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14: All Too Clever and Coherent image

14: All Too Clever and Coherent

S1 E14 · Snap On This!!
236 Plays4 months ago

Lauren, Ben & Rie are here once again at that same Snap time on that same Snap channel!! 😎

For our esteemed listeners’ consideration:

  • This Week in Snap gives way to the elusive ✨ Cosmetics Corner segment
  • 🐺 Fenris Wolf & 6️⃣Gorr thoughts
  • Big ol’ OTA last week
  • Secret Homework from a listener! 💖
  • Title Two-ssle 💥 Snap or Cap?

Video version on YouTube.

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  • How Can She SNAP?
  • Snap Decisions
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Featured decks:


  • Cover art by Lauren
  • Snap On This!! Theme by Ben
  • YouTube thumbnail by Lauren’s kid, Reggi, who is very excited about the new card being a giant wolf


  • 0:00:00 Intro / Our Week in Snap
  • 0:25:02 New Card: Fenris Wolf
  • 0:39:53 Next Week's Spotlight: Gorr, Havok, Legion
  • 0:48:26 OTA Discussion
  • 1:18:08 Secret Homework: A Big-Ass Honkin' Card for Your Cohosts
  • 1:36:08 Title 2ssle: Snap or Cap?!
  • 2:11:17 Housekeeping / Next Week's Secret Homework / Closing Remarks
  • 2:15:35 Post-Credits Scene

Introduction and Weekend Recap

Welcome, it's episode 14 of Snap on This, Marvel Snap Podcast. It's the best one.
I'm Lauren Whatevs, here with my Ben. It's an even numbered episode, so Ben's going first. How was your weekend Snap and keep it snappy?
Well, it was a pretty good weekend snap. I have to say, I have been enjoying the decks that I've been playing. I kept playing the Malekith deck that I put in the square last week. And I have to say, the listeners, I i think some people actually played it and liked it. And I i got responses on multiple platforms. and I just, ah yeah, that that really tickled me. So I'm glad folks were having fun with that. My advice to anyone who may still be playing that is to cut copycat and put Ironheart in there. I had an earlier version of the deck with Ironheart and a couple other different cards, but like I shook it up. So the the version that I shared last week was actually like the the second iteration, but there there was some gold in the first one and the gold was Ironheart.

Character Discussions: Ironheart and Jackpot

The gold was iron, in fact, different metal entirely. Heart of gold.
Yes, that too. Come into Disney Plus next year. ah i'm I'm rooting for Riri. I've never read the comic book about her. She, you know, from the movies, she like reverse engineered, ah you know. like She was in Wakanda forever.
But so when she became like Ironheart, like Tony Stark was like, you know, comics books dead. He was really like in a coma somewhere. But he hadn't made a hologram of himself to like train her after he was gone. So like the first Ironheart comics are like little hologram Tony Stark, like annoying the shit out of her. It's great. so Like a little shoulder angel.
I guess he'd be a shoulder devil. Probably. More like a shoulder devil in a bottle. Am I right? Classic Iron Man story about alcoholism. um Weirdly at this time, I have to mention Mary Jane is running like s Stark Industries. It's like so bizarre the things they do with Mary Jane. She's a superhero now named Jackpot with roller iron casino powers. She's running around with Black Cat. I've seen pictures of it. Does she have powers or it's like all suit based?
I haven't actually read it, but their luck-based powers, I'm only kind of tangentially aware because, you know?

Deck Strategies and Gameplay Tactics

Yeah, that's that's where it lives. Not the most exciting to me. Yeah. I know that this is happening, but I'm unclear on some of the on some of the fine details. um Anywho, my weekend snap.
Yeah, put ironheart in there instead of copycat if you're still playing that Malakith deck. I'm still having a lot of fun with Scorn Master, the deck in a square from like three weeks ago or something. It's just real good. Discard's real good right now. Speaking of Discard, oh well, I guess maybe I should save any and all Fenris Wolf related things for ah later in the discussion.
Um, what else has been going? You know what? I should have left myself some more copious notes. I'm sure other things happened in my weekend snap. I, um, what was I going to say? I, I found the interruption very enlightening, but also now I don't remember what I was going to say. Gosh, dang it. I talked about the Malakist back. Um,
Snap points are still about where they were. I've been, you know, breaking even, doing silly things, playing good things. I'm just gonna check my decks real quick to remind myself what's been kicking ass. Yeah. Inspiration.
um I've been playing some of my surfer things, but mostly it's discard stuff and malachute stuff. And yeah, some venerable stuff, but we'll talk about that i'll talk about that later.
Okay, yeah you can always opt to keep it snappy. We can even put a pin in it if something strikes you later and you want a little bonus bang topic. Okay, all right. Yeah, that does make me feel a lot better. Talk about what you want. I hate leaving loose threads and things. I reserve the right for you to do that. Okay, Rhee, how was your weekend snap? Okay, first, I am very sorry for free to interrupt my nonsense. That's okay, I would never. And, no, I mean, but, okay, and I know people aren't
Here for my bullshittery, but I did, for Endgame Banter today, I had to make evil versions of both of you, and I need to tell you about that. But I won't do it now, because it's not relevant.
all right
So my weekend snap, okay. So I've been kind of having a rough run of it lately. Probably no one had noticed. But it was kind of the point where on Joe's podcast, there was just some PJs in my house coat. And then I think last podcast episode,
Lord had been really great. Did you know it could be in total darkness? and yes yes please need it um so like it's it's um I've been feeling like much better today specifically. like When you've been sick for a long time and then finally you're just like not one sick one day and you're just normal, it's extra good. so Yeah, you get that like brief moment of everything being amazing before you start taking it for granted again.
Right? Yeah, before it normalizes out into, you know, the misery that is life. So. But today you have superpowers.
um ah So, okay, but I did, I did, so feeling better, I did finally get a late infinite. Usually I get it like in the first week, and I know our last podcast, I still had not. I'm like, ah um I I did cross the line with, ah it's the new version of meek-ocalypse is called meek-ocalypse re-scorned.
You know, it's it's so good, but it makes me sad because Squirt is so good and she definitely pushed Black Cat and Ghost Rider out of the deck. And I you know Ben was like, they never belonged there, but they did. I mean, I don't know. I don't know how you knew that, but yes, that that was yeah sort of, I was thinking something along those lines.
Um, getting but I get too lazy to like make decks that I can't copy on my phone, but I need to play your version, because your version of the scoring deck has sword master, right? Mine doesn't. Hell yeah, it does.
Yeah, I need to play you. I want to see how yours is different. And I know we both have a grandmaster because it's so shit. So many double gambits, to be honest with you. Okay, so that's, that's what I crossed the line with. I know it's like, not it's kind of my comfort deck. So it's not like the most exciting new thing. But I have, I went back to playing some more destroy and both of my destroy decks.
um the destroyer one that I talked about, and then the old one with Aranya. I put Aranya back in over agony. And that's why I yoinked it out again because I had, oh my gosh, I forgot to pick up. I was in such a bad spot. I forgot to pick up bounties just when the week flipped over and then just forgot about bounties until like Sunday. I'm like, oh! I've been there. Yeah. Yes, you have. So I didn't get all the way up It was one of like the first or two weeks that I didn't actually hit the personal bounty goal, Saj. But I needed to play an activate card, and you know how I feel about those? I'm the only like deck I had particularly. I was like, Aranya, she's still, she's good. Anyway, and that deck was still you know? so like
Um, that felt good. And then also my destroying deck. Anyway, so that's kind of what I've been playing lately. Um, alongside like, weekend mission certain. Steve? Oh yeah, I forgot I did play that. I deleted it right away. I was not having fun with that.
I always keep just like one deck alive for the weekend missions. I was like, I have my little Sizer Tens deck for Cerner. And I'm like, i'll I'll pull it out just on the weekend. I needed the space. like sometimes like These deck slots, a lot of them are just like notes to myself. like I was lucky that I kept to the original version of that Malekith deck to like remind me that like i had I'd been thinking for days about putting Ironheart back in, but like I totally would have forgotten if I didn't have the the reminder in the game client there to look at and be like, oh yeah, you know what the smart thing to do is. I don't know.

Cosmetics and Split Rates Bug Discussion

I love that insight because that's totally why I eat up so many tech slots is some of them are just like, this is an idea that's not there yet. But with the right card or the right inspiration, this could go to the next level.
more decks brag that i got crackle on my iron heart
which i know you weren't thinking i believe is it back because so good and the bla Oh, that's so good. Every time I pull her out now, I'm just like, yeah, you'd be jealous. You better be starizing that. I better see that emoji pop up on this variant. It's like okay. Okay, sorry. That's amazing. And I don't generally like the Max Grex, but that's my favorite Max Grex and my favorite Ironheart. It's just, it's so great. It has such good energy. The animation on it is awesome.
Oh, I do have one more piece of news for my weekend snap. After 15 splits, I have an inked Grandmaster. Yay! Splitsmith is the variant for it? Yeah, I split it a ton before the dark times. I split it a ton during the dark times. I've been splitting it a ton during Splitsmith. Sometimes you just have to do it 15 times to get your to get your ink. So many golds, so many rainbows, ah foils, this, that, and the others. oh Also, while while we're taking this very brief detour to Cosmetics Corner, I also inked Scarlet Spider.
um I've got Red Guardian, I think maybe I inked out Copycat as well. Suddenly all of my decks are fully inked and I'm like, whoa. That's Now I'm working on like some discard stuff, trying to trying to get into Sushi Modok. I mean, ah just an inked modok of any kind, but it's going to be Sushi Modok because that's the one true variant. Oh, another thing during this brief visit to Cosmetics Corner, how is it me that and brought us here. um Anyway, ah I have decided as just a seasonal thing, I'm swapping away from all my pixel variants that are usually my fashion statement of choice. Oh, thank goodness. Oh, your abs man is so hideous.
Oh, no, I'm still using Pixlabs, man, because I love Pixlabs, man. But like, i you know, I wound me. I'm using nice things. Man, I really like that most recent season past Spider-Man. The Pixl Spider-Man is so put ugly. Oh, Spider-Man in the rain?
No, not that one. that's are you Are you thinking like the twitch drop one and the iron, ah the not the armored suit thing? I know, but right the rain in that one is so good. He has a sword. You're talking about the one where he's like holding ah somebody under his arm, right? Yeah, that one's good. Yeah, the one that's ah that's a, you know, a play on the Amazing Fantasy like OG cover that we all know the one. um But anywho, yeah, so I've been using some pretty variants, and it's a little nice. I'm probably going to switch back to Pixel for my original reasons that are difficult to articulate. I don't want to antagonize anybody. But you know,
I just decided it would be nice to have a month or two where things looked nice because I deserve it. So that's my story. Absolutely. Sorry for hijacking your weekend snappery. It was not proportionate to the, I don't know, now I'm the villain and that's okay.
It has a whole arc. No, it's in now. Everyone's simping for the villain, so like, you know. Yeah, but they shouldn't be. They shouldn't be. Depends on which villains we're talking about. What if we just like the good people who are doing their best to do good? What? For the record, I like pixels too. Maybe our faves don't need to be problematic. It's not on the pixels. Moon Knight?
Lady Sif, Jubilee, Storm, because every storm. What, you like Pixel Moon Knight? Yeah, Pixel Moon Knight. I have it. I didn't buy it. I got it for free. i I just saw somebody complaining on Blue Sky about how the windows don't even point the right direction.
For a Pixel. also it this sugarline That's not red. Sorry, go ahead. The moon knight himself does look cool on the pixel moon knight. It's a cool scene. Yeah. In general, it's not very good pixel art, but sometimes that makes it endearing. And then there's some of it that's like pretty good. Yeah, there really is just a man.
Yeah, there are some that are just just so, so bad. um Anyway. Brie, are you sufficiently? Oh, yeah, no. Talked about your week? Yeah, I did. Okay, I'm sorry. Just to wrap up, Cosmetics Corner. I did get it. I've been trying to do my own Discord cards. I got a green crackle on Apocalypse, and I was like, maybe. And I put it with the green border, and I tried.
Moon Knight will not. I have a red crackle. I want a blue or a white crackle. Why do they ruin Moon Knight for me? okay that seem really good Oh, it's been great. Also, I need to issue a correction. The Iron Man story was actually Demon in a Bottle. Devil in a Bottle is a song by T.G. Shepard. All of you who are writing this email right now, stop.
Thank you for the correction. ah my My take on Green Crackle is it is the worst one except the one it's the best one. Yeah, like Rogue, right? You know. Yeah, um Mark Brooks Rogue or some of the Hulks. Yeah.
Green can be cool, it just usually is not. It's not easy pink, pink crack. I want to wrap up Cosmetics Corner by saying ah my Splitsmas goal of getting white crackle misery, which is awfully specific. Just do it. But you know, there's four of them. There's four different ways to get the white crackle. That's the only thing you're picky about? Yeah. Yeah. I'm 21 miseries deep, ah which I guess is like 15 that could have been crackle. I have a few crackles, but none of them are white yet, so we're continuing.

