Introduction and Hosts' Excitement
Killian Ginnity
Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to Not A Clown.
Killian Ginnity
i am Killian Ginnity and I am delighted to be joined as ever by Conor Glennon and Nathan Byrne. Gentlemen, we have so much to get through this evening. How are we doing?
Conor Glennon
Well, it's not something I get to say very often, but gents, we are in Cup Final week. ah Yes, we will probably get absolutely obliterated, but I will take the the week that's in it. And we definitely have a lot to talk about this week and no no nothing more so than the Man United. And how is our Man United friend, Nate? How are you going?
I'm doing well. I can't wait to get to New Trafford and see see how it's going. I'm already looking at which apartment I might get, you know i mean?
Cup Final Predictions and Team Analysis
Killian Ginnity
Conor, before we get on United, ah how are you feeling coming into the cup final? What did you make of last weekend's performance? Does it give you much hope?
Conor Glennon
Yeah, look, I mean, it was a great result. I think it's it's hard to compare that team against the team that we're going to face. um An out-of-form Liverpool is still better than an in-form Newcastle, so I think we're really going to have to be lucky on the day. We obviously aren't firing on all cylinders from a resource perspective.
Conor Glennon
So we got trouble there, but I think the beauty of football is anyone can beat anyone in a cup final. So I'm going to live in the land of hope um and I'll probably get called a clown for for thinking we even have a chance, but sure that's already happened.
Champions League Speculations
Conor Glennon
So who what what's so bad about being called a clown twice?
Killian Ginnity
You're level now with City and in the Premier League. and Obviously, Forrest got a win. ah
Killian Ginnity
Big, big win. um are I think Forrest had nailed on for a Champions League, but who do you think is going to get the Champions League spot between yourselves? City and Chelsea.
Killian Ginnity
um And in fairness, Brighton and Villers, Bournemouth are all still in the mix, but...
Conor Glennon
um I am in two minds about us even being in contention for that. and Like I said you know previously, I personally, as much as I love seeing us in the Champions League and the financial benefits of it, I don't think it's the best thing for us based on the squad depth that we have. And I do think there'll be a little bit of, if we do lose Liverpool in the Cup Final, there might be a drop-off. ah mentally that will take us out of that top four then again if we win it do we run with it I don't think it's going to be us I think City Forest Arsenal Liverpool to be honest
Killian Ginnity
Nate, what do you think?
Oh, it's a tough one, isn't it? It's mad that Forrest could be back in the Champions League.
Conor Glennon
you love to see it though don't you
Killian Ginnity
I can't wait for their their back-to-back Champions League wins. Like, it's just written in the stairs. It's, what, 79 80, and it'll be 2026 and 2027. and it will be twenty twenty six and twenty twenty
Who do i think would get top four? I think it would be Liverpool Forest if they can hold on. and ah hope they don't slip up now because would be a great story.
Killian Ginnity
You think City are going to recover enough to get to four
Conor Glennon
I think they i think they i dont about you but i think they they've been there enough times in terms of crunch moments of finals and stuff.
Conor Glennon
I think they'll piece this together. It may not be pretty, but I think they'll piece it together. What are you saying, Killian?
Killian Ginnity
um I think it's the way the top three are is the way they're going to be. um i just think that there's so much kind of competitiveness between fourth down ah that they might kind of either self implode to some of the teams, i.e. city, or they'll cannibalize each other and kind of keep each other from i being out of reach. So I think it's realistically...
Killian Ginnity
Chelsea is to lose the fourth position but Newcastle could do it I just I wouldn't be confident enough to say that you would still put you in Europe in the Europa League and stuff which is not a bad place
Conor Glennon
Oh, yeah. Yeah, and that I'd take. like i'm I'm not trying to say it's it's it's a poor competition. It's an incredibly difficult competition, but I do think it's less strenuous on a squad.
Ratcliffe's Interviews and Club Ownership Issues
Killian Ginnity
Nate, you mentioned New Trafford and this has been the big news today. But before we get to the stadium itself, there was some context to be provided.
Killian Ginnity
we were kind of wondering last week why Neville was so willing to kind of excuse, yeah, Ratcliffe's spending, as we pointed out.
Conor Glennon
Wax lyrical. Wax lyrical.
Killian Ginnity
If Glazers had been doing the same, it would have been World War III. Um... Obviously, we found out he was having the big interview with him.
Yeah, it was an interesting interview. it was um it was exactly how I thought Radcliffe would pay play it. um you know I think we've all come to see that he doesn't really care about his public perception, to say that. am But I think a lot of it was smoke and mirrors in terms of he was given the the easy answers. Yeah.
There was some interesting stuff in terms of like the stadium, obviously, and and you know even touching on players, how some of them are overpriced. and Do I think he like had the perfect excuses for the reasons why he pulled back on paying staff and the meals and stuff? I'm not too sure, but listen, it's his decision.
He said what he said, and I don't see him backing down on that.
Conor Glennon
I don't know about you boys, but like I went into it, I was surprised it happened, to be honest, and then a large part of me was fair play to him for doing it. I mean, he's he's taken pelters in recent weeks, and as Neville touches on in in the interview, is that a problem in itself, that he's the face of this when the Glazers are the the legacy issue with this? But ah one thing I didn't like ah about it was...
Conor Glennon
there was no real personal ownership on much. um I think he took the knee on on things he really had to, but there was a lot of, oh, there was more than me in this. And that may well be true, but I think for an optics point of view, you should have really taken ownership of a lot more, even even just, I suppose, to to pad the rest of the the ELT, you know?
