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Halloween Q&A Special

Sinister Sisters
20 Plays2 years ago

Happy Halloween, boys & ghouls! This week we have a treat (and maybe even a few tricks) - it's a special All Hallows' Eve Q&A spooktacular episode answering all your burning jack-o'-lantern questions submitted via Instagram! ๐ŸŽƒ

Thank you to everyone who sent them in...and we hope you all have a safe & sinister Halloween night!

If you have requests for future episodes or just want to hang out, follow us on Instagram @sinistersisterspodcast


Introduction and Halloween Greetings

Welcome to the Sinister Sisters podcast. I'm Lauren. I'm Felicia. We're best friends. And happy Halloween. Oh.

Finding a 'Spooky' MP3

Oh, wait, can I tell you something? Oh, yeah. That's actually funny. I just remember this. Travis said to me, he's like, yeah, I found this thing on my computer and I was like, why do I have an MP3 saved that's only like four seconds long?
And he said he clicked on it and it's just us going spooky. I love it. Which I don't think we actually use anymore, but I think it's very funny. I have to know. I sometimes do. When we have two topics, I put it in between. Oh, there you go then. So just not this one. It's like this. Yeah. It's funny. But yeah, I

Halloween Plans and Activities

love it. Well, I was going to say, I was about to be like,
Do I even know what future Lauren is doing on Halloween? But I actually don't think I do yet. So I don't know I know because okay, yeah, so we're filming Monday. Sorry. Yeah, I'm not sure I know I'm going to a Halloween party on the Saturday. And then I might go to karaoke on Monday. Oh, that would be fun.
Yeah. Oh, did I know what I'm doing for my students? Yes, the I don't know if you said on the podcast or not, but yeah, I'm making them all treat bags and then they get to choose which movie we watch. They're going to vote the day before and then they're kind of come to my class and watch 45 minutes of whatever movie and eat their little candy and then off they go. I love it so much. That is the best gift as a teacher. I'm like, if you're going to make me be in school on my favorite holiday,
Yeah, we're not doing work. We're eating candy. I know. We're watching movies. I think that's right. Yeah, I was debating taking the day off, too. I was like, is it worth it? I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. But I'm sure we had very... Yeah, I think we have a bunch of stuff planned that weekend, but I don't know what we're doing on Halloween. Yeah, maybe a movie marathon. That's always a good one. I love it. I love that.

Rewatching Scream 2 vs. New Scream

I do have a couple of recommendations to kick us off. I'm sure I have nothing. Go ahead. It's okay. It's okay. You might have things to add to mine actually because both of mine are like old things. Perfect. But I saw Scream 2 at the movie theater, which is just so fun.
I guess it was happening in New York. But this concept of going to see a movie that I've already seen in a movie theater is a very new thing for me. I don't know if it's something that you do. I only did it one time and it was to go to a midnight screening of Suspiria. And of course, I passed out 20 minutes in because it was at midnight. And I think it was. Yeah. So yeah, I would. But that does sound exciting to see like something that you wouldn't have got to see in theaters on a big exactly. It's really cool.
Yeah, exactly. And so, like, I obviously love Scream 2, but had never really seen it on the screen. And all I wanted to say, I mean, there's it's such a good sequel. I think there's so many things that they do so well. I love the opening with Jada Pinkett Smith is so good. Oh, my gosh. Yes. Yeah. And just like so meta that it like starts at a movie theater, like talking about how big the movie is. I think I saw Scream 2 before I ever saw the first Scream.
I think I saw Scream 2 randomly in my childhood at a sleepover or something because that scene, that opening sequence is so burned into my brain. It's so good. All I wanted to say is that the fact that they're trying to make this new Scream movie without Nev Campbell is just not okay. Just give her the money. Just give her the money. I think they should have started to go fund me and I'll pay her salary. I'll pay her. I'll pay it.
How much could it have been? Can we crowdfund that? It feels ridiculous to me. Because that's why we all went for this last one. Yeah. And it's like, that's why we had faith in it in the first place was like, if she's doing it, then it's probably gonna be good. It's like, okay, now she's not gonna come back. It's like, okay, that makes us feel not good. Right. And they didn't give her like,
send off like I feel like they've yeah, I don't know and it's like there's actually I feel like not any other of those movies were like yeah, like Jamie Lee Curtis isn't in every Halloween, but it's like I Don't know. I I get and like Friday the 13th. There's really nobody like this So it's just like she's never not been in a screen movie like what? Yeah, you're just gonna be like, oh Sydney couldn't make it Feels wrong feels wrong
I agree. Yeah. What was the other one?