Card Acquisition and New Releases

Um, it's kind of a dumb thing, maybe, because I don't even- I like misery, but like, there are cards I like more that I don't have good splits on yet. Um, but she's gonna be really beautiful when I get it. You know? I have the super rare variant, it's gonna be great. Um, but my goal before Splitsmas was to split my collection wide, to get my whole collection to green, sorry, Reed, or infinity. Um, and that just doesn't make sense to do during Splitsmas.
That doesn't make any sense to split wide during Christmas. So I'm like, OK, well, I'm going to pick one card and go deep and get some really killer split, hopefully. I think we've got two or three more weeks of Splitsmas. Speaking of Splitsmas, this is my week in Snap. I finally wrote another Marvel Snap Zone article. I thought it had been like a few months. It'd been seven. Oh, wow. Yeah, way longer than I expected.
i I did an analysis because they announced compensation, a final round of comp... I don't know if they call it final, but I expect it to be final. A final round of compensation for the split rates bug affecting ink, gold, and crackle. um It's basically any any split you did that's number four or higher puts you into a tier, there's seven tiers, and then you get...
10% of the credits and boosters for that for the median of that tier, ah which is a little complicated, but I did the math. It was way better compensation than I expected. like yeah I had to like go in and like amend parts of my article after I had like finished the math. I'd already done a bunch of it.
and maybe jump to conclusions at that point. And then I finished my math and I was like, oh, this is actually like, you have to be a pretty special case for this compensation to be bad for you. It basically has to be you spent tons of money during the dark times and then no money during splits miss. That's the player who is getting shafted. ah Yeah, i I still feel bad for those people, but reading your article, i it made it very clear that most people are going to be coming out ahead on this whole debacle. Although I still feel very bad for those few people who did spend during the dark times and don't didn't feel like spending dirty and I like that that really stinks for them and that is completely. Yeah, I don't I don't want to like make it sound like I got mine. So it's all OK. But like I definitely about ahead and most of this way.
That's why I've been pushing for this compensation the whole time. It's like, yeah, the boosted rates work for most players. But there are real players who spent money and then couldn't or didn't want to spend money. And it's weird to make them compensate themselves by spending more. like So I was very glad to see it. It hasn't gone out yet. I imagine that it's the biggest compensation they've ever done.
i Because it's any player who did at least one split that was number four for the character in like a two month period. So like, that's a lot of players. That's not everybody though. Some people don't split deep. Yeah, or newer players who haven't gotten that far yet. or Yeah, right. there's There would be plenty of players who that doesn't didn't affect at all.
I like this snap history we're writing though. We're like The Dark Times. It's called the Splitsmas and Splitsmas songs. know. Oh, I hope that there's good news shortly after Splitsmas because I worry about and worry about the split rates feeling bad afterwards. Yeah, I also worry about that. Oh my god.
If Chase doesn't go 100% banana, I'm going to be pissed. I did a little bit of cooking this week. I did i made a named a deck Val Malval because it uses Valentine, Malakith, and Valkyrie. I finally got it. I finally got the anti-venom on Valkyrie. Zero Zero Valkyrie is so such a fun card. I i mean, surprising nobody. That's a very good card, a Zero Zero Valkyrie.
um Feeling vicarious joy from it. Yeah, it was thrilling. Something that I tried. I tried it when anti-venom first came out. I just couldn't hit her and I did several times since. um this Most of the malachith shells you're seeing now are anti-venom shell, whichever you want to think about it. They're the same thing. It's Luke Cage, anti-venom and malachith and they're great shells.
um Yeah, so I guess I'll read it off. Why not? This deck treated me pretty well. Mostly I was just ah having fun, but I i climbed from 20,000 to 15,000 using this deck casually. Celine, Zabu, Grandmaster, US Agent, Valentina, Cassandra Nova, because Harsham and Thanos are everywhere, Luke Cage, Gwenpool, Iron Lad, Malekith, Anti-Venom, and Valkyrie.
Gwenpool on Valkyrie is a little bit of anti-synergy, but you know what? As long as Cage is out, it's fine. ah Anyway, very fun. Pretty, pretty... Got a big high, like it's got a high curve, but you know, we have some tools to deal with that. We have Zabu and Anti-Venom.
um I was not like I was not high on anti-venom going into the season But I was like it looks like a fun card to play with though, and I think Overall he is my favorite of all of last season's cards Toxins really fun too. and That's interesting. I really I would have liked to get anti-venom. I have to complain well, I mean I I opened yet another ah spotlight cache with an actual new card in it instead of 1000 collectors tokens. I have no idea how this keeps happening to me. They forced RSM on me and I'm not going to play that card. I'm on an anti-venom or frigate.
There are only four cards I don't have. And like, what were the odds? I mean, it was one in five, I guess, or maybe one in four. Yeah, I i think that the new it's one is three to hit a series five and then one in like 70 to hit Arisham.
Well, all the cards I'm missing are series five. Oh, I see what you mean. One in three to even, like, roll the series five outcome. That's how it works. I see. It it doesn't matter that I'm not missing any series. but Well, maybe I am missing a series four. Supergiant series four, right? Oh, I'm so mad. I've only gotten distance. Probably.
I don't know. Point is, I got got like my 10th card from the fourth spotlight, you know, like prize thing, the rightmost mystery. Yeah, so now I'm an Irish M gamer. um I'm sorry, I don't remember what reminded me of that, but I... Wait, are you actually playing Irish M or are you just using your It's that's definitely in the two thirds of cards that I will never play.
Never is such a harsh word. Harsh one's fun every now and then. I don't like it when he takes up 20% of the meta. I'm making up a number there. I have no idea if it's that high. I don't know if that's higher. Do math with your feelings.
I mean, that's how you win games of Snap. Calculate what you're feeling. That's how you do, that's all. I only do gut math in Snap. I think you win games of Snap by knowing what stuff you might draw and Arasham doesn't really do that, so. It's true. But one extra energy goes a long way. Every turn. Yes, it does.
But just not not to my taste. Not my thing. Sorry for interrupting. um i'm I can't believe you've never opened one from the fourth thing. That's so weird. I'm missing ten cards. Yeah. We'll do it eventually.
um Okay. Moving on to another card that I was very low on. by He looks kind of fun. Fenris Wolf, this week's new card, a 2-3, activate, resurrect your opponent's highest power discarded or destroyed card on your side of this location. Last episode, I said I wasn't going to get this and I think YouTube both said you were. I haven't gotten him yet. You too? I got Fenris Wolf, yeah. I haven't gotten him yet. Ooh, spicy.
is there a reason okay so
My biggest draw is both the the wolf theme of the card, as well as, ah like ah could this let me build a new type of moon knight deck? you know like Because there's so many limited, you know it's limited, but on the an activate card, which I don't like as much.
Um, you know, it's a multi-stop card and I want so many cards next month. So like I've been, I've been debate because he was going to be a, he's a token spy for me, but I only have like eight or 9,000 tokens. Someone say, you know, that's a tough call. Yeah. But the draw to build a new card, black bowl. I miss playing black bowl and stature.
I think this is probably the Moon Knightiest card we've had in a while. It's a pretty Moon Knighty card. And the Moon Knightiest we're going to have in a while, like going forward. Most of the good, like the high stat, Fenris Wolf decks that I've seen run Moon Knight. Just saying. Okay. Yeah, I might end up doing, I mean, I plan to spend tokens. So maybe I should.
ordinary grandna getting I think Ben has probably the most valuable things to say about this card. I'm gonna say I spent all of yesterday trying to get a cute little destroyer clip, not the one you're thinking of, not the one where you viper over the activated Fenris, not that one. i was I was just trying to play a prio deck, and on turn six,
used Lady Sif to discard Destroyer. That was it. But nobody was playing, nobody was playing Fenris Wolf. I did this for probably two hours and I ran into a handful of Fenris Wolves, but they they fucked it up. They filled up their location or they, the one time they discarded my Sif and I just, I don't even know how they did that. Probably like a samurai or something. It was just, it was- You should have run into me, because that absolutely happened to me with someone who probably wasn't even trying very hard. Yes, I've resurrected the distracted the Destroyer. Yes! Absolutely. I've made so many different mistakes with this card. I have to say, like if its stats are OK, or if its stats are bad, or whatever its stats are, it's probably a better card than that. Because if I'm like making misplays and stuff,
that kind of makes me think, like, I i don't mean to be like... You know, like, where this is this going? I'm not saying I'm like the greatest player in the world, but like, if I'm struggling to use a card without fucking stepping on my own face or whatever, like, I think that... It's a high skill floor card. There are a lot of people who are gonna be making some mistakes with this card. And so... Yeah, it's gonna take some practice.
like Honestly, like later in the day I was playing it better than I was earlier in the day. like they There are some tricky things about this card. There are some tricky like judgment calls to make with this card. Sometimes, like hey, resurrect that okay thing first now before something weird dies that you don't want to resurrect. or like sense Because sometimes the bigger thing is not the thing that you want on your board or whatever. I don't know.
Yeah. just there There are a lot of tiny, weird little like edge cases and lessons to be learned and ways that you can or cannot bite yourself in the butt. and I was biting myself in the butt a fair amount, but also getting some cool results because it's a very neat card. um Yeah. Sorry.
i just i had the i had to admit that, yeah, i've I've resurrected a destroyer. I don't even think, I think I was surprised when I resurrected the destroyer. I think maybe it had been discarded and i there was some other thing I thought I was resurrecting. I don't remember if like the order of like, Because sometimes, like you know strange things happen. We've all discarded our thing from the raft or whatever. And I think maybe I discarded my own thing from the raft. Oh, it so much. And that's how I got it. i like The blade. Or something like that. yeah Or even Colleen wing. I've Colleen winged so many raps. I don't think I do it anymore. But I've done it so many times that like it does haunt me.
so So yeah, Fenris Wolf I bet is better than the stats

