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Students of Conflict #10B - Houston June Tourney: John (Ulix Turner vs Seamus) image

Students of Conflict #10B - Houston June Tourney: John (Ulix Turner vs Seamus)

S1 · Students of Conflict: A Malifaux Podcast
637 Plays1 year ago

This episode we talk to John about a game in their journey to a 3rd place podium at the Houston June Monthly Malifaux Tourney and how small choices during the course of a game ended in a very tight loss for him.

Hosts: Clay, Nick, and Doug
Primary Guest: John
Other Guests: Maeve and Andre

June Malifaux Monthly Tournament - Houston, Texas - 10 Jun 2023
Tournament on Longshanks:

Round 1
Cursed Objects
Corner Deployment
2- Vendetta
3- Assassinate
6- Hidden Martyrs
7- Catch and Release
11- Set the Trap

Shipwreck Beach (page 18 at

Schemes selected:
John: Assassinate, Hidden Martyrs
Christian: Assassinate, Vendetta

John’s Ulix Turner (Bayou)
Size: 50 - Pool: 7
Ulix Turner
Old Major
-Two Gremlins in a Ghillie Suit
Bo Peep
The Sow
Swine Cursed
-Inferiority Complex
Lucky Effigy

Christian’s Seamus (Resurrectionists)
Size: 50 - Pool: 7
-The Whisper
Copycat Killer
Dr McMourning
-The Whisper
Madame Sybelle
Bete Noire
Dead Doxy

Mentioned in the Podcast:

Lonestar Fauxdown: Tickets now available for the Lonestar Fauxdown Malifaux GT, taking place in Houston, TX October 13-15, 2023:

Register by August 25, 2023 to get the special Fauxdown Fate Deck!


HUGE thanks to Top Doug Design for all the terrain we play on here in Texas and for sponsoring this podcast, to Heroic Scale Gamers for streaming Lonestar Conference matches, and to Wyrd Miniatures for allowing us to use their artwork from the 2nd Edition Student of Conflict.

Top Doug Design:

Heroic Scale Gamers:

Wyrd Miniatures:


Welcome and Introduction

Straight out of the heart of Texas, here come the students of conflict, helping you become a better Malifaux player and reach the top of the podium, one game at a time.
All right, welcome to Students of Conflict. We are Clay, Nick, and Doug. Hello. Greetings. Hello. And we are trying to become better Malifaux players. We're leveling up ourselves and hopefully leveling other people up as well. We do that by interviewing top third players from the Lone Star Conference playing in Malifaux tournaments across the US. And sometimes we pull in top third players from other North American faux tour regions who journey to ours.

Interview Format Explained

We are not trying to capture these guests' entire tournament journey. We just want to take an in-depth look at a single game from each of them. What were the key decisions that they made before the game and during the game? And now that they're looking back at the game, what are the things that they learned that they can pass on to other people? Our basic format is to interview our guests all at once, just as soon as possible after the tournament. Well, it's all fresh in their minds, and we can get some good cross-flow between them all. Rather than publishing one long marathon podcast, we break it up, releasing one individual podcast per guest, helping people level up one game at a time.

Introducing the Guests

Tonight we're speaking with Maeve, John and Andre. Hello. Hello. Hello. Awesome.
These wonderful folks came in second, third, and first respectfully. Respectively. Respectively. I am going to get this right. June Malifaux Monthly Tournament held in Houston on the 10th of June, 2023. To be fair to you though, we also took the podium respectfully. We did. It was a very respectful tournament. It was. It was. We're going to be releasing these discussions with them as episodes 10A through C.
All right. So John, congratulations on the placement and it is fantastic to have you here on the pod. Congrats. Hey, thanks, man. I'm really happy to be here.
legitimately been waiting to get on this podcast for since you started. Again, we are super glad to have you here. Um, it's always a long time listeners know that I'm always trying to turn this into a bio podcast and I am very, very happy to have a white player.

John's Gaming History

Oh my goodness. And we get the banjos and of course I just happened to not be playing by you.
Doug had that loaded up, man. He said, I'm ready to fire that off. Oh, yeah. And I had that dance, you know, I practiced the dance beforehand. Yeah. And the dance is like perfect for an audio media, you know, like casting really. But so dead serious listeners, you have got to come to the Houston GT because we will we will play that music and we will get to see that jig and it will be fan asked. Yeah.
If you come to the GT, I will do that dance for you there. Yep. I'm thinking when we do Bayou best in faction, I think that that is where that dance has got to happen. If you're not dancing the whole time, it's not, it's not even a Bayou faction focus, you

Malifaux Tournament and Strategies

know? Yeah, no doubt. It might happen during the bonanza brawl. Now we're talking. Because it's a bonanza. So what's this about a best in faction? Am I going to have to start learning how to play Bayou? What's happening?
No, you gotta let me have this, man. Come on, now. Like other big GTs and stuff, we're going to be doing some best in faction awards this time around. Yeah, we got big plans. I'm excited. Yep, big plans. Making me stand, I'm not going to be there. It's okay, me neither. Oh, so your standards are pants. Oh, yep. We got kids being born and all kinds of stuff, so. I know. Yeah.
It is all good. I'll be there. Oh, woo-hoo. But anyways, as much as I want to talk about the GT, what I really want to talk about is Bayou. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. West American. No. I stopped it. I stopped it.
Thank you. There is a God. All right. So anyways, you, John, as we have already mentioned, are our first time guests. And so it's about time you got here. Slacker. For our first time guests, we love talking about just how you got here. What's your gaming background? How did you get into Malifaux? And why is Bayou objectively the best faction on the planet? Oh, super easy questions. So I started gaming probably towards
middle of high school. I started with MTG. Andre and I became friends around that time as well. Once he and I started hanging out, I remember perusing his shelves, his bookshelves and finding old paperback blood angels and necrons and orcs codices.
And I feel like I remember specifically, he always was like, this game is pretty complicated, man. We didn't spend time learning how to play 40K until a little bit later on in our lives. But that being said, Andre and I have been playing 40K for a really long time together and we stopped playing 40K. We're looking for a different kind of game to play.
We at Dragon's Lair in Austin, we would always see this Malefoe stuff on the walls as we were looking. And we'd be like, this game looks kind of crazy. These sculpts look pretty cool. Let's check it out. And that was, I want to say that was mid-M2E-ish, give or take. Maybe a little bit in the early to mid stages. Wave 3 had just come out. Yeah. Yeah. So we got into it. And it started off a little bit slow. But then once we really started sinking our teeth in, and I say R, I had a very interesting last
probably 10 years for lack of a better way to describe it, where my gaming hasn't been as consistent. But that being said, in the last few years, I've really dug my heels back into Malifaux, coming to the tournaments, traveling abroad. And so, yeah, Malifaux has been my game. It just has a lot of good rules, good things going for it. And as far as why Bayou is the best faction, do you want me to do that now? Or do you want me to talk about?

