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Ep. 12 Gold Division - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 12 Gold Division - Bellum Draconis

S2 E12 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
101 Plays2 years ago

The party have made it out of Nyx's Patronage, time to divvy up the loot and plan for the next mission!


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade


Introduction to 'The Fellowship of the Tabletop'

Don't you use that language for me, you little whoop-a-snapper!
God damn, even you're turning me off. Oh, you for today, you can't even look after an old lady's windows. Oh my. What are you screaming about? Listen here, you old bag. Don't shout at me, you twat. That's the patron. I am the Alpha Omega, beginning of the end, you bitch. Give me a soul.
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Erith in the Kingdom of Sleekard. My name is Mark and I am the Dungeon Master and also with us for this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We have Ian who plays the Tiefling Warlock, Nyx Karel. And my name is Ian.
We've got Danny, who plays the half-orc monk Brota Moki. Oh, fucking hell. Brota Broken Dusk. Bonjour, Je m'appelle Danny. We have Will, who plays the human cleric Emron. Hey, up. I'm Will. Callum, who plays the war-forged artificer Alpha. Guten Tag. I don't know the joke. Oh, no, mate. I can't do it. What would you do? My nomin is Callum. Education, please. Please, Danny, please. My nomin is Callum. My nomin is Callum.
and returning from his three-week marathon crochet mission away in Zanzibar, we have Darren, who plays, welcome back, Darren, who plays, what do you play again? The high-help artificer, Raines Haddow. Hello, I'm back. Apologies if you can't hear me, I've been away with the old equestrian team and my voice is a bit hoarse. Oh my God, when did you write that one down? 10 seconds after I was introduced as an equestrian in the last episode.
Not as of a question. I had you down as the club manager of the equestrian raffle. Yeah, and they're all really shit. None of them know what they're doing, so I have to shout with them. Exactly. That's exactly why, yeah, exactly. But you know, you're more charity fundraising, that's what I imagine.
You're like the secretary, yeah. The week before, I think you had your anger management class run over. I made up a different excuse each week, Darren, if you haven't heard. Get back and have a listen to them. That was that one. Yeah, they all are. That's why it's funny. Well, good to have you back, Darren. Good to have you back. Good to be back. Nice to have the squad back. Did you miss us, Darren? Oh, I couldn't sleep.
Like I didn't answer the question. Yeah. That's the, that's just random. And I'm sorry about that. Do you want to because I missed you all. Oh, there you go. We got there in the end anyway, we're going to pop straight over to our chronicler for what happened on last week's episode of the fellowship of the tabletop. So Danny, thank you as always take it away.

Trials and Challenges of Nyx

the last few pages of our adventure. Our not yet heroes continue to traverse the trials of Nix's unnamed patron. After dispatching a room full of goblins, Emron set ablaze to the hiding place of the remaining enemies. In doing so, this triggered a spectral being to appear who shared the likeness of Nix's mentor and captain of the Esmeralda, Hildegard.
who warned that Nix needs to be stopped.
In the next room, the party encountered a shrine to a skeletal dragon sculpture with a blue jewel affixed in the skull of the monument. Determined to loot it, Nix used his newfound power to blow up the bone structure and searched for the jewel amongst the ashen bones. While doing so, the ash turned acidic and caused Nix to fall unconscious.
Fearing for Nyx's life, Marota called out to the host of the test, Theolite, and asked for it to be stopped and the party returned from whence they came. During this exchange, Alpha was successful in locating Nyx's jewel and quietly pocketed it. Theolite declared this stage of the test was to cease, but Nyx will continue to be tested.
It is the will of the patron that one of the party will be in charge of Nyx's fate, and Theolite decided it was to be Emron. Nyx must prove he is capable of following, and is now tasked with following the will and moral direction of a cleric of Alido to prove to Nyx's higher power that Nyx can be commanded.
The face of Aelion Hardwick, the proprietor of Arms and Armor rushes towards you as each of the four of you, Nix, Marota, Emron and Alpha, lug yourselves up out of the basement where you fought the skulk only a few moments ago.
He rushes towards you, and you can see over his shoulder, his sister, his young sister sat quietly looking sheepish at the rest of the party. Thank you so much. You did it. I can't believe you actually did it. You got her back, and she's healthy, and she's fine, and she doesn't have that thing inside her anymore, whatever it was. And I'm just really happy. So thank you. Thank you so much. All four, four, oh, there's all of you. You're alive as well. Oh, this is fantastic. Thank you so much.
Have you seen rains? The rain, it's been pretty dry today actually over the last... Oh, the one with the potato peeler.
No, he went down with the four of you and then I haven't really... Nothing's come up. Your prince is gone? Because everyone will have heaved himself out of the hole in the floor and will sort of sat down because he's still feeling a bit bad and bruised and goes, rinse. And he'll drag himself over to the hatch and sort of poke his head down and go,
Reans, you're down there. Your voice echoes through the cellar below, the basement below, and then you hear a sound like some bricks kind of falling down, not crashing down, but just kind of tumbling down, like tumbling over one another. That's all you hear.
For fuck's sake. And Emron will heave himself over the edge and go back down the ladder. As Emron does that, Nyx will come over and go, I'll come and help you. God of mine. No, no, no, no. I'm not your God. You seem tired. I feel like I said... Do you want me to go down first? No, I'm going. Lesser than you get hurt. Maybe I should go down first. He's my friend. Let's go.
Do you want me to come with you? If you want to come with me, Nick. Do you want me to come with you? Nick, I'm not here to tell another man how to live their life. I mean, kind of you are. Everyone's coming down. OK, I'm coming with you. Dirty of mine.
And we'll just quickly follow you to Dan, whilst Alpha and Mercy are up top for a second. As you come down the ladder, you look around at the destruction of the basement where you fought the skulk and freed Orla, who has also climbed up the ladder and is now on top as well. In the

