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Ranking our Halloween Costumes image

Ranking our Halloween Costumes

Sinister Sisters
32 Plays1 year ago

For part two of our spooktacular Halloween special, we are taking a look back at our costumes from past Halloweens. Listen as we rank our costumes, telling some stories along the way. Stay safe and Happy Halloween, boos and ghouls! 

PS: If you have requests for future episodes or just want to hang out, follow us on Instagram @sinistersisterspodcast 


Introduction and Halloween Excitement

Welcome to the Sinister Sisters podcast. I'm Felicia. I'm Lauren. We're best friends. And we like spooky stuff. And thank God, because it's basically just come out on Halloween or the day before. I think we'll, oh, the day before. Before Halloween.
So happy almost Halloween everybody. I hope we got very drunk over the weekend and had amazing costumes and had a good time.

The Quest for Perfect Halloween Plans

Exactly. I know. I feel like this is the first year that we actually we have been like trying to find a thing like a party like a evening thing.
are several options, but nothing that sounds that amazing and perfect, you know? Oh, yeah. We just found out that my band is playing a show on the Saturday of Halloween. So it's going to be like a costume party. So I think that'll be really fun. Oh, that worked out so well. That's so good.

Critiquing Past Costumes

I know. But we're not revealing our costumes till the end of this episode. We won't say anything. Yeah. And the reason for that is because this week's episode, we are critiquing past Halloween costumes.
I have to remember and maybe I'll even post it the night before because I'm scared that I'm going to forget. We're going to post all of these costumes on our Instagram so that you can look at them as we talk about them. But God willing, I will remember. OK, you will. I'll remind you every Monday. I'm like, it's what it's time is what's happening. It's Monday. How did it get to be Monday? Yeah, it's crazy.
Okay, so I'm gonna start us off. We're gonna go just back like starting from last year and then go backwards throughout the course of the episode. So the costume I did last year was a gift to my loving Travis.
He really wanted to do a Mortal Kombat costume. And he wanted to be Kano. So he built this amazing little face piece with a red LED light in the eyeball and looks fantastic. And so he originally wanted me to be, I don't know Mortal Kombat. This is embarrassing. But whatever, the blonde girl with the, she's kind of army-esque. And I was like, that's super boring for me.
like to do costumes that are more heightened and whimsical. So I ended up being Scarlet from Mortal Kombat. So I did. Yeah, and honestly, I think it looked great. So this is like a red spandex leotard. I have some leather strappy thigh things and gloves. I have the mask over my mouth because
when you would remove the mask, you'd have all these like crazy giant teeth. I have a scythe that I spray painted and
I'll say like, it's okay. Like, this is kind of my Amazon basic Halloween costume that like, yeah, I put it together. I ordered all the pieces separately. I made choices. But it's not like I like I didn't paint the mouth on myself. Do you know what I mean? Like I didn't take it to like the highest level level. Okay. Yeah. So I'm gonna call this like if we're gonna say like one out of 10.
I'm going to call this like a six just because I know what I'm capable of, which we'll see later. And so I'm going to call this a six. So I look very hot. Honestly, this is the funniest episode. OK. And that's it for me. So Lauren, you go ahead. What were you last year?

