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No Pep in City's step, Questionable Ireland call-ups and FAI Cup final image

No Pep in City's step, Questionable Ireland call-ups and FAI Cup final

The Not A Pundit Podcast
35 Plays3 months ago

Major upsets and big questions this week! 😳 Derry’s dismal FAI Cup performance—where did it all go wrong? 🤔 Man City’s ‘mini-crisis’—is the magic fading? And could Liverpool really win the title? 👀 Plus, we’re gearing up for Ireland’s crucial upcoming fixtures. Tune in to hear the latest from the world of football ⚽️🔥


Introduction & Football Banter

Killian Ginnity
Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to the Not a Pundit podcast. Whether you're going to or from work or college, or maybe you just got back from calling Jurgen Klopp a see you next Tuesday. We have all the goodness that you've been looking for from the world of football. I'm delighted to be joined as ever by the one and only Connor Glennon and the delectable Nathan Byrne. Gentlemen, how are we doing?
Conor Glennon
Very nice intro, well done my man. We might touch on that video later, I didn't know how to handle that one, but no, I'm all good. It's nice to see Newcastle getting a win again and seeing a bit of fight in the team. So it's been a while since we've seen it. I'd say the last maybe six months have been a bit dire for us, but no, it's good to see. Nate, how do you feel?
I'm good. The Amaranth era is upon us. and We just got one international break to go through now, but yeah, I'm doing good. A week off the podcast, a lot of viewers don't know that, i wouldn't it? So the window. So hoping to not be too rusty, but yeah, all good. How are you feeling?

Insights from Alan: Irish Football Pundit

Killian Ginnity
I'm great. um As Nate said, ah due to work reasons, we did have a prerecorded episode. and Thanks to me, I was over in America for the United States election, and which was my own little hint with the title of the last episode.
Killian Ginnity
So if you haven't listened to it, go back and you'll get it then. But I have to say, guys, really enjoyed our conversation with Alan. It was really, really good.
Conor Glennon
Well, it's always great. it's It's always great to chat to Alan. Out of anything, he's just a really lovely bloke. But I mean, he's he's one of Ireland's top pundits for me. you know I think especially from a League of Ireland perspective, there's no man that loves it more and knows it better, really. um So it's it's and it was it was great to see him on RTU for the final as well.

Derry's Performance & Drogheda's Win

Killian Ginnity
And Nathan, what, what a final, like it's, it's fantastic to have the, uh, as Irish football blog on, uh, on Twitter highlighted the attendances from, I think it was what the year 2000 or something and all all the way up to now.
Killian Ginnity
And they not straight line growth, but the growth upon growth upon growth and culminating in a fantastic match at the end. Um, do you think the deserving team won in the end?
yeah um yeah i think deserving team were on the day one and ah The crowd, I think, du done the game justice. i dont I don't know if the game lived up up to the crowd, but yeah, it was it was a good game. I think Derry just never came to the table or anything. I was i was personally shocked to see Dreda run away with it like that. Talking about I'm sold to the Williams of Dundalk, Jesus, that has been a bad season for them now for for many reasons.
Killian Ginnity
We're not, we're not talking about that now.
Killian Ginnity
We're not talking about some talk. Thank you.
No, but in terms of of them as fans, they they must be hiding. But yeah, no in terms of the game, it was it was a 2-0 win for Jota. It looked commanding as as as can be, and but Derry never showed up.

Pressure on Derry's Management

Killian Ginnity
really impressive from Drogheda, like considering they're the last part-timers in the league and the fact that they're in the relegation playoff, Conner really says a lot about Derry, like money can't buy you success. Do you think the manager is going to be under pressure, but do you think the ownership is going to be under pressure?
Conor Glennon
Well, I mean, you know, Gareth McLean kind of summed it up for in his comments about the the panel in general. And he was saying that every city players have let the city down. and They've let the manager down. and They've let the chairman down. You know, it's, you can have all the technical ability you want, but if you haven't got the heart to go on and do something.
Conor Glennon
you know, blah, blah, blah. And I think he's right. It's something we've talked about in the pod before, be it from the Ireland team that we're we're looking for, like at the bare minimum at this level is is hard and an effort. And they seem to lack it at every turn. And I mean, will the ownership be under pressure? Maybe not just due to its heart. You'd be hard pressed to find a backer with not as much cash like there's other well kind of salaried.
Conor Glennon
He played there that could take it over, but it they ah I wouldn't be kicking him away just yet. What about you?
Killian Ginnity
Well, I think Higgins is is going to be under pressure now but just because it seems that it was an underwhelming end to the season eight. Like they seemed at one stage that there were going to be ah challengers for the title and they seemed to fall in the way. And Damien Dolph Shelburne was only too only too happy to ah push on and take take that mantle.
Well, exactly. The running to the league was actually so exciting when you put it down on paper. It was three or four teams in the running for the top spot. Yeah, Derry fell away with one win in the last five, which is just unacceptable and chasing the title. And maybe that played into Sunday in terms of did the pressure just get too much for them chasing the league and a cup? I don't