Killian Ginnity
i I found like he didn't accept any responsibility, really. Everything was, wasn't, like, time to season ticket, price changes. I wasn't told. i what I was only informed after.
Killian Ginnity
it players, oh, it was before we came in. The only thing he kind of actually took a bit of um ownership on was Ten Hag.
Killian Ginnity
That was wrong to keep him as for as long as he did. But even then, it wasn't his decision. Like...
Conor Glennon
Same with Ashworth. It was very similar in that one. It was like, oh, you know, it it was a chemistry thing. And then he tried to be somewhat honorable and be like, look, I won't go into that. But then he threw and enough daggers that it's like, okay, we get it. He didn't get on. But like, even from a, look, he can make wrong mistakes. But I think his understanding of the cash that went into that was poor and,
Conor Glennon
You know, but Eric Ten Hag is probably, you're right, the only one that he said was an error and, you know, kind of threw jabs at some of the transfers in, especially the Dutch players were on him. But I don't know.
Financial Transparency and Challenges
Conor Glennon
Weird interview.
Killian Ginnity
then Nice. um Now Sunderland had an owner who was very ah willing to chat with media and do sit downs and do podcasts in Stuart Donald.
Killian Ginnity
and The last owner and before our current current owner.
Killian Ginnity
So the ones in Sunderland Till I Die season two, I think it was. ah the one The ones where it was like EDM music continues in the subtitles. That ownership and they were very very willing to chat to the media uh for good and bad uh from the general fan perspective what did you think going in into to uh this interview and what did you do you think this is going to be like ah new way of Ratcliffe going forward that he's going to do these every couple of months and be a little bit more frank and honest about kind of the decision making processes
and Personally, for me, and it might be a little bit different and like save the to, the type of United fans that don't consume, say, United stuff like like I do quite intensely is...
and ah He was just saying a lot of stuff that I already knew. do you know what I mean? um Some of the spin and some of the stuff he said, like in regards to finances and and things like that, some fans I think will fall for it.
Do I think they should? No, I think a lot of it was... smoke and mirrors and try and get some heat off and this and that and so yeah like it was I find it quite hard to take it at face value and you know what to take from a personally I didn't really take much I don't know about you guys on the outside looking in but to me it just looked like ah a lot of stuff that I already knew
Killian Ginnity
Like, i'll i'll get I'll give some small bit of credit to Gary Neville. I thought he kind of put some relatively hard questions. I was expecting this to be a complete and utter, thank you, Mr. Ratcliffe.
Killian Ginnity
Oh, yes, yes, Mr.
Conor Glennon
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Killian Ginnity
It wasn't quite that. He would he did kind of ask some awkward questions. I wouldn't say hard questions, and he kind of
Conor Glennon
yeah. And he was happy to sit in the silence, I will say that.
Killian Ginnity
Yeah, yeah, he kind of, ah he didn't kind of chase them up other than 40 grand ah for the former players and the meals. They were the only ones that he really chased. And Nate, like you were saying about the kind of deflections and stuff,
Killian Ginnity
Oh, ah talking about 40 grand for former players in the 60s, 70s and 80s. Well, why didn't um the players do like either give the money or to do fundraisers for the money?
Killian Ginnity
Oh, well, nobody thought it out. But ah by the way, if we didn't do this, with the club would have been bankrupt by the end of the year. It's like it's a poor excuse. And do you really think the club is going to go under by the end of the year? No.
No, not a chance. and Just in case the listeners at home didn't realise, we just literally announced the £2 billion pound stadium that we're looking to build. So, you know, it'd be crazy if we were broke yesterday and, you know, have £2 billion in the bank today. and No, we we weren't going to go under. m He was referring to accounts that have to be registered in in terms of the stock exchange in America and, you know, stuff you can track.
Technically on paper we would have, but it's on the owners to put cash into the club and that's something that we haven't really seen in 25 years ago as their ownership. and Do I think he should be waving the I'm a hero type flag going around doing this and that? No, he bought the club, invest your money into it. and But in turn...
Killian Ginnity
What money? He says he has none left.
He's got plenty of money, trust me. um i think another aspect is because he's looking to work with the government in terms of the new stadium is he's got to sort of play a tight line in terms of what he's willing to share and not share, you know, what he's willing to let the government know and not know to to help with his bargaining and whatever. So i think we we're only going to get that type of interview.
Killian Ginnity
in In interviews like these, there's always a reason for it. There's always an audience you're doing it for. Do you think this was an interview for the fans or do you think this is an interview for the shareholders?
and I think this is an interview for the fans so they didn't freak out when he announced the stadium today later. That's what I personally think.
Conor Glennon
I think there's also a bit of the other side of it too, though. i see where you're going with that. Is it a soundbites for trade press kind of PR spin? And i think there is an element of that. I think if that was the exercise of this interview, he probably failed.
Conor Glennon
um i think from a fan perspective, I think he would have come out a bit better amongst the fans that can't see through the the smoke and mirrors, as Nate put it. And I think the biggest thing, like I don't want to kind of...
Conor Glennon
stay too long on this 40 grand point but the bit that really it Nate's voice spoke in my head when when he said we'd we'd never thought of you know doing a club event or asking the players it's like oh you you truly don't care like like that there was a ruthlessness to that comment of a God, why would I even think of that? It's like you've got some of the biggest minds and biggest football brains from a commercial perspective in that building. Not too long ago, we were calling them the Avengers, the financial Avengers.
