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Episode 170 - The Power of Memberships in Your Creative Business with Becky Durigan image

Episode 170 - The Power of Memberships in Your Creative Business with Becky Durigan

Get a "Heck Yes" with Carissa Woo Wedding Photographer and Coach
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Episode Description:
In this episode of Get a “Heck Yes”! with Carissa Woo, I sit down with Becky Durigan, the powerhouse behind Denver Photo Collective. Becky is a Chicago native balancing her thriving photography studio rental business in Denver, mentoring creatives, and full-time motherhood—all with grace and passion.

We dive deep into the importance of memberships in your creative business and why they can be a game-changer for building sustainable income. Becky shares her insights on curating membership programs that benefit both you and your clients, budgeting with your bottom line in mind, and how community creates balance in business. Plus, she breaks down why finding 20 loyal members a year is way easier than chasing 30 new clients every month!

Main Takeaway:
Community-driven programs and memberships are a win-win for creatives—helping to establish dependable income while fostering meaningful connections.

Becky’s Top Tips:
✔ Curate a membership program that benefits both you and your clients.
✔ Budget smartly while keeping your financial goals in check.
✔ Leverage community for balance and long-term success.
✔ Focus on retention—20 loyal members can be more valuable than constantly finding new clients.

Becky’s Sales Secret to a ‘Heck Yes!’:
She keeps it simple: providing real solutions, maintaining client interest, and asking the right questions to guide them toward saying YES.

The Woo Factor – What Makes Becky Stand Out?
Becky is a master connector. She creates the space for creatives to thrive, network, and grow, making Denver Photo Collective a hub of inspiration and success.

Special Offer for Listeners!
Get $200 off Studio Prep School with code STUDIO200
👉 Check it out here!

Connect with Becky:
📷 Instagram: @denverphotocollective
🌐 Website:

Connect with Carissa Woo

🎧 Tune in now to learn how to create a membership model that brings stability, connection, and long-term growth to your creative business!


Introduction and Background

Happy Woo Wednesdays! I just got off our conversation with Becky from Denver Photo Collective. She has this insane vibration about her I just really feel great about this conversation. I think you're gonna love it.
um Go check out her Instagram right now. She runs a photo studio in Denver and has like the most creative, insane sets. Sets like I've never seen before.
um And I wish she was over here. I would sign up immediately. um But she actually teaches you how to run a studio. So she's having a retreat and she does some online coaching as well. And a little plug for myself. If you're struggling to get bookings, I'm all about digital marketing right now. So I teach you how to turn your expertise into a digital product and make daily sales in your sleep.
um It's the easiest thing I've ever done in business. I have a nine minute video in my show notes to go check it out. And yeah, enjoy this episode with Becky.
Welcome to Get a Heck Yes with Carissa Wu. I'm your host Carissa and I've been a Los Angeles wedding photographer for over a decade. I've traveled the world, built my team, and seen it all.
I now coach wedding photographers hit 10K a month and build a thriving business. In this podcast, we are going to deep dive into how top wedding creatives get that heck yes from their dream clients. We are not holding

Balancing Roles and Business

back on the struggles of the business and how to push through the noise. Some healthy hustle, mindset shifts, up-leveling your money story,
Time hacks because I'm a mom of two, a little bit of woo-woo, and most importantly, self-love and confidence are just a few of the many things we will talk about. I want to give you a genuine thank you for following along my journey.
i hope to inspire you every Woo Wednesdays so that you say heck yes to listening to this podcast. See you guys soon.
Hey everyone, welcome back to Get a Heck Yes with your girl, Carissa Wu. I have a very, very, very special guest. I'm so excited. Her name is Becky, and she is the owner of Denver Photo Collective.
She is a Chicago native, currently juggling her photography studio rental business in Denver, mentoring incredible people in the community, and also juggling a full-time motherhood.
It's a balance and worth every moment. Welcome, Becky. Thank you. Thanks so much for having me and for thinking of me. I've been following Denver Photo Collective for a long time.
I went to um a workshop, Evolve workshop in Palm Springs. So I met Susie. So um she, you know, she's so like lively. So I followed her whole journey. i saw it.
When messaged you this morning, I saw, I was like, oh, she's known Susie. Cause before I even bought the studio, you were like messaging her about something else. And so I just made that connection myself this morning, but yeah, that makes sense. Everyone knows Susie. Yeah. yeah That's crazy. Okay. So yeah.
I'm excited to talk to you. I mean, if people don't know about Denver Photo Collective, go on the Instagram right now, Denver Photo Collective, and you are going to be so jealous and wish you were in Denver because I was wishing all week that I was living in Denver and I would just be a member and instantly and pay double that.
But the setups are incredible. But um tell everyone, the audience, who you are in a nutshell, Becky. Yeah. So i moved to Colorado about 10 years ago.
um and I have two little ones. They're five and three. um And we are just, you know, living our best life, I guess, out here. I'm very

