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Ep. 94 Reigns Supreme - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 94 Reigns Supreme - Bellum Draconis

S2 E94 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
43 Plays7 months ago

Reigns takes charge of the wayward situation with the party. 

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


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Oh, please don't shank me. Keep reading.
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OK, yeah, you you you you kind of really do a lot of damage to my poor cannon there and it just starts to slowly limber on. Still going. um You've got a limp cannon. Yeah, I've got a very limp cannon now.

Meet the Hosts & Fantasy Setting

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, by Lemtricorn and Spirit of Life, play Fivy, the indie podcast set in the magical homebrew world of Erython, the Kingdom of Dralak. Joining you for this week's episode, we have Will, who plays the Dragonborn, and druid Baal Valcom. You boobies. We've got Ian, who plays the Tiefling Wars for Inix Grell. Hello, hello! Who about who plays the human cleric Emon? We like boobies. Calliboo plays the Warforged Artifice of Alpha. I am a boobie. And Darren who plays the High Alpha Artifice of Raintado. I've had it with these motherfucking snakes in this desert. My name is Mark and I'm playing the Human Blade singer Seth Farareva, but last but not the least is our narrative narrator, our negotiator of the nightmares, the nurturer of the Nebulimous... Neb... Nebulimous... It was so good, it was so good. So close. I'm sorry, they all had nn sounds in it as well. Nnnnnn... Danny! Bonjour.
a What happens now? Oh yeah, and we turn Will into a lobster. In the darkest depths of the lagoon, old girl is swimming like

Dream Sequences & Narrative Influence

he does every weekday. His long toe is acting like a mermaid's fin as he paddles across the lake. And all of a sudden he looks at you, the camera, the viewer, as it zooms in and says,
<unk> Baal senses some sort of fallen sensation when that dreamy dream did occur. Nyx be a study in his book, and Althas fiddling with his memories and feels a little bit apparel. Emron don does burst and awake after his dream with a little bit of mumbling, mentions what he done seen to Baal, and then Zephz and they're making amends of some sort. Emron reveals his dream to the group, and they're all like, And they start moving. Obcisca don't be questionin' nobody. They take the high road instead of the low road and looks like

Sandstorm & Serpent Ambush

it's sandstorms. Ahoy boys! Dribbo's like, oh you boys gonna get yourself into a fight. You better watch out.
and we get into that sandstorm and ain't no visibility and it's you on T in the fucking storm. Oh, misses a split second decision and crashes the fucking car. Seth tries to warn the group that they're about to crash, but it doesn't fucking work. The young T attack, they're like, get the prisoner, he must be sacrificed and it's all going to shit.
That was excellent.
Oh. Might have skipped a note or two there. RDM's in court. I might have gone, while you were doing that, because you mentioned long toes again, I then found, well, that, that gif I sent you ages ago of the one long toe in the, in the water and put it in the groove. I then held it up to the camera and said, during that,

Tactical Spellcasting by Baal

that's my I, disgusting. everyone see it i was disgusting
You um, you can find me on Twitter. I never respond. And I'll, uh, I'll share it with you too.
so we are in the midst of a sandy sandy brawl ambushed along the high road you find yourselves inside what is swiftly becoming the eye of the storm though time has not passed enough for you to sort of get that increased visibility. You are in a dense cloud of sand. Surrounded you, ambushing you, are four displaced serpent-like creatures. One, making a beeline for the cart where where dribbo is enclosed. Alpha, they're trying to protect.
Upon a ridge, Seth is engaged with another one of these displaced serpentine creatures, and Baal, who had been thrust off the front of trunks in the opening moments of this combat. Baal, you find yourself with a displaced serpent to your right, a displaced serpent to your left, and just as you are beginning to lift yourself from a face full of sand as you were thrown from this from the elephant. As you look into the distance ahead of you and you're trying to get your bearings, you just see the outline of this creature, this form shrouded in darkness and then the sand veil that exists between you south along that road. It's hard to make out from this distance.
And just before you get a chance to take your turn, I need everyone, apart from, I believe Baal and Nyx to make wisdom saving throws. If you can speak infernal, you do not need to make this throw. I believe that is just Baal and Nyx. I can speak infernal, yeah. That's wisdom, yeah? Yes, please. No, it's it's infernal. All right, I got, as ah sorry. you know
Can I tell you? Okay. Seth, what did you get? I got a, oh shit, I forgot. 19. Excellent. Emron, what did you get? what You're 19, so what did you get? I got 13. Okay, thank you. Seth, Reigns, and Emron, you just hear this piercing scream in your head for a moment. And then you can just sort of shake it off as though not anything you can prioritize right now. Alpha, what you hear is an absolutely deafening wail in your ear that is almost like white noise, but pulled to the max.

Alpha's Battle Distraction

You are knocked prone and you have a movement speed of zero going into this turn as basically you spend the equivalent time you were to move. Hands on both of your ear receptacles, whatever you have in place of ears, fall to your knees and you're just sort of clasping for foot that sound to pass. You still have an action, like a bonus action, a reaction, but you're unable to move. Okay. Would he, sorry, DM, would he, or is it i was it Alpha's choice? Would he like shout or scream or anything? at that. Is it like painful? It it is. you You're not experiencing any damage as a result of this, but it is, it is, it renders you are not inoperable for a moment. So yeah, you would experience the equivalent of pain. So sorry. One, I guess what I'm aiming for meta is, yeah which i would you hear out of the noise cry of anguish? That's an alpha cough. Yeah. Alpha, you'd have a free action to vocalize anything. Should you wish?
Yeah. No, if it is what I would negate pain, then yeah, there would be a cry of anguish because it's not a physical thing to him. This noise, because it's something different, not experienced this, it would be shocking. And yeah, there would be a cry of anguish. Cool. Okay. Thank you. Nix and Baal, instead of screaming, you hear the following in a very deep, direct, telepathic voice.
I'm here for her. Get in my way and you will be cut down.
And Baal, just as your turn is about to begin, this this shadow of an emerging figure to the sands, to the south of you, has just doubled in size. Okay? Okay.

Innovative Combat Solutions

It's now your turn, Bar. What would you like to do? Displaced serpent to your right, displaced serpent to your left, and about 10 feet in front of you is that veil of sand, and you can just see that shadowed projection on that sort of coming into view, but not quite yet. Because the look the immediate danger to Bar what is the snakey snakes that are just... Every player it it has a 10-foot range of visibility.
And then beyond that, it's what? Everything's in everything, essentially magical, dark, what? Darkness or short. Yeah. look Okay. Um, cool. Darkvision wouldn't help you here, though. You know that that it's obscured basically. Yeah.
Cool. Um. So the immediate threat to Baal is the snakes that have just been kind of launching into him. And obviously this this new thing ah you're saying is... Sorry, you are prone as well. So oh yes yeah because of the nature of trunks throwing you off. Of course, of course. And it's directly kind of in front of me the way that the car is facing. Is that right? So you've been held over the front of a boulder. Behind that boulder is trunks and the two carts. You are 25 feet away from the rest of the group. Yeah. Yeah. And this figure, you're asking about the figure, sorry? Uh, no, that's fine. That's the orientation that I kind of needed. Um, is it a bit of a weird question. I'm assuming the boulder isn't like wonderfully spherical. Is it? you know Unfortunately, no, I couldn't, I couldn't find a token. No, no, yeah, that's, ah it is, it it is rubble with interest. Like, ah oh, I'm with you. Okay.
Okay, um yeah, that'll that'll change what I'm what i'm doing then. um First thing I will do is I'll probably hold one hand up in the air and basically summon my Wild Fast Spirit to me. So with a bonus action, um I would basically mentally call out to the wildfire spirit to come to me, ah which is only, I believe, 15 feet for it. It's got 30 feet of flight to get towards me. um And I'll use half my movement speed to stand up and use my bonus action to fiery teleport out of the immediate danger that I'm in. And ideally get myself up on top of the rock or on top of the rubble that's directly behind me. Okay.
um So the first thing that I'm going to need is a deck save from the two guys either side. It's decks 15 to avoid the Fari teleportation damage. One moment. There goes me one in a cash shadow on the rocks. ah and That would be for the one, let's say on the left of you.
A nine and a fifteen for the one on the right. Fifteen meets and beats. So the the one that passed, nothing happens. The one that failed will take seven points of fire damage as once more this wildfire spirit will come down and kind of it's more will open up to gigantic size, swallow, ball up and teleport him.

