Introduction and Guest Welcome
Welcome to this episode of the UK Run Chat Podcast.
Sustainable Running Brands and Their Impact
Today, our guest is Ben Lee, founder of Run Legacy, which is a platform dedicated to championing sustainable running brands and helping runners make more conscious choices about their gear.
With years of experience in running industry, Ben's seen firsthand the impact that production materials and consumer habits have on the environment. So in this episode, we'll talk about what makes a product truly sustainable.
Encouraging Sustainability in Running Gear
how we as runners can extend the life of our gear and what we can do to encourage bigger brands to take sustainability seriously. Hi Ben, thank you so much for joining us today.
Ben Lee's Journey in the Running Industry
Pleasure to be on on the podcast and thanks for inviting me.
yeah so just give us a brief introduction to yourself then. How did you like how did you get into running? You've you've worked in the industry a long time, haven't you?
Yeah, about 20 years now. actually In all honesty, I fell into the running industry purely by accident. I um and i had fallen out with my previous company and needed a job.
And the local running store was just around the corner and they were looking for a full-time full-time sales assistant. So I was like, yeah, that'll do. I need to get out of this and make a change. So I did that. um And then I left that business 10 years later as retail director.
um And then from there, I've been across brands and in distribution. um Yeah, thoroughly kind of love the industry. was as close as I could ever get to being paid for something ah for a sport that I ever loved doing, you know, can can make professional professional sportsmen. So, yeah know, being in the running industry, talking about running every day is as close as I could get to it. So.
That was cool. And then, um yeah, ah two years ago, I branched out on my own. i've run a consultancy business, work with brands, and then um run Legacy.
It was run Legacy e-commerce and media platform was launched in September last year.
Run Legacy's Mission and Challenges
Yeah, so tell tell us about Run Legacy then. What is the main mission behind the brand?
The main mission behind the brand is, well, our vision is for a sustainable and transparent global running and sports industry community. um The real impact, I think all of us felt around COVID and lockdown and there was this huge rhetoric about us having to look after the environment.
and the world in which we live and all of that wonderful stuff which unfortunately seems to have disappeared by uh feels a million miles away from that from that rhetoric at the moment with current geopolitical goings-on and things like that but um so i decided that i wanted to to do something in the industry i was spying and selling products off spreadsheets wasn't really adding feeling as though i was adding real value and um you know My core had always been in the environment. had a couple of degrees in environmental studies and economics many years ago now, but um of of which I felt as though I'd never really used. But I kind of sat back, and as we all did, and thought, well, let's let's see if I can do this.
um And when Legacy was born, I was like, okay, well, let's try and put sustainability on a par with performance. um and And can we do it? can as as ah As a species, can we can we give back and can we can we actually give back to the environment and the natural world in which we pillage from?
um And i think I think we can, but it just takes a lot of ah lot of choices and ah and ah a lot of understanding. So... I wanted to, there was loads of cool brands coming out that are sustainable or more sustainable.
And so I didn't necessarily want to add to that, i but i I felt as though they needed a platform by which to to be presented and um from my point of view, to have true transparency around what brands are talking about and what we're talking about.
as you'll know and I'm sure the audience have heard about greenwashing and maybe do or do not understand about that but for us it's about the simplest terms of what we say and what our brands say is is true and honest um and that's kind of where we stand so if a brand for example says excuse me that they're using ah plastic bottles in their uppers recycle plastic bottles in their uppers then we verify that through their supply chain um you And then ensure that, okay, that's true that's true, fair and correct. So on our website, you'll see widgets next to the product that says that the claim is verified.
And that then gives you, and that's all confidence that what that brand is saying about using sustainable practice or or recycled materials is is is honest and true. And there's no greenwashing going on.
Yeah, that's great. So is is that a thing then? Do some brands actually kind of stretch the truth around sustainability?
ah Yeah, I'm not going to name names, but yeah, that could get me in all sorts of trouble.
