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Ep. 104 A Bard In Time - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 104 A Bard In Time - Bellum Draconis

S2 E104 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
35 Plays5 months ago

In this episode we find out what happened after Nyx’s deceit.

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Nazca's Journey

Why? It's me, Nazca, from Season 1. You don't know me? I'm kind of a big deal, guys. Anyway, I was the product of a long-ass week, some shorty planning, and next to no character prep for an NPC, and here I am four years later, still stuck in this damn podcast. Still referenced, even though they don't know me.
That's why I needed a therapist, you see. So lonely, stuck back here in Season 1. No distinct accent. No real development. No one to talk to. Blight everywhere. All my goblin folk are murdered. Fucking hell. If only I had a way to talk to others and share my story. That's what I was saying before I learned about Zencaster. You get to expand upon my super detailed and yeah My intricate backstory, which why I wasn't able to join the fellowship of the tabletop. More like fellow shit. Yeah. Obviously I'm a goblin, right? I know goblins like a simple browser-led software for their recording needs with an accent that stays the same. It's so easy. It's super easy to record a podcast with Zencaster. Log on using your browser and start using high-quality podcasts right away.
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What? Thumbs up. How much was that? 50,000 gold. Oh, come on. Be a nice guy. Let me have it for free. I had a plan, and that was not the plan. it went The plan went wayward pretty quickly. Oh, God.

Setting the Stage in Erith

Hello and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. Set in the magical homebrew world of Erith in the Kingdom of Dralak, I am joined today by Ian, who plays the Warsawer Tiefling, Nyx Karel. So that just went a little bit crazy last time, didn't it? Did a little bit. I'm also joined by, well, let's just say his name is Will this evening, or Pooh Bear to friends. Hello.
I am the Dungeon Master, Danny, and ah in order to remind yourself of how we found ourselves in this particular situation, we're going to segue over to a big voiceover guy. Previously on the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Emron went to find the dwarves of Clan Shadow Shield and got his hammer imprinted with the clan symbol, agreeing to return the next day to work and make deliveries. Seth tried to infiltrate the guild hall of the city and pose as a member of the 13th Kingdom's envoy. His duplicity did not last long, but he did learn that there were some very well guarded vaults at the hall.

Nyx's Past and Present

Reigns went to the bar to meet Kareem Snaker and shared a few words. Alpha caught up with Emron to get his gun fixed, only to realise he needs to go to the shop he was just at in the morning.
Baal got all moody after speaking with Prago and Morota, and then went back to the Pit Nute to beat on the training dummies. Meanwhile, our favourite friend Nix went to the Temple of Tiriani to seek out an old shipmate. She didn't want to have anything to do with Nix, because he's got bad juju ever since he performed that dark ritual on the Esmeralda.
Emron then headed to the Temple of Alido, just as Nix was leaving the Temple of Tiriani, though the two didn't cross paths. That might be important later. Nix gets back to see Captain Hildegard and manages to convince the guards to let the captain return to the sea and die there for his crimes.
Captain Hildegard gets pushed from a pier into the harbour, and just as he hits the water, Nyx begins to feel powerful, as one third of his bargain is complete with his patron. Only for Nyx to turn back time one minute, because fuck you Dark and Mysterious Patron, I'm smarter than you. Then, just to make sure things were even weirder, Nyx tries to free Captain Hildegard by growing a great big fucking tree. yeah
Yeah, sure. When you put it like that, it sounds a bit crazy.
I had a plan and that was not the plan. it went The plan went wayward pretty quickly. Oh God.
Did the plan go away with when you woke up that morning? Honestly, you know, when you just enter a D and&D session, this is for everyone out there listening in. You know, sometimes you you prepare mentally and maybe a couple of bullet points of just next steps. Step one, kind of deal before you enter a session. So I had some steps and then it went from like one, two,
30 straight off just out of nowhere it is oh well it's fun you forgot the golden rule that no plan ever survives contact with you know the story yeah yeah this is this is gonna be interesting i am i am sweating next the last active memory you can recall oh god in this moment is the sound of a jetty, boarded, splintering into hundreds of different directions and splashes upon the sea.
Then all fades to black. You find yourself, a few minutes later, stood on board a very familiar scene
board being the operative word, this deck that you would never forget in a million years, smerilda the The ship, though as you look around you, is adrift silently in the depths of the darkest part of the ocean.
You know you are underwater. You feel that lack of gravitational pull, that that weightlessness that comes from being underwater. And yet you are breathing.
You haven't got gills, you haven't got some sort of amphibian-like power, but you are hearing your own breath, feeling your own breath, but you are submerged. You look around this deck that you called home for decades and see these ghostly figures moving silently around you. Their hollow eyes reflecting both sorrow and anger You see a dragonborn taking an inventory of of cargo and armaments. You see a human tending to carpentry tools. You see an orc consulting navigational charts. You see a gnome inside this giant cannon clearing out the residue. You see a halfling preparing supper. You see this fur-bold stitching frayed sails. You see a gnome above you climbing the rigg and rigging up towards the crow's nest.
And you see this broad statured human, stood with a stance of pure authority, single-handedly grasping the wheel of the ship. The ship creaks and groans as if it's alive. Again, you shouldn't necessarily be able to hear and feel that underwater, but you do.
you are unable to speak you are unable to move you try to and you see your legs are bound to the ship in knots far too complex for someone of even your vast skill and as you look at this scene around you taking in it takes you a while to study these ghostly figures before you were able to see your previous family your crew in them
and then the um temperature begins to drop from this cool comforting regular sensation of being submerged to near freezing temperatures and the ghostly figures on the ship vanish one by one until last it's just the captain And then he too vanishes. And this single light source that is illuminating this scene, you thought that it was some sort of trace amount, this glow that emanates from the moon miles, miles above you, above the surface of the water. It slowly grows larger and larger as though it is descending towards you.
until the glow itself begins to fracture and splinter into eight separate parts and its clustered light extends into eight forms this bioluminescent creature comes into view the figure of your patron the spider who swims and each leg wraps a different section of the Esmeralda And again, you see the four, five dozen dark red orbs above you, where the creature's eyes are.
I am disappointed, Karel. Disappointed but not surprised.
you The bargain was for the souls to return to the water. There was nothing about them coming back out.
I expected this one to cause you great conflict. Conflict? It's my captain! My...
for all intents and purposes my fucking dad on the ship that there was no way I wasn't gonna try anything in my power limited as it may be to save him because it's my fault all of this
You possess a power. I do not understand and certainly not one gifted from me. What you did surprised me.
Do not think that by freeing him, You have saved him. For a pirate will always long to return to the seas. And I will be waiting for his reunion.