Serpent Creatures Battle

It can do fifteen feet, but the intention would be to get kind of onto the rubble. I know that it will probably be difficult to rain or something yeah of the like, um but he's going to move himself. um kind of and the Wildfire Spirit in there. So that's his bonus action. ah For his action, what I'd like to do is... it So you're saying this is parts of loose rock and things like that underneath? Yeah. Awesome. At this moment, I'm just going to interrupt. At this moment that you have landed, let's say, the bonus action is taking you. At this moment you've landed, I need you to make a dexterity saving throw because it's not even terrain. Yeah, of course. and Only you would see this as well but while you're making that roll.
that fiery eruption that you expect to sort of burst and then dissipate. following your your teleport, your fiery teleportation. The burst happens, that the the son the the the serpent that was injured reacts to the injury, and then the flame doesn't sort of dissipate naturally. It is almost like it is like hose sucked in to this shadowy figure to the south, and you just see it almost like a completely changed property, and it just becomes a magnetized almost into this sandy shadow.
It's a 12 on the deck save. That's absolutely fine. So yeah, you sort of land on it, you slip a little, but you're able to just hold your footing. Okay. Please continue. Yeah, that's fine. ah For my action, what I'm going to do is knowing that I'm kind of stood on top of this rubble. And I imagine that because I've gone 15 feet or or kind of backwards and onto the top of it, just managed to land on feet. It's kind of like you say it's broken rock underneath him.
Ball is going to quickly scan down, look at that, see the enemies in front of him and he's going to basically ah channel a bit of ah a spell with his hands, like usually the fire as always, suck it up into his mouth and just bellow it out into a thunder wave at Directed partly down as well so into this broken rubble into the shell to try and basically spread broken rock as well as this thunder damage out to in front of him now the the spell is a Is it a cone or is it? I think it's a cube isn't it?
It's a weird one, Thunderwave. Yeah, 15-foot cube originating from me. um So it almost originates from a diagonal shape, doesn't it? I don't know if I'll be able to get both of them. If I can, if I can aim it kind of in the middle of them to be able to get both, then I will. If not, then I'm happy just to just to try and aim at one of them. But yeah, the intention is to to clear some of the rubble, almost like a scattergun shotgun blast, as well as that that thunder damage. um okay That's the intention, but yeah. um So it's saves for the creatures. It is indeed. Yeah. They need, uh, I need a 15 con save.
on That is a 14 and a 19. Okay, yeah, one saves, one doesn't. The one that saves takes half, which is five. The one that doesn't takes 11. And the one that failed is pushed 10 feet backwards from me. And yeah part of the spell reads, any unsecured objects that are completely within the area are automatically pushed 10 feet away as well, as this thunderous boom supposedly is is heard for 300 feet.
Okay, so here's what happens then. The the serpent that was injured by your your teleportation flame also is the one that failed the save and is thrust 10 feet back. And it's at that point where it's out of visible distance to you now. You can just sort of see its head, but the rest of the body is in the shroud of the sands. And then what I'm going to ask you to do... ah Is your ah Druid, so your spellcasting modifier, is wisdom based? Could you make a straight wisdom check to just see how much of this um rubble is sort of naturally cleared by that spell as well? So just a measure for the effectiveness of the spell? Yeah, it's a 21. Okay. You managed to essentially blast and clear that so that the it is about 90% open.
you'd probably have to do another blaster or collectively as a party, you'd have to just do a little bit more of that hurried excavation in order for the car to get through. Trunks could probably get through, but not the width of the car, which is like a set size, but you've cleared a huge portion of that space. Amazing. ah Yeah, that's, I don't, ah I've got obviously five, I'm right in front of trunks, aren't I? ah So long as I'm within, would I see nicks next to me at this point? Yes, within 10 feet. Yeah. Okay. What I'll do is I'll take a sidestep so that I'm directly in front of trunks and I'm within five foot of where Nick's currently is. Uh, and I'll quickly cast a side eye to Nick's kind of take in his tiefling form and just say, did you hear that? Uh, and that'll be my go. Okay. It's a

Strategic Retreat Discussions

free action next. If you want to respond to it. Yeah. I heard that. so fuck Good language. Thanks.
That's me. That's me done. Thank you, Bart. I think it's my dad. So it is the Displace the Serpent's turn. They do not have high enough certain attribute for what was pitched just then to all of you to affect. So Alpha, the one that's engaged with you, you are prone, so they are going to roll at advantage. This serpent is just going to take a bite at your ah sort of chest cavity, your chest plate to your chest, and check my f ah your chest structure for a nine to hit. Oh, no, sorry. Advantage for a 19 to hit.
um I'm going to cast the Shield as a reaction on it. Thank you very much. Take my AC up to 23. 29, whatever, if I can ask. Oh, sorry, I said 28, not 23. I missed that. Seth, the one engaged with you is a 14 to hit. That misses. Thank you very much. Barl, the one you just yeeted into the... the um sands that you can just see part of it is going to turn about 180 degrees and you just see it almost like like a cobra sort of coil up as though it's going to strike you and then it strikes towards the sands away from you. You just sort of see that body motion and that strike towards the shadowy figure. You don't know what happens next. The one that you um sort of
my Mildly hit with the Thunder Wave is going to come straight back towards you. Yeah. and Seems pretty fearless. He pretty occupies the same space as your as your Wildfire Spirit and seems relatively unaffected by the heat. But it's going to make a bite at you. For a crit. Excellent work. ah ah Okay. We're all going to die. You will sustain nine points of piercing damage. I can't. That is like where did you come from? to So we are. Oh, we're now top of the round. Seth. This isn't your turn. Yeah, but you are going to see this as to you want to. Jump down from the top. Of their sort of raised cliff platform.
and they fall prone, clutching their ears, rolling around on the floor. What the fuck's going on? And that's all they can do on their turn.
Seth, it's now your turn. I'm going in for the kill. I'm going to sidestep the snake in front of me, off to the side, Peng log on my shoulder, and I'm going to hit this UNT that's falling on the ground. Roll with advantage, please. He takes, um, No prisoners with this. Mainly because he sees an easy opening. He's going to fucking go for it. So rolling with advantage. Good. Cause that's a natural one. Oh, excellent. That's five. So 12 to hit meets and beats. Thank you, Danny. And that's going to be a nice tasting 19 points of sight. Wow. Shadow blade third level boo boo. And, uh, you, you make a very clean hit.
excellent he's then going to do nothing because no my bonus action stuff is usable uh so he's just going to shout
ah to kind of like, he's seen reigns on his shoulder. He probably couldn't see him, even though it's in the 10 feet because it reigns in the way. He just shouts something like, did you just hear Alpha? I think he's in trouble. And that's gonna be his turn. This creature that you've just sunk a shadow blade into, it has this really buff masculine form, like like gladiator almost.

