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Ben Parker | Runna  image

Ben Parker | Runna

The UKRunChat podcast.
711 Plays1 year ago

Ben Parker is Head Coach at Runna, and one of the founders. Ben has spent 6+ years as a professional running coach, helping everyone from beginners runners to elite athletes. Ben is also a certified England Athletics Coach, IRONMAN Coach, Personal Trainer and Pilates Instructor. In his spare time, ben is a keen athlete himself and competes within his age group at IRONMAN events with multiple finishes. He also enjoys running ultramarathons whilst holding a marathon PB of 2:34.

Ypu can enjoy an extended trial of Runna using code UKRUNCHAT. Go to this link to claim.


Introduction to Runner and its Origins

Hi, Ben. Thank you so much for joining us on the UK Runchat podcast today. Would you like to give our listeners a little bit of an introduction to yourself and to Runner? Yeah, absolutely. So my name is Ben. I am the head coach and one of the two founders of Runner. And personally, alongside work, I'm a passionate Ironman and a keen runner myself having done now, I think seven Ironman events and my fastest marathon is close to, well, 2.34.
And then alongside that, obviously set up the exciting business that is Runner. So I've been a running coach for a number of years. And one of my friends and clients actually came back to me, Dom, and suggested automating the process of running coaching that I was doing.
And that's kind of what segued into launching Runner two and a half years ago.

Affordability of Runner's Coaching

So Runner is essentially the first of its kind, fully automated running coaching platform, whereby we kind of aim to do everything that a running coach does, but in a much more accessible and affordable package to mean that we can help runners all over the world in a more affordable and accessible package than that of maybe a more expensive private running coach.
Yeah, okay, so do you kind of bridge the gap then between, because obviously a lot of people will go and search a training plan online when they book an event or they might
and play a running coach. So are you kind of that kind of in between model? Is that where you're marked? Yeah, well, it's essentially in between and as close to the running coach as possible. I think like having been a running coach for a number of years, it's kind of like an amazing experience that I always got to deliver to I would limit to 40 people. But at the same time, I guess it's frustrating that like it's such a exclusive and privileged experience because naturally the cost has to be quite high because it's such a time consuming service.
And so with that in mind, we've wanted to kind of build a functionality out that uses text. I mean that the service can be so much more streamlined and therefore mean that we can give the same or as close to the same experience as possible. But then because it's all kind of technologically based and not using lots of time from time poor people like myself, it then means we can deliver it in a much more affordable package.

Getting Started with Runner - Free Trial

So just to give a bit of context to that, I used to charge 25 pounds a week.
And naturally, I guess, kind of like most coaches charge around a thousand pounds a year or maybe a little bit more. Runner charges a hundred pounds for the entire year. So it's more than 10 times cheaper than that of a private coach. And at the same time, there's a lot of kind of accessibility pieces that we like to think about as well, which is kind of you mentioned the type of person that maybe goes and looks for a coach has to go and seek them out and maybe find 30 minutes to jump on a call with them, which can all be quite a daunting and intimidating process.
And instead with Runner, the barrier to entry is much, much less. You come across us, you download us from the App Store, and you can simply get started without needing to talk to anyone scary, without needing to pay anything.

Personalized Training Plans and Smartwatch Integration

And at the end of a free trial, then if you're really enjoying the experience, you can move forward and start training with us, essentially. Yeah, okay. So talk us through how it works. So if somebody signs up with Runner, they've got your app, and they go into the app. So what happens next? What do they do?
Yeah. So, so first of all, someone comes across a runner that could be through listening to this amazing podcast. It could be through the number of different races we've got all around the world, including like the LA marathon. You sign up to that, you get recommended runner, a number of different affiliates and also doing different various ads, et cetera. The customer doing comes across runner and downloads it from the app store.
And the first thing we're gonna do is essentially the equivalent of what I used to do on a 30 minute phone call, which is get to know the runner and make sure that we understand where they are on their running journey. First of all, how fast they are, how far they can run, what they're training for. Is it a 5K? Is it their first 5K? Is it an ultra marathon? A marathon?
What does their schedule look like? How many days a week would they like to be running? What day would they like their long run on? And then additionally to that as well, if they would like, which is not compulsory, we can also cover all of the strength and conditioning as well. So they can tell us how often they want to be going to the gym or whether they're doing the SNC at home, what equipment their gym or their house has. And then again, we'll build them all of the personalized SNC for them, all sitting around there running and very much deliver this to them within about 10 seconds.
And then at the same time, they can then go and sync their sessions that we go and set them straight over to their smartwatch, if they've got one. So, Runner now syncs to Apple Watches, Garmin Watches, Chorus Watches and Fitbits. So, if you've got a Runner workout, you click a button and it will go straight over to your watch.

