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Ep 21. Jill Blackburn - Outback Spiritual Festival image

Ep 21. Jill Blackburn - Outback Spiritual Festival

S1 E21 · A Life By Design
61 Plays1 year ago

Jill Blackburn is the founder of Outback Spiritual Festival which will run for the first time this year in August… out at Broken Hill which Jill refers to as being in the ‘middle of everywhere’.

Her story is inspiring on so many levels and one that she has not really shared when it comes to promoting this event, so it was an honour to hear first hand what led her to creating this event, the purpose & drive behind her passion in realising this very unique experience bringing people from across this great land of ours, to the Australian outback to gather together on this ancient land to share, learn, connect & grow.

Not only is the essence of this festival experience so too is her life’s journey that led her here and the constraints in which she working within to create it, as someone who does not claim to have all the answers to spirituality or even how to pull off such a big event, she will surely be inspiration to anyone who has not yet dared to do business to their own beat.


Outback Spiritual Festival

Embodiment Coaching Service

Creators Nest Online Store





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Intro & Outro Music: Shaman Dance by slavamusic


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Introduction to Marie and her Mission

Do you desire to turn your passion into income? Connect with other creative souls who also dance to the beat of their own drum?
I'm Marie Nicole and I'm devoted to combining beauty, uniqueness and connection in everyday living experiences. As a creative professional and Dharma coach, I help people connect to the truth of who they are and facilitate them in embodying their uniqueness. It is my hope in this podcast that I inspire you to live your life on your terms and earn your income
through being uniquely you. After all, it's the unique thread that we each contribute to the collective tapestry that creates the whole.

Meet Jill Blackburn and the Outback Spiritual Festival

So today's podcast is an interview with Jill Blackburn from Outback Spiritual Festival and that will be running for the first time in August 26, 27th, is that right? Yes, yes.
Perfect. Now Jill is the founder of this festival and I wanted to introduce her through sharing, first of all, her welcome statement on the website about the festival because it's absolutely beautiful. And it reads as, you are invited to gather in the ancient and stunning location to absorb, learn and grow with this community. There is something magical about being in the Outback, the spiritual heart of this earth beats at full volume out here.
Come and join us and connect to Mother Earth, see the night sky with absolute clarity and ground our feet in red soil. We shall gather and share all things spiritual and healing with one another and just be in this ancient place. We will come together in the spirit of community and spirituality. We will work to cultivate our own spirit, our connection to others and so very importantly, our connection to this earth of ours.
We will offer one another meaning, compassion, love, respect and reciprocity. What a beautiful welcome statement that is, which leads me to my first question for you Jill and that is, what is your background and what's your journey that's led you to creating such a unique experience and offering for everyone to enjoy? Well, it's a big question with many parts of the answer.
So I guess I'm gonna start at the beginning and just go. So I was kind of raised to, you know, that everything spiritual might be bad or might be evil sort of thing. And religion was like, you know, lumped in with that as well. So I was raised with all these thoughts and feelings and messages and things coming through.
but being told that to suppress it and things like that. I think I thought differently to other people and I guess there's a lot of people that think like I do too but I feel like from a young age I had this kind of different view on life than my parents did and people around me.
Um, and, um, I guess I was the kind of person that just went off and, and like followed whatever I wanted to do. So I went off to uni, um, did that. I got into, I was an academic for many years. Um, I was a vet nurse. I was a, you know, all kinds of different things and I ended up, um,
I ended up marrying well being set up with a man that lived in Broken Hill as it turns out we got married and we lived out on the stations around Broken Hill and that's where I fell in love with.
the red dirt, the sky, we'd have a fire and just sit around and look at the stars and I fell in love with it. And when my husband was killed, this is when I had my awakening, I guess, because I needed to know and I wanted to know what happened to him and where he was.
And he made it very clear coming through to me with all kinds of different messages and things. He made, that started to make all of my way of thinking make sense.

