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Our Favorite "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" image

Our Favorite "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark"

Sinister Sisters
36 Plays1 year ago

On this week's spooktacular special episode for October, Felicia & Lauren read their favorite selections from "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark". They both stumbled upon this book series in their elementary schools way back in the early 2000s. The series has now been turned into a supernatural horror film produced by Guillermo del Toro. Listen to hear these delightfully funny and frightening stories.

PS: If you have requests for future episodes or just want to hang out, follow us on Instagram @sinistersisterspodcast 


Introduction to Sinister Sisters

Welcome to the Sinister Sisters podcast. I'm Lauren. I'm Felicia. We're best friends. And we like spooky stuff. We definitely do. We are back with a special pre-Halloween episode.

Halloween Spooktacular Special

Now I'm like, should we make this- An almost Halloween episode? Yeah. It's basically, we'll say it's part one of our Halloween spooktacular special.
Oh, that's really good.

Childhood Scary Stories

So today we're reading some of our favorites from scary stories to tell in the dark, which I will say, did you, you had at your elementary school library, have we already talked about this?
Yeah, I definitely I first checked these out. My guess is I always like to say first grade, but I bet you it was probably third grade. Yeah. And I was obsessed with the illustrations, like so scary. I loved reading the stories. I felt like I was doing something bad by reading them, which was really totally. Yeah. But same for you. Yes. And I don't really understand why they're allowed to be in or why they were allowed to be in our libraries. They're pretty scary.
Yeah, and they're they're written in a way. We were just talking about this before we hit record, but they're also written in a way to really scare your friends where it like sometimes gives you instructions on when to do like a big jump scare. Like there's one where it like has different. I'm not going to read it, but there's one called Dead Man's Brains where the author is.
telling you how to tell the story and then gives you different stuff for your friends to touch like cold spaghetti to like for them to feel like they're touching brains while you're telling the story. I was like this is amazing. Just to me love it.
And they like, I do think in re looking at them too, it's interesting because it's not all one author, right? Like he collected all of these stories. So I think that's also kind of interesting. So each of them really does kind of have its own sort of style or, you know, some are like sillier than others. Some are like more, you know, urban legend than others. Yeah. So I, I think it's, they're really interesting and obviously they made it into a movie.
Which we both really liked right? I thought it was pretty fun. I really enjoyed the movie. I thought it was great I would watch

Reading of 'Harold'

it. I might watch it this year because it's been a few years now since it came out
I agree. I don't know that I ever watched again after I saw it in theaters. Yeah, I'm not sure honestly. But if you have not read these stories, we highly recommend and mostly because the illustrations are truly like the best part for me. And I think what was so scary to me when I was that little, like some of the pictures and that's what happened. I meant to say too, I pulled them out to start looking at like what my favorite stories were.
and we had willow with us and so she started reading them and was like so into it and loving it but then she got to the haunted house like scary woman and I picture and she was like I'm done I'm out like too far it's too far
And I kind of felt the same way when I was younger. Like I don't know that I ever actually brought them home because I was so scared they were going to like haunt my house or something. I love that. I could only read them at the library because otherwise they would, I don't know, infect my backpack.
Okay, so I think you're going to start us off, right? I'm going to start us off with one of, I think, the best ones by far, which is Harold. If you've seen the movie, it's the scarecrow story and it's very spooky. So shall I? Yes, you shall. When it got hot in the valley, Thomas and Alfred drove their cows up to a cool green pasture in the mountains to graze.
Usually they stay there with the cows for two months. Then they brought them down to the valley again. The work was easy enough, but oh, it was boring. All day, the two men tended their cows. At night, they went back to the tiny hut where they lived. They ate supper and worked in the garden and went to sleep.

