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Ep. 85 Keep Your Friends Close.. - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 85 Keep Your Friends Close.. - Bellum Draconis

S2 E85 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
47 Plays10 months ago

Baal and Seth make headway to the Elephant. Along the way they learn more about their own skillset. Nyx is also there......

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Introduction & Character Setup

That's not very high at all fucking great

Sponsorship & Promotions

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. Belim Draconis, we are alive, play 5E, D&D podcast, set in the magical home-brewed world of Aerith in the Kingdom of Drolak. Joining me for this week's episode, we have... Well, we've placed a dragonborn druid, Balvalcon. Unlike Galdon, I don't fuck dead bodies. We have Ian, who plays the Tiefling Wasser and Nyx Carell. We're gonna get fucking eaten. By a lion. My name is Mark and I'm currently playing a human blade singer, Seth Farareva. And my last but my no means least is Dr. Doolittle. Danny!
Bonjour, you bobcats. And speaking of bobcats, Ian, do you want to talk to us about Zencaster? Yes, yes I do. Thank you for the segue to our sponsor as always is Zencaster and we love them and we hope that you do too and if you wanted to know more about them or maybe perhaps
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Orb Mishap & Invisibility Plans

Links in the description and or on our X page or you could just DM us and we'll talk to you all about it because we do fucking love Zencaster here. My advertisement might be shoddy but the program is not, promise you that. The rain continues to sleet down over Sleet Guard and outside old girls shack
is old Gail who's currently buying six fish and two loaves of bread from a nearby sales child who runs back to a cart with their mother and runs away from the scary old man. For a second Gail turns around with fish and said bread in hand and the orb drops from his pocket without even batting an eyelid or a bead of sweat falling and his long large toes managed to grab the orb.
through his broken sandal and Clink falls into his toes. He dexterously moves the oar with his foot up and he holds it in his hand, fish in one hand, orb in the other, he winks at the camera. This fish is all for me.
Subversion! The party takes refuge, and Seth and Bal get the first watch, but they decide not to watch, they just decide to fuck off!

Bounty Guild Encounter & Failed Robbery

Nix, who doesn't sleep, follows along, and they work out a plan. They's gonna go get themselves the cart with the elephant, and bring it back to the group. They're gonna use some wild shit, they're gonna use some invisibility, what the fuck could go wrong? Apparently everything.
Anyways, they get themselves into snake run and turns out lots of people be focusing on the sky. Some people doing worshiping, some people doing studying, some people doing worrying. Shit's getting real. They go past a bounty board, which is being updated, it looks like, by a bounty guild member, some female dragonborn who
doesn't have a fucking face. And she takes something from the board. Turns out it's probably Seth's bounty. And as they're walking along, Bal notices that at the tea house, Hope is just taking a piss. Nix wants to rob a bitch because she done passed out in her own piss, but he fucks it up. And he gets a knifey compound fracture as a thank you. It's really fucking gross. He's screaming like a bitch, Bal comes in, drags him away, and does some sort of kinky burn to heal him back to
health. They carry on trying to sneak on past some more folk. They see that dragonborn lady, and she don does hand over this bounty board thingy too, an ob-crisco lady doing some kneeling. And they try and sneak past that bitch, and it turns out it's the cooked bitch, old titties! She has paid to remove Seth's bounty, says it's some sort of a lead, oh shit.
And she starts apologizing, finds out her name is something like Shulci Swift Sand, but she refuses to acknowledge that the Upkriska have done any wrong doing whatsoever, but Baal don't believe that shit. And finally, they get themselves over to the Cana-versa-Cana-Caravana-Carav-Carav-Carav-

Stable Ambush & Combat Initiation

So, you stand in darkness temporarily, with only Nix able to see in front of him the sound of a
growling lion. And as that growl raises to a higher pitch, the entire stable just becomes illuminated in this scene. This scene that I can only describe as an ambush. So I need you all to roll initiative, please. And on your roll, on your roll 20, please pay attention for what is about to change. Oh, no. Oh, man. Oh, oh.
Oh no, it's Dumbo. So I'll take your initiatives in a moment. You find yourself in this sort of stable come warehouse. On the lower level is immediately in front of you is this roaring lion. Next, this roaring lion appears to be a tamer of some sorts, quite heavily armored with a shield. This jet black armor.
Above you there is sort of a mezzanine level and there are three bow wielding companions to this scene and then on the ground as well behind
behind well sort of taking half cover behind some crates and stacks is another one of these bandits so all in all you're dealing with four uh lighter armored bandits one heavily cladded individual holding the train of a lion that's currently

Combat Spells & Chaos

roaring at you further in the distance is the unmistakable shape of a living breathing elephant that is that is uh
appears to be feasting on something on the floor of this table, and this huge cart, this cart that is exactly what you paid for, everything you paid for is in here, there is just other things. Now, before we move into initiative, I just want to park those rolls for a moment. As this light comes on, you just see this human... No, he isn't. This elven figure, heavily clad in this black iron, pulled back on the chain that's holding the lion.
I rhymed iron with lion there. I'm pleased with that. I like it. And he just lets out this familiar accent to you all. Boys, I'm going to need you to wait right here if it's all right with you, gesturing to three of you. Well, I'm directing this to the three of you.
I'll be looking for someone who, uh... I believe be traveling with you.
Clearly, this is a mistake. We are here just to pick up cargo that's already bought and paid for with Karim. I'm sure that if we just talk to him, we can iron all of this and smooth it out. Just smooth it all out. There's no need to be all hostile. We're not here to cause any danger or mischief. Who are you looking for out of interest? Oh, I think you know, boy. He calls himself
The Crown Prince of Shadow Man does that, boy, there. And the Crown Prince of Shadow Man need to return home, sharpish like. Honestly, you could be talking about many a people in my life. You'd have to narrow that down somewhat. If you don't know the Crown Prince of Shadow Man, we'll be gone. Maybe you're the wrong people then. I don't think we do, boy.
And he just yanks back on this, this really animated lion now. And if you don't, well, I don't need you alive. So, uh, Betsy here, she hungry. Betsy, you called your lion Betsy. Now I don't think you want to be a fan of Betsy. I'll just quickly say to Seth, he's talking a lot of shit for someone wearing metal armor.
Oh boy, you're about to feel the flames. That doesn't sound like a threat. Are you sure you won't be threatening me, boy? I mean, you've already thrown the threats at us, like... Fuck it. Avast, motherfucker. Oh, it's time to dance.