Jill's Personal Journey and Festival Vision

So this is where, this has opened, I guess, opened my heart, my soul, my mind to what ifs, what's out there, all these sorts of things.
In mourning my husband, I actually reached out to a psychic medium in, she's from Victoria Geelong area, ended up by some stroke of fate or however it works. She ended up being my spiritual mentor and her method of teaching basically taught me that the lesson was
just do exactly what you think is right, because it's right, you know, just follow your heart. And that was the biggest message I took from her. So skip forward a little bit. I've had quite a few health issues on and off. I had a part of my childhood was that there was some abuse and that sort of emerged when I had my son and
when I lost my husband, it emerged more fully then and I was sort of quite unwell. And I also had a cancer diagnosis last year. And so I was traveling back and forth to Adelaide for week after week after week and it's a 10 hour or 10 to 12 hour round trip, depending on roadworks. And most of those trips were by myself and most of them,
For the first little while, I listened to music and then I would go to podcasts and then I would drive in silence. And that's where this whole thing came from. It came from the idea that if people where I live have to travel, you know, a 12 hour round trip to reach out and get help. And I'm not talking just general medical help. I'm talking, you know, that's so deep help.
Why can't we have it here? What's stopping us? This is such, this place is what's brought me healing itself without anything else. So I wanted to bring people here, but I wanted to bring other people here so that people that live here can see that there's more out there. So that's in a nutshell. Wow. What a journey. So how long have you been in Broken Hill? I've actually been here now since 2007.
So going on 16 years, yeah. So I married, got married, I met Andrew in 2007 and then moved, sorry, married in 2009, but we've lived out on stations from then, so. Okay. Yeah. How long ago did he pass away? So he died in 2017. So six years this year, yeah. And how many children do you have?
I have one of my own, so I have a three-year-old Sid and my husband has four children. So I've inherited four, an extra four, which is amazing. The four of them go from seven to 14. So I sort of had obviously a family late in life, which is a whole another story with IVF and Andrew passing away and all those sorts of things. And so, yeah, I didn't think I would have a family of my own and I
I didn't, I believe it was Andrew, so. So beautiful.

Challenges and Growth in Festival Planning

So then I guess the, my next question was going to be what's your vision for this event and what do you hope the flow on effect to be? You've kind of spoke to that a little bit in terms of the healing and Broken Hill. Yeah. For you and you want other people to experience that. Do you want to expand on that? It's been, it's been interesting organizing this festival because
There are other festivals around and people kind of assume that it's the same. And I guess it is, it's the same kind of concept. But I'm trying very hard to keep this festival, and I'm not saying the others aren't, but I'm trying very hard to keep this festival on a level that everyone can go to. So I've had actually people contact me and say, what do I need to wear to this festival? Who do I have to be to fit in?
The idea is that it's for everyone. So the flow on effect is that people will find spirituality accessible as they are, not as they think they have to be to fit with someone else's, you know, version. I'm hoping that it's going to be an annual event that would be ideal to see how Hubby decides whether I can, you know, do another one.
Um, but it's the flow on effect is I'm hoping that people see there's a whole nother world of, of help and growth and, um, and love out there that people that they can access as they are. And that's, that's what I hope happens.
because our souls don't come clothed in a particular uniform. So I love that whole, you know, question of what do I wear to fit in? It's like your meat suit just coming in. Yeah, exactly. As you are. As you are. Exactly. So what's the greatest learning you've had so far in actually creating this event? Because
It's so new and how long or how long ago did you start the process and what have you learned along the way? Yeah so in October I had radioactive iodine treatment for my cancer and I had to be away from everyone for two weeks. I couldn't sort of be in contact
with the kids at all. So I just stayed in Adelaide and I was in a house by myself for two weeks and I'd get, you know, meals delivered or whatever. And I just, I just took the time to be alone and just, you know, let things be. And actually my granddad was a, he was a water diviner. He was born in 1909 and
he and i had a very special relationship and i kind of feel like he's my guide and i took my i've got dowsing rods that i've got because of him and i took them with me and i was just you know playing around and um you know just trying to connect in with what was going on and um
Yeah, I just, I ended up coming home, or actually Mark flew down and we drove home together. And I just said to him in the car, I said, we are, we're going to have a festival, you know, like, I'm just telling you now. That's what we're doing. And he sort of went,
radio, what do we have to do? That was in October, late October, then I made the announcement in at the end of November, I think it was. So it's been in planning since November. Yeah, and, and to say what I've learnt, and I know, you know, everyone has doubts about what they're doing and what's, you know, about themselves. And there's always a dialogue going on in your head and
This event and planning this event has taught me to come back and trust myself and to trust my initial vision.
I've got people that do things here and there for me, like I've got a lady who's doing some compiling social media posts and stuff for me, a little bit of that. And I've had other people sort of approach me to be involved, to help organize it. And every time I sort of extend out, I was losing the clarity that I had as to what I wanted it to be.
This is not like me to ever say this, but this has taught me to come back and trust my own vision, to trust that I have the capability and capacity to do this and to make it happen. It's not that I don't owe anyone else anything. I owe the people that I'm doing this for. I owe them to make it how it was originally planned.
not to let it become something else. So I guess it's to trust my own vision and to give myself credit that I've got it right, I hope. I completely understand that from the perspective of having a, I had a retail store that I just recently closed. I told you about that, but it was creative co-working space and my workshop integrated in that. And I wanted to share it with other people.
And I get it from the perspective of having other people involved and how that can completely change the core of what you're trying to create. And as something new, you almost need it to be your vision only before you then have that instilled in other people of next year. You could probably get more people involved, but you've already got the concept out there. So, you know, especially being the first one, I think that's really
really important that I know for my first year, cause I had the shop for six years and having other people involved in it, there were aspects that came out a little bit differently to what I had planned. I was like, that's not the vision. And so then as time went by and it fell back onto me, just doing it all myself, then I tightened the brand and the offering and it was like, yeah, this is what it's about. So I do understand that completely.

