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Angela McPherson and Derek McGillivray & Isobel Gowdie image

Angela McPherson and Derek McGillivray & Isobel Gowdie

Sinister Sisters
22 Plays2 years ago

We've got stories about two free-spirited women this week! 

First up, Felicia covers the romantic story of Angela McPherson and Derek McGillivray. Angela never expected to meet her true love when she walked into Derek's therapy office. He guided her through a past life regression session and she had visions of the two of them being together in a previous life. 

Next, Lauren discusses Isobel Gowdie, a Scottish woman who confessed to witchcraft in 1662. What really set her apart was that the confessions were incredibly detailed. Listen to hear all four of her specific stories of encounters with the Devil. 

If you have requests for future episodes or just want to hang out, follow us on Instagram @sinistersisterspodcast


Introduction & Movie Talk

Welcome to the Sinister Sisters podcast. I'm Felicia. I'm Lauren. We're best friends. And we like spooky stuff. Oh yeah.
I'm going to jump right into recommendations, I guess. Let's do it. My one for this week is a movie that I thought got bad reviews, and now I'm not really sure. But I actually started watching it on an airplane. Oh. And I was so into it, I actually came home and finished it. So that's, I feel like how you know of these is pretty good. That's really funny something. Yeah, but it only has a 27% on Rotten Tomatoes. And it was the invitation that came out this year.
Did you see that? Oh, yeah, people didn't like that, I thought. I didn't see it. I know. I know. That's what I kept hearing. I guess people thought, I don't know what they thought. But yeah, but people didn't like it. It was directed by Jessica M. Thompson, written by Blair Butler. So. Dang, lady, lady creators. Yeah. And honestly, like, I really liked it. Like, it was, you know, it's a PG-13 horror film. It's like, you know, I don't know if that's a spoiler.
Try to spoil the movie. Do people care? I mean, I don't care. Just put us on mute for the next- If you care, fast forward. Yeah, put us on mute for the next like 15 seconds. Okay, so it ends up being about vampires. And so it's like a fun little vampire movie, these like old wealthy vampires. I really liked it. What do people have against it? I thought it was enjoyable. It was like a fun little movie, like was it high art?
But who cares? I thought it was fun. I love that main girl. Yeah, she

TV Shows & Documentaries

was so great. And it's one of those movies that I feel like if I had seen when I was young, I would have been like, this is freaking awesome. The aesthetic is really cool. This old castle they're in, the middle of the English countryside. It looks really beautiful from the trailer. I remember thinking that too.
Yeah, so I really liked it, but other people didn't. I might watch it then because it came up on one of my streaming. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, I'll recommend it. I love that. I've been watching. Have you seen any of Welcome to Chip and Nails?
No, but I heard it's great. It's really good and it's like so many of my favorite people, Juliette Lewis being absolutely crazy. She's, I think, she's the costume designer of like, we're playing the costume designer of Chippendales and then Annalee Ashford's in it and she's great. Oh, great. That's awesome.
And I love, well Andrew Rannells is in it, but also Murray Bartlett. He's in the first season of White Lotus, but he's so good. He's a theater actor. He's playing the choreographer that
It's not really a spoiler if you know the story of Chippendales, but there's a murder that happens. And I think you see it early on. A murder? There's a murder. So it's like a little true crime. It's a little... Where is it? It's not Hulu? It's like fun drama Hulu. Hulu, okay. Yeah, I'll check it out. But I didn't know anything about how Chippendale started or... I don't know anything. I didn't know there was a murder. I don't know any of it. I know. So highly recommend that.
I've also been watching, there's a Playboy documentary on Hulu that I'm obsessed with. Yeah, truly. Hulu said, Lauren, you would like this next. And I said, you're right. You're right. Hulu.
Okay, I have to watch that too then. That sounds amazing. Because it's also really interesting. And then the other documentary that we just finished last night is called Don't Pick Up the Phone. Have you seen this? No, no. Is this a true crime about the stalker or something? Yes, it's this man who calls fast food restaurants like around a very large part of the country.
and gets managers to strip search employees. Oh my God. Yes. It's so gross and so weird and seemingly he doesn't have camera footage or anything. It's just to make this happen, I guess. Ew. It's so gross and weird, but it's really interesting. I think I just saw something about that. I feel like
Did somebody put that in a T.E. episode? Oh, my God, they put it on a law and order SVU. That's what I'm thinking. So they must have taken the story from that and then put it. But yes, sorry, I just remember. Do they do that a lot? Yeah, that's what law and order SVU basically does is they take stuff from headlines and they make like their own version of it. That's so interesting. Doesn't that feel like I don't know.
Exploitative? I'm sure. Yeah. I guess we're exploitative too, so. Yeah, it's true. Here we are in this podcast. But yeah, that's very interesting and horrifying. It's a weird story. Yeah, it's a weird whole thing, but very interesting. And I won't give any spoilers, but yeah, it's super interesting. Definitely recommend. Nice. Nice. Am I going? It's me. Yes, it's you. Is I? OK.