Career Path and Realizations

lucky to own the studio. It gives me a lot of flexibility. I know we'll get into the origin here in a second. But um yeah, it's just kind of like juggling all the the life things of raising children, being a business owner, growing a community.
um and I feel like I've been able to get a lot of balance through all of that. So um yeah, that's a little about me. Yeah, I love that. I mean, i just love... That you love the balance. You love the juggling just as much as i do because we're just yeah living our passion of being a mom. so Yeah. I don't i mean, a a huge part of that recently was diagnosed with ADHD like a year ago.
And it's like, oh, this is making so much sense why I like to juggle personally and just how I get really fulfilled by you know, hyper focusing on different things in my life and being able to do different things and keep it interesting. yeah um But yeah, that's, that's part of the juggle for sure.
oh we should do another episode on ADHD.
Honestly, it has been mind blowing and really just like, uh, what's the word I'm looking for? Just kind of validating, I guess, but, um, it's been really helpful and it's, it's really helped me to step into who I am and, and to find my strengths. So.
Yeah. You seem very, very balanced and confident. Let's take it back to young Becky. What were you like as a kid? Um, anything you want to share to the audience? Okay. Let's see. Where do we start? when Like starting from birth or kidding.
Yeah. So I had an older brother, a younger brother, grew up in a very like just middle class, um typical, I guess, family style. Like my dad worked, my mom stayed home, you know, for the 90s. That was pretty typical.
um And yeah, I feel like i i had like a lot of um expectations put on me like, okay, you grow up, you go to college, and then you get a nine to five.
And then you get your health insurance, you know, and all the things. And I did that. I tried to do all the good girl things and, um you know, went through college and got the job downtown Chicago wearing the pencil skirts and riding the train.
And I want to say like, and you know, not to jump ahead, but I, I wanted to just always do the right thing. And then once I got there, i just realized like, this is not fulfilling me, but I had nowhere.
I had no idea where to start with that. I was just like,

Owning the Denver Photo Collective

I can't sit at a desk the next 20 years of my life. And I mean, I didn't know what my next step would be. And I ended up going through many different careers. um Also maybe ADHD things. um But I, it just wasn't for me. And so, um, there's been a lot of moments where I felt like, oh, I'm disappointing my parents because I'm not able to keep a steady job. Like both my brothers also did the same thing.
Did the the college, got the career still in like the same jobs that they've been in since college. And I always kind of envied that. And I was always just like, why can't I do that? And so,
um Now that I know all the things that I know, I'm able to look back and be really happy that I chose the path that I did and knew that it did pay off. And having all those different jobs led me to where I'm at today and the fact that, okay, I understand operations. I understand sales. I understand marketing.
I understand management. I understand people because I hopped around so much yeah and those things were just really frowned upon. It's like, no, stay in the same job for 20 years. And, um,
i' I'm like bummed out that I didn't see that as a positive or as a asset at the time. But now I for sure am so grateful that I went through that, even though it was like such a struggle at the time. And I was, you know, feeling like, oh, I'm lazy or I'm, ah you know, I don't care. I'm not smart enough or whatever it is.
um But now I feel so equipped in what I do. Wow. So it is it's been a really interesting journey and a really rewarding journey um to have come from that to where I'm at now.
Wow. What were you like like in high school, college? like but Did you do a lot of different things? and what i was Yeah, completely different. so I mean, i randomly, I was really into sports. I played a lot of different sports. I did gymnastics. I did hockey. I did volleyball. I did track.
um Pretty much I was just like good at things, but not like really great at things. Yeah. So I become really good and then I get bored and do the next thing. um This ADHD thing is really tracking my entire life. like I'm like, how did I not know this? People didn't know that back then.
I know. i know. I mean, it's wild. um So I was ah very social. um I had a lot of friends and um I always wanted to do something new. I always wanted to travel um up until probably I was like 23, 24. I traveled the world. I went to different countries. um I've...
um was it was lucky enough to you know go and do and see other cultures and do different things. And I feel like I lived really well in the fact that I was able to um just kind of like fly by the seat of my pants and just like, I didn't have much anxiety back then.
So I was like, yeah, let's go to India and like, you know, in like two days and then who knows what's going to happen. um Like now as a parent, I couldn't do that, but I'm glad that I had that chance.
But yeah, I would say things have changed a lot in terms of like, i I like to, you know, do fitness and stuff now, but I'm not like the sports person I was before. i actually majored in sports management in college because i thought I wanted to work in the sports industry.
um But yeah, I don't even like watch sports anymore. I don't know. I don't I don't know what changed there. but um But yeah, so... I would say now i think part of like two things that I have implemented from my childhood is one, the social aspect of like having community and feeling seen by other women or girls or friends or whoever and being able to be like a good support to those people and like vice versa. um That's something that always stayed consistent throughout my childhood, teenage years, young adulthood. I'm 37
um And so being able to create that in my business has been so rewarding. um And then the other like really silly thing when I was little, um I loved this place. It was called Let's Pretend.
And you would like dress up in like Cinderella costumes or whatever. And then they had these little styled sets like a castle or like Jasmine's room or whatever. And you can just go like play in there. You know, there was no