The Pact's Consequences

But do we strike strike him from the list? He returned. That was the order. Return three souls. One went in. That's done, right? Unless he steps back in on his own accord.
But I don't have to return in myself anymore.
The legs shift and twist the ship and you're sort of knocked out of this, this, um, not really a stance because you're bound there and you're floating, but this position you are in and dragged through the water about 20 feet as this sister jolting yank against the ship.
look around you caral This, this will be the new home of your beloved Esmeralda. Should you fail me again? Should you play tricks on me again? That soul was mine, and you reversed something.
A watcher of the skies. An athlete waiting to duel. Fail me again and this ship will never sail. up Fail me further and this entire crew. No. All who have heard of the Esmeralda will perish.
Just tell me why. You invited this. But to what end is this? I didn't even know what I was inviting in. And why can't it be?
on me and me alone. Why do you have to go after everyone but me?
Because you are my servant. You will carry out my bidding. That is the pact you've taken.
I pretty much know the answer to this, but if I could break the pact in any way, is that possible? And what's the cost? My life? Gold? A lifetime of servitude?
I don't understand what's going on.
You wished for power, and power you will receive, and you will receive tenfold while you carry out my will. Should you wish to return that gift,
I require fifty souls.
50 fucking... What happens if I die? I don't know how watchful you are from your position in the seas, but I've entered a tournament, bloodied. What happens if I get slain by someone way more powerful than me? And this isn't me asking for more power.
This is asking what will happen if I die. Our pact will end. And you will serve me eternally in death.
So no end. There's no end to this. Two souls I have requested. or 50 of your own choosing.
I'm going insane. You basically won't let me out of here.
When you return, remember you invited this.
I'll never forget it. And you watch as each of these legs
firmly pierce the hull of the Esmeralda in eight places and rip the ship apart in seconds as though it were a plaything and with it the single piece of deck that you are tethered to you begin to float very slowly towards the surface and you just pass this wall of eyes as the serpent who swims, stares at you. Sorry, the spider who swims, stares at you. And then the speed of that ascension accelerates.
to an otherworldly pace and you are hurtled towards the surface and then everything goes black once again and you awake a few moments later on a cold damp stone floor the smell of mildew and and flesh rot fills the air in front of you is this wall of iron bars this cell that is small and cramped and has long since been rusted and remained abandoned. The only light here comes from a flickering torch down the hallway that casts long,
dynamic dynamic shadows towards the cell you are