Reading of 'The Haunted House'

It was always the same. Then Thomas had an idea that changed everything. Let's make a doll the size of a man, he said. It would be fun to make and we could put it in the garden to scare away the birds.
It should look like Harold, Alfred said. Harold was a farmer they both hated. They made the doll out of old sack stuffed with straw. They gave it a pointy nose like Harold's and tiny eyes like his. Then they added dark hair and a twisted frown. Of course, they also gave it Harold's name.
Each morning on their way to the pasture, they tied Harold to a pole in the garden to scare away the birds. Each night they brought him inside so that he wouldn't get ruined if it rained. When they were feeling playful, they would talk to him. One of them might say, how are the vegetables growing today, Harold? Then the other, making believe he was Harold, would answer in a crazy voice, very slowly. They would both laugh, but not Harold.
Whenever something went wrong, they took it out on Harold. They would curse at him, even kick him or punch him. Sometimes one of them would take the food they were eating, which they were both sick of and smear it on the doll's face. This is really brutal. How do you like that stew Harold? He would ask. Well, you'd better eat it or else. Then the two men would howl with laughter.
One night after Thomas had wiped Harold's face with food, Harold grunted. Did you hear that, Alfred asked? It was Harold, Thomas said. I was watching him when it happened. I can't believe it. How could he grunt? Alfred said. He's just a sack of straw. It's not possible.
Let's throw him in the fire, said Thomas, and that will be that. Really, again, just a bold choice immediately to let's just torch him. Yeah. Let's not do anything stupid, said Alfred. We don't know what's going on. When we move the cows down, we'll leave him behind. For now, let's just keep an eye on him. So they left Harold sitting in a corner of the hut. They didn't talk to him or take him outside anymore. Now and then the dog grunted, but that was all. After a few days, they decided there was nothing to be afraid of.
Maybe a mouse or some insects had gotten inside Harold and were making those sounds. So Thomas and Alfred went back to their old ways. Each morning they put Harold out in the garden, and each night they brought him back into the hut. When they felt playful, they joked with him. When they felt mean, they treated him as badly as ever.
Then one night, Alfred noticed something that frightened him. Harold is growing, he said. I was thinking the same thing, Thomas said. Maybe it's just our imagination, Alfred replied. We've been up here on the mountain too long. The next morning while they were eating, Harold stood up and walked out of the hut. He climbed up on the roof and trotted back and forth like a horse on its hind legs. All day and all night long, he trotted like that.
In the morning, Harold climbed down and stood in a far corner of the pasture. The men had no idea what he would do next. They were afraid. They decided to take the cows down into the valley that same day. When they left, Harold was nowhere in sight. They felt as if they had escaped a great danger and began joking and singing. But when they had gone only a mile or two, they realized they had forgotten to bring the milking stools.
Neither one wanted to go back for them, but the stools would cost a lot to replace. There really is nothing to be afraid of, they told one another. After all, what could a doll do?
They drew straws to see which one would go back. It was Thomas. I'll catch up with you, he said, and Alfred walked on towards the valley. When Alfred came to a rise in the path, he looked back for Thomas. He did not see him anywhere, but he did see Harold. The doll was on the roof of the hut again. As Alfred watched, Harold kneeled and stretched out a bloody skin to dry in the sun. Dang. I mean,
The torture stuff is intense, and then that last line is so intense. I know! It's so scary!
terrifying. Again, we will post all of these on the Instagram page so that you can see the illustrations because that's the other thing that was so incredible about the movie. They did such a good job of recreating this. Yes. Oh my gosh, so good.

