah.
And so, no, it makes great sense. And so, how about the top three players? If you're facing, the very top is your things that maybe you miss, you've done different. few white footings I had wish I'd done, yeah I mean, ah I don't do great against resers. Cruel again, okay, cruel agains are the bane of this crew. Because cruel agains feel like the one thing that can outmaneuver and outdo what the Nephilim dogs are doing for me.
Because a lot of times, the Nephilim dogs, they're running out, they're taking care of stuff, they set my points up and then forget it and then go run off and do things, or die. Well, the Krewligens will come behind and clean up the dog shit. So, it's a Krewligen, I mean, rezzers have got a lot of tools that are great against Marcus. Yeah.
um but trying oftoic So, so declare resers if you know we're playing you declare resers cool, but also it's the knowing that ah I mean this specific crew knowing that it's got that crazy maneuverability and understanding that the goal of it is I'm gonna I'm gonna split up wide counting on you to go hunt things down with models that are Using more stones hunt down then um I'm throwing at scoring these points and being able to anticipate where I might be going with that and not leave yourself vulnerable to the heavy hitters than picking apart the other bits.
I wanted to circle back on something that we haven't done before at the bottom of your players. Because a lot of times we ask volunteer as if they're facing your proof for the first time. When somebody listens to this and they're like, oh my God, this Marcus thing sounds fantastic. I want to buy into this food. What advice would you give for somebody to take this list and run with it? Learn how to, you know, what's maybe a point or two that you would give to somebody who's starting the rest of the first time?
So I think this list for Marcus Crew ends up being, it's definitely ah taken advantage of some you know advanced rules knowledge. Like this is not your typical Marcus list. um It's the finding out what beasts are right for which situations, which beasts like which upgrades on them there. Like, hey, two inch engagement range plus butterfly jump.
Oh my gosh, that's suddenly, even if, you know, all right, you know, maybe it's not like the, uh, the group's like it's tongue. It doesn't do a lot of damage one, two, three and slow, but it targets movements, but it got that too. It's, it's one inch in attack. Is it heavy hitting attack, but it's two inch attack is what's locking people down. Yeah. And so kind of picking up on which models are going to give you that, um,
you know which models are right, which which beast is right for which situation. Also, yeah um Miranda, a lot of people are like, oh Miranda, I can shape changer to any beasts. I don't tend to shape changer all that often. She's usually more valuable as either giving us all that positive flip on the defense and healing, which is really, really useful.
She tends to be, well, shape change into something as a, oh, crap, I need to, ah my plan got thrown into disarray. I need to fix something here. So she'll shape change into an ads, because her shape changing will get her out of the people's engagement range. And then, you know, because the ads got flight, so it can go fly somewhere else and then lure you or lure my own models out of a bad situation. Yeah.
So kind of knowing the just because she can ship change doesn't mean she wants to ah a lot of the time. She's usually more valuable as a defensive support and healer with then the quick pivot for the um weird scenario when things don't go 100% to plan and things never go 100% to plan. So it's knowing how to use that to adapt. It's like, oh, do I want her as a Bandersnatch or hell, if the Groot Slang's dead, she could change it into a Groot Slang. Right, exactly. Or changing into an ads is useful to get that lure. Yeah. But it's kind of that getting, figuring out the right case for the right scenario there. That's great. Now, thanks for the tips. And all right, one final question here. This is one from Wolfbun, from Grant. And I don't know what this means, so I'm hoping you know it.
I have to make sure we ask for my bud what do opinion is on rabbit murder. So, um, rabbit murder should be discouraged at all costs, unless it's retaliatory rabbit murder, in which case it's totally justified. There you go. So is this Jackalope or Jade Rabbit or, or what? Both. Okay. From the round one game I played into, uh, Woof Buns, um, uh, Bud there, they were playing Linley.
So we had the Jackalope and the Jader, rat we had two bunnies on the boards. God, okay. I love the bunnies. They didn't end up battling each other, but so he and Lin Lee ended up killing off the Jackalope.
We'll send the jade rabbits over there. And so I'm like, you know what? i I went after the jade rabbit. I believe I had a focus and was able to... I was count i i think I was still on at least one negative with it there, but I was going like, okay, my deck is pretty hot. And I went for it and then ended up killing off the jade rabbit because the jade rabbit is so annoying.
Yes. But it's also something where you don't want to put the Jade Rabbit unless you have the tech to get past those negatives. Yeah. You don't want to. Yeah, you don't want to deal with it. But I like, you know what, I what else am I going to do with this AP here? Just go for the murder. Hey, kill the Jade Rabbit. Hooray. On the same turn that they'd killed ah the Jackalope. And so was the OK, you know, retaliatory bunny murder. But honestly, that game Well I had a blast playing that game too. and Sounds like it was a great time for sure. Alright well thank you for all of that. We need to shift to some plugs or parting thoughts and I suspect you have a few. I have in fact a major plug. Heck yeah.
It's that time of year again to promote the Lone Star Foe Down Malifaux GT. So last year, this was the largest Malifaux event in North America. We're aiming to get even bigger this year. um I should double check what my numbers are at right now. I haven't checked in a few days and I've seen, you know, more tickets get sold last couple of days. This is always good. But it has taken place in Houston, Texas.