Yuan-ti Description & Combat Depth

And then just from the neck upwards, turned into this blue scale, not not cleanly like, like Baal in terms of a scaled creature but like almost like it's wearing an Egyptian headpiece right and it is purely bulky snake head from that point and the hair sort of um the hair of where hair would be is replaced with that long snaky body that falls down to the ground and then tails out like a snake almost like it looks like
It isn't this, but picture a snake biting just the head of a really buff gladiator, and then it became the head itself. Yeah, like in um the gladiator, yeah, like he's wearing a helmet that is a snake head. But it it it it is a see that yeah it is snake from from that that the neck up. Yeah, it's really weird. I got you. Stargate metal shit. Yeah. Yeah, I was thinking Stargate. Yeah, that's good shit. Oh, God, I need to worry about that. Jafar. Kree. Cool. All right, thanks for that. Reigns, you're up next.
Yeah almost in like a smooth motion just like a split second behind Seth, Reigns is going to go the other way around the snake um and he's just going to summon arcane energy through the armour and the two sphinxes on his chest are just going to pulse as the symbol of Sleetguard also comes alive with this blue almost turquoise energy. And what Reigns is going to do is, is he's just going to line up the thundergorn that pull back and go, hey, Captain, cultural appropriation. Does this sound like thunder to you? And he's going to punch the yuan-ti in the head, square in the Egyptian ah ah headpiece.
Yep. It's with advantage, right? Because this one's prone as well. Yes. Did you say it was a ranged attack? Nope, it's it's it's ah it's a thunder de gauntlet. Sorry, then it is a vantage. Captain cultural appropriation. Sorry, I heard the Egyptian thing and I was like, I'm going for it. No, I like it.
falcon um The first one is a 19 to hit. That hits. so yeah
That takes six points of Thunder damage and has disadvantage if it tries to attack anyone other than me until my next turn. Thank you very much. I'm going to then line up again and go, I couldn't hear that. Can you give me a second opinion again? I'm just going to smack him in the face again. I could do it twice. I've got an extra attack. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good shit, man. I'm glad someone has. I do it probably every year. You're the only one. Am I? That's again a 19 to hit. ah that will hit. And yes, for those of you who are, I can almost hear it, that is of course one off a crit. Quick math. Stabacus maketh the return. This time it's 10 points of Thunder damage and I again punch him square in the head. Thunder. So that second hit
You notice when you put that first hit in that there is ah there was a greenish aura around this person. and look It looks identical to the one that Seth is engaged with, but this one had sort of a greenish aura. The first hit caused that aura to just sort of warp a little bit, but it then maintained. You came back and did a second hit and the aura dissipates. And as that aura disappears, you all start to feel that whirling wind of sand stop, and all that sand sort of drops and cakes all of you all for a second. You have to sort of brush the sand out of your your eyes and off your face. the The sandstorm itself has entirely stopped as you've broken concentration there, brains, essentially. Baal and Nyx, as the the two looking,
south along this road towards the shadowy figure most. We see something considerably worse. Oh joy. As this ground around you begins to reveal itself a bit more I'll reveal it now on Roll20 to you all so you can hear your reactions and I'll explain to the listeners what they're going to see.

New Threat: Golden-Masked Figure

Oh Oh no! What the hell is that? a Death cart! We all die! Is that the devil? He's the devil! Don't let the tokens on Roll20 put you off. What you're seeing is is as follows.
That shadowy form bar that you have been studying for the past few seconds reveals itself to be this sort of golden metal um cladded black skinned hulking figure with this huge red cape. What's interesting is that this figure doesn't have a face. Instead, it has this golden mask over the front of it that looks a bit like ah like a cherub, like an infant baby, has this huge bald head, this perked lips, but these eyes that are just sort of cut out and there were they just behind them reveal black circles. Nasty.
This figure is carrying this giant halberd that seems to be set alight on the blade at the top. How big? It's 10 foot. Bullshit. And this creature sort of walks with this halberd as though it is a ah walking stick. Remains Hulk, so you don't really get the full size of the properties. But it is... large in in D and&D terms, ah it occupies a much bigger space and a much bigger mass than you have seen recently. And it begins to, you just watch as it sort of boots off this serpent that took a strike at it. And it just looks at you, Baal, intensely. good um Behind it,
Again, only Balanix are really looking in this direction. The token is misleading on Roll20. What the players are are all seeing, listener, is this imp-like skull. ah what you actually What that represents is this black circumference of some sort of metal. In the center of that circumference is this almost plantier-like glass um
glowing disc from this distance, is what by plenty, hopefully you will get that Lord of the Rings reference, but like a black obsidian um ball with this red fiery wispy like quality inside it.

Mysterious Black Orb

From this distance is hard to get an idea more, but it is this sort of 10 foot structure that exists behind this golden clad figure. We find ourselves now, Rain's still your turn. You have a bonus action. You notice that you are essentially spending some of that just sort of brushing sand out of your eyes. Is there anything else you'd like to do? Rain's just going to brush the sand off and go, oh, Jesus, you really are a walking cliche, huh? And then that's going to be the end of Rain's turn. He's not aware of what's happening to the South because there's a giant snake the debate in the way. Thank you very much. That brings us neatly to Nick's turn.
No, no, it doesn't. Oh no, it really doesn't. I think there's someone else before Nyx. Are you sure there's someone else before Nyx? Nyx can opt to drop his turn later in the order. He dropped his turn last time! He did.
Barla, you see him? I'm seeing. You look to Barla, he's looking dead ahead, but you can also see that he's looking, Barla's looking bloodied. Balla's been hit several times and he's gone careering off this elephant he's holding his shield up you can see it somewhat shaking but he's- Oh god! Ball! You're hurt, Balla! Fuck! and Am I right in thinking there's a snake, a snake, right next to Balla as well?
What's the snake, how's the snakes like, cause the other snake turned and fucking tried to attack the big baby demon. ah What's this snake doing? Is it like- This snake's fixed on Baal. Fuck's sake. Sees that as the prey. ah Okay. Oh, you can fucking eat. Okay. Okay. Okay. Maybe Nick will just talk to the snake. ah s snakega snake um ah Next we'll step one long step so that he's five foot in front of Baal and
Just trying to steal himself and shake his hands. He's fucking nervous because this fucking thing's got a baby's head on yo. Like this isn't right and he's fucking huge. I've never seen anything like that. what is What's as he as Nick's looks from snake to big baby to snake to big baby. and The big baby's weight, does it carry in the sand? Is there like- The baby element is just contained within a mask. I know, but it's baby mask guy. Like the weight of this creature. Does it make it sink into the ground somewhat? like Make a perception check. I'm asking a lot. Make a perception check. I don't want this to take up up one of my things though. Okay.
Yeah, there are dense, deep footprints behind it as you just sort of try and get a bit of a... Just a white kind of ratio. You can see that the creature has been taking steps and behind it are decent imprints in the sand. Okey-dokey. Like depths of buckets.
Fuck, fuckity, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Nick's withdraws both his daggers and just with a flourish, kind of swings round in a 180 motion and we' the dagger is aimed down so that they're they're underneath his hands and as he swings in a 180 he clips the side of the snake next to Baal's face and that's going to be for oh no he's not he's not going to do that it's an eight
Swing and a miss. Misses, I'm afraid. Yeah, straight up. Underturd, he's going to swing again with, as he comes around with his left hand, with his second dagger, he's going to hit with 13. That will hit. Hey, wonderful. Get ready for this damage, guys. Yo, or four points of piercing damage. ah fo as Nyx will then finish his spin and stay in front of Baal trying ward off the snake with one hand and eyes fixed on this fucking hench monster. it's Oh, we will call out. Let's just go. Maybe we could just talk about this a little bit. There we go. In which language?
Oh, infernal. Yeah. You knew you were hearing infernal. Yes. You knew that you were hearing infernal. Yeah. Straight up. Infernal. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Sorry. What was the instruction you called out? Can we just talk about this? Yeah. Maybe we can just talk about this. Okay. Can you make a um persuasion check? Shit. Yeah, absolutely. I can do this.
Uh, 16. Thank you. Woo.
Emron, it's your turn. I need you to make a constitution check for me before you do anything. Okay. That's 12.
You hear in a voice that you don't hear very often, but a voice that feels completely natural to you.
Tilwa in your mind saying, run.
It's your turn. What would you like to do? Okay. um Everyone's going to have heard the voice. I'm really not sure. He's going to look to, Raines and Seth have dealt with that. He can sort of see something past, but he's halfway up the slope, rocky slopes. We can't quite see probably what's going on down near Nick's and Baal. He looks over his shoulder and sees Alpha prone on the floor with this snickish snick.
over him so everyone's going to turn around and I imagine there's like a tow bar between our car and the one kind of thing so everyone's actually going to run towards it and use the tow bar as like a platform he's going to launch himself into the air and like sort of land over jump over the snake and twat it with his hammer as he goes past it just give me a quick athletics check to see if you pull that off okay yeah boy love it and I'll I'll roll a d4 to go with it, because I'm blessed.
That was a 10? Yeah, nice. ah You cleanly clear the toe bar and your sun, and you are in prime position to strike. Cool. Let's twat the snake. That's a straight roll, please. That's a 22, not natural. That hits. And then that will take...
Don't know why he says I'm brawling both. ah That takes four points of bludgeoning damage. Thank you very much. And then I will summon my spiritual weapon as a bonus action next to me. And then that will twat the snake one more. Can you summon it and attack on the same bonus action?