Real-time Feedback and Accessibility

And then it's like having me or you're running code running next to you, telling you when to slow down on your easy runs and telling you when to speed up on your intervals. And all the while, if you don't have a smartwatch, which obviously a significant portion of people are not going to have, we then want to make the training experience as phenomenal as possible as well. So what we then do is we'll guide you through the workout from your phone if you're running with your phone, and then we can talk to you through headphones or out through the speaker as to how you're performing.
And then whichever way that you tracked your workout, whether it's your phone or your smartwatch, will then show that workout back to you inside the runner app and show how you performed against the targets that you were set within your plan as well. So really trying to cover the full spectrum from building your plan, helping you through the workout itself and helping analyze the performance as well and taking that forward into the next session as well.
Yeah. Okay. That sounds really interesting. So just going back to that live feedback, sorry, live feedback, how does that work then? Is that, is that an actual coach in the rear? Yeah. So, so again, it depends on the different way that the customer is going to be training with runner. So if it's someone who's using a Garmin watch, essentially what we're doing is we're sending the Garmin watch a file.
that they're going to be doing running with their watch, guiding them through alongside. And that file is going to be telling you to run for 2K for your nice, easy warmup. And as soon as your 2K warmup's done, it's going to guide you straight into your intervals. And it might be giving

Tech Integration to Surpass Traditional Coaching

10, 400-meter reps. And so it's going to buzz and tell you when to start your 400s. It's going to tell you if you're going a bit too quick on that first rep or a bit too slowly.
It's going to tell you when to start resting, and it's going to tell you when to cool down. So doing through the Garmin watch, we're using the functionalities that that individual's Garmin watch might have. If it's on an Apple watch, we're then kind of guiding them through again visually with vibrations, and they can also turn on the audio cues as well.
The experience will differ across the different smartwatches based on the way that watch works. And then also if we're using the runner app to kind of record directly on the run without a smartwatch. Again, they've got the option of two things, one of which is the audio, one of which is having the kind of visual data on the phone as well. So for most of the customers who are running with the runner app on their pocket or whatever, I guess they're mainly connecting to the headphones and then we're going to be talking to you in your ear.
and you've been telling you when your warm-ups finish, telling you when to start your intervals, telling you when to speed up, when to slow down, to really give you the experience that people might pay ยฃ100 an hour to have someone running alongside you and really helping you in the moment, but also keeping you accountable by showing you back as to how you perform when you finish the workout as well. Yeah, and while that sounds really accessible actually and something that would really be helpful to somebody,
Yeah, no, exactly. And I think that's why we see about 33% of our customers are coming to Runner without a smartwatch at all. And I think that's what's so exciting is that like comes back to the point that you made earlier, which is kind of we're bridging the gap between a private running coach and maybe a generic free solution out there. And I think it's the case that we're doing a lot more than just bridging the gap. And it's actually kind of trying to improve the experience that maybe most running coaches can deliver. Because if I had a private client before Runner,
And they didn't have a smartwatch. It's very hard to help guide them through doing the different paces, levels of intensity that we maybe want them to be running at to achieve their goal, other than maybe going to a running track and recording how fast they're running with a stopwatch. It's very hard to gauge that intensity and pace. And so being able to build all of the functionality that people benefit from through a smartwatch directly into their phone app.