Conor Glennon
And of if if they're that tied on ideas, pardon the pun, they're in bigger trouble. It just shows a lack of of of care because like even the Fergie...
Conor Glennon
you know the fergie salary, I can't remember if it was in the Neville interview or or a subsequent interview where where he said that he spoke to Sir Alex about kind of rescinding his £2 million pound contract and Sir Alex came back three days later and said, okay, I'll step down but it's on my terms. It's like he needs to I understand there's optics of we need to put the scale back, and I think, Nate, you're right in the in the fact that he does need to play poor to the government so that they fulfill their end of the bargain.
Conor Glennon
But you've just got to weigh up the the the PR aspects of this. like The likes of the 40 grand and alex's Sir Alex's ah fee or salary, they're not ones that should be top of the list.
Conor Glennon
They should be the last ones to go.
Well, the thing is, you said there about the financial elites coming in and, you know, they're meant to be the A squad or whatever is... I think that's what we're seeing, is these people do not give a fuck. Like, they are willing to go in, ruffle feathers.
Like, you know what mean? Like, I don't see it as it hurts them. Like, I generally don't think they care. And I think... they're actually trying to get to the bottom of what they're trying to do. And I don't think i think people or anything is going stand in that way in terms of, you know, I don't want to upset this person, that person.
We've seen it. Like, that did they truly don't care. And I think they said in of the interviews yesterday, it's like, the way he summed it up was, you know, you'd had a, when when they were doing research into, like, all the staff is, they had a body language expert that was on 175 grand a year.
Conor Glennon
Well, yeah, when you see bloat when you see bloat like that, and I know we've touched on before that there is, like, we don't know the exact roles that, you know, the 600 people that got made redundant had.
Like, know what I mean?
Conor Glennon
And I'm sure there is, there' is you know, ah water tasters and all sorts of dubious positions, shall we say. And, i like, i do you think, though, like, as a fan, do you believe they can pull this off?
Conor Glennon
Because if all this trimming down... is done and they can't fix it it it's like there's nothing in that left you know for them
the thing is, i think they they will do it. I think the reason they will do it is because they don't care. And I think their issue now is they're walking around a minefield without blowing up a bomb.
you know what mean? I think that's what they're trying to do is they're trying to not...
They don't care if they ruffle a few feathers and a few PR disasters here and there. i think they're just not trying to send everything into meltdown. And the way I see it if s Sir Jim is United fan as he says he is...
and he's at that level where he's willing to do these things and not care, is the matter of fact is the other business people at the club who probably don't support you United, they truly don't care.
So thats that's how I see it. is It's going to be ruthless. Us fans won't like it. But listen, at the end of the day if that's what it's going to take to get us back at the top, who am I to say no? You know what mean?
Conor Glennon
I was also curious is just the timing around it. is like i know of the redundancy I don't know if these were included in the redundancies or just happened outside of it, but you're seeing heads of function like the head of social media just left, the head of HR just left.
Conor Glennon
Do you think it's a ah case of staffer? There's always going to be churn and in these heads of functions. They're highly desirable people, but do you think it's a case of the redundancies? think it's a case of they want to get out of a club that's getting pelters or what is it?
and The way I read into it, and listen, I'm only speculating here, is it felt a bit like jump before your push type thing.
and you know They brought a new head of marketing in from PSG. As you said, head of HR just left, head of social just left. So like if they're leaving at the same time, it feels a bit more like we're pushing out and getting new people in.
That's how I bought into
Conor Glennon
I kind of got the same vibe off, but it's interesting you did too. What are you saying, Killian?
Killian Ginnity
ah I think he's he's made a rod for his own back with kind of the general financial comments by basically saying that in five years' time they're going to challenging for titles and be debt-free, considering YuzarWatt losing 300 million a year, or have have lost 300 million in the last couple couple of years.
Conor Glennon
Four. Yeah.
Killian Ginnity
m Like, that is a ridiculous turnaround achieve without... ah really breaking the leg uh should i say because like you're not going to find somebody to get casamero off your wage bill you're not going to find somebody to take san sanchez full wages off your wage bill like these are long-term issues that you're to be paying for over that time and
Conor Glennon
Gerard Club said you've like if you don't sign a single player this summer you owe 90 million in transfer fees
Well, that's the thing is, that's where I think he's being realistic when he says we could be debt-free in five years. as you know We need to get the club to the point where wages are one thing. Wages happen at every football club, but not every football club 90 million going out the door every summer.
Do you know what mean?
So if you add that onto also the revenue that the new stadium can bring in and stuff like that is, why can't we be debt-free in five to six years?
Conor Glennon
Because the glazers have crippled you and sawn off your legs, like...
Killian Ginnity
Well, ah but not not even not even that. I'll come back the Glazers in a minute. ah You can't say you're going to be debt-free for a stadium that's going to take five years to build, cost a billion pounds, and rely on government funding to get the infrastructure around it for it to be able to be built.
Killian Ginnity
So that is five years it'll take to build that from start. So that's, don't count that yet, because it could take two years for any funding to be, uh,
Conor Glennon
There's a lot of lobbying to be done between here
Stadium Funding and Financial Strategy Discussion
Conor Glennon
and breaking ground.
I think the lobbying's been done now. ah That's how I read it.
Killian Ginnity
but it It generally generally is, but it's going to take two years with the government to sign off on funding because governments run on glacial pace. Like, even even with the best will in the world, Keir Starmer doesn't have the time nor the cash right now.
Conor Glennon
even Even if he is a football fan, he's not a United one.
