EP613: TL Nuggets #181 - Roman Bodnarchuk - Why Successful Men Need A Peer Group!  image

EP613: TL Nuggets #181 - Roman Bodnarchuk - Why Successful Men Need A Peer Group!

E163 · The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast
59 Plays1 day ago

“Your income can only go as high as your personal development.”

With this episode, we dive into relationships, personal development, and the evolving business landscape that men face in modern society. Roman Bodnarchuck stresses the importance of understanding subconscious dynamics in relationships, as well as how business anxiety affects marriages. He stresses that these issues are often unrecognized, and how that leads to high divorce rates, especially among successful men.

We also dive into the massive changes coming from AI and technology, warning that the world is rapidly changing. To keep up with these disruptive changes, while maintaining their health and personal growth, they need strong peer groups now more than ever.

A core theme of the discussion is the importance of surrounding yourself with high achievers who push each other to grow. Nicky and Roman introduce a mastermind group designed for elite, successful men who may have lost their drive and are looking for new challenges. This group is a space for honesty, growth, and unrelenting success.

Reach out to Nicky and Roman to join the community. Don't miss the insight into how mastermind dinners offer an opportunity to take your personal and professional life to the next level.

Roman Bodnarchuk is a real estate veteran of 25 years. He founded 5 companies, has written 4 books, and is currently the Chairman and CEO of Sociable Living, the first and largest luxury co-living real estate brand in North America and Costa Rica. He’s also a keynote speaker, podcaster, tech innovator, and real estate investor, builder, and operator. He has sold over $5 billion worth of projects on five continents and set the world record for the fastest condo sell-out ever.

Learn more and connect with Roman at the following links:

Sociable Living

The Property Show


Visit eCircleAcademy.com and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