Damien Duff's Impact at Shelburne

know. But in terms of Shelburne and what Damien Duff has done,
i I think we all have to give him his his flowers. like hes He's really got in there, rejuvenised that team and to turned it into a club that there are serious operators and in my opinion.
Conor Glennon
Absolutely, and and you know it it seems like to be a fan of that just seems so exciting.
Conor Glennon
like it He seems to have both the fans, ah this coaching staff and the players willing to run through fire for him.
Killian Ginnity
it's ah like it's It's always great to see that like a player you grew up watching like turn into a really good manager. And like it's it's it is, ah for the weekly football manager mentioned, it is very football manager video game to see ah like a player going back to like, I know it's not necessarily his at home club, but like going back to the country that they're they're from and make a success themselves. Do you think, Nate, that this could be the beginning of the end of Damien Dauphin Shelburne that like he's going to be successful now and if he can keep early on in the new season and in the new year that suddenly maybe a championship club or a league one club over in the UK come to somewhere looking at him kind of going, hmm, you've done a good job there.
I think that's natural. I think big clothes in England will start looking around. I think he's proven himself now that that he can not just get a team playing, but he can you can foster win a winning mentality. I think that's the big thing. and the The thing that I really found refreshing with Damien Duff is he did he doesn't seem him like the guy or did seem like the guy that was bursting to get away from the League of Ireland. He was always so complimentary about it. And and he really like he really... Seems like a person that wants to be there and and to me that's really refreshing So I don't do I think you'd be desperate to get away from the league and move up up the ladder I i don't think so, but but I do I do think once the bigger clubs come column I do think they will that it gets harder to turn it down
Conor Glennon
I think you're right with that, but and and and i I could see it going either way without sitting on the fence

Future of Damien Duff & League Growth

Conor Glennon
too much. I would like to see him stick around because i you know hearing him say that that win is the greatest thing of his entire career. And you know you have to remember what that man's won and the games he's been a part of. And I think money isn't a problem for him. Look, yeah it's it's not that. It's love of the game. And he's he's really embedded himself in that community.
Conor Glennon
i'd I'd love to see him hang around. You know, he has had those experiences coaching at Celtic. It didn't seem for him. I think his family's happy being where they are. For me, I think there'll be a couple of years anyway where we'll see Dauphin knocking around. Nicky Varner, what are you saying to him?
Killian Ginnity
Yeah like it's it's it's very hard when a big job comes calling and ultimately ambition is what fuels these guys and um like it it's it'd be very sad to see see him lee leave the league if he was to. He's not linked with anywhere yet so we can't say that that he is um but like it's The league is doing so well in the last year thereafter, um getting an attendance of what, a million people um over the course of the season with whatever caveats you want to throw onto that. But it it's still, it's a million people. That's incredible. We saw the report a couple of weeks ago about the money that's bringing in. It's a really exciting time. And I would loathe to see anything that might slow that down, including if Duff was to leave. um Like he's one of them kind of players that ah but when he was playing,
Killian Ginnity
our Irish fans and like Chelsea fans are Blackburn or ah Newcastle fans loved so like they're now bringing their kids to see his team because it's Duffer's team and I think as much of that as we can harness and we can get um all the better you know and like if we can and for if if Duff can stay around for another year or two and we get another one or two managers like that in ah it could be a really really ah exciting time for the league environment and just help that progression keep going on, that extra 10% every year. We're not looking for a Saudi league explosion overnight. We're looking for like a nice steady, ah realistic growth, like Alan was saying. We need to look at this for the long-term, invest in facilities and all that. Yes, we have the goodwill now, so let's use that for the long-term benefit.
Killian Ginnity
Conor Glennon
Well, if you even look at that that final day game, like you know i I, like everyone, I think was was hoping to be watching Duffer's team on the final day and the numbers at their highest during that game were 400,000, which is unheard of really for and a League of Ireland game on on on TV. So I think it's nice when I've seen some clips of of around the the league, the fans, no one's really begrudging Duffer and what the team have done. I think everyone's just happy to see, I don't want to call him a mascot, that sounds demeaning, but you know what I mean. Like someone who's champion in the league and and and um just elevating it really.
Killian Ginnity
Yeah, know it's it's it's a fantastic time. Well done to Shelburne for the the league and well done to Drata, especially for the FAI Cup, when to be part-timers doing that, yes, they're going to go full-time next year. um So let's hope to stay and in in the in the first division, ah the Premier Division, sorry. um like it it It is a a little bit of a David versus Goliath.
Killian Ginnity
Yes, I know and they're they're in the same league, but it's different ends of it and certainly different ends of the budgetary scale. um So it was fantastic to