Game Analysis: John's First Round

I actually started with, the first box I ever bought was Dreamer.
Actually, oddly enough. Okay, good call. Yeah, appropriate test. It spoke to me in a way, and then back in those days, M2E boxes were not very balanced against each other, so Andre had Lilith's starter box, and I had Dreamer's starter box, which means he was packing Lilith and the cherub, and I think the retinue of the... It was two teratots, a young and a mature, is that right? Something like that. No, it was three tots and barbers, I think.
Oh, it was three tots and barrows. That's right. And you had to get the other box to get the mature, but that's that box compared to dreamers box, which was dreamer and chompy, uh, Capellius and three day dreams or a three day dreams and three Alps. I think the Alps came in that box as well. Um, they just, they did not do, they did not go well. Most games, Lilith back in the day, it was really just brutal.
She did mean things. Um, but that being said, then I dove into buy you. Um, and I kind of buy, I think I bought like most of the M3E box or M2E boxes, uh, except for like Ma tuck it. And there was one other one, but a brew master for sure is my, my, my love of the game. Like my first master that I really just fell in love with in terms of playing the game. Um, back when brew master was actually really annoying to deal with.
Um, even though I did have a moment where I definitely one tapped in the chemo, uh, with Francois back when dumb luck trigger was still around for the uninitiated, what you used to be able to do is they had a Ram trigger that basically said double the damage you deal on this attack, take the damage it would have normally dealt to yourself.
But there was an upgrade in Bayou called stilts that you could discard, reduce damage from a melee attack to zero. So you would take this upgrade on Francois, you'd peek that red joker, and then you would do 14 damage on a ram in one swing. And then Francois would duck the stilts, and Nikima was not on the table anymore. And that was when she was a 13 soulstone henchmen.
Um, but brew master was sure, for sure it was my, uh, my favorite go-to master and stylistically still kind of is, I think. Sounds fantastic. So thank you. Thanks for taking us through that. Um, we also like asking, uh, all of our guests, an icebreaker question, uh, for the episode. And so what is your favorite, uh, front of card ability? I guess just ability. They're all in the front.
but in the game and why? Drunken Gremlin Kung Fu is by far my favorite. Drunken Kung Fu. Awesome. Could you describe that for listeners who may not be familiar with that? Absolutely. So Drunken Gremlin Kung Fu is essentially this model treats all negative flips as positive flips and vice versa. So that includes if you have distracted, it becomes a good thing. If you spend focus for some reason, it's a bad thing. If your opponent has serene continents,
Nice. Um, if you're suffering negatives, the damage flips double nice. Uh, cause basically you treat damage flips as well that way. So it applies to all flips. And that being said, the reason I like it so much is a, it just completely oozes flavor. It is so flavorful. Okay.
What does it taste like? It tastes like winning. You ever seen that show Moonshiners? If that show had a combination of smell-o-vision and taste-o-vision, that's what that tastes like. It makes with the dust from your TV. The thing about it is, it's not like an overpowered ability. Nobody's like, oh man, this thing is so broken. It's not overpowered at all.
but it does create this interesting dynamic in hand management and when to cheat and how to cheat in ways that your opponent has to kind of think on the fly about, and that you also have to think on the fly about. Because normally it's like, oh, I'm going to cheat up to make sure, like if I can't beat your duel, I'm going to cheat up to put you on a negative, but it's actually the opposite. You want to cheat down to put me on negatives. So if you don't want to throw away good cards, but I still like flip decent,
Well, throw that good card away and let me get those positive flips if you really want me to. Um, and at the same time, it like creates these interesting interactions where it's like, Oh, you're disengaging. Oh man. Be a real shame if we tied here and then you just saw on positive flips, you can cheat it. Yeah. Double positive. It goes from double negative to double pause, right? It's actually worse to have to be disengaging for brew master to have multiple models engaging the target because you get the positive flips back.
Um, but yeah, no, I think it's just a very flavorful, very like cool kind of, it's, it's a rare ability. It's only on moon Shinobi and brew master two. But I think because of that, it feels like a, an interesting and very unique and situationally powerful ability. Resors do not like that.
ability. I can believe it. Yeah, I can believe it. No, that's fantastic. Thank you so much. Sure. So all right, I'm gonna shift to looking at a single game from this tournament from each guest. And so yeah, what game which round are you talking about here? And why I am going to be talking about my round one game versus Christian. Before it's asked, I played on the shipwreck beach.