you know Your income can only go as high as your personal development. So it probably you know sped me up a few decades. I was able to become a millionaire before 30 and got to a million dollars a year at 35. All of that happened because I got the right i got into the right groups.
But I didn't stop. All of these things kept building and building. What if we could create a mastermind for the elite of the elite? This is not for everybody. The guys that have already made it, they're already successful. But maybe they've hit midlife and they've kind of lost their energy. Maybe it's their health. You're not as ambitious, as driven as 45 or 55 as you were, maybe 25, especially if you're already living your dreams. So sometimes you need to meet with guys that are have actually achieved more than you, men that have have broken through things that you'd love to break through. So you need to to be inspired. So we're creating something really, really special. It's for really the high achievers. It's for the elite of the elite and a group of men working together, pushing each other, not lying to each other, really being honest and taken off the mask.
Welcome to the Thought Leader Revolution with Nikki Ballou. Join the revolution. There's never been a better time in history to speak your truth, find your freedom, and make your fortune. Each week, we interview the world's top thought leaders and learn the secrets of how they built a six to seven figure practice. This episode has been brought to you by eCircleAcademy.com, the proven system to add six to seven figures a year to your thought leader practice.
Welcome to another exciting episode of the podcast, the Thought Leader Revolution. I'm your host, Nicky Baloo. And before we have an exciting guest lined up for you today, today's guest is a dear friend of mine. He is one of the most brilliant thought leaders in the area of personal and professional growth and development. And he happens to be a genius at helping people get wealthy through real estate as well. I'm speaking, of course, of none other than the one.
The only, the legendary Roman Bogichok. Welcome, Roman. Thank you so much, Nicky. It's an honor to be on your show. It's just a privilege. and And hey, I love the new haircut. You're looking, you're always looking sharp. God bless you, brother. Thank you so much. So Roman, you and I, we've been friends a long time and we We have been talking about an issue that is near and dear to both our hearts, because we we both believe that for men that are in business today, things are more challenging than than they've ever been, certainly in our lifetime. And men need, crave, want to be a part of something.
And I'm wondering if you could get the ball rolling on why you believe that is and what we propose to do about that from it. Well, I'd like to take you back, you know, and some life-changing things that happened for me. You know, one of your good friends and one of my mentors, Raymond Aaron, did a seminar. I was 14 years old. I saw his big Toronto Star um ad for it. And I remember telling my parents, Hey, I'm going to pay a few hundred dollars to go to the seminar. And they said, you know, you're 14. I don't think it's for you. And I said, well, I don't know. let Let me try. And I learned, I learned some, some lessons in that, in that course that I literally use today. This is 40 years later.
And what I can tell you is sometimes the answers are out there, but we need to go find them. And there are some incredible men like, like Raymond Aaron example, as an example that um have, have the information that we need. And I think that men need to go and search ah for that information. And I don't think it's necessarily on Tik-Tok or or Instagram, or just scrolling. It's in a book, it's in a seminar, and it takes more than two minutes to digest. Again, this is not a TikTok video, but the the answers are there. You know, if you go back to Think and Grow Rich, and we talked about the mastermind, I mean, this is these are lessons that we've learned over 10,000 years of human history that way it's recorded. So I believe that men need to search for the answer, and it's usually groups of other men that have already achieved what they want to achieve.
You know, Roman, I think you said a number of things that ah are worth unpacking. You said first of all that Men are seekers. Men go through life wanting to find their place in the world. They want to answer the question to their own satisfaction, am I enough? Am I good enough? Do I have what it takes to be a a person of importance and significance in the world? do i do i Do I make enough money? Do I help enough people? These are questions that consciously or unconsciously all men are asking of themselves.
and they are seeking answers and those answers are there and those answers cannot be boil down to a 30-second to two-minute soundbite in a TikTok video or in a YouTube short or in a Facebook or Instagram reel. Those things are can be can be interesting and fun, but they do not hold the keys to the answers to the questions of life that most men want answers to. The answers that they seek
are found through relationship, are found through connecting with other men. And you know, up until the sixties, men throughout history had been a part of groups of other men. There were rites of passage that we would engage in, you know, and be part of these groups of other men. But after the the feminist revolution in the sixties,
men slowly but surely stop being a part of these groups the way that they had been for all this time. And what this has done is it's made a lot of men feel, well, a little bit lost, even those that on the surface look very successful and make a lot of money.
They almost crave in their heart, in their soul, being in a masculine-only space with other men. Why do you believe that's important to us men without many of us even being able to articulate that purpose?