More Short Scary Stories

It's just perfect. It'll gear them up.
amazing okay all right so i'm gonna go ahead and start with the haunted house which is this horrifying skeleton woman that we see and it doesn't end exactly how you think so here we go the haunted house one time a preacher went to see if he could put a haunt to rest at a house in his settlement the house had been haunted for about 10 years several people had tried to stay there all night
but they would always get scared out by the haunt. So this preacher took his Bible and went to the house, went on in, built himself a good fire, and lit a lamp. Sat there reading the Bible. Then just before midnight, he heard something start up in the cellar, walking back and forth, back and forth. Then it sounded like somebody was trying to scream and got choked off.
Then there was a lot of thrashing around and struggling, and finally everything got quiet. The old preacher took up his Bible again, but before he could start reading, he heard footsteps coming up the cellar stairs. He sat watching the door to the cellar, and the footsteps kept coming closer and closer. He saw the door knob turn,
And when the door began to open, he jumped up and hollered, what do you want? The door shut back easy like, and there wasn't a sound. The preacher was trembling a little, but he finally opened the Bible and read for a while. Then he got up, laid the book on the chair, and went to mending the fire. Then the haunt started walking again and stepped.
Step. Step up the cellar stairs. The old preacher sat watching the door. Saw the doorknob turn and the door open. It looked like a young woman. He backed up and said, who are you? What do you want? The haunt sort of swayed like she didn't know what to do. Then she just faded out.
The old preacher waited, waited. And when he didn't hear any more noises, he went over and shut the door. He was sweating and trembling all over. But he was a brave man, and he thought he'd be able to see it through. So he turned his chair to where he could watch, and he sat down and waited. Honestly, I would have left by that point. I don't know about you. Gone. I would have been gone. It wasn't long before he heard the haunts start up again, slowly, step.
Step, step, step, closer and closer, step, step, and then it was right at the door. The preacher stood up and held his Bible out before him. Then the knob slowly turned and the door opened wide. This time, the preacher spoke quiet-like. He said, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, who are you and what do you want?
The haunt came right across the room straight to him and took hold of his coat. It was a young woman about 20 years old. Her hair was torn and tangled.
and the flesh was dropping off her face so he could see the bones and part of her teeth. She had no eyeballs, but there was sort of a blue light way back in her eye sockets and she had no nose to her face. Then she started talking.
It sounded like her voice was coming and going with the wind blowing. She told how her lover had killed her for the money and buried her in the cellar. She said if the preacher would dig up her bones and bury her properly, she could rest. Then she told him to take the end joint of the little finger from her left hand and to lay it in the collection plate at the next church meeting. And he'd find out who had murdered her.
And she said, if you come back here once more after that, you'll hear my voice at midnight, and I'll tell you where my money is hid, and you can give it to the church. The haunt sobbed like she was tired, and she sunk down towards the floor and was gone. The preacher found her bones and buried her in the graveyard. The next Sunday, the preacher put the finger bone in the collection plate.
And when a certain man happened to touch it, it stuck to his hand. The man jumped up and rubbed and scraped and tore at that bone, trying to get it off. Then he went to screaming like he was going crazy. Well, he confessed to the murder and they took him on to jail. After that man was hung, the preacher went back to the house one midnight and the haunt's voice told him to dig under the hearth rock.
He did and he found a big sack of money. And where that haunt had head onto his coat, the print of those bony fingers was burned right into the cloth. It never did come out. Ooh. That's really such a good one. I love that because I love the idea of like she's like catch my murderer. And then like the putting of the bone in the collection plate at church.
That's crazy. And also just so everyone's just passing it around like in the bone. Yeah, I always really liked that one. I love like a woman's revenge story. Yes. And truly, I was like, Felicia, you're such a good storyteller. That BFA in acting. Oh, hey. I knew it was good for something. Yeah, I was just gonna say, I love it. Okay. I guess I'll do. I'm gonna do a really short one next. Just so you know. Okay.
I was going to say, I'm going to try to be the girl who stood on a grave. Perfect. It's a shorter one. Okay. The girl who stood on a grave.
Some boys and girls were at a party one night. There was a graveyard down the street and they were talking about how scary it was. Don't ever stand on a grave after dark, one of the boys said. The person inside will grab you, he'll pull you under. That's not true, one of the girls said. It's just a superstition. I'll give you a dollar if you stand on a grave, said the boy. A grave doesn't scare me, said the girl. I'll do it right now.
The boy handed her his knife. Stick this knife in one of the graves, he said. Then we'll know you were there. The graveyard was filled with shadows and was as quiet as death. There's nothing to be scared of, the girl told herself, but she was scared anyway. She picked out a grave and stood on it. Then quickly she bent over and plunged the knife into the soil, and she started to leave. But she couldn't get away. Something was holding her back.
She tried a second time to leave, but she couldn't move. She was filled with terror. Something has got me, she screamed, and she fell to the ground. When she didn't come back, the others went to look for her. They found her body sprawled across the grave. Without realizing it, she had plunged the knife through her skirt and had pinned it to the ground. It was only the knife that held her. She had died of fright.
That's one of my favorites of all time. It's so good. Like the dying from fright is so like, I don't know. That's so wild to me. And just the last sentence.
Yeah. But they came back to check on her. She'd put the knife in her skirt and she was dead. Dead. Yeah. It's really so good. Yeah, that's a really good one. Okay, I'm going to do a really short one now.