Fenris Wolf Card Analysis

would suggest. Whatever the stats are, I haven't looked at them. Here's why I'm interested in him. ah Something that I probably didn't give him enough credit for.
in our previous discussions. He's a really good prio card. And I like decks that do the prio rush thing now that Aliath isn't a complete just heartbreaker, you know, who eats cards whole. I've kind of always liked the, lockdown is kind of ah like a rushdown deck. And I think, you know, rushing for prio is a similar flavor.
um And he's great for that, right? If you can resurrect something on turn five, that's a lot of points that you're getting for turn six in helping yourself get prio. So I am tempted more than I thought I would be. a What I've seen is players who were kind of low on him have been having fun with him.
Oh, are there people who went in with high expectations? I'm off Twitter, so I don't even know what people are saying there. But I'm just trying to imagine the kinds of people who had very high expectations of Fenris Wolf, or that I could believe having high expectations of Fenris Wolf. I don't know. I don't know. I'm running simulations of people I haven't spoken to in a while.
Hmm, what do they think of this card? I don't know. I think it's pretty cool. I will say it's sometimes it's like handy as tech against like hella or Phoenix force or whatever but also it does create like a game of hungry hungry hippos where whoever resurrects that thing first gets that thing and Sometimes it's the Fenris player. But also you got to like move quick or your candy disappears and Yeah times of the essence. so in my In my experience, I need to be fundraising earlier and oftener. That's, ah yeah, I don't know. Some rules of thumb that you're developing. I'm sure my understanding will evolve. No, I had nothing useful to say. Go on.
Oh, I was going to say, so I actually, having not gotten them yet, I've only seen them like twice, maybe, and both times I gambited it. So one of them was on a, I'm forgetting the name of the location, but one where on reveals don't work. So like, it's, you're always like, oh, cards are safe here from like red guard. I always, you know, you always put your ongoing cards there because you're like, ah, can't be robed. But like, safe from gambit.
Anyway, I love Gambit. When Gambit hit, sometimes he's a little snot and you're like, there were three good targets there, Gambit. Three! And you pick the three. No! Anyway, but sometimes you just, yeah there's just so many retreats from a Gambit. He can be so mess gambit devastating.
ah The gambits I hate playing against the most are the ones where I have had a slow start. And it's like, I'm playing one card on turn three, and then they destroy that. And it's like, okay, great, I'm going in into turn four with nothing played. I guess that would have to be on their turn four. Anyway, yeah, it just feels like a total like, just hurts hurts your momentum so much ah ah on curve gambit when you've had a slow start.
Yeah, that's why you hate another reason to hate Central Park. You see all those squirrels out there. Oh yeah, get out of here with that. He's like a dog, you know? Anytime he sees a squirrel, it's just like, I hit that for sure. It's true. Oh, okay.
So I wanted to say, so that's my experience with Fenris Wolf, but my friend Ruka was telling me, um and mean just is you know, we were talking about Fenris Wolf and he's like, a um well, yeah I did see you know an of Fenris Wolf when they, ah you know, resurrected my spider. It hit me.
And I was like, that was kind of the point I was making. Well, first I was like, oh my god, rude. Like, concept with your own ham. Like, does it get much greater than that? That's like what Fenris Wolf is for. Right? But that's what I'm saying. So it's not just like big juicy power cards with Fenris Wolf. I found that to be the less effective way to use that card.
Yeah. like Take a good small thing that does something. I think that's probably what people figured out quickly because like my strategy of surprise discarding destroyer, it works against the players who are trying to do like shang shenanigans, right? Players who are playing discard. Shangnanigans. Thank you.
um Players who are doing Moon Knight stuff are discarding my Destroyer early and are seeing it in my discard pile and not activating Fenris Wolf. Or one player, a brilliant person, activated Fenris Wolf and then played their cards and they got Destroyer and a bunch of stuff. It was just, it was a beautiful play they won.
Anyway, ah one thing I learned from all of this, something pointed out by Scott Denham, although I saw a few other people doing it too, is if you play Gladiator on a US agent, he destroys just about everything. and Anything that has, what, 12 power or or more, those are the only things that can survive. So like, an extremely effective way to to get a kill and also to make sure that It's happening you're building power in a lane that's separate from your Fenris lane this is what's so great that there things that Yeah, it is possible to get like some small things like if you if you have a ah very large Morbius waiting to happen in your deck you can Like there there are things
you know, if if you've been on Krakoa, if you've played Fast, like there there are ways to get through it. Like it's not an absolute that like gladiator plus USA agent kills literally everything. there There are exceptions to that rule besides the hoax and bigger. But yeah, yeah, it's it's a very cool combo for sure.
And playing discard is great. It's so good right now, and I hate it, because it means everyone's going to play it and ruin it for me. Because there's been a lot of gladiators, and when they're gliding, you're like, oh, buddy, this is going to hurt you more than it helps me. Because they pull your moon knight, or your stuff, and it's like your a-pod gets discarded, and they lose. their like you know six cards card

Upcoming Gore Card Speculation

or whatever. It's just like, it's so good. So I'm like, yes, please, please, please, gladiator, dig something out of my deck. I just played one of my cards for three. Yes, one of my discards. That's all I want to do. I have, if I have Scorn, oh, this is how I cross the line to infinite. It's like, I only needed one more cube and I get into this game and I'm like, I have Apoc and Scorn in hand. That's all I need for victory. Snap immediately.
And they just, like, sit for sure, and then they just leave. I'm like, that's right! That's right! Just like, I just wish myself was like that, like, like, you know, when you, like, do the dance-offs, and I come in, I'm just like... I'm just like, I want no part of that. You want no part of that. You want no part of that. You want no part of that. With an intimidation cube, that's... Yes! It was a bully cube. I, like, my intimidate check in D and&D, like, what? I was just like, get out of here! And I'm like, uh...
Retreat! That's how I got into it anyway. That's a great way to cross the finish line. Okay, any other wolf thoughts? Okay, yeah, sorry. I give this card. i was recent When we were ranking the cards for this month,
I had a secret project in my own mind. I signed each of them pass-fail ratings because I kind of think that's even more constructive than the stack rankings. I gave Fenris Wolf a a pass and I still think it passed. I think this is a fine card, not a must-own card. but like it succeeded at being a card. I was reminded of this because we were talking so much about Gladiator. And I was like thinking back when i when I did this secret ranking thing in my head, I was like, which cards in the past would I have given a fail? And I mean, there's the much mentioned Emperor Hulkling that I would have given a fail. And I also would have given 3.7 Gladiator a fail. So if you're wondering, like when Ben talks about like pass fail ratings for cards, what what doesn't make the cut? 3.7 Gladiator does not make the cut. 3.8 Gladiator.
does good card. Better card anyway. Still have some some doubts but you know. It's a lot of power. It is a lot of power. It's definitely like a card that has uses whereas 3-7 gladiator I think was too risky for any bisque.
We will move on to next week's spotlight. It's Gore, 6, negative 1, ongoing, plus 2 for each on-reveal card in play.
I will say I might. I'm not going to make any promises. I have another Marvel Snap Zone article coming. I finally ah fixed my database access, and I have been thinking about looking at how many on-reveals can I expect my opponent to have. Yeah, what do you think? Is it more than three? Three was my hunch.
I... my guess would be more than three. It very much to probably be more than three, but like, is this always like... more than three But it should always be like at least three, right? is that is yeah Does that sound reasonable? Okay, right. So Gorza 6-5 without any help from yourself.
i That doesn't seem too hard to get him within like Hulk range. I think i think he's probably gonna be a 6-17 like... at least most of the time. I think that's like the median if we're if we're busting out medians. If it's median week, we're all about medians. I put him at my number two. Like I said, he's like a ah better Gilgamesh. He's like easier to trigger with stuff that you can do better things for you. Definitely a more flexible Gilgamesh that can be played in different kinds of decks.
Right? And just like werewolf, it doesn't, the aren even if they cosmode you, you're still going to get the, you know, the juice for gore from it. It still counts as an unreveal. I just, you know, it's the same problem we all have. We're kind of bored by it. Yeah, he's just a big guy.
And like somehow not putting him in Mr. Negative, that's the most boring thing to do with him. And that's playing Mr. Negative, the most interesting deck in the world. um like That's my biggest temptation, because I love Negative. And so that's like my one way where I'm like, I could resist this card, except he's a Negative card. And I don't know if I'm going to be able to to skip out on such a good Negative card. like Also, I don't know if Mr. Negative is the most interesting deck in the world. it I just thought it would be a funny thing to say.
Sometimes I say stuff and it's not strictly true. You've got to drop a superlative to you know rouse interest. ah But Mr. Nega, I don't know. You and my friend Frank are those huge negative fans and it's just like, I don't see it. One thing I think negative is very good for is for new players to learn snapping and retreating patterns.
yeah Because he's extremely clear cut. I know. It's like, did you they play negative on three? I guess I didn't get the fuck out of I want to beat a negative deck. Sometimes I try if I have all the right tech on me. Oh, yep. I love beating a negative deck that has gotten its way.
but It's just like your way to feel thrills. It's like you're racing on the highway or something. like You gotta know that you got the stuff. I've done it before though. I've beaten a negative at full power.
I'll even let him play Jane Foster and I won't. yep If you have the right cards, you have the right cards. If you play a deck full of tech and you've got like red guarding and all this other bullshit, you're like, let's fucking go. Drop your zero five iron man. Okay, I'm sorry. you know Sometimes you just got to get it.
Okay, yeah you're you're not fine. Get your snap through by going up against a negative. Spotlight friends. Havoc, Legion, they're both Series 4 cards. Some people try to deduce things about what Second Dinner thinks about the new card by who the friends are. And if you're doing that this time around, two Series 4 cards, Gore might be pretty desirable. I think Gore is good in people. Also, I think they understand what they have on their hands with Gore. Sometimes I don't think they understand what they've made, but I'm pretty sure they get it.
Yeah. Not super complicated. It's a new blob. They know what they did. They know what they did. I'm sure they're expecting it to be a very desirable card for all kinds of players who win in games. Is this card getting nerfed?
Probably. I mean, like, yeah they've already like tweaked its stat line, like the theyre they've designed something that they can take it to like negative two, negative three, negative four, like, you know, like, you I don't, it's it's it's a negative one right now, right? But they could take it. Or change the ongoing to be plus one.
That's a lot less interesting. Was it a 6-0 at the beginning? it's It's had a lot of stats. It was a 0-0 for a time, right? Yeah. That's when it was the 6-custodial. So kind of irrelevant. Yeah. um Anyway.
Thoughts on Havoc and Legion? Legion's very fun still and probably underrated at this point. He can swing games kind of like a quake. I think it's fun to run both of them sometimes. But with the right locations can single handedly win a game. Yes. um Yeah, if it's still annoying when we get off the storm, like like you basically win if if your opponent is trying to win a normal game.
You just swoop in at the end and make it so they lost an abnormal game. Yeah, or like building up left and then making the Nexus go everywhere. Yeah, there are whole gradations that are like auto win for the Legion player.
Leejin's just fun and he's for people who like fun. So, you know, if you hate fun, you won't like Leejin, and if you love fun, you will.