Navigating Challenges and Opportunities

like photos or anything, but I just remember it being so magical and so cool. Cause I didn't have anything like that at home. yeah And so, um, I've been like thinking about that a lot in my business of like how like dress up is fun and getting fancy is fun and, you know, just playing with your friends. And, and so we, this is like a super side note, but like we just started implementing these,
kind of like member days where we get to like all bring clothes and dress up and take photos of each other and yeah have charcuterie and and it's like playing just like should not be just for children like we can play as adults and we can have fun and connect in other ways and um but yeah so i think those two things have just been consistent forever and it's yeah it's fun to like be able to pull those things into the business how How ironic that you remember that story and now this is your life.
i know. i know. It's so fun. In a way, like manifested that. Like we have one of those out in Torrance over here. So I mean, when I look at your Instagram, I kind of took a deep dive on all the reels and I'm like, I want to do that. Like, oh my God. Like I would move to Denver, like to be ah part of that community and just you know, of these setups I would never do myself because I had a studio.
um They're so beautiful. But let's talk about like, maybe pandemic, um early years of giving birth, what that was like. And yeah, I'll lead to like the transition to everything.
Sure. 2019, I had my son. and right away i could tell that i was very like I had a lot of anxiety, but I didn't really know what anxiety was then. I never really identified that. I didn't know much about mental health or anything.
um And so my doctors were like oh, it's just like the baby blues. And I was like, what is that? And so then I just thought I had the baby blues for like a year or something. And apparently that's called postpartum anxiety. Yeah.
and So, but I never got diagnosed until later um because I just didn't know how to like ask those questions or like I was, I was trying to figure out like, don't other people feel like this? How are they going to work? How are they leaving their babies? Like, how are they like, you know, doing all these things?
So the first year was really, really tough. Yeah. and having to go to work. And so at the time I was, um, working at a peer bar, actually, I was a general manager there and i was loving working there. Wonderful people, wonderful boss.
Um, and you know, had great workouts of course. So that was nice, but it was only like two blocks from my house. So like my husband could bring my baby over and I could nurse him and they could go home. Um,
That being said, it was the pandemic around. So let's see 2020. Was it March of 2020 that the pandemic happened? Yeah. Okay. So that was like six months after my son was born. My husband actually ended up losing his job.
And so I was like sole provider during the pandemic. And so I also was working part time. So it was like, fuck $800 a month. Like we were making like nothing. So it was very scary. It was scary.
i will say it was a small blessing in disguise because we were both home and be able to go on walks every day with our kid. And most parents don't get that time um to like raise your child, you know, fully and be present, you know, their first year or two of life. So yeah that was something that I would not trade for anything. Um,
Thank you. So then near the end of 2020, Susie, who owned the studio there, she had owned the studio for like two years or so or a couple years at that point.
And I had reached out to her because I was like, Oh, are they going to do these like holiday sets? I always thought that was the most fantastic thing. Yeah. And I always was thinking, yeah, same thing. I was such a fan. i was obsessed with her. I was obsessed with the studio.
i thought the whole business plan was just brilliant. I was like, okay, automated business sounds great for me because then I can be home with my baby and I don't have to be at work every single day. And um yeah, that just really helped my anxiety.
So i was like, that's such a brilliant business plan. So I reached out to her. And then she was like, yeah, we're trying to figure that out, the holiday sets. um But we're also looking into selling our business. I think that's kind of how the conversation went. Or maybe she had posted about it being for sale.
Wait, was there a photographer at the... Yes, yes, yes, yes. So I've been a photographer since I was like 15 and so has my husband actually. um Yeah. So we both are, have that kind of creative background.
Um, and so i knew I, I thought it was a really fantastic business idea and I really, really was interested in just shooting there for the holidays just to make some extra money.
And then I saw it was for sale and then it was like, fire in my body. It was just like, this is for me. i can't afford anything right now, but I need to own this studio.
And so like, i I could just, it was like everything flashed for my eyes. I'm like, I know business. I know photography. I know the creative community. I know what people need right now. They need some kind of like, well, first of all, everyone's working from home. So you need photos. It was a very like COVID, COVID friendly,
business because you're just there with your client. It wasn't like you're in groups or you can be six feet apart, all the things. So I was like, everything just like came to me and I just knew that this is a business that I could grow and I could be a part of. And