The Mystery in the Basement

corner where Rains was last seen in the north of the space, there's this immense,
not immense actually, just there's a number of fallen bricks. The walls seem to have collapsed behind itself and through the brickwork there seems to be some tunnel that leads off. Like the size of a small human, maybe something inhuman, I don't know, something slightly smaller than a regular sized human. Though a human could fit if you crouched down.
However, in front of that, laying on the floor, eyes open, staring up, breathing, is Reigns lying kind of prone, back on his back, eyes open, just kind of just breathing. What would you like to do? Erm, everyone will sort of see Reigns. He'll look over to where the body of the skulk should have been. Is it there? It is still there.
Okay. And one also go, right. So we'll have his hammer ready and go over to reigns and kneel down and go reigns. He's still with us. As you get closer, one thing starkly comes into view is that his hands and up to his kind of elbow on both of his hands are kind of caked in blood, not his blood. And across his face, there are splatters and marks of blood and contusions and marks across his body and chest like he's been in a fight or something.
He, I'm sorry, as you approach, he kind of jumps out of almost like he's always slept with his eyes open, almost, and kind of comes to, Darren, you kind of come to and open your eyes and look happy, your friend. Yeah, I'm wrong. Rains, what the bloody hell have you been doing? I was in this room with you. We were having a bit of a to-do with that thing that you could only see with mirrors. And the next I know.
here uh huh well that i i don't remember getting involved in that fight yet i'm i am this is this is blood i don't think it's mad yeah you you were fine before we just started climbing the ladder oh anyone seen the the the uh the little thing i ain't named it yet uh it will heal you and you get a tasty tea in your mouth it's the
squirrel thing. Not Muncha. The little thing you made. That's the one. Not Muncha. I've seen it. Yeah.
everyone will look around and try and can try and see if you can find the homunculus of Darren of um reigns don't find Darren's homunculus it's a whole different podcast um yes you do find the homunculus and its last known location during the fight which i believe was the bottom left corner um uh near
where Nyx was trying to grab it and when Morota was, I think, healed by it. So yes, it is there, just kind of sat kind of on standby, so to speak. It's not broken. It's just kind of always waiting to be told what to do next.
Rains, I've found it. Do you want me to fix it? Archibald, Archibald, get over here. I get an impression, increasing impression that they choose to identify by the name of Archibald. Archibald, I'll be calm. It just flies over and lands. Hey, that worked. You did in that fight. I'm really sorry, but I have nowhere for the idea why I'm covered in blood.
No, that's what we're trying to find out. Can I have a look at the hole in the wall? Yeah, of course. It seems to stretch out away from the position you're currently in, just dirt surrounding it. And then it seems to disappear down. You can't see much further past where it dips down towards the earth. Any tracks or claw marks or anything like that? Give me an investigation check, please, Will. OK.
While he's doing that, I'm going to try and set up. You're fine to set up, you ache. You don't really know why. You've spent the night out in a tavern, heads pounding, and it's just a lot of sensations that you weren't really expecting. That's a 14. You look down on the ground and you see a number, maybe three sets of tracks. None of them are rains.
They look human. Well, they look like human size. They look like they're wearing boots. And you can tell from the heel impression and the length of it, it looks like a type of boot. Three distinct tracks of the three of them. Well, is this whole big enough for a person to go down? If an adult that kind of hunched over, you could fit if you struggled through, yes. Bloody hell.
Let's let's let's let's let's get you upstairs lad get some get some grubbing. Yeah, right We've got a we've got a lot of a tale to tell you let me tell you Why? Just Involve next everyone's become a god. No, no, no, that's no upgrade. No I'm not
and everyone will look sternly at Nyx and be like, I'm not a deity. God. What do you prefer to be called? All powerful, almighty? There's got to be some sort of name that you want attached to yourself right now. Just Emron, it's fine. Emron the Great. No. No. Let's just roll back whatever you're
Think about when you're talking to yourself, when you're talking out loud, before you do that and you're thinking, what shall I address M1 as? Just pause for a moment and think, is it anything? The almighty M1 has a good ring to it. Is it anything other than M1? Then I maybe shouldn't say it. Good point, M1. That does sound pretty good. No, no, I'm not almighty.
Is it almighty first reigns or is it like everyone almighty is it almighty? I don't know why I belong to a real family not to a deity. Well maybe you have more say in this than I do like it I don't understand this because your prince. Yeah that's right that's right crown prince reigns forgive me so surely in this case it's the almighty and run.
I prefer Emeron the Almighty, but anyway. So afterwards, why didn't you just say that the first place? Get up the ladder. I wonder how your day to your pitch and would take to you worshipping me rather than it. I got a question. Anybody know whose blood this is? And technically,
Where's that monster, Hunter, who was talking about our payment? That must be curious. All is upstairs. You were meant to be following us on that ladder, as I say. There's a bit of an explanation to go into what happens. A little bit, yeah. You seem to be covering the blood. There appears to be a hole in the wall where they want one, and tracks of three men. So now we have to decide whether we go scrubbing around after them and work out why you're wearing their blood.
But let's go upstairs and get you cleaned off. Are there sheets covering some things around? Yeah, directly next to where this hole in the wall is. It's where the northern mirror was, if you remember back. It's one of the mirrors that helped you see the skulk that was covered in a sheet, or there was a sheet next to it at least. You could use that for something if you wanted, yes.
Emron grabs the sheet and starts to sort of clean, um, raise his arms and go, let's not be, uh, scaring. We last by going up there looking like, uh, some kind of bloodbath. Yeah. And as you're doing that, um, Archibald, as he's now known, he's going to fly over the other side, take his top out off and just pour some of the water that was left over from with statute T. Um, Oh, thank you. Yeah. Yes. Um, I don't think it's working. There's quite a lot, um, sorry, I suppose I will, um,
I walk in at your penis. What's he cleaning? What do you mean? You keep looking down towards your groin and there's nut munchers hovering there. Oh, there's my armour in general. I just wondered, like, you asked this little thing to clean you and then you keep looking down at your groin. Well, there's pouring water around me. There is a... Oh, sorry, M1 Almighty, yes, of course.
I'm at your service, as I have been the entire time. Just try and engage your brain. I know it's hard, but just think about what you're saying. Am I not impressing you right now? I think he is engaging his brain. This is not impressing you. He's got a phallic thing. The most important question here is this impressing you. I'm going to walk towards the ladder and go...
I'm going to take that as I'm breaking him down. Rids. Rids. Let's just come on. Yeah. Yeah. You