Summoning Mishap & Fiery Teleportation

In that moment, when you save us motherfucker, he just releases the chain and this lion begins to stride towards you. So we'll take, we'll take everyone's initiative role. I'm just going to do some rolling now. Ooh, donkey. Oh man, get internationally black. I love it.
That's right, boy. Getting there real deep, like. You're talking awful shit for someone in morning distance. Anyone get above 20? No, I didn't. Above 15? Yes, 16. OK, thank you very much. Above five? 10. Yes. What do you get, pal? Nine. No, wait, nine. Sorry, it's not nine. I'll go Seth. I've just got this song in my head from Tom Cardy. He's just going, me and my boys are going to fuck you up.
Okay, so here's what's gonna happen. This moment you yell out of us motherfucker, like releasing a Pokemon from a Pokeball, he just lets go of this chain and this lion is stampeding towards you, Nyx Carell. Of course. I need you to make a strength saving throw as it is charging at you.
I've got a minus one. This is never gonna go well. It's a 10. Thank you very much. And does a 14 hit your armor class? Absolutely. Okay, you sustain.
6 points of slashing damage and you are knocked prone as this thing pounces on you and just parks itself on top of you for a moment.
That's the end of the lion's turn but you are prone and you are like feeling the saliva fall on your face from this lion. It's the second time this evening that I'm being licked. It is your turn though Nix. From my prone position I'm gonna unsheathe my daggers and gonna just stick it into the stomach of the lion. Go for it. Alright first attack.
is a 15. That's going to be a six points of damage piercing. Thank you very much. And for the second one, second dagger is 23.
That hits. And that is a wonderful three points of piercing damage. Perfect. Thank you very much. Yeah, you know, semantics, Danny, but on roll 20, you've currently got the line on me. Sorry. Thank you. I'm just going to change those positions around. Let's put Peng log next to me.
Is that the orange circle? Yeah. Great. Great. Thank you very much. Nick's end of your turn. You're not like grappled or anything. You're just not prone. So you can use your movement stand up and. Oh, fuck yeah. I thought it was sat on me. So, um, on the assumption that once it feels a blade and it's, it's tummy, it alleviates the pressure somewhat. Nick's would stand up, uh, which takes half my movement. Yes. Oh boy.
Uh, I want to back away. If I back away, is that going to hit me? Looking at where that lion is a role tour. It's going to hit me. Of course. It's just stood up for me. I'm going to stay where I am. Okay. Let's go. Good to know. I'm stood up now. Uh, okay. The individual who just, um, converse with you all is going to take one step towards you. You're just going to bear a scimitar out from his hip and it's just going to now run at, uh,
at you, Baal, and it's just going to make a Holy Swing towards you. Holy Swinger! Not heard that coming. Deserved more. That deserved more than it got. It's been down too long in the midnight sea. Whoa, that's the curmin' of me. Killswitch engage cover is the tits. Two attacks here, one in 18, one in 21.
both will certainly hit okay you're gonna take 15 points of slashing damage but these two swings just come full in and catch you really cleanly on your skin and then he is just going to look at you as you get a bit closer you can just sort of see this
really dark-haired elf that has these eyes of real age, like real significant age. The rest of the body doesn't look as old, but this guy looks incredibly old. And as he gets closer, you can just sort of see the two sphinx emblems on a chess piece that is really similar to the two sphinxes that Reigns references when he talks about the
when he goes into that, his metal shape, when he uses his artifice of nature. No one listens during that. Yeah.
He's Artificerama. When he goes into that, he talks about the Gynosphinx and the other one. I can't remember the top of my head right now. Andosphinx. Andosphinx, thank you. That's same imagery. Same imagery is on this person's armour as well. Nice. Danny, I'm really sorry. I forgot to roll initiative for Penglog My Spider. He can go directly after you. OK, cool. And it's your turn, Seth.
Nice. Oh fabulous. I'm going to do what all bladesings do, kind of like the equivalent of I would like to rage. The first thing I'm going to do is I would like to cast Shadow Blade and he pulls and he kind of always relieves like a breath of like, oh finally, and he's going to pull this out and the hand of the sword is going to breathe in red.
smoke around his hand and then as he flicks his hand out this awesome kind of black and white cinematographer kind of appears out of that and then he is going to stab a bitch uh no he's not actually he's going to do something a little bit different he's learning a little bit and he's going to um step behind set a set behind ball and circle round kind of bounce between nicks and ball so he's the other side of the man in the black armor
The first thing the first thing he's going to do actually is going to see that hit the balls done He's going to then pull that and then instantly pull on another tab and he's going to form like a really thin wispy red Kind of bandage almost which he's going to the he can let go of the sword for a second He's gonna hover in the air. He's gonna whip this thing around the guy and armors. I
Face I'm gonna pull it towards against his face. He's gonna cast Blindness, okay him so he needs to make a Constitution saving throw, please. It's a 14 to pass It was blind this deafness is the spell I'm casting I tell you verb 14. Yep
That meets therefore, I guess it say he passes he does pass. Mm-hmm. That's nothing because he's not successful ends Yep, so nothing happens. Cool. Okay, and that's that's all he can do. Okay close one very close It's Peng log turn Oh Peng log run you bitch. I've lost the tab now you are going to he's going to I
He's going to sprint. No, he's not. I can't grab ahold of him now. He's going to move up and take up the opposite side away from Nyx to kind of surround. He's not. He's going to kind of sit off the corner of Seth, keeping an eye on him. That's it really. I can't shift him at the moment, but I'll move him on account. Yep. That's all he's going to do. Okay, cool. Right. Bao, you're up.
Nice. Having just been stabbed the fuck up, obviously he'll wince in pain. What I was going to do is change them a little bit with Seth being there.
Yeah. So what, in fact, no, what I'll do is I'll take a step, uh, kind of down towards the barrels to one side. And as I'm stepping out, you'll see him kind of, uh, channeling almost like a, like a dance with his arms out to the side. And you will see, um, once more that the wildfire spirit kind of trailing down him and it will appear to his, the space that he's basically just left.
And when it appears, it creates that small explosion. Trouble is...
Uh, fuck me. Well, I don't know shit. Whoops. Yeah. I've, I've said it now. It's I didn't read it. I can never fucking read it. I keep fucking this up. It's a 10 foot. Other than me, a 10 foot fucking sphere. And I think I might have just killed your spider and I think I might just hit everyone near me instead. Uh, if it can't pass on a DC 15 deck saving throw. Okay. Here we go. Okay. There's a safe thing. There is a save.
Dex, yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Natural 20. He's fine. Who have I killed on our team? You've got Penglog, you've got yourself, and you've got Seth in that 10-foot radius. Penglog also got a natural 20 for 22. He's fine. Penglog's fine. I got a 12. I'm gonna roll the damage for you, friend.
What an absolute cockwumble. 7 points of fire damage. That's fine. I can take it. I really should have read the fucking spell every time. I was like, ah, five foot. It'll be fine. No, that's not the right fucking one. We need the fire. We need that. Yeah. It's worth it for what we get for it. Nix, you're within 10 feet.
of where I've summoned this thing. Oh, from where you've summoned it, yeah, Nick, so you need to make a deck save as well. Otherwise, I would have summoned it to the south of me, which would have been perfect, because I wouldn't have taken this stuff. I got a fucking seven. You take three points of fire damage, because you're resistant. This is eggs all over again, Will. You're just friendly fire Will. He's just a complete and utter fu- Well, he's not an idiot. I'm a fucking idiot, therefore...
By proxy, he's an idiot. So I'm sorry that you've taken three points of fire damage there, because I'm a twat. But we established that. That's my action. For my bonus action, I don't fucking know what I'm going to do. Have you not done enough? Have I not done enough? Just walks over to us and slaps us. Oh, what a twat. How high up are the barrels near me? They stack to about four feet. That's not very high at all. Fucking great.
can the guy in front of me make another deck save I'm gonna use the fiery teleportation feature yes of this thing it's better it's 13 it's

