Ep. 107 Vlad The Lad - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 107 Vlad The Lad - Bellum Draconis

S2 E107 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
16 Plays5 hours ago

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios

You know, sometimes, when I kick back, after a long, hard day of killing, I like to talk about it, but I've got no one to listen to. So recently, I started my own podcast, Drago Dribbles. Even though I know nothing about podcasting, I've found the best browser software to help.
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Links to this can also be found in the description of the podcast via whatever podcast app you're using. Remember guys, zencaster.com slash pricing, offer code tabletop, Drago out. On fire. That's fucking terrifying. Yeah, yeah, I didn't sleep much last night. Okay. I didn't either. Yep, I heard. You did?
You both weren't very subtle about it, let's just be honest. Both in the blush. I think he called Ahoy once. i um More than once. Cannon. Fire the cannon!
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's live episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We are a live play 5e D and&D podcast set in the magical homebrewed world of Aerith in the Kingdom of Dranak. Joining you for this week's episode we have the edgelord Callum who plays the war-forged Artificer Alpha. Lube it up. We've got Poobay who plays the human cleric Emron. Ooh, things are getting sexy. Daron who plays the high elf Artificer Rains, hi there Al. Tube it up.
Ian who plays the Tiefling Wasser and Nyx Corral. My holes are on fire. Willy who plays the dragonborn druid Bal Balcon. Bite the pillow kid, I'm going in dry. My name is Mark. I'm playing the human blade singer Seth Farrow. The amber laugh of my no means least is our vegan queen behind the DM screen. Dungeon master Danny. Yeah!
Well done. That was a lovely little rhyme there. I'm so happy. How long have you had that one prepared for? I wrote that down about five minutes ago. It's on my list here. It's the sixth one down that Darren picked before we started recording. I'm going to start changing all of my user names everywhere. Vegan Queen, The Vegan Queen. I'm sure it's been taken, but I'll try. And The Vegan Queen, dear. There you go.
Well, speaking of vegan, we find old girl at what seems to be some kind of banquet. Deep, deep in sleep guardian territory, there is a large hall with long tables set out, possibly for the poor. He sneaks his way in and scuttles over his long toenails, scuttling, scuttling across the kick-lacking across the floor. He picks up some brie, he picks up a small glass chalice, like one might say, of wine, and quickly snaffles that back before making a hasty retreat to the backspace.
back room where he reaches into his pocket and produces his orb which he looks deeply into it glows slightly an odd color he looks part interested part disgusted at what he sees but then mainly interested again as he sits down and clocks us
yeah Literally. Turns out the person making their way inside is a winged watch member. They got some sort of green snout. It's a lizard kin and it's Ghostwing, the leader of the winged watch. Oh shit, he's come slightly early. Wink, wink. Concerned by the contract that Seth and Bob have signed themselves up to. He gives Seth over 250 gold pitties.
and says, during that duel, he wants us to, uh, do a little job for him. There's, uh, a little register hiding inside someone's pocket. It's a list of names. Thirteen names. But it's in the pocket of Delmo Trace! They're headin' the fuckin' of Griskra! And it's gonna be really, really tricky to get. He's like, don't risk your life for it, boys. Just don't get caught and in They decide that Alpha in the following day is gonna make his way. Oh, no, he doesn't, sorry. He tells them.
that the following day, Alpha might as well go to the workshop of the Changeling to get some sort of forgy-forged shit going for Alpha's gun. Turns out that's run by Algremoth, who's some sort of chicken wizard, apparently. Ghostwing wants a word with Baal, and so Reigns is like, oh, by the way, do you know anything about Magnus and that other guy who we... No, never mind. Anyway, Ghostwing is cleaning up after that mess in the fighting room that Bal'dun did create. And he's all like, by the way, the winged watch. We's on the side of the dragons, boy. So let's strike a deal. like, yeah, I'll strike you a deal. How about you deliver that egg that I win, and then I'll spill the beans and everything that I know. And he's like, cool, cool deal. Let's go. And on his way out, he, uh, says over into Nick's mind, thank you for not telling him about something. And he's kind of motioning over to Seth for that. Fuck only knows what that means. Now, we're going to find out a few things about the quests that are going on for the next month. Emron is going to decide to do some sort of delivery to get some cheaper gear for the group. ah We're all obviously trying to work out what's going on with Delmon Trace. Reigns goes to the docks and becomes some sort of summer Reigns. Thank you. over all of his books. Alpha's writing a letter. Seth is doing some people watching and and by the way, Nix is on it. By the way, don't um kill my rotor if you can help it. And then I think that's the end. I don't think I missed anything at all. Your ball has a tail. That's about it. Oh no, wait, there's some fucking going on. Literally.
So, you awake the next morning after the festivities, after the, let's say, earnest and honest conversation between you all and Ghostwing. As much honesty as at least Ghostwing was able to present.
This is the day before the Jewel of the Desert Champions. Dawn is striking, the city is getting livelier and livelier, even in your sort of underground penthouse protected suite. You are awoke by just traffic rumbling in the earth above you. Some emerging from other bedrooms than usual.
you all begin to congregate and find yourself back in the sort of communal quarters of this penthouse. By roll of dye, poo bear, played by, no, poo bear playing, Emron, thank you so much. I was trying my hardest not to say will, I was just saying poo bear. Emron, you emerged first, but really everyone, minutes after, is there anything you do with that morning ritual? Emron is literally, the moment he wakes up he has gotten ready, he knows that they have a very specific
plan for the day. He knows that he needs to get up and get over to where Vossan is staying to give over the gold. The original plan was hopefully for Alpha Reigns and maybe others to go with him because then they're going to the various different places on the same side of the city ah later on so it kind of made sense to sort of go as a group. He's literally the moment the part is ready, he's ready to go because he knows they need to get there, they need to catch Vossain at his place of staying so they can give him the gold and secure the um gold keep deed as it were. and In those first few moments of planning and preparing for the day before anyone anyone rises you do notice that um there is a letter enclosed inside the sat within the door frame itself at the front door okay i'll go over and have a look the envelope is sealed by a wax seal that with your passive
you're able to attribute to some of the ah details found on the robes and the armaments of Prago the Majestic. Sorry, June 3, just started on the screen. I like, listen up, you're it is. Because we're recording live today, obviously we're all sat in one room, because that's how live works. we We've got some ambient music going on in in headsets. They're licensed, unfortunately, so we can't publish that.
So Mark's decided to add, on top of that, yep ah we've got a big TV stream here. And because we're in the sands of Dralic in the city of Scorchhelm, which is very hot, dry and desert-like, he thought, well, let's let's put let's put some videos up about deserts. It's a 10-hour video on deserts. It's brilliant because you get different characters and walks alive just appearing on the screen. Literally.
Aladdin happening live right now. That was from June actually, but I didn't sing it properly properly. That was June. You've not seen it? You've not seen June? I've seen June. Let's not get into this. You would tell them you can be lovers anymore. Meanwhile, I know, I know. It's fine. We'll talk about that later. It was okay. I'm so sorry. It was just the ambience. I thought it'd be nice. And now the person has gone. I endorse it. Yes, I endorse it. I endorse you. I thought it was a seal. A seal. With pregos symbol on it. Yes, sorry. I thought on the screen, a seal. Oh, it's a desert seal.
Yes, it is a letter that you have discovered and yet wax sealed with a lot of the um symbolism and her heraldry that you would associate with some of the clothing you've seen Prager wear. Do you open it? I do. Inside is a very short statement, more of a telegram, if you will, that Sibley reads, you were invited to a private reception this evening the toast of the jewel of the desert champions at sunset head to the melee and rather than signed by an individual rather than signed by a name there is simply a flourish ah isn't quite a signature but more of a pattern more of a
ah calling card than anything else. Again, matches that the wax seal. And then everyone else, so you begin emerging and in this common room. So you're all awake, you're all ready for the day. um Is there anything people would like to do before departing? Yeah, Rains will just slip over to Enron and go, before we head out. I'm fairly, quietly confident that I got ah my pockets picked the other day. It's probably wise, we should make sure that that gold ain't going anywhere. Ooh, yeah, good idea.
but I've got a little something of you just, you know, how we carrying this. We're going to take him a pouch or what? He holds out his pouch with all the, with the gold that Nick's gave him.
ah Strange lady's just looking through the window again apologies um Okay, give it it and reigns is gonna cast at second level arcane lock on the pouch and he's going to designate that reigns em rom who else is coming with us to see god alpha would alpha be escorted but the three of us can can mark over the gold and He will also sets a password on it of Shadow Man Super Heroes. I'm never saying that again. Shadow Man Super Heroes. I hope we need it. Great. So, ah he looked everyone looks at the group as Reigns does that.