Stranger Things and Other Favorite Costumes

A six out of 10. I think you deserve more than that. Thank you. So last year, James and I did Chrissy and Eddie from Stranger Things.
So again, I know what I'm capable of. I was honestly not, I was excited about the idea of doing this costume. I do love Chrissy, but honestly, like again, the best part of Chrissy is that death scene, that really intense death scene.
I wish I had done something bloodier. I also like it cracks me up because when I got the cheerleader uniform, I was like, this is like not sexy. Like I want it to be a cuter cheerleader uniform, but it wasn't a curse. Yeah. So I was disappointed at the lack of skimp.
I will say the number one highlight for me was that I purchased these fake bangs on Oh, so cute. And they matched pretty good. It wasn't crazy. It was good. I'm this honestly.
I will say the other most hilarious part to be tell you, we like entered the costume contest and we didn't even place. And that was because the person had never seen stranger things. So they were just like, Oh, like cheerleader girl and like rock guy. And we were like, we will kill ourselves. Yeah. Or her.
It was mortifying, but I think I'm the same way as you. Do I look like Chrissy relatively, but it was all Amazon and Spirit Halloween, and I know what I'm capable of, so I'll say 5.5 out of 10. Okay. I'm going to respect scores. I think you look great, but I respect scores. Thank you.
Okay, so my year before that, this was Travis's gift to me. So I really wanted to be Todd, and this is love it. And I'm not gonna lie, we murdered this costume, like murdered it are we both look
phenomenal. Scary. So spicy. Like we definitely like did the Tim Burton kind of ask makeup and such. Travis really worked really hard his costume to find like the right type of pieces like I was just so proud. And we both have like a streak in our hair because I had mine just from like my everyday life and then he put his white streak in so we just
We look great. So I'm going to, I'm going to rate this honestly a nine out of 10. Like this is one of my favorite costumes I've ever done ever. So I just loved it. And this was unfortunately a COVID year. So like it didn't really even get, like it got a lot of likes on Instagram, but it didn't get the exposure in person that it deserved really. I love it. That's it.
Amazing. So we actually did two the year before or this year. So we did Ellie and Grant from Jurassic Park. Oh yeah, I forgot that was cute. So it was cute. James honestly found all of the pieces for me because I said I didn't have any time to do another costume.
I'm not going to read it because I think we look great. It was not our bigger costume. I did honestly love though, we made Willow walk around in an inflatable dinosaur costume. She loved it. We loved it. People thought it was great. So that was for James's work party.
And then we did do Jack and Sally this year. So again, big commitment to sign up for this costume. This is the year that I got in trouble with Amazon because I tried to return stuff. Lauren's favorite. I wish I had had more time. This was a night that I ran out of time so I couldn't blue my whole body. That was the goal. So I just have like, I have like sections of regular skin that is sad to me.
But I think we did good. It's a hard costume. Obviously, Jack and Sally don't look like real people, so it's hard. And we did have the plus of having Rufus with zero, and he was so cute. So sweet. I'm going to say seven out of 10 for Jack and Sally. Yeah. Okay. We're ramping up for me. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay.
So then the year before, so now I'm in 2019, I was Jennifer Czech from Jennifer's Body. This this costume took me a long time to find like the right dress. I did like the prom scene to find the right dress, to just dress it properly. And this is like kind of right before. Oh, this was the 10 year anniversary of Jennifer's Body. So like after this, there was tons of Jennifer's Body's costumes online. But at this point, there wasn't.
truly ahead of the game ahead of the game ahead of the game. So yeah, so I put this together. I was really proud of it. I put on YouTube and I still have people commenting, like, please link to this Amazon dress. I put the link in the bio now. But so I was very proud of that. Do I look like it looks like a like a screen replica costume? No.
Did I do a great job? Yes. My hair is still red here, because I used to have red hair. Oh, I thought it was red in the pictures. Yeah, so I tried to hide it, but it is still red. This I'm going to give... I'm going to give this an 8 out of 10. Like, I really love this costume. I really love it too. So I'm going to give it an 8 out of 10. That's how I feel. Incredible. It's hard to dress up as hot dogs.
Yeah. And you looked great. You looked very hot. And you still might have to recreate it so that I can be a man of safe read sometime. I think it'd be so funny. Yeah, that would be amazing. We ought to do it. Maybe next year, we will plan Halloween plans further in advance and do it. Yeah. So this was all, yes, this was COVID year, right? Are you still, was yours 2020 or was that 2019? Oh, that was 2019. Did I miss a year? I don't know. 2020 was like, no one should have dressed up, but we still did. But I did.
I wonder if I missed something. Well, either way, it's hard to say, but you go ahead. So 2020, we did Beetlejuice and Lydia. I was really, I was relatively happy with this. Even at the time I was like a little bit, it honestly was like my COVID Lydia because I wanted to do the big long dress, but we were like,
there's nowhere to go and we're just literally going to sit at dinner. We literally went to an outdoor dinner is what we did. It was. It was the height of COVID. We just sat on this patio at a spookier restaurant. I liked it. Honestly, I was really proud of the wig because it looked terrible when it arrived and I styled it. I felt better about that.
I do like that I found a purse that was the handbook for the recently deceased. Oh, that's pretty fun. Also, I was talking about this with somebody else recently that I think some of my favorite costumes are the ones where I was practical, where I was like, this was amazing. I could put my phone in this purse. Genius. Maybe I'll say eight out of 10 or seven out of 10.
Oh my God. Okay, I just found my 2021 costumes that I forgot. It was Travis was on tour. So I did two costumes this year that I never actually posted on Instagram, which is very interesting because they were like very last minute costumes. So what I did was Little Red Riding Hood with like a big, like a claw mark across my face. Yeah, like a wolf had scratched the truth out of me.
Yeah, yeah, very trick or treat. Oh, such a good. Oh, I love that cape too. It's such a good cape. And then for a haunted house, I dressed up as Mora Rose in the Crow movie. Just amazing. And once again, these costumes, I didn't purchase anything. For some reason, I had the wig, I had black feathers, and I had a glue gun. And I just made it happen. So these costumes both, I'm not saying they're highbrow genius.
But they were amazing for the time that I put into them. So I'm going to give them both like. I'm going to give them both. I'm going to give Red Riding Hood like a five and more Rosa six.