Investigation and Relaxation Plans

think about penis an awful lot there, that dicks. I'm going to start crying that loud as well. Do you know me dicks? I've called you it several times. I thought I called you it before, but it's weird. It's almost like I didn't.
Yeah, I think you did. I think you're gonna give everyone like a hernia at this rate. It's brilliant. I can't believe he called it as mundane as Archie after Nutmuncher came out. Like what the fuck, Darren? Archie. Completely Archie. Right, so are we heading upstairs then? Everyone, you were heading towards the ladder.
with a migraine probably approaching. Everyone will heave himself out of the cellar, ladder, hatchway. And again, slump on the ground. Sorry, yeah. And we'll get you up to there, but we'll just back in time a little bit and jump to what Alfa and Moros have been doing above ground. And so as those two have just gone down to see something, they've buggled off to try and find
Raines, apologies, Raines, you're up with, gosh, fucking hell, three NPCs. You've got the girl, you've got Ola, and you've also got Aelion Hardwick, who is the proprietor of the Arms and Armor, or volunteers at Arms and Armor up there. He's really emotional, still kind of looking at you both, like,
I don't really know how to thank either of you. Ones are robot ones. Well, rather powerful looking and I wouldn't want to get crushed to death by you. Well, why don't you and your sister just think about how you can repay us? Maybe don't rush to a decision yet. Just enjoy the fact your sister is okay.
Yes and I am ever so thankful for it. He turns around to the girl and she's kind of sat there and she's just been kind of through the kind of thick mess of hair looking at Aula through her eyes and Aula still looking a little bit kind of arms crossed standing nearby but again kind of eyeing up the little girl kind of like a I don't know if I still kind of trust you look and the little girl's just gonna say. I'm sorry for hitting you over the head and tying you up Aula.
No, no, that's fine. Obviously there was something else controlling you then just think nothing of it. Just enjoy being a normal little girl for a while and don't, don't just, if you hear any funny voices in the future, just ignore them and don't befriend a monster next time. Okay. Okay. Thanks again.
And she's going to return to being quiet. And she's going to be watching that kind of take place. Yes. And Debbie, just off your question of payment, it really falls to our good friend here, Mrs. Goldport, who spoke about why don't the three of you consider the best way of repaying us? Take your time. And can you roll a persuasion check, please? I would like to do it with with bad teeth, Mark.
And then where I see we are nice. Okay. Yeah, give me it with a intimidation intimidation channel Like I'm watching this with Yeah, he's a really nice guy though, so yeah, yeah, it's just a big old grin and he's gonna I
smile back at you and then go in for a hug. Probably like around your waist because you're a bit taller and just go for a hug and go to kind of hug you around your midsection. Please stop. Just a bit longer. Let go or I'm going to pull your ear off. It's just a little hug. Don't worry. Okay. I'm gripping your ear now. Okay. No, no, I'm sorry. Okay. Okay. Okay. Why don't the three of you stay in here and think about things? Alpha, a word in the fresh air.
Which word? Alpha, move outside, please. Oh, okay. Okay, and you're heading outside the front door? Yes. Yeah. Lovely, okay. Door swings open after Alienland does all the thousand locks that he had previously done. He opens the door for you, nursing his earlobe still as you step outside and he shuts the door behind you. So Maroja's gonna take the biggest breath possible and just consume fresh air for a few seconds.
and then turn to alpha. Is it still there in your pocket? It's what? Still in my pocket. Nix is dual. Out of game, did you see me grab that? You didn't roll a stealth check when you said you picked it up. No, there's nothing to determine whether or not it was sneaky or not.
No, fair enough. Ha! Fuck you, Callum. We've got you there. That's payback. A season of shit. A season of shit. Callum has got a bullshit, it's got a hole in it. Alfred's just going to reach into it. If that is the case, if it's definite that Alfred's not going to lie to Marotta, he's not aware of such things.
pull it out from his sex at the moment, and just hold it in his palm and show it to Morota. But it exists, Mark. Yeah, I think that's the first question. So I guess, Callum, thank you for putting words in your DM's mouth. You never normally do this. But the first question I think that Danny was actually asking was, does it exist? Could you flack it out and slap Morota in the face with it? Well, he asked if I had it.
Yes. So your first question, I'll teach you how to play D&D, right? So what happens then is you go, I don't know, DM, does it exist? Is it in my satchel? Because we were in an otherworldly place that might lead a realm of existence. That is a very fair point. In that case, then, what I will do, I will reach into my satchel and just see if it is still there indeed or not. Well, what an appropriate question to ask, Callum. Thank you very much for playing D&D. I'm going to come around there and slap you in the face if it's actually there anyway.
yes it is there it is present as your hand reaches into your satchel and you feel right on top of all your other belongings the item the the uh the jewel that was taken from the head the skull of this giant ornate old but crippled dragon um is there if you remember the back side of the jewel um that would be kind of inside the dragon skull and the
The gem seemed to extend almost, I think I described it like the roots of a plant that grow underground. It kind of kept on going underneath and the jewel kind of continued. It's about a foot and a half long. The jewel itself is kind of a
the size of a small child's fist with the description you use? A small fist, not an adult fist, a smaller fist because an adult fist is a bit too big. I don't know how to describe it as, like a baseball, like a baseball size, there you go, that kind of size. And then the base behind it is relatively thick, followed by the kind of...