Lion Charge & Strategic Counter

the fail so he takes six points of fire damage yeah as the wildfire spirit and myself disappear and reappear and
uh, 15 feet away, kind of behind Seth, a little bit closer towards the archers. Uh, cause the, it's a tiny, uh, wildfire spirit. I think I can occupy the same space as it, and it can fly as well. So if it can't, I'll have it flying five foot above me in the air. Okay. There's definitely the height to do that. Um, yeah. And that negates opportunity tech because you teleported. Yep. Great. Thank you very much. It is the rest of the, the hooligans turns hooligans. Um, so there are.
three on a raise level, and there is one on your level. So there's four bow shots coming in, four, check their bows. No, they are light crossbows. So four shots coming in, one each, and then an extra one on you, Baal. Cool. Nyx, the one on you is a 21 to hit. You will take five points of piercing damage.
Lovely. The one on you, Seth, is a four to hit. That hits. No, it misses. You also take nine. Two shots coming at you now, Bart. There's a 21. Yep. And a six. Nope.
The 21 hits you for four points of piercing damage. Tasty, I'll take it. And that is all they're going to do on their turn. So we are back to the top of the round. The Lion, Nyx, your pal, is now they cannot get the pounce they are going to. Just go for a straight up bite attack on you for 20 to hit. Yup. You take
Nine points of piercing damage as this thing takes a good old chunk at your chest. Awesome. And that is the end of that guy's turn. It's now yours, Nix. So this volley of arrows has just come towards the party. The lion has sort of responded and just taken a big old chunk out of Nix's belly. Oh boy. I am going to
As a bonus action, I'm going to just make sure I can do everything I want to do. That is correct. Smashing. Right. And just going to read my spell. I think I've used it so many times. And you keep
Right, so that's brilliant. I'm going to, as a bonus act, so after taking that bite and Nick's kind of just holding the wound and looking at the blood that's coming out, he'll keep hold of his abdomen and trying to stem the flow of blood and he'll
close his eyes as purple kind of energy starts coming down from his horns, and this kind of almost purple smoke just animates from him. And he clicks his fingers and casts Misty Step. I'm sorry for leaving you with the lions. He's gonna apparate right into the top. Right, so if Nix is at the front door, he's going into the top.
corner of the upper level where there seems to be some sandbags and used it as cover. And he'll just appear, once again, this purple smoke kind of dissipated and there's Nyx. Then as a action, he's going to just get down on one knee, open his, just make sure this is a sorcery spell. Can I ask a quick question? Yep. Is the Misty Step a sorcery spell or a warlock spell?
It's a warlock spell. Thank you. Please continue. And my second spell, since my action is also going to be a warlock spell. So you've already cast one spell, so this has to be a cantrip. You can only cast one spell per turn. Even though it says bonus action for Misty Step. Correct.
Well, we'll learn in here today. Oh, I thought that earlier then as well. Sorry. Oh, it's based on a spell. Sorry. I think it's on a cast shadow blade, which is a second level spell bonus action. And then I use at least you missed the blindness. Okay. Exactly. So instead,
Ah, I would have drawn attention to myself anyway, because of the big old purple mist, so they know where I am. So yes. Okay. Nick's wouldn't know that. He's just, he's deep in his spell book. That's it. Okay. So he set himself up. He's down on one knee. Um, he's dug deep into his pockets and he's, uh, he's rifling through his spell book, drops of blood. It's just falling onto it. Uh, as it's like dripping from his nose and shit like that. And yeah.
Okay, the end of my go. Thank you very much. It is the individual who spoke to you, the leader of this group's turn. But just before he takes a turn, Seth, you're facing him who has, he stepped behind your original position. So you're now facing directly at the door you guys came through. And you just see this huge bulge against the door, like something else is trying to get in. It happens twice. And then it's this,
this leader's turn, and he's just going to now, with you in his focus, take the scimitar to you. For 20 and 19 to hit. I'm going to cast Shield, which buffs it up to 22, so both miss as the scimitar comes up and catches them both.
Nice. Great. Okay. Then he spends his turn just hitting this sort of invisible force that exists around your person. Fantastic use of the spell there. We're through to you now, Seth. Your immediate response, please. So that, I assume, would take up a spell. My ability to cast a spell. It's a reaction. Doesn't count.
Okay, cool. Excuse me, I was going to cast one anyway. Bang, bang, the two shots are like parried by him and instantly you hear as he parries those two already, that deep-throated glottal sonorous Mongolian throat singing starts up as his stance drops lower and lower. I'm activating blade song plus four to AC, plus four to consave, 10 foot plus movement advantage on acrobatics. And he's going to swim back. Nice. And he's going to hit him, attempts to hit him at least.
And that is going to be a fucking house 13 to hit. That misses? Yep. And that's me. That's me. Okay. Yeah, you just try to return that hit and he is just able to knock his shield into your momentum and it just takes all the sting out of the attack. That will mean it's Penglog's turn.
Oh, Pengvog. Oh, yeah. Pengvog didn't die. I deleted him, but he's still alive. Oh, for God's sake. Sorry. I've just realized I wouldn't have been able to have moved him anyway. I wouldn't have been in advantage. He will actually move into kind of to this guy's back. He's aiming to strike a vicious blow soon. Actually, fuck it. Yeah, he will. He will strike a vicious blow. He's going to bite him.
in the leg. He's always going to try and hit him and if he gets one piercing damage, he might get poisoned. So let's go for that. He's going to actually do something because I've failed miserably at the moment.
No, that's a natural one. So you just watch as your spider just bites into sheer iron in this guy's foot and that's that's all it can do. Yeah, we're not having fun here. Yeah, it's all about Europe. Cool. Yeah, I at this point will have realized that I've actually fucked some of my team as well and just be basically cursing myself under my breath.
That's a ball and you'll quickly see that nix has disappeared left the lion alone what he's gonna do is he's gonna go charging kind of away from the door to get behind the the crates basically to try and give himself a bit of cover from the the archers that have just had a crack at him as well.
kind of pull maybe one of the quills out turn see that lion left alone and he is going to kind of think look around see that he's in a barn there's lots of wood about
Kind of shake his head and just mutter an incantation to himself. And he's going to summon a, uh, or conjure animals, third level cast conjure animals. And I'd like it to be one beast of challenge rating two or lower. You get to decide entirely what that is. Um, but I'll be summoning it next to the lion. Um, cause I deem that from what I currently am to be the greatest threat.
But I think it was another elephant. I don't know what the challenge rate is. The challenge rate of the elephant is much higher than two. Two was the limit, yeah. Yeah. Okay, can we two ticks just to get that least? Yeah, I'll just see if there's anything else on the... CR2. Yeah, please, just one CR2, yeah.
Okay. We start learning some blows. Nix, you're the damage maker at the moment so far. You've hurt. You've dealt the most damage out of all of us so far. That's not a good thing when Nix is the one who's done the damage. We're the DPSes. Conveniently, I've got 20 options in front of me. I'm going to roll a d20. Nice. Oh yeah. Please don't be like magic up. You summon a giant constrictor snake. Fuck yeah! You want to bring the stat block up for that, Will? Yeah, yeah, yeah, gladly.
Fuck. Snake versus lion. Let's go. Yeah. In fact, I've actually, I think I've got it lined up for when I hit the right level. Oh no, no, I don't. Not at all because it's not on my extras. Yeah. I'll find it. I'll find it. Not a problem. Yeah. So again, I'm happy for you to put that immediately after your turn.
Okay, brilliant. In which case I'll just describe the rest of my turn. Once I quickly get the stat block up for it, I'll look up to my Wildfire Spirits who is left where they were. And just say, in Draconic,
deal with the rangers, and that's not his voice at all, but never mind. And he will, no, they're taking the hobbits twice. Anyway, he'll send off a flame seed at the nearest kind of ranger up on the parapets. I know there's one nearer to me, but it makes sense for it to fire up high, and then I'll have it kind of make its way closer to me again. So to hit, that is just, oh, it's got a plus seven to hit. Fucking hell, that's,
Not bad, is it? Oh, fuck. That's a terrible roll. Eleven. Oh, missus. Cool. Yeah. And that other than me bringing it closer to me as well, probably hovering behind. Actually, no, I wouldn't have it even behind the cover at all. I'd have it out. But it's going to be above me as it does that. OK.
And what I'll do is... Does it have its own AC? It does. Yeah, it's targetable. It's got health, it's got AC. Great. That's not a problem. And with regards to the giant constrictor snake as well, sorry, this is taking forever, I'll roll its initiative, which I believe is just its DEX, isn't it? Because it doesn't seem to have an own initiative. Yes. Oh, no, it does. It's got a plus two. Okay. Let's see if this comes through to roll 20, which I think it does. 19.
Sorry, what is the action you're doing? The initiative role for it is a 90. It's fine, it'll go after you. Okay, oh, in which case? It's turned now. Excellent, in which case I'll say... Get the fucking lion! And... I'd like it to try and constrict the lion. Okay, what am I rolling? To hit, it's just a kind of a to hit, it's an 11 to hit, so it's massively fucked it. Misses. Wonderful, it does fuck all! Okay.
Not like that, get the fucking lion! And that's my go. Nice one. Okay, thank you very much. It is the Bandit's turn on the, well, all three. Despite your cloud of smoke, Nix, you've sort of operated behind them.
Only one of them is actually going to take notice of that. So, one shot is going to the snake, one shot is going to Nyx, one shot is going to Baal, and one is going to Seth. Okay, so, Will, you're tracking two. Yeah, absolutely fine. Okay, so, the one on the snake is a 11 to... 12 to hit, sorry, 12 to hit. 12 meets and beats. Okay, it will take five points. Sorry.
Three points of piercing damage. Absolutely fine. The one on Nyx. Eight to hit. No, that misses. The one on Seth. Seven to hit. Misses. And the one on Baal. A crit. There we go. Right. Excellent. You will take... Oh, God.
14 points of piercing damage. I'm down. Donkey. Can you, or you lose the snake as well? I've lost concentration, snake's gone. Wild Phosphora is still up there. Okay, cool. Thank you very much. It is now, conveniently,
It's the top of the round. And that knocking on the door just succumbs to a huge boom as those doors swing open.