Spiritual Weapon's Failed Attack

It's an action rather than spells that the spirit weapon is a bonus action. Yes, can you summon it and attack with it? Yes, so it's when you cast a spell, you can make a melee spell attack against you within five feet. Okay. It's part of it, part of it is summoning. So let's just take that off.
and That's a seven to hit, natural one. Misses, I'm afraid. Yeah, it's fine. cool Okay. Anything else you want to do with your turn? ah No, that is the end of my turn. I'm attacking the Snicky Snick. Alpha? Snicky Snick. You are prone, but you is your turn. Awesome. Fuck. um I already have my cannon created. I did that on my previous turn because we were going with the fire one. I would know that obviously it does it as a cone. Is there a safe spot where I can actually
You'd say it's without attacking myself or everyone now that he's coming to close range ah Yes, but you'd risk hitting the cart or drivos cart As far as I can see Fuck well, that's that plant fucked All right, okay, I'm just gonna move my cannon south a little bit. I think he can only move about 10-foot. So he's just kind of coming away for myself. I think all Alfie's going to do, he's still prone, he's still got like payment in his ears. Does that invoke an attack of opportunity if the snake takes it? Because he's a creature. and Have you moved, sorry?
No, that I haven't got my cannon. Callum's cannon is and is it is a targetable object.
It's on your shoulder currently before this turn started, right? It was on my shoulder, yes. Then if you're moving it, yeah, it will evoke opportunity. Yeah, yeah. If the snake wants to take it anyway. If the snake's going to take it. Yeah, yeah, Rob. It's still in range with the snake. Doesn't the snake have to move out of range with the snake? It is out of range. Yeah, my cannon's over here. I thought it was the other corner of the square, normally, sorry. Yeah, it's going to take a bite. Cool. 19 to hit. Yeah, that hits. It takes maximum 11 points of damage.
he yeah so down and and need ba them Okay, yeah, you you you you kind of really do a lot of damage to my poor cannon there and it just starts to slowly limber on, still going. um You've got a limp cannon. yeah I've got a very limp cannon now. and We've all been there, boys. We've all been. Banjo. Do it anyway. Bart's got a blue pill that can fix that cannon right up. As an action, I'm just going to cast a level one ah cure wounds on myself. So it's like ah a surge of energy that pulsates from me. It just kind of starts to self heal, like screws and puts me plating back on. and I can cast Enlarge on your cannon if you want.
Gorge, I see. Like the sound effect. I really do, actually. Ten points of healing. Thank you. I got for that. And that is all I can do. Mike Cannon seems to be pre-done with haste on it. I despise blanks. You need to load it first, Mark. No, I tried. I had a prep work. This one's messed with the magazine.
Someone's cut the feed, man. They've cut the feed. Alfa, anything else? No, no, no, no. I've used the cannon, I've used my action. Still laying on the floor. Oh, yeah, sorry. Would I be able to get up? I thought I would still be prone until... Happy movement. Happy movement to get up. Oh, yeah, of course. I'll play D&D how long? I will stand up then. I thought I was prone to the end of my turn, Bill. Fuck you. Sorry, Poobie. Yeah, I'll just stand up then and try and... um prepare myself again, try and shake off the noise, shake off the agonizing pain I felt. That's the second Taylor Swift but reference we've made tonight on this episode. Nice. I don't mind that. Nice. Yeah, we'll for it, man. We'll for it. Emron, it's just worth saying that the direction you found yourself facing, your passive is high enough that you can just see
Dribbo gesticulating quite um panically and pointing towards the direction of this hulking figure where Baal and Nix are worth saying. um It is that certain figure's turn and it is going to take some strides towards Nix and Baal. And again, I need everyone who is not Nix and Baal to please make a wisdom save. as that same ringing in the ear just comes back.

Fear & Debate on Retreat

Don't forget to add less people. Yeah, I had a better role. Let's have a talk with the infernal creature. Okay, so everyone finished their saves.
Does anybody get, sorry, Emron, what'd you get?
A, hang on, 13. Okay, Seth? 24. Alpha? 13. Rains? Five. Rains, you are prone. Okay, for the start of the next round. Start of your turn, you can use half the movement. Is this a concentration killer as well? No, it's just pause your prone. I need you up, man. And this creature begins to walk towards Nix and Baal. Nix and Baal, what you hear is the following.
step aside i'm here for her and this creature walks towards you boots the snake that is engage with nyx and bal and as this boot
just makes contact with the snake. The snake just erupts into flame.
They didn't have much left anyway, but the the the snake falls, defeated. Thanos snapped out of thin air. Shit, man. Oh, fuck me. And as it steps a bit closer, your wildfowl spirit ball is absorbed into this creature and leaves the field. It walks past Nyx, you now have a chance of opportunity, should you wish, Nyx. Don't do it, Nyx. You say opportunity. What is like in my Final Fantasy 7 list of attacks that I can do here? Opportunity attack, as you currently have your character without any other relevant feats, it's just to make a melee attack with something you're proficient with. So it's just your dagger, should you wish to.
ah just na I'm a chill on that one. Thank you, though. As this thing walks past, you just see your own curious, terrified face reflected in golden sort of carapace that encompasses the sort of black, blue-skinned figure inside. Nyx, it stepped out of your range. Bartlett's about to leave yours. What about the big old Uh, cart, is that where the infernal creature is still there? The big black cart with the big black disc and the, that ah that wasn't a car. That's an object that you haven't gone to investigate. It's still there. It's motionless. Yeah. Cool. Um, well, it's now about to leave your reach.
I don't think I've got a weapon equipped and I've not got a war cast or anything. I don't think, other than ah than trying to punch it as much as I can do. ah But it has just absorbed my wildfire spirit. that is ah That's going to take Baal aback. That's going to take Baal completely unawares. And I don't think he would be able to react at this point. Okay. The creature continues walking and Seth, you haven't seen anything yet, but you just feel, you don't wear it do you don't wear a cape or a cloak.