Inclusivity and Reaching the Spiritually Curious

It's very much, you know, the purpose is not to involve the community and that's what I'm trying to do. I would love people to be involved and feel good about it. That's not what I'm aiming at because those spiritual people, they're already on their path. I'm aiming at the people that
don't know or don't know much or are scared to admit they know things or that or worry because here in Broken Hill there is a little bit of a you know a fear I think for a lot of people to to admit that they're interested in you know spiritual things um so I don't nationally that's not just broken everywhere yeah but it's you know
As much as I love everyone in the community and everyone has been incredibly helpful and just, you know, just forward coming with all of their help, but I'm coming. Yeah, this is something I'm delivering to the end user and they're the ones that I need to get the message to.
And that makes perfect sense. Like as a business, having your target audience and keeping your eye on the target audience and yep, you can cater to everybody and it's like, you know, speak to everybody, speak to nobody, or you can keep your eye on the vision for who you want to reach. So is, is this something you do full time or? Um, no, I'm a mum. I know you're a mum. I do, um,
I haven't worked since having my son, several, three, he's three now, so I haven't worked since then. So I'm full-time mum to Sid and then I'm half-time mum to the other four children. I do a little bit of Reiki and mediumship when I can here and there, not really, not a lot, but
This is, yeah, this is giving me purpose and this is giving me an outlet, I think. There's, you know, so many ideas up there that I just, yeah, this is giving me an outlet. And it was something that when it popped into the, you know, when it popped into being, I've never doubted myself and that's not like me. Like I'm normally fairly, you know, a little bit hesitant to jump into things
this big but um it just feels right it's like it's it's it's meant to be it's meant to happen it's just feels like it's happening okay and it's going to be fine so um i'm i am a mum and now my husband likes to say mum and event organizer so so this is the first event you've organized it's like your university studies had nothing to do with event organization well they did
kind of yeah I did I just did a business degree and yeah so but I'm sort of mainly did like statistics and that lovely fun stuff I used to teach that for many years and you know marketing and that retail that sort of stuff so I mean I do have I do have a concept of what it all is about this is the first time I've ever done it myself though yes
What are your, do you have any daily practices or any rituals that you use to manage all of this motherhood and this message? Well, I'd love to say that I do and I'd love to say that I do stuff every day.
I'm still in the phase of, I have quite bad PTSD issues so I find every day is a new day and I get done what I can do. Walking and walking with listening to music and it's like really bad music that you would not admit that you like to anyone but I like it to when I walk.
That's my time. I tried to meditate and things like that, but that just doesn't sit well with me.
Um, I also do a bit of breath work just, you know, as we're going through the day and if I'm having a rough patch, I breathe through it. Um, yeah, I don't, I don't spend enough time doing things like self-care, self-love, all that sort of stuff. It's not great, but when I do, it really does boost things. Like it's very important. Well, even without the self-care, which is important, but in terms of managing your time, how are you?
how are you allocating yourself? I have to do this for the kids and I have to get this done. So priorities are literally for
No, no, I have, well, since at daycare on Mondays and Friday mornings, so they are my time to do full on work. I am on the couch every night with, you know, after I cook tea and everything, sitting on the couch, everyone's watching telly, I'm on the computer sending emails or whatever I'm doing. It's kind of, the priorities are children first, children slash husband first.