Armored Ally & Past Connections

And in steps, a figure fully plated from head to toe in a crisper armor. She, they, it, them, takes one look to the right of them as there is this drooling mountain lion
that just for a moment was engaged with this snake and the snake disappeared and the lion just turns towards this figure that steps through. That is all they can do with their turn this round. So they've stepped up to the lion? They've stepped up to the lion. Okay. It is the lion's turn and the lion is going to see this figure in heavily clad armour and is going to take one bite at it.
And it's going to hit it, and it's going to do some damage to the epichristic figure. That is the end of that turn. Nix, over to you. Okay, so Nix has been rifling through his spell book, and as it comes to his turn, his hand is on the floor. If there's dust around, he's swirling up the dust, and as that dust moves, it turns into like this purple-esque glittery dust, and he pushes it.
forwards, and if you could see the shape this dust takes form, it's like a crown of thorns as he pushes the spell crown of madness to the nearest archer in front of it, and it's about 5, 10, 15, 20, 20, 35 feet away, and that archer will need to make a wisdom saving throw of 14 as, yeah, like I said, I cast a crown of madness. 10.
Cool, so one humanoid figure of my choice, I can see within range, fails on a saving throw, you become charmed by me for the duration. While the target is charmed in this way, a twisted crown of jagged iron, this will be in a purple hue, appears on its head and madness glows in his eyes. The charmed target must
Thank you for that. I've marked it with a purple aura for your pleasure. Thank you. So just remind me when it gets to their turn what it is you'd like me to do. Anything else with your turn? You've got bonus action and movement. No, I'm staying in there. I need to keep visual on him, on they. And yeah, I'm staying. Because now I'm locked telepathically.
So my eyes are purple, his eyes are purple, we're going. Great. It is the leader's turn and now engaged with Seth is going to getting quite frustrated that he wasn't able to hit you last time is going to do another attempt at that with two slashes of his scimitar. Natural 20 for one, for a total if you need it, because I know you probably could, a total of 25.
Misses. Do you have to react to it, Shield, to do that? It's still on from the last. I think in that 20, it supersedes it hits anyway, doesn't it? How does it? In that 20, it's an automatic hit. At the start of your next turn, you have a plus five bonus to ACing, including a tank. I think it supersedes it, regardless.
It stops. Like that one is always a miss regardless of your pluses. All right, it's an automatic hit. Sorry, I've just got the rules up. Apologies, Mark. So that first one's going to hit. The second one is 22. Misses. Okay, so the first one is going to hit and crit for a nine points of slashing damage. Oof, I can take it. And that's the guy's turn.
So that leads us conveniently into Seth. Consave for the blade. Sorry to be a dick. Oh, yes. Are you concentrating on shadow blade? Yes. You need to make a concentration check, please. I get it with advantage. 14 or... Yeah, 19. Nice. Yep. It is your turn. You'll still have your blade. Nice. Right. I'm going to... Can I get a read on the figure?
that's walked in. I'm trying to just get a sense of whose side are you on, pretty much. Is that clear to see? Are they brandishing a weapon? They're brandishing a weapon. They look aggressive. From the way on the map, it kind of looks like they're looking specifically at this lion, the thing that used to tap it. Yes. They've just entered this space and they are squaring up with the lion immediately.
Okay. If you want to get more involved, you need to spend an action to sort of give that a bigger- When he'll be a glance, then he'd go for it. Making quick alliances is important to surviving on the battlefield and Seth instinctively knows this and he's going to take the blade in his hand and he's just going to throw it at the mountain lion and wrong to hit the
mountain lion instead of 5, 10, 15. Yeah, I'm within range because I can't toss it. And that's my aim. So I don't have to change anything apart from just, I've got to hit the fucker. And that is going to be a 19 to hit. That hits, please roll damage. That is going to be, this is psychic damage, by the way. That's 10 points of psychic damages. We whisper
your mother thinks you're a useless cub in its mind. Nice. In your best growl. Yeah, pretty much. Oh, I've got bonus action, and then he's going to just kind of move his head as a come hither action, and the sword is just going to reapparate in his hand, back into his hand again. I like the idea of a come hither action, like you're trying to woo your sword back to you. Come back, please, come back.
Just for the nod of the head. And then he's going to drop back into his, kind of his bladesong stance, if you will, and continues that low glottal sound. And that's the end of his turn. Okay. Peng log. He's going to try and nip again and see if we can actually get some kind of movement on this. So that's going to be a 17 to hit. Ooh.
The hits. Oh, wow. Bite him on the leg. He takes one piercing damage. Can he make a constitution saving throw? Absolutely, he can. It's a DC nine. He rolled a four. Whoa. He takes one... He takes... I'll roll that because obviously it's my character. It's 1d4 poison damage. That's three points of poison damage. Amazing. It's not poisoned though, but...
Okay, so four points of damage. It's more than you've done on this guy. Yeah, literally. A whole snap. Seth will remember this, and yeah, we're both happy. You are both happy. Okay, the snake is no longer in, so Byle, it's your turn. Can you please make a saving throw? I can. I was going to say, gladly, but it's not, gladly. Oh, fuck. I thought, wait, hold on. I thought I could do this with roll 20, and I don't know how, so I'm just going to just roll AD 20 through D&D Beyond.
Here it is. Oh, shit. That was close. It's not a one. That's a fail, but it's not a one. Okay. Just mark that down as one fail, please.

Leader's Defeat & Regrouping

Okay. It is the Bandits turn and we'll start with the one you're charming then, Nix.
Brilliant, so that bandit against his will will fire at the one in front of him. It has been melee attack was your reading of the spell, I believe. Fuck off. They have melee weapons. Change everything. I wanted a snipe.
shit he wore they were fuck guys can you just say it's been two years of this campaign read your fucking this might be yeah well true so it has to make a melee attack so would you like it to run him to run run to the nearest one down south of him and slice slice baby okay so it's good it's good as a 15 which will will hit so he will deal
six points of slashing damage to his friend. And you said at the end of his turn, I make a wisdom save, correct? Yep. Okay.
They are not blessed with great wisdom. He rolled a 12. Nope. Fails. Still mine. Still yours. Thank you. Okay. It is the kriscra member's turn and they are just going to produce this longsword and they're going to attempt to just drive it into the heart of the lion that is mauling on them. The first attack will miss, but the second attack will hit.
And you watch as this heavily clad individual steps in, tries to lunge with one swipe of the sword, misses, and then just comes back like roundhouse style, and then just completely beheads the lion with a downward swing. And they turn with their movement.
Jesus. And they sort of square up next to you, Seth, shoulder to shoulder, and look towards this captain. And this is a stance, and this is a shoulder that has knocked your shoulder before. That is the end of their turn. Ooh, donkey. It is lion's turn. Lion is dead. Nick, we're back to you.
I spend my action maintaining the spell. That's the end of my go. Okay. Thank you very much. It is the captain's turn. The captain is now massively outnumbered with a spider, a member of the Acryscra, and you, Seth. The attention is now going to go to one hit onto you, Seth, one onto the Acryscra member. He's just going to sort of wild swing at this point. Seth, that's a 22 to hit you.
I'm going to cast Shield again. I'm going to have to cast, yeah, cast Shield again to make it 26. And he's going to miss the Chris Kremember. That is all he's going to do with his turn. No, Seth, then Penglong. Okay. I'm glad I cast that. Okay. I'm going to
invite an attack of opportunity by going over to the idea is I'm backtracking. I've, I've, I've noticed ball going quiet and the snake disappearing. And I know what that means because I cast concentration spells and I know he's down. He's not, yeah, not awake. So I'm going to be pelting over to him with the aim of, um, stabilizing him medicine check, but knowing that I'm going to invite an attack of opportunity from, um, black armored man.
uh 21 tip misses okay well then would use my uh yeah time there to try and quickly look over stabilize um one of the many wounds that he's established through this combat okay make a medicine check for me oh that's 12 stable iced hold on okay so you are not making saves but you are
not in the fight without any healing okay i've just realized yeah it's my wildfire spirit still up i completely forgot about the last round so it's not okay on your turn yeah make sure it goes on that um okay end of your turn seth um just just anything else i can do to get him up i could i should just plonk the potion in your mouth shouldn't i
Finding it as well. Fuck it. Um, yeah, there's nothing else I can do now. It's okay. It's paying logs 10 paying blog would move Now wouldn't he stay there he's having a great time he's gonna bite her again for whatever they are again Why the hell not why the hell not fucking out? Why not 17 again? It's one point of piercing damage in two months of poison damage. Nice. I
This is how you level up and get a tarantula. Yeah. Like fucking she-lob. That's what I'm expecting by the end of this. Yeah, it just boof. Booms up. Okay. Baal, it's your turn. I'm aware you can't take an action, but your wildfire spirit can. Oh yeah, certainly. And I've seen Seth move in and do this. Uh,
Yeah, what I'll do... Do I know which one was the one that downed Baal? It's the one that is currently being controlled by... Well, this one has a purple ring around its head. Was it the one on the side that... Did I have cover from it? I know that it was a natural 20 anyway.