Angela & Derek's Past Life Love Story

So today, I'm bringing you a love story, Lauren. Aww.
And it is between these two people from Scotland, and this is, you know, a current, this is actually a current news story. Oh. Yeah. So, Derek McGivrey and Angela McPherson. So,
Basically, Derek is a therapist that specializes in like spiritual medium style, psychic style practices. So in particular, past life regression therapy sessions.
Angela McPherson, I think like five years ago, came to him for a session. She was divorced. She has two kids. And she was just feeling kind of lost in life. And she's kind of like spiritual, too, in certain ways. And she wanted to try past life regression and like see what she could find out about herself. Like she was just feeling like, kind of like existential crisisy and like wanted to just know more about who she once was, I guess.
And so she goes over, he starts, he puts her into this trance, which is how these things start. And by the way, Derek Mcgivile Ray, Mcgivile Ray, I'm sorry if I'm saying it wrong, actually has a YouTube channel that he updates currently, like right now. Yeah, and one of the first videos on there is like a therapy session of a past life regression
session that he performs with somebody. That's so interesting. Yeah. So you can also go on there and watch it. But this one was not filmed. OK, so she goes into a trance. She is led by Derek and travels back to like multiple past lives across the centuries that she's had. And when she gets to the one from the 15th century, she discovers she was a woman named Marie McCloud.
And she lived in Dundee, which I don't know. I don't know where that is. I'm sorry. But she said she couldn't see her face, but she could feel that she was a woman. She had on a long dress and boots and she could, she was in some sort of marketplace. So she could smell food and herbs and like, she also felt like she was taller and like a little bit bigger than like her current body. And
in Marie McLeod's life. She was being forced to marry somebody by her father who she didn't love. And there was somebody else that Marie was in love with. So Angela, she's got this very vivid memory of this. As she says, a strong built chap lifting a sack
This is a sexual fantasy. Yes, absolutely. This is like a romance novel. Yeah, there was just this feeling that I liked him. And so the medium Derek, he asked Angela who she wanted to marry instead. And her voice changed. And she said, Charlie Anderson. And so Derek starts asking her like, Okay, what does Charlie look like? What is he like blah, blah, Angela, she starts picturing her past selves, true love,
Charlie Anderson. She opens her eyes, sat bolts upright, pointed straight at Derek, her therapist. It says she has an epiphany that Derek was the man she was destined to wed. Whoa. So she sits up out of a trance at this very first therapy session with a man she's ever met. And she says, You're the man. I'm supposed to marry you.
And he says okay. So she she said like when she first like she had no had no attraction to him. Like when she first got there, like when she started the trance, whatever. But as soon as she was like in this past live regression, she just knew that he was the one
She said she got this overwhelming feeling of warmth in her heart, and she got teary-eyed, and she said there's just this feeling, this knowing feeling that she had finally met him. So Derek, the therapist, says that when she did this, he just burst out laughing because he didn't know what to do. Because he was like, I'm confused by this reaction. This has never happened. But then,
you know, okay, so they finished the session. So he's like, okay, that's wild that you feel this way, but you also have to pay me and leave. So apparently the session cost 65 pounds in February of 2018. And then he was like, you know, like she was like very overwhelmed with her feelings towards him. And he was kind of like, I don't know, this feels very inappropriate.
I mean, good for him, at least for knowing that. Yeah, he tried. He tried. So she messaged him after the session, just like saying thank you or whatever. And he eventually texted back after a pal encouraged him. And then two months later, they went on a date. And then Derek, so he was also, he had also was divorced and had a couple or three children. And Angela,
So so once again, like Derek is this, you know, psychic, medium therapist dude. And Angela had also done some work as a well being therapist. And so they had so much in common. And they both realized they were so like minded. And Derek said it's very rare you find someone so similar. And so then the couple married at the Elgin City Football Club.
And he'll just love this. Okay. Their wedding theme is the time traveling TV series, Outlander. No. In which a combat nurse is thrown back two centuries to 1743. Very appropriate. Angela's dress, just get ready, was made by an Outlander costume designer. Their wedding cake was castle shaped.
And their party favors for their 85 guests were drums of whiskey. So they really went all out. Did they have some instrument playing? I hope so. The fiddle? I don't know. What did they play then? I don't know. I couldn't think of something fast enough. I was like, I'll loot. I'll loot.
a harp, I don't know, I don't know. But yeah, so then they, you know, so they they really, you know, believe in all this psychic medium stuff. So they got married, and then they drove to their honeymoon, which was in Cornwall. And in a car that Angela had actually had a vision about a week before. So she said she'd been doing these affirmations and visualizing and she kept seeing herself in this cherry red car with heated seats.
And so then when they got to their destination in Cornwall, they went to go rent the car and the guy sat her right down in a cherry red car with heated seats. And she was like, I knew it. I knew it all along. And then, yeah, so Angela
also runs her own spiritual business where she is like a reflexologist. So like a foot, you know, foot reflexology. And sorry, I'm sorry I keep laughing. This stuff is just great. But she says she uses her talents to see the soul inside the soul, S-O-L-E of your foot. Oh man. She likes a pun. She loves it. The couple also hosts
tea leaf reading parties, which are actually adorable. So they have a short video on this on their YouTube channel, too. But it's like English tea service style stuff, like the little cakes and the little things. But while they're there, they teach people how to read tea leaves. And they're just like adorable. I don't know. They kind of love that really happy.
So, yeah, they've been together for five years now and like they truly both believe that they were like supposed to be together in a past life and they finally found each other and they're, you know, blissfully happy and have some lovely Outlander, you know, wedding chemistry. Yeah, wedding photos. I love that. That was a sweet story. Isn't that cute? Yeah. Once again, it's like I just love those websites. NPR has one. Huffington Post has one.
There's another one too, but they just do weird news stories. Things are just a little odd. And that's this one. But he has a lot of stuff on his YouTube channel. So if you're into any of that, feel free. He also has a lovely Scottish accent, which is always just nice. Yeah. That's it. That's amazing. I like the concept. I like the concept of past lives sometimes. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Me too. I don't know. I like the idea of it. What was I doing? Yeah. What were we like?
I don't know.