Map from dogs maps and it's I pick I was stuck in the top right corner. So going into this game I I wasn't sure who to play because I had taken about a four month ish that three like three month ish break from alifo just to kind of like reassess some things get some stuff in my life squared away and then Oddly enough. I one of the driving factors to go was Maeve had hit me up and asked if I could borrow some models for my
my gremlins and I said, yeah, sure, I'll be there. And I decided to show up. And that being said, you ended up borrowing Doug's models. So, you know, I wasn't hurt or anything, but, uh, it was, it was all a ploy to get you out here. Yeah, it was, yes, the secret plot. But that being said, I had taken a break and was coming back feeling pretty good and didn't, but I didn't know what I wanted to play.
Um, I was kind of torn between a few different masters, particularly brew master Wong and who I ultimately picked for this, uh, objective was Yulex. Um, and so to run you through the list that I had selected, uh, it was Yulex one with Penelope, the totem, uh, old major with two gremlins and a Gilly suit, Bo Peep, the Sal, a swine cursed with inferiority complex, a piglet and the lucky effigy.
And Christian was tailoring a list that was kind of designed, I think, for cursed objects. Oh, and I had a cache of seven soul stones for what that's worth. Christian's list was Seamus with the Whisper and the Copycat Killer. He hired Dr. McMorning One. Oh, we ran Seamus One. He hired Dr. McMorning One with the Whisper, as well as Madame Sybil, Betnoire, and the Dead Doxy with no upgrades. And so he ran Seven Stones as well.
got it. Got the double master thing coming in, both of them. There's some evilness there. Yeah, I think in cursed objects, it's a very, very powerful choice to make. Having fewer activations and significant active, like very significant activations as well, combined with the fact that Seamus and McMorning are too, like if you were not
very careful about how you take them out are very difficult to take them out. Got it. So for this game overall, what was your biggest lesson that you took away from this game or kind of the biggest theme from the game? I definitely will say that this game for me, a, it just really helped me knock the rest off. Um, I felt a little rusty going in, but then like, as I was playing, I was just like my synapses started reconnecting. I started experiencing neuron activation. And then I, I, um,
I just felt good about it. But the problem was is that I didn't really think through my game plan very well. And in hindsight, I know I would have done things a lot differently. But the biggest the biggest takeaway was like time management and honestly how important it is to be wary of my time while playing because the chess clock was my bane, so to speak. But it was like also my biggest boon in terms of learning from the game, because I think the game ended
And he had 25 minutes or so left on the clock. And I was, I was timed out. Yeah. You know? And so, yeah. Cause you're bringing a summoner, you've got a ton of stuff going on and he's bringing like a super double master elite super list. It's six, six activations. Okay. Yeah. And I, and yeah, it's, I had, there's lots going on. Yeah. I had eight out the gate and I was putting more on the table and.
Um, it's a lot easier like to keep the clock on me because he could just pick past token. I'm like, Oh crap. Okay. Pasto. Oh man. Oh, here I go again. But, um, yeah, I think that's a really big advantage, uh, to both playing with clocks, but as well as on cursed objects is that low model count, having an insignificant totem. It all just kind of plays very nicely in that, that kind of environment. Yeah. And then that makes sense. So you normally one trick, don't you? Or do you normally.
play a bunch of different masters within, within a tournament. Generally speaking, I'm either all in on one master or I'm trying to go for a Scorpius. Um, okay. And that's like how it's been. So like, for example, at Nova, I Scorpius by you in the masters. And then I played nothing but brew master in the, uh, the open at the GT ice, I, or at a captain con.
or GTI tried to score a piece at Captain Con. I ran you like five games in a row. Yeah. But that kind of thing. Okay. So for this, for this pool, and I don't know if we mentioned it yet, so I'm going to mention it right now and then we'll let Doug edit it out. If we already have cursed objects, corner deployment, vendetta, assassinate, hidden martyrs, catch and release and set the traps like a super killy pool. Very good. You could do nothing but kill on this one and do just well. Correct.
And so was that like an auto take for you for Oolix? No, no. So actually, well, kind of. So my thought process going into this game was in order to play it out and get myself back into the flow of things, I wanted to play something that was going to play very, very aggressively.
And on top of that, when I saw the double master pick in my head, I was like, well, I can theoretically try to overwhelm his models. If he's only got six activations, but they're all very important activations, every single one I take off the board is significant. So, and if I can overwhelm him with the pigs, the pig engine, if that can get the ball rolling and he just cannot kill them as