90s Nostalgia: 'Are You Afraid of the Dark?'

And then we also, this was so much fun on like a day last week. Oh, cause it was Columbus day or no indigenous people day. Right. That's right. No correction. I liked it. Sorry. Willow had off school. So the day that she had off school, we watched several, are you afraid of the dark episodes of like sick? Are you afraid of the dark? What did you think?
I love it, always. I've done like a couple rewatches, so I made her watch my favorite episode, which is the girl turning into the doll episode. I feel like I've talked to you about it before. It's so good. And then we also watched James's favorite, which is like this like hitchhiker episode that I was like, I'm not even sure they saw where they like go to this like weird little like troll where they have to answer riddles.
But I remember that one. It's just such a good show. And it's so 90s that like the outfits are so great. That's the best. I love that it's like anthology style. I don't know. I haven't watched any of the new ones. So I probably should give it a try at some point. But the classic is just it's just nice there. Wait, where are they?
streaming? They're for free somewhere. I just thought I can't remember right now for some reason. I know. It's like a weird it's like to be or something like that. Yeah, I watched a couple of episodes in the last year just for yeah, just for funsies. But yeah, that's great. Oh, it's on. Well, no, it's on Nick hits, which is apparently a prime video channel. But it's also on Paramount Plus. I think that's what I was thinking because I was like, I'm pretty sure Paramount Plus has the Nickelodeon stuff.
Yep. Yeah, there you go. Okay, cool, cool, cool. That's great. I feel like I have no recommendations, honestly. Sorry to say. That's okay. On this Halloween episode. So that's just terrible to say. I wish I could think of something right now. I feel like I was going to ask you. I feel like I normally watch. Oh, wait. Oh, go ahead. Sorry. No, go ahead. Okay. I have something. Okay.

Review of 'The Company of Wolves'

So I did start watching. So Angela Innesbury died.
That's very sad. But two days before that or a few days before that, I had just purchased a VHS copy of The Company of Wolves, which has her in it as like this grandma telling a story. She's like very much like the grandma in Little Red Riding Hood.
And it's really good. So I got through the first half and then I was tired and went to bed. So I got to finish it probably tonight. But it's actually awesome. It's like this 80s movie I'd never heard of. What's it again? One more time. The Company of Wolves? The Company of Wolves. Even some of the first sequences start out with this girl in a nightmare sequence where all of her toys are her size and in the woods. But it's all practically done. It's very cool.
Oh, the werewolf transformation, like, yes, at times it's cheesy, but it's really fun, very 80s. And I was like, I've never heard of this. So that was good.
That was really good. I watched, I just thought of another one that maybe you also saw. I just watched the new Hellraiser too. Did you see it? I didn't. Cause I wanted to rewatch the first two cause I never really know that franchise very well. Yeah, me either. Yeah. So I was like, I feel like I'm not going to know what's going on. Did you feel that way or did you feel like I actually feel like I have never understood Hellraiser until I saw the remake. Wow.
So hopefully that is good. So this is a remake, not a sequel? A remake, I think. It's OK. I don't care. Wow. Yeah, OK. They never reference any of the characters from Hellraiser.
Yeah, I like for some reason the like pain pleasure stuff like really grosses me out or yeah, I don't know. I don't really like it. But in this it felt very much it's really not like a blurry line. I guess it's like much more like oh, they're just interested in torture.
Right. Okay. I see. I see. I see. The Cenobites are just like bad, bad guys. It's evil. Yeah. Yeah. But love Jamie Clayton and there, it seems like there's a lot of like, I don't really know, but it feels like there's a lot of practical, which is also really awesome. And why I thought of it when you're talking about. Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. No, I definitely want to check that one out. Yeah. That's awesome.