Alpha's Capture & Urgency

dos got Any loose fabric behind you, you just feel a brush against.
Baal and Nyx, you just see as this creature walks past Trunks. Trunks's ear sort of re recoils from this creature. And this creature then steps behind Trunks between the bit where Trunks is tethered to the cart. And that's about the range of movement. And Emron, you just see, and Alpha, you just see this mass appear between Trunks's rear and the first cart, your sort of travel wagon. And it's just looking in your direction, everyone, and Alpha. How was its turn? Which puts Baal next. Oh, fuck me. Um, I would have heard Nyx try to reason or try to talk in infernal. It's not tried to talk.
I'd see this object on the front and I have no fucking clue what that is. It's just kind of absorbed, technically Baal's very essence as well. um
I think Baal would kind of, as this is all being processed, kind of in panic, in sheer fear that I don't think Nyx would have seen on Baal's face before, just say, run. We've got to run. We've got to run. Uh, I will, uh, there's no fucking spell that I can use at this point. I'm going to try, I know it's half movement speed to Mount a creature, isn't it? Would I be able to use half my movement speed to well, five foot to get next to trunks and then half my movement speed to get up on his back? Uh, yes. You're close enough.
Okay. And because Trunks is facing this way.
ah Like I said, that the space you've just cleared, there's enough to get Trunks there, but not quite the cart. No, yeah, of course. Fuck. And obviously that we can't, there's no point leaving the cart. ah oh It's that or death. Fuck. It is. It is. So with Bob being now on the back of this creature, racing through his mind are all these options of which he can do very, very little. ah He is going to ah kind of quickly consider something, look back around to his side to see this creature. No full well, fire's not going to be much use here. And he is going to once more
Repeat the words. And I'm going to use a third level spell to conjure a level two, a CR two conjure animals, please. Obviously you deciding what that is. I want it to appear right to the side. Do I see, I can see it obviously clearly walking towards Emmer and Alpha, can't I? Yeah, it's moving with purpose. Cool, I'm gonna interpose my summon between it, if possible, depending on the size of whatever's created. Okay, so CR2. Please.
okay Well, can you make dice roll for me to decide what you summon? It's a 12 on the d20, if it was a d20 needed. It is a d100, please. Oh, titties. Sounds good. You summon a cactus. I say yes, it's a cactus. It's a fucking cactus. ah Moving sentient cactus. On the d100, we have got a tasty 58. Thank you. It's a little cat. Meow.
Okay. CR2 cat, right? Right. Right. Meow. Is that actually one of the Thundercats? Thunder. Thunder. That would really, really help right now. It's Carl. It's Carl. Oh fuck, it's Carl. No, Carl. We're all fucked.
Okay. So you've got summon.
As soon as it loads. A spider wasp. OK. I'll link you the stats. Thank you. You can control it. How fucking useful. A spider wasp. Excellent. Thing that can absorb fire. Spider wasp. thing that can absorb fire, spider wasp. For our listeners, was spider wasp has an armor class of 14, hit points of 17, a speed of 10 foot, ah and a flight speed of 60 foot. So it's more a flyer than a walker.
Anything else for your turnpile? I can't use my bonus action because I've cast a spell, so I can't do that. I've got no wildfire to control. um Yeah, there's there's there's nothing I can do other than ah shouting to the group, we need to get out of here now! And that's my turn. Okay, thank you very much. ah It is the Serpent's turn.
Nyx. The one to the south of you. Is that still alive? The one to the south is, there was one that was just sort of squashed by me. I thought that one coiled and attacked the... It did, but it's it's still going. out It just burrows and dissipates in the sand. Yeah, Nyx gives a nod and goes, yeah, understand. Rains and Seth, there was a serpent displaced next to you while you were both engaged with these yuan-ti. Again, just burrows into the sand.
Emron, Alpha, Alpha's spiritual weapon. Emron's cannon of misfire. You're all huddled around this display serpent that again burrows into the ground.
My heart is beating real fast and hard against my chest. Like, actually, I got my hand against it just to feel it. The fear is real. And then we're back to the top of the round. Top of the round. And the two, Yuan-T, who were engaged with both Seth and Reigns, are going to say, in Draconic, to whoever on the battlefield understands that, Leave the sacrifice. We'll get their bones later. And they disengage and head east away from the battle.
ah Shit. Seth, you've heard, you don't speak draconic? Nope. You heard serpentine-like ah tongues from the creature you were engaged with. You felt something brush past your travelling cloak. And the the serpent to your hip just burrowed. What do you like to do? Seth would turn around and clock the what probably is the shoulder-polder inside and the turning slow-moving figure that passes between trunks and the cart and he's going to get this prickly sensation of power, very similar, I think, to the um creature he saw when he fought the Blight of Grazit, of that kind of just slow-moving eminence and power and control, and that terrifies him.

Leadership Amidst Chaos

And he hears Baal's call the second time, I think. There's there a sense of panic moving through the group. And he's going to take a breath. And he's going to look at Reins and just say, do what Baal says. go i'll try and buy us some time and because i've got blade song i get additional movement he's going to ping it past rain's flinging pen blog uh onto his shoulder so he's on a square to kind of hopefully kind of jimmy him along and then run ran between the cart and uh and dribbo's cart hot foot and kind of slide under alpha's legs
and appear between M run and alpha stood in front of them between. So there's the little spider spider wasp thing in the air in front of him, alpha and M run behind him. And again, if you will permit, just say, go now go. And, uh, I will prepare an action to hit. If the creature comes within range, I'll strike it within five feet of Seth. Uh, yeah. Yep. Okay. Thank you. ah Next up is... Rains.
Rains is going to pull himself to his feet. Having just heard what Seth has said, he's going to use his movement to get to the front of the cart.

Rains' Personal Struggle

He's going to pull himself up onto the the driver's seat effectively, take one look at the reins and go, Chef, only you know how to drive this. And as soon as he said that, he's going to glance left and see this creature for the first time. And the the the words that the franticness just kind of stopped in a moment of just still dread.
as he takes in this creature for the first time. So he's looking down at this creature as it walks towards. ah So Rains has listened to Serfi's process. We need to go. He's got up onto the cart, then realize, I don't know how to drive this thing. And it's then gone. You won't have the movement speed because you were prone at the beginning of this. OK. He can get to the cart, can't he? Yeah, I can. 10-foot drop off your reach. Oh, yeah. Ah, yeah. OK. You'll have enough to get to the base of the cart.
Same thing, Ernie, I say it from looking at this creature at ground level. I'll take one look at the reins if I feel up, see the reins and go, oh, shit, I don't know how to drive this. And then as I say that, my eyes will for the first time look down and just see this creature moving away to me, intently looking in the direction of Emeron and romanman ah Alpha. And that's stem the end, the reins go. Okay. That will take us neatly to Nyx's turn.
ah Next. Spoke infernal to this, motherfucker. Motherfucker walked past, kicked the snake, killed it, absorbed fire and didn't do anything. about the talking part of it. So, Nix is like, his face was deep fear, as you said. ah it It was mirrored back from the gold of the armour. But there is a slight hint of just this incredulous nature that motherfucker didn't even acknowledge me. He's after something of ours. There's something of his still here. So, Nix is going to go and walk to the black orb that ah Mr. Man left, Mr. Baby Goldman.
20 feet to get there. As Nick's approaches, can you just describe what I'm seeing? And more importantly, is it, do I get the sense that I can grab this thing? Is there a big power ah source that comes as you get, you know, almost like you get too close to a frayed cable with wet hands. You just feel that spark of electricity wanting to jump out the power behind that. Is there any, I'm just trying to get a read on power as I walk towards it. As you approach, this thing is one big black ring, big sort of dark iron ring, about 10 foot in diameter.
Inside it is this magic portal-like face, which has this glowing red and a sea of black ah quality to it. And as you approach it, you feel warm. You feel warmer than the desert has made. You you feel warmer than you are comfortable. This feels like agonizing heat as you approach. and it's interesting as you sort of you get closer to it you almost feel like a mild pull not like you are in a tractor beam or anything like that but you feel like uh
Like, you know, when the tide, when a wave has crashed and there is that, that is it a rip tide? and the the um What's pulling you back towards the sea? It's like that field, you know, you are stronger than it, but it's it's almost like you are being encouraged closer. And as you look closer, it is it is, you can't see through it. You can just see this layer, this magical weave that exists within this ring. It is portal-like though, for your best understanding. Is it portable-like? How big are we talking here? It's 10-foot diameter, dense metal ring. Hovering just on the floor. Flat on the floor, flat on the sand.
Okay, so Nick's will yell out an infernal he stood next to this thing um and he's gonna get down level to it one knee on the sand hands outstretched not touching hands outstretched and shouts an infernal You break my toy. I'll break yours Across that as loud as possible but and I want to
I want to ready an action ah that if this big boss man hurts any one of my group. Hurts. So not even attempts to, but if he lands lands and an attack. So if he attempts and misses no, if there's any pain, if I hear a yelp from my ah from any one of my crew, um and that includes Dribbo as well. I'm going to cast Shatter on this motherfucker.