not really tendrils, more like plant roots behind it. They're all made of the same deep, deep blue and rare stone material. And you pull it out and it seems almost more impressive now that you've missed them. You pull out the dragon shimstone. It does get impressive when you see it, that's all I'm saying. And yeah, in the daylight, in the sunlight. Looks like a baby's arm holding an apple. Or a baseball in this case.
of gold to you. Can we have a left side without a baby please? And of gold. Ten points to any listener that DMs me the movie reference that was from.
It looks like a baby's arm holding an apple. I can easily answer this. Yeah, because we all have good ones. Let me just spin it right. Yes, Callum, it is there. When you pull it out, it seems more alluring, more magical, more iconic, older than in the dark depths of whatever the hell the trial was that you were under with Nyx. Yes, you do have it. And yes, you can whip it out.
If you'd like to pull out a massive jewel on the outskirts of a city, yes, of course you could. Yeah, I don't think Alf would really think anything about it. So it wouldn't be for very long. He would basically whip it out to show Marotta and then put it back into... Look what Raines has made me.
And it's completely unrealistic. And then just put it back in your sat-jump. Could I ask you a favour? Always. Could you not let Nick Snow you have that? My intention was to pass it to Emron in privacy
Considering their connection, I believe if this is in any way related to Nix and his pact, Embran should be the one to decide if he should keep it. I was wondering if you'd let me have it. I think your Da has enough responsibility over Nix right now that giving him the idea of temptation as well might be unwise.
Gotta think for a moment. What's also going to be ringing in the back of Alfa's head is his conversation with Reigns that was had the previous night where he's saying, do not trust entirely Nix and Marota as well. So almost trying to keep his blank face. Perhaps for now, I should look after it. Keep it on my person. If you know, I do indeed have it.
I'll be honest with my intention. I'd like to keep that so that I know I can control if Nyx ever sees it. I believe I could also do that. Perhaps this would warrant a further discussion. Sure. Perhaps, at least for now, it's just between us.
I do agree that that is probably the best course of action. He's my friend and... Nyx does not know that I have this gem. You are the only one who does. If this were to remain between us, then Nyx has no need to be concerned with the gem itself and you have no need to worry. Sure.
If you ever feel like you could trust me with it, though it's a big gesture that would mean a lot to me too. Do you have many friends? I did have one a while ago. At least I thought he was a friend, but I was mistaken. Well, I did not wish to make a second mistake.
What about a second friend? It is possible. But I am always wary. How about, for now, we do a more traditional method of showing trust in each other that is from shadow men. And Alfred's just going to put his arm out in a handshake.
And Morota's palm will twist from an open as though she wants the jewel to handshake too. There will be a slight nod with Alpha as well.
Is this like Arnold Schwarzenegger? You son of a bitch. Not that heavy. Not that heavy. Not that heavy, but yes. No, this is very light, very faint. I am very self-conscious that in the belief that Marotta, if she really wanted to after seeing previous things, could just headbutt me and I would cease to function. Yeah, 100%.
And after you have that conversation, we're going to swim back inside as the three remaining members of the party, not from Shelem energy, from a array of places, come out of the basement. I'm imagining at the same time, just for argument's sake, that Marotta and Alpha are coming in from outdoors and we are kind of convened in the central space. You see Mr. Hardwick, Elian Hardwick there, and you also see Ola there as well. The little girl is not present.
Hello, hi. Good to st- I'm- Orla, I do believe before whatever happened happened, you- you- you mentioned... payment. Yes, what the bloody hell happened to your hands? Why are you covered in blood? There was no blood down there. What the fuck happened to you? Orla, that's not important. Pay up.
Okay. This is blood and tea and I wouldn't worry too much about it. Tea? Yeah, I tried to clean it with tea and then you know it goes. Anyway. You're a strange man, you know that. Yes, I am. Fine. Okay, here we go. I got given 60 gold for this. It's, like I said,
It'll work with time. Um, like I said to you previously, we'll be able to work on bigger. Well, you'll be able to work on bigger, bigger asks and bigger contracts. Now that you're a larger group and I'm just not me on my own, but 50 gold of it's yours. Give me the 10 at least to cover my costs and expenditures. 10 each look at next and just put up five.
When she says 10. I mean, and Nix looks at Emron. Well, that's... It's the least I can do. That's mighty generous of you. We appreciate the gesture. And you did kill the skulk and I did not and I'd failed and you had not. Just so you know, there's now another hole in the wall down there and there appeared to be some
get up the ladder, we didn't air out, but I don't know. And he starts profusely sweating at that. Oh, shitting shit on it. Oh, shit, shit, shit. Oh, fucking shit, shit. Oh, God, I'm not going to open that cellar ever again. Am I? That's terrifying. What was it? Was it a skeleton? Was it a was it a blight? Oh, was it a spider? A bee? What was alien alien alien? You know what?
boot tracks of people.
Could you go find us all a drink? That'd be great. Oh, yes. Not tea, I assume. Your friend already smells of it.
Just whatever you've got, just go fetch someone. Cheers. Everyone, you'll do that thing, won't you? You'll bless this place with your powers from Alito. Your almighty powers. Will protect this place from any further harm to Elion. Apli, I'll call upon Alito to... See,