Rescue and Revelations

in. The walls are lined with crude carvings and scratchings, evidence that this is occupied by someone ah previously, and there are there are futile attempts of of communication or counting of how long they've been in there.
You have all your faculties back. You have all of your senses. You're breathing air normally once again. It's anything you like to do.
ah ah
Nick's all just like he and shake himself and try not to vomit again. That anxiety shake that's threatening to take over his body just trying to collect himself.
No. ah as Nick grabs his head, because it feels like it's going to split in two with all the new information, old information, all the things he's got to do.
As you bellow out that frustration, you just hear slow clanking of chain mail coming towards you. And then this this hulking figure, orange ah sashes, orange head wrapping, just knocks a sword against the cell.
We'll keep it down in there. Am I in the castle?
Just woken up, have you? Yeah, where am I? You're at jail, sonny. Yeah, I assume that. Which jail? Still in school, child. You'll be here for some time, perverting the course of justice, as I've said. What happened?
You attempted a prison break. What happened to the prisoner? It got away. Oh my god. oh No bother. His sentence has been passed on to you.
Huh? Yep. In the morning, you'll face a decision. either exiled to the sands, executed, or 32 years of slavery. Sla... Sla... Sla... Sla... Ahhh! Come on!
I suggest you get comfortable. Thanks. So be your last night before you have to decide. Savvy. Ahhh!
Nick's feels around his jacket to try and find his bottomless mug. You've nothing on you. yeah other than box And as the jailer sort of turns to step away, he walks into the distance and he's walking for did getting a sense of the the um jail you're in. And it's very much like the cell that you were on the other side of when you met Hildegard the first and then the second time. And this jailer heads eastwardly down the corridor, about 20, 30 paces. And then you just hear a murmuring and everything echoes down here. that the The room is so tight. Could I help you? Are you here to see the prisoner?
And then, Will, you've been asked a question.
And down the down the corridor, you you hear a ah a lilting voice, a voice not quite recognizable to you. um And it goes, oh yes, thank you very much. That would be lovely. Show me the prisoner.
Down there, third aunt left. No funny business. He's wanted for some serious crimes.
Those look like his belongings. They are indeed, thank you. You won't be needed. ah Just the key to the cell would be lovely. I don't understand. It's due to be seen in the morning. And as this writ will hear, will show, and ah the the the figure ah produces a ah scroll, ah his sentence has been dealt with. And this is fiercely snatched out of your hand.
And next, that's the last thing you hear before you hear a lighter set of footsteps without chain mail approaching. Is there anything you wish to do next? Yeah, a cast my as my face to push it up to the bars, hand on either side. This tiefling kind of face being pushed into the bars and just trying his eyes stretching out as he's trying to metal on each side of his eyes, just kind of stretching his eyes out as he's trying to crane his neck and get any kind of vision on who this would be saviour was. It's like Jackie Nicholson about to say, here's Johnny.
Yes. And make it make a perception check at disadvantage as you are having to literally rely on so much peripheral vision because your face barely fits to these bars because of your horns. and Disadvantage. Well, let's see if I can beat a sick yeah ah six. six.
So you try your best to look down this corridor and there is no surfaces to catch reflections of. And there is one single torch on the wall that creates like a small pool of light. But what's approaching is the other side of that pool. So you won't see anything till it's about 15 feet away. and are You just glued to that cell to see what approaches. Yeah. Yeah. OK. Pooh Bear, what would you like to do? So um you hear, after a while you hear steps.
down the the stone corridor and they get closer to you. And then and then you hear really weirdly, you hear, oh, Ray, oh, Nix, what you done what have you done? What have you done?
No. And then and then and then it changes. Well, Raines, it seems like you've done as a cropper here. And then it's really weird. And then all of a sudden it changes to a voice that you heard any recently um when we were transporting um through the desert. Well, range it looks like you've caused some tricky things. And you hear all of these voices as it gets closer and closer to you.
hu And then stepping out of, into sight, you see this young man. He's in his late twenties, you would say, um and he's he's dressed Quite flamboyantly, he's got flaming red hair, a goatee, these knee-high boots, leggings, and a blue shirt. And he he he comes across relaxed completely. And then he looks at you and says, ah, you must be Nick's corral. Well, of course you are. We have, after all, met. Come again?
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Carstan Finbin Valhorn at your service. We have met. Sure. Did I hear that I was to be released? Ah, yes. Yes, indeed, you are fortunately to be released. I believe that, after all,
As you helped relieve and release me, that it was only fair that I helped release you. Forgive me so many questions, but so little time. Do you have a key? I do have the key.
um um ah like I'm all for talking. Maybe there's a fancier establishment that you would rather talk in. Look at you. You don't want to be... I've got lots of... I have walked many places. I'm happy to go and slam it where needed, or I can go fancy. It's entirely up to you. And he yeah reaches forward and and unlocks the door. ah You can call me Kastan, or if you wish, you can call me, as you knew me, as Dribbo. Huh?
Nah. I assure you, yes. The the Dragonborn. Yes, it was ah a a homage, if you will, to ah an old travelling companion of mine.
Nick shakes his head. All this information has just come at the wrong time when he's trying to process so much already. it And do you have my ah you have my effects. so Your effects, yes. Here they are. They're a bit still a bit you know ah salty from the sea, but yeah yes here you are. Right. Cast Dan. Yes.
Do you have a place we should be going to? Yeah, i we can go to many places. Let us walk and talk as we can. I'm clear you already know so much already, which puts you at a ah far bigger advantage than then little old me. ah Do you, pray tell, happen to know of the whereabouts of the prisoner I took the place of? A capite in Hildegard.
I mean, I don't know if they're like the inflection on Captain, but sure. I'm afraid not, ah and Castan looks round for a moment. Keeping track of where the Captain has gone is not the purview of the winged watch. Sure, so you don't know where he is, and you seem to know a lot. I consider myself quite knowledgeable, yes.
ah This good this is this this this ah might have done it. Oh my God. Oh my God. Done what? Nix looks up at you. I assume you're taller than Nix. He's five foot eight.
Nick's looks down at you i and his eyes are almost shiny, ah shiny wet for a moment before he blinks ah more than a few times and quickly. Nothing. No, no. ah You said we had a place we could go. ah Yes. Let us follow me. Let's go. Yes, absolutely. Savvy. OK, right. and After you. Carson will lead you out. I know where I'm taking him, Danny. Don't worry. OK.
um and he goes out and as they walk past guards, he'll be like, ah yes, how do you do? Thank you very much. Pleasure doing business with you. you' You're marked with, and and actually, Nick, make a perception check as you're trying to take in how you're just walking through. Twenty-four. Twenty-two, sorry. It's interesting. You understand that this castle has three ruling bodies, yeah, and it is guided in those in a triple threat match of of of ah difficulty. And and as as you exit, you you are walking past individuals who seem completely understanding of what's going on. You're walking past individuals that are they seem like they're in a hypnotic state. You're walking past some individuals that are sleeping. You walk past some individuals and they're having sex. There is a ah mixture of people who are enchanted, who are compliant, but
No one is challenging you and everyone is, there is occasional subservient bows towards Karstan as you walk. And a few people sort of just wave at you, Nix, as part of that entourage as you're walking with him.
Usually, Nix would be one to take in such a scene and doff his hat, as it were, ah to such, even if it's minor, adulations towards him. But this time, he so he clocks it and then immediately looks down, walks on. He is following firmly in the shadow of Karstan.
yeah ah and and Yeah, and did you do notice a real spring in the step of cast and who just has really dancing fingers and occasionally just flickers of light ah bouncing between fingertips and and shooting off to people in in ah Like a certain Tobey Maguire Spider-Man 3 swagger. There is a ah percentage of Nyx that hasn't just dealt with this horrific fucking ordeal that is ah respectful and in admiration and would almost attempt to copy such a step in future ah when the time comes to it because that that kind of swag it was what Nyx was all about.
So it's not lost. Castan, where are you taking Nyx?