Scheme Choices and Strategy

fast as they're being summoned, because Seamus can really only take
maybe one out of turn, you know, depending on like what kind of set up it is, especially because pigs drop scheme markers instead of corpses. That was a kind of another tech thing that I chose to do there. Um, but I wanted to play something aggressive and just like try to gun it down as fast as possible, get the game going. And I ended up playing a little safer than I meant to. I talk a big game for how aggressive I was trying to play, but I played a little bit too back. Um,
but it was still a very close game. And I don't know that it should have been, but it was a very, very close game. It was six, seven at the end of it. Okay. And the Christian ended up taking it, right? Correct. This was a loss for me. Um, okay. Yeah. He, uh, the biggest thing for the disparity was fundamentally one turn. I did not kill a model and that basically set my max
possible VP to seven. And then once I timed out, I couldn't get Bo Peep back into position. And we'll talk about the schemes that I selected in a moment, but I guess I could talk about it now. I took assassinate on Seamus and I took hidden martyrs on Bo Peep and the lucky effigy.
And I think that was a fine call because both of those models are relatively easy to kill, but still have relatively high impact in the game. But there was a moment where I was like, oh crap, he's going to kill both of these at the same time. One's engaged with Seamus or sorry, McMorning. The others engaged with Bet Noir.
That is a recipe for pain. Yes. I flipped decently well after the lucky failed to put up its aura and to defend itself and that failed to kill it. And Bo Peep was able to run off and basically
Dodge McMorning and the Lucky then proceeded to die the next turn and I was like, perfect. Game plan secured. I'm interested in your thought process when you saw, first when you saw Seamus, what you were thinking that you were going to be facing and how that tweaked your list building. And then when you saw the crew hit the board and you saw that it was Seamus and McMorning, what that went through as far as you're like, okay, now what do I need to do different? Can you just talk me through that a bit?
Yeah, sure. That process actually happened really quickly because it was I saw he locked in Seamus and then immediately I obviously I selected no master or no second master and he had selected McMorning. So I immediately before the list gets built. Yeah, that's right. I saw. Yeah, okay. It's McMorning Seamus. Okay.
right on. So I already kind of knew generally what was going to be happening is McMorning is going to be like this distraction, carn effects kind of effect. If you're familiar with the term, um, where he sits on one part of the table is very like threatening, but isn't necessarily going anywhere too fast because McMorning is not a very fast master. He's got a bonus action push.
But it was going to be centered around my models are very difficult to pick off and kill. Betenwar has a berry. Seamus has his teleports. McMorning has a self heal every time he attacks you. The copycat killer is insignificant.
Madam Sybil is a hard-to-wound henchman who can reduce your dual totals in an aura, and the dead Doxy was dead top of turn two. But it did tweak my list building a lot. I hired something that I wouldn't normally hire in Uliks, which is a swine cursed with inferiority complex.
Normally, my ulex lists involve hiring a hog whisperer and taking an extra piglet. And then what I can do there is I'll have tools for the job off the hog whisperer, which lets me draw that top card off the top of my discard when I flip high. And I can then use that to summon and then having to, or I guess replace, but then I have two piglets that are strategically significant members of my team.
that can go run around, they get to activate turn one if I can turn them into the swine curse to gravy, you know? But this game I felt that I needed to have something that could ignore terrifying and manipulative. I needed something that could ignore those abilities. And it ended up paying off quite a bit. And that swine curse survived to the whole end of the game.
And could you talk through the pool that you took? You had seven stones, was that about right? Or do you wish that you had had another inferiority complex on there? And especially with a summoner, you need a lot of stones for summoner, so like, yeah.
So I will elaborate more on this. I think when I talk about hindsight choices that I could have made. That being said, the one inferiority complex ended up being all I really needed at this stage. Again, I didn't want to put two upgrades out on pigs because if I turn them into war pigs after the fact, then I

Game Mechanics in Depth

lose that upgrade. And it's two stones down the drain.
So I only really wanted the one and then that way I only I can turn that guy into a war pig if I need to in a pinch but generally speaking that I'm going to try to just leverage that model and so Bo Peep ended up like getting him out of harm's way with McMorning and kind of
kept him at an arm's length. So I think seven cash is pretty fine. The old major is a pretty tanky model as long as you have stones, but you don't necessarily want to go too heavy on your cash because like, yes, it is nice to have. Like I could have dropped, say, the piglet, for example, and taken 10 stone cash, but that's just isn't quite worth it. But I can't also afford a second piglet and go with a four stone cash because then you if you look starts getting touched, he's going to have a bad time if
old major gets a shot at and engaged on, he's going to have a bad time. So I think cat seven is like a good like middle like upper ground and I like I tend to prefer having that especially with keywords that don't have access to good card mechanics.
Okay, now that makes good sense. So cool. And then one other kind of list building question, and this ties to a question from Nathan that they'd asked in Discord, and that across all of episode 10, there's a whole lot of terrifying. And so, could you talk about when you saw that you were expecting to face a lot of terrifying and kind of the trade-off on
Yeah, having to have the stones. You didn't want to have the upgrade. Was there another place that you could have put, for listeners who aren't familiar, inferiority complex is one of the Bayou upgrades. It gives ruthless so you can ignore terrifying and manipulative. Was that okay? Were you expecting that? How much did inferiority complex make a difference and how much did that come into your mind as you were going through the list building process?
Okay, so going through this building process, I knew it was going to be impactful because Seamus is terrifying. Madam Civil and Bet Noir have terrifying, and then the Dead Doxy will have manipulative. Sometimes the Dead Doxy will have terrifying and manipulative if you give it a GST.
So that's something to keep in mind. That being said, pigs are almost universally low willpower. So we're looking at willpower four on most of those models and having to chuck an eight to try to get through terrifying really reduces the efficiency of what the pigs want to do.
That being said, a lot of people talk about hiring the war pig with inferiority complex over the something else because they're nine stones and as a minion, it gets bully as well, which means you can add any suits that you want in duels against models that have lower cost than you. But the problem with that would have been like I would have been running cash five and that's just not enough. If I drop the piglet out, sure, but then I'm down a piglet turn one and I don't
really want to spend Yulex's AP into pigs that can't activate that turn. But to go into what the model did for me, and again, we'll talk more about this later, but that model killed the dead Doxy top of turn two from full health and put 11 of Seamus's 12 wounds down.
that model tore into Seamus because once he ran out of stones and as soon as Seamus was out of stones, I had flipped a couple of onslaught triggers and it was just like, that's all you really need. That's why, I mean, you know that I split flipped that onslaught trigger clay. You know it.
That thing took down Seamus's