Childhood Haunted House Memories

Amazing. Shall we do some questions? This is our Q&A episode for Halloween. Thank you all for sending in questions. It was really fun to see what people asked. Should I start with my own question? Oh, you have one? Yes. I was like, is that bad to start with my question first? I was just curious. We've never really talked about like when you were younger, did you have any like, were you like ever actually scared of a hundouse?
Do you mean a theatrical haunted house or a literal haunted house? I meant a theatrical one. Oh. Like did your school ever do one or like anything like that? Okay, so I got really, so one time I went to a scary farm type deal where it was kind of out in the middle of nowhere. And I was probably trying to think, my friend group at the time, I was probably 13 or 14.
And I will say that was one of those events that I'm not sure anybody that was wearing a costume had been trained in any way. Oh, no. Oh, God. Those are scary. Right. And we're chasing with chainsaws and all that kind of stuff and just chasing me around. And though it was fun, there was times where I was like,
Is this dangerous? And so I was scared in that way. But I also don't know if it's because I was young that I didn't realize they had boundaries or I was like, I'm clear. Or they didn't have that. They didn't have boundaries. And they also had this thing where you could climb up this what looks like almost like a telephone pole with a platform on it. And you're on a harness and then you would jump from that to catch
this rope thing and hang and they let you back down. But it was kind of far, so you had to jump really far and you're really high up. But the harness was just a pulling system with someone holding you on the other end of it. And did I do it? Yes. Also, when I got up there, the telephone pole that had been shoved in the ground was just shaking back and forth. Did I do it? Of course I did.

Haunted Orchard Experience

Because I didn't invincible at 13. Yeah, I had no idea death was an option.
So that's that's mine. I guess what about I still think about you jumping up on that picnic table when Travis is like
Oh, yeah, no, I love I love a dangerous act. I yes, I was just thinking back because we did have one in my elementary school that I still think about all the time, where it was like, you know, looking back, not so scary, it had the like, put your hand in here and it's peeled eyeballs and put your hand or you know, I yeah, not peeled eyeballs. It's eyeballs, but it's actually peeled grapes was what I meant to say.
Uh, this is brains and it's just like some gross spaghetti, like all of that. But it was fun because like our teachers were in it if my memory serves. So like you'd be walking along and you'd be like, Oh my God, that's like my third grade teacher dressed as a werewolf. Like it was so fun. So that's one of my fonder ones. And then we did do a string of haunted houses at my church that my dad worked on. So of course they were amazing. Oh yeah. You know, I was always too scared to go through.
This question really has like, this was such a good question line. It shocked my memory also into this amazing haunted house that we had outside of our neighborhood. Because it was at a space called the Landon House and it was freaking
Well done. It was a whole walk through this entire house. Wow. It was amazing. I like I don't like everything was incredible. It was the best thing I've ever seen in my life. But I forgot about until this moment and also the fact that the lands and house is actually a haunted house. Oh, that's good. Yeah. So now I got to do that for an episode. So I'm very excited right now. I'm freaking out.
How could I forget? How could you forget? The best haunted house of my youth was definitely that place for sure. That's so cool. Do they do a different theme every year or was it pretty similar? It was kind of similar, but each room kind of had a different theme. It was like you walk through one room and there's all these people just eating body parts off of a feast of body parts.
There was, of course, the classic chainsaw running. And then, oh, there was one that I really liked where it's like when you came out of the house, you stepped on this patch of something that felt like you stepped on a body, but like a little squishy. And that's how you like got out. And I was like, what is that? They're like, it's a bluffet. It's a body.
I love that. I hope eventually in my life is like, yeah, I hope I have a house that I can have a haunted house because that's the dream. Oh my God. Or at least I participate in a fabulous community haunted house. Yes. Yeah. Wait, maybe I should just get involved. You also sort of did, but it wasn't haunted, I guess. Yes. I don't know that I would
be able to actually be a performer in a haunted house because I think it would get really annoying. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think I could do it or I like I could be like maybe like a tour guide or I could switch it up every time. I don't want to do like I don't want to do like a I just think about those poor universal people where they had to step on the button that made the same sound effect. Oh, for sure. I see what you're saying. Could not do it.
Yeah. Good question. Well, thank you. I should switch to actual fan questions now. Yours is the best, though, Lauren. Well, maybe so maybe in our continuing to talk about haunted houses, my friend Rachel Nadler said haunted house ranking, which I don't know if she wants us to do like universal, but do is there anything that's like stood out to you as like the best haunted house? I don't know if that's a
I think some of the ones at Universal were pretty amazing. I still think about the year that we went, I think was my favorite. Yeah, I mean, the year we went, the stand out ones, I remember was the killer clowns from outer space was really awesome. So good. The Ghostbusters was really good.
and the stranger things. Those are the ones that I remember the most, I feel. Yes. And there was, I'm trying to remember, wasn't there a sea creature one where we had to go, do you remember, was the floor a little uneven and there were portholes on either side? Was that with you? Oh, I don't think that, maybe that was a different year. I just said that to Matthew and he said that wasn't the year that he went either. I remember our original material ones were
There was a universal monsters. Oh, right. There was a universal monsters one too. Oh, there was like all the dead kids graveyard one. I didn't love all the dead kids one.
I actually thought that one was okay. It's been a while I guess. Yeah, but they're they're they are good. I it's funny. Like, I feel like my best haunted house experiences like most impressive are definitely universal for sure. But what I'm thinking about like my best haunted house experiences there. I think they were when I was so young. Yeah, it's so exciting. Like you're like a kid and you're with your friends and you're like holding on to each other for dear life. Like that's the experience like that's like the peak experience.
Totally. And that's the same way I did a trip to King's Dominion when I was growing up. We weren't even going for the haunted house night thing. And I saw the same thing. I still think about how terrified we were being like, we can't go through this haunted orchard.
Oh and then I should my favorite story to tell is like my adult brother at one point I went with my older brother to this like haunted house like outside of DC and it was like a haunted orchard kind of feeling but we chickened out we didn't do the end of it because no you didn't Lauren oh my god that's hilarious
Because it was at the end of the park, so no one else was there, no one else was in the Hothouse. So the performers were literally just following us. You would leave one spot and they would just walk with you because there was no one coming in after them. There was no one coming. So at some point, there was these two big inflatable tube things that you had to squeeze through. Oh, weird. And there was this clown with a chainsaw very slowly walking behind us.
And my older brother like puts one hand through the thing and then he like looks at me and he's like, you want to go first? And I was like, no, I'm not going first. And so then he like puts one more hand through it and then he was like, nope, we're not doing this. And he left through like a different exit. Oh my God. That's hilarious. He can never live without him. Like he is so serious. Like he is not like, I don't know. Like it was just unexpected. No, he's so tough. Like just very funny. That's so funny. That's great.
Okay. Okay. Our next question here comes from Miss Laura Wade. And that is favorite Halloween costume ever.