Karstan's Mansion and Prophecy

So, Castan leads Nyx out of the castle and they they go down various streets and then he takes you down this, it looks like a really worn down street. ah as ah Just as an aside,
The direction you take me out of, is that anywhere near the docks or anywhere? I'm not taking you towards the docks, no. Okay. And it's nowhere that, so I, it wasn't where we took Captain Hildegard previous episode. This is completely off shot. Yeah, completely off shot. Okay, cool. Cause if there was, yeah, no, that's fine. No, no, he's not taking you there. He, so he, he walks in, he walks, takes you to this rather dingy, um, street. Ah, yes. This will do nicely.
Sure. And Carstan sort of turns to you in and gestures towards a wall. ah We stand against the wall. like My ah apologies. And you see him, his fingers dance and turn and then he waves his hand and all of a sudden a door appears in the wall. ah apps yet what it Why wouldn't there be a door in the wall? Yes.
come yeah I use this as my travelling mansion, if you will. and As I will. Karstan steps forward and as we go in, this is this is a TARDIS-like effect, you know the house behind us, behind the wall was yeah it one up, yeah one story kind of thing, and then you go in and you're in this huge mansion entrance hall. ah Karstan, before we go in, hu are you Emron?
No, I'm not Emron, though his cadence is particular. I did enjoy his his slight deep inflection at talking. like It's very interesting, but it's it's very interesting. Nick's eyes widen as you do a spot-on impersonation. Who knew of Emron? He's he's my much heavier cadence, but do do come in, do come in. Shut the door behind you, though. Right, yes, of course.
And you shut the door and almost like it, it almost, it shuts. And it's very strange because the outside noise of the city basically disappears. oh Whoa. Whoa. So your high techie magic magic.
Where would you like to go? We can go into the library. I've got a nice comfortable room. And as he talks, you can there are a few ghost-like figures walk forward, and they're carrying trays, and have they have drinks and glass on them. These are the the servants. Don't worry, they won't harm you. But if you ask them to do something, they will do it for you. Don't worry. um If you need anything cleaning, that's fine.
Castan? Yes. What? ah What?
yeah Catch me up. What's going on? This is a a mansion. it's a No, no, not about the place that we're in. As fancy as it is. I'm incredibly impressed. And I don't mean to appear ah yeah ungrateful, you say for me and all.
i I guess I think this is this is some refreshments some nice wine I do recommend the red it is a very good vintage ah let's retire to ah the library's a lovely room there's a nice fire in there follow up yeah okay and then you walk through and there are you see doors that goes like dining rooms as a staircase upwards and you go in and there's this lovely furnished ah library with many looking like leather bound books and it smells of rich mahogany and it has ah lovely comfortable chairs in front of a ah fire. Are you warm enough? I can have the fire lit. Of course you can. Yeah yeah okay. Okay um and he turns to two of the transparent servants. Some fire and ah more refreshments for Nick. Anything in particular you enjoy?
um i ah Grog, I guess, if you've got that. He'll have a grog, but also bring the fine wine as well for myself. He'll have a glass. Thank you. And the series of spirits just sort of zip out of that room. And just to accompany your scene, Karstan, there are a number of dormant instruments around the library there's a harp that just starts playing with a single magical hand and there is a there is a sort of hand drum that just has a very light beat to it every eight seconds every eight beats and there is just this this inviting atmosphere being conjured as these spirits sort of do the bidding some even come and wrap around your feet nicks and give your shoe light polish ah there's there's pillows being fluffed and represented around you
As you were what else happened to cast down? Come and take a seat and I can explain what I can and I can try and answer some questions you appear to be you need a rest mix I Yeah Yeah, I really do Where would you like to start?
What You a dribbo But you're not Dribbo. Yes. I was in prison, replaced Captain Hildegard. You got me out of prison. Yes. You you talk like Emron. ah that' it That's it, that's it. How much of me do you know about why I was in the prison? yeah i know I know why you were in the prison, yes. And Nix will just... you're taking You were taking on...
the captain I assume you had a ah a connection to your captain. ah You wanted to see him clearly, and then you took on his crimes and you tried to free him. I must say, of all the attempts to free him, yours was perhaps a little... ill-conceived? I don't think you quite thought out your plan properly. I do to guess it was a spur-of-the-moment thing.
Right, and Nix's hand will go up to ah the chain around his neck and that chain used to have, or used this is my question, at the base of the chain was the chronolocket that Nix would take out at night and study it along with his book and the the orb. Is the chronolocket destroyed? Is it gone or is it still there? Just a single gold chain now. Single gold chain, okay. there's There was a pendant there once but there isn't any anymore.
Uh, yeah, it was, um, Nick's will take a drink and shake his head. ah Yeah. It was very all conceived. Uh, as you so definitely said, but planned very last moment, uh, as it were, I just needed to save him above all else and, uh, landed myself in some hot water. Yes. I did get a sense as we traveled through the desert that you and your traveling companions are very, uh, prone to How shall we say it? Winging it? That's a good way of saying it. Yep, ah yep, yep. That that sounds that sounds like... Do they know you're here? No, they do not.
ah begin Begin... Who are you? Karsten Finman Valhorn. Do take a seat, right. Sit down. So let me start at the beginning. I was, or appeared to be, Dripper. Correct?
The Dragonborn that yeah was with me in the another prison, like what? Dribbo was a disguise that I took up to take ah homage to a delightful travelling companion of mine. Some would say I am his best friend and he deeply, deeply enjoyed my company and so I thought as a homage to him he would appreciate me taking a pet name he had. ah One of our traveling companions used to call him Drivo. A homage to both of them, I suppose. OK.
And so, yes, I... Was that for protection, for your identity, or just because you fancied it? Because i you strayed me as a person, where you could answer that question both. So...