We've got our invite to the reception that we need to attend. Where is it? It's held at the Miele. What time? Sunset. Good old day then. and We have indeed, got old day. um It's, you know, pre-accord, so I assume we have to take this with us just to be able to get in. I don't know, but at least we know where it's happening and when it's happening. We're all about to go off and deliver the gold to Vossan and then go and try and buy some equipment. What's everyone else doing? We all coming with us or what we doing?
I would very much like to know where this, where this, where Delmon Trace is going to be, so it's not a surprise. So what I might spend, if it's okay with everyone, is go a little early and see if I can speak to some servants and stuff, get some information. Suddenly, not going to break anything, don't worry. Just ask, like, where are the important people going to do? Not going to name drop.
What do you think? Is that a good idea? It might be a bit too much on the nose for me to just scout the place and try not to be like, could you tell me where all the important people are? It's a bit obvious that, yeah, OK. Don't say that. OK, yeah, I'll just have a little look around and then I can meet... Well, Nix, where are you going? Huh? I... Want to just meet you afterwards, don't you say? Yeah, sure. You'll probably find me around the harbour.
Surprise, surprise. Yeah. No, that makes sense. Yeah, okay. I might pop down then, yeah. Does anyone want anything buy-in for him when we go to try and get some equipment? Anything in particular anyone wants? Actually, yeah, if I could beg. Or maybe, I don't know how much it will be, but if you can find out if there's any kind of cool daggers and Nick's looks to towards his rusty ones he's had since day one of season two. ah That would be pretty cool.
I can try and find out what they can supply. Yeah, was at home don't you don't have to foot the bill, but it's ah just let us know and that'd be great. Oh, just lots of healing potions. I feel like we're going to need them. And he's going to reach him while he's taking place reaching into his satchel and pull out the gold that was given to him by thingy and handed. Can I toss it over to everyone? It's 300 gold. Just as much as you can for the group, you know, whatever keeps us going. Oh, while we're at it, uh, Reigns, in the Bag of Odin, there should be those eight scrolls of Mould Earth. You probably want to have them on you, um, Seth, because, you know, it's like cut your kind of thing. Fucking how many? There's about eight of them, I believe. Eight scrolls of Mould Earth? Oh, I need to look, and he's gonna start thinking through his own book. Oh, I need to look that one up. I haven't done it, that one. Mould Earth. You want all eight, do you? I mean, can anyone else use them, particularly?
not really i believe you have to something about knowing the spells with oh yeah so i think it's probably best i can i can be looking into it i mean i've heard of it obviously but i'll i'll have a look yeah we've awesome quite a simple spell and bar will just literally show you how it works with the ring that he's got um and he'll just kind of show you moving excavating marking uh basic things like that in the floor useful we could like do trenches or defensive positions actually it might be useful to you know change the footing of our opponents in the tournament and that kind of stuff. There's also this a portion of invisibility which might be useful tonight.
If someone needs to approach Damontrace unseen, the Port of Invisibility might be quite useful. I don't need the potion. I can activate that to my own abilities. But is it useful for others? Yeah, absolutely. I'd say it's the Alpha because he's the biggest and the most. Just thought I'd say that we've got it there so we have our resources on tables. No, this is good. This is good. I appreciate everything. Okay. Right. Bal, what was your plan mate?
Coming with, sticking with them. I'm a linger where Seth goes for today. Okay.
Here you go. I've found them all. It took Ency a while there. He went for a tinderbox and he found a piss on it. I don't even know what that is. It's something I had in my adventuring gear. But, Seth, here you are. All eight mauled earth scrolls. You do what you want with them. I'm trying for Ted, right? Okay, I'll get him. He's going to take him. I'm going to squish him into the back of the book. I'm good looking into this. See what best ways we can make use of this. Okay, thank you. How many portions of healing do we all have? I've not got a single one.
Just want to know what stocks we're at at the moment. So we did have some that we bought back in... Yeah, I used all of mine patching people up after the devil fight. Yeah, I don't have any on me. I've got the one. Okay, you've got one. I have none. I've none. Seth? No, I've got none. Okay, so we've got three, we've got three amongst us at the moment. ok Okay, just trying to work out what we've got so we can stock up.
Yeah, I definitely think that would be a good money, money well spent on those. Oh absolutely, it's useful in when, if things get difficult in the arena to be able to top someone up. Next, were you wanting anything fancy with your daggers? Or do you just want... The most powerful list ones you can find. Okay, we'll have a look but... Obviously if they've got like a little, like a gem or even a crystal, you know, as long as it's a proper crystal or not, cubic's going on. Are you wanting looking fancy or doing fancy stuff? Doing fancy stuff is like priority one. And then if you've got time for priority two, gold inlay handles. I haven't given it much thought, but maybe some good carving. Maybe there's a ship that comes through the silver of the blade and it looks like it's been whisked away. I mean, I could do that myself. I could fancy it. So we'll look for magical enchantments range. We'll see what we can get with that as well. Might be costly, but we'll see what we can do. And what's your sort of budget range?
um That's a good question. I haven't actually looked at my gold as of late because it's a little bit lighter than it was. to A thousand? Per dagger or just in total for you? In total. Okay. That'd be great. Thank you for your 3,000 gold yesterday by the way. 4,000. Was it 4,000 you gave us? What happened to the other 1,000, Debra? Trust me. Nice trying, Debra. Have you lost?
No, sorry, thank you thank you for that 4,000 trying to work out. Very welcome. Like I said, you guys have had to deal with a lot from me so and probably more in the future. I'm just spit-balling, you know how I am. So maybe, do I remember? It's down payment on future shenanigans. Yes, future nicks-annigans. Okay, right. And everyone's literally, he's desperate to get out the door to try and get this.
Anyone else need anything from grip time before you fan out? ah Just gonna quickly... Pat nicks on the bum? Pat nicks on the bum, yeah, yeah. Tongue in the air, no. Just quickly go over to Seth and just be like, um just before we head out... Yeah? I am going to leave this behind and he withdraws the the rod that he got from Snake Run.
uh removes his rod so as shows show Seth his rod and uh is there is there a place kind of within this um the room the quarters the place that we've got that's relatively to one side not like obvious center of the room kind of stuff just somewhere like yeah so or there was like suitable personal storage in the rooms okay you want to hide it or you No, no, no, no. Well, actually, might not be a bad shout. No, no, follow me just quickly and I'll make my way to my room, which um you'll notice is completely untouched. And he will put the rod kind of on, just not not necessarily on the bed, but on like a table or or something on the side.
and what he'll do as well is he will fish around in his bandelier almost that he's got that have got loads of different glass vials he's going to take one glass vial out that you can see inside seems to hold these kind of inch two inch in diameter what must be seeds kind of they they're laced with gold and almost like ember lines like veins in ore almost running through them there's there's a couple of those in there and he places that with the rod as well and then what he does is he withdraws what's obviously a letter and what he does is he just says to Seth
Seth, this might well be the last day. It might not. It might not. If all goes well, then tomorrow, I mean, I get everything that I need. If it doesn't, there are precautions I have taken and they are there. So if things don't go the way they need to,
I need you to read that. Would you do that for me? You want me to take the letter now? No. No, no. Be with your rod. Yes, keep it with my rod, sir. Keep it here. If all goes well, like I said, I'll come back. The whole fucking thing, I'll immolate and we'll be fine, but precautions.
Thank you. You've put your house in order before any problem. I understand. We used to do it before battles quite often as well. I understand that. No problem. Leave it with me. And if things do go the way it might go, you know that I will read the letter and do what I can to complete it to the best of my ability. Thank you. You're welcome. And you'll be fine. ah Exactly. It will be. It's all absolute nonsense. Just, as you know, dotting the I's, crossing the T's.
And we don't know what this competition will even be yet, which I don't enjoy. Combat in a war, at least you know the the battlefield, you know the enemy. Here we don't even really know that. I find that rather difficult to comprehend. It's sleepless nights.
I've seen you when you have been unprepared for a fight. You can handle your own. You'll be absolutely fine. Just making us, making sure we all get out of it. That's the problem. Anyway, thank you for the letter. I will, I will, ah I will approach it if and when anything happens. If, if you are here tomorrow, I won't touch it and um im I'm sure I will be. And like I said, it's all for naught, but there we go. Anyway,
Right, go catch up with the others. What are you doing today anyway? I don't know yet. Okay. Well, I'm gonna go explore the ah the melee and find out what where we're gonna be, so nothing is a surprise, because we have too many surprises when we try these missions. And then I'll come and... Should I try some company? Yeah, if you want to. Let's do it.