Strategic Reflections and Choices

wounds quickly and it was important that he had that inferiority, that ruthless because Seamus can heal off of failed willpower duels. And then red chapel also forces you to be on negatives if you're engaged by one or more, another red chapel. So civil having that two inch engage, if I get locked in there, all of a sudden it's like,
I'm on negatives to terrifying checks into Seamus and he heals every time I fail. I can't afford to fail. And so that swine cursed, he had gotten fast and he was just like, all right, let's do this. I'm in range to charge Seamus. This is the only chance I'm going to have. And putting him on one wound forced him into a really
It was forced him into a kind of a bad play. I misplayed his bad play, and he knows I did, because we talked about it after the game, where Seamus had teleported into my back line, into my backfield.
And all I had over there was the lucky effigy and a piglet. And so if almost a universal keyword amongst pigs is stampede or ability amongst pigs is stampede, which basically says if you end a charge in base contact with anything, you can suffer a point of damage to deal a point of damage to anything in base contact with you. Seamus is on one wound with no stones. And I have a piglet.
So the logical choice is, charge the piglet into Seamus, deal one point of damage, dead Seamus. Use the piglet's activation for that. I decided to activate Yulex, turn that piglet into a war pig, and then do the same exact thing, missing my attack on Bet Noir who's next to him.
And you're just like, no. Yeah. And in order to do that, I had to chuck multiple severes out of my hand. So I'm sitting there like on two cards in hand at the end of you looks as activation, not able to use them for anything else. And it just kind of was like I could have just done that with a piglet's AP. I could have just said, hey, piglet, activate real quick and then take out Seamus and Betenwar can kill the piglet. Sure. It'll drop a scheme marker and.
then no new course to pop out of, you know? Mm, delicious bacon. Yes. A piglet versus a Seamus is a pretty fair trade. 100%. Yeah. So first of all, thank you very much for sharing that with us and our listeners. You got to be like, ah. It's the classic. There were a couple moments that I was definitely kicking myself a little bit, but I didn't have time because I was running low on time very quickly. Well, that's probably also a little bit of the rust there.
a little bit of the rust and the combination of just like, now I have nine models on the table. Now I have 10. I'm back down to eight models on the table after these piglets get taken out. So like I had so many more activations and he played the past token game very well by just like basically putting me back on like, nope, you're still on time. Nope. You're still on time. And I'm like, Oh man. Okay.
So yeah, but he even says my clarity at the end of the game when I was like on five minutes left in time, I was jetting through activations. So which is cool. So good on you. Um, how much of a factor do you think Christians experience playing you Lex?
played into this game because Christian maimed eulics for a good long time. And so I find that when I'm playing against a master that I have a lot of experience with, I kind of know, OK, these are what they're good at. And so I'm going to avoid being in a situation for the stuff they're good at. And this is what they're bad at. So I'm going to, you know, really lay into their weaknesses. Was that a factor in the game? I would say so.
Um, the sow was dead turn two, and that was the first curse object I gave up because he, in his perception, the sound needs to go because that is the primary, uh, pig summoner in the keyword. Um, for those who don't know, she has a, an action that she can take that requires, I think a five or a six to get off. Um, and you can eat ski markers or corpse markers to add the suit you need.
Um, so, uh, the sow can pump out two to three piglets at turn, depending on the circumstances around you. And Seamus ignores both of the sows important survivability abilities being hard to wound and terrifying. Um, and he.
soft peeked red on intuition with the whisper and dealt nine damage to the sow quickly. So I think that knowledge gave him that edge on taking the sow out faster. But simultaneously, I think he was surprised at how I was playing euluchs and saw things that he hadn't done with his own play of euluchs. And he even said he might jump back into euluchs sooner rather than later. He might feel inspired. Bayou always brings him back.
Yeah. So my question for you is like, if I, looking at this pool and I was like, I'm going to play Oolix, I, I mean, like, I like Oolix one when, um, there's like a lot of scheme marker stuff going on. And, um, this just says Oolix two to me. So why Oolix one over Oolix two?
So I was going to mention this in the hindsight part of it. Yes, I in hindsight, I probably would have played you looks too. But fundamentally, you looks one is where most of my experience is. So because of that, because this is my first game back in months, I was like, I need to play something I'm at least a little bit more familiar with in terms of like, play avenues where I'm what I'm trying to go game plan.
um, and that's really just I need to get more ulex two on the table the last time I had played ulex two I played it into brian and um, it was a slug fest it was an absolute slug fest it was so much fun, but um That was the only game i've really played on ulex two ulex one has been kind of like a bread and butter master for me for For a little while. I played nothing but ulex one at captain con for example and
You know, I just find like that overwhelming play style to be very interesting. But again, on cursed objects with the pool that it was, I probably would have played Uliks 2 and I should have put inferiority complex on Uliks 2 and had him trying to mulch through the enemy models. He doesn't need it. He's a willpower 7.
No, no, no, but you still don't. I mean, it helps. It helps, yeah. For sure. It goes into kind of like what the terrifying question goes into. I do not want to have to, in Yulex's keyword, spend cards out of hand to pass terrifying duels, if I can avoid it. And on top of that, it's good against manipulative. It's good. And the swagger means you can get double value out of a hog whisperer. So like the hog whisperer can stab Yulex.
give him an AP, he could spend that AP walking forward and now all of a sudden your master's six inches up the board with focus and that is pretty good. And the other thing looking into that too is that he didn't have any
real condition removal. So all that burning would have added. Yeah. Yeah. So the burning would have chipped away McMorning and Seamus a lot more effectively. That Min3 with Stampede would have been kind of very scary for Bet Noir to deal with because you looks can basically, you know, one activation just put her, if he flips well, if he flips well, he can actually put her down and because Bet Noir has eight ones, is it eight or seven?
It's seven for eight cost with the fade away built in. So yeah, so they can fade away the.
the damage on the attack, but at that point she's very mortal. I think Yuleks too would have been the correct call in this matchup, especially because you're not going to focus as much on summoning.