Safety Features and Future Updates

and delivering it at this very competitive price is a really exciting piece for us as a business and very much built into our purpose, which is that it all comes back to the experience of training with a running coach is during a luxury and something that we want to build as accessible as possible to give as many people that luxurious experience as possible and let them enjoy the love of running that we all have and help them
uh, learn, help them train, help them achieve their goals while doing, minimizing the risk of injury and getting that, that, that very kind of like privileged and luxurious experience. Yeah. So, so you've mentioned injury there. So, I mean, talk us through then, you know, what happens if hopefully a runner won't become injured while the training, you know, are there any kind of safety features in place to stop that happening? And, you know, what happens if a runner does have to take some time out of a plan? Is there much flexibility in there?
Yeah, so absolutely. So first of all, kind of like all of our plans are doing designed optimally with a lot of amazing kind of coaching in mind, that's doing support from Steph Davies, Beth Potter, Anya Cullings, and obviously myself and a lot of data as well. So we're in a position that we've got over two million completed workouts to date. So we can really start to see the kind of the effect of different workouts on different people on different demographics, whereby
If you think about all the books that have been written that help guide a lot of the coaching logic out there in the world right now.
we're hopefully going to be in the forefront of being able to write the next generation of books whereby we can analyze the workouts that we're selling people and really dive into doing new findings that people have never found before, whether that's doing people who are five foot five and male versus five foot ten and male are more likely to benefit from a mild rep versus a K rep. Something like that is something that we can continuously A-B test as well. But with reference to
the safety nets and procedures in place at the moment. So first of all, all the plans are very carefully considered and built. And if at any point anyone has any questions or any trouble with any of their training, they can reach out to us through the support tab. And so that's where they
can message us and then you're supported through the team and any of the coaching questions are sent directly over to myself and to Steph Davies and a number of other amazing coaches, like I mentioned. And we can help that customer adjust their training if needed, adjust the strength and conditioning if needed, pause their training, and then at the same time as they're overcoming an injury as well, we've got a lot of amazing kind of functionality into the app already as well. So that's our kind of post injury plan.
where we can help guide people back in. And again, all of the training that doing the post injury plan is going to be very specific to the individual to help them overcome their injury, whatever their kind of previous level of experiences and very much help them build them back up to non injured, healthy running. And then that's the point at which they could then move back into any of our other training plans as well, which is that which is super exciting.
And I think the other thing that's worth noting as well is kind of all of the goals that we have alongside both the injury side of things but the wider kind of product side of things as well. And so we want to be in a position in doing a number of months time whereby we're looking at the runners sleep data from their Garmin watch or the sleep data from their Woot band or their Coros watch.
and using that to help inform how well they're trained or how well they're recovered. And obviously, your sleep is going to be a huge indicator in terms of your risk of injury. And imagine the case where, again, using all of the automation and the tech that we've got working inside Runner for us to be able to make recommendations and say, hey, Michelle, we can see you slept really badly over the last two days. We've brought your easy run forward, and we're actually going to push your intervals back by a few days.
And that would be an experience that's only available to probably the very best Olympians in the Western world, having their data scientists, their sleep coach, their nutritionists, their strength and conditioning coach, etc. And we want to build the functionality into Runner, using all the data from wearables, from your Runner app and everything else.