Community and Collaboration

it was like, checked all the boxes, especially knowing my track record of being in other companies and being like, I literally within months was like, i just, I got to figure out how to leave. Right.
So yeah, Finding something that I was like, literally would be everything I need, the the balance, the creativity, the community. I'm excited to share with you all about our first get a heck yes sponsor 17 hats.
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I just basically wouldn't stop until it was mine. And like I had a lot of hurdles at that point, obviously. So first, you know she came to me and was like, okay, it's going to be like $300,000. And I was like, okay, yeah, i can't afford that.
um And then she eventually came back like a couple weeks later. say She said, we're lowering the price. And so at that point, I still was like... Okay, I want more information. I'm not ready to tell her i still can't afford it and then so my husband and I started talking a bit about it. Can we get a loan?
Would family be able to help? Like, what are our options? And so I kept kind of going back and forth with her on it. And, um, the What we came to is I said, hey, I don't know if I can get a loan, but I'm willing to work for free for the next couple months.
And then whatever I make in these holiday sets is like our buy-in basically. So it was like a really creative solution to buying the business. It was completely made up, probably never been done before.
But it was like, I have these like creative thoughts at like midnight. um And I'm just like, you know, i'm going to just hail Mary it, you know, see if this works. So I was like, people want these holiday sets. You already have people looking and asking for them.
I and at home, not doing much. Like I could, i can come up with the style, the sets, I can market them and promote them. i can literally work for free from October to January. And then, you know, we can both decide on how to move forward from there. And she was like,
okay, what's your set ideas? And I was just like, what? Like I was not expecting her to say yes. I'm like, I'm sure there's someone else out there who's willing to give her a hundred grand, but like, you know, she, for some reason was like, I feel good about you.
And I think this is a great idea. And she was like, awesome. Let's, let's see how this goes. So it was like, all of a sudden it was almost November actually, by the time i was able to get the sets in, which is like now, know,
I would have everything done by like August and then set up by September and then shooting in October, you know? yeah So it was like everything in like two weeks. um And then we, like we ended up having like three sets because I couldn't decide on just one.
um And then, so she literally was like, here's my login for email and social media and acuity. And just like, just was like, here go. And so I trained myself on all the things you Did the marketing for the sets. I think people were maybe a little confused. Like, who's this girl? She's not, owner you know?
Um, and then eventually we we were like, okay, so we did the sets. Everything went great. I'm really happy with it. There was a lot of like other in-betweens. At one point, my husband was like, I don't have a job. What if this goes south? You know?
Um, So there's a lot of like, it now yeah, there's a lot of people to convince, but yeah, he ended up, did he did get a job about a month before we actually signed for the space.
um We kept negotiating the price. um He got a job, which was really just helpful for us mentally to, you know, just in case, you know, anything happens. um It was nice buying a business because you already have a book of business. So you're making money on day one, which was really convenient. um And then,
Yeah, the rest is history. I mean, we've been making more revenue year after year. We've built a really awesome community. um But yeah, that's kind of the whole COVID origin story, if you will. seems like such a crazy story.
It is crazy. You're such a media manifester. I mean, i don't think I would have done that for anything else in my life, but it really, it really spoke to me. And I'm really grateful that i did it almost five years ago because it is the one thing that I've been able to stick with. And i think the, the basic key is just having balance, like no matter what you're interested in, if I was photographing people 20 hours a day or whatever it is, i would not like photography anymore. If I was owning a business and I had to work 50 hours a week, I would not be happy.