Olra's Monster-Hunting Proposal

Elion, it's going to be fine. To bless this. But no, thank you all of you.
He's gonna, he's gonna stay in the room. Sorry. Sorry. Well, I keep interrupting, but, uh, and he's going to turn from that and stay in the room and listen to the conversation after I'm wrote. She's made that comment. Sorry. Uh, please continue. It's okay. We're used to it. We're next. He talks all the time. Um, sorry, deity. Did you say something there? I was too busy and everyone will take a moment and just visibly take a breath. So are you going internally? Who did to help me? Emron right now. I feel like you are.
So help me, everyone. Thank you for the gold. You have your 10. It's only fair. Obviously, we've got this arrangement now to try and find some more work. How are we dividing the 50? I assumed 10 each would be fair.
That makes perfect sense. Why? Why? Why would we do anything different? I did offer that amount as an easy way of splitting it evenly amongst all of you in the party. That's a mighty kind of you. Ten gold each. Unless you disagree, Marotta. Well, some of us were more intrinsically linked to the success of that gold.
I mean, we can... Okay, how would you split it then, Marotta? Go on. Well, I would take some. You would take some. Alpha would take some. Reigns would take some. Hey, without me, you wouldn't even seen the thing in the mirror. Nyx can have a gold piece for moving a mirror.
I thought me and you were stronger than this. Look, well, you know, if, if, if you want to. I tell you what, I got an idea. I got an idea.
We all take 10 gold with the exception of Nyx and Emron. Emron takes 20 gold and as the new deity of Nyx, Emron decides what Nyx gets. That seems fair. No, no, no. I'm not a deity. So you can cut that shite out, Rains. Okay, as a guardian, as a mentor, as a father figure. Sure, whatever. Now, I'm...
I'm not, for one. 10 for me, 10 for Alpha, 10 for Marota, 20 for you, and then you decide what happens with Nixxis. Is that what we're doing? I still feel like my contributions were more than 10 gold's worth. And Ron will take his 10 gold and then he'll give gesture towards Marota and be like, then you decide what to do with Nixxis' share.
Very well, I'll take 20 gold from the pot. Okay, so we've actually got 20 gold. Nick's at the moment, but it looks like there's zero gold from this. M1 has 10, Alpha has 10, Raines has 10. So magic gold's up. Oh, thank you candy, Emeril.
Now, as I mentioned, there are the options for other contracts. They come in more and more frequently now that the blight has ended and there's been a bit of a power vacuum in some of the wilder places of Sleet Garden beyond. So, I'm just outside the city walls to the west. You mentioned a keep, didn't you? Or a castle for some kind.
I may have said that to make myself seem more important than I was. I was a little bit blustered down there. But yes, my late father and mother had a keep of sorts. It's a small holding more than anything with a wall. Much of it is in disrepair. But my hope is now that we have some time
And now that the blight are gone, that I can rebuild it with the money that we make, I will find the contracts for you and weed out those that seem insidious and give you those that give you the best deal for money. And we will make profit and you can have it as a holdout.
And together, together, we will make all us monster hunting limited. And we will form a company and we will be the greatest monster hunters this side of the Algern Islands, this side of the Heral Empire. What do you say? Well, I have two questions to that.
The first is there's absolutely no way that you would form a company more impressive than some of the monster hunting companies in Dralak. So maybe tone down the ambition of the best this side of wherever the fuck you said and wherever the fuck you just said. The second is what's the name of the place of the Western Goldview that you're suggesting we go to?
It's a bit flustered by that. Comment on the first one. I don't know all the monster hunting people in the world. It was just an ambition. Why would you be ambitious to be the shittest monster hunting party in the world? Anyway, that's my first point. I want to be good. I want us to be good. You're good. You're very good at that. That was hard. You were very good. You have real potential. And secondly, the place I recommended you go wasn't necessarily a place I recommended you go. It was just that's where I will be.
if you want another contract, if you're interested. And so to have a name is what LaRoc was trying to get to.