Let's sit down and he takes a drink. The story starts six months ago. um You're aware, of course, that there is the prophecy of the 13th Kingdom. Yeah, that if there was a 13th Kingdom, there'd be a new moon and the world ends. There is a new, of course, where that there was a lost verse.
You knew. So there was a lost verse. So I believe um the the the winged watch heaven have decided to try and discover the origins of the last lost verse. The original dragon prophet, the prophecy as stated, seems to think that when the 13th kingdom returns, things will be all hunky-dory and it'll be absolutely fine. Unfortunately,
um Yes, the lost verse perhaps does things a bit differently. So and six months ago, I began working for the winged watch for some time after my traveling companions had left. um and things got a little bit interesting in Goldview, I went to search for this thirteen this lost verse. And where else would I go for such a lost verse? But to find someone who was alive at the time it was made, unfortunately that requires a great deal of age. And the winged watch and I decided the only people I could think of would be a vampire.
Right, yes, ah they're well known for being old. Well, yes, they are. They're different to elves, and the vampire tend to hoard and contain the knowledge. The elves seem to have flipped from things to things as the centuries go by, so they're not always reliable. So, yes, I went to this vampire, and let's just say I had to enamour myself onto the vampire's good graces. By giving blood?
Yes, blood was one bodily fluid. Blood was one bodily fluid, yes. So we did exchange that. One? I'd say the vampire ah was it took me on as part of his affair. Are you a fangered fiend by chance?
No. Nick just subconsciously puts a hand to his neck. No, but I have to enjoy a light nibble and he sort of takes a bite action playfully towards you. Okay.
yeah okay And so as I became sort of entwined into this vampire's good graces, a mind flayer came along. Now I'm not i'm not sort of came along, but knocked on the door and just said, hi, can I come for this blood fest and other fluids? I mean, he wasn't interested interested in the blood, put it that way. But anyway, he did decide to come along. He was ah more domesticated than your normal mind flayer. He wasn't interested in just sucking brains out every now and then. ah Well, not just sucking brains anyway, but he... Nix is having these moments where it's like, how did I come to be here?
And the point was that a mind flayer exposed itself to great knowledge and arcane knowledge and the vampire also had the knowledge. And eventually I did discover, oh yes, another glass of wine would be great. He turned to the servant. Lovely, thank you. I discovered the final lost verse of the 13th kingdom prophecy. By the mind flayer. By both. It took a bit of, you know, give and take.
you There's a lot of subtext going on here, Castan. I'm trying to read between the lines, and it just sounds like you had an orgy, and out at the end of that, you got the verse. You got the verse. You you you were told it. All in service to the greater good, my good man. um I'm sure you give a fine service, but the you found the 13th. I found the lost verse of the prophecy of the 13th Kingdom. That is correct.
Wow, so you're like a big deal. I i do try, I do try. um You know, you may have heard some of my ah my works. i've I'm quite well published. Some of them were self-published, I admit, but I am well published.
Some were on Kickstarter, we had a campaign. And I have discovered the loss of it. So, of course, the Wing Watch are very interested in this. um Now, I obviously had to get myself out of this menage a trois, as it will. And so I thought the best way through that was to be get was to get imprisoned by the Acriscra. Why else? Yeah, sure. Oh, oh, and then that's why you're in the jail cell. Exactly.
Snake run. The winged watch managed to plant information that ah there was a well-known and notorious dragon thief with a network across Eryth, and I took on the persona of Jadribo and was caught, oh my gosh, by the Ecriskra.
And thus I was in the safest place possible, and I'm criss-croprised, and thus all that had to happen now was I will be transported neatly here, ready for the meeting of the Wind Watch at the end of the month. i And you happened to just find yourselves among my merry group?
Am I not my group, ah a collective my, I guess. um But yeah, and that's why you were so important. ah well i I don't like to downplay my own importance, but one could say I do have a a leading part in the events of the times. And you have a piece of the puzzle that everyone out there is looking at.
On the double moon, you have an important piece that could explain all of this. I have the lost verse of the 13th Kingdom prophecy, how that's related to me. And you, with that verse, was put under our watch, to which we almost sold you, killed you, lost you,
I was more than happy. The most important thing was that I get moved along. If you had lost me, sold me or whatever, I would have eventually made my way out. You saw what I did when I puppeted your little Alpha friend. Yeah. Yeah, who knew Alpha had that much power? ah Well, right. I'm starting to see why you were such a high-value cargo.
Yes, i I did what I had to do. um I do hope and I look forward to being able to see you at the meeting, of course. ah At the end of the month? these i Hold on, how long have I been in prison for? Not that long.
That's the... That's the tournament. You have not missed the Duel of the Deserts, do not worry. Your status as a bloody champion. I must say, incredibly brave. Yeah. Sure. Brave. I mean, it it doesn't quite match with the whole idea of, as far as I was aware, you and your group were willing to help the winged watch. And I believe, I believe you had been told by the High Sparrow to, um,
stay alive until the end of the month. How are you going to deal with that? You know, um it's ah it's ah it's on my to-do list. Yes, you are aware that you have and for a large to-do list. Well, a large to-do list. I would start to prioritise, my good man. Sure. ah So what brought you to me?
Well, let's just say that one good deed deserves another. As you say, you transported me here and ensured my freedom. Getting captured by the Acrisca was one thing, getting freed is another. You were told that the prison was quite hard for me to escape from that cage. It was. So I needed the Acrisca to release me, as it were, into their custody, at which point, obviously,
Our friends encountered you outside the village, at city, my image was placed inside the cart and for all intents and purposes, the Acrisca have a rather good version of Dribbo. I mean, he can only say a few things. I was only able to program the image limited, but it will pass for a while. Explain that magic. There's a doppelganger of Dribbo out there.