Has everyone else gone by this point? down Well, by nature of dice roll, Rains, where are you heading first? And we'll follow everyone's perspective. Someone's heading with Rains, right? The three of us, we're off to see Vessen. Team Shadowman. We follow you. Your destination is where? Wherever we're going to find Vessen. Dragon Horde. Dragon Horde Tavern. The Dragon Horde Tavern. That's where Vossan told us he would be. Which is in the south.
west corner of the city is yes so thank you you well you leave via sort of that that first initial door you head up and the the tavern itself the piss knew it was barely open at this point as it was yesterday but as soon as you step out into the docks things are awash with activity In that bay there were two, three dozen ships. This morning there are seven, eight, nine dozen ships. You cannot actually see where the bay opens up to the wider ocean for for just that level of travel that has amassed now on scorch helm.
to your left and right as you look along this promenade it is wall to wall with sailors who have been traveling to some time in quite some speed to get to here for this day you'll get the sense that that everyone in Aerith with any freedom to move is here for the next couple of days so much so that there are additional guards out. Do you notice the orc patrols have near doubled? Kriskra are really active in the area. There are so many people emblazoned with these orange head wrappings and orange arm wrappings.
And actually, even for this early morning, you're having to just sort of push through a festival crowd continuously, that it takes you what would take maybe half an hour to cross the city center, to get into the West Glet Grey Class District. It takes you an hour and a half, hour and 15 minutes. And rains, like you say, being constantly vigilant of your pockets, you're avoiding busier routes, you're taking longer, you're you're being a bit more cautious moving through.
What's really interesting as you're moving through the spaces, can I ask you three to make perception checks for me?
22. 22? Very nice. Oh, this thing's gone a little bit funky on me. 12. 12? 15. 15.
Alpha, you're a bit more just amazed by the bodies, the sheer volume of people around you. um Very few human, which is really curious. Normally when you've been in unpopular cities, um human has been really dominant and and this this seems to be celebrating every other creed and culture. Heavy gold goblin influence, a really heavy half orcish influence. And then,
You're a bit distracted by this, but but for you two, with a slightly higher level of perception and and perhaps having a bit more wisdom on your shoulders, you're beginning to pick out where you're seeing kingdom heraldry, and you're seeing travellers from Eastern Aerith everywhere. You can't move for for people of shadow Mendian origin that are also of appearing in this very early district. And as you look out on the bay, that's being sort of corresponded by the amount of ships with shadow Mendian sails.
you move through the West Grey Glass District, which is this industrial district of the city, and there is still this, you'd think they'd take a day off, but they don't, this amber fog that just surrounds this district in this, well, refined Keltrad is is happening.
And then you get to the the southern point of this district. And true to its name, the Dragon Horde Tavern, you see this really ornately wooden carved building that looks like the maw, the mouth of an ancient dragon. Not that you've ever laid eyes on this. You never saw Shondralakar when you went to Shondralakar's lair.
But this is a this is an imitation as opposed to like a skull that's been put there and something's been built out. This is this is someone who has carved this with with great detail. It's closed, but there's a decent queue outside.
not really queuing formally, but just huddled waiting for it to open. You're there for a few moments before the doors eventually swing open and it is this a sort of long, tunnelled entrance, almost like you were stepping through a snout. Is there anything you'd like to do before entering? Looks like the kingdom's opened up then. Hmm. A lot of, um,
Show them anything in that big of a place, and there's a lot of ships in that bay, huh. Problem. Maybe they've heard about a Crown Prince potentially taking part in the tournament.
Yeah, yeah, every time I kind of feel like one of you is pointing out that I'm not very subtle with that, and every time I feel as if... Well, it's done, it's done. Let's go, let's go. It might help us out this evening though.
Yeah, that's true. Let's look at positives. Let's let's let's stay let's stay with the positives. That's a big-ass dragon mouth. Yeah, it is a bit big.
And Alpha, anything from you? Alpha looking around, he's feeling very uncomfortable. What do you think, Alpha? just Everybody around, he's not used to this. He's not used to the high presence. He's not used to being so clustered in anything. So I think the only thing that Alpha is going to do is kind of um make sure his hood's up, kind of pull it as far down over his face as what he actually can do. Do you suppose that was a a real dragon's mouth back there? I've never seen one.
Oh, it's carved so it's not a, it's not, it's just an imitation. Maybe it's embellished a little bit. Who knows really. Perhaps I should ask Paul next time we see him. Perhaps. Alfer, I'm acutely aware that your memory bank is ah going to be needed this evening. So, spot check. Yes, yes. Me without my notes in a live session. This is going to go well. so so So, you know, remember the big palace in Shadowmen, Vermin's Fall? It's built with actual real dragon scales from the great black and gold dragon, Vermin. Which one of my ancestors killed said dragon? I'm here for this. I have no fucking clue. It is on Ranger's backstory. I'll have to check documents, but I do not recall, Raines. I seem to be misfunctioning slightly here. OK, you might want to just do some tests and I don't know, some stretches or whatever you do. So defrag, defrag. It's good work for it. But anyway, it was had over fall. I thought you would remember that, Alfred. But I'm a bit worried you haven't, so keep that memory.
about it since the memory room seems to have had a more prominent effect from i suppose a past life my memory does seem to be malfunctioning every now and then we are relying on that this evening alphas will sort it out i will certainly see what i can do emron are you malfunctioning do i need to do it do we need to scan the brains will pull out the spider uh stick it could be a construction error of some description i am unaware Construction area. You hear that, Emran? He's saying, you're worked for. I know it's that. I don't, don't worry. Everyone remember that. That old tiklo shit.
I will, I will quickly, just because Rains is, taking whilst Aaron's enjoying this, Rains is taking this at face value. I will cast Detect Magic as a ritual and just see if Alpha's given off any puffs that he doesn't want. Specifically on Alpha. Specifically on Alpha. I can't, I'm the player. Protect Magic is a range to factor. It's everything around you within 30 feet. What's the matter? As you do that, a cacophony of nearly every magical school comes back at you.
Okay, yep, um okay, yep, I forgot that this has to be concentrated. it's It's kind of like picking up ambient noise at the minute, and yeah, it's getting a lot. um Perhaps in a different setting would be more suitable. Yeah, I'll put the spider pen away.
So, are you stepping into Dragon Horde Tavern? We are. Oh yes. We're looking for an arrogant son of a bitch called Vossan. See, move. You step into this moor and it's dark for a few paces before you're hit with this completely different temperature. It is cold in here, like you are stepping into an ice dragon that lasts for a few seconds before you start hearing music.
And you emerge through this dark tunnel. into this clearly favorited space by people who look like yourselves. Where you've been in taverns before, you have seen ah sailors, pirates, you have seen noblemen.
This tavern is full of adventuring folk. They are equipped like you are, they are ready for travel on the road, they smell like you are, they are haggard like you are. You're seeing a lot of yourselves and the people around you, completely mixed groups that look a lot like yourselves as well. And I bathed recently. And I keep going. The walls, once you pass through this moor, are adorned with lots of trophies, like you're going into a hunting lodge almost.
And then this bar sort of extends right through the center of this very narrow and thin. There isn't a lot of space to move in here. It's like one long thin bar and then just small tables dotted either side. It's just adorned with this white scaled frontage.
And there seems to be like a layer, it like, have you ever seen air conditioning when it's pumping out vapor? Almost appears to be like that sort of substance coming out of the bar top. Almost like a mixology sort of, um um kind of thing yeah, that that sort of ambience, sort of visible vapor. And everyone here is like, there are people in coats here, which seems strange.
Moving around the centre is this very energetic, almost choreographed halfling, serving people at a rate of knots as the first couple of people i walked in.
To the right of you, carved almost in a concave fashion, is this small stage area where this tiefling bard is playing like three instruments at once, almost like a picture of a music man, a Dick Van Dyke, if you will, big drum strap to the back, a cymbal, a lute, a harmonica-like flute thing adorned to the collar. And everyone is um incredibly jovial.
This isn't a familiar song that's being played, but it's not unfamiliar in the same fashion.
There are a number of individuals placed to your left, and at the back of this tavern, seven, eight, collective, um, let's call them guards, but they're not necessarily guarding anything but wearing the orange armbands of Vossen.