Killian Ginnity
oh No, no, no. But also, like like what you're saying, like not every club has a 90 mil transfer ah spend before you ever spend. Well, how is that? Like, Radcliffe's saying it's not going to affect your spending.
Killian Ginnity
How can it not affect your spending when you're trying to turn a profit in five years' time, going to have, let's say, 90 mil this this summer coming.
Conor Glennon
How could it not? Yeah.
Killian Ginnity
Let's say 50 the one after. Let's say 40 the one after.
Conor Glennon
Plus the 35 year in interest.
Because the thing is, the thing is, the way I've read into it is he's he's discovered a lot of levies that are taking money away from the club.
Conor Glennon
and plus the thirty five a year in interest
He's already said we have the second highest is than revenue in world football. I believe read somewhere that Madrid's worth somewhere in 700 million. It's like, I don't think United are that far off. I believe it's like between 600 650. It
Conor Glennon
it's It's you, Madrid and City, isn't it?
Conor Glennon
That's the top three.
Killian Ginnity
Or would be Byron?
Us, Madrid, Barca, Bayern, I think that's how it goes.
and i think City are only at like 300 million revenue a year. So like we're still ah fair whack ahead of them.
Killian Ginnity
Oh, he's way ahead of them, yeah.
But like that's what I mean. It's like the the cash flow coming in isn't the issue. It's just finding how to take the levies off it, if that makes sense, in terms of freeing up space and, you know, actually being able to use our revenue for good.
Killian Ginnity
But why do you take Radcliffe at face value on them bits, but then not on others? Because these are the parts that are going to affect the shareholder price when he can when he's saying now, in five years' time, it's going to be debt-free and all that. That's like, buy up stock now because it's going be more valuable in a couple of years' time. So when we are in the bottom half of the table for the second or third year in a row, don't worry, the good times are coming and you're brought your stock price will only go up.
Because I don't think he... Like, Racklin doesn't have a reason to really care about stock price currently. Like, he's not looking to sell.
Killian Ginnity
He does when it affects the value of the club.
Conor Glennon
Well, can we also but say, boys, as if like on the point of stock price and shares, when have you ever seen a minority owner have to be the front like that? I know it's a unique situation in the in the operational control that he has, but like this should be the Glazers taking those pelters.
He's choosing to be...
Well, we know it won't be delays. No, he's choosing to do that. And whatever his reasons are for that is one or another. But... and
Killian Ginnity
I'd actually applaud him for it because at least somebody's putting a face to it.
But in terms of when he says that we're going to be debt free in five years, you've got to take that at face He's a businessman, you know what I mean? In terms of whether he can deliver that or does deliver it that is a different thing.
But if he says that he's identified a reason, a way to get to that, why why can't they take that face value?
Killian Ginnity
ah Because because ah I'm a Sunderland fan. I've had owners promise that we're going to be debt free, that they were going to not take any money out of the club when they were using parachute payments to pay for it. All we got out of it was straddled with debt and changed a few pink seats back to red.
Killian Ginnity
these These guys, they are are, as we said about everything else about Radcliffe, ruthless businessmen.
Killian Ginnity
And ah when it comes down to the likes of a club like this, especially with the likes of government funding going to be involved in this regeneration, you have to be able to show strength and that the business is going in the right way, but also be able to play poor at the same time.
Killian Ginnity
It just works perfectly.
Conor Glennon
Look, he he he may be he may be he may be able to get you in a financial position like Spurs.
no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.
Conor Glennon
Spurs are the best-operated club in Europe by far, and they have a similar stadium cost that that you guys will have at some point. And you may get there, but like five years, I think, is overly ambitious, to put it politely.
Conor Glennon
I think you're looking at a decade.
i I don't think it's overly ambitious. But let me say this. When Radcliffe's coming out and saying stuff in an interview, he's saying that. But like let's be real. United is a publicly traded company. The government can go and see what's going in and out of that club.
How much debt we have. like It's all there to see. He's not hiding stuff, if that makes sense. and What he's saying to the government is another thing. But I think in terms of like what the government can see and, you know,
Like, we're not lying to them, if that makes sense. and But in terms of, like, the actual clearing of the debt is, we we can clear our debt in two years. It's just it's just finding the way to free up our spending that we currently have.
Killian Ginnity
But see, that's what I mean.
Conor Glennon
at the At the detriment of the club, though. You know, like...
Killian Ginnity
That's the big thing. like if you look if you're If we're going to compare them with with Spurs, who have now been called one of the best-run clubs and in in the world and by not just Mr. Glennon, but others as well.
Conor Glennon
Yeah, i'm not I'm not the financial times over here.
Killian Ginnity
and yeah ah but like When you look at them, they're a team based in London.
Killian Ginnity
They're a team that chronically under-invested and over-performed for the best part of a decade. Got into Champions League and was also able to like resell assets for much more than they had overall spent.
Killian Ginnity
United is in the north. They have a crap stadium that they're going they're trying to redevelop now. They've chronically over-invested and got over so little back and have also under-performed in the space of a decade.
Conor Glennon
and a crap train in centre.
Killian Ginnity
Oh, well, at the the training center, that that money is spent now. It's going to be fixed by the summer, apparently.
Killian Ginnity
So I wouldn't take that.
I think being up north is irrelevant though in terms of like when we get to New Stadium is we are going to be the hotspot of the north where
Killian Ginnity
Land land prices, though. Like Spurs alone, the value of the land where their old stadium sat would fund a massive ah portion of the money fronting for the new stadium.