Favorite Halloween Costumes

Oh, yes. I still I actually think I might.
pull her out for James' convention this weekend, but I'll always love Catwoman. Yeah, that's one of my favorites you've ever done, for sure. It's just my fave. It makes me feel so good about my body, no matter what shape my body is in. Yeah, you look amazing. Thank you. I don't know, it makes me always feel strong and
good and I actually feel like it's a pretty well done one. It's not the best. Yeah, it's really good. Other people have better ones, but I like it. What about you? I totally agree. My favorites are probably my blind mag. So good, too. Yeah. If I were to do that again, I would try to go for the contacts. Oh, yeah. I couldn't do it at the time.
If one day I get LASIK, I'll start adding context to my costumes. Yes, having prescription content or like figuring that out. No. And then also my Jennifer's body. I was really proud of that one. Yes. Yeah, I love it. So that one, I didn't even really get to wear it anywhere. I did wear it to a graveyard for a photo shoot, but I don't think I. Oh, because it was COVID, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was a good one. COVID, dear. And my sweetie top was good, too. You know what? Yeah, I love all my costumes. I love them all.
You've done a lot of great ones, so. Yeah, so have you, so have you. Thank you. Okay, what's your favorite Halloween tradition? This is from a series of James questions coming up. Thank you, James. We appreciate you very much.
My favorite Halloween tradition is eating candy. Does that count? Yes, absolutely.

Favorite Halloween Traditions

Okay, so mine is trick-or-treating, and so as an adult, I desperately want to be handing out candy, but I live in an apartment building. So that's why I'm doing trick-or-treat bags for my kids, because I want to be the gifter of the candy.
I want to be the gift drawer of the candy. That's true. That's honestly, that's all I want. I don't even really need to have a house that has a haunted house. Like, I just want to deck out a house and be giving out candy. And an awesome costume. And I want people to walk by my house and be like, whoa, this house is sick. Yes. Yes. I completely agree. That's my dream in life. The first year that we went trick or treating with Willow, there was this woman that had this giant spider web set up.
Nice and then had candy like wrapped in the spider web So you had to like pull it out and like she was like stirring a cauldron dress as a witch and I was like that That's what I want to be. That's my dream. That's amazing. She had a fog machine or smoke machine like the whole thing and killer Yeah, that's amazing. I love it. That's it Amazing and then his other question. Have you ever had anything actually spooky happened to you on Halloween?