Nostalgic Story Discussions

And this is a song. So there are a few songs or poems in this collection. I'm not going to sing for you, sorry, because I don't actually know the melody.
Though they do put the melody in here for you, but I... They do? Like the notes? I'm guessing. Yeah, this is in the third one. The third book. This is called You May Be Next, and we'll post the photo, but it's literally like a goopy, dead-looking baby on a plate with a candle in his head that's lit like a birthday. Like, that's not okay. That can't be okay.
Not for elementary school kids. No, not for adults. It's too far. All right. Did you ever think as a hearse goes by that you may be the next to die? They wrap you in a big white sheet from your head down to your feet and the worms crawl in and the worms crawl out in your stomach and out your snout.
and your eyes fall out and your teeth decay. And that is the end of a perfect day. Like, read that at my funeral. I will. That's the eulogy. That's the whole thing.
And then you just slowly walk off the stage. Everyone's horrified. My mom's livid. Your mom is so mad. Oh, man. Wow. That's amazing. I really I just appreciate that one because I do think a lot about like whenever you see like real death in life, you just immediately start thinking about your own death. Totally. Interesting. It's so freaky. I can't actually think about death too much because then I'll just get freaked.
There's freak out. There's freak out. Yes. Okay. I'm going to do Meetai Dodi Walker. Yeah. Love this one. We like, I don't, this was like one of the ones that we definitely reread all the time. Like my little group of twins. But I don't really remember why. It can always be like a silly one, but then it is scary. Yes. I think that's exactly what it was. It's like a little silly. So yeah. Okay. Here I go.
There was a haunted house where every night a bloody head fell down the chimney. I mean, like that's an opening line. Yeah. At least that's what people said. So nobody would stay there overnight. Then a rich man offered $200 to whoever would do it. And this boy said he would try if he could have his dog with him. So it was all settled. The very next night, the boy went to the house with his dog.
To make it more cheerful, he started a fire in the fireplace. Then he sat in front of the fire and waited. And his dog waited with him. For a while, nothing happened. But a little after midnight, he heard someone singing softly and sadly off in the woods. The singing sounded something like this. Me tie do tea walker. I don't, again, no idea what the melody is. That's just my choice. I thought that was good. It's just somebody singing, the boy told himself, but he was frightened.
Then his dog answered the song. Softly and sadly, it sang. Lynchy, kitchy, collie, molly, dingo, dingo. The boy could not believe his ears. His dog had never uttered a word before. Then a few minutes later, he heard the singing again. Now it was closer and louder, but the words were the same. Me tie Dodie Walker. This time, the boy tried to stop his dog from answering.
He was afraid that whoever was singing would hear it and come after them. But his dog paid no attention, and again it sang. Lin chi, kin chi, kali mali, ding go, ding go. A half hour later, the boy heard the singing again. Now it was in the backyard, and the song was the same. Mi tai dodi walker. Again, the boy tried to keep his dog quiet, but the dog sang out louder than ever. Lin chi, kin chi, kali mali, ding go, ding go.
I mean, what do you even do those words mean? I don't know.
Scary. Soon the boy heard the singing again. Now it was coming down the chimney. Mi tai dodi walker. The dog sang right back. Lin chi, kin chi, kali mali, dingo, dingo. Suddenly a bloody head fell out of the chimney. It missed the fire and landed right next to the dog. The dog took one look and fell over, dead from fright. The head turned and stared at the boy. Slowly it opened its mouth and