Manchester City's Struggles

Killian Ginnity
see. um But speaking of different end of the budgetary scale, Nate, has Man City finally fallen off?
Killian Ginnity
Have have we found the Achilles heel to Pep Guardiola's dominance of the Premier League?
you know I'm not one for coincidences but you know Ruben Hamring comes in the door and Pep starts shaking and in his boots like I don't know how to tell you lads he got skilled by a new manager at sport and like yeah I don't know see look what's the word troubled um they seem to be very
Killian Ginnity
The last time Man City lost four on the bounce was 2006. In the time since then, Lamine Yamal has been born, grown up, gone through the economy, broke through with Barcelona, become a first team player, broke through with Spain, become a first team player and won the Euros.
Conor Glennon
And Spurs still haven't won a trophy.
they Man City look very one-dimensional now. like they They really do and I was looking back, I watched the Champions League game and I watched the game in the weekend and say just don't they don't keep the ball like they used to and I don't know if Obviously, Roger would play a big part into that. I don't think it's like it's the full picture. I think Haaland is a bit of a. He's a bit of a problem for them in terms of the way that they play. It's like it all has to be true to him now. And to be honest, I think we're seeing a lag, a lag on of them just heading downwards. I'm not saying they're going to fall off the face of the earth. I'm just saying.
that does not demand CE teams that were used and there's definitely scope there for people to take advantage.
Conor Glennon
I think it's really shown them.
Killian Ginnity
Connor Hart.
Conor Glennon
Sorry to cut across again. I think it's really shown them their dependence on, on Roger and how important he is to that team and and the linchpin that he is. And I think we're also, they struggle at times and look, this is very hindsight's 2020, but you know, there is that old saying that it takes a year for a player to understand Pep's methods.
Conor Glennon
And you're seeing that with some of the youth players that it's, it's. There's talented players in there who aren't used to his system. and they they're You never would have thought but that mid-field at Man City would be an issue, but it seems to be the bulk of their problems. or it
Killian Ginnity
but we're not It's not unusual to see a pep team have a pre-Christmas wobble, but this feels different. like We've seen it time and time again where City kind of like they would slow at the start, have a bit of a wobble, and then just obliterate everybody.
Oh yeah.
Killian Ginnity
this they they don't seem to have that kind of 50 plus one where they'd kind of do enough in the early season to kind of to keep things ticking along. um And what you're saying, Nate, about Haaland potentially being a problem, it was the same kind of argument I made about Cristiano Ronaldo at ah man Man United that kind of like you have to build around him and as soon as he's not there or he is there or he's not kicking on well then that becomes a problem because you've sacrificed all other methods to make him work.
Conor Glennon
i think if I think if you look at Pep's reign though, even just outside of City, like let let's give the man his flowers.
Killian Ginnity
I did.
Conor Glennon
It's the first time in his entire career that he's lost four games on the bounds. And I do, ah ah i I think, you know, Nate, you might've seen it from watching both of those recent games. The first half performances have been good.
Conor Glennon
You know, like they've they've been hanging on there in the first half, but it seems to be there. It's not even a discipline thing. They just seem to be, I don't know if they expect it to be too easy and they're taking the foot off the gas.
i I don't think it's paid the for off the gas type thing. They looked okay in the first half against Brighton. They weren't amazed. I'm so used to seeing a CE team play a certain way where you literally cannot get the ball off them for 70% of the game.
This city team is really open to counter-attacks now. and In the transitional period, they're literally wide open. And we saw that against Brighton. They took two plays and they were right back in the game. And and that's that's problems that this United team that just sacked out in high guard was once you turn over the ball, it's just way too open for them to get back. And and I think against sporting, sporting was a bit different. They couldn't live with the system.
and They pushed up very high as City do, and one sport and could could get around them and get them on the counter. and They just couldn't get back quick enough. and I think we're seeing ah a team that's so used to playing in one way, and and it will be still ingrained in them from Pep going, this is how we play football. But I don't think that team currently can play out that way.

Pep Guardiola's Future at City

Killian Ginnity
considering when you look back on pep's career he's never had particularly long reigns anywhere like what was it yet baris baris at five years four years um byron was two or three um city is now his longest is this are we finding out that pep is more like hose in the sense that he actually has a period of time where his his tactics and his influence uh begins to wane after car
Conor Glennon
four or five years?
Conor Glennon
i I think we're seeing it more and more in management. you know k Clop said it when he left that he was tired. like I do think these 1% teams.
Conor Glennon
It's a different beast being a head coach, manager, whatever you want to call it. I think it takes it out of you. And I do think the stints are getting shorter and shorter. you know yeahre We're not going to see an Arsene Wenger at Arsenal. We're not going to see a Fergie situation. you know I think Pep, if he stays on for, I'd say at most, if he does stay on, he'll probably have two years. But I think within that, I think that's going to be one of the longest reigns for for a long time. and and I don't think it's a Jose thing like that. He's slightly different. He kind of burns the bridges. You can't turn around. You're kind of stuck there and your only way out is to is to pull the ripcord. I think it's just at that level, there's only so much you can give. And I do think that regardless of if City don't win another game for the rest of this season, I do think he's got enough cash in the bank with those fans to, to, you know, still have the legend legacy around him.
Killian Ginnity
Ooh, legend, yeah, but I don't know if they'll have the patience, like plastic doesn't ah doesn't last like that.
I, I, I don't think it's like, I think it's a player issue. I don't think they're making the player that, that needs to go on that team currently. Like they're youngsters to me, they're obviously very talented and they'll go for quite a large fee at some point, but they don't, they don't fit the profiles that they're replacing. Um, I think it's the same with Cole Palmer. I don't know how Cole Palmer would be in the city team. I don't think you'd be anywhere near near as influential as he is in that by Chelsea team. They don't seem to be replicating the roles that they need to to take over from that team.
Conor Glennon
Well, I think it's it's always going to be tricky when you've relied on someone like Kevin De Bruyne for so long, you know?
Killian Ginnity
Killian Ginnity
Yeah, it just kind of seems like that last Fergie team where it just wasn't quite turned over in the right way like if Pep was relying on De Bruyne the way he has been over the last couple years in the first two years he would have already been looking for the replacement and he hasn't and he kind of
yeah a deep price and
Conor Glennon
Killian Ginnity
has now kind of built everything on Rodry, which is a different kind of player. So it it was never that kind of, oh, I'm building this next team. It's like, all right, how can how can I make this next team from whatever I have at my disposal?
Killian Ginnity
It was that kind of adjustment. um Maybe it was just because of how to incorporate Holland. But like one thing it does kind of prove, and he's kind of laughed at me a couple of weeks ago about it, Liverpool are now title contenders.
Killian Ginnity
like They are legit.
Conor Glennon
Liverpool are cooking over there. they like Slot has done an unbelievable