What would you like to do? Do we spy, obviously, when we spoke to Vossain in the mille, he had like a... You spoke to Vorndan. Vorndan, sorry. Lord Vossain is the one of the three leaders of the kingdom. Yes, sorry. to vote Where we saw spoke to Vorndan, did he... um Do we spy any of his henchmen around? We're looking for where he might be hanging around in... Make a perception check. Okay.
Twelve. Yeah, a couple of those faces were at the melee yesterday. I'm going to sort of go towards the nearest group then. Of the orange armband individuals? ah Yes. Yep. As you approach and you see two half orcs and a halfling, they just stare at you. Excuse me, we're looking for Vorndan.
No, Emron.
Right. Are these two with you? They are indeed, yeah. We've met him before. This is Rayans. He's had tea with Born Down Before. And cheese. Really good. He's expecting you. He did say we should come and see him if we were able to finish our dealings with him. I just said he's expecting you. Yeah. Follow me. And you're led out of the main area of this bar at one single. The only egg other exit you can see is a staircase that ascends into a top room at the back.
And you find yourself here in a much quieter space. You step in and it is one sort of large boardroom table. On the right wall, a series of different bottled mixtures, spirits, alcohol, potions. On another wall, seems to be this giant looking glass that you think is a window when you first look out and then you look again and you're seeing different parts of the city almost like it's surveillance and then sat at this table enjoying this huge plate of eggs that is born down and he just marks you three as you come in shouts ah come join me and just egg is spitting out of his mouth at this point
Thank you, everyone will sort of walk down the long table and sort of approach. There's about 17, 18 chairs available. So you're going super close to it. Yeah. Yeah, range will follow. And then there's just an awkward look at Alpha. and Alpha like looks around and then starts to follow. Good to see you again. So what did you just decide? We have your 4,000 gold. Excellent.
in exchange for the deed to Goldport Keep. The deed, he announces, clicks his finger, and one of his sort of entourage brings forth a sort of seven, eight page folder without they say the modern connotations of that wrapped in string. He puts it on the table, doesn't hand it to you.
And then he stands, pulls the pouch towards him, and begins to rummage. And then you just see him sort of incant a small white light in his hand, and looks at you and says, just double-checking. Of course, no offence taken. Takes him 20, 30 seconds rummaging.
I'm satisfied. Care to stay for breakfast? We have business dealings elsewhere, thanks for the offer. I assume then our business with a gold portkeeper's done, all his debts are relieved and it's all done. Yes, though she is an indented servant currently. What do you mean? Well, collateral.
She is an engendered servant to me. Her freedom wasn't part of the conversation. Oh, he means older. You mean older, right? Hmm. Oh, OK. Hmm. All right. But this covers her debts, don't it?
What's she collateral for if she hasn't? Ah, you didn't take the bait. She's fine. She's free. I was just playing with you. Oh, so funny. Let me have an egg. Right you are. And he sort of decants some of his large plate of eggs into a small bowl of eggs. What kind of eggs are they? I know I'm not there, but I mean... Straight up scrambled. Bit of her, bit of spice. Is this just chicken? Straight from a chicken, this egg? Yes.
I'd like to know what type of egg I'm eating. Don't know why you're looking at me like that. Don't know why your oat's giving me the stink-ass. That's quite good. Care to wash it down with anything? Any sort of gestures to this large wall of spirits? We do have bins as elsewhere, Raines. Yeah, no, I'm okay. I'll have a... I'll have a... I'll have a squirrel coffee to go. Wednesday, thank you. That you are. Well, I look forward to seeing you at the games. I understand that your odds are going to be revealed this evening.
Oh, at the reception. Will you be in attendance? No, it's for competitors only. Ah. Yes. Will you be betting on and someone tomorrow? I have placed many bets already, but I'm waiting to put the big bet on the outcome of the odds revealed this evening. I have some favourites. One within your team as well, who I think might stand a good chance. Though I daren't reveal it now. Is it because it's me?
Would it sadden you to learn it's not? Immeasurably. Then I will say nothing. It's one of those two. I do all the things. Raines, I believe it's probably either Seth or the others. you you know The process of elimination is a logical consumption to try and find out who it is. Right, we've got business elsewhere. As much as we could, you know, could it, let's go.
I assume you've been keeping an eye on gold pulpkeep. Sorry, I know you want to get going. I assume you have ah an eye on what was her and I said of yours up until a few seconds ago. ah Yes, the last time I heard a report was yesterday. Everyone's still there. The individuals who stayed all in, yes, all in good health. The goblins have checked in. The what now in the ground tower. Oh! Who not told him about the goblins?
It was something that had slipped my mind, Raines. Okay, so so in this drip feed of information about goblins and me and Emory, and they're getting piecemeal, perhaps you might want to give us the next chain in that. Are there goblins that go porky? I had um invited them to stay, yes. I seem to be there. They have found me as something of a leader.
Literally, my memory had failed me and I had forgotten about them entirely. Shows how much you care for your subjects, but okay. Oh, they are not my subjects in any way, shape or form. They seem as a leader, but I do not see them as subjects. There's a fair few hundred of them. A hundred, Alpher!
Alfred, do you have a small army of goblins at your disposal? There wasn't that many last time I saw them. Well, you know. Well, the thing with goblins is they breed at an insatiable rate. Like rabbits, but more. This would have been good to know some time ago. We need to get him a book on goblins. I'm trying to grow potatoes to feed the local populace, and you're having fucking goblins, literally, on our property. I'm sure the goblins would be perfectly suitable to help you grow your potatoes, Raines.
I'm not looking for slaves, Alfred. Why are there goblins on the goddamn ranch? I didn't want them staying in a cave. I invited them for safety to stay at Goldport Keep. What's wrong with their own home? It wasn't very nice. It was decrepit. But by your standards or by the goblins' standards?
I didn't think it was a suitable location. You asked them, yeah? And said, did are you happy with your own? I merely gave them an offer of a um nearby keep in which they we could stay if they wished to. When did you do this? Oh. Have you been talking to them?
Many weeks ago um weeks ago, we were we was confirming via um a simple sending stone. They got back to you. They did, but they did not seem to understand the premise of the sending stone. They thought somebody else was talking to them aside from myself. Okay, there's a lot we can unpick. We've got business elsewhere, let's go. Please call again if you're ever in the line of um k needing extra coin.
I already can bypass the recommendation. I understand a group of your talents and what they will provide. Do to ask. I always have work going for a crew of particular skills, such as yours. We'll keep that in mind. I wish you all well. Some more than others, of course. I'm either one. You wish them both well too. Really? Just let it go. Let it go.
I'll take that as a yes. See you, boredom. Farewell. Good luck tomorrow. And you descend back out to the Dragon Horde Tavern. And, uh, camera pans to Baal next, who I guess is travelling with Seth at this point. So, Baal and Seth, once you have departed,
The pissed mute, where do you go next? ah We'd be making our way, I was sort of speaking for you, but there bob but to the to the melee directly there, to scope out, scout out, get a feel for the area, um if we can, assuage any information out of people about locations and stuff, but without using words like, where will the important people be? and That's what Seth's aiming to do.
Okay, so you have another familiar site as you sort of leave the piss new as the last group. The sheer volume of people here has seemed to five-fold multiply it from the last couple of days.
And as you can imagine, the Jewel of the Desert Champions happening at the melee, the melee is the point where everyone is excited to see. And as you move into that central district again, and try and get close to the melee, I need you all to make Wisdom saving throws, both at advantage, please. Advantage. Yes. Okey-dokey. I will do that. Wisdom saving's my jam. Ain't mine. Oh.
Spoke too soon. Uh, I got a 7 with advantage. Okay. 16. Okay. but you remember to have your wits about you when you're moving through crowds on their side seth you're a bit too distracted
You lose 17 gold pieces. I don't have 17 gold pieces. I only have 14. What's your next valuable, what's your most valuable item?
I have, in terms of items, the um eye patch. That isn't attached to you? Like the spell book. Oh god. Spell book, eye patch, that's... What's in a pouch that can be nicked?