Conor Glennon
You'd need less government help with a land value that you have in London.
Killian Ginnity
Yeah, because if, like, by taking out a loan against the land holding that you can turn around and say, oh, well, if this stadium, if we can't pay for it, well, then the land beneath it is already massively, yeah.
Conor Glennon
Securities, yeah.
Yeah, I get you're saying. Like, i think the big thing in terms of, like, where they're going, though, is, and I think you've mentioned previously, Connor, is, like, say in America for Dallas Cowboys or whatever, they bring in a huge amount of money on match day.
Conor Glennon
Yeah, 70 million a game.
That's a... 70 million a game. I'm not saying United are going to go anywhere near 70 million a game, but when you look into the actual designs of this new stadium and and the the way they're going is they're really trying to turn it into, you know, you, you, you have an 8pm kickoff, you rock up at 1pm and you can do what you want.
Killian Ginnity
See, this this is the thing.
Killian Ginnity
like I think what Ratcliffe is putting in place is going to pay off massively over 15 years. And by the time Ratcliffe is...
Conor Glennon
What age is he can I ask?
Killian Ginnity
72, 73? Well, by the time is...
Conor Glennon
like The man isn't... He doesn't have 20 years to play the game here.
Killian Ginnity
what but by the time he is
I reckon he does. He's really like...
Killian Ginnity
I'd say he'd be around, but by the time he's physically not as hands-on as he is now, he'll be seeing the benefit the the payoffs of it. Whether he'll be at the club at that stage, because ah ultimately Glazers will have to go at some point, maybe not completely, but in a majority sense. And as Radcliffe himself said, there's only one place that he can go and get that money, and that's Qatar.
Killian Ginnity
um And maybe...
Conor Glennon
I did find it funny he pointed to that because that was a big I think that was a bit dig of shape, Yassine.
Killian Ginnity
Or was that a kind of hint at, lyn listen, in a couple of years' time, this is how we're going to be debt-free because I'm going to convince the Glazers to sell another massive portion of the club.
Conor Glennon
Yeah, that's a fair point.
Killian Ginnity
Which, i i like i from an outsider looking in, there and I don't don't know how you would think about it, if that's what it takes, that's what it takes. And going to be the ultimate businessman, that's how you do
Yeah, I saw that comment as a shot at Gitar rather than a come here and let's team up type thing.
Conor Glennon
I did too, yeah.
and I think he has a plan how to clear the debt.
let's just see how it plays out.
You know what i mean
Conor Glennon
Because he's a sadist.
Killian Ginnity
Well, as I said last week, that's exactly what um asset strippers do.
Yeah, but come on, he's not.
Killian Ginnity
Now, I don't think he is da but that's what they do.
Conor Glennon
I don't think he's malicious. i don't think he's it's yet the the They're parallel in the way that they work. I don't think he's malicious in his intent. I do think he is trying to save the club, but I think the job is bigger than he anticipated and or can handle.
Conor Glennon
And it's definitely more than a five-year plan. If he can pull that off in five years, I will eat my words, bow down, fair play. But that would be a case study would be studied in every university in the world in the finance department.
Ownership Impact and Neville's Interview Style
Conor Glennon
If he can pull this off in five years.
Killian Ginnity
And we will be around in five years time, Connor, to be able to pull you up on that. But one of the things that I said we would go back to is the Glazers. And Nate, I'm not sure about you.
Killian Ginnity
I found it hilarious.
Killian Ginnity
It's like, come on. Beating the dead horse.
Killian Ginnity
I wish somebody would think about me as much as Neville obviously thinks about the Glazers because they are that they are never far from that man's brain.
Conor Glennon
ah they're rent free in his head for the last 15 look
Well, they're in free in every United fan's head. They're truly the devil to us. like m I think the big thing is...
i was learning really
Killian Ginnity
Red Devils.
take The big thing is what what is Jim going to say there other than play that line down the middle?
They're his business partners, whether we like it or not. He's not really...
Conor Glennon
ah Whether he likes it or not, you know.
Yeah, that he's not goingnna go out and slate them. He's not to have a go at them. He's going to play a very even game.
Probably not because he's had to clear up their mess. But yeah, you're going to get one answer out of that question.
Killian Ginnity
I just, it was more just on Neville. Like that, that's kind of the bit that got me.
Killian Ginnity
And the one time he doesn't let it go is the Glazers. It's like, come on Neville.
Conor Glennon
there was a There was a...
Killian Ginnity
We've heard this time and time again.
Conor Glennon
I don't want to... Like I said, I think Neville did better than I expected him to do, but I don't know about you guys. It had a bit of a bang of when Lance Armstrong had the interview with Oprah, and it was a bit like nicey-nice, soft, could have been a bit more pointed if and and a bit more informative if they really prodded, but like I would like to see round two of that.
I think it was pointed though.
Killian Ginnity
Thank you.
Conor Glennon
Ish. like I think it was as pointed as he could be without Sky Sports getting scalded or you know any of those repercussions. Also, let's face it, he wants to keep a line to the club, so he can't push it too heavy either.
and Well, yeah, he was doing the intro for the stadium today. So...
Killian Ginnity
Well, yeah,
Killian Ginnity
So, like, he was always going to play it to suit himself. Like, Neville is a businessman before he's anything else.
Conor Glennon
I will say, based on and ah based on that VO, David Attenborough's job is safe. Yeah.
New Stadium Design and Implications
Killian Ginnity
So we have, we've been kind of talking around the stadium now. Can you kind of talk us through...