Card Balance Changes and Impacts

One of those is correct, and one of those is incorrect. I don't play nearly enough, Leejin. When he first came out, I remember thinking, like, this is the most fun I've had in Snap for months. Because he was just a pure fun card to play.
um Havoc's decent. right he's a yeah we We're not even talking about what these cards do. Havoc is a 2-0. Every turn he takes one of your max energy and gets 4 power. He's a pretty big card. like You play him on 5 or 6 and he's like a 3-8 or a 2-4. We don't hate that.
I mostly see him as end turn six card with, usually he's played in the last turn with something like a Ravona or Sera because he's going to be a 1-4 then, you know? Or you see him played on like turn five in a deck that's already got extra energy for some reason, whatever, he doesn't need it. So yeah, how much money?
a turn five Havoc, but like I just I don't think that I think this card used to be better and it's not good right now. I think he needs a little bit more. Maybe it'll be good in the future but also maybe it won't because they're just gonna bury it in season three with or in series three rather with You know, like this is the kind of card that's going to get series dropped and just butter up series three and waste everyone's time. Like I don't think they can make it good. I think they're going to let it languish in like unplayability in series three soon. So I guess get it now if you want to waste resources.
I was going to say, to be clear. I used to feel decent. It was just a lot better too, good drops. Yeah, i don't I don't think Havoc is is a thing to open for. Legion is. Yeah, Legion is forever. Havoc is only,000 tokens. probably that would be the But if you're getting gory, it's going to be good.
Yeah, it's part of your evaluation. If you're going for Gore anyway, and you also are missing Legion, that sweetens the pot. um Yeah, Havoc needs a little something extra, like a if you're running Bast or Negative or Agent Venom, I've seen some of those decks use him okay.
Anyway, there was no TA last Thursday. A big one! They changed a bunch of stuff because they're hoping this is the only change they're doing, or the last change they're doing until December 10th. You know, besides new cards coming to the game. Should we go through them? Yeah!
yeah We will. um As per usual, I think we'll go we'll try to be light on the OTA, because by the time we're covering it, it's been out for a week. Oh, yeah. OK. Some headliners. Agent Venom season pass card from previous, from just last month. Used to be a 2-4 that set all the all the cards in your deck to power 4, and now a 2-5 that sets them all to power 3. I think the 2-5 is too high. Yeah.
yeah But we only needed to be nerfed. yeah i don it is a enough overall It is an overall nerf, but like still too good. Yeah, i he could have easily been 2-4 set to 3 or even 2-3 set to 3. I think 2-3 set to 3 would still see play.
hu Nobody likes when season pass cards get nerfed right after their season, meaning it's like... you know I understand sides and why they they've stopped off here at 2-5 before they make him 2-3 later.
Yep. Speaking of nerfing season pass cards, the fastest season pass card nerf we've ever seen surter the current season pass card going from a 3.5 to a 3.4.
I rated them number one. I was right. Yeah. Still gets to 10 with only two procs. Yeah. i We saw so many different data mined versions of this card with different stat lines and like it's always going to be busted until they change what it does. ah like Every version of it seems nuts. I mean, if it if it were 3-0, it would be bad. but like were We're still well in the healthy, good range, I think. I feel really mixed about it because I think it's a much healthier card and still a good one if it needs three procs to cross the line for 10. But then you can't do the thing where you get Scar for free, which I think is probably a good thing if you can't do the thing where you get Scar for free, at least not easily. You know, you have to do limbo or something like that. You have to work for it.
um But I think that's like, that's something they were really going for is being able to play Scar for free on six. But that's what makes that deck so strong is when you can do that. um Yeah, I don't understand why they think that's, I mean, like if it's valuable to have that option as like an everyday occurrence. ah ah Maybe? I don't know. Different people like different things about the game, and maybe there are some people who Marvel Snap had almost driven away, but they really wanted to play Scar for free on six. Get a place on a big stuff. ah Scar also lost a point of power, 611 to 610. I think this deck is probably still fine. I have seen its play rate drop off dramatically. I hardly ever run into it anymore, but I think that's probably because it's
just a boring deck that doesn't have a lot of variety. There's not a lot of ways you can play Surtur. Kind of a Shuri Soran kind of. Yeah, there's like basically one formula with very little wiggle room. And it's a very straightforward deck to play.
Okay, so Silver Sable lost a point of power. one Yeah, wait, and I actually want to pause here, uh, not to talk about solutions. But to side-mention, Spider-Ham, because I do not have Silver Sable. and People are playing her all over the place. It's no surprise she got a Nerf right. She's everywhere all over the place. One of the best one drops for sure. But I didn't have her, and I didn't mind. Everywhere, if I was playing someone else's deck, or I would have put her there, I'd just put Spider-Ham in instead.
And like, it's so good. And in fact, and um so many friends are talking about how they're seeing so much more spider ham around. I'm like, I know it. It's like, this is like with Black Widow and Grandma, it's like, I found it and I play it and then, um you know, then you see everyone has found it and is playing it and then it's going to get nerfed. And I don't want that to happen to my ham.
I don't think that's going to happen to your hand. It won't. You don't think so? I think it was so good. He's not in any danger of being too good. Spider-Man is so good, though. He, like, I don't know. I think he's doing it anyway. But there is still Silver Sable and Iceman and Bob. Like, there's still plenty of one cos that are competing. Spider-Man is woefully tiny.
Yeah. so it's a one one It's like the only one one you want to play. I'm just respect the pig.
yeah i got him I'm going to hand your favorite card. See how you feel about it. That's what they do. Yep. It's appropriate and correct. Spider-Ham does what Spider-Ham does, and I like the card, but like it's not breaking the game. It's not even tapping on the the wall.
Okay, well that makes me happy because i say if if if everyone plays them, it'll ruin it for me. That's why got changed. She was just the best one cost everywhere. Unless you had some niche synergy you were going for, she was just the best.
and i You didn't need the synergy like It made no sense, yeah. It's just goofy. Like she's just like one point too big. It's like you can get the stats of Blade or Zero without deck building around it at all, you know what I mean? like Which is why they have bigger stats, so yeah. Yeah, no, I definitely think this was a a good change, warranted change. She's still good, um she's still great in bounce.
But that's ideal for her to be like the premier one cost when you're doing something special, something that utilizes her, right? Whether that's affliction or balance. Otherwise, you might go looking somewhere else. um And I think there is some competition there. I also think Bob is probably too strong, but he's yeah he's he's still a one five.
um hey Shadow King also lost a point. I think we were all kind of like, why did he go to 2-3 in the first place? I mean, like we all understand the reasons why all of these things happened. It's just like, it's so silly and transparent that like, okay, we made him a 2-3 for five minutes and now we're taking him down to 2-2 since we've nerfed the actual problem card. It's just, it really, it it just makes it very obvious how like shallow some of these decisions are and like i the the factors at play. I saw a theory that the Shadow King went to 2-3. I hope that isn't something we've talked on the podcast before. He went to 2-3 because Glenn was on vacation. And I don't want to like shit on the rest of the design team. But I think that's really funny. I don't. I wasn't sure what to make of that. And I'm still not sure what to make of that.
Here's the other thing, that's the same patch where they turned Storm into a forecast. And Glenn recently had an answer where he's like, yeah, she's not staying here. And so it's like, do you have the conviction of your designs or is this not a Glenn change? Ooh. Tea. Anyway. Black Widow, this is a big hit. Both of the widows, both of my girls. What have they done? What have they done?
she She gained some power. She's a 3-4, but now she's an activate. I like that. I just don't like these stats. I think like if they'd given her a more competitive stat line and changed it to activate, it wouldn't feel so bad. It's the fact that like 3-4 isn't like it's it's so it's so far from anything to write home about and then like moving from unrevealed to activate, I think is a healthy change, but it is brutal to her overall power level. And like, this is a core Avenger, like a major character. And she got two wrists for two widows bites.
so I don't know about it. I think this is correct. I like that she got activate. I just wish they made her like a 3-5 or a 2-3 or like something a little bit, you know, that you can play without feeling like you're throwing the game. I kind of like like the two bites. What if they were 0-0, but they have the same ability?
I kind of like, that's too much fog, but like that that would be like busted. I like it. No, that would be too good. But if it's activate at least, but I still, that's a pun. I don't like the activate. A lot of what I liked about Black Widow was doing it twice. Recursion? Gross. That's okay. but That's why they changed this is because people were doing Grandmaster and then Misery. That's not fun.
It's not fun. Having it done to me, it was not as fun as doing it to other people. That is a fast way to get retreats. So yes, I think it's a good change and also kind of like the activate.
It has a purpose in that you can now play it the same turn you play Crystal or Maximus. I know that's not like the highest praise, but that's a cool synergy. No, you can do cute stuff. Or yeah, like it with Asgard. It was like timing it out with Asgard. Yep. Making sure that they don't win.
Even if they win they don't win, you know, yeah um So I think that's cool and probably this is one of those instances where she's better than her new play rate suggests and it's kind of a psychological thing like she's Unplayable now, I just it's probably not true. No three four is not the stats are bad. Yeah ah Wouldn't be surprised to see them go up a little bit Okay. Destroyer goes from 614 to 616. He is a big, big card now. My Destroy Deck was, Destroy Deck I made was already fun and now it's just even better like it. and yeah i I approve of this change. I think Destroyer should be bigger than Giganto. That's just, that's my feeling. I think that's correct and balanced and appropriate.
Again, these are cards that I never ever play, so like, I'm just like, as an outside observer who just, like, has a sense of respect. It's fun, though. When you have, like, big robots, you're like, I never play ocean, I never play destroy. Sometimes you just want to get in the big robot. You know what I do play?
I play Magneto with the big mech behind him from the big in Japan season. There you go. That was my preferred Magneto variant for a while before I got deep in my pixel bag. I think that's the one I run to. But now and now I'm using Jim Lee Magneto for those curious about my variant preferences. I was actually just thinking about this to today. and i There was an old, um so there's the old Destroyer style deck where you have like armor or Professor X. And Colossa. Yeah, and and Bucky Barnes, who's now at, you know, what's his face, is now a 2-7. We're gonna get to that in just a second, Winter Soldier. I think that deck's actually like, it's a pretty cool, interesting deck, but there was a...
ah Bangers had this really cool deck called Money Ball a while ago and it was basically just like half the deck was negative effects with ah with huge stats and half the deck was weight was ways to deal with those huge stats. I think that deck could still be very real. um You know, you have things like an armor and now you can run a Tuma and Destroyer both. Maybe there's a reason to play zero again if you have enough things like that. Anyway.
ah any other Any other destroyers? No, because Nexus Valentina and I haven't played her yet and I just got her and I'm so sad I haven't played her. Valentina loses the mnemonic. I liked that she was a 2-3 who reduced the other card by 2-3. Now she reduces it by 2-2. Generates a 6 cost card that has two minus 2 power instead of minus 3 power.