Liverpool's Strong Start

Conor Glennon
job. you know I know he had a great squad there. I think Nate's going to be about to explode if I keep waxing lyrical about Liverpool anymore. But I think he is ah to come in after Klopp, who captured a city,
Conor Glennon
and And, you know, whether that matters on the on the pitch or not, you know, TBC, but I do think that he has adjusted really well to life in Liverpool. He seems calm in his decision making process. He's playing good football, he's playing attacking football and the players seem to like him. So whether they'll be talking to us come the end of the year, I don't think we literally couldn't have asked for a better start. The league's five points clear, you know, coming into November.
Killian Ginnity
Before Nate goes, I do want to say about it. like it's It's the mark of ah of ah of a good manager, because like we we we didn't and take away the achievement from Lester when they did it.
Killian Ginnity
is like He's capitalized and played well when other teams haven't. And that is the sign of of a team that could be ah be a champion by the end of the season, Nate.
Conor Glennon
Yeah, yeah and totally. Yeah.
boys we haven't seen them wobble yet there's a wobble horn and i will be there when i walk there is there is there's oh yeah but like i was saying that with eric and hank and i was gonna laugh that's all and in terms of there will be a wobble coming and it's impressive of what they've done so far but i don't think they've played the best opposition so far um i think in terms of of where they could wobble
Killian Ginnity
Is there, though?
Conor Glennon
you you you can You can only beat his in front of you, you know, and that's what he's doing.
Like I, I, I just, I see once, once they get hit with a loss, I want to see how they bounce back. I don't know if that team is mentally ready to win a league. Um, now that's easy to say for me, being an Ohio fan, of course, but I don't know if they have it in them to go all the way. Um, but then again,
lads we're talking about a league here that has not on them forests and fish so like i don't really know what's going on do you know what i mean like it's
Conor Glennon
With Chris Wood sniffing a golden boot, like things have gone haywire.
like what's going on this year lads like um i think if i had to bet today i'd still put my money on iris more oh if see it's street eating money
Conor Glennon
Conor Glennon
Dang, really?
Conor Glennon
Wow. I mean, ah I think the Arsenal result over the over the weekend you know would have been a disaster if they couldn't drag a point out of that game.
Killian Ginnity
That's brave.
Conor Glennon
um but I don't know man, Liverpool soon be cooking and for me, I do think there's an element of Salah's probably going, Trent is probably going, is Virgil going, then Alison will probably go. I do think this is a little bit of a, the players are having an un added emotional kind of task to this, where I think they're buying in at a different level. And, you know, you look at that's one thing that I think slots done well in he where pep kind of heavily relied on a Rodry or a KDB slot has Salah, who's got 50 goal contributions across the last two seasons. And if he doesn't play, they're still playing good football, you know, he's or if he if he comes off, like, I mean, he he's managed to create a culture and whether he's just picked up that culture around with it, I don't know. But he's not at least to me to been dependent on one player.
Killian Ginnity
and fairness I think it's really coming down to like what looked to be bad signings by Klopp over the last two or three years of his reign where it looked like he was just constantly signing wingers and forwards that he just didn't need but now they're reaping the benefits of that because like the likes of Lewis Diaz or Cody Gackpo are now
Thank you.
Killian Ginnity
so used to being in and around the squad that whenever they need to take Salah off, it doesn't feel like this unnatural fit. Plus, he's managed to find a way to make Darwin Nunez effective. Not good, but effective.
Killian Ginnity
And by just having that scatter brained horse up at the front, it works for them. And like.
Conor Glennon
But even when he's not scoring, he gets in good positions. And I think that gives the team something like, yeah, I think his goal contributions, it's like one in three, I think, or maybe four or somewhere in the decimal points, but like, it's not horrendous.
Killian Ginnity
Killian Ginnity
It's not awful. yeah and it's It doesn't justify his transfer fee, but like his his value to the team now is more than what other teams would pay for him.
Conor Glennon
You know.
Conor Glennon
Yeah. Yeah.
Killian Ginnity
But like Nate, you're saying about Arsenal. Arsenal are a level on points with Chelsea. like
Yeah, but, but, okay, but, Queen and the weekend.
Killian Ginnity
ah nine
If he doesn't make them,
Killian Ginnity
Yeah, but but the difference is he did and they have a backup keeper like Queaving Killer.
but, but that's what I mean is like, how much of it is, are they playing in the moment right now? And when they get, I just, I see a slip and I just want to see how they get up over that slip. And then my mind will change.
Killian Ginnity
Yeah, i they might slip. I just don't think Arsenal will be the team to capitalise on. Like, they they don't seem to be
Conor Glennon
I don't, it's it's it's really hard, it's it's really hard and in the fact that that, you know, for saying Liverpool aren't mentally ready for a league, or Arsenal, you know, I don't know. Like, Arsenal have been so close, and or did those battle scars help them? Do they push them back? I don't know.
Killian Ginnity
There's less points between United and Arsenal than there is between Arsenal and Liverpool.
Conor Glennon
Could you imagine, you know, how to do it?
Killian Ginnity
Killian Ginnity
Just... Well, Nate.
That leads us on to next one.
Killian Ginnity
Yeah, exactly. Reuben has arrived. You've mentioned it already. But before we talk about the new guy, we got to talk about the guy that he's now replacing, which is Rood van Nistroy.