New Quest: The Blue Dragon

Oh, right. The gold port keep. It's just out on the high road, keep going. There's a sign, turn left, follow the small path. It splits three ways, take the right. Those people don't know where it is. It's in a bit of a ravine area, or not a ravine, but it's in a bit of a dip in the ground.
well-hidden, useful, discreet. Most of the buildings are in absolute disrepair. I am just one person and I don't got any money to afford people to maintain it all, but again, we might be able to. And I'd love to have some company. We are looking for a place to stay. We've got whatever we want to do now. It's still
Still early, I guess, even though it feels like it should be later. I don't know, pub. But, um, Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali- Ali-
I've got some other plot hooks to drop before you leave. Hello? I didn't say that. Ian, you should probably stuff that metapigen in your rafters. I'll have it. It's the large gold exclamation mark above my head. Let me just get rid of that. Get out of here. Debbie.
kind of Debbie. Who's Debbie? Debbie and you know the one there and points to Marotta. Debbie, yeah. I mean we've used her name several times. Well maybe it's a pet name and I'm not privy to that but dearest Debbie you've been so good to me and my family so thank you and thank you for the hug earlier it was lovely.
that was i didn't i didn't you're hugging people now it was great i loved it i gave no consent to that approach no you smiled you smiled on your arms so you think it's okay that if if someone smiles at you that you can engage physical contact no but your arms went out like you were going to hug
homeland, homeland, place, place, place, Drolak, basically, a little bit. I am a, I work here and obviously I am also a Demis Dragon scholar, part-time, failing miserably sometimes at certain moments, but I like to read about it anyway.
I can't believe you're hugging people now.
One of the things we look for are dragon sightings. Dragon sightings usually give us some information about where old denis dragon tombs might be located, from the old world, the forgotten kingdoms, et cetera. And something popped up actually the other day that I thought might be of interest to you. There was a dragon sighting, a blue dragon sighting. We haven't had one of those, especially a blue dragon in quite some time, the lightning dragon.
which might be of interest given that it's kind of in on around Dralak. Also, what might be interesting to know, and I cannot tell you how I know this, is through a friend of a friend and he gestures down to the whip you've got on your side.
Word has it that this dragon has a growing horde. As I assume you know, dragons hold treasure, covered treasure towards themselves. The more treasure they have, the more power they have. They draw on the power of this realm of the real world of this realm, of the mortal realm. And the more goods they covered, the more powerful they become. Wormlings grow into young dragons, young into adult, adult into great, great into, oh, you see how it goes.
One of the items that this creature is known to have coveted and found through some of its minions is a magical whip of some description, a strap of lightning as it is known. I just noticed the whip on your hip and thought that might be of interest to you given firstly that I hugged you without your consent so I can firstly only apologize for that but also that
You know, the dragons are great to read about. Dragons are not so great when they attack your city and kill people. And I feel that you and your group might be good for controlling dragons. Maybe not like the big one that was up here, but maybe a smaller one. This is a wormling, after all, that's only early on in its time.
A question. You said that you saw this dragon near Dralak. I didn't. There are sightings. It was the border, sorry, between. Could you be more specific because it's a big country? Of course. Apologies. On the trade road down from us to scorch helm, from us, I mean, obviously, from Golgi to scorch helm south and then around the coast edge and then into Dralak, the dry lands.
Around the border on that trade road. It was sighted about two miles away kind of into the into the desert and allegedly there are kind of glassy areas of the sand where this this dragon has Its lightning has made the glass made the sand turned to glass and it creates almost a mirage effect But it is not a mirage. It is it is the glass of a blue dragon It's
Do it the way you will. It's just something else that I thought might be useful to pass on information given I accidentally hugged you and that you guys are powerful and you have a whip and it might be something of interest to you. Well, thank you for taking notice. You're very welcome and apologies again for the unwarranted hug. I'm just very full of emotion right now because of my daughter and you saved her and I wanted to thank you and I did it wrong. I'm sorry, I won't do it again.
There's perhaps another way you could make it up to us. Of course, yes. More than all this useful information I've given you. Of course, what else would you like from me? I mean, my friend Alpha here, you seem to be quite the keen reader.
You, a scholar, perhaps, is there anything that you might use to enrich Alpha's understanding of these lands? Or, you know, he's not from Western Erith, so perhaps some useful reading?
Yes, of course, of course, of course. The other books I've got with me, really, I'll demonstrate, again, books and some specific ones about the breed of dragon that was on the well before us mortals became beings here.

Alpha's Tome and Task

And it's one rather interesting book that I've filmed through many a time, actually. He's gonna pull out a rather weighty and torn up tome, and it just says across the cover, the forgotten kingdom,
Demis Dragon, the gem dragons. And he's just going to kind of hand that over to Alpha.
This, I would very much like it back, though. It is a very rare copy that I had to fight. I had to fight some people to get a really hard backhand to that old bastard who wanted it. Anyway, I've got it now. So Alpha Alpha, I very much like it back once. Once you're done reading it, please. But of course, I will look after it with great care. Thank you. And thank you. Thank you all.
all of you for everything. Oh my gosh, um, the squirrel I gave you, um, bloody man. Um, it's, it's, it's, it's moving. Do you know it's moving? Did I do that? Did I give you a broken one? What is it doing? Oh, I, I, uh, when I left, uh, shadow man tried to make a metal meerkat and, uh, I practice a form of arcane study called artificery and I've taken the organic taxidermy squirrel and blended it with my metal contraption. And as you can see, it's got one fur tail and one metal tail.
It's now animated.
I tend to look backwards in time, not forward towards new innovation, so this is very interesting for me. Well, I've had a rather busy day, folks, and I'm a bit pooped, and I'd like to spend a bit of time with my sister and make sure she isn't a ghost or possessed anymore. You are more than welcome to stay here as long as you like. I know it's just a floor to sleep on, but for some people that's great.
But it still feels early, so. Yeah, well, I mean, I just, in general, I was just being polite. Oh, right. OK. It's here if you need it, so to speak, just a place to crash on the floor, though I am going to pop back and just check on my sister if that's OK. Stay as long as you want and just leave the door open as you leave, as I should probably open the store at some point. And he looks at you each separately for a second. Thank you. Genuinely, thank you for all your help.
I will never forget you. Thank you again. And he turns and walks out. It doesn't walk out, walks into the back of the store. If you're interested, its name is Archie, at which point it's just going to start squeaking and then start to write something and mist again. What do you mean you prefer the name Nutcracker? I ain't calling you Nutcracker. What do you mean you prefer that name?
And Elion has left by this point. Okay, apparently it's named Nutcracker. I'm going to call you NC for short. Pub? We could get some breakfast or early lunch, I don't know. I believe celebratory meals are common after a successful task. Aye, what he said. He's learning.
Oh, that sounds like a... Aye! And Alpha's just going to try and imitate Morota's kind of eye, but with a more bit of enthusiasm. No, less piraty, please. That's his bag pointing to Nyx. Yeah, don't steal from this source book. Okay, well, I'm just going to look back over to my...
I. No. No. I prefer a different word. Try a different word. Yeah, I think you preferred it before. Try YAR. YAR is good. Try YAR. As all these suggestions are coming. YAR. And we are actually moving towards, you're just going to keep seeing Alpha as he's walking and keep kind of doing a little mini fist pump and he's going, YAR! YEE-HAW! I read! Just as everyone's kind of walking along. Ola's going to step in and just go, no, try the eye again.
Now can you say it three times and wave your arms in the air? Fuck off. Aye, aye, aye, aye. Aye, aye, aye. Aye, aye, aye. Aye, aye, aye. Aye, aye, aye. Aye, aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye, aye. Aye
and I desperately need some good sleep so you know where to find me if indeed you want to speak to me if not I'll be around I'll be fighting some monsters cheers I mean I don't know whether you worry want to follow up on the stuff in the basement you know with the boot tracks and don't forget the sculpts body you know
I've, like I said, I've got a guy who's good at burning things and I will follow it up. We'll get it bricked up and I'll, I'll have a look down later on today. I just, I just need to land something that isn't that hard stone floor. I need to be out of that basement for a few moments. Thanks. You too.
Yeah, I am. Yeah, cheers. See you around. And she's going to head off in the opposite direction, kind of scatter around the edge of the city to get to her home. And she disappears from sight away from the slums and away from the city of Golgi, leaving just the five of you on your own.