Costume Mishaps and Triumphs

I think they're 10 out of 10. OK, and now I think we'll we're going to be on the same timeline now. OK, wait, this is my 2019 one was what I have next. You two. Or should I say this one quick?
No, I'm in 2018. Just go ahead. Just go ahead. Okay. I'll do my 2019. 2019, I was Bell Tricks. Well, thank you. It was weak, honestly, for me. I wanted more time again. I wanted more time and money. I was happy. I found- Good concept. Yeah, good concept. Now I know a lot more about lace front wig, so I want to do it again and lay the wig better because I always look at the pictures and I'm like, bitch, what were you thinking?
I loved, I do really like her, so it's just fun to wear all that stuff. Honestly, again, if you're looking for screen accurate, it is not she, but I did find her, I have her wand, which is cool. I have her necklace, which is cool, but I put it on a better job. Honestly, the best part of the Bellatrix costume is the McDonald's picture. Oh, that's good. That's really good. So I'm going to say six out of 10.
because it was just all purchased, all Amazon, all lazy, but cute. Yeah, so cute. Okay, I realized that I actually went first. So we are on the same timeline. So now we're going to 2018, which is a Halloween that we actually did spend together. So this is a costume I'm very proud of. So I was blind mag from repo to genetic opera.
And I felt this is top, maybe. Yeah, I built this corset and painstakingly hot glued all these feathers. And and costumes are just sponsored by hot glue. It's everything is hot glued. Anything could fall apart at any moment.
But I was so proud of this. And I don't know if I told you this, but I had a student wear the corset in a play last year. Like she wore it over a shirt. So it wasn't like, you know, a scandalous. But I think she was playing like, like Hades or something in a show. But anyways, with others. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So she yeah. Yeah, she like turned into a giant bird monster. So she she wore the corset over like her shirt and then had like these two big wings.
So it's still getting used today. And I was really proud of this one. This one is definitely like, I'm scared to say 10. I'm going to call it a nine out of 10. Cause I don't, I'm going to say, I don't know if I've ever done a 10 out of 10. So I'm going to call this a nine out of 10. Yeah. I kind of feel the same way. Yeah. Um, actually, no, I actually think one of mine is 10 out of 10, but I'll explain why. Okay. Oh, it's not even Halloween. Nevermind. That's okay.
2018 was my Harley year. Harley Quinn. I did really love my hammer. In hindsight, the boots were not great. Oh, wow. Did I do my nails? I'm impressed. I didn't know I was doing my nails at that time in my life. I do love that I had my blonde hair. This is when my hair was like real.
bleached within an inch of its life. My makeup looks really good in this picture. I'm looking at it on my own. It's pretty good. I remember I did have the Harley hat, but my hair was so good that I was like, I just want to use my hair. This again was a very comfy costume, which I loved. That's huge. I might say,
I think I'm going to say seven out of 10 because I still need room to go up from here, but I liked it. I thought I'd do a good job, but I wish the boots had been different. Okay. So now, oh, this is a weird year for me. Okay.
I wanted to be creative this year in 2017. We were going to some sort of big party. I can't remember what the theme was or if I was on theme, but I wanted to be a sea witch, like an evil mermaid.
And so I am I like hot once again, hot clued all these shells on a bikini top. And then I had this like iridescent fabric that I put all these like LED lights inside of so my skirt would light up, which honestly innovative. I had this big crown and like my face was painted. And I don't think I actually I don't think the costume really came together in the way that I wanted, but I was still impressed by the work ethic I put into it, if that makes sense.
Yes, I was figuring it out. So this like, this is honestly like a four, like no offense. This is not a good costume.
Nobody would know what I was. What is this? It's just like a- It's like the Medusa seagull. Yeah, I guess. The Medusa crown probably was a little confusing. The picture I decided to post on Instagram in 2017 is me holding a stack of skulls under unclear why. I think the photo should come in. I remember it. No, it was when you were- Yes, you were taking pictures and you picked it up and you were like, I love a prop. Yep, and I certainly do.