Key Plays and Advice

In cursed objects you don't necessarily want to, but I would have probably still hired the swine curse with them if you were in a complex as well, because even if you're not using Bacon B-line to turn things into war pigs, that swine curse being able to move, I think it's move plus two up the board,
And then like, you know, the sow can put out piglets that you can use to then bacon beeline into models for burning and then turn them into war pigs should they survive.
Um, there's ways to kind of play that. And like I said, in hindsight, I should have played you looks too, but familiarity and just jumping back in feet first, ready to just play some pigs. That's what I went with. Yeah, no, for sure. That's, that's definitely, I mean, that's seeing the same thing with dreamer one, you know, especially that first tournament you're going to for a while, knocking the, you know, the rest off and learning it. Um,
Anybody that with oolix too, though, bacon beeline is so good. Even if you don't grow up a pig, just just throwing piglets in. It's delicious. It's delicious. Right. It's so much extra movement. And it's so much burning. It's just so good.
No, that is cool. And that's also really good, just the discussion that they're on. Yeah, this might be an objectively better test, but it needed more prep, you know, which you didn't have because life happens. And so, yeah, the advantage of going, you know, and so, yeah, objectively better, maybe, except for then it might not have been a one point differential. It might have been, I mean, you might have won, but.
I mean, it might've been ugly just because you're like reading the card. And again, you know, I think the closeness of the game and the fact that it was a high scoring game as well demonstrates that, yes, I was giving up points because, I mean, Seamus Redjoker killed the Sal, and then I want to say, uh, McMorning polished off a full health war pig, no problem. You know, it was just like, it was just one of those kinds of situations where
My models are generally relatively easy to kill, so I had to kind of account for that, but I still was scoring my points. I still scored my assassinate on Seamus. Again, could have probably done it a little bit more cleanly, but it was still a very tight game. All things considered, the disadvantages that I had playing Ulex, and I think that helped me jumpstart where I was feeling good going into game two and game three.
Yeah, that makes great sense. So we've already talked a bunch about some of the key plays during the game. Besides the swankers versus Seamus thing, or the piglet versus Seamus that didn't happen, any interesting lines of play, any key decision points, either on the board or within your control hand? So my control hands are pretty mid across the board, meaning I had a couple of severe, a couple of moderates.
some weeks. I think that one of the things that I kind of oofed a little bit definitely was there was a big piece of terrain for Seamus to teleport to right in the middle of the board and then he could just teleport back pretty much to safety and I did not smash that fast enough.
And so one thing to consider is that some maps will have destructible terrain. And when maps have destructible terrain, sometimes you can take advantage of that on your opponent who's making a game plan around that terrain. You could just be like, nope, it's gone. So Seamus would not have been able to get as many big teleports in had that piece of terrain just been gone.
Um, and I could, I could have sacked a piglet or something for that turn one and I wouldn't have felt terrible, but I just, it just didn't come to me. Um, Another kind of like, yeah, those are really the big plays that come to my memory, uh, was Seamus, Merking, uh, the sow, the swine curse, just being absolutely threatening to his keyword or to his crew. And then, um, Seamus teleporting backwards and me kind of goofing it, but still killing Seamus resulting in two points on assassinate.
And then I had made a play where Bo Peep ran away from McMorning to not die because she was my second hidden martyr after the Lucky had already died. But because I timed out, and again this is just me harping on the time because I should have been playing a little bit tighter, but
It's like I said, first game back, where I forgot that with Hidden Martyrs you have to re-engage with another model of higher cost. And I also hadn't factored in Vendetta into the pool, and Old Major is literally Vendetta bait.
that guy will take wounds at some point. He doesn't get his own tear off a bite. And he took Bet Noir on old Major. And it was just, once the corpse, his models make corpses. So they ended up being able to just get in on him, even with the disguise, just get the free charge for the movement and then get two free attacks. And Major was dropped low enough to where they scored. So I mean, all in all, the game was pretty well tight and it was good.
No, but that's some great points. It's a great little tidbits of things to watch for, for folks at any level. So totally appreciate that. For sure. MVP model. Who brought home the MVP trophy there? Definitely. Definitely that swine cursed. Heck yeah. That model did so much work as intended.
Um, I did forget bully into the dead Doxy, but I, I flipped the on slots anyway. And so, um, but so yeah, bully into the dead Doxy means that I can onslaught as many times as I want. Just.
Yeah, you can pick the suit, right? If it's a minion. Correct. Yeah, okay. And so, yeah, the minion abilities on upgrades are surprisingly easy to forget. Yeah, absolutely. If you don't normally take them on minions, yeah. And so that is great advice.
Are we talking about the dead Doxy or the dead Dandy? Because you're talking about manipulative and making corpses. Oh, pardon me. I meant that when his models died, they still made corpses. My models die. They do not make corpses. Some of them don't. The piglets make ski markers instead. Yeah. The old major can make ski markers instead when he dies with Demise Delicious Bacon. Okay. And he didn't try to convince you that his, if it is a Doxy, that his Doxy had manipulative, did he?