Nyx's Sacrificial Readiness

So ice my Nix's horns start to animate that kind of purple pulse of electricity. And it's just starting to course through his veins, but it holds as Nix just concentrates all his might on keeping that spell within his veins.
his hands shaking slightly, just hovering over this disc. And as soon as he hears anything, he's going to plant his hands on this disc and shatter the shit out of it. What a fucking great idea, man. Okay. So how you you have to burn the spell. yeah That'll be your action until your next turn. Okay. Thank you, Nix. Could you also make an intimidation check? Oh, yes, I can.
22. Yeah. I'm in business. Nick's means business. Thank you very much. Emron, it's your turn. And as this creature gets closer towards you, I'm not sure how well you see it, but Alpha, you definitely do. You just see this glow behind Emron.
sort of mirroring his physical form but almost like he is being um sort of backlit and there is this sort of glow behind him this like halo-like quality of a silhouette behind him and emerald you just feel a slight pull backwards again not anything that's going to hinder you in any um physical sense, but almost like just someone has just toked it that your t-shirt a little bit like, you know, there's motion, but there's nothing you can't overpower. That's all but but alpha, you are seeing this sort of glow. And rob what would you like to do? Oh, this decides I think so.
And one would want to try and get till water come out.
But obviously what you're telling me is that Till-1 might not actually come out. I haven't said that. OK. Oh, God. um ah Try hitting one of us. That that helps. Not now, next. Not now. Hashtag kissing. It's fine. Sorry. I'm holding onto a lot of energy here. He's dead dead to me. um When I look at this creature, Oh God.
I've obviously heard it speaking some diabolical language. You've heard nothing. You've heard just piercing screams with an and from an undistinct location. Okay, sorry, thank you. oh Think like Nazgul, like you don't know that it's coming from that creature.

Emron's Angelic Transformation

What's it look like? You would have heard Nick speak in Fernal though. What's it looking at? Where's its done where's it's where's its point of... Its body shape is in a general cone towards the direction of Yusef, Alpha, the um Wasp, the spiritual weapon and the the cannon. And by extension then Dribbo in that direction as well. But because of its its sort of cupid-like mask, you can't get a sense of where its eyes are. Okay.
Okay. um Yeah, this sounds like a good time to any, uh, so, uh, everyone's going to have heard Tilwa's voice earlier. He feels this tug. He's he's not sure. He obviously heard Baal so we need to get the fuck out of here. So I'm going to activate Angel, uh, my radiant soul. Mm-hmm. Uh, and so the, the, the giant wings come out and everyone becomes Tiloar and Tiloar will turn to, to Alpha. Before like you go any further, I need you to make a wisdom saving throw at disadvantage. No, no, no, no. Hey Tiloar, we need Tiloar. We need the angelic wings. Fuck this shit, I'm out. I rolled two 18's 24. Yeah.
You are under the effects of fear. You need to spend four your entire turn getting as far away from this creature as possible. Oh, shit. Okay, I will... Yeah, Tillward will turn, look at Alpha, look at Seth, and yeah, I'm in 30 feet up there. ah I don't think this is an emerald-shaped dust shape like a cartoon.
um Um, for your, for your understanding as a player, poo bear, you're like opposite. You're like the same ends of a magnet. Okay. You, Tilwa is absolutely terrified of going close to this creature. Okay. Was it Tilwa that made him take. to Oh, shit. It wasn't the creature.
So he successfully transformed, and then Tillwall went... Tillwall went, fuck this shit. yeah So everyone went, I need Tillwall here now, and Tillwall went, bye. Cool, okay. um Oh, damn. Have words, mate, have words. Come on, Tillwall. Yeah. Do I still get a bonus action? Yes. I'd like to... No, I can't take an attack action against it. I'm under fear, aren't I? Your spiritual weapon is not you taking the attack action, though. Okay, ah my spiritual weapon, yeah that last glimmer of Enron, perhaps, there, and the spiritual weapon will try and swing one at this big dickhead. He's gonna stick it straight up his ass, probably, that's right. Yeah, I love that, thank you. Go for it. That's a nice spiritual weapon. I love that. The 21 to hit.
I don't like that pause. That's a big pause. Hits. Oh, thank God. I was about to say, you're all on your own, bye. That's six points of force damage. Thank you very much. Not bad, man. That's M. Ron's sort of flaming hammer, just comes down and twats in one. Seth, just remind me of your held action. If the creature comes within five feet of Seth. Of Seth, thank you. Okay, Tilward, anything else with your turn?
ah No, Tilwar is is off. See you, guys. Bye, buddy. Bye, Tilwar. I always knew he'd leave us. Alfred, it's imminently your turn. Before that happens, something happens to your wasp bowel.

Summoned Creature Evolves

Oh, good. You summon a wasp. And I think you yourself were hoping for something quite epic to intervene. oh yeah And there's probably a noticeable din in you after that. And then you just see these blue wispy lights spin around the wasp for a second as it completely changes form. And it's now what? A CR5 carrion beetle. What the fuck? A CR4 carrion beetle. So if you could just look for those stats, please, it will go after you. Gladly. But it has changed form.
I'm just thinking, Pokémon, what's this? It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving! It's evolving!
i will indeed is it will it be able to occupy that space because i had it It yes the spiritual weapon will just need to but we'll just be buffeted as well so if if um Tilwar, Emron, Pooh Bear, you could just move the spiritual weapon one space to the left of how it is currently occupying. and Alpha, it's your go. ah Your passive wisdom, sorry, Alpha, what is it? Hang on, I have no clue. and Eight. sorry Eight! Passive perception. Passive perception. I apologise. Twelve.
You did feel, in the seconds before this wasp turned into a carrion beetle, just a shi a slight shuffle on the prisoner cart that you are currently propped against. But it's it's your turn. What would you like to do?
Aye. Oh my god. Aye, aye, aye. Aye, aye, aye. I think Alpha would just kind of sidestep a little bit just out of line of sight of this Humongous creature um If I'd seen that a slight shuffle from the prisoner car, I would just take a quick glance and see um how Jimmy was getting on if he's still in the cart any expressions or anything like that if he's trying to tell me something and
As you turn around, you just see an arms-folded dribbo looking... ...disappointed.
Staring back at you. Shaking his head slowly. Ouch! Motherfucker! Alpha's been cut down for 30 points. ah Leave him. Leave dribbo. Fuck him. Burn damage.
i'm I'm going to climb on the back of the cart at this stage, that are the travelling wagon, with all being on, and reiterate, I do think it best we leave.

Alpha's Survival Decision

um Yeah, I'm not even going to hold an action. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. <unk> it one ah yeah yeah so right callum you haven't had a whole term to decide on something to do i dev with keep changing that i don't know what the fuck's going off and all have and we're all like fine yeah and and moving thirty feet away yeah I think Nix did it best in the last turn, that when you do that, that's what you do, right? You better know what to do. you can yeah yeah i i've Aside from a bit of movement getting on, Alpha wants to go. I want to go. I want to run. Not where he stood right now. The cart's not going to move anywhere with it where he is. Okay, Alpha, that's the end of your turn. Yeah. It is this Hulk's turn.
And it is going to reach up with its left hand and just pull itself onto the cart from the rider's position. Then it's going to reach in. and grab Alpha by the chest. And this large hand, basically two fingers occupy sort of like the top of the chest. Its thumb digs under the the armpit of one side, its little finger, the armpit of the other side. Like it has got a full grasp on your chest. I need you to attempt to break a grapple please by other athletics or acrobatics. I'm imagining like Captain America and Thanos here.
fuck I'm thinking closer to vision. ha yeah I was actually typing the same thing. will get My head is like when the mind stone gets ripped out. The memory room is being took out me now. Seven is my athletics check. Oh my God. I've just thought. What? Nothing. Isn't that... You made the player connection that I've definitely made a little while ago. He specified damage. No, he specified pain. well well is Will is where I'm at. Nick, so your held action is is based on harm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah set Wasn't about that. Wasn't about action as on being um within five feet of you.