Rood van Nistroy at Manchester United

Killian Ginnity
Do you think he was a little bit hard done by by not being kept on as part of the coaching stuff? He seemed to have a good interim spell.
a No, I don't think it was hard done, but I don't think if the shoe fits you don't force your foot in. I think he done himself really proud.
I think he had a really good interim spell. and The fans really got behind him. I thought the way he spoke about it and and stuff was was really nice. And as a fan, that's the ultimate connection you can have with a club legend right there.
like So to see him get, and he got four games a home in a row, like that's the perfect interim spell right there.
Killian Ginnity
I just thought that, no, it was a really wholesome couple of weeks, but Yeah, he done us proud and and he and he leaves. He leaves and now, but I think he'll be back in the future.
Killian Ginnity
And now back to reality. um Has there been any kind of indication of who Ameren's going to be bringing in with him? Like, is he going to bring be bringing in a big staff or anything like that?
Conor Glennon
I think I saw a Jeff line and there's like at least three or four fellas who were with him.
Conor Glennon
I didn't know if it was his agent or whatnot, but I think Nate, you probably know the sauce on this, but.
It's looking like five or six coaches with him, so he's bringing the squad with him.
Conor Glennon
So is anyone surviving the OG stuff?
I know all of Ten High's staff have gone to the environment like Kyle.
Killian Ginnity
In fairness, that's probably for the best.
Conor Glennon
See, that's where I think that's the thing where I think the rude thing comes in and in in the fact, because for me, I don't know about you, kill but I was in two minds about it ah in the fact that he did so well on that interim period.
It's a total sloth.
Conor Glennon
And like you said, Nate, four games at home is the perfect period. And you got you get a bit of a new manager bounce and all of that. But I mean, he seemed to get them playing in a in good way.
Conor Glennon
The fans resonated with him. For me, it was like, does it help or hinder Amaran? Because in one way, does it give him A bit of guidance on the club and the history of it, or does it hamper him going, okay, there's a guy here who's already been caretaker that if I get pushed out down the road, he'll go into the number one. He's kind of looking over his shoulder the whole time.
Killian Ginnity
I think and he was doing like, he did a very good job.
Killian Ginnity
He got the fans behind him, but he was always going to have the fans behind him. He had the fans behind him from when he was announced as being a coach. I think if if it was me in charge, what I would have done is I would have kept him on until the end of the season, but tell people that like, yes, he he is going to be part of our transitional period.
Killian Ginnity
He's going to be here to help Amaran settle in, and then he's going to go off and do his own thing and make his own career and forge his own career. And I think by doing it so quickly it's not ideal and I don't think there would have been any question marks over him coming back in and putting pressure on Ameren by just being like a former manager there. It's not, <unk> I don't think the club is set up like that in a with the new set up like it seems to be.
Killian Ginnity
This is ah Dan Ashworth's guy or Beretta's guy or who, this is um ah the the ownership's guy that they're putting in. Like they're letting him bring his full staff. So like they're obviously, and Nate, you can probably attest to this, like they're going to give him the period that he needs.
Killian Ginnity
And I think having Ruud van Nistroy as part of the staff or not, wasn't going to change that. And it kind of seems to be more kind of like all the staff, like all the coaching staff probably had a clause that like when the antenna hag goes, that's
Conor Glennon
You're reviewed, like...
Killian Ginnity
technically you're, yeah, and you're kept on or you're not rather than being fired or not. It's kind of more like you're presumed that you're gone, but if there's the option to keep you on.
Conor Glennon
Bring in six coaches when you or five, even if it's if it's that, you kind of do start to think, where would he even have fit? yeah Is he first team coach? Then that probably puts out who he's worked with for so long. You can't have him as ah assistant first team coach. you know like there was but yeah When you say it like that, where does he actually even fit if they if they even wanted him?
Conor Glennon
you know
We also have to respect him and the coaches ah in terms of stunting his growth. He's not there just to play second con fiddle. like He's there to get experience. If United's not the right place right now, he's not the right place.
Conor Glennon
do Do you think he regrets that? Because he was kind of being talked as a replacement for company when he left Burnley. Do you think he regrets not taking it? and Or do you think this stint at United could get him the job further down the the line one day or even just off the back of a get him a number one job somewhere?
I'm about to piss off a lot of Burnie fans right now, okay?
Conor Glennon
Let's go. Let's go.
Them four games, Manchester United, Manchester would be more influential in this grid and managing Burnie for a season.
Killian Ginnity
ah said I said I said it, I said it, I said it. and You'll learn a lot more in that time, I'll tell you that.
Killian Ginnity
Killian Ginnity
I don't know why but he just has full of manager wrote all over him like I could just I can just see it
He's aura, like, he actually has aura, like, I'm gonna touch on it and be like, that is my manager right there, like.
Conor Glennon
Well, I saw Martin Cown talking about him when he was promo in his new book. And he was like, you know, Vanniseroy was one of those players that he'd stand on your neck. Like he was a bit of a killer. You knew he was there. There was something about him. And for me, I from a player, I want a manager like that, that just kind of galvanizes a team. And for them to shout, you know, it's I don't know where that was. That was my next question. And I don't have an answer to it myself. I don't know where he lands. Does he go back to Holland? Does he, you know, where does he go?