Yes. Well, it's not a drop gun. um the The image will last. It probably will have run out by now. They'll all be in such a stir when they discover that I've gone. It'll be a little closed cell mystery. Very funny and ha ha. The image itself though, is it a perception? is it is it Can you touch it?
It's an illusion and it can talk, only limited things, I'm only able to get it to say certain things, but it can, it could pass brief inspection, especially visual beings, it's inside their cage. What about touch? Well, they were never going to touch it, I'm inside their cage. What about if someone did? For instance, you're a man of words and you like to put stories forward, what would happen if that That second came out of the... Someone came to grab, or high five, or... Their hand would pass through it, and the illusion would be bust.
ah So, how did you learn about my predicament? You mean in prison? Yes, so its I was going for the subtext, but sure. A giant tree grew out of the pier. You weren't hard to miss.
Right, but Yoni, I'd like i like to keep tabs on known players. And as a writer of stories, let's just say that your group certainly is um interesting source material. You say keep tabs. Do you happen to have a personal tab on any one of us?
No, well, you mean like ah like a a magical control rucham or something like that? yeah I've heard of such things. I think that i think the spell's called scry. ah I am not a scryer. I am simply a person who likes to listen, watch and observe. And let's just say you make ripples. And a big tree, I guess.
ah Okay, so you took it upon yourself to free me out of your own accord or? Well, could he deserve another? And you helped transport me. I felt that you being imprisoned was perhaps not to the advantage of the winged watch. So we paid for your bail and got you out. ah That's
You're so genuine generous. ah ah Yes, you could say you owe people, don't you? I get the feeling you're not talking about just this situation right now. What other situation would there be? Anyone else know about my time in the slammer? Well, not at the moment.
um ah Why? Just interested to to see other people's reactions, I guess, um as you would be. I'm sure with your Adventures of Dribbo, you are just dying to write that down and make a story out of it. The Adventures of Dribbo. Well, I did, of course, write the original story of Drago, so... Oh, that was you!
Yes, I did write the the stories of Drago and Robin and that merry band. Yes, Drago and I, we were like this, you see, and Castan holds his his fingers like in a little cross. This is me on top. He did he did enjoy. It's fine. Best of friends. Best of, he was, you know, i he had a very special place in his heart for me. um it Sounds like it. And yes, it was very sad when I saw him leave. But anyway,
We shall carry on. Yeah, drink to your friend Drago. Yes, to my friend Drago, to a lot of friends. Our story seems to be done. It looks like things are a bit different now, aren't they?
Yeah. It's worth mentioning that with your passive perception, Nix, the instruments in the room are playing really familiar um songs to you that you've heard in taverns for years.
And what's becoming apparent is that everything that's being played was a composition by Karst and Finbin Valhorn playing his own music aloud to you. And you're beginning to understand the sort of legacy and and um extent his artwork and his music and his literature has spread across Erith. And you're linking certain bits of music to certain theatrical moments that you've encountered in your past as well. And you're beginning to understand that Actually, there's there's a fair bit of your artistic understanding that comes from Kastan and Kastan's collective works. I'm in the room of greatness. Well, i i I do try. I like to keep a few
tomes. You try to do what you can to be paid. You also seem incredibly powerful. How do you mean? I don't know. you You were dragonborn for most of the time that I've known you. You controlled one of my own friends. That was more of a trifle, more of a tart, if you will.
and able to just get by the guards and impersonate Emron and among other things. You seem quite a gifted individual, is all. ah Yes, I do have. You could say I have a ah flair for the acting.
Yeah. yeah I mean, yeah, ah absolutely. You know, I've i've dabbled in playwriting myself and and have performed on some theatreships. You might have heard of some. Oh my goodness. A fellow thespian. Lovely. Marvelous. In another life. It's been it's been a long time. Have you performed anything I might have seen? ah ah Well, we were putting on a show as not so long ago.
From the ship, the Esmeralda. Ah. Ah. Such a shame of the fate that ship has met. i you With Lord Vossen. Yes, Lord Vossen. But it's still out there. Yes, as far as I see. It'll be a lovely prize for whoever may win the Jewel of the Desert, if that is the prize they choose. so Personally, I'd probably go for the gold. It's much easier to spend your own money.
Right, yeah, yeah. ah
So what's the Wingard Watch's plans now that they've got the 13th first? Now, I could sit here and tell you everything, but I don't know everything. I am merely a player amongst the game of life that it is, if you've had all the reasons... I'm pretty sure that you're more than just a player.
I'm i am not a pawn like yourself. I am perhaps a bishop or a rook. But I am not the king and queen in this place. I have merely done my duty towards the greater good, as is my will a a holdover from past glories. I want to do good. I do what I can. And this is how I can serve Aerith.
Ah. You seem to have a, you know, you and your group seem to be wanting to help Aerith itself as well.
Yeah. Yeah. A noble cause. Noble. Yeah. Well, of course. We, we just want to do the right thing. A noble cause. But you have got him bloodied. How, hmm. Which is tricky.
ah It's a show, right? And you've got to give the people what they want. You would know this being a ah fellow thespian. You've got to give the audience what they want sometimes. You do have to give the audience what they want, but sometimes you... Enter Nyx Carell. Yes. Stage left. Yes, and you're going to exit pursued by a bear. You are literally... You could die, Nyx Carell. You know, isn't that just another adventure?
though The greatest adventure? I have often wondered what is after this. i Part of me hopes one day to experience it and be able to come back and write about it. Yeah, I'm i'm sure we'll all infer great things once we pass from this world. ah Yes, well after all, you know, the gods or whatever do look after us. Sure.
they They love looking after us. They do. Not all of them, though. You who' have to be careful. Some of them are a bit finickety. That's one way to say it. Out of interest being a man of the world. if If you happen to come across a finickety sort of god, patron, is there anything that can be done?