And again, this is one of those that says, in parentheses, turn to one of your friends and scream. Do you remember in the movie, they actually made this guy really, really scary. Yes, but I like now I can't picture what he looks like. He's like walking like a side down stuff out of the chimney. Very scary. OK. I'm now going to read, I think it's like, is it the first story?
Yeah, it's actually the first story from the first book, which is The Big Toe. So good. Also in the movie. I'm really highlighting the film here, but they picked the good ones. Yeah. All right. A boy was digging at the edge of the... Let me start again.
I always said to Lord, I was like, I get anxious reading out loud like my whole life because I'm always like, I'm certainly going to mess something up. And then I fake my and then I get too nervous and then I do mess up. It's it's like that. It really is that feeling in elementary school where you just like to third. Yeah.
Did you ever count the lines until I got to you? Oh, constantly. You read ahead and you're like, okay, this is my sentence, like reading it in your head. Do I know all these words? Okay, it's like preparing for your big moment. Did I tell you about, I did this one time and I read, I had the word subtle and so I read out loud subtile.
And I think that this day, my friends make fun of me and I'm like, this is why we all have trauma. I saw a great meme that was just like, there is nothing funnier than when your friend only slightly mispronounces a word. It's true. Okay, here we go.
A boy was digging at the edge of the garden when he saw a big toe. He tried to pick it up, but it was stuck to something. So he gave it a good, hard jerk, and it came off in his hand. Then he heard something groan and scamper away. The boy took the toe into the kitchen and showed it to his mother. It looks nice and plump, she said. I'll put it in the soup. It won't happen for supper. The obvious choice? The obvious choice.
That night, his father carved the toe into three pieces, and they each had a piece. And they did the dishes, and when it got dark, they went to bed. The boy fell asleep almost at once, but in the middle of the night, a sound awakened him. It was something out in the street. It was a voice, and it was calling to him.
Where is my toe? It groaned. It was beautiful. When the boy heard that, he got very scared, but he thought, it doesn't know where I am. It never will find me.
Then he heard the voice once more, only now it was closer. Where is my toe? It groaned. The boy pulled the blankets over his head and closed his eyes. I'll go to sleep, he thought. When I wake up, it'll be gone. But then, soon as he heard the back, nope, but soon he heard the back door open, and again he heard the voice.
Where is my toe? It groaned.
And the boy heard footsteps move through the kitchen, into the dining room, into the living room, into the front hall, then slowly climbed the stairs. Closer and closer they came. Soon they were in the upstairs hall. Now they were outside his door. Where is my toe? The voice groaned. His door opened, shaking with fear. He listened as the footsteps slowly moved through the dark towards his bed. Then they stopped.
Where is my toe? The voice groaned. You've got it. It says, at this point pause, then jump into the person next to you and shout, you've got it.
That was beautiful. Well executed. There's also an alternate ending. So let me read that to you. The last one. Okay. So the alternative ending goes, when the boy hears the voice calling for its toe, he finds a strange looking creature up inside the chimney. The boy is so frightened, he can't move. He just stands there and stares at it. Finally, he asked.
What you got such big eyes for? And the creature answers, to look you through and through. What you got such big claws for? To scratch you up, to scratch up your grave. What you got such a big mouth for?
to swallow you whole. Well, what she got such sharp teeth for to chomp your bones. Like what? Have a two endings. I don't know. I like the first. I think. But anyways, that's it. I was just going to say of all that, of all the stories I have,