Don't tell me that, dude. Because they don't. Okay. Even if it did, it wouldn't have mattered because the only model that attacked it was in fact...
Um, the ruthless swine cursed. Okay. Cool. So it didn't matter, but yeah. So, you know, we see, we learn new things every day talking to Andre. Um, I'm totally like we do. Andre may not, but we do. And we appreciate it every time you're on here. Oh my goodness. That's great. Okay. I heard reading the card explains the card.
Sometimes. Yeah. So that being said, it did kill the doxy regardless. Uh, I flipped the on slots where I needed to, and it was dead and that's all there was to it. And that was an activated turn two. So that scored me for my first cursed object turn three. I did not score any cursed objects, but I did do a number to Seamus and then turn four is when he teleported to my back line and I could have finished him off with a stampede that he had just not anticipated.
Yeah. And that is just a great discussion and a good thing for, yeah, the little ping damages that you can sometimes get, whether it's with black blood or a stampede or whatever is. Not having to flip a duel for it is just golden. Pushing somebody off of terrain so they take falling damage, you know, or destroying, slamming terrain out from under somebody. All of those kind of like, just one point makes all the difference kind of things happen a lot. So, no, that's great.
So already, after the game, listeners will know that we love asking about advice for kind of bottom third, middle third, and top third players. And so what kind of advice would you give for a bottom third player, somebody who's facing your crew, facing the pigs for the first time? And then what's like the big gotchas that your crew has?
Okay, so if you're playing against you looks for the first time. He is not traditional summoner necessarily. What he focuses on is taking piglets that are either summoned or starting on the board and turning them into larger
more terrifying pigs, the swine cursed and the war pigs being your primary beater pigs. Um, but Yulix focuses primarily on buffing the pigs and making them either tankier or have a better reach because pigs are almost universally reached zero. So, but just be prepared to be overwhelmed and to focus down your targets. Because if you leave us a war pig, for example, on three hit points and it gets to activate,
um old major's aura is insane that model is is like you probably want to kill that model as fast as possible if possible but he's 10 wounds henchmen with uh i usually run him with the ghillie suit so he has disguised as well the aura is within six of old major when a model activates it gets to add rams and positive flips to damage on his melee attacks which means that i guess it's all attacks but anyway but
Rams for pigs means tear off a bite, which means every single swing they make, if they're not stunned and they can declare the trigger, they're healing to every swing. And war pigs, for example, are reckless, swine cursed to have access to fast via hard knock life, which is a Wong thing, you know, so they can get a lot of attacks off very quickly. And so like I said, and the difference between turning a piglet into a swine curse is putting five more wounds on the table.
you know, putting a war pig onto the table. That's a 10 wound model. And if I took three summons piglets, for example, and turned two of them into swine cursed and one of them into a, we'll say a wild boar, even a squealer would be fine, because then it'll cost you. You basically do the difference between the model you're trying to summon and the model that you're summoning off of to set the T in. You can turn swine cursed into war pigs on eights. You can turn squealers, which are five stone models, into war pigs on 12s.
you can turn piglets into swine curses on twelves. And so your game plan is to buff your pigs and overwhelm. Yeah. So they're going to get big. Yeah. So watch out for that. The biggest gacha mechanic that you looks has in my opinion is sturdy critters. It's as front of cards within six of him. He has an aura that says when a model here, let me just pull it up real quick so I can quote it properly.
It's when a pig takes damage within six inches of him. It can discard a card to reduce the damage it suffers by an amount based on the value of the discarded card, one, two, or two. So you can chuck a six out of your hand to drop damage by two. And unless the damage is irreducible, it doesn't care if you ignore armor, it doesn't care if you ignore other baseline abilities like armor, incorporeal, things like that. It's just straight up. And again, with 10 wound pigs, that's a big deal. But that's his biggest gacha mechanic. People forget about it all the time. That and probably swine herd, which gives
pigs plus one inch melee turns you, uh, old major into a two inch reach, um, 50 mil base. And that can be really devastating for a lot of people, uh, who aren't just ready for that, but I'd say sturdy. Listeners can't see that I'm raising my hand right now because I have been old majored exact manner in a game, uh, by John. And it was, it was a fantastic learning experience, right? We'll put it like that.
Yes. When having that extra one inch range on their melee helps a lot for, you know, zero inch reach models there. I mean, a lot of them have stampede, so they're trying to get into base contact anyways, but they can charge in, get in base contact with someone and then engage someone else. Right. And it's actually funny that you mentioned that because there was I finally experienced the one time zero inch engagement is really good in game two where Wrath was on the board.
And he can redirect people's attacks into other legal targets. But since pigs have a zero inch engaged, their chances of having somebody else they can swing at besides the model that you charged in the first place is pretty low. So, but that was the one time I've ever seen it be beneficial. But I,