um I don't know about this change. She was already being played more, and most of the places she's being played is with Luke Cage, so this doesn't matter. I don't know. Yeah. I'm kind of like, are these the new adventures of old Valentina? Is this going to appear in any new decks or just the same? But see, now Emperor Hulkling is a 410.
Also exciting we just not fine. All right. i I try to make fun cultural references and nobody wants to join me. I'm sorry. I don't know your reference, but somebody in the audience loved it. I'm sure you're too cool for us, Ben. No, this is like, this is ancient.
You're too old for us, Ben. I think I'm the oldest. I was referring to the New Adventures of Old Christine, a 2006 sitcom that ran for five seasons. Oh, how have I not heard of it? You know, it starred Julia, Louis, Dreyfus, or whatever her name is, you know. Oh. Oh, OK, yes. I was trying to make something. We're playing Valentina. OK.
Because you know, like I'm like are we are we doing anything different with this card or is this just the new Adventures of Old Valentina? Okay, very good. Okay, I get it, Dissect the frog. I'm not that familiar with the television show where they put it together like that. Knowing you're the best. Because instead of letting it be a cool reference, you explained it.
yeah i I appreciate it now. It may not be like I don't feel in on it, but I appreciate it I appreciate yours. Just to be clear. I've never seen a fucking episode of this show. This is just like words in an order i I Don't know like if I've never watched this show why do I expect I
Okay, Winter Soldier gains a power. He's big. Okay, but this is what Ben has been saying, right? I feel like there's at least once every episode where Ben like makes it dig at Bucky Burns. No, he says two six, two six silk. But ah Winter Soldier got a power before he smells dead. You made Bucky jokes. He's a better card now.
i you know i do i have yeah I think I have had at least one laugh. No, I'm more excited to play this card. And you know what card I've actually like really wanted to play in recent weeks? I've been like thinking, you know, if only this guy were in the game so I could build a fun mid-rangey destroy deck.
whol Release Tombstone, get him get him on the streets. I can't remember what he does. Get my pasty pal, he's just like in the game. He's the Miles Morales of Destroy Effects, he's the stature, you know.
But like, is that just if any card was destroyed? Is it just if any card was destroyed? If any card was destroyed last turn. I thought it was an enemy, an opponent's card. I think it's any card. Right, I thought it was specifically an opponent's card, which is much harder to drink. I don't know. I don't know. I hope I'm right and I get to say I told you so.
I'm always like getting pixie wrong or something and then like this time a big ha you got it. Yeah. Yeah, you're super right okay only Only five more essay Jessica Jones gains another power in her abilities, so she's a four or five plus five. I hope this gets me to play her. I love this card. I have a great split on this card, but Are you playing it in lockdown now? The best friend is Storm, and Storm's a four, and this is just... The bounties tell me I'm supposed to play them together, and I'm like, I don't think that works anymore, bounties. I don't like it. You bounties. Second inning. Heimdall finally makes the jump from a nine power to a 10 power. Cool. I bet Ben's happy about that. Yeah, I think that's good and appropriate. I mean, like, again, this isn't...
I mean, like, if I felt like playing Heimdall, I was still playing 6-9 Heimdall and everything, but, like, I'm not gonna complain about an extra point of power. I think that's very cool. Honestly, you know what? I bet they can make him 6-11. Wouldn't even be a problem. I bet you're right. Crystal gains a power. 3-3 to 3-4.
Malakith is the only time like I've ever played her. I hate anything that could possibly give the opponent advantage. like I just won't do it. like If I'm playing against a discard deck, a lot of times I'll just hold back Moon Knight. You don't get him. No. So it's like them getting to draw a card, it's so rare. Unless you're Malakith-ing it and you're sure it's going to be end of turn and it's helping your Ronin, why do I ever, ever want my opponent to draw a card? No.
Okay, sorry, I feel very passionate about this. No, I like I very much approve of this. I'm all about making up extra rules and things about about what I will or won't do. Yep. I get it very much. I think that like that's kind of a goofy one in this case. Like, really are you a crystal fan?
No, no, I just I mean like I think I know I think I think there's like some stat line at which crystal becomes a good card. I don't think it's this one. No, im like you do have to be willing to like accept some drawbacks. ah Surely we've all gone through phases as a game where you're like I refuse to play ball with anything that has a drawback. Like surely we've all like gone through a phase like that, right? Maybe? I don't know. Sure, probably. yeah I know that I used to be like irrationally like obsessed with avoiding any cards with drawbacks. No. No, but it's the type of drawback. I feel you. No, no, but like the specific type of drawback that like, yeah, like maybe your opponent will actually like turn this again. Like what?
I never play magic and I'm always happy to see magic and like I totally understand that like you're afraid that that's gonna happen with this card, right? Like and like I i i get it. I just think that crystal three car was probably good Ideally your deck is built so that you get more out of the one card then they get out of the one card Is that always going to be true? No. I've also seen a lot of magic players lose because they thought that magic was going to help them more than it helped me. And they were. Yeah. I also don't play a lot of magic, to be honest. And it's just like I.
Don't tell them your plan. You never give the heroes an inch. They'll take it all and they'll win. so it's like It's one thing to have something like Red School you can zero, but Crystal is just a double-edged sword.
you know I don't know. I'm still on your side worried about the double-edged swordness. I'm just saying, if the stats were slightly better, I would get over it. What are the stats? What are the stats that would lead to that? I think she's playing 3-5. Yep, 3-5. I would get out of bed for 3-5, but just 3-4 nonsense. What is your cheat? We all know how Ben feels about 3-5s.
ah I play Magic and Crystal both, ah but almost exclusively when i'm when I'm going for a clip. yeah still see but you're awesome with me me you're not trying to win them im so yeah They're not in my deck when I'm trying. ah Trying to win, I should say. Agatha Harkness has a text change only. I don't even and understand.
I think it's just- No, it's the line with Thanos now because of the way they're rewriting Thanos so they want their text to line up to show that they're an extra card. Well, both of the sentences changed. Yeah, I think Agatha's original was more clear. Yeah. Not at the start of the game draw Agatha as Agatha starts in your hand. I think that's better text and I wish that's what's interesting. and I thought the second sentence was more clear on the original.
um She plays your cards for you on even turns, as opposed to she controls your cards on even turns. That makes it sound like she's going to move your cards around that are already on the board. That's the point. That's the point. She can activate your cards. She can move them if they're moveable. No, I know she can, but this makes it sound to me like she's going to be moving cards that don't have a Nightcrawler ability. I'm going to get her there and mess stuff up. Yeah, I won't, Margaret.
I don't know. I feel like she plays your cards for you on even turns, even though that doesn't capture the whole scope of it. like That doesn't like tell you that she could be activating or like moving your Nocturne or whatever. like it's still She controls your cards on even turns, just like gives me different wrong ideas about how she works. i guess I guess it's six of one, half a dozen of the other.
and like it's it's going to be it's It's a difficult effect to sum up in one sentence. like that that she takes over the turn, mind slaver style. And you can't say that, because it's not clear to reference the Magic the Gathering cards from 2002. But 2003, I don't know. Mira didn't. Get it right, Ben. Maybe the card actually came out in Darksteel, the second expansion of the block, before Fifth Dawn. OK, do you have more about Agathory?
I just wanted to say, okay, just to kneecap my tombstone win from earlier, I had totally forgotten her text so funny. I guess I'd been playing a decent amount of Arish, because it happened enough times that finally it was like, oh, yeah.
She's broken with Irish. I'm not going to report this. I'm just going to enjoy it. I want to experiment with her. This makes her so much more interesting to me as a gut building.
card, especially, yeah, with everything she can pair with now and new cards. So I actually do want to play around with her some more. She's a moon knight friend or moon knight is friend. Anyway, I wish she didn't live in that resurrection discard world because like I want to play this card, but like that's the thing you have to be doing with her, it seems.
Do you? Yeah, so you have control on turn six? Well, no, but like, you want to discard her and you also want to bring her back and then you're playing. Yeah, you get a 14 for free. Yeah, I just don't like that. Then you get to play Ghost Rider and you get to see your sweet, sweet Maria Wulfing. I've made it this far without playing Ghost Rider. I'm not going to start now. And what's wrong with you? I love Ghost Rider.
Oh, what's a black cat? Okay. let Let's read the text. The new text for Agatha, nothing has changed. It's just a text rewrite. At the start of the game, draw Agatha, because she starts before you draw any of your turn one cards. She controls your cards on even turns.
okay ah Thanos has changed text to fit that same format. At the start of the game, draw Thanos, which does mean He's a free card in your hand now. This is a huge change. ah And shuffle the six infinity stones into your deck. I am quite surprised by this change, actually. ah It feels like a big buff for Thanos. Oh, for sure. But he'd been really languishing. He'd been really not played anymore.
So you just have to hope they didn't make him OP, which is always the danger of Thanos, right? But like he was not doing well, neither. Has this raised my co-host's enthusiasm for Gorgon? I was the only one who had any excitement at all for Gorgon. And I was like, Thanos will be back eventually. Mark my words.
No, because, like, Gordon will take down, like, you know I love playing Kate. You know I love, like, Gordon, and he's so cheap. A lot of people will run him, because he ruins a lot of things. And I, you know, one of the sister podcasts said, I agree with you, Ree. I heard what Ben said, and I think you were right. Everyone will play him, and it'll ruin a ah lot of fun cards. So, yeah. Listeners are on my side. At least one.
no um I still probably won't play Gordon unless I'm doing something offensive with it. um
I want rose petals falling like in a samurai. kind of Okay. That's the OTA.
Can I take this brief moment? There was something we talked about during the OTA. yeah It was the goofy bounty pairings. I had a goofy bounty pairing that I bravely took on for the the The sweetheart, hilarious in vulture.
And like these cards, they don't really go together. But the thing is, I used to play them together all the gosh dang time in Hyrule. That sounds like a Ben combo for sure. I love doing that. But the thing is, now the only logical place to play them would be in some sort of moveur move surfer deck. Move surfer.
months so i thought What the hell I'll throw something together for this weird Alliance bounty just for the Kind and ah rips. I forgot to mention this during my weekend snap, and I apologize. Hell yeah. The list for those who stuck it out to this deep in the episode, Arany, Nico Minoru, Grandmaster, Craven, Brood, Silver Surfer, Vulture, Hope Summers, Sebastian Shaw, Polaris, Spider-Man, and Absorbing Man.
That's what's up. That sounds great. There's so many times in that I love Absman, Nico. You nio The name is Bounty Surf. Although, you know what, if I'm going to name something, here's a fun fact about me. These days, I name all of my silver surfer decks after Poseidon boons from Hades 1 or 2. Oh, very good. I were to translate like my preferred My favorite Silver Surfer deck, my flagship this year in all of like 2024 basically has been ah Wave Flourish and that's the special design from Hades 2. This one I would call Oceans Bounty because ah it's currently called Bounty Surf. That's very good. It is a fun boon in both Hades games. It is available in most of them and it makes the the resource drops better
I was expecting it to be for the dash because it's a move deck. but like i've already doing already and that i I'm saving the Hades 1 dash for something special, but I've already named one of the next breaker sprint, which is the sprint from Hades 2.
OK, great. Yes. Title Dash will be a very special deck, because it's a very special boon. And that's my word. On to the side quests. First up, Secret Homework.