Deep Dive into 'The Babysitter' and 'The Bride'

too, I never saw that one coming. No, no, I think Bailey is the first ending in the movie.
But they changed that story. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, I yeah, I was going to say it's not really like that, right? No, it's like kind of one of those stories in the movie that they kind of infuse into like the greater plot of the film to kind of make it all make sense. But they make sense.
Yeah. Amazing. Okay. I think I'm going to do high beams next. This one is another one of those that I feel like a lot of different urban legends exist that are kind of similar, but here we go. The girl driving the old blue sedan was a senior at the high school. She lived on a farm about eight miles away and used the car to drive back and forth.
She had driven into town that night to see a basketball game. Now she was on her way home. As she pulled away from the school, she noticed a red pickup truck follow her out of the parking lot. A few minutes later, the truck was still behind her. I guess we're going in the same direction, she thought. She began to watch the truck in her mirror. When she changed her speed, the driver of the truck changed his speed.
When she passed a car, so did he. Then he turned on his high beams, flooding her car with light. He left them on for almost a minute. He probably wants to pass me, she thought, but she was becoming uneasy. Usually she drove home over a back road. Not too many people went that way. But when she turned onto that road, so did the truck. I've got to get away from him, she thought, and she began to drive faster. Then he turned his high beams on again.
After a minute, he turned them off. Then he turned them on again, and off again. She drove even faster, but the truck driver stayed right behind her. Then he turned his high beams on again. Once more, her car was ablaze with light. What is he doing? She wondered. What does he want?
Then he turned them off again. But a minute later, he had them on again, and he left them on. At last, she pulled into her driveway, and the truck pulled in right behind her. She jumped from the car and ran to the house. Call the police, she screamed at her father. Out in the driveway, she could see the driver of the truck. He had a gun in his hand. When the police arrived, they started to arrest him, but he pointed to the girl's car. You don't want me, he said. You want him.
Crouched behind the driver's seat, there was a man with a knife. As the driver of the truck explained it, the man slipped into the girl's car just before she left the school. He saw it happen, but there was no way he could stop it. He thought about getting the police, but he was afraid to leave her, so he followed her car. Each time the man in the backseat reached up to overpower her, the driver of the truck turned on his high beams. Then the man dropped down, afraid that someone might see him. Spooky.
I like that. I always like the stories where it's like you think the bad guy is the truck driver. Yeah. Turns out he wasn't. Yeah. I also like now that I have a car. Yeah. All the like car urban legends that like someone in the backseat or like all that stuff. Totally scared. Scared someone's in my backseat. I check every time. Yeah. It's like I went through a phase when I was young of always checking the shower when I'm in the bathroom. Why are we so scared?
Okay. This is the red spot. It's a short one, but honestly, my worst nightmare. Yes. Okay. While Ruth slept, a spider crawled across her face. Already, I'm done. I'm terrified. We're out. We're out. It stopped for several minutes on her left cheek, then went on its way
What is that red spot on my cheek? She asked her mother the next morning. It looks like a spider bite, her mother said. It'll go away. Just don't scratch it. Soon, the red spot grew into a small red boil. Look at it now, Ruth said. It's getting bigger. It's sore. That happens sometimes, her mother said. It's coming to a head.
And a few days, the boil was even larger. Look at it now, Ruth said. It hurts and it's ugly. We'll have the doctor look at it, her mother said. Maybe it's infected. But the doctor could not see Ruth until the next day. Rude. Yeah, what?
It's an emergency. It's an emergency, sir. All right. That night, Ruth took a hot bath. As she soaked herself, the boil burst. Out poured a swarm of tiny spiders from the eggs their mother had laid in her cheek. Also a horrifying picture. Oh, so scary. It's really rough. Yeah.
This was one of the only moments in the movie that felt very CGI to me, but I don't think there was another way. Yeah, I don't really know what you're going to do to make it not CGI, but it is. Yeah, you're right. Yeah. So I think I'm on my last one. I will say I did notice in my reading or trying to find my stories, if you open the second of our collection, it says to Lauren. No, it doesn't. Wait, which one is that? Scary? The second one?