so So that's really what I'm in love with is the the ability to be creative when I want to to, be home when I want to, to post when I want to, whatever it is, is like just being... And then that's also the most motivating thing about it too, is like I can have my days off and rejuvenate and then and then I can go like full force like when i when I'm ready for it. So it's nice in that way. Yeah, wanted to one up, but you are like so many times I'm like me and you are like...
So many similarities in our lives. It's crazy. Oh, I love that. So good to know. I need to hear more. We have so much ah in common. It's we'll have to talk more later. It's incredible. Let's get into hot topic. What is your hot topic? And why is it so near and dear to your heart?
Yeah. So my hot topic is memberships, both for our studio and for other studios across the country. So I have created a membership program that essentially just checks all the boxes for both the studio and for the community aspect. um And the the thing that really is important is that as studio owners, we...
or even photographers, we have, we have so much like flexibility in our month that like a lot of times we're like, okay, are we going to have enough bookings this month? Are we going to have a lot of bookings next month? And there's a lot of like uncertainty.
So for us being able to have members allows us to understand our bottom line better. Um, but And then for photographers or creatives in the community, what helps for them in the membership aspect is that they're able to create brand awareness by working out of the same space every month.
um They can meet other people in the community and collaborate on projects and create magical moments just by learning and ah working with other creatives.
And then they're also able to help um build their business with mentorship and um just all the studio needs that they need for their clients and yeah all of that good stuff. Yeah. I should ask you um this question before that question, but just paint the picture for the audience. I kind of briefly explained Denver Photo Creative and if people are driving like, um what is Denver Photo Creative?
What is Denver Photo Collective? Like the brand? I mean, collective. Yeah. No, no, no. You're good. So it truly is a collective. So, you know, we as the baseline want to support everyone that comes here. So, you know, we provide the space, we provide the props, we provide things that really going to elevate the experience for the photographer and for their clients.
So their clients are at the very, very top. So everything we do at the collective is to support them, whether it's through the space or through makeup artists, through wardrobe, through connecting them with the right photographer.
um And it's just giving them like an exceptional experience that makes them energized and want to come back for more and tell everyone about it. Wow. That's so cool. Okay. Back to the hot topic, the membership. Okay.
um Did like when you got the space, did they already have a bunch of members? And what was that like? And how did you kind of like, I don't know, elevate this membership experience?
Great question. So when I got the space, there was one member. And I want to say like most studios would offer some kind of like, okay, you get like a two hour, four hour, six hour membership.
And it's, you know, $2.50 a month. So they basically saves them money every month. um there There wasn't anything like what we're doing at this point. And the idea was like, actually, I i have to give some credit to PureBar because i would sell memberships at PureBar. And so I could see...
I could see what was important to the community, especially during COVID, is that connection and being able to do other things that bring them together and create retention, right?
So if we're just selling studio hours, then people aren't meeting others. um They may get bored with you know the options at the space. There's a lot of things that are just kind of disconnected there.
So that's when I came in decided we're going to have actual programs that create... A collaborative environment, a creative environment, a business environment, friendships.
And so essentially through those avenues, um they're using the space more often. They're able to connect more and it's becoming a more valuable space personally and professionally.
Yeah, I mean, there's so much added value. Like I've been a part of Orange Theory, Yoga 6, Pure Bar. And it really is about like, you know, sometimes I go to get pizza or like a run on Fridays. And like sometimes they have challenges. So all that stuff really matters.
um What other things are very important through having memberships in your creative business? So my, probably my favorite thing is the connection. It's just organic. You know, you get enough people in the same room, you're going to find people that you connect with.