Secret Homework Challenge

The Secret Homework was, but it was to make a big card your co-host would want to play. But um if I read the show notes, it says, make a big ass honking card. Your co-host would want to play for six energy. So whoever writes our show notes, we really had fun with that one.
Um, speaking of Re, this is a, this is a user suggestion. This is from mod supreme models of snap judgments network, snap judgments league, the discord. Anyway, yeah. Cool guy came up with a great assignment, especially because Ben and I always talk about not enjoying big cards. We're team small cards. It's true.
So yeah, make a big card that your co-host would want to play. Ree, what card have you made for Ben and I? Okay, I gotta sell you on this card. It's probably the best six cards that could possibly exist. Ooh, I'm sold! It's a sixth card.
At the start of the game, copy the text of a random 6 class card.
Why do you have a real card, Sammy? It's just too good. I wouldn't play that card to 6-12. I think i thank it first.
Okay, um, no, wait, wait, Ben, what would you place Emperor Hulkling at? Probably 615 for sure. That's what I was thinking.
I think they will move this card up to 613 and it'll still be bad. That's what I, that's my prediction. I think buff is 613 and it's still unplayable. I think they need to suck it up and make a Hulk that has less than 10 power. I'm a five, nine.
I'd play him at 5'9". I'd definitely give him another chance at 5'9". I would definitely 5'8". Stop to think about it, at least. I want a 5'8".
But what's the real card, Reed? Okay, okay, I'm sorry, yes. I just can't agree so much. Okay. Oh, so good. No, so my card is the Maker, which is like the evil version of Reed Richards. It's like Reed Richards with like a futuristic po-pet. Reed Richards from the Ultimate Universe, as we established last week.
in the post-credits segment. Right, exactly. So it's a props. It's totally a props. It's going to be, I think a 610 is where I decided to put it now. Its ability is, swap all your cards at the other two locations.
Sounds like a quake, but for your kinds. Oh my gosh, that is very cool. That is very cool. I would play that. I would absolutely play that. That is sneaky and fun to build around.
Is it really strong? I said swap, because I didn't, and I put it at six, because it's not like, I didn't want it to activate move cards. I thought that might be OP. Yeah, I think that's appropriate to just literally swap the power. That's why I figured maybe six, 10 was in an even, you know, but you're picking the two lanes it's happening in. That's really fun. Like have a lane that looks way too strong and your opponent abandons it and then just throw throw it all over there.
And like, and I thought thematically, right? He like is the created the new ultimate universe or whatever. And so like, you know, well, I am agree dig it. I don't know what this character looks like, although I've heard of him several times. Okay, comment. I'm giving you this.
may um I can't take credit for this. Okay, sorry, I shouldn't, this is... Somebody made the card. A podcast. I guess this is gonna have to go in the shoutouts. Okay, heading on over to Discord. Okay, yeah, I'm sorry. Whoa, he's got a funky little helmet thing going on. Yeah, see, I told you. Wow, ooh. Well, now I even more want to play this card.
got got Xenomorph head. Yes. Yes, that's the best. And a cyclops. Good job, Ben. Yes. Cyclops xenomorph Reed Richards from the future. In a skin test suit. Or he's like from another dimension or something. I don't remember the ultimate universe. We've been over
I'm just, like, frustrating and astounding Ben simultaneously. Okay. Ben, would you play that card? Are you two nice to say no?
Well, it's a big card, so probably no. No. All right. It feels like no, no, no. Maybe, maybe I would, honestly. mean Wait, does it, so when it when it swaps the the characters at these locations, does it use the word move? No, I was thinking that would be OP if it if you had all your cards. Yeah, what if there was a 6-11 that moved all your cards?
Play to 6-10. I would love this if this were like if this could be played as like the other side of the Heimdall thing. you know like This would be a really cool Heimdall rework. You need another 6-drop, otherwise the Heimdall deck click doesn't it especially doesn't work in conquest because like so much of the fun of playing Heimdall in conquest is like, is this a Heimdall game or a Magneto game? Will you? oh um But any, like, yeah, if if i if I had some alternate Heimdall, like, say, the original datamined Annihilus that made all the cards move willy-nilly, like... That was nuts. Yeah. Yeah. Like, this kind of reminds me of that, and, like, if it did count as moving, I would be so on board. But no, I i don't i play this card if it didn't count as moving.
alright But also maybe i would't I would give it a chance because it was it was a a gift from a friend and I always try to use gifts from friends. So I know. I would give it a chance. I would definitely give it a chance. Yeah, I can see the challenge of of pitching to both of us. I'd be more likely to play this if it didn't count as move. Because fuck scream and kingpin.
Yeah. Well, Scream's only going to hit one of them. And frankly, Kingpin needs all the help he can get. a
Kingpin annoying. They nerfed him, nerfed him so cruelly. Yeah, they sure did. Ben? All right. What card do you have for me? and So I gave this kind of a lot of thought. It actually came to me pretty early on in the week though after after only a couple of days. But I'd been thinking about it real hard. I was listening back. You know, I do the timestamps and stuff.
And i I was listening to myself really just totally fail to conjure the word binary at a certain point in last week's episode. I basically like circumscribed it and carved out like a a relief sculpture of the word binary by saying every adjacent word or concept. I could not think of the the word. It just wasn't coming to me. And so that's part of the inspiration here. Another part is like when you're when you're picking out a gift for a friend or whatever, it shouldn't be something that you would like. It should be something that they would like. And so I really took that to heart.
And I was thinking, what don't I like that my co-hosts do like tech cards? They love turning off abilities and things. And I mean, like I'll do it a little bit with Red Guardian or whatever. And and you know, like if you squint Polaris and Spider-Man or kind of tech cards and like all that. But no, I wanted a real unambiguous tech card. But how do you make a tech card that's like real big. It's got to have some kind of real big effect. Six cos tech cards weird. Also, i I do these in secret homework, even though I disapprove of them in the actual game, all these alternate versions of characters, you know, I'm always like whipping out like Darkhold Strange. And like now they're doing this Marvel Rivals BS with, you know, Bruce Banner and
Doom 2099, although I guess Spider-Man 2099 is a different character and I didn't get angry at that. So I guess Doom 2099 is maybe sort of a different character, except I'm not really sure on that, on the on the lore. I feel like maybe it's the same old Doctor Doom. I don't know. I don't know. I'd have to do a little research and I refuse to do it. The point is, I'm just saying, it looks like we're we're getting a lot of repeat characters in the days to come. We're getting another Norman Osborn in Dark Avengers season. So you know what?
i felt I felt all right grabbvin grabbing Carol Danvers for a second round. you know see See what we're going to do with that. and i As I said, I really could not think of the word binary last week.
But this week, that's all I'm thinking of. I'm bringing you binary as a past alias of Carol Danvers. um You know, she's had numerous titles, including Miss Marvel. I mean, Captain Marvel is a much better fit if you ask me for obvious reasons. It's, ah yeah, yeah, yeah. Anywho, point is,
Back when I first met the character in in the pages of X-Men, she was like binary most of the time when I was reading, as I remember from my childhood, which is already like, you know, some fishy memory. I don't know. yeah Point is, I don't think she was always binary when I was reading about her as a kid, but she was sometimes binary. Gosh, dang it. And she's a 6'8".
At the end of the game, move to a location that wins you the game, if possible. Say, that's very familiar. There must be more to this. So yes, she does the regular Captain Marvel thing. It's a 6A. But like, there must be something special. There's a second line.
Ongoing. Other cards. Text is disabled here. Boom. Just turning it off. Binary. Taking all those ones to zeros, baby. No text. No text. And she'll just move to where waiting text will work off. Wherever it would make the real difference. You're right. You win. This is an amazing card and I want it.
binary just like flying it like you just up the barance would be like have you allll saying lauren do you know what binary looks like I just looked it up. I knew I'd heard of it before. I think I had the binary suit. in What is it called, Midnight Suns? Is that in there? Yeah, you probably did. OK, I think that's where I've seen it before. And now I'm looking at it. Oh, she goes into binary mode. That's like her mechanic. Yeah, she does go. She activates binary and goes off. Oh, OK. And maybe that was when I was like, wait, what? And I looked it up back then. Anyway, very cool. She looks like she has red skin and a flaming head. Uh-huh. Yeah, it's a very cool look. Uh-huh.
ah It's a great suit. And I feel like the fact that we haven't seen a variant of it or that we haven't seen a variant that I'm aware of of ah Captain Marvel as binary, maybe they're going to bring binary to the to the game, you know, I don't know. i'd be yeah Maybe they regret their decision to make a symbiote Spider-Man variant for regular as Spider-Man. I don't know.
I would play that card at six and a G. I can't have thought you might. What a goddess of a card. So maybe ongoing is shut off all the other texts or the text of all other cards here. ah What were my I picked I I looked at Deep Space and. OK. So I ended up with ongoing other cards. Text is disabled here. Other cards possess of, you know, apostrophe at the end. So yours as well. But like, that's fine.
No, but that that could be part of the appeal. See that, that I feel like that that gets Lauren interested, right? yeah At first I was like, well, this is just who can make the bigger numbers, but yeah that tickles me being able to synergize. Maybe she's acting a little bit like Sauron.
I don't know. I don't know. This is just a tool and it's there for me to pull out the Galadriel lake.
i I found that portion of fellowship very disturbing. The first time I saw it in the theaters as a child, I was like, oh, dang. And like the thing is, I was already familiar with the book. My my father had read it to me. Like i I knew she was going to get all scary at that point, but like the the magic of ah filmmaking and brings brings books to life. I do you like this card. I would definitely play it.
Okay, yeah, I would too. you You sold me, you tricked me at the end, or convinced me at the end. um Mine, I had a similar thought process, although maybe didn't put as much time into it as Ben, where it was like, okay, obviously, I got to hit something that you two are gonna like, even if it's not something I would like.
It's so easy though. I like kind of silly. You are the easiest. You actually like big cards. So yes, you're the easiest to shop for in this case. But discard, right? Discard is the common thread between Ben and Rhee that Lauren's a little bit outside of, even though I kind of secretly like some discard. Oh yeah, same. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We will squint it up all day long. And then I was like, okay, but there's already apocalypse and hella.
which we have differing opinions that are- We need a third scoring though. If you don't get APOC or scoring, it sucks. This isn't so many. um Anyway, I was like, okay, but those two are, but those they're mission cards. I want a six ah six cost that does something discardy. And so I i played a around with a bunch of stuff and ended up landing on, well, you'll you'll see the first three words are are identical to modoc. So this is close. I was wondering if you were going to give us a 615 modoc.
So, it's Konshu, you know, the ah the god of moon knight that felt appropriate. yeah ah Double moon knight stats. Six, six, six. On reveal, discard your hand, then gain plus two power for each card still in your hand.
Part of my goal for this is to make you guys play Swarm, because I know I like Swarm more than either of you two do. Okay, that's not my first thought. My first thought was like, oh, now I don't need to worry about playing Squycan of Squyne and Apocamite. Yeah, I need to play more Squyman. You're only getting two little buffies on Konshu.
sometimes they selling But you do get an extra proc on you get an extra proc on you got on both of them on APOC and an extra proc. So I thought like that's good, especially when you don't draw your modoc. You have like a fail safe. I need to play more swarm. I'm too, I'm too in drag. I can't, I can't quit. Okay.
I thought about, at first, I had to discard fewer cards, like discard three cards or discard four cards, and then gain power for how much is still in your hand. Oh, numbers! Lauren, don't make me count things. How how big is how big was Khanshu again? Six-six. Six-six. So you so if you're only playing with Apok and Skorn, he's a six-eight or six-ten. But if you're doing the whole handful of swarms, then he's potentially a six-twenty.
Honestly, i think I think it's probably worth running just as a second copy of Modoc. That's kind of what I thought, too, which is why I understated him. Like, one hit, oh, maybe I had MS plus three originally, so he'd be a 6'9", and slightly outstat Modoc. Anyway, that's my card that I am selling to you. Back up, Modoc. I would play it a little bit. It it definitely is very thoughtful, and I appreciate it.
So like, I got an F and Lauren got a D-. No, that's not true. I like both of these cards, and I think they're both very cool. It's the thought that counts. I think this was like an unwinnable, like, mm-hmm. Yeah. I was like, what am I going to make a move card for then? I'm going to let it go to the right. I did. I brought that. I'm like, I should just say how you know that goes to the right. I wondered if one of you would do that, and I wouldn't have held it against you, but I'm not surprised that neither of you decided to take that low-hanging fruit.
Because you both hold yourselves to higher standards, and I respect that about you immensely. I think... I think you all... I was most of your kind, so I played them.