more scary stories to tell in the dark. Imagine yours says to Felicia. Shut up. Oh, we have to fight. That's so creepy. I love it. What if everyone says I would be, I'd be done. Yeah. Okay. So I guess I'll end up or I'll, my last one will be the babysitter. Okay.
the babysitter. It was nine o'clock in the evening. Everybody was sitting on the couch in front of the TV. There were Richard, Brian, Jenny, and Doreen, the babysitter.
The telephone rang. Maybe it's your mother, said Doreen. She picked up the phone. Before she could say a word, a man laughed hysterically and hung up. Who was it, asked Richard. Some nut, said Doreen. What did I miss? At 9.30, the telephone rang again. Doreen answered it.
It was the man who had called before. I'll be there soon, he said. And he laughed and hung up. Who was it? The children asked. Some crazy person, she said. About 10 o'clock, the telephone rang again. Jenny got to it first. Hello, she said. It was the same man.
One more hour, he said, and he laughed and hung up. He said one more hour. What did he mean? asked Jenny. Don't worry, said Doreen. It's just somebody fooling around. I'm scared, said Jenny. About 1030, the telephone rang once more. When Doreen picked it up, the man said, pretty soon now. And he laughed. Why are you doing this? Doreen screamed and he hung up.
Was it that guy again?" asked Brian. Yes, said Doreen. I'm going to call the operator and complain. The operator told her to call back if it happened again, and she would try to trace the call. At 11 o'clock, the telephone rang again. Doreen answered it. Very soon now, said the man, and he laughed and hung up.
Doreen called the operator. Almost at once, she called back. That person is calling from a telephone upstairs, she said. You'd better leave. I'll get the police. Just then, a door upstairs opened. A man they had never seen before started down the stairs toward them. As they ran from the house, he was smiling in a very strange way. A few minutes later, the police found him there and arrested him.
Just one of those calls coming from inside the house. Yeah, it's so funny because the more we're reading these, the more I'm like, oh, there's so many things that feel either inspired by this or just inspired by similar stories in urban legends. But it makes sense because it's like a collection of American urban legends. Totally. I think I actually changed my last one.
So I'm going to do the bride. Yeah. And this one has another great image, but I was just looking at it. I was like, Oh, it kind of reminds me of, um, Oh, ready or not. Ready or not. Okay. So good. I want to rewatch this too. So good. It's really not at all like that except for the first paragraph, but here we go. All right.
The minister's daughter had just gotten married. After the wedding ceremony, there was a great feast with music and dancing and contests and games, even old children's games. When they got to playing hide and seek, the bride decided to hide in her grandfather's trunk up in the attic. They'll never find me there, she thought. As she was climbing into the trunk, the lid came down and cracked her on her head and she fell unconscious inside.
The lid slammed shut and locked. No one will ever know how long she called for help and how long she struggled to free herself from that tomb. Everyone in the village searched for her and they looked almost everywhere. But no one thought of looking in the trunk. After a week, her brand new bridegroom and all the others gave her up for lost.
Years later, a maid went up to the attic looking for something she needed. Maybe it is in the trunk, she thought. She opened it and screamed. There lay the missing bride in her wedding dress. But by then, she was only a skeleton. That's really horrific. Also, no one, everyone just, they're like, what? No one heard her screaming. So scary. Maybe the family is evil.
Yeah. What am I like the worst like images that I feel like happen in a lot of movies, particularly or not particularly, actually, just in a lot of movies, it's like the idea of having to claw yourself out of your own grave is so fucking scary. I cannot handle it. So scary. Did you watch House of Usher yet? Are you watching that? Yes, we started it. I'm like I think tonight I'm going to rewatch all of the episodes because I kept falling asleep.
I think I'm going to do the same thing. I am on the last episode now and I am going to finish it, but I feel like I didn't give enough full focus and now I feel like I need to start over. Yeah, it's like it's not a background noise or it's not like a falling asleep kind of thing.
No, like you really have to pay attention because like so many things happen. It's so I mean, so far, it's been really good, I think. Yeah, I agree. But I think that

Conclusion and Feedback

was it. That was the end of our story. Yes. Well, that was really fun episode. It was so fun. And let us know, you know how you feel about this one, because maybe we'll, you know, interject some story more stories like this, you know, throughout. Yeah, if you have favorites that we didn't get to, let us know what they are.
Yeah. And until then, have some sweet, sweet nightmares. Bye.