It's super important. niki It took me a long time to figure this out. It wasn't until after I got divorced till I really understood it. So if you, if you ah scan a human brain, if you scan a woman's brain and a man's brain, they are so radically different. I mean, a woman's brain looks like like some fireworks went off and and a man's brain is is quite simplistic. We are very, very different and men like us, you know, we're, we're, we're, you know, alpha males, you know, we are, we're hunters and killers. Like that's what we're really good at.
Women can do a lot of amazing things, but we're very different. So let me give you an example. When women need help, they are very good at speaking to other women and they like to talk about their issues. They just like to talk about it, make them feel better. They have to go to therapy therapists.
Men don't really find that super effective. ah Men want to air the problem, hear the solution, and go execute. They don't want to just go every week and just talk about the same problem over and over again. So it's very different. And not that one is right, one is wrong, but we are hardwired very differently.
And so, for example, if I'm trying to get help and I join a group that has women in it, it's going to be it's going to be very difficult for me to get the value than I would if it's aend a group just full of men, because we're on we're on the same frequency. that's that's That's what I believe is the difference.
I think that's very true. The other thing is that, you know, because over the last 50, 60 years, men have not been part of these groups, but women have. And women naturally, innately, are better at relationship than we are. They're relationship ninjas. We're relationship kindergartners. That's the truth, right? That's the that's the literal truth of it.
Men don't understand the value of this, but they innately, almost inarticulately, are searching for that value. And when they do find a masculine-only space,
they feel like they've arrived, they've come home, and and they they tend to gravitate to at to that very strongly because it's a place where they can really let their hair down, and it's a place where they can speak in a way that, let's face it, speaking that way in mixed company just wouldn't fly. you know There's certain things you can say to your men that if you said that to your to your wife or to your girlfriend or to your mother, it just wouldn't fly.
You know, and it's very important to have those spaces. I hate this word safe spaces. I don't like using it, but you need to have masculine spaces where these types of confidential conversations can take place.
let Let me give you an example of where I learned this. And I think in a seminar that you went to also, I went maybe 10 years ago, the Sterling a seminar as a seminar. And I was trying to analyze, er and like how how did I create this massive failure in my life? I've been so successful in all these areas, but how did I screw up my marriage? like the most important How did I blow the most important one? But I learned a lot. So one of the things I learned is is when men,
share bad news, things that are not, you know, really not good with their spouse or partner, their spouse, you know, again, this is all about DNA. So this is back to like, we are, we are still hardwired for our DNA from the cavemen. So if I tell my wife, all kinds of like negative, scary things are going on in our business,
she's hardwired to start going, Hmm, this man maybe can't be the provider anymore. yeah mean she This is subconscious. She doesn't even know this is happening, but then she's going to start looking at other men as a potential provider. And she doesn't even know this is happening. So, you know, these are all kinds of things that, that I didn't know. No one taught me this Nikki, like at school, like no nobody teaches you this stuff. So unfortunately a lot of men and, and you know, the stats are incredibly high.
Well over 50%. And when you get into the to the one percenters, the high income ones, it's much, much higher. um You know, they're getting divorced. It's because no one taught them this stuff. And I wish somebody had told me to go to the men's weekend before I got divorced, because I promise you, Nicky, it would not have happened. It would not have happened. If I had done the if i had done the seminars, if I had done ah the learning ah while I was married, I'm telling you life would be different.
So I think it's really important. So if you think you're in a happi in ah and a great relationship and you're a great place, you still need to to do the learning. Because again, I go through this all the time where friends reach out to me and they said, you're not going to believe it, but my wife is leaving me. And and I mean, this happens every day and And I think that men can prevent a lot of this pain because what it does to the kids is is horrific. um So I think these things are all preventable, just like health. I mean, you know, speaking to a ah really successful friend of mine yesterday, he's, I mean, talk about hitting all his goals. Unbelievable. But I'm, um you know, just finding out what his challenges are and his challenges sleep.