I do have a potion of healing, apparently. I swear I lied, I did have one. I have armour, a dice set, and clothes. I'm now going to go into your character sheet and I'm going to randomly remove something from it. oh Did you imagine if you lost your book? Yeah, in the spell book, perfectly randomisation. Just before the tournament?
that's right Side quest to get the book. but I'm gonna buff you all up. Oh fuck. It's by man trying to do and nothing pickeded by a young Last night you were given 250 gold from which I gave it to me. I gave it directly. Okay. Well at another 50 And I had they give me previously so I gave that all to buy some healing potion. Yeah, like fuck I did Well, not actually 17 gold or my spell book. Yeah, you lose the potion healing. Okay, I go
That could have been really bad. Okay. And you find yourself at the melee and there are, before you can get too close, it's quite clear perimeter, like a construction perimeter has been put up. Every sort of meter in a ring around the entranceway to the melee, there are these columns, these obelisks that are now stood
and a visible sort of blue forest screen between each of these obelisks. There ah seems to be one or two of Criscred just running up, but but patrolling up around that perimeter.
ah Seth, we'll look at that and then look towards Vaal with a... with a... what do you think? Well, I don't think we're getting through there. We could go and ask, right? Don't know we're not the best talkers really, are we?
No. No, mistakes might have been made. Look, a try. Well... We're all on the same side now, apparently. We're going to find out tonight. The details, aren't we? I was just tagging along, really. I mainly thought this whole the list of names, you know, getting that from... You know, I wanted to make sure we knew where he was, so we...
It wasn't a surprise, you know, we didn't have to make it up on the fly, the mission, we we could go, okay, he's going to be here at this time, then, you know, Alpha will do this and you will do that. We had a plan, you know, never really get plans these days, or they never work. So I was just going to have a look and see if we could, I don't know, find a VIP area or something, you know, somewhere where the important people are going to be. We can't get in, we can't get in.
Sorry, Danny, did Ghostwing tell us last night that Vossan would be at this kind of pre-match meal? or Because I know that obviously meta, we've literally just been told that it's combatants only, but I can't quite remember if Ghostwing said he'd be there, because we started making plans, didn't we, about stealing it? No, I'm on Trace, you mean, not Vossen. Sorry, I'm so sorry, yeah, yeah, my mind's too different places. Yes, Trace, not Vossen. Ghostwing didn't. um Emron certainly said he might be at this, so we could use that as an opportunity. It was speculation from the group. Yeah, I'm with you.
you know We assumed as a leader he might be there. Yeah, of course. Of course. Well, um... I mean, we could ask if they've got any VIP boxes. Is that a thing for the spectacle? I guess so. Where will all the important people sit? You know, I know everyone said don't ask it. I'm just fucking... I'm gonna ask it like that. That's where the important people are going. That's where we're going to go. Just like that. Yeah. Try to look a little bit less menacing. You're frowning.
Yeah, it's the eye patches digging into my head. Right. um I would take it off, but it makes me look more menacing. Right. um Within a few seconds, that chris grip patrol person approaches and it's this sort of human ah human figure but heavily clad in their metal you can't really necessarily make out half elven paps but approaches nonetheless stuff doesn't see races don't worry um stuff will uh all your gnomes are are the same as dragonborn same i' jump in the same direction oh there uh excuse me
Yes, away from the perimeter please. Of course, and Seth will take a step back and kind of show his palms like he doesn't mean any harm by this. and goes But I want to just show you something in my sexual cookie, if that's okay. And he's gonna just... And this Obcisca just puts a hand on the hilt of a scabbard. It's just a cloak and he's gonna open the bag up and show it and on on the top it's gonna be the purple cloak of the Obcisca he has in his bag.
I served out in the desert for a while. i was just I'm just here for the competition. I just want to wanted to get the inside scoop. You know, one of your own, you know? Give us a hand, you know? Make a deception check. You're so charismatic. 18. Wow. and I know, that's lucky. She looks down at the bag for a second and looks up.
I wasn't aware any of us were supposed to be off duty for the next few days, but takes a hand off the hilt of a sword. I've been off duty for the last couple of weeks since my captain turned into a spider and disappeared, so I'm still working on where I need to go. I see.
i This is why you're not the face of the past. What I was wondering was when we all go in tonight, I want to make sure everyone's safe. I've got some friends with me and we all want to be safe. When we go in, where are we all going to be? Can I go in and just have a look around? You can keep my back. I'm not going to do anything or take anything. I just want to know where I'm going. You're going in this evening. Yeah, but I'm wondering now. There is no access for the public. Yeah, but I'm wondering because I'm not public, because I'm one of the competitors. And you are one of the competitors. Yeah.
I know nothing about evening access. Yeah, but this is the morning You will not be crossing this perimeter. Could I go further down the line and cross there? You will find me again, telling you you may not pass the perimeter. Of course, the whole perimeter. I forget this. So there's no way I can go. No, the Games Master is doing his renovations. I appreciate that. The Games Master is doing renovations. It's a bit last minute, but I'll go with it. How about I appreciate your time as well. I know you've got a lot of work on your hands here. What can you tell us about the... Well, join in whenever you like, mate.
what do you know that kicking stones on the ground and what but but without us crossing we'll strike here no problem we'll leave in a minute but What can you tell us about what it's like have you done one of these competition gods before do you know what like as in you've got it you know what the inside is like I don't even we don't even know what's gonna happen station in the desert recently you say yeah And now you're competing. And the Dragonborn accompanying you. What did you say? I'm just going to call my superior, if you wouldn't mind waiting. It's those fancy little fucking girls. And she turns for a second, and just this light comes out of her hand and swoops to the air. It takes her a few seconds to sort of conjure it and do it, but she's turned her back on you temporarily. I'm going to cast... No, not... Seth's going to...
turn and just disappear into the crowd. I'm just literally like ah Nick from a new girl moonwalk backwards out of line. Can you make it a stealth check advantage? He's going to just um try and yeah blend himself in as much as he can. Yeah, without any questions. That's i either a 24 or 24. He's out of two natural 20s.
oh aaron saw no not luck already i know i yet a twenty four In that last few moments of sashaying away through people, you just see her turn back and then look for you in the crowd but not seem to be able to place you.
and Then he's also going to then find, um if i if I can make that stealth roll last, he's going to find somewhere and ditch the cloak. okay um Just a bin or a barrel or ah into someone else's bag, whatever, he's feeling he's feeling Assassin's Creed at the moment, so he's just going to find anywhere that's just the easiest and most subtle place just to dump some material. Maybe it's literally on a stand where they're selling material you just oh grab that it's easy enough to to drop and it's like littering in this cloud it it's quite common you're stepping over a lot of detritus perfect yep he'll just do that and just drop it out his bag and then follow ball and quickly kind of hop skilly jump next to him like oh there was a fucking car crash what's a car shit but that didn't work very well um
Great, we know nothing. yeah Glad we wasted our time. You pick somewhere to go, because I'm what I lost now. No, I kind of enjoyed that, actually. That was... Sweating on my sweat again. We're good at that, aren't we? You know, just landing ourselves in the shit repeatedly. Yeah, yeahp yeah, yeah. But I did. Well done. Well done.
Well, we learned fuck all. Sorry. Well done. Why not? We did learn some things. No, we didn't. Hmm. Well, I'd be quite keen to just take a stroll, really. Maybe head towards the Fenbark district. district um There's a few things in there that, I don't know, would be nice to see if this is one of our last few days here. Might not be, of course. You never know.
So that's going to stop that in the in the street and just wait for someone to mention that. and you go Do you know the area better than ours really? but Is there a graveyard here? Well of course, it's a city. They don't just dump them in the water. No, well you know, I don't know. Savages. Savages? Well don't forget I took you to the monument.
Yeah. Would there be, would that have graves around it as well? Yeah. So, so there aren't really any graves at the monument of the blade. It's more one huge point of remembrance and recognition, but I don't know if you've been to the temple district yet. No, I haven't. Do you'd imagine that would probably be the savviest place. What do you want with graveyard? I need some graveyard dust.
graveyard dust. Yep. That's what it says. Why does it say that? In my book. Do you get your book out? Have a little look. You imagine a finger tracing with your finger. Yeah. Oh, graveyard dust. It's going to be kind of hand over the title. Down there, look there. Yeah. Graveyard dust. That's really strange. Yeah. Okay. Well, if that's what you need, wait, what do you need it for?
for For... spells. For... spells. For spells. For a spell. A spell. One spell. A single spell. One spell. Graveyard dust. From a grave. What could that possibly do, Seth? It's... got it. Okay. I'll be honest with you, because, you know... ah You've cornered me here a little bit.
I have a spell. I've seen a spell. Which makes the person who I casted on seem dead. Oh. For a while. Oh. So I thought maybe that might come in a candy, perhaps in the combat, given that someone needs to die in order to leave. It was a safe, it takes an hour though, but you know. Right. I need dust from a graveyard. Okay. It's another one of those ones you know you don't like. No, no.