And there's really no price on that. You know, it's really a unique and special thing. I'm so lucky that some of our core members that have been here the longest, they are like promoters, you know, they're telling everyone like, this is the best. I have so much fun. Like, Hey, come on in. Everyone's so inclusive.
I could not, pay someone to be like that. the The people that come here genuinely care about the space. They care about others. They care about everyone's success. And that is a piece of magic that is just like not surprising to me, but it's the most valuable and special to me.
um But it can, I do believe that can be created anywhere. Because when you have an inclusive and open heart, and you really truly want to support the clients, then that kind of cultivates that same culture.
And people need that and want that in their life. So it's really just like spreads like wildfire. Wow. So um do the clients, it's kind a silly question, but like, I'm very curious, like, do the clients come from your Instagram or do they come more through the photographers posting about it? And then is there any sort of like competition between the photographers because it is the same set or just everyone's on like different? No.
What's amazing is like when I was a photographer before the studio, i was so terrified to like compete with other photographers or no other photographers like, oh, we're competition.
um But what I realized is that. community is so much more powerful and we're so much better when we're together, um, that we can make each other's projects better and bigger and more exciting and more lucrative.
And so there really is a huge, um puzzle piece that I think a lot of people are missing and they don't like that competitiveness and they don't like feeling like, Oh, I have to be better and la la la. It's like such, such a relief to know that everyone here is so supportive of each other and wants to help. Like, I can't tell you how many people are like, Hey, yeah, I got this gig. And then I hired one of these other members in the community and they're going to do video and they're going to do stuff, you know, the set styling or you're, they're also photographing.
um It's like we can do so much more when you put more minds together. And they're starting to see the benefit of that, again, personally and professionally.
So there's no there's no competitive space here. Yeah, that's so interesting. It's kind of like everyone kind of rises up together. and they finish everyone...
Yeah, like everyone has something unique to offer. So someone may be really good at wedding photography versus family photography, or even just like, hey, let me help you with your camera settings or your editing. Like everyone has something different to bring to the table.
And it doesn't mean we have to all be like the same and have to be the same skill. Like I am by far not the best photographer here. When I became the studio owner, I was so intimidated because I thought, oh, I have to be the best photographer if I own a studio.
But what I realized is that the photographers didn't need someone to coach them on their photography. They needed help with their business. And so like I was able to help with them with business and they could help me with photography. And like the same thing with all the other niches and avenues that you can take in the creative space.
But everyone has something to offer and something unique. So yeah. Yeah, I wanted to ask you about the education side, but I'm going to ask you one more question about like the creative process. Like walk me through when you like were almost on the verge of getting the space and you're making those like three sets. Like what were those sets? going to talk about like your favorite one? And like what was the creative process of coming up with these sets?
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AfterShoot, I can't thank you enough for giving me back my time to focus on this podcast. Oh yeah, back to the podcast. Oh, man. I mean, obviously, there's a lot of like inspo involved and just like figuring out color palettes and what is trending or what is not trending.
I think like I've come a long way in terms of set styling. Like my first wet sets were like, okay, I had a lot of help, though, too. So like, I think I ended up hiring someone for one of the sets um or trading or something. So a lot of times like with especially like just getting started in the studio business, it helps to like find other creatives that like, Hey, I could use studio time and in trade, I'll help you style something or take photos or whatever. So I did a lot of trading.
And again, it's like, that's why community is so important is like, Hey, you're really good at set styling and I have the space and we can collaborate on this. And then you