Have You Experienced Anything Spooky?

Not that I can think of, but I also agree with the Buffy lore that all the real monsters go to bed on Halloween and they stay the night in because they're busy the rest of the 364 days a year.
That, I think, is true. I was going to say to the, oh my gosh, I don't even think it was Halloween. Was it Halloween? The only creepy thing that's ever happened to me on Halloween, which now I'm thinking was maybe just a McKittrick party, there was one McKittrick party that I still don't know how we got home very well. Oh, no, I know that. I remember that. I remember not remembering how we got home. That's bad. We lived in the same place.
Yeah, so I mean, to be clear, this was probably not a paranormal situation. No. But we did look great. And we did somehow make it to our beds. And I don't... Yeah, it's who's to say how. Who's to say how? It's also one of those things where like, I woke up and was like, ooh, Felicia, I'm sorry, like, I probably was annoying. And then you were like, I don't remember. If you were, it's hard to say.
And then we ordered bagels. It was the Alice in Wonderland party. Yeah, that's the one, for sure. There's a video of us acting in that night that I'm like... Acting? Don't remember that. Acting? Yes. Remember they had a camera set up? I don't know what's going on. No, I know what you're talking about now, because then there was that other girl that was also dressed the same thing as you, and I was like, you're better. That was so crazy, I'm sorry.
No, we have to do that for each other. Yeah, type each other up. But yeah, that was a fun night. I wonder if they brought those parties back, probably. You have to go. There's one. I got an email. You got an email? There's a Halloween party this year. But I want to say it's on the 31st.
Okay. Let's keep going. I'll look it up later. Let's see. Oh, okay. I'm going to let you read this one. Oh yeah. So this is James's question. James wants us to come up with an official designation for all of our diehard fans, including clearly himself with these three questions. But he said sinister siblings. I was thinking maybe Felicia, we should do an Instagram vote or something.
We'll come up with a couple spooky names. It's basically like murderinos for my favorite murder. There's got to be more podcasts. My channel is like weirdos, so it's like, what is our thing? What is our thing? What's our thing? If you have ideas, can you send us a DM on Instagram? Yeah, actually maybe that's what we should just start with asking people what they want to go with. Yeah, and then we'll forget a few, then we'll do a voting.
I love it. Yeah. That sounds good. Amazing. Okay. All right. So TBD. Yes. Okay. So I can also do this one because this is James's friend, Brandon. Okay. I found out recently I did not know he listens to the podcast and then he was like telling me all about the stuff that he had listened to and I thought it was so sweet.
That is so nice. I know. His girlfriend Megan listens to everyone and then apparently tells him which ones he should listen to, which I just love. That is very nice. It's very nice. How dare people be that nice to us.
I know. They also have two pugs that now Rufus is friends with, so honestly, they're delightful. One of their pugs' names is Pugsley, which we'll appreciate. That's really, really good. That's really good. Brandon said, if you had to fight 100 duck-sized human skeletons or one elephant-sized duck skeleton, what do you do?