And I'm like, you know, I'm not going to mention his name, but I'm like, this is like the big one. Like if we don't figure out the sleep thing, this is like, like this is a serious one. So again, a lot of times when you go to your doctor, for example, they don't say, Hey, you know, how, ah how much are you really sleeping? and They don't talk about some of the really important things when it comes to health or relationships. So I think this is what happens naturally in a men's group. But you've got to find the right men, ah successful men, men that live by their word, that are that are working hard, that are thinking big. And that's a big one because I find, especially once men hit 40, 40 plus, a lot of them give up on their dreams. Nicky, you've seen this. They they give up on on on a lot of things and and they just become content. And then what happens is they get fat and they're They're replacing food and alcohol and drugs ah for for for the for the happiness they could have had. So it's really important we took the right men to hang out with. You know, that's a very good point. And I want to unpack a bit of what you were saying. Yes, it's important to do a program like Disturling Men's Weekend and you and I are sending some men to the next one coming up because it's a very powerful program and it's going to give men the tools that they need. But if they do the program and they don't
stay in relationship with men after the program, that's a problem. Because not being in relationship means that all the things that you learned you're going to forget. That stuff stays alive when you're with other men that are also practicing and living according to those precepts, and you hold one another accountable.
because you're not going to hold yourself accountable. Let's be honest. At our core, as men, we're lazy. That's our core. Left to our own devices, we're not going to step out of our comfort zone. We're going to do the things that are comfortable, that are fun, that are easy, but aren't necessarily good for us. But when you're in a group of men and you try to pull that crap, they're going to call your ass out. They're going to go, yo, Roman, what's up with that? You say you want to get fit, but you're drinking like four drinks a day. That's not going to fly.
Are you full of crap about wanting to get fit or are you just, you know, unwilling to do the work? Are you lazy and you don't want to put in the disciplines necessary? That's the sort of thing they're going to say. They go, Nikki, yo, you say you want to get rich, but you know, every night you're on TikTok. What's up with that, dude?
You should be out there making your own content and putting that on TikTok, not watching other people's stuff. And, you know, are you serious about it or are you going to sit down here and just while your time away? This is the sort of thing that other men will tell you when you're in a trusted circle with other men. And this is the sort of thing that you won't be able to get away with. And that's the beauty of being in a men's group, because you will not get away with anything.
anything. You're a hundred percent right. And I think it's actually worse now than ever because we're so distracted. If you take a look at the screen time of any of our phones and our kids phones, we're talking about four hours, five hours, six hours of just needless, regrettable time scrolling nonsense.
So when people think, Oh, I don't have time for that. Are you kidding me? Let's look at your screen time. Number two, you know, this generation, um, unfortunately our new God is, is the God of comfort. You know, we've replaced, you know, church and synagogue, uh, and we've replaced, you know, any kind of formal religion with this God of, of comfort and consumerism and just buying more crap. And this is a serious problem. So we live in an age where we're, massively distracted, like massively distracted, where people can't even read an article, never mind a book, where they can't even watch a 30 minute video. I mean, if it's less than it you know less more than two minutes, they just they can't handle it. like It's just incredible.
Nicky, people can't even watch a movie anymore without having another screen, like this two screen phenomenon where they can't really watch something where they've got to have another screen. Like this is the ultimate, um, this is what they call popcorn brain. Um, so we're living in a time that it's very, very difficult, but it's going to get worse. Nicky, in the next two years, if you, if you don't think we've changed enough, just get ready. But you're going to have robots literally replacing most humans. I mean, the Tesla robot, which will be smarter than any human within two years, that's coming out. Nikki, this thing is going to be around $30,000. This is a robot that could work 24 seven around the clock, no unions, no fighting for minimum wage, no benefits you got to give the robot. And this thing will be smarter than any human. This is what we're up against. Okay. We're in the race for our lives right now.
AI already is smarter than the smartest high school kid with the next three months and version five of chat GPT, it'll be smarter than any PhD. And now they've got these, these AI agents where literally it's like having an entire staff like this agent does this, like we're living in a time that's just, will be unrecognizable in two years. So if, if if men don't get their shit together and get in the best health of their life, get a core group of men, they're going to push them. And what's really sad for me, I know a lot of really smart, successful men. And I talk about, Hey, are you using chat GBT or use it? No, I don't think I need it. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, that's like going, that's like, you know, like electricity is independent. Yeah, I'm just going to stick to candles.
That's like guys going, yeah, I don't use the internet. You're like, I'm not going to use a smartphone. Like, are you kidding me? So the world is changing faster than we've ever seen. And and there's going to be winners and losers. There'll be a lot of losers. So if there's ever been a time that men need to to find successful men and band together and work together, this is it.
Yeah, 100%, 100%. What you're saying about AI is honestly terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. It's terrifying because the world that we know is going to disappear and there's going to be a whole new world coming in. But that's also exhilarating because the world that we know is disappearing and there's going to be a whole new world coming in, that which means we can recreate ourselves and recreate what we want out of this world. And amazing things can happen. But that mentality is only going to be reinforced. If you're around a group of men, they're going to help you reinforce it. And I got to say this.