Van Nistroy's Career Prospects

Killian Ginnity
i I Yeah, it's a hard one of them.
Have to wait and see.
Killian Ginnity
I Don't think he's gonna go to go back to the Netherlands because like he was a PSV and he did a very good job there I'm like where else you go Beyond them like really it's Ajax, but
Conor Glennon
Killian Ginnity
would you go into Ajax right now? This seems to be a bit of a basket case. so and He could go to Germany. like Don't forget he had a good spell out in Hamburg there.
Conor Glennon
Forgot about that.
Killian Ginnity
um So like that could be effectively it. Don't forget that he played with Raoul raul and ah song i mean some young men at, was it Hamburg or was it Frankfurt?
Killian Ginnity
I think it was Hamburg.
Conor Glennon
I think it was Hamburg. Yeah.
Killian Ginnity
Yeah, um um so like he he has experience of out there which um could be a decent one like you could imagine him going in and potentially doing a shabby along the one
Conor Glennon
i was I was the only one that kind of stood here for me for some reason in Spain because i obviously he played from Madrid and whatnot, but im someone like a Mallorca or, a you know, that level, could like even Guitafe, something like Villarreal, actually, that would be one that would work because it's kind of us against siege mentality team.
Killian Ginnity
Yeah, like i think I think he's going to have options. and I think he's going to have too many options that won't suit him that will be attractive, which is always the worry when you kind of have um and you you have that little bit more press and attention around you that like you kind of feel pressured more to kind of give an answer rather than to think about it and give the correct answer.
Conor Glennon
but Do you think he has to strike when when the iron's hot?
Killian Ginnity
Conor Glennon
Or do you think he can sit back for six months, wait for the right opportunity?
Killian Ginnity
i think I think he can wait and it's more down to the fact that a lot of clubs have either made their made their managerial changes or just about to. Like the next kind of real round of managerial changes will come February, March. And at that stage, you're taking over a sinking ship, really. So I think it'll be probably the six month wait. What do you think, Nate?
i Yeah, I don't think he's rushing down to him. I think he's he's got a fair amount of time already in management. and So I think he just needs to assess his options and see what's best for him.
Killian Ginnity
But there is a manager who really does need to assess what's best for him now um and that's Lee

Lee Carsey's England Tenure

Killian Ginnity
Carsey. Lee Carsey is taking over his final games as England boss and in this upcoming international break. Connor, how's the squad looking?
Conor Glennon
bleak Bleak is the only way to put it. um you know I saw Alan Shearer talking about it ah a couple of days ago and he he was saying that he was half expecting so many people to pull out little niggles and you know oh little training ground injuries, just purely off the fact that you know if that was too cool in there,
Conor Glennon
You want to prove it to the manager, you be everyone would want to be in that squad. But for a manager who's not going to be there in two games with a Premier League season, that's tight for the players that are up at that kind of top four level. that they just I think players just need that winter break that they don't actually get. And and ah I think Carsley's unfortunate. i I don't know if he'd even want to be in this camp, to be honest. I think he's run his race a little bit. And it's it's a bit more of a, OK, fine, I've got to finish the job.
Conor Glennon
um ah I mean, obviously, we his last game is against Ireland. The irony isn't lost on me. um And I think for that fact, we might actually, I'm not saying we're going to beat England, but I think we should really have a real go with them because it' it'll be a mismatched team of of for Carsley. And I don't know how even into it those players will want to be.
Killian Ginnity
Nate, do you think it says more about um this international window than it does about Carsley, just in the fact that ah if Tookle was in charge that I think there's there may still be some. Like if Tookle was in charge of the previous international window, as well as this one, you might still get some of the pullouts. But the fact that this could have been his first one, you wouldn't have. Like, is it as much about, well, we don't have to have, we don't have to try you for cars anymore. Or is it more kind of like, well, here's an opportunity to get the extra break.
Oh, definitely the opportunity to debate them. Two weeks would be massive. I have no idea why we have another international window. Like, holy bawl.
And like, stop there.
Conor Glennon
No, one no one wants it. Yeah.
Stop there. Stop there. Like, ah this part of the year feels like torturous. How like, stop and start it is an international football. It's like, oh, come on, lads.
Let's get rid of this nation's league. Like, seriously, seriously.
Conor Glennon
Lads, I know it's a football podcast, but November's for the rugby internationals. That's, you know, it is.