Debate: Duck-sized Skeletons vs. Elephant-sized Duck Skeleton

Absolutely elephant-sized duck.
Really? Yes, because the idea of a bunch of small things on top of me made it very upset. But the idea of one thing that I can then try to like get under and behind its legs and like get away from
Yep. Yeah. I think you're right. A hundred. Do the fear factor thing of like all the tiny bugs on you. Like no. No, thank you. No, I agree. I think it's like it's also my problem with like
I don't know, like centipedes? I'm like, why so many legs? Why do you have so many? I hate it. I hate it. I agree. I think it's one elephant sized duck skeleton for sure. Then you could get a little rope around it. Oh, yeah. Trip it. I also want to just say this, that I believe that New York City has the scariest centipedes. I don't even know what they're called.
But they are alien-like, long-legged centipedes. And they're really, really big. And they're really, really fast. Yes, I have seen a couple in my time that I hope to never see again. Yeah, it's bad. I'm not going to win. I'm scared now. I'm scared looking around my walls. Crawl into your mouth. No! Just kidding. I don't think they do that.
Hopefully not. Okay. Yeah. Solid, solid. Okay. Okay. Next question. Yeah. So Brandon has another one for us. Why do you think jump scares are both so loved and hated in the genre? Which I know that he's specifically asked because he hates jump scares. And he's really going to hate a specific episode of The Midnight Club.
I know. Well, I saw that it was like our or someone I think my friend Rachel texted me that it's like on some like Guinness. Yeah, it is a world record list. It's kind of you'll see it's kind of a bit. Oh, OK. Yeah, I don't know. Well, I think obviously people at least for me, because I would say like I am very reactive to them, but also kind of love them.
Okay. If that makes sense. Yeah. I think I'm exactly like, I scream all through haunted houses. I'm easily like, ah, ah, ah. You are the target audience. I am the target audience. But I think I like it because it's the most alive feeling. Yes, adrenaline. Absolutely.
Yeah, that's why it's fun. It's you get to be really scared and a sharp quick thing that then typically makes you laugh after because it's like you realize you're okay after you have the physical reaction. Yeah. Yes. And particularly like the I know like I think he actually hates these specifically like the ones where it's like in a horror movie it'll like pan and it's just like someone like cleaning a dish really loud. Like those are my favorite.
And like, I'm like, Oh, like the instant relief to have just like, Oh, wasn't something scary? It wasn't scary. Yeah. And I think I mean, some people hate them because they think they're like overused, which I understand that. Sure. But also like, sometimes when things work, they work and I don't know. Yeah.
And I get, I get too that it's like, I could totally see the flip side of like, this is so annoying. It wasn't like a unsettling, like developed, scary, creepy thing. It's just like a quick, easy thing. I totally get why people would hate them. Yeah, sure. I don't remember the answer to this. Oh, maybe I do actually. Kyle asks, is there a story behind the bench y'all are sitting on in your show picture thumbnail thing?
Well, I think it's Sleepy Hollow, right? Yeah. Oh, I do love, though, our original photo shoot pictures. I love a lot because our friend Francesca did them and we went to a graveyard and just made a whole event out of it, which maybe we should do at some point again because that was so much fun. Yes, absolutely. Next time we're together, we should do another photo shoot. We love photo shoots. Lauren and I have done many photo shoots together over the years.
Honestly, is it why we keep podcasting? It's possible. It's possible. We were on a friend's trip at Sleepy Hollow and I think that was maybe our last day. Yeah, I think so. We were going through a graveyard and snapping pics. We needed a photo. We needed a photo. I love it. Unclear what the bench was for. I know. I wish it was like a historic bench.
Well, we have that, like, we have, like, an amazing picture that says, like, mother on it from the original graveyard. Oh, yeah, that's a good one. That's a good one. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so D, who is a subscriber from my channel and an avid listener of the podcast, super, super awesome person. Which horror movie would you want to live in and which would you not?

Horror Movies to Live In: Light vs. Spooky

I would say I'd like to live in none of them. No, I'm just kidding.
I would live in like something that was like a light, like not a horror maybe, maybe like a spooky something. Like I would live in the Addams family or Beetlejuice or like something like that. Halloween Town. I guess that doesn't count. Oh, I would kill it a little in Halloween Town. Absolutely. I wish. What would I not want to live in? Probably most of the other ones. I know, right? Like I was trying to think of like even one that's like fun for a bit.
And I still don't really I'm like, I still don't really want to live in yeah Yeah, I don't know like Texas Chainsaw is to me like actually I think my least like that would be Absolutely that worst nightmare. I think that's not only are you gonna die, but you're also it's too hot out Oh my gosh, or the hills have eyes like you know, that's the worst one never mind that also No, that's the worst one. Yeah, I could never I
Because even like, I was thinking about like maybe like Crimson Peak would be fun, like something with like a little bit of like we could wear grand dresses at least. That would be nice. Us in big dresses. Wigs? I love that for us. Yeah, a candelabra. Yeah, exactly. Or maybe like a vampire or something if we were vampires. Yeah, a little vampire or something. What's a good vampire movie I would live in? Interview with a vampire?
Yeah, probably. Would you? I mean, also not a horror movie, but I would also just really like to live in the practical magic house. Oh, yes. Just a dream. Just a dream. Yeah, what about the craft? Can we live in the craft and be? Maybe. Is this an option? What are our options? Yeah. Amazing. And then from Sam, is this one of your friends or a listener?
Sam, yes, is it an abandoned Brooklyn and a cult person? I love.