Studio Evolution and Lessons Learned

can, you know, we both win essentially. yeah, so A lot of that for sure in the creative process, because I might have an idea, but someone else can make it 10 times better. so I'm definitely going to like ask for opinions.
Yeah, I do a lot of trading still. like My whole book launch party was all traded. Yes, exactly.
Yes, exactly. like Honestly, it's like you know there's a time and a place for it. like If people are super successful in what they're doing and they're super busy, like no, those aren't the people that you're going to want to trade with. But there's a lot of talented and creative people who our interest in trade and portfolio pieces. And those are the people that, you know, um can be really helpful for for both ends of the business.
Yes, totally. Let's talk about the education side. um I watched the video for your education. and um Tell me about like your education program and like what it really means to you.
Yeah. So I do studio prep school, which is basically like consulting other studio owners or aspiring studio owners um across the country. And so wow for the most, yeah. So we've been really lucky that, you know, well, I will say it all kind of started um when I first started the business and people saw what I was doing. Not started the business when i bought the business and they saw what I was doing with the communities and the the memberships and the sets and And they're like, okay, something different is happening here. And I i couldn't really put my finger on it at the time.
But when studio owners started reaching out, so you know, month after month and asking for advice, I was like coaching all of these people. And I just wanted to like come up with a way to like get all of the information to them in like one or two days. So that's how we started studio prep school.
um But yeah, the education piece of like... This space has been such a game changer for me as someone who tried all the things and wanted to be home with their family more and wanted to find balance and I feel so lucky that I was given a chance to do this and that Susie gave me this opportunity.
And I would love for other people to feel that way. I would love for other people to feel empowered and to know that like you don't have to have a million dollars. You don't have to be anything special. like You can take these tools and rinse and repeat and make it your own, make it unique.
Um, and, and be successful too, and still find that balance in your life. So it is really, really, um, special to me to be able to give that to especially other moms, um, who are needing that balance and that kind of outlet.
So. Yeah, I really needed to like 10 years ago because I, this is like my old house, but my friend lives here. But I try to make the studio here. I try to make it my garage. I try to make it at La Piñata, like rental place, because it's like, it's hard to find like the good light and learn how do the strobes and also like do the set design and they get the client to know what to put.
price yourself, you know, and an edit. So it was just, it was so overwhelming that I always failed at it. And I've always just like kind of done weddings. But I love like studio space, I needed the education. So that's amazing that you're giving that to people. But I wanted to ask you, like, what was the biggest struggle of running this business? And how did you overcome it Yeah. So hasn't all been, you know, rainbows and butterflies, of course. I think any business you're going to run into things.
And so that's a big part of Studio Prep School too, is saying like, hey, these things can happen. Make sure you're setting up your business correctly. Make sure you're saving. Because a lot of times we get into these things and there's way more overhead than we anticipated, or there is an issue with the landlord, or, you know, there's a big leak or whatever it is. And so- Just knowing ahead of time, like where to set your expectations and to know that there is going to be stresses no matter what business you go into.
um But our biggest um hurdle was about a year and a half ago, are our current studio at the time. So when I bought Denver Photo Collective, we were in Lakewood, Colorado.
And the building was a disaster. It was like the elevator was breaking down. And you know all of my members and people, like they'll know exactly what i'm talking about.
It was like you couldn't get into the building. The key wasn't working. The elevator was stuck. People were stuck in the elevator. It was like leaks in the sea. It was just like... yeah Very stressful. People were calling me every day to figure out crap. you know It's like the studio itself was awesome, but the building was so old and the landlords really did not care at all. it's how that. move oh my god and so it was sleuth.
Oh, my God. It had an expiration date at some point, but I was... you know i loved the light there. i loved you know to I was terrified to move. I never even considered it an option. and and This is like a bad example, but it almost felt like leaving like an abusive relationship where you know you shouldn't be there, but like you just need them to leave because that would be easier. you know but so There was a point where...
long long story short, I'll try to make it short as possible is their doors weren't working. And so was like a, technically a fire hazard. And so for like seven weeks, you couldn't like exit out the basement door. There was like no exit. You'd have to go all the way to the top floor to leave.
And That was also our main entrance. So um I kept reaching out to the landlords. They would tell me it's fixed, but it wasn't fixed. So they were like gaslighting me. And I finally was like, hey, I'm going to have to like call the city because, you know, this is an actual hazard and you're not fixing it.
And then they put a notice on my door that I was going to get evicted in like two days so or some or not two days, two weeks. And so that was like terrifying. I was like, I'm going lose my whole business. I had like, first of all, my thought was, well, I have a ah lease. You can't do that.
um well We'll get to that. But um my first thought was like, i have people booked through December. This was in August. So like, what would I do if we really had to leave? Like I would, I don't have another space. I probably can't afford another space because the rent here is so cheap.
And I would have to like refund all these people. but and like so it was it was really one of the scariest times in the business. And so what happens, just as a forewarning, landlords do this sometimes, is they will send you a lease, you sign it, and then they don't sign it.
And then you are considered on a month-to-month lease. So big learning curve, Becky. know, sweetie. So shady. i mean, you just can't believe these things happen.
And i I had asked him for the lease back like a while ago, like, you know, back in January. and they're like, Oh, you didn't get that yet. Sure. No problem. We'll get that to you. And they kept just like blowing me off. And so I also found out they did this to multiple other people in the building. So I don't know what their plans were, but they weren't signing people's leases. It's so shady. I could have taken them to court, but according to my lawyer, there was a good chance that they would just win.
yeah So, um, commercial lawyer, commercial lawsuits are just way different than like residential, like anyway. So maybe I'm oversharing, but all in all, there are things that we can prepare ourselves for and avoid, and you don't have to go through that. Um, and it was in disguise.
It was the best thing we could have ever done because we did find this other place in two weeks. We got it renovated in a couple weeks. And it is such an upgrade. Obviously, way more expensive. So, bummer.
But there's there's parking. There's no elevator. There's all the things that we were missing in the old space. The elevator