No, it is not. i Yes. No, I thought you were talking about, you know, summoning. Oh, no, no, no, I'm not touching that anymore. Don't worry. Right. look it and But this one is still very much necrotic. Because it it didn't die. I like flamed it several times. Yeah, just um die I think I could still feel it. I think it's still alive. Even now in the desert somewhere. Really? Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Yep.
Yep, there's like a little feeling, yep. It's like the same I have with Pinklock, I know he's there, and he's on the shoulder. I just... I can't control him, but ah I have a feeling he's still there, groaning and on fire. That's fucking terrifying. Yeah, yeah, I didn't sleep much last night. Okay. I didn't either. Yep, I heard. You did? You both weren't very subtle about it, let's just be honest. Both in a blush. I think he called Ahoy once.
i um More than once. Cannon. Fire the cannon! so My anchor. Hell I die. You really leave your stress, my brother, then you know you do what you need to do. That's right. Doors aren't soundproof. We know that now. The Temple District probably has graves and dust. Grave dust. Or I could just go and grab some myself. I might be. If you point me in the direction, if you don't like it, I know you're, you know... Well, I think it's on the way, isn't it? Well, let's go then.
Yeah. And then you'll just kind of look to the bottom. Yeah. you Yeah, i'll I'll head eastward then um from where we are. I'm currently scanning my eyes over the beautiful map of Scorch Helm, trying to, without my glasses on, pick apart the legend that is. What temple is most eastern? and So they all exist in the temple district, which temple which you'll find in the as the Temple of the Triumvirate, which is down a bit to the south. yeah In the sort of borders of of Central Dralak and Old Town. i see i like i love the look of that I like the look of Mama Rudy's food hall. Temple of the Triumvirate looks like it's kind of the most or the closest on the way kind of um towards the district I'm trying to get to. So that's that's probably where I would ah lead towards from from my knowledge of the city and and the map. Great.
What we're going to do though is we're going to zoom out of U2 as you're partying. We're going to zoom back to the docks district where Nix is just emerging, taking in the sea air. I didn't go to the docks. No, you start there. cool That's where the piss new is. I know I said I went to the docks. Nix was obviously being honest with us this morning, guys. The piss new itself opens out onto the bay. So as you step out of that tavern, breathe in four thousand gold shut up breathe in that sea air, what's Nix doing?
All right so Nick's uh walks out I don't know if he left everyone and everyone split out but as soon as the door's closed and he's by himself again just this kind of release of pressure from him for the second time this morning Frank what out
Shakes himself off, doesn't get rid of any tension. pressure sure Fuck you Will. Then he takes a deep breath, straightens his back, and he's gonna head over to the temple district. He's going to see Sura, who he saw last time.
uh he's gonna make his way there and his mind is just full of different things um as always a little bit of last night there's a there's a positive flow going through him at the moment through not just because he got fucked by Mark
But the way that the group has kind of co-existed, especially over the last 24 hours, he feels like he's managed to sidestep a lot of the damage he caused when he went in bloodied. He's managed to save his captain. he's He's feeling happier than he has for a while, but with most of his happiness at the moment, there is this sense of foreboding and this sense of dread that's not just too far behind, but he's trying his best to push it to the back of his mind and focus on the upcoming tournament, the promises he's made, especially to Baal, to get the egg. And all of these thoughts are kind of going with him as he's walking through. So he's in a mixture of ah emotions, as always, as he makes his way closer to the temple where Sora's at.
he yeah he's going to look across the crowd and he's going to pick out one of the older kind of uh you're gonna have to tell me what race or anything like that but an older citizen um be that from any race and he's going to just peer at this gentleman and then cast a sky self and make himself a doppelganger just from further away. He's not just making a scene out of it. He'll hide in the shadows if needs be, but this spell that take effect, ah this purple energy just kind of comes from his horns and this kind of almost um fog, ah light ah colored purple fog just kind of surrounds his body and it mists up. And as that fog disperses, he's now a ah new citizen person.
Is there anyone in the crowd that matches any thought? So you're heading back to the Temple of Tiriani, which is where Sura serves. And the last time you were there, you knew that predominantly Tiriani is in an elven, followed religion. Lots of other the races too, but you know, you'd you'd be yeah at home as an elf there.
and it's quite easy for you to remember some of the colours and robes that Tiriani worshipers were wearing and as you're moving closer towards the temple districts you're seeing more of those so yes it's quite easy for you to just vamp into a a ah wood elven elder with the the green Tiriani robes. Awesome and then as he kind of gets to the the door of the temple Tiriani shakes his shoulders again, takes a deep breath, tries to clear his mind. His heart is pounding quite a lot more and he's's he's got this nervous energy about him and this is where he's going to um kind of dig back into, ah for the sake of other people here and privacy, some books that were given to him recently ah recently and his whole learning the acting feat. He's going to try and
fragment his mind up from himself and his feelings to the character that he is now portraying, this old and elven wood elf. He's going to step through the doors and he's going to take a moment just kind of survey the scene. um He's going to take a look at how people conduct themselves, how they pray in this particular temple. And he's kind of just trying to make himself fit in as much as possible. But his eyes are out looking for Surah.
As you recall, this this temple really is a light with floral life. There's plants everywhere that that there is no sort of structured pew and and and seating arrangement. It's all lush, sort of um overgrown meadow, wildflowers, that sort of thing. And people don't really worship in particular ways. They just have a connection with nature around them and pray quite privately.
But make the perception check because you're sort of, you're you're embodying that ritual but also looking for your your former crewmate. 23. You don't see it. You study everyone who serves in this temple, everyone who works here. You don't see it.
ah That would take some time walking around.
Can I clock anyone that would? Because obviously seeing Sura previously, looking at her garments, knowing what it takes to work there, almost like a uniform. Yeah. um Is there anyone fitting a uniform of that kind? Yeah, so that before she had this robe, but she had like a like a ah wreath around like that.
like Over one shoulder below the opposite armpit and there are a dozen 15 of those Sort of handmade and dressed individuals around. Okay. Nick's is gonna pick one that's solitary that um ah Yeah, just someone who's not with the group and is just in their own area, maybe silent in prayer or maybe tending to some candles or the flowers, for example, um and he's going to approach. Is he enough? Hello there. I'm looking for someone who works here under the name Sura. I think I've got that right. and Could you point me in the direction of where she could be?
Is it her maiden Sura you speak of? Yes, indeed. She is travelling. Travelling? I was unaware she had travelled plans. I saw her here only ah a matter of days ago. Yes, she said she urgently needs to travel to see some sick family members. Did she give any indication of where she was going? We were quite close back and back in the day and I was just checking up on her.
I'm afraid she left Rajat urgently. Oh. It was a... Do you know why? Or do you know which family members? She was not specific. But she seemed in distress, nonetheless. Oh, this is... this is a... most shame. When did you say she went again? Yesterday. Does that tie in with everything, though? Right. And did she give any...
Contact details or a place where she was staying I Am I'm very worried about her and and I'm sorry. I Cannot help you. We will expect her back within the week. If not We will send for eight And she gave no indication where she was going no It is not our business to us. I'm going to cast detect thoughts as I just make sure that I can hold a disguise and detect thoughts before I fuck myself. Who's good at magic and knows this shit? It's got comprehension. Disguise self is not concentration. Boom. OK, we're good. OK.
I'm gonna cast Detect Thoughts as I ask her about any whereabouts, any locations or anything, and just um just gathering surface thoughts, so nothing nothing too deep. ah Sure, there't she didn't leave any place where she was going. She didn't tell you or anyone, or why she was going.
Verbally, she says, I'm afraid not. And in it, while you're detecting thoughts, you're hearing this voice in your mind, this song in your mind of a holy prayer of tyranny. And as you're studying her face, could you make an insight check to sort of marry up the information?
Sure thing.
Insights, insight. that wasn't it That's intelligence. Excuse me, guys, while I... Oh, look at that. I'm 12. You do notice her grimacing as though she is desperately trying to fill her mind with prayer.
Just reading what happens if I go deeper. my science well all get to He's trying to mindfucker.
OK, I'm going to do it. um So I'm noticing that Nix is going to just follow his brow a little bit as he tries to concentrate on the spell that he's about to push further into a mind. um So I'm going to probe deeper. The target must make a wisdom saving throw. 14. If it fails, I gain insight into reasoning, emotional state, and something that looms large in its mind.
She passes. Well, either way, the target knows that you're probing.