You know, you know, I run a men's organization. and It's not necessarily primarily a business organization. But I believe very strongly that there is a missing in the marketplace. And that missing is a peer group for entrepreneurs that's only for men, only for men.
And the reason you and I are having this conversation today is because we see that missing and we want to do something about it. So Roman, without letting the cat fully out of the bag, why don't you tell the folks, you know, what we have in mind and why they might want to seriously consider this?
Nick, I told you when I was 14 years old, I took tony ro i took sorry started with with Raymond Aaron's courses. By the age of 18, I had got to Tony Robbins. He had a course I started taking. and Around 21, 22, I invested. Are you ready for this? so If you could think back, like this is so this is over 35 years ago. It was 14,000 US. so I don't know what that would be in today's dollars, like $30,000. On a 14-day program in Hawaii,
And that program, that 14 days of very intense work with Tony Robbins, it was super hard. And I was obviously very young, um made me so powerful because, you know, your income can only go as high as your personal development. So it probably, you know, sped me up a few decades. I was able to become a millionaire before 30 and got to a million dollars a year at 35. All of that happened because I got the right, I got into the right groups.
And then when I built my company, N5R, the global company, um you know, we're one of the fastest growing companies in the world. And we started we started we started expanding, but I didn't stop. I didn't stop with Tony Robbins or or, I kept joining groups. So I was a member of a group called Tech in the US, they call it Vistage. We met with very successful entrepreneurs, you know, every month. For years I did that in when I lived in Canada States. Then I joined for years, ah and called Strategic Coach, an amazing program in Toronto, ran by dan Dan Sullivan. and all of these things help kept building and building and all the information and the people I met, the friends I've made, the friends I still have today are because of that. The challenges after COVID I found is those larger groups like YPO, a lot of my friends aren't on YPO. I mean, there's some great organizations, but what happened, what I noticed, and my friends told me during COVID is they became very woke. And I think anytime you have men and women in the same group,
You know, there's certain things you can't say, you can't say that you can't post this. And it's very, it's very diluting. on Like, Nikki, if I'm training for the Olympics, okay, if we're training for the Olympics, like we're going all in. We're not diluting the message. You're not like, oh, it's okay, Roman. you You can have snacks every other day. Or, oh, it's okay, Roman. you You can have a cheat, you know, you can have a cheat meal. Like, no, no. If we're training for the Olympics,
there's There's only one way to win. And what I find with these groups that, again, I was a proud member of for many, many years and a lot of my friends still are, they're so diluted now with all this woke nonsense that it's very hard to to get the value out of them and to become super successful.
So the reason, you know, I reached out to you and and we've been talking about this for a while is what if we could create a mastermind that was really, this is for the elite of the elite. This is not for everybody. It's obviously it's for like the guys that have already made it. They're already successful.
Um, but maybe they've hit midlife, you know, I don't know if it's forties or fifties or wherever it was in midlife and they've kind of lost their energy or maybe it's their health or maybe it's something where, because I'll tell you, it does happen. And Nikki, maybe you faced it too. You're not as ambitious as driven at 45 or 55 as you were maybe 25, especially if you're like living in your, if you're already living your dreams, it's, it's, it's hard to keep that motivation.
So sometimes you need to meet with guys that are have actually achieved more than you, men that have have broken through things that you'd love to break through. So you need to to be inspired. And the problem with our friends, Nicky, and I've got friends who go back from grade two, is when I'm hanging out with my friends, it's like I can finish their sentences. It's like me talking to myself. I already know what they're going to say.
I need to meet new men that are very successful in different industries. So yeah, so we're, we're, we're creating something really, really special. It's for really the high achievers. It's for the elite of the elite. Um, and the reason I want to do this Nikki is I did something for fun for 15 of my friends this year. We call it the 75 day challenge. And, and I decided I want to get in the best shape of my life. And I thought if I'm going to go through this pain and suffering, I want to bring 15 of my friends through it as well.