No, no, please don't. We'll get into trouble.
um But yeah, I mean, I suppose what's been really interesting for me is is being in the industry, knowing lots of people, knowing quite a lot brands and then having you presenting Run Legacy to a few brands and then the responses I'm getting back, which is which is really interesting. So we...
you know they vary from absolutely let we want to be involved and you'll see the brands that are on our website and that we talk about and and they're our brand partners and and we love them and we've got a really good relationship with them um there is probably as many brands not on our site that we've spoken to that for one reason another didn't feel as though they wanted to share and be as transparent as the brands that we've got so And i've obviously not going to name those.
um So yeah, I think there's a lot of brands out there that either are doing ah doing their best, but are maybe not sure if they can talk about it. so there's an understanding or lack of understanding and within them to say whether or not they can be truly honest about whether or not they're using bio bio material, material, any sustainable practices, yeah know even using the right factories that are paying a fair living wage and yeah know maybe some of them factories have got solar panels on the roof.
And I think some brands are not truly sure on where of the practices that go on in their factories. So for me, it's been a really interesting process because we're kind of The brands that want to work with us, we're opening them up and they're willing to be opened up to scrutiny.
um And yeah, but yeah, going back to your question, is I think there's a lot of brands out there that are saying one thing and and and doing another.
Yeah, that's quite worrying, isn't it? So, I mean...
It is. And I would say it's not necessarily in the just in the running industry as well. I think you see, i think lot of sustainable news comes out through the fashion industry.
and And that's where we' so that's where we we as runners and the running community will probably see most of um most of the issues and ah maybe don't put two and two together and think it happens in the running industry. But And all ah all sports industries, whether it's outdoor cycle run, will always will follow the fashion industry. So yeah what's going on there and the scrutiny around production and and factories and the in the fashion industry will come will come down to to us in the running industry in three or four years time, but maybe quicker.
Sustainability Principles in Running Gear
Yeah. So, I mean, sustainability, it's it's a very broad term, isn't it? And I can understand why businesses get a bit kind of confused about what they should be doing, what the right practices are.
So in the context of running gear, running apparel, what what does it actually mean?
What what should we be looking at?
Well, I think you're absolutely right. it's a fairly ambiguous term, sustainable, and it's used quite freely across, you know, as fairly freely and loosely. I think sustainable, you know, what does sustainable mean to me?
True sustainability would be, for me, circular. So whatever we're taking out, out of the natural world we're using, we're we're creating whatever we want to create with it and then it's able to go back into so the natural world.
So you know plant-based materials, for example, um yeah um things that biodegrade, perfect. For me, that's true sustainability because that's the circular economy, effectively.
um the problem we have as as a species is we've we're hooked on um plastic um which is oil effectively so everything all our running gear is is made of oil which you know takes thousands of years to to rot, if if at all, in in landfill. And that's kind of that's the biggest problem we have. So I think looking for brands that are using yeah and plant-based material,
um recycled is recycling or recycled fabrics is good. It's definitely a step in our direction. It's not the answer, um but you'd you you're better buying recycled product than you are
Virgin product um because it's you it's it's already have already had a life lifestyle or a lifetime. So I think from that perspective, that's that's where we read labels, get curious.
Cost and Longevity of Sustainable Products
I think that's the biggest biggest learning curve I've had over the last maybe, yes, five five to eight years is getting curious about, you not necessarily just your running kit, but get curious about where things where things are made and what things are made of because Also, yeah you there's lots of cool UK brands or European brands that might be a little, you know might be two or three pound more for a pair of socks, but they're using sustainable wool and the manufactured in Portugal rather than using non-sustainable wool and coming in from all so all parts of the world. So even that's going to make a difference because you're then your carbon miles or your yeah on on your socks are going to be less, so there's less impact. So i think...
that kind of trying to be curious and understand thinking of where your product comes from is is a good start um read the labels um and see if product is being used you or non-plastic products or non-plastic um composition is is being used in products um that's what i would do obviously our website we do as much as we can and and there are other brands out there that are doing it as well which is which is great
Yeah, so yeah ah are there any like common misconceptions about sustainable active workers? You mentioned there that and they might be a little bit pricier just because they've been produced more locally, but that can be like better for the environment, because I guess, and better for kind of production.
yeah yeah it takes a misconception around sustainable product being more expensive I don't think it's massively more expensive these days i think engineer um you know
science and development within that sustainable energy or the products, materials composition is getting so good now that you can buy as many pairs of running shoes out there that are priced at very similar amount of shoes that aren't sustainable.