Um, then I get done the things that need, like obviously the washing, if you had this many children in your house, the washing is insane. Um, but I usually just try and get it done and then like allocate. So I'll go, right at this time I'm doing this many hours and as long as I don't get interrupted. Um, but it's fit it where you can and the couch in front of the telly is the best, the best spot to do all the
you know, all the boring admin side of stuff. So yeah, but it's, I mean, everything it's been, I would literally say every single day since I launched it in November, I've done, I've worked on it every day. So yeah, it's fun. Yeah, I bet it is. And especially because it's not something you have done before and it's a new concept. Yeah. So I wanted to know, like what along the way has actually surprised and delighted you about preparing for this?
Because I know we haven't had it yet, so I can't ask you post event. I have loved how, I cannot recall one negative comment. Not one, not, you know, everyone that's talked about it. Obviously the people that are sort of already within the spiritual community have reached out. I haven't actually asked anyone to be involved. People have reached out to me.
100%, which is mind-blowing. The thing that amazes me is that so many people are so ready and open for this. And now this is the opportunity. You'll just speak to someone and you'll say, I've had it brought up to me to say, oh, did you hear this is on? I'm like, yeah, I know about that. I'm running that.
And it's like, whoa. So I think that it's just, I just love that this, I just feel like the timing's right. And I think it's going to help a lot of people. And I love that. So I think, yeah, just, just that it's happening, you know, just flowing. Yeah, fantastic. Now, and that
is something that I noticed in your promotions you haven't really put yourself out there as the organizer and I couldn't find any even a picture of you like you've got your team are you you're not in that no no it's not it's not about me it's about it's bigger than me it's bigger than it's
I'm just making it happen and I hope that it helps a lot of people. It's really hard when you sort of say, it does feel bigger than me. It's gonna make me feel good to have it work, obviously, and make it happen.
But it makes me feel good to know that where I have been in the past in dark places or in lost, you know, lost wherever mentally or emotionally or spiritually, it makes me feel good to know that I can open doors for people in my position or, you know, in any position really to have access to what they need. Yeah, it's not about me.
I'm not saying it should be about you, but it's that your story is quite unique and it is one that people from all walks of life could connect with on so many different levels, especially with, I mean, you've got blended family for starters. That is one thing that has to have its challenge in itself. And then the loss of your first husband and then moving out to Broken Hill. Where did you move from?
Um, Melbourne actually. Yeah, I, yeah, I, I've moved all over the place, but Melbourne at the time I moved to Broken Hill and that was a big rude shock, but I loved it. And it's just been very, it's very special place. I've actually moved away and then back again. Um, and it's, I'm choosing to raise my son here and it's very special place. So, but it's, you know, I kind of, I kind of think everyone has an incredible story and everyone has
you know, tragedies and happy times and things. And I like to bring people together that can, you know, you guys, everyone can share that with each other and just learn from each other. It's amazing. I love it. So yeah, it's just, I guess I get a little bit, a bit shy about it all thinking that people would know who I was, you know, I'd rather just blend in and make it happen. Well, the reason I, from the,
business perspective, think you being in the limelight a little bit would actually help your vision of people feeling like anyone can be a part of it. Yeah. Because seeing you like you don't look like a particular type of spiritual person. You know what I mean? Like you just look like the girl next door and anyone could relate. And so to have you go, I've had these
this connection to this other realm since I was younger and I didn't actually understand it until after my husband passed away. You know, that draws people in right