By the way, this whole episode doesn't even cover our nightmare costumes. But I think another episode one day we should cover all of our nightmares that we did, which I think the world should know. They were pretty good. So yeah, that's no offense to me. That's a four out of 10. I don't know what was going on that year. I was really ambitious and didn't have the skill set yet.
It must have been, was it like a crazy nightmare year? It kind of was. That was the year that we like threw it together. Yeah, it was a secret nightmare year. Because I had a story too with my 2017. Because I wanted to be
I was Catwoman again. This was a hard year. I like literally, I was like, I want to be Robin Wright from Wonder Woman. I still stand by it. I just watched it again. And I was like, damn, that costume is so good. Her character is so good. And like of all the celebrities, I'm like, I honestly like sort of like she's got like a strong jaw. Like I'm like,
But I just failed. I couldn't get it together in time. The hot glue wasn't working. But so I did Catwoman again. But honestly, I'm going to give this a nine out of 10 because maybe eight out of 10. I still, this was the year that I upgraded, which I really liked. I did thimbles with claws on them. I souped up the, or I got like a, no, I guess I had the whip before, but I was really proud of it.
Yeah, I mean, I still think it's truly. It's also like one of those that like people walk by and like know immediately what you are. It's still ultimately. What's it called? It's still ultimately white out on an Amazon. It's fine. I would never know that. I would never know that's how good it looks. And I did. I am proud that like I literally drew on every single one of those stitches and made the claws and made the whip. So maybe eight out of 10.
I would call that one a 10 out of 10. I just feel like that's one of your most iconic costumes. It's pretty good. Your body looked bananas. Thank you. I did wear it last year for one of James' conventions. Yes, but this is why we always joked about before I met James, these people who have these Instagram boyfriends, whatever, and this is legitimately what he has done for me.
like these pictures from last year make the costume look so epic and yeah absolutely it just was how he took the pictures like this one too i was like i will literally never look better in my life that's so good the grandchildren are gonna die over those yeah right okay so now like i think i'm sort of like actually winding down in terms of like costumes i can obtain pictures of
So 2016, I have two costumes. One on actual Halloween, I was I created a character of like the Angel of Death. So my waist looks so small. But I was like, I had these bloody wings on. This is one of my faves.
Yeah, I love this one, too. I had green hair at the time. I have bloody hands, bloody handprints, all of my wings. And then I did this like special effects makeup that looks like it sort of almost looks like my bloody tears had like burned into my skin. I don't know how to explain, but it was like very it was like one of my most gory makeups that I had done. And I love this one. Like honestly would wear this again. This is like it's not even like I don't know.
I was so young too. I don't know. Like I would give this seven out of 10. I really liked this one. And then also I dressed up and this is Travis and my first Halloween together in 2016. And we were a Colombian Eddie with a group of friends that were doing Rocky Horror characters. And I had I had been in like the Rocky Horror stage show when I was a teenager. And so like in this one of my favorite movies of all time and
Travis was like, you know, meant to be Eddie, like he's, you know, in a band and looks like he would ride a motorcycle even though thankfully he doesn't.
But my Columbia was really good. It was hard to find a good Columbia costume. So it was one of those like had to like find bits and pieces from all over. But I really liked it. I think it turned out well, the only issue with this costume is I couldn't figure out how to make my eyebrows disappear. So I could do the pink skinny brows that are like really high up. So I felt like all night those looked a little shady. So I just kind of tried to keep my hat on. But everything else I think was pretty, pretty good.