So there's that apparel, clothing, yeah I think there are some great brands out there that are using more sustainable practices now. um and Again, pricing is is similar
Consumer Influence on Market Change
with within the market. Maybe yeah average, maybe a little bit above average, but then you know you are paying for maybe a premium product and paying an extra £5 or £10.
There's also a misconception that sustainable product that doesn't last as long, where that's again one of the biggest factors is brands are tending to try and make sure that the product does last.
yeah um And using locally sourced or more locally sourced higher skilled workers to create product means that product is going to last longer.
Yeah, I think that's key, isn't it? you we Because we we kind of need to get out of this mindset, don't we, that we need lots of new and different, and like lots of running gear.
Like, you know, a big example is the trainers that only last for a couple of hundred miles, and you know, or less.
and How do we begin to change that, you know, that that concept that we constantly need new?
Where do we even start with that?
Yeah, it's difficult. And I'm, yeah I'm sat here with an e-commerce business and, and, you looking to to make sales and, and, and get more sustainable products and more better products out there.
um But I, yeah, but on the, on the other hand, yeah, it's about not, not, not spending, not buying product that you don't necessarily need. um Using, you know, mending, fixing, repairing is ah is a great one. You know, if you're,
if you get a hole in your t-shirt running past the bramble, then can we stick, can you stitch it up? And does it, does it really matter that it's got a little hole in it? Um, and I think that's probably real mindset shift.
Um, but we all like, we all like new products and we all like new, new shiny running shoes. And yeah, like you say, running shoes, Running shoes are designed to protect us when we run. So they're designed to degrade and fall apart. That's kind of what they do. um They're like car tires. You have to buy them so to protect you, but they they do wear out.
um So I think trying to you know maybe rotate your running shoes so they last a bit longer. um Can you squeeze out an extra few hundred miles or few tens even few tens of miles in them?
um If the uppers are going, in can you can you patch them? um But is it is very difficult because I know in your community you have lots of serious runners and you know running shoes are designed to protect you and people know when they've been running in a pair of shoes that are past their done date, as it were, then um then they're going to kind of wake up in the morning and their legs are going to be sore and they know that the shoes, times time for a new pair of shoes. So, you know, I would maybe suggest trying not just to go to your new normal running shoe and and investigate newer brand, newer, younger brands that are coming to market that are creating more more sustainable products um and give them a go.
Partner Brands and Their Practices
Because without those or without people backing those businesses and brands, then they're going to find it hard to survive and therefore, yeah ultimately they need to make sales and they need to get products out on people's feet so yeah i would encourage people to to get curious around new brands and new products and not necessarily just go with with what's always worked for them
Yeah. So, I mean, so do you want to tell us that's a good, a good kind of segue into the brands that you actually work with them? Why don't you introduce a few of them to us
yeah Yeah. So from a footwear perspective, where we've got Vajja, Zen Running and Topa Athletic. Vajja, probably people will know more from the the shoes with the V on the side.
um They probably more know them from a lifestyle perspective. And that's where Vajja have made um yeah huge huge strides globally with with their brand, but they're creating some really cool running shoes. We've got the Condor 3 and they're that they're using kind of, for example, they're using Amazonian rubber, which is tapped sustainably from from rubber trees in in the rainforest.
um so it's using and looking out for those kinds of practices. um Zen Running Club are using biobased materials. They've got 64%, I think, biobased material in their mid-salt.
So, rather again, rather than using oil and a normal EVA, which is effectively um yeah oil, then they're replacing that with biobased, which, again, we'll break down and um by the grade. So, and Topo are using recycl yeah recycled plastic in their uppers. So, you know, we look we look for brands that are doing the right thing and also that want to be involved with us and um want to yeah have a clear strategy from a sustainability point of view.