Ireland National Team Critique

Killian Ginnity
um And obviously, international break means ah Ireland um our have announced their squad. and Was I the only one that was really disappointed to see Matt Daugherty get the the call up?
Killian Ginnity
I know it was only as a replacement for Seamus Coleman, but it seems to be rewarding whinging rather than rewarding success.
and is i to His his attitude annoys me.
Conor Glennon
I taught the exact same. I taught the exact same.
Killian Ginnity
When's the last time you played in a club club game?
Like, I don't know, like the entire, that interview that you've done, the entitlement this guy has to think he deserves a call-up is unbelievable, genuinely unbelievable.
Conor Glennon
I've said, I've i've said, I've said it before, it's who he hangs around with. His mates are like Harry Kane and that type who are at that level, who if they got left out would be like, it would be uproar. It's like, mate, you're, you're Matt Daugherty. I am sorry. Like I don't mean it to mean him. Like he's had a top flight career, but Christ, like it is, it to me, it really is rewarding moaning and I, oh, it angered me so much.
maybe i press the next year
Killian Ginnity
like I would have loved to see like I would have loved to seen Sam Curtis get caught up he's 18 if you're gonna basically count it up as like sure it doesn't really matter because if you're playing Matt Daugherty you're not building for the future and you're not looking for a particularly ah effective player, because we saw that from his first game with whatever way Heimer is playing, it doesn't necessarily suit him.
Killian Ginnity
Whereas you have like Sam Curtis, he's 18, he's getting games at Peterborough. Yeah, it's league one, but like, could he do any worse?
Conor Glennon
we've nothing We've nothing to lose. Like, as in, Heimer said he wants to try players, yet we still have, you know, Shane Duffy, we still have Matt Doherty.
Killian Ginnity
Conor Glennon
And for me, I think if if you're a Heimer, you need someone who's been there for a good while. Now, I understand if you pick, you know, Shane Duffy, maybe, but like ah ah for me, the way that, the way that um dirty has gone on. How can he be the one that you bring back into the camp? And and is that is that what you're showing the junior players that, oh, if you get kicked out of the squad, you moan, you're going to be back in. You know, like what what's the win there? I simply don't understand it. And for me, if we don't beat Finland, I i don't even think I'll watch the England game. You know, that kind of way. Like it's it's one of those.
That's just like this just like that.
Killian Ginnity
He has played one minute of hope of the club in the last three months
Conor Glennon
Killian Ginnity
It's insane. But like he did this is this is part of the thing. like And as Alan Collie said last last week, I get the wanting to have a consistent squad, get these players well-knowing each other so that like whenever you do make chops and changes, that it's not like ah but a brand new team, that you have this core of it.
Killian Ginnity
but you can't have a core of a team that isn't going to be there potentially in two years time. So why bother building that now? Like, would it be better to take, like, would you take some bad results now and for the next year with some young guys versus maybe getting some crap enough results with some older guys that may not be there or will be time to phase out by the time we get to a tournament?
Conor Glennon
option one every day of the week because really look lads we're not qualifying for anumm for the next couple of years anyway let's get a team together that could do something down the road or at least get a structure and within a team you know What's annoying about international, I suppose it's club as well, it's especially international though because you're restricted to who you've got. like We don't even know if Heimer is going to be there in two years, let alone these players. So it's's it's it's a hard position to be in an an international manager. But for me, I think bring in any player you can that's going to that can play in the Irish jersey, see what we can do, try build something and and and
Conor Glennon
I will finally allow Dennis Serkin to get the call of the Killian has been wanting for about two years.
Killian Ginnity
Did you see his goal?
Conor Glennon
It was so good.
Killian Ginnity
Did you see his goal? Something like the weekend, if you haven't seen it, he makes an absolute bounding run up the hole pitch and manages to get a cracker from the edge of the pole.
Conor Glennon
Absolute worldly, but like even like, you know,
Killian Ginnity
Imagine having that energy, somebody with that energy in the squad.
Conor Glennon
Well, that's what I mean. Or even like you said with Curtis, like what do we gain from Matt already being in that team? Nothing. He's already played. He's going to be gone very soon. Like you said, he's played a minute for his club.
Conor Glennon
I don't care if Curtis has played, you know, only a minute of senior football or if he's probably played.
Killian Ginnity
thirteen fourteen appearances
Conor Glennon
You know what I mean? like what he But even if he'd't if he'd no time in a senior team, for me, give the chance and give the chance to the guy who's going to want to grab that jersey and run with it. And if he can't court it, he can't court it. What do you think, Nate?
But I totally agree, but just something quickly off topic. and For my fellow Sunland haters out there, that's three drawers in a row.
Conor Glennon
That's three drawers in
Killian Ginnity
Killian Ginnity
Sunderland haters oh from a United fan we've made we've developed so many your players oh
Killian Ginnity
Killian Ginnity
yeah we are no no we're we're doing fine we're do we are absolutely doing fine here as
Conor Glennon
They're getting squeaky.
trees Three in a row. ah doesn as for my dad That's right there.
Killian Ginnity
No, no, no, yeah like we're we're having that Liverpool wobble that you've been you've been hoping for. We're having that now, just getting it out of the way, you know, that we can just get get through Christmas and then we're we're golden again.
Two two with Coventry. Nail, nail with Preston. Nail, nail with QPR.
Killian Ginnity
Yeah, and it's like that's that's our bad run this season. Last year, we would have give a left nut at the end of the season for that kind of a run. um No, Sunderland has nothing to worry about.