Nyx and Emron's Power Dynamic

So, Pab? Yeah, you were leading us along. Are we going all the way over to Claypeacall? Is there an outcloser?
I deliver to most of the pubs in the city, so I can recommend a closer spot. Apparently there's a lot of buzz from what we've been hearing about this half within or the one about two walks. I could take you there, although I have to warn you, Emron, I think it's quite a
I don't know how to say it. I know all of them a little bit. I think it's a bit akevery, you know? Oh, yeah. What's an akevery? You know, the staff are pretty nice. Well, I don't mind. I mean, we need to bring rains up to speed with what went on, you know, when we were climbing the ladder. I will tell you what, let's head into town and
The DM can decide which ones might be nearby when we approach from their south. Ed, the world is your oyster, Danny. You take your pick, mate. You've been messing around with everything so far. So you just do what you like, man. Honestly, there's free rein. Free rein. If you want to go, if you want to go, I'll let you go. I'll lead them to the half hoof. Shit, we're doing this our way.
But I was hoping, just as we get going, probably as I'm talking about, what, Emron. Emron, I wanted to say thank you for what you did in the trials.
Well think, think, think now of it, um, Marore, it was just, you know, you were in, you were in trouble and, uh, I'd had means to help. So, yeah, don't... I'm finding myself in trouble quite a lot since you three showed up. Ah, I'm, I'm, I'm sorry about that. No, I appreciate that I'm still breathing because of you and your son's efforts. Ah, well, um, we appreciate you. You were, uh, you're a...
nifty nifty we fire lass you uh certainly know how to throw yourselves around you'd have had you'd have done well into um fighting pits let me tell you perhaps i've already been in them well uh maybe um we'll have to tell me about it sometime then we can compare notes or not
I'm about to be quite heavy-handed with Nyx, by the way, so if your little god sense goes off, I'm not gonna kill him, okay?
Uh, why have you never ended with him? I mean, I know he's annoying, but I am so confused. I know something happened to me, but I have no idea of knowing what you don't know. So apart that, but what the hell happened with you? I tell you what you, you fill in your friend and I'm going to have a word with mine real quick. Okay.
So, now, do you want to do this live or we can assume this happens in a cutscene, it's entirely up to you? I think we assume this is in a cutscene and that's okay, so you fill it in with- If Darren doesn't know yet, that's the problem, because he's not- Oh. Yeah. And if you want, I will quickly fill you in Darren Page with the events of what happened. Mark, do the DM notes rather than try to- You can do it out again if you want, if it's- It's a nice little reminder just for the listeners as well, so the basic- You can do it in character if you want, I just didn't know whether we wanted to have that.
We'll speed it along slightly. Only because Emron is a lovely, a lovely paced speaker now. Will, I do applaud your efforts with Emron's voice. I love it more than life itself. He's one of my favorite characters. We all my favorite characters anyway. I think my children. But nonetheless, to speed us along, Darren, the premise of this is that we went through some trials for Nyx to become a warlock. He failed them. He tried to loot the Statue of Dragon. He basically,
Failed that. Failed a couple of other things as well. And on the outcome of which, basically, Emeron now gets to decide whether or not Nyx keeps his level one warlock powers or loses them. He's been given a horseshoe with habit endure, just as Ash testament written around it. It's a horseshoe with spikes and these words written in it with caked in blood.
If he breaks that, Nix loses his powers and in doing so means that Nix is beholden to Emron and his moral compass and his will, his will to do good or do whatever or follow a leader or whatever that is. Basically, Emron's in charge of Nix's powers for the foreseeable, which is the new kind of trial that Nix is now on in the real world. OK. Well, damn, that's that's a that's a lot.
Enron, that's a lot to process. Yeah, yeah, it was, I wouldn't lie, it got a bit airy. And it was, yeah, and I don't know about this whole nicks and this power stuff, honestly. I'm not after controlling fork. I'm gonna glance down at the blood on my armour and just go, well, it's been an emotional 48 hours.
And as you look down at your hands and look up, you look up and see Marotta kind of holding, I imagine, Nick's back and just letting you guys walk ahead. Is that kind of correct, Daniel, what your intention was? So as everyone sort of begins to detail it,
I'm going to just wait until it's quite, we get like a quiet spot moving into the city again. I'm just going to grab Nyx by the arm and move him into, just into an alley temporarily, like not for long. And then if possible, I'd just like to absolutely pin Nyx against the wall of a building, sort of forearm across the throat. Grapple? Sure. Is Nyx resisting?
No, Nyx is gonna... He's got some things to say, but he wouldn't resist this. Okay, so... As I do that, I'm just gonna temporarily put Handim into my pocket really quickly, get 10 gold pieces in my fist, pin Nyx against the wall, grab one of Nyx's hands, put it next to mine and drop the 10 gold pieces into his hand. I'm just gonna say, why is the fuck up?
You're going to get us killed. You're absolutely going to get us killed. I did not expect that. I'm going to tense the grip even more, so push into the throat a bit more. The robot's got your fucking jewel. All right. What? And as you say that, nearby windows and doors are just going to fly open. As