But how, how, how all powerful are they? I mean, the gods are, of course, all powerful. um Some would say that omnipotence. ah You're talking about sort of lesser creatures. Yes. um I suppose... Lesser as in not as powerful. Well, you have to remember that.
There are beings more powerful than us in this world after all. Yep, I believe that and i I remember it on the daily. costa ah My advice to anyone who perhaps was in danger of suffering to a hey a creature or a god that they didn't quite like is, as with anything, when dealing with a bully you find a bigger bully so you need to find someone perhaps more powerful to protect you.
Is that? I involved making a deal. right Well, I mean, I don't know, you're talking like, oh, this is like deals, this is like the deals with devils. You might like, ah and he runs over to his one of his servants, ah bring, ah yes, that one. And he bought a book. This is a book of mine. ah I call it the blood-dimmed life of a demagogue for which he was burnt. A thriller, if you will. um and
great absolutely great fucking winning i believe in here yes the main character does make a deal with a devil um so in theory you can make it depends on the fine details devils are quite tricky because they tend to have lots of fine print and clauses if you were to find a more benevolent being they might be more willing to do things for less of a personal price
There's always a price. Unfortunately, with dealing with any higher beings, there is, of course, always a price. And it can't be a price that is, say, entertain the world or protect the world or go and feed the hunger or just go and explore and make a great, great play.
I suppose if you found a patron that wanted that kind of thing, yes, the problem is, Nix, is that if there are beings out there, why you seem very interested in this. I'm just thinking of a new show, you know, as your brain never turns off. somi I suppose you could have a play you could have a play with different creatures and they could all vie for power at a sort of level. Just like, say there's one soul out there,
hear me out for this play this one soul out there who who struck a deal with a being where he had no business striking such a deal didn't even know what the deal was about no finer details just did it on a whim heard there is some power involved that was all he knew that was the bullet point single sentence And then that deal went wayward because an audience likes that, you know, it draws in the interest and it goes really wayward and and it threatens everything that he loves and people he cares for ah for the sake of power. um And then he tries to sidestep some of the the the requests. This is called a It's like a patron of some sort would request certain an act
things or actions for for this this character to do, and ah and he found a way to subvert it, but he knows that that will only get him so far.
Ah yes, so our our protagonist has has suffered a fall of sorts, yes. Now, ultimately, I suppose the the question would be, we have to find a, list this, this, our paragon, our hero of the story, perhaps needs to they could surround themselves with people to take on the patron would be an option. though Depending on how you've pitched it, it might not suit the audience might not enjoy the idea of all of a sudden this group coming together, forming a team and defeating an enemy that was super strong at the start. You sort of you could defeat a you could defeat ah a being of this... but Anything can be defeated if you have the power, I assume. but
Power. I mean, you know, it's, so I mean, wow. I suppose the ultimate question would be the audience perhaps wouldn't believe that our humble protagonist could perhaps overcome this creature unless there was to see some sort of journey. I think this is putting into more of an epic than a one-off play next. A three-parter. Maybe a three-parter. Ultimately, this protagonist would have to find people to help them. They would have to find, perhaps,
other creatures or beings that are more powerful or as powerful in order to grant boom that obviously with everything comes service but perhaps if if our villain was in service to an evil a creature then perhaps the other creatures might simply want as you say ah service of ah of a more goodly kind and perhaps yes our our protagonist could go through a transformation ah a a stripped down of their bad deeds and then they embrace this new life. I heard that if you gave that protagonist more power, he could turn that power on his patron.
Possibly. The problem is is inch with anything, with these beings, ah nature abhors a vacuum. If you get rid of something, something will always take its place. And sometimes from my research and from my artistic flair, if you get rid of a little bad thing, sometimes another bad thing gets bigger. It's difficult. I would say to reach the correct de nouement of the story, perhaps
Yes, a particular heroic deed might do something to enamour the hero to beings that would then help him. Savvy. I like your ah your articulate mind, Karsten. I'm sure you've been told this a lot. Yes, people have admired my mind, amongst other things.
Certainly answered some questions of mine and I am in your debt ah quite literally by the sounds of things. Is there anything that the Wingard watch requests from me? Did they request you to free me? Or was that on your own back? We worked together. They helped me. I do not have the funds to bail you out myself. What's the bail? You don't want to know.
ah But let's put it this way, I think you do, it would be quite nice for you to be there in a month after all at the meeting where all the winged watch or a great meeting on many of us will come together in order to deal and hear as one the full prophecy of the 13th kingdom and decide what to do next. You're a lover of stories, are you not?
Yes, absolutely. Well, you can have a copy of this one, and he any hands you the one. You might quite like this one, and he pulls out another one. ah This I call A Man's Morning, sleazy love stories. You might quite like that one. If I don't, I've got a dragonborn friend who will. And let's have a look.
um ah This one I've got a this is this is this is called three flower. It's a very trashy sort of romance play you might quite like that. right um I mean anything you've got on gods and anything like that I would gladly take a read. god Gods gods.
No, and he goes over to his bookshelf. ah This is, you know, elemental papers on escape artistry, ah everyday lives. That's a bit of a bore. It's just ordinary people talking to me. um Patrons as well. Anyone who's devils? ah Potion diaries. One Girl's Intoxicating Adventures. No, you don't want that one. um Ah.
Here is a lovely, lovely little book ah ah talking about ah Alito's spatula. Sure.