Killian Ginnity
Where is the stadium going to be built exactly? What's the kind of general plan around that?
Conor Glennon
Once you find two euros under every coach in the entirety of Manchester to fund the project. But anyway, continue.
Oh, it's right next door, it like literally right outside.
I believe that's what they said. Yeah. like that whole part of work that they're redoing.
Conor Glennon
for For context, I think the only, you know, Cillian, you summed it up pretty well in the fact it looks like a circus tent. I think the only other way you could possibly compare it is a Harry Potter tent. Visually, what do you think, Nate?
Conor Glennon
Because it's it's raised eyebrows.
Killian Ginnity
It looks like the Quidditch World Cup.
Conor Glennon
That is what I was going for. Yeah, that is what I was going for.
i see I think it looks alright.
Killian Ginnity
Oh no, think it looks really good.
Conor Glennon
Really? Really?
Killian Ginnity
I think i think it it is a vibe. don't think it's everybody's vibe, but I think aesthetically you can't kind of go, that's hideous.
Conor Glennon
Working class Manchester, that does not scream that, you know. I don't know about you guys.
Killian Ginnity
Jetrification. it's It's coming. Like...
Like, is that the vibe they're going for? I don't think so. am Like, I think the thing is, it's, you know, it is in Manchester. Like, the weather's not always going to be lovely.
Killian Ginnity
Like I saw some of the generated imagery around it. It has this kind of what looks like a mesh cover over it. And as we say, Circus 10D, Quidditch World Cup kind of vibes to it. But it has a museum.
Killian Ginnity
It's going to shops. It even seems to have these kind of like semi-outdoor areas that have like...
Yeah, I will. They'll make it one of the biggest in the world, yeah.
Conor Glennon
In the world. Yeah.
Killian Ginnity
for Actually, quickly, but while while I think of it, what is the world's biggest stadium?
Killian Ginnity
For football, anyway.
Conor Glennon
There was one, there was a World Cup final one that had like a hundred thousand odd people. The American, the American.
Killian Ginnity
No, so that that, I believe that ah crowd was well over 150,000, but not legally, as this was 1950.
Conor Glennon
Yeah. Okay. but Okay. Yeah.
Killian Ginnity
But there is a built stadium that has a capacity of 150,000.
Killian Ginnity
Yeah. So like most people kind of think of what Paul's stadium.
Conor Glennon
Football stadium? Like...
Killian Ginnity
Most people think of the Azteca in Mexico, which is I think 105 or in and around that.
Killian Ginnity
Maybe it's 110. Guess the continent.
Conor Glennon
Oh, it's going to be Asia, isn't it?
Killian Ginnity
It's Asia.
Conor Glennon
it It's going to be Philippines, isn't it?
Killian Ginnity
Even more rogue. Kind of the nuclear option.
Conor Glennon
No. Korea. North Korea.
Killian Ginnity
and Mayday Stadium in North Korea.
Conor Glennon
Have we any proof it exists or is this like Kim Jong-un getting 18 whole months in a round?
Killian Ginnity
no no, it exists. see it on satellites. And I believe that there's actually military personnel buried underneath us for going against the dear leader. and
Conor Glennon
This is all alleged.
Killian Ginnity
But yeah, the Mayday Stadium.
Conor Glennon
Kim Jong-un, we do not want any smoke. Thank you.
Killian Ginnity
No, no, no, his his dad it was Eel.
Conor Glennon
Il-sun, we do not want any smoke.
Conor Glennon
Don't haunt us. Thank you.
Killian Ginnity
and Yes, the Mayday Stadium is actually the big the biggest be bigger just to try and pay off the land.
Conor Glennon
What a sight that will be. there like i mean I will say whether I like the design or not of of of New Trafford, i it'll be some spectacle to see 100,000 people at a game and in the Premier League. and if you If the final kind of outlay of of this looks anything like that of the designs, it'll be incredible.
Conor Glennon
and I think that is the key to your future in terms of sustainability financially. It's just how long it'll take to get there. I really don't know. Because look, when things it's the same building a house.
Conor Glennon
Add on 20% of the time and 40% of the cost. you know
to be five years, let's believe.
Conor Glennon
if you it like i think I think I would be surprised. If it takes five years to build, I'd be surprised if it breaks ground within the next two. I think seven years, seven and a half years before you're playing games there.
Killian Ginnity
it's got It's going to take five, like, it's going to be all done in five years' time, the same way Sunderland was going down to League One for one year.
Killian Ginnity
Oh, no, I think there's green light.
Conor Glennon
DIT Grange Gorman got announced, I don't know, 20 years ago and opened about two. You know?
Killian Ginnity
National Children's Hospital, New Trafford of Dublin.
it the thing is the stadium isn't going to be done by the government like that's going to be private so like
Killian Ginnity
No, but it's it's all the bits around it that allow you to be...
Conor Glennon
Rounded, yep.
Conor Glennon
But the ah the only way the government are going to sign that quickly is if they see the economic benefit of it in the North.
Conor Glennon
And obviously, it's it's pretty obvious that there is that. But I think, as Killian said, governments are not exactly the quickest moving operations. And this is not top of the list based off a Trump world, you know.
Temporary Venue Considerations
Killian Ginnity
that's going to happen in the real world.
Killian Ginnity
and Where are you going to play? Are you going to be in the Etihad?
don't know. What? MK Don Stadium or something? like you
Conor Glennon
head down to bury. Yeah.
They don't we use this. I'll be there or something. I don't know. don't have an idea.