Flexible and Customizable Training Plans

to be able to build the experience that probably only 100 people in the world get those most privileged Olympians in the Western world, and build that in a package that anyone training with Runner can get at this amazing price point. And there's a long way to go on that mission, but we're already in a really exciting place there as well. Yeah, but that's great that you're already thinking so much about the importance of recovery, because I think as runners generally, we don't often put enough emphasis on it, do we?
No, exactly. You'll know this having been a coach for a long time is that people are often reluctant to rest even when they know they should. I mean, how do you kind of get around that with runner? How does that work? How do you factor that in? Yeah, I think, again, it comes back down to kind of understanding the different people that are training with us. And we've got a huge range of people. We've got nearly 50,000 people who are training with us today. And with that in mind,
And I guess we've got we've got one end of the spectrum, which is the seriously strong elite runner who's maybe looking for a well under three hour 245 marathon and below doing the really impressive types of runners. And then we've also got the other end of the spectrum, maybe someone training for their very first five K.
who may be doing this got very different challenges and problems. So we've got to get the balance right, which is helping to motivate people who maybe need to be pushed out the door and really get on those runs. But then we've also got to find the balance by also serving the other end of the spectrum and making sure they don't go and overtrain. And so that's where it comes down to kind of everyone needing a very, very bespoke approach. And that's kind of why it comes back to why we set out on building this business in the first place, which is that the solution of people training or signing up for a marathon
and then going and finding a generic free solution whereby everyone should go and follow the same training plan is completely wrong. And instead, we need to be making sure that someone who comes onto our app, who's maybe feeling super, super motivated and heard their friend who runs seven times a week, but has actually never run more than 5K, should not be able to go and tell us they want to run seven times a week because they're going to go and get injured. And so with that in mind, we've got a whole host of kind of like,
amazing coaching logic that goes on behind the scenes to help inform different customers and different use cases of how to build them their very best plan. A lot of safety nets are in place behind the scenes as well. A very exciting element to the business that we're about to launch that's going to go live in about two weeks from today, so you never know, it may well be live by the time you're listening to this, is moving towards having a flexible length engine, but also having a number of different coaching personas that you can select.
And what I mean by that, so our flexible length engine, so at the moment you want to train for a marathon, we've got a 12 week option and a 16 week option.
which doesn't work very well if you want to do a marathon in 19 and a half weeks. So we'll be launching during the 19 and a half week marathon plan in two weeks time from now. But the other piece is also the coaching persona that you might want to be able to select. And that's the case that not everyone wants to go and train optimally for their marathon. And at the moment, all of our training is essentially optimal. We'll listen to where you are right now and we'll very much give you the very
optimal training journey to get you to do the very best as possible in that race. And with that in mind we want to build our different coaching personas and so not everyone wants to necessarily train completely optimally. People might want to be training around raising children, working through a busy period of time at work.
And with that in mind, we're building two new coaching personas. So if one of which is completely is called balanced and one of which is called lifestyle. So if you're on the lifestyle persona, we're going to build up your training much, much more gradually and very much allow you to
balance your training around a lot more the rest of your life and give you a lot less mileage, essentially, and allow you to build up your training towards that marathon with a little bit less intensity. But at the same time, what we also don't want to do is allow someone to build up in the lifestyle mode who maybe doesn't have very long towards their marathon. Because if we don't build them up a little faster, they will be having to make such a big jump from the last day of training to be able to complete that marathon.
And so with that in mind, it comes back to kind of all of those different safety nets and understanding the different motivations and the different challenges. And some people will need to be encouraging them to be running a little bit more. But for others, we need to be making sure they don't go and over train. And it's a really complicated battle, especially when you think about building it to serve 50,000 people all at once. But at the same time, lots of really exciting things we can continue to add to the service over the months and years ahead.
Yeah, potentially all sounds really exciting. So you've talked about building in some some different coaching personas there. I mean, how much how much flexibility do people have over their own training plans in there? Is it all app led or can they
make changes to it, like say they have to miss a run, how does that work? Yeah absolutely, so we want to make it first of all optimal so that everyone's got the very best coaching experience that they could ever have but at the same time we understand, I understand as a coach and we understand as a business that training is all about making it work for you, no matter how good your training is, if you don't go and do it it's not going to help you go get fitter and with that in mind we want to make it so easy and effortless for someone to go and
do their training and they've got this extra real life complication that comes up, we need to be able to work around that. So with that in mind, customers have complete control at any moment in time to change anything they need to. So first of all, they've got the option to rearrange the workouts so they can adjust their training within the week. So do you mean you realize that work's going to go a bit late and you're not going to be able to get your intervals in tonight? You can go and rearrange your workout, the workouts the rest of the week, maybe bring your strength session forwards because you've got the gym on the ground floor of the office.
move your into tomorrow you can do that at a moment's notice additionally you can go and adjust the number of days your training so you can add an extra day in or take a day out you can also increase doing you might be finding you're running a bit faster than you may be we were expecting you to be running at this point you're performing a little bit better or maybe you've
missed a few weeks of training and you're finding things a little bit tough, you can adjust both the paces and also the distances that we're setting you as well. So fully adjustable at any moment in time. And then the other piece as well is the case that sometimes you maybe think you might want to adjust something, but you're not quite sure. And that's the point at which we encourage everyone to message our coaches through the support section. And then we're there to help to guide the runner in terms of how best to adjust their training as well. So essentially very, very flexible. And also we're on hand to help the runner adjust their training furthermore as well.