Confrontation and Consequences

I accidentally cast Thormatology.
and your voice, what, what, what, what echoes through the small alleyway. I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I didn't mean that. I'm gonna release my grip. God damn it, I can't get a bearing on you. I thought you were... If I die because you're being stupid, I am going to kill you.
Yep, yep, yep. Death twice. Right. That's fine. Okay, so we're good. We're fine. You scared me there. You scared me there for my water. For my water. I thought, you're very good. You're very good. I know how to charm people, but you, you've really gotten in with this group so closer to them than I am.
They're even thinking that you're this friendly neighborhood hero. Oh, you got my gold. You gave me my gold. Okay. Right. Yes. And Alf has got my jewel. Which jewel? The one from the trials. The one that almost killed you. Yeah, that's fine. That's okay. He could pick it up. That means that I could pick it up. Where's he got it on him?
I'm not making this easy for you. Fine. That's fine. I'm very slight of hand. I can find that duel. Okay.
Right. And what do you want me to do? Because I'm following this fucking Enron. Life has gone to shit, Marauder. I don't know what to do right now. I feel like I've got to follow him and he has the key to this power that I seem to have now. So pass the fucking trial, Nyx. Stop being a bitch. Okay. Okay. So much for that. And catch up with everyone else. Ah.
Tough love is what we're going for here. Okay, fine. Two can play at that game. Two can play at that game.
Fuck. An old lady leans out. What happened to my windows? I don't fucking know. Don't you use that language with me, you little whoop-a-snapper. God damn, even you're turning me off. Oh, you for today, he can't even look after an old lady's windows. Oh my. What were you screaming about? Listen here, you old bag. Don't shout me, you twat. That's the patron.
I am the Alpha Omega, beginning of the end, you bitch. Give me a soul! No, she doesn't say that. But she does say, what happened to my windows? Tiefling! Look! Look! Less of the Tiefling. Look, I don't know. Just go back inside. Close your own fucking windows. You're fine. You're fine. But you blew them up. They're all blown in.
I don't know how to fix it. Before you go, before you go, before you go, before you go. You seem old. The windows are broken but she just reopens the frames to listen to you. What? You seem old. Yes, I'm very old apparently. Which means you probably lived here a long time, right? Yes.
haven't you any idea where i can find a weapon shop around this here part some kind of smith or some kind of shop where i can spend my many ways look at me yep let me just bring up my map okay down the wall there yeah i've got it in my drawer here just
Fuck, what did I call it? Searching Google Drive, give me a moment. It should be in somewhere. No, that's an old campaign. That's episode, that's episode Shader died, not that one. It's somewhere. Fucking hell. There you go, publication one, JPG. That's what I called it.
Where are we? In the south, okay. Yep, yep, yep, yep. Yep, couple of places. You know what? I'll pass them over to you. Sorry for ending the end of your episode. It was a nice finish with you and Marota, and then I've undermined the authority of the scene. Apologies. It was only supposed to be fun, but now she's kind of taken over a bit.
I can come back and just like punch him in the stomach and wind him. Let's do that. Yeah, she's going to write down the names of three places that I'll tell you next episode that you might want to go. This one's a trap, but it's cheap. This one's brilliant, but expensive. This one's a bit of both. There you go. Get out of here you scamp. Shots or windows. Never to be seen again. Sorry about the windows. I don't know what I did.
I hate it. I don't know. Okay, right. Cool. Onwards. Are you catching up with others? No. I'm going to look at the list of weapons manufacturers that you've given me and head to the one that's
labeled the greatest i don't know what your fucking system is so if it's next episode that's next episode but the others can go to the pub but that's that i'm forking off all right because okay yeah and as uh the pub that as we kind of zoom up and out like almost a um
Drone drone footage you see the majority of the party heading north into into the center of Goldview and you see Nick's taking a westerly approach moving more into the kind of western areas of the city as the party splits That's we're gonna end it for this week's episode of the fellowship or the tabletop lovely stuff gang whoo-hoo
That was

Conclusion and Listener Engagement

an ending. That was interesting. Whenever we get to the half he thinks we're gonna stop and go, where the fucking hell is Nix? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's all good? Yeah. It'll be fine because, you know, it's nice. Have a little breakaways every now and then. It's all right. Yeah, it's not like I can get to spend 20 trouble, can you? No, never.
Are you talking to me? Is it Nick's? I'm confused now. Are you metering me? And I don't know what you're doing. Who knows? But I don't know what everyone else is doing. They're listening to this episode and I love you all for it. That's a fucking segue. That's a segue right there. You're welcome. Cheers, guys. Thank you very much for listening and making this a party every day. Week!
Like I said earlier, we love you for it. If you wanted to show us some love back, you can do more than just hit us up on Twitters, which I'll announce in a moment. You could leave us a review on iTunes or Google Podcasts, Spotify, any of the main popular ones, or the small ones if you tend to listen through there. That would be great. That's the best way to kind of get our show to new ears. The more reviews we get, the more people that it would be advertised to.
Cool. That's our little shameless plug done. If you wanted to keep up to date with the podcast, please do so. We have various social media pages. We have a website, which is We have Facebook, which is fellowshiptable. And we have a Twitter homepage, which is at fellowshiptable. And if you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, you can do that too. I'm at iWorldA1. Darren's at... Darren Page, 06, or apparently BigShong69. I mean, it depends who you are.
not muncher 69 i think for this week um the deity the god the amazing power up above that is will is that i'm not a deity natural 20 will uh the ripoff on power rangers is that
That's the D20 Gamer! That's a good voice, do that one! That's a good voice, that's a better one! It's great, we could replace his vocal instrument and change his voice. Our local neighbourhood Spiderman Danny can be found at Total Party Thrills And our hero of a DM can be found at
a silly world to yen. Until next time guys.