Killian Ginnity
like Because they're going to be it,
Conor Glennon
Has that been done before though? Cause there's been enough new stadiums built that that's never really happened.
Killian Ginnity
Did Spurs not do it?
Conor Glennon
I don't remember.
Killian Ginnity
i think I think they,
Killian Ginnity
So when they knocked it, they could finish off the rest of it.
Conor Glennon
Did they do Wembley, actually?
Killian Ginnity
So they were...
Conor Glennon
When they did New Wembley?
Killian Ginnity
and can't remember. I was also a child when that happened. So um some of us wouldn't have the same kind of memory as you, Connor.
Conor Glennon
i Well, i'm I'm so old my memory should be going, apparently.
To be honest, they'd be it'd be funny if we'd just done like a world tour and just got went around lots of places and outsold the actual clubs that exist in that area.
Killian Ginnity
just You like you could just go to he could just go to Wembley where all your fans are anyway.
think it'd be quite funny.
Killian Ginnity
Do you get the first international Premier League games and bring a game to America?
Conor Glennon
Premier League wouldn't allow it from ah from a player welfare point of view. I mean, it's it's definitely based off, here's Glennon's weekly NFL shout out, but I think based on on the the internationalization of the NFL, look, it's coming. It absolutely is.
Conor Glennon
But i not in that time frame. Well, definitely not in the apparent five years it'll take.
I just think we should go to every other Premier League stadium and outsell them. It would be hilarious. You know, rocking up Southampton, having more fans than they had in their we are massive.
Killian Ginnity
Well, you'll have the same number of local fans as you'd normally have in Manchester anyway. um I, like, because genuinely though, like, one of the things about it is, like, the city of Manchester Stadium is the real name of the Etihad, or the Emtihad, and ah it is owned by the council.
Killian Ginnity
So, I know City have, like, this lease that but gives them total control and total earnings from it, but... If it's a regeneration project, theyre there could be some leaning on done onto the council to give you that space.
Conor Glennon
But i I think that makes a lot of sense. I don't think it'll happen because of security. And also I would imagine, you know...
Killian Ginnity
They're not exactly Rangers and Celtic now.
Conor Glennon
I know, i know, but i like even from a...
Killian Ginnity
Come on now.
Conor Glennon
like If you look at it on a smaller scale, if you're the main occupant of a suit of a like if you're the main occupant of ah ah mall, a shopping mall, and you're a supermarket, you have first refusal on a competitor supermarket entering that facility.
Conor Glennon
I'd imagine, unless there is some serious financial benefits, ah as in, you know... ah City get half the gate for United games or you know they get a quarter, the City Council gets a quarter and United get half. That's the only way this works. But if you United are trying to pay for a stadium, pay for all these upgrades and counter all the taking away of of elements from the club, they're not going to sign on for that.
Killian Ginnity
So Man United are going to play it in the Mayday Stadium in Pyongyang.
Conor Glennon
You heard it here first, yeah.
Listener Engagement and Team Performance
Killian Ginnity
and yeah Gentlemen, we are flying through time here, so I'm going to actually look at some of the comments and questions that we've gotten in the last since the last
Conor Glennon
You better not call me a clown again. I'm i'm not ready for it today.
Killian Ginnity
ah No, and there's no clown ones, but there's other ones that aren't as nice. and so talking about things that would not fix Man United, including Muhammad Ali's leadership. um Really simple. They are buying average or poor players. um Manager is poor. Six signing this season. All fit.
Killian Ginnity
Plus Ahmad, Collier, Obi. Yet worse than last season. Look totally demoralized. and Enough said, Nate.
Killian Ginnity
Buying average or poor players, manager is poor, six signings this season all fit, but is it worse than last year and is it completely demoralized?
Amaran's only signed one player.
Conor Glennon
I think that's the answer, yeah.
Killian Ginnity
An upset. yeah
Killian Ginnity
ah Connor, it's sad listening to three Irish people talking about a British team.
Conor Glennon
Look, okay, I see your point. ah What's that trend? we we We answer, but we don't take offense, or we hear we don't offense.
Killian Ginnity
We listen, but we don't judge.
Conor Glennon
Yeah, there's a bit of that. But look, yeah, where I think the three of us are obviously proud Irishmen. We want the league to do well domestically. Should we be championing that more? Probably. But I think we we all grew up in an era, some of us older than others, as pointed out, where ah English clubs were...
Conor Glennon
ah flying the flag of football talent. and And I think there's a world in which both can coexist. But yeah, I do think we should shine a light a little bit more in the League of Ireland.
Killian Ginnity
i'm I'm glad that we, that that that commenter only ever listens to the Saw Doctors and would never listen to Americans or English music musicians.
The listener can keep crying I'll support who I want to support Thank you very much
Killian Ginnity
ah This team is built around Bruno and year 15th. Bruno was so overrated by Man United fans, Nate.
He hasn't watched the last couple of games has he? um
Like I'd be honest with you I don't even know what to reply to that You're clearly not a United fan You're just trying to wind me up You know
Conor Glennon
That's actually my burner account. I'm glad you i'm glad you saw my comment.
Bruno's been you know the reason we're not getting relegated and I'll say it again.
Killian Ginnity
ah And the last last comment goes to our man Camilo TB. Love of the episode clowns. Kidding on the clown thing, of course. We have new rule changes coming down from FIFA.
Killian Ginnity
In honor of that, if you had to create a new rule on the field or off, what would it be and why?