And so there's a brand fit, you know, the products we have might not be 100% sustainable. it's not all going to be natural. um But what we do have is brands that want to want to be part of that Run Legacy community and that want to give back and and ensure that their processes and their products are as are as sustainable as they can make them.
So it's definitely working with the brands is definitely a two way process. And we've got some great feedback and a couple of brands that we've got. We're about to launch a clothing brand.
the end of this week early next week and they've been so engaged with the process from a global perspective it's just but been it's been amazing um and then you we've got your raw velo nutrition brand um uk nutrition brand uh so everything's manufactured on these on these shores um the gel wrappers and the and all of the wrappers that comes in are all recyclable
only brand that's doing that. And it's all it's a hundred it's all natural. It's all natural products. um And again, so we're kind of no pharmaceutical products in that. So we know what we're from a brand perspective, runners know what product, what they're putting into their bodies and they know that they're getting out of it. So that's kind of where That's what we look for in a brand is ones that are wanting are doing the right thing and wanting to do the right thing. And and it's definitely a collaboration, which is which is really exciting when we've got the likes of Vajor or Girlfriend Collective, these global brands that are willing to work with us.
Yeah, that's that's really exciting. And do you think those sustainable materials that you mentioned, like the Amazonian rubber, for example, and and the plant-based materials, how do they compare to traditional materials in terms of performance?
difficult one at the moment, Michelle, I think a lot of it is um a lot of it is untested.
you know people we've We've been using the traditional running shoes for, for not I wouldn't go years, but a long time.
um i think they I think it's getting better. I think the durability is getting better. I think as brands are developing what shoe one, shoe two, shoe three, they're kind of learning in the process. So therefore they're becoming more more stable. They're becoming, they're getting more um response, whatever whatever the brand is looking for in that product. I think the quality from the performance perspective is definitely definitely getting better. And even over the last maybe a year or two, think we're seeing
in footwear the footwear products quality improve i think from ah an apparel perspective i think there's absolutely difference i think it's just it's as good um so um
You don't think so? No, that's interesting. Yeah.
Yeah, breathability-wise, wicking-wise, fit, feel, function. Yeah. If you've got a product that's made from more sustainable fabrics, but or bio fabrics, versus something that isn't, is 100% polyester, I don't think people would notice the difference.
No, no. I mean, to be fair, I think I'd prefer something more natural on my skin anyway, than something plastic.
and I mean, have you noticed a difference in how big brands approach sustainability compared to the smaller, more independent ones?
Driving Sustainability Through Choices and Legislation
yeah uh yes there's less i think it's okay to be fair to them i think it's difficult because they're big ocean liners and it's very difficult to turn an ocean liner as opposed to a little new speed up speed boat um and i think they're so entrenched in what they need to do which is sell units that it maybe becomes difficult for them to be as agile um
And certainly some of the conversations I've had with some of the bigger brands so have gone nowhere in terms of Run Legacy and getting them part of our community. um That's not to say they're not doing anything, but you don't you really hear or or feel as though the big brands are doing anything.
But that's not to say that um they aren't. And things will, you know, I was having this conversation with Paul the other week. they could just turn around tomorrow and release a shoe and then no one knows about it.
But I feel from the conversations I had at the National Running Show, a couple of brands there, just it's just it's just not on their radar, which is really sad.
That is sad, isn't it? I mean, is yeah, because they're just wanting to sell more units and make more profit. I mean, where is the incentive then to be more sustainable? Where does that come from for a brand?
I think it will come from us as consumers.
There's legislation coming down for sure. And and as as we move forward, we hope that ah UK and European legislation will hit brands, global legislation will hit brands in terms of what they can and cannot say in terms of green green claims.
um And, you know, we've got to drive ah the kind of whole living living wage, fair wage production. You know, as consumers, we have the biggest vote because we vote with our money. And we've us that's always happened through through any purchases. You know, you hear you see all of this going on about Tesla and things like that, the share price of Tesla dropping because they're not selling any shares, any car or as many cars.