Where Would You Haunt as a Ghost?

So if you had to- No idea, no idea if he listens or not. Maybe just a friend. Maybe, I'm not sure. It's possible. If you had to haunt a place, what place would you haunt? I mean, I always joke about the haunted mansion at Disney. It would be so fun to be an actual ghost.
Yeah, that's a good one. Or like any haunted house. Like how fun would it be to be like, oh, you thought that was an animatronic, but actually I'm here. It's just me. Yeah. I feel like I'd really like to haunt.
a theater. I know we did our whole episode on haunted theaters, but we were talking when you brought back my memory of my hometown haunted house, I was also thinking about the basement of our theater that everybody swore was haunted and like, don't go down there, blah, blah, blah.
And so I don't know, I feel like it'd be cool to to haunt, but like a casual community theater is the haunt. Yeah, I love that. What if you like in our old age, we become community theater stars and then we also haunt that theaters? We make sure we die on the premises. Yes. Yes, that's good. I like it. I also think like how amazing would it be if you actually can be a ghost and like see your children grow up or like.
Oh, that's so sweet. That's so sad, but it's true. I feel you. I feel you. Your grandchildren, I hope, I guess. Yeah. All right. We have our last question here, and this is actually from Matt Minachino, who's a playwright in New York and once wrote a witch play for me.
Yes, and our vampire, our insomnia and vampire one. And our vampire play. That's right, that's right. So Matt asks, what is our least favorite horror genre? And within that sub-genre, is there anything you do like in it? Yes. What's your least favorite? I think I know mine. I think- What do you- What do you- Fortunately, werewolf movies? Oh, interesting. That was surprising.
I know. I don't know. I was trying to think of a better because honestly, I had such a full circle with child's play where like I would say child's play, but now I'm like, I kind of love it. I like it. Yeah. But genre in general.
I feel like that's the one that I find myself not being drawn to most of the time as werewolf movies, because I'm just like, I don't know, it feels like I pretty much know the deal. I know the whole range, even though I love the werewolf musical that we were working on once upon a time. But like, I think it's just like, yeah, to me, I'm like, but I really like Ginger Snaps, if we count that.
Yeah, but that's but that's the thing, right? It's like, but there is going to be something you might like within that. And I love a werewolf transformation. So yeah, true, true. Yeah, mine are definitely like the things I reach for the least are zombie movies, not really for me, though I did like The Walking Dead. But once again, like in general and like sci-fi horror, anything that feels like
futuristic or really technology-based, I'm typically not super interested in. I agree. I'm not a big sci-fi horror person really either, which even though I like aliens, and I obviously like Sigourney Weaver's Alien too, but not my favorite of when I want to watch a horror movie. That's probably not what I'm going to pick.
Exactly. I feel like I'm much more interested in anything paranormal or slashery. Yep. And vampires. And vampires. Yeah. And honestly, I like zombie movies sometimes. You do. Yeah, you like zombies more than me, I would say. Yeah. It's Shaun and the Dead and The Walking Dead. I watched both of them at high school or something. Yeah, you did.
And that's probably part of it too. It's like, what started you on horror? And then that's probably what you... It's the same thing with music. People always listen to the same music that they listened to when they were young. It's the same thing. That's so interesting. I never really thought about... I mean, I don't want to put words into your mouth, but I feel like probably vampires and slashers were sort of like how you started. Yes.
Definitely paranormal stuff. Yeah. And mine was much more like zombies and like maybe nightmare on Elm Street, like that kind of slasher territory, but like not. Yeah. I was so scared of ghost stuff that I like didn't do it. And same with like werewolf stuff. I never really watched it.
Yeah, like I think my early movies are like The Ring, The Others, Scream. Yeah, so it just kind of makes sense. It definitely does. I think witchy. I was very interested in witches as a child. I love it. Yeah.
And that was our last question. Amazing. Well, we hope that everyone has the best Halloween ever. I feel like we're finally in like a it's OK to celebrate post pandemic. Yeah, I feel like we're in that place. I mean, I know that's not true everywhere and for everyone. Exactly. Totally get that. But I do think I will be going to some Halloween events this year and having a good old time.
Oh yeah. Amazing. So I guess we'll see you again. It'll be into November, but until then, we hope you have some sweet, sweet nightmares on this Halloween night.