So I created a program every day for 55 days, a little video that to watch. And we had, we're on a WhatsApp group and we called each other and we held each other accountable. But Nikki, it was life changing. Like the stories, like I'm not talking just health, like health, like, well, you know, our friend Mark Oregon, which does my, uh, what does our podcast? I mean, the guy's got abs. Nikki, you know, hard is to get abs, like it's eight times It's easier to become a millionaire than to get apps. you know and you're one You're one of those guys. So we're talking about life changing things that happen in people's relationships in our business, all because of a 75 day challenge. So when I talked to you about this, I said, Nikki, can you imagine if we got the right group of men and they could commit to a year for it with us? Oh my gosh, it would be unstoppable. And because i i been ah I've had the privilege of working now with five startups and we've reached either a billion in revenue or a billion dollars in valuation, I know it's possible. I know the craziest dreams can come true, but it takes an intense focus and a group of ah group of men working together and and pushing each other and and not lying to each other and really being honest and taken off the mask. And that's what it takes. So yeah, I'm really excited about what we're creating. Yeah. I think
What you said needs some unpacking before we wrap this up. Intense focus, that's very important. You need to be pushing each other, right? So there's a word that a friend of mine ah who was a tech chair used called care, frontation. And I love that word, right? Care, frontation. So you you care about the man, but you're going to get in his face about the stuff that he's doing.
and um you're going to you're going to be with men that want to keep growing. Roman, I live by a philosophy in my life. I believe God put me here, obviously, to live, but He also put me here to love. He put me here to love people and to share my heart and my love with people. He put me here to to learn. He put me here to learn. He put me here to grow. He put me here to contribute.
you know And if you think about this, you live, you love, you you learn, you grow, you contribute. Any man that agrees with me that this is a good way to live is going to benefit from being in a group with other men. And you and I are doing some mastermind dinners. And I know that's a phrase that Jason Gaynard originally coined back in the day. And he's got ah he's got a ah book, I think, called Mastermind Dinners or Mastermind Talks. And to me, these mastermind dinners are an opportunity for you to meet a bunch of other men, nonwoke,
who are motivated to to grow and to succeed, and they're already successful. And when you come to these dinners, you're going to have an opportunity to see if this is a challenge you want to take on at this stage in your life. And if you're listening to this and it's sparking an interest in you to do something like this, then Reach out to me, reach out to Roman. I'm going to put his contact info in the show notes. My contact info is in the show notes. You can book a call with me using the eCircleAcademy.com forward slash appointment link. We can have a chat. And if you live in Toronto, we can meet in person. If you don't live in Toronto, we can at least have a Zoom chat and help you see what all men are craving. All men.
which is a powerful, masculine-only space where you can truly be yourself and you can dream and think as big as you want. And not only is nobody gonna make fun of you for that, but they're gonna encourage you and tell you to dream even bigger. And I'll give you the last word, Roman.
Nicki, I think it's it's important for men to do this, not just for themselves, but for their families, the people they love. I can just tell you, in my 75-day challenge, which I just thought I was doing for myself and my my buddies, here's what happened, Nicki. My parents, which are in their 70s, started watching what was happening. And my mom had been overweight her entire life. like I don't remember a time where my mom wasn't wasn't overweight.
All of a sudden, in her 70s, decides, makes a decision to lose weight. My mom has never looked better. I've got pictures back 25 years ago. like She's never looked better. My father, which has never lifted a weight in his life, is I've got my my parents going to the gym three days a week. I have two sons that were not athletic, never never went to a gym.
Each one now, I mean, one every morning at five in the morning, cars like dad, can can we go at five in the morning, and go play basketball for two hours. The other one, he just joined another. I mean, the this has been life changing. So I think as men, as fathers, as as as sons, um this is our duty to to help not just ourselves, but inspire the people around us. Because believe me, Nikki, they're watching us. They're watching us. and they're and and And when we make a change and when they can see we can make a profound change, It inspires so many people. And I think that's our duty. So anyways, I really appreciate this opportunity speaking to you, Nikki. And I hope some people can join us that are the right people because obviously we want the right people to join us on one of the upcoming dinners.
Yeah listen if you're interested in joining the dinner here's here's what you need to be in order for you to qualify. So you need to be a multimillionaire businessman, non-woke, you need to be motivated to grow and you need to be open to learning into growing i.e. your your desire to learn ah is stronger than your ego's desire to be right so if that's you then you can come join us at a mastermind dinner and the dinners are fabulous sumptuous affairs that Roman and I are funding it's not like you even have to pay to come for dinner you're gonna come you're gonna have a fantastic meal you're gonna be around a bunch of phenomenal men and it's gonna cost you nothing so
If that's something that's of interest to you, reach out to either Roman or myself. ah We'll have a chat with you. And if we feel you qualify, we're going to issue an invitation to you. But even if right now this concept is something you think is interesting, but you're not ready to pull the trigger.
I want you to remember that you are a man and inside of you is a warrior and a badass and you do crave masculine only spaces. So go find one. You need a masculine only space. Every man needs it. And that's a wrap.
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