Witchcraft & Historical Contexts

Okay, so actually, I am covering a witch this week who is Scottish, so a little time. We did it.
So I'm covering Isabel Goudy and she was a Scottish woman and she confessed to witchcraft in 1662 in Alderne, which is a village in Scotland. And why I wanted to cover her and what kind of sets her apart
She has these incredibly detailed confessions of what she did and what the witchcraft was that I just feel like is super interesting. Just to set the scene a little bit, starting in about 1550 in Scotland, there were many years of witch hunts. I didn't even really know that they qualify them in this way historically, but
There was the Great Scottish Witch Hunt of 1590-91, the Great Scottish Witch Hunt of 1597, there was 1628-1631, 1649-1650, and 1661-1662.
Yeah, I think I mentioned one of these in an old episode, like one of these witch hunts, but I just can't remember which one. I'll never remember because I don't remember a single thing I've ever done on this podcast, but yes, keep going. We're like traditionally those students, like I feel like it's such a school thing where we learn the information really well and then it's gone. And it's gone. Oh yeah. Tomorrow, nothing.
I do think it's interesting that there was obviously so many years of this. When Mary Queen of Scots was in power, there was the Scottish Witchcraft Act that was passed in 1563. This allowed people to be put to death if they were found to be guilty of witchcraft. Lots of accusing going on, similar to other times of witch hunting.
historians have all these different opinions on why it occurred in batches like this. It seems like this time around, it's political or economic uncertainty, different groups fighting for power and land, all those kinds of things that lead people to want to have control or hurt other people or get land or any of those things.
So, specifically where Isabel Gowdy lived, there were these bad weather conditions that caused poor harvests from 1649 to 1653.
King Charles I was executed in 1649, started extensive witch hunts. Then Charles II was declared the monarch in 1660. He was one of those rulers that was exiled, came back. You can definitely do research into all of this more historical stuff. I'm not going to get super into it. But coming back to Isabel, she was probably one of seven witches tried in her village during this witch hunt.
and she was likely brought up in that area. There's not very much information