Alpha's Critical Capture

Alpha, you are yanked out of this. As you watch as this creature can just put its halberd in its single available left hand, you are yanked by the chest out of this. And I need all of you apart from Nyx and Baal again to repeat that wisdom saving throw. Emron, I need you to just double check the rules of um fear to see if your wisdom save is a disadvantage, please. I don't think it is. I assume Bless is gone as well. Yeah, about 30 hundred foot over to the left. say but that just fucked out the here It doesn't say it breaks concentration. And I've not taken any damage to have to take the concentration. Do you have to remain in range of the characters? Nope. Only when casting it. And are you the same caster? yeah Yes. Yeah. I believe Bless is fine. I need you just to check whether or not you make wisdom saves at disadvantage from a target you're feared from. Just because I've got too many tabs open and you can do that. I'll do it now. Thank you.
I got a, if if you're ready for it, I got a 12. Okay. Thank you, Seth. Rains. Also got a 12. Thank you, Alfred. 19. Thank you. Emron, what did you roll for your saving throw? 14. Okay. So you are all temporarily filled with this high pitched whale, but it doesn't render you sort of, um, and able to stand, like like some of you have experienced before in the past. And this creature just walks now, Alpha in tow, will only make it. Reigns, you will have an opportunity attack available, should you want. Alpha, I can't get to your player token, because of where it is. Can you just do it? Can my beetle take an opportunity attack? Beetle could take an opportunity attack. If it wants to, Reigns, I'll let you see what the beetle does before, if you want to decide. I have beetles first, beetles before me. 91, baby!
In the end, I think, okay. This beetle just takes a bite towards it, and it just coolly walks past. Rains, you saw the beetle? You saw a wasp turn into a beetle, and the beetle tried to bite like a metal cloud demon. Have I seen it grab Alpha? Yes, yes. It's just holding it right hand out. Yeah, Darren doesn't want to touch this thing, but Rains isn't going to let that go on challenge. Okay, you have advantage because of Trunks' position.
Yeah, your trunks is on our side. He counts as an ally.
That's a 24 to hit. Oh, that hits, please, or not. Yep, boy. Bunch the shit out of him. 11 points of Thunder damage. Thank you very much. Fuck yeah. That's it, Daddy. God It coolly moves past the beetle as though it was nothing. And just as it passes by, it rains. It just marks you, Barlett, just stares at you directly in the eyes. And then it feels, you just see Barlett sort of get this impact from the rear. It stops. Alpha still in its grasp turns back to you, Raines, and lunges with its halberd towards your chest.
I get to roll a d20. This will trigger nix's held action if it hits. Well I need to roll a d20 first because the mirror image could be about to smidge. Oh yeah, I forgot you had that.
Nope it hits the mirror image. Okay. Then you watch you watch as this halberd just comes really close to the side of your face, range but makes no contact. And you just feel this heat emanate off the bladed edge of that halberd as it retracts back. The creature puts out a low growl, turns back around. It carries on. Shit. Bal, it's just going to leave your reach. Shit. Should you wish to do anything, and then that's its movement used. Shit, shit, shit, shit. Nothing I can do. Okay. Fucking mirror image. No, the damn thing. Alpha, could you just bump your token down?
That takes us to Bal's turn. Bal. Okay, so i'm I know full well that I've heard Nick say what he said. um I know that he's that kind of there hovering over this, this, this the fucking object, portal-like object in front. Seeing all this shit go on, see this creature stare at me, see all this fucking nonsense and panic again is filling his mind. He's gonna cast his eyes back to that object again, hearing what Nix has said, an infernal nod.
And he is going to, Just kind of, uh, I imagine almost like Kamehameha style hands together forward, kind of lunge forward, but you see nothing from him. But like, uh, almost like a, like a small gust of air that just directs straight from his hands out towards this object.

Failed Magic Dispel

I'm casting dispel magic third level on the portal thing in front of me. Okay. That hail Mary. I don't know if it'll work. Don't know if it'll do anything, but.
I think you have to roll something here. If it's a higher level spell, yeah, let me just have a few checks to read it. Yep, if it's a third level or lower affecting it, it'll end. If it's fourth level or higher, it's an ability check using my spellcasting ability. ah The DC is 10 plus at the spells level. Okay, so. I need you to make a like a roll, please. Fuck's sake! It rolled off a 17 and landed on a three, so it's a seven.
That was a really good idea, though. That fails the DC. Yeah, it fails the DC. Big time, unfortunately. Good idea, though, mate. Yeah, really good. No luck. But all is not lost. That will end Baal's turn. But it's Betelboi's turn. It is Betelboi's turn. What would Betelboi like to do? ah
i'll can't Do I telepathically communicate? No, I'd verbally communicate, don't I? um The trouble is when Nix is, i can't I can't follow it up with what I initially would want it to do. It's going to scuttle its full movement, and which will be 30 feet. It's got climb speed. It's got burrow speed. I don't imagine it'll be impacted too much if it was kind of half cliff face. It'd be able to get legs up on that as part of its climb speed as well. But obviously, if that is the case, let me know. But the intention is to get it in front of trunks.
Um, and you mentioned that it's holding alpha at arm's length. yep So it's got clear line of sight on beastie boy. You'll just hear Bal say, fuck it up. Uh, and it's going to use it's acid spit feature. fuck yeah So a 30 foot long, five feet wide kind of torrent of acid flies from this creature's face. I need a dexterity saving throw.
But it turns out it's got like legendary resistances. It's like 13. That I believe meets and beats. It'll take half damage. So it'll take 14 points. Whoa. Acid. Of acid damage. Yes. And then I'm just going to roll to see if I can get that recharged as well. I don't know whether they'll be useful at all, but um that's all I can do. Sadly. Okay. Thank you very much.

Seth's Enlarge Spell Success

That will take us to the top of the round. Seth, what would you like to do? Seth had himself all prepared for a final stand and then the creatures just walked away and feels a bit pathetic. but is going to see it grab Alpha and start running off and refuses to be a helpless entity in this second kidnapping in the same two days of Alpha and is gonna do something about it. He's gonna take off, add an unholy sprint with the dirge of the blade song still ringing in his ears and muttering on his lips, burning through 35 feet of movement, give him the 10 feet of extra movement to the back side of the creature, waiting directly in front of the creature.
And he's going to not look at the creature, he's going to be looking directly at Alpha. And he's going to, like, blazen, like, look of, like, determination and, like, war on his face. Like, this is back to it. This is this is Seth from a few years ago. He's just going to mutter and kind of mouth the words, fight to Alpha. And he's going to cast Enlarge. ah on Alpha. Now, the important thing for this is it doubles his weight. No, sorry, it doesn't do that. No, it doubles his weight, doubles his size. So I know, for example, that Alpha is really fucking heavy, given his form. That has doubled.
I'm hoping, Seth's hoping that this at least will cause the creature to slow the drag, to slow down that progression, wherever the fuck he's going, and give Alpha some fucking bollocks to fight this. Not that you don't have him already, Callum. No, no, no. You won't, wait, I'm messing this up now. To give Alpha the feeling of power in order to get him to fight this thing so we can make a stand here. Seth refuses to go down, um butts in the air. um So as long as Uh, yeah, it's a concentration spell. So my blade song, my i sorry, my, um, my shadow blade is gone, ah but you get it for a minute. Okay. If you're unwilling, you've got to make a con saving throw. Are you willing alpha? I am fucking willing to get this thing off me. like Okay. I'm like a transformer. Can you make an acrobatics or athletics check at advantage? I will try and hold the grapple at disadvantage.
with Advantage 17. You are free. oh Yes! OK, cool. That's awesome. Amazing. So finally, the last thing I'll do is I'm just going to move Penglog. He's going to jump from Reins's shoulder, is his space, and move towards the creature as well. So it's going to go... ever The 10, the 15, 20. It's going to get right up close to it. It's going to hit. Well, it's going to try and hit it at least and to see what what the happy hat might be happening. It's going to turn bite its ankle or something vicious like that. And that's four.
Misses, I'm afraid. This will just bite pure metal. Absolutely no penetration. ah okay when that happens You never want to hear those yeah a boys Saturday night. And that is ah the end of probably Seth's most successful turn. He didn't let you do any damage, but there you go. OK, thank you very much. That moves us swiftly onto rains.