Tension with Shulci Swift Sand

No, it was because of the rubble, the detritus around there, it wouldn't have hit you. It came from a higher shot. It's got a thing around its head.
You don't really know what that means, but he just stabbed his friends. I've already fucked my party enough. It's going to charge. It's not going to charge. It's going to stay nearby and it's going to shoot a flame seed at that one. I don't know whether that means that it'll be able to make another save or what, but that's what it's going to do.
for a 21 to hit. The hits. Awesome. It will take measly four points of fire damage. And that's the one that Nyx has got Crown of Madness on. Yeah, that's right. The one that downbar. Great. Thank you very much. It is now... those bandits' turn. So, Nyx, I'll allow you to decide the one you're charming. Stab that motherfucker. Stab that motherfucker.
He stabs him and he hits and he will then take five points of slashing damage. No, no, no, with save in front. He has really hurt his friend. The one that he is slashing, he is looking really ropey. He will make a wisdom save for 21. That passes. Okay, so no longer being controlled. Okay. My eyes blink as they return to my normal colour.
Okay, so the, there are going to be three shots. One at Seth, one at, not Baal, because Baal is down. No, one will happen. One will hit, go for you, Baal, because it was the same one who shot you the first time. Sorry. One at Seth, one at Baal, Nick's had, you have not been seen, and one at the Chris Crow that's just walked in. So the one at Seth.
is 18. Misses. Okay. The one at Bile is a disadvantage because you're prone, Bile. Yay. For a 14. Misses just. Okay. And the one at the Priscara hits. Okay.
that it is now the Christgremember's turn and she is going to disengage as well from the leader that she has been fighting and she is going to follow suit and follow Seth and it's going to again go shoulder to shoulder with Seth protecting Baal and with one hand it's just going to go back to Baal and Baal you are going to feel yourself renewed as you have the strength again to take
your feet and you receive healing to the value of plus paladin level 14 points of healing this is from the of kriscra this is from the of kriscra who now stands side by side with staff defending you almost like a shield wall looking out for you that is their turn nyx your turn
Nyx is just shaking his head, clearing that's the first time he ever cast that spell. And as he just kind of gets up, still from his position, he's just gonna click his fingers, this purple flame as he sends out a Fire Bolt, 120 foot, it's going to the person he crashed Crown of Madness to. Okay.
Oh, for a 10. Misses, I'm afraid. Yeah, that just spirals off. It is going to hit those sacks. So there is just little flames around from the wildfire spirit for that firebolt. There's just stuff is ablaze. It's not like, oh my gosh, we need to evacuate. But it's like there is active fire also in this building.
Anything else you want to do with the turn? End of my go. Okay. That will put us neatly onto the captain's turn. The captain is going to actually get a bit pissed off with this thing that keeps biting its ankle. And it's going to take a swipe at Penglok. Not Penglok. You've got Penglok's AC. Yeah, I got it. Just step on it. 19.
And then he's going to run towards you Seth as this foe he just seems determined to hit with his second attack.
for a 20 non-natural? Misses. Okay. He is looking frustrated. Incredibly so. But that's all he can do on his turn. That now moves us neatly onto Seth. Your turn. Nice. Thank you. I'm going to firstly cast Booming Blade on him. It hits him like a normal attack, but I'm going to pop that on as well. Hoping for something good here. Ah, that's a natural one.
Natural one to hit. Zero D20 for me. Yeah, sure. Can't get any worse anymore. That's a 15. Okay, thank you. End of your turn? No. No, it's not. I'm going to...
I'm going to move because I feel like Bol's going to go super sane in a minute. So he's going to... Is there only one way up? I'm looking behind... Oh no, there's a dude right fucking there. Okay, I'm going to move away, allowing an attack of opportunity. Why the fuck not take his reaction away? And move into contact range with this little arch that's been poking his fucking head out and causing us no end of problems and probably fucking us over.
But moving away from this guy that there's the critical person. There's ball. There's the sacred flame shit That's there. He's dealt with I'm gonna go and try and tackle something else. I've just crit on the opportunity tech excellent So he's not gonna move to that far it's ten points of slashing damage you take and Seth is down Just in my head
Okay, Baal, you're up. Cool, do I know who got me up, so to speak? Yes. Woof. Okay. You were stabilised, you were seeing, you just didn't have the energy to stand until this heavily clad purple cloaked figure reached out her hand and you feel much better. Do I recognise them? Yep, you recognise, in fact, you recognise the smell of singed flesh. Oh, you fucker!
Yay! Redemption. He will not have enough time to pause and be able to digest what has just happened, but he has just seen Seth get fucked and literally drop before he has time to hit the floor.
I'm going to pump you. I'm going to pump you full. I'm so full of healing words.
Uh, 10 points of healing. Nice. Thank you. Straight back into, I like to imagine this just before you kind of fully hit the floor of this is kind of going on. Um, and still locking eyes, still lying down. This person's kind of blocking me in from the bad guy. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to crawl backwards with my back against the, uh, side of the barn. Am I clear from line of sight of the archers?
from here. You have, yes, complete cover from where you are. Awesome. Yes, because that column, yep, you do. Okay. Bart's going to kind of shake his head, stand up to his full height, put a hand behind his cloak and withdraw the flaming shield and place that on to boost his AC by two because I need it. And that's my action done. Okay. Your flaming spirit.
Uh, I've used