Rule Change Discussions
Conor Glennon
Oh, that's a really, that's one I feel like I knew of before me before we got it. um o I don't know. um
Killian Ginnity
I can get you started because it's one I suggested very in the very, very early days of Not A Pundit, which is no one field ref, all
Conor Glennon
Oh, don't do this again.
Killian Ginnity
what all multi-reffed from a control box. But like we actually, when you look at it in the Sidemen charity game, the way Clattenburg kind of did it, where it rather than having an actual VAR,
Killian Ginnity
he was doing it in front of everybody. it was like, pull it up on the screen there. I'll have a look make a decision. I'd either like that, where whoever's on the field is making all the decisions, but has the benefit of video or give it to a complete and utter, like a movie director, like a Eurovision where you have a hundred cameras and different angles, give it to one director up in a box who can see every angle.
Killian Ginnity
That'd be my rule change. One or the other, and I'd be happy.
Conor Glennon
I don't know. One for me now, I probably need to think about this more before I say but here we are. ah Kind of pulling from rugby and the way they've changed the card systems and upweighting yellow to a red and 10 minutes to a 20 minutes, I do think there could be, if a player gets sent off,
Conor Glennon
they're You're a man down for 20 minutes, but you can replace that man with a different player. The player that got sent off still gets the ban, whatever it is, two, three games. But ah I think to keep the competitiveness in games, as opposed to if you're a, I don't know, ah lower half team against Man City, you go man down for a stupid challenge.
Conor Glennon
You'll lose some for 20 minutes, but then you'll have someone back in the pitch and you still have a chance of scraping a point.
Killian Ginnity
Yeah, I'm kind of down with that.
Conor Glennon
I'm very surprised. I thought that, I thought I was pouring fire on our porn gasoline and a fire there.
Killian Ginnity
No, no, see, I like, I do like when teams go down to 10 men, but also I can understand from a commercialization point of view why be better. Plus, nobody likes when their team is down to 10 men, so I get it.
Conor Glennon
Well, also you are punished for it like, it if it happens, you know, 20 minutes to go you don't play for the rest of the game. Like it, it,
Plus they go all defensive as well.
Killian Ginnity
do Do you... ah Because you're saying to be potentially be able to sub them. like is you only have like one red card sub?
Conor Glennon
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, it's not infinite. Like, yeah, you'd have one one kind of trump card, if you want to call it that, of of of your red card player. And actually, one thing I think to to make it so that it's not calculated, depending on the game, you have to nominate that player pre-kickoff.
Killian Ginnity
and then this second one.
Killian Ginnity
Oh. Nate, any new rule ideas?
Killian Ginnity
Maybe some profit and detain of sustainability ones.
I've got something bit mad.
Conor Glennon
we We like mad.
now I will go there.
Conor Glennon
Don't bring up that dreaded word. we We like mad.
Conor Glennon
What what what you got?
So I've got one idea, but two ways of implementing it, I think.
It's to get back to the old way of football. So either...
Conor Glennon
I like it already.
Killian Ginnity
People are allowed to punch each other. like it.
here You can only have the ball on the ground for a certain period of time in terms of, you know, it encourages more getting up the pitch. Or, well, actually, there's a couple of ways of implementing it. You can only have you only keep the ball in your half for a certain period of time.
Conor Glennon
That I can go with.
Killian Ginnity
ah That's easier to do that.
Killian Ginnity
You can actually logistically make that work.
Or you can only have a certain amount of passes in your half before getting up the pitch.
Conor Glennon
I don't... No, I don't think you could... I don't think you could police that. And also, that take...
Killian Ginnity
That's about volleyball.
Conor Glennon
That also takes...
Well, just have a VAI if we'd like, you know, actually get to work.
Conor Glennon
But it also takes away the celebratory way when you start passing around 53 times in your own half. No, I do like the the idea of you can only keep it in your half for so long.
Conor Glennon
ah i Look, there's a certain friend of mine, also called Connor, who will kill me for saying this, but I do not want to return to the... yeah Big Jack football. I've just lob it long.
Conor Glennon
um But no, I think there's definitely something in the other one that we could but look into. tell you, Camille has always the best question.
Killian Ginnity
Absolutely class. There is one other rule change I will suggest. And I just think, I just love the idea of this. um And I know it's been mooted around before, which is when it goes to penalties, your manager needs to take one of the first five.
Conor Glennon
Oh, stop. Like, i mean, come on. It's not Soccer AM, boys, please.
Killian Ginnity
I want to see Roy Hodgson take a penalty.
Yeah, but that'd be unfair if it's like fucking Zidane versus Hudson. I don't know.
Killian Ginnity
Well, it admit it it would give another element to whoever you're hiring.
Conor Glennon
Oh, Jesus, boys. I mean, come on now.
hope it would bring ageism into the sport. like
Killian Ginnity
could Could you imagine the panic on a team as a 70-year-old manager as they're in the extra time they're going, shit, shit, shit.
Conor Glennon
Can you, like...
Killian Ginnity
He's going to have to take one.
Actually, i'm I'm down for this. Amaran would be class at
Conor Glennon
Can you imagine Big Sam steps up and does a Terry and just falls on his arse?
Conor Glennon
Like, I mean, this... Come on, boys.
Killian Ginnity
Haven't seen that man celebrating in a Sunderland shirt and trying to show off his rent red interior of his suit. He can move when he wants to.
Conor Glennon
Those hips don't lie. Yeah.
Killian Ginnity
And on that bombshell, gentlemen, it's been a pleasure as always. We'll chat you again next week. Bye-bye.