Title Tussle Game

I thought we were done, but no, I'm excited because we have ti tussle too Title Title Tussle! Oh, I almost... Title Tussle!
okay so snapboard So if you missed our previous iteration of this game, I am going to be offering a collection of three titles to Ben and Ray, and they get to decide which ones are are real and which ones are which ones are in Snap and which ones are Cap, as the children say.
um I am slightly changing the scoring this time around because we had an element where you could snap on this, you could snap. um But it had really weird scoring mechanics. And so we're going to make this a little bit more snap like in that you can win the entire set by getting just two correct, just like the locations and snap. But I am also to incentivize getting all three correct. I am also going to reward one point for each one you get correct.
Um, so it's a little complicated. But anyway, it will be okay. Cause you're doing it. Not me. I'm keeping the score. Yeah. Uh, uh, president that Ben hates.
Lauren, are you also? After a recording error, we're starting back over. There will be 20 rounds, 10 for each of you. It is possible once again for all three in the set to be correct and all three in the set to be fake. Those are obviously going to be easier to get now that you only need to get two in the whole set. um Almost every single real title here is from the the latest patch. There are a handful that are older.
um Yeah, and I solicited these from friends and listeners. ah Let's get into it. A set is going to be worth two cubes, or two points. So you go plus two if you get at least two of them right, minus two if you get at least two of them wrong, and you can snap to double those points. OK. Maybe we should.
No, I'm going to stick with what I have. And if this is the scoring is whack, we'll change it again in title threesome. um Should our reigning champ go first? Who is our reigning champ? You are. You stole the game at the end. I tend to remember my failures more than my successes. OK, I'll be sending these to you in Discord. I will also be reading them out loud, but that way you can look at them.
um type I typed every single one of these by hand, so if there's like words that are uppercase or lowercase, that doesn't necessarily imply that they are, or if there are typos, that doesn't necessarily imply that they are wrong. um I tried to avoid typos, of course. Okay, here comes our first set. Number one, burdened with glorious purpose. Number two, coursing with Hulk blood. Number three, formerly deceased.
Reeve, which ones of those are actually in the game? Okay, I'm gonna snap on this because I want to start out strong. Yeah. I used to be a sprinter, you know, and so I just want to have that brief chance where I start low and then trip and fall on my face.
Okay. I think Bird End with Glorious Purpose is too good of a title. Too good. We would never get it in-game. 100%. Both the MCU and comics, et cetera, wrote it. I'm guessing someone like Scott or Adam.
and um that is that's so That's obviously fake. Coursing with Hulk blood.
This is the one I've struggled most on.
I'm going to say it's real. It's kind of zany enough that like it's like, why? Did Snap GPT, Snap GPT chat GPT give you this? And then I'm going to say formerly deceased is real because, I don't know, it sounds real.
It is got vaguely comic booky. You got 100% correct, including that oh Adam is the one. a Snap Lore is the one who did Burden with glorious purpose. So you snapped and got all three correct. That's a seven pointer.
I will mute my mic while I write. I have to celebrate the wins. I have so few of them. Of course. I also realized I can just put these in our shared chat. There's nothing private about them if if one of you sees these. That's very true. Also. Accurate.
Remind me how snapping affects this. I know you just explained this, but rules are hard. Fine. Two points for the set, right? Plus two or minus two, depending on if you overall win the set, best of three. um Snapping makes it a four point value.
Okay, so if I if i don't get two, but I snapped, then I lose. And it would be negative four. Yeah. And if I got one right, it would be like negative three overall. Something like that, yeah. We haven't tested the we haven't tested the game at all, ah so the scoring may be whack, and that's okay, because it's equally whack for both of you. Works for me. Give me these titles.
Set two, Ben. Yeah, that'll teach me. Winning isn't my end game clearly. Couldn't afford the cameos. Huh. Wow. Okay.
Snapp on it, Ben. And at least one of these is real and at least one of these is fake they could all be real they could all be fake okay it'd be too easy otherwise like a lot of these are so flavorless um that makes me think that like i should tell you upfront i should tell you upfront there is nothing in the new patch that is nearly as interesting Interesting air quotes as wet, wet, wet. There's nothing even close. Good. Good. Um, okay. Well, then if I, if I'm not looking for any toilet humor, um, let's see, I think real.
Bake. real and I'm not gonna snap on it. You're not snapping on it. Okay, you got two out of three correct. Is fake fake real? Yeah, that'll teach me is another one from Snaplore. ah Winning isn't my end game. it was Clearly, that's from listener Flancer. Sorry if I'm pronouncing your name wrong. Yep, see that one was too interesting and fun. There was too much human life in that one.
yeah And it's like, oh, it was funny, which means it can actually be a snap type. Yeah, there was too much personality. Okay, well, you guys are getting too good at this. That's a four-pointer, I believe. Two points for the set and two points for having two correct. Okay, Ree, the next one. Follows the leader. More Ultron than you can handle. Galactus ate my planet.
Oh, this one is hater. Um, I'm glad I don't have to. Yeah, I don't know.
Follows the leader is fake. More ultra than you can handle is fake and galactosate my planet is real and I'm not snapping. You said fake, fake, real.
Yeah. Okay, that is ah completely wrong. I am. You didn't snap. Yeah. Negative two points. Follows the leader, and more Ultron than you can handle are real. Galactus ate my planet, which would be a decent title, is from Snap Decisions, Joe. Of course. I thought it was a little too coherent to be a real one. I know. Okay, Ben.
Baby Hands rhymes with Pulverine brown pants.
I'm going to snap on this and say real, real, real. You got it. they Was one of them fake? They were all real. They were all real. I saw that rhymes with pulvering and I'm like, that's real. That's two thumbs or something. That's right in the middle of the bullseye of their nonsense and baby hands, definitely. I believe all three of those are references to the Deadpool movie.
Mmm, possibly. I mean... Like, yes, but they're not No, they're not. Not a one. Okay. Three. Toot says I please. Just me and the hive mind. Net decking to the top.
I think these are all fake. Okay, are you snapping on it? No. Okay, yeah two of them are fake. Just me and the hive mind is correct, or is real. So you get ah two points for the set and two points for getting in. Yeah, I should have realized just me and the hive mind, like what, what does that even, why? No, stop. Toots as I please is from Snap Lore, and net decking to the top is from Snap Variants.
Um. That's what I knew. it I was like, not checking is to meta ah intelligent.
hit Yeah. Without being like if if second dinner was doing it'd be like, hey, remember that time we did that bundle? Everyone made fun of. We're also making fun of it. And it's like yeah doing that that corporate thing. What's the name of that character in the Thor, the the rotting bull man?
anyway Oh, yeah, I know who you're talking about but only because we showed me But like I think but um, it was really enchantress who was behind it all and they so that's why we don't remember Well, I mean the comic came out a long time ago You know, like I'm just saying it's been it's been months and months and months. Mm-hmm. Yep. Okay, then Have you met Red Hulk?
Suit up! Venom dairy. the
I'm gonna say...
I'm not going to snap on this one. I think I should probably just cool it after. Did I get how I got like maximum points on the last one, right? Yeah. Is that so we got maximum points on the first one. So, you know, I did get the next one completely wrong. You got maximum points on the first one. You did on the very first. Yeah. Yeah. We got a seven pointer also. Oh, well, shoot, then maybe I can't rest on my laurels.
I'm going to say.
Real, fake, real, no snap. OK, you only got one correct. These are all arguably. These are all arguably references to how I met your mother, which may be- Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Venom dairies too clever. Have you met Red Hulk is by Wombat Combat. The other two are real. Wombat Combat! Okay. So that's minus two, but you got one right, so that's minus one. I'm still sorry for thinking I could pull off green crackle apocalypse, Wombat Combat. Ben, you're ahead by one point. Not that I'm gonna give up, it's the whole way through.
Okay, Ree, don't mess, draw four, dragon puncher. All right, dragon puncher is definitely fake because that's too fun to be in the game. And don't mess.
I'm gonna say is real because it's if it's a reference, they don't get it. So that probably means it's just not one and it doesn't make sense or I'm just gonna get it wrong because I didn't get it. And draw for,
could go either way. I'm gonna say it's fake, but I'm not standing on this. Yeah, you win the set. Dragon Puncher is actually real.
Wait, Dragon Poonch was real? Yeah, it's it's real. um And draw four is from Adam Snapplore. That's a four pointer. I guess four pointers are the easiest things to get. um
or That's what a win is worth anyway. ah Ben. yeah I typed this one wrong. Get my news from Happy Meals. Did I turn off the oven? The reason Thanos snapped.
She's. I don't I feel like McDonald's Corporation probably owns Happy Meals pretty hard, like those words in that combination. I mean like, I'm not a lawyer, I don't know.
I'm gonna go, but the thing is like other than that, other than that, everything about it is tonally like appropriate for a real title that would be.
I'm gonna go no snap, that's for sure. I'm gonna go fake, real fake. Okay, you got one right. ah Get My News From Happy Meals is the real one. It's real, yeah. Did I turn off the oven is from Snap Lore? And the reason Thanos snapped is from listener Flancer. So I believe that's a negative one.
Okay. Dang. It's all s slipping away. I did get one where I got all of them wrong, so. Re, we're not even halfway through. Re, crackle-lackin, spelled as two words, somebody who is lackin crackle. That is much too clever. I'm not trying to help, that just like... Snap, crack crackle crackle-chaser.
Okay, I think Cracklechaser is fake.
I think Cracklewhacken is fake. I think Snap... I think they're all fake. You're right. They're all fake. I should have asked if you're snapping on it, but...
That's a five pointer without any snaps involved. First two are mine. Cracklechaser is snap variants. Yeah, I was thinking that I was just like, this is, yeah. Yeah, it's all too good. Let's be real. Yep. Yeah. Okay, this is a fun set. Ben, wake me in 2099. 2023 wants its onion juice back. One million BC swag.
Wow. um So I don't understand the second one. I do understand the first and the third.
Makes me think that the second one is definitely real. I don't get it. um ah yeah Knowing the reference doesn't necessarily mean that it's real.
So I think... I think they're all real. Are you snapping on it? No. Okay. i The completely wacky one is my own invention and it means absolutely nothing. But you still basically got it right. That's a four-pointer. 2023 wants its onion juice, but I was just writing these and the total nonsense came to my mind and I panicked.
No, I was, you successfully- You successfully fooled me. I could see it being in the game because that's the kind of nonsense that's there. No, Kree, totally fangirling. Gaze into my googly eyes. Nice armor. Does it come in pink?
I'm going to say I'm not snapping on this. Okay. All right. i'm But I think gazing to my googly eyes is real, maybe, and totally fangirling. No, I'm going to change it. Totally fangirling is real and the other two are fake.
Okay, you got two of them correct. Gaze Into My Googly Eyes is is a real title. um Nice Armor, does it come in pink? Is is my invention. That's what I thought. I'm like, this is getting too close to like magical girl kind of stuff, no way. They don't let us have, they just tease the magical girl veins. We never get to have them. All right, yeah, right.
I didn't really swear, girl! No, I know. When's that happening? That's such a... Yeah. Never. Never. Like, here's some more... Here's some more... spiderglens and stuff. Sorry. But you know what I mean. Like, some of them are... No, I know exactly what you mean.
Are there corny spider webs? There's such a point. I had to get it because I got a spotlight and it's like I tried to use it once and like I can't, it's the most like point. And I'm not even a part, like I like a nice art gym and everything. Sure. But some of them are just like... Okay, I know what you're saying. Yeah, I know what you're talking about. Some of them do pick the question like, what are we doing here? Yeah.
don variance very frustrating yeah And one sailor squirrel girl, please. Gosh, I would love a whole deck of them. Okay, Ben. Mjolnir? Nah, I just need Wi-Fi. Mjolnir? I hardly know her. Mjolnir? Sorry, wrong hammer. Hmm.
and There's that ah familiar but very tired joke construction in that second one. Um, I kind of think it might be a little bit risque for Marvel. snap I mean, like who knows where they draw, which lines these fucking diaper freaks. places at different times for different reasons. I don't know. I think the third one is.
I'm going to say the third one's real and the first two are fake. OK. They're all fake. They're all fake. Mm-hmm. Number one is listener flamster again. Number two is mine. Number three is the only one in the entire list that is a chat GPT invention. Bonus. No wonder I thought it was real. Of course. A real one that is in this theme, but I didn't pick it, is going to meow-low this one.
M-J-O-L-O, intern at second dinner like crying like, that was That was good. I'm so sorry intern. Gonna milo this one. Live a better life intern. Just do it differently.
Gary does the dunking around here. I will yeet anything bout to end some conquistadores.
Oh, okay, I think...
I think the first two are real and the third one is fake. Okay, they are all real. I was very surprised by the about to end some Conquistadores one. know Might actually be appropriate if you're going into conquest. mode Oh wait, at least I got two right then. Yeah, yeah, you got four points. Okay, then here's a cute little set for you.
Number one, into mutant psychic redheads. Number two, are you reading my mind? Number three, psychic? More like telepathic. Wow.
I'm gonna say...
I really, I don't have strong, you know, like I just have very little confidence in my, my thoughts about these three. I think I bet at least one of them is real. That's what I think. I think, man, there's just like, there would be a funnier way to say the first one, like, but that makes me think that like, that's real because because they could have done it more elegantly or whatever. Um,
So I'm going to say the first one's real, the second one's real, the third one is fake, because it makes too much sense. Are you snapping on it? Sure. Crushed it. That's a seven-pointer. Boom! Oh, wow. The third one is from Snack Variants. Yep, made too much sense. Too good. OK, Ree. Prepare yourself, Narnia. Workcationing from Iggsgarde.
Just a kid from Brooklyn. All right. Just a kid from Brooklyn is fake because it's a title some people would actually use. Direct quote. um So that one's definitely not real.
and The second one I'm gonna say is real, where someone did a good job making a a snappy sounding title. And I'm torn on the first one, I'm prepare yourself Narnia. It's a little bit senseless in the way snap titles are. I don't know that they would make the Narnia reference.
So, okay. i'm So last one is to keep from breaking. Yeah, you're right. I'm going to say prepare yourself. Narnia is real. We're cationing from eggs. Gert is really just a kid from Brooklyn is fake. Okay. Snapping. No. Okay. That's a four pointer. Uh, Narnia is fake. It is from snap floor and you're right. The third one is just a you quote. Okay.
Just a few more rounds. Ben, eat a boot, Hydra. My mommy says I'm meta. Hands right hand.
I'm gonna say, okay, so the second one, definitely fake. Too good. Kind of a good one. You know what? I almost feel like guessing who I think came up with that one, but I won't, because what if I'm wrong? But I think I definitely came up with that one.
And the third one, for some reason these are numbered two, three, four. And the- Oh, that's just me typing silly. The listener has no idea. yeah okay That's just a typo. Don't mind me. So my mommy says I'm meta is fake. Hands right hand is real. So it's really just eat a boot Hydra that I'm not sure about. I'm gonna say,
Fake, fake, real. Are you snapping? Yes. Okay. That's a six-pointer, because Eda Boot Hydra is real. Okay. Somehow, first six-pointer, probably because y'all aren't snapping very much.
um Okay. Only two more for each of you. Rea. Okay. Apparently, this is another one I numbered funny. Big budget title.
More titles, deletes game, in parenthesis. ah Untitled.
Okay, I'm gonna snap because we're getting in at the end and you gotta, you know, you gotta pick up the pace. I think they're all fake. Are you snapping?
Yeah. OK, that's another six-pointer. Big budget title is real, and I think it's funny, especially if it's coming in a $100 bundle. But I have no idea how it's sourced. But yeah, big budget title. Yeah, it's not as bad as most of them. I probably still won't use it, but. More titles. Delete's Game is from Snaplore, and Untitled is My Invention Ben. One card short of a meta deck.
Negasonic teenage longest name ever got bit by a radioactive Sharpay. Oh, I've got a question. Who who did come up with my mommy says I'm meta from my last snap variance.
That's who I guessed. When you said I bet I know who it is, I'm like, I bet it's company. I had an ad down to a list of two. And yeah, OK. No, it was good. It's a good one.