Emotional Struggle & Destructive Frustration

my bonus action already, so I can't command it, but I will have it floating above my head still, still in line of sight of all of the targets, maybe even flying five feet further into the sky to get a better line of sight. Okay. Thank you very much. The bandits are going to take their turn. Next, the one that has been controlled by you is fully aware of you and is going to turn and shoot at you. One is coming. Uh, one needs to move.
So the one that was up by the elephant doesn't have line of sight on anyone until it starts running around the corner and spots Nyx and is able to move into melee range. Nyx, you're going to get a melee attack as well as a bow shot. One is going to pile onto Seth and the other is going to run around and engage the chris grip at one. So Nyx, the bow shot on you first.
is a seven to hit. A misses. The scimitar attack from the melee, 12 to hit. Misses. Then, who else did I say? Seth, the bowshot onto you.
14 to hit misses. And then the one for your criss-crow is also a miss on a 10. So that round does very little. We are top of that round. No, we're not. We're bottom of that round. And that is where the criss-crow is going to take a go. And now that she's being sort of squared up to by the bandit who was hiding behind the crates, she's just going to, again, get that long sword out and go for one big swing. Hits.
is able to do 10 points of damage on that first swing. It's coming in again, she rolls a natural one on the second hit. But manages to grab her blade before it swings too wildly towards Seth. That is her turn, top of the round.
Nix, you have just been sort of swiped out and someone tried to shoot you. What do you want to do as you're on this mezzanine level, sort of hiding in the corner? What's the armor that the person in front of me is wearing? It's a good question, Cotton. Leather. Don't matter. Going for it anyway. Nix is just getting pissed off at this point and will just jot out a hand and cast shocking grasp and just go, fuck off.
for 15. Nine points of lightning damage as the purple lightning takes his very essence. Fair naz.
That's the end of my go. Cool. We are back on the captain's turn. The captain now still determined to take you down Seth at this point. 19 to hit. Where am I at the moment? That's dropped. That's dropped. I hit. Okay. Okay. Okay. For six points of slashing damage. Okay. The second hit.
10 to hit. All right, missus. Okay, that's the end of his turn as he just continues to pile on. At this point, he just sort of spits a little bit of blood out of the side of the mouth. He's not looking the most ropey, like he's panting a little bit and he's taking a few punches, but he's feeling pretty composed. And he just says, boy, I think we need to negotiate and just sort of stares you down.
the whole time just licking his, his lips and trying to just keep that moisture in his mouth. Seth, you're up. Negotiate this. So a shadow that forms in the hand and stabbing it up through his abdomen as hard and as fucking violently as I can. Fuck that was almost a crit. Oh God. Was it one off a crit? Can you, can you summon and strike with it in the same turn? It's a bonus action to summon. It's a bonus action. Okay, cool. What did you say? Sorry.
I don't know, 28,000 to hit. What have I got now? 14, I think it was. That misses, I'm afraid. 14. And bonus action, action. I can't move because I'm in combo. Yeah, he's going to stay right there. Okay. We have no ping log anymore, so it is straight to battle.
Excellent. Are these barrels, these crates, whatever it is that I'm near, do they look climbable? Yes, they're only about one foot each, they're steppable. Okay, so how high to get to the top of them? Four foot. You'd be raised by four foot if you stepped on all of them. Yep, not a problem. I'm gonna raise myself by four foot. I'm gonna get on top of all of these and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to
kind of get angrier and angrier and I'm gonna take my free hand that isn't wielding the shield out to one side and kind of spit flame into it and once more kind of bring this flaming whip into being and I'm gonna cast it on the fucker that shot me
Hopefully to hitting for a 26. That definitely hits. Go ahead, roll damage. He takes only five points of fire damage, but he's pulled 10 feet closer to me. Would that pull him off the railing? It will, but you'll be pulling down a corpse at that point as the whip is enough to end his contribution to the battle.
Awesome. And what I'd like to do is run and jump forwards into the square, uh, directly above me whilst taking my bonus action to have the wildfire spirit who is kind of, I'm assuming I'm about five feet above the ground, five feet off the ground here. Yeah, there'd be about two off the ground here.
OK, I'm with you. I'm with you. I basically want to be jumping forward to not get an attack of opportunity from the one behind me, but have my wildfire spirit come in and kind of open up this more and engulf me and Fari teleport me up onto the balcony because it can move me 15 feet. Would you say the balcony directly to my left? Oh, wait, no, hold on. Maybe not.
It looks like on Roll20 I might be able to get on top of whatever the barrels are. Yeah, you'd get on a large stack of those crates. It would still be about an 8-foot jump. There'd be some work to do, but you'd be elevated 7-foot. Absolutely fine. I want to do that regardless. I'm going to leap forwards and have the Wildfire Spirit kind of move in and take me over there as well. And if I can catch the other guy in a fire explosion... You will be able to do that, yes.
Beautiful. I needed to deck save please. 24. Does he take half? Sorry, let me just check because I rolled good damage just in case.
or take fire damage, so I assume he takes nothing. Nothing, unless it says half, it takes nothing. Yeah, no, no, no, it doesn't say, yeah, yeah, so he takes nothing, nothing happens to him, but me and the wildfire spirit both teleport ourselves up onto, right next to the railings to almost get onto the elevated level. Yeah, so there's like a mezzanine level above you, you're on this huge stack of like crates and barrels and cargo that is stacked up about, yeah, seven feet high, so you've got about an eight foot ascent still to make.
Excellent. And then because it's got, I mean, the Wildfire Spirit has got 30 foot of flight speed as well. To get to me, it was about 10. Did the teleportation. Now I'm going to use the rest of its movement speed to get right up into the face of the last archer that's nearby me up on the, up on the walkway. And that's my turn.
Okay, thank you very much, Baal. After your turn, that takes it to their turn. So, of the ones that are standing, there is the one that's basically essentially... Basically, essentially, I hate that if I use those as a couplet. The one engaged in melee range with Nyx, and the one on the floor engaged with the Kriskra, and the one on the balcony that Baal is now focusing on. So, Nyx, you're going to take a Scimitar Strike.
You're an 11 to hit? No, no. Spal, you are going to take a crossbow shot. For an 18 to hit.
What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use my reaction. Now that I've got my shield out and that little bit of extra help as this crossbow bolt comes in, like he tried to do with the paladin that fucked him, these kind of spectral flaming wings are gonna kind of come out from his back and kind of close in front of him, almost making like a shield directly in front of him to boost his AC up to 20 to make that miss.
Great and then the Epichryscra is going to not be hit either. So that is their turn. It is the Epichryscra person's turn. She is going to take a strike at the one that just tried to hit her with her longsword and she hits and she is able to with the pommel end of this longsword just knock it into that bandit and completely flatten the bandit. Nice. She has another strike and she's going to run around to support Seth and she's going to
run to the rear of the bandit leaders, let's call him. He's going to run around to his rear and she's going to make an attack at advantage behind him. She's going to crit for a 14 in total and she just gets this huge stab off
Pause the blade out and this guy falls to his knees instantly. Top of the round, Nyx, what do you want to do? I'm going to... Same thing, shock and grasp. Okay.
same motions for a 19 to hit. That definitely is. That's lovely. That's 10 points of lightning damage. So it's almost one hand from the last round. Charge with lightning attaches and it hurts this guy. The second hand, prime with lightning does the same. And when second hand just
magnifies that electrocution, the guy just dies outright. Completely burnt to a crisp. Makes his panting heavy. You've got movement, you've got bonus action. I'm going to smash all my movement to get full 30 feet of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. That's 30? I think that's 30. No?
Yeah. Yeah, that was good. So Nix has just rushed while panning heavy. It's just this labored breath to the very edge so he can overview the field. And that's all I can do. Okay. It's the bandit captain's turn. He's going to put one strike into the criss-cross, one strike into Seth. The one into Seth is a 15. Misses. The one into the criss-cross.
is a nine and also misses. That's all they can do. And so we're straight to Seth. Held action to cut his head off. Tell me everything you know about this captain, this prince of why are you here? Why are you looking for the prince? That's what I was going to say. He's going to hold on action. If the captain makes any move to attack him or the critical person behind, he will just push the blade into his throat. Okay.
So any sort of hostile action to an ally, that's your trigger. Yeah, correct. Yeah. Okay, cool. Thank you very much. It is, Bal, your turn. Cool. Can I get myself up onto the kind of the Palisade above? Yeah, it would take, it's kind of difficult terrain. So double your movement to get over. Okay.
Yeah, yeah, not a problem, which kind of depending on where roughly I am looks like it's my full movement to get directly into. That'll work. Wonderful. What I'm going to do is I'm going to place a hand on either side of this crossbow person's face and I'm going to use my breath weapon.
Nice. He needs to make a deck save. That's such a fatality. That's such a Mortal Kombat move. I love it. I'm sorry to ruin the party. 20 non-natural. Not a problem. He saves, he takes half damage, so he will only take five points of fire damage. He's down.
Amazing. I just want to hold his head as I'm breathing this fire, just breathing and breathing and breathing and breathing and breathing until there's nothing. Holy shit. Just a smoldering fucking... What's the range on your... This is where I don't read my fucking things. 15 foot cone. It is 15 feet cone in front, directly in front of me, so... Yeah. Yeah, so... I mean, it's there, isn't it?
The cart that Nick's purchased sits 20 feet in front of you. You watch as your breath just pulls up at the very last moment before you burn the thing you're here for. Like the last time you went out on an adventure and burned the things you were here for.
very narrowly avoided. I'm a fucking liability. Don't take me anywhere. Okay. There are no bonus action. Oh, go on. Yep. Uh, while Vosper is once more going to engulf me and bring me 15 feet back down below so that I'm on the ground level now. Thank you very much. There are no, uh,
regular bandits remaining it is the chris kraut members turn and she is just going to mark that you said that zeth hold her blade in a similar fashion just poised above this individual's neck and wait top of the round nix um
I'm sorry, I know there's a very good story element to what you're doing. I've got to do what I've got to do. Hellish rebuke on that motherfucker in the iron. You weren't hit, so Hellish rebuke only works as a reaction to being hit. You've got to be hit by the spell, isn't it? Yes, but if you read the spell...
You have to have been hit by the person. Oh God. Nick just looks from the top and he throws a fucking handkerchief down with some Shakespearean mischief. It's the end of my go. Nick's is fucked. I love the both Nick's and Ian are learning so much tonight. Yep. They're now alone.
his lion killed his party killed the individual that you have put this ultimatum on just puts his scimitar and his shield down on the ground raises both hands and says i hear you boy i hear you let me live and i'll tell you all
Now, unless Seth is now your turn, if you don't take a hostile action, we will leave initiative. What would you like to do? I want to hit him with my blade, non-lethaling.
Okay, I want to incapacitate him so he can check on the back of the car and fucking take him to reigns. Okay, please do so at advantage then because you have advantage on the attack. 22 to hit 13 points of damage. He had three remaining so you have successfully
uh, knocked him out. Yeah. I think I've just, the blade is just screamed in his head until he passes out or something like that. Yeah. Um, just falls unconscious at your feet. And instantly the blade is going to dissipate the blade and he's going to be tying grubs from rope out, start tying him up and start looking around. While the fire, the fire put that out, put that out. And he's going to, he's going to want to go full action plan, um, ignoring it for now, the lady, um, the chryscra person.
It's definitely not wild enough that you'd all struggle to put this out quite quickly. I've got control flames as well, so Baal without even looking is just motioning with his hands doing the somatic component, because that's all it is, to just extinguish all of these flames pretty much instantly. Okay. We need to take him to Rains. He knows something about him. Get him on the cart. We need to leave now. Uh, Baal's going to ignore all of this and head straight to the Ucriskra. Mm-hmm.
She's just waiting. An aggressive stance, she's just catching her breath. She takes off her helmet, and it is... ...sholdy. As expected. Why? We're here to protect. I fucking cooked you. Why?
We're here to protect. If I didn't intervene, we wouldn't be protecting.
Baal is going to punch repeatedly the box to the side and just be thrashing it and thrashing it and thrashing it. And, uh, flame is kind of bubbling up in his mouth. He's not hitting her. He's showing no aggressive action to her, but he is just. Inconsolably angry at this. Okay.
You take three points of bludgeoning damage over this period as your knuckles just get bruised and bloody from this repeated action. She flinches in the beginning. She takes a couple steps back, but she doesn't retreat from being quite close. She just lets you experience this.
And then just keeps an eye on what Nix and Seth are doing in this moment, as you all just hear Baal shake the foundations of this whole stable. Nix lets out a long sigh, a big puff of air that was building up in his chest, anxiety ridden as his health was fair. From the very start of the battle, his health was very low. He's just gripping the edge of the balcony area and he just makes his way downstairs.
That was a close one, what a night, what a night. Grab his legs, next. Come here, grab his legs, we're taking him with us. Next is going to the elephant.
as he comes down there. Sorry, bud.