The eyebrows really are hard. I just really have. Like I've never been able to successfully do the glue down thing. Yeah. I think you. Yeah, I think you. It's very tough. Amazing.
I loved the Rocky Horror year. You guys did such a good job. This is one of your most iconic costumes, I'm assuming, you're going to talk about right now. Yes. I won it only. I won it only. It's an Ivy year. God, it's so amazing. It's pretty good, honestly. This is not a 10 out of 10. I quit the podcast.
It's it's pretty much a kind of town. The hardest part is that we now have a friend who like does poison ivy all the time and does it like really, really well. Like there's my favorite. Well, thank you. She also is just like an actual seamstress cosplay gal. So I'm like, for me to not have any skills, I think I did a great job.
I've always loved Uma Thurman too and so I'm glad that I did her poison ivy. I made a cape for myself. I did the leaf eyebrows. So yeah, I'm going to say 9 out of 10. Again, the course that was held together by hot glue. I still have this one. I'm like, maybe I will whip it out sometime again.
The wig was really so good and I don't know why it looks better than my Bellatrix one. I did a better job laying it. Still not as good as I can now, but anyway, I think it was pretty good. And then I also that same year did do 11 from Stranger Things. I didn't shave my head, but I do appreciate that I got an Eggo box and I bought like a bad blonde wig, like the one she wears on the show. So I'm going to say, yeah, it's like a seven out of 10, but.
I liked it. I was proud of that too. That's a really good one. Oh, and I forgot I did the tattoo, her tattoo on my arm too.
So good. Little touches, you know? Okay, this is gonna be... Okay, I have two more. Two more that I'm gonna cover. One, this is 2015. This is... Okay, so I had found this amazing dress that I knew I wanted to use for a costume for something. And I ended up doing sort of a porcelain doll thing. Yes.
And this actually was a year that I did almost successfully cover my eyebrows. But there's something about this costume that I loved. I had this like decapitated teddy bear, this big bow in my hair, and like the dress is just so spooky. Like I can't imagine what this dress was intended for when I got it at the thrift store. But that one, this one I actually really like. This one I'll give it, this will get a six out of 10. It's like, okay, like it's good.
I didn't do much other than my makeup. The dress already existed. And then I have one more after. I love it. I'll try to go through mine fast then. So I was going to talk about... I love my Mad Max. That was going to be my 10 out of 10 because my dad made my arm.
I'll throw it back. That is a good one. I forgot about that one. It wasn't Halloween though. So it was just when we went to a convention and I don't know if we'll even post the picture, but it's because my dad's in Morton Joe. My little brother was Nubs. Is that his name? And I was Furiosa, but like I was really proud of my makeup. We got like a really short wig. Yeah.
And my dad made me this really sick mechanical arm. So I felt very legit that day. Yeah. That was serious cosplay. That was serious. I was like, yeah, I felt like I was a real cosplay girl that day, even if I didn't make my arm. Yeah.
Yeah, someone did, someone crafted it. And then that might be the, oh no, one more like adult one. And then I was just going to talk about like silly kid ones. So I am really proud of my Carrie costume from 2013. Throwback, good one. I know. Were we friends by then? No, that was like right before we became friends. Yeah. But I've seen the photos.
Yeah, that one I was so proud because like, maybe the day before Halloween, I was truly like, Oh, shoot, I don't have a costume. And so I like, like went to like a thrift store, I found the prom dress, I like made my own blood, I made the sash. So good. And honestly, the best part of it, it's not even like that incredible of a costume, but covering yourself in blood, I feel like is a real commitment. Yeah, especially in a college dorm.
Yeah, I was truly in my friend's bathtub as they poured blood over my head. Like, God bless that friend that let me do it in her bathtub. But it was so fun because everywhere I went, people were like, Carrie, Carrie. But that part was very cool. So yeah, I guess like seven out of 10.
Yeah. Do you want to hit? Oh, yeah. I'll just I will. So, OK, this is my second class. So I'm going to give you my 2014 one. And the last one I'll say is my high school senior year one.