She looks at you. If you were not aware of her absence, perhaps she's wished you not to know of it. Good day, sir. Yes, indeed. Thank you so much for your time. Good day. And she strolls off in a direction.
of an individual or group of individuals in orange armbands. Lovely. We're doing well today guys. Nix is going to turn out and and walk out to the temple. He's gonna try and make himself aware of his surroundings as he walks out the temple and then he's gonna find the nearest place where he can drop disguise and return to Nix. There are so many clusters of people around that like the dock district and where you two have been the melee people who have spent months at sea traveling or weeks at sea traveling of faith the first thing they're doing after seeing the key thing they're here for is going and checking in uh with their with their faiths
This plaza, this marble, human plaza where the Temple of the Triumvirate exists is just a vast, populous, like its own mini festival area, that it's easy enough for you to just be in a cluster of people and just shift. Yeah, so as soon as Nyx feels comfortable, he returns to his blue teeth and himself, okay, okay, that could have gone better, but it could have gone worse.
ah I'm glad to hear you got out of there. ah Okay. And so with that, Nix is going to kind of shake himself off again, pick himself up and walk towards the Harbour District. That wasn't all completely lying. um Just a bit of a lie. Yeah, let's surface. Like the the first part of my day. um So ah as he reaches a Harbour District, the reason why Nix is going is he wants to just see if he can see Vlad.
that little boy that a couple of episodes ago, Nyx, kind of hired to keep a watch on the harbour, specifically the Esmeralda and the Lord Vossen's Festival that is tied to, as well as any any hearsays, any any interesting tidbits of information regarding the games um and or the Esmeralda.
So you leave that holiest site and you move back to this Dockland district that is awash with business. In fact you never really leave a crowd that whole time as you move to that central core of the city which is the the Temple of the Triumvirate and then into that city square where Bal and Seth were.
At some point you probably rubbed shoulders but didn't even know because of how busy it was, you were just not expecting to see each other. And then you're back in that harbour district and there sat on that very same jetty that you instructed him, looking out, studying.
The only thing is that that jetty has now been occupied. Every three inch of space has a ship or two parked around it. yeah You sort of lose him amongst the cargo, the sailors, the general ship writing activity that's going on. Any ships that Nix recognises? Make a investigation check for me. Yes, indeed.
15. Most of the stuff that's come in is Kingdom Navy, as opposed to independent vessels, pirates, merchants, um traders, that sort of thing. Now there are just big swarms of of royalty or nobility from each of the kingdoms here. You recognize all the flags. You recognize the flags of the 11 kingdoms. that You don't really think no one here has seen yet what the new flag of, of or how they're dividing the flag of East and West, Hentous Empire.
There is no vessel in your sort of encyclopedic knowledge of the ships that you're used to seeing, but your account that you haven't already seen. No many new major players of independency fairing have appeared. No worries. ah Yeah, um after taking in all these ships and...
And a little bit impressed to how much ah audience the games is garnering. And there's this slight kind of flame of excitement and and anticipation for what's to come. He will refocus and look out for Vlad.
It's easy enough to to to see it, but the moment you step on the jetty, he is looking and he sees you and he just lets out this almighty wave back at your direction and his legs swing like he sat on this crate and his legs just start to swing really excited like a puppy about to be reunited. Oh, that's cute. Nick's all kind of walk his way over nonchalantly, kicking his heels, got a little bit more of a swag and sit down next to him. It's been a while, Vlad.
It's been a day. Feels like a lot longer than that. Yep. Lots of boats. Lots of boats. Big boat, small boat, big boat, small boat. And he just points at all of the new boats that have come in in the last 24 hours. What's been your favourite boat so far? ah
ah The blue one. Good. Good. OK. Colors. I like that. Big blue one. Had a mermaid on it. I mean, I know I asked you to look after that ship there, the Esmeralda. What do you think of that compared to the rest of them?
is small some of these big ones that come in they got they got cannons on top of cannons on top of cannons the triple deck of cannon yeah you heard about that oh there's this is one there's this is one that just had monsters on it really yeah and there was one which had a basilisk on it. Interesting. Would that be the biggest monster you've seen thus far? and Within these this day? Today? Yeah. I haven't seen any monsters today. ah When did you see the monster? Yesterday. Okay. Any any monsters other than the basilisk? Yeah.
Could you list them out? do Yeah, I've seen goblins. I've seen things that look like dogs but walking on two legs, big mouths. I've seen blobs of jelly. I've seen... Did I see a dragon or did I dream about a dragon? What?
Might have been a dream. Might have seen it. ah I saw birds, big birds. snakes.
ah so wo I But like big ones. god I mean, they're everyone's demons. Yeah. I saw lions.
I saw lines with wings. Oh, okay. Lines with wings and long tails. Okay, yeah. I saw, ah, ah, ah, I saw, I saw this green thing. I don't know what to call it, but it had a long body and it had eyes, like so many eyes. Wow. Wow. And a big old mouth in the middle.
And the basilisk too. And I suppose octopus to add legs?
those are my highlights that's that's that is that is some great highlights thank you so much for telling me that you're already proven as useful as i thought you would be very savvy um you got money i i have got money i will be giving you money before that happens though anything else uh specific talks from the sailors i don't know mentioning names esmeralda hildegard lord vossen nyx karel anything Yeah, for money. Yep, you're gonna get, ah yeah trust me, I'm good for it. I've already paid you money. Mum and Dad said money first. Right, last time I gave you four five gold. I'll give you five gold. Mum and Dad said 15 gold.
Okay, here's five gold. Mum and Dad said 15 gold. Yep. If you then tell me everything else, I'll give you another 15, so that'll be 20 in total. I only need 15. Okay. Well, that's a 15, so that's all I need. I'm gonna give you 15 more than the five gold that I'm giving you now. I want 50, I don't want five. Right, he's 15 now. He's got hustle. Blood. They said some things about what?
Any mention of Esmeralda, Nyx Carell? No, no. Hildegard? Oh, no, Nyx Carell, yes. um Someone said that Nyx Carell was competing in the battle, the duel. Probably won't get many, bit many, many bets. Oh, maybe, maybe, you know. No, no, Nyx Carell was in the duel and is bloody.
So we'll get loads of bets. Ah, okay, okay. Nick's Cross Friends won't get many bets. That's what I heard. That's fair. Ah, yeah, okay. Anything about Lord Vossen? Lots of stuff about Lord Vossen. What have you heard of the bet? Begging me the top five. But top five. Lord Vossen's order of peaches from the sand green lands arrived this morning. Okay. Lord Vossen looking around at different ships. Lord Vossen's order of 45 servants arrived later ah last night. Lord Vossen's hair wax arrived on that one over there. goby um Lord Vossen... Oh, Lord Vossen found out that someone is in deep doo-doo. I won't say the actual word. Right. Someone... Do we know who that someone is? Who is pretending to be someone running around town.
Okay. I can't remember the name. No. You can't remember the name? It's a long name. Is that that long?
and innocent as lose It's about that long. It's about seven syllables. um Whatever that is. Okay. Okay. And he's running around. He? hey Boy. Man-boy.
This man boy is running around town pretending to be someone that he's not. Yeah. And in trouble for it. Something about a contract or... Yeah, contract for the... Sort out that bad man. Which bad man? The running around town. Bad man. He's the bad man. Apparently. According to Vossen. Well, Vossen's crew. Why is he bad? I don't know. I tried to remember the name. Why is he running around? I don't know. He's just running around town saying he's this person, but he's not. Is he in the tournament? I don't know.
i'm not I'm not allowed in. So that's number two, what's the number one? the number I didn't know I was supposed to rank them. I mean, when you bring hair wax into it, I assumed that was lowered out on the list. um Oh, yeah, the they're expecting they're expecting that the Chriska might like...
like be everywhere so Vossen's like pulled in more of his pals from around around Aerith. What does Vossen and the Chris good don't get on? I don't I think they get on but I think he just wants to meet you know. Well there's gotta be some distrust there if he's bringing his own people up against. Oh wow Vlad this is amazing.
Yeah. um And you said there's more gold? There's more gold for more information. Absolutely. You have to ask questions. I don't really know. I didn't write anything down. No, you're yeah you're very canny. There's a career for you. I had it in my mind, but then you've kind of thrown me with the with the gentleman that's running around pretending to be someone that he's not.