Elephant Befriending & Cart Preparation

Nix has come down the stairs and in front of the stairs is an elephant. Nix is just like... And just kind of cautiously approaches the elephant face on to lock eyes, hand out in front, and then just slowly touches the trunk of the elephant and just kind of strokes and just say, let's get you out of here, shall we?
The elephant's been sort of turned away from a lot of the battle for the past few minutes, and it's just sort of been eating various fruits that have been put out. The elephant is used to being handled. It's not prepared to be ridden, like there's no saddle, but there are harnesses around it to pull, if that makes sense. And it looks like it has only known this
its entire life and then it sort of kind of assumes the position in front of the cart quite obediently.

Shlody's Assistance & Trust Issues

What's the eating out of interest? Is there loads of it? No, it's sort of like even go to a zoo enclosure and see when an elephant's just like pillaged all of the fruit. It's just the leaves of the fruit and vegetables that's left over. He's just sort of picking and spitting out
Definitely a he. You wouldn't miss that. Hey, Slongo. You're the real dicks of this party, were you? Well, if the elephant kind of auto takes that position, then things would notice that. Cephas is like, come on, this is fucking, let's go. There is sort of one line that comes out of the mouthpiece the elephant is wearing that is like what people used to, is it called mooring?
the line you'd use on a horse to pull it around if you were not on it. Of all people I should know this. Rains? Rains. Yeah. Let's call them, let's say they're reins. But yes, that sort of assumes that position and slowly just continues to just watch and wait. Cool. I would
make my way over to Seth and see probably one of the first times good to sit in. I spent three quarters of that battle up at the top. Um, Shah, what's her name again? Shlody. Shlody. Shlody. Shlody. Shlody. Shlody. And just give her a massive hug. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, I'm glad you were here. I am too.
It would weigh heavy on my conscience if I didn't. This was my patrol. I needed to intervene. See, she's one of the good ones. He'll take a moment. He'll take a moment, but he's seen. Are you going to stay with us? Because we could do with the help, as you can see.
No, I will not. But you need help escorting this creature back to wherever you need to go next. Yes! Very well. You cannot take it through town. You know this place better than we do. I tell you what, you lead us. Tell us where to park it, where to put it. I'm speaking for everyone here, but we'd welcome your help. You park it here, unless you're leaving town.
So we came all this way to collect the car and we're leaving the car behind. Where is it you're going to? Are you staying at the tea house? Is it? Seth, you're staying out of town. We're taking it out. Very well. You just can't take it through. To the mines, to the south. Well, just take it around town then. I'll tell no one that's where you're staying if you're fearful.
Could you give a message to the rest of our party and let them know that when we meet them at the mines, we've collected the cart. Is the mines where the prisoners being held? We're going back there. We're taking them back. What prisoner?
We're taking a prisoner. Next we've taken our prisoner. This guy right here. That's our prisoner. And we're going back to the mines now. And Seth is giving you very, very open wide eyes at this point. Can you make a deception check, please, Seth? We've got a prisoner to collect. 16. One moment. You have a prisoner to collect.
Not this one, you're collecting a different prisoner. Yeah. From whom? You guys! When? Tomorrow! Nix, I swear to god, I swear to all the gods in the fucking world. Good evening. And she just turns and leaves. I mean, she just helped us without her, we'd be dead!
You're the same way that Emron would have helped anyone if they had a fucking sign to Elida on their chest. It doesn't mean we trust them with all our information. The same way we didn't trust Emron with this little trip out. She just saved our life. We almost killed her. She came back and saved us. And I will thank her for that in my own way as well. But you don't have to tell her everything.
This is a two-way thing, she's just saved our lives. Yeah, but she has a very strict moral code, and that one thing is alright, stopping the loss of life on her patrol, and the other is... That wasn't a good look, Nix, that was like, she gave a look, she gave a funny look, she turned all of Kriscoie again at the end there, did you not see it in her eyes?
I trust that.