The Festival's Message and Community Response

there. Well, you know, you don't have to be a person who's been on some shamanic journey or is that a plant medicine ceremony every weekend? Yeah, I guess there's a lot of, what's the word?
No, I'm not intimidated, but I just feel, I don't know, I'm a very, you know, always sort of take myself step back and sort of don't really, you know, talk myself up a lot. But
I guess I yeah just hanging back because I just want to you know I just want to make sure that I am not that spiritual person and I just don't want people to think that it's not a genuine experience because I'm not looking like that or you know or I actually had a conversation with someone one of our exhibitors and she
I met her again it was just fate that I was in the area and I met her and she we just clicked and she was the most magical person she just lifted me up and and it was amazing but you know we're talking away and I'm just thinking I don't know the terminology and I don't know
all of what you're talking about, I understand, I get the concept and the vibe, that's good. But I guess it's that kind of, I guess I limit myself back a little bit so that people don't think I'm saying that I know everything or, you know, I'm this person that you should look up to or whatever. So I guess that's just my self being a little bit shy about it all. But then that's part of your strength.
Yeah, you're saying I don't know all of this, but I'm bringing all of these people together together. And I'm doing it for you and actually I'm doing it for me too. Yes, I get to maybe maybe I will do something about that then. I just think that that that is a connection point right there because you know you are you are open to the fact that you know it all and that's not what you're about. But that's what you want. That's the person that you want to reach out to as well.
That's the way I am. I'm literally reaching out to me and to who I was a couple of years ago and to who I am now, but to everyone. Yeah. You know, for all the crap that we go through, um, this is, this is the most real I have felt in life since everything happened with Andrew and all the rest of it. But, um,
I just want people to have the choice to look at these things and whether they take them on board or not is up to them. But I know that it's given me a lot and I know how many other people are living so much better because of the spirituality that they've found. So do you have a specific something that you can share or experience that made you go? You've just said then that
This has made you feel better. What specifically has made you feel better? Like what kind of... Can you give an example? There's a lot. When Andrew was killed, I wasn't there. I wasn't with him. And I got to see his body several days later.
I guess to step out of the whole idea that, you know, religion is bad and spirituality is bad and that the whole idea of ghosts is just a big scare thing and spirit and blah, blah, blah. So I'm coming from that, you know, that perspective that there's nothing and I saw his body and I knew he wasn't there.
and I over the next you know I had horrific probably two years was just I thought I just couldn't leave like it was just awful anyway um as time went on and um I was just getting lots of there's lots of synchronicities and lots of um you know stines and things and people are so very happy to tell you that you have mental illness when you say things that um I can assure that's a whole nother story but
I know that the signs and things that came through that and with Lindy, my mentor, and with Andrew giving me all this information, letting me know he was still around and that they are all still around and my granddad's still with me.
that makes life make sense. Like what I was thinking the whole time growing up and what was in my head made sense and was validated by these people, by Andrew on the other side, by the people I had met and been around. And there's a whole, it's not just that connection to spirit as it is out there, it's a connection to your own spirit.
And it made me realize that we connected to everything. It's not just, I had been very shut off for a long time. And there was, you know, even just trying to think. I did do some meditations and I did some, I had some sound healing and stuff like that. I just woke up my soul.
in a way so it's just been a little it's been a it's since the time when I've gone no there has to be something more there has to be something outside here and since I've opened that and opened the possibility I just feel like the whole first half of my life was just closed down well it was all of your learning yeah to this point here understanding
We do we learn and we learn and we learn to make sense of our environment and to make sense of life and you know I just I always think I'll in future I'll be looking back where I am now and just learn more and more and more and I'll think back oh back then you know and I love that I love that and that's the festival's going to give me an opportunity to do even more of that. Absolutely. Yeah so it's good. So that's
That brings me to a question then of what at this point in the journey of preparing for the festival, what do you need to feel like you're at a completion stage? Like is it, are you looking for anyone in particular or are you trying to fill gaps in the experiences for people? So at the moment, I've got a little reading room out the front of the house and
I've got a great big wall and I've got all these different colored cards stuck up with everyone, all the exhibitors, what they're doing, how long their workshop goes for. And there is a little bit of filling gaps. So I actually have a pile of exhibitor applications, it's probably about 30 sitting there at the moment. And I do get them every few days. And obviously if they're something that we've already got,
I will really look at them. I've spoken to everyone coming in, but I will talk to them. If they're amazing and they feel right, I'll work out a way of getting them in. But there's a couple of gaps. What we have now, if we had to close it off tomorrow and say, there's your festival, it is incredibly, incredibly diverse and amazing.
But yeah, I am definitely taking people until such a point as we get people that always stop getting people, you know? So there's no hard and fast rule right now. Well, it's the first one, so you get to make up the rules. Actually, you get to change the rules even as you go along if you get the second one and you go, it's going to be different. Yeah, I've even got people ringing up and saying, I can't come this year, but can you put me down for next year and stuff? So it's good.
Yeah. Well, I'm one of those. If I can't get there this year, I would want to be there next year. So is there anything that I haven't asked you about that you would like to share? Probably. I think the most amazing thing is that I live in the middle of nowhere and that becomes very obvious to me in everyday living.
You live in the middle of everywhere. We do miss out on a lot of things and we do, you know, just because it is a long way, like three hours to Mildura or five to Adelaide, 12 to Sydney and so on.
I have like there are people driving here to here in August from Perth, from Cairns, from Townsville, from Brisbane, Melbourne, like these people are, it brings tears to my eyes that everyone's coming together and it's happening and
You know, people aren't really thinking twice about it. They're just feeling the call and they're coming and I love that. So I guess the sense of community has already started to develop. Even the sense in town, because we do have, there is another like a fair that they advocate, I think it's annually as well, but like it's a smaller version and they have it in a hall.
People are used to that. They're not used to this. No one's used to this one because it's new, but people are adapting and people are just going with it. I haven't heard negative stuff and I've just had support. I'm thankful to everyone and I'm thankful to the universe for making it happen.
You've put it out there. You're prepared to make it happen. Yeah. You're being supported in that. Yeah, for sure.