And it's the same it's the same thing as consumers, we we will vote with our money. So if we, as we decide that we want to be more sustainable as a consumer base and and the product is out there to buy, then that's what will happen because for example, people will go and buy more VEGIA running shoes because they're more sustainable and more ethical than anything else.
Then you've got the bigger brands will go, crikey, we need to do something about this. We need to start doing that because we're losing market share. And that's that's probably that's probably what's going to have to happen.
Yeah. So you've you've got a big audience of consumers here now um on the podcast.
Individual Impact on Sustainability
what What will you say to them to convince them then to factor in sustainability as part of their purchasing choices?
I think, you know without tugging on the heartstrings too much, but you know i look at yeah I look at it and think, you know for my niece and nephew, yeah what's know what's what's their world going to look like in 20, 30 years time?
yeah We're seeing impacts of global warming, with freak weather, we see that in the UK, we see it all over. um yeah So so what ah what are they going experience and what kind of lifestyle are they going to have?
um And I think that's for for us, it's about for for our legacy. It's about trying to to create ah legacy for future generations that they can they can enjoy the world that we have. you know I read this morning over the last three decades, Asia has cost Asia something like three trillion dollars, you climate change and that's flooding.
ah storms, you know, um rebuilding houses because of of damages, you know, because we see it week in, week out. So think that's probably where, you know, i will tug on the heartstrings of people and and think about your kids and your grandkids. And and and that's kind of where we're at.
And that's what we need to focus on. It's all well and good. was looking after ourselves um and chasing our own PBs. But can our, will our kids be able to chase their PBs in, in areas, even in the UK, you know, you look at the floodplains in the UK and the about every year, there's more, more flooding, more torrential rain.
So that's, people just need to wake up and think it's actually real. It's happening. So we we can all do something about it.
Yeah. I just, I just kind of think, I mean, I'm i'm all in for sustainability. I think it's, it's really important. And I just, I feel guilty every time a pair of trainers reaches the end of its life for me, I really struggle to kind of let go of a pair.
yeah yeah, no, absolutely. Well, you get emotionally connected to them as well, don't you?
You do. I just feel guilty kind of sending them into landfill because I kind of figured it's going to be there for you know, we we don't even know how long it takes to break down, do we?
Yeah. I would say on that, jog on. joe joone
It's a great organization and Tony's doing a wonderful job. So from that perspective, anyone out there that's listening that has finishing piles of shoes, then box them up and send them to Tony.
um That's really, yeah, that's that's preserving the lifestyle, life of the running shoe. He's doing an amazing job. um And I think, you know, more as we go through the next few years more organizations are going to be set up like like tony and um i think yes it is massively important but yeah it's great that you feel guilty and i think you know guilt guilt guilt is a is a strong emotion so people out there feel do feel guilty about running and know throwing their shoes away then just stop and think about it and think how can i can i you know are they really done can i donate them to someone can i
okay, charity shops probably won't take them, but you know there's there's plenty of organizations or schools that will take product for kids that are ah yeah don't have as as good a opportunities as some of us maybe have had had in the future, in the past.
Yeah, running running clubs as well. think I know our running club, they have a little trainer kind of box so that if you've if you've kind of done with them, somebody else might be able to make use of them.
Yeah, too. And I think that's that's key. is not not just your immediate response is let's let's not just throw it out it's kind of how can i how can i how can i get a second life out of these or can i can i donate them to someone or can i help somebody can i help someone out that's that but maybe can't afford a pair of running shoes and even if they get to running them for another month or two at least there's another month or two wearing them
Consumer Demand and Education on Sustainability
and um So if there's runners listening, thinking, how and how do I, one runner on my own, make a difference?
Because it it feels like we were chatting about this before we recorded, weren't we?
Because it feels like it's a huge industry that's just constantly producing, producing, producing. And how how can one person kind of make a difference?