Prisoner Dilemma & Planning

I know. I feel good about this decision. Out of all the bad decisions I've made tonight, yes. I feel this one's a good one. Regardless, do you want to get him up on there? Fuck, I don't know anymore. Right, yes. Can you grab him? I'm just gonna go. I'm not that strong. Baal is a far better person to do this.
Um, Seth's going to go turn to ball and try and just kind of catch his eye while he's kind of slamming fists down. But Seth is like literally bleeding from everywhere on his face and body, like the final image of the doom character. He's fully that just with only one eye. And, um, but he's just like, he would jump in and try and grab a fist to stop him to get his attention. But he literally is on death's doors. So we'd literally just kind of like, Oh, Oh, Oh, yes. Yes.
She's gone. It's fucked. I know, but we need to get out of here. I'm going to walk to the door. Just quickly look out the door as she, has she gone? Yeah. She's sort of, you see her on the other side now of the cam Caravan history. Cool. Is galed on. So there still at his desk. Oh, no.
And how far away is he from me? Oh no. About 90 feet. Okay, cool. Well, we'll go back in. We don't know. We'll heave or try to help heave the body up onto the back of the car, help kind of affix things and look to you both.
Geraldon knew full well what we were stepping into here. Are you sure? The guy looks half blind. You do you. I'm going to go check these guys out for some information, but we've got to leave in the next minute or so. I don't want shit to go south.

Departure & Reflection

I'll sit on the back of the cart with the prisoner.
I'm not going to say money. He's not looking for money. No, he's not going to grab a sword. No, nothing. Fuck it. He's not going to look because I don't know what I'm looking for. He's going to think about going to check the bodies and think, fuck it. What am I doing? And jump on. He's going to quickly stumble down, bloodied hands, and attach the elephant into it.
I'm going to have a quick, he's in a cursory glance over any obvious
If you got close to any of the other bodies that were around, you'd see that same Shadow Mendian heraldry on them too. We've got the captain, that's more than we're going to get out of these, the other guys, there's no point in searching them, we've got the main source. And then Seth would jump onto the bloody and slip maybe once or twice, climb into the driver's seat, he'll pull his own big black and white hood up far over his head,
and his cursory look around, make sure that he's got A, a corpse of this shadow Mendian captain on his back, B, a very, very angry bubbling lava looking boll, and C, a rather happy Jovial Nyx on the back of the car. And Nyx is very much in the same state as death, but yes, he's happy in Jovial. He's blood pouring out of the eyes.
Okay. So you exit. This isn't a grand exit for us. We are absolutely screwed for tomorrow. I've got nothing. I've got literally nothing. I've got nothing left. You exit the barn. Who's leading the elephant? I'm driving. And you two are sat on the thing.
I'm on the back, but if we pass Gail North, I'd just like to quickly. You'd have to, because you sort of, all the fronts are sort of geared to come into the center, and then there's the sort of one route in and out of the caravansary. Cool. So yeah, you would pass it quite quickly. He just sort of doesn't really react, like the elephant is causing a little bit of impact in the sand, and you can sort of, you know, all of you are sort of doing a mild bump as it steps, and he sort of just doesn't really respond like he's so used to that tremor.
Bow will quickly just pipe up. There were people waiting What? In shed two, did you know? No. Who? No one should be working Insight check. Go for it 17. I believe he's telling the truth
He's a slave, Paul. There's nothing you could do to him that would make his life worse than it already is. Child. I can release him from it. I heard he sold drugs to kids. And Paul's eyes are kind of lighting up somewhat as he's looking over, as he's deciding what to do next. He's just sort of looking up at the car. We've got someone in there with you.
None of my business. Good night. Thank you for using the Caravan tree. Very hospitable of you. So that's going to throw a copper coin at him. Oh, thank you. I'll see that the master gets it.
Did he catch the copper coin? No, hit him square on the head and then it's on the floor and he's sort of just looking to where it was. No, think fast for this guy. Yeah. Seth hasn't stopped this, by the way, he's here. Yeah, my moment is leaving. I will use better judgment.
What spells that? Yeah. The spell is almost being absolute fucking carnage causing dickhead that's going to potentially bring more heat to the party.
Quite literally. I've done that already. Come on, let's go. Right, yeah, then Seth's going to lead him, lead him out of the kind of mastery and then take, uh, take the, uh, Scholdy's advice and Ms. Swissand's advice and arc around the outside of town at a rather, uh, healthy counter, if possible, with the elephant.
moving around to join the southern road to then meet up and meet up with the road they walked in on. Who looks worse? Is it Seth or Nix? Does any of them look really fucked up?
Seth looks like he's kind of, I know that he's gotten up and he seems to be just bleeding from holes. You wouldn't notice it because he'll just carry a lot. I've got a pretty good passive insight as well. He'll try to idle off. But he'll look over. Yeah, I'm going to cast a first level
uh, lick wounds. Nice, a big whiff. Uh, just on Seth, just to, with a really shitty role, just five points of healing. You've more than doubled my heal. Oh, fuck me. Excellent. Whoa. Okay. Uh, yeah. So I'll, I'll breathe that initially painful. It'll feel like someone's holding a lighter to your skin. Almost. He won't. Yeah. Um,
But yeah, I'll cauterise the wounds. He will half turn his head around to you and just give you a very pertinent nod of respect and thanks, and then look back forward, kind of learning the reins a little bit more of this elephant and having them back towards camp. And by all I'll just say, it's too nil to you.
I'm not keeping score, we're all on the same side here. Just, you know, I understand, right? I understand what was happening there. You did the right thing, I think. Fuck, I don't know. I'm going to lightly kick the head of the prisoner. Not in like a trying to do damage way, not in like a damaging way, but just like a fuck this guy.
This will, though, ingratiate us with them.

Return to Mine & Future Challenges

He seems to know something about Rains. No one should, from what I've heard, know much about him, but like you and I, and definitely Nix, he doesn't do much in terms of hiding his identity. This might change it, I think. Let's get out what we can from him, and then how about you take your rage out on him? It's good work.
And just as we're still moving as well, what I'd like to do is I'd like to ritual cast speak with animals. Okay. Oh no, elephant's about to get. And obviously it takes a while to ritual cast as well. Yeah, how long's the cast? I mean, it says it lasts for 10 minutes, but I mean a ritual I think is a minute if it's an action, unless it says otherwise, I think it's a minute to do a ritual cast. Is that right? Or is it?
I thought it was something longer than that. The only ritual I know. Is it 10 minutes to do a ritual? Or... Oh God, ritual, cast... 10 minutes longer than the spell's normal cast. 10 minutes longer, excellent. In which case it's 10 minutes and 6 seconds. Okay, so it will take your... The spell will be active by about the time it takes for you to get back to the mine. Okay, in which case I'm... I was literally just trying to do it as a...
I'll save it. I'll save it for the, I'll save it for the following morning. I'll, I'll wreck on that entirely. I think he's been fucked up as well. Everyone's pretty fucked up. He's got his kick into the, the, the blokey. He's happy. He'll kind of, well, not happy, but he'll sit himself down and contemplate the fucking
Okay, and as you meander around a snake run and take it in from a very wide berth and see those familiar sights, hear those now growing familiar sounds, you eventually arrive at the mine back and you see your party accompanied Alpha in his low power mode.

Conclusion & Listener Engagement

the unmistakable sounds of Enron and Raine's snoring this elephant tremor sort of disrupts that snoring a little bit but all six of you are reunited once again with a new associate tied up I presume an elephant and a cart and an object in the sky that's pulsating a blue glow
That is where we're going to end this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bella Draconis.
They'd wake up and be like, oh, they're all dead. And they'd be fine with that. They'd be fine. Where'd everyone go? There's no chaos anymore. Just misty stepped the fuck out of there. I was like, I'm gonna fucking die. Such a good idea. And hopefully you're all dying out there to make this week go quicker so you can listen to the next episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. Thank you for tuning in and listening and making this a party every day. We love you for it. If you wanted to show us that love in return,
Tell a friend tell a family member just get the name of our podcast out there it really is the best way to show us some love we are on x if you wanted us our combined pages at fellowship table and then if you want to do us the service and find us individually can do so i'm at i've order one mark is that.
He's your old DM. Where is that? Fellowship NBC. Our wicked, awesome, masterful DM is at. Total Party Thrills. Until next time, guys. Farewell.