Advice and Encouragement

would kill me at the lofts at the downtown LA. The worst. It's so hard when you're trying to like load things in and out. Totally. Yeah.
Oh, Becky, like you are so inspiring. And I really, really, really enjoyed this conversation. I can't believe it's been 38 So I to ask you rapid fire questions.
And hopefully we could be friends. I wish I lived in Denver. but Always. okay oh What your all about balance? I think it's just so inspiring to talk to people that are living in their purpose um and like living in the purpose while raising two little ones.
oh So what is like your best advice um for moms like trying to find balance or or you can talk about your balancing hack, anything you want to talk about that particular one?
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Yeah. I mean, honestly, it's a constant battle, right? We always have to remind ourselves to be present, to take my medication and to like, you know, and just slow down.
um it's, I, I wouldn't say I have a hack. I would say though that, um, i i am always trying to like talk and coach people through, like, this depends on like what your life circumstances are. Like, are you working a 40 hour a week? Are you working 10? Are you not working at all? Like,
but being able to just be more present when you do have those moments and to, um, set boundaries with yourself instead of like, I could work all day, honestly, because I love what I do and I could, you know, be coming up with game plans and working with other people. But, you know, especially for entrepreneurs, mean, I guess my biggest hack would be to set your calendars.
Like every Tuesday at four 30, I can take phone calls and Tuesday, Thursday mornings, you're, With the exception of you, i am at the gym. And that's the the only time that my kids are at school. So both of them at the same time.
And then weekends are for family. And then if I can check emails after they're in bed, great. um But really setting strict boundaries because it is really easy, especially especially once you're growing, to get bogged down with phone calls and coffee and meetups and la la la. And it's like really just set those strict boundaries for yourself.
Yeah, I had a life coach and then so it's like I spent a lot of money on that. And then thinking back, I'm like, what are the like I learned? Time block, time block, time block. Yeah, type everything. Last question, just I guess, or just statement, but speak to the hearts of maybe wedding pros.
I'm not going to lie, but it's been slow for the wedding industry. And like, right today I have a wedding, but it's only for three hours. And um I've heard that's like pretty common. Like everyone's just very stretching their dollars and doing like a guest count of 20 people and buying like florals from Trader Joe's. It's just crazy.
That's just like the the game right now. Yeah. I think maybe like how to maybe get out the funk and maybe if they're wanting to start a studio and then how. Yeah. that um So one, like we all have those funky days right where we're just like, I'm so over this. I'm not making the right money. I'm not doing enough or whatever.
And we guilt ourselves to like work harder and la la la. One, like really lean into those days where you're having an off day and you're just not motivated. like Screw it. like Go watch a movie. Go do something for yourself.
The quicker that you give into those days, the quicker you'll recover and have better days. um So that's number one, for sure. That's been like my New Year's resolution. and it's so, so helpful. I can't even tell you.
um like Also, when it comes... Yes, your body needs those recovery and you can't just like keep going or you're going to get burned out no matter what. um If you are in a creative space, we are creative minds. So really use that as your superpower and know that like you can pivot and you can do different things.
And like if you're an expert in the wedding world, like how can you help other wedding photographers or other people in the wedding industry come up with classes? Like if you're feeling like wedding season is slow Other people are feeling that way, too. So how can you maybe mentor them or find creative solutions to that? I think that there's a lot of people in the creative space that are feeling that way.
And, um you know, we have so much at our fingertips and we have such creative minds that. there is other avenues that we can be you know outsourcing and um investing our time into. So it's not like I am a wedding photographer and I have to do it this way. It's like the world is always changing. So let's see how we can pivot and do more things in other avenues.
Oh, I love that mindset. ah I have so many similarities to you. It's been ah so fun talking to You you are... Again, such an inspiration. But thank you for this conversation, Becky.
Thank you so much. Can I do a quick plug for Studio Prep School? Yeah, i was going to say, where can everyone... I forgot to do that. Yeah, I don't know why did. Studio Prep School, doesn't matter if you're an aspiring studio owner or you're already a studio owner, we help you like find and source.
market, build your current space. At Studio Prep School, we do an annual retreat every year. on This year, it's August 12th and 13th in Denver. So if you want to apply to that, um you can do that on our Instagram or our website.
So thank you so much for your time. Thank you.
Thanks for joining me this week on Get a Heck Yes with Carissa Wu. Make sure to follow, subscribe, leave a review, or tell a friend about the show. Take a screenshot and post to IG. Tag me. Also, don't forget to download my free guide on how to become a lead generating machine.
See you next time, wedding pros.