Make a difference. Yeah, no it's it's tough. I think one, I've used the analogy in the past. if you've If you've bought plastic drinks container or whatever it might be, and you've got it in your hand and you're walking down the street and you just chuck it in the bin,
then I'd encourage you to hold onto it, walk a bit further down the street and chuck it in the recycle bin. And you might think, well, what does that, you know, it's just one plastic bottle. But if we all did that in the UK every day, however many of us there are in this wonderful, wonderful island, 60 million, that's 60 million plastic bottles that have gone to landfill and not gone to recycling.
So that's kind of that's where where I always sit and say, OK, well, if you've got in the community that's that's listening, if if you can make one T-shirt last another a little bit longer or you can donate one T-shirt to someone else or you purchase more sustainable products from, you know, give a small brand a go,
um then then you're out you are contributing because if we all do that, then we again, it's that collective effort and it's the collective movement that's going to make the difference rather than thinking about it as an individual.
Yeah, absolutely. And do you think that demand for sustainability is growing fast enough to force a major change?
No, I don't think so. I think people...
We've got work to do.
Yeah, we've got loads of work to do.
I think from ah from a product perspective, it's difficult because as we were talking, yeah people are so focused on performance.
yeah know Carbon shoes are carbon shoes. Those of you know me will know where I sit on them. um But people look people are running in them because they want faster PBs.
and that's and And that's what people are focused on. Whereas... Dare I say it, they need to maybe come be become out of that and say, well, can i can I make some choices in buying my running kit or my outdoor kit or even, you know, my lifestyle, buy recycled toilet paper.
You know make these decisions, you be conscious, be curious.
And I think most people will find that those conscious decisions aren't really, you're not going to lose a huge amount versus something that you've always bought.
Yeah, that's that's a good point actually. And I guess if a runner really loves a certain brand, they can make demands of that brand, can't they, to to make some changes.
I guess that's where the change happens.
Yeah, no, absolutely. I mean, if let's not pick a brand for one's sake, but, um, you know, if, if, you we all know the popular running shoe brands and, you know, if, if people want to be more sustainable, then they can, dare I say lobby, but maybe not, but yeah, it can certainly move with their, with their pounds and go and buy other products or they can yeah make,
yeah Thank you.
We have freedom of speech. It's easy for people to start, collective if there's a collective, then it's easy to target a brand and say that they they want more transparency or they more want more sustainable products.
And I think we as consumers need to care more.
Yeah, and do you think brands should be doing more? This is kind of a leading question. I've probably asked it wrong.
But to educate people on looking after their running kit more?
ah Yeah, yeah no absolutely.
I think i think yeah you'd argue that brands should do more across everything in the whole old production
yeah Yeah, it's about profit margins, isn't it?
um But like you said, Michelle, the big brands are ah backed by big VCs and and investment companies they want profit. So it's very difficult to to turn that ocean liner and invest all of that profit some into product that is unfounded from a performance perspective. So um that's a challenge.
um But yeah, i think but I think brands definitely could do more. I think brands are choosing not to do it.
um And ah the end of the day, they will market product to us as consumers. So if If they wanted to make a carbon shoe out of recycled carbon, which there's an amazing company in in Europe it does that does ah recycle carbon and they're creating pretty good carbon, recycled carbon and using it in sportswear and in everyday life.
yeah brands could product Brands could choose to use that as a product, but they're not choosing to use it.
But, you know, as I say, you never know. Brands are very cloak and dagger. So, you know, next next month, there could be this... London Marathon's a great place for new things to be launched. So, you know, you never know.
The the top three, four footwear brands could be launching a sustainable running shoe or a car sustainable carbon shoe or whatever. We don't know. But um I definitely think they could and should do more.
Yeah. um And what about runners in general? Like how we we talked a little bit about getting a few more miles out of a pair of trainers, but how can we actually, what can we do practically to help our running kit last a bit longer?