Episode Wrap-up and Listener Interaction

But obviously, too good for the game is the truth. One part short of a meta deck. Megasonic, teenage longest name ever got bit by a radioactive Sharpay. That third one, definitely real. They've got so many that this is stupid. Yeah.
Yeah, they've already got like 50 of those in the game. I'm sure they'll add a few more. One card short of a meta deck, I think that one's fake. um But it might be real, I guess. It's easy to go attack yourself. I'm going to go fake, fake, real, and I'm not going to snap on it.
Because I think I'm pretty comfortably ahead. for that so That's a four-pointer. I would not necessarily say you're comfortably ahead. Oh. Okay. i One card short of a meta deck is Snap Variants. Negasonic Teenage Longest Name Ever is Reel. Reel. And so is the radioactive Sharpay. Okay. Re, your final one.
um It's the final set, so it feels wrong to give you guys the scores, but they are very close. It could go either way based on these last sets. Rhee, let's freaking go. Go is in all caps. Look ma, I'm DLC. DLC is also all caps. Ready, set, snap. All caps, of course. Oh man, I want to snap on this, but I don't feel confident.
Look, my DLC is so nonsensical. like It's like you don't what DLC is, which makes it... Oh, like it's a reference to something and they're just... Yeah, that seems to me like something that would be said in a cutscene from Midnight Suns by one Wade Wilson.
He, i bet I bet in one of those cut scenes where you're mixing it up with Dracula, he probably says some dumb dorky nonsense. In Midnight Suns? Deadpool isn't in it. He's in DLC. Yeah. oh He's in DLC. Yeah. Which I haven't played. You don't even know about the tired Deadpool jokes. I own it, but I haven't played it.
And I have like 100%ed the base game. like You haven't gotten play Storm. I haven't gotten the deal. Oh wait, I forgot. I did. I was like in a void, but like all the DLC was like on sale for 15 bucks and I picked it up. Heck yeah. I already installed it. Okay. I'm just saying like, that's the kind of, that I'm like, that feels like some dead fool nonsense. All right. Hopefully I can return the favor in your set. So that makes me think this is definitely. I don't know if that was helpful at all. But I don't know that any of the other people have played
Midnight Suns. There's a whole bunch of Midnight Suns variants in the game. Yeah. Okay. ah Okay. Let's, let's freaking go. Okay. Let's just do this. Ready, set, snap is.
Yeah, these could either be real or people like doing a great job at like making That is the thing, right? That's the goal! Okay, ready to snap? Honestly, you guys are crushing it. Real, let's freaking go, is real. Look Mom, DLC is fake. Okay. And that's not a s snap? like you get them all around No, save. You got one, right? So it's a negative one.
Yeah. Okay. Ben, final set for you. Age is just a nine digit number. Playing for keeps. Begotten the secret war has. Wow. Okay. I saw him making a Yoda reference with the secret war. Like, you know what the game is. And I'm still like, but why? this the thing like
I don't, I don't get the first one really. I mean, like I'm familiar with the expert, the you know. What numbers say nine digits? It's just numbers. But like, why is it nine digits? Let's. I don't know. Just to think about that. I know, I'm trying to think like. Playing. Maybe if you're counting in like minutes. I mean, like playing for keeps, that's just like the Okay, so you're you're playing the game with an air of seriousness. You mean business just like everyone else playing this fucking game.
And just like, just the nonstatement there, like, you know, there's just like, nothing is being nothing, nothing substance is being closeted by that one. So like,
But okay, but then remember in the final fantasies where when you lost the card game, you would also have to give the card. Yeah. To the other players. Well, I mean, it all depends on what what trade rules you've established with the queen of cards, but. Yeah, we totally like My my my my my Galbadian triple triad crew. We we all we all know what's up.
Um, yeah, I don't, i I guess, um, shoot, I don't know. The first one makes no sense. It must be real. Uh, second one, too stupid to be made up. Third one, you know what? I'm going to not snap and say they're all real. Not snap. They're all real. Okay. I probably should have snapped.
That's a negative one. Okay, then maybe that shouldn't have snapped. We both flunked at the end. we're like Only age age is a digital, or age is a nine digit number is real. The other two are mine. Okay. You ready for the final score? Drumroll, except that's going to sound terrible, so it's an air drumroll. Ben with 33, Rhee with 35.
whoa good job congratulations we are the champions you uh you keep your title uh okay if you liked what you heard if you had fun Like, subscribe, comment, whatever, all those things. We're on YouTube and podcast places. The Twitter and Blue Skies are in our show notes. I think I'm the only one left on Twitter here. um Anyway, I can't imagine that'll last too much longer.
a yeah ah you If you want, you can email us, snap on this pod at gmail, but you can certainly hit us up in DMs or whatever. ah you know Give us ideas for your secret homework. site commenters ah Shout out to the commenters for sure. ah Somebody's been doing some secret homework along with us and that's been really fun to review.
yeah And, and models told us about, uh, oh, that was, that was related to snap decisions, but you talked about the comic die. And he said that that's a tabletop RPG, which intrigued me.
I will say the modals has always resolved my tickets and stuff promptly. ah They don't call a match a pre-op or nothing. And in the snap judgement league, things get straightened up. Yeah, I was in snap judgement leagues too and I also was like confused and it was probably a thing I should have already known and it was just very nice instead. So like yeah. and i have only had pleasant interactions not to say you can't be unpleasant if you want to model ah
that judgments network check out the other shows on the network. um There's How Can She Snap? on Sundays, Snap Decisions on Mondays and Tuesdays, and whenever there's new announcements, and Snap Judgments on Saturdays. We come out on Fridays-ish. i They're all great shows. And they're all they all have variety. So if you want something more serious or more competitive or more casual, it's there. um We're the only ones rocking secret homework, just saying.
Yeah, secret homework. Oh, we never assigned the the new secret homework. Oh, no. We found a part of We'll edit it in. No, we're just going to leave it here. um We are, when we were on Snap Decisions a week or two ago, Joe had us prepare a list of characters that we want to see in Snap.
top five. um We're just gonna, it didn't come up and we didn't get to it in the podcast. You forgot about how much we talk when you. Yeah, we we talked about point like it was a long episode. um And so we have really good. I highly recommend people listen to it. I thought we were all on top of our game. That's what I think. um and to yes I actually haven't checked it out yet, but I'm looking forward to it. It's in my queue.
on that
ah So that's what we're doing for Secret Homework. Feel free to change your list. But I'm going to to make it at least somewhat challenging. I'm going to say only five. Why? Don't bring honorary mentions. Oh, no, I was only bringing five. OK, that's what I'm saying. Bring it exactly five because my list. No, but my list is up to like 11. So I have to pare it down. You're always ruining curves for Secret Homework, Lauren. I'm not the only one who does that. OK.
Well, ah catch us next week when we hopefully only bring five each unless one of us ruins the curve. ah Same snap time, same snap
remembered for months when I said I was going to say something at the end. Oh! And I was going to tell you guys your evil visions because you guys haven't been. I was doing a bit on Blue Sky and that's why there's evil versions of people.
and I don't think you guys have seen yours yet. I was trying to think who be. Because it started with Marvel's Snap Lore, who would be Adam Darkstar of Marvel's Slap Lore fame.
and then Lauren, I was torn for you because you would either be Lauren Neves and you'd be like a like a goth version, you know, evil version of yourself or you would be Lauren what and like it would be like people would be like Lauren and you would like shoot them with your space because this is like a space universe. sorry It's a very obviously the evil universe is in space.
You know, you happen to mention spaces involved. So you'd shoot people with the laser gun after they'd call your name, and then you'd have the most, like, teen girl, mean, sarcastic, annoyed, like, what? You know, some civil and whatevs used to be like, what? And then- I love that. And I'm sorry, the faces I'm making are because my family came home and they put a donut right on the mouse pad.
maybe for the Patreon.
Oh, okay. Um, sorry, Ben's, Ben's, okay. Ben, I got, it was hard. And I'm like, my first thought that was hilarious, because I'm like, instead of Benjamin Roller, it's Benjamin Straightener. And he's just got super flat ironed hair. And he only wears bland business suits. Oh, that is very opposite of Ben.
I was trying to go inverse. Just lifeless hair. Yeah. So anyway, those were those were the evil versions of you that I created in two seconds with no thought. Is there an evil way? Yeah, but it's I educated myself while I multitasked.
i got I got up to date on this nonsense. It involves like restream universe stuff that like nobody really