Maybe you like name some names. Yeah, Delmon Trace. any any na Any news about Delmon Trace? What do you know about Delmon Trace and have you heard any words about Delmon Trace? Who's Delmon Trace? That covers that one. Okay. That was really it. That was my top list of questions and people right there. Okay. Vlad, do you think you have anything else that would interest me? ah Yeah, goes into his pocket and pulls out half-eaten apple.
ah It's sour. I don't like it. Right. OK. Thanks for that. And Nix will take it by the... call called string? Stem. Stem. Thank you. The stem. We're just going to hold it there and put it in his pocket. Thanks. Oh, his stringy apples. um Are you coming back tomorrow? um I don't know. Mum and Dad said you might not come back after tomorrow. So...
i'm and I'm in the the the big tournament. Yeah, they said, and they said you were gonna die. what how what How much do your parents know about me? Which is great. so Safeguarding is, you know, this is awesome. I said that a man called nick carere Nix Cavel? Cavel. Whatever you want. Okay. um Gave me money, more money than they make in a month, to um ah sit here and tell him everything right here. So they said, ah what was his name? And then they looked into it and then they told me that you went to sign up at the jewel and that you might not walk out of the jewel again after tomorrow?
i i I am trying everything in my power to make sure that I walk out of there. But how will you be... How will you win it? Because there's big people, bigger than you. There are people stronger than you. There are people taller than you. You make me feel really great about myself here, Vlad. How will you win it? um I am not planning to win it anymore. So ah I'm hoping that will stop me from dying. But if I have to win it,
If I have to win it, I'll find a way. I always seem to, somehow. Okay. So, ah if you don't come back tomorrow, I'll just stop hanging around. I... Hey, listen. I found you here just by chance. Before. I'd say after today, let's go back to by chance. I'll pay you. Here's 40 gold. What?
yep Don't come back here and sit and wait for me. Just go about as you were normally. I met you here by chance with you just on the docks. If life brings you to the docks, as life brings me to the docks, as we see each other, that's great. We'll have a chat, we'll have a catch up. But you don't need to come here anymore. As you said, who knows what happened tomorrow? But I do thank you. I owe you a great deal of debt and Well, i not anymore. I've paid you 40 gold, which is quite a lot, actually. But you've given me a lot of information and and thanks.
Thank you. Here's your 15 back. And he takes the 40 that you've given. Oh, okay. Yep. Okay. Savvy. Well, I hope you don't die. Thanks. Don't bet on me. Don't get your bet. Like, don't use this gold to bet on me.
I'm not old enough to bet. I'm talking about your parents. Okay. They seem to know a lot about me and what I'm doing. No, they're betting on someone. um Their favorite they don't stop talking about is Rurik Ironforge.
Who is Rurik Ironforge? I don't know. I'm having the best name ever. I don't know, but it came on. Oh, and he hops off his crate and he sort of tugs at your wrist and pulls you, if you comply, down two or three jetties and points to, so you were seeing like the bell at like the bay at like 12 o'clock. You have to like see it like two o'clock to see this. And he points out to this ship and he goes really um qui overly physical about the way he points, just to really stress it's really far out. And you have to look for a while.
He says, look for that that ship with the blue sails, red mast, really far away. And this thing is really far out at sea. But it's made so differently than a lot of other ships. It doesn't have a a wooden hull. It seems to just be made at least from 400, 500 feet away of solid gold. Whoa.
Is it on the water or is it hovering above the water? I don't know. It didn't come in today. He walked all the way. And this very kid... He walked on the water. What? And he's competing tomorrow? Yeah, he's going to win I think. Is he bloody? Yeah.
what I mean, I'll bother. Right. Vlad. Thanks.
Bye. Yes. ah Take care of yourself. And um don't do anything I wouldn't do. I will not give money to children on a jetty. I mean, yeah, all right. That sounds good. Keep trying, keep yourself out of trouble. It's been a pleasure, Vlad. Bye. And it's all doff his hat and bow. And he goes back to the exact same spot you found him. Little As Nick says, as he shakes his head and walks away. I like Vlad. He's going towards the piss new. Again, that's him done. Okay. We...
We zoom out of the dock district and we find ourselves back in the heart of Scorch Helm, where at this point, Seth and Baal are parting. Seth, you're beelining for the temple district again. And on your way there from the center of Dralak,
you quite quickly fall into this religious crowd. A lot of people here have travelled and they are going to pay respects. A lot haven't visited in a while as some of the murmurings that you're hearing. But it's not difficult for you to sort of see that once you're in this marble square, these three giant temples around you,
in between each round their back are lots of different tiered gardens and Alidos is the grandest but there are also lots of different plazas and plates where there are various graves and markings. Seth would just kind of look around them more then not recognise many of them except Alido because um Everyone shouts it before combat every time, and then he's go to the Aledo one and find some old rusty graves and steal from them. Okay. Or steal dust. They aren't really overly well-tended at this point in the morning, so it's not difficult for you to find a discreet location that would make it look as though you're just paying respect to someone fallen. It does remind me of my favourite joke, but I won't tell her now. In a graveyard? Yes, yes, in a graveyard. Now you have to.
Well, okay, a man is walking through a graveyard and he sees another man crouching down, looking at ah at a grave separately. As he walks along the path, he turns and catches his eye and says, morning. And the man by the grave says, no, I'm just having a poo.
So I'm not going to be having a poo though. He's going to go over and um he will find a a grave in the corner, whatever kind of design it is. And just first thing, he will just look at them. If he can, rub his hand across the front and just make out any information about the grave that he's going to.
Rob. Not Rob, he's cleaning it. for're taking the But taking the dust with him into a small container. But just take it take a second just to give us us a little bit of like, thanks and almost a word to him about how he, his... his area might, or the area here, might give someone else a second life. Mm-hmm. And... I believe it doesn't smite people that defile his graveyard. Yeah, of course. Absolutely. You are in... So you're in Alito's... Oh, absolutely. Reach. Whatever pisses will offer most, really. So I've gone for... And you're disturbing the grave of Cerf Dorngard. I'm not disturbing, I'm cleaning. You are tending to the grave of Cerf Dorngard. Did Dorngard have a bit...
Dawn, look to the east. um And he's literally just going to read that sift on guard.
You don't kill me for this. And he's just going to take us down on the top of the grave. However, the design is whether there's a flat surface where dust would have settled and it's going to swipe it along, gather a small handful of dust, enough to fill a small vial that he pulls out of his satchel and just kind of poke it in there, bits of whatever is else is there, kind of fill the vial with album. He's aiming for stuff that feels like sand that he can pour, basically. He doesn't want to have to blow into it and finger bits out. He wants to just be able to pour pour the dust, basically, nice in my mind. He'll do that for a bit um and then kind of pick up bits and pieces around for some sand. Maybe mix in a bit of sand in there as well. It's all from the graveyard. He thinks it's right. And then kind of give like ah another thought and just kind of say out loud, I hope death's
doing you good, he's going to frown to himself and then walk off. And as you behe hearst um as you begin to step away from that grave, you just look at the floor in front of you and you just see this shadow rising and this rumbling beneath your feet.
but you're all feeling it. Wherever you are in the city. And as you turn to face the source of the shadow, the melee is rising out of the earth. Fucking knew it. And not by much, but it is, it is sort of coming up 25, 30 feet into the air. And then it begins to sort of expand. So it's almost lifting like it's another layer on top of the city begins to expand in size and grow.
and there's just this feel of shifting earth. There's rumbles everywhere, but the buildings are pristine and protected. There's no threat of like an earthquake. This seems really controlled and managed. And you watch as those, from your um location, Seth, it's slightly raised and you'd see that city square again, where that that perimeter set by those obelisks is sort of raising with it and protecting like debris. You see like like rocks are falling and they're sort of dissipating and turning to dust as it hits that that perimeter.
And just raising above the city is the melee now three, three and a half times bigger. And as this wave of, whoa, in various forms of language and dialects and accents fills the area of the city. That is where we're going to end this week's episode of Fellowship of the Tabletop. Bellum Draconis, prego is such a show-off. He really is. It's a flex. It's a flex. I am massive flex. More foreign. Shit, speaking of flexes, where can we find us on eggs? Well, that was quick. That segue was sweet. I love it. I'm busting for all. You're right. Oh, me too. You can find us at fellowship table where I would go because we're talking about scorch helmet There's a map right there. You can see so you can kind of visualize Through the JPEGs of the world. Um, it's at fellowship table Then if you wanted to do so, you can follow us individually. I'm at I rolled one marks out. He said he wrote again Darren's out on page. There are six bear is at natural 20. Well Callum's at the d20 gamer. Oh Where is that? Fellowship NPZBZ! And our VIP of D and&D! Danny can be found at... Total Party Thrill! Until next time, guys!