Creature's Defeat & Collapse

Yeah, nice and easy. I assume the rocks to the side of Alpha, who's now 10 foot basically on this road, are effectively difficult terrain. yeah I wouldn't be able to move over them, but you would just reduce your movement. Yeah, I would assume as much. So what Raines is going to do is he's going to see that it's going to see Alpha grow. Raines are going to go
Get off my son, you infernal fucking and infant-headed fuckwit! And Reint is just going to allow a barrage of magic missiles to just fly off towards this demon spawn.
These don't have a... There's no safe magic missile, is there? Not... Ooh, donkey. Hell yeah. ah Max damage, 20 points of damage. Yeah, boy. fuck yeah Okay. Okay. So a couple of things happen here. It uses shield. No. I wouldn't surprise me. if That would kill it. Shield kills magic missiles. Yes, no, it doesn't do that. I wouldn't warrant me in that parade. So you run in all hot tempered and you release these magic missiles. First one hits it, barely looks fazed. The second one hits it. There's four, sorry, four in total. The second one hits it. Five damage it. And it looks concerned. The third hits it.
and it drops to a knee the fourth hits it and goes straight through its chest and then it sort of begins to bubble its skin the golden metallic plating the face all begins to bubble in one very warm very hot open cauldron Everyone has a sort of time here and I imagine you're all sort of moving away. If anyone's doing anything differently, this happens over about five, six seconds. You just sort of see this bubbling. And that bubble begins to congeal and then it gets incredibly vaporous and then turns to ash within about six, seven seconds. All that's left
is the cape it was wearing, and the howlbird it was holding. The cape, as it's relieved from the body it was attached to, almost like Doctor Strange, begins to sort of animate and zip around. And it is drawn to the next hottest thing in its vicinity, which is Baal.

Cape's Magical Mystery

Yeah, it is. Big woof. Yeah. Big woof. sexy motherfucker while this cape tethers itself around your neck it is reshaped and it sort of alters so before this creature that was much bigger than you the cape was broader and it touched the creature's ankles the first time it hits you was like a curtain and then within about five six seconds it just sort of morphs and now it meets your shoulder breadth
It taps your ankles. It is this sort of crimson silken cape that is cool on the side that touches you and is lukewarm on the side that faces out. It's doing other things to you that you'd have to cast identify. Some sexy ass cape. Other than that, fucking A.

Victory Celebration & Intentions

time is yours nyx you do sort of notice as you're peering around the the ring the magic inside it disappears and you just have this steel ring and you just see sand inside the ring otherwise what would you like to do as you've got this oversized alpha this giant beetle
reigns sweating with anger. Nix is gonna run over to Reigns and give him the biggest motherfucking high five because he's just destroyed the scariest scariest motherfucker that k Nix has ever seen like there's a huge Blue blur coming your way. Not a hedgehog, but a tiefling, and he's just gonna full-on jump high-five you. Yeah, Brains gonna hold his hand up a few dastardly, and then go, oh, well, other hand, that one's full of thunder, and he's just gonna take my thunderclap. Let's fucking go! Yeah, but yeah, Nix is like amped. He's like, yeah, Brains, you fucking did it! And high-five. Slap your hand. Yeah, what the fuck just happened?
You just killed that beast of a man! The fucking baby's head, that was fucking, that was creepy. It was horrible! You owned it! You made it, it's your bitch! Yeah! Alpha, you're fucking huge! I know. At this point, it begins to reshape, because there's only been a minute. Oh no, it looks like I've been killed in normal. What we can do together! What we can do together, where the fuck is Emrom?
ah snow As the camera tilts. Where is Emron? Till what? Well, I mean, if if a minute's gone by, then Till was gone as well. OK. Till last minute. ah but um Emron's probably making his way back down to the party. Feeling a bit confused, probably. And he probably he's already wrong because because of because of probably where everything is, he hasn't seen the creature disappear. And so as he as he comes round, probably round towards where Reigns is, he's like, where did it go? Reigns killed it! Smashed it down! He brought upon the death of the thing single-handedly! Apple, what the fuck did it want you for? what What was it doing? I got so many questions. While you're wearing this cape...
So as soon as the cape's gone to Baal, Baal's just going, oh, fuck, oh, fuck, oh, fuck, oh, fuck, oh, fuck. Trying to kind of claw his neck thinking that this thing's gonna strangle the fuck out of him, but when it kind of settles on him, he's gonna be like, what the? Um. Is it attacking you? Rains is literally readying, like, another round of them. Is it attacking you? Is it attacking you? I can kill the fucking cape, too. No, I don' i don't know. He's fucking gone, it's ready to go. It's just on me. It feels quite nice. What the fuck was that thing? i It was speaking my language. My language, loosely. it was it As he was like walking up through the big old scary sandstorm and then he's just like, oh, I'll stay away from her. I'm going to take her. And then she walked past us and we're like, no, no, you're not. We're going to stand it. That's what I was saying in infernal. I was like, now we're going to stand and fight you and we're going to beat your ass. Hold up, hold up, hold hold up. That thing was speaking. All I heard was screaming.
As did I. The language of the devils. It clearly said that it was here for her. Who the fuck is her? Alpha's going to probably just put his hand to his chest at the moment where the memory room would be. I mean, do you identify ah as a sex? I do not, but...

Alpha's Connection & Memories

possibly the person whose memories I contain do. I do believe she was a feminine elf before becoming a part of me. ah You need to do a deep dive into that memory because clearly she's got priors. With the devils. I just can't believe that it it's gone. Raines did it, yo. Like, ah, just these missiles just obliterated it and then it bubbled up. It was weird. It was awful. And I was going to explode. And then it just kind of dissipated and then clang. And then the cape went flying. but Oh, it's great. Tiloar was terrified of that thing. It absorbed everything that I threw at it personally. He he was he was he was he was running.
Tiloar was off. And that is where we're going to end this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. Man. How hard? Amazing. It's your dick. Right now, Darren. It's so cool. Every devil has a plan until it gets punched in the face. I can't believe he died. I can't believe he died to fucking magic missiles. It disappeared. They're different things. Get your hands off my son, you fuck. Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew. Amazing. That was great. Oh. Amazing.
Well, kinda damn. Thanks everyone for tuning in. Listening makes you part of your everyday week. We love you for it. If you wanted to check us out on on our socials, we have an X page that we never post to, but there you go. It's that fellowship table. ah One thing you can do if you do love us is to like or review or tell a friend. That's really good. Get the word out of the podcast. That's good. And yeah, that's me. You can find me on X at iroll1. You can find PoohBear at
natural twenty well you can find color mat the d twenty gamer can find will at fellowship nbc vc you can find ah ah yeah mark what has year old dn your arm mark is great you can find a demon hells spn killer darre at I feel after I've done something awesome it's the appropriate time to tell you it's actually Darren page 06. oh sayh It's not though. I've i've literally just realised all this time I've been saying it it's actually zero six. Genuinely ive I've been fucking up for like every episode we've done. So there you go. I kill the devil. I've been reaping recording since 2019. I'm aware. I've been waiting for doing something awesome to finally reveal my screw up. You couldn't find a wonderfully
sexy ass DM at Total Party Thrills. hunt Until next time, guys, farewell.