John's Tournament Journey

that's what I would say. Just prepare for lots of wounds to be on the table. Focus down your targets. Generally speaking, UX's game plan is make pigs big, throw pigs at enemy profit.
Yep, which is a great segue. So yeah, so talking to the middle third. Experience player that has maybe faced euluchs before, what kind of advice would you give to them?
First and foremost, Ulyx does not do card things well in hand. He manipulates the duels very well. He can give out of activation AP, but his hand is basically going to be used for summoning or sturdy critters. And if he needs to, pushing through damage on attacks with models. He does not want to have to spend his cards doing
much else, and he does not have ways to replenish his hand. So attacking the hand, again, we talked about the importance of terrifying. Terrifying is generally a very strong mechanic into that, especially because pigs are generally low willpower, but that inferiority complex to access means that at least one of my models is going to be okay on that front.
The other thing with pigs is if you can deny things like healing, it's big. Stunning pigs makes them very sad because they care a lot about their triggers. A lot of them have reckless, and reckless is basically a dead ability if you make it an AP. That can very hurt pigs. Then again, they're not
They're tanky because they have a lot of wounds and because you looks can turn small pigs into big pigs, turning them into higher wound totals. But at the end of the day, defense five, no other defensive tech. Generally speaking, uh, you can, you can, if you focus down pigs, you can kill them. So.
And if you can, and if you really can, if you have like long range firepower, then he, the ulex player does not protect his early game piglets. Take him out, take him out as fast as possible, because that is exactly his game plan is to get those pigs into bigger pigs, give those pigs fast via reckless or hard knock life, and then throw them into the closest model and try to wipe it off the table as fast as possible. And then you can also take advantage of that, uh, zero inch engage.
although be wary of that because swine cursed in particular have heroic intervention so like if you think you're gonna reach game of swine cursed it's very difficult it's very difficult to do so because of that heroic intervention it needs like a five to get off and then also there's a lot of frenzied charge so things like butterfly jump you have to be a little bit more wary of because you want to keep them at that to win like if you have a
Let's say, Nakeemah with old Inhuman reflexes just to rub the salt in that wound a little bit for Andre. Appreciate it. Or Brewmaster2. Brewmaster2 is a fine example. He could have just as easily said first mate with butterfly jump. Yeah, first mate, kind of the same thing because he's got- Yeah, because I've been schwack that way. Yeah. Yeah. If you have butterfly jump, you can be like, oh, I'm going to get out of there. I'm going to get out of dodge. I have frenzied charge.
Oh, well, I'll keep you up my engagement. Well, if it's a swine curse, I have heroic intervention. So like the zero inch engagement is a weakness. I remember a game in particular versus Nick where he played Misaki and I played pigs and it was unfortunate because they have such big bases. I could not fit between some parts of the map with slot machines on them.
With extended reach, it's very hard for pigs to get in there on katanaka crime bosses, for example. And if I would have just had that extra little bit and kept euluchs within six, I would have been able to make swings on his models regardless of not being able to charge them. And I just, I learned a lot playing pigs. I've learned a lot playing pigs. It's been awesome.
That's great. How about the top third? What kind of advice would you give for yourself? Maybe what do you wish that you'd done differently? You have talked about some of these, but yeah, I would like to hear a summary on that too. Yeah. Again, Maeve asked a good point about Ulex2 versus Ulex1. I think I would have played Ulex2 in this matchup specifically because
uh, cursed objects is hard on people who summon and have squishy models that are significant. Pigs are significant. They just are mindless. So they can't activate when they're summoned, but they also don't give away past tokens. But that being said, uh, aside from that, I think when learning Yuleks definitely commit some time to Yuleks because he does tend to have very long turns.
where if you're not like on top of when you're summoning, how you're summoning, managing your cards well, you can feel very weak. And I think a lot of people have this negative perception of euluchs because he's lacking certain qualities that they might find in a stronger master.
um where you have like ways to draw cards multiple times a turn or you have ways to uh nerf your opponent more effectively whereas ulex is very brute force oriented and if you can play into that and not dwell on the weaknesses dwell on the fact that you're
pigs get literal positive flips to damage it for free practically, uh, and are healing themselves that making their wound pools even larger. Uh, and just like embracing that, that brute force mindset with, with pigs and also using demise, delicious bacon is just very slept on. I think a lot of the time because being able to say, Oh, this piglet goes and dies over here. I drop a ski marker one instead of a course marker. And then you say, Oh, and I scored set the trap. Got it. Scored leave your mark. Got it.
you know or denied leave your mark you know sabotage things like that where there are these like interesting lines of play that you can take because of some of these abilities but generally speaking like you have to put time on the table with you looks especially you looks one because you need to know when and how you're going to get your summons out
And also, like, Obey Masters know that, like, you can't dump enough AP into some of these models sometimes. But Uliks has Penelope a totem with a pig-specific Obey. Hog Whispers, same kind of thing, himself has the Herdham action. So sometimes, you know, you just take the Herdham action on a pig to get it further up the board or to advance your game plan or even just give it focus if you've got nothing better to do with your turn.
Um, and again, inferiority complex with swagger gives more value there as well, where you can say, I have spent Penelope's action trying to hurt him that pig with a inferiority complex. It's going to take a walk and it's going to gain a focus. So you're turning two AP into one out of your, your, your insignificant totem. Yeah. No, that's super. But yeah, spend time with eulics. If you want to learn how to play eulics, because you want to short, like get your time management on lock.
and be prepared to make risky decisions that are either going to be really big for you or really bad. If you can kill models faster than they can kill yours, you're in business.
That is awesome. So cool. Thank you. Yeah, I'm just happy John was back to the back to the tournaments. Yeah, right. It was good to see you there, man. Yeah, I was glad to be back, man. And I did miss everybody. And it was it was so like nice to see the community like just be so it's always been so great and warm and just welcoming. And so like, I think that's one of the biggest driving factors to to play Malifaux is that
You're going to find awesome people in the community. It's not the biggest community in the world, but it's a very tight knit, very open arms kind of thing. It was really nice to be back in Houston hanging out with the boys.

Conclusion and Community Appreciation

It's so nice to be back.
Super glad, super, super glad to have you back. Super glad to actually have you on the on the pod and very glad that I drew the straw, the long straw so that I was able to do your interview. Well, we had to, you know, have the all by you thing here and I'm resisting the urge to play the banjo music. Don't do it. Don't do it. I'm growing as a person. For the good of the pod. I was going to say, were you on Maeve's podcast before you were on ours?
Yes, actually. And I was also on Pete's podcast before yours.
Yeah. Oh, I was on rage first, too. We think that was about a month and some change ago where we did a pod on Wong specifically. Yeah. And I was going to be on his podcast as well, doing some some Bayou talking. But I just I was so sick. I was sick and I couldn't barely talk. So I missed out on like a primo opportunity. But ever since you guys announced that you were doing this podcast, I've been wanting to like
podium just so I can be on here and talk with you guys and haven't been able to do it. And then finally, my first time back in a long time, man, it was just everything clicked in different ways. My mind felt different and I was just like ready to go. And I, I came out swinging. I think I had some tough match-ups.
And I mean, it was a 14 person tournament. Yeah, it was a big tournament. And I had the game three and the Brian on Von Stuck. That's that's an intimidating matchup. And I was able to win in the end on that. And.
Any final comments or plugs? I'm really glad to be here and thank you guys for doing this. This is an awesome pod. Thank you. Thank you. We love doing it. Hey, I'm going to do the plug that I always do. We got the Lone Star Fodown Malifo GT coming up here in Houston, Texas, October 13th through the 15th.
We're aiming to make this the largest event in Malifaux, not attached to a convention. We've got great people coming to play from all over the country in a great game store. And if you register before August 25th, we have a custom Fate Deck that you get for free if you register before August 25th. So come to the Lone Star Fodown and see if you have the biggest hat.
All right. All right. Well, thank you very much. And we will talk to y'all later. Farewell. Fare thee well. Adios. Students of Conflict is brought to you by Top Dog Design. Check out for all of your Malifotrain needs. Top Dog Design, 3D printable designs to enhance your tabletop. Students of Conflict is not an official product of new administrators LLC.
All intellectual property belonging to weird miniatures is used with permission. The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of entities they represent. Any content provided by our guests and or hosts are their opinion and not intended to align any group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything. Whoo!
I was like, as I'm like, North American faux tour. Anyways, if someone from Europe comes over and hits the podium in one of our tournaments, we'll totally interview them. Thank you. We are not biased against other continents. All right. TM. TM.