Unique and Amusing Costume Stories

Nice. Because I just remember that because I was really only using my Instagram for this. This 2014, I was a killer bee, which doesn't sound that I like my costume. I like need to fucking gory killer bee costume.
I made this belt that had a knife hanging off the end as my stinger. I was just covered in blood, but also adorable. I look so pure. I wish this was Instagram. It's so good. In 2014, everyone was using really heavy Instagram filters, and I wish I had the original photo without this insane ridiculous filter on here, but good times. That's what I remember the Killer Bee. I was like, when was that?
but it was so good. Also, it cracks me up. I was just looking at your Instagram. I'm like, we really do both of us, I think, dress up a fair amount unrelated to Halloween. That's not a Halloween. I was going to say, we have other costumes, but we're just trying to be Halloween specific right now. Yes, definitely. So which one do I want to talk about? What else? I mean, I did white swan my freshman year of college. It was pretty good. I liked that I had a wound. Oh, I love that.
Good idea. Yeah. So I liked that one. And then going way back, I felt like I had to talk about my cat's costume from when I was like 11 or 12. I know I've told this story before. I'm giving myself on this cats from the musical cats costume. I'm definitely giving myself at least an eight out of 10. No, 10 out of 10. 10 out of 10. 10 out of 10. I just, it is pretty, it's pretty amazing. My dad airbrushed the whole suit for me.
We, again, hot glued pieces of fur on it. I had this furry tail. We put together the two white halves of two separate Cruella de Vil wigs. We sewed it together. We sprayed it. We styled it. It's pretty amazing. I told the story before, but I did wear it to my first boy girl party, and that is horrifying to this day. How are all the other girls dressed, Lauren?
They were all dresses, the pink ladies. It makes you really like what is Bill and Orange's story? It really is, and then I killed them all. And then you killed them all. That's so good. I just have never felt so betrayed in my life as walking in and I was like, what? Everybody else? It's the Mean Girls moment. It's so good. It really is. Or like Legally Blonde, she walks in in the bunny costume.
But again, it's not a costume party. It felt like that. Oh, so good. OK. My very last one, and I'm for real this time, is my senior year of high school.
only seniors got to dress up. And I was Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which was like my greatest love of the time. And I was pretty convinced that nobody was going to know who I am who I was. So I did I did these like black leather or pleathery pants skin tight. And then I did like a white tank top and I wrote Buffy on it in like the font and blood.
And then I did the crucifix fix necklace. I didn't do a blonde wig because I don't know why, but I was so young. Look at those swoopy bangs. My swoopy bangs. And there's a really good photo of this girl I knew named Allison and she was dressed up as, I don't know where the photo is anymore, but she was dressed up as Edward Cullen.
And I wasn't allowed to bring a stake to school because that was considered a weapon. So I had to just bring in a stick that I found outside. So there's photos of me like stabbing Edward Cullen as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which I thought was pretty iconic. That's incredible. Yeah, I'm not gonna write that one because I was young. But I've just I just loved it. And I love that I love 18 year old Felicia. I love you. Love you, girl.
I love 18 year old Felicia too. Okay. I'll do my last couple of kid ones that are funny. So I did find a picture of myself. I think I was like 10 years old dressed as Draco Malfoy.
It was at the time of my life that I wore glasses, and it was definitely my most awkward stage. It's really something to behold. I remember I had to get a Gryffindor robe because they didn't sell Slytherin ones at that time, which is hysterical, right? Yes. It was so long ago. My dad made a Slytherin patch to put over the Gryffindor part.
I had my hair slicked back, sweater vest, not cute. I just love that you didn't want to be like Hermione or like... I'm gonna be Draco.
The truth is no one else is dressed as a Harry Potter character. It's not like Hermione was taken, right? That's true. Just you. The picture is really hilarious. One of my friends is Miss Congeniality. One of my friends is just a witch. Someone seems to be a pilgrim. I'm not sure what's happening. I'm in a pilgrim.
It's really bad. There's that one that's hilarious. We've shared this definitely on the account before, but I just had to draw attention again to my alien princess.
There's a whole lot going on in this picture, including like hairspray, like with silver spray. I don't know why like my eyebrows are like glittery. I have black lipstick on giant black nails that are like at least four inches.
a like seemingly like a like silver knight's vest like a like a medieval knight but then I also have like a silver hoodie on backwards there's like a lot happening and just a white purple blush again no reason. I'm realizing we're gonna have to do multiple posts because all of our pictures will not go through one post.
I know it's just not enough and then I will, my last, my promise, my last one is me as Glinda the Good Witch when I was like two or three and my older brother is just as Dracula and he's like biting my neck.
Oh, so sweet. I love that. It's really cute. So that was the