Friday, October 11th through Sunday, October 13th. And um we'll have the link in the show notes. ah Tickets are available. It's taking place at the amazing Dragons Lair Houston. And it's going to be it's it's a six round event because we had last year we had over 32 players. And when you got 32 players, you got to add that sixth round in.
to guarantee that you don't have anyone who, yeah okay, because ties are a thing, things get weird. But it means that there will not be more than one player with zero losses, but with um all wins. I guess that is the technically the way you gotta phrase it. With six rounds, which is really, really great. um We're also, we're doing a henchman hardcore on Friday night. We're doing Bonanza Brawl Karaoke on Saturday night.
oh One of the awesome things with this, because this has been, you know, this is our third year doing it. And the original plan with this was always we wanted to have a major event not tied to a convention. So you're not paying what I call the convention tax. Whereas if you've ever TO'd something at a convention, you know that, OK, maybe they're paying, you know, 50, 60 dollars for the ticket.
But as a TO, you're not getting most of that back. It's going to pay for the venue or other stuff. Well, all of the money from ticket sales for this, um after I pay for ah the Dragon's Lair venue, which because, you know, friend of the store and I've known them for a long time, they give me a great deal on this. I put everything from the ah ticket sales back into prize support for the tournament.
So we get good prize support. we And it's just a lot of fun. It's a great location. We've got a great hotel deal that's about a five minute walk around the corner from ah Dragon's Lair. There's a lot of restaurants right around there. Plus there's a tabletop tavern inside Dragon's Lair. So you can have beers during the event.
ah Last year, during ah the event and with ah Bonanza Brawl Karaoke, we set a record at Dragon's Lair for the most ah most kegs killed during a gaming event at Dragon's Lair that we still hold. So yeah, so we've drank the War Hammer players and the Blood Bowl players under the table. No one's come close. Blood Bowl came close, but we still hold the record. Last I checked.
That is awesome. And it is, I know that the player packet is out on the link, and again, make some notes. Yes. So it is a GG4 packet, and so I kind of wanted to ask about that selfishly, because I'm really focused. Is it that we are looking at GG4? Is there kind of a cutoff if GG5 comes out that we hurt? How are you looking at It's going to be I'll play it by year. I haven't heard any inklings of a GG it? five coming out. The we've had GG four for less than a year. And with all the other gaining grounds, we've had them at the shortest, slightly more than a year. Yeah. So Fodown last year was a GG three tournament because GG four wasn't out. And I think GG four came out maybe a month or two after the event.
So if GG5 comes out before then I will address it as needed. a TO yeah. But right now we're we're definitely planning on and the again the packet is out. so Yes, the packet is out. I put the pool together and i um I don't just randomly put these pools together. I actually take a lot of time and thought curating very good pools, making sure there is a good mix that each pool, you should have good choices available to you.
And I also like to put in things where, hey, hey, there's the hard choice in there, but that there are choices. I also believe that, so because the over the course of the event, there will be, so five, there's 30 schemes that get selected. There's 13 schemes. So every single scheme comes up ah at least twice. And there are four that will come up three times.
now I even have it where every single scheme gets happens on day one and every single scheme happens on day two. I split it up. Essentially, I set up the pools almost like I'm running two, three round tournaments back to back.
Yeah, no, that was super fun. Everything's balanced, you've got the whole chance to experience everything. Exactly, and it's it's how I approach. the But then I also make sure that the pools, there's not as something where I say, oh, well, this is a scheme that in this strategy and deployment is a dead scheme here. I try to avoid any of those picks. Yeah, So yeah, coupled with cool pools, a bunch of top-down terrain you love playing with Texas and a lot of people all over the nation can play under the rain. Oh yeah and there's um a lot of your favorite um
You know, content creators are going to be there. Obviously, you know, myself and c Clay are going to be there. ah The Rage Wire guys are going to be there. um The Danger Planet guys, I think at least Brandon is going to be there and um Danger Planet Doug is also aiming to try to get off work to come. um I think ah di ah Jim Dyson has told me he's got his ticket.
We've got people from all over coming. It's, you know, we've been aiming to make this, you know, the Malifaux event of the year that you don't want to miss out on. So yeah, hotel deal and inexpensive tickets get introduced person easy guarantee and and for us over San Antonio, easy to drive to. So I mean, it's a long drive, but whatever.
It's good. So now Sue for looking forward to this. Again, Lincoln, the show knows everybody, and we'd love, love, love, love, love to see all that. You got anything else for us done?
I mean, i always put ah the pre-recorded stuff always plugs top du design there at the end. Yeah. um I'm always working on stuff. I've got you know other exciting projects coming up soon, which I'll tell you all about when I can. But you come to the Fodown. Come mess with Texas. Sweet. Thank you, Doug. But yeah. um Yeah, and I mean, everyone I played at GenCon, you know what? I love GenCon. It's my favorite time of year. And I get to see some of my favorite people there. And it's just... Finally, i fought after, you know, four years going without a loss at GenCon, I finally brought home the belt. That felt ah felt really good, so. Sweet. And it looks good on you, Doug, I gotta say. It does for sure. Whoo! Slap that belt.
All right. Thank you so much. and Congratulations again. Thank you. Thank you. I will see everyone at the photo. Students of Conflict is brought to you by Top Dog Design. Check out topdogdesign.com for all of your Malifotrain needs. Top Dog Design, 3D printable designs to enhance your tabletop. Students of Conflict is not an official product of Rood Miniatures LLC. All intellectual property belonging to weird miniatures is used with permission. The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of entities they represent. Any content provided by our guests and or hosts are their opinion and not intended to malign any group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything. Whoo!
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