Closing Remarks and Further Information

So let me ask you one other question and that is where people can find out about the festival. Sure. OK, so we have a website which is and that's getting updated quite regularly, particularly with all our exhibitors and all of the workshops coming up.
You can also find us on Instagram or Facebook, Outback Spiritual Festival. If you just search that up, it will come up for you. And there's also, like, there's an email link on the website if you need to get in contact with me. That comes straight to me. So there's always something coming up on the website. So check in on that, particularly at the moment, because I've been uploading photos and bios and things. Did you take photos for the website? The photos are beautiful.
I have taken some of them, but I can't take credit for most of them. No, they're off eye stock. I am actually a photographer, but I haven't really done it since Sid was born. But living out on the station, I do have a lot of photos of the outback in the sky and all that sort of stuff. I bet. Well, I want to thank you for sharing your story, especially since you don't put yourself in front of the camera.
as you, like I've seen you interview other people but you're not actually sharing what's behind your story and I think that that in itself is going to be an inspiration for people who have considered doing something but have felt a little bit afraid because they don't have all the answers and from what I've gathered from what you've said
You might not have all the answers, but you're prepared to put one foot in front of the other and help present everybody else with as many answers as you can find on their behalf. And that's amazing. So I thank you on behalf of everybody who attends. So inspiring. Thank you. Thank you for having me. Oh, you're welcome.
Thank you so much for your time. I know how valuable it is and I hope you got value out of listening to this podcast. If you are looking for a coach to support and guide you through your own unique journey of creating a life you love, then reach out for a connection call. And if you'd like to connect with other creative souls in person by joining us at a workshop or retreat or to book a unique
Shopping experience here at Creators Nest. I run those by appointment. So check out the website for more details. The link is in the show notes. Oh, and please leave a review. I'd love to hear any insights or inspirations that were activated in you from this podcast. And I look forward to drumming, dancing or soaring alongside of you.