DIY Costume Joy and Future Plans

beginning. I actually think the alien princess was like the real start of like, let me like put together like a cool thing. Like I just remember so distinctly like,
At some point when James and I very first started dating, I was like, I never like just like purchasing a spirit Halloween costume. I want to make it something. Yeah, I want to like craft it. Yeah, even if it's going to thrift stores and like finding different things, like that's fine. But I always love being crafty.
Me too. It just makes it more fun. It's like part of the ritual of the Halloween season. It's like creating a costume is so much fun. Totally. Yeah. What are you doing? Yeah. What are you doing this year? Okay. The reveal. I had actually forgotten that, or actually maybe I've never seen the photo. I don't know when you were the white swan, but this year I'm going to be the black swan.
Yes. Yes. I juxtaposition of art. Absolutely. I'm trying to figure out like, I just hate the fact that I wear contacts and it ruins so many costumes because I can't put in like red contacts. But um, yeah, but I'm figuring I've ordered my tutu and like I've ordered like the dance costume portion. And I've got like my gloves and my crown, but I'm gonna figure out still how to like
gored up a little bit and like like the the prick so like the feathers coming out of the shoulder blades like i'm trying to figure out how to make that interesting but i don't know how to do it yet but but yeah so that's what i'm gonna be yeah that is hard i don't even think i have any advice that's a hot glue it to myself just immediately the skin okay what are you gonna do what if you put it on like a skin toned
That would probably be smarter. That would be smarter, but I like to, I don't know. We'll see. We'll see. Okay. I love it. We were too ambitious and so we're not doing one of the ones that we had talked about doing, but I'm actually very excited. We are going to do Genderbend. I'm going to be Ghostface and James is going to be Drew Barrymore.
Oh, interesting. Are you going to do like just like a black cloak or are you going to like change it up more? So I think I'm going to make it like sexy. It's going to be a little sexy. My plan is to just put a giant slit in it and a big platform boots and fishnets. Yes. Are you going to cinch the way somehow like put a belt or something? I should. Yeah, because you don't want a little corset. Why not? You have a black corset, I'm sure. But a little corset. I do have a black corset.
All right, we'll see. I have my balance. So that's like that. I think that's what we landed on. We'll just be our one costume, but then I'm really excited because
we have a house this year. So I think James wasn't like, I think he's into the idea of handing out candy, but I was like, I must. Oh, yeah. It's like the dream of suburbia. Absolutely. I was like, I know Willow needs to go trick-or-treating and James will probably go trick-or-treating with her, but I'm going to dress up as just a classic witch and I'm going to put a black cat
ears and black cat tail on Rufus. I'm gonna cry. It's so beautiful. And like, that's I mean, I can't wait for that phase of my life because like, one of my greatest joys growing up was like, honestly, actually, you know what my greatest joy was during the trick or treating was peeking into people's houses and be like, how do they live in there? Like, what's going on in there?

Halloween Decorations and Viral Trends

me. But I really, I can't wait to hand out candy. Yes. Dressed as a witch. I did it at my mom's house, my parents' house a few years ago. Like I flew, I went home for Halloween and I did dress as a witch and handed out candy, but it was a big storm. And so we got like half the trick-or-treats we normally would have. So I'm still waiting for my big moment, but it's going to come and I'm very excited.
It will come and it'll be great. You're going to have to send me pictures of your decorations outside. Yes, we do. I know we have, I think we're pretty much decorated now officially. Yay. The really big thing is that James, I don't know if you've seen it on TikTok. There's this like pumpkin guy at Target whose name is Lewis. Oh yeah.
So we got Lewis and he like, yes. James had to like fight, not really fight, but he really negotiated with a Target employee and we were able to secure Lewis. He's in our front yard right now. He wanted him because he's so viral. It was great. They wouldn't. It's just like so funny, like some like random guy at part of like whatever company that Target acquires being like, what should the sound be? Oh, I got it.
It's so weird. Nobody checking it, and then it's just going off into production. But also, he has many different sentences that he says. I don't know. Yes, there's one that's just a poem. That's a creepy poem. There's one that's his one that everyone talks about, is he does say, I'm Lewis. I'm not a jack-o'-lantern. I'm Lewis.
And also because my dad's name is Louis, just makes it 10 times funnier to me. That's so good. But well, I'm sure the trick-or-treaters are going to make him go off every five seconds. Yeah, yeah. They're going to love it. They're going to love it. But thank you all for listening. Please enjoy our photos on the Instagram. Lauren and Felicia's Halloween Through the Ages. And we hope you have some sweet, sweet nightmares and really enjoy your Halloween. Yes. Happy Halloween.