A New Quest Begins

And now this one, um it is pieced together um in a reasonable sex collection. It's more of a compendium of stories about the great Alito's spatula. You are, of course, familiar with Alito. i More than you would... ah Yeah, hang on. You would know you were in the group.
I think everyone would love this. It's a lovely little book. Talking about some of the great items of Alito. Alito's spatula. Some would say that he was a dab hand in the kitchen, if you take my meaning. Perhaps that might be fine. I don't think I do. For sure.
um Let's see. ah One thousand and one prayers of the dead. No, you won't need that quite yet. um While you're browsing this collection and sort of creating a ah half table full of stacks of books and plays and novels that Nix may dabble in and and take as a parting gift, Nix you notice that um on the wall above the fireplace ah so there are a series of these beautifully crafted and gemstones that are mounted on various boards
There is an emerald-coloured one that just begins resonating really aggressively, and you mark this complete tonal shift in Kastan as he drops everything and dashes, and places an ear against the stone. Mm-hmm. Yes. Mm-hmm. I understand. I don't!
well I think this is where our time together ends. I'm sorry, Nix. Do feel free to take some tomes with you. Yes, ah you need to go to the Piss Newt urgently.
Right, yeah, sure. Who am I to say no to my saviour after all? After all, yes. And you've noticed that is...
Kastan's demeanor has has shifted. I hope I haven't ah do not it's offended. No, no, it's nothing, nothing. But yes, you need to go to the Pissnoot here and he has to help pack away ah some of the books and leave the pile. Yes, you take those ones. Good luck with the Jewel of the Desert.
ah Bet on me. I will do my best to sell your prowess on the betting grounds. I'll do what I can to. And this time, Nix does bring his back up, chest out, grabs his hat, and does the doff to the Nix Correll full bow down. Just don't do anything to embarrass yourself.
Can't promise that, Castan. Right. Pissnoot, you need to go there. Right. Don't, Dally, don't go anywhere else in the city. You need to go to the Pissnoot to understand. I understand that's what you want me to do. Nyx Carell. You can count on me, Karsten, to go to the Pissnoot. Thank you. I don't want to have to compel you. I feel like
You're compelling me whether you you're doing it by the will or not. Well, good, because, you know, dominating another creature's will is never pleasant. No. Anyway, let's go. Okay. Karsten will sort of walk you out and ah so you you come towards the main entrance hall and the door magically reappears and Karsten opens the door and the sound of the city re-immerses.
Good day, next Corel. I can't thank you enough. Try and stay alive. No promises. Yes. Good day. Right. Kastan closes the door to Kastan's mansion behind you.
And what immediately you notice, Nix, as you're just taking in a breath of free air that you weren't expecting to need to take. Spiders, tiny spiders begin to crawl back into you. You had a ah momentary lightness while you were in Kastan's home where they didn't get to you, they weren't finding you, but just these tiny money spiders making their way into your boots, up your sleeves, to the back of your cur coattails.
And as you sigh in desperation, is there anything you want to do? Yeah. How tiny are these spiders? Like like a little nail, a big nail, ah the size of a palm. More like a ah grain eyeris a grain of rice. Okay. He's going to just take one in his finger, kind of hold it up, just eye level.
So just imagine if I got more power what I could do, and he squeezes his thumb and finger together.
And as that spider is squished in your grasp, that is where we're going to end this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis.
Oh, we got Castan! We got Castan! I love Castan! That was amazing! How did it feel being back in Castan's very fine boots? It was lovely. When Danny told me I was playing Castan again, it was quite it was quite funny. So it was quite it was quite nice. And then I started getting into the mindset of Castan. Yeah, it's been a while. Two years, in fact.
Amazing. he got this is if you If you want to understand what the significance is behind Karsten, go listen to season one because he was a very important character, especially towards the end. So I implore you to listen. It's good to hear from him again. And so very well played.
That was good fun. And yeah, you get to hear about it. Kastan and Drago, best of friends. Best of friends, BFFs.
It struck me the last time I spoke to Kastan while you were playing Kastan, I was a very, very different character. And it was hard, it was hard not...
Because ah he also struck me how similar Nick Sandkasten are in some ways. Oh my god. They are very, very, very similar. I think Kasten has matured since his his adventures um in in in season one, so I tried to give him a different air and slightly, yes. Yeah, it was brilliant. It was hard not to drop a gruff drop a gruff F-bomb your way.
Yeah, that was real good. um Okay, wow. So we learned a lot in that episode. ah My heart rate. I hope you hate made loads of notes so you can retell the ah the rest of the characters. yeah Zero notes, but there's there's nothing to tell the rest of the characters.
Oh, but there's plenty to tell to the audience and more to tell next week, so do tune in. Which leads me to say thanks for tuning in this week and making us a part of your lives. We love you for it. If you wanted any information that we haven't mentioned on the podcast, please go and check our X page. It's basically a map tweeting ah device at the moment for we have put the map up of Scorch Elm on.
Yes, that's correct. So you can you can follow where we are. Where we are, you can see and you can follow. And while you're there, follow the page. Follow us individually if you want to do so. I'm at iWorld1. PoohBear is at Natural20Will. And our VIP of D and&D is at... Total Party Thrills. Until next time, guys. so Farewell.