Expansion Plans and New Features

Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That all sounds good. So aside from the running plans, what, what are the kinds of plans do you offer? Cause you mentioned that you're an Ironman yourself. Do you do try training plans? So we actually don't do the swimming and the cycling, but we do everything on the running side of things. So what that means is that we cover any running goal, first of all, from, uh, anyone who's training for, um, their first five K. So we've got our catch to five K plans, both the new to running and a returning to running plan.
And then we've got everything from 5K to 10K, 10 mile, half marathon, marathon. And then we move on to the ultra marathon plan. So we've got 50K, 100K plans, two day multi day ultra marathon plans and five day ultra marathon multi day plans, which are doing some really crazy, amazing challenges. And we've seen some amazing results from people doing them.
And then with reference to triathlon, we've got the amazing Beth Potter, who's currently the world champion, which is amazing as one of the phenomenal coaches behind the scenes at Runner as well. And with that in mind, we built our running triathlon specific training plan. So if you're training for an Ironman, a half Ironman,
an Olympic triathlon or a sprint triathlon, we will cover all of the running that you need to do to nail that triathlon. So yeah, very much sitting on everything, running side of things. Then the other thing that we can also do is also serving on the mobility side of things. So it's also important for runners not just to do their strength and conditioning, but also to be doing some mobility work as well. So currently we do a live mobility class every Monday evening, which is recorded and then anyone can use after time.
But we're also going to be adding the functionality for people to be able to add yoga or Pilates to their week. So you can tell us how many runs you want, how many days in the gym you want, and whether you want yoga or Pilates. And we'll send all of those sessions over to you and really help give you that full training experience.
Yeah, perfect. And what about warmups and cool downs, those sort of things? What do you would find? It's almost like you've read our product roadmap before we've got a launched it. But again, in the next few days or weeks, I would say, again, I suspect by the time you're listening to this, there's the option in your settings of the Runner app to be able to add your warmups and cool downs. And what that means is if you enable them before your running session, you'll get a video from either myself, from Steph or from Beth.
where we'll be sending you the warm up you should be doing today. And again, the same as soon as you finish running, if you've added them on, you'll be given a few minutes of a stretching routine to help cool down at the end of your session as well. Which is again, kind of really thinking about covering everything that a runner needs to really give them that full end to end experience. Again, much more so than I was delivering as a private coach charging 10 times more, which is again, what kind of really excites us as a business.
why we've been able to grow quite quickly in the way that we have is because actually when you understand what runners doing right now is I think it's doing a lot of things that coaches can't do and at the same time charging 10 times less which is super exciting.

User Feedback and Community Impact

Yeah it is actually you've got the full package there haven't you and there's obviously lots of exciting things happening in the pipeline as well. I mean what sort of feedback have you had from users so far?
Yeah, well, first of all, it's been really heartwarming and really reassuring. I mean, so Dom and I, my co-founder and I, so he kind of leads on all the tech side of things. We've worked extremely hard. We came up with the idea three and a half years ago and spent nine months of our evenings every night of the week working on this. He had take his annual leave, come and stay with me, and we'd worked flat out on this and didn't get paid for a very long time. And so the first time we had anyone come and purchase one of our plans, it was giving
hard to get our head round. And even now, it's a long way from there, but we're still doing so, so heart warmed every time we hear good things. We are now in the position that we're the highest rated running coaching app on the App Store in the world, which is really, really surreal. So we've got an average of 4.9 stars from well over 5,000 five star reviews, which is amazing. But I think the thing that really excites me when we listen to the feedback is
the individual stories. And I think it's easy to think about doing the scale of an app and think about numbers, whether that's kind of revenues or user numbers. But I think like, and with that in mind, doing 5,000 five star reviews, it's easy not to really think about what that means. But when you actually read some of the individual reviews we get, it's just so nice. And that could be someone who's over in Australia who I've never met and have no idea what their name is, but they feel deeply connected to Runner. They may well have trained with us for
nine months or a year and they're writing a review telling us how training with Runner helped them get through the end of a lockdown, how it helped them with their mental health, give them purpose and they've gone from doing our
couch for 5K plan and then sending us a photo on the finish line of the Melbourne marathon. And doing that in its own individual use case is enough to have motivated Dom and I from day one, three and a half years ago to now. But we've heard hundreds of stories like that and it's just so, so exciting. And I guess that's really what drives the both of us and drives the wider team that we're working all very hard, but we're working on something that genuinely helps people and hopefully makes the world a healthier and happier place.