Yeah, i can look at I look after it, like anything.
you know um We're all guilty of muddy running shoes. Don't chuck them in the washing machine because they'll fall apart, but you know you can you can wash them um and you can write rotate them, mend them.
ah you know And it's it's kind of coming away from that. fast, not necessarily fast fashion, but that kind of mindset of, oh, it's got hole in it, I don't want to use it anymore. Repair it or wear it with a hole in it.
um Give it away to someone else. um I think that's ah from a consumer's perspective, that's Once they have the product, that's what they want to do. I think then from a purchasing point of view, make conscious put purchases and decisions around who you're buying product from and understanding, you know it's not necessarily the brand, it's but it's maybe the the bigger brand that's that owns the the footwear brand that you might want to have a look at.
um you know But also for me, it's about sustainable. So go to your local run store as well. Obviously, we'd love you to come shop with Run Legacy. That helps
Run Legacy's Initiatives and Call to Action
us. But you know shopping at your local run store keeps a run store in business, which you know part sustainability, yeah for me, sustainability is obviously more about the natural world and the environment. But you know the other two elements of sustainability is social and economic. So um you go and support yeah go yeah go and support Go and support your local run club, go and support your local run store and create that sustainable more sustainable community and then make your purchasing decisions from a more curious and inquisitive kind of nature.
Yeah, ah that's great, Ben. Thank you. So you've got, you mentioned you've got some new brands coming on board.
So just just remind us who's on at the moment and what the what the website is. People can go and look.
So our website is or um We've got EcoSwash, which is a sustainable washing brand, laundry brand.
um We have Girlfriend Collective, who are a US lifestyle and performance brand, we women's only in the UK.
um nixie body uh amazing uh amazing brand uh again for all you women out there um so and then raw velo nutrition we've talked about topo and zen running and laser or footwear brands so we've got a really lovely mix um as i said we're going to launch a new apparel brand at the end of this week hopefully um which will be male and female which will exciting and then hopefully we've got another brand coming on board middle middle to end of march where are again another apparel brand but they've also got footwear so were growing ah we're growing our community all of our products as i say goes through the verification process so consumers can be
more trusting and and feel as though they know that they're making a good decision by shopping with us. We donate 1% of all of our sales to 1% of the planet and ah for every um transaction that we make, we plant a tree and we've created a run legacy forest which is quite cool. You can go onto our website and and go on the sustainability pages and you'll see that through our ecology who are a tree planting partner. so We're growing a forest, so if you join our community, you'll be be contributing to that.
Oh, that's fantastic. Yeah, I do. i must say I like the idea of the Eco Sports Wash. Tell us a bit more about that.
um Yeah, so cool brands, lovely guys, again, based in the UK. um Lovely story. So go and see Tom and Dom's story on their website.
um But yeah, basically plant plant-based products. They're sheets, so you just chuck them into your laundry rather than um big box kind of Unilever brands.
um ah the Everything's biodegradable, so it effectively disappears once it's been washed, which is great.
um And the packaging's recycled. So um from an impact perspective, it's pretty low.
It's really exciting.
Perfect. Yeah. Thank you so much for your time today, Ben. Are there any kind of lasting words you'd like to leave us with on this episode?
ah No, I suppose thank you for your time. Thank you for listening. If you are listening, please yeah jump onto our website, follow us on Instagram. um What we're also trying to do, yeah we call ourselves a media platform. We're trying to bring stories to you as a runner that we think are cool, interesting, frightening.
um So we do weekly, we call it weekly shorts. So every Friday or Saturday, we put out an email, which just gives you a snapshot of what's going on in the world. So it's definitely worth signing up for that.
um We don't, we don't, we're not pumping out offers and sales and and talking about products all of the time. you know, we're getting curious about what's going on in the world. And we've had some great feedback. It's quite refreshing of the content that we're putting out there. So,
Yeah, if you're if you're curious and interested, up to our newsletter and then follow on Instagram. would be wonderful.
And that's at RunLegacy.
Fantastic. Thank you. We hope that you have all enjoyed this episode and that it's hopefully made you get you're more curious about sustainability. We'll see you on the next one.