Killian Ginnity
It's been trying to embed in some new signings um that like Aaron Connolly. like we Wilson Isidore is unbelievable. Absolutely class. And he keeps getting shunted out to the left to accommodate Connolly because Connolly needs to get time in his legs.
Conor Glennon
And that's all we have time for this week Segment
Killian Ginnity
This is going to turn into a weekly, weekly ah what what's it called, weekly segment.
Killian Ginnity
Killian Ginnity
for For those for those that ah ah that don't know, we have our own little WhatsApp group and for the first, I don't know, about six weeks of the season, I just kept messaging the same message season, the Prem next season, as I kept winning. um I have forgotten to do that. It's not that I have ah neglected to do it, I've just forgotten to do it.
Killian Ginnity
and But back to all things Ireland, looking at the squad. Goalkeepers, nothing to complain about. Callahera, Travers, O'Leary, obviously we all wish Callahera was getting more game time, um which he's getting it now, but like it's...
Conor Glennon
I think just on Keller, but before we hop off Keller, I think the next selection for Liverpool's next game will be interesting to see when ah when it kind the competition is there and and whether Slap picks him as the number one. Because I think that will define where his place is in that team going forward. But yeah, have continue on.
Killian Ginnity
ah Seamus Coleman has now been replaced with Matt Daugherty, Darragh O'Shea, Nathan Collins, Shane Duffy has now been replaced by Ryan Manning, Mark McGinnis, Liam Scales and Callum O'Dowda.
Killian Ginnity
O'Dowda, I don't really see the point in. and The rest of them, I can't really complain about.
Conor Glennon
Me neither.
Killian Ginnity
Manning, it's probably good to give him a goal, as we've already said. O'Shea Collins, McGinnis, great to see. Give him a try. Scales, with Manning coming in, can now actually play a center, which is I think is better position.
Killian Ginnity
ah Midfield, Cullen, Knight, Malumbi, Aziz, Andy Morn. not i I can't really complain about that overall. um
Conor Glennon
Andy Morin who as of today got the FAI men's under 21 international player of the year.
Killian Ginnity
Conor Glennon
um So for fair play Andy Morin.
Killian Ginnity
Fantastic. Great. Yeah. Congrats. Eda, Ferguson, Cannon. Good to see him get in and power it and just play them this time. That'd be nice. I mean, that like I would happily rather bench Ferguson.
Conor Glennon
if we If we have another window where he plays safe football with the same team and just it's vanilla vibes again, And if John O'Shea keeps doing those bloody price conferences, I am going to snap.
Killian Ginnity
okay Yeah.
What do you think's going to happen now?
Killian Ginnity
Like, in all honesty?
Conor Glennon
I think we get i think i think we got to draw against Finland and battered by England.
Killian Ginnity
I think we, I think we can get a result against Finland. I think it'd be, I think it'd be hard fought.
Can we bring in the international transfers?
Conor Glennon
I think we got something.
Killian Ginnity
I think it'd be hard fought, but like, Finland are our level. So we'll get something there. And I think England, I could see us get a dirty nil-nil or a one-one. I don't know why.
Conor Glennon
Uh, we're not scoring against England. Like if, if we get a results, cause it was a nil.
Killian Ginnity
I, I don't know. I could see a big slabhead Dara O'Shea. corner or something like that. It'll be 15 minutes in. We'll all get our hopes up. We'll all go wild. And then they'll get a goal.
Killian Ginnity
60 minutes and they'll just be drab football from then on. and But Festi Ebecelli, Casey McInteer, I want to see him actually work. It hasn't yet, but you got to give him the game time.
Killian Ginnity
Smodix, what a goal.
Conor Glennon
Again, and yeah.
Killian Ginnity
This ah podcast is going to turn into a Smodix bicycle kick.
Conor Glennon
Killian Ginnity
Loven, like that.
It was all right.
Killian Ginnity
Ah, it's class.
Killian Ginnity
Like when you're the smaller team doing that against the bigger team, that's class.
Conor Glennon
Mate, where was the last time you stood on a bicycle kick?
oh No, no, it was class, it was class, but like, it was class that they won't, but like, the bicycle was like, it was okay.
Killian Ginnity
Killian Ginnity
the more That's the most ah acrobatic I've seen in an Irish squad since Robbie Keen's old celebration.
Conor Glennon
hundred you percent
Killian Ginnity
like So like.
Yeah, but i but like, you're you're you're not working on much there, like, to be fair.
Killian Ginnity
Hey, when like when the bar is low, we will jump over it. um And then Mikey Johnson, which I think is a solid one. So I think overall, it's it's a grand squad, but there's nothing to kind of get excited about.
Conor Glennon
Killian Ginnity
Conor Glennon
That midfield for me is is is the chance to get excited, you know?
Killian Ginnity
i I wouldn't say excited. like We know what Cullen does, we know what Knight does, we know what Malumbi does. Aziz, yeah, good to see him in. He's been good for Middlesbrough, so worth the chance.
Killian Ginnity
And Morin, great, yeah. But again, Morin's more about betting him in now for success in two years' time.
Yeah, because it's more and is more and really a bit failed.
Conor Glennon
Killian Ginnity
um so
Killian Ginnity
Yeah, he's he's he's and he's like a Smodex. He'd be closer to Smodex than he would be a midfielder. Like he's that attacking midfielder forward 10 position. um like it Whatever way um sports show have put their thing, they have Festy up as a forward as well, which I thought was a bit odd. and But so hey, we'll we'll see how Highmere does. um But gentlemen, that brings us to the end of this episode and While i I forgot to say it at the start, I cannot ignore it at the end.
Killian Ginnity
Happy James McLean Poppy season to one and all.
Conor Glennon
oh jesus you're on one
Killian Ginnity
Uh, the fucking commentary on that.
Killian Ginnity
Um, we'll see what side of, uh, the, uh, tri-color league Carsey falls on, uh, during the England game. Um, but I have been enjoying the commentary around the annual celebration, um, bonfire night 2.0 we shall call it. Um, but my tanks as ever to you, the listener Connor Glennon and Nathan Byrne, and we'll chat to you next week.
Conor Glennon
Please don't kill us in the comments.