Global Community Engagement

Yeah, absolutely. That must be so nice to read and see all that. That's amazing. Yeah, it really is. Even last weekend being at the Oxford Half Marathon, we're now doing a position, I think we had about 400 people running the Oxford Half Marathon who had trained with us.
of which i was on the course wearing a runner vest and i probably had about 50 or 60 people along the course cheer me on different runners running behind me telling me how much they're loving training with runner and people running when the course doubles back and you see them going the other way telling me they love runner and cheering for me and i think that's a really surreal feeling and i guess nothing that we would have ever expected when we set out on this
on this mission and I guess it's even more exciting to think that we're only really just getting started now and there's a huge, hugely long way to go ahead and it's exciting to think about all of those people that we can connect with and help on their running journey and really to help them to love running just as much as I do. Yeah, tell us a little bit more about the community then. You mentioned there the Oxford Half Marathon, I mean do you get out to many events regularly or have you got any events of your own? Yes, so
So we are the recommended training providers of a number of different events. So all of the limelight events, which includes the Hackney half marathon, the Oxford half marathon, all of the run through events, which is well over 200 across the UK, a number of amazing marathons and other partners in the UK. And now we're also starting to build some partnered races out in the US as well. So we're the recommended training provider of the LA marathon, which is again, super, super exciting.
So we try and kind of attend as many of these different races that we're associated with, and we'll often kind of bring our marquee along and lead the warm-ups and allow all of our runners an opportunity to meet one another. We also host our own free events, so that's when we've got a trail run coming up in November. We're also doing a parkrun meetup in Leeds with Beth and Steph, which is their local parkrun, which would be super nice for us to connect with some more of our northern festival base.
And then alongside that, we've also got the digital community. And I think when we think about our customers, only half of them are in the UK. They're spread around 180 different countries all around the world.

Extended Free Trial and Accessibility Emphasis

And so with that in mind, we've got a community group on Strava, but we've also got our own community section within the app. And that's an opportunity for people to come and meet one another, share how well they're performing with their training.
motivate each other and also ask questions. And there's a lot of exciting, again, product features that we're going to be bringing to the community section over the months ahead to further help support all runners on their journey, whether that's meeting a friend or whether that's finding a way to motivate each other or just ask common questions as well.
Yeah okay, so people can find out about all these upcoming events on your website. Yeah on our website we've got an event section and obviously do kind of check us out on Instagram, we share most of our kind of like big and small updates on Instagram whether that's the new product features that you don't want to miss. We just launched our treadmill integration and we've just launched our shoe tracking within the app as well so you can track your mileage across all your different training shoes but the treadmill one's really really exciting which is the ability for
someone to click a button, sync their phone up to their Bluetooth treadmill if they're in a gym with a smart treadmill. And then that treadmill will speed up and slow down flawlessly for you without even needing to click a button on the treadmill. Again, a really nice way to improve the experience of training through the winter and maybe through the summer in some of the other really hot countries around the world. Oh, definitely. Yeah. So how do people sign up and do they just download the app from the app store?
Yeah, absolutely. So first of all, we're on obviously the Apple Store and also the store for Android phones as well. So in either of your app stores, go and search for Runner R U N N A and download the app. It's completely free to download. And with the code UK run chat, all one word, you'll get an extended free trial so you can get a feel for how the app works. And if you enjoy it, you can then come and subscribe at the end of the journey and hopefully we can
Be there every step of the way towards your next half marathon, marathon or even ultra marathon. It's also worth noting that all of our couch to 5K plans are completely free. So if you're yet to complete your first 5K, you don't even need to worry about the two week free trial. And instead you can train with us for free all the way towards that very first 5K. Again, all kind of coming back to what we spoke about, which is just want to make the experience of running coaching more accessible for everyone. And we want to help you get to that.

Final Remarks and Support Options

that first 5K free of charge as well. Yeah. Well, it sounds like, yeah, it sounds like it's really accessible, Ben. And hopefully lots of people will come and try you out. So it's been fantastic talking to you. Thank you for your time today. Well, thank you so much for having me. And yeah, any questions at any point, guys, please do send us a message in the support tab or chat to us on Instagram and we're there to help you on your running journey. But thank you very much for having me, Michelle. Yeah. Thanks, Ben.